#dick and jason would hate all the fake smiles and bullshit
chin fucking up, amigo.
Titans 3.02
... eh?
1. you know that music video for billie jean where michael jackson would dance along the pavement and the tiles would light up under his feet in different colours? yeah? me too.
titans hasn’t met a table top or a support arch that it doesn’t want to light up in a headache-inducing blue like the world’s most boring nightlight. i mean, i’m not an expert on lighting or cinematography or just... colour by any means, and the quality of the video i’m watching is poor given that i can’t access hbo max, but all the orange and teal and neon is making it very difficult to really differentiate between say, the batcave and the gotham police department and hell, the titans tower. i feel like there’s oftentimes a gap between idea and execution with titans, with gotham being this almost otherwordly hellscape with an aesthetic pulled from a gothic horror novel, but the colours and design just... leave it flat and dark and dull.
1.5. like what really frustrates me is that titans has a delightful mix of tones--the fights often remind me of schumacher-era batman camp, with the contrived quips and the start-stop rhythm and krypto just sallying in and ending the fight with a fucking SuperBark (tm) but in the same episode you have red hood just casually pulling out severed heads out of a duffle bag and desperate people blackmailed into killing themselves out of drug overdoses. I MEAN. it’s wonderful! but it looks all the same. it sounds Absolutely Bonkers on paper but on screen both Quip and Murder happen in the same washed-out blue and i wanted to be excited about the batcave, dammit!
2. things re: red hood have happened at such a breakneck speed that it feels like there’s so much that’s happened off-screen that we’re not privy to. a real proper mystery! 
things that are intriguing about the red hood arc so far:
a) what was that chemical he huffed just before going to fight the joker? is it a regular old performance/adrenaline booster or is it something more lazarus-juice adjacent? if it’s the latter, i can’t imagine he got that much information from a lone chemistry textbook. and where is he getting the resources to set up his little chemistry lab? is somebody else orchestrating things behind the scenes?
b) the red hood persona, costume and mask, plus the elaborate plan he’s putting in place to both string along gotham’s rogues and enact his revenge against the titans seems too... fully-formed and elaborate to have been concocted in just a few days. how long do you think jason’s been planning this? just... stewing in resentment and building rage, dismissed and passed around and underestimated and realising that the power he thought he would get by being robin is no power, no protection at all, but something that’s left him even more vulnerable than before? 
c) do we think that the scarecrow is at least partly behind this transformation? because yes, it was batman that set up this whole hannibal lecter-esque situation with him, and he would be irresponsible enough to have jason-as-robin go talk to him regularly regarding “~profiling~” criminals. it’s not too far of a leap to assume that scarecrow could’ve been manipulating jason at a very vulnerable time, and that he could’ve passed along some of his chemistry know-how, too.
d) ... or fuck, i wouldn’t put it past titans to introduce ra’s al ghul in a fucking ten second aside
e) anyway, the thing that won’t leave me alone is jason seeking out the joker not necessarily to fight him, but to orchestrate his own death. the whole thing has to have been part of a bigger plan. he broke batman with it, after all. and he’s starting to break the titans, too.
f) i love it! i mean, it does re-tread some of the storybeats we had with deathstroke last season (turning the titans against each other as revenge, etc) but it’s... tighter, this time, and at least for now seems better-executed. and as a red hood story it’s different enough to be really interesting, and i appreciate the ways in which its reframed the revenge story to focus on the titans rather than just the batman. like fuck everything up, i say! turn it on its head! slash the innards out of that sacred cow and strew it like garlands in the path of the Story You Want To Tell!
(and yes i am fully aware that by the time i post this review, there will be a whole lot more information out but if i come across like a fool then goddammit i will be a fool!)
2. i love how every season of titans starts off with, ‘oh dick, you thought you were settling into a role and a life and a pattern of relationships? well fuck you, here’s a terrible and traumatic thing, tons more responsibility, and circumstances that will lead you to uproot your entire life and move somewhere else.’ and dick’s just like, ‘well, ok. fuck you, but all right’.
can you imagine? the man was just settling into leading a team in sf and smiling for the first time in years, and now he has to deal with jason’s death, bruce experiencing a full fledged breakdown, coming back to a city that represents more bad memories than good, red hood, and a frightening new case that seems to be targeting him and his team. it’s a testament to dick’s growth that he’s not reacting to this stress like he did last year, shutting everybody out, making irrational decisions and experiencing sharp, short bursts of anger. (not to mention a full fledged psychotic episode.)
2.5. but i’ve also talked about dick performing a fair amount of unwarranted emotional labour for his team(s) in that he just lets them take out their frustrations on him and... does nothing. be it his team exploding at him for jericho (both in flashback and present-day) or donna and hank needling him for handling deathstroke poorly or barbara berating him for not handling the bank situation as well as she thought batman would though just the previous episode she had talked about how fucked up it was that bruce just expected dick to step up and replace him in gotham without any real notice. i mean it’s all perfectly understandable and sympathetic from their end--and i’m not trying to bash them here!--but hank, my man, the same chin you’re asking your amigo to keep up is the one that you punched last year and never apologised for. just sayin’.
2.75. @superohclair did a wonderful breakdown of what the ‘fear’ contract could imply here and there’s not too much i could add to that. it’s just really interesting that fear ended up being such a defining feature of their lives, albeit it’s the fear of seeming less than invincible in the face of bigger, more tangible fears. am i making sense?  dick feared loss, and abandonment, and the more existential concept of turning into something that he didn’t want to. bruce so feared being alone that he’s scouting kids to replace robin within days of jason dying. 
it also goes some way in explaining the tense sort of... restraint that bruce and dick show in the wake of loss and tragedy, like anything less than complete control of your emotions can lead to tragedy. it’s conditioning that dick couldn’t shake off when he was at his lowest in detroit, hating his legacy but unable to let it go either.
2.775. but i definitely appreciate the softness that dick displays with his team now, checking on them after a mission-gone-bad, welcoming back old members with no caveats or resentments (and kory’s delight in seeing hank back! hank and dick hanging out together and hank trying to prop dick up!), and appreciating their teamwork in solving cases. that’s always been the essence of dick as a person, and the beating heart of this show: flawed and traumatised people coming together to a place that will always be open to them, where they can be their worst and be supported still, allowed to make mistakes and grow from them. that’s family.
2.8. coming back to bruce for just a sec, it’s interesting how that gotham rogue was so certain when he said that ‘batman doesn’t kill’ but it’s not a rule that either jason or dick put much store by when they were robins. the ‘no-killing’ rule clearly didn’t mitigate dick’s fears about turning into batman and jason’s never been seeing giving two shits about it. it seems to me of a piece with bruce’s distant, second-hand sort of parenting that we see in dick’s flashbacks from s1 where the fear was never about personally disappointing batman, but taking lessons from him on finding a place in gotham’s hellish ecosystem and surviving.
3. kory having waking flashbacks! i don’t buy the bullshit parasomnia episode explanation from fake!HPG (because c’mon, justin has to be some sort of tamaranean ruse) because for one, you have to be actually asleep for that diagnosis. 
(and here i was, hoping against hope that HPG would actually end up as the team’s therapist)
curiouser and curiouser! i wonder if these flashbacks are from the time between kory landing on earth and the beginning of season 1, when she was completely amnesiac? it’d be cool if the show was considering repercussions from that time, and if kory hasn’t gained all her memories back. 
4. i just love the vibes between gar and conner and kory. gar Having Things To Do is only one part of my wishlist for him, however: other parts include having an actual story arc, and actually bonding with members who are not conner and kory. (dick! dick! hank! dick!)
anyway. time to move on to watching ep3 and seeing this family bond and nothing terrible and tragic happening at all, nope, nosiree. 
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boyy-wonder-grayson · 4 years
Summary: Jason has a crush on the reader who happens to be Dick’s girlfriend.
Requested: yes
Parings: Dick Grayson x Reader. Jason Todd x Reader (kind of)
Warnings: angst, smut a little
A/N: just a lil imagine that my lovely frined @riseofnightwing requested. (not beta read cause im tired so sorry for mistakes)
The rain tapped against the windows of the tower, a quiet sort of night. The air around the tower was so tense that you could almost cut it with a knife. It's been almost three days since the last time Dr light attacked,and the team was frustrated without new leads to follow. Dick, Hank, Donna and Kory were trying to find something out in the streets,but it's been two hours since they've gone out and so far nothing.
Y/n sighed in frustration, she cracked her neck trying to release the tension from the last few days and went to the kitchen to get some coffee. She's been sitting at the computer for most of the day trying to find something, and waiting for something from the others but to no avail. 
"Hey Y/n" Jason greeted her from his spot on the kitchen. He was already drinking coffee and offered to make some to Y/n which she accepted gratefully. 
"Got anything on Dr douchebag?" He asked making her chuckle. 
"Nothing so far" she yawned covering her mouth with her hand. "And the other have nothing either. I hate this dude, can he like surrender or something in getting really tired of San Francisco's jail system." She complained 
"It's like they let the villains out whenever the city starts gains some peace" she finished drowning the remaining of her coffee. She really needed caffeine today.
Jason laughed at her outburst and placed a hand on her shoulder rubbing comforting circles near the skin of her neck. 
"We're gonna get him, that's what we do" he said looking at her with softness on his gaze.
Y/n smiled down at him, she was a few inches taller than him, and placed her hand on top of his "thanks jay I kinda needed that". Jason felt his heart hammered in his ribcage at their close proximity. It was now or never, he leaned in trying to kiss her, much to her oblivion, but the moment was cut short when her phone rang.
"Hey Dick what's up?" She answered the phone, throwing Jason an apologetic look, leaving the boy alone in his frustrated state. She left the room and went back to the computer and sat down.
"I was thinking maybe we could have some...alone time when I come back to the tower?" Dick asked her. She knew exactly what he meant by that and to be honest she was thrilled that Dick needed her as much as she needed him. She released a breathy laughed and told him that she couldn't wait for him to come back. 
It's been three months since they started dating and almost two years of mutual pining for each other. When she had enough of Dick's bullshit she decided to take the first step and kissed him after one successful mission. A victory kiss if you will, and Dick was happy that at least someone had the balls to make a move. 
Ever since then things went pretty great. What they didn't know was that Dick was not the only one with a massive crush on the female hero. 
Jason Todd was in love. Or so Rachel said. She was the only one who knew about her gigantic crush on Y/n and it was an honest mistake that she found that out. Sometimes her powers get out of control and casually that day, Jason was around. He made her swear  not to tell anything to anyone and Rachel assured him she wouldn't say a word.
Jason wasn't the type to pine after someone like Y/n. Not because he was some sort of asshat that believed that he was better than anyone,or that she wasn't enough. It was because y/n was the total opposite of him. While she has a happy-go-lucky attitude towards life, Jason was more of  when-life-doesn't-give-you-lemons-you-kick-down-the-tree. That was one of the main reasons; another one was how much everyone enjoyed having her around, he sure as hell did. She was so optimistic and full of life that at the beginning, that it surprised Jason so much that he thought she was faking it. In this type of life no one was that happy. But with time he realised that she was genuinely just a happy person; which made Jason feel things he didn't want to. He wasn't expecting to fall for someone like her, specially when she's a bit older than him. And specially when he saw his brother act the same way as him towards her more than once. 
It drove Jason insane to see him all over her, but he didn't want to give away his feelings for her.
He was supposed to go on patrol later that night, since the other were already out he would take their place, alongside Gar, Rachel, Conner and Dawn.  He didn't want to leave now that he could spend some time with her, but the job needed to be done. He suited up and just as he was going out Y/n walked past him, she smiled at him.
