#dragon prince of alaska
checkoutmybookshelf · 8 months
Favorite Dragon Prince Quotes
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...Yes, this is a thinly veiled excuse to talk more about this series, which my brain is refusing to shut up about lately. It's also a thinly-veiled excuse to try some different book photo things. And mess around with filters and stuff, because somehow I washed the green out of the background and managed to make the photographic covers look...well, The Dragon Prince's Betrayal full-on looks like it was done with oil pastels, so go me. I have ZERO CLUE how I did that.
What we're ACTUALLY doing with this post though is picking my favorite quotes from each book. I do not promise no spoilers, so beware and enjoy!
"Even if I was willing to marry you after one hot make-out session in a pool, you should know..." she paused, her hazel gaze skidding away from his and Toren could sense her fear. "It doesn't matter." "It kind of does," Carina said, looking up through her eyelashes at him. "Since Alaska undoubtedly has an extradition agreement with the United States and I'm pretty sure I'm wanted for murder."
-- pp. 60-61, The Dragon Prince of Alaska
The sound of shattering glass was her cue, and at that moment, she tightened her grip on the leash in her hand, yanking down as hard as she could. "Bad dog!" she shouted, and a black dragon dropped out of the sky onto them.
-- p. 224, The Dragon Prince of Alaska
"What's your plan of attack?" "I pick her up at six," Rian said. "I'll take her to the nicest Indian restaurant in the area." "Taxi? Limo? A bicycle built for two?" Rian hadn't thought that far ahead. "Ah, a limo?" "Got a company lined up? It's Friday, they might not have last-minute availability. You got a good suit to wear?" "I'm wearing my uniform." "Oh, that's subtle," Tray scoffed. [...] Do you have a hotel lined up? Where do you plan to take her afterwards?" "I..." Rian hadn't even considered what would happen next. "This is unlike you little brother," Tray teased. "Aren't you usually the one who is scheduled to the minute? I suppose you called the credit card company to let them know you'd be making purchases in Florida so they don't block you for fraud when you try to pay for your date?" "I...ah..." Rian patted his pockets in sudden alarm. "Did you at least bring a copy of your diplomatic passport?" Tray sighed. Rian gave a groan. "No passport?" Tray guessed. "I forgot my wallet." Tray really did drop his phone then; Rian could hear him chortling as he fumbled for it."
-- p. 30, The Dragon Prince's Librarian
"Toren said that he and Carina felt...what they were going to feel, before it really grew naturally between them," Rian said hesitantly. "And each other, that they felt each other. What the other one was feeling. For a little while, anyway. Spells fade." Tania winced. "I'm sorry for that, then," she said bitterly. "But I'm glad it's only for a little while. Does it go away quickly?" It took Rian a moment to understand what she meant. "I'm not sorry. This..." he gestured at her can, and the tidy row of prescription bottles on the counter, "it's part of who you are. I wish I could take it from you, but I'm not sorry to know what it's like." Tania's eyes were hollow, but tearless. "How much of it do you...get?" Rian considered. "I feel like I'm sitting on something desperately uncomfortable, not sharp pain, just dull, heavy, and heavier still because it feels so inevitable."
-- p. 43-44, The Dragon Prince's Librarian
"Those aren't the receipts for your cane," Rian said leadingly. Tania looked closer at the pages. "Five hundred hand-carved canes?" "They aren't as fancy as yours," Rian said swiftly. "That's one-of-a-kind. But you said that no one should have to make do with the ugly ones insurance covers. This won't be enough for everyone of course, but the workshop said they couldn't make more than that in three months, so we're starting here. They'll be distributed to all the clinics and village health centers." Tania made herself close her mouth as soon as she realized that it was hanging open, and she flipped to the next receipt, only to find herself opening it again in astonishment. "This is so much!" "You shouldn't have to be royalty to get decent medical care," Rian told her firmly, and Tania recognized her own words. "This ought to go a little ways and help a few people, at least. I've hired an advisor to make sure that it goes to the people who need it, and that the application process isn't a nightmare and there aren't any weird tax loopholes..."
-- p. 214, The Dragon Prince's Librarian
"I'm sure my fiancé will greatly appreciate our safe return," Leinani said gently. [...] Tray didn't even attempt politeness. "And by appreciate, her highness means that you are about to face a fuckton of angry dragons."
-- p. 61, The Dragon Prince's Bride
"We don't want you, highness," Scoff sneered. "Amara wants the princess." Tray jerked as if they'd shot him. "No, no, she promised! I have my dragon again, you can take me, you don't get to do this to her."
-- p. 182, The Dragon Prince's Bride
"You really should try to get some sleep," he said, swinging his legs off the bed. "It's hard. What you just went through. I know." He yawned and gave an exaggerated stretch. And the couch is calling me. I waited up all night, you know. That whole platonic worried roommate thing."
-- p. 191, The Dragon Prince's Bride
They had always been like water and oil, Kenth resisting his older brother's imperious direction and acting more reckless than necessary just to needle him. It had been little more than sibling rivalry at first, but the death of their mother had changed their relationship to active antipathy. Fask blamed Kenth for not being there to save her. Kenth didn't actually blame himself any less, but it poisoned any warmth that had remained between them. And then Dana...
-- pp. 33-34, The Dragon Prince's Secret
Kenth reached out and hung up. "Gig's up," he said firmly. He turned to Mackenzie. "Stay here, stay safe. We're doing this my way now." Allowing no further argument, he shifted and surged up into the sky, flying straight for the hotel and his daughter. He heard Toren protest behind him, "This is not a plan! This is the opposite of a plan! What are you doing?!"
-- p. 54, The Dragon Prince's Secret
What did you say to someone who was dying? Beg him to fight? Apologize for dragging him into this mess in the first place? Confess her feelings? She couldn't untangle the emotions in her heart, let alone on her tongue. But she could thank him, and make sure that he knew how grateful she was.
-- p. 105, The Dragon Prince's Secret
"You gave me the sky," she said, tearfully grateful and glad. "It was always yours," Kenth told her. "And no one can take it from you now."
-- p. 242, The Dragon Prince's Secret
"Oh that's glorious," she said. "Is it magic?" "No, but this is..." Raval dragged his fingers over a well-worn passage. "Pause," he said. All of the water stopped, every particle suspended in midair, and Katy sucked in her breath. Every drop was a motionless jewel, and they were standing in a chamber of glistening enchantment. It was beautiful, which had not been part of Raval's original purpose, but he was glad of it now, because Katy loved it so much. "I've never seen anything like it," she gasped. "I'm in a chandelier!" She swept a hand through the hanging drops, dragging them along behind her in a trail of sparkling lights.
-- pp. 77-78, The Dragon Prince's Magic
"You are magic," she said in awe. Then she scrutinized him. "Why does this make you feel guilty?" "It's frivolous," Raval said frankly. "It serves no one but me. It was months of work that I did only for myself. It can't be duplicated and I don't even want anyone in my bathroom to enjoy it." He quickly added, "Except for you." "You're allowed to have projects for yourself," Katy said kindly. Raval could not feel a single hint of disappointment in her, so she must understand. "It was a lot of work. I ought to focus that kind of effort on something that betters humanity or saves lives or fixes realistic problems." There was a softness to Katy's mind that made Raval recognize all the prickles of his own. "I love you," she said. "I love you to the very bottom of your giant heart."
-- p. 78, The Dragon Prince's Magic
Knowing academically about magic was a lot different from suddenly being transported somewhere unknown in a fiery magical explosion, so Katy thought it was probably understandable that she screamed and clutched at Lancelot.
-- p. 97, The Dragon Prince's Magic
A baby. Katy's baby. His baby. A baby they made.
-- p. 140, The Dragon Prince's Magic
"You are missing ussssss," a disembodied voiced boomed through the stone walls, and then, suddenly, there was a ring of spirits around the table in the center of the cavern. They looked, at a glance, mostly human, but each of them was wreathed in an aspect of their element. A man seemed made of stone, his skin moving like little pebble landslides as he walked. A woman had trees for hair and leaves over her body like feathers. One man seemed to be smoldering, shrouded in smoke, and another was actively wearing flames. And there was Angel, standing soaking wet like she'd just come up out of the water, her hair wild around her.
-- p. 291, The Dragon Prince's Betrayal
The Alaskan prince collapsed onto Angel, who gave a gargle of pain and triumph. Violet flames wreathed them both and died away, leaving only a tangle of charred flesh and a puddle that might have been water...or blood.
-- p. 297, The Dragon Prince's Betrayal
"What was the bet that had Rian wandering naked around the castle? If we're going to get married, you can't keep a secret that huge from me." Alasie's eyes danced, even though her lips were as serene as ever. "That was the bet," she revealed. Drayger stated at her, waiting for the sentence to make sense. When it didn't, he persisted. "What was the bet? How was that the bet? I don't get it." "It wasn't Rian wandering the castle in the nude," Alasie said. "It was Tray. The bet was he could mimic his twin so successfully that even if he spent a week completely stark naked he could still fool everyone." Drayger stared. "And he did."
