#daniel atlas headcanon
mysadcorner · 11 months
Ok great! Good to know you write for now you see me :)
So I was wondering if I could request J. Daniel Atlas x female magician reader + the 1 bed trope headcanons?? I have had a crush on this man for SO long and absolutely no one on this app writes for him 😪
J. Daniel Atlas x Reader One Bed Trope Headcanons
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Credit to the gifs owner - Please be specific about characters wanted in requests -
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Atlas would be awkward when he first sees that you’ll have to share a bed together. He doesn’t know how this mistake ended up happening (or if it was done on purpose for a specific job) but it certainly wasn’t expected.
Of course, he’s going to offer you the bed, but despite the situation you don’t want to make things unfair. Because of this, you finally end up agreeing to share the bed, and trying not to make things uncomfortable for you both.
Things will be awkward when you first share the bed together, and he certainly doesn’t know which way to face. So he’ll probably have to break the ice with sarcasm or wait until you’re comfortable with the situation you’re both in. But if you’re only intending on sleeping then it shouldn’t be too bad.
If you’re sharing the bed when he’s had a crush on you for a long time then he’s going to become a bashful mess. He has confidence when he’s putting on a show but when he’s opening up about new feelings he will be very hard to genuinely communicate with. Because of this, sharing the bed with him may be more difficult than originally expected, but he does find comfort from being next to you.
Eventually the two of you become more comfortable next to each other, and once this happens you feel more at ease. He's also more willing to get comfortable in bed, no longer worrying about laying down properly or making you feel like you don't have enough space.
If the two of you can't sleep then he'll try his best to give you at least a decent conversation to help you feel more relaxed. He often has a lot on his mind so this also helps him get out a lot that he may have been holding in, and hopefully this can do the same for you as no one else is around to hear what you're both talking about.
The late night conversation he has with you while you're both stuck sharing a bed could very well lead to a confession, from either one of you. He wouldn't be too inclined to tell you his feelings in this moment though as he doesn't want to ruin things and make you feel weird lying next to him, so he'll wait for you to confess something first (even if it's just a small comment).
If the two of you did confess that night then he will hold you to the things you had said and try to talk to you more about it. This could probably end up with a relationship between the two of you, but you would need to talk a lot more and be honest more often than just this one night you spent stuck sharing a bed.
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How the NYSM2 men would react to your kidnapping...
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Daniel Atlas
Daniel would be the first to take action to rescue Y/n.
He would use his charm and connections to gather information on her whereabouts and devise a plan to get her back.
He would be determined and focused, putting all his energy into finding and rescuing Y/n.
Daniel would be extremely protective of Y/n, especially after her kidnapping.
He would take it upon himself to make sure that she is safe and would go to great lengths to keep her out of harm's way.
Daniel is a strategic thinker and would use his skills in planning and execution to come up with a plan to rescue Y/n.
He would carefully consider all options and weigh the risks and benefits of each one before taking action.
Daniel has a natural charisma that would make him an effective leader in a crisis situation.
He would be able to inspire and motivate his team to take action and would be able to think on his feet to adapt to changing circumstances.
As a master illusionist, Daniel has a talent for thinking outside the box and coming up with creative solutions to problems.
He would use his skills in misdirection and sleight of hand to distract the
Despite his confident exterior, Daniel can be emotionally vulnerable at times.
Y/n's kidnapping would bring out a more vulnerable side to him, and he would rely on the support of his team to get through the ordeal.
He would also be more open with Y/n about his feelings towards her, which may surprise her given his usual suave and confident demeanor.
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Jack Wilder
Jack would be the most visibly upset and angry by Y/n's kidnapping.
He would be laser-focused on finding her and would stop at nothing to bring her back safely.
He would be willing to take extreme risks and use his skills in sleight of hand and pickpocketing to get any information that might help in the rescue.
Jack is a master thief and pickpocket, so he would blame himself for not being able to prevent Y/n's kidnapping.
He would be wracked with guilt and would feel responsible for her safety.
Jack is known for his daring and risky moves, and he would not hesitate to take dangerous actions to rescue Y/n.
He would be willing to break into high-security locations, confront dangerous criminals, and even put himself in harm's way to save her
Jack is a highly skilled and resourceful thief, and he would use all his talents to track down Y/n's kidnappers.
He would follow every lead, use his contacts in the criminal underworld, and even use his skills in illusion and misdirection to uncover information and rescue Y/n.
Underneath his tough exterior, Jack is a sensitive and emotional person.
He would be devastated by Y/n's kidnapping and would struggle to keep his emotions in check.
He would seek comfort and support from the other members of the Four Horsemen, and would be willing to let his guard down and show his vulnerability around them.
Jack has a strong sense of loyalty and would feel a deep connection to Y/n, especially since they have worked together as part of the Four Horsemen.