"Looking good Robin" she told him playfully. He winked at her and made a reverence which made her rolled her eyes at the boy.
"Be safe out there, okay?" She told him with softness. Jason's heart did a flip and he felt his face turn red. He only nodded and before he left she hugged him. He melt into her embrace that didn't last too long much to his chagrin.
He left for patrol not without promising that he would confess his feelings for her when he got back.
Y/n sighed when she felt Dick's lips on the inside of her tights. She grabbed a fistful of his hair to bring her closer to where she really needed him. The brown haired boy chuckled but obey without a fuss. Truth is she loved when he went down on her, and Dick was damn good at it. She bit the inside of her hand trying to tune down her moans but she failed miserably. She pulled Dick's hair harder than before making him grunt in response. She was so out of herself that at this point she didn't give a shit if someone heard them or not. When he was done she plopped down on her side laughing at her state. She was breathing heavily and sweat run through her forehead. Y/n looked at him and saw a smug smile graced her boyfriend's face.
"I guess you enjoyed that" he asked cuddling her.
"Mm what makes you said that?" She asked playfully.
Dick kissed her shoulder and pulled her closer to his chest.
"Oh I don't know, maybe the way were moaning my name when I put my-" he was cut short when she elbowed him in the stomach making the boy laughed. 
"Shut up and go to sleep" she said closing her eyes. She was exhausted and so was he. Whenever they had sex Dick usually leaves in the morning before everyone could catch them,but since they were so exhausted Dick just sleep right through his alarm until a certain black haired boy bursted into the room the next morning. 
The two heroes were soundly asleep when Jason entered her room. He was shocked when he saw them sleeping together and naked. Dick's hands were all around her and she was grabbing the former arm. Jason felt sick. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. His brother and his crush sleeping together. Naked. He got out of there fast and bumped into Hank in the hallway.
"Hey man watch it" the blonde said.
"Fuck off" he yelled not even bothering how much attention he drew to himself. He felt his eyes watered. It shouldn't be this bad, it shouldn't affect him this much. But it did, he felt his breath quicken. 
"What the fuck is your problem dude?" Hank questioned.
"You! And everyone in this fucking tower!" Jason yelled.
Y/n and Dick woke up when at the commotion and quickly got dressed. When they reached the living room they saw Jason and Hank fighting.
"Hey, what's going on here?" Dick asked walking towards Jason to calm him down. He tried to put a hand on his little brother's shoulder but Jason shook it off rather violently.
" don't fucking touch you. You fucking traitor" Jason said through gritted teeth. Dick was taken aback by his brothers rage.
"What are you talking about?" 
"You knew i liked her!" He pointed at Y/n who was quiet throughout this whole exchange. "And yet you still went and fucked her behind my back" he spewed the words.
Dick face felt. He cursed under his breath and tried to talk to Jason but the boy just shook his head and walked away. 
Y/n walked out of the living room feeling like shit. How could she not notice this? She asked herself. Jason's been spending so much time with her but she never really thought about this, she thought they were just friends. Just really good friends.
Dick found her crying in her bed. She truly felt like a shitty person.
"Hey stop that" Dick said wiping the tears from her face. 
"I'm sorry, I'm just" she took a shaky breath before she continued "how come we didn't realize this? He's your brother for fucks sake! And now he hate us for this" 
"Do you regret this? Us?" Dick asked with concern across his face.
"What?" She sniffed "no! Of course not. But I just can't help but feel like shit because I love Jason,like a brother and now I don't think there's coming back from this" she sighed.
"Look, I know Jason. He's hurt right now but he'll turn around and come back. He's a good kid he just needs time" dick reassured her.
Y/n nodded and looked at his boyfriend. She took his head on her hands and gave him a deep long kiss. Hopefully things will get better soon.
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dobrikburrito · 5 years
good idea, d.d.
words: 2.9k
requested by anonymous
While having a sit and film session with the VS, the topic of the reader's sex life comes up. And everybody find out that its been a hot, HOT minute since the reader's had so good dick. So someone jokingly suggests that her and David have a lil romp session. At first they refuse but after a few weeks David shoots the reader a text saying he's got a lil surprise for her 
disclaimer: it’s smut sis. (thank you @daviddoughbrik for being an angel and giving me the best advice ever so I could finish this piece, you’re the best ♥)
I was comfortable sitting on the lovesac in David’s living room, laughing at the nonsense conversation that my friends were having. Most of us were there, soon to leave for Kristen’s surprise birthday party. I absolutely loved when we were all reunited like this. With their busy schedules and meetings, it’s been hard to get everyone together at once. David was obviously filming everything, hoping for a good bit for the vlogs.
“Oh, wait a minute.” Zane said, loudly. Everyone stopped talking and turned their attention to him. “How many broken relationships do we have? Like as a group? There’s obviously David and Liza, Jeff and Cierra, Todd and Corina and… Oh! (Y/N) and Justin.”
“Damn, there’s been some home-wreck.” Erin said, laughing.
“But like… First was David, then (Y/N), then�� Jeff and then Todd?” Carly asked, curious about the order.
David pointed his camera at me, “Yeah, I think so. Justin and I broke up a month after David and Liza. Even though they told us three months later.” I confirmed.
“It’s funny how all those break-ups have been bad.” Heath commented.
“Mine wasn’t.” David pointed the camera to Heath, shrugging.
“I don’t mean like it was a fight or cheating break up. I just meant it was hard. Like you and Liza were the perfect couple and that was tough.” Heath explained himself, everybody looking at him. “Then (Y/N) and Justin were also this role-model couple…”
“Yeah, but my break-up was shit.” I said, everybody immediately laughed. I smiled, not really caring for it. “Thankfully that ship has sailed.”
“Would you get back with him?” Todd asked, looking up at me, since he was just sitting on the floor beside the lovesac.
“Fuck, no.” I laughed and so did he.
“I don’t think I would either.” Todd commented.
“That’s easy for you to say, you have a new girlfriend and it’s getting some nearly every day of the week.” Zane shaded, everybody laughed loudly.
“And you’re so not subtle about it either,” I laughed, poking Todd with my foot. “If I had a dollar for every fucking time I walk into Todd’s house and I find him post-sex. I’d be richer than David.”
Everybody laughed so hard, Todd grabbed my foot and I screamed, playfully.
Todd pointed at me, “Hey, don’t hate on my sex life just because you haven’t put out since your break up.”
My face fell straight to the floor. I was shocked. He-did-not.
“Oh my God, she’s so pissed. So, is it true (Y/N)?” Zane loved to raise the fire in the room.
“Uh… No! I mean… I’m not like you guys, I can’t just pick up hot guys at parties and have one night stands.” I shrugged, clearly embarrassed and not even looking at anybody. “I hate that shit. I hate having sex with someone I don’t know at all.”
“Oh hooooney.” Heath made his way towards me and hugged me. “It’s okay, you just gotta dust off that pussy a little and we’ll get you a cute date.”
I immediately slapped Heath’s arm. “Oh my GOD, I hate all of you! Fuck off Heath!” Even though I hated how the topic was on me not getting absolutely any for a while now, I couldn’t help but laugh at Heath. David’s camera was focused on me, of course. It would definitely end up in the vlogs.
Heath kissed my head. “No, but really like… We’re throwing shade on you, but David also haven’t slept with anyone in a HOT MINUTE.”
“What the fuck?” David asked, everybody laughed.
“It’s so true though. Especially since Jeff painted his room, that’s for sure a no-sex zone.” Matt commented, everybody laughed.
“Fuck you guys,” David laughed, out loud. “You don’t know shit!”
“So, you’re having sex in that room with your ex-girlfriend and Jason Momoa looking down on you?” Todd asked. David took a second to answer, which was enough for everybody to start screaming.
“Hey hey hey, this is a two-birds-one-stone idea. Since you both haven’t seen anyone naked in months, why don’t you just fuck around for a bit? You know, friends with benefits and all that.” Zane suggested, everybody started commenting how that was such a great idea.
You took one look at David and you both crumbled in embarrassment.
“Why do I hang out with you guys?” I shook my head, hiding my face on the lovesac, fake crying.
“Oh come on, (Y/N). Don’t tell us you’ve never fantasized about David?” Heath was absolutely loving this.
“What the fuck Heath? No!!” I blatantly lied.
“Oh bitch, I do not need a lie detector to see how much bullshit that was.” Zane sassied me.
Happily, it was time for everybody to leave for the party. The embarrassment didn’t leave me alone through the whole night, though. Every time I interacted with David, there was something in there, a tension of sorts. My friendship with David was always based on trusting each other and being best friends, not anywhere related to sex. I did lied about not fantasizing about him, I’ve had my fair share, but never thought for a second to mention it.
A couple of weeks went by and that awkward moment seemed to dissipate, especially between David and I. One night, we all went out to have dinner together. David sat by my side and we kept chatting with our friends.
Once we were all focused on Scotty’s story about a crazy fan in one of his concerts, David smoothly rested his right hand on my left thigh. It was under the table, so no one could really see it. The sudden move caught me off guard, especially because it wasn’t an accident. The hand stood on my leg. I could feel the warmth of his skin on my skin, since I was wearing a white skirt.
I had no idea of how to react to this. To others, nothing was happening, as I tried to keep it cool, but I couldn’t lie to myself and say I wasn’t enjoying it. I absolutely loved his hands, and I took a moment to admire them, with the Cartier double rings. As the conversation went by, I tried to joke around as usual, but it was so hard for me to keep a straight face as David would occasionally caress my skin with his thumb or press his hand on my thigh. The secrecy to it was making me really wet.
One of us paid the check, as it was the joke of the vlogs now. We all got up to leave, and before I could say anything, David turned to me:
“Do you want a ride home?” David asked me, like nothing happened. “I’m taking Zane, Heath and Mariah.”
“Oh… Yeah, okay, cool. Thanks.” I smiled at him and Zane hugged me.
“Cool, get on the front sit then.” That was an unusual request, basically because I barely ever sat in the front seat of the Tesla.
I accepted and we all kept joking around during the way to our houses, since David was also filming the car ride.
“You look so cute tonight, (Y/N),” Zane said, joking around and tickling my neck. I laughed. “I love your little outfit. Looks cute as hell.”
“Aw, thanks boo.” I looked back at him. “You look like your usual goddess too.”
“Aw, you get me.” Zane threw an invisible long hair around and I laughed.
“I agree,” David commented, looking straight at the road. I looked at him, shocked. As I was about to thank him, he said. “Zane looks like a goddess tonight.” Everybody laughed and I rolled my eyes.
We said our goodbyes to all three of our friends, since my house was the one further away. David filmed for a few more minutes, since one of our favorite songs came on the radio and we always sing together, acting stupid. When the song ended, we were just laughing and he turned the camera off. “That’s enough for today.”
I nodded, looking outside of the window. I could feel his eyes on me, though. I pretended not to notice, until his hand rested on my thigh once again. I immediately looked at it and then at him, who conveniently looked down the road. Only now, his hand was coming up my thigh and my skin was burning.
I wanted to confront him, since this wasn’t like him at all, but I also… wanted to see where it would go? David made a turn on a street and as I looked out, I noticed this wasn’t the way to my house at all. We reached his gate and it opened.
I knew Natalie was travelling, the house would be empty, so I immediately got chills all over my body. It was like a silent agreement, until he parked the car. We stood there for a second and David unlocked his seat belt, then did mine.
I broke the deadly silence. “Mm… Care to explain?” I looked at him and he looked back at me.
