#draco x poc reader
letstrythisout4 · 3 months
ok now im getting frustrated
blaise is one of like 6 characters that is black, one of which has the last name fucking shacklebolt, so tell me why every new fic i read hes being described as white
keepblaiseblack2024 tf
he is one of the very few POC characters and people really out here writing him as a white man whose "tan" or "olive" be so fucking serious-
like almost every other character is white, go enjoy them
leave my 10 POC characters tf alone ughhhHHhhhhHHHHHHH
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bvbygrl-writes · 10 months
Summer Lovin': Chapter 1
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Pairing: Dilf!Draco Malfoy x Blaise's Daughter!Reader
Series Summary: After years of being unhappy and doing what everyone else thinks is best, Draco decides to finally learn what he wants in life. Little did he know what he wants would walk in wearing a cute little dress.
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Age gap (Draco is in his 30s reader is 18), unhappy marriage, reader is black, a bit of drinking
A/N: I haven't written a series in a while so brace yourself. If this chapter does well then I'll continue with it but if not I'll probably just drop this in the vault.
Draco could say with certainty that his marriage with Astoria was loveless from the beginning. From the outside, it looked like the perfect marriage, the perfect life. He was wealthy, his wife was beautiful, and they had a son who had grown into a lovely young man. But, if he had a choice in the way his life had gone, it wouldn’t have been like that. From the time he was a young boy till the time he was an adult, he had practically every decision made for him. He had hoped after Hogwarts, after he distanced himself from his father a bit more, he would have the rest of his life to figure out what he wanted to do. His likes, his passions, his interest for something outside of pureblood society or whatever agenda his father had pushed on him.
But over time, he had grown a distaste for the way his life was. While Scorpius was still growing up, he and Astoria had a common goal and interest: making sure their son grew up to be a well rounded individual. While their marriage and practically their whole lives were orchestrated, they made sure to give their son something they never had, his own choices and options. However, as he got older and started to attend Hogwarts, their attention had to be focused on one another and what they came to find out is that they couldn’t be any more different.
Constant fights, arguments about little petty things were the only things they could throw at each other (besides the dishware). If it wasn’t one thing, it was another and if Draco was honest, he couldn’t stand Astoria. Her laugh, the rude way she’d speak to the house staff, and constantly bringing up the stupidest of things that happened when they were still in school however many years ago. It was though she was still a rotten and nasty little girl instead of being in her mid 30s as they were. He found himself drinking quite a bit just to tune out the sound of her droning on and on about something he couldn’t give a singular fuck about.
“Did you hear me, Dray? This is important! The elves didn’t add enough salt into the soup so-”
“Add your own fucking salt then, Astoria! Are you so incompetent that you can’t even add your own salt into the meal? The soup tasted bloody fine to me.” he groaned, standing from the table. It was a long, dark oak table that seemed to go on for eternity. They both sat on separate ends and even then, it still didn’t feel like he was far enough. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he began to pace back and forth, sighing as he tried to calm down. A deafening silence fell over the room. He kept praying to a force that something, anything would end this moment.
And like clock work, in came his owl with the daily post. He stroked under its chin affectionately before grabbing the mail. With most of them, he read who the sender was and just tossed it onto the table. But one caught his eye. It was sealed with a dark blue wax with the initials B.Z pressed into it. A barely noticeable smile made its way into his face as he walked a few feet away from the table, ripping open the letter. The smile grew more and more as he read the contents.
Dear Draco,
How’ve you been, mate? I’ve been quite busy and I apologize for me and my small family for not being able to attend your residence during the Christmas season like you requested. However, my wife will be out for the summer visiting her family so I thought it’d be nice if you came to visit the manor and we can catch up like old times. Plus, from the sounds of it in your last letter, you’re very much overdue for a vacation of your own. 
Your friend, Blaise Zabini
“Rue!” Draco called out. The elf in questioning came scurrying around the corner, bowing before the man. “I’ll need you to pack up a few suitcases, I need about 3 months worth of clothing. Please and thank you.” the elf nodded, running off quickly with a few ‘right away sir’s and ‘a pleasure sir’s as he disappeared up the stairs.
“Three months?! Where do you think you’re going?” Astoria shrilled, standing up to cling to his arm. She had an overly dramatic pout on her face, lips quivering as fake tears appeared in the corner of her eyes.
“Away from you!” he yelled before sighing. None of this was her fault. She was forced into this connection as much as he was. He gently removed her hands from his body before turning to face her. “Astoria, let’s be honest with ourselves….neither of us are happy. We’ve been at each other's throats for years and if it wasn’t for Scorpius, the two of us would have separated years ago. I’m going away for the summer to spend some time with Blaise to have fun for once and I hope in this time you have some fun too.” his voice was full of sincerity and deep down, she knew he was right. So without another word she offered him a tight lip but understanding smile, walking off towards one of the many living rooms in the house.
“Your bags are packed, Master Malfoy.”
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Draco sighed in relief as he stood on the porch of his dear friend’s manor. It was made of light stone and marble, a nice change from the darker style of his own home. He reached forward to use the door knocker but was shocked as the door popped open revealing a familiar face.
“Malfoy. I wasn’t sure if you were going to come or not but I had a room prepared for you anyways. Lyra, fetch a bottle of the good scotch, will you?” he yelled, turning around and beginning to walk further into the house. Draco followed behind him, admiring the carvings on the border of the ceiling. After a few minutes of walking, they reached a living room. It had many windows causing the room to be well lit with natural lighting. But what caught his eye was the set of double doors. Outside appeared to be a garden with lots of greenery and an outdoor dining area.
“I’m impressed, Zabini. I didn’t know you had taste at all.” he chuckled, sitting down on the soft white couch. Blaise scoffed at his words, chuckling as he poured their scotch into two crystal glasses.
“As much as I’d love to take credit for this, a lot of this was the doings of Pansy and (Y/n). She was just starting Hogwarts when we moved here and we wanted her to feel at peace when she was away from the stress of school. It’s crazy to think she’s all done with it now.” Draco hummed at his words, sipping on the scotch. It was nice and smooth. He made a note to ask him about it at a later time. “Oh! Speaking of (Y/n), it seems her summer plans fell through and she’ll be here for the next few months. I hope that’s alright. Although, with the size of the house I doubt we’ll see her much but for meals.”
“That’s quite alright. I haven’t seen my ‘niece’ in quite some time. I believe she was six or so, still asking for us to check for the monsters under her bed." They both laughed at that. (Y/n) was a sweet and bright young girl. When the two families lived closer together, Scorpius and her would often have playdates together. (Y/n) would always call him Uncle Dray, begging to spend the night just so she could spend a bit longer with her favorite ‘uncle’.
“I’ll call her down so we can all catch up. (Y/n), princess, we have a guest!” Blaise called, his voice echoing off the walls. The room went silent for a bit before a faint ‘Coming, Dad!’ could be heard along with a set of footsteps clambering above them. The sound trailed from one end of the ceiling to the other before bouncing steps could be heard from the stairs.
Draco chuckled, sipping on his scotch which he soon began to regret as he choked on it a bit. His gray eyes practically bulged from his head at the girl, no, woman who was standing before them. Was this really the same girl, his little (Y/n/n)? This couldn’t be the same little girl he helped raise, the same one who always needed a flashlight in order to sleep, the one that’d fall asleep in his lap when he was finished braiding her curly hair. His eyes raked over her appearance. She took after her father in terms of complexion, rich brown skin but he had no idea who she had gotten that body from. It most certainly wasn’t Pansy’s. And her eyes? They were the most lovely shade of (e/c) he had ever seen. She had a set of fresh braids that complimented her face well and along with the bright yellow dress she was wearing…she looked nothing short of a doll. He felt his chest grow tight and his nose burned from the alcohol that had managed to make its way back up a bit. The summer had barely begun but he knew it was going to be the best one he’d had in a while.
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bunnyweasley23 · 1 year
If you have Wattpad please read my latest MCU x Harry Potter crossover!!!
This book is for you if you like:
-Dumbledore Slander
-Wolfstar as parents
-Nice!Snape (sort of)
-Black OC!
-The Avengers as basically one big happy family!
-Fred, Loki, Pietro, Tony etc NOT *💀🪦*
-Ron x OC
Small Excerpt from a random Chapter below:
"Excuse me, Miss Romanoff have you seen the Weasley twins?"Umbrige asked sweetly, considering she's been trying to get back on my good side for the past week and a half.
