#doo ooh too ooh ooh
thecrowinacrown · 2 years
When i think about Dream, the Sandman, my brain either plays the dum dum dum mr sandmaan bring me a dreaam melody or either Metallica... There is no other option
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nostalgicfun · 5 months
Feel free to share which is your favorite NOW in the tags, but this particular poll is about which you preferred as a child! ⭐ In a few days we'll do another one with more options!
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just-rainbow-thoughts · 4 months
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Cuttin’ some watahmelons on laybah day
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zamiecmunson · 2 months
scooby snacks
eddie x reader
you accidentally eat some of eddie’s very special brownies
i love edibles. i love scooby doo. i love eddie. can you tell. warnings: weed obviously, vomit but no graphic description, wrote this a long long time ago been sitting in my drafts so not too sure what else sorryyyyy 🫶🏻
‘voila!’ eddie whispered to himself, beaming down with pride at his creation. he passed on doing a taste test as he knew the guys would get pissy if they turned up & he was already stoned. plus he didn’t know exactly just how strong they were. that was the purpose after all, stronger than usual. gareth had been complaining for weeks that he was ‘building a tolerance’ and wanted to ‘trip balls’ without taking the hard stuff. eddie scoffed at that of course but came through with some pretty sweet brownies anyway. he left them out to cool on the kitchen counter before jumping in the shower.
after knocking on eddie’s door and getting no answer, you let yourself in.
‘eddie?’ you called out clocking that the weird fuzzy noise was water running.
‘in the shower baby, i’ll be out in a sec’ he called back. both a pro and con of living in a trailer: thin walls.
‘ooh!’ you raised your brows excitedly at the freshly baked batch of brownies on the side. eddie bakes? who knew! you helped yourself to a small corner slice, after taking a bite you sorta understood why he’s never baked for you before. it tasted kinda funny. but the kind of funny where you had to keep taking another bite to figure out if it actually did taste funny or not. two and a half brownies later, eddie surfaced from the bathroom.
‘hey!- oh. oh god, babe!’ his face switched from a sweet smile to deer caught in headlights as soon as he locked in on the face full of brownie.
‘ ‘m sorry they jush looked shoh good and i’m tryna figure out what the shecret ingredient is’ you mumbled through heavy chews.
‘that would be pot’ his eyes stayed at full screen as he gently pressed his hands to the brownie, lowering the rest of it from your lips.
‘oh, i’ve had these before it’s fine! i thought they tasted kinda funky, i should have guessed’ you stayed blissfully unaware and calm, wiping the crumbs off the side of your mouth while eddie’s heart was going at 100 mph. his eyes darted from the tray, to your face, to the tray, to your face then back to the tray.
‘and you’ve had three of these?’ his nervous voice matched his face.
‘two and a half, technically’ you continued to grin innocently.
‘do you, by any chance, perhaps recall gareth complaining about how the usual stuff just wasn’t touching the sides for him anymore?’ eddie did this thing where he used a lot of unnecessary words when he was nervous. you chuckled at his little habit peaking through and answered with a subtle eye roll ‘yes’.
‘well… these were made with him in mind. extra strong. like, should probably just start with a quarter of a slice strong’ he delicately placed his hands on the side of your arms. there was silence for a while. a painfully long while. you focused on the feeling of it sitting in your stomach.
‘well this isn’t good’ you responded with a straight but calm face.
‘no, no it’s not’ you both continued to stand very still. you couldn’t tell if it was kicking in already or if you were just prematurely paranoid.
‘i should probably sit down’ you broke the statuesque silence, eddie guided you to his sofa as if you were his 89 year old grandmother.
‘i’ll get you some water’ he immediately sprung up again after sitting you down.
you probably should have been more nervous than you were. not eddie’s level of panic but somewhere in the middle. weed had only ever given you a slight buzz and the giggles, surely there couldn’t be irredeemably dire consequences. eddie was running around looking for a bucket just in case you were sick and anything else you might need while you stared into space.
after a while, you could hear eddie talking to you… but every other noise in the world appeared just as loud and 10x more important.
‘oh fuck here we go’ eddie caught onto your darkening eyes and droopy muscles. he’d looked after you when you were sick, drunk and stoned. this was about to be his ultimate test.
‘you know,’ you started but got cut off by how dry your mouth was. ‘your place has always smelled good. it smells like boy, but YOU boy. good eddie boy you’ you blinked what felt like 900 times but it really really wasn’t.
‘oh yeah?’ eddie smiled slightly, his panic dying down a smidge as he was amused. he handed you a glass of water recognising the signs all too well.
‘thank you that’s brilliant’ you took the glass and chugged.
‘slow down sailor you don’t wanna make yourself puke’ eddie suppressed a grin, pushing the bucket closer to your feet just in case.
‘do you think sailors get land sick? like, if they’re so used to being at sea would that make them get sick from not wobbling about on a boat?’ your brow knotted with concern as eddie’s shoulders bobbed up and down. ‘wobbling. wobble. wobbly wobbly wobble’ you started to amuse yourself with a slight slur of the pronunciation while eddie’s giggles turned into hearty laughter.
‘that’s an amazing question that i unfortunately don’t have the answer for’ he rubbed a brewing tear of laughter from his face and stared adoringly at your hazed state.
‘since when do you not know everything? you know everything ever, actually. you always have an answer’ you responded with upmost seriousness. on a normal day, that might have come off as condescending. but weirdly, it gave eddie a huge confidence boost as he could tell you were being completely genuine.
‘i know what goes on in your brain, not sailors i’m afraid. i’ll try do better in the future’ he petted your head like a dog and ruffled your hair. god, it felt amazing. like a head massage worthy of 10 million dollars.
‘what am i thinking right now?’ you continued to slur, smiling into his touch.
‘mcdonald’s probably, though it might be a bit early for that stage’ he continued to massage your head, fantasising about how good it probably felt from your perspective. you may as well have been purring like a cat.
‘mcdonald’s…’ you whispered not even almost comprehending what that word meant. until approximately 15 seconds after it sunk in. ‘MCDONALD’S!’ you attempted to spring up but in real time just un-slumped your shoulders and opened your eyes wide. eddie did his biggest grin yet and handed you back the glass of water.
‘i’ll get the guys to pick some up on their way over. stay right here’ he kissed you on the forehead and made his way to the phone.
‘uhhh gareth i’m gonna need you to bring one of everything from mcdonald’s on your way here’ eddie didn’t even wait for gareth to say hello when he picked up the phone.
there was a sigh.
‘…how many did she eat’ gareth’s spidey senses tingled.
‘enough. too much actually, i’m in for a long-‘
‘HIIIIIII GARETHHHHH,’ you appeared out of fucking nowhere. ‘NUGGETS?’ why use a full sentence after all? just saying NUGGETS at the man would obviously do the trick.
‘coming right up scoob’ eddie could hear his smirk through the phone. ‘and what would you like shaggy?’
‘drop dead’ eddie responded through a smile. ‘…cheeseburger and fries please’
by the time the guys reached eddie’s trailer, you were in silent mode. your vision was fuzzy, skin felt like velcro, cotton mouth was in full swing, there was a constant ringing in your ear and blinking was becoming an actual task. eddie was starting to get concerned but found comfort in knowing food was on its way. unfortunately eddie opened the door to an unwelcome surprise.
‘no’ was all he said when he met eyes with dustin & mike.
‘what?’ jeff asked holding 2 bags of mcdonald’s, slurping from a straw sticking out of one.
‘they can’t be here, they’re 12’ eddie spoke about the two as if they couldn’t hear.
‘we’re 15!’ they said in unison.
‘no!’ he said again, using his body to block the doorway.