-- pp. 323-324, The Dragon Prince's Betrayal
Y'all...these books might be silly, fluffy shifter romances, but I literally cannot explain how they ended up living rent-free in my head. Hopefully some of these quotes explain it a bit.
Barring that, you might just have to read the books to figure it out.
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autism-purgatory · 1 year
Writer intro or something
Hey! I’m G.J, I’m an aspiring writer and (kind of) fanfic writer! I wrote Old Republic fanfic when I was 12 and was never the same again. I’m particularly fond of dark fantasy and revenge stories.
current interests: MW2, Dungeon Meshi, Bloodborne, Dark Souls, Fear and Hunger, and Jujutsu Kaisen.
here are some of my WIP’s! (Jfc there’s so many)
Altered_Humanity: The New (and better) version of Augmented Humanity. Post apocalyptic urban fantasy. Humanity already collapsed centuries ago, and whatever’s left is being wiped out by the remnants of a fantasy world that strangely fused with ours when it began to die. An android and a demi-god are convinced they’re the good guy, fighting each other for the greater good. (Inspo: NieR: Automata, Drakengard 3, Dying Light)
Tales of the Sculpted Lands (my magnum opus): A Dark Fantasy anthology, about various stories and myths of the ever-evolving sculpted lands. (Inspo: Berserk, Demon’s Souls, ICO trilogy)
Grayguard: A fantasy adventure story about a group of “elite” knights with three goals in mind
1: rescue their master from an ancient demon with magic robots
2: stop the major kingdoms from imploding after said master got kidnapped
3: Therapy? (Inspo: Aurora, Jujutsu Kaisen, Tears of the Kingdom)
WanderStruck: About a popular knight that gets kidnapped into the regular world and his growing love for the nerd who got him there (inspo: Panty & Stocking, WALL-E, Little Witch Academia. Yeah I know these make no sense)
Shadows Over Novald: An Urban Fantasy story about two peculiar partners in crime when their home, the city-state of Novald, is cloaked in darkness, the only way to lift the curse is to kill the five magic wielding humans that lurk in the city. There’s magic, espionage, a dash of steampunk, and so, so much murder and chaos. (Inspo: Discworld, Inglourious Basterds)
Chaos Travelers: A dragon bard with a southern accent, a necromantic death cult runaway, a cat lady with magic paint, and a knight with a spooky clone get invited to save an island kingdom. The results? Absolute madness. (Inspo: Dungeon Meshi, Belkinus Necro Hunt)
And here’s my AO3 fics!
Little Doll (Bloodborne Fic): about the doll after the events of the third ending. With the reborn hunter in her arms, she goes on a little journey to the physical fishing hamlet and nothing bad happens along the way.
Breathtaker (COD fic): Soap and Ghost didn't get along too well when they first joined 141 (Or did they?) but all that changes when their mission to Alaska goes sideways.
AO3 Original Works (that are actually out):
LunuL: about three bounty hunters in the year 2199. they trek across the Solar System being mediocre at their jobs and accidentally get wrapped up in several conspiracies and near death experiences. (Inspo: Cowboy Bebop, the Mandalorian, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and a bunch of other sci fi shit)
Loop of the Hollow: About four friends reuniting in their hometown of Ciclo, Texas. However, there is much, much more to the town that it seems…
Viscered: About a father taking care of his 10 month old son after the death of his wife, and his past as a bio weapon coming back to bite him in the ass. (Inspo: Prototype, Berserk)
Our Lonely Ocean: About a prince-turned squire and his commander, and their many, many shenanigans as they stumble into romance while hunting monsters together. (Inspo: Adastra, Dungeon Meshi…and a little bit of Peter Hart)
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mars-paws · 6 days
All my Kandi bracelets :3
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First off we have Weezer (for weezer Wednesday. Ofc.) Silly pupper, Alaska, Disassembly drone, and then my album bracelets (I guess Weezer could also count) God save the animals (Alex g) plans (Death cab for cutie) And junkyard two (Penelope Scott)
okay there’s a lot more- these are gonna go a bit more in depth so you can ignore my rambling if you want
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Trans cuff, made by my wonderful partner
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The Geto one I’m (fairly?) sure is a character, got at a con. Goth ihop was a funny story how I got it but someone came up and gave it to me at a con :)
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These three were a gift from a friend for my birthday ^w^
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Trick, my all time favorite Alex g album
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These two are quotes from The dragon prince!! One the left is “a good man with a big heart” and the right is “I would do anything for you”
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This one was inspired by an irl who calls me purple thing for no reason that started while doing a MD rewatch
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Mayday parade bracelet, inspired by a lesson in romantics (favorite mayday parade album)
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Vuzi bracelet, idea from @/the-sillest-of-maggots
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Bread. Idea from @/kiwibirbkat :3
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Fate is a lie, also inspired from the dragon prince! One of my new ones :3
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What it means to fall apart, another Mayday parade one I made because I got the vinyl. One of the new ones :D
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And lastly we have Stars before the sun! Which is a song title but I really liked the quote so I made a bracelet :) the last of my new ones!
thank you for reading my rambles or at least looking at my bracelets I like sharing them :333
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isbahstudio · 8 days
Recent Read - Crush
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💞 Recently I decided to opt for some light YA fantasy type reads. This brought me to starting the Crave series by Tracy Wolff. I just finished the second book: Crush.
This series is like a crossover between Twilight, Harry Potter, and the Hunger Games.
This series follows Grace, who after her parent's death, goes to live at a boarding school ran by her uncle in a remote and icy region of Alaska.
She quickly learns that this is no ordinary boarding school. It's a school full of Vampires, Witches, Werewolves, and Dragons.
Grace makes friends and foes as she unlocks her own dormant powers.
She also finds herself entangled between the Vampire prince brothers, Jaxon and Hudson, meanwhile their parents, the King and Queen, are bent on hunting down Grace.
Factions split apart, chaos ensues, and a world war between the magical species is looming over the precipice. Grace and her friends set out to change the course of history.
By the way, I am team Hudson all the wayyy.
Have you read this series?
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regaliasonata · 10 months
I’ve looked at the Arctic Thunder Au and realized…
T-Rex, Triceratops, Pteranodon, Tupuxuara, and Brachiosaurus aren’t very well suited for the cold, so swap out time!
Tyrannosaurus -> Nanuqsaurus
Triceratops -> Pachyrhinosaurus
Pteranodon -> Cryodrakon
Tupxuara-> Arcticodactylus
Brachiosaurus -> Sibirotitan
Nanuqsaurus and Pachyrhinosaurus were both discovered in Alaska in the Prince Creek formation far north. When they lived it was rather frigid in the area and they might’ve had so much feathers they were basically wooly dinosaurs.
Cryodrakon’s name means “Ice Dragon” and it lived in late Cretaceous northern Canada so it works.
Arcticodactylus is a very early Pterosaur from Late Triassic Antarctica which If I recall correctly was basically a melting hunk of ice as the temperatures got warmer during that time.
Sibirotitan is from Cretaceous Siberia which was quite cold at the time.
And my design ideas for the zords’ headshots (if they are in the au..)
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Excuse the random junk everywhere else…
Yoooo, okay first off these are really cool ideas I love them, though zord wise for the rangers main lineup Conner and Ethan would be using the Carnotaurus and Chasmosaurus zords that were in the show and Abaranger movie since they were blizzard themed, Kira on the other hand I think that Crydrakon idea can definitely stick around because other than a green Ptera toy add-on there isn’t a flying Dino for this formation so this would be a good idea. The zords are actually beings called the Bakujinn(combines the names of Ryujin from Abaranger and the Bakuryuu) here and can talk via the morphers or in small pet like modes.
Trent and Tommy however are keeping their zords, I got something special for Brachio though👀
I was thinking the regular megazord from the show here could be a special form the Blizzard Megazord could take similar to Ninja Storm’s transformation. Say a warm mode or something for more agility.
But overall I love these suggestions❄️
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purpleplaid17 · 10 months
Jess Watches // Wed 29 Nov // Day 68 Synopses & Favourite Scenes & Poll
A Business Proposal (with friend) Ep 12 (Finale)
Ha Ri tries to win Da Goo over by keeping him company at his hospital bedside. A worried Tae Moo asks Ha Ri to go to the U.S. with him.
While I expected bigger drama and shenanigans in the finale I was pretty satisfied with the ending. It's been such a fun and wholesome show. I wish it had been longer than 12 episodes because I have laughed multiple times each episode and it's been something I greatly looked forward to watching each week.
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters 1x03 Secrets and Lies
Shaw leads the team on a dangerous mission to Alaska in search of Hiroshi. Keiko, Lee, and Billy present their findings to General Puckett.
I'm enjoying that while the two timelines can often mirror each other, they can also stand up on there own as solid individual stories. And as we learn more about these characters, the strength of each timeline grows both individually and together.
