#dating regulus black headcanons
ellecdc · 7 months
Hey L saw your requests were open and was wondering if i can ask for regulus black dating headcanons? (You know one of those long, long headcanons that you can’t finish while reading bc i love reggie so much and there aren’t enough fics for him-)
Anyways. Love your works specially your remus series, a man with a plan 🥹 it’s so cute and very well written.
Mwah <3
Hey lovely!! Thanks so much for requesting - this was fun!! I love head canons. Hopefully this scratches that itch of yours
The formatting got messed up when I moved this from a word doc so my apologies - let me know if it's too difficult to follow: 💫 = head canon, -> subcategory, and anything indented is a sub-subcategory)
Dating Regulus Black Headcanons:
No voldemort AU, okay guys? I don’t fuck with that man. 
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💫Falling in love with the witty (sometimes snide), smart, and quiet Slytherin was as easy as breathing – actively loving this man was NOT easy in the slightest
💫It took you months of talking, ‘accidentally’ being in the same room as him, sitting beside him in potions or the library and forcing him to talk to you before he finally went “what are you doing?”
-> “I like you” you responded
-> “Why?” he asked incredulously. Which, fair enough; you suppose he didn’t make much effort to talk back to you, or reach out to you, or participate in your conversations, but that’s not what you liked about him anyway
You liked his stoicism, it brought a sense of calm to you You liked how he didn’t always feel the need to fill the silence You liked how clever he was, and how he (even if he pretended you were exasperating) helped you with your studies when you got stuck  You liked his snide comments he made about people under his breath, and how he got surprised when you laughed at them – not really realizing he said them aloud to you to begin with  You liked his loyalty and sense of duty to the people who were important to him
-> “I just do” you settled for with a shrug of your shoulders
-> That answer didn’t exactly satisfy Regulus, but he accepted it nonetheless 
💫 He was a little bit more of a willing participant in your relationship after that 
💫 You’d come out of classrooms to find him waiting for you so he could walk you to your next class or to the Great Hall together for lunch 
💫 He’d always take a helping of your favourite food at breakfast/lunch/dinner just in case you wanted an extra serving, which he’d happily let you pick off of his plate
💫 He found out his brother was becoming an animagus during 4th year (though he didn’t know the reason) and took the attitude of “anything my brother can do, I can too.” And set out to become and animagus as well.
-> You wouldn’t let him do it alone, however
-> You both successfully became animagi and told no one.
💫 You guys never really discussed what the spending-time-with-each-other meant, Regulus had always been a little more than flighty in the past, and you didn’t want to scare him away.
💫 One evening, you were in an empty classroom trying to finish up a project where you could take up as much space as possible without bothering anyone when Regulus came bursting through the door
-> You don’t know how he even knew that you were here or how to find you, but he was clearly looking for you when his face crumpled when he found you
-> “Y/N” he whimpered
-> Without thinking, you threw your arms open, and he fell into your embrace
-> You sat in that classroom, holding Regulus as he sobbed into your chest for merlin knows how long, neither of you saying a word
-> He finally seemed to settle and pulled back from your embrace, though he wouldn’t make direct eye contact with you
-> “He left.”  He said simply
-> “Who?”
-> “Sirius, he ran away this summer, never came back. I thought – ugh – I thought when I saw him at school, I could convince him to come back home, come back to…me…”
-> You let the silence permeate in the air as he gathered his thoughts
-> “He’s not coming back, he’s…he left me. There. With them.”
-> You weren’t sure what to say – you didn’t want to disparage his family, Sirius least of all, knowing how much Regulus admired his older brother whether he admitted that out loud or not, and you knew (at least what Regulus had been willing to share with you) what the Black’s had put those boys through. 
-> You wanted to promise him he wasn’t alone – that he would always have Sirius, always have you – but it felt too much like a declaration, and you were too scared to do that when he was so fragile 
You knew he’d likely not believe you anyway – thinking you only said it to him because he was desperate to hear it
-> You settled with a simple “I’m sorry, Reggie.” And another hug
💫 Over the Christmas holidays, a black cat with grey eyes showed up at your family home
-> You called out to him, and he seemed to faint; almost as if he knew it was safe now that he’d seen you 
-> through the dark fur you could see some blood. You knew that what you couldn’t see underneath it would be far worse. You apologized to Regulus’ unconscious being before grabbing his animagus form and heading to the fireplace in your home, throwing a handful of floo powder into the hearth and calling for Potter Manor.
