#dude is almost worse than wizard lady
via-the-cryptid · 11 months
snow queen would have a family reunion at some point, how chaotic would it be cuz I feel like some one would start a fight at some point
oh YES.
this sat in my drafts for a looong time because I had to try and figure out the logistics, as well as just how many people are being invited to this family reunion, so LET’S GO!
as a disclaimer — the family reunion would take place post-series, so Fionna and Cake canon is also fringe being considered.
firstly, we have the list of invitations. Magic Simon takes care of this, as he has a functioning memory (something that Snow Betty is mildly lacking in — she’s been worse, but it’s still a little bit closer to a sieve than a bowl). the invitees are:
- The Main Children: Marceline, Jake, Finn, Fionna, Cake, Gunther, Fern
- The Citizen Children: candy orphans, Little Dude, various penguinfolk, Snow Betty’s myriad of sentient ice constructs, The Grandpups
- The Family Adjacents Such As Spouses And Close Good Friends: Bonnibel, Lady Rainicorn, Phoebe, Prismo, BMO, Susan Strong, Marshall Lee, Gary Gumball
- Random People Who Are Somehow Also Invited: Huntress Wizard, various other princesses, Abracadaniel and Abracadebra, Peppermint Butler, Death, the Living Island, Minerva in the form of a bot, Lemongrab (for some godforsaken reason), King Man (formerly known as Magic Man), Glob Gob Grob Grod (who doesn’t show up but that’s probably for the best)
I’ve probably forgotten someone, but these are the people I remember so that’s who’s on the list. Patience St Pim is not invited and is actively uninvited, in the sense that they sent her a note saying ‘don’t you dare show up to this or we’re putting you in Magic Time Out again’. they have no idea if it reached her or not.
as for the reunion itself… well, it starts out okay? everyone seems to be getting along, Fern and Huntress Wizard hit it off, Little Dude is chilling on top of BMO while they both walk around and join in on people’s conversations, the penguins have started some sort of fish poker game and those delinquent candy orphans have joined them. all in all, everything seems to be going fine until someone (Peppermint Butler) makes a comment about someone else (Lemongrab) and it all goes to hell in a handbasket. Marceline is forced to restore order by flying up to hang from the chandelier and screech at everyone to sit down and behave themselves or there won’t be any dessert. Snow Betty does in fact freeze Lemongrab to his seat so he’ll behave himself. It’s not very effective. seating Death and King Man next to Peppermint Butler so he’ll be too distracted to be rude, however, is very effective.
Bonnibel gets to meet Gary and Marshall, who are just as weirded out by her as she is by them. their world is fantastical, sure, but it’s also based around a city, not a bunch of kingdoms. plus, it’s just kinda weird to meet your literal doppelgänger. Marceline took it a lot better, mostly because she was already used to Magic Simon and Snow Betty’s weirdness and was therefore prepared for the multiverse bullshittery.
Prismo, interestingly enough, does actually show up! he’s also the one who lets Fionna, Cake, Marshall, and Gary come over for the reunion. he brings Cosmic Owl as his plus-one, which is… interesting, but he also shows up as a 3D being, which is even weirded. he’s still completely pink though.
later in the evening, Huntress Wizard gets in a fistfight with a penguin and almost loses, but manages to win because Fern starts cheering her on. there’s probably more weird stuff that happens at the family reunion but this is already gettin way too long, so. ask me again maybe later
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ectoentity · 2 years
Petition that all Danny Phantom information released by B. Hartman since the show ended be called Banon
like Fanon but with Butch in mind
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iatethepomegranate · 3 years
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences (for now)
Relationship: Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast
Summary: After Aeor, Caleb buys a house in Rexxentrum with Beau and Yasha. For the first time in more than seventeen years, he has some semblance of stability. Caleb is not sure he's ready to handle it, but he's trying, and his friends are eager to see him live a good life, by force if necessary.
And then Soltryce Academy approaches him with a job offer, which could give Caleb the chance to protect the next generation of wizards the way he had needed at their age. Caleb's goal of preventing what happened to him from happening to anyone else, however, takes a far more personal turn than even he could have anticipated.
(In other words, here is a fic about Caleb settling down and learning how to be a person again. Also Professor Widogast will be a thing. Fic title is a lyric from I Have Made Mistakes by the Oh Hellos. Chapter title is a lyric from Mind by Sleeping At Last. More detailed tagging and notes are available on AO3.)
Chapter 1: It's the first brush stroke of a self-portrait
Caleb had mixed feelings returning to Rexxentrum after spending so long in Aeor… and everywhere else he had been, including a fucking flesh city in the Astral Sea. Sure, he had popped back to Rexxentrum regularly to update the Cobalt Soul on his discoveries, and to testify at Trent’s trial, during the conclusion of which he had the satisfaction of turning down Da’leth’s offer to assume Trent’s position as the Archmage of Civil Influence. But now he was back on a more permanent basis.
He didn’t know what to do with that information. With this place, that was both so familiar and so foreign. Full of some of his best memories, and some of his worst.
Caleb had spent so long avoiding this place, or at least the challenging parts of it, and now Beauregard was dragging him and Yasha down the street, infodumping about a house she wanted the three of them to buy together.
“Caleb, don’t give me that look,” she said. “You’re gonna love this place. I know you like your space, dude, and this is the best of both worlds. It’s technically two houses, but there’s, like, a door between them so we can visit each other. Because you’re a fucking genius but you also forget to feed yourself.”
Yasha smiled at Caleb over Beau’s head. “She’s not wrong, Caleb.” Her soft tone made Caleb a little emotional, but he categorically refused to start crying in the street. “I like my space, too. This is a good balance. And there’s room for a garden.”
“Yasha’s not an Empire citizen,” said Beau. “It looks better if there’s two of us Empire kids on the deed so no one thinks any weird shit about her.”
Caleb sighed at her. “I will look at the house, Beauregard.”
Beau yanked them around the street corner. “It’s a great location. You can walk anywhere. I can get to the Archive, and you can get to the Academy.”
Caleb raised an eyebrow at her. “Do you know something I don’t?”
“Maybe. Astrid says hi.”
The implication that Astrid and Beauregard had been speaking to each other recently was of concern. Caleb was too tired to unpack it. He would find out what that was about eventually. It was not worth Beauregard’s sibling-level mockery if he tried to extract the information early.
“Oh, and Veth sent you this,” said Yasha, passing a wrapped package over Beau’s head.
“Yeah, I might’ve told her we’re buying a house together,” said Beau. “She made Yussa send that to the Soul so I could grab it for you.”
Caleb didn’t open the package, but he did shake and squeeze it a little. It felt like coins. A lot of coins. Oh, Veth. Still taking care of him from miles upon miles away. They’d both come so far from Veth sneaking coins into his pockets because he had felt strange about taking her money even when he desperately needed it.
“Danke,” he said softly. That was all he could say, before he risked bursting into tears again. That was happening to him a lot lately. It… wasn’t the worst thing. More of an inconvenience. He chose not to unpack it.