The Dragon Prince 5x01 Domina Profundis
While Ezran awaits an audience with the Archdragon of the Ocean, Rayla hunts for answers about her parents, and Callum hits a roadblock in his research.
Callum trusting Rayla unconditionally and giving her the space she needs was such a mature and selfless thing to do. They've grown so much. I love that for them. Also, loved the librarian telling off Callum for yelling at the older books. As she should.
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naffertiizakkaraa · 1 year
Pagina 138
( 138 Y no nada más se fue alargando la corrida sino también la historia como cuando salimos de Upper Liard México para tomar a la izquierda La Carretera 1 una vez más.
ESTV.- Y ya vamos llegando a Pénjamo ooooooooooooooooooo ¿???
Todos.- ya brillan allá sus cúpula aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas…
Y después llegaron a White Horse México…
ESTV.- se los dije ¿???
Y así cruzar la frontera de Alaska México por Alcan Border desde Beaber Crick Canadá México…
ESTV.- de Corralejo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo…
Y pasar por La Carretera 2 en Tetlin Juction Alaska México…
Todos.- parece un espejo oooooooooooooooooo…
Y cruzar por Glennallen México por La Carretera 1…
ESTV.- mi lindo Pénjamo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ¿???
Y llegar por fin por La misma Carretera 1 a Anchorage México…
ESTV.- Vive La France ¡!!!
Y cuando llegaron a las primeras calles de la ciudad se detuvieron en El Centennial Park para con las piernas adormecidas por el largo viaje y pesado bajar del carro con mucho cuidado y saltar de alegría intensamente para celebrar la victoria destapando las botellas de champagne.
And welcome everybody to The Black And White Records never land following the yellow brick road to find the roller coaster beside the beach and see over the mountains the castle of the princess in love waiting desperate on the balcony her blue prince mounted on his speedy black steed, twirling his sword and waving his flag to rescue lover eyes blue from the dangerous dragon called Drako ¡!!!
Y entonces llegaron en una limosina con banderas brasileñas a los dos lados El Señor Martinho, si señor y El Señor Jairzinho para felicitarlos y los muchachos los bañaron de sidra.   
Heep Heep Hurra. Heep Heep Hurra. Heep Heep Hurra. Heep Heep Hurra. Heep Heep Hurra. Heep Heep Hurra. Heep Heep Hurra. Heep Heep Hurra. Heep Heep Hurra. Heep Heep Hurra. Heep Heep Hurra. Heep Heep Hurra. Heep Heep Hurra. Heep Heep Hurra. Heep Heep Hurra. Heep Heep Hurra. 
0 notes
bluepenguinstories · 2 years
Duck, Duck, Goose Issue #1
In the woods of rural Alaska, a cabin covered in snow sits. Inside the cabin stood two people next to a fireplace. One, a large and imposing man with a gentle, yet scarred face. He had short, red hair, as well as a thick red mustache with gray hairs and a short, but thick red beard. He wore over himself a coat made from the hide of a moose he had hunted. Next to him stood a woman, wreathed in shadow, with most of her features obscured.
“She’s so full of energy. I think she takes up after you,” the woman said.
“Ha! Maybe she’ll make a mighty fine hunter,” the man said with a smile, while stroking his chin.
“If that’s what she wants.”
“Yes,” he bowed his head, “if that’s what she wants.”
In the middle of the living room, over a rug, sat a young girl. She too had red hair which went down to her shoulder. On the floor next to her was a toy castle, with a doll of a princess in the castle. Right next to the castle was a toy dragon.
“Save me!” Voiced the princess in a muffled, high-pitched voice.
“I’ll save you!” Announced with a deep voice a knight clad in silver armor, holding up a sword. The knight knocked into the dragon and made the dragon fall.
“Oh, thank you, brave knight! Would you like a kiss?” The princess asked.
“No. Because I just wanted to fight a dragon,” the prince declared, then hopped away.
The man who watched over the young girl laughed a hearty laugh.
“Okay. Better wash up for supper,” her told the child. As the young girl ran off to the washroom, the man turned back to the enigmatic woman.
“There was someone here for me earlier. I had to bury them. It’s only a matter of time before the organization increases their efforts,” he said to her.
“Yes. You should go into hiding. Change your identity if you have to. You may be tough, but you are mortal,” she advised.
“If they found me once, they’ll find me again. At least I know they’re only here for me. If you were to be found out, they would hunt you as well,” he argued, then suggested, “you should go. I’ll try to soften the blow as much as I can.”
“Are you sure?”
“I know you’ll be able to find her again.”
She stared down, contemplative.
“Very well. When she’s asleep, I’ll go,” the shadowy woman decided, then turned to the man, “I wish I could give my life to you.”
“I know. And it has been a pleasure to have known you.”
The child spent her supper with her two parents, each of them having a bowl of porridge. After her meal, she got ready for bed, then went to sleep in her room. She was fast asleep when her mother, who had to duck under the doorframe to enter the room, stood by her bed. The young girl held onto a stuffed animal of a goose and had a smile on her face. The mother bent down and kissed her daughter on the forehead, then left the room.
The next day, the young girl ran out of her room, full of energy. Her father sat in a rocking chair and read from a thick book with a pipe in his mouth. The young girl didn’t want to bother him, so she went off to find her mom. Except all throughout the house, there was no sign of her. In the end, she came running to him anyway.
“Where’s mom?” She asked.
Her father looked up from the book.
“She must be running errands. I’m sure she’ll be home later,” he told her, without the slightest hint that he was lying.
So she waited. She played with toys, she ate her meals, and later in the day, her mother...never showed up.
For the next couple of years, she only had her father, and the two made do with hunting together, cooking meals, cleaning around the house, and playing with toys. He would read her bedtime stories, they would spar in front of the house, and some nights they would sit out and watch the stars.
Then, one day, while they were having elk stew for lunch, her father stepped up from the table and went toward the door. The young girl hadn’t heard anything, so she followed. But before he walked out, he assured her:
“Looks like I’ve got some business to take care of. I’ll be back in a little bit,” he gave her a little pat on the head, then walked out. She smiled.
However, after a few minutes had passed, and without him returning, she grew restless. He said he wouldn’t be long, but she didn’t know how long that meant. A few minutes, a few hours?
She stepped outside and waited by the door. Snow landed on her red hair as she did so. A tall shadow emerged between the trees that overlooked the forest that surrounded their cabin. However, the tall shadow didn’t belong to her father, but rather a woman with short, blue hair, and who shivered about with her arms crossed.
“Are you the person my father has business with?” The young girl asked the blue haired woman. In response, the woman’s expression changed to one of a silent gasp, until her face relaxed and she nodded.
“Where is he now?” The young girl asked again.
“Gone,” the woman replied with.
The young girl didn’t understand what the woman meant by that. She looked down, confused and frustrated, but couldn’t figure out what else to say, so took to staring at the woman in hopes of receiving more answers.
The woman pulled out a cell phone and held it up to her ear.
“Hello. This little girl’s father just died. Can you come pick her up?” The woman requested. The young girl’s eyes widened upon hearing the the news.
“Who is this?” The operator asked. “Can I get a name?”
“Misty Eyes,” the woman said. “I’m just a stranger who happened to be in the area.”
After that, the woman fled. Soon, cars arrived. One of them picked up the young girl as she was hauled away to an orphanage. Once there, she sat in a chair as she waited for someone to explain to her what had happened. Confused and with a scowl on her face, she rocked her legs back and forth. Then, someone had broke the news to her: her father, whose name they did not know, was found dead. Buried in the forest, his body uncovered. They were able to deduce that he was murdered, but weren’t able to figure out who had done so.
That they couldn’t identify him confused her; she always knew him as Erebus Rhamnous. As for her mother’s name...that much was a blur in her memories, as if a shadow had blocked out the words.
Of course, she already knew that her father had died: that woman said as much.
Her stint at the orphanage she stayed at only lasted a few days at most, and soon a woman named Nicole Clemens showed up. She was tall and slender black woman with long, braided hair.
“You’re going to live with us now,” Nicole told the young girl. The girl looked up and scowled.
Who did this woman think she is? Just announcing such a thing so sudden? The young girl thought. Still, she took Nicole’s hand and followed her out to her car with little argument or opposition.
During the car ride, she remained silent and kept that scowl on her face. Nicole, meanwhile, tried to ease her newly adopted daughter in.
“I’m sure this must be a lot for you go through all at once. And at such a young age, too,” she told the young girl.
“Don’t assume things about me,” the young girl said back.
“You’re right,” Nicole said with a slight smile, then added, “I have only heard about your situation. I don’t know you yet, so I hope you can be patient with me, and I will do my best to be patient with you as well. Does that sound good?”
“Ugh. I guess…” the young girl groaned and clenched her fists.
“Good! By the way, I have a daughter named Eleos. She’s about a year older than you. I’m sure she’ll love to meet you!”
The young girl didn’t know what to think. She never had a sibling before, but even as the prospect of having someone new to live with excited her, it also left a foul feeling in her stomach. As if sensing it, Nicole turned to the young girl.
