#dobby rising
csgraphism · 4 days
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cokoweee · 2 months
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Have I mentioned I like drawing her all purty?
Blah blah I’m cringe dialogue meh meh meh imma do my usual sprint away
Bye 💃💃💃
The bit before —- The last bit
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cattoonxd · 11 months
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"where shall i find rest?"
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royaltozaki · 1 month
could you love me while i hate myself?
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synopsis: y/n, nayeon, momo, and sana are in a polyamorous relationship. momo walks in on y/n self-harming for the first time in 7 months. they all try and talk and work through this together.
warnings: we got depression, suicidal ideation, self-harm (cutting), blood, sexual references, cursing - also this is poly!namosa if ur not into that but i love getting comfort from everyone i love so
w/c: 6.9k
a/n: sooo i wrote this in a day bcs im utilising my #depression as inspiration and lwk we love writing as a coping mechanism - i’m so fine tho i just need my meds to start working again LMAO and they will vvvv soon trust - but in the meantime i can pump out the sad stuff hehe! lwk forgot abt boo and dobby until like halfway thru writing this IM SO SORRY #fakefan and i wasn't bothered to write them back in so they js don't exist here oops!
fuck. fuck fuck fuck. the thoughts were coming. you wake up hazily, dream forgotten, arms wrapped around nayeon, legs entangled with the three people you loved most in the world. you don't deserve them. shut up!
you shut your eyes, trying to will away the thoughts. they were always there, always in the back of your head, always nagging, telling you that you didn't deserve to live, that you were a worthless piece of flesh born only to cause others suffering, or born with no purpose at all. there's no point to it all. just die. they'd be better off without you. they'd be happier without you.
you feel tears prick the corners of your eyes. it was so loud. you needed them to be quiet. to return to the depths of your mind. you curl in closer to nayeon, trying to breathe in the scent of her to distract you, feeling sana's breath on your hand, listening to momo's soft snores, they were the only thing grounding you. they pity you. that's why they've stuck around for so long. they know if they left you you'd break. they don't love you. it's pity. they'd be happier together. just the three of them. they didn't need you. you needed them. you were a burden to them. you need to leave so they can be happy. you want the best for them don't you? SHUT UP.
you couldn't take it anymore, you slowly unwrap yourself from your girlfriends. slipping your arms from around nayeon's waist and pulling your legs away from the mess of limbs. you look back at them, sleeping peacefully, watch their chests rise up and down with each breath, it's bittersweet. you had so much love for them. you turn around again and slip out the door, closing it softly behind you.
you pad softly towards the bathroom, entering it quietly and sighing, looking at yourself in the mirror. dark circles under red eyes, messy hair, disgusting. look at you. how could anyone love you? the thoughts were louder in the bathroom. almost echoing off crisp white walls. your grip on the sink tightens, you tear your gaze away from the mirror, letting your tears fall into the sink silently. why did i have be born like this? born like this? honey you're not different. everyone else is able to cope fine with trauma, with all the shit that happens in the world. you're just weak. weak, crying little bitch who can't deal with a couple sad emotions. don't think you're special. you're not. why can't i feel normal? you're not normal. you never will be. you'll always be that weird kid on the playground that no one wants to play with. grow up and get used to it already. why won't you leave me alone? i can't leave you alone. i am you. you are me. we're stuck together.
your head's splitting, you don't even realise you're crouched in on yourself now. hands gripping your head, nails digging into your scalp, anything to try and stop thinking. you wish you could just go back to sleep. sleep was easy. you didn't have to think when you were asleep.
that's right. sleep. sleep forever. run away from your problems. that's all you'll ever be good at right? running away. you ran away from your parents when they found out you were dating not one, not two, but three girls! whore! you left your brother and sister with them. they probably got the brunt of their anger. or maybe not. maybe they hate you too for being a fucking disappointment. it doesn't matter. they don't care about you. you left them. now leave your girlfriends. it'll be easier. leave. leave. run. do it.
your lip is trapped between your teeth. you're biting down so hard it draws blood. you're rocking yourself on the floor of the bathroom. pathetic. all you do is cry. grow up already. you can't take it. it was too much. you needed- needed-
you're reaching for the loose tile you know is second from the towel rack, opening it and finding your stash of emergency goods. you had meant to throw it away you just kept avoiding it and now... well you needed it now.
you take out a scalpel, go into the old routine of cleaning it down with an alcohol wipe, the motions that are familiar to you helping you drown out the thoughts already. they're still there though. they were always there. you'd be lonely without us wouldn't you? you actually enjoy being mentally ill don't you? take some sort of sick pleasure in it? is it comforting? it's easy to fall back into old habits isn't it?
once it's clean, you can see clearly again. you remove your pants, spreading your legs and look down at the scars that decorate the insides of your thighs. you take a breath, clearing your head as best you can, and bring the tip of the scalpel to start a new line.
the immediate relief when the blade enters your skin and you watch the scarlet liquid pour out of you is incredible. you're like an addict, drinking in the pain and using it to clear your mind. suddenly, the only sound you hear is the quiet of the bathroom and your own shallow breathing. you've never felt more at peace.
but it's only temporary. like everything is only temporary. seriously? this again? is this the best you can do to try and get rid of me? we talked about this you idiot. you're never getting rid of me. because we're the same. you just made yourself even uglier. congrats. good luck getting your girlfriends to ever touch you again after they see those.
fucking hell. you can't help it when your hands move to the start again, just under the new line you've created. you're about to push in again when you hear a gasp.
you look up in alarm, bloody scalpel in your hand, fresh cut on your thigh.
"y/n- what-"
"it's not what it looks like i swear- fuck- oh my god- mo- please-" you're scrambling, trying to pull up your pants and cover yourself, dropping the scalpel onto the floor with a clang.
she's on you in seconds.
"no no sweetie it's okay i'm not- it's okay it's okay-" she's pulling you into a hug, and you start sobbing.
you're burrowing your head into her neck, sniffling and crying, she wasn't meant to find out. they were never meant to find out. now you've done it. good luck keeping them now. no way they're going to stay with you after this. better breathe her in while you can because she won't be yours in the morning.
you're squeezing her tight, crying and blabbering into her and she lets you. hushing and brushing through your hair, pressing light kisses along your forehead.
when she starts to pull away you panic, shaking your head against her, terrified she's leaving you and this is it.
"no sweetie i'm not going anywhere. i promise. we just gotta clean you up okay?"
she pulls away from you gently, opening the cabinets next to the sink to grab the first aid kit and comes down to sit next to you.
you're sobs have ceded but you can't bear to look at her, staring down at the ugly scars on your legs.
"can i?" momo makes a gesture towards your legs and you shrug, moving closer to her so she can work.
she's quiet when she cleans the wound, focused.
you idiot you stupid fucking idiot. she hates you she thinks you're so gross and-
"do the others know?"
you don't trust your voice to speak so you shake your head.
"is this why you never let us touch you?"
you blush bright red, gripping the bottom of your shirt.
"you know we wouldn't have judged right?"
the tears are coming back, you feel them building up in your neck again, clogging it up, choking you.
"i'm sorry if we made you feel like we would have." momo's voice breaks then, and you look up. momo wasn't one to cry. sana tended to be the more emotional one, nayeon and momo cried too, just less often and definitely more private, momo just took a little longer to come to conclusions sometimes.
"y-you didn't." your voice is croaky when you speak up.
she sniffles a little, finishing cleaning and grabbing the bandages.
"a-are you mad?"
she sighs. "not mad. just... confused."