"Sorry, haven't seen them since the last time I saw them." I said with a smile before taking a drink on my hot chocolate and looking down at my phone when I saw Steve got another word.
"And when was that?"Umbrigde asked confused.
"When was what?"I asked with mock confusion as I looked up at her.
"The last time you saw them of course."Umbrige said becoming slightly irritated.
"Saw who?" I asked innocently.
"Fred and George Weasley."Umbrige said firmly an I pretended to think about it for a moment. Like I didn't see them walk past me with Ron and Draco five minutes ago, carrying empty glitter containers and prank kits.
"Can't say those names ring any bells I'm afraid. However if you're looking for the Weasley twins they went that way." I mumbled looking down at my phone.
"Which way? Left or right?"Umbrigde asked frantically looking around.
"I don't know, that's what I'm asking you. Right or wrong? Up or down, you know? Do you think I'll grow more, I've recently become very insecure about my height. I feel like I'm not tall enough? But what if I'm too tall? I'm 5'9 but that could mean anything. Did you know brown cows don't make chocolate milk? Do you think the sky knows it's blue? Why do people have limbs? I'll tell you why, because of evaluation! Not to be confused with revolutions because those are bad. Speaking of revolutions, have you ever owned a unicorn? I've been thinking of starting a butterfly farm but I can't because I won't have time to take them for walks everyday. Do you think cats know that they're cat-" I asked rambling various nonsense questions with a look of concern painted on my face.
"That's enough! I'll find them myself!" Umbrigde yelled cutting me off.
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crystlizabeth · 2 years
☆Rules of Cryst blog
||.* DISCLAIMER! i am NOT your Mother, y’all responsible for the content you consume, im not gonna bother to check each person that interacts with me. And don’t start fuckin’ drama.
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||.* My rules for requests!
I’ll write for any character(that i know) and celebrities.
Ex. Joel miller(tlou) Harry potter characters, The Walking Dead, BTS,MHA, Fairy tail, celebrities(few), Twilight, Haikyuu,
☆COD characters. Are may main rn!
I will write
age gap (18+), nsfw, angst , fluff , daddy, mommy, sir, cock warming, breeding, choking, impact, marking, spitting, hair pulling, overstimulation, bondage, orgasm denial. Pregnancy/parental images, Poly!relationship
I Will Not write
race play, incest, non-con, age play, ddlg, r@pe, omegaverse.These are NO go’s period.
Character has to be of age/characters will always be aged up!
please be patient! I have a very busy life and won’t always be able to fulfill a request but I will try to do so when I am free n tbh I have to be interested in the request luv ya tho!
Random thoughts!
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A few more things
||.* I go by Cryst(chris) I’m 20 years old, I’m bisexual, my pronouns are She/her. I do this for fun don’t start shit on my page you don’t like what i posted don’t interact and, or block me. Or i will block you. You also might see my art sometimes! Sometimes i also just disappear dont worry about it lol i get busy, school sports ect!
I will write about my self insert!
do not write anything that makes me uncomfortable (smut or no smut)
I write for Poc readers and Black women.
Black women always in mind!
I mainly write fem!reader x male character but will also write gender netural reader character I will also write Fem!reader x Female Character i do not write Male!reader sorry.
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deadghosy · 3 months
(Ordered by post date/hogwarts legacy is included)
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🐍 If you missed the hoop while playing basketball
🐍 Platonic Slytherin boys with a keeper friend
🐍“I’m allergic to bullshit”
🐍 Reacting to you saying “you’re gonna pass out”
🐍 React to you saying “someone is staring”
🐍 Taking an ugly picture of them
🐍 Reacting to you clogging up their toilet
🐍 React to you being outside despite being allergic to mosquitoes
🐍 React to you passing out
🐍 Reacting to you oversleeping
🐍 Curly hair! Reader (poc friendly)
🐍 React to you giggling at your phone
🐍 Platonic Slytherin boys with adhd friend
🐍 The type of drivers they are as memes
🐍 Texting them “I think someone is following me”
🐍 When someone tries to bully you
🐍 How they react to you saying “I’m hungry”
🐍 React to you driving crazy
🐍 React to you saying “I hate you” to them
🐍 Reacting to you saying “ima kill myself”
🐍 Mattheo with a male roommate pt.1
🐍 Mattheo with a male roommate pt.2
🐍 Coquette! reader
🐍 Reacting to you being a telepathic/having telekinesis
🐍 Best friend! Mattheo headcannons pt.1//pt.2//pt.3
🐍 Modern Slytherin boys with a male figure skater
🐍 Chaos magic user! Reader
🐍 Platonic modern Slytherin boys with an insomniac male roommate
🐍 Reacting to you dancing alone
🐍 Reacting to you falling asleep during a movie
🐍 Percy Jackson! Reader w/mattheo
🐍 Reacting to m! Reader shaving
🐍 Platonic high! mattheo
🐍 High Theo x reader
🐍 You being scared awake by thunder
🐍 Slytherin boys when they miss you
🐍 Werewolf M.R, T.N, & L.B
🐍 How they would pick you up
🐍 Crybaby! Mattheo
🐍 Teddy-T.N
🐍 Vlogger! Mattheo pt.1//pt.2
🐍 Slytherin boys w/ blind!reader
🐍 July 4th with the Slytherin boys
🐍 Reacting to you falling face first
🐍 Reacting to you falling asleep to them talking
🐍 Reacting to you doing a back flip
🐍 Fanboy! Slytherins with a singer!reader
🐍 Owl!reader
🐍 French!reader getting hurt
🐍 Slytherin boys with witch beauty gf
🐍 Vampire mattheo
🐍 Vampire Tom
🐍 Reacting to their boyfriend having scars
🐍 Ghostface! Mattheo
🐍 Being mattheo’s childhood friend to lover: male version//female version
🐍 Mattheo (fem!reader) during your birthday
🐍 Slytherin boys with a black fem!reader who tall like Megan thee stallion
🐍 Reacting to you crying
🐍 Reacting to m!reader picking them up
🐍 Stalker!Mattheo
🐍“A love that burns.” Poet!mattheo
🐍 Summertime with mattheo riddle
🐍 Being best friends with Lorenzo
🐍 Beach days with Theodore Nott
🐍 Theodore Nott being your yandere best friend
🐍 Sugar daddy!Tom headcannons
🐍“All men are shit..except for you” SB reacting to you saying this
🐍 Old money!Theodore Nott headcannons + moodboard
🐍 Reacting to reader being a manipulator
🐍 Hoodie stealer-Mattheo
🐍 Toxic!theodore nott banners
🐍 Platonic Ominis headcannons
🐍 Platonic Sebastian headcannons
🐍 Werewolf Sebastian & Ominis x reader
🐍 Sebastian & Ominis with a merfolk! Reader
🐍 Loverboy! Modern Sebastian headcannons and imagines
🐍 Platonic sliver trio headcannons
🐍 Ominis with a hufflepuff lover
🐍 Platonic brotherly headcannons with Sebastian and m!mc
🐍 Chaotic modern Sebastian headcannons
🐍 Ominis x blind!reader headcannons
🐍 Modern platonic Sebastian headcanons with m!mc
🐍 Chaotic modern sliver trio headcanons & imagines
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🐍 React to sister! Reader dating
🐍 React to their little sibling falling in their dorm
🐍 Sister!reader on her first period
🐍 Riddle brothers with a sister having a Mandy personality
🐍 Baby! Reader taking their first steps
🐍 Modern au riddle brothers with a little sibling
🐍 Reacting to eating their food
🐍 Baby sibling falling asleep on them
🐍 Reacting to sibling reader crying/bullied
🐍 Reacting to sibling reader ignore them
🐍 Draco with a twin gryffindor sister
🐍 Reacting to little sibling cling to them after holiday
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418 notes · View notes
Always There - Chapter Five: S.Snape
Summary: Y/N Potter was left with a baby to care for after her brother and sister-in-law were murdered by Voldemort. One person was there for her, a person she didn’t expect but soon became her comfort person, Severus Snape. During Harry’s third year at Hogwarts and her third year as Herbology professor, a few old friends come around again. Y/N has to handle the feelings of these old friends being around again as well as handle her feelings for a certain potions master all while she tries to hide these things from her godson.
Series Masterlist
My full Masterlist
Pairings: Severus Snape x Female Professor Reader, Potter!Reader x friend!Remus
Chapter Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader(No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, Harry growing up in a loving home, Happy Snape, sappy Snape, mentions of Voldemort, the dark mark, death eaters
Series Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader (No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, OOC Snape, Harry grows up in a loving environment, mentions of death and murder, poorly written angst, Remus is a shitty friend, poorly written pining,
Please let me know how I can improve my writing and being more inclusive to POC as I am whiter than white. Please also let me know if I have to add more to the warnings! My messages are open as well as my asks!