‘nuggets?’ you attempted to shout from the couch but it came out as a dry whisper. only eddie heard.
‘hand over the food’ he compromised the barricade by putting one arm out.
‘idiot!’ gareth barged through the small opening using his bag of food as a battering ram.
‘nuggets!’ you said just as quietly but with a smile this time.
eddie clambered onto the couch you were sitting on to place the brownies on the top shelf before swiftly turning to dustin & mike, gripping their shoulders tight.
‘i’m not supplying class b’s to a bunch of freshmen. its bad enough that she’s out of action,’ without looking, he pointed behind to your melting body. ‘i actually wanna get out of this town alive and not shot dead by mrs wheeler, okay?’ dustin and mike stared blankly, wide eyed but blankly.
‘you do know i’m taller than you-‘ mike broke his gaze to point to the brownies on the shelf.
‘ARE WE CLEAR?’ eddie interrupted, gripping them tighter.
‘yes eddie!’ they stuttered together.
‘good’ eddie smiled, brushing them down.
‘NUGGETS?’ you actually shouted this time behind them, still slumped on the couch. eddie did an almost balletic 180 turn to face you, face softening immediately.
‘coming right up princess’
dustin & mike got a slap on the back of their heads for giggling at the pet name.
15 nuggets, a large portion of fries and half of eddie’s burger later, everyone was starting to loosen up a bit. gareth & jeff saved their food for later so they could feel the full effect, eddie wouldn’t even consider getting stoned before you’d got through the worst of it and the freshmen were just happy to be there. they thought eddie was soooooo cool, yet here he was. babysitting you. being responsible… he thought his street cred was over. but they admired him more, deep down.
‘feeling better scoob?’ gareth was starting to get giggly and watching you devour a milkshake without breathing definitely fuelled it.
‘who..’ you remembered to breathe. ‘is scoob?’ back to slurping with no remorse.
‘i don’t know lets ask shaggy’ he threw the screwed up bag at eddie.
‘does that make you velma’ eddie threw it back in return.
‘dustin is velma, i’m daphne’ he flipped his imaginary long ginger hair. dustin and mike shared a confused yet amused glance.
‘does… does that make me… fred?….’ jeff skipped giggle phase and landed straight in deep thought mode.
‘aww they’re girlfriend boyfriend!’ dustin and mike teased, making kissy faces at them.
‘OHHHH, SCOOBY DOO!! i get it now…’ you nodded into your milkshake. everyone laughed. you didn’t understand why. ‘dustin is totally velma’
everyone was arguing about lord of the rings when eddie noticed you’d gone quiet. not just staying out of it quiet, but not even going to laugh at how silly the situation was quiet.
‘hey sweet,’ eddie said quietly so only you could hear. you tried to move your head up to look at him but it didn’t work. ‘too many scooby snacks?’ he gestured to all the empty food boxes at your feet.
‘mmh’ was all you could manage. he then noticed you’d gone green. without saying a word he picked you up bridal style and carried you to the bathroom, telling dustin only with his eyes what the situation was. dustin suggested they all go to the park, gareth & jeff too gone to realise eddie had carried you across the room. eddie placed you down in front of the toilet and held your hair in a makeshift ponytail, rubbing your back. you were there for a while. eddie was impressed it took this long, he thought you were hard as fucking nails. when it was all out your system he hooked his arm under your shoulders and propped you up on the sink. taking your special eddie’s trailer tooth brush he cleaned you up with a smile. he always did everything with a smile when it came to you, no matter how gross it may seem from the outside. he knew you’d be mortified when you properly came round but seeing you this vulnerable, being your sole caretaker, was weirdly his happy place. you did it for him all the time, he loved, ADORED returning the favour.
picking you up bridal style once again, he carried you to his bedroom. after placing you down as carefully as possible and moving you onto your side, he ran back to the couch to fetch the bucket & water.
‘ez’ you attempted to call for him for the 0.5 seconds he was out the room. that was “ed’s” in your mind.
‘i’m here, i’m here’ he crouched down to face you after placing everything down.
‘ar ou g wa?’ you weren’t even sure what you tried to say then. but eddie deciphered it.
‘i’m not going anywhere sweetheart,’ he swiped his thumb over your sweaty brow. ‘close your eyes’ he whispered before kicking off his shoes and gently getting in bed behind you, tucking you into his frame.
‘ove ou’
‘love you too’ he kissed your ear and stroked your hair until you fell asleep.
the next morning you woke up to the smell of coffee right under your nose. opening your eyes, you discovered a steaming cup on the bedside table and a distant clatter that can only be eddie getting frustrated in the kitchen. rubbing your eyes you sipped from the mug and shuffled closer to the noise.
‘morning’ you muttered, feeling very groggy.
‘good afternoon!’ eddie popped out from behind a cabinet door, hair in a bun with a wooden spoon in his mouth. ‘do you know how many times i’ve reheated that? i kept having to check you were still alive!’ he giggled to himself, removing the spoon from his mouth to give you a big kiss on the forehead.
‘how long was i out?’ you grabbed eddie’s wrist to check his watch. ‘IT’S FOUR THIRTY?’ you tapped at his watch thinking it would tell you something different if you kept attacking it.
‘gareth woke up in the park today, you should be grateful you had a bed to sleep in!’ eddie tucked your hair behind your ears, laughing. ‘shit!’ he noticed his mac & cheese burning.
‘i’m never eating mystery baked goods ever again’ you thousand yard stared over the brim of your coffee
‘serves you right, doll!’ he winced at the too hot mouthful but continued to shovel more in. ‘anyway,’ placing the saucepan down, he climbed onto the couch to retrieve the brownies. ‘it’s my turn’ he grinned.
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woso-dreamzzz · 7 months
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You join the keepers at training
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Your path was set almost as soon as Zećira signed for Not-Wolfsburg.
Her first practice had you toddling away from your Momma and giving her a big hug.
"Hi, y/n," She had said to you and it was at that moment that you decided that there was nothing more fun than being attached to Zećira every practice.
"Okay, princesse," Morsa makes sure that your braids on done up tightly and that your special Scooby Doo backpack is secure on your back," Be good for Zećira, okay?"
You roll your eyes. "I'm always good for Zećira. I'm her best girl!"
Morsa looks down at you fondly, a kiss laid on your head as Momma ties your laces.
"You're our best girl too," Momma reminds you, pressing her own kiss to your cheek," Off you go then, princesse, have fun with Zećira."
Your new guardian is waiting for you by the locker room door. You take her hand.
Ann-Katrin is already practicing when you approach and she smiles at you. You smile back a little warily, she's very tall and very intimidating sometimes.
Zećira gets you set up just behind the goal with snacks, drinks and your toys. She smooths down your flyaways. "Are you going to be okay, here?"
You nod.
"You come get me if you need anything."
To your credit, you're pretty lowkey. You're happy with your toys and your snacks. Morsa and Momma haven't ever given you a tablet or ipad and tv time at home is strictly regulated so you know how to keep yourself occupied.
But today, you find yourself watching Zećira and Ann-Katrin practice. You've seen Momma practice with the other forwards before and Morsa with the defenders but none of it ever interested you much.
But, watching from your place behind the goal, you were very interested. You glance around for your Momma and Morsa before you scooch off the blanket you're sitting on. You continue to bum shuffle onto the grass of the pitch until you're peering around the left goalpost, watching as Ann-Katrin goes for a dive.
You grin and clap as she saves it and Zećira looks at you fondly. She approaches and crouches in front of you. "I thought I left you on your blanket?" She teases, picking you up under your arms.
"I watch," You say. You poke at her gloves. "Momma and Morsa don't have to wear them."
"Magda and Pernille don't have our job," Zećira says," We have one of the most important jobs."