"i-i- i'm sorry. i'm sorry i didn't tell you guys i didn't- i thought you would think- i thought you might leave or think i'm too much or i don't know i-"
she finishes wrapping the bandage around your thighs, looking up at you then, her eyes shiny. "i could never leave you y/n. i love you. all of you. you, nayeon, and sana are my family."
you're crying again now, hands coming up to wipe at your tears. she gently helps you put your pants back on then pulls you into another hug, breathing shakily as she lets herself cry as well.
you cling onto her shirt, the confirmation that she was still here and she still loved you grounded you.
you both sit on the bathroom floor there, tightly wound around each other. you memorise the way her breathing comes in and out, focusing on the little hiccups, every single movement. it was quiet.
she pulls away from you, hands coming up to cup your cheeks, thumbs swiping along them. "do you want to talk about it?"
you shake your head.
"do you want to come back to bed then?"
you think a little, "i might sleep in the guest room tonight. i don't really... it's not that i don't want to sleep with you guys, i just-"
"is it okay if i join you in the guest room then?"
you look surprised, "why?"
"it's okay if you don't want me to. i just want to be with you if that's okay. to make sure you're safe for one, but also just because..." she sniffs, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear gently, "i love you and i want to make sure you sleep well."
the tears well up again. "of course. it's not you i just- i don't want sana and nayeon to find out like this."
momo nods, pressing a gentle kiss onto your nose, "i understand. do you want anything before bed? water? a snack?"
you smile tiredly against her, still in a sort of disbelief she was still here. "i'm okay. let's go to bed."
momo nods again, standing up and pulling you with her, but she stops again suddenly, looking down, "does it hurt?"
you wince, "not really. i mean the point is kinda for it to hurt." your eyes widen when momo frowns, "but it doesn't! not anymore i mean. i kinda got used to it." her frown deepens, "i mean no not like that! like- well yes- but-"
"it's okay y/n. i want to know these things. if you're okay with sharing them." she's sincere when she looks at you, and then she's pulling you along towards the guest room. your heart drops a little when you pass by the master bedroom, thinking of nayeon and sana sleeping peacefully inside, wrapped around each other blissfully unaware, but momo squeezes your hand and you look back towards her, following her into the guest room.
she turns on the lamp light and starts removing all the extra pillows and everything that were only really there for decoration. once she's done, she starts ushering you into bed and you laugh a little at her earnestness, "you don't have to treat me any different momo. i'm still the same person."
she frowns, climbing into bed after you, "i just found out about a massive part of your life that you've been hiding from us. you're not the same person to me. not when i've only known half of you."
you still at that, unable to look her in the eye as she fumbles around with the blanket, covering both of you and then sliding an arm over your side.
"i'm sorry." you whisper once she's turned off the light and snuggled in close to you.
she takes a breath, "you don’t have to be sorry. i'm here now. i'm sorry it took me so long. but i'm here now. and i'm not leaving."
"even if i'm not the same person to you anymore?"
she finds your eyes in the darkness, "y/n i didn't mean it like that. i fell in love with half of you. i just found out there's another half that i can also love now. you're the same person, you just have more to you than we knew. and i want to know more about that so i can be a better girlfriend for you."
"you already are a great girlfriend."
she sighs, a hand trailing down your back, drawing random shapes, you curl in closer to her.
"i wanted to throw it all away. i wanted to tell you all. i just-"
she hums, letting you think out your words, continuing to trace patterns into your back, eyes locked on yours.
"it was hard. and i didn't think i'd need to say anything because i was doing good. i hadn't done it in so long. i don't know why today i just- i lost control again."
"y'know nayeon would say just because you haven't done it in so long doesn't mean you were better. it just means you stopped thinking about it but that didn't get rid of the problem. which is why eventually the problem came back."
you smile at her, poking her cheek, "you've been hanging out too much with nayeon."
momo whines, "we're girlfriends! of course i hang out with her!"
"you're right though. i'm sorry. i stopped cutting when we all started dating. i think i got swept up in all the excitement and the love but once the novelty wore off and i grew more comfortable with being in a relationship with all of you, some of the bad thoughts started to come back."
"what sort of bad thoughts?"
"...like that i'm not good enough for you- or that the three of you would be happier without me, or that i don't want to... that i didn’t deserve to live or that it’d be better if i wasn’t- y’know… alive-"
you can see the shine in momo's eyes and feel your own start to well up again while you talk. she lets you speak though, just lays there, stroking your back softly while listening to you.
when you're finished its quiet save for the occasional sniffle from either of you.
"do you still think that? that you're not good enough for us?"
you hum contemplating whether to be honest or to try not to hurt her, you decide you’ve hurt her enough and it was time to be honest, she was still here after all, she wasn’t going to leave you, "...yeah."
she's pressing her lips gently against yours, barely there, almost as if she's asking permission, and you press against her softly back to say yes. you can taste the salt of her tears in the kiss, its short, reassuring. you break away with a tender smile.
"i can't speak for the others. but i don't think we could work if we weren't the four of us. you know that sana and i tried to date when we were younger right? and it didn't work out? because we always felt like there was something missing. but once we all got together, it feels right to love each other like this. i think it'd be the same if you left. i think it'd feel like something was missing and i wouldn't be able to stay either. i'm not saying that to pressure you into staying like a 'if you leave i leave' kinda thing. i'm just saying that you are needed in this relationship and i don't think we would be happier without you, i don't even think we'd work without you, without any one of us."
god you didn't deserve her. you loved her so much.
"and the other stuff... we don't have to talk about that now but... if you're open to it in the future, i want to help you find some outside help if that's okay? you don't have to answer me now, just think about it, because i want to help, but i don't think we can do this alone."
you nod, lips quivering while she smiles at you, noses touching.
"thank you momo."
"of course sweetie. i love you."
"i love you too. so much."
she pecks you again, then places your hand over her chest, and you can feel the calm thumps of her heart.
she closes her eyes, lips only centimetres apart, you follow her lead, focusing on the feeling of her heartbeat rather than the thoughts, letting that fill your head, and slowly, you drift back into sleep.
you wake up with a dull sting on the inside of your thighs. you curse internally when you realise that it was because you had self-harmed for the first time in months. but then you feel a familiar hand tracing lines down your back, and the smell of soft peaches and you recall that momo had found you cutting yourself. but the way she's tracing your back means she's still here and she hasn't left and that you're still okay.
momo realises you're awake, moving her hand to your hair and brushing the pieces that have fallen over your face. "hi sweetie."
"mm morning. what time is it?"
she giggles a little, "its 5pm actually. i didn't want to wake you. nayeon and sana should be back home soon."
you startle, "what?! 5pm?! where did they go? did they-"
"shh shh no it's okay. i woke up early and made everyone breakfast. when they came in they asked where you were. i told them you slept in the guest bedroom because you weren't feeling well. they wanted to see you but i told them to let you rest. i don't think you should hide this from them for much longer though y/n."
you sigh, relaxing back into her embrace, "i know. i'll tell them when they get back." you can feel the anxiety beginning to chip away at you as soon as the words leave your mouth. you'd thought about it before in the past, about how they'd react. on the worst end of the spectrum, they'd leave you, thankfully momo hasn't done that yet. and realistically you don't think nayeon and sana will either. but there was always that fear in the back of your head. it was more likely that sana would feel hurt and start crying and nayeon would get angry that you didn't trust them with the information. both of which you didn't really want to deal with because you didn't want to cause any of them any negative emotions. but if you didn't tell them, it would mean forcing momo to keep a secret for you and have her constantly go around on tip-toes while worrying over you. it wouldn't be fair and you’d essentially be self-sabotaging your own relationship.
momo breaks you out of your thoughts when she uses her hand to rap lightly against your forehead, "what's going on in there sweetie?"
you shake her off giggling and she smiles, "nothing i'm just thinking about how to tell them is all."