I am starting a taglist so leave either a comment or something in my asks if you would like to be tagged in any of my works or just this series!
Author's Note: We are officially out of Prisoner of Azkaban and into Goblet of Fire! Please let me know how I can improve or if you find any errors! Correct me, don't be afraid to! I want to improve my writing and become a better writer so any feedback or advise is welcomed!
Word Count: 1690
My asks are open for questions, suggestions and feedback!
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
not my gif
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not my gif
Although Y/N and Severus never made anything official, the word spread around Hogwarts like a wildfire. It had gotten to the point of students asking Harry for details about the pair even though he knew just as much as they did. In the middle of Y/N’s lesson about wolfsbane, somebody's hand shot up in the air. Theodore Nott, one of the most intelligent students she had met, a pureblood Slytherin who was friends with Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini and Enzo Berkshire.
“Yes, Mr. Nott, you have a question?” The professor called on her student. She had hoped he was going to ask a question about the lesson but deep down, she knew that his question had to do with her and a certain broody professor.
“I certainly do, professor. Are you and Professor Snape together? He’s been awfully cheerful lately. I quite miss the Snape that had a stick up his arse,” Theodore Nott, he was a massive pain in her ass. She did have to admit that his comment was quite funny however, she had to suppress a chuckle before having to reprimand the boy.
“I hope you know I will be taking 5 points from your house for foul language as well as detention with both Professor Snape and I tonight, Theodore. And to answer your question, that is certainly none of your business. What is going on between Professor Snape and I is our business and that’s all,” She told the boy, his smirk falling once she took away house points and gave him detention. No matter how much the boy bothered her during lessons, she had never once given out detention or taken away house points.
Another hand went up this time, it was her nephew. “Yes, Harry, please tell me that this question or statement has something to do with the lesson and not my personal life?” She practically begged her nephew.
“Well, no. It has nothing to do with the lesson-”
“Great, then let’s get on with the lesson!” She cut her nephew off in a cheerful tone before returning to teaching her students about the deadly nature of wolfsbane to humans. About five minutes in, the door to the greenhouse opened and closed, footsteps approaching. She knew just by the sound of the steps that it was Severus. When he came into view, the students all turned around, smirks coming onto the faces of the Slytherin student’s faces. “This is going to become an interrogation isn’t it?” She asked her students. All of them replying ‘yes’ in unison.
“What is going on here?” Severus asked Y/N as he approached her desk, “Sorry for the interruption, I just need a few ingredients for my store.”
“I was being interrogated by one of your students as well as my nephew. They want to know if there is anything going on between us since you’ve been incredibly cheerful as of late,” She explained to him.
“We might as well answer some of their questions instead of leaving them in the dark.” Y/N gave Severus a look of surprise, she was not expecting him to want to answer any of the students' questions about their private life but she was wrong. “However, if any of you ask any inappropriate questions, you will be receiving detention and house points will be taken. Now if you have questions, raise your hands.” Practically the whole classes hands’ went up in the air.
“Let’s start with Hermione,” Y/N said, knowing the girl would be respectful.
“How long have the two of you been together?” The girl asked.
“Not very long, however, we’ve been at each other’s sides for the last 12 years,” Y/N answered, then pointing to the next student.
“Why her, professor?” Draco asked Snape, his voice sour with disgust, “Why a Potter?”
“That will be a detention and 5 points taken from our house Mr. Malfoy. I chose her because she cares about others and she is the most selfless person I’ve met in my life. I don’t care that she’s a Potter, I don’t care that her brother was a bully, I only care about who she is and she is the most intelligent, loving and caring person I’ve had the pleasure of meeting,” Severus explained, his voice softening when he began talking about the woman. The girls in the class all collectively cooed at the words Severus had just spoken. 
“That was absolutely disgusting,” Y/N said, “But I loved it.” Severus then picked the next student to ask a question, his choice was calculated, knowing it would end the conversation about the pair.
“Mr. Longbottom, what is your question?” Severus asked the boy.
“Can we return to the lesson? I’m very happy for the two of you but I was quite enjoying the lesson,” Neville explained his reasoning, the class groaning.
“Everyone relax, Neville is right, we need to get back to the lesson before class is over. What we told all of you today is all you need to know for now,” Y/N explained to the class, “Grab what you need, honey, you know where everything is.” 
“Thank you love,” Severus replied, going to the cabinet in the back of the classroom that held all of the harvested ingredients. He grabbed everything he needed and as he walked towards the exit of the greenhouse he stopped for a moment, just to listen to her talk, taking a seat on one of the many stools around the room. He stayed on that stool until the end of her lesson, watching the students file out of the classroom one by one. 
“You stayed,” She commented.
“I did,” He replied back, “I just wanted to hear your voice.”
“You are such a sap. It’s official, I have made the fierce Severus Snape soft!” Y/N joked with a bright smile on her face.
“I am not soft! You saw me, I took points away from my own house! I never do that!” He defended.
“And why did you take points from your own house, honey?”
“Because Malfoy is a pest and he insulted you.”
“So it was a defense for me, which in turn, means that you are soft.”
“Think what you want to love, I am not soft.”
“Also, that reminds me, Theo has detention with the both of us tonight as well.”
“Why did Nott get detention?” Severus asked her, his head tilting slightly in wonder.
“He said he misses when you had a stick up your arse, his words, not mine. But I will say, you did have a stick up your ass for a long time.”
“Why you little witch!” Severus exclaimed, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her body into his. “So I had a stick up my ass, I wonder who must’ve pulled it out?”
“Perhaps it was Remus, you two have been awfully close lately,” She teased. 
All that could be heard outside of the greenhouse was laughing coming from the pair, students who were sitting outside got a good listen to what Severus Snape’s laugh actually sounds like. Of course, word about the interrogation held in the greenhouse had already started to spread around the school. Students coming up to Harry to ask questions about what was happening between the potions master and the herbologist. Not only was Professor Potter happier, but also Professor Snape. The two of them being more lenient when it came to mistakes in the classroom, as well as just being more pleasant on the side of the potions master.
The school year quickly came to an end, summer coming and going in a flash. Most of the summer Harry had been at the Burrow with the Weasleys and Herminone. Arthur had gotten tickets for the Quidditch world cup and had agreed to take Harry and Hermione along with his children. Y/N and Severus had been out together, going to apothecaries and greenhouses the whole day when they got word that there had been an attack at the world cup. The dark mark appearing in the sky and death eaters returning to their old ways. Y/N had been scared half to death and apparated with Severus to the Burrow where Harry, Herminone and the Weasleys were holed up.
“My boy! Are you okay? Did any of you get hurt? What happened?” She quickly questioned, her head spinning with worry until she finally embraced her nephew. “My Godric, I’m so glad that you’re okay. I’m glad that all of you are okay.”
“I’m going to go find Albus and update him about everything. I’ll see you very soon my love,” Severus told the woman.
“You can’t stay? We have another day until we have to be back at Hogwarts!” She asked him, trying to convince him but she knew he couldn’t stay.
“I’m afraid not, darling. I promise you that everything will be okay, you’ll be safe as will Harry. I must go to Albus and tell him everything that happened tonight,” Severus replied, his heart breaking slightly watching her expression fall. He didn’t want to leave her here, even if it was only a day, they had barely spent any time apart during the summer. He knew that this would upset her but he needed to tell Albus about the dark mark and the return of the death eaters. Severus needed to tell him about the dark mark on his arm getting darker by the day.
Y/N had let go of her nephew and pulled Severus into a tight embrace. “Please be safe, Severus. I know why you have to go, I’ve noticed it too. I love you,” She spoke quietly in his ear.
“I love you, darling. I’ll see you tomorrow, I promise,” Severus replied, giving the woman a quick kiss before apparating away from the Burrow. The dark lord was getting stronger, how? They had no idea but with the mark on Severus’ arm getting darker everyday, it was something to worry about. Something big was going to happen soon, the dark lord was going to return. He was going to return soon.
@acupnoodle @chxelsxaa @fluffyrat365 @fanficwriter5 @atanukileaf
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z0mbieb0ybyersblog · 10 months
request rules!
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— requests can be sent through my inbox! aka the button on my profile that says request
— state the character, romantic or platonic, the format of the request, and what you want with it
— do you have any specifics for the reader? male, female, blonde, poc, etc?