"You stop the goals."
"We stop the goals." Ann-Katrin joins you now. She looks a little less intimidating now as she drops down onto a knee. "Do you want to try?" She holds out a pair of gloves.
You look to Zećira for permission, because you know she's in charge when Momma and Morsa aren't there. She nods.
You nod too and Ann-Katrin places them on your hands. They're a little big on you, obviously made for adults but you don't really care, just happy to be wearing them.
They feel nice in a way that you can't explain and, when Zećira kicks a ball into your hands, they feel even better.
With the goalkeeper coach happy to let the three of you muck around, Ann-Katrin stands behind you, coaching you side to side to block Zećira's shots (and helping you stop the ones that just slip past your gloves).
You're mostly successful and it makes you feel all good and fluttery inside - more so than when Momma lets you play around with her and Sam or when Morsa and Millie try to train you into a 'brick wall' or something.
You beam down at Zećira as Ann-Katrin lets you ride on her shoulders.
"A natural!" Zećira proclaims," The future first goalkeeper of Sweden!"
You keep smiling as you're carted around and, when the coach makes the pair go back to work, he lets you stand by him, explaining what he was making them do and why it helped.
You're extremely happy by the time you're given back over to your mothers.
You happily chat away to Momma about your exciting day with the keepers and she oohs and aahs suitably over your rapid fire explanations (while hiding the disappointment she's feeling at your clear lack of interest in being a forward).
Zećira grins cockily at Magda as she approaches, slapping her friend on the back. "Here," She says," I completely forgot that I had these earlier."
She presses child-sized keeper's gloves into Magda's hand.
Magda raises an unimpressed brow. "And you just happened to have these lying around your house?"
Zećira shrugs unconcernedly as she and Magda look at you and Pernille. "What can I say? I had a feeling."
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moonstruckme · 9 months
This celebration is so cute ahhhh
Two Ghosts - send autumn/Halloween-specific prompts!
anyway, imagine picking out your halloween costume with the marauders
Remus is so supportive of whatever (as long as you don't make him do anything too weird), James wants to do something that matches, and Sirius is all like "this one would make your tits look great, ah babe this one would show off your lovely thighs, I've always wanted to fuck a nurse :)"
I hope I'm doing this right, this is my first time having the pleasure of participating in a celebration!
You're good, lovely! Thanks for participating :)
join the party
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 474 words
“No,” Remus says as Sirius comes pulls up yet another picture of a group costume. “Pads, my one condition is that I get to be fully clothed. I’m not going to change my mind.” 
“But we’d look so hot as the sexy Scooby Doo gang,” Sirius whines, but when Remus’ expression doesn’t change, he switches tactics. “You can’t tell me you don’t want to see me in a collar, Moony.” 
Remus rolls his eyes, seemingly unaffected. “I could have you in a collar anytime I wanted to. Next.” 
“Ooh, I like this one!” James says, swiveling his laptop around for you all to see. “We could be smurfs!”
Sirius sighs heavily, tipping his head back against the couch cushions. “None of you sees the vision,” he laments. 
While you can’t say you’re totally on board with Sirius’ plan of walking around in essentially underwear on what’s bound to be a chilly night, you agree with him about this one. 
“I don’t love the idea of painting my face and everything blue,” you tell James gently. “Haven’t you seen the videos where it won’t come off?”
“What if we just all went as ghosts,” Remus suggests, patting James’ head consolingly when he pouts. “It’s simple, it’s easy, we all already have sheets.” 
“Ghosts,” Sirius says severely, “are not hot.” 
“You know what else isn’t going to be hot?” Remus counters. “The weather, on October thirty first.” 
“I’m sure we can find a compromise,” you say, moving further onto Sirius’ lap before he can get too amped up. You lean your head against his chest placatingly, looking at the screen of his laptop. “Merlin, these are skimpy.” 
“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Sirius murmurs, kissing the crown of your head absentmindedly. He scrolls a bit further, and then you feel him perk up in excitement even before he speaks. “Okay, okay, compromise: nurses and doctor. Rem, you can be a doctor if you want to wear, like, pants or whatever—” he shakes his head as if such a desire is unbelievable “—but the rest of us can be sexy nurses. Look, sweetheart, this neckline will make your tits look great.” 
You gaze at the tiny bits of white fabric covering the model in the picture, dread settling like a weight in your gut. “It’s…a lot of skin.”
“Yup.” Sirius nods, pleased with himself. “Gotta show it off, sweet thing. And I get to show you off in the process.” 
James gets up, peering over your shoulders to see. “Merlin,” he breathes. “Alright, I’m willing to freeze my ass off if you guys are. So long as we’re doing it together, yeah?” 
“We’re gonna be so cold,” you agree.
“Aw, don’t worry sweetheart.” Sirius rubs your shoulder eagerly. “I’m sure Moony will lend you his doctor’s coat if you need it, won’t you handsome?”
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Dean or Sam Winchester x reader that’s really touch starved/clingy
Touch starved
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Sorry this took me so long to get to! I did both sam and dean!!
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starting off, I feel like dean wouldn't really mind, only because he really likes physical affection too, but just doesn't act on it
He would def act like it annoys him though, he doesn't want to lose that 'tough' exterior.
Will definitely warm to it though!
Finds it cute that your so affectionate this way, and it fills him with pride every time you come find him.
Here's some headcannons abt once he's warmed up to you:
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110% his face anytime he's hugged or cuddled from you ^
It's not uncommon to be cuddled up to him on an uncomfy motel couch as you two watch Scooby-Doo
If you ever wake up in the middle of the night while cuddling with him, you'll find him cuddled up to you, almost protectively
Definitely hates waking up, and just pulls you by the waist when you try to get up so you can keep cuddling
Will only admit he likes to cuddle and be physically affectionate when he's tired or drunk off his ass-
Not surprisingly, he also doesn't mind the other little forms of physical affection, like holding hands, or just generally being pressed onto him like your glued together-
Once he's warmed up to it, you can't escape it, he's always hanging off if you pretty much
Being a hunter doesn't provide comfort, and he loves that he can find that comfort in your hugs and cuddles
Will 100% come find you and just throw you over his shoulder to cuddle with you, does not care what your doing.
Hugs you daily, but says he hates it.
He'll always act annoyed, but he secretly adores it when you practically hang off of him while he's doing something, important or not
I like to think that when you hold hands, he's the kind of guy to rub the back of your hand with his thumb
LOVES fiddling with your hands while he's reading something, makes him focus better
Is a suckler for cuddling, also because your so warm-
Most of these ones were about cuddling I'm sorry-
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More open to it in some ways then dean, but he takes WAAAAY longer than dean did to fully warm up to it
Bby is so nervous and scared that if he fully warms up to you, he's just gonna lose you like Jessica, so he doesn't really reciprocate that much...
But once he does... you better look out
Lives for just coming home from a long hunt and flopping down on top of you
Bby is a certified cuddle monster
He has dragged you from rooms on multiple occasions just to cuddle with you.
Loves when you try to hang off his arms like a koala.
OOH! Sam having such long limbs makes cuddling so much more relaxing, he's practically like a cocoon for you, ESPECIALLY if he's the big spoon!
I feel like he wouldn't really be that big on reciprocating your clinginess around other people or in public (whether you're on a hunt or not)
He does like to carry you on his back while looks for books though, and you do too tbh
Finds you absolutely adorable when your clingy, not that he doesn't all the time anyway, but it's Moreso then usual
Lots of tickle fights or little chomps from him while you guys cuddle, he just can't help himself!
Loves how you always wanna just be practically glued to him, makes him feel loved <3
When he's researching, your cuddles are the only thing that can make him take a break.
