#dickbabs drabble
violent138 · 9 months
I have a headcanon that Steph is very much on Babs side when Oracle's a little upset about Dickory.
"Barbie, you got those reports on the stolen tank?" Steph raises her eyebrows at the lack of response from the Bats' eyes and ears, drifting over to peer at the computer.
A familiar, gorgeous redhead that Steph also stalks is open over the case file tabs.
Oh not this again.
"She's got nothing on you," Steph says, making Barbara jump.
Barbara doesn't even look ashamed at being caught, continuing to pout at the screen. "She's a princess."
"So?" Steph shrugs dismissively. "You're a genius, and you've saved Gotham over and over."
"She can fly." Barbara points out, face resting heavily against a bruised fist.
Steph scoffs. "What's the batplane for, decoration?"
They both stare at the screen, and damn if Steph can't see the appeal.
Barbara sighs, slumping onto the table.
"If you kill him, I'll help bury the body," Steph whispers, patting her on the back.
A half-groan, half-chuckle is her only response, the other Batgirl squeezing her hand blindly.
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ehliena · 3 months
To New Beginnings
The party was already in full swing by the time Dick gathered enough courage to talk to Barbara. He asked her if they could talk in a less crowded area and she had agreed.
“So...” he hesitated.
“We lived Boy Wonder.”
“Yeah, but we also died so..."
“Til death do us part.” Her eyes narrowed. “I’d say we were parted.”
He winced, remembering the pixie boots, the shorts, and her last words as she bled out before he too was killed.
“But,” she gave him a tentative smile. “We could try again?”
He grinned back at her.
To new beginnings.
A/n: this is set during Death Metal. Any comments are appreciated.! ^_^
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babswonder · 5 years
“I don’t need a hero, I need a husband”
“I don’t need a hero, I need a husband, Dick.”
“And you have a husband, Babs,” Dick exclaimed. 
“No,” Barbara explained, “What I do have is an idiot of a husband who thought it was best to swoop in and save the day for me when I was completely fine handling the situation myself.”
“Babs, I-”
“No, Dick, you know how these reporters always are at Bruce’s parties. Always sniffing around for the latest gossip to fuel their hate-sites. But I was fine. I was handling it.”
“I was just trying to help,” he interrupted. “I know how these things are, Babs. I’ve had the training. Perks of being Bruce’s ward.”
“And so have I, Dick. Perks of being the Commissioner’s daughter.”
She glared at him, her eyes softening after seeing the sorry expression on his face. She knew he hadn’t meant any wrong. She knew she was overreacting this one time. 
She wheeled up to him from the other side of the bedroom and pushed herself up on their bed, leaning on his shoulder, offering him solace and comfort. 
“I’m sorry. I overreacted. I’m just a little nervous.”
Dick turned his head, his nose softly grazing up her head, “Nervous about what, love?”
She turned away from, scared to meet his eyes, trying to find the courage to speak the words. She raised one of her hands to her stomach, and found the words she had been looking for for the past week and a half. 
“You see, Dick, I don’t just need you to be a husband...Soon I’ll need you to be a father.” She blew out a breath she didn’t know she had been holding in. 
“Wait, you mean, we’re, I mean, you’re...?” She turned to face him, seeing the confusion and wonder in his eyes, confirming his thoughts.
One of his hands found her face and he leaned in for a long kiss. As they caught each other’s breaths, he whispered, “This is the best news ever.”
He gave her another kiss, “And I’m sorry about tonight.”
And another kiss, “And I can’t wait to meet our little one.”
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coffee-latte-sprite · 3 years
The Guard and The Princess Masterlist → Currently on Hold
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Knight!Jason Todd x Princess!Fem!Reader
WC: 27,600 (atm)
All Warnings: mutual pinning, low spice, angst, small talk of homophobia, misogyny, child abuse, discrimination of status, mild-language, talk of assassination, jump cuts, violence, fluff, major character death, mild suggestive content
The Princess of Noreska, the heir to one of the most powerful thrones in the world. Known for her beauty, elegance, and grace. Little do they know she is one of the most stubborn, unladylike, princess anyone has ever met. But, for some reason, her guard loves that about her, a grave mistake for the both of them. But what happens when she is going to debut into society and soon to be married? Especially when tension is already high with reports of anarchy to the crown.