He would be fiercely protective of her and would stop at nothing to ensure her safety, even if it meant putting his own life on the line.
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Merritt Mckinney
Merritt would be devastated by Y/n's kidnapping, but he would remain calm and level-headed in order to help with the rescue mission.
He would use his skills in hypnosis to gather information from people involved in the kidnapping and to aid in the rescue efforts.
Merritt would blame himself for Y/n's kidnapping, even if he had no direct involvement in it.
He would feel guilty that he couldn't use his hypnosis skills to prevent it from happening.
Merritt would use his powers of hypnosis to try to gain information about Y/n's kidnappers.
He would use his knowledge of psychology to get into the minds of the kidnappers and figure out their motives and weaknesses.
Merritt would be the most compassionate and empathetic of the group towards Y/n.
He would be able to connect with her on a deeper emotional level and understand what she might be going through.
Merritt would be the voice of reason in the group, encouraging the others to stay focused and calm during the rescue mission.
He would remind them that their actions could have consequences and to think before they act.
Merritt would also be the most creative in terms of coming up with ideas to rescue Y/n.
He would use his knowledge of hypnosis and psychology to devise unique plans that the others might not have thought of.
Overall, Merritt's skills in hypnosis and psychology would make him a valuable asset in the group's efforts to rescue Y/n.
He would be both compassionate and creative in his approach, and would be a calming influence on the others during a high-stress situation.
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Dylan Rhodes/Shrike
Dylan would be extremely determined to rescue Y/n, but he would also be pragmatic and calculated in his approach.
He would use his position as an FBI agent to gather information and coordinate with law enforcement to ensure a safe and successful rescue operation.
Dylan would feel personally responsible for Y/n's safety, as he had recruited her to be a member of the Four Horsemen.
He would be deeply troubled by her kidnapping and would take it as a failure on his part to protect her.
Dylan would be methodical in his approach to the rescue mission, carefully analysing every detail and potential lead.
He would work closely with law enforcement to gather information and coordinate the rescue operation.
Despite his professionalism, Dylan would be emotionally invested in the mission to rescue Y/n.
He would be willing to take risks and make difficult decisions in order to bring her back safely.
Dylan's loyalty to Y/n would be unwavering, even in the face of danger.
He would be willing to put himself in harm's way to ensure her safety and would not hesitate to confront the kidnappers directly if necessary.
As the leader of the Four Horsemen, Dylan would take responsibility for the actions of his team and would work tirelessly to ensure that Y/n is rescued without any harm coming to her.
He would be determined to right the wrongs committed against her and ensure that justice is served.
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Walter Mabry
Walter would initially be indifferent to Y/n's kidnapping, but he would eventually become involved when he realizes that his own interests are at stake.
He would use his wealth and connections to gather information on Y/n's whereabouts, but his actions would be motivated more by self-interest than concern for her safety.
As a wealthy businessman with a history of shady dealings, he is not unused to dangerous situations and would likely prioritize his own interests over Y/n's safety.
However, as he becomes more involved in the search for Y/n, Walter would start to become more invested in her fate.
His self-interest may evolve into a desire to protect Y/n, as he sees her as a valuable asset that he wants to keep under his control.
Walter would use his connections in the criminal underworld to gather information about Y/n's kidnappers and would likely try to negotiate with them for her release.
However, his involvement in the situation may also put Y/n in greater danger, as his actions could draw attention from other powerful and dangerous people.
Ultimately, Walter's motivations for rescuing Y/n would remain murky. It is unclear whether he genuinely cares about her or if he is simply trying to protect his own interests.
His actions would likely be complex and multi-layered, with his true intentions remaining unclear until the very end.
If Y/n were to be rescued, Walter's reaction would depend on whether he succeeded in protecting his interests.
He may be genuinely relieved and grateful, or he may view her rescue as simply a business transaction that he was able to successfully negotiate.
Regardless, he would likely remain a complicated and ambiguous figure in Y/n's life.
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therottingwriter · 1 year
Cobra Kai x ATLA
What kind of bender each chacter would be
(In my Opinion)
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Miguel Diaz - Fire bender
I don't have a particular reason other than vibes but I don't exactly think that's a bad indicator
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Robby Keene - Earth bender
His physical build and ability to stand his ground makes it fairly easy to coin him as an earth bender
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Sam Larusso - Non-bender(hear me out)
I can't see her as any specific type of bender I was torn mostly between air and earth, I see Amanda as an earth bender and Daniel as an airbender but I just don't see Sam as a bender
(She's definitely a chi blocker though)
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Tory Nichols - Fire bender
Same reason as Miguel: Vibes
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Eli Moskowists/Hawk - Earth Bender
Simply put, his personality and fighting style(mostly his fighting style) are easy ways to label him as an earth bender. Bro's got those earth bender vibes.