-> You were greeted by a well-dressed house elf
“I’m sorry to drop in unannounced. It’s an emergency. Is Sirius here?” The house elf snapped her fingers and a few moments later reappeared with a sleep rumpled Sirius “Y/N? What are you doing here?” “It’s regulus.” Sirius seemed to wake up rather quickly at that. “Is he okay?” You gently placed the cat onto the ground and cast a quick finite over his form, causing the animal to stretch back into Regulus. Sure enough, he was bleeding and bruised, though thankfully, most of his wounds seemed superficial. But he was clearly gaunt – like he hadn’t been eating or sleeping, and he was passed out from sheer exhaustion.
💫 Regulus stayed with the Potter’s ever since. He wouldn’t speak to you for some time after that however, feeling slightly betrayed that you brought him to Sirius
-> “I came to you, Y/N. If I’d wanted Sirius’ help, I would have asked for it!”
-> “Like hell you would have! You’ve never once accepted a lick of respite from anyone in your life. Martyrdom doesn’t suit you, Regulus - grow up.”
-> “It was my choice to make!”
-> “You were unconscious! For all I knew, you could have been dying. I had to make that choice for the both of us!”
-> “Perhaps I made a mistake then.”
The ‘trusting you’ went unsaid, but you both heard it. It crushed you.
-> “Fuck you, Regulus. I’m done.”
💫 It was awkward back at school; you hadn’t realised that much of your daily rituals were accompanied by him 
-> You stopped sitting at the spot he saved for you in the Great Hall – and eventually, you stopped eating in the Great Hall altogether, opting to visit the kitchens to eat instead.
-> He stopped waiting for you outside of classes, and he no longer carried your books around the castle. 
-> He didn’t help you with your homework
-> You didn’t cheer him on in his Quidditch games 
💫 Sirius approached you one day in the library
-> “Hiding from my brother in the library? Not a very good spot, love.”
-> “What do you want, Black?”
-> “Ouch, last names. What’d I ever do to you.”
-> You took a steadying breath – you wanted to lash out at him, but he was right, he wasn’t the one who hurt you
-> “What do you want?” you tried again
-> “We’re mean…the Black’s. We don’t…treat people very well. I don’t mean to make excuses; there is no excuse. But we weren’t treated very well ourselves. It takes a lot of unlearning.”
->You stared into his eerily similar grey eyes. “Is that all?”
-> “Hurt people, hurt people. And it’s usually the people we love the most, because they’re there. It’s not right, but I just thought you should know.” He offered you a sad smile and a squeeze of your shoulder before he left.
->You understood what he was saying, but it didn’t make you feel any better
💫 One of your housemates approached you with a package the next day. “You weren’t at breakfast, and the owl seemed very upset she couldn’t deliver this, so I promised her I’d bring this to you.”
-> It was a small square shaped package – pure white paper with a black bow on it 
-> Inside was a small charm bracelet – silver – with one charm on it. A purple hyacinth. Constancy, regret, sincerity. 
-> You shoved the bracelet in its box and into your bag and carried on with the rest of your day.
💫 “Y/N?” You heard him call quietly as he rapped twice on the door to the empty classroom you were holed up in 
-> You turned to look at him with a glare you’re sure could have rivalled one of his
-> “I was hoping we could talk.” He continued as he made his way inside.
-> “Why? You think a gift makes everything okay again?”
-> Regulus grimaced as he sat across from you. “I’m not great at apologies.”
-> You scoffed. “Yeah, seeing as you haven’t actually made one…” You sat in an awkward sort of stare off before you shook your head and moved to pack your things
-> “Y/N, wait please. I-” he reached across the table and gently grabbed your wrist. You could see a small portion of a silver chain (matching the charm bracelet you had in your bag) on his wrist. “I’m sorry…I, I was wrong.”
-> You stopped your packing and watched him as he searched for the right words 
-> “You saved my life that night. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. I shouldn’t have blamed you for anything – I should have just thanked you. Better yet, I should have told you how much I love you.”
-> You felt your breath catch in your throat. “love me?” you whispered
-> Regulus nodded and pulled out two charms from his pocket: a yellow lily (gratitude) and a rose…that one was pretty self explanatory.