David leaned towards me on the car, touching my neck with his left hand. He looked down on my lips and bit his bottom lip. “I just wanted to try one thing,”
I could hear my heart beating a hundred miles per hour, but I didn’t stop when David leaned in and kissed me. At first, softly and caring, but as I returned the kiss a little more craving, I seemed to motivate him to take it a step further. Licking my lips, I opened my mouth to him and felt his tongue touching mine. My hand found his hair, which I absolutely loved playing with. His hand left my neck to go back to my inner thigh.
David stopped the kiss for a second, breathless. He opened his eyes, but kept them focusing on my lips and then my eyes. He licked his lips and I sighed, wanting him so much.
“Remember that time when… Mm… Zane said that maybe you and I should try the whole…” David started saying.
“Friends with benefits?” I completed his sentence.
“Something like that, yeah.” David took a deep breath when I bit my bottom lip. “What… What do you say?”
I just kissed him back, bringing him closer to me.
We entered his house, all the lights were out, only the neon sign was on. David was holding my hand, leading me towards the white couch. He sat down, looking up at me, waiting for me to sit by his side. Instead, I sat on his lap, straddling him. He took one moment to look at me, really look at me. Both of his hands were on my thighs, caressing my skin, as he took in all of me.
Taking a deep breath, David looked in my eyes. “You know… I don’t usually do this, you might have noticed.” His voice was low, even though we were the only ones at the house. “But I have to be honest… I couldn’t stop thinking about it since that conversation happened.”
I bit my lip, holding back a smile. My fingers entwined in his brown shiny locks. “I don’t know why, but it just feels... “ I looked back at him. “...right.”
One of his hands held me by the waist, the other touched my face, pulling me close enough to kiss him again. One soft kiss, enough for me to feel how soft his lips were and how intently he kissed. I took one second to breathe, looking at his lips, then I kissed him again, wanting more, wanting him. My kiss was deeper, hungry even. I leaned over him as he fully rested on the back of the couch. His tongue on mine, enjoying every second of it.
My hips started rocking back and forth, which granted me a hard grab on my waist. David followed my movements, motivating me further on. His kisses followed to my cheek and neck, where he bit and licked. I pressed my fingers in his hair, loving it. I could feel him hard as a rock in a second. Both of us were really turned on, so I didn’t waste time and took off my shirt and his as well. David took that as an invitation to descend his kisses to my breasts. Me, on the other hand, unbuttoned his jeans and took his length in my hand, pressing firmly and freeing him from the fabric. I started pumping him, slowly, teasing.
“Stop teasing me,” He bit the skin on top of my left boob.
“Oh, where’s the fun in that?” I smiled to myself, knowing the effect my actions were having on him. I started stroking him a little faster, taking my time around the tip to stimulate him. David closed his eyes and took a deep breath, resting his forehead in my chest.
Suddenly, he turned on the couch, rapidly laying me down and being on top of me, kissing me back again. He managed to take my skirt and panties off before I could even process. Kissing my stomach and going down, it was my turn to take a deep breath. David kissed my thighs and leg, before opening me up and sliding his fingers, feeling how wet I was. I moaned when I felt two of his fingers inside of me, sliding in and out, but a louder one came when I felt his warm tongue on my clit. David started eating me out with so much desire and will, that I knew this pleasured him almost as much as it did me. His tongue was moving on my folds, knowingly, hitting the right spots, making me almost scream his name. Never in a million years I’d thought of David as someone who was this good at giving head.
He stopped for a second to look at me, keeping the movement of his fingers inside of me, absolutely enjoying the view. My face expressions and the way my body reacted so instantly to everything he did was enough for him to start stroking himself. “God, you’re so fucking hot… And the way you moan like that… Fuck.”
I smiled to myself, loving his praise. David went down on me again, taking as much as he could. “David… Dave, I’m… I’m gonna” I tried to warn him.
He just looked at me with a satisfied grin on his face. “Then give it to me, baby.” And then proceeded to continue his movements, with his hand and tongue.
That was enough for me to crumble, which earned a loud moan and a fast heartbeat, as David  never stopped what he was doing. “So pretty.”
I opened my eyes to his comment, watching him come over to me, kissing me again quickly, soon to give me his fingers to suck on, which I gladly obeyed, looking straight up at him.
“Mm... Fuck.” I could hear him curse under his breath.
David took his dick in his hand and slid it over my clit. I could sense his desire and need through his eyes and sighs. I pulled him closer to an intense kiss, holding him tight. Until I stopped the kiss and whispered to his ear. “I wanna feel you inside of me, David. I want you to fuck me, make me go insane.”
Those words were exactly what he needed to pull down his pants and position himself in my entrance, only to then slowly thrust inside me, giving me a second to adjust to his size and feel him completely inside of me. David was holding himself up on top of me, with each hand on one side of my head, then he started moving. Gradually going faster and deeper, pushing into me, making me moan, breathless. Coming down to kiss me lightly, he rested his forehead on mine, as it we were going faster and faster. His name was the only thing coming out of my mouth.
“You feel so good, so tight.” He looked down on me, biting his lower lip, feeling so much pleasure out of this.
I could feel myself getting close, feeling a rise out of his movements and our bodies together. Barely able to form proper sentences, I looked up at him. “David…” I didn’t have to say much more than that, one look at me and he knew.
“Me too,” David nodded, focusing on his movements and the rising pleasure that was taking over his body. I cursed as I reached my own orgasm, moaning loud, feeling the pressure inside of me. He watched me achieve it and felt it too, which gave him the last push he needed to achieve his own climax.
A couple more thrusts and he lied on top of me, breathless, exhausted, but highly satisfied.
“Holy shit,” David said, taking a deep breath while recovering his energies. “That was incredible.”
I couldn’t help but smile and feel the same way. “I gotta say, this wasn’t how I pictured my night going at all, but…” I pecked his lips for a couple of seconds before finishing my sentence. “This is so much better.”
David chuckled while looking at me, taking my face in his hand. “For once Zane had a really good idea.”
“We should send him a gift basket or something,” I smiled widely while looking at David.
“I’ll just give him a car,” David and I laughed and then he kissed me again.
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amazingflyingdick · 4 years
the toxin.
WHO: Dick @amazingflyingdick, Jason @thatsjasonfkntodd, Tim @redrobin-timdrake, Barbara @the-orxcle, & Slade @terminator-deathstroke WHERE: A random warehouse WHEN: May 17th, 2020 WHAT: Jason, Tim, & Barbara put out a fake hit on Dick to lure Deathstroke into a trap
Jason: Coming up with the details for the fake job hadn’t taken him too long in the grand scheme of things. He had not shared those particular details with Dick ahead of time, though, not wanting to deal with a back and forth when what they needed to do was get moving. He’d passed them along to Tim to get up on the Dark Web, and within a couple of days of the conversation in the Batcave, there was a hit up for Dick Grayson himself, aka Nightwing, and the buyer was offering payment up front rather than upon completion. If Slade was willing to take the contract legitimately, offering the money straight away would get him there. If, somehow, a streak of sentimentality Jason found it difficult to believe he possessed made him act instead to prevent the hit from happening at all, he’d certainly show up to meet the buyer. Either way, it got him where they wanted him to be. Dick, as they’d agreed, would be the ‘buyer’ he ended up meeting, and he even had the cash to play the part. 
That was the easy part. The real difficulty had been deciding how the fuck to take Deathstroke down. Dick claimed he knew how he fought, and maybe he did, but that didn’t erase the fact that Slade was not only a prolific assassin and an absolute tank of a man, but was metahuman to boot. He wasn’t banking on Dick knowing him to be enough. Especially when Slade has personally handed Jason enough information while taunting him to make things much easier. 
Poison, he’d said. It had to be one hell of a poison, too. Bruce had access to a whole cadre of neurotoxins, and if he had access, so did they. He’d let Tim run with the idea to mix up something that would have killed an elephant but probably not Slade Wilson. Hopefully. And if it did, Jason wouldn’t be losing any sleep over it.
Dick: It wasn't until Dick rendezvoused with Tim and Jason that he realized he was the target. He hadn't been involved with generating the hit or getting it out there in Slade's sphere. The Dark Web was familiar territory, but it might as well be Tim's backyard. There was no reason to check up after them when he trusted they could handle it themselves. Babs’ involvement made things a little weird, even though she’d known about his past with Slade for years. 
The covert location was set up in the basement of the warehouse, just in case Slade already had eyes on it. That was one thing Dick was sure to arrange ahead of time. They needed to get inside first, unseen, so Slade wouldn't bail the second he realized it was all a trap. There was no way he could disguise himself well enough to not be recognizable - at least not to Slade - and he didn't even entertain the notion. 
"Can't believe you ordered a hit on me," he said for about the fifth time, eyeing the toxin with a faint frown. "You said this is what was used on him last time?"
Tim: This was going to work. He reiterated it to himself yet again as he stood with Jason and Dick. They had planned it out and he had brought up every hole he could find in the plan so they could come up with contingencies. He'd been the one to get into Bruce's records of toxins, find the ones he thought would work together. He'd mixed up the cocktail that was going to slow Slade down. Deathstroke was difficult to take, but Tim had meant it when he had said they were capable of doing it. Deathstroke was just one man. They were a well-oiled machine. 
"It had to be you," he said to Dick for the umpteenth time. "Either he gets off on taking you out, and we know he's tried before with Rose and with his fake Titans, or he comes here to see who's trying to take you out." If it was that latter... well that would be awkward but the potential for Deathstroke to do something or hurt someone was enough to justify the pre-emptive action they were taking. And Tim wasn't sure Deathstroke would ever say he came to protect Dick. So they'd never really know. It was an infuriating thought, as Tim deeply hated not knowing things, but it was a thought nonetheless.
He looked over to Jason. "Do you have the dart ready?" He asked. "Best case scenario, he takes his mask off and you can get him from a distance. Worst case, we'll have to jump him first and you'll have to stab him with it." He gave a little smile, teasing lightly, "Think you can handle it?"
Babs: She had cameras not only unseen on the three of them, but control of all the security cameras on the premises. To anyone but her, they were conveniently malfunctioning for the duration of this meeting. She wasn’t sure what to feel with all this, so instead of feeling, she focused on the job ahead of them. Deathstroke needed to be taken in, it was as simple as that. No matter how much she wished she could be physical backup, she’s more than relieved to have Jason and Tim with him. There was backup if, somehow, things went south and the assassin got the upper hand.
“Let’s just not make putting hits out on each other the usual, deal?” The smirk is practically audible through the comm as her eyes are trained on the cameras outside the property on her screen. After Damian’s slip up, she wasn’t looking away for a moment, not when everything was so important, “Tim’s right, for a master assassin, this was pretty predictable of him,” even if they didn’t know how he’d want this to end, getting here was predictable.
Jason: “We couldn’t risk him passing the contract up. It had to be something that had some kind of pull besides just cash.” Because when it came down to it, he had difficulty believing Deathstroke actually needed most of the money he raked in. “Can’t say the thought hasn’t crossed my mind before though, Babs. No guarantees.”
Jason had his mask on, not to protect his identity anymore, but because it afforded some extra layer of protection if things boiled down to a real fight. Let Tim get his nose broken. Jason didn’t feel like it. In any case, it prevented either of them from seeing him roll his eyes. “Yeah, Tim, I’ll do my best to handle one dart.”
Dick: Now that things were getting down to the wire, Dick was quieter than usual. He kept looking at the time and he couldn't sit still. Instead he paced, his arms crossed over his chest, and tried to appear as calm as possible. He'd already taken a look at Slade's file and told Jason that Gordon might not be able to hold him. There was no evidence against Deathstroke and eyewitness testimony was shaky at best. This was a huge risk for what could possibly be very little payoff. It was one reason why Dick was second guessing the entire thing. 
He did know that he didn't want either of them in a physical confrontation with Slade. "Don't move in unless you absolutely have to," he said sternly. "I'll get him to take his mask off." 