“I want you to know, dear, that I’m not trying to replace your mother or father. I’m sorry about what happened to them. I just want you to have a good home.”
Those words didn’t help, as the young girl thought to herself: what was wrong with the home I already had?
Goose Hollow, a neighborhood in Back Bay City, British Columbia, Canada. It was there where the car ride ended and the young girl was awakened to find herself at her new home: a duplex situated near a shopping district. The city itself was huge, and the young girl’s head spun as her eyes traced the passing cars.
“Here, let’s go inside,” Nicole ushered her in.
When the young girl entered the house, she was bombarded by a girl with big, curly black hair in an orange shirt who ran up and hugged her right away.
“Get off of me…” the young girl growled. The other girl obeyed and released her arms.
“Sorry,” the other girl said.
“It’s okay. I forgive you.”
The other girl gasped.
“You forgive me? Already? Even though we just met? Then I forgive you too!” The girl with the bouncy hair bounced about with a big smile on her face. “I’m Eleos, by the way.”
“Nemesis,” the young girl replied with her own name, then looked up at Nicole while pointing to Eleos. “What does she mean? She ‘forgives me too’?”
“Oh. That’s just how she says she loves you,” Nicole chuckled.
“What?! Ew! I don’t forgive you, then!” Nemesis reeled back and squirmed.
“Aw. Even if you don’t forgive me after all, I still forgive you,” Eleos frowned.
Nemesis brought her suitcase upstairs, as well as a couple of boxes. As it turned out, she didn’t have much from the cabin that was hers to begin with. Her room was the first door to the right upon reaching upstairs, and was right across from Eleos’ room.
Her room was bare, with just a twin sized bed and a wooden desk and chair in the corner. Across from the bed was a small dresser. Overlooking her room was a large window, which she could peek down from to see the backyard, as well as her neighbor’s backyard (if she so chose). Later in the day, she would be given her first meal at her new home. For the moment, however, she chose to plop down on her new bed and spread herself across the thin blanket with little duck print patterns. Despite all that had gone on, she hadn’t managed to cry once.
Thus, Nemesis Rhamnous became Nemesis Clemens. Seven years old, and full of rage.
Her time during elementary and middle school was fraught with her picking fights. Whenever someone annoyed her, she was ready to pounce and hold her fist up to someone’s face. It brought with her a reputation as a ‘problem child’ and ‘bully’. Neither label she liked, and both she was aware of having. She hated bullies, and she didn’t want any problems. It’s just that others would give her problems, and she just couldn’t let it slide when kids called her names like ‘tomato face’ and so on. It especially riled her up when it seemed like the teachers and other faculty did nothing to stop the other kids from picking on her, yet would intervene whenever it seemed like a fight was about to break out.
There were multiple calls made to her adopted mother, and Nemesis would get suspended. Meanwhile, Nicole would sit down with Nemesis and try to talk her out of solving problems through fights. It didn’t quite stick, and her sense of wanting to correct other people’s wrongdoings made her a stubborn one.
That stubbornness didn’t stop at herself, either, as her sister would be picked on and teased. Even though her sister was a grade ahead of her, she would notice things in the halls, like Eleos getting shoved, and people mocking her for her use of the word ‘forgive’ in such a strange manner.
She tried telling teachers, and they would just shrug their shoulders and tell her that they weren’t beating Eleos up, and a little bit of namecalling wasn’t hurting anyone. Not to mention, the teachers would point out, that Eleos always seemed ready to ‘forgive’ the other students.
While she may not have wanted to start a fight, she just couldn’t let her sister be treated so badly. Especially when it seemed like Eleos was keen to just let those things happen to her without doing anything about it. Nemesis may not have been close with her sister, and she never offered to play or spend time around her, but that didn’t mean she was about to ignore such wrongdoing. Her sister was kind, but also fragile, which meant that more than anything, Nemesis had to protect her at any costs.
Into middle school, despite her sister attending classes halfway across the school from her, she was still vigilant in making sure her sister was safe. She would probe her sister with questions any chance she got, and she made sure to check in on her.
Despite that, she didn’t know much about her sister in terms of hobbies or interests, things she liked or disliked. Out of all she asked, she never once asked anything like that.
When she caught wind of kids bullying others, she would follow those kids after school, wear a mask made out of stitched together washcloths from home with little eye holes cut out, and would pin them down and make them promise not to hurt anyone anymore.
Even though she was sure no one knew she was the one doing such things, other students still ended up being afraid of her. She didn’t understand why, but as long as no one was bullying others, she was fine with it.
At home, she did many push ups and sit ups, was gifted a weight set for one of her birthdays, and used it to strengthen herself. She started eating more, and along with it, built more muscle as she grew older.
Toward the end of seventh grade, she received news from her sister that shattered her world: she would be attending a private high school.
“Good news!” Eleos showed the acceptance letter to Nemesis after school one day. “I’ve been accepted into Lilypad Academy, the prestigious all queer school!”
Nemesis knew the day would come sooner or later that her sister would attend high school while she was still in middle school, being that Eleos was a year older. Still, she never knew she would attend a private school, nor did she know that her sister was queer. Did Eleos like any girls in particular, or was it just something she knew about herself from a young age?
While Nemesis could have contemplated all of that and more, but that didn’t matter so much to her as it did the fact that for a full year, she wouldn’t be around to protect Eleos. Not only that, but if she wanted to continue to do so after a year, she would have to attend the same high school as Eleos. With one hand on Eleos’ shoulder, Nemesis made her sister vow something:
“Promise me you’ll let me know if anyone tries to do anything mean to you.”
“If nothing bad does happen, or if I don’t end up telling you, would you still forgive me?” Eleos asked with a smile. As little interaction as she had with her sister, such a smile was precious to see.
“Yes. Of course. I will still forgive you,” Nemesis promised as well.
So eight grade came, and with it, a new resolve: get into the same high school as her sister. There were just two issues: she needed to get her grades up (not impossible) and two, she would need to write an essay requesting entry, and if they approved of her essay, then and only then could she be accepted in.
That essay, by the way, was one where she would have to speak about her queer identity. Something which she didn’t know if she could do. After all, while she was aware of various queer identities, she didn’t know or understand much about any of them, so the idea of faking one sounded impossible.
Near the end of her eighth grade year, she spent a night trying to brainstorm what to write for her essay to the prestigious school. Careless, her door was left open just a crack, and Eleos peeked in.
“Busy with homework?” Eleos asked.
“No, actually,” Nemesis looked over and smiled. “I’m applying to the same school you are.”
Eleos gasped and a huge grin emerged on her face.
“Whoa! I didn’t know you were queer! Are you a lesbian? Bi? Asexual?” Eleos began probing her dear sister with questions. Nemesis just tilted her head, mouth agape, drool fell out, and she was unsure what to reply with.
“I’m...faking? I just want to go to the same high school as you. Oh, but I’ll probably pick lesbian. Probably makes things easier, right?” Nemesis explained.
Eleos scowled.
“Lying is not good,” she scolded Nemesis.
“Yes. I know. But the cause is good, is it not? It’s to see you,” Nemesis tried to persuade her sister.
“Even though I disapprove, if this is what you want, at least be honest when it comes to talking about yourself. I forgive you for you, and I’m sure others will too,” Eleos concluded, then walked away. Nemesis walked up to her door and closed it, then went back to her desk.
“Hmm...be honest about myself, huh? But what is there to say?” she tapped her pen against her chin, then growled. “Ugh. This essay isn’t going to write itself. I may as well come up with some bullshit and if I don’t get in, that’s that.”
It was a defeatist attitude, but she knew that the clock was ticking, and it was better to do it now than never.
After a few hours, close to midnight, she had something, even though it meant that she had put off the rest of her homework (oh well, she thought, I can always do it right before class tomorrow).
Dear Lilypad School,
My name is Nemesis Clemens. I am a lesbian. What that means to me is that...girls...exist? When I think about girls, I think that they’re girls, and that’s pretty darn swell. Being a lesbian is cool because...look, this really isn’t working out. How am I supposed to write a whole essay about this? Really? You think you know my own identity better than I do? Like, what, is there some kind of metric to test just how much of a lesbian I am? Can you really prove whether or not I’m queer?
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of those questions, I bet you’re lying. You’re lying to me and you’re lying to yourselves. It’s bad enough that I’m supposed to take this seriously, but I just can’t. You know why? Because I read the whole school handbook. Nowhere in it does it say that dating is a requirement. Are you going to monitor me to check if I’m kissing girls? If so, you all need to get your priorities straight (no pun intended).
Yes, girls are pretty (and) cool. But they’re not the be-all-end-all (is that how the saying goes? Or is it end-all-be-all? I don’t even know, and frankly, I don’t care). You know what’s more important? Justice. It doesn’t matter who it is or how they identify, if someone at this school is mistreated, I will not tolerate it. Does this mean I’m some kind of ally? I guess I’m an ally to anyone if the situation calls for it. My desire for others to be treated well has no bearing on my actual identity. I’ll kiss any girl if their soul is righteous.
