#deppression sucks
pain-neverends-blog · 9 months
It’s worse than ever before and I don’t fucking know what to do
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violet-evers · 8 months
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I think I was riding adrenaline for almost 2 hrs playing Deep Rock Galactic.
And I failed the fucking mission....
And it was totally not worth it. I had to kill bugs that were so beautiful and get eggs out of this sack and it looked like blood and the noises were so real....
I feel hungover.... I've never played a game this intense that I feel frickin sick and sad.... Those flies were so cute and I couldn't get to the pod 😭 I died trying to go baaackkkk
I know rage quitting is common but is depression quitting a thing?
Oh God I'm gonna have nightmares about those bugs.....
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thebluespacecow · 4 months
What if
What if you looked at my dc oc. What then.
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glitter-kittie · 1 year
I’m so tired, I guess I’ve finally managed to push everyone away far enough for them to not care about me anymore. I hate myself for it but how can I trust on people if I feel like no one understands me. I thought I’d grow out of it, I thought getting a partner and new friends would help but I’ve never felt more alone in my entire life. No one gets me, and I failed to be there or even respond to the people that actually cared about me so I’m just left to be alone and empty. No one begins to understand me and no one even tries to listen. I’m tired of people trying to cheer me up or making me feel better by saying I’m strong or saying I’m beautiful. They don’t get it, they just want me to say “thank you” and move on. No one listens, no one understands I don’t feel okay and no one understands I don’t always want to be told I’m going to be okay. I’m tired of faking I like the advice people give me because it isn’t working and I just end up feeling worse.
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mrfoox · 1 year
Lucky for me I only got kind and well meaning people in my life. Because it would be so easy to convince me to do ANYTHING if you've made it into my friend circle
Oliver: do a few minutes of the plank before bed every day. I'll check if you did it or not
Me: -does it just to get praise-
And now
Oliver: watch the news at least once per day from now on
Me: will you check if I have? And will I get praise if I do?
Oliver: uh yeah?
Me: ok, I'm in
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willowswasteoftime · 2 years
Me, in denial: wow i'm so tierd all the damn time. Maybe I'm not getting enough vitamins or something.
My mother, a nurse with 30+ years of excperiense: Could very well be, but it might also be some sort of chronic fatuig. Wouldn't surprise me with your mental health issues and the fact that you are autistic. It’s common. This might sadly be a life long issue for you.
Me: You're likely not wrong, but you didn't have to say it...
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One comment
One comment from my father was all it took to destroy a day I actually enjoyed for the first time in a long time.
For the first time in months I was able to spend the day laughing, I didn’t once think of how useless I am, how lonely I feel, how alone I am in a house full of people, how disconnected I am from people on a whole, how much I want to cease existing, how annoying I am, how ugly I am, how naïve I am,……
Not once
All my father said was “you should stop making noise and acting like that” and I crumbled
I’m beginning to remember why I hide in my room, why I don’t talk often, why I prefer to stay by myself
I’m a bother
I’m a nuisance
I’m loud, annoying and sickening
I shouldn’t bother others with my existence, I should stay quiet
I’ll punish myself for forgetting, maybe I’ll go a little deeper as a reminder
I’m going to try and sleep now.
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booksare4ever · 10 months
What people don’t get, is that I DO want to see the future.
I think the future would be amazing and wonderful.
But I can’t deal with the now.
The present that keeps hurting me.
The present that seems to always hold a knife to my wrists in case the scars fade enough to wear short sleeves.
Yes, I want to know the future, but I fear that the present wont keep me alive for long enough to meet her.
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thatonesapphicfilipino · 10 months
i hate that i’m legit the depressed teen stereotype like
i’m dead inside
prob depression
slightly grunge when i wanna be
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losergirlmonologue · 2 years
I like to think this app helped me. A safe place I could write all my worrys. But now it's becoming a habit where I scratch my brain to find something to say. I need constant validation from this app and from people on here to feel better. It's all I want, I just want some validation from this app. It's going to get worse.