-> You pulled out the box from your bag and allowed Regulus to attach the charms and clasp it on your wrist.
-> “I don’t think I’m going to ever be as good at loving you as you deserve, and I know I’m not easy to love, but I’m hoping you’ll give me a chance to try.”
-> You saw nothing but earnestness and determination in his eyes
-> “I forgive you.”
💫 Regulus is a HUGE gift giver – really the only way he ever saw ‘love’ (or the Black’s messed up version of it) was through giving/receiving gifts. So that’s the best way he was able to express his love for you 
💫 You quickly learned that his love language (the way he received it) was through words of affirmation. He didn’t have anyone tell him he was loved, cherished, and appreciated growing up – you flustered him every time you complimented him. You delighted in the raging blush he’d get, especially if you whispered something in front of his friends. 
-> You also gifted him his own charms for his bracelet that matched yours
💫 On nights you couldn’t sleep, you’d meet him in the Astronomy tower where he’d teach you the constellations and the mythology behind them.
💫 Black’s are very territorial, but I don’t see Regulus being super loud about it. Like he wouldn’t make loud proclamations of ‘ownership’ or love, but he’d always be there
-> Think, staring hard at the other person flirting with you in the Great Hall
-> Taking a lock of your hair and moving it behind your ear or just twirling it between his fingers if someone looks at you too long 
💫 This man is SO unapproachable to everyone 
-> Stony faced ALWAYS – major RBF
-> Scowls at people who stand too closely to him, talk too loudly, say something dumb 
-> Did not let anyone touch him. Ever. Barty gets too close at breakfast = Barty ends up ass over tea kettle on the stone floor. Sirius throws an arm over his shoulder = Sirius getting an elbow to the gut
💫 So, you could imagine everyone’s surprise that when you come up from behind him where he’s sitting, lazily throw your arms over his shoulders and run your fingers through his hair, the man is practically purring. The softest smiles and eyes no one ever thought Regulus Black was capable of when he looked at you
-> “It’s like a different person. This isn’t the real Regulus, just some freaky clone.” Sirius once said.
💫 You blew his mind introducing him to muggle movies 
-> He’s a crier at all sad parts – even animated movies
💫 And he kept his promise – you gave him the chance to try, and he spent the rest of his life trying to love you the way you deserved to be
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moonyspride · 11 months
remus: clothes would be a good start mate
peter: oh and definitely some boxers
peter: unless you wanna go commando
sirius: jamie… please don’t turn up in your birthday suit to take my brother on a date
remus: reggie might like that though
sirius: don’t speak so daft remus
sirius: reggie doesn’t like naked bodies. he’s too young.
peter: he’s a year younger?
remus: sirius. question.
sirius: yes my moonage daydream?
remus: did you like the look of naked bodies last year when you were 17?
sirius, winking: i liked the sight of a naked you
peter: *walks out*
remus: padfoot.
sirius: oh come on. you practically gave me that one.
james: i mean you kinda did.
james: anyways. you’ve been no help at all.
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bunny-1111 · 2 months
Mattheo Riddle head canons
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physical touch is his love language
doesn't like to talk about his family or childhood AT ALL
had a pet bat growing up
throws up when he drinks to much, everytime
is an exceptionally good flyer
beater on the Slytherin team obvi
has major beef with the Weasley twins
listens to Chase Atlantic
was never the relationship type before you
he is very skilled at charms
he is always watching, nothing goes unnoticed by Mr Riddle
usually stays at hogwarts for the holidays, hates being home
loves getting you flustered
speaks parseltongue
leaves "accidentally" his hoodies and sweatshirts behind at your dorm so he can see you in them the next day
forces you to pluck his eyebrows
gets pissed off when he doesn't see you enough
if you guys are in seperate classes he'll walk into your class saying dumbledore sent him to collect you, then steal you away from classes for the rest of the day
he gets whatever he wants all he has to do is smile
he doesn't enjoy studying
avoids the library like a plague
you have to clean him up after he gets into fights
wont tolerate anyone saying a single bad thing about you - guy or girl he dgaf
during winter when no one is watching he forces you to make snow angels with him... he would deny it if anyone asks
Part 2 here
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florsial · 6 months
Jegulus' first date wasn't even intentional. They had been in a weird flirting stage for a couple of months in the beginning. But it became official when James saw Regulus in Hogsmeade by himself right before it started pouring. The two of them ran into the nearest building to wait out the pouring rain. The building turns out to have been Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop so they spent their time there waiting.