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male, female, and gender neutral reader
or no reader, I do ships too!!
alternative universe: soulmates, coffee shop, roommates, royal, bookstore, fake relationship, coworkers, neighbors, flower shop, library, bodyguard, modern era, band/rockstar, celebrity, mermaid, pirate, teachers (you can also mix them in your request, like asking for bookstore and coffee shop au! if that makes sense)
Headcanons, one-shots, drabble, imagine, etc.
poly relationships, whether it be character x reader x character or character x character x character 
omega verse
illegal ships (incest or underage)
dark or yandere
someone having cancer
rape/sexual assault
canonically gay characters with fem identifying readers/characters, same thing with canonically lesbian characters with masc identifying readers/characters (platonically is fine, romantically isnt)
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character list
bolded means they’re my favorite characters to write!
Nine, Ten, Eleventh, Thirteen, Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Jack Harkness, Donna Noble
Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry, June Claremont-Diaz, Nora Holleran, Bea
Ted Lasso, Jamie Tartt, Roy Kent, Keeley Jones, Rebecca Welton
Nancy Wheeler, Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Eddie Munson
Ponyboy Curtis, Johnny Cade, Sodapop Curtis, Darry Curtis, Steve Randall, Twobit Matthews, Dallas Winston
Matt Murdock, Peter Parker (Tobey, Andrew, Tom), Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton, Loki, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff
[more to be added]
911 FOX
Evan Buckley, Eddie Diaz, Maddie Buckley, Howie Han
Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
[more to be added]
— golden trio era
Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Cedric Diggory, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Oliver Wood, Draco Malfoy
— marauders era
Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, James Potter, Lily Evans, Pandora Lovegood, Regulus Black, Dorcas Meadows, Marlene McKinnon, Barty Crouch Jr, Evan Roiser, Alice Fortescue, Mary MacDonald, Narcissa Black
[If you want one of these characters, like Remus for example to be older like during the Harry Potter movies let me know!]
— legacy era
Sebastian Sallow, Amit Thakkar, Poppy Sweeting, Natsai Onai, Garreth Weasley, Ominis Gaunt
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aesthetixhoe · 1 year
Hoe's request rules!
Hi there! I love getting requests, but since I've gotten a specific one recently, I figured I should set up some rules/things I won't write for. This will likely be expanding, so check in before requests :)
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Who I write (pink means current fav)
Jack Champion
Ethan Landry
Spencer Reid
Draco Malfoy
Peter Parker (All)
Xavier Thorpe
Matthew Gray Gubler
Gwen Stacy
Steve Harrington
Gar Logan
Barry Allen
Dick Grayson
Charles Xavier
Pietro Maximoff
Wanda Maximoff
Natasha Romanoff
Dave Lizewski
Killer Frost
Note: for real people I will not write smut.
Charlie Slimecicle
Coriolanus Snow
Conrad Fisher
Character traits/experiences/actions I won't write:
Explicit POC reader (I write my x reader's to be race-less, but as a white woman I don't feel comfortable writing for POC specific)
Explicit male reader (I include the pronouns I use, but I am a woman, so I don't feel comfortable writing an AMAB reader)
Self Harm (I will write for ED's)
Parent reader
Relationships I won't write:
Teacher x student
Age gap
Boss x worker
Poly/open relationships
NSFW things I will not write:
The previously mentioned relationships
Piss kinks
Forced pregnancy
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gloomzombie · 4 months
Even though I haven't gotten requests as of now, I figured I'd go ahead and do this. I only have creepypasta stuff out right now, but I will write for more than that :). I'll probably add to this, though.
Creepypasta/Marble Hornets:
Jeff the Killer
Jane the Killer
Nina the Killer
Ticci Toby
Tim Wright/Masky
Brian Thomas/Hoodie
Eyeless Jack
Bloody Painter
Nurse Ann
Jason the Toymaker
Laughing Jack
I will add more creeps eventually, these are just the ones I've already written small stuff for in the past therefore feel more confident in the way I write them :)
Red Queen:
Mare Barrow
Shade Barrow
Diana Farley
Tiberias Calore
Maven Calore
Evangeline Samos
Elane Haven
Kilorn Warren
Cameron Cole
Stardew Valley:
Same thing from the Creeps, I only have the characters I've personally made good friends with (at least 8 hearts) or romanced (at least 10). The bachelor(ette)s I haven't listed are just ones I don't know very well therefore wouldn't write for accurately.
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Luna Lovegood
My Hero Academia
Izuku Midoriya
Shoto Todoroki
Kyoka Jirou
Ochaco Uraraka
Tomura Shigaraki
Himiko Toga
Death Note
Light Yagami
Misa Amane
What I'll write for:
X M! Reader
X Gn! Reader
X F! Reader (Strictly for wlw)
X Specific! Reader (ex: chubby, trans, poc, etc.)
Red Queen Canon Relationships (cal x mare, eva x elane, etc.)
Sebastian X Sam
Sebastian X Abigail
Abigail X Haley
Light X L
No Romance
Smut (Canon characters, Amab readers, or Afab readers)
Extreme violence or gore
Alcohol usage, drug usage, smoking
Religious trauma
Specific kinks (To an extent; if it's something I don't feel comfortable with writing, I will reply to your ask stating such and add it in the will not write section)
What I will NOT write for:
Piss, Scat, Vomit kink
Creepypasta X Creepypasta
MHA Canon X Canon
Evangeline X M! Reader
Elane X M! Reader
Alex X F! Reader
Maven X Canon
Misa X Canon
I also will not take requests for full length fanfic books. I come up with the ideas for those myself.
For those wondering about the Creep X Creep stuff, I genuinely don't think any of the creeps would make good couples. Same with MHA, I don't "ship" any of the characters I write for. Same with Maven X Canon. He's an ass to all of them, and Mare would never go back to him even reformed (imo).
I also don't know enough about how yandere characters work, so until I figure that how I won't write for it. Same with polyam; I myself am not poly and I feel I don't know enough about that to really write for it. Nothing against poly people of course.
I will typically keep anything PG gender neutral with no physical descriptors. In smut, I will write for both AMAB and AFAB readers so you must specify in your request along with the pronouns you want me to use. If you don't specify the pronouns, I'll use they/them. If you don't specify the sex, I can only write smut where the reader isn't receiving anything. Specifying could mean describing the parts they have in the request or using the pronouns as well.
So for the way I will write things is if you ask "(Male character) X female reader" I will not write it for a female reader, I will write it gender neutral. However, I will write wlw so if you ask "(Female character) x female reader" I will write it. I will write any character x male reader specifically because male readers dont get shit and even when we do a good bit of it is written by 13 year old girls who fetishize us (speaking from experience) and it's obvious; unless that is a lesbian character, I will write it with a male reader. This is again because female readers tend to get a lot more fanfiction written for them and its tiring for male readers, along with gn and trans readers too. Will I write specifically for trans women? Trans women barely get fics too, however if it's a request that doesn't have anything to do with what your agab (assigned gender at birth) is, then there's no reason for me to write it. You would be referred to and written like a cis woman would be. Smut is different, but I already talked about that.
For the creeps, I will eventually write out my basic HCs for all the ones I write for (basic as in age, name, height, likes, dislikes, etc.). It probably won't be any time soon so don't wait up on it LMAO. I'll probably do that for Stardew Valley and maybe Red Queen too. I'm not sure about any of my other fandoms yet.
Anything I miss will be added later. This was only proofread once so sawry if there's mistakes
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dixonsbrat · 1 year
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⟢ make sure you send all requests through to my inbox !
please be mindful that this blog contains nsfw content only intended for those over the age of eighteen. any and all minors who view this blog are responsible for their own media consumption. that being said, for your safety, and mine, if you are a minor, you are prohibited from interacting with any content that is not sfw. if you do, you will be blocked.
⟢ before sending anything in please make sure to check over this post and that your request follows the criteria provided below. if you are unsure about something, feel free to message and ask me.
⟢ i will accept anything for any of the characters listed below, unless specified otherwise. italic characters are my favourite to write for and are more likely for me to post.
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⟢ — 𝐯𝐞𝐞’𝐬 𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐥 .ᐟ 𝜗𝜚 my text posts !
⟢ — ❛ 𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐯𝐞𝐞. 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 ? ❜ answered asks !
⟢ — 𝐯𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜 .ᐟ ʚɞ my aesthetic !
⟢ — 𝐯𝐞𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 .ᐟ ᡣ𐭩 my writing !