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banquetwriter · 5 months
୨୧ untitled ୨୧
pairing: Johnnie Guilbert ♡︎ Reader
warnings: ୭̥⋆*。 crying, major deppression
summary: ʚ you go through a depressive episode and Johnnie helps ɞ
Words: 1777
An: so this was horrible for me to write and I'm so so sorry
Guilt was racking through your body. You don't have any energy left in your body nowadays, it's the reason you haven't posted in almost two months. It's the reason your room and subsequent house are filthy. It's the reason why no matter how hard you try you never ever seem to fit in.
Your cheeks are tear-stained, and you haven’t washed your face in god knows how long. You've showered sure, but you haven't done your proper skincare in weeks.
Your depression has been a part of your life for as long as you can remember. It gets better, sometimes, other times it drains you of everything you have. Every day felt like a battle for you. You sigh looking at your phone it is almost 4 pm.
Your boyfriend, Johnnie, had texted you almost 2 hours ago. The rough nights you experienced led you to wake up late in the afternoon, so the plan usually involved Johnnie heading over whenever you woke up or after he was done filming.
He has wished you a good ‘morning’ and to let him know when he could head over. You wanted to indulge, truly you did, but Johnnie didn't deserve that. He had enough in his life to worry about. There was no need to worry him with your pathetic life.
The issue is you couldn't keep him on the hook like this. You sighed picking up your phone, you numbly typed out a plain excuse, telling him today wouldn't work. You put the phone down and roll over in your bed again.
You sat curled in a little ball staring out your window. There were crows sitting on top of the next-door building. You sat and quietly observed the birds, watching them move side to side. You wish life were that simple, all you had to worry about was eating and flying around.
You didn't have to worry about the eternally crushing depression that sucks your life form. Your face heated up again with the thought of Johnnies, tears pooling in your eyes.
You missed him so much. He was such a caring loving person, it wasn't always easy for him to show that. He had his ways though. Always make sure you eat, get decent sleep, etc.
Your relationship was usually the opposite way, you know just how much he struggled. You were going to be there for absolutely all of it no matter what. Nothing was going to stop you from loving him. He shouldn't have to worry about you.
But he did, it was the reason why when he saw your texting while editing he immediately called you. You were always such a beacon of positivity for him. He knew the signs, from himself and his friends. You had stopped eating unless he forced you to.
You were wearing long sleeves and sweatpants only. You never went out, just stayed in your room. He can't even remember the last time you said more than a few words to him in a single conversation. He placed the phone next to his ear and nervously tapped his foot on the floor of his room.
“Hello?” you answered with a croak. Johnnie never called you unless he really really missed your voice. Which for him was usually the case when it was nighttime. Those were extreme cases, he hated talking on the phone and absolutely despised it. Too many nerves for him.
He didn't speak for a second, half expecting you not to answer for some reason. “Hey,” he starts. You hold your breath for a second knowing what the conversation was about before he even started to speak.
“Can I please come over? I'm worried about you.”Johnnie says over the phone, fiddling with the zipper of his jacket. You inhaled with a shaky breath. “You can. It won't be a lot of fun though,” you mumbled back to him fiddling with your piercing.
“Well- when can I come over?” he asked. This awkward tension filled the phone line, the systematic white noise causing your heart to beat heavily. “Whenever you want Johnnie I'm not leaving the house anytime ever,” you reply sarcastically earning an annoyed grunt from Johnnie.
“I can be over soon, I'll let you know when my Uber shows up and I'm on my way ok?” He knew your bad attitude was because of something, and no matter how much it was upsetting him he needed to be here for you.
You on the other hand could cry from guilt. How dare you be a pathetic sack all day, cancel on your boyfriend only for him to kindly offer to be there for you and you are rude to him? On top of that, he has to pay to drive to YOUR house! “No Johnnie don't call an Uber I will come pick you up.” you offered, standing up and searching for your keys.
