#dick grayson headcanons
aangelinakii · 2 days
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— 1-800-cute-barista.
summary : when you get caught in the snow, no place it open. apart from dick's corner.
note : i'm crying this is based on a bts jungkook fanfic i wrote in 2019 💀💀💀
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snow, which had started off as fluttering feathers, had began to piss it down. before you knew it, roads were being closed, and you could barely see your hand if you held it out at an arm's length.
you'd come down to visit some friends from the next town over, unaware of the unexpected weather conditions. there was no way you could drive home in this.
all shops were closed. you were fucked, for lack of any better words.
turning round onto the next block, hands dug heavy in your pockets, begging, aching for the feeling to come back, your eyes focused in on the remnants of an orange light lingering in the back of a café. when you came to a stop outside the wide window, you could make out the silhouette of a man wiping down the counter at the back.
a gasp brushed past your lips, and you knocked on the glass, knuckles pink and on the brink of cracking, and the man in the closed café glanced up.
he jogged up to the door, twisting a key on the other side before opening it, fighting against the blizzard. before you could even think about begging him for a place to stay, he was ushering you inside, where there was an immediate difference.
"you must be freezing!" he gasped, brushing the white specks from your clothes. he pulled a chair from one of the stacks at the edge of the café and practically pushed you down into it, before he was off again behind the counter. "what were you doing out there?"
skin tingling from the new-found warmth of the café, you glanced back out the window to the dark street outside, rough falling snow illuminated by the street lamps.
a shaky chuckle brushed past your chattering lips. "i wasn't out there on purpose. i was meeting friends. didn't realise it would get so... shit out there."
from behind the counter, the man was sifting some cocoa powder on top of a warm mug of hot chocolate, topped with a castle of whipped cream. he gave a laugh.
"no kidding," he agreed, peeling away from the counter, expertly holding the mug by its base, despite the steam hovering above it, following behind him. "no idea how i'm supposed to get home tonight. i'm just lucky i have radiators in here."
muttering a soft thanks as he handed you the mug, you gave a nod. "at least if you stay the night, you'll be able to open bright and early."
the guy pulled up a chair of his own opposite you, placing it with the back toward you, and sat down, perching his arms along the backing. he sighed. "i love working here, i do, but i would rather die." the corner of his mouth quirked up, and you couldn't help but laugh back.
a few beats passed as you gingerly sipped at the hot cocoa from beneath its cornucopia of cream on top, and your eyes began to roam around the little coffee shop, trying to avoid the gaze boring into the side of your head.
finally, he spoke, holding out a hand. "i'm dick, owner of this place. and you?"
lips pulling into a soft smile, you turned back to him and allowed your chilled fingers to meet his in a handshake. "(name)." another sip, and you pulled your hand away, resting in your lap. "so, how long have you been here? i visit here sometimes and i've never clocked you."
"just going two months strong."
dick was cute, in a boyish way. he was allowing his hair to grow out, you could tell by the way it was sticking out near the back of his neck, and by the way his raven curls swooped out near his ears, like he hadn't quite figured out how to style it yet. despite the warm light, his oceanic eyes stood out, sunny, in contrast to the snow outside. his apron had been discarded to a hook behind the counter, and he wore a football shirt for a soccer team you weren't familiar with, the sleeves hugging his biceps.
"that would explain it," you hummed, eyes roaming the café once more. "but you've got a really nice place going. wish i'd been here sooner. and under warmer circumstances."
the use of the word warmer seemed to cause his ears to prick up. "oh, you still cold?" he stood abruptly. "i have a spare hoodie in the back. i left it here the other day."
before you could retort, he was already disappearing through a dark door behind the counter, and all you could do was begin to lap up the pile of whipped cream adorning your drink.
when he returned, the grey hoodie he passed you had been neatly folded, and seeped warmth into your hand.
"it was in the dryer, so it's extra toasty," he chuckled, carefully plucking the mug from your hands so you could pull it over your head. "if you weren't here, i'd have stolen it for myself."
head poking through the hood mid-pull, you began to shove it from your frame. "hey, it's yours, if you want it—"
"no, no!" he responded almost too quickly. "no, sorry, i didn't mean if it sounded like that. wear it. you need it more than me."
eyeing him for a moment, he seemed genuine, and you continued to tug the hoodie over yourself, until it enveloped you in its dry warmth; a great contrast to the sharp frost you'd endured, and in entirely not the right clothes for it.
blue eyes halved into crescents, dick held out the mug for you again, which you took with a smile.
"looks great on you," he smiled. it was difficult to tell if he was flirting, or if he was just one of those guys with that sort of charm.
you could only smile sheepishly and continue to sip at your hot cocoa, until it was merely a ring of brown at the bottom of the mug.
dick didn't leave any time, and carefully took it from your fingers, returning behind the counter to wash it.
when you peered out the window, the sky was still dark, and the pavement stark in contrast, but the heavy blizzard had calmed, to the pale butterflies gracing the darkness.
"hey, thank you so much for letting me stay, but i think i should get going," you piped up, standing to your feet, voice causing dick to glance over from the running sink.
"no problem," he replied, chipper as ever. "i'm always happy to help!"
your fingers fidgeted with the fabric of the hoodie around your frame, unsure whether to take it off promptly, or to wait for him to ask. "do you want the hoodie back, or...?" you lingered on the other side of the counter.
at this, dick turned the tap off, placed the mug upside-down on the drying rack and turned round to face you. that smile lingered upon his lips, perpetually cheeky, like he might have a trick up his sleeve. "seriously, it's all good. keep it for a bit. you never know, we might bump into each other again and you can give it back."
left slightly dizzy, trying to decipher his words, you thanked him again before excusing yourself to go brave the cold once more. it wasn't as nippy as before, but still much too cold.
fortunately, it wasn't long until you found yourself back in the safe confinements of your car, ready to get on your way home, when something caught your eye.
a piece of paper had fluttered to your cupholder.
fingers shaking from the cold as you reached out for it, you peeled it open. a phone number?
and right beneath... dick :)
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confused-wanderer · 1 year
It would be hilarious if villains loved Nightwing and were terrified of Officer Dick Grayson.
