#derry girls fanfic
oceans-goddess · 1 month
Derry Girls-- James Maguire SFW Alphabet
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This is the sweetest boy I have ever come across, so I thought it would be fitting to write some fluffy headcannons about him <3
I tried making the reader gender neutral for this post, but please let me know if I should tweak anything that I might not have noticed!
Contains: fluff, brief mention of injury, no smut
Also WARNING: Possible spoilers!!
A-- Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
James is a pretty nervous boy, and he doesn't have a lot of experience in relationships, so I think he would do a lot of pining instead of being outright with his affection. This doesn't mean that it goes unnoticed, though: you always catch him staring, and he blushes when you make eye contact with him.
He's full of smiles, and any time he's speaking with you, he can't seem to keep from grinning at you.
When you two are alone, he is comfortable holding your hand, and rarely lets it go, which you find to be the cutest thing in the world.
He also often "forgets" his sweaters and jackets at your house in hopes that you'll wear them, which you do, and his head spins when he sees what you look like wearing his clothes.
B-- Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend?)
We all know James is a Derry girl just like the rest of them, and they get up to some seriously fucked up shit, but I imagine that James is not always on board with the plans the other girls come up with (let's not forget the time they made him fist fight a guy over concert tickets). With that in mind, I think that he would voice his concerns, get shut down by one of the girls (probably Michelle), and wait until the two of you are in private to talk about how ridiculous things can get.
He also just enjoys confiding in you in general, finding you to be a more level-headed and accepting member of the group. He tells you a lot about his struggles with his mom, his trouble as the only boy at school, and feeling like he's caught between his Irish and English identities.
He's also an incredible listener, and often sits quietly with you while you tell him about your own problems. The two of you have built up a lot of trust while confiding in each other.
C-- Cuddling (Do you ever cuddle? What is it like?)
Like I said before, James is more into pining after what he wants than asking for it, so you're usually the one who initiates any physical contact that isn't hand holding. But once you two are touching, he gets a little more comfortable with the situation. He usually pulls you into a sort of loose bear hug, and sometimes he uses one hand to stroke your hair or rub your back.
I'm honestly surprised I'm saying this, but I think he enjoys being the big spoon more than being the little spoon.
He also really enjoys laying his head in your lap and letting you play with his hair.
D-- Dance (Do you ever dance together? How?)
I'd say the Derry Girls are a fairly dance-y group, so you'll catch James dancing all the time in social settings, but if it were just the two of you, there is no doubt in my mind that you two would slow dance to When You're Gone by the The Cranberries (so cute!!!).
Any slow, jazzy or bluesy song would absolutely make him want to dance with you, but only in the safety of your bedroom or his.
He really likes to make you twirl around, and you both collapse in a fit of giggles whenever you try to twirl him back.
E-- Energy (How much energy do they put into the relationship?)
This boy would die for you, I'm sure of it. He's such a sweetheart, and I think he would try so hard to make you happy.
James knows he isn't very suave, but he always tries to compliment you anyway-- he honestly can't hold back from telling you how great you look.
He's a real gift-giver, and he saves up all his money to try and buy things for you. He especially likes bringing you flowers, and his ears are always beet red whenever you open the door to let him in so he can replace the last bouquet he put in your room.
He walks you all the way home from school every day, despite him and Michelle normally splitting off from the rest of the group about half-way between your house and school. For a while, Michelle gave him a lot of shit for it, but now nobody really seems to mind.
F-- Fight (How often do you fight? What do you fight over? How is it usually resolved?)
The two of you rarely fight, but when you do, it never really ends with any yelling. James is a quiet communicator at heart, and he doesn't really like the idea of yelling at you.
Most of your fighting comes from you trying to push James to stand up for himself more, as it can sometimes bother you that he doesn't assert himself. In your mind, he's an equal member of the friend group and doesn't need to put up with anyone's bullshit. But when you push him, he says that he doesn't need help and that he can assert himself whenever he wants, he just chooses to go with the flow.
The spats usually get resolved after a few hours; for example, if something happens in the evening, you both usually just need the night to cool off, and things are fairly back to normal by the time he walks you to school in the morning. Anything longer than that, and one of you shows up to the other's house to apologize.
G-- Gentle (How gentle are they, emotionally and physically?)
MY SWEET BABY JAMES IS THE MOST GENTLE SOUL IN ALL OF DERRY. No but seriously, he moves around very quietly, careful not to stomp or bump into things, and he touches you gently as well. All of his kisses are slow and soft, never harsh or aggressive.
He is soft spoken, and he chooses his words carefully so that you know he cares for you. When he gets frustrated or overwhelmed, he tries to talk things out calmly instead of letting his emotions build into anger.
H-- Happy (What makes them happy? How do they show it?)
James loves receiving attention from you. Any time you give him a smile or compliment his new shirt or something, he can't keep a smile off his face.
I also think he would show his happiness by being a little more chatty. He gets excited talking to you, and he could hold a conversation with you for hours without running out of things to talk about.
I-- Injured (How would they act if you got injured or sick?)
I think if you got sick, James would worry, but he would ultimately know that you are gonna be just fine. He would definitely show up to your house with a can of soup or some chocolate or something once he finds out you're sick. And he would find an excuse to sit in your room and fiddle with your things while the two of you chat, despite you telling him to leave because you don't want him to get sick.
When you're injured, it's a whole different story. Anything bigger than a scrape or a bruise and he's practically lost his mind. If you broke a bone or had a concussion or needed surgery or anything like that, I think he'd be hyperventilating in the hospital waiting room, and you'd never be allowed to go anywhere or do anything alone again. He'd open every door, insist you take the elevator instead of the stairs, etc etc.
J--Jealousy: (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) 
James can definitely get anxious seeing you around other people he thinks you might be compatible with. He never says anything about it because he trusts you and believes you would never cheat on him, but he's got insecurities about people leaving him because of him mom, and he worries that you'll feel like he isn't important enough to keep around. The feeling never lasts long, though, because as soon as you smile at him or peck him on the cheek, he realizes how secure he feels being with you.
K-- Kisses (Do you ever kiss? How?)
Like I said before, James is very soft and gentle when the two of you kiss, and he never really takes the lead when you two are being intimate in that way. He lets you do what you want and sort of follows along, and he is breathless and blushing the whole time.
Aside from your lips, I think his favorite places to kiss you would be on the forehead or your shoulders while he hugs you.
Though he would never vocalize this, his favorite place for you to kiss him would definitely be the neck. He is super sensitive there, and he immediately starts stuttering and breathing harder when you press your lips there.
