#dcamu edit
shaahrazad · 1 year
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FaceDance app moves my edit of Arella version of (DCAMU) 🤍💜
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psychostxr · 1 year
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joyisoverparty · 4 months
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Batman: Assault on Arkham (2014)
Every adaptation of Harleen Quinzel, a never-ending list [16/?]
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Black Canary in animation
Justice League Unlimited // Batman: The Brave and the Bold // DC Showcase: Green Arrow // Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths // Young Justice // MAD // Green Arrow // Vixen // Justice League Action // Teen Titans GO! // Justice Society: World War II // Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes and Huntsmen Part Two // Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part Three
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kstarlitchaotics · 11 months
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I don't get tired of this. Everything is just comically golden for at least with their situations. After talking with Gordon, here you have a feral child literally thinking he can decide life or death on a person even if it's someone who he doesn't particularly like. Meanwhile you have an angry main bat and sassy former original bird. And knowing the receiving end of his wrath once in a while he's enjoying this too much. They're not even brothers at this moment yet, they are already kind of acting like it lmao.
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DC decrees that J*nathan, and only J*nathan is allowed to be Damian's best friend and no other character in their entire lineup is ever allowed to bond with him or else that universe must be destroyed.
Another truth nuke for y'all.
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soranatus · 1 year
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Justice League Unlimited (2006)
Batman: Brave and the Bold #4 (2009)
Wonder Woman: Bloodlines (2019)
Serving Up Justice #4 (2021)
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halfadozeneggs · 2 years
actually a bird and a bat… and idk if u can tell this is one of my fave dc movies too
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helena-thessaloniki · 7 months
Just dropping in to say that Silent Night has me in a chokehold I will likely never recover from and that you are awe-spiringly talented!! (new chapter is *chef's kiss*) I believe I speak for the damirae fandom when I say the wait for your updates is sweet torture and reading is an absoLUTE delight 🩷
If you don't mind questions ofc, I am super curious as to how you found damirae and got inspired to write for it! The DCAMU community size has nothing on popular anime fandoms, so I'd love to hear how it started 🥰 Your grasp on their deep and compelling characters is so immaculate (+ the heartwrenchingly articulate writing style??🩷) 😍😍 ugh love it to the moon and back!!
ahhh hi !! Thank you so much. It's pretty much terrifying posting a new story in a new fandom, so I really appreciate this. 🖤
yes! Always open to questions. :] the various algothirms must have targeted me, because I've always seen such great art for damirae, I didn't realize it was a smaller fandom and something of a rare pair on Ao3. Silent Night definitely draws inspiration from gorgeous artwork by @kasieli.
Looking back, there's a chance that damirae was my first childhood OTP? I grew up watching the early 2000s Teen Titans and shipped Raven and Robin before my little kid brain could properly understand anything about romance. I have not rewatched the show as an adult, but this is such a fantastic edit by @unlikely-alliance. I mean, it's a cartoon but their chemistry and closeness is out of this world.
Then sometime last year I got hit hard with the Marvel fatigue. (DC too, but admittedly, I didn't give the Titans live-action show a chance, too afraid they botched Raven.) The comics, movies, and animated shows were such a quintessential part of my childhood, so it was kind of upsetting to realize I was so tired and uninspired by it all. Trying to reclaim some of that old joy, I guess, led me to start rewatching Justice League and working through the DC catalogue on HBO/Max. Instead of watching in order, though, I went straight for the Teen Titans movies, knowing ahead of time from tumblr that Robin/Raven would be canon this time. 😏
Probably my writing of them is more inspired by the old cartoon, but we only get the complexity of Robin-Damian Wayne because of the DCAMU and I am so grateful for it. The way it makes them make so much sense as the only two people who could properly understand and deeply care for the other creates such a dream pairing.
Thank you again 🥰🖤 this is the most absolutely self-indulgent fic I have ever written and posted, I'm so surprised and grateful for such a positive response.