At the end, James was like, "Should I consider this our first date as boyfriends?"
And Regulus was like, "...You know, sure."
That's how their first date went.
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Regulus: (in a moment of late night weakness) Would you still love me?
Regulus: hmm?
James: If what?
Regulus: (buring his head into James' neck) No, that was the question...
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chaoticgaywitch · 10 months
james is donna. harry is sophie, getting married and reading his father’s diary. he realizes that his father is lonely after james and lily amicably split because lily realized she was in love with mary. there are three people his father writes about- remus, sirius, and regulus. from the way he writes about them, harry can’t tell which one he was in love with. (this is because harry’s a dumbass. it’s very obvious.) so harry invites them to his wedding. james finds out. harry still can’t tell who’s the one his father’s in love with (but again this is solely because harry’s a dumbass. we all know james gets heart eyes every time he sees reg.) at the wedding, the usual stuff happens. harry realizes he doesn’t wanna get married, james realizes he DOES wanna get married. SIRIUS is the one who sings “take a chance” to remus.
thanks for coming to my ted talk, i’m obsessed with this actually (I MIGHT WRITE AN ACTUAL FIC???)
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yourgalgremlin · 5 months
Regulus Black having to pretend he hates the Marauders because he’s banging the hottest 1 :
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Meow 📢🐈‍⬛
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enbysiriusblack · 2 years
jegulily are nerds. huge, giant, nerds. but in very different ways.
lily is a nerd in the sense she spends most of her time in the library, planning her career and studying for classes, obsessing over fictional books, playing chess, reading lord of the rings a million times, practices potion making for fun and likes to make the same potion over and over, gets excited over quidditch stats and making types of plays but finds watching the actual game boring
regulus is a nerd in the sense he obsesses over classical music and relentlessly learns compositions, secretly loves classic romance books and uses them to work out how to socialise, spends all his time studying or on independent projects usually related to something in one of his classes, was ojce given a cigarette and his first thought was to dissect it open
james is a nerd in the sense he obsessively watched star wars over and over and then brought every piece of merch he could find, always gets top marks in everything, willingly reads extremely high level transfiguration books for fun all the time, spends all day working out quidditch stats, and had a map making phase as a kid (which he still has)
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accio-sriracha · 16 days
Shouting From the Rooftops.
A Jegulus Oneshot
(Prompt: Try. From a random word generator.)
~~~ ~~~
"We can't go through this again, James. I gave you my final answer." Regulus hissed as they walked through the corridors to the Slytherin dungeons.
James persisted anyways, nearly having to jog to keep up with Regulus' brisk pace, "I don’t understand why you hate the idea so much. I thought you liked being with me?"
Regulus groaned, "I do, you know I do, but what you're asking is impossible."
"What's so impossible about this? We're already seeing each other in secret, Reggie. I don't want to hide my feelings for you anymore!"
James knew he was being too loud, he didn't care. So what if people over heard him? So what if people stared?
James was in love with Regulus.
And he wasn't ashamed of that.
"Keep your voice down." Regulus muttered, "You shouldn't let people hear you. You know what they would think-"
"I don't care what they think."
"I care. Did you ever think about that?" He snapped. James scoffed,
"Why the hell do you think I've kept my mouth shut for the last three months?" He stopped walking, needing to catch his breath.
Regulus came to a stop just in front of him, staring at him with the hardened expression James had grown used to whenever they talked in public.
James sighed, "I want to see your smile, and not just in your bedroom. I want to sit with you in the sun and laugh and be who we are without all of these fucking secrets."
"These secrets are what's keeping you from being harassed by the entire school." Regulus rose an eyebrow, "I won't put my infatuations above your safety. No matter how much you beg."
"And what if I don't get harassed? What if nobody cares? Your brother is gay. He's been openly dating Remus for three years and nobody gives a shit about them."
"They're different-" Regulus started.
"How? Because you're a Slytherin? Because I'm a Gryffindor? Merlin, if people really cared that much about inter-house relationships you'd think there'd be a lot less of them, wouldn't you?"