Beauregard was looking at him strangely. He elbowed her. It probably hurt his elbow more than it hurt her, but she was successfully distracted from his bullshit. She punched his arm. Even holding back like she did, his arm did go numb for a few seconds.
Yasha sighed. “Children, we’re almost there.”
Caleb had been down this street before. Rarely, as it was entirely residential. But sometimes he, Astrid and Eadwulf would explore the city to find excuses to get away from the Academy, especially after they had commenced their training with Trent. But, with Caleb’s memory, he could call upon the map he had drawn in his mind. This was a middle-income area on the southern edge of The Tangles, home to mostly professionals--well-off storeowners, any researchers who did not live in the Shimmer Ward or have access to quarters with the Cobalt Soul, some teachers, architects. Largely people looking to settle down with the money to stay out of the Mudtop Ward.
It was close to the Shimmer Ward, a little southwest from the gate, but not so close that Caleb felt an itch on the back of his neck. The Tangles were the oldest part of the city, with narrow looping streets with little logic to them. This area was slightly newer than most of The Tangles, but still old. Regardless, The Tangles were fairly central to the city and an easy starting point for any travel. If you didn’t get lost on the way out.
This far south in the area, the houses were a little more spaced out. A little more green space, more gardens. Duplex-style houses were common, mostly built of old stone or lumpy brick on the first floor and clay bolstered by wooden frames above that. Children were out in force, running and screaming through the narrow streets while their parents watched from the porch of their homes. Well, for those who had porches.
“There she is,” said Beauregard. They had stopped in front of another duplex-style building, newer than some of the others but still respectable in age. The first floor was made from dark reddish brick and the upper two floors panelled with dark wood to bolster the white clay walls. The first two floors were full in width, and the third consisted of two dormers peeking through the darkly thatched roof.
There were two entrance doors on the ground floor, each spaced a third of the house’s width from the outer corners. The rectangular windows were framed in white-painted wood, dividing the glass on each window into six little squares.
Before the three of them was a low wooden fence, also painted white. The paint was chipping a little, revealing the deep brown heartwood that Caleb suspected was oak. There were a number of oak trees in the Pearlbow Wilderness. Caleb had slept under them several times in worse days. Oak was rather expensive, if he remembered correctly. He usually remembered correctly.
“She’s pretty hot, right, Caleb?” Beau said, snapping out of his hyperfocus on the history of timber in the Zemni Fields.
“Oh… ja.”
“Cool, so the owner will be here in a few minutes to let us in so we can have a look. She wants to sell the place as a package deal.”
Caleb had, in some ways, trained himself out of being too attached to places or most material things (with a few exceptions such as his spell components, spellbook, and the letters he had written to his parents). Unless there was something horrifically wrong inside, he didn’t care where Beauregard and Yasha wanted to live. It was practical that they live together, after all. Caleb had healed immensely this past year, but he was self-aware enough to understand he probably shouldn’t live alone. Of the Nein, Beauregard knew how to call him on his bullshit and Yasha understood him pretty well and knew he needed space sometimes, so it was a reasonable arrangement.
“I am really not picky, Beauregard.”
“Yeah, because you still don’t care enough about yourself to give a fuck about this. We know.” Beauregard looped her arm around his neck, dragging him down to her level so she could rub her knuckles across his scalp, ruining the two narrow braids Essek had worked from Caleb’s hairline to his messy ponytail that morning before they had parted ways beside the secret entrance to Aeor. Caleb talked himself out of getting upset with Beauregard over it. She couldn’t have known, and she was being affectionate like he really was her brother.
Once he was free, Yasha fixed the braids, and Caleb had to stop himself from crying again because she had noticed it bothered him and just… fixed it without making it a thing. Beau straightened her expositor’s garb, clearing her throat.
“Sorry, dude.”
Caleb conjured a mage hand to tug on her ponytail. Beau swatted at it, but her hand went right through it. She gave him the finger. Yasha finished fixing the braids. Everything was normal again.
The owner, a half-elf woman with long blonde hair coiled into a bun that looked like a cinnamon scroll, arrived and immediately shook Caleb’s hand.
“Mr Widogast, a pleasure. These ladies have told me a lot about you. My name is Alphira Winterheart. I teach evocation at the Soltryce Academy.”
Caleb still felt a spike of anxiety when he heard the name of that place. At this point it was ingrained, even if he held out a small amount of hope he would get to teach there one day. It would be easier to fight corruption if he had some say over what the Academy put into those children’s heads.
“A pleasure,” Caleb replied, a little flatter than he had intended. He mentally shook himself, remembering to actually grip her hand for a proper handshake. “Evocation? I used to specialise in that area.”
“Ja, Ms Lionett told me you are now a Transmutation specialist but still frequently partake in the Evocation school in your travels. I’m glad to hear you intend to put down roots here in Rexxentrum. I would love to exchange theories over coffee.”
Beauregard smirked. Caleb remembered a conversation with Essek where they had agreed to return to Aeor and exchange theories. They had meant that literally. But it had indeed sounded like a euphemism to someone like Beauregard. Well, she hadn’t been wrong in the end, but certainly the intent at the time had been more about a meeting of minds than a meeting of…
Caleb concentrated on the conversation in front of him instead.
“Ja, I would enjoy that,” he replied. “What level of Evocation do you teach?”
“Oh, I teach the beginners.”
“And you live here in the Tangles?”
“I did,” said Alphira. “Archmage Beck has offered me lodging on her estate, so I am selling this house. It was always a little large for one person, and it seems you three could make better use of it than I did.” She leaned closer to Caleb, as if to tell him a secret. “The place on the left is where I prefer to experiment and study. I would recommend you look at that one in particular. The dormer is slightly larger. You could even put a teleportation circle up there if you were so inclined, given your need to travel.”
“Danke.” Caleb still felt a little weird about Rexxentrum mages not wanting to kill him, but he didn’t sense any untoward motives from this woman. She seemed genuinely friendly. “How… is the new Archmage settling in?”
“I have no complaints. She seems competent, if a little terrifying. I am uncertain if that is her past as a Volstrucker, or a necessity of the job. She has been nothing but kind to me, and I would certainly prefer to be her friend than her enemy.”
“Ja, we are familiar with her,” said Caleb.
“Caleb most of all,” said Yasha.
Beauregard had to turn away before she burst out laughing.
“We should look at the house,” Caleb said before the conversation could go anywhere strange. Gods, he missed Aeor already.
Alphira unlocked both front doors. They checked the one on the right first.
“This one has a larger living area,” said Alphira, leading them through the entrance. “I am offering the furniture as part of the sale. I have already taken everything I need.”
Beauregard threw herself onto the large couch in the centre of the room. “Yasha and I call dibs on this side of the house. Since you’re gonna spend so much time here with us anyway. We’re taking the larger living area.”
“Beauregard, we have already established that I do not mind.”
