#dating aquaman would include
kimberly-spirits13 · 2 years
When Bruce Introduced You to the League
Batman x reader
No warnings
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• You were a big part of his life for a long time
• When the Justice League was being built you weren’t going to immediately be part of the team
• You two decided that it would be best if there was an available hero internationally and one for Gotham
• You chose to stay back in Gotham when the Justice League needed something but you were involved in helping build the league equipment
• This included the computers, software, the orbiting justice league headquarters, and the other things used for the league
• You didn’t really start hanging out with the league until long after you had met everyone at one time
• They had asked Batman to get you to come to the tower since something had stopped working
• Bruce knew how to fix it but he wanted an excuse to bring you up there and everyone was eager to meet you
• Once he knew that they were worth trusting, he didn’t mind exaggerating one of the problems with the main computer
• You were suspect about it but agreed to come anyways
• Bruce had already left for an early morning meeting with the league and you’d be coming later
• You came in full gear, using the zeta tubes in the cave
• When you walked in you were greeted by one of the managers that maintained the tech
• “So what seems to be the issue?” You were given a tablet with the electronic schematics of the satellite base
• “There seems to just be a loose connection in the mainframe. Probably a coding error with the new update to the system that someone added.” They walked you towards the room where the rest of the league was waiting, “Not sure why someone here couldn’t handle it, but they wanted you to come check it out.”
• “I’m sure it’s nothing major, thank you.” You smiled and nodded at the manager who did the same and walked off to attend to other work
• You walked in the room and was greeted by Green Lantern and Flash bickering over a basketball game while Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter were working over some mythology connections that they had made
• Superman and Bruce were busy talking about missions when you caught Bruce’s eye
• Flash was first to greet you, asking to settle the dispute between he and Lantern
• Bruce’s glare in the cowl got him quite again
• “Everyone this is Y/H/N, I assume some of you have met them before.” Bruce introduced you walking over to where you were standing, leaving Flash to retreat
• They were quick to greet you while Lantern was quick to flirt with you
• “I’ve come here to fix a systems issue, not court you.” You started walking towards the computer and have Bruce a look
• “So it’s a basic computer issue. And you called me to fix it?” You raised a brow challengingly, he knew you had caught on to what he was playing
• “Well, I wanted to make sure it wasn’t something more serious.” He gave the batsmirk causing Flash to give him a suspicious look
• “Well I better make sure this thing isn’t about to drop out of the sky” You elbowed him kiddingly causing him to break a chuckle
• They all exchanged glances at each other before Lantern gave a huge sigh
• “Tell me you two aren’t dating?” He was exasperated
• You shrugged and started working on the code that was supposed to be fixed
• The rest of the team started doing their own thing again and Wonder Woman came to sit with you while you worked
• “I don’t suppose you’ve known Batman for a while?” She asked you, “It is none of by business but I am curious if you’re willing to answer.”
• “You’re fine. We’ve known each other since we were kids. Nothing much to it.” You were hunched over going over the treacherous line, “My only gripe against him is that he called me in to fix one line of code that I know for certain he could have done himself”
• This caused Diana to laugh, “I’m sure he was eager to introduce everyone formally.”
• “Apparently so”
• You two talked for the duration of your stay, which wasn’t meant to be long but you decided to stay longer to hang out
• Superman was there too talking and there to offer a coffee
• Despite his efforts, you could tell he was from Kansas based off of that little twang he had
• When it was time to leave, Bruce was there to see you out
• “I assume that the problem wasn’t hard to wrangle.” He said with a smirk in his voice
• “Oh it was terrible, I definitely see why you called me out.” He gave you a nudge
• “I’ll see you in an hour for the WE meeting.” He said
• You bid each other a goodbye
• Once you left he could hear the snickers of Flash and Lantern before Lantern started off, “BATSY HAS A GIRLFRIEND/ BOYFRIEND” “NEVER IN MY LIFE DID I EVER THIN-“
• And that’s when the usual brooding started again, scaring Lantern off for a bit
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Not sure if this has been suggested before but what do you think about a DP x DC Cross where the JL discover Amity because the "It's Not Gay if he's Dead" joke escapes containment into mainstream? Also I love your blog! You're awesome.
aaaaa thank you sm hun! I really appreciate that :D I'm glad you enjoy my funky lil blog!
And now, I threw this idea at a fellow who is simply me with prompts but even more unhinged and they wrote a thing. I present to you, This:
Escaping containment implies that the content got leaked somehow. 
Maybe after so long with dealing with ghosts on their own, especially with ghosts that can control and use tech the people of Amity Park decide to self isolate. Phantom and Red Huntress are considered the only main heroes allowed in Amity, one out of pride and two out of concern of a ghost possessing an foreign hero. 
There was a fight and the tech isolation software glitched or a satellite picks up something on accident, letting a small leak occur. Nothing major, just a small joke. 
A blurry photo of a white haired teenager with a fancam like edit around him and the words "It's Not Gay if he's Dead." 
Which on its own wouldn't have taken off very much on the internet, but someone pointed out that the teenager was wearing what was very obviously a hero outfit. Leading to people wondering just who exactly this hero is or was. 
So they dig, and it turns out the “one” leak wasn't the only one to happen. 
The internet finds out there's not just one meme. There's hundreds of them. All originating from a single midwestern city and mostly focused around one person, the white haired teenager that is referred to as Phantom in most memes. 
Theres edits of a female musician with bright blue hair with text saying “that moment when a dead girl is your bisexual awakening” and “Its not a crush on a villian if shes not alive.” 
There's even photos of these slime-like creatures. With dozens of different memes referring to them. Varying from calling them green pigeons, to talking about tossing them like a sports ball.  
Theres even a photo of Dash and most of the football team are wearing group shirts that all say “It's Not Gay if he's Dead” with Phantoms logo on it, half as a joke and half because some of them would definitely date Phantom if they could. 
It's not even the Justice League that finds the jokes first, it's the younger generation of heroes. 
(It's how Tim asks Kon for a date. He sends a meme with Danny getting flunged in the worlds most tumbling superhero pose with the below text "It's not gay if he's dead." Tim immediately sends another text "But it is gay if he's an alien, 10pm picnic date?")
The different memes get passed around, none of them taking them that seriously, until it gets to Batman. One of the memes is sent in the bat group chat by one of the Bat kids to ask Jason about getting group Batburger later. “If your hero’s dead its not gay, it’s just hero worship, even if you want to meet him behind the Nasty Burger.” 
It's the hyper specific wording that gets Batman to look into it. He only finds the memes, nothing else. No town called Amity Park, no hero called Phantom, no trace outside of a reference to a defunct and wiped completely clean government branch and references to a nonexist law. 
This leads him to contact the Justice League, including the JL Dark, for a meeting. 
Surprisingly quite a few members recognize the teen outside of the memes. Flash, Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, and some of the JLD. The Flash refuses to say anything due to timeline continuum dangers. Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter mention someone like him appearing in ancient texts, but nothing beyond that. The JLD that know are physically and contractually unable to say much beyond Phantom being a hero and very important. 
It’s Captain Marvel that genuinely knows anything about him. “That's Danny, he's pretty cool. He's even helped me out a few times!”
The rest of the JL are surprised, Marvel gets more questions and answers some of them. He doesn't share the knowledge that he's helped Billy at handling the whole secret child hero thing, and that he's welcome in Amity. Just enough information to make the League stop looking into Phantom, Ember, Cujo, all of Amity. 
It works, mostly. 
Batman has never been one to let sleeping dogs lie…
-From Bones’ GhostWriter, S.
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superultrachicken · 17 days
We need a version of the Justice League where Wonder Woman's team mom.
I noticed that the Justice League is primarily made of orphans. Even if they're not an orphan, they've at least lost a single parent, usually their mother (because woman in the fridge is such a prevalent trope).
So... Diana is over 2000 years old in most comics. Even if we're just counting years spent outside of paradise as a demi-goddess experiencing the rest of the world, she'd still be around 85 mentally, even if she doesn't age. So when she starts finding these wayward children, she starts getting attached to them as if they were her own children.
Here are some ideas for how it could work:
Superman - She was a close family friend of the Kents while Clark was growing up and would often watch him while they were on a date night or the like. She was around so often that she acted as a secondary mother figure. Having multiple strong feminine influences during an overall good childhood makes him the most well adjusted member of the Justice League and he attributes a lot of that to Diana. She sees Clark as her son.
Batman - Adult adoption. This is after he's adopted most of the bat-family, she asks him why and in a moment of vulnerability he tells her that it's because he knows what it's like, it's why he love Alfred, because Alfred's been a father to him, even if he didn't really know how beyond being protective. That he had a rough childhood. Diana's motherly instincts kick in and she starts comforting him. After a while, they get close enough to be considered family, some of the bat-family actually start calling her grandma and she's more or less become a part of the family. She asks him if he'd be interested in adult adoption and though he struggles with it, Bruce eventually says yes. She brings presents for Bruce's kids every time she comes around. She includes Barbara in the gift giving too so she doesn't feel left out.
The Flash - Adoption. Barry effectively becomes an orphan in his backstory due to his father being in prison after being wrongfully convicted of the murder of Barry's mother. She raises Barry from childhood having no clue that he'd end up getting his powers later in life. Using New 52 here because they actually made Reverse Flash a good villain instead of being a lazy palette swapped evil version. It also amuses me to think of Bruce and Barry as siblings.
Aquaman - She knew Arthur's father while he was growing up. While she'd only see him while she was in Boston, he left a lasting impression on him as one of the few feminine influences he had. After the first few times she'd even bring gifts for both him and his father from Metropolis.
Green Lantern - Same as Arthur, knew Hal's parents growing up and got super close with the family.
Martian Manhunter - Close friends. He's the only other member of the group who can comprehend living as long as she has.
As other members start joining, she starts feeling responsible for them. Effectively mothering most of them. She also formed the Justice League in part to protect the salt of the earth, working class people that raised most of the other founding members. These are the people she spends most of her time with when she's not out saving the world.
She also has a red lantern ring that only activates with her mom rage. Gods help any soul dumb enough to hurt one of her children.
Clark suggests calling the organization the Super Friends and Diana's like "I love you Clark, but we need something a bit more official, like the Justice League." Bruce and Barry simultaneously chime in with "I agree with mom." Barry doesn't waist time doing the jinx, he's just adjusting to having a much older brother very quickly.
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multifandomworldsposts · 11 months
my name is cassy, my pronouns is she/her, i’m a fan of a bunch of humans including fictional humans :))
Elvis Presley (& his characters)
Austin Butler (& his characters)
Top Gun Maverick
Teen Wolf
Top Gun
The Vampire Diaries
The Outsiders
Harry Styles
Shawn Mendes
80s/90s actors (ur choice)
Justin Bieber
One Direction
5 Seconds of Summer
Sam & Colby
Big Time Rush
Saved By The Bell
beverly hills, 90210
my life with the walter boys
Harry Potter (characters)
🎃🕷️ Kinktober 2023 ☠️👻
❄️🧤Kinkmas 2023 ☃️🛷
OuterBanks 🌴🐚
The Night We Met - JJ Maybank
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3 Pt. 4
That Damn Cadillac - Rafe Cameron
POV: ur dating Pope Hayward
dating jj maybank would include…
taking care of him - JJ Maybank
dating John B would include....