"No. I'm not finished." He huffed, "I don't want to hide you anymore. I want to take you to hogsmeade with me and my friends. I want to buy you butterbeer and be ridiculously fucking corny and hold doors open for you and give you my jumpers when you're cold. I want those things with you, Reggie."
"I want them too. It's not that I don’t..."
"Then why won't you just try?"
Regulus exploded then, "Because I can't! You know I can't! This is wrong, I-"
"Why?" James asked, cutting him off, "Who says this has to be wrong? Who says I can't love you exactly how you're supposed to be loved? Who says you're not allowed to love me back?"
"What about my brother?" He whispered, "What about Sirius? You're just going to waltz up and tell him you've been seeing me in secret?"
"Why not?"
"I'm not going to be the one to tell him i've been sneaking around with his best friend behind his back!"
"Then I'll tell him! I will gladly be the one to tell him the good news, because that's what this is. This is the best thing that's ever happened to me, Reg. Sirius is my best friend and I hate keeping things from him. You know how badly I've wanted to tell him about you."
"He'll never forgive us." Regulus looked away, "He won't understand. I'm his brother, your his best friend."
"He'll understand. I know he will. Just give me a day. Please. Just one day. If you don't like it we can pretend to break up, I swear."
James kept going, not wanting to hear whatever excuse he came up with this time,
"I want to love you, Regulus. I want to walk down the halls holding your hand. I want to scream at the top of my lungs from the towers that you're mine. I want to give you the entire fucking world. Please just let me try."
There was a long silence. James tilted Regulus' chin so they met eyes. Regulus' were brimming with tears,
"Fine." He whispered, his voice breaking, "We can try."
And that was all the confirmation James needed.
He kissed him. It was deep and agonozingly beautiful. He kissed him until neither of them could remember how to breathe.
"I love you." He whispered against Regulus' lips, "And I don't care who knows it."
Regulus knew he should hesitate, he should look around to make sure nobody was watching, but something about the way James was smiling at him, something in the earnestness in his voice made him soften,
"I love you too, Jamie." He murmured.
And they kissed again. Right there in the middle of the hall.
They went straight to the Gryffindor common room, Regulus' restless hand tucked neatly in James' sure one.
When they told the others, Sirius was the first to hug them, congratulating them on coming out.
"We've known for a while, mate." Sirius smiled, ruffling James' hair, "It's good you finally felt ready to tell us."
The rest of their friends followed suit in congratulating them, the room was filled with smiles and laughter. James had never felt so happy.
And that was it.
From that point on the pair of them went everywhere together, they ate their meals side by side, they took strolls by the lake with their fingers intertwined. They went to The Three Broomsticks and everyone could see James holding open the door for him, putting down the money for both of their drinks as Regulus fidgeted with the tag on his jumper, the tag that read J.F.P.
And if you happened to hear shouting that sounded an awful lot like James Potter's voice coming from the astronomy tower, it's best to keep walking, he'll be there for a while.
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James and Regulus in the forbidden forest
Regulus: How do you know this place was sacred?
James: That’s obvious
Regulus: Pretend it isn’t
James: Everything here … is so full of life. Every tree, every leaf, every insect
James: It’s as if the world is vibrating. As if everything is much more than itself.
Regulus: You feel all that?
James (smiling softly): Don’t you?
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a-great-tragedy · 3 months
Since in a lot of jegulus fics Lily is just there to serve as something to build James’s character lets make Marylily fics were James is just there to carry Lily’s books
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Jegulus star crossed lovers trope, except they're not ACTUALLY star-crossed, they just think they are.
James and Regulus are like, super grossly in love and shit, but they're determined that Sirius will be furious. Because after Sirius ran away, Regulus became a taboo subject among the Marauders, so James thinks Sirius will feel betrayed when he finds out. And he'd never want to hurt his best friend, but he also can't give up his boyfriend. And then there's Regulus, who really misses his brother, and doesn't want to risk making things worse by "stealing" James from him.
Meanwhile, camera flip to Sirius, who knows about James' feelings, and is desperately plotting to get him and Reggie together. Because James is his best friend, and he wants more than anything for James to be happy. And because, while he's sure Reggie hates him for leaving, he desperately wants a chance to make it up to his brother. Also, of all the people who could date his baby brother, he'd rather it be James, who he knows will treat Reggie right. (It also means Reg isn't dating that Crouch boy, which is a plus).