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apocalypse-shuffle · 2 years
HAL JORDAN | GREEN LANTERN (dcamu | generalized canon)
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“Montra” (Hal Jordan x Fem!Reader)
| Hal’s bored but you're really good at capturing his attention (and you’ve been dancing around one another for a while now so why stop now?)
| SFW, gala, infatuated!hal, planning a first date, mutual attraction, reader has short hair (kinda)
| Montra: Olea europaea 'Montra' or the olive in shrub form. (Pic source: Justice League: Throne Of Atlantis animated movie)
| This May be my New Years post (I’m trying) so if it is ✨Happy 2023!✨if I didn’t make it on time then ignore the new year thing (edit: I didn’t make it) I can say this is for Valentine’s Day tho!💚
| 2k+ words
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Hal is bored out of his mind. Which Bruce had clearly anticipated now that he thought about it. The man had left him alone with a very pointed ‘don’t break anything’ right before they entered the event as guests of honor. Hal had thought Spooky was being ridiculous, he was a grown man, but currently he wasn’t so sure.
Over the course of the night, as even John started to dryly tease him about how much of a brat he was being - and Hal left him alone because he was not going to be bullied - Hal heard Bruce’s words ring truer and truer.
Like a kid he was waiting for the perfect opportunity to mess something up enough that he could be released. As PR supervisor you’d probably get on him about it but he secretly loved when you chewed him out, it was the most attention he got from you and you were very sexy. Even if you did scare him sometimes.
Ultimately you’d put him in a side room until he could leave with the rest of the League and he was more than game for that. The event was for a good cause, don’t get him wrong, but there was only so much gawking one man not at all used to the spotlight while in a rented Armani suit instead of his uniform could handle.
He's tucked himself away by the bar and it’s worked fairly well to keep him out of sight. After all, the only thing that could indicate he wasn’t just some regular smuck was his lantern mask, and all he had to do was keep his head low to hide that. Problem was, that meant he couldn’t talk to anybody without garnering attention. He’s so damn bored he’s started stealing the olives from people’s drinks, snickering as they walk off without noticing.
Okay so he was a bit of a child.
It’s on his sixth go at snatching the olive from some guy's martini that you show up. One second he’s got his hands on a toothpick speared with the motherload of olives and the next his hand is being smacked.
The olives are almost lost to the air as he snatches his right hand away, but his left hand manages to catch it just in time.
“Ow!” he gives you a wide eyed look. “What was that for?”
His small exclamation makes you roll your own eyes, and he resents that a little, he does.
“Lantern, what are you doing?”
You lean against the bar and he can’t help the way his eyes catch on what you’re wearing. It complemented your figure quite nicely.
He clears his throat. “You reserve no right to ask me that question after you just hit me.”
“I reserve every right when you insist on acting like a right fool. What’re you even doing here? You should be on the floor mingling.”
Hal rolls his eyes as you flag down the bartender.
“I mingled for two whole hours, that tires a man out, so I did the responsible adult thing and hid.”
You order before turning back to him and his mind instantly wonders what you’d look like giving him that narrow eyed look in the bedroom. He goes a little pink. Jesus, that’s an image.
“Oh, you're the model of responsibility. Stealing olives is heightened sophistication.”
Hal winks at you, “I hear it’s all the rage with nobility.” and pops the three olives into his mouth.
“And if somebody saw and snapped a picture? There is no nobility here, Lantern.”
He realizes it’s kind of your job to care about how he looks to the public, you were made the PR representative for the Justice League after one too many smear campaigns led by Luther and you were damn good at your job, but he had a thing about being told what to do. He could admit that to himself very readily.
“So what? I get a slap on the wrist and a go get ‘em’ tiger.” He sighs dramatically, “Hardly seems fair.”
Your laugh comes out in a huff as you accept your martini. He points to it.
“Thought you didn’t like martinis?”
You scrunch up your nose; he thinks it’s adorable.
“I don’t, but I hate champagne even more and I need to look the part,” you raise the glass to him slightly. “So I’ll tough it out.”
You pluck the toothpick and olive out of your drink and hand it to him, taking the tiniest sip possible.
He accepts the olive quite happily and eats it. He ends up choking on the damn thing as you gag and he bursts into laughter however.
“Laugh it up, fly boy. You’re still going back on the floor.”
Hal shuts up real quick and you smile at him.
He can’t help but pout when you tug on his sleeve. Flopping off of the bar stool with a huff but allowing you to link your arm with his.