The floor underfoot was a pleasant hardwood, probably more oak, and a large rug occupied much of the space. They would have to purchase candles for the evening, but it was well-lit during the day. Caleb followed the women through each of the rooms on the ground floor on this side, largely going through the motions. The kitchen was equally large, and had a good oven for Yasha to practice baking. They would need to purchase a larger dining table.
There was one large bedroom upstairs and two smaller ones, alongside private areas for bathing and other such activities. This was where they found the door between the two houses. The top floor dormer was full of assorted furniture and household items Alphira didn’t need, but they would likely use. Beauregard and Yasha discussed the possibility of turning this into another bedroom for when they had friends over. Or perhaps converting one of the lower bedrooms into a workout space and using this as a replacement. Caleb did not need to contribute much to the conversation, aside from promising he would help move furniture with telekinesis.
Truth be told, Caleb was having a hard time concentrating on the whole thing. He hadn’t really had a home in a long time, and he could not wrangle his mind into understanding the change. The Xhorhaus had been easier to stomach, as nobody had expected to live there forever. But this? Putting down roots? Real , long-term roots?
Maybe Caleb had been homeless for too long. It was beyond his comprehension at this point. And maybe it frightened him a little. He could not afford to inspect those feelings, not right now.
He pulled himself together in time to inspect the other side of the building. His side. His house. Scheisse .
The living area was a little smaller, but could still easily welcome the Nein (just in rather cosy quarters). The kitchen, also smaller but still respectable--a little larger than his childhood home in Blumenthal. There was less furniture on this side; Alphira had evidently used this side more and therefore had more furniture to take. There were two bedrooms on the second floor, one slightly larger than the other. Caleb found himself thinking that he would probably take the larger one just so there was enough room when Essek was over, or maybe he would take the smaller one so Veth could bring her family with her. Fuck. He didn’t know what to do.
And then they visited the dormer. It was indeed larger than the other one. There was a table in front of the window, with a few dark ink stains, and plenty of floorspace to spread out notes or create a teleportation circle. A few chairs were stacked in the corner, seemingly in good condition, and one wall was lined with empty shelves.
Caleb had always been partial to a tower, and this was pretty close. It would make a great study.
He was genuinely excited over a house. In Rexxentrum. A short journey from where his childhood home once stood. He was going to hyperventilate if he thought about this too hard.
“There are already plenty of shelves in my new house,” Alphira said. “These are all yours.”
Caleb nodded slowly, pulling his mind back into his skull. “Wundervoll, danke.” He took a calming breath. “This is a nice place, Professor.”
Alphira smiled. “Yes, I did not make nearly enough use out of it. But I hear you three have a lot of friends from out of town.”
“Ja, we do not see them enough.”
“Perhaps you will see them more once you have a place to welcome them.” Alphira led them back downstairs, and into the other side of the house where they could sit around the small dining table. Alphira already had the paperwork they needed to sign; Caleb got the impression Beau and Yasha had already decided to buy the house before they spoke to him about it. He was glad the decision was out of his hands.
He signed the paperwork, using both his legal name and the name he now wore (Alphira had apparently been briefed on this, and had consulted a contract lawyer on how to make it work on a binding document). Caleb had needed to sign various statements as part of Trent’s trial, so signing in Bren’s name was not as strange as he feared it would be. He was relieved. Beau and Yasha had insisted on finding a way that his new name would also be included, given he had not gone through any legal name-change process. The money Veth gave him more than covered his part of the cost. He needed to hug her. He needed to hug all of them.
Alphira gave them three copies of the contract and handed over the deed to the property. “I will head to the housing authority and file the paperwork immediately.” She slid the keys over the table to them. “Congratulations on your new home.”
She left. Caleb traced the shapes of the letters on his copy of the contract, over and over, letting reality sink in. He had a house. A house in Rexxentrum. A house in Rexxentrum with two of his best friends. It wasn’t at all what he imagined he would have when he was seventeen, when he thought he and Astrid and Wulf would one day have done their duty for the empire and settled down together.
But this was good. This was right .
He cried. Yasha was probably crying, too, but he couldn't see. The three of them hugged across the table, the edges jabbing their ribs.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 3 years
Winner’s Curse Ch. 22
“Please please come in quickly,” the honorable wizard Yen Sid urged Uma, barely muffling his own coughs from the dusty air of Judge Frollo’s “house.” Quite ironically or perhaps more telling, Judge Frollo’s abode was the basement of a brothel. A cruel twist of temptation or perhaps a house of convenience since it was no secret that Frollo indulged in his hypocritical desires while preaching at his imaginary pulpit during the day.
But Uma wasn’t here to hear how she was destined for hell. It was night, the perfect time to meet the rest of the Anti-Villain Club while Frollo was away.
It felt like the situation was getting more dire the more time past. Amplified by the restlessness Uma felt because they weren’t getting anything done!
Sometimes Uma wanted to give in to her temptation to just dump the Auradonians for themselves. They didn’t really offer her any information or skills that she needed. Plus, they were slow at best. Uncaring and disobedient at worse, far more concerned with their own problems and feelings. They didn’t know how to work with a team or for a cause other than themselves.
Such royal behavior. Must be nice to put your moods first when your need for food, shelter and safety were never in question.
So it was a breath of fresh air to meet with the Anti Villains. Though they did not give her the assuring efficiency of her pirate crew, they were still Vks, her people. And she would need all the allies she could get if they were to stop the Coven.
Yen Sid gestured to the faded rug with, of course, an image of a man bleeding and crucified while a red devilish monster stabbed at his torso with a pitchfork.
Frollo’s erstwhile, rebellious daughter, Claudine took the head of the rug with Diego De’Vil and Yzla on both sides of her. Harold, Jason, Hadie, Big Murph, Hermie Bing, Eddie Balthazar, Celia and a blonde girl that Uma didn’t recognize rounded out the rest of the circle. Uma took place across from Claudine and Yen Sid stood by, pacing around.
“What news can you give us?” Yen Sid asked, starting the meeting abruptly.
Uma hadn’t noticed when Yen Sid signalled to her from the alleyways but the elder wizard looked even older. He was hunched over, not from age but like there was an invisible yoke on his shoulders. His face was riddled with new lines of wrinkles, stress and fatigue. And he was pale. So pale.
Uma had seen that sort of sickly paleness before. The sheen of sweat from a non-existent flu. He looked like death. The Isle after 20 years was starting to take its toll.
Though Uma had no personal attachment to the wizard nor did she care for his method of teaching goodness so Vks would be accepted in Auradon, when they should be accepted because they like any other person should have a home without abuse or poverty, she respected what he was trying to do. He didn’t see them all as one mass of worthless deviants to be scorned and ignored. He could have stayed in Auradon, doing nothing like all the rest of the so-called good guys, but he didn’t.
And this place was slowly killing him.
This place was going to be the death of all them if Uma’s revolution didn’t work.
Uma cracked her neck, inhaled and began to brief them, even though her report didn’t offer much encouragement that their plans were going to be successful.