Chapter Index:
Teaser || Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9 || Chapter 10 || Chapter 11 || Chapter 12 || Chapter 13 || Epilogue (wip)
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thychesters · 4 years
because i can’t sleep i finished this drabble and what was supposed to be a drabble is like 2k. and every line of it reads as stilted but i’m not taking my word for it since it’s 2 am. hope u all want more baby fics because that’s what you’re gonna get.
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mistressoffishnets · 5 years
Where My Demons Hide
Characters: Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, The Joker Rating: T for violence Length: ~1300 words Prompt:  “He looked down to see himself in his old uniform, crimson and black, and filled with too much nostalgia. He was a boy again, fighting in a war that would never be won, a child playing soldiers; losing himself to everything he feared.”
Notes: Set after YJ:O 3x06 “Rescue Op”
God, she looked beautiful. Her hair was in curls and her dress was just… it looked good on the mannequin but that had nothing on her. He watched anxiously, his heart beating fast in his chest. It was so loud in his ears, the whole church must have heard. He couldn't even smile, his mouth ajar in awe of the woman he was about to marry. He was so goddamn lucky.
He could finally breathe when she came to stand in front of him. His heart slowed down to normal and the corner of his mouth crooked up into a smile. She always knew how to calm him down. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to join these two adorable lovebirds in a very holy matrimony."
No. That voice. The purple suit and red lips painted into a simper sent a panicked shock to his heart and his eyes widened at the figure standing between him and Barbara. The man's crooked smile beamed and he tilted his head at the bird in what seemed like fascination, orbs wide and intruding. Dick's stare could only flash to Barbara's panic-stricken eyes as the Joker strode towards him, backing him away from her. "What's the matter?" he asked with laughter. "Having second thoughts?"
Dick gasped as he tripped over his own two feet and landed on his back, the back of his head bouncing off of the floor, the wind knocked out of him, leaving him feeling waterboarded. Lights flashed behind his closed lids and he would have kept them shut if it weren't for the next set of words in the same hideous tone. "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to Haly's Circus!"
Dick bolted upright to find that he stood at the very top of the trapeze, looking down at the crowd of one below: the Joker. Barbara was nowhere to be seen and Dick's heart started to beat in an unnatural rhythm, speeding up his breathing as a panic attack ensued. Okay Grayson, don't panic. Think rationally. Second thing Batman taught you.
"And for our first act, I give you the Flying Graysons!"
Dick's eyes widened as he stared across the way. Not again. There they were, his parents, one behind the other, ready to take to the sky. They smiled at him confidently, their little Robin. "Mom, no!" John stepped off of the platform first and swung into action, Mary soon after joining him. This was the part. Dick could remember it clearly in his mind. His mom smiling, her arms outstretched, ready to catch him and never let him fall.
And then the face of panic, despair, sudden realization that this is the end. Dick fell to his knees, clutching the edge of the platform with white knuckles as he squeezed his eyes shut, willing the memories to go away. The gasp of the unseen audience and deafening thuds below told him when it was over.
"And so!" The Joker's laugh echoed through the massive tent. Dick willed himself to open his eyes and regretted the decision immediately. The maniac stood on the opposite platform across the lot clutching Barbara's arm like it was the last thing keeping him alive. "It's time to say our vows, isn't it Dicky dear?"
"It's over, Joker!" And he noticed that he sounded of a younger time, of black capes and unbridled innocence. He looked down to see himself in his old uniform, crimson and black, and filled with too much nostalgia. He was a boy again, fighting in a war that would never be won, a child playing soldiers; losing himself to everything he feared.
"Oh, no," was the retort, clear and concise, and sharp. Menacing. "It's over when I say it's over! Say your vows, Birdy Boy!"
Dick clenched his teeth together so hard he was surprised they didn't shatter. He knew what was going to happen next. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder and he spun around, his breath catching at the shock of red hair and splatter of freckles. "Wally," he breathed, reaching out to touch him. The feeling of solid flesh beneath his fingers had Dick shaking.
"I can't."
He squeezed his eyes and fisted the speedster's suit in fear. "It's okay." Wally put a hand on Dick's shoulder and turned the bird around, forcing him to face Barbara's fate once more. His eyes widened when they landed on the younger redhead, now clad in her cowl with the all too familiar black and yellow. The Joker pressed into her more now and her eyes searched across the platform for his striking blue, a silent plea bringing him back to reality.