You pull him back into the crowd and Hal kind of wants to whine (just a bit) but you do smell nice, and the heat of your body pressed up against his side makes him flush a little.
Someone beckons you over, she’s a big investor he’s aware of that much, and he goes along with you because he’s got nothing better to do and if he tried to leave he was sure you’d just pull him back anyway. Plus he’s more than happy to bask in your presence.
He leans over, “Do I at least get something for being bossed around?”
You hum at his whisper and the woman finally takes notice of exactly who’s attached to your arm and waves to him excitedly. Hal smiles at her, but it dissipates quickly once her attention’s back on you.
“Like what?”
You hide your response, whispering more to his shoulder than anything, before immediately moving forward to shake the investor’s hand.
As you’re exchanging pleasantries back and forth Hal gladly lets himself fade into the background. Being at these galas always makes him feel moot; out of his element. It’s just that he’d much rather feel like he’s doing something: treaty negotiations, rebuilding efforts, saving people from falling debris and punching bad guys than smiling at people.
Shaking hands so that big decision makers remember to think about the League come elections.
Observing you it’s not hard to see that unlike him you are in your element like this. You’ve been soft spoken since the day he met you but you’ve always been able to capture someone’s attention when you needed to get a job done. It was admirable.
You went up against the League’s opposers almost everyday with nothing but dry wit and the smile you’re giving the investor right now. She asked about something to do with Calendars for Christ (whatever the fuck that was) and going off of your face you were clearly displeased by it so all you did was stonewall her.
Your hair is short so nothing moves at the top of your head except the ornate earrings you're wearing, green jewels bordered by diamonds that catch the light every time you move.
He kind of likes you in green. It dances off of the brown of your skin nicely. He wonders if you’d ever let him use the ring on you. Was the ring designed for shibari? No. But he was willing to make his constructs wrap around like that for you.
Would you be frightened by something so alien or would you jump at the chance to explore it?
Mm. He wants to find out.
The dress you’re wearing is a black gown with big flowing pleats on the bottom, your heels clack every time you shift your feet even though he can’t see them, and all your jewelry is a stark emerald that catches the eye. Simple, elegant, and with the unintended effect of making the two of you look together.
It hadn’t crossed his mind until someone else came over to crash your three person circle and made a comment that he picked up on. You don’t say anything but he’s sure you’ve heard it by the way your jaw clenches before you turn into him.
“Seems we’re garnering quite the buzz,” he says before you can.
You glare up at him. “Seems so. Now answer my earlier question.”
He thinks it over, eyes roving across your face as you stare him down. You weren’t a very physically intimidating woman but the power you held was certainly scary enough.
If he fucked up you could make his life a lot harder.
“How about you let me take you out and I do whatever you want for the rest of the night?” at your dubious look he rushes to keep talking. “Plus, I mean, you did say you needed someone to convince Senator Parker not to go through with Luther’s fake alien communication efforts.”
He raises his eyebrows up at you in invitation and you squint.
“And who better than the space police to delegitimize his cause, hmm? The wealthy love their law enforcement.” You slowly nod your head. “Alright you can take me out, but I don’t skate and I’m putting you to work for it.”
“Deal,” Hal smiles at you and holds his hand out for y’all to shake on it. “I will happily follow your lead.”
True to your word you put him to work right after that. Excusing yourselves from the group that formed around you and then dragging him off to sweet talk Parker right from under Lex’s arm.
He honestly revels in the nasty look Luther shoots your way as you ply the senator with promises of strengthening his image and sly pokes about making correct decisions.
“Do you really want to place the public's trust in you on a man that can’t seem to keep himself out of maximum security prison? What about his latest ploys before he bribed his way back out of confinement says you can trust his claims, Senator?”
You touch the man’s arm and Hal glares at the way it makes him lean into you.
“You were voted into office because of your care for the people, and today I need you to follow through. There are lives in your hands, Senator Parker, all I’m asking is that you think about them before you choose who to listen to.”
You point over to Hal and he can tell that’s his que. When he comes over he isn’t really thinking when he wraps his arm around your waist, effectively causing Parker to back away from you. You don’t move away from him though, and when he glances at you you only nod towards the senator.
He smiles and moves to shake the other’s hand.