Dick Grayson- who is used to open spaces and adrenaline- being stuck in a boring bleak office, surviving on shots of coffee and red bull with caffeine that would make Tim concerned.
The thugs soon realised that unlike most of the other cops - Dick was from Gotham.
No one fucks with Gothamites.
Villain *shooting at Dick with machine guns*
Dick *appearing from the shadows behind him*: Boo.
Thief *throwing a counting down bomb at Dick*
Dick: *catching and tossing the bomb at a safe distance before turning round and shooting it so it explodes mid air while running after thief*
Thief: .. what the actual fuck
Dick: Gee look at all that time you had! Shame you threw it away :D
Dick: I’m from Gotham
Thief *realising they fucked up* : Please don’t steal my bones
Shooter: *sets elaborate booby traps throughout the houses in an active hostage situation*
Dick *using his training as robin and inhuman flexibility to surpass them with ease*: Ah been a while since I got to have a nice stretch thank you.
Dick: .. Hi :)
Shooter: Are you Satan?
In interrogation room
Murderer: I think I’ll take your eyes and add them to my collection
Dick *running on spite and caffeine that could give Superman a sugar rush* : Funny.. I was going to say the same thing to you
Murderer: .. what
Dick: I wouldn’t take your eyes though.. they look like the inspiration behind the whole Medusa’s “look at it and you turn to stone” thing-
Murderer: Hey! Take that back before I gut you
Dick *smile stretching wider without blinking* : oh? Or what? I know everything about you. Who says I can’t kill you and walk out with everyone being none the wiser? I know how to kill someone too..you aren’t special.
Murderer: I’m scared for my safety.
Because the thing is, Nightwing is who Dick really is. It’s who he can be free as, be himself as without red tapes and regulations. Where he can give as good as he gets, and he’s kind and empathetic. He gets to help the downtrodden and goes easy on most of them if they give up right away, not to mention the fact that he never causes permanent damage.
But officer Dick Grayson is a different story. He runs on sleepless nights and no self preservation. Seeing an officer with an uncanny skill set they’re scarily good at, not to mention the cheery attitude he always has scares the shit out of criminals. Cuz no way in hell is a smiling Gothamite not a deranged one. He chases crimes like a bloodhound, and isn’t afraid to make good on threats he makes to ensure they never hurt anyone again.
Bonus if the batfam doesn’t know about this.
Red hood: Shit I can’t believe we ended up in Bludhaven
Red Robin *tying up the corrupt politican* : Since this is a sensitive case, we need someone we can trust to make sure it is seen through.
Red hood: .. So we paying a visit to Officer Grayson?
Red hood: .. is he fucking serious?
Henchmen: Sir he is. And we agree. Please take our bones and kill us but don’t take us to Officer Grayson.
Red Robin: Wait what did he do?
Henchman 1: He asked boss if the hat was sentient.. and said that if it was would it make that hat the top and boss the bottom.
Henchman 2: Last time we met I tried to shoot him but suddenly my gun was blank and he raised his hand and let the ammo drop
Red Hood: Well even I could do that-
Henchman 2: They were my bullets. I had selected the colour personally.
Red robin *growing concerned*
Henchman 3: He sang a lullaby to a child when we were holding the station hostage, and replaced the people with my family members. He even sang their social security numbers!
Henchman 4: He’s the most dangerous of them all. I ain’t shitting ya when I say he’s as scary as the bat from Gotham.
*all nodding in agreement*
Red hood:
Red Robin:
Red hood: Nah that doesn’t sound like Dick
Red Robin: Agreed. Let’s go there Hood.
*villains’ sobbing intensifies*
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hanasnx · 4 months
PICS OF THEM IN YOUR CAMERA ROLL — bruce wayne, dick grayson, jason todd, tim drake, terry mcginnis, talon.
MINORS DNI 18+ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ WARNINGS: personal face claims ノ suggestive content.
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quotidian-oblivion · 1 year
It's funny how easy it is to push Dick away as a happy-go-lucky sunshine and rainbows and unicorns man when he's really the angriest member of the whole Batfam.
Like, it took Jason 15 years and a reasonable cause.
Dickie was ready to murder a bitch at 8.
This boy arrived at the manor with nothing but a simple suitcase, a toy elephant, sass, and 500 pounds of spiteful anger.
And the only thing that's changed now is the suitcase.
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ivysangel · 4 months
(follow up to this post) prefacing this by saying that dick grayson is a nude connoisseur, and while he doesn't have to put work in to look good, he chooses to do so because i do believe he likes to go back and admire his own work. ok, so boom:
starting off strong. dick pics masked as selfies, taken from a high angle with him spread out on the bed, one arm under his head, and he's CHEESIN' because he's got a nice smile and an even nicer cock. [side note: i really do think dick has a very pretty cock. circumcised, pink mushroom tip that, a vein or two that makes him twitch when you touch them, and it gets thicker at the base; not too thick, but thicker. leans further on the long side of the long v girthy scale]
jerk off vids where he's stroking his dick like crazy, on the verge of cumming while he's fully moaning your name into the mic. abs tightening while he cums all over them, chest heaving, and head thrown back.
also a fan of towel shots, but it's not wrapped around his waist. instead, he's actually just holding it in front of his crotch so you can see his entire body except his dick. muscular acrobat thighs fully on display. save me, dick grayson...dick grayson, save me
apart of the boner in sweats club, but i think he could go either the obvious or the understated route depending on his mood. as in, he's either sending you a pic of him grabbing it through his sweats or a mirror selfie where you have to search for it, but once you see it you literally can't unsee it
pics of his dick sent next to objects so he can show you how big it is, but that's very fratboy!dick coded, so it's not a common occurrence. UNLESS it's fratboy!dick because then he has more than a few on hand for when he adds another person to his roster
vids of him jerking off, but specifically in the shower. starts the video off on his face, showing off his wet hair, and the video seems like it's going nowhere until he pans to his dick in his hands. captioned something like "water isn't good lube. you should come over."
not a nude, but does send pics in the nightwing suit, and it's just as, if not more, slutty than any naked pic he could ever send
bonus: not that he'd ever send these, you'd have to find them on your own, but he HAS taken pics of his own ass before just to see what all the hype is about
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pinkhoodi · 7 months
kiss me baby !