"Barbara, I vow to be your shelter, to care for you in times of darkness and to celebrate with you in times of joy. To speak when words are needed, and to listen when they are not. I vow to be your best friend because you are mine. I vow to love you in all of your forms, now and forever."
"In all of them?" Joker's wry smile twisted again and he sighed, a sound almost resembling admiration. "I did say it was going to be holy…" The deafening echo of the gunshot pierced Dick everywhere, pulling the breath out of him like a rope of magician's handkerchiefs.
He watched in horror as Barbara's legs started to wobble, her mouth open in a silent scream. Her legs crumpled beneath her and soon she was laying on the platform, closer to the edge, a used rag-doll in a child's game of pretend. Pools of red and yellow stained her outfit; Dick did this to her.
Dick's eyes watered and he dropped to his knees, just watching for something, anything to happen next. It felt as if he was watching the whole ordeal from the audience below, waiting with bated breath to see what the daring Dick Grayson would do next. Her eyes started to close and he found himself shaking his head emphatically, murmuring "no, no, no," over and over again under his breath as if that would stop what was about to happen next.
He watched in horror as her hair floated around her and her cape billowed against the wind skipping across her skin as gravity began to grab at her—an anchor pulling her down into the dark abyss. Her cape wrapped itself around her, a cocoon she would never emerge from. He opened his mouth to scream her name but his voice was replaced with a sinister laugh, purple and green and unhinged.
He curled into himself, arms wrapped around him as if his insides were bound to fall out. Red hot tears streamed down his face and drenched his own suit, his chest searing and gasping for not enough air. He felt Wally's arms engulf him next and the speedster whispered in his ear, "It's alright. Everything is alright."
And then he was falling, plummeting to the Earth with his stomach in his chest and his arms outstretched and hoping to catch onto something, anything. He watched the redhead above him disappear, sand being blown at the wind until there was nothing left. "Wally!"
Dick's eyes opened as he bolted upright out of bed, a sheen of sweat layering his skin and his hair sticking to his forehead. He looked over frantically, letting out a relieved sigh and something akin to a sob as he realized that Barbara lay next to him snoozing soundly, peaceful and perfect, that it was all a dream. Still, he felt a weight in his chest like no other as he eyed the wheelchair next to the bed and the picture frame on the nightstand he had put away for so long before Barbara convinced him to display it once more. He pulled his knees up, resting his elbows on them as he rested his head in his hands, his heart going a million miles an hour and his head swimming in the aftershock. The tears rolled down his cheeks uninterrupted. It wasn't just a dream. It was all too real.
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chronicangel · 7 years
Need a Hand?
Link to this fic on AO3. Words: 100 Date posted: January 14, 2018
Summary: He waits for his heart to slow down and it doesn’t.
He waits for his heart to slow down and it doesn't. He's sure it has something to do with the girl in front of him. They're both still in costume, even though she has officially known his identity for two months now. This is her fifth time in the Batcave and the first time that Bruce has trusted either of them enough to leave them alone in the Batcave together. He's been by himself in the cave before, but she has not. "Need a hand?" She stands over him with the biggest grin and he's really trying not to blush.
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detectivedamian · 3 years
Fanfic Masterlist
Since people on mobile aren’t able to view the link to my page where I list all of my fics, I’m just gonna go ahead and make a Masterlist, updated 8/01/21
Hope this helps!
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Pretty Girls with Pretty Braids – DamiJon. As they grow older, Superboy acquires fangirls, and Damian is trying to keep himself from tearing all of them– and Jon– apart.
My Partner – DamiJon. A mission gone wrong leaves Damian pumped with an experimental drug that’s half fear toxin and half truth serum… or something like that. Bruce resorts to seeking Jon’s help in returning his son to his normal self.
Relief – DamiJon. Damian realizes exactly what Jon means to him.
Under Our Christmas Tree– DamiJon. Damian and Jon share a moment together just as midnight strikes on Christmas Eve.
Daffodils and Graves That Came Too Soon– DamiJon. Damian thought, all this time, that Jon felt the same as he did, that he wanted him as much as he wanted Jon. When he finds out he’s been wrong this whole time, he slips up in a battle, and the consequence leaves him with a debilitating disease… now his broken heart is literally going to be the end of him.