"do you want me to be there?"
you look up at her, her eyes are sincere and caring, you could stare into them for the rest of your life, "yes please, if that's okay with you."
momo squeezes you against her even tighter, planting a kiss on your forehead and murmuring against it, "of course it's okay with me. i'd love to be there."
you smile against her, reminded of your eternal gratefulness and love you have for her, before your stomach starts to growl and you pull away embarrassed while momo starts to laugh that adorable, contagious laugh of hers.
you whine, climbing out of bed as she toddles along behind you, still laughing when you enter the bathroom.
you pick up your toothbrush and start to brush your teeth when you notice that the bathroom's been cleaned up since last night. there's no more blood on the floor and you look briefly over at momo who's standing on that tile looking at you carefully, the hint of a laugh still on her face.
she giggles when some toothpaste dribbles out of your mouth, tilting her head indicating she didn't catch what you said.
you spit out the toothpaste and repeat yourself, "you don't have to watch me y'know."
"i know."
you squeeze some of your facial wash into your hand, staring at her in the mirror when she doesn't move, still looking at your reflection with a gentle smile.
you shrug, closing your eyes and beginning to wash your face. you go through all the motions of your morning routine, and when you finish up and turn around to wipe your hands on the hand towel, she's still standing there watching you.
you clear your throat, leaving the bathroom and moving towards the kitchen. you hear her footsteps padding along behind you.
she overtakes you once you reach the kitchen, going towards the fridge and pulling out a few things. you sit at the kitchen benchtop and watch her reheat a few dishes that she must have made for breakfast and lunch.
"where did nayeon and sana go?"
"to the shops. we were meant to go check out that new bakery together in the city but i figured may as well let you rest, we can go another day."
"oh crap i'm so sorry i forgot! i would've woken up i'm so sorry-"
"it's okay sweetie don't worry. they were both fine to reschedule, they were more concerned about you than missing out on the bakery."
"why didn't you go out shopping with them?"
"i wanted to stay home with you."
"i was asleep."
momo hums, taking the food out of the microwave, "i didn't mind. here." she sets a bowl of sundubu jjigae in front of you and then goes to scoop out a bowl of rice from the rice cooker as well. you spent a lot of the last 24 hours crying but you can't help the tears that well up in you again at the smell. this was one of the first dishes momo made for the four of you when you moved in together.
"do you want me to feed you?" momo's joking as she slides the bowl of rice over, but when you look up at her and she realises you're crying she quickly panics, "i mean i can! if you want!" she's frantically rummaging for a spoon and scooping out some rice and stew and holding it out to you.
you laugh, wiping at your eyes with your sleeve, adoring the way she tilts her head like a confused puppy in bewilderment, a small pout appearing on her lips.
you lean up and take the spoonful into your mouth, chewing and swallowing before leaning across to peck her on the lips. "i just love you is all you idiot."
momo blushes and you take the chance to grab the spoon from her and start eating the meal yourself.
she pouts and is about to whine when you both hear the door open, the telltale sign of keys jangling and the happy chattering of your other two favourite people in the world.
"momo! we got that ice cream y/n likes but i still don't think it's a good idea for her to eat it if she's sick!" nayeon's yelling from the door, probably taking off her shoes and you can hear a short squeal and something crash followed by laughter and you know sana has probably knocked something down or fallen over.
you raise your eyebrows at momo who shrugs and grins sheepishly, grabbing nayeon and sana's mugs and filling them with water.
when they come into the kitchen all loud and giggles its a sight for sore eyes. nayeon's kissing momo hello and setting the bags of shopping they have down. sana rounds the corner with more bags and that infectious smile. you loved all of them so much.
nayeon spots you first, frowning and walking over to you immediately, placing the back of her hand on your forehead. "hey baby, sorry to hear you weren't feeling well last night. are you feeling better now?"
you blush, nodding your head, your mouth still full of food.
sana's next to bound over to you once she's kissed momo in greeting as well, wrapping her arms around your shoulders and kissing the top of your head, "we missed you today. i got you this top i think would be really cute on you though! and momoring we also got you one of those draw-on shirts but we thought we could turn it into a date or something so we have four!" she's rummaging through her bags, producing items of clothing and talking about each one with her endless energy.
you swallow your food and look up at nayeon who has a fond smile on her face while watching sana, when she notices you looking at her she smiles and leans down to brush her lips against yours.
"wait... you're not sick with anything contagious are you...?"
"what if i was?"
she's squealing, running behind the counter before momo laughs and hands her the mug of water she filled and urging her to drink it. she also passes sana her mug who kisses her again in thanks.
you hum in content, happy to be around the people you loved most. its almost as if... they'll leave you. you don't deserve them. this is all temporary. don't get comfortable. you clench your spoon a little tighter, trying to will away the thoughts as you shove another spoonful into your mouth, focusing on the taste and the love behind the person who made it for you.
"-and i almost fell into the fountain and she just stood there and laughed at me!"
look at them enjoying themselves. you’re the odd one out. the one who’s about to break everyone’s happy mood.
you can make out nayeon's cackle, "in my defense! it was pretty funny! you had all your bags and everything and you threw your phone at that little boy!"
"wait sana you did what?"
you should just leave. leave them. look how happy they are without you. all you bring is sadness and anger. you can’t give them anything they’d want. what could you offer them?
"momoringg!! don't join her in this! he pushed me!"
"yeah because you were trying to steal his girlfriend!"
useless. hopeless. there’s nothing you can do. you can’t get anything right. not your job, not your friends, they’ll realise soon enough you know? that they’re better than you. that they’re too good for you. then it’ll be them leaving you. do it first before they realise that and break your heart.
"i was not!"
"that definitely sounds like you actually."
"y/n! you're on my side right?"
you look up in a daze, confused at what the context of the conversation was. "sorry?"
momo's frowning, trying to meet your eyes but you avoid her, looking at sana who's pouting, "were you listening? are you okay y/n?"
"y-yeah sorry i was just- just thinking about something. can you tell me the story again?"
suddenly sana's all in your space, basically climbing into your lap and cupping your cheeks with her hands, squinting at you. "what were you thinking about?"
you blush immediately, "oh y-y'know, just work."
"work's more important than me?"
"no sana i didn't mean it like that i'm sorry. of course work isn’t more important than you. can you tell me the story again? i'll listen this time i promise."
sana hums, nudging her nose against yours gently, "i'll tell you if you tell me the truth."
"what truth?" you feign indifference.
you can tell nayeon is looking at momo, asking for an explanation with her eyes but momo shrugs, turning away and going towards the sink to do the dishes.
"we've been together for 7 months y/n. and i've known you for much longer than that. i can tell when you're lying honey."
you gulp, clutching the spoon tighter with your hands when you feel someone else, nayeon, unwrap your fingers gently and take the spoon away, interlocking your fingers with hers instead.
you stand up quickly, unable to be interrogated at such close distance anymore. sana looks a little hurt when you do, pouting but letting you go. you look at nayeon who's eyeing you with a concerned curiosity. momo still has her back to all of you with the tap on but you can tell her shoulders are tense.
you rub the back of your neck in nervousness, avoiding all of their gazes. "u-um... i actually kinda... have something i needed to talk to you all about..."
you can feel the anxiety ramping up, the adrenaline and urge to run away pumping through you, your palms beginning to sweat.
momo saves you when she turns off the tap and wipes her hands clean, "let's all go to the living room and have some ice cream and we can talk about it yeah?"
you smile at her gratefully and she returns it, grabbing the ice cream nayeon and sana just brought back and a few spoons and bowls.
nayeon and sana exchange looks of confusion but help momo bring the utensils over and eventually you're all sitting on your couch in the living room with the television on for some background noise so it wasn't too awkward.
you fiddle with your hands, not looking at any of them while the random sitcom you have plays in the background. momo notices and grabs a hand, intertwining your fingers and squeezing gently, reassuring you that she was there.
you take a breath, clearing your throat and looking up at nayeon and sana.