L-- Love Language (What is their love language? If their giving different from their receiving?)
I've covered this a little bit in the sections above, but his love language when it comes to giving is gift-giving. You mean a lot to him, and though he is often too embarrassed to say this aloud, his little gifts show you that you are always on his mind.
When it comes to receiving love, I think James enjoys words of affirmation the most. People talk down to him a lot in his life, so hearing someone treat him with kindness and gentleness and respect is a big deal for him. He also loves the reassurance that comes with hearing what you think of him in your own words.
M-- Meeting (How did the two of you meet?)
You were already friends with Michelle and the others when James arrived in Derry, so the introduction came soon enough. The girls were quite judgmental of him in the beginning, but you were very welcoming, so he really relaxed around you, and the two of you became close very quickly.
N-- Night Out (What do y'all do when you go on dates?)
You two are very casual when it comes to dates. Grabbing food, going on walks, seeing a movie, stuff like that is sort of the norm for the both of you. James prefers to do sort of calm, quiet stuff, and he enjoys being somewhere away from a lot of people, so you guys usually end up sitting at the park in the dark, chatting about life.
O-- Oasis (Where is "your" place, the place for just to two of you?)
His bedroom is usually where the two of you end up when you want to be alone. Michelle and her mom are always out of the house, so its usually very quiet, and it's a good place to sort of decompress. His room is full of cds and books, and his bed is extremely comfy, so the two of you cuddle there often.
P-- Protection (how protective are they over you?)
I know I said before that he can be a little jealous sometimes and often gets nervous when you're injured, but other than that, he's not an extremely protective guy.
The only time you see him become more protective is when you're in social settings: if people approach you, he likes to grab your hand or put his hand around your shoulders to send a clear message. He doesn't want to seem possessive because he doesn't want to scare you off, but he wants to be sure that people know you two are together without saying it aloud.
Q-- Quiz (How much do they remember about you?)
He remembers all the important stuff, like your birthday, your parents' names, your middle name, your anniversary, your favorite color, your favorite foods, etc.
He also always makes sure that when you are coming over for dinner, his aunt is cooking something he knows you will like.
He likes to keep track of things you say you like by writing them down when he gets home. For example, you once told him that you wished you had enough money to buy a new bike, and he wrote it down so that he'd remember when your birthday came around.
R-- Rainy Day (What do you guys do when it's raining outside?)
He actually loves when it is raining out, because it gives him an excuse to make you change into his dry clothes after walking to his house in the rain. He insists that you should wear his softest sweaters and a pair of his sweatpants to get warmed up again.
Rainy days are also when the two of you curl up in bed and read, or play games, or watch tv. He thinks you always look so cozy and cute on his rug with a blanket over your lap and a mug of tea in your hands.
S-- Song (What song best represents the relationship the two of you have?)
I already mentioned a song by The Cranberries earlier, which I feel is pretty fitting, but I also think that Kiss Me by Sixpence None The Richer is also a perfect match for the relationship you two share.
There are fast paced parts of the song, which match well with the energy you both have when you're hanging out together with friends, but at the end of the song, there is a very gentle melody, mirroring that at the end of the day, when it's just the two of you, it's a very sweet, soft, and loving feeling. You two just have a quiet and comforting relationship.
T-- Telepathy (Do you guys think alike/agree on most things?)
You two are pretty much always on the same page, and it pisses Michelle off more than anything. You side with him all the time, mostly because her ideas can be bat shit crazy and you want no part of them.
You guys also always want the same two things on the menu when you go to restaurants, so you each order one thing and split both plates. He always leaves you the last bite-- what a sweetheart.
You guys have pretty much the same taste in music and movies, so you never argue about what to listen to or watch.
You can both always tell when the other is a bit down or upset, and you gravitate towards each other to give each other silent support until you are both ready to talk about what is bothering you.
In a way, you truly do kind of have a telepathic connection with each other.
U-- Ugh (What are some bad habits of theirs? Some bad habits of yours that they don't like?)
James can be kind of whiny at times. For good reason, to be sure-- he's often dealing with annoying situations. But, in truth, you feel he could be assertive and solve the problem instead of letting things happen and complaining about the problem.
He can get frustrated with you at times because you are never letting yourself get enough sleep. You never complain about being tired, but he can see on your face in class that you're exhausted, whether it's because you prioritized your homework over sleep or stayed up too late reading or watching tv, he hates to see you not taking care of yourself. Whenever you feel under the weather, he is always the first to remind you that you'd probably feel a lot better if you had slept enough the night before.
V-- Vacation (Where would you two travel together if you got the chance?)
James would absolutely love to take you to England with him for a tour of where he grew up. He knows that people in Ireland are particularly resentful of the English (and for good reason), but his childhood was a good one, and he wants you to see for yourself what it was like. I also think spending a rainy weekend in London with him would be the most romantic thing in the world, just a chance to be very cozy and find lots of book shops and cafes and things like that.
W-- Words (What do the two of say to show that you care? Any nicknames? Any Phrases?)
James absolutely adores when you call him Jamie or Jamesy or Gem, really any nickname. He was never shown a ton of affection, so getting it from you is very validating.
He calls you by your name in public, but in private he'll call you "babe" or "love" (what an Englishman, bwahahaha). Sometimes you tease him for using such an English term of endearment, but deep down you really like that he uses it on you.
X-- Xerox (are there any traits or habits of theirs that you’ve picked up by accident?)
James runs his hands through his hair and tugs at his curls a lot when he's stressed, a habit that has sort of extended to you. You constantly pull at your hair without meaning to, something you never used to do before.
He's also got a different accent than you, so sometimes you accidentally say things in a half-English accent just because you've heard James say it so many times. When he picks up on it, he finds it to be one of his favorite things about you, and he hopes you never stop.
Y-- Yuck: (What are some things they don't like in terms of a relationship?)
In all honesty, despite being proud that you two are together, James hates telling people outright that the two of you are a couple because he worries about letting other people influence your relationship. Couples always seem to experience trouble when other people get involved and start judging when they don't really understand. He'd rather just keep things between the two of you and let people find out naturally instead of saying anything.
Z-- Zzzz (A sleep habit of theirs?)
That boy must fall asleep touching you in some way. He prefers his classic bear hug cuddle or spooning, but if you all fall asleep watching a movie at Erin and Orla's for example, he's ok falling asleep while just holding your hand.
He always wakes up earlier than you. Sometimes, if he's early enough, he can have a cup of tea or hot chocolate ready when you wake up, but he usually just sits in bed and plays with your hair.