“I thought you weren't leaving.” he rebutted. You took a deep breath, “but I love you, so I'm not gonna make you pay to cheer me up ok?” you spoke finally finding your keys. “I don't want to stress you out.” you heard over the phone.
You tried to fight his kindness but after a minute it was clear he wasn't going to let you drive. Today was a relaxing day for you, at least it was supposed to be.
You were a protector, it's what made Johnnie fall so in love with you. You were so kind and caring for him, constantly taking care of him when he had those days when he just couldn't take it anymore.
You never did it with the intention to receive it though. So when Johnnie knocked on your door and you trudged to open it for him it shocked you how much he did care.
You tried to make yourself look strong but as your eyes locked tears pooled crowding your vision. You turned away from the door and him as you covered your face with your hands.
You couldn't stop the pull of dread that filled your heart. You felt your knees touch the floor as you collapsed onto the ground. You could hear the door close and Johnnie rushed to your side. He was speaking about something, maybe he was saying how you were going to be ok.
Maybe he was begging you to tell him what was going on. You weren't sure. All you could focus on was ringing in your ears, the thumping of your heart, and the crocodile tears that leaped from your face.
His hands ran against your back and shoulders. Eventually, you were able to look up at him. He wasn't wearing any makeup, just a hat with a button-up and skinny jeans. All you could mutter out was a broken “I'm sorry.”
Your voice cracked and shattered as you spoke. Your boyfriend and the love of your life stared at you back, his face heating up his own tears forming. He sat with you behind your couch on the floor.
“Let's move to the couch,” he said his voice coming out falsely confident, you shook your head, yes taking his hand that helped you up. He wasn't used to helping people like this, he would try his best and maybe give advice.
But he tried to do what you did with him. He sat you down on the couch, taking note of your appearance. You had dulled messy hair, dark almost permanent circles under your eyes, you looked pale and gaunt your face seemingly shrunk.
He rushed away from you, getting you a cup of water, something you did for him without fail. He set it in your hands knowing the coolness would ground you. He moved to your side sitting down next to you. He hesitantly placed his hand on your chest feeling your heartbeat.
It was rapid and intense as he pulled you close to him, wrapping his other arm around you and tilting his head on your shoulder. As you slowly sipped the water between hiccups he felt your heartbeat slow and your breath wasn't so rapid. You were calming down.
Once you finished your cup you set it down and shifted so your head was resting on his almost bare chest. He moved his hat off and sat normally on the couch as you cuddled up to him. He wasn't sure what he should say that could help.
After all, he wasn't very good at this but he so desperately wanted to be. “I don't know when this really started for me. As long as I can remember I was different. Things that seemed so small for other people worried me so much,” you spoke, finally breaking the silence.
He knew some of your past and struggles but nothing too deep. He wanted to hear them from you. This was the best way to do that. He didn't say anything yet, he just looked down and observed you as you played against him.
“I felt this feeling when I was all alone and it was cold and rainy outside. It was almost like a shiver up my spine. I was feeling so safe and protected all alone like that, if I hadn't frozen I could have stayed in the rain forever.” he wasn't sure where exactly your story was going but he knew you and he also knew it was important.
“I was so comfortable with being alone, that stayed with me. There are days more often than not when I cannot do anything. I sit and rot in my bed all day, I don't sleep, I don't eat, I don't do anything.” Johnnie did not know that. He knew since he was busy with filming you often just stayed home.
It doesn't sound like that was a good thing, however. “I am drowning but I've pretended to stay afloat for so long. I'm so fucking tired Johnnie I don't know what I'm going to do anymore.” Your voice was calm but powerful.
You didn't move but you could hear Johnnie's heartbeat increase. “I haven't taken care of myself in so long.” this was whispered, for a second you weren't sure if you had said it out loud. You suppose you did when Johnnie pulled you away from you, your confession hung on the air like wet clothes.
He took a second before he nearly engulfed you with a hug. He squeezed your whole body tight, “Please don't leave.” was all he whispered in your ear. He cradled your body tightly. He slowly started to rock you back and forth. The lull of his body slowly sent you to sleep.