"so i- um- i don't really know how to say this-"
"it's okay baby take your time. it's just us right?"
"yeah we're not going to judge you honey. we're here for you whatever this is okay?"
you take a shaky breath in, mumbling incoherently to yourself before deciding, "u-um it's probably a bit easier to s-show you." you let go of momo's hand and start to undo the tie at your pants.
"um... y/n if all you wanted was sex i think there were other ways to-" momo slaps nayeon who yelps, rubbing her arm where she was hit mumbling a "what?" but momo shushes her and gestures back to you.
you stand up and drop your pants, immediately feeling the cool breeze against your naked legs, shivering a little and fighting the urge to cover yourself. you stare down at your feet when you hear the little gasps. you decide to start talking, refusing to look up, "i'm sorry i made momo lie to you. i wasn't sick last night. i woke up and started thinking some… not so great things and i needed it to stop so i- um- i went to the bathroom where i hid some of my old stuff and i um- well-“ you awkwardly gesture at your thighs before continuing, “momo woke up and found me after the first cut. i would’ve kept going if she didn’t find me. she helped me clean up and bandage it and then i asked to sleep in the guest room because i didn’t want to um- i wasn’t ready to uh- to tell you guys yet- i’m sorry for keeping this from all of you for so long.“
when you’re done, you risk a glance up, and find the three loves of your life, tears running down their faces.
sana’s the first to move, she gets up and practically jumps over to you, but she stops short right before you touch, “c-can i- c-can i hug you?”
you smile at her, feeling your own tears well up at the sight of your three girlfriends crying. “of course darling. i’m still the same. i still love cuddling with you.”
she doesn’t give you a second thought and buries her head into your neck, wrapping her arms around your waist. you realise you’re still standing in the middle of the living room with your pants down which is a little absurd but you wrap your arms around her, sagging into her a little when she squeezes. you can feel her soft crying and the tears wet your neck.
nayeon stands and comes around as well, a little hesitant but you look at her and offer a wet smile and she breaks, enveloping the both of you in her arms as well with a muted sob. momo joins in as well because of course she does, you look at her gratefully as she sniffles, fiddling a little with her fingers before coming around behind you and moulding herself to your back, hands coming around your waist and holding onto sana’s hands, giving them a squeeze for reassurance as well.
you're surrounded with all the love you wanted. so why do you still want to die? you don't listen to that voice, pushing it down and trying to stay in the moment. eventually, someone breaks away, and you awkwardly shuffle your pants back on, glad to be able to cover up your scars.
nayeon speaks up first, a hand still holding yours, squeezing gently, "how long have you been... y'know-"
"since before i met you. the thoughts started getting really bad when i was still in high school. and all the pressure with doing well and all the extra curriculars i was picking up, it just got too much. the only thing that worked was the pain. it got me through high school, and i started to rely on it. but then... the first time i slept with someone... she was appalled. i had almost forgotten the scars were there until my pants were off. she got scared off and i told myself i wouldn't let anyone else see this side of me."
"it's okay. it got better after i met you guys. and when we all started dating i stopped. i felt happy." you smile up at your girlfriends, tears still streaming down your face, "being with all of you made me forget those things. but they came back. and worse this time because- because i have so much more to lose now. i can't- i can't lose you-" you can't control the sobs when you break down again. pathetic.
the girls are surrounding you instantly, whispering reassurances, brushing through your hair, tracing shapes into your skin, you try and focus on your bodily sensations rather than your internalisations, try and focus on them.
"we'd never leave you honey... we're not complete without you, you believe me right?" sana's tilting your face up to meet hers, her eyes are watery, nose red.
"i'm trying to believe you."
she places her forehead against yours and closes her eyes, sighing slightly, "i'm going to tell you that everyday from now. that i love you and that i'm not going anywhere. until you believe me." she smiles and tries for a joke, "you're going to have to deal with clingy me for the rest of your life."
you let out a broken laugh, kissing her sweetly. "i love when you're clingy anyway."
she laughs as well, wiping at her nose.
you peek at nayeon. you know she has more questions, the frown on her face and the little pout she has breaks your heart. you reach a hand out to her, she takes it after some consideration, and you pull her into your lap.
"you can ask anything. there's nothing off limits. i'll try answer everything i can and i promise i'll be honest with everything. that goes for the both of you as well." you look over at sana who's moved to your side to allow for nayeon to sit on your lap, she's got a hand on the eldest's waist, playing with her shirt, her other hand on your shoulder.
momo moves to your other side, lifting nayeon's legs and placing them on her own, tracing her calves and brushing a strand of your hair behind your ear.
nayeon's biting her lip, you focus on the small mole under her left eyebrow.
"w-why didn't you tell us?"
you sigh, "i didn't really think i needed to at first. because i hadn't done it in so long. i thought i was better."
"is it because you thought you couldn't trust us?"
"no baby that's not it."
"why did you keep your old stuff hidden then? when we moved in together? a part of you must have thought you weren't entirely better."
you bring a hand up to caress her cheek, she leans into the touch. "you're right. i'm sorry."
"is it still here?"
you look towards momo for an answer and she nods, "i didn't want to throw everything away. i wanted you to make that decision on your own. i thought that if we forcefully got rid of your things you might just try and hide it from us the next time the feelings come up. it's there but i... i don't really like the idea of leaving you alone y/n..."
nayeon's squeezing one of momo's hands, "pretty baby's so smart. i'm thankful you found her momo."
you nod in agreement, "is that why you kept following me around?"
momo nods shyly, her eyes still wet.
"i'm okay with that. i don't- i don't really trust myself right now either. i think it'd be good if someone was with me. if that wasn't... a burden or anything of course..."
sana jumps in, "honey no. you're not a burden. i hope you don't think that about yourself. i love taking care of you. i'd love being able to be there for you while you get better."
you smile at her gratefully.
"what are some of the bad thoughts you have baby?" nayeon's bringing your attention back to her, you can tell she's struggling to formulate these questions. but you're glad that she's asking them.
"a lot of it is about you guys. because you're all the reason i'm still here today."
"what about us? what can we do sweetie?"
you shake your head, looking down at your hands which are quickly taken ahold of by momo and sana. "i guess it comes down to... wondering if you can still love me while i hate myself." your grip tightens around their hands.
"you hate yourself?" nayeon's voice is shaky now, she's trying her best to hold back her emotions, wanting to find out everything she can do for you.
you nod, tears dropping onto her pants.
"there's this song. i think- i think it might be easier to play that for you guys if that's okay? i'm not really- i don't really know how to talk about this..."
they nod and quickly try and find your phone. momo finds it and hands it over to you. you quickly unlock it and search for the song you're looking for. could you love me while i hate myself - zeph.
you press play, clicking into the lyrics and staring at them to avoid looking at your girlfriend's reactions. it's a short song.
could you love me while i hate myself?
could you love me though i don't deserve it?
could you love me like there's no one else
even though you know i can't return it?
could you love me when the water's rough?
or when i leave you in a desert?
could you love me, though i speak with knives?
knowing all to well that you'll get hurt
if you can't answer 'yes' just go
i'm more trouble than i'm worth
could you love me while i hate myself?
because i don't know how this works
i never learned how this works
when it ends, you awkwardly tap out of your app, putting your phone down.