Pokes fun about how small you are compared to him when you cuddle, calls it cute that someone could be tiny like that.
LOVESLOVESLOVESLOVES hand holding and comparing hand sizes!!
Wearing one if his absolutely huge shirts or flannels is instant cuddles, use that to your advantage.
Likes to cuddle when he actually takes breaks from research, I mean REALLY likes cuddling
Is like dean where he loves cuddling with you cuz your warm asf-
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hockeyandhrsepwr · 1 year
Off the Sea
Charles Leclerc x yachtie reader
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Charlesleclerc Big thanks to RivaYacht for the fun this summer (and yntakestheseas)
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yntakestheseas Are you thanking me for fun too or thanking them for me?? #Confuzzled 
LandoNorris I mean, you did meet because of them
ArthurLeclerc true dat
yntakestheseas no one asked you gremlins
Charlesleclerc be nice to the children!
Bestie you should be thanking me for convincing her to give you a chance 
yntakestheseas It didn’t take much convincing 
Bestie Babe, i remember differently 
yntakestheseas 🤫, he thinks he has swag. 
Joris Doesn't even give me photo creds
yntakestheseas Thanks for the photos J!! 📸Always happy to have you around
Joris at least someone appreciates me 👍
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Charlesleclerc 4 years of bliss. Happy Anniversary mon amour 💕💕
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yntakestheseas Happy anniversary lover boy 🫶❤️
Fan4 4 Years!?
yntakestheseas we were trying to be private, and it would’ve worked too if it wasn’t for that meddling gossip account!
Charlesleclerc did you just steal a villain speech from Scooby Doo?
yntakestheseas and what if I did?🤨
CarlosSainz55 The two of you are sickeningly cute
yntakestheseas aw, thanks buddy 😘
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yntakestheseas guys help me to convince Charles that we need this
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Charlesleclerc babe stop being ridiculous 
yntakestheseas just imagine how cool we'll look whipping around the port in this bad boy!!
Charlesleclerc who is we? Because it sure as hell won’t be me
PierreGasly I vote yes, but just so I can make fun of him
ScudderiaFerrari Its a yes from us!
Fan847 omg please! 
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yntakestheseas Monaco nights with Bestie
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Bestie never a dull moment with you!!
yntakestheseas you know you love it 
LandoNorris next time don't drag me out with you 
Bestie you begged to be invited
CharlesLeclerc God my girl is a stunner 😍
yntakestheseas she is isn’t she?
PierreGasly did you seriously just compliment yourself?
Yntakestheseas if you’ve got it flaunt it. And says you mr photo dump
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yntakestheseas Cheers to the best crew ever, I’m gonna miss you guys
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Stew2 best boss ever
yntakestheseas Aw, I love you sm!!
BoatCapJoe sure I can’t convince you to come back?
yntakestheseas not this time Joe!! Its been amazing working with you over the last 3 years though
BoatCapJoe We’ll miss you but you’re moving on to better things!!
Deck37 Will miss working & nights out with you!
yntakestheseas ill miss you too!! We’ll catch up next time you’re around
User74 what do you do for the winter when yachting? I’m interested in the industry!
yntakestheseas  a lot of yachties go and do the Caribbean season which starts around November, do other seasonal jobs like skiing or go home until the following April. I personally stick around Europe (there is still work) and usually end up doing couple of trips to Dubai or the Seychelles, it really just depends on who you work for! But good luck! Its a great job to have
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yntakestheseas yacht girl summer
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PierreGasly isn’t every summer technically that for you?
yntakestheseas yes but no. 
Bestie girlie is thriving
yntakestheseas its a hard life. Although the service is a bit shit
ArthurLeclerc thats rude
yntakestheseas you dropped a whole bottle of champagne on me! And a cup of coffee
ArthurLeclerc THAT WASNT ME!!
yntakestheseas well it wasn’t a ghost
CharlesLeclerc Sure it wasn’t ArthurLeclerc 
F1fan so she’s just using Charles for his money then?
Fan23 let her live, she clearly has worked hard
yntakestheseas actually babe, I had a week off because the boat I work on needed some repairs which is why I decided to join my boyfriend on holiday if thats okay with you? 
Ferrari23 ooh, get them queen
The New F1 season is getting underway as drivers head to Bahrain. The question on everyone mind, will we get a Y/N sighting in the paddock this year? Since her relationship with the Ferrari driver was exposed this past summer, can we expect our favourite stewardess to make an appearance & support her boyfriend?
F1 Gossip
Well folks, we're into May now and no y/n sightings. is there trouble in paradise for the fan favourite couple?
Fan56 dude they were private for nearly 4 years. just because she hasn't been spotted doesn't mean they've broken up.
f1user omg just let her exist in peace!! she's probably working
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yntakestheseas This'll be the first summer since I started yachting at 18 that I'm not on a boat, but 9 years later it’s time for a new adventure with my favourite person by my side 🫶
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Charlesleclerc no one I’d rather do this with mon amour
Ferrarifan84 Oh my god what!!!
Bestie Mama mode!!! Can't wait to meet the little one
yntakestheseas They can't wait to meet favourite auntie!!
Aurthurleclerc Favourite uncle loading!
Lorenzotl sure 
PierreGasly dibs on godfather!
Carlossainz55 I don’t think so mate
CharlesLeclerc it’s neither of you 
SebastianVettel Congratulations! You’re going to be amazing parents 
yntakestheseas Thank you Seb!! 
LandoNorris Can I babysit!!
yntakestheseas absolutely not
LewisHamilton Can I?
yntakestheseas Absolutely, as long as Roscoe comes to visit
LandoNorris 😮
Fan565 dad Charles era!!!!
F1gossip holy crap
Estebanocon Congrats!!!
yntakestheseas Merci Estie<3
ScudderiaFerrari New driver to sign!! Congratulations guys
Pascale_leclerc grateful he found you & can’t wait to welcome them into the world
yntakestheseas Love you Pascale!! Youre going to be the best grandma to little bean
Ferrarifan not what I expected but a slay nevertheless 
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What if Eddie had been hidden at Steve's house after Chrissy? Part Two
Part one
Steve entered the Creel house. His thoughts immediately turned to Eddie. This house screamed haunted, and it was definitely something that Eddie would have loved to investigate. It's crazy how quickly the guy grew on him, how quickly he developed feelings for the guy who had been living in his house the last few days. He fondly recalled when he had woken up to find Eddie had gone downstairs and managed to find a channel that was playing Scooby-Doo. Eddie had passed out in front of the TV, and Steve had to up carry him back to bed.
"Whatcha thinking about?" Dustin asked with a wicked grin.
"Fuck off," Steve said, the grin slipping from his face and glared at Dustin.
"I didn't say anything," Dustin grinned and paused. "So, are we going to talk about it?"
"Talk about what?" Steve asked.
"The incident," Dustin said and made kissing faces.
Steve groaned.
"I did it without thinking, okay?" Steve asked.
"Which means subconsciously that you wanted to do it," Dustin grinned. "It would be the coolest thing if my two favorite people got together."
"Okay, just because I like him doesn't mean he likes me back. In fact, he probably hates me now," Steve mumbled the last part. "Wait, I'm your favorite person?"
"Okay, even if he doesn't like you in that way, he wouldn't hate you for liking him. He'd probably be super flattered. I would be," Dustin said. "And Steve? You know I look up to you, right? We all do. I know we joke about you being our mom, but we know that you're our brother. Even Mike says so. We love you."
"Jesus, it's so dusty in here," Steve said, sniffling and blinking his watery eyes. "Love you too, man."
"Come on, Fred, let's go search for clues," Dustin said.
"I guess that makes you Scooby then," Steve said.