✎ᝰ — types of kisses the young justice boys favor
♡⃕ — dick grayson, wally west, kaldur’ahm x reader
♡⃕ — genre + warnings: fluff + slightly suggestive, tried not to make dick a wh*re /aff
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꒰ DICK GRAYSON ꒱ ᡣ𐭩 any and every kiss
Ꮺ dick is quite affectionate but ofc that’s no surprised when he’s a proclaimed lover boy. however, he reserves certain kisses for certain people and certain times; simple cheek kisses for greeting the women he passes by during important events, hand kisses to greet women that he’s interested in, (before meeting you), and the rest just for you <3
Ꮺ kisses for dick is his way of communicating about half the time. times when he’s quiet, or isn’t in the mood to speak much, he gives you a forehead or cheek kiss to reassure you that he’s listening, just not communicative right now. moments where he’s being a tease, he would blow air kisses (especially upon getting to know you and during missions). intimate times, of course, would let him place mouth kisses, a lot of sloppy (or needy) ones if he’s feeling daring, and body kisses
Ꮺ out of all, dick favors to give you kisses on the lips. they either rile the both of you up or have a heartfelt way of saying, “I love you” to one another. especially times where the world feels like it’s at a standstill, no sense of danger to attend to but a quiet time of serenity. in moments where it’s just you and dick enjoying one another’s company, kisses make for the time that passes throughout the night
Ꮺ dick treats kisses either act an of intimacy or his way of getting something out of you. He doesn’t know what that “something” could be tbh; it could lead you to potentially talk to him after you got mad at him, you getting flustered at his cheek kisses, a look of shock on your face after he walks off from giving you a few passionate kisses, or even you becoming affectionate after those kisses. he enjoys the way your face contorts into looks of annoyance, passion, or a pout that rises from his teases
Ꮺ if you have fuller, or much plumper lips, dick will stay on them every. single. hour. he is a FEIN for how your fuller lips feel on his, it’s so soft, so plush, it’s like he’s on a cloud. he’s obsessed and it’s best that you hide before your lips become sore…again
꒰ WALLY WEST ꒱ ᡣ𐭩 forehead kisses
Ꮺ for wally, kisses are reserved for you and only you. wally takes intimacy very seriously, especially when it comes to kisses. unlike his best friend, wally doesn’t you kisses to his advantage (sometimes)
Ꮺ though, it wouldn’t be a lie that wally enjoys kissing you day and night. when the sun rises, when the sun sets, as you two settle into bed, as you two get ready for the morning, he’ll create a reason to kiss you
Ꮺ forehead kisses give a set of reassurance for wally, a feeling that you are here to love him and cherish him, through the good, bad, and the ugly. it lets him that you care for wally, you wanna listen to wally, you want to be wally’s home, where he has comfort and fondness
Ꮺ during times of intimacy, it’s quiet, a few awkward moments, but then again it’s wally. when he stutters too much as he speaks or incompletes his thoughts, you place a forehead kiss to calm him. he’ll shyly smile and give one back, after restarting his fragmental sentence
Ꮺ he doesn’t wanna admit it but wally is an addict to your kisses :). It doesn’t always have to be on the lips but the way his body flutters and the bashfulness that displays on him makes him feel floaty, even on bad days where missions go awry, your kisses help ease his mood. though it is quite cute how shy wally can get when asking for a kiss
꒰ KALDUR’AHM ꒱ ᡣ𐭩 body kisses
Ꮺ I feel like all three boys would favor body kisses but kaldur might be the most down bad for body kisses, both giving and receiving. however, he knows how to hide it better than the other two, he would wait for times of privacy while wally is subtle and dick is….not so subtle !
Ꮺ just like dick, kaldur would enjoy all kisses but kisses to appreciate your bodies feels like the perfect way to adore you. don’t get me wrong, he does tend to words of affirmation and acts of service but he can’t help plastering sweet kisses to your collarbone, behind the ear, stomach, cheek, or thighs (his personal favorite <3)
Ꮺ since he was always required to greet and adore aquaman as his king, adoration would be second nature to kaldur. which would make it quite too often to give your body some love during times of privacy
Ꮺ he doesn’t mind kisses around on the lips or forehead, but he feels a deeper connection when his lips attend to your body
Ꮺ times when he’s becoming too much into his head and stress is slowly shattering him, he’ll lay on your stomach and plant small kisses there. if not your stomach, he’ll pull you into his lap and crane his neck, signaling that he wants kisses but isn’t really in the mood to be expressive right now
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♡⃕ heyyyyy, how yall doin 😋? listen….at least i wrote something for young justice !
𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐏 💗: psalm 147:3
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© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟥 𝗉𝗂𝗇𝗄𝗁𝗈𝗈𝖽𝗂. 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾𝖽
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loppsided · 2 months
WARNINGS: fem reader, established relationship, p in v smut, soft smut, oral (fem receiving), dick being completely obsessed and in love with reader, virgin!reader, experienced!dick grayson (obviously), cunninlings, pet names (baby), dick n reader literally wanna become one person lmfao NOTES: this is hbo max titans!dick thats why hes described as having brown eyes and hair, but just insert the attributes of any version you want! first time writing smut so bare with me, apologies if its hella cringey. requests r open go request whatever u want. this was also proofread at 3am so if it doesnt make sense, thats why heh sorry. the ending is sooooo bad but i got lazy. im making a taglist! so if u wanna be added to my dc taglist just comment on this post. MINORS DNI 18+ likes and reblogs appreciated! WC: 1k
soft moans and the rustling of sheets underneath you are the only sounds to be heard in your room, as you grind mindlessly against anything that will create friction on your body. you and dick had been dating for months now and though the topic of sex came up often, whether it be late night conversations about all your desires or the occasional fingering session which had you creaming around his fingers and screaming his name, you haven't had sex yet. you were a virgin, mind plagued by things so much more important than intercourse, and the mere fact that you just didn't have time in your busy schedule to lay down and do any thing. but god did you think about it. and today all your desires would be fulfilled. the conversation was typical, a thousand "are you sure?"s fell from your gentlemen of a boyfriends lips. so here you are now, laying on your back, hands tangled through dicks dark brown locks as he flicked his tongue back and forth slowly at your clit. he took his time, eyes fixated on your expression, your jaw was slack and brows knitted. his hand kneaded into the flesh of your stomach as he held your hand lovingly. a gesture he knew you loved, you always talked about the romance of sex, and how it made it better for both parties. he flattened his tongue against your heat, sucking slowly. his other hand slid down your thighs, grazing the hickeys he had left there only minutes prior. he stuck his ring and middle finger inside of you, pumping at the perfect pace while he swirled his tongue around your pussy. you felt your climax coming soon, you tugged his hair as you bit down hard on your bottom lip. "cum for me baby, let go." his voice was what sent you over the edge, back arching as soft whiny whimpers escaped your throat.