Homesick– RobStar, DickBabs, BBRae. Raven finds herself carrying Beast Boy’s child and struggles with the fear of losing him and the impending responsibility of being a mother; Starfire finds Robin in a precarious position with another woman. The two leave the tower to live on their own for awhile, just to figure things out. Beast Boy and Robin may be losing their minds, and Cyborg tries to keep everyone together.
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*Sexual Content
If I Can’t Be Everything To You, You’ll Be Nothing to Me– DamiJon. RobStar. TimSteph. JayTemis. Jon breaks Damian’s heart, and in the midst of this, an old family friend of the Al Ghuls seeks to take advantage.
Damian finds himself betrothed to a boy he knows nothing about, who seems more interested in getting into his pants than getting to know him. Dick and Tim struggle to figure out why Damian is so willing to marry someone Talia picked for him, while Bruce tries to find a way to stop the wedding without pushing his son away, and right into the arms of a family he doesn’t trust. Jon mourns the loss of his friendship with Damian, and finds himself spiraling, wondering why they can’t just go back to the way things were. Can Bruce and the rest of the family stop Damian before he makes a huge mistake? Will Jon ever find his way back to Damian’s side, again?
I’ve Always Loved You– DamiJon. Damian has been having sex with his best friend, lately, and he’s sure that this is history repeating itself. His father never loved his mother, that was nothing but lust, and his mother came out the fool for it. He’s sure he will, too, because Jon has never loved him… right?
Bruises and White Hot Waves– DamiJon. Damian and Jon have obliviously been pining after each other for years, too unsure the other feels the same way to take a leap. Tension comes to a head when a mission leaves them both soaked in sewer water, and there’s only one shower. Jon doesn’t think it’s going to be a problem, Damian isn’t convinced.
Damian is right.
Hey Bartender – DamiJon. At a frat party, Damian finds Jon in a compromising position with a girl that leaves him reeling in pain. He sets out a couple of nights later to drink enough to forget, and finds company in a stranger. If Jon can do it, then he can too.
One, Two, Three– DamiJon. They don’t need words, never have.
OR Damian and Jon celebrate Valentines Day together doing what they do best, reading each other perfectly.
The Light Reflects The Chain On Your Neck– DamiJon. They’ve been friends for a long time, dancing around the edge of something more for almost as long. Damian’s not sure the way they seek each other as they sleep means anything to Jon– or at least, the way it means something to him. Jon is his best friend, after all, and he’d be willing to take that and run with it.
Red Eye Blue– DamiJon. Damian and Jon have been best friends for… forever, and Damian has been tip-towing the line between Friend and Lover, too scared to take the leap– because he and Jon are just friends, Jon doesn’t see him that way, right? Superboy is exposed to some red kryptonite, and any doubts Damian had about how Jon feels are about to go out the window.
A Million Ways To Show You I Love You– DamiJon. Series of drabbles.
IICBETY Countdown-- A countdown of unrelated DamiJon drabbles that led up to the final chapter of If I Can't Be Everything To You, You'll Be Nothing To Me.
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ratcourtjester · 7 years
Blue Moon by Billy Holiday, Dickbabs
(I am really sorry this is so short, I honestly don’t do a lot with Babs, which I should fix, so I don’t really know how to write for her so I apologize if this isn’t what you expected)
Dick adjusted his tie in the mirror in the bathroom, sighing. It’s not that he minded going to these things with Bruce, it was good for both of their covers. But it didn’t mean he didn’t want a night off to be an actual night off.
“Need help?” He turned and blinked at the redhead dressed and a dark green evening gown that was shorter in the front, showing her legs a bit. Her hair was pinned up with sparkly pins that matched her earrings and silver necklace. Good Lord she was gorgeous.  He wasn’t sure how he ever could forget but every time he looked at her, he was struck by just how beautiful Barbara Gordon really was. She must of taken his silence for confusion because she rolled her eyes. “Your tie, Dick? Do you need help with your tie.”
“…huh? Oh, yeah, please.” He smiled sheepishly, causing his girlfriend to roll her eyes again, but he caught a small smile as she walked over.