Author's Note: Ugh this was so fun to write, please let me know if I should do an alphabet for another character in any fandom!
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Can someone please write a hilarious and accurate Derry Girls / Harry Potter universe crossover? I just recently finished Derry Girls and now equipped with a very basic knowledge of ‘90s Ireland, imagining those Muggleborn girls in Hogwarts surrounded by the ENGLISH? Unmatched potential, that is.
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jomiddlemarch · 5 months
Let’s stop all the clocks
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“Erin? Erin Quinn?” 
Erin looked up from the book in her lap. It should have been one for one of her classes, but she’d decided to give herself a break and read the absolute trash Michelle had been going on about in the long phone calls that cut into Erin’s coffee budget. It was a quick read, she’d give it that, but she didn’t actually want anyone who knew her full name to have any idea she’d wasted even a second of her time on it and she tried to tuck it under a fold of the saggy, oversized cardigan she’d put on without thinking twice as she ran out the door. She’d been late, as per usual Mammy would say, and she’d consoled herself with the anonymity of train travel in a major metropolitan center. It wasn’t Derry. She’d not meet anyone who recognized her from Adam, as one of her lecturers had said, an idiom she’d not heard before but suspected Sister Michael would have adored.
She tried to place the man, who spoke with the same faded accent she had herself, though a little more posh. He looked like a generic example of thirty-year-old man, nondescript brown hair with no sign of a receding hairline, a bit of scruff around the jaw, broad shoulders, the usual American uniform of jeans and some themed sweatshirt, a bit ratty around the cuffs, not sharp in the least. She had no idea who he was, but anyone would admit he was entirely forgettable.
She, evidently, was not, as he knew her well enough to identify her with her head down, her hair bundled back with an elastic, wearing the glasses that had rapidly become more than an aesthetic choice for someone scaling the heights of academe. She’d said that once to Mammy, just so her mother would reply Catch yerself on in her most exasperated manner. 
“That’s me,” she said, trying to sound impersonally polite and not guarded.
“You don’t remember me. Not at all,” he said. Grinned. His eyes were blue and he was more handsome than she’d thought. It was the smile and the complete lack of being insulted that she hadn’t a clue who he was that made him appealing. And the blue eyes. His hands were nice too. 
“M’sorry, no,” she said.
“Dee. From Peace Across the Barricades,” he said. “Dee Foster.”
All Erin could remember was Clare screaming her head off, convinced the deaf boy was going to murder her in front of them all. And James clumping about in those pink waterproof trousers, calling himself a lad when he was the least laddish boy who’d ever lived.
“You gave me an Ulster Bank key-chain and some Rolo as a gift?” he said. “I think there was also a pencil.”
It came back to her in a flash. Maybe like the one people said you had before you died.
“Oh my God, Dee! Dee Foster!” She repeated his surname, as if she’d ever known it, as if she’d remembered him quite well in a fond, old-timey fashion, and not as the boy she’d made the most gauche pass at, trying to stick out her unremarkable boobs and cock her head to one side while he’d gawked at her in astonishment.
“You’re looking well, Erin,” he said, still smiling.
“Did you even like Rolo?” Erin heard herself ask, the most absolutely stupid question she could have come up with. Michelle’s eyes would have rolled right out of her head at it, if she could manage to keep them open. A set of twins ten months after her wedding had nearly done her in, even when the boys started taking a nap outside of the enormous double-pram that had become her latest and worst enemy.
“They’re all right, yeah? I prefer a Mars bar, if I have the choice,” he said. 
“Rolo are nice though,” Erin said. “If you like a caramel center, there’s none better.”
She suddenly heard how she was related to Colm. Any minute now, Dee would make an excuse to flee and she would not be able to blame him.
“Yeah. It’s a funny thing, seeing you here,” he remarked. He leaned back more in the plastic seat. It seemed fleeing was not the the top of his list.
“They say it’s a small world,” she replied. “Doesn’t seem that way on the subway, all crammed together, all sorts—”
“No, not like home and that was a small place,” he said.
“Small in some ways, miles apart in others,” she said. There was a long pause, a sort of companionable one where she was able to recall she had indeed put on some blush and a bit of mascara before she’d left the flat. Apartment, they called it here, though her American friends were always terribly charmed when she spoke as she would have at home. They found it quaint, she knew that, but she didn’t care. She wasn’t the most likable person, so she had to play the cards she had been dealt. Being the winsome and quirky Irish lass had gotten her this far…
“I regretted it, after,” he said.
“You regretted Peace Across the Barricades?” Erin said. “It fell far short of what he wanted, Father Peter, but it was well-meant even if he was rather full of himself—”
“I regretted turning you down, when you wanted to make out. When you asked and told me you hadn’t any moves,” he said. “You were wearing plaid pajamas and a choker necklace.”
She blushed as she hadn’t for a solid decade. 
“I shouldn’t have, it’s so embarrassing—”
“I said I regretted it, saying no. Even if you didn’t really know me,” he said. “You were so shy and also, what brass, to make such a proposition.”
“Michelle said you were a ride,” Erin offered.
“Christ, it takes me home to hear that,” he laughed. “Flattered, too, mind you.”
“I should’ve tried to get to know you. Not treated you like a, like a piece of meat. I’m sorry for that,” she said.
“I’m not,” he said.
This was the oddest conversation she could recall and she spoke to Orla nearly every week.
“If you’d been more polite then, more considerate, there’d been nothing to talk about now. I wouldn’t have blurted out your name in a train station waiting room because I wanted to talk to you again. To see that smile of yours,” he said. “Make you blush.”
“You’re quite the charmer,” Erin replied. She blushed harder, if that was even a thing.
“You’ve been too long among the Americans, Erin,” he replied. “This is just Londonderry—”
“Derry,” she interrupted.
“Just so,” he said. “I wished I’d gone over to you, when our parents were all there, arguing. I wished I’d gone over and said something, anything, you wanted to answer. Given you the last Rolo, maybe. Taken the chalk from your hand and written something else on that board. Something you’d have remembered me by.”
“You wished it, eh? Past tense?” she said. She could never leave well enough alone and not everyone cared for her endless monologues about the niceties of the English language. She’d have taken the words back if she could.
“Present tense as well,” Dee said. “Where are you off to?”
“Back up to Boston,” she said. She felt the urge to explain what she did there, her studies and such, and clamped her mouth shut. He hadn’t asked and there was a runaway train taken over her tongue, God knows what she’d come out with if she allowed herself the leeway.
“Isn’t that lucky? I’m headed up there myself,” he said. 