he took his fingers out slowly, moving up your body leaving soft kisses up your torso until he reached your mouth. you kissed for a few seconds until he pulled back, a string of saliva holding you both together as you looked into each others eyes with love. you loved dick, and dick loved you, no matter how many issues you had, or how many times you cried in his arms about how meaningless you felt. he loved you for you, he saw you completely and now his love was taken to a whole other place. now he loved how you tasted. he loved how you moaned his name so pathetically, like you could melt into the sheets at any second and become one with him. like you needed him, like all you wanted was him. his gaze never left yours as he slid into you slowly, wrapping his arms around your back so you could hold him by his neck. "just tell me to stop at any time if its too much, okay?" you nodded. "use your words baby" "yea, il tell you." you whispered looking directly at his lips wanting for him to kiss you again. he was always such a damn gentlemen, and though sometimes it got on your nerves, that's one of the reasons why you fell in love with the brown eyed boy. but right now you didn't want a gentlemen, you wanted him to fuck orgasm after orgasm out of you until you were laying in bed sweaty, barely coherent. his pace started off slow, despite your effort to keep eye contact with your lover, your head lolled back as you closed your eyes. time stood still in that moment, your ears rung (probably from your previous orgasm) and the whole world was gone. it was just you and him, and him inside of you. you had expressed your concerns about potentially not being able to cum during your first time since you usually couldn't finish with just insertion, but as dick sped up, his lips grazing your neck as he praised you, telling you how tight and warm you felt, you could tell you would be cumming in a few minutes. he knew all the right spots, where to hold and squeeze you, where to kiss you, to rip those beautiful noises he loved so much from you. and that's exactly what happened. dick noticed your needy claws at his back, as your breathe increased and you started babbling nonsense about "being there." his lips left your neck as he looked at you. "you gonna cum? huh? you almost there baby?" your eyes opened, the look on your face sent shockwaves of pleasure through his body, knowing he made you feel this good. "ye-mm yea mm-hmm i think m'gonna uhhh-" you cut yourself off with a breathy whine as you buried your face in his shoulder and looked down at your bodies connecting. it tuned you on even more, dicks thick cock pumping in and out of you. a ring of white cream around the base of his dick. sweat beads rolling down his abs and his abs tensing and contracting as you could tell he was also close.
the only words you could get out were his name over and over and over and god that made dick feel like a king. his grip around you tightened as he focused on going as deep as possible, he was determined to make you cum around his dick at least twice tonight. your eyes shot opened as you screamed and arched into dick as you came. "oh fuck- fuck- fuck- dick.." he pressed his forehead to yours as loud throaty groans passed from his mouth to yours, he came with a moan and his fingernails dug crescent shaped marks into your back. his high hit him hard, as all he said was "so good, so good for me, feel so good baby." and your name over and over and over.
you two definitely went a few more rounds that night.
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froggibus · 3 months
Camping Headcanons - Batboys + Wally West
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Includes: Dick Grayson x gn! reader, Jason Todd x gn! reader, Tim Drake x gn! reader, Wally West x gn! reader
Genre: fluff, mild crack
Summary: spend a weekend away from the city camping with your boyfriend
CW: batboys have peak survival skills, Wally is very Wally, lots of classic camping fun
this is part of my Summer Suntacular event, come check it out!
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Dick Grayson:
prefers to camp somewhere off the grid
loves traditional camping and is not at all opposed to just…sleeping on the floor of a tent
can almost definitely set up a tent in two seconds flat—even the jumbo ones that are supposed to take two people to set up
definitely helps that he’s flexible 
if there was a medal for best at camping, he’d probably win it
it's almost annoying how on point his survival instincts are
he can spearfish and does it just to show off
can cook pretty much anything over a fire but if it were up to him he’d just eat soup, burgers & hotdogs the whole weekend
packs 12 pairs of underwear for a weekend of camping
also has insane packing skills, like he could pack 2 weeks worth of supplies in one backpack
even if its not sunny, he WILL somehow tan just from being outside
Jason Todd:
also likes camping off the grid
unlike Dick, he probably prefers sleeping in a trailer or a cabin if he can help it
It’s not that he’s against sleeping in a tent or anything 
but he’s spent so much time sleeping on the hard ground/freezing his ass off that if he can afford the extra comfort, he’ll spring for it
so much more relaxed when you’re camping—it’s almost like he’s a different person
brings about a dozen books to read for like, three days of camping
if you weren’t with him he’d probably read them all too
even if you’re staying in a place with a stove, he INSISTS on cooking stuff over the campfire
a really good campfire cook too—he’ll make you some insane salmon & the most golden toasty s'mores for dessert
dork ass loves telling you scary ghost stories with a flashlight under his chin and everything
all so that you’ll cuddle closer to him that night
lets you wear his comfy clothes and his jacket if it’s cold outside and claims he ‘doesn’t get cold’
Tim Drake:
hard to convince him to leave Gotham for the weekend (mr weight-of-the-world-on-his-shoulders)
threaten to go camping by yourself and suddenly he’ll never leave your side
only camped at fancy resorts/nice cabins before Bruce
really enjoys being off the grid and being self sustaining though
loves those “cooking in nature” tiktoks and probably wants to try them for himself
doesn’t care where he sleeps as long as it has walls—but for you, he’ll get the warmest, comfiest tent or cabin possible
is weirdly prepared for almost any situation AND knows all of your cravings before you even have them
“I really wish we had strawberry marshmallows to make smores with”
“check my green backpack”
brings lots of different card games and WILL beat you at all of them before the trip is over
bring your own secret deck of Uno and watch him have a meltdown wondering how you could possibly have so many +4s
somehow knows exactly what went down with everyone while you were away
Wally West:
he’s like a kid again (as if he ever grew up let’s be fr) 
already has muscle pains from running around so much so at the very least he’s getting the comfiest air mattress ever
but most likely he’ll want to stay in a cozy cabin way off the grid 
with him, no campsite is too far or too remote
cannot cook for shit but will grill you the best burgers and hot dogs ever 
cannot roast s’mores for shit either 
they WILL catch fire and be completely crispy 
offer him one of yours PLEASE
“nah babe, I just really like them like this” 
loves loves LOVES campfire cuddles and uses every reason under the sun to cozy up with you
tries to tell scary stories (that he stole from Dick who stole them from Bruce) but ends up freaking both of you out
has to do at least one (1) vigorous activity every day or he’ll be bouncing off the walls all night
has a secret never ending stash of candy on him & shares them with you
packs exactly two pairs of underwear for the entire weekend & is completely unprepared 
however if you forget or need anything else it is a CRIME and he will go get it for you 
manages to stretch a three day camping trip into a week
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Summer Suntacular | Masterlist | DC Masterlist
(if you enjoy content like this, interactions go a long way! comments, likes & rbs are always greatly appreciated ^-^ !!)