P.S. I have never once thought about any girls, or boys, for that matter in my entire life. Most of my thoughts have been devoted to pondering why there is so much evil in this world. If that is a problem for you...yeah, I get it. I don’t really care where I attend high school to begin with.
After she wrote her essay (or rather, letter), she took a look at it and nodded.
“Yep. This is crap. Oh well, gonna submit it anyway.”
Those were her final words before she went to sleep. The next day, she mailed it in. Only a couple of days before her graduation from eight grade, she received her acceptance letter. She read it over:
“Let’s see: ‘thank you for applying to Lilypad Academy. We were moved to tears by your essay. We could tell that every word you wrote was heartfelt. You will be pleased to know that you have been accepted into our prestigious academy. Welcome to your new lily life.’ Oh wow. They really will accept anyone, huh?”
Soon, it came time to enter her new school. She could only hope that she would have what it took to protect Eleos from anyone who would dare to harm her.
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tvrundownusa · 2 years
tvrundown USA 2022.11.03
Thursday Wednesday, November 3rd:
(exclusive): "A Wesley Christmas" (BET+, movie), The Capture (Peacock, season 2 available, all 6 eps), Blockbuster (netflix, workplace sitcom premiere, all 10 eps), The Dragon Prince (netflix, season 4 available, all 9 eps), Panayotis Pascot: "Almost" (netflix, French comedy special), Chris Redd: "Why Am I Like This?" (HMax, stand-up special), "Low Country: The Murdaugh Dynasty" (HMax, legal docu-series, all 3 eps), Marvel Studios Assembled (dsn+, the making of "She-Hulk: Attorney at Law"), The Suspect (SundanceNow|AMC+, crime thriller limited series, all 5 eps)
(streaming weekly): Impact x Nightline (hulu), Star Trek: Prodigy (Para+), The Good Fight (Para+, penultimate), Inside Amy Schumer (Para+, penultimate), A Friend of the Family (Peacock, penultimate), Indefensible (AMC+), Partners in Rhyme (AllBlk), Pennyworth (HMax), Titans (HMax, season 4 opener, first 2 eps)
(also new): Thursday Night Football (AmazonPrime, streaming live), "The Bad Seed Returns" (LMN, reair of Lifetime original movie, 2hrs), Mountain Men: Ultimate Marksman (HIST, competition premiere)
(earlier - hour 0): The Really Loud House (NICK, sitcom premiere) /   / Fairly OddParents (NICK, "Fairly Odder" new night)
(hour 1): Law & Order (NBC), Station 19 (ABC), Young Sheldon (CBS) /   / Ghosts (CBS), Walker (theCW)
(hour 2): Law & Order: SVU (NBC), Grey's Anatomy (ABC), So Help Me Todd (CBS), Walker: Independence (theCW)
(hour 3): Law & Order: Organized Crime (NBC), Alaska Daily (ABC), CSI:Vegas (CBS), Atlanta (FX, ~46mins, penultimate), Indefensible (Sundance, "Casey Anthony"), "Race for the Championship" (USA, NASCAR docu-series finale)
(hour 4 - latenight): Best Of 'All The Smoke' (SHO), Hell of a Week (COM), TallBoyz (Fuse)
[preempted by MLB World Series, returning next week: Hell's Kitchen (FOX), Welcome to Flatch (FOX) /   / Call Me Kat (FOX) ]
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win-free-iphone8 · 2 years
Netflix Emmy Winning Animated Show
Netflix Emmy Winning Animated Show
Netflix Emmy Winning Animated Show #Netflix #Emmy #Winning #Animated #Show Welcome to Alaska Green Light Blog, here is the new story we have for you today: You Can Click Here To Watch Restricted Video of this Article The Dragon Prince season 4 debuts in November.Screenshot: Netflix This November, The Dragon Prince returns to Netflix for its fourth season. But what does the future hold for…
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GID Masterlist
In honour of 300 entries, I have decided to compile every entry up to this point in one post by genre to make it easier for people to find whatever they’re looking for. 
Adventures of the Little Mermaid
Akame ga Kill!
Arata the Legend
Attack on Titan (final season) (part 2)
Attack on Titan: No Regrets
Banana Fish
Be Boy Kidnappin’ Idol
Black Butler
Brave Story
Bungou Stray Dogs
Castle in the Sky
Chaika the Coffin Princess
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion
Cuticle Detective Inaba
Death Note
Detective Conan
Deltora Quest
Eureka Seven: Astral Ocean
Fairy Tail
Farewell, My Dear Cramer: First Touch
Fate/Stay Night
Fullmetal Alchemist 
Garo the Animation
Giant Gorg
Girly Air Force
Hanasakeru Seishonen
Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens
Hitori no Shita: The Outcast
Kamisama Dolls
Libra of Nil Admirari
Magical Girl Ore
Midori no Hibi
My Hero Academia
Nabari no Ou
Naruto (OVA)
Naruto Shippuden the Movie: Blood Prison
Natsume’s Book of Friends
One Piece
Persona 5: The Animation
Psychic Detective Yakumo
Rurouni Kenshin
Sands of Destruction
Seraph of the End: Battle of Nagoya
Spice and Wolf
Tales from Earthsea
The Ambition of Oda Nobuna
The Lost Village
The Royal Tutors
Tokyo Ghoul
Uninhabited Planet Survive
Valvrave the Liberator
Western Animation (television)
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes
Batman the Animated Series
Ben 10
Ben 10: Alien Force
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien
Ben 10: Omniverse
Blood of Zeus
Captain Planet and the Planeteers
Carmen Sandiego
Coke Lyoko
Descendants: Wicked World
Dreamworks Dragons
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
Human Resources
Iron Man: Armored Adventures
Lego Ninjago
Martin Mystery
Masters of the Universe: Revelations
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir
Neo Yokio
Peter Pan and the Pirates
Phineas and Ferb
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Sissi the Young Empress
Spirou and Fantasio
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Star Wars: Rebels
Superman the Animated Series
Tales of the Jedi
Tangled the Series
The Amazing Spiez
The Bad Batch
The Dragon Prince
The Legend of Korra
The Legend of Vox Machina season 2
The Legend of Zelda: The Animated Series
The New Batman Adventures
Totally Spies
Voltron: Legendary Defender
What If
Young Justice
Western Animation (film)
101 Dalmatians II: Patch’s London Adventure
Aladdin and the King of Thieves
All Dogs Go to Heaven
Asterix and the Secret of the Magic Potion
Astro Boy
Atlantis: Milo’s Return
Barbie: Mermaidia
Barbie and the Three Musketeers
Barbie as Rapunzel
Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper
Bartok the Magnificent
Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders
Batman: Under the Red Hood
Early Man
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio 
Hotel Transylvania
How To Train Your Dragon 2
Joseph: King of Dreams
Lord of the Rings
Madagascar 3
Peter Pan (1988)
Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs
Resident Evil Damnation
Return to Neverland
Rio 2
Shark Tale
Sleeping Beauty
Son of Batman
Space Jam: A New Legacy
Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
The Spongebob Movie: Sponge on the Run
The Adventures of Tintin
The Black Cauldron
The Boxtrolls
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
The Incredibles
The Jetsons Movie
The Last Unicorn
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Rescuers Down Under
The Road to El Dorado
The Super Mario Bros Movie
The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf
Tintin and the Lake of Sharks
Tony Hawk in Boom Boom Sabotage
Totally Spies Movie
Toy Story 3
Treasure Planet
Wendell and Wild
Television (live action)
Agent Carter
Alex Rider
Alice in Borderland
Batman 66
Breaking Bad
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Bulgasal: Immortal Souls
Cobra Kai
Cowboy Bebop
Criminal Minds
Game of Thrones
Into the Badlands
La Brea
Legend of the Seeker
Looking For Alaska
Moon Knight
My Himalayan Embrace
National Treasure: Edge of History
Once Upon a Time
Peter Pan Live!