Tim: Tim was about to speak when a piece of equipment he had rigged up to the security systems he'd placed around the warehouse pinged and he looked up. "He's here," he said simply. "Positions." Honestly, he was praying that the tranquilizer he mixed was as fast acting as it was supposed to be. If not... Jason was going to get the fight that Tim could see he was ready for by the way he was standing. "Right in the neck, Jay," he reminded, letting his calm settle over him as his eyes scanned the room for the umpteenth time for any contingencies they could use if this went awry.
Babs: Barbara sees movement on her cameras the exact moment she sees Tim perk up. “Alright, my mic’s off. Good luck.” she reminds everyone, and mutes herself. She knew they couldn’t be too careful with someone with the senses of Slade Wilson. She wasn’t convinced the other two would go unnoticed in the same vicinity, but this was the best bet they had, so she’d kept silent on that front. Not every plan was faultless, this one was no exception. As she watches Deathstroke enter, she folds her hands in front of her mouth and looks on. 
Slade: Slade had taken the job not to kill Dick Grayson. That would be counterintuitive to every move he had made ten years ago. He had wanted a message sent so that he could quash the sentiments Nightwing had expressed to him that last night together. He had needed to do that so that Dick didn't end up scrubbed into the concrete by Deathstroke's boot or that of one of his enemies. He wasn't showing up to kill him if he wanted him to live.
Still, someone had had the audacity to take out this hit and someone had had the audacity to ask for Deathstroke specifically. Billy had told him what the job entailed, and the payout had been almost absurd. Dick was good, but he wasn't sure what he had done to land this kind of hit with this kind of payout on him. Not recently, at least. Regardless, Slade was going to find out. Because, in spite of himself, he had managed to shake off Dick having any kind of warm feeling beyond caring enough not to compromise his moral code so he could blow Slade's brains out when he was vulnerable. But that didn't mean that Slade had successfully shaken his own bullshit off. He had just known how to bury it. He wasn't going to turn down the job and let some other asshole get lucky. He could picture some blowhard like Floyd Lawton as the second choice. Not a chance Slade would take.
He should have known something was off when he stepped into the warehouse and it was quiet... removed, almost. He didn't trust it and he reached up to draw his katana even as he moved deeper into the facility. His heightened senses were on full alert and Slade's danger sense could tell that this was not some run of the mill business man. Who the fuck had called for him?
He figured it out mere moments before he pushed open the door to the next room. It was a steady thumping that he had all but memorized that tipped him off. Slade had heard Dick Grayson's heartbeat close to his own every day for a year. And before that he had known it in a less intimate sense as well. He was nearly certain he'd be able to pick it out of a group. 
His eye confirmed what his mind already knew as he took in Dick Grayson not in his Nightwing suit, but in plainclothes. Two other heartbeats confirmed that they were not alone but he didn't belie he knew that yet. What was this about? Suddenly, it was not about protecting Dick. Now he was just curious. "What happened to call or text if you needed to tell me something, little bird?" He asked as he approached, eye on Dick even as he tried to pinpoint where the other bodies were.
Jason: He and Tim were to stay out of sight unless it became clear that Dick couldn’t handle himself. The toxin that Tim had mixed up was supposed to knock him out, but there was always a chance that Deathstroke wouldn’t go down as fast as they were anticipating or that somehow it wouldn’t work as intended. Still, Jason was up high in the ceiling until then, just close enough to where Dick was standing to have both a clear visual and the right distance for the dart to really stick. 
Dick: The warehouse had a table and chair, but Dick knew he wouldn't be able to stay sitting. He was leaning against the table instead, the suitcase behind him, and when Slade walked in he tried not to show any outer signs of the tension he was carrying. He didn't want him to know Jason and Tim were also here. The fact that he was meeting up with him alone was only suspicious if he acted terse and professional, as if he were trying to hide something. 
So he remained relaxed, not even reacting to the nickname he was sure would come up later. Jason and Tim might not be able to hear from their vantage points, but Babs heard everything.  "I couldn't do this over the phone," he said simply. "And I wasn't sure if you would meet me. Besides, I guess it's always nice to know how much my life is worth." Dick had checked his phone plenty of times that day. Slade never bothered to warn him that someone had a contract on his head. It should come as no surprise, but it was a thought he couldn't shake even as he unzipped the suitcase to show the money inside. "Count it, if you want." 
Slade: Slade didn’t take that bait. There was something going on here. “What’s this about, Dick? Did you miss me?” Was that why he was trying to get Slade to take a kill contract out on him? He might be the only one in the world who understood that, given that he had done the same thing to Rose not too long ago. Only he had taken out the hit. 
“I haven’t agreed to the job yet,” he said simply. “Call me even showing up here curiosity.” It wasn’t that, but he wasn’t telling Dick that he had come here to possibly dispatch the moron trying to hire him. The moron was Dick. Go figure. 
Dick: Something flickered across Dick's expression, but it was brief and he pushed past it. Instead of forcing apathy, he used the moment to turn away from the suitcase so he was facing Slade instead. He didn't answer the question. "I'm offering you a different job. Take the money. If you need more, I'll get more. Let me buy out whatever contract you have in Star City." As he spoke he moved closer, but was sure to keep his hands down by his sides. The way he was dressed made it nearly impossible to be hiding any weapons, unless he had a gun strapped to his calf. "I know you're lying about why you're here. I don't want to fight you, Slade. Just... take the out. For old time's sake."
Slade: Old time’s sake. Slade narrowed his eyes under his mask. Honestly... if Dick had the money, it was a valid way to get out. No hit to his reputation because Slade had never indicated that he couldn’t be bought out. Money was the point of the business. He had nothing against Kara. Why should he? He had wanted the 60 million. It was the only reason he had bothered to take on a Kryptonian. That and the desperation for any kind of challenge. Otherwise... there was nothing. 
And... Dick had that annoying way about him. He still remembered how Dick had looked into his eye ten years ago and with every speck of earnestness asked Deathstroke to change... just because Dick wanted him to. It had struck him so deeply then. It still struck him now. 
He could refuse it. After all, he hadn’t confirmed that he had a job at all, even if Dick was right. But there was no reason. Not beyond the consideration that there were two other people waiting here. Was Dick making a play? 
Moving into Dick’s space, he cocked his head. “The buyout’s 60 million, little bird. And if I take it, I have your word that I’ll walk out of here? No questions asked?”
Dick: Even after finding out he'd been lied to and the fallout that happened afterward, Dick never felt afraid in Slade's presence. He wasn't in costume and he had no real defense against him, not physically, but he knew Slade wasn't going to kill him. What he believed years ago might not be true, but there was some reason Slade chose to let him live. Perhaps it was because he assumed Dick would be malleable enough to believe the lie he'd given him on the rooftop. Maybe he thought there was still something he could get from him. 
"Take it, leave Star City for good, and I won't lift a finger to stop you." His voice was quiet and direct, even though having Slade all up in his space was disarming in ways Dick hadn't experienced in many years. He took a slow breath before saying even more softly, empathetically, "Please."
Babs: She’s silent to everyone on the comm line, and even in her apartment, but she bristles at the nickname and her eyes widen when she hears the offer. Still, she says nothing. She knows Slade would hear. But she also knows exactly how Dick was an idiot when it came to impulse and the heart, and it couldn’t exactly be described as soundly logical. She wants to speak up, tell Dick to focus, but she knew it was too dangerous. She knows she had to let this play out until things really escalated, and she still prayed they didn’t. Jason was there. Tim was there. He wasn’t alone. She continues to listen, suddenly quite relieved she was the only one that could hear all this. 
Slade: "I'll take the money," he said. "But I won't leave Star City. Not with Rose here." He really would cancel the job, but he was tired. He had been doing this for so long now that he wanted the opportunity to stop for a while. Perhaps actually buying property in the city, going straight for a while until the money began to run out... maybe he might have a chance with his kid. Billy had berated him for weeks after the hit he had taken out on Rose. She was angry. And he had made her that way. However, his increasingly more common thoughts about his legacy had been dredged up even further when he'd been vulnerable. If someone had tried to pop him then, that would have been it. He would have left behind a whole lot of money and little else to show for it.
"But if I take it, I will drop any business in Star City." When he started to work again eventually, he could have the decency to not work in Dick's city. He had done it in Bludhaven. There were plenty of other places in the world where he could make money. "I'll give you my word." If Dick knew him at all, he would know that those five words were about as strong as a legally binding contract. Stronger even. "60 million dollars and you letting me leave here to try to set up something with my kid, and I will never do business here." 
He only wondered if Dick would take it.
Dick: Dick wasn't sure if Slade would agree or not and he was both shocked and relieved when he did. He stared at him for a few seconds, thinking back to the conversation they had on the roof, and even though Slade didn't specify having a contract it was clear what business he referred to. It was still a strange choice that he would want to stay in Star City, but that wasn't something he would question right now. It didn't matter. He couldn't focus on anything beyond the situation at hand. 
"Okay," he finally agreed, even though he half-expected Tim or Jason to take a flying leap from the shadows. He was relieved when they didn't. This could still be handled with minimal confrontation and conflict. No one was going to get hurt. There were too many thoughts in his head as he took a step to the side so Slade could get to the suitcase. "It should all be there."
Slade: Slade didn't move toward the money, watching Dick for a long moment before reaching up to pull off his mask. He had Dick's word that he was walking out. In spite of Slade's paranoia, he trusted Dick Grayson, so he set the helmet aside and reached up to catch a hand in the other's hair. Old times' sake. Did Dick still think of old times? He had hoped the answer was no, but Slade needed to confirm it. Was the lack of distance between them right now as palpable to Dick as it was to Slade.
"I'm doing this for old times, little bird," he told him quietly, the fingers in his hair tightening. "But I hadn't realized that you thought much of those at all." Was Dick showing some kind of hand? Slade might be, but he'd deny it if pushed.
Jason: Jason had the dart gun up and ready the second he saw Slade’s hand move up to his mask. They’d spoken a lot, longer than Jason had expected to need to wait, words he couldn’t hear, but he finally had his shot. Watching Slade actually reach out and touch Dick was like a signal on top of a signal. 
With all the practice he’d had, Jason was an impeccable marksman, and he had a clear shot of Slade’s neck. He took it, and the dart cleared all the open air in a matter of a couple of seconds. As soon as the tip made contact with flesh, the neurotoxin would start working its way through him.
Dick: When he realized Slade was removing the helmet, Dick turned back to him suddenly, surprised, and his eyes widened when he touched his hair. He didn't say anything, but he wouldn't have warned him even if there were time to do it. That would have meant betraying Jason and Tim. He was so shocked by the barrage of thoughts and emotions that he didn't even know how to react, or what he would have said if he had the chance to give Slade an answer. 
Jason was fast. Accurate. Dick winced when the dart hit its mark, his hand flying up to the side of Slade's arm as if he expected him to topple over right there. He shook his head, even though it was much too late. "Wait!"
Tim: Tim watched Jason fire from his own vantage point, zooming in on his mask to watch the hit land. Bullseye. Perfect. Now they just had to see if the toxin he had mixed worked. He moved to lithely get himself down, landing on his feet on the floor as he waited. 
Babs: She turns her mic back on as soon as the dart was released, smirking only a second later, “Contact.” she confirms to the group as a whole. She’s careful to keep her voice even, because at this moment only her and Dick knew what was said to Slade. Considering she was already working from a new monitor, she wanted to keep it that way for a while, at least. After all, she’d had years to accept this, and she couldn’t blame Tim and Jason in this case. As soon as Dick speaks, she’s quick to respond, “He’s going down… damn, Tim,” She can see even the early stages through the camera, and she can’t help but be impressed. It sure took something to knock a man like Slade out cold. 