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i-yap · 4 months
Can I get your thoughts on a gn reader who’s dating Grayson and is like a parent figure or older sibling to Damien, so they have a soft spot for him ( so does Damien ) ?
Dick grayson x gn!y/n x platonic!Damian
this is my first time writing a gn reader so like I'm sorry if I write something stupid or offensive, just comment it and ill fix it.
if you are dating dick then damian will stalk you extensively at first. Dick is his favorite sibling ( in most comics) and if dick is serious about you, stalking is just how the batfam shows love.
He will be rude , he will be mean and sarcastic but dick warned you and you understand where dami's coming from. So you kindly and patiently deal with him and dick obviously doesn't let Dami cross the line when it comes to you.
One night dick had to rush out for a really scary mission and told you to stay at the manor because its the safest place to be.
Damian was the only other person that was left behind since the mission required everyone else on the team and bruce did not think damian was ready for such a high risk mission just yet.
so damian was really frustrated and also worried for the rest of the family. you walk past Dami's room to see him staring off in the distance while fidgeting or biting his nails. You ask alfred for a chess set ( or any other board/card game) and bring it to dami's room. While playing , he opens up about his frustrations and you patiently listen . Not a lot of people in his family are as warm and caring as you are ( maybe dick but even he is really busy)
After that night the roles are reversed. Now damian thinks dick is undeserving of you and his snarky comments are directed to him. You just find it funny while dick is left confused. "I thought he liked me more man, why the sudden switch?" " he got enlightened dickie boy muhahah" " you are mind controlling him arent you"
One-on-one time in the manor- haha dick wishes. So he tries only calling you when dami is at school or training or patrol. ofc you and dami catch on soon which means you and dami chasing him with katanas.
talking about katanas, dami loves showing you his art and his pets and if you share an interest in either of them he gets even more excited.
you and dick become dami's honorary parents. might as well adopt him since bruce and talia are obviously not doing a very good job ( in most comics) .
whenever dami is mad at bruce or simply upset or bored he comes to you and dick's apartment. You and dick are the fun warm loving couple that spend the night playing board games and watching stupid movies . you introduce him to all the major pop culture shows and movies and dick teaches him how to just dance randomly. your apartment is so different from the gloomy , filled with blood stains, fights and training manor. its filled with music and love and warm lights cooking together in funny pjs and dancing badly to pop songs.
it is watching you and dick that dami realizes what love is supposed to look like. and what a normal household looks like( sort of normal) and it affects the way he grows up. I wont be surprised if he comes to you for parents teacher meeting days or to sign his field trips or for advice on normal things
and the canon where dami is being bullied in school, while you go full on protective mode ,dick tries teaching him how to be better in social situations.
overall dami is just counting down days dick marries you and you'all unofficially adopt him.
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dayasusays · 4 months
Dick grayson with breeding kink pls pls? Anything w Dick honestly i miss my man
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warnings ! — SMUT, headcanons, husband!dick grayson, fem!reader, breeding kink, dirty talk
summary ? — dick never thought he had breeding kink.
౿ . . ` ౨ৎ ENJOY 🩵
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husband!dick grayson, who never thought he'd be fucking you with the thought of how cute you'd look with his baby.
husband!dick grayson, who pushes into you as deep as he can, still whispering something incoherent in your ear; a large palm rests on your back, pressing and making you arch your back.
husband!dick grayson, who can't keep his mouth shut when you're so good inside. he's ready to moan at the top of his voice just because of how hard you squeeze him when he hits your sensitive walls.
husband!dick grayson, who bites his lower lip while muttering “you're gonna be so beautiful when you get pregnant.”
husband!dick grayson, who almost doesn't come out of you as his thrusts get shorter and more erratic.
husband!dick grayson, who cum inside you with the thought that he wants to see you with his baby inside you, and he'll do anything for it. -` ♡ ´-
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🩵 m.lists | abt me
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withlovedayasu · 6 months
🗯️ dick grayson as your boyfriend be like :
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mysadcorner · 9 months
Would I please be allowed to request affectionate Fem!reader x touch starved batboys + Bale!Bruce Wayne headcanons pls and thx <33
TouchStarved!Batfam x Reader Headcanons
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-Credit to the gifs owner - Please be specific about characters wanted in requests -
Masterlist Navigation
Bruce Wayne
• Bruce isn't going to handle his first experience of genuine affection from you very well. He's going to be a bit distant at first until he's comfortable around your affection and he's sure that you're not trying to manipulate him in any way or get something from him (even if he knows that this isn't the case, he still has a hard time with getting close to people and receiving affection).