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Demetri Alexopoulos - Fire bender(Hear me out)
He's intelligent and quick-witted and he has many qualities that could make him believable as a fire bender. Simply put, I'm going with the vibes again.
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Anthony Larusso - Earth bender
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Kenny Payne - Fire bender
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If you want to know my opinion on other characters feel free to ask a few that I don't feel like finding pictures for:
Daniel Larusso - Air Bender(Obviously)
Jonny Lawrence - Firebender(Again, obviously)
Amanda Larusso - Earth bender
Terry Silver - Water bender
John Kreese - Non-bender
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atla-genderbender · 4 months
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ATLA Gender Bender: "Urson" and Ozai
As I started drawing this, I realized that I have no idea what the robes of a Fire Lord's husband look like. So I drew him wearing the cloak that Ursa wears when she is banished. 
I intended for his hairstyle to look plain. Without his guan, it looks like a hairstyle that a commoner would wear. This is meant to symbolize how every aspect of his life is controlled within the palace walls, under the thumb of his domineering wife. I think that, if the genders were reversed, Ozai would still be very controlling and oppressive toward her husband to make sure that he does not outshine her in any way.
These are just my headcanons, but I think female Ozai would not enjoy being a mother, and would be devoid of maternal love towards her children. When her firstborn child "Zuka" is born, she is totally negligent. "Ilah" takes on a maternal role instead, and "Urson" is the source of warm parental love. But when her second child "Azulon" is born, she dotes on him more. This is not out of a genuine love for her child, but to inspire jealousy in her firstborn child, who she holds contempt for. Moreover, I think she might favor "Azulon" from a young age as a means of separating a son from his father. She would be a terrible wife and mother who controls every aspect of her family's lives.
I have been imagining Daniel Dae Kim as the voice of "Urson".
Like what I'm doing? Consider leaving me a donation via Ko-Fi.
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heliads · 1 year
Holy crap can I ask to see the list of all the requests you got?! It has to be a lot if you’re booked all the way to July
oh you already know! here goes:
4/25: so, before you go chapter two (the darkling x child of hecate!reader series)
4/27: harry hook x reader (based on 'the way i loved you'' by taylor swift, was literally giggling to myself over how fun this one's going to be)
4/29: so, before you go chapter three (the darkling x child of hecate!reader series)
5/1: thomas x reader (set in the safe haven, newt and teresa are alive, culmination of months of mutual pining)
5/3: so, before you go chapter four (the darkling x child of hecate!reader series)
5/5: luke patterson reader (reader is luke's english tutor)
5/7: so, before you go chapter five (the darkling x child of hecate!reader series)
5/9: charles leclerc x reader (reader is in charge of social media and charles flirts at all hours of the day)
5/11: so, before you go chapter six (the darkling x child of hecate!reader)
5/13: peeta mellark x reader (reader is a friend of katniss, takes place after round 1 of the games)
5/15: so, before you go chapter seven (the darkling x child of hecate!reader)
5/17: loki x reader (reader is an empath, loki is newly forced to join the avengers)
5/19: so, before you go chapter eight (the darkling x child of hecate!reader)
5/21: leonard 'bones' mccoy x reader (star trek x grishaverse au, the thoughts and ideas i have for this >>>>)
5/23: matthias helvar x reader (enemies to friends to lovers)
5/25: charles leclerc x reader (reader is head of pr for ferrari, when ferrari strategy does ferrari strategy she helps charles w the media)
5/27: andrew peter parker x reader (simple headcanons)
5/29: clove x reader (reader is clove's bff and helping her train for the games but gets scared the closer they get to the day of the reaping)
5/31: tom peter parker x reader (male reader is fighting in wakanda during infinity war, they're worried about each other through the blip)
6/1: billy rocks x reader (the magnificent seven but a grishaverse au, i am so so excited to write this, june cannot come quickly enough)
6/3: tewkesbury x reader (both of them are lovesick idiots)
6/5: han solo x reader (escapades w han + singing to get out of a crisis)
6/7: race x reader (reader is brooklyn's second in command)
6/9: peter pevensie x reader (reader is a knight with a gay crisis, i am shrieking, raven i love you for sending this in)
6/11: jack wilder x reader (reader is a paramedic and jack keeps mildly injuring himself so she can fix him up)
6/13: newt x reader (gally's trademarked beverage as a plot device)
6/15: peter pevensie x reader (headcanons for having to live in london after spending so long in narnia)
6/17: finch x reader (the newsies are hanging out, he has a crush)
6/19: daniel atlas x reader (reader volunteers to be a part of a trick, he gets shy)
6/21: newt x reader (tmr modern au, they sit next to each other in class)
6/23: race higgins x reader (race + reader are on a date but get jumped and they must recover emotionally from that)
6/25: kai parker x reader (kai redemption era)
6/27: lucy pevensie x reader (lucy has a girlfriend and gets up the courage to introduce them to the siblings, this is when they're all kings and queens)
6/29: zoya nazyalensky x reader (reader is zoya's #1 fan bc zoya saved them from attack one time, reader is hurt by somebody and zoya nearly becomes a supervillain bc of it)
7/1: andrew peter parker x reader (male reader is peter's best friend but when peter gets bitten by the spider, he stops hanging out with reader as much, angst ensues)
plus bonus non requests that i get to tack onto the end of my queue bc i am the author and i need to clear through some of my unwritten ideas:
7/3: eric coulter x reader (reader was from amity but now tattoos, idk commentary on art surviving in a place like dauntless you get my drift)
7/5: jesper fahey x reader (this quote specifically that has been in my inbox for months: but how long? how long until i blend into the background and i'm no longer unusual? what will you do when i'm no longer a bet that calls your interest or a gamble worth the odds?)