“You would have thought you learned how to do this right by now.” Babs teased, undoing the Windsor knot that he had started and did it over. He studied her as she worked, smiling a bit when he realized she was wearing the lipstick he had gotten for her birthday. It was the wrong shade, lighter than she usually wore, but it suited her. Not for the first time even that day he wondered on in the world he had gotten so lucky as convinced her to be with him. It shouldn’t of been such an easy feet. Babs was beautiful, smart, resourceful…she was Batgirl for crying out loud. Dick had met some impressive people in his life, very few of which could hold a candle to the GCPD’s Commissioner’s daughter.
And for some reason she had chose to be with him.
To this day he couldn’t figure out why.
“Are you listening?” And the look on her face told him she couldn’t either.
“Not really.” He admitted sheepishly, pulling her closer before he could get in trouble. “Dance with me.”
“I’ll dance with you when we get to the dinner.”
“Dance with me here.” He rubbed their noses together, making her snort.
“There’s no music here, Dick.”
“So?” He asked, beginning to sway to an imaginary melody, coaxing her to do the same. She rolled her eyes but followed his lead.
“You’re ridiculous.”
“I love you too, Babs.”
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tothenextshow-a · 4 years
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WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO WRITE WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING?:   i’m  pretty  much  willing  to  write  anything  .  obviously  smut  &   nsfw  topics  will  be  18+.  i  won’t  write  cheating  or  anything  but  the  mention  of  it  in  the  past  would  be  okay  .
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?:   depending  on  species  !  he  could  be  dating  an  alien  that  is  HUNDREDS  of  years  old  (  but  this  also  depends  too ) .  but  generally ?  with  people  ,  dick  is  a  flirt  .  probably  10  years  ?  just  because  when  he  gets  older  age  does not  matter  AS  much  .  but  his  dating  poole  is  more  5  years  .  
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING?:   i’m  pretty  selective  .  dick  is  a  flirt  and  all  ,  but  he  is  also  pretty  picky  when  it  comes  to  dating  too .  ALSO  it  really  depends  if  i  get  along  with  the  mun  as  well .  it  would  be  awkward  to  ship  if  i  didn’t  really  know  them  that  well  .   ALSO  PLEASE  don’t  expect  shippy  content  unless we  have  talked  about  it  .  i’m  personally uncomfy  with  really  shippy  stuff without  knowing  its  okay .  he  does  flirt  though  .  HCS  ARE  A  NECESSITY  FOR  SHIPPING  .
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY ARE CONSIDERED NSFW?:   uhhhhh  probably  if  the  clothes  come  off  .
WHO ARE OTHER THE CHARACTERS YOU SHIP YOUR CHARACTER WITH?:   ALRIGHT !  i  ship  quite  literally  everyone  (  minus  batfam  )  with  dick .  but  here  are  some  favorites  : dickkori  ,  birdflash  ,  robterra  ,  dick  x  helena  ,  dick  x  zatanna  .....  there  are  more  ok  .  also  !  like  ships  in  marvel  would  be  fun  too like  nat  x  dick  ,  peter  parker  x  dick  .  IDK FHSLF I REALLY  CAN  SEE  POTENTIAL  IN  MOST  PAIRINGS  .  also  OCS  and  other  fandoms  PLEASEEEE  i  would  die  for  you  .
ARE YOU SHIP OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS?:   oh  for  sure  .  i  love  ships  so  much  .  i  will  make  edits  and  write  drabbles  and  stuff  .  also really  long  hcs
ARE YOU MULTISHIP?:   yes !  one  per  character  though :)
WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM?:   oh  man  idk  ,  i  think  my  most  developed  ATM  is  dickbabs so
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?:   ASK MEEEEEE  ,  if  we  hc  for  a  little  and  you  CAN  SEE ANYTHING  tell me  bc  most  likely  i  see  it  too .
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theartofdreaming1 · 5 years
Advent Calendar Fic Rec 2019, Day 17
 “I don’t need a hero, I need a husband” by @babswonder
Super cute DickBabs drabble! <3
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ehliena · 3 months
I Can't Give You That
Fandom: DC
Pairing: one-sided Jason Todd/Barbara Gordon, Dick Grayson/Barbara Gordon
Summary: Jason's thoughts on watching Dick marry Barbara. Set during Dark Nights Death Metal.
Words: 100
Can be read on AO3
“By the power vested in me by nobody, you’re married. Done.”