“Our communications link with King Ben no longer works thanks to the Isle’s crappy service. However, we were able to inform him that the invasion is taking place in less than a week before we were cut off.” “Circe is officially on our side and will assist Yen Sid on more complex, powerful spells against Nerissa and the others.”
“The rest of the Coven-” “Believes.. Well actually tolerates the idea that you and Calix are still loyal. Lala still is on their side but Jade thinks she can convince her to switch again. Zevon and Ginny are lost causes. But you are going to round up your crew, and Harriet’s crew for extra manpower.” Yzla interrupted, and shrugged at Uma’s glare, “Jade told me.” “Ah yes.” Uma pursed her lips, shaking it off to not act too ruffled. She had been aware that Yzla and Jade were close but she didn’t particularly like that they were discussing things without her. That’s how plans got overturned. And people were overthrown.
Uma pushed that thought away as too paranoid. After all, they were all here for the same thing. Escape, not power.
“Yes, so you already know that. I do believe we will be able to persuade the rest of the Isle on our side.” “Wait the rest of the Isle. Like you mean some other kids right? Or the Hun gang. Not not the whole Isle?” Eddie asked. “I meant the rest of the Isle. The adult henchmen. The orphaned kids. The Huns, the mercenaries, the prostitutes. Anyone and everyone who has no power or big villain names.” The rest of the club looked at turns confused, intrigued and disbelieving at her.
“They are like us. They gain nothing from the Coven gaining more power. They get everything if they helped the revolution. No more oppressors. And a promise from King Ben to take all of us off the Isle to better housing, new jobs and actual food. A better life.”
“Whether Mal likes it or not.” Uma added internally. That had been the one thing she managed to speak to King Ben about, and surprisingluy he agreed wholeheartedly. He had seemed horrified when she described the living conditions that children dealt with. The way teens had turned to violence among other things to survive their abusive parents. He didn’t think he’d be able to convince Auradon should be abolished completely. Big villains would probably stay indefinitely. But he was welcome to her suggestions for programs to hep Vks.
“That’s why I need your input. King Ben is putting me in charge of VK Integration Programs and I want to know what we need.” “Uh, that’s nice. A truly Christian thing to do,” Claudine sneered saracastically, she had always been the most doubting of anyone having good intentions what with who she had for a father, “But shouldn’t we get out of here before we plan any VK Integration Programs?”
“This is part of how we are going to persuade the rest of the Isle to help us,” Uma smoothly bridged the two disparting ideas, “We need solid plans with how, what, when. Something solid and real that people can imagine and believe in. When the other Vks and adults hear of these programs, these programs that are as real as when King Ben invited the Core Four, they will be willing to fight for their chance to get in. They will rise up against the Coven so that they could be free.”
Claudine and Diego still looked suspicious, but Jason, Harold, and Big Murph practically had stars in their eyes. Hermie was smiling shyly and Hadie was tapping his chin thoughtfully. He was the first to pitch in.
“I think there should be something for the victims of Hans and Lars.” Everyone turned to look at him which caused the spiky-blue haired teen to flush and clam up. , Uma nodded empathetically, “Continue.” “Well, I mean-uh.Well we all had it bad. But Prince Hans is another level of bad. I went there once with dad for one of Staylan’s parties and I lurked around and man, that dude is nuts. He has photos of his “harem” all “sexy bruised” and stuff. And Lars…”
Uma narrowed her eyes. She didn’t need Hadie to elaborate on Lars. Gil had already told her everything she needed to know about the icy sadist. It was a term that was generally thrown around for an island full of villains with bloodlust, but Gil described the sickeningly calm way Lars acted. How Lars almost described it in seductive terms the way a whip would constrict a person’s throat until the breath left them. The calculating gaze he’d watch the ones he picked as “lovers.” Apparently a sadism that he picked up from his dad.
“Yeah, everyone knows Drizella is his favorite. Poor Dizzy.” Eddie shook his head.
Dizzy had always been left alone with her grandmother, Lady Tremine, but Uma had always assumed that Drizella, like almost all the parents on the Isle, was neglectful and uncaring. She hadn’t thought that Drizella may have been dealing with her own things.
And why wouldn’t she? That was Gil’s mother had to go through everyday with being Gaston’s unfavorite. While Uma was more concerned with the kids on the Isle, she could see now that some adults may need help too.
“Great. Center for sadist victims. What else have we got?”
“Do we have to go to school if we go to Auradon? I just don’t think I need it. My band is doing pretty well and I bet those royal dorks never heard music like mine.” Diego mock-shredded on his guitar
Uma cocked her head. She got his point. She didn’t think there was anything Auradon Prep had that could teach her anything useful. Like smizing as she heard from Celia Faciliar’s letters from Freddie. Plus there were some teens near adulthood like Harriet who probably wouldn’t want to be forced into classes when they could get jobs. Same with adults who never learned to read in their lives and still didnt want to.
“I’ll talk about it with King Ben. What else?” Uma said.
“Food that isn’t covered with flies. Fresh food, not trash.” Hermie said.
“Uh that’s just a given. None of their food is rotten.” Celia told the lithe brunette before Uma could clarify that good food comes with the territory.
Several ideas were thrown around, but the main ones came down to food, homes away from the possible revenge of their parents and others, and none of the Goodness 101 that Celia heard Freddie taking.
“Great. Now the important thing is that you spread the word of these programs to the other. You have to make people want this badly enough that they will fight. Act like its their only chance because it is. From there, I will send my crew to organize them to key points and learn some better and dirtier fight tactics.” Uma announced.
The rest of the Club nodded somberly at the announcement. There was not much emotion from Uma’s command. No relief, excitement or even nervousness. Just a numb sort of nod that they understood. But the words, “This is your only chance,” clearly rang in their heads.
It was now or never.
Everyone slowly got up to leave, thinking their own thoughts except the blonde who slipped to walk next to Uma, expertly slinking through the alleyways.
“Hi, um, I know we haven’t met before but um.. I’m Cosette.” The literally dirty blonde introduced in a fake high voice, clearly highlighting her nervousness, “I’m Gaston’s daughter. Gil’s half sister? You know Gil right? I mean, of course you do. I’ve seen him and everyone knows he hangs with you. I’m sorry I’m babbling. It’s just this is all so new-”
Uma stopped walking so she could give her her full attention. Yes, now that she stopped to actually look at Cosette, she could see a bit of the resemblance. The blonde hair, the high forehead and cheekbones. She looked older, maybe Harriet’s age, though her ample chest peeking from her corset gave the impression of a woman in her 20s. Unlike Gil, she didn’t have the usually confused look in her eyes. Just scared.
That look heightened Uma’s protective instincts. The helpless usually did that, as unvillainous as that was, plus the Gil resemblance.
“Why haven’t I heard of you before?” Uma asked skeptically even though she was pretty sure Cosette was honest.