"thank you for sharing that baby."
you hum.
nayeon takes a shaky breath in, then quietly asks, "is it okay if i sing for you?"
you're surprised, looking up at her, her eyes are red. you nod.
she closes her eyes, humming a note to start, taking a breath in again and steadying her voice.
i'll love you while you hate yourself
i'll love you because you deserve it
i'll love you like i love us together
until you're ready to return it
i'll love you when things get rough
no matter where you leave us
i'll love you even when you're
working out all your thoughts
i'll get hurt if it means
some of your pain comes onto me
i'll love you while you hate yourself
and we'll figure out how it works
together we'll learn to get better
when she finishes and opens her eyes, you're sniffling again, tears streaming out of your eyes.
sana's the first to speak up, bringing her hands up to wipe at the tears on nayeon's cheeks, "our little musical genius. of course you came up with a response exactly on pitch after listening to a song once."
nayeon lets out a broken laugh, leaning into sana's touch.
you meet her eyes, a bright smile gracing your face, and you probably look a little silly, wet cheeks and red nosed with tears still dripping out of you, but nayeon laughs again in relief, coming in and kissing you.
you kiss her back gratefully, trying to convey how much you loved her in your action. you can feel sana's hand on your arm and momo's fingers in your hair. you loved them.
the thoughts are still there. you think they’ll always be there. but you don’t have to take them on on your own anymore. it would take time, but the people you loved were going to help you through it. you needed to put some trust in them as well, trust that they wouldn't leave, trust that they loved you just as you loved them, you wanted to get better, for them and for yourself, you believed you could get better with their help, for now, that was enough.
an extra a/n bcs its important: hi! i recognise that all experiences are unique so i just wanted to say the descriptions here aren’t meant to be generalised and i didn’t intend to write any stereotypes or misconceptions and i apologise if i have - i try to draw upon my own experiences to be able to write - in saying that i hope that anyone who feels they relate to similar themes etc seeks the help they need from professional sources - my dms are open ofc but i am not a professional and it is best to speak to someone who can help you in real time and in physicality. stay safe love y’all practice some self care today if u get the chance! <3
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theodorenmyth · 1 day
Hello! Could I request Harry Potter x male reader who soulmate/partner has ancient magic like how the mc in Hogwarts leagcy does? Maybe reader is being occupied a lot by the professors for his ancient magic or reader is doing a lot of quests for Hogwarts to the point Harry is worried. Yes he may be the boy who lived, but you are most important to him. Possibly so Harry drags reader to bed, complaining that he’s worried and how they haven’t eaten much in a while. Reader tries to deny it, but Harry isn’t backing down.
Anchored by Ancient Magic
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Pairings : Harry Potter x M! Reader
Summary : As the bearer of ancient magic, you've been overwhelmed with responsibilities and quests, leaving little time for yourself or your soulmate, Harry Potter. Concerned for your well-being, Harry intervenes one night, insisting you take a break and reminding you that you don't have to face everything alone. In his embrace, you find the rest and reassurance you desperately need, renewing your strength for the challenges ahead.
A/n : Enjoy (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)
Warnings) : nothing!
Word count : 900+
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Hogwarts was a grand and bustling place, and for you, it had become even more so. Ever since Professor Fig discovered your affinity for ancient magic, your life had been a whirlwind of quests, assignments, and intensive studies. The professors were fascinated by your abilities, often occupying your time with tasks that kept you away from your friends.
Harry Potter, your soulmate, had been patient, but his worry grew each day. He often caught glimpses of you rushing from one end of the castle to the other, rarely stopping to rest or eat. Tonight, he decided things had to change.
It was well past midnight when you finally trudged back to your dormitory. The common room was quiet, dimly lit by the dying embers in the fireplace. You sighed, running a hand through your hair, and headed straight to your bed. As you opened the door to your dormitory, you were surprised to find Harry sitting on your bed, his green eyes watching you with a mixture of concern and frustration.
"Harry? What are you doing here?" you asked, closing the door behind you.
He stood up, crossing his arms over his chest. "Waiting for you. Do you have any idea what time it is?"
You glanced at the clock on the wall and winced. "I lost track of time. I was helping Professor Fig with—"
"With another one of his ancient magic projects?" Harry interrupted, his voice rising slightly. "Do you ever take a break?"
"I can’t, Harry. This is important. The professors need my help—"
"And I need you," Harry cut in, stepping closer. "You haven't eaten properly in days, you barely sleep, and I hardly see you anymore."
You sighed, rubbing your temples. "Harry, I’m fine. Really. I just need to—"
"No, you’re not," he insisted, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the bed. "You're coming with me. Now."
"Harry, I can't just—"
"Yes, you can," he said firmly. "For once, let someone else worry about saving the world. You need to take care of yourself, and I need to know you're okay."
You looked into his eyes, seeing the genuine worry etched in his features. Despite his firm tone, there was a vulnerability there, a plea for you to understand how much he cared.
"Alright," you said softly, allowing him to lead you to the bed. "But just for a little while."
Harry sighed in relief, guiding you to sit down. "You need more than just a little while, but it’s a start."
As you sat on the bed, Harry pulled out a small basket from under the covers. "I brought you some food. I knew you'd come back late, so I asked Dobby to pack something for you."
Your stomach growled at the sight of the food, reminding you just how hungry you were. "Thanks, Harry. I really appreciate this."
He sat beside you, watching as you began to eat. "I know what it's like to have the weight of the world on your shoulders. But you can't do everything alone. We’re in this together."
You paused, looking at him. "I know. It's just... this ancient magic is so unpredictable. I want to understand it, control it, so I can help protect everyone."
"And you will," Harry said, placing a hand on your shoulder. "But not at the cost of your health. We need you at your best, not running yourself into the ground."
You nodded slowly, realizing he was right. "I just... I feel so much pressure."
"I get it," he said gently. "But remember, you have me, Hermione, Ron, and the rest of our friends. We’re here for you."
A silence settled between you, comforting and warm. You continued to eat, feeling Harry’s presence grounding you. When you finally finished, he took the empty basket and set it aside.
"Now, let's get you some rest," he said, pulling back the covers.
You hesitated for a moment before sliding under the blankets. Harry climbed in beside you, wrapping an arm around your waist.
"You’re not going anywhere tonight," he murmured, his breath tickling your ear. "I’m going to make sure you get a full night's sleep."
You smiled, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over you as you snuggled into his embrace. "Alright, Harry. Thank you."
He pressed a kiss to the top of your head. "Anytime. Now, close your eyes and relax. I’ve got you."
As you drifted off to sleep, you felt the weight of the day lifting, replaced by the comforting presence of your soulmate. For the first time in a long while, you felt truly at peace, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you had Harry by your side.
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
The next morning, you woke up feeling more rested than you had in weeks. Harry was still asleep, his arm draped protectively over you. You carefully turned to face him, smiling at the peaceful expression on his face.
You knew that the journey with ancient magic was far from over, but Harry’s words had given you a new perspective. You didn’t have to bear the burden alone. You had a support system, and you needed to take care of yourself to truly be able to help others.
As Harry began to stir, you kissed his forehead. He blinked his eyes open and smiled sleepily at you. "Good morning."
"Good morning," you replied. "Thank you for last night."
"Anytime," he said, pulling you closer. "Remember, you’re not alone in this."
"I won’t forget," you promised, feeling a renewed sense of determination. Together, you knew you could face whatever challenges lay ahead.
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dobnny · 3 months
monthly mini for Ginerva Weasley
Summary: Ginny is being interview by Hannah from Risk-and-Taken, but someone interrupts their conversation.
The interview?
"So, Ginerva-"
"Please, call me Ginny." She corrected the interviewer, with a smile that didn't fully reach her eyes.
"Oh, of course. Ginny, as I was saying how excited are you with the upcoming Quidditch season? Do you think the Harpies has what it takes to win the Quidditch World Cup this year?"
"Well, Han-Han, I definitely believe that-"
"Erm, please call me Hannah," the interviewer from Risk-and-Taken, a new prophet company that was competing with the Daily Prophet.
"Of course, Hannah my apologies." Ginny replied, "I believe that this season the Harpies are certainly going to take a risk and come out victorious at the end. Yes, the odds are certainly stacked against us but there's one thing that we have that the other Quidditch teams lack."