“Hello, Senator Parker, I’m one of Earth's resident Green Lanterns and I can assure you that the inhabitants of other planets closest to us don't want some tacky space outreach center being built on their land.”
“Then what do they want Mr. Green Lantern?”
Hal starts to snicker, but you must feel him beginning to shake because there’s an elbow in his side soon after and he rushes to suck it back in.
“I can assure you it’s not humans flaunting our giant superiority complexes.”
He watches how Parker side eyes Luther before getting closer to him, and cheers in his head. His smile widens even more at the honest look that takes over the man’s face.
“Safe, effective and honest communication. That’s all they want. Impeding on their planets isn’t the way to accomplish that,” he chuckles. “And it’ll be waaay less money.”
“Thank you, Ms. L/n for knocking some sense into me. Luther can be very…persuasive but I won’t be making that mistake again,” he turns to nod at Hal. “I also greatly appreciate your input Lantern, I’ll keep your words in mind.”
The two of you stop at a small alcove after Hal exchanges emails with Senator Parker with the stipulation that he remembers Hal’s only earthside every so often and won’t be able to respond immediately.
“You’re really good at that,” Hal divulges.
You raise an eyebrow in question while going through your phone with hurried swipes. From his angle all Hal can make out is a calendar peppered with a sequence of bright colors. He elaborates with a shrug.
“I just didn’t expect the conversation with Captain Cowlick over there to be so…civil.”
The corner of your mouth upticks wryly and you slip your phone into your pocket while turning to him.
“Why, because I’m black? I was supposed to get angry? Start yelling, maybe?”
Hal trips over the shiny unblemished marble floor.
“No! That’s not what I meant at all,” he waves his hands around to accentuate his point. “I only meant I expected Lex to stomp over and get all passive aggressive since, you know, he hates when people mess with his toys. He’s a giant asshole -and I trust your abilities completely…”
He glances at you, eyes wide and another string of apologies on the tip of his tongue, before he notices the twinkle in your eyes. He bites his lip.
“You’re messing with me aren’t you?”
You blink and instantly the mirth in your eyes dissipates, replaced with the stern yet benign look you dawned when confronting politicians and the press alike.
“Of course not Lantern. I was simply pointing out how your words could be misconstrued.”
Oh, you were definitely messing with him. He feels his lips tug up and shoves his thumbs in the loops of his pants. He leans a little in front of you as you both continue moving so you can see the dubious raise of his brows.
“And that’s the only reason?”
You give a derisive nod. “Mhm.”
Hal finds himself bouncing as he walks. If this was how you acted with him on the job he couldn’t wait to find out what you’d be like outside of work. If you were willing to joke around, even if it was at his expense, it pointed to you not just saying yes out of pity or self preservation. Which-
“You know you don’t have to go out with me just cause I’m the one who asked, right?”
“I’m well aware,” you chirp. “And besides, The Bat is my boss. Not you. If you tried to force my hand he’d slap your pasty ass with a suspension and put you on review real quick.”
Hal blinks, a little surprised at what you’d said, before deciding that -yeah- Spooky would totally do all that. Not that Hal would ever force yours or anyone’s hands for anything so paltry, but still.
“Good, I’m glad,” is what he settles on. “Just making sure.”
You make your way around in silence for a while after that. Hal finds himself going over his mental to-do list and squeezing you in. He was rarely earthside for long stretches of time so he always rushed to run errands during whatever “break” he did have.
He puts the date with you between two possible slots. The night after he checks his PO Box and restocks his food supply of nonperishables -he’d neglected the grocery store the last two times he was home and his kitchen now was depressingly barren- y’all could do dinner or he could do lunch with you in between his morning League meeting and scheduled training sessions.
The two of you find a small alcove cut off from everyone else to stop at and you lightly elbow Hal in his side before taking a step so you’re standing across from him.
“You were pretty good back there by the way,” you raise your eyebrows. “In another life you might’ve made a brilliant politician.”
“Oh god no,” Hal shakes his head with a guffaw as you titter at him; his plans could wait, that was disgusting.
“What? Too dishonest?”
“Too soulless. I like being a mediator, saving people is something I love. I wouldn’t give that and the feeling of flying up for anything.”
“That’s great Hal,” you look him in the eyes.
“We appreciate it.”