“Um I’m a girl. Dad wouldn’t acknowledge me. Actually he tried to throw me away and try again which is why Mom left and… it seemed safer to avoid him. But- but I heard from Celia about this Anti-Villain Club when I went in for a reading, and Celia said you’d come so I thought I’d ask you. You know, for permission.” Uma thought. The story was realistic enough. But there was too much to do right now to focus on a family reunion. Unless…
“I will. You have my word. But first, how good would you say your fighting and/or spying skills?”
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grimoireofwritings · 4 years
Ooh ooh! Dungeons and Dragons headcanons for the Eye of the Midnight Sun members please, both elves and humans!
I actually love their little group cuz I think the characters are underrated and have very interesting dynamics!! Big thanks for sending in this request, I wasn't expecting it and was overjoyed to see it. I am gonna do the members of the Third Eye obviously, as well as Licht / Patri & the other three asshole lackies that I found highly amusing. Enjoy~!
Licht / Patri :
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- Ngl I don't think he would give a shit
- He really doesn't care to spend any time with the humans around him, we all find out he despised every last one of em excluding William so if he ever played D&D with a group it would probably have happened back when he was living amongst his people and wasn't busy organizing a genocidal mission
- I really think he would go for a sorcerer or rogue, he is more the clever and calculating type
- Takes the game a little too seriously and he's definitely that one guy who gets too invested in his character and feels personally offended when bad things happen to said character. Be prepared for some salty remarks if he rolls a nat one and it messes up his plans..
- Probably just wants to prove he's smart
- He enjoys dungeon crawls and combat heavy sessions, he is the brains of the group and this happens especially if he's with people who are there for the shits n giggles and they keep straying too far into chaos aka pissing off the DM
- He could maybe have potential to be a decent DM but I really don't think he would care enough to put the time and energy into a well built campaign
- Great at solving puzzles
- Personally shits on anyone who plays a human and furthermore he will only play as elves
Fana :
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- Elf Fana, the hateful? I feel like she might go for an evil cleric, or perhaps a fighter. Depends on what would balance out the party dynamic more.
- Human Fana? Definitely a good cleric.. or perhaps a sweet druid lady
- Human Fana really likes playing for the social and bonding experience with people she's close to and she also enjoys the freedom and creativity involved with building characters
- She is the person who takes notes and actually pays attention to what's going on. The DM appreciates her efforts to focus on the story and plot..
- She has probably 2-3 sets of really pretty looking polyhedral dice
Rhya :
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- This bitch definitely mains a rogue in almost every party
- He may also go for a ranger as a second option
- Basically the roles focusing on not getting hit.. he would rather not be troubled with taking damage so instead he will use the rogue's sneak attack function to stay in stealth mode 24/7 and remain hidden from enemies.. or just stay out of range as a distanced attacker
- He is the dangerous mf who is impulsive mostly because he definitely does not care enough about safety and would much rather be amused by making really reckless random decisions that may or may not compromise his party and their characters too
- He thinks it's hysterical
- An average roller but he makes it work somehow and even though he's not super intent about taking it seriously he's usually down for a campaign every now and again. It's free entertainment, right?
- At the end of the day though he probably enjoys it a lot more than he cares to admit
Vetto :
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- Do I even have to say it
- He's going to be the barbarian or the fighter, he loves abusing the "rage" function and it's his favorite thing to do in-game whenever given the mere opportunity
- His characters actually have a surprising amount of depth and he ends up being someone who enjoys frequent sessions. He takes it on as a bit of a hobby
- He likes playing bigger, brawnier races that are either more rare or unappealing to social norms within the game's universe. He's a bit bigger than most elves so he slips that into his characters.
- He probably is the person who dies more than anyone else but it's because he overestimates what he can handle in battle and gets so excited to rage that he forgets his hit points exist
Valtos :
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- Sign him tf up
- Owns all the Dungeon Master's guide books and he makes for an impressive DM
- Has a nerdy side and he takes this game so seriously, he's passionate about it and loves the creative aspect of building his own worlds from scratch
- He's good at improv and molding sessions to the players and their decisions, but may become a little annoyed if it strays really far from his planning or makes said plans impossible
- If he's a player he's definitely a wizard
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- Sorry did you mean bringer of chaos?
- Probably a DMs worst nightmare
- But with the right party that might help steer her back on track and keep a little more order within their adventures, she can be a good asset to the team with those outside-of-the-box ideas of hers
- She is open to ideas with class and race for her characters but would gravitate towards bards
- Definitely a dice hoarding goblin
- Obsessed with the click clacking math rocks
- She's a very lucky roller usually
- Good at puzzles and problem solving. Sometimes she can really surprise the party with what she can do and she has her moments of glory
- Unfortunately she will make sacrifices, such as a teammate taking severe damage, if she believes it will solve an obstacle or in her eyes, be for the sake of good results... Or a fun possible outcome
- Not the best at communicating during combat
Rades Spirito :
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- Not very fun to play D&D with honestly
- Refuses to play anything other than a warlock or necromancer
- It's because he is that one dude who projects wayyyy too much of himself into his characters and it's basically a glorified self insert
- He is not a team player and he's got a very narcissistic approach. Gets butthurt way too easily, and just all around he's invested for all the wrong reasons
- The dungeon artificact you all looted that fits with your character way better than his? Too bad. It's his now
- Hoardes anything good he finds and won't share party loot or gold
- His rolls are cursed. Most commonly ends up between 1-10 with his D20 rolls and that's even worse considering how emotionally immature he is in response to crappy situations
- Don't invite him to your campaign lmao
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yawnjunie · 4 years
monster hunting for dummies (2)
chapter two: it’s all fun and games
wc: 4.3k a/n: i'm too lazy to put the same descriptions in the top of each chapter and reformat it each time so it'll just be word count from now on; additional warnings will be put in new chapters' descriptions if necessary. if you would like to see the info again, just revisit chapter one or the masterlist. happy reading!
Jumping off of the Viking ride, you took a moment to catch your breath before looking for something fun to do again. You walked among the crowd, looking around at the people around you. From juggling clowns to contortionist freaks to children with gargantuan cotton candies, the carnival was just the place you’d imagined it to be. 
“Corn dogs, corn dogs, come one, come all!”
You were studying a yellowed fair map until your ears perked up at the sound of the snack vendor’s voice, whipping your head in the direction of the call. After wandering around for a while, you were sure you’d seen almost every ride, every game booth, every circus animal. That ride had worked up your appetite, and now you were a carnivorous predator. Nothing in the world mattered anymore— nothing but food.
You were close. You could feel it– well, smell it. There it was: the holy grail. You slowed your steps to behold the majestic sight. Feeling like a prince in shining armor on his way to collect his princess, you felt the wind billow in your skirt as you flipped your hair. Come to mama!
But of course, life didn’t like making things easy. Standing in the way of your precious dinner were those five dunderheads. No problem, you reassured yourself, tapping your foot on the ground. Patience is a virtue. This’ll only take a few minutes.