Shadow and Bone
Squid Game
Star Trek Picard
Star Trek Voyager
Stranger Things season 4
The 100
The Boys
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance
The Flash
The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries
The Shannara Chronicles
The Walking Dead
The Witcher
Toy Boy
Films (live action)
A Recipe for Seduction
Air Force One
Aliens in the Attic
An American Werewolf in Paris
Ant-Man and the Wasp
Attack of the Clones
Attack on Titan Part 2
Avatar: The Way of Water
Avengers Infinity War
Babes in Toyland
Batman Forever
Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Bullet Train
Chaos Walking
Charlie’s Angels
Charlie’s Angels (2000)
Cirque du Soleil: World’s Away
Con Air
Deadpool 2
Descendants 2
Dune (1984)
Dune (2021)
Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
Edge of Tomorrow
Enter the Dragon
Family Ties Vacation
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore
Fast Five
Game Night
Girls’ Night Out
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Indiana Jones
Inglourious Basterds
Iron Man 3
James Bond
John Carter
John Wick
John Wick Chapter 4
Jungle Cruise
Knock at the Cabin
Loki’s MCU Scenes
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Love and Monsters
Mad Max: Fury Road
Masters of the Universe
Muppet Treasure Island
Murder Party
Ninja Assassin
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters
Peter Pan (2003)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
Pokemon Detective Pikachu
Poker Face
Power Rangers
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Ready Player One
Red Sparrow
Return of the Jedi
Reservoir Dogs
Saw IV
Scream 2
Scream 3
Scream 4
Snow White and the Huntsman
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Spider-Man 2
Teen Beach Movie
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze
The 24th Day
The Amazing Spider-Man
The Crimson Pirate
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader
The Dark Knight
The Departed
The Expendables 2
The Fast and the Furious
The Green Knight
The Killing of a Sacred Deer
The Last Jedi
The Man in the Iron Mask
The Mask
The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones
The Mummy (1999)
The Old Guard
The Pacifier
The Prestige
The Princess Bride
The Ref
The Secrets We Keep
The Smurfs
The Young Country
Thor: Love and Thunder
Willy’s Wonderland
X-Men: Dark Phoenix
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Stage Productions
Banana Fish
Arsene Lupin vs Countess Cagliostro
Crown of Midnight
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Looking for Alaska
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth
Ready Player One
Rebel Spring
Son of a Trickster
Star Wars: Young Jedi Knights: Heirs of the Force
Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide II: Ruin
Tales of Magic
The Ask and the Answer
The Cruel Prince
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
The Lost Hero
The Mark of Athena
The Fiery Cross
The Hardy Boys: While the Clock Ticked
The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones
The Spiderwick Chronicles
Comic Books
Asterix and Obelix
Attack on Titan
Avatar Comics
Batman: Slayride
Obi-Wan and Anakin
Ocarina of Time Manga
Oracle of Ages Manga
Star Wars: A Long Time Ago
Suske and Wiske
Vox Machina Origins
Colouring Books
Throne of Glass
Music Videos
Agust D
Be Mine
Bloody Valentine
Crescent Rise
Going Crazy
Goodbye Mr A
How Deep is Your Love
Laura Palmer
Montero (Call Me By Your Name)
Other People
Press Your Number
Pretty Baby
Red Lights
South of the Border
Sweet but Pyscho
What Do You Mean
The Youngblood Chronicles
Critical Role
Dead by Daylight the Parody
Devil’s Candy
Helluva Boss
Stray Souls
Short Films
Indigo Ignited
Video Games
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth 2
A Plague Tale: Innocence
Assassin’s Creed III
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag
Attack on Titan 2
Batman: Arkham Knight
Bendy and the Ink Machine
Bendy and the Dark Revival
Blazblue: Chrono Phantasma
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Danganronpa: V3 Killing Harmony
Dead by Daylight
Dead Rising
Dead Space
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider
Dragon Quest XI
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Far Cry 3
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy XV
Fire Emblem: Shadow Decoy
Fire Emblem: Three Houses DLC
For Honor
Genshin Impact
Ghost of Tsushima
Golden Axe: The Revenge of the Death Adder
Golden Sun
Horizon Zero Dawn
House of Ashes
Jedi Fallen Order
Jedi Survivor
Kingdom Hearts 2
King’s Quest V
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
Legend of Kyrandia 2: Hand of Fate
Life is Strange 2
Man of Medan
Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga
Marvel’s Spider-Man
Metal Gear Solid 2
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor
Middle Earth: Shadow of War
Mortal Kombat 11
Mystic Warriors
Nier Automata
Payday 2
Pokemon: Shadows of Almia
Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future
Red Dead Online
Red Dead Redemption
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 4 Remake
Resident Evil Village
River City Girls
Spider-Man Miles Morales
Star Wars: Rebellion
Super Princess Peach
Telltale’s The Walking Dead: Season 2
The Devil in Me
The Joy of Creation: Story Mode
The Last Express
The Last Window: The Secret of Cape West
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
The Quarry
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Titanfall 2
Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End
Until Dawn
Welcome to the Game
Yandere Simulator
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checkoutmybookshelf · 10 months
You Have My Attention: Dragon Prince First Lines
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...Ok fine, I might be a little bit homesick.
But just because I have a soft spot for Alaska doesn't mean that author Elva Birch didn't have to hook me as a reader, so let's see how she does that with her first lines!
"Carina Andreson surged to her feet, sweeping her camp chair out from under her as a make-shift weapon."
-- The Dragon Prince of Alaska
"His first email was short, and completely professional."
-- The Dragon Prince's Librarian
"'Yes, Mother,' Leinani said."
-- The Dragon Prince's Bride
"Kenth thought he was hearing fireworks when he first woke."
-- The Dragon Prince's Secret
"Katy didn't notice that anything was wrong until the barista pushed her coffee across the counter and backed away cautiously instead of joking and flirting like she usually did."
-- The Dragon Prince's Magic
"Any attempt at stealth was abandoned when the first dragon crashed, full-body, into the top floor of the apartment building like a cannonball."
-- The Dragon Prince's Betrayal
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backhurtyy · 4 years
i was tagged by the lovely @terracyte so... yeah!!!!!! thank you again terra!!!! 💖💖💖💖
1. name/nickname: hello it is me. ellen. i don’t really have any nicknames but on an unrelated note everyone thinks i pronounce my name as allen so i get called that a lot.... i hate it
2. gender: female
3. star sign: libra
4. height: 5’3”
5. time: 9:25 am
6. birthday: october 10
7. favorite bands/groups: queen, the aces, idkHOW
8. favorite solo artist: miley cyrus, taylor swift, rex orange county..... it’s the yearning for me
9. song stuck in my head: thought of you by the aces
10. last movie: ice age! my fave.... i watched it while i was still stuck in bed recovering from surgery
11. last show: the good place.... i’m almost done with it. also michael is an ace icon and i will not be taking criticism on that :)
12. when did i create this blog: early june i think??? i was consuming fics like crazy and i wanted more zukka content so.... here i am!! it’s been a vibe.
13. what do i post: atla stuff! like my fics and memes, as well as reblogging people’s art and fics and stuff that catches my eye. also a lot of stuff about being ace or the occasional post about she ra or the dragon prince
14. last thing i googled: .....cobb vanth..... i had to send a pic of him to a friend to prove he could be qualified as a dilf. very important, obviously
15. other blogs: this is my main, i have a side blog @smilehoneyy where i reblog kinda. whatever i want. it’s a lot of mandalorian stuff right now lmao
16. do i get asks: sometimes! i love whenever i get them tho, and i’d love to receive more about... anything
17. why did i choose this url: i love the tag zukos an awkward turtleduck on ao3 and when i made this account that was what came to mind
18. following: 182
19. followers: 279??? idk why but hello!!!! and thank you!!!
20. average hours of sleep: 7-8
21. lucky number: 10.... my birthday is 10/10 and i was born at 10 am so. yeah
22. instruments: i played flute in band for eight years and i played guitar for a little bit before quitting cause it was hard
23. what am i wearing: the same outfit i have been wearing for almost two weeks straight (i had back surgery dont judge me) which is a very very large shirt that says hawaii and a pair of green/brown genie pants
24. dream job: a designer for broadway. if i want to do lights, costumes, sound, or set i’m not sure yet, i just know i want to live in nyc and design for shows
25. dream trip: going to alaska. i want to go there so! bad!