⟢ — 𝐯𝐞𝐞’𝐬 𝐠𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐲 .ᐟ ᡣ𐭩 my moodboards !
⟢ — 𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 .ᐟ nsfw twttr links !
⟢ — 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 .ᐟ ᡣ𐭩 just pretty things !
⟢ — 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐮𝐥𝐮 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨 .ᐟ ficspo !
⟢ — 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐝𝐨𝐦 .ᐟ ᡣ𐭩 rbg text posts + reminders !
⟢ — 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐛𝐨𝐱 .ᐟ ᡣ𐭩 keepsake posts !
⟢ — 𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 .ᐟ moot tag games !
⟢ — 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐟𝐰 .ᐟ nsfw posts !
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⟢ stranger things ; steve harrington ⊹ robin buckley ⊹ eddie munson ⊹ steve x reader x eddie.
⟢ outer banks ; jj maybank ⊹ rafe cameron ⊹ sarah cameron.
⟢ the hunger games ; coriolanus snow ⊹ finnick odair ⊹ peeta mellark.
⟢ the wizarding world ; ron weasley ⊹ draco malfoy ⊹ sebastian sallow.
⟢ miscellaneous ; astarion ancunin ⊹ cole walter ⊹ conrad fisher daryl dixon ⊹ joel miller ⊹ peter parker ⊹ poe dameron ⊹ walter mckey.
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⟢ all requests will be in the form of blurbs.
⟢ reader inserts only (fem!reader, plus size and poc friendly)
⟢ fluff (ex : cute dates, finally saying 'i love you' )
⟢ angst (ex : break-ups, suspected cheating, fighting )
⟢ smut for certain characters ( ex : consensual, oral, handjobs, p in v, threesomes, breeding, scissoring, dom/sub, voyeurism, exhibitionism, orgasm control, warming )
⟢ tropes (ex : best friends to lovers, enemies to lovers)
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⟢ certain reader inserts ( male!reader, sick!reader )
⟢ sensitive topics ( ex : abortion, self-harm, mental health issues, physical/mental/sexual abuse )
⟢ smut ( non-consensual, age play, race play, sadism/masochism, bondage, incest, pedophelia, age regression, ddl, anything to do with feet )
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henqtic · 4 years
"𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘏𝘢𝘪𝘳 𝘚𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘴 𝘎𝘰𝘰𝘥 ”
Summary: Draco making you feel better about your hair insecurities throughout your years at Hogwarts.
Word Count: 3.7k+
A/N-hey well this is the first fic I’ve ever written and I don’t think it’s too good but please leave some feedback I would really appreciate it :) just looking forward to improving, this story includes a black/POC reader I just feel that there’s not a lot of stories that actually include us yk ? Because I don’t think I’m able to just put my hair up in a messy bun and go out lol.//ALSO there's no Voldemort and some of the years/dates will be off but I don’t think that matters much in this story:)
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masterlist //  taglist form.
“It’s a toner” “for your hair”,she concluded in a way that was almost innocent but didn’t cover up the obvious amusement in her tone. Her box braids were flowing behind her, the two different colors blending together in a way to almost resemble Narcissa Malfoys. It was more of a Draco decision, he went on for months saying how if you got white hair you would look like an honorary Malfoy. Which he was already planning on making you sooner or later. 
“Darling your fascination with these muggle products is getting out of hand. Are you ill? Oh merlin, maybe it’s that muggle flu,”he said as he put a hand on your forehead.
In his defense he was actually worried about you.You owled him with a note that read
Dear Draco,
I think I’ve just found the best bloody gift ever,I was just walking around one of those muggle stores and found i! I don’t want to ruin the surprise but the I just thought of you when I saw it.
love, y/n.
He honestly expected a bag of green apples that you two shared a liking of but never in a million years did he expect you to show up with purple bottle labeled as “Purple Shampoo”.And what hurt most is that he was the first person you thought of when you looked at it.Of course he was the only platinum blonde you had seen with such bright hair, other than Luna Lovegood. But he was still deciding on if he should take offense or not.
“No Draco, I’m perfectly fine” You stated as you stated his hand away like a fly.“I just think that your hair may need a bit of toning to it.” You said as you looked at your boyfriend, he really did look beautiful in the sun.
The way the sun would bounce off of his skin and hair giving him this sort of glow.The way he ever so slightly had his eyes squinted because he could barely see when it was this bright outside.He was really a sight to see.He wore a faint smile that made your stomach erupt with butterflies every time you saw him, even now.
You told him that if he continued to bully Harry on how his glasses made him look like Dumbledore without a beard would come back to him.And of course it did.
You were sitting beside Draco under a tree at his family's manor.The sky had a few clouds but nonetheless it was sunny there were butterflies flying around and  variations of colors of flowers all around you.You had helped Narcissa plant some of the flowers and it was nice to see how it all came out.
 “I think my hair looks perfectly fine, why would I want to “tone it” He looked at you as if you had personally insulted his mother.
“Draco, darling, your hair is almost brighter than the sun” you said and you were so close to bursting out in laughter.
He looked at you faking an offended expression.
“Most likely stiffer than the grass we’re sitting on at this moment” 
“oh that’s enough” at that moment he shifted his weight over to you and started to tickle you non stop.
“Please I’m sorry I take back all of my words” you said in out of breath tone.Your laugh was probably the best sound to him.
He continued with his antics, “say my hair is the most beautiful this world” it wasn't even a second thought to him to follow up with a,“other than yours of course” he always had a way of making you feel appreciated for the multiple ways you did your hair through out your school years and even now.
Fourth Year
In the summer before your fourth year at hogwarts,you had decided that you wanted to try something new and get locs. It was something you always thought of but never really got the courage to do.
You always would just tell yourself “I think I’d miss my hair, even if doing it is a pain I’ll never stop loving it.”
That changed.Of course you’d missed your hair but getting locs, something you've been anticipating for a long time sounded a bit more exciting than doing your hair everyday.
It was finally the Gryffindor vs Slytherin quidditch game.Everyone had been looking forward to this.Every Slytherin, Gryffindor game always involved some sort of drama and it was the best.That day was nice up until it was completely and utterly ruined.
When the game was over Pansy Parkinson had shouted out to you and Angelina Johnson that your hair looked of worms.Angelina Johnson was probably the only Gryffindor you could put up with.Maybe it was because of the fact that she was an older black girl with her natural hair out and you desperately wanted tips on how to make yours look like hers.You and Angelina had quickly became friends in your first and her third year.She was more of a sister figure for you and when she went on about how nice Fred looked this year and the next you went on about how annoyingly hot Draco got third year She had teased you endlessly for it but you really couldn’t help it.
You didn’t know why it hurt so much coming from her but when that happened you were so close to crying.You were going to say something until Ginny Weasley said some very choice words to Pansy that left her as red as a tomato and she ran of the pitch.For someone with so much bark she absolutely no bight after that, you thanked Ginny and she responded with saying “There’s no reason to thank me Parkinson needed someone to finally give it to her” She then went up to Harry Potter and said he did good in the game.
“I don’t know if she knows her crush on him is obvious” You thought as you and Angelia walked back to the castle together planning on how to get Pansy back.
You heard the girl beside you try to stop a laugh from coming out so you just assumed you said that out loud.as always.
”Do you know what she has against you?”Angelina asked 
Even though Pansy was in your house she never much liked you for some reason.
“I think it’s from first year when I slapped her hand off of my hair.” You laughed “She was playing with the beads as if they were some kind of toy”
“She absolutely deserved it!” Angelia responded with a laugh.
Much to you and Angelina’s dismay someone had gotten to Pansy before you.She ran into the great hall shrieking and when you looked the first thing that came to mind was low quality Medusa.Her long thin black hair now replaced with black worms.Everyone in the great hall was laughing at her condition.Even many of the Slytherins you were surrounded by, it was almost sad how her own house didn’t like her. almost.
Why would she even come into the great hall looking like that? You thought out loud on accident.You really needed to work on that.It wasn’t much of a problem though, because many of your pupils next to you nodded mindlessly at your statement in agreement.
You had guessed Angelina had told Fred about the incident, he told McGonagall, or as he said Minnie (you didn’t know how he even got to that level),and she must have informed the other teachers.
She ran out of the great hall when she noticed no one not even a teacher was going to help her.Not even her own head of house, it was nice to know that Snape was on your side on this you felt pretty bad now when in class all you thought about was how greasy his hair was and how you should probably anonymously drop off some shampoo for him.