A few minutes felt more like a few hours. But at long last, they sauntered off and you stepped up to the stand.
“I’ll take two.” You jammed your hand into your skirt pocket and pulled out four wrinkled one-dollar bills.
“Sorry, those young fellas took the last ones. It’s about a 15 minute wait for the next batch, though.”
“Never mind, I’m leaving.” Your smile disappeared almost immediately; your angry meter was really peaking. You needed to blow off some steam before you really killed a man. Or five.
Just a few minutes away from the stand, you found yourself at a hammer game. This’ll do.
Wham! You brought that hammer down with the force of a thousand, fueled by your rage at those five jerks. It especially helped to envision their faces on the target.
Not too shabby! The weight went up pretty high, at least by your standards. Exhaling deeply, you placed your hands on your hips and grinned. It felt nice. Beat that, assholes!
“Wow, this looks fun! Let’s go give it a try!”
Oh, God. I didn’t mean it literally.
“Me first!”
“No, I’m going!”
“Step aside, peasants, bow down to your mighty Crown Prince!”
Out of all the places they could’ve gone, they just had to choose the hammer game.
Ding ding ding!
“Whaaaa, you did it first try! Won’t you gimme your prize, hyung?”
“Amazing! What would you like, young fella?” The booth tender showed the boy a massive selection of large stuffed toys.
“You guys are really intent on ruining my day, aren’t you,” you hissed, making no effort to mask your annoyance. Before the rest of them could upstage your performance in the hammer game, you stalked off in long, brisk strides.
This sucks. This really freaking sucks. Even though you came to the carnival to enjoy yourself, you were feeling even worse than when you arrived.
Before you headed out, you figured you might as well take a full tour of the place and see if there was anything worth seeing. You weren’t going to let a bunch of boys from school ruin your fun at the carnival. For some bizarre reason, after wandering around for a bit, you kept finding yourself standing in front of the same ragged, purple tent with yellow stripes. It was as sketchy as sketchy got, and that was exactly what caught your eye. You were about to enter when a voice cut through the silence.
“Whoa whoa whoa! Let’s go there next! It looks so mysterious!”
Why me?
“Hell yeah, maybe we’ll meet a wizard!”
That was it. Something inside you snapped.
You whirled around to confront them once and for all. “Listen up. I don’t know what your problem is, but either you guys shut up or stop following me. I’m sick and tired of your stupid voices!”
“What– Wyann??”
“You were at the carnival too? What a coincidence running into you here!”
“Sure is a small world, isn’t it?” one of the boys exclaimed, licking his vanilla and chocolate swirl ice cream. Even his choice in ice cream flavors made your eyes twitch.
“Coincidence my ass. This is the fourth time you’ve gotten in my way since I’ve gotten here, and I’ve had enough. First, you just so happen to get on the only ride I decide to go on and shriek like you’re about to be murdered, then you take the last corn dogs– that was going to be my dinner, you know– and you––” That last part was too embarrassing to say out loud, so you waved your hand around instead. “Point is, you’ve done enough, haven’t you? Why don’t you leave me alone for once?!”
“Dude, what’re you talking about? When did any of that happen?” Yeonjun stepped in front, hands at his hips. “What is your problem, huh?”
“If we knew you were here, we would’ve said hi! You’ve got us all wrong, we wouldn’t do that on pur–” Huening Kai started.
“Spare me. The number of shits I give is about the same as the number of corn dogs in my stomach.”
“Okay, we’re really sorry if we bothered you, and we’ll try our best not to let it happen again. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’ll be heading into this creepy tent to find ourselves a wizard.” Taehyun cut, an expression of pure glee plastered onto his face. He didn’t spare one glance at you when he said that.
“Hold it right there, nerds, I’m not done with—”
“Uhm…” Oh, great. Bread boy. “If you’re still hungry… do you want some ice cream?” He extended his waffle cone, a sticky, melted, half-eaten-with-drool-all-over-it abomination to prove his point. What, does he want me to knock that thing out of his hand? When he caught wind of your disgusted expression, he took the cone back and flushed in embarrassment. “I mean, not mine, of course. I’ll buy you a new one.”
You stood by silent and stone-faced as he went off to a nearby ice cream cart. A few minutes later, he came back with a vanilla-chocolate swirl akin to his own. You hated vanilla-chocolate with a passion.
“Here.” Bread boy held out the cone expectantly, his face scrunched into a small smile. “And don’t worry about paying me back. Think of this as an apology gift for all the trouble we’ve caused you.”
You continued to stare straight ahead.
“Aww, come on, Wyann. Truce?”
Still you said nothing.
Splat. A sickly brown bled into the half-dead grass, mottled with strains of a bleak gray.
“Do you need me to spell it out for you?” An angry pink had formed on the back of his hand, a mirror print of your palm.
“I don’t want anything to do with you guys. And you should know by now that I’m more trouble than I’m worth. Trust me, you wouldn’t want to be my friend. So do us both a favor and f*ck off, please.” That was it. There was no way you could’ve bottled that up any longer.
He didn’t say anything, his tingling hand frozen in place and disbelieving eyes taking in the murder scene. Without another word, you turned and walked into the tent. Even if it meant walking straight into an awkward situation, you weren’t letting anything else ruining the rest of your time there.
“Hey, Wyann! Nice of you to join us!”
“Where’s ‘Bin?”
“Hey, yeah, I’m here!” Well, shit. “Sorry, I was cleaning up my mess outside.”
You kept your gaze on the ground, bracing yourself for the whiplash of your assholery— which you very much deserved, of course— but to your surprise, that small smile of his was back on his face as if nothing had happened.
You were off the hook, but for some reason, a twinge of guilt struck at your heart.
Meanwhile, the rest of the boys were busy exploring the shop. From every oil painting to every nameless book lay a new story waiting to be told. There was so much to explore.
Walking past a bookshelf, a specific volume glinted at the corner of Taehyun’s eye, catching his attention. This seems interesting. He lifted the heavy book up carefully and turned it over in his hands.
Upon closer observation, he noticed that the book was covered in a thick layer of dust. There was an empty slot for it on the dark shelf, yet it had been sitting out collecting dust. Its pages were yellowed, its parchment crumbling with age. It looked like something from the library of a Medieval wizard, but not out of place in a fortune teller’s tent, yet he felt a strange connection to it. As if he were making a wish, the curious boy blew off the layer of dust on it.
Grey particles diffusing to the other parts of the tent, the title of the mysterious volume became visible.
The Tome of Spirit Summoning.
“Whoa, where’d you get that from?” Yeonjun said, eyes wide with surprise and curiosity.
“Ooh, open the book! Open the book!” Beomgyu urged, shoving a few pieces of popcorn into his mouth.
“Not before you put your food away,” the boy replied, carefully turning around to shield the ancient pages from flying popcorn grease. The other two rushed over to his side to see the contents of the mysterious book for themselves. He carefully flipped to the first page, where there was a fancy inscription in a language none of you understood. It looks like Latin.