• Due to the loss of his parents he does hate to genuinely get close to a person in an emotional way, especially if they're a normal person. Until he is finally close to you, and even during your relationship together, he'll be more paranoid and worried about someone finding out his identity and using you as a way to hurt him in any way.
• If you try to get him to open up he will be quite hostile and he genuinely doesn't mean to be. He's becomes very defensive due to the walls he's built up for so long and he isn't quite sure how to allow them to come down and let you in at first without feeling incredibly vulnerable.
• It may be easier for him to get to know you if you're also a hero or vigilante and he gets to know you while keeping his identity a secret. He doesn't have to worry about disappointing you with his true self, and he'll be reassured that you're able to look after yourself if you're ever confronted by anyone intending to cause you harm.
• Opening up to you would be a gradual process, but if you take some time it will be possible to have him be vulnerable and honest with you eventually. You may even help him work through the many emotional problems he has which could lead to him settling down and living a peaceful life without his Batman persona one day in the future.
Dick Grayson
• Dick's loss of his parents cause him to behave almost the opposite of Bruce, and he has become almost addicted to physical touch and emotional comfort. He starts to crave you as soon as you've shown him some affection and he will absolutely become addicted to you being around him.
• He allows himself to open up to you almost immediately if he thinks that you truly care about him and he trust's you. He has a lot of pent up feelings and thoughts that he hasn't able to get out, so you being there for him definitely takes a huge burden off of his shoulders.
• Dick starts to indulge in many of the things he didn't get in the past due to having so many unstable relationships, so this does lead him to rely on you emotionally quite a bit. He always seems to be funny and outgoing on the outside, so once you see this side of him it may come as quite a surprise.
• In public, Dick loves it when you give him affection, but of course he isn't going to go over the top with it. When you give him small touches and affection when outside or around others it gives him comfort and makes him feel much more secure in the situation he's confronted with, even if it's only a social gathering.
• Genuinely opening up to you would be a slow process, and you may need to seek advice from his family at first to try and find a way to make him feel safer while telling you things he doesn't like to talk about. But this will come naturally to him after a while, he just needs to get to a stage where he feels like he's ready to actually say certain things out loud.
Jason Todd
• Jason would probably be quite hesitant to receiving affection, especially if this is shortly after he 're-joined' the family, or hasn't been able to work out the trauma he's been through yet. He get's paranoid about what could possibly happen if you get too close to him, so it's not that he doesn't want your affection - he's just simply scared of the consequences.
• Despite craving someone to be close to, he doesn't have a lot of experience with actual relationships so he may be a bit awkward about how close your relationship is getting. He tries his best as much as he can, but he simply can't figure everything out by himself and he may also seem a bit clueless at times when you first approach him.
• When others aren't around Jason will become very cuddly and attention seeking towards you due to finally getting used to your new found attention for him. He didn't realise how much he was really missing out on, and now when the two of you are alone he can't get enough of it.
• In public, Jason isn't much of a big fan of affection being shown towards him. He's used to keeping up his serious image depending on who is around and he isn't the type of person to want many others seeing him in a vulnerable state no matter how small your affectionate display is.
• When Jason finally opens up to you about being emotionally and physically starved of affection and touch, he will get quite emotional. He's been keeping so many emotions and thoughts buried deep inside himself for so long that when he finally lets it all out it's like huge floodgates have been opened. You can try your best to settle him down, but this is just something he really needs to get out more than anything else.
Tim Drake
• Tim would be more inclined to return your affection even if he has been touch starved for a while since he knows how to express himself in this way a bit better than the rest of the family. He's always much calmer when opening up to you and gets to the point quickly so you wouldn't have to spend time guessing whether he's comfortable or not with your affection towards him.
• He would be quite bashful about your new found affection at first, even though he’s more than willing to accept it. He comes over this very easily though, as soon as he sees how much affection you have for him he loves it instantly.
• Tim will crave your company after you first start showing him some love and affection, especially if he notices that you’re doing it because you want to and not because you think you have time while being with him. He’s constantly keeping himself close to you in the hopes of you giving him attention without him needing to ask directly at first and will keep giving you hints depending on how long it takes for you to catch on.
• If you show Tim affection in public, or while other people are around, he may get flustered and blush a lot at first. After a while he’ll become used to a bit PDA and will be quite comfortable with it as long as it isn’t too much.
• Tim wants to be honest with you, so he’s probably going to be the most truthful about things compared to the other people in his family. However, he still has a habit of leaving out key information from the things he tells you unless you trick him into a very comfortable situation where he can’t help himself but to open up to you.
Damian Wayne
• Damian isn’t going to react well to affection the first time you try to give him some, even if the two of you are deemed to be close. He simply isn’t used to it, so even if he wants it his body may naturally put its guard up due to it being a new concept he’s experiencing.
• It will be awkward for a while as he tries to move past this, but all he really needs it to get used to it and experience it more often. Once you show affection towards him on a regular occurrence then he will be more than happy to receive it in private. He still won’t be into PDA no matter how used to it he is.
•When the two of you are alone then he will absolutely want affection from you, especially after he’s had a difficult day. He’ll be blunt to you about it and may feel more inclined to show affection towards you rather than for you to behave that way towards him once he’s able to express himself well.
• He’ll be strongly against it in public. Not only does he see it as a weakness but he would also prefer it to be a highly private thing for him. If you ever reached out to hold his hand then he may hold it back after a while of consideration, but under no normal circumstances would he initiate it himself.
•After Damian is used to giving and receiving affection from you physically, it will be much easier for him to express his emotions. It may still be quite hard for him, but after he starts to open up he realises how much better he feels to do so.
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aangelinakii · 3 months
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not proofread !
