#diabetes and cancer
crippledpunks · 5 months
chronic fatigue weaves its way into everything. people love to tell disabled people they'd love to rest as much as we do, but they fail to understand how tired we are while we rest. we are not relaxed, we are generally pretty miserable, either from pain, irritability, or fatigue- which bleeds into every aspect of your life. being too fatigued to get up off of the couch means that you're too fatigued to get to the cupboard to pull out pans to attempt to start cooking.
the steps hidden within steps that are required to do a lot of tasks related to being a "functioning adult" are daunting, there are often way too many steps necessary to make "Simple" foods or do "simple" chores for disabled people to accomplish these tasks. chronic fatigue often means that even waking up from a nap or night's rest requires time to adjust to and power through
waking up is a process for me. im often no more alert and awake hours after i've woken than I am right after doing so. caffeine does not help fatigue- at least not at safe doses, for me, anyways. many days the act of moving from my bedroom to my living room is too much. taking dishes to the sink can be too exhausting. i have began falling asleep in front of the kitchen counter while standing because i realize the amount of steps required to clean the counters, or do the dishes, or prepare a meal that all of my energy instantly bleeds away
it's okay if you feel this way too. i have been dealing with chronic fatigue my entire life and it cost me my best paying job. i lost my ability to work because of it. it's not just you being "sleepy", you are genuinely too exhausted to function. you do NOT have the energy levels other people do, and that's okay. it's okay to let yourself be tired sometimes and address that instead of trying to pretend you're not tired.
i wish you good luck. you are loved
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wiisagi-maiingan · 1 year
I'm all for natural remedies and traditional medicine, but I think when your "natural remedy" is based on the idea that water can become medicinal by being in the presence of a teeny itty bit amount of something, then it's probably bullshit and you're getting scammed. Go buy some ibuprofen or see a doctor.
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willowreader · 7 months
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Statistics don't lie It just blows my mind that people can't see or understand that COVID is a dangerous virus that can damage your body. Getting infected multiple times will have serious consequences for many.
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07043012 · 3 months
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Headcanon: James has a habit of keeping some lollipop, gums and candy in his pocket. He has a sweet tooth (gets addicted to sugar)
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mindblowingscience · 2 months
A class of diabetes medications, which include the best-selling drug Ozempic, are associated with a reduced risk of certain obesity-related cancers, according to a study released Friday. Published in the journal JAMA, the study compared patients with Type 2 diabetes who were treated with insulin versus patients who were given a class of drug known as GLP-1 agonists, like Ozempic, between 2005 and 2018. The researchers found that the patients who received GLP-1 agonists had a significantly lower risk of developing 10 out of 13 cancers studied, including kidney, pancreatic, esophageal, ovarian, liver and colorectal cancer.
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troythecatfish · 4 months
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officialclangen · 1 year
I dunno if this has been asked yet, but what is the wasting disease condition based on?
Just curious.
Things like cancer, diabetes, and terminal illnesses. Basically, any illness that would cause the cat to become weak and eventually die, but that the cats wouldn't have proper medical technology/understanding to actually identify and treat. Thus the cats put it in the category of "wasting disease" because the affected cats seem to just waste away.
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arthyritis · 5 months
Hey guys, it would mean a lot to me if you could share this around. The man this fundraiser is for is like an uncle to me; he's compassionate and thinks very highly of all the people around him.
He's been struggling bad for a while with one health thing piled on top of the other, along with already having been blind and diabetic for many, many years. I don't ask for this kind of help often but he's not getting any better and he honestly won't so he and my family really wanted to do something nice for himself and his wife, very possibly for the last time.
Even if it's not much or even if you only share, know we all thank you for your generosity 💚💚💚
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eretzyisrael · 9 days
Good News From Israel
In the 15th Sep 24 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
5 articles featuring amazing war-wounded Israelis.
Thousands at risk of lung blood clots saved by Israeli AI.
How a black African Jew became Deputy Mayor of Tel Aviv.