Disinterested, you left that side of the tent and continued browsing elsewhere.
“So, anything interesting to see in this little hovel?”
“Excuse me, what do you mean by ‘hovel,’ young lady? This place is the highlight of the circus, a sacred emporium for the mystic.” Naturally, the owner of the hovel looked like a scraggly old hobo.
“I mean that your place looks like crap. Not exactly the most appealing, you know.”
His face immediately dropped into a frown. “What do you want-“
“But that’s exactly why I decided to come in. So what do you got in here, sir?” You sauntered through the shop, dragging your fingers along the shelves. “Let’s see, what do we have here? Crumbling books, organic soaps, dollar-store scented candles, relabeled antidepressants, preserved human innards…” you trailed off, deciding that the place was in fact, very creepy. But it left you more interested.
“Sir, what’s the coolest thing in the shop?”
“Probably that shelf of books over there,” he gestured to the shelf of books that was so hidden you wouldn’t even have noticed had Taehyun not found the book he was holding there. “They’re the intact volumes of the 16th century grimoires of spirits, complete with strange stories of the supernatural and their origins, how to conjure them and such. Of course, everything in this shop is precious to me, so I naturally take very good care of them.”
Boring. Then, something caught your attention. “Ooh, what’s that blue thing over there?” You pointed towards the object on top of the cabinet behind the fortune telling table.
“Sorry, that’s not for sale, missy.” His face grew dark, but you couldn’t tell what he was thinking.
“Then why would you leave it out?” Blue-hair piped in from behind you.
“You see, it belongs to a certain somebody I’m trying to find— wait a minute. How many in your group?”
“Do you need new glasses, mister? I’m by myself. Those guys over there are just five random dumbasses.”
“By my stars… could it be...?” Without warning, the old man got up in your face, his nose almost pressed to yours.
You recoiled, nearly backing up all the way into Bread Boy. After murmuring a quick apology, you glared daggers at the shopkeeper, but there was something about the look in his eyes that held you back.
“Beast of the eternal flame...we’ve looked long and hard for hundreds of years.”
“What the hell is that?”
“You there, with the sight, surely you know what I mean,” the old man insisted, pointing a shaky, bony old finger straight at Tae’s chest.
The boy blanched, but strangely enough, didn’t deny the man’s claim. “How could you tell?”
“Of course, because I’m the same as you.”
“In my vision, you children asked about the Tome— Could it be finally happening?” He began muttering incoherently to himself once more.
You were starting to get irritated. “Alright, I’m out, this isn’t funny. I don’t know if you’re getting a kick out of this sick joke, but I’ve had en—”
“Wyann, let’s hear him out… I’m not so sure this is a joke.”
“No. You can stay and listen to this nutjob yap on about psychic bull, but I’m out of here.” Before you could get smited by some magic voodoo crap, you noped tf out of there. At least, you were going to, until the voices in your head came a’raspin’.
Stay, daemon. Stray not from the path that belongs to you.
Oh, God, don’t tell me I’m a schizophrenic.
No matter how much you wanted to get out of that creepy place, you really couldn’t. It felt like your feet were getting rooted to the ground, and the only way to go was back. To avoid incurring the wrath of the voices in your head, you did a 180. Even without the voices, there remained an unsettling feeling in your stomach. It’s just the creepy atmosphere of the carnival, no biggie.
Your arms were crossed as you leaned against the cold stone wall, rolling your eyes for good measure. But as disrespectful as you appeared, you still kept your manners in check. “For God’s sake, just please explain what the f*ck is going on.”
“The mystical beast borne of the flames…..the Seer...the prophecy...the Tome.” The fortune teller started sweating profusely, his eyes turning glassy and his whole body shaking. “The configuration…..”
Okay, very helpful. Like we’re supposed to know what any of that crap means. This man sounds and looks like he’s high.
“What are you talking about, anyways, old geezer? Care to explain in English?” Blue-hair knew when to pop in and asked all the right questions. You figured you should at least try and learn his name– Yeonjun, wasn’t it?– but hair color was a much easier way to ID him.
Gasping, the geezer suddenly collapsed onto the floor. Then, crawling to a small cabinet in the back, he pulled at the drawer handle and fumbled for something. That thing turned out to be an inhaler, with which he promptly used to pump some air into his mouth. After a few moments of heavy breathing, he started again weakly. “I just got a vision, and I’m afraid it means something far beyond my ability to decipher.” With shaking hands, he reached for the odd configuration and set it on the low table in front of him. “This is a family heirloom, and if you can pass my test, you are allowed to take it. Would you like to bet on it?”
You looked around at the guys huddled around you, waiting for your response expectantly. Tucking your hair behind your ears, you shrugged. “Okay yeah, sure.”
“Miss, your hand, please.”
“You’re not going to do anything weird to me, are you?” Knowing that your question wasn’t going to get answered anyway, you held out your hand to the guru. I’m a dumbass for doing this. Well, if I die, then I die.
The five boys huddled around you, intrigued by what was going to happen. The fortune teller sat you down, then dipped your palm into a weird red liquid. Then, mumbling a few words, he held your (what you presumed to be) blood-dipped hand onto the surface of the object. As if the object were alive, it pulsed a little under your hand. Or maybe, your heart was just beating so fast you could feel it in your hand.
Once more, the guru took a deep breath as he held your hand down on the object, his eyes shifting underneath his eyelids. It felt like an eternity until Soobin suddenly spoke up, pointing to your left.
“What’s he doing with his hand?”
All of your heads turned towards the guru’s right hand, which looked like it was furiously tapping at his desk. Rat-tat, tat-tat, rat-a-tat-tat. At first, it looked like he was just shaking. It took a moment for you to realize that it wasn’t just a nonsensical series of tapping—it was some sort of code.
“Could it be a code?” The boy who you knew as Huening Kai asked.
“...Morse Code.” Both you and the blonde-haired boy croaked out at the same time.
As the man kept humming and tapping, the bunch of you started to get excited.
“Oh shoot bro, grab your notebook! We gotta write this down!”
“Go, go, go! Why are you so slow?” Beomgyu urged, unzipping his older friend’s backpack.
“Hey guys, chill! What is this, Stranger Things?  Where we crack some Russian spy code shit?” Yeonjun responded, annoyed that his backpack was being dug into without his permission.
“Shut up, what if it means something?”
“Okay, I got the notebook, gimme a pencil—”
“Hey wait, doesn’t Taehyun know how to decipher morse code?” Soobin pointed out.
“Yeah! Wait, Tae, come over here!”
“...Tae? Are you okay?”
You were so caught up in the group’s chatter that you didn’t even realize one of the boys became oddly silent, but he quickly snapped to attention.
“Huh, what is it?” “Tell us what this says!”
Before the boy could respond to his friends, the guru’s eyes sprang open. His large orbs which once shone like tiger eye stones, were now dull and bloodshot, veins bulging out and magnified by the tears that clouded their surfaces. “Take it! Leave this place!”