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pain-neverends-blog · 8 months
My mind hurts from overthinking
My face hurts from crying
My body hurts from living
My heart hurts from betrayal
Everything fucking hurts
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icameheretoreadstuff · 11 months
Kinktober day 16 - Public
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Pairing: Yuji/Sukuna x F!Reader Warnings: 18+ ! MDNI!, NSFW, Public, Oral, Angst, Fluff, threesome kinda, Aged up yuji Summary: You were dragged out to the movies by Yuji, you've had it rough lately and he wanted to cheer you up when suddenly Yuji and Sukuna couldn't keep their hands off you. A/N: masterpost & links is pinned on my tumblr.
There was barely any people at the cinema. You sat down and took a deep breath, feeling lost over who you were becoming and your future. The advertising before the movie seemed so deppressing.
You took off your jacket and sat down into the chair, Yuji smiled as he gave you a soda "here you go" he said as he placed his own soda next to him. "thanks" you said with no smile on your face.
"Hey," he said and bumped into you. "I know you've had it rough lately" you took a deep breath and tried your best to listen to what he was saying "I just want you to know no matter what happends, we are here for you and that youre not alone, even though it seems like it right now" he said and smiled reasuringly. You smiled and nodded "thanks."
When the movie started you looked around the room, there was couples everywhere, and they looked so happy. You wondered if they had any idea how lucky they were. To have someone with a future with, they sure looked happy.
Yuuji grabbed your shoulder and you leaned into his chest as you felt some tears fall down on your chin. You tried to dry them away as he leaned his chin on the top of your head.
"sh" he cooed "it's ok" he whispered and dried off your tears. "I just want to feel something good" you said "something breathtaking" you sighed.
He grabbed your chin and guided it up twoards his lips. "I think I can help with that" he cooed and kissed you deeply. you melted into his lips feeling caught off guard, but in a such a good way. His lips were warm and you whimpered as he deepened the kiss.
His hands were warm as he stroked your chin with his finger. You inhaled into the kiss as you grabbed his hoodie.
He broke the kiss and looked at you "is this ok?" he asked you, you smiled as you felt you finally had taken a break of your thoughts.
The only thing you wanted to feel now was his warm touch and his soft lips. "Yes" you sighed as you leaned in and kissed him deeply. "You want more?" he whispered into your lips. "Yes" you whispered back.
He moved his hand as he opened up your jeans. You grabbed your jacket and hid his arm under it as his hand found your clit.
"Let us take care of you" he whispered into your ear. "Let us help you feel real good" another voice said down in your pants.
Sukuna had appeared in Yuji's hand. You could feel Sukuna's mouth on your clit, sucking, licking and tasting every inch of you.
You looked at Yuji deep into his eyes. He stared back at your face as he tried to make sure you wanted this.
You leaned into yuji's lips as you could feel Sukuna's tounge explore your clit. A moan silently escaped your lips as you crashed your lips into his. You grabbed Yuji's hoodie and leaned into his neck as you felt an climax coming on.
You leaned back into Yuji's lips and moaned as sukuna's tounge thrusted hard into you, yuji smacked his hand into your core.
You felt your breath build up inside you as you tried to not moan loudly. Yuuji's tounge played with yours as you felt your climax come fast.
Yuuji placed his other hand infront of yours as you climaxed hard. Your eyes rolled as you couldn't stop thrusting up into Yuuji's hand and Sukuna's mouth.
When you came to, Yuuji's hand slipped out of your pants. you took on your jeans and looked at him with a smile on your face, you leaned into his ear and whispered "Now let me take care of you" you said and grabbed his hand, running to a empty storage room.
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vinylshifting · 12 days
I physically cannot wait to shift
Veing a guy in this universe sucks i cant wiat to be pretty fucking girl and dress up like istg half of my script is clothes and how i look
Im a hot girl stuck in a deppressed teenage boys body here
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lo-toh-takes · 4 months
What is your opinion about the episode ranking video?