“Luckier they don’t assign seats on this train,” she said. Fuck it, this was a chance she had to take. “If you wanted to maybe make that old wish come true—”
She broke off because he’d suddenly stood up. He was tall, had probably grown more after she’d last seen him, and she had to crane her neck to see his face.
“Or not. You probably have other things to do, work or something,” she said, trying to claw back any shred of self-respect. Her pride was long, long gone.
“I was only going to get some snacks for the trip,” he said, gesturing with his head towards the nearest shop with its racks of sweets and bottles of water, juice, all the brightly colored health drinks full of chemicals she could never stomach, though they were said to be good for a hangover.
“Oh, all right then,” she said.
He came back with a plastic bag filled with terrible American chocolate and more satisfying packets of crisps, Cokes, those weird cheese-filled pretzels she couldn’t ever get enough of even though they were inarguably rather disgusting.
“I got some Rolo for old time’s sake,” Dee said, then fished out a little plastic square and held it out to her. It said I love NY but the love was a red heart. “And a keychain. This is my move, Erin Quinn. I hope it’s good enough.”
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After they’d moved back to Belfast, she kept her housekeys on it, the letters obscured by the scratches on the plastic, the red heart clear. They gave Rolo as a wedding favor, to the bafflement of their parents, and the knowing looks of Michelle, Clare and James. Orla had only nodded sagely and Dee knew well enough by then not to inquire what she was thinking.
@asteraceae-blue I decided to post this one first because it's a sunny Saturday morning here and that felt like rom-com energy, not angst
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hopeconquersall · 4 days
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Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Derry Girls (TV)
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: James Maguire/Erin Quinn
Characters: Erin Quinn, Michelle Mallon, Orla McCool, Clare Devlin, James Maguire, Joe McCool
Additional Tags: Pining, Crushes, post season 2 episode 5, aka what happens after the tomato juice incident, Clothes Sharing, perhaps a little bit mildly out of character, also i am not irish so forgive me if the dialogue is off
Summary: She has never been looked at like that before. Like a problem and an answer all at once. Like the physical embodiment of the feeling of hearing your favourite song. Like the axis that the world spins on.
She swipes her hands through the air like she is wiping off a chalkboard, then turns to the sink, looking at herself in the mirror. The dry crust of tomato juice is stuck to her neck, and her hair is hardening into something resembling reddened straw. She looks like a scarecrow, too big clothes and hay for hair. All she needs is a hat with a patch on it.
She turns on the tap, and dips her head, submerging her hair in the water. It softens, and she scrubs at it with lemony smelling hand soap until the water that swirls down the drain is clear again.
She stares at herself in the mirror, then points at her reflection, the tip of her finger pressed against the glass. “You do not fancy James,” she says to herself in a whisper, “you do not fancy him.”
OR; what happens after the tomato juice incident
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bikelock28 · 2 years
Thanks for the tag @celestemagnoliathewriter and @sybill-the-seer :)
Rule: Share the first lines of your ten most recent fics and and tag ten people.
For multi-chapters I've done the first line of the most recent chapter.
Lily, Awake Chapter 2: Storm made the tree-branch knock against the window.
Pluto Chapter 94: He was standing at the kitchen counter, buttering toast.
Steam: It was quiet now.
Together: Henderson, Byers and Sinclair sidled out of the video store, chattering excitedly about The Karate Kid.
Hahaha: “Lighten up, why don’t you? It was only a joke,”
Scarlett: "What?"
Bright: They had interrupted Orla's viewing of her favourite television programme.
Light of Day: Over the years, Fleur had plenty of ideas about what her wedding day would be like.
Visitor: It's just gone nine o'clock on Christmas Day evening. 
Bottle Chapter 7: Carefully, Alphie picks up the tray and walks back over to the table in the cordoned-off section of the Goblin's Tooth.
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kpopshakespeare · 3 months
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Bf texts with Vernon 💕📱
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SVT masterlist
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emkayewrites · 15 days
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Lukola fanfiction from Luke's POV- Luke and Nicola are filming the carriage scene but both of them secretly like each other - and both of them are unavailable.
(Excerpt taken from my fanfiction 'Curtain Fall')
5th November 2022 – London (UK)
It was a surreal experience to be on a soundstage, even though he had been on dozens of them by this point in his career.
The Bridgerton production did soundstages like nowhere else.  Everything was huge, and everything was opulent.  He stood in front of a dark blue, four-wheeled carriage.  It was elegant with an exterior adorned with intricate gold-leaf patterns and lacquered wood that contrasted sharply with its’ gleaming brass fittings.  It stood looking rather out of place in front of a giant green screen, in the middle of the chasmic space that was Soundstage 12. 
He was dressed in the finest formalwear that the Regency Period had to offer, and he was covered in what he approximated to be about twelve layers of make-up and two entire cans of hairspray. 
He usually felt a mixture of nerves and excitement before filming a scene as crucial as the one they were about to film.  Today, he was just plain nervous.
He was hardly able to take note of the other people on the soundstage.  At one far end, there were several chairs and tables surrounded by a small group of the hair and make-up team.  At another end, there were a handful of crew members working with cables, rigging and lighting fixtures.  Usually, he would be approaching them all, making small talk, trying to ease his own racing mind but he felt too unsettled to make conversation.
He knew that the way he was feeling was not just about the nature of the scene they were about to film.  It was about her.  She stood several feet away from him with Erika and John adding touches to her make-up and clothes.  She was resplendent in a shimmering baby blue gown that was cinched in a way that flattered both her waist and her ample breasts. 
Breasts he would have to touch again. 
All he wanted to do was to touch her again.
He felt nauseous.
At the same time, he knew that was the very last thing he should do.
He sensed there was something different in her since that night in his trailer too.  She appeared to keep more of a distance, the bantering dialogue they usually had was reduced to a few quips.  He could not be sure, but he felt some sort of frustration emanating from her.  As if she wanted to say something but could not.  He could also be imagining it. He did a lot of that recently.  Imagining conversations with her.  Imagining being with her.  He then got angry at himself.  Then he felt the inevitable anxiety that always came when he realised that he was having strong feelings for the woman he would now have to act like he was having strong feelings for. 
His fathers’ advice echoed in his mind: Keep the work as work, and don’t neglect your real life.  How could he do that when the real life was becoming his work, and the work was becoming his real life? 
Six burly-looking men of various ages approached the carriage.  Andrew trailed behind them, a headset wrapped around his neck and clipboard in hand.  Andrew, their director, was a slight man in his earlier forties with a refined yet approachable air about him.  He gestured for both Luke and Nicola to come towards him.