7/7: eowyn x reader (eowyn thinks she dislikes reader bc reader is a girl and can fight but eowyn can't, in reality that's not jealousy but a repressed crush on a girl, we've all had them before)
7/9: peter pan x reader (reader can visit neverland when she's dreaming, she goes there often enough that she wants to live there forever, she asks peter to take her but he hesitates, she decides to never dream of him again, eventually he shows up in person bc he misses her)
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jaggersgroupie · 5 years
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lq jesse eisenberg
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canadadrye · 3 years
what i write for :
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CRIMINAL MINDS (will write smut)
-spencer reid [fav]
-aaron hotchner
-emily 'mommy' prentiss [fav]
-penelope garcia
-derek morgan
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MY BABYSITTERS A VAMPIRE (will write smut)
-benny weir [FAV]
-ethan morgan [fav]
-rory keaner
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MARVEL (will write smut)
-wanda maximoff [FAV]
-pietro maximoff
-peter maximoff (technically x-men but he's the only one I'll write for from there so I'll drop him off here. ALSO MAKE SURE TO SPECIFY PETER OR PIETRO!! THEY'RE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PEOPLE)
-bucky barnes
-steve rodgers
-natasha romanoff [fav]
-peter parker [fav]
-tony stark
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LAB RATS (will write smut)
-chase davenport
-adam davenport
-bree davenport
-leo dooley
[all are faves lol]
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BIG TIME RUSH (will write smut)
-james diamond [FAV]
-kendall knight [fav]
-carlos garcia
- logan mitchell
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-daniel atlas [fav]
-jack wilder
-meritt mckinney
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okay i think that's all!! I'll edit it if I think of anymore, it's like 1am and I'm tired as hell but I promised myself I'd finish this before I went to bed :)
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shrinkthisviolet · 3 years
For the Fanfic Writer’s Ask Game: 5, 12, & 13!
5: if you couldn’t finish (one of) your wip(s) for some reason, what writer would you trust with finishing it, if any?
Hmm I think @robbykeeneslawyer for the CK one, since they know almost everything about it and I trust their writing!
For the Bumizumi one...I’d probably pass it off to @ohsalamanders, for the same reason as above
12: what headcanon will you keep implementing in your fics, even if canon ends up contradicting it?
SO many 😂 for CK: Sam, Demetri, Eli, and Aisha all being friends, Johnny being an English and astronomy nerd (loving both for similar storytelling reasons), Daniel being a history nerd, Demetri having the last name “di Angelo” (thanks for that @robbykeeneslawyer!), Sam and Tory having requited (but thinking it’s unrequited) crushes on each other when they first meet (they don’t end up dating each other in my AU, but they do eventually tell each other), Tory becoming a PT aide after getting her GED, Sam going into medicine (either to be a doctor/nurse or sports med), Sam meeting Carmen and Rosa at dinner while dating Miguel in S1 and hitting it off with them both, Johnny and Amanda being furious on Daniel’s behalf when they find out about ‘85, Sam and Miguel having twins named James John and Elena Rosa Lawrence-LaRusso and raising them in a bilingual household...etc 😂 I’ll just stop the list there for now
As for my Bumizumi AU: Izumi as a firebender who first bent fire around age 8 (the best of both the nonbender and firebender headcanons!). She also wears glasses since childhood and forever (same as me!). She and Bumi developed crushes for each other around...I wanna say late preteen years? But Izumi overheard a conversation that made her think she couldn’t marry Bumi, and Bumi himself didn’t want to screw up Izumi’s chances, so they both agreed to just move on (spoiler alert: it didn’t work). They have two kids later in life, Iroh and Mizuki, and despite their busy jobs, they try to be as present as possible. Also, Senna (Korra’s mom) is Sokka and Suki’s daughter! Izumi and Bumi both call the Gaang grownups “Aunt” and “Uncle,” but other than their literal blood-related aunts and uncles, it’s really more of a formality/respect/general love thing (that’s how a lot of Asian cultures do it!). Oh, and Izumi befriends her teenage dad 🥰
13: do you make playlists for when you write? if so, share!