"Why in the hell does that make me Scooby?"
"Don't be so offended, man, you'd be lucky to be Scooby."
"Yeah, you're spending way too much time with Eddie," Dustin said.
They searched the house for clues where Steve ran into a black widow web. Now, thanks to Robin, on top of everything, Steve was worried about spider eggs nesting in his hair. It definitely caused him to question his friendship with her a little bit. They were led into the attic, and they figured out that Vecna was operating from the Upside Down. Nancy suggested going back to Lover's Lake to search for more clues. Hopefully, the cops were gone by now. They weren't, so Steve suggested they wait it out at Skull Rock.
"So, are you going to bring Eddie here after everything?" Nancy said teasingly.
"Ugh, seriously, you too?" Steve asked.
"Oh, come on. You definitely have a type. Nerds with very big hair," Nancy said, flipping her hair.
"Ooh, are we teasing Steve about his crush?" Robin asked, coming up behind Nancy. "You definitely have a type."
"Seriously, Robin?"
"Oh, come on, you teased me about my crush on Vickie. It's only fair that I do the same," Robin said, and then her eyes widened, slapping a hand over her mouth.
"Robin, it's fine. You don't have to worry about me. I had a friend like you, and I'm more than okay with Steve, too. I don't judge. . .well, not matters like these," Nancy said softly.
"Barb?" Robin asked softly, and Nancy nodded, tears filling her eyes.
"I just can't believe that this happened again. With Fred, I should have - " Nancy began, her bottom lip quivering.
"Hey, Nancy, it's not your fault," Steve said softly and pulled her into his chest. "It wasn't your fault then, and it wasn't your fault now. Okay?"
"It wasn't your fault either, Steve. I'm sorry," Nancy said.
"If anyone is to blame, it's that asshole scientist who decided to play god," Steve said.
"Yeah, fuck that guy," Robin said and Nancy laughed.
"Group hug!" Dustin exclaimed, grabbing Max and pulling her with him.
They laughed as the three kids slammed into them. Pretty soon, they were all laughing against each other. They started moving towards Lover's Lake, waiting near the treeline for the cops to clear out. It wasn't until night started to fall that the cops finally drove away. When they did, Dustin realized that his compass was going all wonky. It led to them figuring out that there was a gate in Lover's Lake. Dustin had started following the compass closer to the lake when they ran into Eddie.
"Eddie! What the hell?!" Steve and Dustin exclaimed.
"Jason - gasp - came - gasp - knocking," Eddie said breathlessly as he leaned heavily against Steve.
"Shit," Steve cursed. "Are you okay?"
"No, man. I think someone told Jason that Henderson hangs out there all the time," Eddie said when he finally caught his breath and buried his face into Steve’s neck. "I don't feel safe anywhere, man. I mean, except with you. I mean, all of you. Not just Steve. So, what's happening here then?"
Eddie straightened up, crossing his arms, realizing that there were people watching. His cheeks were tinged pink.
"Well, we found out that Vecna is attacking from the Upside Down, and there might be a gate in Lover's Lake, which is where Patrick died. Jason thought he saw Eddie, apparently, but according to the police it was just someone going for a late night swim," Dustin said. "I overheard Callahan, and apparently Jason thinks you're a vessel for Satan."
"Well, he's definitely hot enough," Steve said outloud, and everyone turned to look at him. "You know, because of Hellfire and hell is hot, which is where Satan lives, you know? Forget I said anything!"
"No, I want to hear more about how you think I'm hot enough for hell," Eddie said, smirking.
"You can talk about that later, Eddie!" Dustin said, snapping his fingers at him. "Onward!"
He started running towards the lake. He would have fallen in if it hadn't been for Eddie and Steve catching him.
"Careful there, big guy," Eddie said, slapping his chest.
Luckily, they found someone's boat abandoned by the shore. Steve and Eddie held the boat down while Robin climbed in. Steve offered his hand to Robin, but she decided to help herself by using his and Eddie's heads. Steve held his hand out to Eddie. He took Steve’s hand, turned it over, and placed a kiss on it before climbing into the boat to help Nancy. Meanwhile, Robin giggled with Nancy, pointing at Steve's red face.
Steve stood up in the boat, took off his shoes, and then his sweater. He tossed it at Eddie and winked at him. Eddie cursed at Steve and then took his hand, gazing at him. Steve gripped his hand, rubbing his thumb over his skin as he stared into Eddie's wide brown eyes. Steve sucked in a breath.
"Be careful," Eddie muttered and released Steve’s hand, touching the spot where Steve rubbed.
Eddie watched as Steve jumped into the lake. Eddie pulled out a cigarette with shaking hands and went to light it, but before he could, Robin took the cigarette out of his mouth. Eddie watched as she threw it into the lake.
"Gross," she said.
"So I'm just supposed to sit here stressed?" Eddie grumped. "You know, a fish probably ate that."
"I'm worried about him too," Robin said and took his hand.
"You taking advantage of my stressed out state, Buckley?" Eddie asked.
"Even if I wasn't a big fat lesbian, Munson, I wouldn't touch your grungy ass with a ten foot pole," Robin said, and Eddie laughed. "You know, you asked Steve that very same question. Do you WANT someone to take advantage of you?
"Me too, Buckley, I mean, not a lesbian but you know, a bisexual!" Eddie said, slapping her knee.
Robin and Eddie turned to look at Nancy. She laughed.
"I'm okay with you guys being interested in the same gender but I'm strictly into dick. Although I've never been good at the whole romance thing, especially after everything. It's partially why me and Jonathan broke up. I wanted to focus on college, and he wanted to focus on his family," Nancy said. "There's this huge relief that I'm single now where I can just focus on me. I suppose I sound like an asshole."
"What? No!" Robin and Eddie said.
"You're young, Nance, we all are. If being in a relationship isn't something you want, then that's your choice," Robin said. "It's a respectable one."
"You know sea turtles reproduce asexually," Eddie said. "Meaning that they can reproduce without having sex."
"I like sex," Nancy blurted out and slapped a hand over her mouth.
"Hey, no shame in a woman liking sex. You know, there might be a word for you one day. If sea turtles can be asexual then I'm sure there's a word out there -,"
Eddie was interrupted by Steve, resurfacing and telling them that there was definitely a gate in Lover's Lake. Just as quickly as he appeared, Steve was yanked underneath the water. Eddie shrieked, pushing Robin and Nancy out of the way as he dove immediately into the water. Eddie dove into the gate and climbed into the Upside Down. Lightning flashed overhead, and the screech of bat like creatures entered Eddie's ears. Fury ignited in Eddie when he saw Steve being attacked by the bats. He let out a yell and grabbed an oar off the ground of the empty lake. He could hear Nancy and Robin fight along with him as he beat the bats off of Steve. He watched out of the corner of his eye as Steve stood on the bat, ripping it apart with his feet and mouth. Eddie couldn't help but let out the scream that built up beside him.
The bats blocked the gate, so there was no going back through there, and more were coming. Eddie wrapped his arm around Steve’s waist and followed the other two to Skull Rock. Eddie leaned back Steve against the rock and took off his jacket, then he took off Steve’s sweater. That's when Steve noticed that Eddie was wearing one of his polos along with his jeans.
"I see you really helped yourself to my clothes," Steve smirked.
Eddie leaned close to his face until Steve could feel his breath against his skin.
"I'm also wearing your underwear. . .big boy," Eddie whispered. "It's almost as if you're wrapped around my body."
"Jesus," Steve choked. "Are you trying to finish me off? Wait. Don't answer that."