“Guys, guys… you both look incredible.” Andrew’s eyes beamed with enthusiasm. “Wow!”
In that moment, Luke felt thankful that it was Andrew who was going to be taking them through these scenes.  There was nothing like having a director that not only led you through your scenes, but also lifted you up and empowered you throughout the process. 
“Right, so the way we’ll do this is – the camera will be in the carriage with you guys, we’ll be back over here with the monitors to give that added illusion of intimacy in there.” Andrew explained, pointing to the monitor setup a few feet away.
“And these lovely men…” Andrew motioned to the guys standing by the carriage. “They will be our carriage hydraulics!  We can’t have the carriage attached to real horses for a scene like this, so this was Netflix’s next best offer.”
“Well, we’ll try not to make it too long of a shoot day for you guys.” Luke found himself saying with a nervous chuckle. 
“Right, so we’ll get you guys up into position…” Andrew nodded towards the carriage. 
Luke felt the instinct to go to Nicola, to take her by the hand and guide her up onto the carriage, but one of the carriage men beat him to it.
They stepped into the luxurious interior and seated themselves opposite one another as the script requested.  Andrew looked in through the window at them.
“So, we’ll be on the monitors and the camera will follow you from there…” He motioned to the other side of the carriage, where a camera was positioned, looking in at them through the window.
Luke watched Nicola orient herself, taking note of the cues Andrew was outlining.  He was taken aback by how intimate it all felt now that he was inside the carriage.  It was just going to be them and one camera.  
“That looking good to you, Luke?” Andrew interrupted his thoughts.  Luke was not sure he had taken everything in, but he felt compelled to nod. 
“Alright, so we’ve got this mixture of anger and hurt – but there is a tension running underneath it all.”  Andrew’s eyes lit up again. “It’s the tension of longing.  And that tension finally breaks to give us – the carriage scene!”
“Let’s do this!” Nicola high-fived Andrew, matching his excitement.
He could not ignore how she lit up when she smiled.  He thought about how it did not help that she was made up to resemble an actual Goddess on earth.
“Alright, great! On my cue, guys.” Andrew pulled the headset over his head and moved away from them.  They heard his echoing footsteps recede as the entire soundstage became eerily silent.  The lighting around them dimmed.  Suddenly, the carriage started to move in an undulating way. 
Luke’s eyes met Nicola’s and for a second, they both stifled a giggle at the ridiculousness of it all. 
They heard Andrew’s shout: “ACTION!”
Then their masks came down.
Nicola vanished, and the misty-eyed Penelope sat before him, a look of anger etched on her face.
He fixed her with a stoic look as he spoke: “You cannot marry that man. He will leave you, and he is too particular.”
He watched her watching him, her face getting angrier.
“And he is – he is just not right for you, Pen.” He continued, part-insisting, part-pleading.
She shook her head furiously at him. “He did not propose.”
He stared at her, stunned. 
“In fact, he rejected me because of you.” She practically spat the words out.  “Because the scene you caused led him to believe you have feelings for me.  An idea so preposterous, I do not know what to do besides laugh.”
There were times when she was acting that he found himself lost in what she was doing.  The way she conveyed emotions with so much power and grace.  He watched her with awe.
She continued, through gritted teeth: “Now, will you please leave me alone and let us ride home in silence?”
His heart was racing and there were tears in his eyes as he leaned forward.
“I cannot.” His tone was defiant.
“Please!” She snapped at him, near tears herself.
“I cannot!” He found himself snapping back, a hot, angry tear rolling down his cheek.  He could no longer tell if they were acting tears, or tears of real frustration. 
“Because…” He swallowed, as if mustering up his courage. “What if I did have feelings for you?”
He felt the nausea again. He wanted to remind himself that this was acting, that he should not be having such a visceral reaction to those words but at the same time, he knew it was helping his performance. 
“What?” She blinked at him, still frowning.
He moved so that he was closer to her and then knelt before her.  He was aware he was shaking.  His breath was laboured.
“I have spent so long trying to feel less, trying to be the kind of man society expects me to be.”  He reached forward for her hands, his nerves increasing as he was aware she was surely able to feel the sweat on his palms and feel how much he was shaking.  He found himself squeezing her hands tightly, as if to anchor himself.
“And for a moment, I thought I had succeeded.” He continued. “But these past few weeks have been full of confounding feelings.”
Where did Colin end and he begin?  He thought to himself.  He felt himself getting choked up.  He felt the weeks of frustration and conflicting emotions rising inside him. 
“Feelings like a total inability to stop thinking about you. About that kiss.”
She reacted to his words with a small gasp.
“Feelings like dreaming of you when I’m asleep.  And in fact, preferring sleep because that is where I might find you.  A feeling that is like torture.”
Speaking these words felt terrifying, electrifying and cathartic all at once. Another tear rolled down his cheek.
“One which I cannot… do not… and will not give up.” He spoke emphatically.
“Please. Do not say things you do not mean.” She shook her head at him, disbelieving.
“But I do mean it.  It is everything I have wanted to say to you… for weeks.”
An expression of confusion and pain appeared on her face.
“But… Colin, we are friends.”
Even though the rejection was merely playacting, it still stung.
“Yes, but we…” He spoke with hurt in his voice.  He wanted to say more but swallowed back his words and recomposed himself. He moved back to his seat. “Forgive me. I do not know what I was thinking.”
“But I’d very much like to be more than friends.” 
He stared at her with a mixture of amazement and desire.
“So much more.” She added, a look of longing in her eyes.
He moved closer to her, and for a moment, their faces met, and they took each other in, both breathing heavily.  All he wanted to do was to kiss her, but he was also terrified of what that would do to him.  Then, their mouths met in a passionate kiss.
He found his mind and body travel back… back to the inside of his trailer… back with his hands all over her.  Her mouth and body responded to his with a willingness and desire equal to his own.
He felt the stickiness of her lipstick smearing around the corners of his mouth, her hands in his hair – neither of them having any thought for their hair or make-up.
And then suddenly, he heard it as she did because they found themselves springing away from one another at the same time.
A bright light exploded in their faces as the spotlight above them came back to life.  Andrew and Liam, the cinematographer, were stood by the window next to the camera.  Andrew surveyed their messy faces and hair with wide eyes.
“Woah, you guys were really into that.”
Luke instinctively wiped at his lips with the back of his hand as Nicola smoothed out the front of her dress.
“We’ve been yelling cut for over a minute while you did the kiss – we even timed it!” He laughed.