Hal smiles at you, leaning into your space.
“Yeah? That ‘we’ include you?”
You nod and get closer to him in tandem.
“Uh huh. You think I work for you guys because I don’t?”
Hal shakes his head.
“You don’t seem like the type of woman to waste your time like that.”
“Exactly. When I do something I do it in full.”
The tips of your noses touch as you breath in each other’s air. He can see your eyes dilate like this and the ring buzzes to alert him of his rising heart rate as he looks all over your face for what feels like the twentieth time tonight.
His throat clicks as he swallows. “Does that apply to us too?”
“It could.”
“Alright, that’s fair. How can I make that answer an absolute?”
He holds eye contact with you, smirk lighting up his face as he watches the way you stumble over your response then frown lightly. You school your expression into something more composed.
You get even closer afterward, lips ghosting over his own, as you reply.
“Let’s see how that date goes, first.”
At your whisper Hal starts to give in to your pull before he remembers something and moves back. Your face falls and he shakes his head.
“I just gotta-” he makes a jerking motion indicating both of you. “Are you feeling what I’m feeling?”
You grab him by the tie and pull him down. “Oh I’m feeling what you’re feeling alright.”
NOTES: Hope you enjoyed! This is not proofread because it’s fucking long and my attention span can only take so much so…✌🏾
(I am so unsure about my shit once I’m about to post it. Like I hate this now. Why do I do this to myself?)
Edit: Went back to edit some things and realized tumblr cut the end out so I had to add that. Just so y’all know. This app is really starting to piss me off.✌🏾
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shaahrazad · 2 years
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Another anonymous evening between Trigon and Arella…! ❤️💜
My (DCAMU) animated edit scene.
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psychostxr · 1 year
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joyisoverparty · 4 months
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Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay (2018)
Every adaptation of Harleen Quinzel, a never-ending list [26/?]
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rayfishandchips · 6 months
which dcau movie is that "it was me Barry" clip originally from?
someone please tell me
edit: found it. It's Justice league: the flashpoint paradox
thank you @i-think-ill-miss-you-forever for telling me in comments :)
second edit: Flashpoint paradox is SO GOOD gotta be my fav dcamu movie
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caliburn-the-sword · 1 year
you would not believe the way my heart stopped when my friend turned on her phone to show me an edit and went like "hey there's this guy called nightwing idk if you've heard of him". my entire life flashed before my eyes as a dc fan. ik her type so after delighting in the edit with her i introduced her jason todd. and then she turned around and made all her friends also watch the jason todd edit. and then they wanted to hear everything about him and they let me infodump jason's entire backstory. and then i got to explain the rest of the bat family tree. and then they asked for curated beginner friendly lists. so ofc i've pointed them in the direction of the dcamu, young justice my beloved, og teen titans because <robin3 and also bwfa. ONE OF THEM STARTED READING BWFA RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES. and now we're gonna have a movie night for the dcamu. i can't believe i converted a bunch of non dc watchers/readers into dc fans. is this what evangelicals feel like?? because i think i get it now
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a-soft-creature · 2 years
The DC Animated Multiverse.
Hannah barbera  - Filmation Universe:
The Adventures of Superboy
The Adventures of Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder
The New adventures of Superman
The Atom
The Flash
Green Lantern
Teen Titans
The Justice league of America
The Brady Kids
The New Scooby-Doo Movies
The Superfirends
The New Adventures of Batman
Teen Titans - Just Say No.
Ruby Spears
Ruby Spears The Plastic Man Comedy/Adventure Show
DC Animated Universe: (90's and 00's cartoons)
Batman the Animated Series
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm [movie]
Superman the Animated Series
The New Batman Adventures
Batman and Mr Freeze: Sub Zero [movie]
Superman: Brainiac Attacks (debatable cannon) [movie]
Justice League
Gotham Girls (Flash Webtoon)
Lobo (Flash Webtoon)
Static Shock
Justice League Unlimited (don't watch epilogue)
Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman [movie]
Batman: Chase Me (short)
Batman and Harley Quinn [movie]
Justice League vs the Fatal Five [movie]
Batman Beyond
The Zeta Project
Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker [movie]
Justice League Unlimited (epilogue episode)
Justice League: Gods and Monsters
Stand alone series: (not connected to anything else)
Swampt Thing
1993 - Wonder woman and the star riders pilot
Duck Dodgers
The Aquaman & Friends Action Hour
Krypto the Superdog
DC nation
Beware the Batman
Green Lantern the Animated Series
Young Justice
Justice League Action
DC Superhero Girls
Harley Quinn
Aquaman: king of Atlantis
Plastic man Pilo for Cartoon network
Scooby-Doo! And Quess Who? And Scooby-Doo! And Krypto, Too!