Another Israeli process turns garbage into fuel.
It’s never been a better time to invest in Israeli technology.
Israeli journalist Walter Bingham skydives to celebrate his 100th birthday.
Read More: Good News From Israel
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This issue is dedicated to all the Israeli superheroes featured in this newsletter
The photo is of Israel's Walter Bingham, the world's oldest journalist, who celebrated his 100th birthday by skydiving over Israel.
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Diabetes and Cancer: Does Diabetes Cause Cancer?
This article is originally published on Freedom from Diabetes website, available here.
People with out-of-control Type 2 diabetes have a 39% higher risk of developing cancer. Men are more likely to suffer prostate cancer. Women have a 17% higher risk of getting breast cancer. People with type 2 diabetes are also likely to develop cancers of the liver, pancreas, and colon.
If you have pre-diabetes, you are still at risk. Studies have shown an association between pre-diabetes and increased cancer risk of colorectal, lung, liver, ovarian, pancreatic, and prostate cancers. These findings correspond to a certain extent to the increase in testing and improvement in diagnostic technology.
If you’re interested to know more about this topic Click here to read.
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paging-possum · 17 days
Accidentally deleted my celiac post but the sentiment is still there. Celiac TLDR is that you eat gluten -> body freaks the fuck out -> immune system attacks small intestine and damages villi in your small intestine (villi increase nutrient absorption theyre very important you can see cool pictures of them on histology dot com) -> stomach pain and nausea and vomiting and skin problems and fatigue and malnourishment and bloating and many other issues -> some dipshit tells you you’re too woke or whatever and that you’re entitled for not wanting this to happen. Everyone listen to the this podcast will kill you episode on celiac or wait an unspecified amount of time for me to make this comic. Celiac people I love you forever.
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freckledsweetpea · 12 days
the way that people genuinely believe type 2 diabetes is a fat person disease is just...so fucking ignorant. it's extremely hereditary. I know 4 people with type 2 diabetes or who are pre-diabetic. All of them thin or extremely average weights with very small amounts of body fat that come with aging. All of them have siblings or parents who also have/had it. Of course healthy diet and exercise will be a huge help in keeping it at bay, BUT BEING FAT DOES NOT CAUSE DIABETES TO MANIFEST BECAUSE YOU ARE FAT. IT IS IN YOUR GENETICS.
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ricisidro · 4 months
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#COVID19 pandemic in 2021 to 2022 cut global life expectancy by nearly 2 years, to 71.4 years.
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as #ischemicHeartDisease #stroke, #cancers, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (#COPD), #Alzheimer's disease and other #dementias, and #diabetes were the biggest killers, according to #WHO.
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Please help my family
I'm a young autistic and queer mom and my family has been severely struggling for a long time. My boyfriend, the father of our two toddlers, has stage 3 stomach cancer and together we also take care of his disabled mother who has Alzheimer's, diabetes, and a multitude of other conditions.
We desperately need a car so that we can not only get back and forth from work and grab groceries, but also so we can transport our family to and from the doctors appointments we have coming up. We've been trying to make do getting groceries and to work, which is 7 miles away, on a bicycle but my bf was hit by a car on it recently and our bike is destroyed.
Winter is pretty much here and we need a safe way to get our family around to where we need to go. The cheapest possible car anywhere around us is $1000. We've been sent $53/1000 so far and we're very thankful but we really need help.
Please, anything you can send helps so much and reblogs are extremely appreciated so that hopefully someone who can help might see this.
V*nmo: jayep7
C*$happ: jayep7
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not having a great time of it folks
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mindblowingscience · 9 months
A drug commonly used to treat type 2 diabetes could also effectively protect against colorectal cancer (CRC), based on a new analysis by researchers in the US. The drug in question is a class of medications known as glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists – more easily referred to as GLP-1 RAs. These medications, which include the widely-known 'wonder drug' sold under the commercial name Wegovy, have also previously been linked to weight loss and reducing the risk of cardiovascular problems.
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