26. favorite food: ice cream??? i don’t really know actually, that might just be what i’m craving lmao
27. nationality: american
28. favorite song: i have a hard time with favorites but songs i’ve been obsessed with lately are midnight sky by miley cyrus, never be me by miley cyrus, the less i know the better by tame impala, thought of you by the aces, cool cat by queen, television/so far so good by rex orange county, cruel summer by taylor swift, glamorous by fergie, mariposa by peach tree rascals, zillionaire by the aces, sunflower by post malone, and never been in love by will jay. i now realize it probably would have been easier to drop the link to my favorites playlist on spotify but. oh well
29. last book read: les miserables.... i’m exactly 1/10th of the way through and i haven’t read it since july so that’s fun
30. 3 fictional universes you’d like to live in: the dragon prince universe, harry potter (i hate jkr but.... doing magic and going to hogwarts always sounded so fun), and star wars (literally writing a space au rn..... so.... yeah)
and i’m gonna tag..... @bagel-rights-activist @snakefarm42 @zukkaclawthorne @that-was-anticlimactic @zukkau and @bisexuallsokka (as always feel free to ignore if you want <3)
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boreothegoldfinch · 3 years
chapter 5 paragraph x
Of my classes, English was the only one I looked forward to, yet I was disturbed by how many of my classmates disliked Thoreau, railed against him even, as if he (who claimed never to have learned anything of value from an old person) was an enemy and not a friend. His scorn of commerce—invigorating to me —nettled a lot of the more vocal kids in Honors English. “Yeah, right,” shouted an obnoxious boy whose hair was gelled and combed stiff like a Dragon Ball Z character—“some kind of world it would be if everybody just dropped out and moped around in the woods—” “Me, me, me,” whined a voice in the back. “It’s antisocial,” a loudmouth girl interjected eagerly over the laughter that followed this—shifting in her seat, turning back to the teacher (a limp, long-boned woman named Mrs. Spear, who always wore brown sandals and earthtone colors, and looked as if she was suffering from major depression). “Thoreau is always just sitting around on his can telling us how good he has it —” “—Because,” said the Dragon Ball Z boy—his voice rising gleefully, “if everybody dropped out, like he’s saying to do? What kind of community would we have, if it was just people like him? We wouldn’t have hospitals and stuff. We wouldn’t have roads.” “Twat,” mumbled a welcome voice—just loud enough for everybody around to hear. I turned to see who had said this: the burnout-looking boy across the aisle, slouched and drumming his desk with his fingers. When he saw me looking at him, he raised a surprisingly lively eyebrow, as if to say: can you believe these fucking idiots? “Did someone have something to say back there?” said Mrs. Spear. “Like Thoreau gave a toss about roads,” said the burnout boy. His accent took me by surprise: foreign, I couldn’t place it. “Thoreau was the first environmentalist,” said Mrs. Spear. “He was also the first vegetarian,” said a girl in back. “Figures,” said someone else. “Mr. Crunchy-chewy.” “You’re all totally missing my point,” the Dragon Ball Z boy said excitedly. “Somebody has to build roads and not just sit in the woods looking at ants and mosquitoes all day. It’s called civilization.” My neighbor let out a sharp, contemptuous bark of a laugh. He was pale and thin, not very clean, with lank dark hair falling in his eyes and the unwholesome wanness of a runaway, callused hands and black-circled nails chewed to the nub—not like the shiny-haired, ski-tanned skate rats from my school on the Upper West Side, punks whose dads were CEOs and Park Avenue surgeons, but a kid who might conceivably be sitting on a sidewalk somewhere with a stray dog on a rope. “Well, to address some of these questions? I’d like for everybody to turn back to page fifteen,” Mrs. Spear said. “Where Thoreau is talking about his experiment in living.” “Experiment how?” said Dragon Ball Z. “Why is living in the woods like he does any different from a caveman?” The dark-haired boy scowled and sank deeper in his seat. He reminded me of the homeless-looking kids who stood around passing cigarettes back and forth on St. Mark’s Place, comparing scars, begging for change—same torn-up clothes and scrawny white arms; same black leather bracelets tangled at the wrists. Their multi-layered complexity was a sign I couldn’t read, though the general import was clear enough: different tribe, forget about it, I’m way too cool for you, don’t even try to talk to me. Such was my mistaken first impression of the only friend I made when I was in Vegas, and—as it turned out—one of the great friends of my life. His name was Boris. Somehow we found ourselves standing together in the crowd that was waiting for the bus after school that day.
“Hah. Harry Potter,” he said, as he looked me over. “Fuck you,” I said listlessly. It was not the first time, in Vegas, I’d heard the Harry Potter comment. My New York clothes—khakis, white oxford shirts, the tortoiseshell glasses which I unfortunately needed to see—made me look like a freak at a school where most people dressed in tank tops and flip flops. “Where’s your broomstick?” “Left it at Hogwarts,” I said. “What about you? Where's your board?” “Eh?” he said, leaning in to me and cupping his hand behind his ear with an old-mannish, deaf-looking gesture. He was half a head taller than me; along with jungle boots and bizarre old fatigues with the knees busted out, he was wearing a ratted-up black T-shirt with a snowboarding logo, Never Summer in white gothic letters. “Your shirt,” I said, with a curt nod. “Not much boarding in the desert.” “Nyah,” said Boris, pushing the stringy dark hair out of his eyes. “I don’t know how to snowboard. I just hate the sun.” We ended up together on the bus, in the seat closest to the door—clearly an unpopular place to sit, judging from the urgent way other kids muscled and pushed to the rear, but I hadn’t grown up riding a school bus and apparently neither had he, as he too seemed to think it only natural to fling himself down in the first empty seat up front. For a while we didn’t say much, but it was a long ride and eventually we got talking. It turned out that he lived in Canyon Shadows too—but farther out, the end that was getting reclaimed by the desert, where a lot of the houses weren’t finished and sand stood in the streets. “How long have you been here?” I asked him. It was the question all the kids asked each other at my new school, like we were doing jail time. “Dunno. Two months maybe?” Though he spoke English fluently enough, with a strong Australian accent, there was also a dark, slurry undercurrent of something else: a whiff of Count Dracula, or maybe it was KGB agent. “Where are you from?” “New York,” I said—and was gratified at his silent double-take, his lowered eyebrows that said: very cool. “What about you?” He pulled a face. “Well, let’s see,” he said, slumping back in his seat and counting off the countries on his fingers. “I’ve lived in Russia, Scotland which was maybe cool but I don’t remember it, Australia, Poland, New Zealand, Texas for two months, Alaska, New Guinea, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Ukraine—” “Jesus Christ.” He shrugged. “Mostly Australia, Russia, and Ukraine, though. Those three places.” “Do you speak Russian?” He made a gesture that I took to mean more or less. “Ukrainian too, and Polish. Though I’ve forgotten a lot. The other day, I tried to remember what was the word for ‘dragonfly’ and couldn’t.” “Say something.” He obliged, something spitty and guttural. “What does that mean?” He chortled. “It means ‘Fuck you up the ass.’ ” “Yeah? In Russian?” He laughed, exposing grayish and very un-American teeth. “Ukrainian.” “I thought they spoke Russian in the Ukraine.” “Well, yes. Depends what part of Ukraine. They’re not so different languages, the two. Well—” click of the tongue, eye roll—“not so very much. Numbers are different, days of the week, some vocabulary. My name is spelled different in Ukrainian but in North America it’s easier to use Russian spelling and be Boris, not B-o-r-y-s. In the West everybody knows Boris Yeltsin…” he ticked his head to one side—“Boris Becker—” “Boris Badenov—” “Eh?” he said sharply, turning as if I’d insulted him. “Bullwinkle? Boris and Natasha?” “Oh, yes. Prince Boris! War and Peace. I’m named like him. Although the surname of Prince Boris is Drubetskóy, not what you said.”
“So what’s your first language? Ukrainian?” He shrugged. “Polish maybe,” he said, falling back in his seat, slinging his dark hair to one side with a flip of his head. His eyes were hard and humorous, very black. “My mother was Polish, from Rzeszów near the Ukrainian border. Russian, Ukrainian—Ukraine as you know was satellite of USSR, so I speak both. Maybe not Russian quite so much—it’s best for swearing and cursing. With Slavic languages—Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, even Czech—if you know one, you sort of get drift in all. But for me, English is easiest now. Used to be the other way around.” “What do you think about America?” “Everyone always smiles so big! Well—most people. Maybe not so much you. I think it looks stupid.” He was, like me, an only child. His father (born in Siberia, a Ukrainian national from Novoagansk) was in mining and exploration. “Big important job—he travels the world.” Boris’s mother—his father’s second wife—was dead. “Mine too,” I said. He shrugged. “She’s been dead for donkey’s years,” he said. “She was an alkie. She was drunk one night and she fell out a window and died.” “Wow,” I said, a bit stunned by how lightly he’d tossed this off. “Yah, it sucks,” he said carelessly, looking out the window. “So what nationality are you?” I said, after a brief silence. “Eh—?” “Well, if your mother’s Polish, and your dad’s Ukrainian, and you were born in Australia, that would make you—” “Indonesian,” he said, with a sinister smile. He had dark, devilish, very expressive eyebrows that moved around a lot when he spoke. “How’s that?” “Well, my passport says Ukraine. And I have part citizenship in Poland too. But Indonesia is the place I want to get back to,” said Boris, tossing the hair out of his eyes. “Well—PNG.” “What?” “Papua, New Guinea. It’s my favorite place I’ve lived.” “New Guinea? I thought they had headhunters. “Not any more. Or not so many. This bracelet is from there,” he said, pointing to one of the many black leather strands on his wrist. “My friend Bami made it for me. He was our cook.” “What’s it like?” “Not so bad,” he said, glancing at me sideways in his brooding, self-amused way. “I had a parrot. And a pet goose. And, was learning to surf. But then, six months ago, my dad hauled me with him to this shaddy town in Alaska. Seward Peninsula, just below Arctic Circle? And then, middle of May —we flew to Fairbanks on a prop plane, and then we came here.” “Wow,” I said. “Dead boring up there,” said Boris. “Heaps of dead fish, and bad Internet connection. I should have run away—I wish I had,” he said bitterly. “And done what?” “Stayed in New Guinea. Lived on the beach. Thank God anyway we weren’t there all winter. Few years ago, we were up north in Canada, in Alberta, this one-street town off the Pouce Coupe River? Dark the whole time, October to March, and fuck-all to do except read and listen to CBC radio. Had to drive fifty klicks to do our washing. Still—” he laughed —“loads better than Ukraine. Miami Beach, compared.” “What does your dad do again?” “Drink, mainly,” said Boris sourly. “He should meet my dad, then.” Again the sudden, explosive laugh—almost like he was spitting over you. “Yes. Brilliant. And whores?” “Wouldn’t be surprised,” I said, after a small, startled pause. Though not too much my dad did shocked me, I had never quite envisioned him hanging out in the Live Girls and Gentlemen’s Club joints we sometimes passed on the highway. The bus was emptying out; we were only a few streets from my house. “Hey, this is my stop up here,” I said. “Want to come home with me and watch television?” said Boris. “Well—” “Oh, come on. No one’s there. And I’ve got S.O.S. Iceberg on DVD.”