Eddie laughed and took off Steve’s polo, then the undershirt he was wearing underneath. He slipped the polo back on and started tearing up the undershirt to tie around Steve’s waist, getting on his knees to do it. Nancy handed him her own torn up shirt, and he used it to pack it in. He placed his hands on Steve’s hips, admiring his work. Eddie suddenly realized the position he was in and looked up to meet Steve’s darkening eyes. Eddie found it difficult to breathe.
"We are in another dimension! There is NO time for that!" Robin squawked.
"Damn it!" Steve and Eddie cursed.
Eddie put the sweater and his jacket back on, taking his vest off. He slipped the vest onto Steve and clutched the collar.
"For your modesty," Eddie whispered.
"You could have given me the sweater, you know," Steve said.
"Eh, I thought you would look hot as hell in my battle vest, and I was right. Besides, this sweater is mine now," Eddie said and crashed his lips to Steve’s.
The kiss was short but long enough for Steve to kiss back, and this time kissing Eddie was purposeful. Eddie rested his forehead against Steve’s.
"I'm glad you're still here," Eddie whispered.
Part Three Coming Soon (that will definitely be the final part)
A/N: Yes, Eddie was about to come up the word aromantic a few years early. Too bad he was interrupted. Yes. Nancy is single. I hated that storyline. (I honestly hate Jancy). Especially when Jonathan expected that Nancy would give up her dreams for him. Wtf was that?
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solar-wing · 11 months
⚣ YJ BatBro Incorrect Quotes: Scooby Doo ⍘
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⚣ ⍘ A/N → ah memories. My first ever BatBro and Conner Kent post. Time sure does fly. Anyway, what I said still stands. There needs to be more Conner Kent x Male Reader and just male reader content in general. Batfam included :) WARNINGS: typical chaos, fluff, sibling arguments, random humor
⚣ ⍘ Summary → You join the Young Justice Team against the wishes of your father, Bruce Wayne aka Batman, who doesn't want his youngest son to join the superhero world. You've also got a mad crush on Conner Kent aka Superboy. Ever since you've joined though, you've got this weird habit of having moments in life feel like incorrect quotes. Oh well...
REBLOGS and replies are greatly appreciated, please! 💛
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Superboy: Gee, Dad. Does this mean you finally accept what I want to do with my life me as your son?
Superman: *laughs* Hah-hah-ooh Superboy.
Superman: No.
Superboy: *sad*
You: *calm murderous*
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*Batman, Red Tornado, Black Canary, and the Team in the mission room with you & Kid Flash dressed up like waitressing girls*
You: Um, like this isn't exactly what I had in mind. Why are KF & I dressed up like girls when Artemis & M'Gann are girls?
Wally: Yeah *pulling on dress* my skirt's too tight.
Artemis: Because M'Gann & I refused.
*You & Wally grumbling*
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You: *dialing Conner* Sphere? It's Y/N. Put Conner on.
You: *Pause* ...because you're almost impossible to understand on a phone.
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*Kid Flash leading everyone through a door and shutting it*
*Demon Vampire that looks like Batman locks the door trapping everyone inside and throws away the key*
*runs away*
You: *mocking Kid Flash* 'Everybody! In Here!' Nice.
Kid Flash: How was I supposed to know we'd get locked in by your dad?
You: It's a cage KF! You always want to stay on the outside of a cage. And that's NOT MY DAD!
DV: *brooding*
You: I don't think...
Robin: *facepalms*
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*everyone looking down an ominous tunnel*
You: I wonder where it leads?
Superboy: Only one way to find out. *drops down chute*
Superboy: All clear! Come on down!
You: Catch me Superboy! *drops down and lands on your butt*
Superboy: Did you say something Y/S/N?
You: *sigh* never mind.
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*Wally receives message from Kent Nelson*
You: What does it say?
Message from Kent: HEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You: Heep? What the hecks that mean?
*finding Kent*
Kent: I meant to type 'Help!" I'm no good with these new fangled gadgets.
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*talking about Bruce to the team*
You: Every day for two weeks now, he runs screaming down the hall and ends up sleeping in the yard. Is that normal?
Wally: For your dad? Probably.
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Speedy: What's up with Superboy?
*Superboy screaming and ripping his shirt off*
You: Oh, he's just in the zone. It'll pass.
You: If not, we'll spray him with a hose.
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*you and the team show up at the hospital*
You: Can we help you with anything?
Bruce: No. Go away.
M'Gann: Who's the patient?
Bruce: An employee at Wayne Tech. Go away.
Wally: What happened to him?
Bruce: it's classified...go away.
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*You and Artemis watching Wally and Conner spar*
Artemis: Hey Y/N, let me ask you something. If you liked a boy...?
You: *gasps* WHO TOLD YOU?! Was it one of my brothers?? Dick! Hmm, he thinks he's so perfect. WELL, what no one knows is he has a SIXTH TOE on his...
Artemis: UH! What are you talking about?
You: I- Clearly, not what you were talking about…
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You: Dad, you're vampiring is tearing this family apart! I'm sorry but you've left me no choice. I'm going to have to stake you! *randomly pulls out a wooden stake and mallet*
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☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
☀️ | DC Masterlist | ☀️
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spahhzy · 7 months
Unlikely pair pt. 1
Oh Jaune, you're going to learn. Those 'Arc Promises' of yours is gonna get yourself killed one day.
The group that was RWBY + Jaune walked through the desert, the city of Vacuo only miles away as air ships loomed over head. Everyone was still reeling from the events that had transpired...all except for one.
??: Are their yet? are we their yet? Are we their yet?
Jaune groaned in annoyance as he slapped his cheek. A small 'ow' could be heard from where his palm met cheek. Lifting his hand up revealed a singular neon blue eye, whiskers, and a smile.
??: That's not very nice Jaune!
Jaune: Can I get even five minutes without you being annoying C.C.
C.C: Oh, come on, this is all new to me! Can't blame me for being sooooo-
Jaune: Don't you dare finish that sentence!
C.C. : Curious!
Jaune sighed, already regretting EVERYTHING that has led up to this.
C.C.: ooooh I can't wait to meet you're friends, it's going to be one big hug-a-pa-looza!
Jaune: Hug-a-wah? No, you just stay quiet!
??: une!
C.C: But it's all so thrilling, LOOK AT ALL THE SAND!
Jaune: I hate you.
??: aune!
C.C: Love you too best buddy!
??: Jaune!
Jaune/C.C: WHAT!?
Blake flinched at the shout as Ruby put a hand on Jaune's shoulder.
Ruby: How are you holding up?
Jaune: Fine... all things considered.
Ruby: and what about your...
C.C: I am doing great, Ruby! Hey, no hard feelings, right? Ooh remind me to go apologize to that Neo girl too, bless her heart, I hope she really does find herself.
Ruby just cringed as Jaune just rolled his eyes and moved forward as suddenly Weiss walked right next to Jaune.
Weiss: Jaune, if I may ask?
Jaune: Yes?
Weiss: Why did you let the cat inhabit your body.
Jaune just sighed as he looked at the warships over the city of Vacuo.
Jaune: We'll, I guess I felt...I don't know? Sorry?
C.C.: Awww, so you doo care about me!
Jaune: I will dunk my head in water and drown both of us!
C.C: Shutting up.
Jaune: But i guess, really. It all started when we both fell into the tree.