“Don’t say we don’t give you one hundred and ten percent.” Nicola joked.  Despite her humour, Luke sensed that she seemed unsettled.
“That’s for sure!” Andrew agreed. “Alright, let’s get hair and make-up in here and then we can get the next angle.”
Andrew and Liam moved away from the carriage.  Luke could hear the rest of the crew outside the carriage also dispersing as the normal noises of set life resumed. 
He watched Nicola as she touched gently at her own hair, assessing it for damage.
“You look beautiful.” He found himself saying out loud.
She stared him with a look he did not recognise.  She did not reply.
Quick little authors note: I watched the many interviews Nicola and Luke gave about the carriage scene, about how intense it was, and about how in one instance, they were so caught up filming that they did not hear ‘cut’ being called by the director. It inspired me to write a short story where Nicola and Luke really like each other, but don't know how the other feels, and have to hide it on set. In my mind, that was the only logical reason that this scene was so intense for them. It couldn’t possibly be that they are just such great actors ;) Anyway, that short chapter became the fanfiction I'm STILL writing about these two! So I hope you enjoyed what was actually the very first chapter of this story that I ever wrote -I built the rest of the story around it!
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Climb inside of me.
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Nell Jackson x reader
Summary: Nell left you, will you give her a chance to make explain herself.
Notes: it only took me an hour, it's based off of a poem.
Inspired by the song Again - Noah Cyrus and XXXTENTACION
It hurt in a way you’d never felt before when she left, like grieving a missing limb. And then she’d died that pain was multiplied to the point of suffocation.
Then one night at the Talbot you saw her swan in the same way she left and your head started to spin.
She was back. And real, not something you’d made up to ease the grief.
You jump up and head for the front door heart pounding in your ears. Disappearing without so much as a back glance.
It killed her. So she’d asked Roxy to talk to you being too much of a coward to do it herself.
Roxy raced down the next day practically begging you to go see her. No doubt Nell had asked her to but you’d refused to let yourself even be entertained by the idea.
“she wants to see you ya know”  your head was already shaking side to side before she’d finished.
“She made her choice, she can just deal with it Roxy.” You had a very that was that tone as you fixed your hair, hands smoothing over your dress.
So Roxy didn’t waste her breath asking twice.
Fingers twist the material at your side, something you only did when nervous.
She’d frozen a second, hesitated like she wanted to say more but didn’t.
Knowing you were putting on a front deep down you wanted to see her, she relayed the message anyway.
The deflated look in Nell’s eyes when you refused to see her, broke her heart.
Muttering a sorry as she patted Nell in passing.
Nell couldn’t sleep that night. No matter how much she tossed and turned, fingers twisting in the sheets the gnawing, absence never settled.
Your face wouldn’t leave her mind.
You were best friends why couldn’t you forgive her?
Or at least you used to be before she ruined everything. There was no expectation of easiness but time had made her forgetful of your stubborn nature.
She’d get you back even if it killed her.
 You’d grown up together, she wasn’t going to be stupid enough to let you go twice.
You the educated daughter of a wealthy doctor and Nell the uneducated daughter of a tavern owner.
She had no idea what you even saw in her sometimes but my god did she want to be seen by you.
You’d even slept in the same bed growing up, all snuggled up close under fading candle light fingers tight around your waist and Nell tried to pretend that it didn’t mean anything.
The delicate way you brushed your fingers over her features, faces just inches apart leaning close as you whispered to avoid waking anyone.
You consumed her. Lit the spark in her chest, she burned for you.  
That burn bled into your everyday lives, she could barely contain herself when the local men tried their luck. It was met with a polite decline from yourself or Nell threatening to beat the infatuation out of any boy who mustered up the courage to try.
Nell sometimes caught herself wishing she was a boy it would make everything so easy.
She’d make a good husband. Nobody would ever hurt you, make you cry or take advantage of your kindness again.
She’d always known she wasn’t like most girls and you only made it more obvious.
The thoughts started to scare her becoming more intense as you aged. So she’d done the only thing she could and married Jackson leaving as soon as possible. He was a good man, had understood her situation. Understood he was her way out.
Understood she would never be a normal wife.
You’d been heartbroken, friends your whole lives and not even a goodbye.
One day she was there and the next gone like a ghost.
Nell Jackson had broken your heart.
Eyes darting back and forth between your notes ignoring the burn in your eyes,
Thumbs rub them blurry but Nell’s face doesn’t leave your mind.
Your stomach twists with excitement as you finish writing a possible cure for a disease you’d been working on.
She seemed to be a lot of places you were lately.
You grown suspicious, suspecting Roxy of foul play sometimes but lacked the proper evidence to accuse.
You always found an excuse to leave. She didn’t need us, didn’t need you.
You’d avoided Nell for weeks, Roxy thought it was silly you opting to drink at home throwing yourself into your work.
Couldn’t you see that they needed you? Nell needed you?
You’d see the girls in passing but not as before, it was hard and you missed them but you all needed the space you’d convince yourself to ease the guilt.
You leaned back in your office chair stretching tired limbs throwing the book to the growing pile as you enjoy the silence.
It would be dark in a few hours so you wanted to enjoy the last few hours of sunlight in peace.
You’d earned a rest. Earned a break from your inner torment even if just for a moment.
Being the towns doctors daughter, people came to you all hours for help.
 You didn’t mind of course.
You were a sweetheart and the town loved you for it, beautiful, clever and exceptionally wealthy you had it all.
Well except a husband. But who wanted one of those?
Men were loud, rough and selfish. None of which appealed to you, women were soft, warm and smelled good.
Life would be so much easier if you could marry each other.
You often caught yourself wondering what it would be like curling up next to someone soft and warm..
A shake of your head puts a stop to that train of thought.
Those thoughts were for later, when it was dark and you could pretend your hand  was possessed, working of it’s own volition under your night gown. The thoughts that clouded your mind were put there by the devil himself to torment you.
You caved every time.
Especially these last few weeks you’d find Nell’s face creeping in more.
Which only made it harder to look at her.
You’d had proposals from all sorts of men looking to marry into your family, the ones looking for love. The ones who wanted money, the ones who wanted to use your brilliance for their own selfish reasons.
You turned them all down.
 One of the few lucky enough to have parents that didn’t care much about marriage marrying for love themselves.
The knock on your door startles, bringing you back to reality. You aren’t expecting anybody but then again you suppose you never were.
You look though the peephole, squinting till Nell’s features came into focus.
You swing the door open with more force than needed, Nell blinks in surprise.