DC Batwheels
Stand Alone Movies: (not connected to anything else)
Superman: Doomsday
Justice League: New Frontier
Wonder Woman (Commemorative Edition)
Green Lantern: First Flight
Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths
Superman/Shazam: The Return of Black Atom
All Star Superman
Green Lantern: Emerald Knights
Batman: Year One
Justice League: Doom
Superman vs the Elite
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns (Deluxe Edition)
Superman: Unbound
Justice League Adventures: Trapped in Time
Batman: The Killing Joke
Batman: Gotham by Gaslight
Batman: Ninja
Batman vs The Teeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Superman: Red Son
Deathstroke: Knights & Dragons
Batman: Soul of the Dragon
Catwoman: Hunted
DC League of Super-Pets
Space Jam 2
Shows with some connections:
Vixen (Arrowverse)
Legion of Super Heroes  
The Batman (2004), The Batman vs Dracula [movie]
Teen Titans, Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo [movie], Teen Titans Go!, Teen Titans Go! To the Movies [movie], Teen Titans Go! vs Teen Titans [movie]
Batman: Brave and the Bold, Scooby-Doo! & Batman: Brave and the Bold
DC Super Friends: The Joker's Playhouse Pilot and DC Super Friends Tv series
Movies with some connections:
Batman/Superman: Public Enemies, Batman Superman: Apokolips
Batman Under the Red Hood, Batman a Death in the Family
Batman: Gotham Knight (ties in to the Nolan Batman Trilogy)
Batman: Assault on Arkham (ties in to the Arkham video games)
Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts, Batman Unlimited: Monster Mayhem, Batman Unlimited: Mechs vs Mutants
Batman vs Two-Face (ties in to the 60's Adam West show)
Injustice (ties into the Injustice video games)
1. Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox.
2. Justice League: War
3. Son of Batman
4. Justice League: Throne of Atlantis
5. Batman and Robin
6. Batman: Bad Blood
7. Justice League Vs. Teen Titans
8. Justice League Dark
9. Teen Titans: The Judas Contract
10. Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay
11. The Death of Superman.
12. Reign of the Supermen
13. Batman: Hush
14. Wonder Woman: Bloodlines
15. Justice League Dark: Apokolips War
DCAMU: The Extras
Nightwing and Robin
Constantine: City of Demons
Teen Titans Go! vs. Teen Titans
DCAMU 2 - Tomorrow Verse
Superman: Man of Tomorrow (2020)
Justice Society: World War II (2021)
Batman: The Long Halloween (2021)
Green Lantern: Beware My Power (2022)
Legion of Super-Heroes (2023)
Justice League: Warworld
Adam Strange (2020)
Kamandi: The Last Boy on Earth! (2021)
Lego Batman: Bricks, Bats & Bad Guys (C) (2006)
LEGO Batman: The Movie - DC Superheroes Unite (2013)
LEGO DC Comics: Batman: Be-Leaguered (TV) (TV) (2014)
LEGO Batman vs. Superman (C) (2014)
LEGO DC Super Heroes: Justice League: Attack of the Legion of Doom! (2015)
DC Superhéroes LEGO: Liga de la Justicia versus Liga de Bizarro (2015)
LEGO – Liga de la Justicia: Batalla cósmica (2016)
Liga de la Justicia Lego: Escape de Ciudad Gótica (2016)
Lego Batman: la película (2017)
Lego DC Super Hero Girls: Brain Drain (2017)
Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: The Flash (2018)
Lego DC Super Hero Girls: Escuela de super villanas (2018)
LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes: Aquaman - Rage of Atlantis (2018)
LEGO DC: Batman - Family Matters (2019)
LEGO DC Shazam!: Magia y monstruos (2020)
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