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neopuff · 1 year
i know its important for everyone on the internet to talk about how much they hate Velma, but you’re all taking the ‘heartbreaking: horrible person says something right’ meme WAY too far. unironically reblogging alt right racist talking points because you hate Mindy Kaling is not the w that yall seem to think it is
if you see a post that mentions “forced diversity” or “disingenuous racebending” then i recommend thinking about who wrote this (a racist), why they wrote it (because they believe whiteness needs to be protected), and whether or not they have a similar problem with every other reboot or whatever that ‘replaces’ white characters with characters of color (they sure do). forced diversity is not real, it’s just a more progressive-sounding term than ‘blackwashing’ but they all come from the same people with the same motivations
when you cant go on twitter without seeing hot takes like “we knew the show would be bad when they made velma look like that” you really cant assume everyone is hating on this show because they are also super precious about the scooby doo ip. a significant portion of the hate for this show is coming from racists who love shows with the same kind of humor when the cast is majority white.
anyway i would just love for everyone to use their brains a little and not just go all ‘ooh anti-velma post, must reblog’ everytime they see something about it. the show has plenty of actual bad stuff to make fun of, the racebent cast is not one of those things.
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arent-i-the-fairest · 2 years
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you’re hanging out with epel when you decide to cut your bangs with grim’s assistance. spoilers, the results were not good. and more spoilers, vil and rook saw it before you could run and get them fixed by a professional.
author’s note : courtesy of me messing up my own hair :’)
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“scissors, scissors…” you hum to yourself as you place your comb on the coffee table. “do we have any scissors around here?”
“i think ace left a pair for us on top of the fireplace!” grim replied through huffs as he hauled a mirror much larger than himself. epel took a seat, watching as you rummaged for it. he had a pretty bad feeling about this.
“say, prefect, do you really know what you’re doin’?” he questioned nervously, sinking back into the sofa.
“you’re worrying over nothing, epel. of course i know what i’m doing! besides, if i mess up, i can have grim fix it! anyways, we have everything we need, we’re all set now!” you announce, skipping over to sit beside him.
“grea—” epel choked when he saw the kind of scissors you were planning to use. they were bright and colorful, and the last time he saw them was probably in like 2nd grade. “—wavy craft scissors?! your bangs are gonna be super weird looking, y’know that?”
you huffed as you grabbed the comb and started brushing a small section of hair in front of your face. “it’s the only thing i have! i don’t feel like going and buying proper ones from sam, and i don’t wanna go all the way to another dorm to borrow a pair.” you grabbed the spray bottle and wetted your hair. “besides, i can make it work… probably.”
“hard to believe it when ‘ya sound so unsure.” epel sighed, narrowing his eyes at you. but whatever, he won’t try and talk you out of it. he’ll just sit there and hope things go alright.
(… he was foolish for having a shred of hope.)
you positioned the scissors at the middle of your forehead. “how’s here?”
“that’s perfect!” / “that’s too short!” grim and epel shouted at the same time. you started cutting anyways, but stopped once the words registered. now one side of your face had squiggly bangs and the other was left untouched.
“what do you mean too short?!”
“vil’s talked to me about this before! ‘said people usually cut their bangs a little lower! anything shorter than that can look tacky!”
“you should have said something!” you wailed, gripping the half-cut side of your bangs.
“i did—! ah, whatever..” epel groaned, slapping his hand against his forehead. “well, don’t just leave half of it cut. go all the way! commit!”
“grim, you do it! i don’t have the confidence to!” you sniff, holding the scissors out.
“leave it to me!” the cat-monster smirked, looping the scissors around his tiny paws as epel sprang out of his seat.
“hey, don’t—!!”
… so here the three of you were now. you had some fucked up bangs. epel and grim were wondering what to do.
“mmh.. let’s go and get them fixed by a pro?” epel suggested.
“yeah,” you simply replied before going upstairs to change. the two were waiting for you downstairs, then they heard a knock at the door.
“i’ll get it!” epel shouted. he froze as soon as he opened it. vil and rook, in the flesh.
“ooh, monsieur pommette! what a lovely surprise!” rook cooed.
“a lovely surprise, alright, ehehe..” epel coughed. “so, uh, what brings you here?”
“delivering a package for the prefect.” vil held up a fancy-looking purple box. “inside of it is skincare— my brand, of course. they’ve been dying to get their hands on it. now, if you could move over for us, we’ll—”
“epel! who’s at the doo— ah.”
upon seeing your new haircut, rook let out a surprised ‘oh!’ as he covered his mouth with his hand and vil’s eye twitched.
“just what have you done to your hair?”
vil schoenheit
he’s no hairdresser, but he knows a thing or two, and he will fix your hair. it’s a bit difficult for him to find a way to salvage it at first, but he decides he’ll turn it into a stylish choppy look. (maybe a bit similar to how che’nya’s looks. you and him can twin, how cute!)
“honestly, you couldn’t have just gotten it done professionally? how did you even manage to get it to this point?” vil muttered.
“look, me and grim were looking for a way to save madol. we gotta eat, y’know? the headmaster’s not paying me for saving people’s lives, unfortunately.” you pout. “by the way, you’re not making me pay for this, are you?”
rook hunt
he’s still able to find things to compliment about your bangs, and he’s doing it all throughout the time vil is fixing it. kudos to him for seeing the bright side of things! though it’s hard to tell if he’s actually a fan of the look or just trying to make you feel better.
“ooh la la~! such an innovative hairstyle you’ve come up with, trickster! i’ve never seen anything quite like it! it’s… different! it compliments your face so nicely, and—”
“rook, they’re exhausted enough, i don’t think you’re helping.” vil sighed as he carefully snipped at your hair.
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hisbrunetteroots · 2 months
[For Travis]
Here's to the ones that we got Cheers to the wish you were here, but you're not 'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories Of everything we've been through Toast to the ones here today Toast to the ones that we lost on the way 'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories And the memories bring back, memories bring back you
There's a time that I remember, when I did not know no pain When I believed in forever, and everything would stay the same Now my heart feel like December when somebody say your name 'Cause I can't reach out to call you, but I know I will one day, yeah
Everybody hurts sometimes Everybody hurts someday, ayy ayy But everything gon' be alright Go and raise a glass and say, ayy
Here's to the ones that we got Cheers to the wish you were here, but you're not 'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories Of everything we've been through Toast to the ones here today Toast to the ones that we lost on the way 'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories And the memories bring back, memories bring back you
Doo doo, doo doo doo doo Doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo Doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo Memories bring back, memories bring back you
There's a time that I remember when I never felt so lost When I felt all of the hatred was too powerful to stop (ooh, yeah) Now my heart feel like an ember and it's lighting up the dark I'll carry these torches for ya that you know I'll never drop, yeah
Everybody hurts sometimes Everybody hurts someday, ayy ayy But everything gon' be alright Go and raise a glass and say, ayy
Here's to the ones that we got (oh) Cheers to the wish you were here, but you're not 'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories Of everything we've been through (no, no) Toast to the ones here today (ayy) Toast to the ones that we lost on the way 'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories (ayy) And the memories bring back, memories bring back you
Doo doo, doo doo doo doo Doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo Doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo Memories bring back, memories bring back you Doo doo, doo doo doo doo Doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo Doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo (ooh, yeah) Memories bring back, memories bring back you
Yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, doh, doh Memories bring back, memories bring back you
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You broke him
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missamyrisa2 · 9 months
I need miss Amy to do unspeakably ticklish things to my lovely mounds and my two perky buttons… my tits are so needy
What a dangerous request you make ~~ because I just adoooore ~ ticklish sensitive girly mounds with lovely royal girly buttons~ mmmh~ and I doo believe I'll have you gently restrained in a comfy chair with your arms to your sides ~ see, I love the arms up position but there's something sooo teasy teasy about being in this cozy chair with your arms at your sides as if you were relaxing ~ but of course you won't be able to stop what I'm going to do to your cute ticklish body~
"Hiiiii~" I exclaim, bouncing into your lap and immediately going to tickles with my fluttering fingers drawing along your underboob. "Where'd your top go, silly? Are you all tied up in this chair with no place to go and your fun bags out? Awwe, whooo let the fun bags outttt?" I snicker and sass, tracing the outer curves of your lady mounds~ "Whooo? Was it youuu? Mmhmm~ Oh, does that tickle? Does it tiiiggle tiggle? Careful now, don't give yourself a black eye~!" My chuckles match your laughs, my fingers teasing all along the outerboob up to the top where I give you a loving little rub. "Say, what type of bees make milk?" My fingers draw carefully around as I raise my eyebrows at you, testing for all those hot spots before reaching into the pocket of my tiny shorts ~ "Boobees! Aww, didn't like that one~ well this'll give ya a lift~ Did ya see these little sparkly handles? Soo cute and look the plume of my makeup brush is like a heart!" I explain and display while casually fluffing the soft tool along your gorgeous button, flicking the tip ever so rapidly. "Is that ~heart~ to believe?"