Our Little Secret - JJ Maybank
POV: ur dating JJ Maybank
You're The Love Of My Life - Pope Hayward
At The Beach House - Rafe Cameron
Love Story - Aquaman
Austin Butler 😍
Trouble - Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3
We Met In Tampa - Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3 Pt. 4 Pt. 5 Pt. 6 Pt. 7
POV: ur dating Austin Butler
fais moi l’amour - Pt. 1
Top Gun/Maverick 🛩️😎🤎
The Pilot I Fell In Love With - Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky
Maverick’s Assistant - Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw
POV: ur dating Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
POV: ur dating Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
Champagne & Sunshine - Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
Shawn Mendes 🎸
because i liked a boy
Teen Wolf 🐺
POV: ur dating Isacc Lahey
POV: ur dating Stiles Stilinski
The Outsiders 🚬
POV: ur dating Ponyboy Curtis
POV: ur dating Dallas Winston
Elvis Presley 🎸🥰
My Manager's Daughter
Youtubers ▶️♥️
POV: ur dating Colby Brock
finally meeting - Colby Brock
Harry Styles 🫶🏻🩷
POV: ur dating Harry Styles
Louis Tomlinson 🖤
POV: ur dating Louis Tomlinson
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yukiwhitetm · 5 months
DR Characters Assigned DC Roles
The main premise of this is that Shuichi Saihara as Robin 3 is both dating civilian Kokichi Oma as Bernard Dowd and flirting/being flirted with by his alter ego Stray. Shuichi has no idea Kokichi is Stray but Kokichi definitely knows Shuichi is Robin 3. What order do these events happen in? Who knows!
The Bats and Birds
Batman (The Bat): Kyoko Kirigiri
Agent A: Makoto Naegi
Robin 1, Nightwing: Kaede Akamatsu
Robin 2, Red Hood: Hajime Hinata
Robin 3, Red Robin: Shuichi Saihara
Spoiler, Robin 4, Batgirl (Batboy): Kaito Momota
Robin 5: Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Batgirl, Oracle: Chiaki Nanami
Black Bat, Batgirl, Orphan: Maki Harukawa
Batwoman: Aoi Asahina
Signal: Yasuhiro Hagakure
The Cats
Catwoman: Celestia Ludenberg
Stray & Bernard Dowd: Kokichi Oma
The Rogues
Joker: Junko Enoshima
Punchline: Mukuro Ikusaba
Harley Quinn: Toko Fukawa
Poison Ivy: Komaru Naegi
Blackmask: Mondo Owada
Penguin: Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Scarecrow: Miu Iruma
Bane: Nekomaru Nidai
Mr. Freeze: Teruteru Hanamura
Riddler: Hifumi Yamada
Mad Hatter: Angie Yonaga
Deathstroke: Tsumugi Shirogane
The League of Assassins
Ra's al Ghul: Haiji Towa
Talia al Ghul: Korekiyo Shinguji
Prudence Wood: Peko Pekoyama
The Outlaws
Starfire: Sonia Nevermind
Arsenal: Nagito Komaeda
Bizarro: Ibuki Mioda
Teen Titans
Beast boy: Gundham Tanaka
Raven: Himiko Yumeno
Wonder girl: Tenko Chabashira
Superboy 1 a.k.a Conner Kent (Supergirl): Akane Owari
Kidflash: Mahiru Koizumi
Cyborg: K1b0
Aquaboy (Aquagirl): Hiyoko Saionji
Superboy 2 a.k.a. Jonathan Kent: Masaru Daimon
The Justice League
Superman (Superwoman): Sakura Ogami
Wonder Woman: Kirumi Tojo
Green Arrow: Byakuya Togami
Aquaman: Leon Kuwata
Martian Manhunter: Ultimate Imposter
Green Lantern: Kazuichi Soda
Captain Marvel: Nagisa Shingetsu
Flash: Chihiru Fujisaki
Zatanna: Sayaka Maizono
Black Canary: Mikan Tsumiki
Most of these characters have been assigned DC roles based on their personalities, regardless of gender (except for Superboy and Bizarro since they're clones of Superman so have to be the same gender as him)! I included some Rogues, League of Assassins, Outlaws, Teen Titans and Justice Leaguers because the Batfam interact with them a lot.
In my mind, Kyoko Kirigiri is together with Makoto Naegi and has been for the long term but her as the Bat and Celestia Ludenberg as Catwoman share some flirtatious banter.
Hajime Hinata as Robin 2 died and came back, and when he did he came back different. How much you want to lean into Jason Todd's backstory or Hajime Hinata's and whether you want to include Izuru Kamukuru is up to you.
Kaito Momota may or may not have had an unsuccessful romantic relationship with Shuichi when he was Spoiler and Shuichi was Robin 3. This can be prior to Shuichi meeting Kokichi or Robin 3 and Stray could have had some playful banter going on during this time (this works because Shuichi actually dates civilian Kokichi, which could be after he and Kaito break up). Kaito could be with Maki now!
Yes, this character assignment does mean that Masaru Daimon is Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu's best friend. Yes, that is hilarious.
I was running out of DR characters near the end so I started swapping some around to find suitable Justice Leaguers. Masaru was originally Captain Marvel but then that only left Kotoko Utsugi as an option for Superboy 2 and I thought Fuyuhiko would hate her. So, Masaru became Superboy 2 and Nagisa Shingetsu Captain Marvel. Byakuya Togami was originally assigned as Lucius Fox, the manager of WE, but I had to swap him to Green Arrow because he was just too perfect for that!
I hope you enjoyed! Please like, comment and reblog. Your support is much appreciated.
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sol-consort · 7 months
I can imagine humans remaking beloved classic (in 2185 these are classics) movies and shows to include a mixed species cast so we can share those stories with the rest of the galaxy? Can you imagine version of The Office that takes place on the Citadel? Instead of Brooklyn 99 it’s Zakera 99? Imagine the MCU but we actually have aliens to fill in the alien roles. There’s currently a fully fleshed out version of space Hunger Games that exists solely in my head.
The elcor hamlet will always be my favourite and we were ROBBED by not being able to watch it in full in ME3. I would gladly actually pay for a dlc where you go to the theater to watch the elcor hamlet with a companion and keeping shushing them through the whole thing.
Can you imagine the comments Javik would say? The sass? The cuntiness? The audacity as he starts scoffing at the show but ends up being super invested at the end? Demanding to see more of these human theatre shows, it is a must now obey the protheon you primitive and take him on more theatre dates.
Can you imagine the insufferable person Garrus would be during it? Commenting on how this all could easily be solved if one of them just had a sniper rifle after every scene, saying how you should've booked the exclusive balcony tickets instead since they have the perfect position for sniping people.
Anyway so.
I think the aliens would find it so hilarious how we've depicted aliens in our medias so far before first contact. It becomes a widespread genre of shows that are just humans depictions of aliens. No matter what the show or movie genre is, it will always be treated as a comedy.
The only species not amused by this are the salarian who are actually offput by how close our alien depilation was of them and their technology. It's so uncanny and spot on for a mere guess so their government launched a secret program to check if salarians actually made any first contact with the humans by accident before.
Also the fact the elcor adapted helmet tells me that the aliens shows and movies just are boring at best and human widespread television will be a popular hit amongst the aliens who immediately get invested int the MCU, DC and especially these drama romance reality shows. It also spreads a misconception that this is how humans actually choose their mate, by bringing in a harem and eliminating them one by one by not offering a rose.
There's is an influx of species suddenly giving a single rose to their human crush.
The drell love aquaman, that's all I have to say.
Also spongebob, it becomes a great hit with their children. Turians kids prefer paw patrols while the asari claim they would never show their children human trash shows but turn on cocomelon in secret because it's the only thing that gets their screaming babies to quiet down.
Also batman will definitely become a great obsession to the turians, cough Garrus cough, who may or may not go through a batman phase.
It's not the asari who end up gravitating towards movies like the barbie movie or bridesmaids, but the salarians instead. They're absolutely invested in desperate housewives and drag shows, having full on scientific debates on the current drama in the show.
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taybatwo2 · 5 months
The Creature From the Black Lagoon Skullector Review Part 1 of 2
I was very excited when I saw her leaked head sculpt. I love new monster-y head sculpts!!
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Here’s her box! Despite not being an in box collector, I like the new design of being able to pull both sides apart. Review under the cut!
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Here’s the side of her box (notice the little skullets in the bubbles??).
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And a very cool graphic for the back of her box. It even looks like water damage from rain dripping down from the top of the box.
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The inside back of the box. The “Date 2/12 Time: 19:54” is when The Creature From the Black Lagoon’s film was originally released. The location is located in the Amazon Rainforest.
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The background of her box is very pretty. It has brain coral, a couple of divers, more skullet bubbles, depth measures (I think that’s what those are) with “30” on it (2024 is its 30th anniversary), with Kay’s legs dangling in the water.
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And the fossilized hand that brought humans to her lagoon.
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The certification slip. It’s on thicker card stock again (I don’t know why Lenore’s was so thin).
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The Creature in her box (I really do like how she’s posed in here, reaching for swimmer above her).
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And here she is with her hair combed and out of the box (her hair is pretty soft and I’m going to assume it’s Saran). I was a little low-key disappointed when I first saw that she didn’t have a new body sculpt to match the creature’s, but I do appreciate how the adapted the Creature’s naked body into a fairly cohesive outfit that works for her environment (it’s giving me some DC’s Aquaman design vibes -photo credit from HipComics)
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…but could you imagine if they gave her those webbed feet and gave her some heeled sandals…and they gave her scales closer to what her arm bracers/shoes have (that the Creature showcased)…..it’s not like this is a seventy dollar (including shipping) Skullector doll….oh wait!
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Now, her BEAUTIFUL head mold!! Look at all those new details! I love it so much!! And her face up is just gorgeous!!!
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Side view of her head mold. Again, those gils are so lovely.
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The back of her head and upper neck (I wasn’t expecting it to be so open, but it looks nice). Her head is stamped with 2024, I’m surprised it’s dated with this year and not 2023.
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Now to the part I was secondarily most excited for! Her hands!!!! Look.
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these details!!!! They also pop off REALLY easy on my doll….
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Well, right out of the box and she already has white stress lines in her arms and they will not snap into her socket any deeper than this (gives me G2 flashbacks).
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Even the back of her leg joints have a bit of white stress lines where they rub against her calves. Those are all really disappointing….