“Hey maybe I should tell the twins about that one.Nope y/n you are a nice person who does nice things you thought as you tried to remove the voice that told you that’s Snape would mostly likely like some Muggle Brand “Head and Shoulders Shampoo” Although you’d never be caught dead using it, it could never hurt to try it on someone else.y/n stop.Nice thoughts.”Oh but imagine him trying to put his hair up and the hair tie is too greasy to ho-” You decided to turn your attention to something more valuable at that point.
The real question was who had done it.You turned over to the Gryffindor table.Your back had been facing Angelina’s.You two always did this seeing as many students at school didn’t know that touching someone’s hair randomly without even asking was weird.Angelina had found a solution saying “We should sit with our backs facing each other,Then no one from the other table can random tug at our hair.” You agreed to the idea saying that it was brilliant.
You asked with a giddy expression asking her “did you do it without me?” 
She shook her head and said “no maybe it was Fred or George”.
You would’ve thought that the girl was drugged up on love potion seeing how  easily she forgot what she was about to ask and looked at Fred with heart eyes going on about a completely different topic.
You rolled your eyes with a smile and looked around the great hall and your eyes landed on him.He was already looking at you.Your hair.You made the decision of adding gold accessories to it today. Angelina had had a long talk with you saying how “Parkinson was only jealous because the last remotely good hairstyle she had was the bob in your third year” You decided that you still wanted to add something to your hair to make yourself feel better.Not for the acceptance of the others and how they think your hair “should look”.
When he finally looked into your eyes you raised your eyebrows in expectance.You were almost waiting for him to say some sort of mean comment about you.
The truth was Draco was absolutely enthralled by you.He liked how when in first year you came into school with your hair in braids and beads of light brown, dark brown, and white beads.He liked when in second year you started to wear your hair out more often.The way it would always smell of Shea or Coconut.
But who was he to go up to a random person who barely knew him and say “oh your hair smells really nice”
He noticed how other kids would sometimes touch your hair and you obviously didn’t like that.You noticed that Draco wasn’t going to make some sort of mean comment you realized it was him who did it.You mouthed a “thank you” with a grateful smile and Draco nodded and smiled warmly.
Weird thing is Draco probably gained his crush on you when he said saw that you two had both used an excessive amount of gel in your hair.
It was a dark time, second year, for you, and your hair, where slick backs were the only real things you knew how to do to style your hair.You wanted so badly to be like the other girls in your house who don’t even have to try with getting their hair up in the morning.Draco didn't mind though.
He liked when in third year you decided to wear your hair in an afro. He hated when he found you in a corner crying because some slytherin boys had said how your hair was “Worse than poor mudblood Grangers”.
Third Year
He liked when he made up a story to his father and got the boys detention in the forbidden forest with Hagrid.He liked when he charmed a butterfly hair clip that he had charmed to flutter it's wings and left it on the outside of your dorm door.He had hoped none of your roommates would get to it before you did.
As he walked down the stairs and said in almost incoherent tone “They better not bloody get to it before her. What idiot would possibly think a flat golden butterfly clip y/n’s favorite animal was theirs? Merlin and who in their right mind would think that a baby blue box with the name y/n on it in golden letters was theirs?”
“Honestly” he scoffed as he continued down the steps he was met with Blaise Zambini’s wide grin.They walked side by side in silence until Blaise spoke up.
“Mate you’re absolutely whipped, sneaking to her dorm before she wakes up to drop off a clip?” He turned over to Draco and was met with a scowl that looked like it could kill.It didn’t phase him though and he continued with a wide grin.
Blaise had known his friend had some infatuation with the girl ever since their second year when y/n passed by them and Draco leaned over and asked in an anxious tone,”Hey Blaise do ya think it'd be weird to tell someone their hair smells good”.
They had been working on finishing their potions essay and when he looked up he was met with a sight of his friends head in his hand as he admired you from across the common room.
Blaise obviously didn't want him to ruin his chance before he even got one, he smirked and answered with,”Mate.Yes.Don’t do that.” He looked over at Draco in a side eye way.Of course Draco didn’t notice he was too busy staring at you as you talked with Daphne Greengrass about with boy you think is the cutest at Hogwarts.He was trying to get closer to hear your response, in the process almost tipping over his ink. Blaise grabbed the ink swiftly and said in a stern tone ”I’m not kidding, that’d be bloody weird.”
“Right, it would be” he said in an almost dazed tone as he shook his head and went back to writing his potions essay.
He liked you when you walked into the great hall ten minutes late with your group of friends.You had a slicked back ponytail with the clip right on the right side of it.
He liked you when he heard you say to your friends “Godric I’m telling you guys I love the person who gave me this clip” You said as you took the clip out your hair with a bright smile that in Draco’s opinion could make guy swoon “and get this the wings move, isn’t that brilliant?”
He was overjoyed that you seemed to enjoy the new presence of the butterfly clip.Blaise nudged him and widened his eyes.Draco finally got out of his daze and noticed you gave him a smile he quickly smiled back and looked down trying to hide the blush on his face as he looked down at his plate.
He could hear Blaise snickering on the side of him muttering something about “its sad you can’t just tell her already”
Fifth Year
Draco was never the guy on the other end of the bullying but when Profferer Moody had transformed him into a ferret he was completely humiliated.He quickly responded with a harsh “My father will hear about this!”
That’s when he noticed you at the front of the crowd with almost tears in your eyes as you told McGonogall what happened.You really did always look perfect in his eyes.Your melanated skin was shining in the sun practically counting off the sun and that shimmering butterfly clip halfway flying around on your hair.Something about you just couldn’t stop Draco from looking admiring you.He decided to run and probably go hide somewhere from all of the humiliation.He was running so fast probably crying at this point over what happened that he couldn’t even hear some footsteps following him and few minutes later.
He was sitting down in some old nook in the castle crying of humiliation. Muttering words of “How dare he stick me down of all people bloody Crabbe’s pants” and “Godric in front of her too”.
He could barely hear the small and careful “Hi” you gave to him.
He quickly looked up with a harsh glare and when he noticed it was you his eyes softened and he responded with a small “Hey”.He then put his face back into his hands hoping that you would just go away. Even if he wanted you to stay.
“Merlin, she really is seeing me like this,” He thought.
He felt her sit by him and their legs practically touching.When she touched he flinched a bit at the contact.His father and mother did love him but his dad Lucius didn’t exactly show it through physical touch and he obviously couldn’t get his mum to come to the school and give him some kind of goodnight hug could he?
“Oh I’m sorry,I probably shouldn’t have done that,” She spoke in a rushed and apologetic tone as she started to move over to give him space.
“No you’re fine just not used to it is all” y/n felt herself saddened at those words and took it as an invitation to grab one of his hands and lace their fingers together.
At this point Draco felt like he was going to explode and even if his hands were wet from his tears he wasn’t about to pull his hand away.”Um, Draco, I just wanted to say that Moody had no right doing that” “Teachers aren’t even aloud to that here, even though you were coming after potter no one deserves that.
“Thanks for coming to comfort me, it really erm, means a lot from you” He said as he looked down at your hands the paleness of his and the brown tones of your contrasting against each other. The sight really did make his stomach erupt with butterflies but all Draco could come up with was he felt sick but a good sick.The girl he liked didn’t laugh at him when he got turned into a bloody ferret and she actually took the time to check up on him. That was enough for him.
“I’m happy it does” you said as you looked foward with a small content smile.They sat in a comfortable silence for a few seconds before y/n spoke “If it means anything,I think you make an adorable ferret” y/n said with a small laugh.Draco let out a breathy laugh and before he could even think he blurted out “Your hair smells really nice” 
Really Draco he thought you get her to sit next. to you, hold your hand, and you told her hair smells good?? Why can’t we just listen to Blaise Godric wha-” His racing thoughts were interrupted by y/n.
“Oh-Um well thank you” She responded with a small nod and a content smile and she knew this was the time.She turned to the boy beside her and said “you were the ones to get those boys detention for me right”
Draco looked up at her for the first time since she sat down eyes red and wide.He became a rambling mess and started to awkwardly state, “Well erm y-you know I just thought they deserved it b-becau-”
“And I’m also assuming you’re the one to give this clip?” She interrupted with the brightest smile her and Draco now looking at each other.
“Well erm-yes” he said meekly. He was still holding your hand resisting the urge to look down at them forever.
“How’d you know?” You said eagerly. Draco looked at you a bit confused until you said “How’d you know that a butterfly is my favorite animal?” 