“what do you want?” you know you sound rude, you try not to care.
 Hurt flashes over her features but it’s so fleeting you could have imagined it.
“well a hello wouldn’t go a miss”  irritation brews in your chest but it’s overshadowed with the ache of missing her.
You wanted to cry, bury your head in her neck and never let go.
“if I wanted to say hello I’d have called.” You quip cheeks hot.
You turn before she can see heading back the way you came with Nell at your heels.
You think you hear her close the door behind you.
You hope she has, it was hardly the safest village.
It doesn’t take long before your back in your office sitting back at your work station.
“figured I’d save you the trouble”  she stops awkwardly in the middle of the room taking it all in.
The overwhelming rows of books, ingredients. Scribbled notes scattering the table, Nell doesn’t think she’s ever seen so many books in her life.
“that why you’re here, to say hello?” your words come out thin and pinched, you find yourself silently cringing at your own voice.
If Nell notices she doesn’t say anything.
“Yeah well, I missed ya”  her fingers tap against a jar as she stares at the contents.
Your eyes watch Nell’s frame, she moves slow eyes scanning the various bottles and jars filled with all sorts.
“your the one who left” you huff.
“didn’t feel I ‘ad a choice” she’s looking at you now eyes gazing into your own.
“a goodbye would have been nice” you mutter.
“m sorry”
 Nell continues to study your shelves and the silence stretches on.
Too long.
“don’t touch that” your across the room in seconds hand gripping her wrist tightly, alarm in your tone.
Nell jars slightly, looking at your grip on her wrist.
“It’s a paralytic.” You offer, her blank stare let’s you know she doesn’t understand so you carry on.
“you’ll be unable to move, paralysing your body and lungs eventually until you suffocate and die.”
“Cheery” Nell lowers her eyes and you realise with great embarrassment you still haven’t let go of her wrist.
Dropping her wrist you put away the deadly concoctions in sight as a precaution.
“Sorry, I just didn’t want you to die.” You offer lamely.
Nell’s heart sores at your words, you still cared. “I wouldn’t worry about that, I’m magic.” her joke confuses you tone awkward.
Nell knows she sounds lame but she doesn’t know what else to offer.
You meet her gaze properly, her eyes are so pretty.
“did I do something wrong?” Nell’s mind goes blank, how could you ever do anything wrong?
“Course not, why would you think that?” you grip your skirt fingers tightening and untightening. Twisting and pulling until you can’t anymore.
Nell’s grip tightens around your hand gently pulling the offending hand from your already creased skirt.
“because you never said goodbye.” and it sounds like the most childish thing in the world to be upset about.
But you are.
She pulls you in, slowly guiding you until your eye level with her chin.
You daren’t let your eyes stray further. Her hand moves to hold your own squeezing gently.
 “I didn’t want to hurt ya, I had to leave. Had to leave before I did something stupid,” and of course it makes no sense.
“Stupid? I don’t understand” you pull gently, Nell doesn’t let go.
Pushing your wrists down until she’s forced to let go you take a step back.
“Stop talking in riddles and just be honest with me.”
Her brain freezes and she finds her mouth opening and closing without a sound coming out.
And so she does the only thing that she can, she kisses you.
Her lips are soft, warm. Unskilled they work against yours urgently.
Heat shoots down your spine coiling tight in your lower belly as she pushes you gently into the bookshelf behind.
You think you hear something fall but you don’t care. She’s so soft, eager and my god does she smell good.
Gasping for air you reluctantly pull back, releasing a shaky breath foreheads pressed together.  
You think you hear here apologising but it doesn’t register.
How on earth could she be sorry for that?
“I shouldn’t have done that” it’s not an apology but close enough.
“why not?” Nell doesn’t have an answer, you didn’t seem upset which was a win. 
She steps back and you panic.
Nell doesn’t miss it, moving closer to soothe you. “hey I ain’t goin nowhere” relaxing, you nod and step closer.
“it’s going to be dark soon, you should stay.”
Nodding wordlessly, Nell finds herself hypnotised as you lead her upstairs.
Finding herself in your bedroom watching you undress for bed, Nell can’t help but feel like the luckiest person in the world perching on the end of your bed.
You blush turning to find her gaze already on you.
“you sleeping like that?” you gesture towards her outfit. Trousers, boots, hat and a gentleman’s coat.
Pulling off her boots and coat, she hangs her hat over your bedpost, you blow out the candle.
Pushing herself up the bed as you crawled to meet her.
Snuggling up you press your head against her chest as you both get comfortable.
Whatever happened, you had each other. You were home.
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eliaskew · 25 days
Found a post on Reddit talking about possible Marauders AU's and thought I'd throw my own hat into the ring so, here are some, specifically british shows/movies I think could be adapted into brilliant fics and AU's.
The History Boys-
A group of Sixth Formers from a poor area in Yorkshire achieve the highest grades in their A Levels that the school has ever seen. Consequently, the principal makes them stay an extra term so that they can prepare to get into Oxford and Cambridge universities (the most prestigious universities in the UK).
There's a wide variety of characters, including an eccentric "general studies" teacher who takes the boys on "special" motorbike rides and feels them up at stops, a young history teacher brought in to get them ready for Oxford, despite being a fraud, and the boys themselves who are all colourful and weird in their own ways.
The story has tragedy, heartbreak, exam stress, lots of very British banter and an excellent commentary on Queerness and Queen relationships. It's the British answer to the Dead Poets Society and has adaptations on the BBC.
The Full Monty-
Another British film, once again set in Yorkshire (both around the canon time period too). After the Thatcher administration, hundreds of miners in Yorkshire lose their jobs, as do many factory workers.
This film follows a dad attempting to raise money so he can fight his ex-wife in court for joint custody of their son, his best mate who feels insecure about his weight, a depressed young queer man looking after his mother and a few others besides as they try and fail to look for jobs now their steel factory is bust.
They see hoards of women watching male strip shows and decide to give that a try as a way to raise money. Hijinks ensue including stripping, intimidation of repo men, running naked from the police, terrible dancing, hilarious auditions for the troupe and more.
It's a commentary on class, desperation and male friendships which remain wholesome throughout. There is also a queer relationship between two characters which while not particularly explored in the film could be explored in an au.
The Importance of Being Ernest-
Oscar Wilde's most famous comedy where two upper class gentleman pull a long con on the people around them by each pretending to be a fictional "Ernest". Of course, the core of this revolves around the women they're interested in:
Jack Worthing invents a brother named "Ernest" for the people of his country home, while his friend Algernon Montcrieff creates an invalid friend called Bunbury. Both characters invented by these men as reasons to skive off their duties and pursue romantic encounters.