Gladly! For the CK AU, I have a Spotify and YT playlist. For the Bumizumi AU, I have a YT playlist.
questions are from here!
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Merritt: You know that compulsion to hit your sibling that you get whenever they walk into your room? Like they come in and you go “whoops looks like I gotta end you”
Danny [nodding]: The Cain instinct.
Merritt: The WHAT
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mysadcorner · 7 months
hii can i please p l e a s e ask for a daniel atlas x transmasc reader (goes by he/they pronouns, chosen name rain) and like they're kinda in the flirty enemies vibe but daniel finds out that the reader is trans and...shows his support...and looks softly at him...(i've had a crush on this man for so long, there's NO representation for him and it makes me wanna rip my throat out because the potential of queerness in this man is 🤌🤌🤌) it's okay if you're not comfortable writing it tho 😭😭😭 thank youuu <3
Daniel Atlas x Transmasc!Reader Headcanons
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- Credit to the images owners - Please be specific about characters wanted in headcanons -
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When you first meet him he is going to be quite awkward and possibly even defensive if you try to get to know him. He isn't good around new people, and he definitely doesn't like to get close to people if that means he has to bring his defences down and be vulnerable ever now and then.
The two of you may not get along at first due to how much sarcasm he uses all of the time, and his absolute defensiveness, but he will start to warm up to you once he realises that you genuinely do have good intent. It may also help if the two of you have a similar interest to bond over rather than having to find some brief common ground.
When he realises that the two of you have similar interests, then he'll be much more inclined to seek your company on a regular basis. He might not express it directly, but you can tell by his behaviour and tone of voice that he's excited to have someone he can relate to.
He's going to be awkward in every situation no matter how mild it is, so when he comes across as a bit brash when he finds out that you're trans don't take it to heart. Either way he doesn't have anything against you, and although he might not ask you many questions about it at first he will be supportive of you.
If anyone makes a bad comment about it to you then he's going to become defensive, no matter the context. He cares about you even though he does find it hard for him to express his deepest feelings at times, so when he hears someone target you directly he will come to your defence at all times.
In terms of knowing you and being close to you in the long term, then he won't mind you being trans at all, after all it shouldn't matter what you do in term of your own body. He'll also try his best to understand what you're going through as much as you can, but you may need to educate him on it a bit.
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elliebean714 · 2 years
☆What I write☆~
I write character x character, character x oc and character x reader.
♡Romantic♡, ◇Platonic◇, whatever.
Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Yandere, Poly Relationships, Character Reactions, Character Diary Entries, Light Nsfw, My Oc's, Female, Gender Neutral And Male Readers/Characters/Oc's
♡Gay♡ and ☆Not Gay☆
Headcanons, fics, one-shots, maybe Au's....
Fandoms I write for. (It's all games. I'm not sorry.)
Until Dawn~
Josh Washington
Chris Hartley
Ashley Brown
Sam Giddings
Mike Munroe
Jess Riley
Emily Davis
Matt Taylor
Beth Washington
Hannah Washington
The Quarry~
Jacob Custos
Emma Mountebank
Nick Furcillo
Abigail Blyg
Max Brinly
Laura Kearney
Kaitlyn Ka
Dylan Lenivy
Ryan Erzhalher
Travis Hackett
Chris Hackett
Bobby Hackett
Life is Strange~
Season 1~
Max Caulfield
Chloe Price
Warren Graham
Nathan Prescott
Victoria Chase
Kate Marsh
Mark Jefferson
Before The Storm~
Chloe Price
Rachel Amber
Steph Gingrich
Nathan Prescott
Samantha Myers
Season 2~
Sean Diaz
Daniel Diaz
True colours~
Alex Chen
Steph Gingrich
Ryan Lucan
Gabe Chen
Charlotte Harmon
Jason Pike
Five Nights at Freddy's~
FNaF 1 ~
Golden Freddy
FNaF 2~
Toy Bonnie
Toy Freddy
Toy Chica
Withered Bonnie
Withered Freddy
Withered Chica
Withered Foxy
FNaF 3~
FNaF Sister Location~
Circus Baby
Funtime Freddy/Bon Bon
Funtime Foxy
FNaF Pizzeria Simulator~
FNaF Security Breach~
Glamrock Freddy
Montgomery Gator
Glamrock Chica
Roxanne Wolf
William Afton
Michael Afton
Henry Emily
Note~ Unless specifically requested otherwise all animatronics will not have the children's souls inside them, if you want the soul inside the animatronic it will automatically be platonic (Springtrap is the exception)♡
Bioshock 1~
Jack Wynand
Frank Fontaine
Bridget Tenenbaum
The Little Sisters
The Big Daddies
Bioshock 2~
Subject Delta
Augustus Sinclair
Eleanor Lamb
Sophia Lamb
Grace Holloway
Stanley Poole
Gil Alexander
Mark Meltzer
The Big Sisters
Bioshock Infinite~
Elizabeth Comstalk
Booker DeWitt
The Walking Dead: Telltale~
Season 1~
Lee Everett
Ben Paul
Season 2~
Season 3~
Javi Garcia
Kate Garcia
Gabe Garcia
Season 4~
Detroit: Become Human~
The Last Of Us~
Part 1~
Part 2~
Drake's Fortune~
Nathan Drake
Elena Fisher