Slade: Slade felt the bite of something in his neck and reached up to close his hand around the dart. He didn't have time to really figure it out, but he wasn't a moron so when his vision went double and then triple, he met Dick's eyes. "Didn't think... you had it in you, little bird," he slurred out before he felt a heaviness in all of his limbs that had his knees buckling. Shit. 
Clumsily, Slade pushed back from Dick, trying to reach for his katana. What the hell had been in that dart? He didn't have time to ask before his knees struck the floor and then he landed in a rather ungainly sprawl on the floor of the warehouse, the sword skidding as it fell from his hand. He managed a final groan before he was out.
Tim: Tim watched the toxin take effect with no small measure of pride. "Awesome shot, Jason," he said as he came out of the shadows and pulled out a set of specially crafted manacles so he could cuff the unconscious Slade. "What did he say to you, Dick?"
Jason: Jason let himself down with a cable to make up for the distance and retracted it around the same time Deathstroke went down. “That was some potent stuff, Timbers. You could make a killing with that if it can take down Deathstroke.” 
As far as he was concerned, the plan had gone off without a hitch, but he’d not entirely missed Dick reached for Slade’s arm in that last second. “One assassin, as agreed.” For his part, he walked over to the katana that Slade had no doubt meant for one of them and picked it up. With his free hand, he unclipped his mask and whistled. “And a bonus for me.”
Dick: Dick turned away without saying anything, zipping up the suitcase just to have something to do with his hands. "Good job." He couldn't make himself sound as enthusiastic as Tim even though he meant it. They listened to what he'd asked and didn't rush in before they had to. It could have been a lot worse. "I told him I wanted to buy him out of the contract," he finally said quietly. "And he agreed not to do business in Star City." 
Frowning, he watched Jason with the katana and then looked over at Tim. "Remember what I said about his file? He's only wanted for questioning. He could walk out of jail today and we're back where we started, only he'll have it out for us. Maybe it would be the best option, under these circumstances..."
Babs: She watches them work, though continues to check the perimeter. When Tim asks what was said, she listens carefully and simply closes her eyes a moment. They’d talk later, she knew that much. They had more work to do, now. They had Deathstroke to get to the police department,which  was a huge task in and of itself. She’s quick to chime in, “Well, you know, I know a guy. He’ll keep Deathstroke in there for as long as he can.” Though her voice holds a bit of humor in it, she scowls silently in her apartment. She wished privately that this one time they could just lock him up for good, technicalities aside. Still, that wasn’t reality, and the image of Jason ogling the swords makes her snort and brings her back to the present. 
“Jason, are you really going to--” she pauses, sighs, and rolls her eyes, “...nevermind. Just hurry up. I don’t like an advanced metabolism and toxins combined.” Babs thrived on predictability, and though Tim had already more than proved he was fine, she was obviously antsy to get the job done.
Tim: Tim rolled his eyes as his middle brother. "Too bad I don't supply mercenaries. That was a one and done." He had the recipe and all of the ratios figured out, though. He could absolutely recreate it.
"All you have to do is give him money?" Tim asked Dick as he spoke. That... was that ethical? Would Slade actually keep his word? He looked down at the man before shaking his head. "I don't want him to just walk... But... How much would we need?" Bruce would kill them for this, though, wouldn't he?
As he watched Jason lift the sword, he shook his head. "You can't just steal from the guy, Jay. He's already probably going to try to kill us now."
Jason: Jason seemed undeterred. “So what, you buy him out, he leaves the city, keeps taking contracts somewhere else? Don’t tell me you’re getting Batman levels of narrow and only giving a shit about one city. How’s it better if we let him walk and he goes and kills...I don’t know, the daughter of a King somewhere. Is that cool because she’s not in Star City?” Was Dick’s problem that he didn’t want to have to look at it? That was cheap. 
Jason tipped the blade back to rest it across his shoulder. “Yes, I’m really going to. Finders keepers. He’s going to jail.” And...he’d been thinking about that since Dick brought it up, but not in a way he wanted any input on. He’d come to some conclusions on his own.
Dick: Even though he wanted to say no, Dick knew he hadn't gone after Slade in all the years he was out in the world, taking contracts and doing hits, and that was something he tried not to dwell on. He knew Jason was right, so he just shook his head slightly at Tim's question since it wasn't an option they would be entertaining. He knew Babs was right in that Gordon would keep him for as long as possible, but it wouldn’t take long for Slade’s lawyers to show up and unravel everything.
"Okay, let's go," he said, handing Tim the suitcase before kneeling next to Slade. "Help me with him, Jay." His mood was still strangely subdued as he replaced the scene over and over in his head, but there was nothing uncertain in his demeanor. 
Tim: "I have a car outside ready to transport us to the station," Tim said as he moved to grab a leg. "This went... so much easier than I expected." He was still trying to figure out what to do about the fact that Slade would probably walk the moment his lawyers showed up.
"What are you going to tell Jim?" He asked Dick. This was bound to look like something if they hauled Deathstroke in.
Babs: “Knock on wood with that comment,” Babs says wryly, but she can’t help but agree. This went… amazingly smooth, even if she had moments to talk about. At the end of the day, Deathstroke was in custody, and no one was bleeding. That was a resounding success.  
“Somehow, I think the commissioner is going to accept the fact that he gets to question him and figure it out,” once again, the amusement is clear from her tone, though it doesn’t lose any seriousness, “Don’t count on too long, but it’s something.”
Jason: Not that Tim or Dick weren’t strong, but since neither of them put quite the same emphasis on brute strength that he did, Jason shouldered the bulk of Slade’s body after he’d secured the katana (which he was keeping) and headed out.
“How long do you think he’ll be held?” he asked Dick on the way out. He wasn’t counting on having more than 24 hours, but he needed at least a few.
Dick: Once they had Slade situated in the car, Dick sighed and rubbed his head. "I'll tell Gordon I came across him while patrolling the warehouse district, remembered he was wanted for questioning, and decided to take him in. I'll tell him a vigilante helped me get him subdued. No names." He wasn't bringing Tim, Jason, or Babs into this in any capacity. “As high profile as Deathstroke is, it makes more sense for Gordon to handle the interrogation.” There was no way he was going to do it.
Hesitating, he shook his head slowly at Jason’s question. "I don’t know. Not long. Gordon might hold him on some bogus charge, but I'll say a couple hours at least. He needs to sleep this off first. How long before he wakes up, Tim?" 
Tim: "Couple of hours at least. At least... by my calculations." It seemed to be functioning as planned so far. So he assumed that it would keep doing so. "What are we going to do to make sure he stays in jail? I figure that's the goal?" He shrugged. "We have a little time to figure out what to do."
Jason: Jason said nothing else until they had Slade in the waiting car and he could stand up straight. “I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Gordon will get enough to hold him.” And even Slade’s lawyers weren’t going to be anticipating it. “I’ve got something else to take care of if you’ve got it from here. Won’t be long.” He needed to speak with Roy and dump his gear. All told, he could get to the station within the two-ish hour window.
Babs: She was quiet as they got Slade into the car. She listened, but she mainly thought quite a bit. Her mind was already preoccupied, and add on the things she heard in the conversation, she was worried. Still, more talk of her dad snaps her back to the present moment. She appreciates Jason’s vote of confidence, though doesn’t know where it’s coming from exactly. Still, she respected his privacy, and figured that getting him to go into detail wasn’t going to happen. “Call if you need anything,” she reminds him, “I have the cameras ready to go back on as soon as you all leave the area. The car being seen will be enough to back up your story. Nice work, everyone.”
Dick: “Thanks, Oracle.” Dick blinked when Jason said that and just stared at him. "Do you have something you think might incriminate him?" Or maybe Jason was going to get an eyewitness? That was possible, but he'd been right there with Slade that night. Maybe not at his side, but still. The thought made him wary. "We got it from here. Don't come to the station, Jay. They're looking for you, too, you know." 
Tim: Tim looked down at Slade before nodding. "We can handle it, Jason," he agreed. "We don't want you in a jail cell too." He didn't know what Jason was planning, but he seemed to be acting shifty. What was going on? "What are you planning?"
Jason: “Don’t worry about it. See you guys later. Red Hood out.” With that, he cut his mic and silenced the three of them in his ear. He’d get Alfred to feed his dog. It’d be alright. Jason threw up one hand in a dismissive kind of goodbye and headed the opposite way, taking his phone out of his pocket as he did.
Dick: Frowning, Dick started to call after Jason to push for a concrete answer, but he already knew they weren't going to get anywhere. He slipped into the driver's seat and held his hand out for the keys. "Let's go. I don't want to take any chances of him waking up." 
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foxydivaxx · 5 years
Bad Apple Chapter 2
 “Why did you bother to save me?”
Amon simply smiles at the girl as they float through the air. “Because I realized you and I are the same. We both went through hell and made mistakes and are being judged heavily for said mistakes.”
She stares at him in awe. This same boy that she chastised and bashed earlier for mistakenly murdering someone is now on her side for doing something similar even though she did it in the past when she was much younger. 
Dick huffs as he walks up the stairs. He had not spoken to Babs in months ever since she found out about his past one night stand with Cassie and also his past relationship with Helena Bertinelli. 
At first, he was saddened by it but as time went on, resentment began to grow within him as he began to realize that Jason was right. Babs was taking things out of context. Besides, why judge him on his past relationships when she has dated a couple guys as well?
Need to settle this once and for all.
He stops at the door and knocks on it. He does not hear a response.
He knocks the second time still no response.
He knocks a third time. Yet still no response.
He raises an eyebrow. Making things sketchier is the fact that Babs did not respond at all. Usually if he knocks, she would at least say something or he would hear some shuffling in the background. But there was so sound. 
Did she head out? He places a hand on the door knob and turns it and is shocked to find it open. He walks in and discovers clothes all over the place and recognises some menswear nearby.
Suspicious, he heads into the room and finds the door slightly open and his jaw drops as he discovers Babs in bed with another man. It all began to make sense to him. Babs never loved or cared for him because if she did, she would not cheat on him like that. She would not be treating him like that and abuse him for months. 
Once he gets over his shock, he bursts into the room, pulls the guy off Babs and punches him hard in the face. “Dick !! Dick!! Stop!!” Barbara yells. Dick growls and pushes her down onto the bed. “SO THIS IS WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN DOING WHILST I WAS AWAY HUH?! SO YOU’VE BEEN CREPEING BEHIND MY BACK YET YOU HAVE THE FUCKING AUDACITY TO CHASTISE ME FOR HAVING FEMALE FRIENDS?! OR EVEN HAVE PAST ROMATIC RELATIONSHIPS? YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO ISOLATE ME FROM EVERYONE I LOVE?!!”
Barbara has a fake sad look on her face. “Please...I..I can explain..” It was then that she does something very unexpected, something many warned Dick  about and that was to stand upright as opposed to being an actual cripple.
He then smirks. “Well guess what? Your evil ends here Babs. It’s over.” With that, he walks out leaving a stunned Barbara behind.
Meanwhile, Adrianna and Adam wait outside for Amon to arrive. They saw the news about Cassie and were just as worried about the girl’s sanity. Sure she did some questionable things but who else hasn’t? 
“I expected a lot from Diana not this.” says Adrianna. Adam sighed. “Communication is key in every single relationship. If one fails to communicate, it naturally leads to unnecessary drama. I have been watching the Team and I have been noticing the hypocrisy that they and the Justice League have been encouraging. Case in point, Rose Wilson. We are meant to trust her. I get that Cassie can be very fiesty and hotblooded but Rose herself has said some nasty things. Yet people excuse her.” says Adam.