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Here she is in the nude. Again, I kinda wish she would have had the same new details on her body that her new hands and head have. I know it would be more expensive BUT Mattel is a big company and did brand new bodies for one-off characters in the hay-day of G1.
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And her back.
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I wanted to compare her to other scaled G1 female dolls.
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CAM Dragon had the original scaled body…err legs and arms that are used as the template for the rest of her scaly brethren. She has the best mobility in her shoulders too. Lorna was the only little sister body to have scales and is a one of a kind body with detail that would have never been seen if she was never re-dressed.
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Proof that Mattel can do detailed, specific body sculpting (on PLAYLINE DOLLS). CAM Gorgon was the original (I’m pretty sure). And looks to be a modified version of CAM Dragon. Then Jinafire was released (notice the scalloped belly scales and the border around them). Lastly, Viperine was released and she just has such a beautiful body mold. Her belly scales are not only raised, with a different design, but she has a completely different scaling pattern on the rest of her body (they are sharper in shape, go down farther in her feet and have the same “belly scale” pattern continues on her inner thighs and arms)!!!
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Jinafire and Lagoonafire share the same body mold (minus the hands/head), but modified it so she has fins on her forearms and legs.
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Then they modified it again (got rid of the tail hole) and reused the exact same body for Greta and Creature. EXCEPT it’s worse!!!! This is the closest they can put down their arms and they both have loose fore-arm joints (like MH’s G2 dolls). Should I be surprised at Mattel’s cheapness…no, but then again, these two bodies are the more expensive Skullector editions. :/
Her clothing/accessory review along with a few other doll comparisons will be in Part 2.
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doamarierose-honoka · 8 months
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom will soon make a splash on home video as the final DC Extended Universe flick looks set to become available on home video in time for the spring.
Per ComicBook.com, T he Lost Kingdom will be available on Blu-ray, DVD and 4K UHD on Mar. 12. An exclusive clip from the home release was included in the report, showing Arthur Curry (Jason Momoa) and Orm Marius (Patrick Wilson) attempting an unlikely escape. The news comes after it was confirmed the Aquaman sequel would make its digital debut earlier than anticipated as the DCEU blockbuster becomes available for streaming on Jan. 23, just over a month after it opened in theaters.
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The home video edition of The Lost Kingdom boasts several bonus features, including Atlantean Blood Is Thicker Than Water, exploring the dynamic between Arthur and Orm. Along with the digital release, the home video version also includes a behind-the-scenes documentary with director James Wan exploring how The Lost Kingdom came together, a featurette chronicling the Black Manta (Yahya Abdul Mateen II) and other tidbits about key locations and sequences in the sequel.
The DCEU Ends With Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom
The Lost Kingdom marked an up-and-down end to the ill-fated DCEU, following up from the commercially successful Aquaman, which grossed over $1.15 billion worldwide. The Lost Kingdom has earned over $378 million in global ticket sales against a budget of up to $215 million, with the film reportedly needing to make more than $400 million at the box office to break even. Thanks to its overseas appeal, The Lost Kingdom easily surpassed all other DCEU films released in 2023, including Shazam! Fury of the Gods, The Flash and Blue Beetle. The sequel is closing in on Black Adam, which is next on the DCEU box-office charts at $393 million.
Also featuring Amber Heard, Dolph Lundgren and Nicole Kidman, The Lost Kingdom was panned by critics, receiving a 34% critical rating, though 81% of audience members liked the movie. The likelihood of Aquaman 3 seems low considering fan demand to see the film series has diminished. Wan insisted fan demand had to be high to ensure a potential threequel came to fruition.
The Aquaman franchise is also in jeopardy given the potential of Jason Momoa switching characters in the new DCU. Momoa has long been linked to playing a live-action Lobo in the DCU and has long been a fan of the comic book character, admitting he wants to portray the chainsmoking mercenary.
Bonus Features Revealed
The home video release will contain the following bonus features:
Finding the Lost Kingdom: Go behind the scenes as director James Wan reveals how he and the cast and crew pulled off their biggest endeavor yet, an epic sequel to the largest grossing film in the history of DC.
Aquaman: Worlds Above and Below: When the filmmakers set out to create a sequel that eclipsed the original in scale and scope, they knew they would have to send Arthur and the rest of the cast to all kinds of new wild and wonderful worlds both above and below the sea.
It's a Manta World: Black Manta is more powerful than ever now that he has discovered the Lost Kingdom of Necrus and taken possession of the Black Trident. From inspiration to execution, filmmakers reveal how they leveled Black Manta up to the realm of supervillains.
Necrus, The Lost Black City: Ages ago the great battle for the earth took place here, in this legendary lost Atlantean city. Discover how the filmmakers created the Black City from its "surface city" concept and its inhabitants: Undead Necrusians (Zombies), to its execution.
Escape from the Deserter World: From idea to execution, explore how the filmmakers created this barren desert landscape and the Deserter Prison, how its creatures and inhabitants were brought to life, and how they planned and executed the daring Orm "breakout" sequence.
Brawling at Kingfish's Lair: The Citadel is the last frontier of the ocean, a deep trench filled with sunken old ships, stacked high like a rusty city. From concept to completion, discover Kingfish's Lair, a bar within, where the worst of the worst hang out.
Oh TOPO!: The Tactical Observation and Pursuit Operative Octopus is a living legend and all-time fan favorite. Director James Wan and the filmmakers discuss the decision behind bringing TOPO back to the sequel and its promotion to Arthur's on-screen sidekick.
The Lost Kingdom hits digital on Jan. 23 and will be available via home video on Mar. 12.
Source: ComicBook.com
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viralmerch · 1 year
Fast X: Cast, Trailer, and Everything We Know - Get Up to Speed on the Latest Fast Movie
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Fast X is roaring into theaters on May 19, and there's already been a ton revealed about the beginning of the end of the Fast & Furious franchise.
The tenth installment in the Fast and Furious franchise, Fast X, has arrived, and fans can expect plenty of new and exciting updates. The movie brings back Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) and his family for another wild ride full of thrilling car stunts. With the release of the tenth movie in the Fast saga rapidly approaching, fans of the franchise will be delighted to see the core cast returning, as well as some exciting new additions, including Jason Momoa as the villain. Now is the perfect time to get caught up on the series and be ready for the May 2023 release!
The Fast and Furious franchise has been a box-office success for years, but the production of F9 has been plagued by issues due to the pandemic, leading to an unexpected delay in the release of this long-awaited sequel. Despite the ongoing feud between Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson, the tumultuous production of the latest installment of the Fast X franchise, and the replacement of director Justin Lin with Louis Leterrier, the movie is still on track and looks to be a return to form.
Fast X: Latest News
Though the plot specifics remain under embargo, critics have shared their reactions to Fast X, and the tweets from those who have seen the movie are overwhelmingly positive in comparison to F9. Praise has been given for the over-the-top action, Louis Leterrier's directing, and most notably, Jason Momoa's portrayal of the new villain, Dante Reyes. Descriptions of his character range from "fierce and flamboyant" to "Fast & Furious' version of The Joker".
Joseph Deckelmeier's comments about the movie some up the general critical consensus, as he called it an "entertaining thrill ride. It’s a visual spectacle with some truly incredible stunts and some wildly outrageous moments you’d expect from the Fast franchise, but what Jason Momoa brings to the film as Dante is magic! His performance oozes charisma." Momoa has become one of the biggest box office draws in recent years and is inarguably the primary reason Aquaman made over $1 billion, and based on the comments about his performance in Fast X, he could do the same for the long-running action franchise.
Unfortunately, there are still some naysayers of those who have seen it, and Germain Lussier even thinks it's the worst of the franchise. The critic noted that Fast X "is the worst Fast yet. Yes, including [insert your least fave here]. The action is fun but it's the 1st film to not up the ante from the last one & the trademark notion of 'Family' is an afterthought. But! Jason Momoa is God-Level in it and worth the price of admission." However, even Lussier, who clearly hated the movie, was still a fan of Momoa's performance, and Dante could be the best villain of the franchise.
Kirsten Acuna represents the critics who sit on the fence about Dominic Torretto's tenth outing, as she tweeted, "Not perfect (end may divide fans), but it’s been growing on me & I can’t wait to see it again. Universal's def trying to make this its Infinity War." It's no secret that Universal took inspiration from the two-part ending to the MCU's Infinity Saga, as Fast X has been heavily promoted as being the first of two movies that promise to be the epic conclusion to the series. However, the director and cast have also been hyping up Fast X's cliffhanger ending, which, according to Acuna, might not be that exciting.
Fast X: Release Date
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Fast X will be released in theaters on May 19, 2023. The initial release date was announced as April 2, 2021. However, F9 ended up being delayed considerably due to the COVID-19 pandemic which meant the tenth movie would be pushed back indefinitely. Vin Diesel later announced a possible February 2023 release which was then officially set for the current May 2023 slot.
Confirmation for Fast X began all the way back in 2014 with news that there would be at least three more movies in the franchise following Furious 7. In 2017, producer Neal H. Moritz stated that not only would there be a tenth movie but that it would reserve as the final Fast and Furious movie. However, it was later confirmed that the franchise's end would be split into two parts with the movie following Fast X ending the series.
Fast X: Cast
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The main cast of the franchise up to this point will all be returning for Fast X. Along with Vin Diesel (Dom) there will also be Michelle Rodriguez (Letty), Tyrese Gibson (Roman), Chris "Ludacris" Bridges (Tej), Nathalie Emmanuel (Ramsey), and Jordana Brewster (Mia). Also returning to the franchise are John Cena (Jakob), Jason Statham (Deckard Shaw), Sung Kang (Han), Scott Eastwood (Little Nobody), Michael Rooker (Buddy), Cardi B (Leysa), Helen Mirren (Queenie), and Charlize Theron (Cipher).
Jason Momoa will play Dante Reyes, the villain of the sequel, and the son of Fast Five's villainous Hernan Reyes who seeks revenge on Dom and the others for the murder of his father. Brie Larson plays Tess, a new ally to Dom and the daughter of Fast & Furious franchise character Mr. Nobody (Kurt Russell). Daniela Melchoir plays a Brazilian street racer who has ties to Dom. Jack Reacher star Alan Ritchson plays a government agent taking over Mr. Nobody's role who doesn't think highly of Dom and his crew. Rita Moreno also joins the franchise as the grandmother of Dom, Mia, and Jakob.
While there was originally no detail on who, there was word that there will be a huge cameo in the Fast X credit scene, which will be a returning character from the series. Now, Diesel revealed at the movie's premiere in Rome that the cameo is none other than Luke Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson), which comes after a six-year-long feud between Diesel and Johnson. While Johnson's return to Fast & Furious is great news, it doesn't make much sense why Diesel would spoil the post-credits scene.