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the type of guy to keep flirting with you no matter how long you've been dating
he's forever stuck in the honeymoon phase
you've been dating a month ? he surprises you with flowers each time he meets you
been dating a year ? the flowers upgrade to mega bouquets that light up and have like hello kitty plushes inside
joking he's not THAT extra
joking x2 we all know he so is
but what i'm trying to say is that he never and i mean NEVER gets bored of dating you,, constant compliments, constant kisses, constant reassurance, constant anything you ever need ever
practically has you on a pedestal, because we all know that's what you deserve
he's one of those guys who always takes pictures of your moments together, so he can look back on when he's missing you
has a selfie of the two of you on his phone from the day he asked you if he would be your boyfriend ( yes he said that specifically ) so that he can look back before you were properly together
has soo many pictures of you that you don't realise he's taken, and he thinks you look the best in those ones
if you two ever go on holiday together, he'll bring a digicam or camcorder so he can record your shared adventures
he thinks having it on a memory card as opposed to his photo gallery makes it feel more real
honestly, he's so attentive that he almost knows you better than you know yourself, but also vice versa
just by a little crease in your eyebrow, he knows that you're craving a sandwich, and go make it for you
loves cooking for you as well
lovesss making little dinner nights that he treats like you going to a gourmet restaurant, but they're all in his little apartment in blüdhaven
definitely a physical affection guy, which i've gone into more detail here
but his favourite form of physical affection, is probably to give or receive a greattt massage after a long day
he gets tons of knots it's crazy
loves seeing you all dressed up and will always ask if you can be his date to any of bruce's charity events, because he wants to show you off just that bad
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hanasnx · 2 months
DATE NIGHT — bruce wayne, dick grayson, jason todd, tim drake, terry mcginnis, talon.
MINORS DNI 18+ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ NOTES: for @xstarkillerx and his date night prompt ノ features indyfied (potentially ooc) tim drake. WARNINGS: drug mentions: weed, acid ノ suggestive content: dancing, grinding ノ ooc tim drake perhaps.
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outfit(s) ¡! ❞
Black turtleneck; ghurka pants; versace black leather belt; calatrava watch; loafers or chairman dress lace-ups; ballston merino gray wool socks.
location(s) ¡! ❞
He's a versatile dater, he can make any scene his scene: club, bar, concert, dinner. He's already a VIP member there with a table he owns, not to mention a proud shareholder. He can get you backstage, he knows the performer personally because they're a close friend. He's got a lot of ins places, which makes dating easy and frequent.
outfit(s) ¡! ❞
Expensive: black t-shirt; grand seiko watch; a single stainless steel huggie earring; figaro 5mm silver chain; hopsack wide leg pants; chelsea boots; cavalli black leather belt; worn quarter length white socks.
Casual: he keeps the jewelry and t-shirt; loose fitted jeans; leather lace up boots.
location(s) ¡! ❞
His expensive dates are nice restaurants. Casual are much more frequent and range from the rare fast food stop to the movies. He's not above dancing and grinding with you at the club. Gym dates are easy, but that requires a different wardrobe.
outfit(s) ¡! ❞
Cargo joggers; carhartt black webbing belt; beat-up black leather biker jacket; off white t-shirt or long sleeve; alphaforce duty boots; crew length black socks; silver cross chain and he doesn't really know why he wears it; frayed leather band bracelets on one wrist; silver band rings; ear cuffs; sometimes a ratty red ball cap to keep his hair out of his face.
location(s) ¡! ❞
Public dates are very rare. Movies, or spending time at the bookstore or library with a coffee and a seat, cafés, delis. Mostly at home having a movie night or a nap.
outfit(s) ¡! ❞
Old skool black vans or vans checkerboard slip ons; mismatched holed quarter length socks; dark wash wide leg jeans; graphic t-shirt of something he's never heard of; black grommet belt; skinny hair ties and falling apart string friendship bracelets and rubber wristbands on his wrists; leather string coin pendant necklace; cartilage and first and seconds ear piercings.
location(s) ¡! ❞
Videogames at home: couch co-ops like mortal combat, mario kart, overcooked, wii sports resort, or portal 2. Ordering in everything from pizza to sushi. Popping acid and/or smoking. Keeping up with a show together, movie nights. Hanging out on the roof to watch the stars.
outfit(s) ¡! ❞
Brown chelsea boots; black split neckline t-shirt; washed patch pockets on dark cuffed jeans; joe rocket classic leather motorcycle jacket; timberland belt.
location(s) ¡! ❞
Clubs are his best bet because of his unusual schedule, but a fancier dinner or two is on the table as a rare and occasional treat. Also running errands together.
outfit(s) ¡! ❞
Suede brown blazer; hopsack wide leg pants; white or black turtleneck; chairman dress lace-ups; quarter length black socks; burgundy leather gloss belt; silver cross chain.
location(s) ¡! ❞
Will not go out in public. Any dinners will be at your place if any actually take place. He's prone to disappearing.
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@HANASNX 2024 | do not copy, plagiarize, or steal.
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kimpossibly · 2 years
— dating dick grayson
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ sfw & nsfw under the cut
PAIRING: dick grayson x fem!reader WARNINGS: there is some nsfw content underneath the cut (i labelled it so it can't be missed). there are also mentions of fighting, cuts, bruises, general vigilante stuff. SUMMARY: just some cute (and some spicy) headcanons for dating our beloved nightwing
NOTE: I love writing for this character so much — specifically because I've heard from sooooo many people that my boyfriend looks exactly like him. It actually became such a recurring joke with my friend group that we dressed up as Dick & Barbara Gordon for homecoming. But the resemblance is so uncanny it's actually insane — hence why I love this character so much. I hope you guys enjoy this thing I wrote at three in the morning!!
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ sfw
Dick is so protective, just as a person. Of family, of friends, and especially of you.
If you're a Titan like him, he's the first to jump to your side in a fight — not because he doesn't think you can handle yourself (he knows you can) but because he can't bear not having you in his eye line during a fight. If something were to happen when his back was turned, he'd never quite be able to get over it.
In the middle of the fight, he's constantly shouting to you, asking if you're okay, if you need help. And after the fight he's the first one to you, asking if you're hurt.
And if you're a civilian and you somehow get caught in the middle of his work? Oh my God this man will lose it. His top priority disappears and is instantly replaced by making sure you're safe and well out of the way of danger.
The 'patching up each other's wounds' trope is strong with Dick
He always wants to know how and why each little cut and bruise got there
❝ Wait, where did this one come from? ❞ ❝ Remember when the guy pulled out all those little throwing knives? ❞ ❝ Ah. ❞
I feel like his love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch — he loves both giving and receiving them.
He'll always pull you aside to tell you he loves you before he goes into a fight.