Among Thieves~
Nathan Drake
Elena Fisher
Chloe Frazer
Harry Flynn
Drake's Deception~
Nathan Drake
Elena Fisher
Chloe Frazer
A Thieves End~
Nathan Drake
Elena Fisher
Sam Drake
Rafe Adler
Nadine Ross
Death Stranding~
Sam Porter Bridges
Higgs Monaghan
Amelie Strand
Dr Heartman
Clifford Unger
Doki Doki Literature Club~
Obey Me!~
☆Overall Note☆~ All Under 18 Characters Will Be Platonic, Unless Shipped With A Character/Oc Of The Same Age.♡
♡Protect the Children♡
◇What I won't write◇~
Heavy Nsfw
Non-Con/ Dub-Con
Self Harm
Big Age-Gap Relationships
Other people's oc's
Cheating (Except Comfort)
Send Requests, I'm Depressed💐
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Danny Atlas Head canons
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These are my head canons for this baby, if you don’t agree with them thats okay everyone has there own!  If you do use these could you tag me, so i can see what people create about this idiot!!
-      Its not that he doesn’t have a fashion sense he just wears what is comfy to him
-      Looks nice in a tartan shirt
-      Very big on senses, things have to feel nice
-      Demi/asexual
-      Likes a mix of calm indie music and rock
-      Music helps him concentrate
-      It drowns everything else out and let him focus
-      Although he loves music he’s never really gone to a concert
-      Collects vinyl
-      Ocd
-      Has the need to control things
-      Things have order and he likes where heh puts things
-      Likes being right
-      Everything has to be prefect to him in what he does
-      Gets frustrated easily
-      Has trouble within relationships
-      He worries a lot
-      He worries that his need to control everything will get in the way of his relationships, that maybe you wont be able to handle him
-      Very quite
-      Think in his head
-      Thinks out mostly everything he does but can be impulsive
-      Never shouts
-      Frustrated when he can’t find the right words
-      Speaks with hands
-      Doesn’t like to lay in super late
-      Always has something to do
-      Has a good sleep schedule
-      Loves to read
-      Mainly about human phycology, magic and history
-      Catch him in old book shops
-      Loves watching movies
-      Big fan of indie films
-      Favorite film is Pulp Fiction
-      Collects alternative movie posters
-      Films are his special interest other than magic
-      He knows them inside out and won’t shut up about them
-      Likes coffee and bagels
-      Susceptible to colds
-      Refuses to go to doctors
-      Like’s to just go for walks around parks and sit in cafes
-      Doesn’t own a car
-      Walks or takes the tube
-      Works indoors to much
-      Has to remind himself to go outside
-      Always runs out of food but never coffee
-      Doesn’t like tea
-      Makes things that are easy
-      Doesn’t allow himself time to cook
-      Eats garbage
-      Would like to have a pet cat or a corgi
-      Sarcastic comments 24/7
-      Always find him working late and on the sofa with his mac
-      Always wearing a coat/hoodie and earphones when out so people don’t talk to him
-      Not great at small talk
-      Looks adorable in a beanie
-      Nervous
-      Anxiety
-      Fidgety
-      Plays with hands
-      Pulls on sleeves
-      Very stimmy with hands
-      Clumsy with normal things
-      Plays with coins
-      Look’s super cute in a jumper
-      Can be big spoon or little spoon
-      Not big on pda but enjoys hugs or quick forehead kisses
-      Will sometimes put his arm around your waist while walking
-      Enjoys hand holding but can’t do it all the time
-      He likes to lay on the sofa with you and chill
-      He always wonders why your still here
-      Is okay with you wearing his hoodies
-      But not the ones he wears out all the time he needs those to feel comfortable
-      Hates new clothes
-      Buys clothes second hand
-      That cute lil smile and laugh
-      Is a lil shit though
-      Will mess with you just for fun
-      Always trying card tricks on you
-      Will cheat in a game
-      He will do tricks to make you smile
-      Gets really excited about new tricks and once he figures it all out he’ll be so excited to show you
-      He’ll sit there so pleased waiting for approval
-      Likes validation
-      Is good at comforting a person if they are upset
-      Will stroke/play your hair
-      Also likes having his hair or hands played with as a comfort thing
-      Will use you as a rounding object
-      Will sometimes lash out when he can’t think straight but will always apologies
-      A quiet cryer
-      Doesn’t overly like to show emotions and will try to hide them
-      All the hot drinks
-      Prefers to be warm
-      Favorite season is winter
-      Just enjoys being peaceful despite his work
-      Swears under his breath
-      Impulsively shaves all his hair off because he can’t stand the way it feels
-      Worries what you’ll think about it
-      Is a big nerd who needs love
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tuiyla · 3 years
Hey. I'm not sure if you talked about this. What you think of the ATLA live action introducing a new character Suki's mother? Also what's your opinion on the casting overall so far?