Fast X: Trailer
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The final trailer for Fast X has been released, and at an atypically-long four-and-a-half minute it revealed a lot about the movie. Following the previous trailers, which mostly showcased Dante's theatricality, the new trailer gives almost every main character their time to shine. Most notably, the final Fast X trailer depicts a more easy-going Jakob, who's playing the cool uncle type when he saves Dom's son from a home invasion, and later on, Jakob high-fives his nephew when blowing up enemies, which is completely different from the Jakob in F9.
Fast X's newest trailer thankfully reveals that, despite the high stakes, Roman and Tej's banter hasn't left. The trailer unveils Tej's remote-controlled miniature vehicle, which even has a Tej bobblehead attached to it, which Roman calls "Tiny Tej". The opening of the Fast X also trailer gives a closer look at Abuela, Dom's grandmother. On top of what hasn't been seen before, the final Fast X trailer gives extended looks at the movie's epic action sequences, such as Letty and Cipher's showdown, Han and Deckard making an unlikely head-butting team, and Dom racing down the side of the dam.
Source: https://screenrant.com/
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themovieblogonline · 2 years
James Gunn Should Reboot The DCEU And We All Need To Get Over It
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Despite best wishes and intentions, it looks like the DCEU might be coming to an end. A recent report, and subsequent quasi-confirmations, inform us that Wonder Woman 3 is no longer happening. This is due to the multi-year plan that new co-CEOs James Gunn and Peter Safran are plotting. It looks like the third Wonder Woman movie will not happen at Warner Bros., as it doesn’t fit in with the planned vision of the new DC Studios. But at this point, I think we should just reboot the whole thing. A James Gunn DCEU reboot would benefit the new company, as well as all of us as fans. A clean slate. Read on to find out the best way to go about this. There Will Be No Wonder Woman 3 A new exclusive from The Hollywood Reporter makes a lot of claims about the current status of the DCEU under Gunn and Safran. And while Gunn himself has tweeted some clarifications about the report, one thing seems for sure; no more Wonder Woman 3. THR claims that director and co-writer Patty Jenkins’ treatment of Wonder Woman 3 didn’t fit in with Gunn and Safran’s current work-in-progress plan. The wording in THR seems to imply that while Jenkins’ treatment didn't work, there might be other iterations of a Wonder Woman movie that could, possibly, maybe still happen. But so far, there are no reports of any Wonder Woman movie in development. Henry Cavill Returning As Superman Is Also In Question Less than a month after we reported how a Henry Cavill-led Man Of Steel sequel was in the works, it doesn't seem like the case anymore. The THR report confirms that, while Warner Bros. wanted a new Superman movie, it is seemingly in conflict with Gunn and Safarn’s unfolding plans. Which is just another of the problems that Gunn and Safran have inherited from the previous administrations. David Zaslov hired the duo back in October 2022 for a November 1, 2022 start date. However, weeks earlier. Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson began teasing Henry Cavill’s Superman appearance at the end of Black Adam. Then the movie released on October 21, 2022, 9 days before Gunn and Safran became co-CEOs of DC Studios. After which, Cavill confirmed on social media his return as Superman in the DCEU in Black Adam, and apparently many more projects. One of which THR has confirmed will be as a cameo in The Flash. How James Gunn And Peter Safran Inherited A Mess So basically, before Gunn & Safran’s even started their first official day at DC Studios, The Rock and Henry Cavill made ‘official’ statements about Superman returning and being a bigger part of the DCEU. Looking back, you can see how they were in no position to make these statements, given that Gunn and Safran didn’t even begin to plan out what the new DCU would look like yet. It’s not even like putting the cart before the horse, but more like putting a rocket-propelled caravan that hasn’t been invented yet, before the horse. So the THR report confirming that a Henry Cavill starring Superman movie may not happen, shouldn’t come as much of a surprise to anyone. Even Aquaman, which was one of the DCEU’s biggest box office hits, might not be sticking around. Jason Mamoa has all but confirmed that he'll be playing a different role in Gunn’s DCU. This definitely means that the Aquaman sequel is his last time as the character. It’s Time For A James Gunn DCEU Reboot https://twitter.com/JamesGunn/status/1600920132691189760?ref_src=twsrctfwtwcamptweetembedtwterm1600920132691189760twgra478bf8e9a4d5a9da90cb00c20766bf7dfeab717twcons1_&ref_url=httpsdeadline.com202212wonder-woman-3-patty-jenkins-james-gunn-responds-dc-1235193576 The other issues are that there are some parts of the DCEU are actually working. Everyone loves Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. Mamoa is pitch-perfect as Aquaman. And there’s a huge fan base supporting Cavill’s return as Superman. Myself included. And these actors have been legendary in bringing these characters to life. For this generation, these actors are their Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Superman. Hell, even Ben killed it as Batman! However, at the end of the day, it feels like we’re rooting for individual athletes to score the most points in one game, rather than for the team to win a championship. While these actors embody their characters amazingly, is that worth holding on to at the expense of a properly connected shared universe of DC stories in live-action? Gadot is the second live-action Wonder Woman, and Mamoa is the first live-action Aquaman. (Not counting Alan Ritchson in Smallville). So is it fair for those iconic characters to only be played by one or two actors when others like Superman and Batman have versions approaching double digits? It’s also not fair to Gunn and Safran. A James Gunn DCEU Reboot Could Be Beneficial For So Many Reasons Other creators like Kevin Feige, Matt Reeves, and Greg Berlanti are free to create their vision of a connected universe or franchise, how ever they want. So why should Gunn and Safran be restricted and beholden to others’ visions, ideas and concepts already presented in the DCEU? And most importantly: to mixed and divisive reactions. If the DCEU was just a perfectly connected franchise, then there’s no debate. But given the state of the DCEU— hated, beloved, reworked, soft rebooted, this director’s cut and that hashtag campaign, and so many more problems— what are we really losing out on? James Gunn should do a total hard reboot of everything within the current DCEU and start over. Cast new actors, craft new stories and progressively grow the DCU without the burdens of what came before. A truly clean slate. But despite my wishes, as Gunn tweeted out himself, we’ll all have to wait and see how Gunn and Safran’s plans unfold. What do you think a James Gunn DCEU reboot should look like? Hard? Soft? Selective? Let me know in the comments below.  Read the full article
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Wheel of Time shirt
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Warner Bros Wheel of Time shirt . Discovery continues to bring disappointing news for fans with the announcement that two of the next four movies in the greater DC Universe have been delayed. This includes Jason Momoa’s Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom, which had its date pushed back a full nine months and is now being held back until Christmas 2023. Aquaman 2 director James Wan spoke about how he would use the time given with the original push to March 2023 to make sure the movie’s VFX work was up to par. Now, the crew has well over a year to complete the movie’s required special effects and editing, all while WBD tries to figure out their plans for the overarching DC franchise.Wheel of Time shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Men's Regardless of what decisions are made, Warner Bros Wheel of Time shirt . now has fans waiting even longer for the return to Atlantis, which will also expand the horizons to new areas of the seven seas within the DCEU. Following the announcement that his film was delayed, director James Wan also took to social media to share some of the work he and his team are putting in to give DC fans a special experience in the theater. Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom director James Wan took to Instagram to share multiple images of concept art from the new movie, which just had its release delayed to December 25, 2023. Jason Momoa's titular hero swims up to the middle of what appears to be some kind of underwater vessel, which features a group of shark hybrid creatures ready to fight the King of Atlantis. In the middle is a seemingly female figure with the bottom half of an octopus as Arthur Curry extends his fists toward the group. This group could be a subspecies of Atlanteans called the "Sea Changed," who have various mutations that make them look like human/shark hybrids. You Can See More Product: https://newshirtonline.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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cumberhoe · 6 years
Being a Human and Dating Aquaman Would Include
- Nice long walks on the beach ;)
- Feeling like the queen of the ocean as he makes it part before you on romantic nights
- Having to watch him dive into freezing cold water and literally not knowing what to do
- Making out underwater under the light of the bioluminescent plankton
- Really long nights looking at the stars and having him teach you the constellations so you’ll always be able to find him no matter where you are
- Never having to worry about other guys hitting on you since Arthur will literally never leave your side when you two go out together.
- Him surprising you with gifts and visits at your work that always smell faintly of ocean
- Whenever he gets (grievously) wounded, he sends an Atlantan messenger to let you know he can’t be home for dinner, but would you please save him a plate because he’ll eat it with you when he comes back
- Him always being concerned when you go swimming because he still isn’t completely sure how long humans can hold their breath and stay safe.
-When you’re on land, sometimes you catch him staring intently at the fishbowl trying to figure out why they stayed subjected to humanity instead of revolting
- At night, sometimes you impulsively hug his solid chest just to remind yourself that he would rather be with you than spend all of eternity ruling Atlantis (he delegates)
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justzawe · 2 years
Zawe Ashton, the star of new must-see period drama Mr Malcolm’s List, is the October cover
Wowee, Zawe! Miss Ashton is ripping up the Regency rule book in Hollywood’s Austen-esque Mr Malcolm’s List. Just don’t ask her about her own A-list Mr Darcy…
By Louis Wise
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On a sweltering Friday night in London, The Soho Hotel is a surprising hive of big names. While the Booker Prize-winning author Howard Jacobson is in the doorway, Aquaman – aka Jason Momoa – passes around the back in a jaunty white beret. And, sitting in a corner of the restaurant, there’s Bridgerton’s Jonathan Bailey, whom Zawe Ashton waves to giddily when she walks in. ‘I do actually know Jonathan,’ says the 38-year-old actress once she’s plonked herself on the banquette next to me, ‘in case you think, “Oh! She’s bold!”’ She is wearing a black wrap dress, her hair simple and straight – all very low-key, except for the enormous ring, liberally encrusted with gems, on her wedding finger. This comes, I assume, courtesy of her equally starry fiancé – and father of her soon-to-be-born baby – actor Tom Hiddleston.
I had wondered which Ashton I’d get tonight – panicked that, what with an A-list partner, a superhero franchise job and a Broadway stint under her belt, she had been ironed out by the Tinseltown machine. But the smiley, huggy woman who has just swept across the restaurant, starting to say ‘Hiiiii!’ from a full 10 metres away, hardly seems to be some Garbo-like recluse. To be honest, the Hackney-raised star is always hard to miss. She can be monosyllabic, like Vod, her gloriously deadpan character in the cult sitcom Fresh Meat, or angsty like her ‘gallerina’ Josephina in Netflix’s Velvet Buzzsaw. Or she can be just a normal, serene, very adult adulterer, like her Emma in the recent West End and Broadway revival of Harold Pinter’s Betrayal – yes, the one where she met Hiddleston. But large-eyed, large-laughed, larger-than-life, she certainly can’t be ignored. Even less so when you consider that she is an actor-writer-director-activist – everything but the kitchen sink.