Draco started to gain some confidence and said “Well I had been having a bloody crush on you since first year so I thought it was only appropriate to know your favorite animal at least ” He hadn’t noticed what he had just revealed as he continued to tell y/n things.“I’m really sorry about the hair comment too” He rambled “It's just that I've been waiting to get that compliment in since second year.” He mumbled in a way that was almost too low to hear then spoke up,“Blaise told me it was rather odd and that I shouldn’t tell you th-” 
That’s when he noticed her face.As if he hadn’t been admiring her for the past five years of his school life.She wore a look that was giving off all different kinds of emotions but the one that was mainly seen was happiness and appreciation.
“Godric no” y/n breathed out “I think that’s the best sort of compliment I could get” Draco looked at her brightly then she continued “and well” She started looking down at their entangled hands “I’ve liked you for a long time too” “If you wanted to know” She looked up at him and he was in a sort of shock? It was like he was waiting for her to say “only joking” and run away like one of the weasels.but she didn’t.
“Draco” She said in a singsong tone as she waved a hand in front of his now almost red face.
“Merlin” he breathed out with the brightest smile he could make “Well in that case IwaswonderingifyouwouldliketgotoHogsmeadewithme” He said in the fasted way he could ready to repeat it before she chirped back a quick, “Yes! Of Course!”
“I-” Draco started to repeat, “Wait you understood that?” He spoke back with an inquisitive look.
“I mean if you don’t want me to say yes-” She teased with a sly grin.
“No,I mean yes,I like that you like me and that you’re going to go to Hogsmeade with me,” he affirmed in a rushed manner. 
“Perfect!” She responded “How about we go clean you up then yea?”
“Right, that’ll be for the best,” he said with a small smile.
They shyly held hands the rest of the way walking to the prefects bathrooms and y/n helped clean up Draco. They finally talked with one another and Draco finally got the girl he was going after for five years.
Present Time
“Fine fine alright” You sighed in defeat.
“Draco Malfoy your hair is THE most beautiful thing in this world.”
He had stop attacking you at this point and you two were in a criss cross position in front of each other, you were holding his face in both of your hands and the both of you were smiling like absolute idiots.
He looked at your with a grin that he was failing at trying to hide with a pointed expression.
You rolled your eyes and said “except for mine of course”
Draco Malfoy was by far the most dramatic person you’ve ever met in your life.
One day you were in a bookshop and told him that if he went to a muggle school he would be an spectacular theatre kid.Draco for some reason had taken that to great offense and went on saying how “his own bloody girlfriend doesn’t love him” and how “she thinks I’d be in some sort of theatrical arts like Pottah and his unruly ballet”
You honestly didn’t know if Draco was trying to be funny on purpose sometimes or if the things he said just flowed out like silk unlike his hair.
Now you sat under the big tree in the Malfoy Manor garden with Draco’s head on your lap, taking about how just because the conditioner is apple scented it doesn't make it any less bad for your hair.
A/N- hey lol, Anyways this is my first fic. I would really like any constructive criticism, anything you noticed off, or anything that you think needs improvements.I really haven't written anything non school related in a long time and I really want to get back into it :) 
Also it might just be me but if any one gave a comment on my hair and it included “your hair smells good” I would just dies on spot.maybe that's just me lol.Lastly, if you didn’t know I based using a bunch of gel in your in a second year off of myself lol so let’s just say my hair was not the best.Anyways have a good night or day <3
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whiskers-meow · 6 years
Chapter 1
This is my very first fic ever so I’m sorry if it isn’t that great. Feedback of any kind would be greatly appreciated! I’m also sorry if there are any inaccuracies to the story. I’m not a Hogwarts expert (yet). The story is a little short, and I haven’t gotten into all of the details yet, but it’ll come in the second chapter.
This fic doesn’t have a name yet but i’ll think of one eventually!
Summary: Reader is an American transfer to Hogwarts. She meets her brother, Blaise’s friends, and although she and Draco are extremely attracted to each other, they have a bit of a rocky start.
Draco Malfoy x Black Reader
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It was a cool, and breezy day, and the train station was full of muggles attempting to catch their trains to their target destinations. You had been staring at the wall in front of you between platforms 10 and 9 for about 15 minutes calculating your next move. It was already 10:45 and you knew that the train would be leaving at exactly 11 am. Plenty of wizards and witches had gone before you, but there was something unnerving to you about running yourself into a brick wall.
You were finishing the rest of your wizarding education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry after transferring from your old school in the United States. You were unsure if the school even allowed transfer students, and hadn’t received your acceptance until the week before.
You watched closely as a girl and her parents prepared to enter platform 9 ¾ and decided that you would attempt to enter right afterwards.
A heavy sigh of relief was released as you made it through. As you made your way onto the Hogwarts Express, you searched for an empty seat, because the train was already filled with students. “Finally,” you breathe after you came across some free seats. You knock on the door to the compartment and a boy opens. “Hey are these seats taken?” “No, go right ahead,” the boy answered. “I’m y/n,” you said as you took your seat. “Neville,” the boy answered. You flashed the boy a friendly smile, and began conversing with him. He introduced you to his frog, Trevor and told you about his studies in herbology, while you talked about your passion for learning about potions. A few minutes into your conversation, you excused yourself to go about wondering on the train.
You got up from your seat to look around when you saw a familiar face. You made your way to your brother who was already seated with two other people. “Blaise!” The boy looked up and gave you a smirk. “Well look who finally stopped being a big baby.” “Yeah, thanks for the help, asshole,” you said as you mushed his face with your hand while he laughed at you. “Y/n, this is Pansy, and Draco. Guys this is my sister, y/n.” You acknowledge his friends with a sweet smile, a short wave which the girl sitting next to your brother returned. The boy sitting across from the pair, who you now recognized as Draco, was carefully observing you. From your thick curly hair, pulled into a puff on top of your head, to your skirt which ended midway down your thighs.
He was knocked out of his trance by you offering yourself the seat next to him while you continued to talk to your brother. As he slid over in the seat, he carefully watched your skirt move up your thighs and lose a couple of inches as you sat down, which caused him to subtly lick his lips.
“So did they tell you what house you’d be put into?” Draco’s ears perked up at the question Blaise asked, curious to know if she’d be in the same house as he was. “No, not yet. I’m not sure but I think I may be going through the Sorting Ceremony with the first years.” “Do you think you’re going to end up in Slytherin?” Blaise continued. “I don’t know. Probably not. This doesn’t seem like my type of scene,” you stated, looking around at the darkly dressed trio of students. Draco scoffed. You brushed it off and ignored his sneer as your brother kept the conversation going. “So where are you sitting,” Blaise asked looking around. “A little further back with some guy I just met. He’s pretty cool.”
Draco felt a pang of jealousy. You had already met someone and you weren’t even on the train for 20 minutes yet.
“Who?” Draco blurted out, as the table looked at him in confusion.
“His name is Neville,” you answered hesitently.
Draco let out a small chuckle. “Neville’s about as cool as a heat wave if you ask me,” he said under his breath.
“But did I ask you?” you retorted at him.
“Imagine how desperate you have to be to be friends with Longbottom. I think I’d just leave, wouldn’t you?” Draco asked, directing his question to Pansy.
“Blaise, get your friend before I do, because he doesn’t know me like that,” you said, getting defensive and looking at your brother.
“Thank Merlin for that,” he replied snobbishly.
“You know what? I’ll just catch up with you later, Blaise,” you stated as you stood from your seat. “Pansy, it was nice to meet you,” you gave her a warm smile. The smile fell as you directed your gaze at the blonde boy. “Drago,” you nodded at the boy, purposely mispronouncing his name. Before he could respond, you turned on your heels, and walked away with a smirk on your face. Your heart was thudding in your chest after the talk between you and the boy with the gorgeous blue eyes. It might not have been an ideal first conversation, but the heated exchange didn’t turn you off.
Draco couldn’t help but watch you walk away. He was intrigued with everything about the girl he had just met, and he had to admit that the banter he just got into with you was amusing. He had been watching you walk away for about a minute now, completely silent trying to be discreet with his ogling.
“Tell me again how you two are anywhere near related? She’s a rude, hot head,” he said as he tried to quickly cover himself.
“Is that why you were checking her out?” Blaise asked his friend with a snicker.
Draco rolled his eyes. “Checking her out? She was insufferable!”
“Oh please!” Pansy interjected. “You were so far up her skirt that your face was practically in her arse. “
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its-chickenwing-450 · 3 years
Imagine Draco Hearing You Sing WAP  ~ one shot~
Requested?: No Pairing: Draco x curvy black fem reader Summary: Draco comes from the bathroom and hears Y/N singing a really dirty song.