Hey Anon, I haven't yet, actually! Glad you asked though.
First off I'm really digging the cast so far. Feels like every announcement brings me closer and closer to being cautiously optimistic about the live-action show again, which I haven't been since Bryke left. That to me was a huge red flag and you know like Taylor said, I've seen this film before. Literally. But the cast looks really good, from the ones I knew beforehand like Daniel Dae Kim to the younger actors. I have nothing to base this on but I thought Suki's actress in particular was an excellent choice. I just vibe with her, she's gonna be great. Really just every time they announce a new character I get more and more excited.
Now, as for Suki's mother, Yukari. I suppose new characters were bound to happen and based on the limited info we have so far I don't mind this addition. Even some news outlets were confused by this so to clear it up: Yukari wasn't in the show at all, instead the village leader was a guy named Oyaji. Him being Suki's dad was a popular headcanon back in the day, btw.
Yukari is described as “the fiercely protective mayor of her small village on Kyoshi Island" and that's so far so good. It makes me think that maybe we'll spend more than one episode on Kyoshi Island and delve more into Suki's life and circumstances before she meets the Gaang. I'm all for that. The tricky thing about new characters is gonna be that ATLA's characters are legendary, even the minor ones. They're all so well developed for what purpose they served so adding a new one is gonna be challenging no matter what. I hope she'll have her own fleshed-out character and she won't just, like, be there to be distrustful of Sokka or something.
At this point I really don't know how to feel about it all. I'm gonna watch it, of course I am, but like I said I was cautious about it to begin with and more so after Bryke left the project. But the cast really does look so good and this first original character sounds good. I'll be curious what they'll omit, you know? Because there's no way they're adapting all of Book 1. It's the trickiest season to do anyway and overall it's so 2005 Nickelodeon. Not in a bad way, just in a realistic way. So to already know that we'll have extra characters really makes me wonder about the ones who're not gonna make the cut. Tell you what, I can't wait to see what they do with Jet because he's gonna be real easy to get horribly wrong.
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heliads · 1 year
Hello, I hope you are having a good day or evening, I just wanted to ask what fics do u have lined up? 🙏😁
hello anon, i hope you have a good day or evening as well!
5/19: so, before you go chapter eight (darkling x reader)
5/21: bones mccoy x reader (grishaverse au)
5/23: matthias helvar x reader (enemies to friends to lovers)
5/25: charles leclerc x reader (reader is ferrari head of pr)
5/27: andrew peter parker x reader (simple headcanons)
5/29: clove x reader (reader helps clove train for the games)
5/31: tom peter parker x reader (male reader is fighting in wakanda during infinity war, they're worried about each other through the blip)
6/1: billy rocks x reader (the magnificent seven but a grishaverse au, i am so so excited to write this, june cannot come quickly enough)
6/3: tewkesbury x reader (both of them are lovesick idiots)
6/5: han solo x reader (escapades w han + singing to get out of a crisis)
6/7: race x reader (reader is brooklyn's second in command)
6/9: peter pevensie x reader (reader is a knight with a gay crisis, i am shrieking, raven i love you for sending this in)
6/11: jack wilder x reader (reader is a paramedic and jack keeps mildly injuring himself so she can fix him up)
6/13: newt x reader (gally's trademarked beverage as a plot device)
6/15: peter pevensie x reader (headcanons for having to live in london after spending so long in narnia)
6/17: finch x reader (the newsies are hanging out, he has a crush)
6/19: daniel atlas x reader (reader volunteers to be a part of a trick, he gets shy)
6/21: newt x reader (tmr modern au, they sit next to each other in class)
6/23: race higgins x reader (race + reader are on a date but get jumped and they must recover emotionally from that)
6/25: kai parker x reader (kai redemption era)
6/27: lucy pevensie x reader (lucy has a girlfriend and gets up the courage to introduce them to the siblings, this is when they're all kings and queens)
6/29: zoya nazyalensky x reader (reader is zoya's #1 fan bc zoya saved them from attack one time, reader is hurt by somebody and zoya nearly becomes a supervillain bc of it)
7/1: andrew peter parker x reader (male reader is peter's best friend but when peter gets bitten by the spider, he stops hanging out with reader as much, angst ensues)
plus bonus non requests that i get to tack onto the end of my queue bc i am the author and i need to clear through some of my unwritten ideas:
7/3: eric coulter x reader (reader was from amity but now tattoos, idk commentary on art surviving in a place like dauntless you get my drift)
7/5: jesper fahey x reader (this quote specifically that has been in my inbox for months: but how long? how long until i blend into the background and i'm no longer unusual? what will you do when i'm no longer a bet that calls your interest or a gamble worth the odds?)