Ashton’s first ever job was on the kids’ TV show Jackanory when she was six. Since then, she has written several plays, including For All the Women Who Thought They Were Mad; she has directed short films and developed TV series; she had a phase of doing performance poetry (‘before it was cool’); and she has inevitably published her own book, Character Breakdown, which details her many travails in the showbiz industry. This summer, you’ll have spotted her in Maryland, a harrowing BBC drama by Lucy Kirkwood, exploring violence against women. And next year sees her in her biggest role to date, playing the (as yet unnamed) villain in the ultra-feminist new Marvel instalment, The Marvels. If she doesn’t always take the easy route, if she’s always fought to get her voice heard, you get the impression she generally tends to win.
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‘I’ve been saying no to work that I didn’t feel was right for me, or right for the world, since I was about 12,’ she says, halfway through a dinner of fish and chips with mushy peas followed by a summery posset. This seriousness is offset by a very daffy and Tiggerish enthusiasm: ‘Excuse me,’ Ashton later says over the posset, beckoning a waiter. ‘I’m just triple-checking that I can eat the flowers on this.’ ‘Oh yes,’ replies the waiter happily – a relief for all of us, as Ashton has already scoffed them. ‘Do you see how I asked that after eating them?’ she sighs. ‘Other personality types would wait for that guy to come along first. I’m like, “Er, am I gonna die shortly?”’ It would obviously have been awful if Ashton had died, mid-interview, done in by a decorative flower garnish – but I rather think she would have relished the drama.
We’re here first and foremost to discuss Mr Malcolm’s List, which has clearly benefited from the Bridgerton effect. An adaptation of Suzanne Allain’s 2009 novel, it’s an Austen mash-up, where the two main romantic leads – Sope Dirisu’s Jeremy Malcolm and Freida Pinto’s Selina Dalton – have a Darcy-and-Lizzie-style romance, while Ashton’s character, Julia, comes across as a particularly hoity-toity post Emma Woodhouse, whose machinations and manoeuvrings end in a sweet self-reckoning. The familiarity of the tropes is offset by the casting, which, as in Bridgerton, is exhilaratingly diverse. Julia is, Ashton smiles, ‘a little Regency terroriser’. She is also, for long stretches of the movie, the baddie, as she strives to punish Jeremy for cold-shouldering her.
Is Ashton on a villain trip right now? She cocks her head. ‘I think that’s probably a phase I’ve always been in – certainly the outsider phase.’ She then tweaks her answer: ‘I’ve always played outliers, and that’s great. I think it’s where you can move the needle the most.’ Yet when pressed as to why she tends to play an outsider, or outlier, she demurs. Perhaps it’s too on the nose.
Zawedde Emma ‘Zawe’ Ashton was born in Hackney, to teachers Paul and Victoria: Paul from Britain, Victoria originally from Uganda. She is the eldest of three and her first name means ‘princess’ in Swahili. The young Zawe sounds particularly precocious, always encouraged to read and express herself; she recalls devouring Margaret Atwood’s The Robber Bride aged 11, which, she admits now, was probably far too young. (‘Is there arson? I remember there being arson.’) During her teenage years, Hackney rapidly gentrified. She does not view herself as part of that wave. ‘I remember when it happened,’ she says. ‘When lots of people who looked like they worked on The Big Breakfast descended on your postcode. They’d be knocking on people’s doors, looking through windows, asking when they were thinking of moving. We called them the Shark Fins because they all had that little shark-fin haircut – remember?’ (The capital remains her true home, although she’s light on current specifics, settling on the description: ‘I’m London-ish.’)
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Her parents always supported her artistic ambitions. She signed up for acting classes at the illustrious Anna Scher Theatre in Islington and was soon working professionally alongside her school studies. But the standout family tidbit is a nugget on the internet that says her grandfather Paulo Muwanga was the president of Uganda. ‘Oh gurl, don’t go there,’ she mugs, full Drag Race-style. ‘He was actually acting president [for a few weeks]. I’m not like one of the Obama girls.’ Ashton mostly remembers him as ‘a very old, lovely grandpa’, who died when she was young. But, as a child, Ashton spent many summers in Uganda and still feels close to her heritage. ‘There’s a lot of strength in having a duality,’ she muses. ‘We’re finally seeing that more and more now as something to be celebrated. When I was younger, that wasn’t the case.’
Ashton has spoken about being ‘badly bullied’ at school when acting work gave her a profile. ‘I was this tall, skinny misfit who was unapologetic about the things I was passionate about. I had a sense of who I was and what I was into – and you’re not supposed to have that. You’re just supposed to blend in,’ she told The Daily Telegraph in 2019. The feeling of being targeted as an outsider continued when, as a young adult, she signed up for drama school in Manchester. ‘It was rough,’ she says. ‘They break you down.’ Why? ‘I think they saw my keenness, my enthusiasm…’ Her fashion sense, for starters, was ‘experimental’, she grins. ‘Carrie Bradshaw on acid. I remember, for one of the first club nights I went to in Manchester, I found this long, oversized, stripy silk dress with a massive bow on the side, and I had a huge yellow visor with another bow. Basically like I was going to Ascot in the 1980s.’ It went down ‘amazing’, she promises. ‘Sometimes I’d go to college dressed as a cheerleader.’ A pause. ‘Did I go as Snow White one time?’
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She sighs. ‘I don’t know why, but sometimes they really want to wash you out.’ This continued even when she started working full-time. Right after Fresh Meat, Ashton had in mind to create a show similar to HBO’s Girls, which Lena Dunham wrote, starred in and directed, but instead she got lost in ‘developmental hell’. ‘There was just this weird resistance. And bullying. Bullying, demeaning, gaslighting… I was yelled at by one producer because I was questioning something about my own work.’ I venture cautiously that, to some, Ashton might just have been too much of a multi-hyphenate. ‘Yep,’ she says immediately. ‘We didn’t do that kind of thing here until the success of things like I May Destroy You or Fleabag.’
All this has made her extra eager to help others. During one episode of Fresh Meat, she struck up a conversation with a young bit-part actor. ‘I could see he was committed, clear-eyed about what he wanted to do,’ she says. ‘And so I gave him my number.’ Not long after, the actor texted Ashton to ask if she would write him a recommendation letter for his American visa, which she did. ‘And then, 10 years later, I turned on Bridgerton and…’ The actor was Regé-Jean Page. Ashton doesn’t take any credit for that (and she has texted him to check he’s OK with her telling the story) but she does think people should give each other a hand. ‘We don’t fuel the fire of genuine enthusiasm in the UK,’ she sighs. ‘It’s like, “Don’t get ideas above; stay calm; it’s not that good.” I appreciate that, because I’m London through and through – I love that acerbic quality and I love that edge. But it can be really damaging.’
Six years ago, Ashton moved to Margate to focus on her book, Character Breakdown, which is a play on words: a ‘character breakdown’ is the short description of a part an actor tends to get with a script – but it also means, obviously, a bit of personal disintegration. Unsurprisingly, during more than 30 years of pretending to be other people, Ashton has experienced both, as she details grimly and hilariously in the book, listing encounters with lecherous directors, callous agents, scary celebrity stylists and more. We laugh several times about how miserable she makes the industry sound. She also calls the book her ‘novel’ a lot, which I raise my eyebrows at a little sceptically. ‘Well, it’s a fictionalised memoir,’ she admits. ‘“Unconventional memoir” is what the publishing house recommended we call it.’
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Margate was, she says, a conscious step back from acting, a way ‘to write myself out of the toxicity’, as she puts it. ‘I didn’t want to audition, I didn’t want to have lattes with people that went nowhere. I just thought, “I have to go and live by the sea and see what all the people who don’t act have been doing for a long time, and how they’ve been making themselves happy.” And then of course it didn’t work out, because I got bloody Velvet Buzzsaw.’ Dan Gilroy’s art-world horror satire, where Ashton’s Josephina ends up in a twisted romance with Jake Gyllenhaal’s cold-fish art critic, is exactly the kind of offbeat work Ashton wanted to do. So she went to LA to film it, published the book, and then got offered Betrayal, which came about after ‘Tom and I had done a reading together of the central scene, at a gala for Harold Pinter’s birthday’. Cut to four-or-so years later: here she is, engaged to Hiddleston and pregnant, too. But that’s pretty much the only time she’ll say his name.
Ashton and Hiddleston rarely speak publicly about their relationship, and reports suggest they got together during the play. Their first red carpet as a couple was last September, then in March this year to signal their engagement. But for the Mr Malcolm’s List premiere in June, Ashton appeared alone, visibly pregnant, and glittering in an embellished tulle dress by Sabina Bilenko. Recently, Hiddleston offered a full three words on the subject: ‘I’m very happy.’ Today, Ashton offers a few more, to the same effect. I congratulate her on her big news. ‘Thanks,’ she beams. ‘It’s wonderful.’ I’d read somewhere that she’d always wanted children. ‘I know,’ she acknowledges, grimacing. ‘I used to talk about it all the time in interviews – it was really unsuitable.’ Has she learnt the art of discretion now? ‘I’ve got to learn it,’ she says, with a groan.
Having a baby is another knotty decision in the life of an actress. ‘You’re told, “Don’t get pregnant” but also “Don’t leave it too long” because then you’re going to be an old maid. I’ve been prehistoric in this industry since I was 25,’ she says drily. ‘The mixed messaging is rough and has to be addressed.’ She hadn’t felt stressed by her biological clock ticking: ‘It was just suddenly this self-permission comes over you that goes against all that messaging.’
I ask about her red carpet announcement, but the drawbridge comes up. ‘I don’t want to talk about my personal life,’ she says, politely but firmly. ‘I didn’t feel like I had to do anything,’ she clarifies, but ‘it felt like [the pregnancy news] happened in the right way. [It is a] really, really, vital moment where we’re talking about women and their autonomy when it comes to their bodies.’ The Roe v Wade reversal had been announced just days before, and she had no desire to ‘be cute’ about it. ‘I’m not into “announcements” or “reveals”,’ she adds. ‘I’m into trying to carry the narrative as much as possible myself, rather than anyone else feeling like they have an exclusive on my body.’
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At Anna Scher, Ashton says, ‘you were never allowed to use the words “fame” or “star”. They were swear words.’ She plainly approves – so she’s not a star in any way? ‘Gimme a break!’ Is she a bit like Adele, who has famously kept her privacy quite well? ‘I cannot put myself in the same privacy conversation as Adele. But…’ She pauses. ‘I think it’s like any choice. You make it and then do it as much as you can.’ I conclude by complimenting her ring. ‘Thank you,’ she smiles again. ‘And the wedding plans?’ I tease. She cringes. ‘Please don’t.’
On Broadway, Ashton pursued what she jokingly calls her ‘Zawessance – which no one asked for, by the way’, she honks. She signed with new acting reps she felt more aligned with. ‘I said, “Look: just send me the names of fledgling directors who are from under-represented backgrounds.” I felt that’s where I’d be of most use.’ And she has apparently followed that to the letter, with Maryland, The Marvels and, yes, Mr Malcolm’s List.