It's bad. REALLY fucking bad. I'll admit there was a handful of things in the video I agreed with but 98% of it was just pure bullshit. Here are my full thoughts on it (Warning, this post is very long):
-Lily’s picks for the best list are completely reasonable. Knock Knockin on Hooty’s Door, Eda’s Reqeum, Young Blood Old Souls, Looking Through The Glass Ruins and Witches Before Wizards are all pretty good episodes.
-Her analyses of Eda’s Requime and Looking Through The Glass Ruins are particularly insightful with how she talks about what the episodes do for the characters. You made an insightful analysis for once Lily, good job.
-Some Witches Before Wizard’s appreciation is nice, it’s a pretty underrated episode imo. Would’ve been better if this wasn’t a Lily Orchard video, though.
-The best entries for Knock Knockin on Hooty's Door and Young Blood Old Souls suck. Not because of the placements of the episodes, but because Lily's analyses of the episodes is compeltely surface level. For KKOHD, Lily just sums up the episode as "one of the, sweetest most heartfelt stories in a animated show ever told". She never really goes into why the episode is good and what does for each of the characters, her anaylses is solely surface level, which just shows that Lily still has this surface level viewing of media even when it comes to things she likes.
-The Young Blood Old Souls segment is particularly awful as well, not because Lily's pick as the 3rd best episode is bad or anything, but because most of the segment is spent less with Lily actually praising the episode and more with Lily throwing a bunch of spite at season 3's characterization of Luz. The entire segment is just comprised of Lily just praising the episode for making Luz look like some kind of badass "girlboss" in response to her truama, slinging more shit towards season 3's characterization of her for changing her truama response. I already talked about before on my main blog why Lily's argument about Luz's truama response doesn't work but Luz's truama response did not change in season 2B and Season 3, the only thing about Luz that changed was that she was despressed now, which Lily's true problem.
It's telling throughout this whole segment how Lily wants Luz to respond to truama. She doesn't like when Luz experinces actual emotions, she only wants Luz to be "fun", and when Luz stops being "fun" she gets mad and rights Luz off as a bad character. She only wants Luz to respond to truama by being a violent girlboss because when Luz is being that she's a "fun" character to her, and when a character stops being "fun" and experinces any kind of deppressive emotions or sadness, Lily gets pissed. She only wants Luz to be a violent girlboss and that's it.
And may I remind you that Luz is coping with the realization that she helped a dictator + failing to save the boiling isles when she has NO IDEA what's happening to her found family AND seperated her friends from their parents. Of course she's going to be depressed from all of this, Luz being a girlboss isn't somehow going to solve that. Lily's lack of empathy towards Luz here is disgusting. All because she stopped because the cinnomen role she was in season 1 and started experincing actual negative emotions.
It's the same shit she did with Hunter; she only likes characters when they are fun, and when they stop being fun they just become completely angsty to her.
-The best list generally while being positive still has a lot of spite levieded towards season 2B and season 3. It really seems like Lily can't praise something without tearing down something else.
-Lily further shows no empathy towards Luz when she says that in Season 3 she became "another type of insufferable teenager". At this point I've already grown numb to it.
-The blandest entries for Very Small Problems and Once Upoun a Swap are also fairly surface level; she doesn't do anything to explain why the episodes aren't good. For Very Small Problems she doesn't even talk about the episode's quality and just gives a summery of the episode first THEN makes joke about King suppousedly getting sidelined and that's it. And for Once Upoun a Swap Lily just makes a joke about body-swap episodes being overdone and moves on. That's it. She says nothing of substance in these segments.
-That's at least better than what she says in the Wing it Like Witches segment, where she writes off the episode as a pinning episode between Luz and Amity. Then she says that the episode started out as a Willow plot before devolving into an Luz and Amity plot....
....literally what???? The only real Lumity content Wing It Like Witches has is a bunch of small scenes of Amity blushing around Luz. That's litteraly it. The episode does not develove into a Lumity plot and I do not know where Lily is remotely getting this.