7/7: eowyn x reader (eowyn thinks she dislikes reader bc reader is a girl and can fight but eowyn can't, in reality that's not jealousy but a repressed crush on a girl, we've all had them before)
7/9: brocedes fic (idk the plot yet i just want it to hurt)
7/11: peter pan x reader (reader can visit neverland when she's dreaming, she goes there often enough that she wants to live there forever, she asks peter to take her but he hesitates, she decides to never dream of him again, eventually he shows up in person bc he misses her)
7/13: carlos sainz x leclerc!reader (i had an idea when i should have been studying for finals and now it's all of your problem)
yeah requests aren't going to be open for a while lol
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dandeliicnsarchived · 2 years
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The night Claire turned and who she told: TW Blood mention, death mention, murder mention; inspiration from The Originals lore for Hybrids
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When Claire turned twenty five, she was in the French Quarter. She just started working at Lion's Den and was getting to know the city. What she didn't know was vampires - for years Claire never really cared or bothered with her werewolf side. Being a born werewolf had its advantages unlike someone who was bitten.
Claire liked to live her life as normal as possible. However, as the days went on; she knew her life wouldn't be normal while living in the French Quarter. She listened to the wolves, the vampires and humans and kept an opened mind as she worked. At the end of the day, everyone was a customer.
One evening, while making her return home after her shift. Claire was attacked, as stated in a headcanon; Claire froze and felt the vampire drink her blood and attempt to drain her. However, she wasn't going down without a fight. She did bite him and manage to escape but it wasn't enough. Her neck was snapped and she killed. Hours later, she woke up felt uncontrollable thirst. Her first thought was to return to Lion's Den and ask Tyler Atlas for help but what came next was something Claire Anna Daniels thought she would never do. 
What happened in seconds felt like hours to Claire, she had taken the life of human and held their corpse in her arms. Running on auto-pilot she had called Rosalie Atlas and explained what happened the best she could and asked for help. From there, Rosalie and Claire made their way back to Lion’s Den and brought the corpse with them and disposed of it as quickly as possible. 
Tyler than began to explain the hybrids, how they were a mix of werewolf and vampire and that they were rare and with Claire being a born werewolf the vampire blood that she consumed must have been in her system before she died. After the explanation was given, Claire stayed with Tyler for a couple of days until she was ready to show herself to the public once more.
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chaotic-noceur · 3 years
pedro characters masterlist
all sfw and gender neutral reader! (do reach out if i messed up!)
gif credit to @nobie​
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— marcus pike —
to be human
Some days are easier than others. At your best, he watches you soar. At you worst… he holds you until you can find the strength to fight again.
scribbled ink: the beginning, the beginning of something, the beginning of us // [ ask box drabbles at @atlas-arc​ ]
Marcus works as a barista in a local coffee shop to pay for art school. If he happens to meet someone who becomes his special someone then that’s an added bonus. [complete]
take what’s broken, make it whole
Love. It’s messy and confusing. It’s painful yet thrilling. It’s also absolutely terrifying. But maybe what you need is someone to brave your fears with you. (please read post a/n)
— javier peña —
Yours and Javier’s adventures with your house plant son Stanley
if you know, you know. if you don’t, that’s okay
When you receive some upsetting news, Javier is there to be your rock.
if you love something, let it go
Javier is familiar with the concept of love, but it is not something he’ll allow himself to indulge in.
— jack ‘whiskey’ daniels —
but your lies were so sweet
In his time with Statesman, Jack has gone by many names. In your experience, they were all just aliases for the same liar.
— din djarin—
rubber duck (coder!Reader)
When all else fails, grab the nearest child and debug your code rubber duck style.
Just a bunch of headcanons/thoughts that @ezrasarm and I have
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