Growing up, Ashton loved Austen but there was always an assumption that she would never feature in those stories. ‘You just accept the status quo,’ she muses. ‘There’s this very strange acceptance that is definitely tinged with sadness.’ It’s weird, she says. ‘You don’t necessarily realise how long you’ve been locked out until you see the pendulum swing.’ There is certainly a swing now, though – and when I ask if she worries it could be a trend, she is categorical: ‘This is where Bridgerton comes in – because the language this industry understands is money.’
She recently went back to her old drama school in Manchester to address the students. ‘I can see that opportunities for so many under-represented students are suddenly there. I don’t worry about them the way I worried for myself – and that’s really lovely. Systemic racism isn’t going anywhere fast. But they can imagine themselves in huge franchises, in the new Netflix show, in the lead in West End theatres.’
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Persuasion, by the way, is Ashton’s favourite Austen to read. She also adores the Emma film starring Gwyneth Paltrow, and Clueless, its ’90s Californian cousin. But ‘I’m not really a Pride and Prejudice girl’, she frowns. Not into Darcy? ‘No, too austere. People love that. I know friends who are like, “I love how emotionally unavailable you are.” I’m like, “Oh gawd!”’ Those seeking a tidbit could read in that a hint as to what she likes in Hiddleston. But it could also apply to her relationship with the acting industry, which has long been her Mr Darcy: infuriating her, misunderstanding her, undervaluing her worth. She seems to have a handle on it now, although she has said she’ll quit acting a few times. She chuckles sanguinely at this.
‘It’s the same as with marriage, isn’t it? You divorce multiple times in a long marriage: as long as you never want to do it at the same time, you’ll probably be all right.’ She’s clearly in it for the long haul.
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The Many Lives of Donna Troy 
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Donna Troy 
is a fictional superheroine appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. She is the original Wonder Girl and later temporarily adopts another identity, Troia. Created by Bob Haney and Bruno Premiani, she first appeared in The Brave and the Bold vol. 1 #60 (July 1965). Donna has been commonly featured in stories involving the Teen Titans, which she originally joined during their second adventure and is since depicted as a founding member of the team.
Donna has appeared in numerous cartoon television shows and films. She makes her live adaptation debut in the DC Universe and HBO Max series Titans, played by Conor Leslie.
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Wonder Girl's original costume was patterned after Wonder Woman's, as shown in her first appearance from The Brave and the Bold vol. 1 #60 (July 1965).
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Wonder Girl adopts her classic red costume—and the secret identity Donna Troy—in Teen Titans vol. 1 #22 (July–Aug. 1969).
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After the shake-up in comics that resulted from the publication of Seduction of the Innocent, DC Comics searched for a way to portray Wonder Woman that would be acceptable to parents. One of the more favored approaches was to publish a series of "Impossible Tales" in which Wonder Woman (Diana) appeared for various reasons side-by-side with younger versions of herself as well as her mother, creating a "Wonder Family". A teen-aged version of Wonder Woman was dubbed "Wonder Girl". By issue #123 of Wonder Woman (July 1961) the label "Impossible Tale" was not being included on many of these stories. In this particular issue the character of Wonder Girl is referred to as if she is an entity entirely different from Diana, a character unto herself.
Wonder Woman's younger sister Wonder Girl made her first appearance outside the Wonder Woman book in The Brave and the Bold #60 (July 1965) as a member of a "junior Justice League" called the Teen Titans, consisting of Robin (Dick Grayson), Kid Flash (Wally West), and Aqualad  (the sidekicks of Batman, The Flash, and Aquaman, respectively). After next being featured in Showcase #59 (December 1965), the Teen Titans were spun off into their own series with Teen Titans #1, cover-dated February 1966.
Writer Marv Wolfman and artist Gil Kane created an origin for Wonder Girl in Teen Titans #22 (July–Aug. 1969) which introduced the character's new costume. This story established Wonder Girl's origin as an orphan rescued by Wonder Woman from an apartment building fire. Unable to find her birth family, Wonder Woman brought her to Paradise Island to be raised by her mother, Queen Hippolyta, and she eventually was given Amazon powers by the Purple Ray. In 1969, Wonder Girl dons a new, red bodysuit-style costume and—since thus far she has been called only Wonder Girl or "Wonder Chick" by her teammates—adopts the secret identity Donna Troy.
Donna remains with the Teen Titans until the series' cancellation with issue #43 in February 1973. She is still part of the team when the comic picks up again with #44 in November 1976. Teen Titans is canceled again in February 1978 with issue #53, with Donna and the others, no longer "teens", going their separate ways.
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1980s Revival
Marv Wolfman and George Pérez revived the series yet again in 1980 as The New Teen Titans, with original members Wonder Girl, Robin, and Kid Flash joined by new heroes Raven, Starfire, Cyborg, and Beast Boy / Changeling. Donna is romantically involved with much older professor Terry Long, but along the way is put under the romantic spell of Hyperion, one of the Titans of Myth.
Donna's origin is expanded in the January 1984 tale, "Who is Donna Troy?" Robin investigates the events surrounding the long ago fire after finding Donna's doll in a box from a coal bin. He learns that Donna's birth mother was Dorothy Hinckley, a dying unwed teen who had placed her for adoption. After Donna's adoptive father Carl Stacey had been killed in a work-related accident, her adoptive mother Fay Stacey was forced to place her for adoption again, unable to raise the toddler because of mounting expenses. However, Donna became victim to a child-selling racket, which ended with the racketeers' deaths in a furnace explosion and the fire. With Robin's help, Donna is reunited with Fay, who had married Hank Evans and given birth to two additional children, Cindy and Jerry. Donna marries Terry Long in a huge, lavish ceremony in Tales of the Teen Titans #50 (February 1985).
The subsequent Crisis on Infinite Earths miniseries (1985–1986) rewrote the history of many DC Comics characters; Wonder Woman's own pre-Crisis history was written out of existence, and the character was reintroduced in Wonder Woman vol. 2 #1 (February 1987) as a new arrival from Themyscira (the former Paradise Island). With the character of Donna tied predominantly to the Titans, her origin was retconned to fit into the new continuity created by Wonder Woman's relaunch, one severing her direct ties to the Amazons. In the storyline "Who Is Wonder Girl?" featured in The New Titans #50–54 (December 1988–March 1989), the Titans of Myth enlist Donna's aid against the murderous Sparta of Synriannaq. It is revealed that the Titan Rhea had rescued a young Donna from a fire; Donna and Sparta had then been part of a group of 12 orphans from around the universe who had been raised on New Cronus by these Titans as "Titan Seeds", their eventual saviors.
The Seeds had been given superhuman powers, and named after ancient Greek cities. Called "Troy", Donna (like the others) had eventually been stripped of her memories of her time with the Titans of Myth, and reintroduced into humankind to await her destiny; Sparta had retained her memories, and the knowledge had eventually driven her mad. Killing her fellow Seeds to "collect" their powers and destroy the Titans of Myth, Sparta is ultimately defeated by Donna and the only other Seed left alive, Athyns of Karakkan. In The New Titans #55 (June 1989), Donna changes her identity from Wonder Girl to Troia and adopts a new hairstyle and costume incorporating mystical gifts from the Titans of Myth.
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Lord Chaos
During the "Titans Hunt" storyline, Donna discovers she is pregnant; in the New Titans Annual #7 (1991), a group calling themselves the Team Titans appears, intent on killing her. They come from a future in which Donna's son is born with the full powers of a god and full awareness of them, which drives him mad. He instantly ages himself, kills his mother, and becomes a dictator known as Lord Chaos. The Team Titans travel back to the past to kill Donna before her son can be born. Donna eventually gives birth to Robert; to prevent him from becoming Lord Chaos, she sacrifices her powers and becomes a normal human.
Eventually, Donna rethinks her decision and asks the Titans of Myth to grant her powers again; her request is rejected. Donna then joins the Darkstars. During the Zero Hour crisis, her farm in New Jersey is destroyed and all the Team Titans are wiped out of existence except for Terra and Mirage. Her marriage in ruins, Donna loses custody of her son to her now ex-husband Terry. Donna rejoins the New Titans for a time, with her Darkstar suit giving her the ability to aid them. She dates Kyle Rayner for a while and retires from the Darkstars, leaving her powerless. Donna and Kyle break up immediately following the death of her son, stepdaughter and ex-husband in a car accident.
Magical Duplicate
Her post-Crisis origin was updated in the late 1990s. This version had it that she was originally created by the Amazon sorceress Magala as a magical duplicate of the young Princess Diana of Themyscira (a nod to the original Wonder Girl) to be a playmate for Diana, who was previously the only child on the island. However, Donna was soon kidnapped by the Dark Angel (a World War II villainess and sworn enemy of Queen Hippolyta, Diana's mother), who thought the girl was Diana.
Dark Angel cursed Donna to live endless variants of a life characterized by suffering, with her life being restarted and erased from the world's memory when Donna was at her lowest. Even Donna would forget her past lives until the moment at which Dark Angel would arrive to restart her life, at which point she would immediately recall all of her past suffering. With the help of Wonder Woman, Hippolyta, and the third Flash (her former Titans teammate, Wally West), the only people who remembered the previous version, Donna was restored. Somehow, she also regained her powers, presumably because that was how Wally remembered her. Initially, she was concerned that she was not the "same" Donna, but an idealized form based on Wally's memories. She has since accepted that this is not the case.
Shortly afterwards, the Titans gathered together to save their friend Cyborg. They came into conflict with the JLA, but they saved their friend. During this incident Donna was seemingly reunited with her son via virtual reality, but with the aid of Nightwing, realized it was not real. After that, the original five Teen Titans, including Troia, decided to reform the team. A subsequent battle with Dark Angel suggested her constant rewriting of Donna's history involved Hypertime. It is not clear how this ties in with later revelations.
Realizing that Donna was created from a portion of Diana's soul, Queen Hippolyta accepted Donna as a blood-related daughter and held a coronation on Themyscira to formally introduce Donna as the second princess of Paradise Island. This aspect brought Donna more in-line with her Pre-Crisis Themyscirian origins. After her coronation, Donna and Diana's bond as sisters grew stronger. The two Amazons shared a high end apartment in New York City and Donna became more active in life on Themyscira. While the Amazons of Bana-Mighdall saw Diana as an official moderator between the Themyscirian Amazons and themselves, Donna made strides in becoming an accepted member of both tribes in their eyes. While aiding the Amazons, Donna also came into contact with the villain Angle Man who immediately became enamored with her. After their awkward yet flirtatious first meeting, a seriously wounded Angle Man later teleported himself to Donna seeking her help after being attacked by The Cheetah.