Before Adrianna could say anything more, a gush of wind announces Osiris’ arrival as he lands in front of them with Cassie in his arms. “Cassie!!” says Adrianna as she rushes over to the girl and pulls her into a hug. Cassie at first is takena aback by this but soon settles into her embrace and hugs the woman back.
“You ok Cassandra?” Adam asked. The girl looked down. “No. Besides I have no powers whatsoever but it’s ok.“
Adam then turns to Amon. “You should have shared your powers with her.” he says. Amon panics. “I do not want to endanger her.”
Adrianna interrupts them. “Now is not the time to discuss this. Let Cassie heal first before we do that.” she says. Cassie was internally grateful for Adrianna for that as they head into the Palace.
There was a feast laid out for her. Realizing how hungry she was, she begins to eat like a lion. The Adam family chuckles with amusement. “It seems all those strong emotions hungered her.”
“It sure did.” Cassie says between mouthfuls. Once she is done, they lead up to one of the guestrooms where she would be staying.
The following morning, Cassie wakes up and at first panics when she realizes that she does not have extra clothing until she spots what looks like a couple of her clothes. 
Did Tatiana send these somehow?
Before she could ponder some more, Tatiana pops in the room. “Hi twinnie!!” Cassie jumps out of her bed and rushes towards her sister and scoops her itno a big hug. 
“You idiot!! How could you be so selfish?!” Tatiana chastises her. Cassie sighs. “My bad my bad!!‘ They both laughed. 
“Good to see you twins are here.” says Adrianna as she pops her head through the door. “Hey sis, go take a shower. I am thinking that some sight seeing here would do us some good.‘ says Tatiana. Cassie nods. “Ok gimme a minute.“
A couple miles away back in the US, everyone had gotten wind of the Dickbabs breakup. “About time tbh. Babs is a bad influence.” says Raven. “Babs started out nice then she just went bonkers.” says Zatanna.
“Thought it was her PTSD acting up but after what Dick told us about her deceit, I am starting to think otherwise.” says Rocket. “How long has she been acting that way?” Kori asked. “Even I don’t know.” says Helena as she sips some coffee.
All of Dick’s exes plus the other girls on the Team minus Cassie were all seated at Rocket’s house discussing the latest gossip. “Does that girl even have any friends?’ Donna asked.
“Not on this Team or the Superhero community that’s for sure.” says Artemis.”Didn’t realize she was that nasty till Dick told us everything she did to him, more or less confirming everything Cassie said about her.” says M’Gann. “Meaning that Babs manipulated and caused most of the drama with her gossip just so she could keep Dick all to herself.” says Stephanie.
“Disgusting. Totally disgusting.“ says Helena. “But Dick is not trophy. He is his own person and deserves a lot of love and respect. Just like Cassie.“ says Kori. They all nodded. “Well she is in Kahndaq right now and I bet Amon will treat her right. Better than both Conner and Tim ever did.“ says Artemis. 
“Considering the fact that he stopped her from killing herself, makes perfect sense.“ says  M’Gann. Donna smiles. “I am glad that he saved her. That alone proves that he is not half as bad as people made him out to be. He made a little mistake and has been trying to control himself.“ she says. “Besides we have all lost control of our emotions now that I think about it.“ says Kara, getting a harsh reminder of that time she served as a Red Lantern.
Vanessa hadn’t said anything because her guilt was eating her up inside. “W-Why did I allow Babs to get to me? I have destroyed Cassie’s life.” Donna pats her shoulder. “You have to apologise to Cassie but not now. She needs to calm down.” Vanessa nods.
Tim was in his lab, going through some files he managed to recover from Barabara’s system. The more he looks through things, the more disgusted he gets with Barbara. He looked up to this girl yet he allowed her to stir shit up, to manipulate him into hating both Cassie and Amon.
She had broken security protocol by hacking into toher people’s personal laptops and whatnot and uncovering all sorts of private personal information to use as blackmail. Thank goodness Amon saved Cassie from committing suicide otherwise, he would have laid the smackdown on Babs.
And to think that she lied about her paralysis.
He even found evidence to prove that Babs actually secretly did some surgery without anyone’s knowledge. He is sure that Babs would become Batgirl once again and if she ever does, the entire Batclan will come from her in droves. 
Bruce slams his fists onto the table in anger. He cannot believe he allowed Barbara to play all of them like this. He is supposed to be the world’s greatest detective yet he got outsmarted by a devious person like Barbara. 
The fact that she used to be Batgirl does not help matters either. He bets that now that Dick has cut her off, she would become Batgirl. He has already told the rest of the Bat clan to be on the lookout for Barbara and also re-welcomed those he had exiled from the family like Helena and Jason back into the fold.
“It just like the saying goes, the worst pain comes from the family.” says Alfred as he comes down into the Cave holding a tray of hot chocolate with Damian right behind him.
“Is it true what I heard about Gordon?” Damian asked. Bruce does not say anything but simply nods. “That evil tramp. She better go hide because if I find her, I shall tear her to shreds!!” says Damian.
“Language Master Damian!!” Alfred chastises her.
Speaking of Barbara, she decided to leave Gotham for a while so that the uproar would die down. She had done some really terrible things indeed and it is best she leaves and then comes back. 
Commissioner Gordon was already informed and he has basically disowned his daughter because as far as he was concerned, he never raised his daughter to be like this meaning that she was no different from her psychotic brother James Gordon Jr.
My God what have I done?
Still it was too late, the damage has been done. No one would ever forgive her. She almost ruined a young girl’s life with her actions afterall, it was she that told Vanessa and manipulated her into exposing Cassie’s big secret. Anyway, she is leaving town but not for good. 
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winedownwithcoffee · 6 years
I go back and forth on Disney night, but I loved this one! So let’s get to it!
Opening Number: THE BEST!! I loved this so much. With all the little Easter eggs! The little, chmergess, valenna, Artem with the “glass slipper”, bobby flossing with goofy, the dinglehopper, Emma rushing on stage lol, the pro dancing, freaking EVERYTHING was so extra and I loved it! I just whew it was so good!!!! Omg val with Jason on his shoulders.
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Alexis & Alan: WHY!?!?! SHE LITERALLY JUST BROKE UP WITH HER BOYFRIEND, WHY ARE WE SHOWMANCING HER?!!? Ugh stop it. Mama texted me last night and was like “I figured out why I don’t like Alexis. She is fake!” oop! Blehhhhh. Okay this dance was really pretty. By far my favorite of hers. She’s like a real life brunette barbie. Isn’t that Theresa? Sorry got off track. Her constant blank smile worked in this dance so that is probably why I liked it most. Child of mine said the only part he liked was the rainbow lolololol. I think it was pretty overscored IMO but hey they don’t pay me to judge for some bullshit reason. Len needs to not add to the shipping.  Let’s also discuss the multiple Lindsay clones right behind Len.
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Love the little mini bumpers!
JP & Cheryl: I loved his Gaston. I loved his little obsession with Disney though, that was adorable. And he is an amazing drawer. That ugly ass rattail though. Whew. Probably my favorite of his rehearsal packages. I still don’t know why he was second last night. OKAy so this dance was entertaining as all hell but like ¼ VW and ¾ jazz lol But he embodied Gaston. I think he needed a different part to play than that sexy latin lover she is making him be. I have been really disappointed with Cheryl this season. My memaw was like….wait…..i thought this was a VW? Or did they have a jazz? LOL oooop.  I’d have only given it one 10….
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OOOOOF Mini Alan and Big Alan dancing to Sleeping beauty. Stoppppp
Demarcus & Linds: I liked their package a lot. It was really cute and really sweet. I can’t imagine having to do those lifts with a bad finger. Okay I have a LOT of thoughts on this one again. Those lifts saved his ass because those feet were ROUGH. Stompy and clunky. But he seems to be having a blast and that’s the best thing to see. And he’s really pretty. Like woah. And god linds with that hair?! Whew she’s a gorgeous burgundy! LMAO she’s turning into a satellite. I die. Erin killed me! “you’re not getting thrown in the air, well maybe some of you are” I’d have said all 8’s
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Evanna & Keo: I am about to be a messy bitch, but I cannot stand Evanna’s eye makeup. Hate it. Stoic Keo is the best lol I don’t have a ton to say about this dance though….it was good, she was a bit underscored but it didn’t really wow me….she got off time a few times I did see that. Also did anyone else notice how much she looked like nastia this week?? Like so much.
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Joe & Jenna: My mom hated Jason lol oops. People are assholes. Straight assholes. I get he sucks ass, like I get it. But why be complete dicks to people??? IF THERE IS HATE IN YOUR HEART, LET IT OUTTTTTT. She seemed a lot more patient and encouraging with him this week which I love to see. He tired. He really did. And seemed to be having fun. That’s important to me. He missed a lot but That’s okay. CAI saying he had a ton of content then Len being a dick and saying there was none? I mean…..try to freaking get your shit together.
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The really screwed MLR this week. You’re going to put her after Andrea Bocelli and before the baby pros/Jordan?? Oof that is just mean LOL
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MLR & Sasha: OVER.SCORED.TO.THE.MAX. Like they did nothing. A lot of reaching. And why did they roll on thr ground? IDK whatever I have no more thoughts on this one so have two gifs.
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Also have a mini pro number gif
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John & Emma: I loved this rehearsal package. It’s so cute. I like him so much more than I anticipated and way more than MLR. I liked this dance. He missed a couple but it was so good! And I am obsessed with her hair tonight. I love it so much. Well scored
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Bobby & Sharna: Loved the package, loved her wig, loved her outfit. He knows what to say though, he is just happy to be here. I thought this was his best dance yet. Stepped wrong a couple times and was kind of stiff but by far his best dance. Also there was some fish mouth going on at times. The facials were KILLING me. I would be terrified that wig would just come flying. I want to see that once actually. Just fly across the floor like the cane in the Mary Poppins dance with Charlie. I would fucking lose it! Sorry back to topic. He was good this week. “catch of the day” I can’t. There is improvement. I liked the comments from the judges a lot. LMFAO he said thank you when Erin said the hottest Ariel LMAO
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Milo & Witney: He was excited as hell to be at Disney! That was cute. The entrance was so reminiscent of the Batman and Robin dance her and alfonso did. I liked it. I liked this dance, BUT it lacked something. I think them not being in real costumes took away from the dance maybe? Idk I just didn’t feel it nearly as much. He messed up on a couple steps too and it was noticeable because her skirt didn’t hide it. There was a lot of gapping too. Loved the minis though, so cute. Loved wit’s hair too! Scored properly imo
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Rankings for Personal Enjoyment Tonight:
JP Milo Bobby John Demarcus Evanna Alexis Joe MLR
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looselucy · 6 years
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Twelve - Brandy Boys
“ANNA!” Jason behind the bar beamed beautifully towards me as I reached the top of the stairs, shouting above the music and waving frantically. I wandered over with my arms held up and open, grinning back to him.