Typical Bruce. Even undead, he had the final say in their lives. Not that Jason was complaining. Dickface and Barbara bickering was not a good going into a battle that could, and would, kill them.
Jason watched as the shock on his brother’s face turned into a sheepish happiness. Daddy Bats came through for goldie yet again.
He looked at Barbara, her face a mix of joy and relief. He couldn’t give her that.
A kiss.
A letter.
A promise.
Better off forgotten.
“Let’s give the newlyweds some space.”
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unavenged-robin · 7 years
Dickbabs drabble dump
or, philematology (n) the scientific study of kissing
(all set in Bat!Dick Era)
#1. ‘Clipped wings, I was a broken thing’ (Sia – Bird Set Free)
Kissing her is the thrill of his first flight, the unconscious and almost forgotten security of falling down with a net below him. Kissing her is the gripping fear of having lost something important only to turn around and find it still there, behind you.
Kissing her is the dream that keeps him awake, the hope that makes him go to sleep, the guilt for not being able to deal with this situation on his own, the shame of dumping on her his sober anger as well as his drunken sorrow.
Kissing her is the illusion of simpler days, when they were younger and carefree, when they didn’t have traumatized, scared or angry children to look after, when Bruce was still alive, still the one holding the world together, common enemy, security blanket.
“It’s going to be okay”, Barbara whispers in his ear. She kisses him back slowly, meaningfully, her eyes dry and her smile as gentle as ever. But it’s different for her, Dick knows. Barbara’s a phoenix, she’s fire and rebirth. She’s always been and will always be stronger than him, better at this whole thing. It's her promise, a secret between them.
That's why Dick kisses her.
#2. ‘All of your flaws are aligned with this mood of mine’ (Fall Out Boy – Irresistible)
Once upon a time, when she was Batgirl and Dick still Robin, he made a game out of trying to sneak into her room at night and tiptoeing his way to her bed to wake her up with a kiss on the nose and a whispered laugh.
Robin almost always failed to take her by surprise, but - even if she doesn’t like to admit it - a few times Nightwing actually managed to. He was rewarded with a punch in the face for his victories, but that only made him laugh harder, because that’s Dick for you, Barbara guesses.
Still, it was a nice game. Stupid, like teenagers and puppy loves are supposed to be, but nice.
It’s different now.
He still comes at night, through windows still deliberately forgotten unlocked, like the Peter Pan he once was, but now it’s the brushing of a long, dark cape against the floor that wakes Barbara up and alerts her to his presence. And the body falling down on the mattress next to her is a heavier, exhausted one. A silent one. There’s Batman now, in her bed. And it’s been months, but it’s still such a weird thought.
Most nights, when he sneaks in on his own, she asks him what’s wrong, even if she already knows.
Some nights she doesn’t ask anything, because some nights she’s the one who calls him here, in her bed. She’s never been one for games.
“It’s going to be okay”, he tells her, voice soft, arms wrapped around her in the dark.
She says I know, even if she doesn’t. Even if she misses Cassandra, and she’s worried for Stephanie, and hates Bruce for leaving all of them in this mess.
She says _I know _and she kisses him, because that’s all she can do.
#3. ‘And if I thought it would help I would carve your name into my heart’ (The Gaslight Anthem – Dark Places)
They have been fighting about it for months now. Every time Stephanie gets hurt, every time Damian disobeys, every time they have to back each other up to deal with a kid that, for some reason or another, it’s their responsibility to keep alive. The same arguments, over and over again.
Damian needs this, he says. Damian is ten years old, she sighs.
Stephanie can take care of this, she states. Stephanie is not trained enough for this, he retorts.
Damian is his son, he reminds her. Stephanie chose this, she reminds him.
Usually they stop speaking to each other for a few days, then the urge of having someone on their corner wins even their prides.
“With Cassandra it was so much easier”, Barbara sighs, taking off her glasses to rub an hand over her eyes. “And at first she couldn’t even speak.”
Sprawled on the floor next to her wheelchair, one arm over his face in a dramatic display of tiredness, Dick only snorts.
“Tim was a lot easier too”, he sighs. “But don’t tell Damian I said that.”
Barbara props her chin in the palm of her hand and looks down at him.