He'll reassure you with forehead kisses instead of kisses on the lips. They just feel more safe and comforting.
But the ultimate way he makes you feel safe and comfortable is by cuddling. He loooooves cuddling.
Nothing makes him happier than wrapping his arms around you and holding you tight to him. He loves falling asleep that way, tangled up together, because it lets him know that you feel completely safe around him.
He knows he can be an imposing person, so he always does his best to make you and everyone else feel safe around him.
And let's be honest, that man is a giant teddy bear.
But he can be pretty scary when he wants to be.
Like I kind of said earlier, if someone is messing with you, he's the first one to be by your side to defend you
At the end of the day, he loves coming home to you and knowing that you'll be there for him every step of the way.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ nsfw — mentions of hickeys, oral (f & m receiving), praise, roughness, fingering
Dick is a pretty selfless person — he's always concerned about other people, he's a bit of a people pleaser, etc.
Thus I firmly believe he's a giver over a receiver.
They don't call him Dick for nothing—
He also definitely has a praise kink, both for giving praise and receiving it.
His favorite, of course, is calling you a ❝ Good girl ❞ and telling you how well you're doing.
He loves to go down on you. There's nothing he finds more beautiful than looking up at you from in between your legs, seeing your face contorted in pleasure as he brings you over the edge.
He also looooves when you pull his hair. It's a sign that he's doing well at making you feel good. This ties in with the whole praise thing.
He never pressures you into anything and always makes sure to get consent before doing something.
He also loves to wake you up by going down on you. He obviously asked for consent the night before, but he just loves the surprise of it.
Or he'll even just wake you up by pressing kisses to your neck and gently fingering you
It isn't until you're awake and moaning that he'll smirk at you and say good morning.
And if you want to go down on him? I mean...he won't refuse.
I don't think his initial instinct is to be very vocal, but once he feels perfectly comfortable and safe with you, oh Lord is he vocal.
He's a very gentle person in general, but every once in a while he needs to let off some steam.
You'll come back from a fight and you'll barely have the time to shut the bedroom door before he's pulling you to him and kissing you.
The suit stays ON
He can get a little rough, but he always makes sure that you're okay with what he's doing.
But he loves after care — and he's great at it too
Like I said earlier, he's a cuddler, but if you're both up for it he'll jump in a shower with you
He doesn't normally like to leave marks because he doesn't want the others to start asking questions, but every once in a while he likes giving you a hickey or two.
But he places them strategically on your collarbone, where they'll be just barely hidden by your shirts and revealed by the merest tug on the neckline (and yes he does take advantage of this)
You're a little more enthusiastic about hickeys than he is
Luckily, in his, er, line of work (???) hickeys can more often be explained away as bruises
Like if it ever gets brought up, he just brushes it off.
❝ What's on your neck? ❞ ❝ It's uh, just a bruise. ❞ ❝ Oh. Looks like a hickey. ❞
Dick will just kind of freeze up, caught of guard by the directness of that statement, and you'll just smile and wrap an arm around him, pressing a kiss directly to the so-called ❝ bruise. ❞
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ivysangel · 3 months
expanding on this post except it's where dick, roy, jason, and wally fall in the frat ranking and why (this is just for fun, don't take it too seriously)
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is ranked number one every year until he graduates (duh) because he's a borderline nympho and can't go a single night without getting his dick wet
pledges aspire to be him but he's seriously contemplated attending a sex addicts anonymous meeting because he skipped half his classes last semester to fuck girls on greek row and his grades suffered
has a collection of underwear he steals from girls to keep as trophies and had to change the spot where he keeps them because one of his frat brothers found them and went around the house telling everyone that dick wore women's panties
fucked that guys ex to spite him and got away with it because he's super hot and also the frat president (defintely a legacy pledge too)
has told girls "i love you" and "you're the only one for me" to get in their pants and has either ghosted or messaged them "it's not you, it's me" immediately after leaving their dorm
there are multiple hate posts about him in the gotham university subreddit and all of the upvotes are from girls he’s fucked
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ranked in the lower half of the top 10 but is on a mission to break top 5
gets a lot of play just from being hot but also keeps a list of girls dick rejects so he can be the first to console them and subsequently get in their pants, has "i can make you feel better"ed his way into many hook ups
has a thing for girls with dark hair who play hard to get and has unironically sent to the frat group chat "i need a goth bitch in my life"
scared away multiple girls by wanting to fuck them in the ass and always follows it up with "aw come on??? it was a joke!" even though it's not a joke
came too fast once as a freshman and got nicknamed speedy
is still bitter about it and sometimes sends to the gc "lasted 2 hours, who's speedy now?" and everyone's like "still you."
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isn't ranked at all and not because he doesn't get any play, just because he doesn't kiss and tell
fully thinks the ranking is corny but also takes pride in knowing that if his bodycount was made public he wouldn't be at the absolute bottom
hasn't slept with that many girls but has had so many blowjobs that he's sometimes wondered if his dick will start pruning like wet fingers
felt dumb wondering that so he doubled up on his bio classes the next semester and then hooked up with his ta because she was hot and smart
is like the only guy in the frat that cares about safe sex and has had to let his brothers know on multiple occasions that their junk isn't supposed to be red or itchy, and has had the pleasure of accompanying more than a few of them on trips to the std clinic
never tells anyone that he's dick's adoptive brother, so every time they go home together over break and he decides to text a girl, she always responds with, "you're not gay?"
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would be ranked low because he's a loser and has zero game/cannot function normally around hot girls and will make a fool of himself 97% of the time but his oral skills cancel it out so he's somewhere in the middle
is one of the first places girls go after breaking up with their shitty bf's because he's sweet and will go down on them for hours without expecting anything in return
once had a conversation with jason where he reffered to his girls as clients and jason said he "made it sound like prostitution"
once had a conversation with jason where he said his jaw was getting tired and he was thinking about charging for his “service” and jason said, "that would be actual prostitution"
has cum too quick on multiple occasions but didn't get a nickname because nobody was surprised
once hooked up with another ginger, and roy had to sit him down to tell him that it was fundamentally wrong and that he was never allowed to do it again or else he'd be kicked out of the frat
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