So we see Sirius masterminding James and Regulus into more and more compromising situations. But they're both so determined not to give anything away that it never works. The plans get more outlandish, but Reg and James just think they have awful luck hiding from Sirius, and Sirius thinks Reggie is just oblivious.
Cut to Remus, who knows everything, staring into the camera like he's on The Office. He has weekly bitch sessions with Lily to update her on the lack of process the three idiots have made. (In return, Lily rants about how Marlene and Dorcas still haven't realized that they don't hate each other, they just don't know how to process their very gay feelings for each other, so they won't get together, damnit).
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herlittlel0ve · 1 year
Jeggy Date
James is pacing around the room in nothing but his pants a pair of socks and a open Hawaiian shirt "What about this one?" he asks looking around at his friends. "Reggie would like this right? I think it's great"
"a Hawaiian shirt? Are you being seri-sincere right now?" Remus throws a questioning look at him
He looks down at his shirt again "What-I okay your right it's stupid" he takes the shirt off and is digging through the clothes on his bed again. "What about this one?" He asks as he pulls out a yellow jumper. "Yellows a good color right?"
"yeah if you're a flower" Peter chucks on the side of Remus "You're gonna blind him mate"
"Okay-okay what about this one?" He throws on a navy blue flannel " It's nice right?"
"are you gonna leave it open like that?" Sirius asks
"I can pull it off open rights?" He's shaking his head
"Reg would love that" Remus chuckles quietly
"What-no James change please for my baby brothers innocence" he says while gagging
"Okay fine what about this one" he pulls on a white t-shirt and looks at his mates
"it's see through James" Peter kindly says
"What no it's not" me looks at the shirt and presses it into his chest "Damnit it is"
"You're really overthinking this mate. If you waste anymore time you're gonna be late" Remus says while Sirius starts gagging again dramatically
As if on cue Regulus interrupts from where he was leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed "Yeah you don't wanna keep your date waiting do you Jamie?"
James whips around so hard he thinks he gave himself whiplash. He can barely make out Regulus shape if he squints due to the fact his glasses are on the bed from all the shirt changes. "How long have you been standing there" He asks embarrassed.
"Around the opened flannel" James groans and covers his face.
Regulus walks towards the bed where all James clothes are, and picks out a red shirt along with a pair of brown trousers that are so dark their almost black and hands them to James. "Remus is right you're overthinking this; change darling" he says as he pecks him on the lips erupting a groan from Sirius.
He walks towards James's night stand where he keeps is jewelry and comes back with a necklace just as James finished putting the clothes on. He turns James around after putting the necklace on him and holds his face in place as he pecks him again. "Now I'm gonna go down stairs and wait outside of the portrait for you. When you come out I'm gonna complement your outfit and act like I wasn't the one who picked it out okay?" All James can do is nod.
Regulus waves to all the guys and goes to walk out of the room. "Where the black shoes please not your red ones the red ones will clash" He says as he closes the door. As soon as the door shuts and he hears Regulus foot steps fade away he looks at his friends. "I'm gonna marry him" he says with a absolute blisses out expression. Sirius gags are getting drown out by laughter.
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bunny-1111 · 2 months
Theodore Nott Fanfic - navigation <3
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Dark Marks and Forbidden Hearts
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Dark Marks and forbidden hearts - Briar, Theodore, Draco, Matteo, Lorenzo, Pansy, and Blaise—are thrust into the perilous world of dark magic when the Dark Lord recruits them in the summer of 1996. With the weight of their families' expectations and the threat of war looming, they must navigate the thin line between loyalty and resistance. As they face an impossible task, the group must decide whether to succumb to the allure of power or fight for their souls before the darkness consumes them.
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theyrealllesbians · 1 month
Chapter 3 has just been posted!!
Go read it, this is where the drama starts!!
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James gives the best hugs. Like the worlds best hugs.
Surprise hugs from the behind, excited hugs where he’d lift him off the ground, comforting hugs which he could sink into, tired hugs where James would lean on him and bleed warmth.
James was a hugger. He always had been.
Regulus loved it when they hugged.
He spent too long being jealous of other people to not spend every second he could get his hands on hugging James.
Regulus regrets not hugging him more. He should of used all the time he spent worrying about everything hugging James.
He was a fool not to.
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