“AH, JASON, LIGHT OF MY LIFE, GIVER OF DRINKS AND MAKER OF SMILES!” I leant across the bar, taking him into a tight embrace as he planted a sloppy kiss on my cheek, making an endearing mwah sound as he did. “How are ya?” He asked excitedly. “Stupendous, my love. How are you?” “All the better for seeing you.” He smiled. “It’s been too long, A.” He then spotted Rachel over my shoulder, who had lingered behind slightly after spotting some people she knew by the front door. She stood across from us, hand on her heart, looking across to Jason as though she was acting out some dramatic Shakespearean scene. “Is it really you?” Jason put on a posh accent, and I watched them play out the scene admirably. “Tis I, Sir Jason. I have returned to purchase some of your fine ales.” I laughed when she gave up the act and ran towards him, leaning across the bar to hug him just as I had, also receiving a sloppy kiss to the cheek. We then sat ourselves down on the barstools, Jason pouring us both a pint as I sunk back into the atmosphere of Brandy Boys. It felt like home, that grimy little place I was so familiar with. There was nothing too special about it, but I think that’s one of the many reasons I liked it. Dark stone walls, light wooden bars. The upstairs area where we were, was full of low leather seats for people to place themselves, the downstairs area completely empty, the music louder. That was the place to dance. Then, to bring the place to life a little, the ceilings were covered in tiny fairy-lights. I loved it so much. “So where’ve you been?” He quizzed as we settled in. “There’s this new place that’s opened that’s pretty cool. We’ve been there a few times.” I told him. “S’called K. You heard of it?” “Ah, I forget you’re a stuck-up celebrity now.” He joked. “Have you seen some of the articles?” “Yup.” I took a sip. “They make you out to be such a twat!” He sounded both shocked and amused. “Yup.” I simply replied again, popping the p. “Jason!” Rachel snapped, half joking, half serious. “We don’t talk about that stuff with Anna. Unless they’re paying her.” I giggled appreciatively, enjoying Rachel sticking up for me in a way, making sure the topic of conversation would be avoided for the rest of the evening. Jason apologised, and we continued talking between each other, casually drinking the evening away. It felt so good to be there, the familiar feeling taking my mind away from everything. It felt like the days before the video, before AM Girl. Until Jason changed that, once again, without fully meaning to. It certainly wasn’t a vindictive move, but he couldn’t help it. The bar had begun to fill out around us as it edged closer and closer to midnight, myself and Rachel now almost merrily at the stage where we could go downstairs and dance the evening away. “That boy’s staring at you!” Jason suddenly said. My mind automatically jumped to Harry, though I wasn’t sure why. I was hoping to turn around to see him there, sat on the settee behind us, watching me. Like he couldn’t keep away from me. I really wanted it to be him. I really fucking did. I felt a rush of heated disappointment as I turned around to see blonde curly locks rather than brown, the tanned boy dropping his head right away so I couldn’t even see his face, seemingly embarrassed. I turned back to the bar, shrugging my shoulders and not trying to show how annoyed I was by it. The alcohol in my system wanted Harry there. “Do you get that a lot now?” Jason asked. “What?” “Random boys just staring you out? It’s weird.” “If I do, then I don’t really notice. It’s a rarity.” He began shuffling nervously, fiddling with his fingers and looking out towards the room, clearing his throat and making sure his eyes were anywhere but on mine. I furrowed my brows in confusion as I watched him, wondering what the hell was going on in that funny little head of his. I had to ask. “Jason?” “What?” “What’s going on?” “Nothing, nothing.” He tried to brush it off. “Spit it out!” I commanded sternly. He finally looked at me, seemingly already annoyed with himself for what he was about to ask me. But he did it anyway. “Could you get Alex here?” He fluttered his lashes. “Turner?” I baffled. “Yeah. It would really help me out.” He seemed embarrassed, and I would have been too, asking a friend to do that. I’d known Jason since the first week I moved to London when I was 19, and he hadn’t played a role in any of the AM bullshit until the, and I never thought he would. I don’t think he enjoyed asking such shallow favours of me. “Why?” I asked, running a hand through my hair. “I’m sorry, I feel like a dick, but… my boss thinks it would put this place on the map.” He explained. “The best thing about this place is that it isn’t on the fucking map.” I couldn’t hide how annoyed I was. Rachel spoke my name calmly, stroking the top of my arm and giving me a look that was both sweet and stern. I hated how well she knew me, and how well I knew her. As much as the look was sympathising with me, she was also letting me know that it wasn’t all about me. Jason hadn’t wanted to ask me that, but I imagined his boss had been breathing down his neck. I didn’t want to make him look bad. “Please?” He begged one more time. Without another word to him, I fumbled through my bag, finding my phone as quickly as I could and scrolling through my contacts until I hit Turner. I pressed dial, and shot Jason a wink. He put his hand on his heart, letting off a sigh of relief and mouthing a thank you to me as I waited for the call to be answered. “Hi, Turner. Come for a drink.”
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Alex looked like he belonged in Brandy Boys. It was strange, the image of the place truly suited him more than I would ever care to say. He arrived wearing tight fitted pants, a crisp white shirt with a tie undone around and hanging around his neck, chewing gum as he stepped inside. To finish the look, he had a leather jacket flung over his shoulder and hair in a curled quiff. He was like something from a movie, not a sight you have the honour of seeing very often, the fairy lights lighting up his unenthusiastic face, but it was all part of the look. A smirk formed at the side of his mouth as he spotted me saluting him from beside the bar. He pushed past people, a few dropped faces pointing towards him, recognising who he was. It wasn’t surprising in Brandy Boys, because it was actually the type of place that would play their music, so of course some people there were going to recognise him, and they were going to make a big deal out of it, unlike what we’d experienced at K. I usually found it frustrating, but that was what Jason’s manager wanted. That had the potential to help the bar I loved, so I had to just suck it up, and deal with it. “Black.” Alex said, leaning in and placing a kiss on my cheek. “Turner.” I replied whilst he was there. I then turned around, grabbing the drink I had already bought him, putting us both on rum. I decided to move on from beer, because as much as it was beautiful, it wasn’t exciting me in the way I wished, its impacts too slow. If I was going to make it through the night, I would need some real liqueur slipping down my throat. Alex thanked me for the drink, then turned himself around, glancing to the few people that were staring, the rest dancing. He raised his glass to the people who were watching, cocking an eyebrow to them, achingly aware of himself. One girl looked as though she was going to faint, her left knee completely gave way as she took a stumble forward, spilling the top half of her drink. I couldn’t help but laugh, since she reminded me of myself. I was fully conscious of the fact I would have been exactly the same if I hadn’t gotten to know him. Alex turned to look at me, smirking and shrugging his shoulders, loving the affect he had on people. “You look good.” He suddenly said. “Judging by the sturdiness of that girl’s knees, I’d have to say you’re not looking too bad yourself.” He tried to hide his smug smile, taking his drink to his lips and basically finishing the entire thing, only going back for one small swig to finish the remainders. “Sorry to talk about work, but the video will be done in a week.” He told me. “They’re doing a final-cut screening for us, to see if we like it. I need you to tag along.” “Do you really need me to?” I moaned. “You are fucking miserable sometimes.” He shook his head. “I know.” I shrugged sweetly. “We fired that PR Man.” He caught me off guard. “What?” I almost dropped my drink. “You don’t need to pretend to be anyone other than yourself, Anna. He’s gone.” I felt such a sense of relief, knowing I wouldn’t have to act anymore if they were to put me in front of a camera, or if I was going to go with them to another event. It made it all better, the thought that I could be at these places, and feel honoured about that, without having to fake who I was. Suddenly it didn’t seem like such a burden anymore. “Thank you.” I muttered. “Anna, you’re amazing.” He started. “I want to be able to work with you again, without seeing it upset you. You’re AM Girl for fuck sake! I feel like if we did anything else for this album, and you weren’t with us… people wouldn’t be too happy.” Alex signalled behind the bar for another drink, which the flustered bar woman pretty much ran to collect for him. “I don’t think you understand how grateful I am.” I grumbled to the floor. I didn’t think I’d ever be fully aware of how much of myself I wanted to share with anyone who was interested enough to care, but not being forced to hide anything felt amazing. “Well, I’m glad you are, so stop being such a miserable cow and lap it up. You’ll be earning a few pennies doing this. It’s a good thing. And now that bastards been fired, it’s even better. So just… enjoy it. Fame is fickle as fuck anyway. It doesn’t mean anything, so just take it for what it is.” I smiled to the floor, a weight being lifted from my shoulders, a weight I wasn’t even fully aware of until that second. Things almost immediately became clearer, the thought that I could work with him and the boys, earning more than enough money, and there weren’t any outstanding downfalls that came with it. Maybe I still wouldn’t enjoy the eyes burning the back of my head, the people pointing and thinking they knew who I was, but on my own head be it. I couldn’t stop that; I and I alone had made the decision to be in the video. That was just something that came with it, and I was going to have to get used to it. Alex retrieved his drink, winking at the barmaid and taking another swig, then holding his hand out to me. “Dance with me.” I couldn’t tell if he was asking me or just telling me, but either way, I complied. I took his hand, and we edged past people, over to the dance floor, my mind free of worry. I felt great.
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My head was swimming, the clock pushing 2am, making it March the 13th. XIII The rum was taking its toll on me, making my body loose and my eyes lazy, finding it difficult to keep them open as I danced with Alex, my arms draped over his shoulders, swaying with him, his eyes darting up and down my body, his mind in a similar place to my own. He moved a hand, putting it on the small of my back, dragging me closer to him, the front of our bodies almost touching as I moved, my neck barely supporting my heavy head. I knew it was probably time for me to go home. I was tired, numerous nights of drinking finally catching up to me, but I was enjoying myself thoroughly. I flopped my head forward, resting my forehead on Alex’s shoulder as we danced close together, only slightly enjoying the sound of an Oasis song behind us. I think it was Don’t Look Back In Anger, but all I remember is being grateful that it wasn’t fucking Wonderwall. So Sally can wait, she knows it’s too late as she’s walking on by. My soul slides away, but don’t look back in anger, don’t look back in anger, I heard you say. At least not today. I heard the crowd cheering around us as the song came to an end, people raising their hands in the air and applauding, completely happy and trapped in the atmosphere of the place. Fuck, I loved it there, everything about it. The songs, the people, how happy everyone was no matter what song was on. I just adored it. I grinned to myself, eyes still shut and forehead still resting on Alex as I realised exactly how good I felt in that moment, I was totally lost in it. Then something happened. My head lifted from his shoulder and my eyes went wide as we heard the first few beats. “No fucking way.” He grinned as Do I Wanna Know started playing. I moved closer, wrapping my arms around him and hugging him tightly, enjoying the moment immensely as people started cheering, so happy to hear the incredible song, and it was the first time in what felt like forever that I actually enjoyed hearing it myself. Have you got colour in your cheeks? I distanced from him, beginning to move to the music, laughing as I mimicked some of the steps I took in the video, swaying my hips, trying to remain stern whilst miming along to the lyrics. I noticed people beginning to stare at the two of us, watching us, biting their lips and smiling, probably a little shocked by the fact they were actually there, listening to song with its writer right before their eyes. It didn’t take long for Alex to come close to me, grabbing my body once again as I moved slowly against him, grinding my hips into him, not caring about the watching eyes. Alex leant into me, bringing his lips against my ear and saying something that completely caught me off guard. “Kiss me.” I pulled my head back, looking at him wide eyed, wondering what on earth he was playing at, but all he did was smirk at me, lowering his hands to my backside. “Kiss me.” He said again. “Make them talk.” My chest rose up and down in jolts, abruptly unbelievably nervous, his hands on my body now moving past being playful. It didn’t take me too long to come to my conclusion, my mind telling me I would be an idiot if I didn’t grab the opportunity to kiss Alex fucking Turner. For a split second, my mind fell to Harry, remembering his lips push to mine that very morning. I wished for a second that it was him, that it was Harry asking me to kiss him. But it wasn’t, and it wouldn’t be again. I had to kiss Alex, I had to. My lips crashed against his as the chorus began playing. Crawling back to you. Alex wrapped his arms around me as my hand found the back of his head, running through his hair with ease as I breathed in, our mouths wide and our tongues playing together. I could hear people muttering around us as we kissed, a couple of flashes made me very aware that people were taking pictures. But we didn’t care, it was probably a good thing, what with the new video coming out soon. Our kiss was a great way to get people talking, which was exactly what Alex wanted. It was the easiest promo he’d ever done. Rumours of AM Girl and Alex Turner actually being an item would send tongues wagging, all the better for the next video. And even ignoring all that, I was kissing Alex Turner. I was kissing Alex fucking Turner. I grinned into the kiss, feeling him do the same. I pulled away slightly, smiling next him, taking my thumb and running it softly across his bottom lip as the chorus came to an end.