-The Hunting Palisman segment is where we start getting to Lily's hatred of Hunter. The segment features Lily blathering about her usuall wrong take about how Hunter became boring after Seperate Tides and that Hunting Palisman is the begining of this. Notice how Lily reducs Hunter down to base his base archetype in order to call him "shallow", when in reality he's a character with quite a few layers to him.
She clearly shows her bias here with how she only labels the episode as bad just because it the episode that began giving Hunter real depth beyond being the "fun" sassy character she wanted him to be. Like I already said, Lily only wants characters to be "fun", and when they aren't "fun" she whines and complains. Hunter stopped being fun to Lily like Luz and so she complains. It's all cuz of her bias against Hunter's archetype; she wanted a sassy antagonist and was mad that wasn't the direction the show was going for, rather it was an archetype she didn't care for, so labels Hunter as objectively bad because he no longer meant her rigid standards.
-The For the Future segment isn't nearly as bad as the other segments in the blandest list but the takes still aren't particularly good. Lily simply just sums up the episode as "nothing happening for the first 30 minutes where the characters angst and refuse to talk about their problems".
This is a very disengenous description of the episode, as a lot of things DO happen in that 30 minutes. The scenes with the collector and King, Willow's arc this episode, the begining scenes foreshadowing the big moments in the episode, Boscha's redemption (as bad as it is), and a lot of other things. Lily only seems to be mad at the episode because to her it's comprised of characters "angsting", and as I've said before, Lily doesn't like it when characters go through arcs that involve them expressing negative emotions in anyway, she'll just call it "angst" and that's it. Lily's analysis of this episode is also fairly surface level. She also complains about Stringbean's reveal being dragged out after she hatches and like. Lily. Of course the show wants to save the big pay offs for the end because...that's how story telling works...? But Lily clearly doesn't have an understanding of how basic story telling works so why am I suprised.
-The Reaching Out segment is god-awful. We are now getting into the worst list and this is by far the most painful third of the video. This segment is just under a minute, but there is SO much bullshit being slung in here it gave me stroke for a sec. Buckle in, because there is a LOT to unpack here:
-Lily first claims that Reaching Out is an example of an "issue" she has with Luz's characterization in Season 2B and Season 3, where Luz starts being "angsty" rather than proactive in response to her anxiety/truama. Lily doesn't seem to realize that being proactive isn't going to magically fix Luz's issues, this is another case of Lily only wanting Luz to respond to her truama in a particular way rather than actually experincing sadness or, "angst" about it, which is, ya know, a fairly reasonable response to truama that anyone would have
-Lily also seems to miss that this is not the same as before. Luz is being reminded of the death of her father and it's the anniversry of the day where he died, and she can't be there for mother on this day due to being in a different realm. That's a lot of mental weight on Luz's shoulders and being proactive isn't going to fix that. It's not the same as Eda getting captured in Agony of a Witch or Young Blood Old Souls. This further shows that Lily only wants Luz to respond to her truama as a violent girlboss even when that isn't going to fix anything. We are only 17 seconds into the segment and there is already so much bullshit being spewed. Joy.
-THEN she makes the horrendouse claim that Reaching Out is an Amity episode and Luz gets sidelined. HUH???? Reaching Out is an episode directly centered on the development of BOTH characters, Luz and Amity both share equal spotlight here. Just because Amity shares some focus with Luz doesn't mean that it's solely an episode about her. Luz's issues get just as much focus and time as Amity's. She's not being "sidelined".
-Lily then claims that Amity is a supporting character and so she shoulden't get much spotlight or her own episode, even though Amity is a MAIN CHARACTER of the show and gets a lot of spotlight in both season 1 AND 2. And like I said earlier Amity gets eaqul amounts of focus in this episode as Luz. This is continuing Lily has had for a while about Amity suppousedly being a character with little depth, and that she was just a supporting character to Luz. She reduces Amity to just that to further her racism narrative but I won't get into that here.