The interviewer leaned in closer, intrigued by the determination in the young Quidditch star. Ginny could tell she was about to ask what exactly makes the Harpies stand out amongst all the other teams. When suddenly the living room became dark, and an unfamiliar muggle song started to play all around them.
Before the lights turned back on, instead of a soft white light, the room the light changed from red to pink. Thick smoke began rising from the ground, quickly spreading throughout the room.
"You don't have to be rich to be my girl. You don't have to be cool to rule my world. Ain't no particular sign I'm more compatible with. I just want your extra time and your kiss."
"Shit." She muttered, her face burning scarlet....damnit. Why now out of all times. She thought to herself, why couldn't Harry take Dobby with him?
Ginny stared at Dobby, who was wearing- wait was that little butter wearing her favorite jersey? She quilted her eyes, and realized that not only was Dobby wearing the jersey that she wore for her first Harpy match, but he was also wearing a pair of Harry’s grey joggers. It was magicked to fit the house elf, yet it didn’t suit him at all. In fact Ginny noticed how Dobby had to continuously hold onto the sides of the joggers in order to keep them up as he danced in a slow circle.
Merlin’s saggy left-
“Oh, it seems as if I’m in the middle of something intimate….I can reschedule this interview at a later time?” Ginny heard Hannah ask from besides her, almost in a strained voice.
Before she could reply to the reporter, Ginny noticed how Dobby had turned around and was staring at her. His eyes were extra wide open and he was watching her like a hawk, he had the audacity to wink at her as if saying, “you like the show?”
“Dobby, what in Merlin’s name are you doing?” She asked, through clenched teeth.
“Ms. Ginerva-“
“It’s Ginny.”
“Oh, yes sorry!” Dobby squeaked out, his face turning a shade of murky green. “Ms. Ginny, I wanted to show my gratitude for letting me serve you.”
She closed her eyes, willing herself to count to ten before reaching for her wand and firing a bat bogey hex to the house elf. After a few deep breaths, Ginny opened her eyes and spoke, “there isn’t a need for all of this, Dobby. Please can you leave? I'm in the middle of a very important interview.”
“But, Dobby needs to express his gratitude! Dobby has been practicing for hours, and this time the socks are clean,” the house elf squeaks out as he gestured to his feet. The pair of “clean” socks that Dobby claimed were a mixture of brown and green. It was also emitting a foul odor from the longer he stood there in front of them. Ginny tried her best to push down the bile in her mouth. Nope, she doesn’t want to even think about what the “dirty” socks even looked or smelled like for the matter.
Another silence stretched between the three occupants, that was until Hannah had decided to break the silence.
“You know what, maybe I should get going. Yes-I will send an owl to your manager and we will fix up a different date.” The reporter spoke with difficulty since she was doing her best to hold in her breath.
“No, it’s fine, I’ll ask Dobby to leave-”
“No! I mean, it’s fine….I’ll make sure to keep in touch with your manager and hopefully we’ll set up another date.” Hannah said as she gathered all her things quickly, “Besides, I believe Donny…?”
“It’s Dobby, Miss,” Dobby replied while attempting to give a lopsided smile to the reporter. It seems as though he tried to get that out of her brother’s Ron’s arsenal, because he would always smile like that to Hermione to get his way. Which worked practically all the time, but the way that Dobby is doing it, it just wasn’t pleasant to see. Ginny wondered if Hannah would end up sending in a restraining order against the house elf, just from the way he was trying to smile.
“Right. Dobby, I believe you two have some sort of conversation to finish, and I truly don’t want to interrupt,” Hannah replied and with that she was already rushing to the floor and before Ginny could even call out to her, Hannah was gone.
“So now that we are alone-”
Ginny pulls out her wand quicker than ever and stuns Dobby into the next realm. That buggering little shit.
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fizzyfizu · 3 months
Accursed in the Lake’s Depths
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      It is common knowledge that at the start of every term in Hogwarts, a short speech is held by the headmaster to welcome back students.  But one thing that the students have noticed is that ever since Armando Dippet was headmaster—it is always mentioned that if you're looking for a place to study or hang out, the Black Lake is a great place to do such things; since then the Black Lake has become even more littered with students.  But the sudden mention of the lake caused the rise of rumours related to it on why the sudden interest, courtesy of bored students.  One of the most popular rumours involves a girl who disappeared from Hogwarts grounds in her 4th year decades ago.  The tale goes that the girl has been bound to the bottom of the lake as punishment for something she had done, what she did is still speculated though, and that Dippet encourages students to congregate around the Black Lake to further punish her—as if to show her what she is missing out on if only she didn't do what she had done.
Chapter 1.1 - A Late Start
Summary: - After being woken up by Dobby 10 minutes before the start of the 2nd task, Harry finds himself rushing to get to the venue. The venue being the Black Lake, otherwise known as the Great Lake. Once again thanks to Dobby, Harry is now in the possession of more than enough gillyweed to last him the full 1 hour limit.
Chapter 1.2 - A Cold Reception, Literally
Summary: - Professor Moody approaches Harry to ask for an update on his game plan, and much to his pleasure, Harry has one. After Bagman's count, Harry enters the cold, freezing waters. For a moment he panics, but after a few moments he finds himself mentally thanking Dobby profusely.
Chapter 1.3 - An Odd Discovery
Summary: - Harry finds himself in a thick grove of seaweed and murky waters. Yet, even with low vision, he saw glimpses of multiple merpeople who were clearly guarding something. Wrongly assuming the merpeople to be guarding the task, he ventures deeper, eventually finding himself in a clearing. What he found made him question the clue given to him, but he pushed those thoughts aside and went to retrieve his discovery anyways.
Chapter 2.1 - The Taste of Freedom
Summary: - You have finally been freed from your temporary prison. While being carried by Harry (who thinks you are still unconscious), you decide that you cant wait to feel what it feels like to move again anymore and stop the act. The two of you exchange incredibly awkward greetings for the first time.
Chapter 2.2 - Thanks & Introductions
Summary: - After Harry helps you to your feet once more, you find it within yourself to be the icebreaker between you two as the situation gets increasingly awkward. After exchanging names, you offer your thanks, during all this you notice the student-packed stands in the near distance. Harry is immediately surrounded by his friends and Dumbledore requests that you make a visit to his office soon.
Chapter 3 - Fawley? F-A-W-L-E-Y
Summary: - After being dismissed, you finally get to buddying up with Harry's friends. After a short introduction from Ron, Hermione bombards you with questions, some being concerningly..close. She decides to wrap up her ramble after Ron's interruption, and it's decided that the four of them will make their way to the great hall for lunch. Guess you'll have to postpone the meeting with Dumbledore..
Chapter 4.1 - Navigate Through Hogwarts
Summary: - You excuse yourself from the group as the four of you near the great hall, you start to navigate yourself through Hogwarts, during the process you run into Peeves (and get drenched). You also run into the Fat Friar, who helps lead you to Dumbledore's office.
Chapter 4.2 - Discussions with Dumbledore
Summary: - You are finally going to smoothen things out with Dumbledore. After admiring his office for a few moments, you start discussing future plans now that you are no longer restrained in the Black Lake.
Chapter 5 - Trouble with the Caretaker
Summary: - After taking your time to freshen up in your new dorm room, you decide to roam around the school to refresh your memory. You end up getting caught by Hogwarts' caretaker.