In a separate battle, Donna was apparently killed by a rogue Superman robot in the Titans/Young Justice crossover "Graduation Day", but was later shown to be alive on another world. The Return of Donna Troy, a four-issue miniseries written by Phil Jimenez with art by José Luis García-López and George Pérez, expanded upon the resurrection of Donna Troy and cleared up her multiple origins.
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DC Special: The Return of Donna Troy
Donna Troy has now discovered that like every other person after the Crisis on Infinite Earths, she is a merger of every alternate version of Donna Troy in the Multiverse. Unlike everyone else, Donna is the repository of knowledge of every alternate universe version of herself and remembers the original Multiverse. She learned that her counterpart on Earth-Two was saved by a firefighter and was raised in an orphanage, while her Earth-S counterpart died in the fire. She also discovered that her sworn enemy of the past, Dark Angel, was in fact the Donna Troy of Earth-Seven, saved from certain death by the Anti-Monitor, just like the Monitor had saved Harbinger. When the Multiverse was reconfigured in one single Universe, Dark Angel, who had somehow escaped the compression of every Donna Troy into one single person in the new Earth, sought to kill her (every life she forced her to relive was in fact an aspect of an alternate Donna as a way to avoid the merging and remain the last one standing). When she was defeated, Donna became the real sum of every Donna Troy that existed on every Earth, a living key to the lost Multiverse.
Her role in Infinite Crisis is, at the end of The Return of Donna Troy, fully stated: Donna had been reborn after her death at the hands of the Superman android. The Titans of Myth, realizing that she was the child who was destined to save them from some impending threat, brought her to New Cronus and implanted false memories within her mind to make her believe she was the original Goddess of the Moon and wife of Coeus. The Titans of Myth incited war between other worlds near New Cronus in order to gain new worshipers. They would then use the combined power of their collective faith to open a passageway into another reality, where they would be safe from destruction. Donna was another means to that end until she was found by the Titans and the Outsiders, who restored her true memories. This was not without casualties, however. Sparta (who was restored to full mental health and stripped of the bulk of her power) had been made an officer in the Titans of Myth's royal military. She was sacrificed by the Titans of Myth in an attempt to lay siege to the planet Minosyss, which housed a Sun-Eater factory miles beneath its surface. Sparta's death had inadvertently helped trigger Donna's memory restoration. Athyns had also reappeared by this time and aided the heroes and the Mynossian resistance in battling the Titans of Myth. It was then that Hyperion, the Titan of the Sun, revealed Donna's true origins to her and ordered her to open a passageway into another reality by means of a dimensional nexus that once served as a gateway to the Multiverse itself, within the Sun-Eater factory's core. This turned out to be the Titans of Myth's real target. Donna did so, but, fearing that they would simply continue with their power-mad ambitions, she banished most of them into Tartarus. However, Hyperion and his wife, Thia, were warned of the deception at the last moment. Enraged, they turned on Donna, intending to kill her for the betrayal, but Coeus activated the Sun-Eater to save her and Arsenal. As the Sun-Eater began absorbing their vast solar energies, Hyperion and Thia tried to escape through the Nexus, but they were both torn apart by the combined forces of the Nexus' dimensional pull and the Sun-Eater's power. Coeus, who had learned humility and compassion from Donna, vowed to guard the gateway to make certain the other Titans of Myth remained imprisoned forever.
Infinite Crisis and 52
Donna returns to the now-barren New Cronus where she shares a joyful reunion with Wonder Woman. Donna, charged with the guardianship of the Universe Orb containing the Multiverse Chronicles collected by Harbinger, makes the startling discovery that an impending doom is facing the DC Universe, a doom she cannot avert alone. Leaving Nightwing behind on Earth, Donna brings several heroes to New Cronus, including Animal Man; Cyborg; Firestorm; Herald; Bumblebee; Red Tornado; Shift; Green Lanterns Alan Scott, Kyle Rayner, and Kilowog; Jade; Starfire; Supergirl and Captain Marvel Junior. The heroes confront a mysterious and menacing rip in space caused by Alexander Luthor, Jr. (as a part of his plan), which has sparked an intergalactic war. Donna's team contributes to the resolution of the conflict, but things take a dangerous turn when Alexander uses the inter-dimensional tear to recreate Earth-Two and, later, the Multiverse. Donna, along with Kyle Rayner (now called Ion), leads the team to attack Alexander Luthor through his space rift, giving Nightwing, Superboy, and Wonder Girl the time needed to destroy Alexander's device, and save the two Supermen and Wonder Woman from being merged with their Earth-Three counterparts. Though most of the team vanishes when they attempt to leave via the portal opened by Mal Duncan and Adam Strange, she returns to Earth shortly after the Battle of Metropolis, and provides a "junior red-sun eater" to the Green Lantern Corps in which to imprison Superboy-Prime at the end of the battle on Mogo.
In the series 52, Cyborg, Herald, Alan Scott, Bumblebee, Hawkgirl, and Firestorm were all returned to Earth although gravely injured, while other heroes such as Supergirl, Starfire, Animal Man, and Adam Strange were lost in space. In the History of the DC Universe backup feature, when Donna and the artificial intelligence in charge of Harbinger's historical records finished her task of reviewing the DC Universe's history, both the artificial intelligence and one of the new Monitors revealed to her that the current timeline has diverged from its rightful path, in which Donna herself, instead of Jade, should have sacrificed herself for Kyle Rayner.
During the World War III storyline, Donna goes into battle as Wonder Woman against a rampaging Black Adam.
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"One Year Later"
During the "One Year Later" storyline event, Donna Troy has assumed the mantle of Wonder Woman after Diana stepped down following the Crisis, feeling the need to 'find out who Diana is'. Donna wears a set of armor during her tenure as Wonder Woman, which includes the bracelet and star-field material used as part of her Titans regalia. Donna's post-Infinite Crisis origin, which incorporates elements from her previous origins, is as follows: Donna was a magical twin of Diana created by the Amazon Magala and intended as a playmate for the lonely princess. Donna was later captured by Hippolyta's enemy—Dark Angel who mistook her for Diana and placed her in suspended animation for several years. Years later, the grown up Diana, now Wonder Woman, eventually freed Donna and returned her to Themyscira. Donna was then trained by both the Amazons and the Titans of Myth. A few years later, Donna followed Diana into Man's World and became Wonder Girl, wearing a costume based on Wonder Woman's and helped form the Teen Titans. In her last adventure as Wonder Woman, Donna battles The Cheetah, Giganta, and Doctor Psycho. The trio attacks Donna as a means of finding the then-missing Diana. This eventually happens with the revelation that Circe is the mastermind behind the attacks and capture. After Donna is freed from Circe, she dons her old red Wonder Girl jumpsuit and aids her sister in battle telling Diana that she wants to give the Wonder Woman title back to her as she was never really comfortable using that name and would rather just be called Donna Troy.
Donna later works alongside ex-boyfriend Kyle Rayner, who has taken up the powers and title of Ion again. They go up against one of the Monitors who attempts to remove them from the newly rebuilt Multiverse, claiming the two are unwanted anomalies. Donna returns to Earth with Ion in time for him to say goodbye to his dying mother. After that event, Donna joins several former Teen Titans in the current team's battle against Deathstroke and his Titans East team.
Countdown to Final Crisis
Donna attends Duela Dent's funeral with the Teen Titans. She is confronted by Jason Todd, who seeks her out as a kindred spirit; the two cross paths while investigating Duela's murder. Donna places her investigation on hold when the Amazons invade Washington, D.C. during the events depicted in Amazons Attack! She travels to the city and confronts Hippolyta, advising her to end the invasion, but Hippolyta informs her that she will only consider a withdrawal if Donna will include Diana in their talks. Donna leaves to find her sister. Jason, who has followed Donna to Washington, tells her that the Monitors are responsible for Duela's death. Donna and Jason are attacked by the Monitor's warrior, Forerunner. They are saved by a benevolent Monitor, whom Jason calls Bob, and recruited to locate Ray Palmer. They soon learn that Palmer is hiding in the Multiverse.
The group is joined by Kyle Rayner; Jason and Kyle bicker during the journey and Donna is annoyed. Ray Palmer is located on Earth-51 and Bob attacks him, betraying the group. Donna and the others escape, and are caught in the crossfire when Monarch's forces attack Earth-51. Donna is attacked by an alternate version of herself wearing a Wonder Girl costume, and overcomes her doppelganger and escapes. She takes the doppelganger's costume, defeats one of Monarch's lieutenants, and is acclaimed leader of an insect army by right of conquest. She leads the force of Myrmidons into the battle against Monarch's forces.  Superboy-Prime confronts Monarch, and the insect warriors are killed in the fallout.
Following the battle, Donna alone is able to discern a message directing the group to Apokolips, where the team are witness to its destruction as they first meet the other Countdown characters: Jimmy Olsen, Forager, Pied Piper, Mary Marvel, Holly Robinson, Harley Quinn, Karate Kid, and Una.  Witnessing Apokolips near-destruction at the hands of Brother Eye, the team are later sent to a reconstituted Earth-51 by Solomon, now a world similar to New Earth with the absence of the now much-expanded Challengers team. It is here that Karate Kid dies, and his Morticoccus virus transforms the world almost entirely to violent animal-human hybrids, losing Una to the feral natives and leaving that Earth's Buddy Blank's grandson as the Last Boy on Earth. Returned to New Earth by Jimmy Olsen via a Boom Tube, Gothamites Harley, Holly, and Jason return home while Mary Marvel is once again corrupted by Darkseid who captures Jimmy, who holds the power of all the deceased New Gods. Freed from Darkseid's control by Atom's microscopic rewiring, Jimmy and Darkseid duke it out until Orion descends from the heavens (following his interrupted battle with the killer of the New Gods in Death of the New Gods), and slays his father.  In the aftermath of these events, the remaining party of Donna, Kyle, Ray, and Forager announce to the Monitors they will serve as bodyguards for the New Multiverse, and depart to places unknown.
Returning to Earth after her adventures in the Multiverse with Kyle, Donna and other former and present Titans are targeted by a mysterious foe who is later revealed to be Trigon. The Titans reform to fend off Trigon's assault and avenge the incapacitated Titans East team.
In Final Crisis #5, Donna Troy has been turned into a Justifier. She, among other Justifiers, attacked the Switzerland Checkmate HQ. She tried to put the Justifier helmet onto Alan Scott before being knocked away by Hawkman.
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Justice League
The build-up to Donna's recruitment begins when she volunteers to help Mikaal Tomas and Congorilla track down the supervillain Prometheus. She accompanies them to the JLA Watchtower alongside Starfire and Animal Man, only to discover that Red Arrow has been mutilated by Prometheus.  During the ensuing battle, Donna is impaled through the wrists, but frees herself. Prometheus projects a hologram around her, causing Green Arrow to shoot her in the leg, which somehow penetrates her super-tough skin and causes her to fall unconscious. She takes down Prometheus after he defeats the rest of the team, rips of his helmet, and starts beating him brutally, but the Shade stops her. Unfortunately, the villain destroys Star City via a teleportation device.