I'm leaning up and snickering tauntingly, slipping a hand around you as I join you on the chair, my makeup brush tracing and painting carefully along the edges of your areola, testing for the hottest spots to make you squirm and thrash. "I'm something of a heartist after all~" I move to the other boob while my free hand traces up to your ribs and occasionally squeezes your side for emphasis when I coo and taunt in your ear. "Mmmhmm. Yeahh that's what I thought ~ ticklish button here too~ the question is~" I move up to kneel over you and pull out another brush, smirking brightly. "Which is more ticklish? Which is more sensitive? Which one reallllly brings home the gigglesss?" Each brush flutters tauntingly, descending slowly towards your jiggly curves. "Left, or right? Is it more ticklish on the left, or right?" The test begins with one brush twirling on the left before the right glides in to do the same as the left brushes back and forth chasing that swollen button. "Tell me which one ~ come on, don't playyy heart to get~" I laugh at myself, taking my heart-shaped plumes to each nipple, working outward in swirls before letting them slowly tickle the underboob~ "Phew, when was the last time you had your undercarriage checked girl? You've got sooo many giggle bunnies up in here~ ooh yes, we've gotta dust you all out~ hey hold on now, hold up girl ~ you gotta put your breast foot forward y'know?"
I get you nice and bouncy squirmy before tossing one brush aside and seizing one of your mounds with my hand. "Sayyy~ how many licks does it take to get to the sweetest giggles in your button?" I smile and slowly lean in, flipping my tongue at you like a snake. While the other makeup brush taunts a sideboob with incessant strokes, my soft tongue darts carefully along the underside of your nipple, just taking a little tickly taste. "Mmmhmmmm~ uhhhuhh~" I murmur, my teasy tool starting to swirl lightly, just coming in from each angle to poke and stroke at your button. "Niiice and swollen and bothered ~ you are just fit as a fiddle nipple~" I plant my lips over your boob and brush ever so lightly across from sideboob over the nipple and to the center where I give you a teasing pecking kiss. "Just call me tweetie bird because I'm gonna peck you uppppp my girl~" I start wiggling my fingers on each sideboob while my lips rain tiny light kisses all over each mound, squeezing gently for a moment to give you the softest of tickle nibbles~ before I hold your mounds and capture a nipple between my lips, massaging and loving on it for a moment~
"Apologies my darling ~ sometimes I get into the nipple of nowhere~"
My cheeks are lit up in blush as I hop off and stand beside the chair, hand on my thick belt as I pull out another tool ~ my long stiff white feather~ no teasing words to go with this one ~ this tease is all business and bullying as I grin wickedly and take my tool's light tip and begin caressing your oversensitized button with the itchiest of taunting tickles. I follow your every move, not stopping the feather tickles on your wanting swollen button for moment, never breaking my little power pose over you. I watch you intently, smiling wide and bright. The other nipple is given the same extensive soft torture, with the feather tip starting riiight at the top of the girly royal button before tracing around the circle slowly outward, then inward, and back out again.
"Aww, getting all fuzzzy now? 'tis a tit bit nipply in here huh?" I break my silence and set my feather on your lap, letting you see the bringer of those giggle gasps while I move behind you and nuzzle your neck. "Hiii~" I start my greeting over as my wiggle fingers extend and start rapidly flicking close to your boobs. "I'm not even touuuuching~" I sing, moving my stroking index fingers closer to your nipples, just barely out of reach. "You want it huh? Mmmhm you sayyy pleeeease tickle mama, pleeease tickle my nipplies and my boobies~ Ooh yesss you doooo~" I snicker incessantly and oblige, using my single finger tickles to make you thrash and fight, going up down and around those ticklish mounds. "One finger ticklesss~ One finger tiiickles~!" I taunt, laughing with you~ "coochie cooo darling~ and guess whattttt~? You're gonna be an amazing swimmer. Because we're working on that breast stroke allll night~~"
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jaydastorm13 · 6 months
We are HALFWAY through My Demon! Time for Episode 8! (Again, I'm not sure if Song Kang's career is taking off like crazy, or if it's me being new to his work, but I've added a few more of his dramas to my watchlist).
Also. The thing is dramas where blatant crimes happen in public and it's never noticed is INSANE! YES, GET HIM! THE MASK CAME OFF! WHY ARE THEY TAKING PHOTOS, WHAT THE HELL?!
I know Seok-hoon is upset, but he wouldn't wish death on Jeong...oh. The tattoo isn't working?! Oh SHIT. What's going on with that? Oh-tears? Second male lead pain. My heart.💔 Okay, seriously WHO IS THAT LADY?!
Sigh. Still. I do not care for Star Jin. I don't. If you cared about him so much, you wouldn't be acting like a brat. I've never understood that fandom/crush trope. They can only be happy if they're yours? I understand that him falling for someone else hurts. I've had it happen. My issue is the whiny behavior. I can't relate to it.
Oh. Spontaneous combustion must be slow and awful. He is a baby when he's hurt. Why is it cute?! Awww, he keeps asking for Do-hee!😭😭😭😭🥹. Honestly, I'd use the Wild Dogs to track tbe killer down. They're funny and loyal. I think they'd be useful, too. Why. Are. They. Adorable?!
The leap out of bed was so-what's with the cutesness in this episode? I hope we get more of the office in the series. Or maybe I need a good workplace comedy to watch.
Oh, people are connecting the dots. I KNEW THEY WERE WORKING TOGETHER!! OMG!! They just wanna cuddle, but you know...he's gotta charge.😉 Awwww, OMG, I CANNOT!! 🥹😍 Cuddly demon...
I LOVE Do-hee's assistant, and I think she lowkey ships them. What's that?? I think the butler is handsome, honestly. He is sunshine. And funny. Jeong is so (again) cute when it comes to sweets.
Right, so the truth about Madam Ju and Do-hee's parents hasn't been revealed yet. We still don't know who killed her, as that's the one death we haven't seen signs of Creepy Bastard being involved...WHY IS HE KEEPING HIS PAIN FROM HER?!
Do-hee, I'm pretty sure he knows about demons and we KNOW HE KNOWS the killer. I was just about to comment that it was nice to not see her family this episode...the bitch got what she wanted, and she's STILL annoying.😒
Okay, WAIT WHAT?! Why is she telling him this?!💔💔💔 I am so sick of them. *eye roll*...okay, so I missed when Needy Jin said something to Doo-hee.🙄 He's not in love with you, you aren't doing this for his sake. You know Do-hee has the tattoo.
Oh. Both male leads face off. Seok-hoon has been going through it. AAAHHHH!!!!!!! CONFESSION??! Maybe? Kinda?! (Not the dramatic sprinkler🤣😭😍). Ok, so now, I wonder if the powers will work better, or become stronger now? OOH THE PREVIEWS FOR THE NEXT EPISODE! I can't wait until tomorrow!
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