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horacelawson · 3 years
The 1.1 update even adds support for the Priority Inbox feature if you have it enabled.
The 1.1 update even adds support for the Priority Inbox feature if you have it enabled.. It didn take long to retrofit the one fixture. He had been the first chained up. Daenerys has dragons, Aegon does not. Distributor: A24.. But why talk about trifles! What’s a child to me? I don’t want one; perhaps just as a comfort . In 2010, the former Alaska governor backed Republican Brian Murphy in his unsuccessful GOP primary bid against former Gov. I was just wishing to see you, and hoping to call on you as soon as possible. This setback comes as the airline has staged a huge Mens ADIDAS ORIGINALS comeback after flirting with bankruptcy protection in 2009, when Air Canada's heavy pension deficits threatened to pull the company under. The second trio were from Geelong: 23 year olds Hugh Hanlon, a steel fabricator, his then girlfriend Jessica Vo, a hospitality manager, and Hugh's brother Tom, 22, a civil engineering student. If asked to choose the Airstream's best attributes, they would include the impressive Mercedes Benz diesel powerplant, the narrow chassis that allows SUV like access while on the road haibike e mtb 2020 and the interior's high quality appointments. You are not wanted here, but in Westeros men will flock to your banners by the thousands, great lords and noble knights. There are also generally long periods off, creating the opportunity to pursue other interests during the time off.. I DO BUSINESS WITH CHINA. "No email, no phone," he says firmly. In addition, Donna and John are soon to be great grandparents. "There's a lot of guilt and shame and they blame themselves on some level, and they learn to tolerate very unacceptable behavior from other people because they don't think they deserve better.". Nine of them assembled in the solar: Connington and Strickland, Haldon Halfmaester, Black Balaq, Ser Franklyn Flowers, Malo Jayn, Ser Brendel Byrne, Dick Cole, and Lymond Pease. I grant you, he is not as patient as I’d like, and some of the boys are terrified of him … but that’s not all for the bad. Slashing her face, cutting off an ear … the Imp’s grubby little fingers are all over this.”. 798:. I'd been going hard for six and a half years, travelling 250 days a year. “My dealings with the prince? Understand, I had a complete moral conviction, but not a single positive proof, not a single one, in spite of all my efforts. The rest were crowded around the pit at the far end of the room, where a pair of naked men were slashing at each other with knives whilst the watchers cheered them on.. I read in the real physical form, I read on my device or listen in my car. It might matter some to the wretched ruin of a husband that Euron had inflicted upon her, but Eric Ironmaker did not have coin enough to ransom her. Lawson said he is honoured and delighted to be taking over command of an organization in legjobb kutyaruha esőkabát which I have quite literally grown up. Quei silenzi dei grandi che coprono gli insulti dei pi?piccoli. The slaves of this country are better clothed and fed than the peasantry of some of the most prosperous states of Europe.. Trades should generally be in the 10 to 20 mph through this weekend. McCormack, 41, who began acting with the name Patty, switched to Patricia in 1978 to remind producers that she was grown up and had dropped the nickname she made famous as the lethal Rhoda in the stage and screen versions of The Bad Seed. Participants will get their own CHPL sunglasses when they sign up, coupons for treats and fun activities around town after 10 hours, and a CHPL string bag when they complete the challenge. adidas eqt rose gold One man with whom I labored, however, being desirous to get all the work out of his hands he could, before I left (about fifty in number), bought for them every week, or twice a week, a beef’s head from market. The windows looked into dolce gabanna adidași bărbații the garden. nike air jordan 1 los angeles Tides; York American, Warwick boys stay alive in Little League 8 10 district tournamentSports Peninsula Pilots' barrage on offense leads to victory over Edenton SteamersVirginia Tech Freshman Caleb Farley will play receiver for Virginia Tech when season gets underway. They don't stay little forever, no matter how gotcha karkötő dearly we hold their childhoods in sandalias doradas gioseppo our hearts.. It would drive me nuts if a project took a long time. A longsword in the hand of a ghost. Three teens were denied bail on Sunday, and the fourth was denied bail Monday morning.Charges were filed against Dzevad Avdic, 19, of the 5900 block of South Honore in Chicago; Myles Hughes, 19, of the 4200 block of West 81st Street in Chicago; Jeremy Ly, 19, of the 8100 block of Lowell in Skokie; and Nicholas Smith 19, of the 3800 block of West 84th Street in Chicago.They are accused in the attack that led to the death of Gadau, who prosecutors said was with a 17 year old girl when they were both shot on Sept. Other competitors' covers feature horno teka hc 610 me blanco hard retractable tops, where slats can slide back and forth allowing truck owners to stow or remove articles from the cargo area. The reason for this is because you want to find the very best guitar lessons for beginners you can. She would pace from one corner of the room to the other with her arms folded, pale and gloomy, as though oblivious of everything, even forgetting that I was there beside her. A seal of government approval in some countries will increase trust in a particular product, while in others any mention of the government could lead the reader to throw the piece away in disgust.. Amber pendants, golden torques, jeweled daggers, silver brooches set with gemstones, bracelets, rings, niello cups and golden goblets, warhorns and drinking horns, a green jade comb, a necklace of freshwater pearls … all yielded up and noted down by Bowen Marsh. In the Old-school Presbyterian Church, William and Robert Breckenridge, President Young, and others, have preached in favor of emancipation in Kentucky. Capt. She used to kiss me and say, ‘You’ll know everything, the time will come when you’ll know everything, poor, unhappy child!’ She was always calling me poor and unhappy. As it has always been.”. Smylie, and all those bodies who, among them, had justified not only slavery in the abstract, but some of its worst abuses, by the word of God; yet the New School body thought these opinions no heresy which should be a bar to Christian legjobb kutyaruha esőkabát communion!. They are all added benefits," he said.. I should tear your tongue out with hot pincers and deliver you to the Dreadfort to be flayed. The pair were even tapped this year because of their success using Facebook to be on the social media company's 12 company Small and Medium Business Council. Because in 1960 if you had three drinks you weren an alcoholic. The crew had beaten them off, at the cost of twelve lives. By now it was dark. While we abhor the horrible system and the horrible trade with our whole soul, there is no harm, we suppose, in wishing that such a man had a better occupation. Christ was persecuted for doing what John was persecuted for not doing. Early as possible, is what I was hoping for, Locker said. DSG refers, collectively, to the Lord Taylor, Hudson's Bay and Home Outfitters banners.
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cillius · 5 years
Θα κάνουμε μαραθον με ρομαντικές ταινίες έχεις να μας προτείνεις;
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Blue Lagoon: The Awakening (2012)
Photograph (2019)
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Music and Lyrics (2007)
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Before we go (2014)
A little chaos (2014)
Last song (2010)
What if (2013)
Labor day (2013)
27 dresses (2008)
Suite Francaise (2014)
Everything, everything (2017)
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The lucky one (2012)
Shallow hal (2001)
How to lose a guy in ten days (2003)
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Tulip fever (2017)
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Memoirs of a geisha (2005)
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Remember me (2010)
Safe heaven (2013)
Lust caution (2007)
A walk to remember (2002)
Newness (2017)
The longest ride (2015)
The choice (2016)
Brooklyn (2015)
Passengers (2016)
Dirty dancing (1987)
To all boys I‘ve loved before (2018)
Me before you (2016)
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After (2019)
Man up (2015)
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Set it up (2018)
Ugly truth (2009)
Mr. Right (2015)
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Overboard (1987) / (2018)
The proposal (2009)
Destination Wedding (2018)
Pretty woman (1990)
The kissing booth (2018)
Man in Love (2014)
Phantom Thread (2017)
The awaking of Motti Wolkenbrunch (2018)
Holidays in the wild (2019)
Long shot (2019)
Let it snow (2019)
Who do you think I am? (2019)
The relation of mind, face and love (2009)
The Broken Hearts Gallery (2020)
An Impossible Love (2018)
The Garden of Evening Mists (2019)
Holidate (2020)
Operation Christmas Drop (2020)
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Interlude City (2016)
Looks that Kill (2020)
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Allacciate le cinture (2014)
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Manmanrziyaan (2018)
Love Jacked (2018)
Psychobitch (2019)
Isi & Ossi (2020)
Love at Second Sight (2019)
Molly Maxwell (2013)
Premature (2019)
Eternal Winter (2019)
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