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kaedthoughts · 11 months
back to horny hours because dobby is now a Free Elf
i want to finally have an opportunity to ride someone while having my hands tied and held up by a nice box cage bedframe so i can have extra support and go nice n slow. maybe i tie myself after tying my toy down, making sure that once they're nice and hard they can't run away.
i want to hear them echo my soft moans, my hips grinding and circling and walls stroking needily with each slow rise and fall of my hips. my breathing slow and steady to help me stay relaxed.
i get so nervous and shy, just being able to let go and focus on feeling good and pleasing my love underneath me would be really really nice
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mammonsdabloon · 2 years
Obey Me! as my quote book #2
Warnings: swearing, nsfw-ish? Really just vulgar jokes
Mammon: “DID I-? Holy shit I just got a paper cut from a McDonald’s fries container.”
Asmo: “how you gon have no green card OR v-card? 😐”
Mammon: “I wish coffee made my day better. Instead, I cry over how much I spent on said coffee as I drink it.”
Levi: “people with depression are like legos, they break down or they stick together.”
Solomon: “secret third option where they break down together :).”
Belphie: “oooo look a caprisun!”
Beel: “that’s mine I claimed it.”
Belphie: “since when?”
Beel: “since a few days ago.”
moments later
Beel, in demon form: “BITCH YOU HAD YOUR SHARE.”
Belphie: “bitch you know you gotta chug when it’s a caprisun.”
Lucifer: “put your phone away before I have to start killing people.”
Lucifer: “fucking mammon.”
Solomon: “oh! It was mr krabs birthday yesterday!”
MC, on the verge of tears: “wHy dO yoU kNoW thAt?!”
Satan: “I’m trying to be a good person….it’s failing miserably.”
Thirteen to Solomon: “that man is a fuckin’ ODDITY.”
Lucifer: “I’m gonna be 52 when I turn 18.”
Beel: “you have more water at home.”
Luke: “actually no I don’t that was our last bottle.”
Belphie: “you got a sink right?”
Solomon: “are you one of them queerrrssss”
Everyone (except raph 😭) with Solomon’s food: “THIS TASTE LIKE HOPSCOTCH AND LARGO MEDICAL.”
Solomon: “Lucifer, bestie.”
Asmo: *GASP*
Satan: “BELPHIE! My favorite quiet kid!”
Satan: “YES YOU DO.”
Beel: “I drank bong water.”
Belphie: “you drank bong water…?”
Solomon: “Master has given dobby legal documents!”
Lucifer to Mammon: “I need you to stop infecting my fucking vocabulary.”
Solomon: “does anyone have any water that isn’t watered down?”
Levi, about life: “I don’t like this arc.”
Asmo: “I know 💕”
Mephisto: “don’t you fucking 💕 me.”
Raphael: *rises from the dead* “I am, Abraham Lincoln.”
Mammon: “g’s are weird in words ok! Fuck you and your luigi words.”
Belphie, laying on the floor: “the party, is down here.”
Belphie: “adoption is just abandonment with extra steps”
Mammon: “….nice weather...”
Barbatos: “….that’s a light.”
Diavolo: “I was so astonished I threw a piece of cheese at him”
Lucifer: “my little brother just called hitler the president of Russia”
Simeon: “good, he knows his algebra! :D”
Asmo: “sperm flavored lemon. Yummy.”
Asmo and Solomon: “SPERM SLUSHY”
yes i let luke say fuck he deserves that right he deserves to be able to go apeshit
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dhr-ao3 · 1 month
A Distance There Is
A Distance There Is https://ift.tt/R3e0APT by stars_of_midnight With the Dark Wizard, Who Shall Not Be Named, defeated, the Ministry of Magic has decreed that all Muggleborn children are to be taken under the wing of wizarding families, in the hopes that Muggleborn ignorance will never again give rise to such darkness and destruction. There are countless secrets within Malfoy Manor. Hermione Granger is the newest. Words: 42933, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Bury the Light Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Categories: F/M, Multi Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Dobby (Harry Potter), Original Characters Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger/Lucius Malfoy Additional Tags: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Vampire, Adopted Hermione Granger, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Childhood Trauma, Adopted Sibling Relationship, Childhood Friends, Pseudo-Incest, Implied/Referenced Torture, Torture, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Rape/Non-con Elements, Underage Rape/Non-con, Implied Childhood Sexual Abuse, Childhood Sexual Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Emotional Manipulation, Memory Alteration, Memory Magic, Vampire Bites, Near Death Experiences, Possessive Behavior, Obsessive Behavior, Ownership, Non-Consensual Blood Drinking, Blood Drinking, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Not Beta Read via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/8w5Wo0F May 14, 2024 at 10:51PM
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csgraphism · 2 months
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takeariskao3 · 3 months
Ginny Centric fic snippet for @ladiesofhpfest
a little summary: Ginny is trying to get through an interview with Hannah, a new and bright reporter from Risk-and-Taken. It’s a new company that’s trying to bring the Daily Prophet out of clients. However, a certain someone makes it difficult for our favorite Quidditch star to make it through the interview.
“So, Ginerva-”
“Please, call me Ginny.” She corrected the interviewer, with a smile that didn’t fully reach her eyes.
“Oh, of course. Ginny, as I was saying how excited are you with the upcoming Quidditch season? Do you think the Harpies has what it takes to win the Quidditch World Cup this year?”
“Well, Han-Han, I definitely believe that-”
“Erm, please call me Hannah,” the interviewer from Risk-and-Taken, a new prophet company that was competing with the Daily Prophet.
“Of course, Hannah my apologies.” Ginny replied, “I believe that this season the Harpies are certainly going to take a risk and come out victorious at the end. Yes, the odds are certainly stacked against us but there’s one thing that we have that the other Quidditch teams lack.”
The interviewer leaned in closer, intrigued by the determination in the young Quidditch star. Ginny could tell she was about to ask what exactly makes the Harpies stand out amongst all the other teams. When suddenly the living room became dark, and an unfamiliar muggle song started to play all around them. Before the lights turned back on, instead of a soft white light, the room the light changed from red to pink. Thick smoke began rising from the ground, quickly spreading throughout the room.
“You don’t have to be rich to be my girl. You don’t have to be cool to rule my world. Ain’t no particular sign I’m more compatible with. I just want your extra time and your kiss.”
“Shit.” She muttered, her face burning scarlet….damnit. Why now out of all times. She thought to herself, why couldn’t Harry take Dobby with him?
Tell me what you think? ( @corneliaavenue in case you’d like to see?) the song Kiss-by prince 😏 tell me it’s not Dobnny coded.
Unless…unless I switch it up to a different song?
Hozier!? Empire Now?
(Also, I had a panic because I almost sent this off anon 😂 damn)
The Chairman of The Tortured Dobnny’s Department
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no really. this felt like a fever dream 😆🤣 i’m cacklingggggg
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ashesandhackles · 1 year
A Thousand Eyes
Written for @harrypocter event "Winter Sun" Prompt: Parvati Patil Summary: The Patil twins at The Malfoy Manor. Set in April of PS timeline, canon compliant. Trigger warning: Description of racist imagery
It sat on top of the yew hedges rising on either side of them. Shimmering white plumage under the overcast sky. The peacock’s tail tapered down; the thousand eyes of the feathers sat closed.
Parvati tugged at her sister’s robes, letting their parents go ahead on the straight lane to Malfoy Manor. 
Parvati breathed, “Have you ever seen a white one?”
“Quite unusual,” Padma muttered. “Not like the ones we had seen in Delhi.”
The ones they had seen in the ruined sandstone forts of Delhi were joyful, iridescent blue, fanning out their shining emerald tail feathers in celebration of a downpour after a sticky summer. She remembered quite clearly, the smell of the rain, the cry of the dancing peacock and the glow of the thousand eyes of its tail feathers - violet around amber, glowing in the greyscape.
“Hello,” Parvati reached out with her arm, even though the hedges were quite high. The peacock watched them with its blue eyes.
“It’s not an albino,” Padma commented, as the peacock shuffled away. “Maybe it has been bred this way?”
“Parvati, Padma!” their mother called from ahead. “Stop dawdling, we’re getting late!”