During the Blackest Night crossover, Donna has a horrific encounter with her deceased son Robert and husband Terry, revived as undead beings by the Black Lantern Corps. She is bitten by Robert, becoming "infected" by the Black Lantern's power. Donna, along with Superboy, Kid Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) and several other resurrected heroes, began to be targeted by Nekron, the being responsible for the Black Lanterns. Donna's previous status as a deceased allowed for her to be transformed into a Black Lantern. However, unlike the other heroes, Donna was converted by being infected with the Black Lantern's power rather than having a ring forced on her. Donna is freed by the power of white light.
In the aftermath of this, Donna is told by Wonder Woman that she could benefit from being a part of the JLA. To that end, she officially joins the team, even recruiting Cyborg, Dick Grayson (now Batman), and Starfire as well. Donna remains with the League and battles such foes as Superwoman, Wonder Woman's counterpart from the Crime Syndicate of Amerika, and the demonic entity Eclipso. Donna eventually resigns from the team after coming to peace with her inner turmoil, and Dick disbands the team shortly after.
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The New 52 and DC Rebirth
In 2011, following the Flashpoint storyline, DC revised its continuity, relaunching with a suite of new #1 comics as part of an initiative called The New 52. Donna does not initially appear in this continuity at all; the Teen Titans are first established in the present day, with Cassie Sandsmark as Wonder Girl, and Wonder Woman's new origin presents her as the natural-born daughter of Zeus and Hippolyta.
Donna is reintroduced in the pages of Wonder Woman as an Amazon created by a sorcerer, Derinoe, as an attempt to usurp Diana's place as queen, replacing her with a new ruler. Diana defeats Donna and Donna sets about a period of soul-searching. Meanwhile, in the Titans Hunt storyline which seeks to retroactively reestablish the history of the Teen Titans in the New 52, Donna is shown as having been a Teen Titan, working alongside Titans co-founders such as Dick Grayson and Garth, until an encounter with the telepathic supervillain Mister Twister resulted in the Titans' memories being erased. In the Wonder Woman series, Donna struggles with her rage and anger and after being killed in a battle is chosen by Zeus to replace the Fates, making Donna a new embodiment of Fate. In the last issue of Titans Hunt, Donna confirms that she is "the Fate of the Gods", but does not reconcile her history depicted in Titans Hunt with her creation depicted in Wonder Woman.
Titans Hunt led into the DC Rebirth initiative, which brought back more popular elements of past continuity after former Titan Wally West returns to the DC Universe and reunites his friends. He explains to his fellow Titans how 10 years were stolen from their lives as a result of unknown forces, partially accounting for the discrepancies. Donna and her friends then reform the Titans. On touching Wally in Titans Rebirth #1, Donna has her childhood memories of Wally restored. Later, the Titans Annual #1 (May 2017) reconciles the two accounts of Donna's history — recent magical creation or longtime ally of Wonder Woman — revealing that Donna was, as in the New 52 story, created out of clay to destroy Wonder Woman, but the Amazons later gave her false memories of being an orphan rescued by Wonder Woman. This allowed Donna to be more than a living weapon, and to establish a stable life. Though Donna was heartbroken by the revelation, she was supported by her Titans colleagues, who affirmed their friendship.
Donna remains a main character in the ‘‘Titans’’ series at DC after the team was broken up by the Justice League and reformed by Nightwing with supervision from the League this time. After Dick Grayson was shot in the head by KGBeast, Donna becomes leader of the team while he is recovering from his injury and amnesia.
Powers and abilities
Donna's superhuman powers have changed several times over the years, but in all of her various incarnations, they have always consisted of considerable superhuman strength, endurance, speed, and the power of flight.
In her pre-Crisis origin, Donna was granted those powers by the Amazon's Purple Ray, and these powers increased as she grew older. She also wielded a lasso of her own, but it apparently had no magical properties like Diana's Lasso of Truth, aside from being infinite in length and virtually indestructible. Post-Crisis on Infinite Earths, it was revealed that Donna's original lasso was a STAR Labs creation.
The first major redefinition of Donna's powers came about when she took the name of Troia. She still possessed all the abilities she had before, but now in addition to those, she could wield photonic energy as power blasts and protective force fields, and generate light from her hands. Donna has the ability to project three dimensional images of a person's memories, provided the subject is a willing participant in the process.  Donna's Troia costume was made of various gifts given to her by the Titans of Myth, the most notable of which was the unique star field material that showed the exact location of New Chronus.
After Donna petitioned the Titans of Myth to depower her, she became Darkstar, gaining the standard exomantle all members wore, granting her superhuman strength, speed, and agility. The exomantle also possessed a personal force field for protection against physical impact and energy attacks. The main weapons were twin laser units that fired energy blasts with pinpoint accuracy; however, it seems that Donna did not undergo the surgical procedure to attain the instant mastery of maser control that the other Darkstars had, and had a split-second delay in reaction time when wearing the less powerful deputy version of the exo-mantle. A powerful shoulder mounted cannon complemented the maser system of the Darkstars' exo-mantle. With the exo-mantle, one could achieve high speeds during flight, all the while protected from wind friction by the force field.
After her post-Crisis origin was created, Donna regained the powers she had lost at the Titans of Myth's behest, but now they were virtually identical to Diana's. Donna and Diana also share a psychic rapport which allows one to feel either what the other is experiencing or even share dreams. Shortly after her resurrection as the Goddess of the Moon, during the Return of Donna Troy limited series, Donna's powers were enhanced and upgraded. She retained all of the abilities she had before, and regained her energy manipulation abilities (which, being cosmic-based, were far more powerful). She also commanded darkness and cold to great effect. Donna has not been shown using those powers since regaining her memories. Over the years, Donna has grown extremely powerful, with power and strength, almost rivaling her big sister, Diana (Wonder Woman). She is considered to be one of the strongest superheroines of the DC Universe along with Power Girl, Supergirl, Big Barda, Mary Marvel, Isis, Wonder Girl and Wonder Woman. Donna also has incredible super-speed. She is fast enough to effortlessly dodge bullets, and like Wonder Woman, she's said to be able to move at speeds far beyond the speed of sound. Donna has also been shown moving fast enough to catch up to speedsters such as Jesse Quick. And while not totally invulnerable, she has an extremely high degree of resistance to injury. Donna has been punched through several floors of reinforced steel and concrete, as well as taken on powerful beings such as Etrigan, Black Mary Marvel, Wonder Woman, Superwoman, Black Adam, and Superman.
Like all Amazons, Donna is exceptionally well trained in the use of various weapons and in various martial arts. Her sister Diana, mother Hippolyta, General Phillipus, and Artemis seem to be her only rivals as a warrior (among the Amazons). She is also a very capable leader and strategist.
Pre-Flashpoint, Donna wielded a new lasso of her own called the Lasso of Persuasion. It glows blue, and like Wonder Woman's lasso is quite durable. It also has the ability to force anyone within its confines to do Donna's bidding if her willpower is greater than theirs. Donna has the ability to flawlessly imitate the voice of anyone she has heard.
Post-DC Rebirth, Donna also wields an indestructible sword and shield. She also retains her vast superhuman strength, speed, durability, stamina, senses, reflexes, agility, flight, and immortality. However it was revealed by her evil future version, Troia, that Donna can feed on more power if she kills.
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Damian Wayne/Robin
Being Bruce Wayne's biological son and meeting Damian Wayne for the first time
Having anorexia and being comforted by the Batfamily
Cute Sinnamon Roll
Wally West/Kid Flash
Being Felix Faust's adopted son and dating Wally West
Barry Allen/The Flash
Being Arthur’s son and Dating Barry Allen
Roman Sionis/Black Mask
Mr. Sionis
Being Roman’s Son and Dating Grant Wilson
Grant Wilson/Deathstroke
Being Roman's Son and Dating Grant Wilson
Victor Zsasz
An assassin’s Husband
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Tony Stark/Iron Man
My Daddy
Sex with Tony Stark would include
Loki Laufeyson
A Lovely God
Our Little Brother
Thor Odinson
Our Little Brother
Sweat & Cum
Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
My Alpha
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Thomas Shelby
“I fookin love you”
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Carlisle Cullen
Old Feelings Die Hard
Emmett Cullen
Little Shortcake
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Jon Snow
I missed you...so much
Loras Tyrell
Loras being infatuated with you
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Scott McCall
Two Daddies?
Derek Hale
Two Daddies?
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Being Apollo's boyfriend
Being one of the Furies and dating Apollo
Hermes falling in love with you
Hermes falling in love with the youngest son of Tethys and Oceanus
Ares falling in love with a mortal & I am your eternal Servant
Our sons
I am a father
A Not So Secret Affair
Prince of the Underworld & Olympus' Charmer
Deimos & Phobos
Scary Love
Prince of the Seas & Under the Sea Family
The King’s Heart
Shinning Bright
A Damsel in Distress?
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Finnick Odair
Sex with Finnick Odair would include
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Legolas trying to win affection
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to-be-sentenced · 4 years
Random Headcanon but I think Nico di Angelo would be really good with the younger campers
Like at first people are reluctant to let him teach them, or get involved with organising them (including himself) but when he finally does he's really good at it, and really likes them.
He's actually a really good and patient teacher, and he likes doing it because the kids are usually pretty enthusiastic and willing to listen
He encourages more creative thinking in swordfighting especially since he taught himself, so campers develop their own style which works for them
He can and will listen to a kid go on about whatever it is they're into for hours, because he remembers what it's like to be that annoying kid, and he makes them feel like he's genuinely interested, he just had endless patience for it... Most of the time.
Does not stand for bullying, is the first to call out anyone making fun of anyone else ESPECIALLY if it's for their godly parent, anyone can learn to fight and be good at it.
Talks to them like they're adults and actually takes their points of view into account
Has embrassing stories about pretty much all The Seven but especially Percy like: Yeah he saved the world twice, but it took him like 5 years and his girlfriend for him to realise his pen sword could write
Just has good stories in general, he's been a major player in both wars, but he also spent a bunch of time on his own, both in the underworld and on earth, can probably tell them what Cerberus' favourite chew toy is
The kids all love him, and he uses this to his advantage all the time, making them all call Percy Aquaman and Leo flameo hot man
Leo tried to turn them against him once and they got into a half joking battle for the youngest campers loyalty.
Once, he let some of the younger campers make him a flower crown and wore it, sending skeletons to chase anyone who made fun of him for it
Let's them play with Mrs O'Leary
Is chaotic as all hell, and has Diyonisis on his side, so will organise field trips to McDonald's with his zombie driver, or like summons dinosaur skeletons for them to fight
Always remembers small things, like birthdays and notices when campers are down and talks to them about it
And is dating the guy at camp almost everyone attracted to guys had their first crush on, that sunshine boy from Apollo who healed them when they first arrived.
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