But Amity is a character with enough material to get several episodes dedicated to her, hell this same season has Escaping Explusion, an episode which while dedicates a lot of screen time to Luz, is an Amity episode due to furthering her development and kickstarting her arc this season; her reletionship with her parents, which is the natural continuation of her initial arc in season 2, yet Lily insists on reducing Amity like this which is part of how she furthers her narrative about the fandom.
-Her Edge of the World takes are also bad. She begins the segment with more slander towards Luz's characterization in Season 2B and Season 3 + some random spite thrown towards steven universe.
-Then she makes the claim that the reveal of King being a titan has no effect on plot and is just Dana wasting time again....even though the revealation of King being a titan is LITTERALY THE CONLCUSION TO HIS WHOLE ARC IN SEASON 2. Not to mention it becomes very important in the season finale and all of season 3. Dana isn't wasting any time here, she's resolving a major character arc she put for one of her characters.
-The Any Sport in A Storm segment is just as awful as the reaching out one. Immediantly begins the segment by once again reducing Hunter as a character as a character to just Amity's backstory + angst in order to make him sound shallow.
-Her description of Hunter's motivation here is innacruate af. He wants to prove his worth to the emperor's coven, he's not trying to be "as good as the other golden guards".
-She claims that Hunter got bodied by Willow and was then stuck onto her flyer derby team. Saying that Hunter got "stuck" with the flyer derby team implies that he was forced to join Willow's team, however, he was not. Hunter willingly joined Willow's team once he saw how capable they really were.
Lily's description here of Hunter being forced to join the flyer derby team makes it sound like Hunter has less agency here than he actually does, which is likely done to further her claim of Hunter being a "passive" character. However, when you actually watch the episode and pay attention, you'll see that this isn't the case. Hunter is not a passive character and Lily is deliberately chosing to lie here to further her narrative.
-Lily then says that the entire episode is about Hunter moping about to the right thing, which is a very rudective description of the scene.
-Lily then claims that the episode is the third time of Hunter going through the same arc of moping around to do the right thing until he does at the end. TF you mean third time? I'm assuming she's talking about Hunting Palisman and Eclipse Lake but that was not what was happening in those episodes.
Hunter initially going to betray Luz but backing down not him waffling around to do the right thing. Hunter having a mental break down and stabbing Amity in the back is not him waffling around to do the right thing. This episode is the ONLY TIME where Hunter is remotely conflicted about doing the right thing. Lily is once again lying about Hunter to further her narrative about him by giving out a completely disengenous description of his whole arc.
-Lily then makes a remark about Hunter being Dana's favorite to remind you of the many narratives about Hunter she pulls out of her ass.
-She then claims that Hunter has no importance to the plot and you can remove him and lose nothing, which is also completely objectively wrong. Removing Hunter would change major things about the show and course of how each episode would go, he plays a major role in each episode he appears in. Not to mention his purpose in the plot is to add more depth to Belos with the whole story of him being a grimwalker.
There should be an award for spewing so much objectively wrong shit in just one minute. Two more segments to go and I'll finally be done with this trashfire of a video.
-Two more segments to go and I'll finally be done with this trashfire of a video. Unfortunetly it's only going to get worse from here. She immediantly begins her Labrynth Runners segment by misrepresenting the moment between Gus and Hunter in climax where Hunter comforts Gus by saying it's "Gus being told to overcome his insecruities by Hunter".
This is a grossly innacurate description of this moment and once again Lily is lying about what happens in the show. Hunter does not tell Gus to just get over his insecruities, that's not the point of the fucking scene. He tells Gus that he knows what it's like to be in Gus' position, and says that despite what Gus might tell himself, he's not as stupid as he thinks he is. He's comforting Gus by refuting the negative thoughts Gus thinks of himself, not telling him to just "get over it". Lily is once again misrepresenting and lying about the content in the text.
-She then claims that Gus' insecruities are used as a vector for Hunter even though they aren't, and like I said that was not the point of the scene between the two. The episode spends as much time developing Gus' arc in this episode as Hunter. If anything, Hunter is being used to further Gus' arc here by being directly involved in it's resolution.