Warnings: Implications to sex, mild cursing, brief mention of food (lollipop), sensual behavior, no voldemort AU
There you were on the train to Hogwarts, sitting in the train compartment with a lollipop in hand, listening to music while Draco was in the restroom. You had a very bad habit of listening to too loud music in public spaces but this time you didn’t think it would matter, after all, you were far from any one of the others on the train. Perks of being with a Malfoy you had guessed. Anyways, you were wrong, and quite loud too.  
Draco heard you almost as soon as he opened the door of the restroom and he laughed to himself when he heard you rapping the very explicit lyrics. He already knew you had a dirty mouth, a very very dirty mouth, it seemed that maybe you couldn’t go ten seconds without cursing, and it was true amused him when you couldn’t control it. He remembered when you met his parents for the first time and you were fumbling over every curse word that nearly slipped off your tongue. Nevertheless, his parents loved you, as he already knew they would.
Draco opened the door to your unnecessarily large compartment prepared to make a snarky comment that you undoubtedly would have a comeback too. What he wasn’t prepared for, was to see you, dancing in your chair very uh- sensually? Yes, that’s the word.
Draco’s mind went blank, all he could see, think about, focus on, was you. Your perfume suddenly began to feel as if it was making him high. The way you dipped and arched your waist. How you were completely oblivious to just how you made him feel so... so-
‘Was there a word for this?’ Draco wondered. It didn’t matter. All that mattered was you. And the amazingly nasty song you were singing that sent chills running up and down his spine at the speed of light.
What you did next fully made Draco lose control of his legs and he stumbled and would have fallen if you hadn’t caught him. You had stuck out your tongue over your red lips and tousled your wildly curly hair.
“Woah there, are you alright love?”
He didn’t answer, only looked into your eyes as if he were lost. 
He still couldn’t find the words, he could only look at you helplessly, admiring you. With the blackness of your eyes, the soft glow of your caramel skin, the delicate curve of your waist into the large swell of your hips. It was all too much, and his clothes began to feel hot, and restricting, especially in his pants area.
“I-,” Fuck he loved you. “Can I kiss you?”
You were confused, needless to say. Here was the esteemed Draco Malfoy, tripping over his own two feet just to ask you for a kiss.
He was an idiot but not a clutz.
You looked down and saw exactly what his issue was... and it really wasn’t that difficult. After all, it was poking through quite a bit.
“Seriously Y/N? You know why.”
“No... I don’t. Please enlighten me.”
“Dear heavens. I feel like I’m high off of amortentia right now. Do you have to be such a tease?”
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myfictionalhusbands · 4 years
BACK! back again.
it’s been YEARS since i’ve been on this account- my bad. i doubt any of yall are still active but i’m back. i’m gonna start writing imagines and series again. i’ll probably do most of my stuff about hp hogwarts, maybe kylo again, on my block possibly, stranger things, yada yada. it just depends on my mood and i don’t want to force myself into writing stuff again because i don’t want to experience that writers block again. 
please feel free to leave a few requests even if you aren’t following this account. i would love some inspiration! (it can be dialogue, situation, etc). anyways, i’ll see yall soon with an imagine! 
p.s. if you’re a black girl potterhead, this is a safe place for you to find imagines catered to you. even if you’re just a WOC here- i can do my best to write for yall too. i realize there aren’t many imagines that cater to us out there and i want to change that. 
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lowkeysaurus · 4 years
Footprints in The Sand ; Blaise Zabini
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summary: fred and george’s pranks sometimes do more harm than good. prompt: “i’ll carry you when you need a friend.” requested? no pairings: blaise zabini/reader, platonic!draco x reader warnings: n/a, pure fluff notes: muslim!female!reader
Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research, thereby I do not own the rights to any of the characters shown in the below writing.
Blaise hated Professor Snape sometimes. He very obviously favoured his own house, which had always leaned in his favour for obvious reasons, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t an arse. Today they’d been studying gillyweed, Dumbledore had thought it might be useful knowledge considering it’s what had helped Harry finish his trial last year, but by god did it have an awful stink. And to top it all off, Snape had given each student a flask of the vile smelling weed and told them to keep it with them. The flask, though, didn’t keep the smell out. That’s why pretty much all of the students had immediately dumped it in their common room, but Blaise refused to let it stink out his dorm while he was away. He’d rather keep it with him, where the smell wasn’t as bad because of the harsh wind. You’d been one of the ones to drop it off in your dorm. Blaise’s eyes flicked up as you stood from the ground, brushing grass off your skirt and tights, and went to say hi to Fred and George. He watched for a moment, smirked as you battled with your hijab (the loose ends flying into your face because of the wind), though his attention quickly returned to the book in his hands. He wasn’t entirely unaware of the slight twitch of his lips as he heard you laugh, but Draco noticed. The silver-haired boy laughed, leaning over to shove his friend and tease him mercilessly about his ‘soft spot’ for you, and in return he  jabbed him in the ribs with a warning look, though his smile had lifted higher. It was your scream that pulled his attention once more. He watched Fred and George heave you into the air and swing you back and forth, and he scrambled to his feet as he made his way over. Draco followed at his side, ready to square up to the older boys. “Hey!” Blaise snarled, still a little away from them. “Put her down, you pricks!” though that only seemed to make them want to do it more, for in the next second you were flying through the air and landing in the Black Lake. They froze. Blaise’s heart sank as he recalled the words you had spoken before; “I can’t swim, that’s why I didn’t want to go yesterday. Please don’t tell anyone.” and oh, oh shit. Blaise didn’t care to pull Draco off the taller twin, Fred maybe?, and instead tried to think of something he could do. And then, like a lightbulb going off atop his head,he reached into his pocket and popped the cap of the bottle of gillyweed. Gingerly, he lifted some of the green plant to his lips and swallowed it, face twisting into something reminiscent of his face, some ginger sneer, and he ripped his tie from his neck, dropped his robe, and ran and dove into the water. The splash pulled the twins and Draco’s attention from their fight, and each of their face’s lost all their colour one by one as they realized that you never came back up, and then one by one, they realized who had just jumped into the water after you. Though it was too late to run and get help from a Professor. McGonagall, Dumbledore, Professor Snape and Professor Flitwick each marched down in a line, brows furrowed with various degrees of stern anger swimming across their faces. Snape grasped the two boys by their napes and hauled them away from the younger Slytherin, and McGonagall in turn swatted at Draco’s head with a book, though Dumbledore carried on to the Black Lake, a twinkle in his eye. Beneath the water, Blaise was stupidly surprised as he could still breathe, though he didn’t let it distract him. He could see your figure sinking deeper, and so with determination and adrenaline seeping through his veins, the sixteen year old pushed against the current of the water with all his might. It felt as if everything in the water was working against him in that moment, it felt like the watching mermaids were dragging him back with just a look, felt like the tentacle-like weeds were purposefully tangling around his legs, and with a daunting sense of horror he realized that he may come across the Giant Squid, but still he pushed on. He had to get to you. And thus, when he finally grasped your hand in his, it felt as if everything he’d ever accomplished suddenly meant nothing. With all his might and everything in the water actively working against him, he hauled you to the surface, muscles aching and screaming in pain, but he was going to get you to the surface whether he got out or not. Though, in that moment, the gillyweed began to wear off. He felt the gills that had grown start to recede, the webs between his fingers shrinking, and as he realized that he might not get to the surface with you in his arms... He let go, and pushed you to the top with the last bit of strength he had left. Darkness filled his vision in that moment, and the last thing he saw was you get pulled from the water. He wouldn’t know until later, when he woke up in the hospital wing, that Draco had violently battled against the holds of both Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall so he could get to you and pull you both from the water. He wouldn’t know that, despite Draco losing ten points for fighting the twins (and them in turn losing ten points each, too), they had both gained forty and fifty points each for their valiant acts to save your life, and had won the House Cup. Not until you’d already kissed the life out of him when he woke up with a startled gasp, and not until you’d clambered into his hospital bed and lay with him for the rest of that night, his hands stroking your back and your head on his shoulder, listening to his beating heart with tears in both of your eyes. He loved you, that much was clear. Maybe Draco had been right.
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brown-honey · 5 years
You know what I’m interested in?
Forget World War 3
Forget Noah Centineo leaked videos
What I wanna know is what the hell is the point in having all these billionaires on the planet like Kylie Jenner and Steve Jobs if no one is going to do anything useful with their money?!?!
My question is...
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Put your money to good use kids.
Make the world magic again.
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