“Mum! Look at the white peacock over here!” Parvati called. 
“We can come back and look at it - it’s not going anywhere,” their father said.
Padma dragged Parvati away, towards the manor where diamond-paned windows glittered. -------
It was Padma’s idea. She had wanted to see the art collection Mr. Malfoy boasted of. As they had nothing better to do except sit on a couch and tell people how to tell them apart (“Padma wears blue, I wear pink”) or listen to Draco brag about his prowess on a broom to Pansy and how unfair it is that Harry Potter gets to be on the team, Parvati followed. Mrs. Malfoy sent Dobby with them (“As a guide,” she said sweetly.)
Dobby eyed Mr. Malfoy warily, but he seemed to be deep in conversation with their father. “Let’s go?” Parvati asked. Dobby nodded as he led them away.
The room set aside for art collection, like everything in the manor, gleamed with opulence. A magnificent carpet covered the stone floor, cloths of silk hung over sculptures in the middle of the room, an ornate cylindrical vase at the corner had a collection of peacock feathers and every inch of the wall was covered in paintings that followed their every move.
“Master Armand Malfoy,” Dobby indicated towards the painting of a wily man looking at Parvati’s gold bangles with interest. “Master Armand brought my Master’s ancestors to this land. The family has lived here for over ten centuries.”
Padma nodded as Parvati adjusted her bangles. Dobby took them through many paintings - some of ancestors, some of the countryside, some of dogs of different breeds, some of different kinds of game found on the land and they finally came up on paintings where the subjects didn’t move. “These are the paintings acquired when Lucius Malfoy the First had been courted by Muggle royalty,” Dobby recited.
“Royalty?” Parvati asked curiously. 
“This was a time before the Statue of Secrecy, Miss,” Dobby said. “Master would not like you to think he flouts laws.”
Parvati moved closer. It was curious these paintings didn’t move - a richly detailed painting of men in horses ascending the highlands, men with spears and arrows and a chariot blessed by the rays of sun. She saw more: ships landing on shores - Black men and women offering baskets of fruits at the dock. Images of brown skinned women dancing in congregation of men, tantalisingly veiled but breasts exposed. An image of a ship deck, a brown woman clutching at the feet of men, looking up in simpering gratitude. A Black man waiting by the river with horses and a collared dog, his arm full of discarded clothes.
“Dobby,” Parvati asked as her sister was silent too long. “What are these paintings about?”
“Slaves,” Dobby said. “Like Dobby.”
Something empty burrowed its way into Parvati’s chest. She glanced at her sister, whose eyes were bright with an emotion she could not name. “Let’s go back to the party,” Padma finally said.
Parvati nodded, and the three of them trudged back to the drawing room. They entered to find Mrs. Parkinson waiting for them, dragging Pansy by the upper arm. 
“I was looking for you both!” she whispered, ushering them in and almost knocking Dobby out of the way as though she couldn’t see him. “She was acting like a boy! Getting too friendly with the Malfoy boy. It won’t look good on us if she doesn’t act proper!”
Pansy scowled at her mother but didn’t dare say anything. Dobby scuttled away out of sight.
“We’ll be around, Mrs. Parkinson,” Parvati said dully.
“Thank you,” she brushed her fingers through Parvati’s hair fondly while Padma shrunk to escape her gaze. “You know, these robes do look good on you. You will grow up to be a beautiful young woman one day.”
Pansy’s eyes flashed with hurt. Parvati struggled to smile.  Her gaze flitted away to windows, where she could see the rain start to pour. She wondered if in this chilly repressive rain, if the white peacock was dancing.  Read on AO3 here.
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hello, dear traveler.
please, take a seat. there is no rush.
my name is compass, but you may call me void. we are an undiagnosed system of 50+. i use they/xe, thank you for asking. how about you? _____? very nice!
would you like some tea or coffee? ☕️ oh, i also have boba if you would prefer! 🧋
oh, you'd like some bats? like these? 🦇🦇🦇
oh dear, sorry- wrong bats! well, we have many different types here! come, let us go to the shop outside. it's the only one of its kind on the internet right now!🚪
we have batfamily, danny phantom, harry potter next generation-yes, we do also have the originals, no, i have never heard of this woman, sorry. i believe the author's name is dobby? there must be a few different changes in your universe, apologies. if you'd like, we also have some percy jackson and mcu spiderman!
oh, you are interested in the obscure characters? we have a large collection of those, ranging from bernard dowd to percy weasley. please take your pick!
we have recently gained some merch for carmen sandiego, rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles, legend of zelda(mainly botw and totk) and keeper of the lost cities(i am unsure how we gained this one) and plan for more fandoms soon!
i'm afraid we have very little canon merch- i believe that @burritowitch, @iconicore and others have some for you!
thank you for coming to this universe today! please come again anytime. have a great day, you're incredible!
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i. have slowly been getting into personality types thx to @maybe-i-am-boring so apparently im an INFP 2w1 if it helps :D
this is my fandom and reblogging account! i do random shit at @irukandjiheart :3
psst: original artistic creations are at #voideas (i was forcibly bribed to take out the second part 😭 <3 love you fogs)
pssst: reblogs are at #void rbs so yall can filter that out <3
sona i suppose
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ghostheadlock · 5 months
hiii first I gotta say I lovedddd the update everything about is SOOO good to me
the way things are playing out, the glimpse of the (really sad if we’re being honest but she’s too emotionally stunted to dwell on it) personal home life momo has/had, the hint of the seulgi trouble that’s coming (that I asked about a while ago hehe yes that was me 🤭), and just the overall fact that there’s already this emotional tension rising with just a small part of their little plan like wowww (momo you’re so weak I know you’re going to fall and DEEP for this woman) (dahyun I know you’re more in tune with your emotions but I know you’ll play the denial card for a while it’s okay <3)
I do have one question though, I get that you went with dahyun being afraid of dogs so ari cameo isn’t likely but breaking up the Hirai boys because momo is a workaholic is 🥺 my poor dobby…. (he’s my favorite sorry boo i love you as well but dobby is just so baby all the time 🥺) well my question is will dobby actually appear at some point? (this is genuine and also because I feel like it will add to the dahmo relationship and dahyun’s personal relationship with dogs) (I’m guessing the other route would be that it’s an epilogue thing?) (that their happy endings includes them together with 3 dogs or something lol)
I guess also another question is, idk if it’s much of a spoiler or something sorry if it is you don’t have to answer if that’s the case, but will there be big issues arising with the fact that since dahyun’s bedroom is essentially her nest, and she’s very adamant about not letting momo in there that there will be a strain in momo’s self esteem in regards to her worth as like a suitable partner? I guess in a clearer sense my question is, will there be emotional angst because of self esteem issues or something of the like?
so yeah it’s just the part where momo talked about her life it was so 🥺 like I felt my heart break for momo but I get why she was stoic about it considering it feels like reasonable for people to see her that way considering she hasn’t given them much of a reason to think otherwise but still 💔
I’m SO sorry this got long! (and for getting ahead of myself in some topics oops) Thank you for the update!!! Can’t wait to read the next one, have a good one!
hi! no worries at all, I'm so glad you're liking it, thank you for being so kind - i'll try to answer everything as best i can but lmk if i missed anything!
i hadn't thought much about adding dobby or ari in the story (srry boys!!) and as for dobby appearing later I'm not sure yet, but boo does play a cute part in helping dahyun overcome her fear and momo learning patience~
there will be some tension about letting momo into her nest for sure, especially since they have to really play it up for the visa interview, but in terms of momo's self esteem not so much angst, but she'll come around to being vulnerable in a way she hasn't able to be because of her past (getting into that next chapter), the angst around self esteem plays a lot more into dahyun's development (and why nayeon didn't choose her in the end kind of thing)
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