It seems that Lily thinks that whenever a Hunter is paired up with any other character, he instantly sidlines that character just by existing, even when that other charater gets equal amounts of focus and development to him.
-Then she claims that the subplot between Amity and Willow goes unresolved even though it litteraly doesn't. You can clearly see that by the end of the episode Amity respects Willow as an equal to her.
-And then the rest of the segment is just devolves into Lily going into a tangent about Hunter once again being Dana's favorite character and how she sidlines other characters in favor of him when that isn't true.
-And then Lily claims that Hunter has "no likeable character traits" or "interesting things to do" and that the writers just "staple" him onto other characters. At this point I don't think I need to explain why this is just objectively wrong. Hunter has many interesting things about him that make him a layred and compelling character, but Lily constantly choses to reduce Hunter to one-dimensional traits so she can make him sound like a shallow character. She's lying about him once again.
And her claim about Hunter being "stapled" onto other characters also falls flat because she's simply describing Hunter interacting with other characters, yet she twists it into making it sound sinister and like it's bad writting.
-Guys. We've made it. The Hollow Mind segment. The final segment of both this list and video. Finally. The suffering is nearly over. Unfortunetly, it's the longest and most painful one yet. She first starts off the segment by slandering for the future more by claiming that nothing happened within the first 30 minutes. I already explained why this critique holds no water so I wont do it again.
-Lily then sums up Hollow Mind as " wasting the audience's time by giving vague hints until the end where it reveals something the audience already knew". Lily is once again giving a grossly disengenous description of the episode, as major things and character development's do happen here.
It's a turning point for Hunter as a character where he breaks from the emperor's coven as he's faced the reality of Belos being evil. It's a turning point for Luz she's faced with the revelation of helping Belos which utterly breaks her and sends her down a downwards spiral. We even get confirmation of the grimwalker twist here. Things DO clearly happen in this episode.
-Lily randomly throws slander towards Amphibia even though from what I've heard she haden't even watched the show. Cool.
-Lily clearly shows her impatiance as a critic as she complains about it taking "too long" for us to see what Luz's palisman was for "no reason". Lily clearly doesn't want the build-up for impactful moments, she wants those moments to happen quicker, ignoring the fact that there needs to be build-up and development for these moments to end up being satisfying.
If Luz's palisman hatched before FTF than the understood scene would've just felt rushed. It's too early to resolve her arc about her palisman like this. But since when did Lily care about pacing? She only wants things to happen quickly rather than letting stories take their time.
-She ends the segment off by saying that Hollow Mind only reveals things that other episodes already revealed to the audience...keyword, to the audience. First, Lily misses the fact that the reveal of Luz being Philip Wittebane serves as a revalation to Luz, not the audience.
Second, Lily thinks that a blink and you'll miss it piece of writting on paper in Them Break's Kids is somehow already enough confirmation about Belos' plan. Ya, sure. You really expect people to just pause on the screen to look at that tiny ass text, Lily. I'm sorry but it's a lot better to have explicit confirmation rather than blink and you'll miss it confirmation.
THIRD, the point of this reveal was not that Belos was evil, the point as that it was meant to be a revelation to Luz about Belos' true identity as I already said. FOURTH, there is new information being given to us about Hunter's origin and the fact that Belos is repeatedly killed his brother over and over again. Sure it's being kept in paintings but it's still there and is referenced in later episodes.
And FIFTH, Lily once again gives a fairly disingenuous description of the episode here. Many things do happen in this episode beyond a bunch of big reveals as I already explained. Lily's reducing the episode to make it sound like it's bad.
-Lily ends off the video by making a very sexual comment about a 16 year old boy. I don't think I need to explain why that's gross.
This was painful. Genuinely a god-awful video and one of the worst TOH videos Lily has ever made.
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degenerateshinji · 1 year
I just read three or four of your comics and now I'm deppressed
damn sucks for u bro sorry to hear that
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