“Look at us”, she teases. “Did you ever imagine we would’ve end up like this? You and I, playing mommy and daddy and fighting over our children without even being married. Or having children of our own.”
“Hoped, more than imagined”, Dick grins. “As for children of our own, we can try to fix that right away if that’s what you want.”
“Really smooth, Grayson.”
And their argument’s not over. She should still be angry with Dick, and Dick should still be angry with her. Instead he gets up on his knees and smiles, so she smiles back and leans forward to kiss him.
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thychesters · 4 years
remember how the first dickbabs fic i posted on ao3 was smut and you guys just let me
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camsthisky · 7 years
Hi! I'm Leah and I'm from the PNW. My favorite color is definitely blue, and my favorite Batfam ship is probably DickBabs though in general I prefer platonic family feelings. My favorite ice cream is probably super dark chocolate (especially if it's gelato) and I do not have a cat because I'm in college and allergic. I desperately want one, though, and once I'm graduated and in a stable situation I'm going to see about finding a hypoallergenic one. I really love your fics! Thank you so much!
Hello! If I’m correct, you’re the person who requested the drabble “…Where’s Grayson?” Bless you for that, friend.
And that’s cool if you’re mostly about the platonic. I’m kind of the same way (as in a lot of what I write, even if I try for shippy, comes out platonic. Even if I love a lot of ships).
Also, let me tell you something. I’m in the home of gelato right now and it is soooo freaking amazing. It’s ridiculous so I can totally see why you would love it.
As for cats, I’m actually allergic to cats as well, and I have three! I get immunotherapy, which, if you don’t know what that is, it like conditions your immune system to be able to fight off sicknesses and allergens better depending on what your body can’t handle. It’s like getting two flu shots every week (though it doesn’t hurt as much) so you can pet cats without getting sick. I don’t know if that would be an option for you, but I’d thought I’d throw out that it IS possible to be allergic and have pets without trying to get a hypoallergenic cat.
Still, if you think getting a hypoallergenic cat is your best option, go for it! All cats are amazing!
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chronicangel · 7 years
Rest in Pepperonis
Link to this fic on AO3. Words: 493 Date posted: January 10, 2018
Summary: “Did you get pepperonis on it?”
She's in a call with Helena and Dinah. They're tracking a dog-fighting ring tonight, and she has to give them constant updates on the position of the tracking collar they swapped one of the dogs' collar with on the map on her screen. Suddenly, it stops moving. She chooses to believe that this means the dog and her owner have arrived at the ring, and not something more upsetting.
"Knock, knock," Dick announces without actually knocking. He kicks the door closed behind him as he stuffs his spare key into his pocket and grins at her. "I brought pizza and the hot wings from that place you've been craving for three weeks."
"You're a hero," she says, grinning. "Did you put pepperonis on it?"
"One of them, yes, but you're still a freak for picking them off and eating them, and then eating the piece of pizza." She sticks her tongue out at him rather than dignify it with a response. Over the earpiece, she hears barking, loud and angry. There are also soft whimpers that are much harder to hear, and she clenches her fists at her sides when she catches them over the rest of the noise. Dinah says something about hoping she doesn't hurt the dogs' ears, and Barbara takes that as her cue to leave the com, shutting down her system with a message to Helena that Dick has arrived.
She turns to face him and grins when she sees two pizza boxes. "How can I be a freak for how I eat pizza when you can eat a whole pizza by yourself, with olives on it?" He, in a perfect reflection of her, sticks his tongue out at her rather than defending his life choices.
Her couch is only big enough for two and a half people on a normal day, and when they move to her living room, she has to choose between squishing herself into the minimal space at the end or laying on top of him as he sprawls out on it. Her choice is easy. It's her turn to pick what movie they watch, which means that they're geared up to re-watch Pulp Fiction again as she grabs a hot wing from the box.
"Is that really what Ezekiel 25:17 says?" He mumbles around a mouthful of pizza.
She pauses to swallow, and he rolls his eyes at her. "Actually, it's 'Thus saith the Lord God; Because the Philistines have dealt by revenge, and have taken vengeance with a despiteful heart, to destroy it for the old hatred; Therefore thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I will stretch out mine hand upon the Philistines, and I will cut off the Cherethims, and destroy the remnant of the sea coast. And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the Lord, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them.' At least, that's what I learned."
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