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My head was pounding when I awoke, instinctively groaning, but happy to see the pint of water at the side of my bed that my drunken mind knew I would need when the morning rolled around. I shakily leant across and grabbed it, sitting myself up a so I wouldn’t spill anything. I hadn’t been that rough in quite a while, since rum wasn’t usually my drink of choice. So when it came out on a rarity, it had a strong effect on me. I placed the drink back on the side, groaning again and feeling every tiny ache my body had formed, my head feeling as though it was about to implode. I felt terrible. “ANNA!” I heard Rachel shout from her room. I laughed, her voice as muffled and grumbly as I imagined mine would be if I spoke. I ran my hand over my eyes, realising I was having one of those mornings where I would tell myself I was never going to drink again. Of course, that was a lie; a lie I seemed to tell myself at least once a month. “ANNA, I’M DYING!” She shouted again. “COME CUDDLE ME!” My voice sounded appalling, absolutely horrific. I heard her growl piercingly, her body battling with not wanting to move but wanting to snuggle up to me, and laugh about the evening before, which always seemed to be the best hangover cure, when you realise it was all worth it. I heard a loud thud, which I imagined was Rachel falling out of bed. She let out a dramatic cry, feeling incredibly sorry for herself. I laughed, already feeling slightly better. She grumbled as she stood herself up, doing it loud enough so I could hear, her attempts to amuse me working a treat. Soon enough she was with me, tugging on the door handle and stumbling over to the corner of the room, falling onto my bed face first. “I’m going to die!” Her voice muffled as she spoke into the sheets. “This is all your fault.” I told her. “WHAT?” She flung her face up, only then to flinch at the sting in her head. “It was your idea to go to Brandy Boys last night! I blame you.” “You kissed Alex Turner, like you care!” She laughed. It was only then the memory of the short kiss we shared came back to me. I closed my eyes and shook my head, cursing out loud at the thought. It really did make me chuckle, the image of me and Alex together. I liked that it genuinely was just for fun, just for the publicity. Yes, he was gorgeous, and I got on with him well enough, but there was just something different with him. There wasn’t anything sexual there, I felt no heat when we kissed, I felt nothing. But fuck, it was fun. “I totally forgot about that.” I laughed. “Yeah, yeah, course you did.” Rachel said with a wink. We giggled together coyly, before a silence I was fully expecting fell upon the room. It was only a matter of time. Rachel moved herself, going to the free side of the bed and lying next to me, taking my hand in hers and squeezing it slightly. I turned to her, both on our sides and looking each other in the eye. I gave her a weak smile, and she squeezed my hand a little harder. “This time next month.” She whispered. “Yeah.” I simply said. “Five years since we met.” “To put a nice spin on it.” “You still want to go to his grave?” She asked. “Of course.” “I’ll go with you.” She smiled. “That’s okay. I like going alone.” She nodded in understanding, and another silence fell on the room. I took the quiet to think about how much I loved Rachel, how much I appreciated her and everything she had done, and continued to do for me. I loved her so much, it almost scared me how much I relied on her. I always had. She held me together, she knew me better than I knew myself and she did absolutely everything for me. I knew it was time to repay the favour, as much as I could. “Rach, how long do you plan on living with me?” “Until I meet a man who I get along with better than I get on with you. So... forever. Why?” “I’m gunna buy us a flat.” I told her. “What?” “Somewhere a bit bigger than this, in a better area. I might still need help with bills and stuff, I have a lot of money but it doesn’t last forever, especially in London. But… I really want to buy us a flat. Sound good?” She didn’t even need to reply, she just threw herself across the bed to me and squeezed me tight, squealing in excitement as she hugged me. The hangover seemed to disappear as happiness ran over the two of us. I really did wonder what the fuck I would I do without that girl?
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March 20th. 2pm. A private screening was held for me and Alex. I thought the other boys would be there too, but I suppose since they didn’t make an appearance in the video, they weren’t too fussed. They trusted our judgement. We sat looking up to the screen, the director beside us and a couple of members of the film team, eagerly glancing from the screen to our faces, waiting for a reaction as the video played out. It started, myself and Alex gazing into the camera, stood mere inches apart from one another. I was lazily smoking a cigarette, staring down the lens, Alex at my side eyeing me. The beginning shot only revealed from our shoulders upwards, and my hair took up a large percentage of the screen. “Holy fuck, are we watching seventies porn?” Alex quietly joked from beside me. I laughed heartily, sinking a little lower in my seat and trying to stay quiet, receiving an angry glare from the director as the video continued. The black and white footage was grainy, flickering and imperfect, and it looked beautiful. Alex was miming along to his lyrics, casting the occasional glance to me as I smoked, still looking into the camera as though he wasn’t even there. It was only when the chorus hit, that the camera panned out, revealing our entire bodies, showing the ridiculous outfit that had caused me so much drama in the days that followed the shoot. And that’s when I began moving my hips, and Alex looked up and down my body, his hands occasionally glazing over my hips. Other than the tug on my hair, that was pretty much the entire video, it was as simple as that. Alex watching me move, appreciating me from his spot. It was so simple, it had a sense of elegance about it. I knew it wouldn’t be anything compared to the Do I Wanna Know video, but we hadn’t tried to make it any better, we hadn’t wanted it to be. It was just a simple follow-up to it. That was all. I think if anything, I preferred it. “So what do you think?” The director asked as it finished. Alex shot a quick glance to me, as though silently asking if I thought it was okay, if I was happy with the outcome. I gave him a quick nod, showing I liked it. He nodded back, then turned to face the director. “It’s great.” He smirked. “We love it.” “Excellent!” The director beamed. Everyone who had attended began to stand themselves up, happy with the success of their work, ready to go home. Once again, myself and Alex thanked them, shaking a few hands before they left, showing we were appreciative of their efforts. Soon enough it was just the two of us. “How’ve you been?” Alex asked. “Good thanks, how about you?” “I’ve been good.” He told me. We began walking out of the small cinema side by side, glad to completely call it a day on another video. I was eager to get out of there, because myself and Rachel had a flat viewing later that day and I was ridiculously excited about it. The place was empty, a bare space for us to move into as soon as we could, if we liked it. I couldn’t wait. “So...” Alex started as we walked. “Next week, there’s an award show. We’re going to air the video there.” “An award show? I… I’ve not heard of any coming up?” “They don’t air it on TV, thankfully. It’s incredibly private, pretty prestigious. A quiet room full of artists and writers. It’s a pretty big deal.” He told me. “Shit. That’s a bit scary.” “Yeah, and you’re coming too.” He grinned. “No.” “Yep.” “No no no, I can’t, that sounds scary, I can’t” I tried. “You’re bloody coming, you idiot. It’ll be a good night, you’ll enjoy it.” I knew no matter how much I fought, I would be going to that event. Alex wasn’t going to take no for an answer. I rolled my eyes, breathing out a frustrated okay as he patted me on the back, saying he would be in touch soon. With that he walked out the door, pulling some sunglasses from his pocket and sliding them over his eyes, the weather surprisingly nice for British Spring time. I watched him as he went, my nerves already rising at the thought of going along to such an event. From the little he had told me, it seemed that it was a big deal, bigger than The Brits. It wasn’t even slightly about the publicity, it was simply being awarded for being good at what you do, a private event, marking peoples work. The fact I was going to be there was a little ridiculous, and absolutely terrifying. But then again, it was pretty bloody exciting.
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lananiscorner · 6 years
About modern bat kids: I think the reason they are getting along with reach other, even when they might not with Bruce is that since N52, DC is clear that Bat family is a family. I mean during the 90s and early 00s Tim had parents and was Batman's partner with Dick and Bruce also not being clearly parental. But now, Jason proudly tells villains he has three brothers. Dick tells Damian they are brothers and must always be on the same page and Tim... Ah... Dick, Jason and Damian are good!
Thanks for your ask, Anon,
The thing is... Bat family being family is NOT a new thing. Bruce adopted Jason, back in the 80s and explicitly called him his son multiple times in front of multiple people. He adopted Dick back in Batman Gotham Knights (early 2000s, not too long before Jason returned), after being a father to him in all but name for 60 comic book years. He offered to adopt Tim and while Tim did turn him down at first, he eventually accepted. He adopted Cass. And Dick severely stepped up his big brother game with Tim. The batfam being treated as a family has always been there, even if it wasn’t always consistent. And you don’t need to call someone family, to be family. I hardly ever explicitly call my brother my brother, but we treat each other like siblings whenever we’re together (living in different countries right now) and we’re there for each other whenever needed.
And I’d argue New 52/Rebirth isn’t consistent with batfam being family either. They can have Dick, Jason and Tim call each other “brother” all they want - it means diddly squat so long as we get bullshit like “I have a son”. Bullshit Bruce, you’ve got four sons (five - I think Duke was adopted too?) and in Post Crisis you also had a daughter. Or bullshit like Bruce throwing Jason under the bus in an attempt to bring Damian back to life and NO-ONE calling him out on that, ever.
Also, I am taking Jason’s brotherly relationship with the other (former) Robins with a mountain of salt, because it literally came out of nowhere. I mean, New 52/Rebirth started out with Jason being Red Hood and apparently getting along with the others already? I remember that convo between Jason and Tim in RHatO Vol 1 where Jason’s like “Why are you nice to me, after everything I did?”, which implies* that at least some of Battle For The Cowl, Under the Hood, etc. is still canon and it just makes my head explode because Jason may have been the villain of those stories, but Bruce, Dick, and Tim were mostly horrible to Jason, too! Like... wishing he was dead and calling him a delusional crackhead kind of horrible. Why do they suddenly get along? What happened? How come? It just feels so... fake.... It reminds me of those extended family gatherings where you smile and nod and small-talk at people you barely even know, half of which you don’t even like, everyone says stupid bullshit like “oh, that’s my niece, I’m so proud of her!” and two days later you’re back to ignoring each other at best.
Like... that’s not family, that’s a facade. Family would be if anyone of them actually sat down together and worked out their issues and I don’t mean Batman & Robin Eternal style “I’m sorry, Jason, but you need to relive your trauma and let the clown kill you again” - “you’re right Tim, hey everyone, I relived my death, but I’m cool this time, because my bro is here” - “oh good, now let’s get back to the mission”. There are heartwarming moments here and there, but they last all of five seconds and then it’s back to the same bullshit.
I’m sorry that this post got kind of long and rambly but “instant recovery / instant fix for the sake of plot” is something I absolutely hate, HATE, HATE in fiction.
*This is EXACTLY what the universe reboot from Post Crisis to New 52/Rebirth was supposed to avoid, as far as I know. It was supposed to get rid of 70+ years of confusing backstory baggage and instead offer people a clean slate. It failed so spectacularly, it would be funny if it wasn’t a continuity nightmare. It’s as if someone said “okay, we have to many synonyms for product X, Y and Z in our company - let’s scrap all three lines and start from scratch” only then they go and call Product New Shiny™ “Product X” in the manual and everyone is just really fucking confused, when all they really needed to do was sit down, have a long discussion about which term they actually want used, and then enforce it properly (”John, you called Product X “Product eX here - that’s no longer allowed. Change it now.”) In other words, what DC needed was not a half-assed, lip-service reboot. It was editors who actually do their job.
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