Jack is interested in Algernon's cousin, who has a fascination with men called Ernest and Algernon hears about Jack's ward and, seeing her as a way to raise himself out of debt, pretends to be Jack's non-existent brother "Ernest" to get in with her.
It's a comedy of errors entirely befitting of the Marauders era with a lot of British tongue-in-cheek humour, romantic moments and convoluted deception.
Derry Girls-
A more modern entry than most of the others on my list. Set in an all girls school (minus James the wee English fella) in Ireland it follows a group of girls and James as they go through the trials and tribulations of living in Ireland during the Troubles, school life, religious guilt and sexuality. Again, it's incredibly funny, heartbreaking in moments and highly relatable. Definitely a good choice for an AU, especially if one wanted to focus more on the friendship side than the relationship side of the Marauders fandom.
Sex Education-
Fairly self explanatory, a group for British pupils at a Sixth Form College discovering their sexualities, learning about sex in a way that wasn't taught at school. Very queer, very funny at points with moments of family troubles, harder topics and exam stress. Modern day as opposed to Derry Girls which is set in the 90's so more wiggle room if you're someone who prefers modern au's. Large and diverse cast with individual stories and character growth so another one that's perfect for including the entire Marauders Ensemble.
Good Omens-
An Angel and a Demon are both sent to earth, one to bring miracles, the other to tempt people to sin. Along the way they get to know and care about each other, forming a pact where they will occasionally help each other out on jobs since they're effectively cancelling out each other's usefulness.
6000 years later and the Antichrist is born, Crowley (the demon) has the idea for them both to raise the boy together so that he neither turns out good OR evil, which Aziraphale (the angel) agrees to. However, due to an entirely human mix-up at the Antichrist's birth, they end up raising the wrong boy.
And the Actual Antichrist begins the end of the world. Crowley and Aziraphale have to work together to find him, and stop it, despite the risk of their respective sides catching wind and punishing them.
This is essentially a very British 6000 year long slow-burn between two male presenting entities and would be ideal for an enemies to lovers situation.
The Holiday-
In fairness, I think I have seen someone do an AU of this film but I can't remember the name of the fic so I'm going to put this forward anyway.
A british Publisher finds out that the man she's in love with is marrying someone else after leading her on and becomes incredibly depressed by this. At the same time, in America, a producer has caught her long-term boyfriend cheating on her and though she is devastated by this, she cannot cry. Instead of both of them wallowing in there maudlin, they decide to go on holiday and end up swapping houses for a while.
There are cultural differences each must overcome including the british lady's drunke, widower brother stumbling into her house while she isn't there and entering a relationship with the American, and the British lady encountering an American composer whom she quickly falls for despite him being in a relationship already.
Very sweet, very touching with explorations of romance, self and belonging. Another wide cast of characters but more focused on the romantic aspect of the four leads.
BBC Ghosts-
Specifically the British version of this, because while the American version is brilliant, this is focusing on British media.
Allison and Mike are a married couple who are struggling with their finances. When a distant relative of Allison's dies they're gifted her Manor house in rural England with plans to turn it into a BnB and earn some money. The ghosts inhabiting the house, varying from a Tory Politician who died in a sex scandal, to a woman burned as a witch and a caveman who died on the grounds- aren't very happy about this and do their best to scare them away.
An accident leaves Allison dead for a few minutes before modern technology is able to bring her back and from that moment onward she is able to see and speak to the ghosts.
Various hijinks ensue where the ghosts and Allison must learn to get along despite the issues with the house, the failing BnB business and Button House being put on the map through various historical discoveries.
This would be another great one for an Ensemble feel, historical discoveries and shenanigans around the different ways each character was raised (and subsequently died.) Incredibly funny, very British humour and very on brand for the Marauders.
And finally: Twelfth Night (or really, any Shakespeare, Twelfth Night just happens to be my favourite and I'm incredibly biased)-
Another comedy of Errors. Sebastian and Viola, twins from Medici (if I remember correctly) are caught in a storm and shipwrecked, both believing the other is dead. Viola washes up on Illyria having been saved by a local captain and decides her best bet at survival is to put on Sebastian's clothes and pretend to be a man so she can seek employment under Duke Orsino.
Duke Orsino is head over heels for Countess Olivia, whom is mourning her family and also hates the Duke. Viola, as Cesario her male disguise, falls for Orsino, Orsino sends them to court Olivia in his wake, Olivia falls for Viola/Cesario and then Sebastian washes up with his pirate "friend" and all hell breaks loose and no-one is able to tell one from the other.
Theres a side plot involving the members of Olivia's household sending a man insane because he's a dick which is just as funny as the rest of it.
Very funny, lots of deception and a brilliant exploration of relationships, self-discovery, identities and queerness. It's not a stretch to see Viola/Cesario as trans, Orsino and Olivia as queer and Antonio (Sebastian's pirate "friend") as gayer than a bottle of crisps.
Plus, I think there should be more Shakespeare Au's and this one, while the plot is complicated, fits the Marauders characters brilliantly well.
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mondieuwordnerd · 1 year
Reading a slow burn fic and things finally start ramping up:
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menimimimeni · 5 months
Lan Wangji: I knew I should've cut ties with you lot a long time ago.
Nie Huaisang: It's not our fault!
Lan Wangji: Of course it's your fault! You've dragged me down to your level, your stupidity has finally rubbed off on me!
Lan Wangji: I was a scholar when I met you, Huaisang, a scholar!
Nie Huaisang: You were three.
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rafeyswrd · 5 months
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rules &&. who i write for.
୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ bridgerton males.
୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ james maguire.
୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ tom riddle.
୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ miguel diaz.
୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ ethan landry.
୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ obx characters.
only dub con ( unless specified in a diff context ) , other than that straight up rape, any sort of incest, questionable age gaps, i do not write. i can change my mind and style soon! there are some exceptions to which i’m fine with writing anything depending on the characters ( mostly rafe cameron & miguel diaz ).
i am also very slow in requests with certain characters , be gentle :(
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venusleontios55555 · 1 year
Only girl in a boys group : Macho, not like other girls, all the guys will fall in love with her.
Only guy in a girls group: Feminine, soft, all the girls bully him, maybe gay.
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hopeconquersall · 2 months
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s4pphic-sh3nan1gans · 9 hours
I just finished watching Derry Girls and I'm mad at myself for not having watched it ages ago, but I'm also so sad that like that's... it? I want more 🥲 it was fucking amazing though
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