Although the bunch of you began to sweat from the excitement, the room suddenly felt ten degrees colder. Or maybe it was just that your hands were cold and clammy.
“Uh, what’s going on?”
“Sir, are you alright? Would you like us to call an amb—” Yeonjun offered.
“I said, get out! Go away!” He clutched his head tightly, mumbling spells quietly as if to dispel something in his mind.
“O-oh, okay then,” you stood up, and were about to leave before the guru grabbed your wrist out of nowhere, making you jump.
“Beware of the blue moon. The flames are not going to stop licking the great gate. Remember who you are.”
Shaking off his grip, you clutched the bloodstained orb-like contraption in trembling hands. “You aren’t gonna die, are you?” It didn’t seem right to leave this old man on his own in the state he was in, but he looked like he might murder you or even give you rabies.
“Worry about yourself, first. Get out. I’m warning you––” Boom! “Okay, what the f*ck was that?” A large crash sounded, followed by the pitter-patter of heavy raindrops. It seemed uncanny that it would be raining this hard, given that it was the middle of June, the dry season, and that it had been 110ºF just a few hours ago.
“It wasn’t a bomb, was it?” Soobin shuddered, brows furrowed in fear.
“Are you dumb? It’s literally raining and there’s thundering outside!” Yeonjun shouted back.
“So? Bombs still go ‘boom’ whether there’s rain or not!”
“You’re such an idi––” “Uhm, guys? I think we have a bigger problem to be worrying about.” Huening Kai called from in front of the two of them, eyes widening in fear. “What?!” The two snapped in unison, their faces pinched in the same annoyed expression.
“In case you haven’t noticed, the tent’s kinda on fire. Come on, we have to go!”
“Then wouldn’t the rain just put it ou––”
“For f*ck’s sake, unless you guys want your sorry asses to be seared into five well-done idiot steaks, f*cking move!” One of your bad habits was excessive swearing when you were stressed, and it was starting to really f*cking show. Running back into the tent, you grabbed the two boys by their forearms and booked them out of there.
Without another argument, the six of you bolted for the exit as the tent began to fold in on itself, threatening to trap you in a wall of fire. It was hard to see straight through all the smoke and heat. You felt yourself slowly letting go of the boys’ arms you were holding just a few seconds ago. You were melting. Your body, your mind, who you were, the line between reality and fantasy, logic and reason; all of it melted into one fat pile of goop.
And then all of a sudden, like you were pulled out from deep waters, you could breathe again. You’d made it to the exit, and you were safe now. Looking up, you took a moment to soak in the rain, which washed over you like a cold shower. There was something about running for your life in the rain that made it all the more exciting.
Nature’s teardrops fell onto your skin, flowing down from your large eyes to your chapped lips, from your hairy arms to your mosquito-bite ridden legs. It felt nice to just stand in the cold. Somehow, through the flame and the weight of the new responsibility you now carried, you felt happy. So happy, in fact, that you flashed a smile at the guys behind you as you took a break from running, holding the blue contraption against your stomach.
But that smile quickly faded as you heard a hard thud behind you, followed by a sharp yelp.
“Ah… my ankle…” One of the boys was on the ground, arms hugging his left leg. Face pinched in pain, he attempted to get to his feet, but winced when he put his weight on his left side. He was the one that helped you find your econ class. The rest of the boys ran back to his side to see if he was okay, and you were right behind them.
“Beomgyu! Can you walk?” Massaging his ankle, the boy on the ground just shook his head. “I think it’s sprained.” “Here, get on my back. I’ll carry you.” Yeonjun kneeled in front of him, beckoning him to crawl onto his back, but after a moment’s thought, turned to face him and held his hands out as if he were proposing.
“...What? I can get up on my own—”
“I love ya. Will ya marry me?” “What the h–” “I’ll take that as a yes.”
Without a warning, he scooped the injured boy off his feet and carried him bridal style. Beomgyu opened his mouth to protest, but the other boy simply smiled wryly.
“What’s the matter, wifey? You want a kiss?” The threat of Yeonjun’s puckered lips was enough to shock him into submission. “Guys, what are we gonna do?” The question running through everyone’s minds was now in the air, and nobody had an answer for it. Silence descended upon the group; you were all waiting for someone to tell you where to go next, but each of you was as clueless as the person next to you.
“How long are you planning to stand around in the rain?” You spoke in the most classic Wyann voice you could muster: self-assured, blunt, somewhat irritated, and on top of the situation. The exact opposite of how you felt at the moment.
“Yeah, let’s just hurry and get out of here. I could use a bite to eat.” The other four clamored in agreement, and the group came to the consensus that they would figure things out over dinner. After a quick search on Google Maps, they set out for a small diner just a block away.
It was as if your feet were planted deep into the earth. You could only watch their backs as they walked down the street past the bus stop, as they walked away from the troubles of today, far beyond your reach. The frightened screams of the carnival-goers were drowned out by the sound of the sirens, but more so by the overwhelming silence that grew louder and louder in your head. But the strangest feeling was your heart sinking, as if it were washing down to your feet like rainwater through a waterpipe. Then, one of the silhouettes stopped and turned, then started towards you.
“Wyann. Aren’t you coming?” Bread Boy extended his hand for the second time that day, but this time, you took it. He wore an expression of surprise on his face, as if he expected you to not take it, which he quickly hid as you pulled him along. It was at that moment that maybe you’d decided he was not that terrible of a person.
The bunch of you walked down the road, a little too calmly for a group of kids who’d just escaped a fairground set ablaze. Little did you know, in the moment you slipped your hand into his, you had forsaken the world. Luckily, the world was a much uglier place than you had thought.
It was a feeling he hadn’t felt in a very long time. Tae held the small object closer to his chest and his fingers curled around the matted tufts of its felt.
The plushie was caked in mud, battered by the rain and the dirt. It lay right by the side of the tent, and the fire would have caught it had he not scooped it up. It usually wasn’t his thing to pick up random objects off the ground, especially not chewed up kids’ toys (he wasn’t about to be the protagonist of some horror film), but something about it drew him to it. Probably his spidey senses acting up again. Not thinking much of it, he stuffed it into his pocket and ran.
Taehyun sprinted through the hellish landscape to catch up with his friends, racing against time as each tent fell after the last like dominoes. The voices were back again, the same ones that he thought had gone away ten years ago. But now, they were back, louder than ever. And they taunted,
Ring around the rosy
A pocketful of posies
Ashes, ashes
We all fall down!
The nursery rhyme continued on and on until its harmony subsided into dissonance. All the while, ashes rained down from the sky like snow until the ground was enveloped in a grey blanket.
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nomadmilk · 5 years
Why the God Isn’t Bored on Midgard - Loki x F!Reader Drabble - 4
Summary: With Ragnarok decimating Asgard, Thor and Loki and their people return to Earth searching for refuge. Everyone else has seemed to settle, except for Loki - the God of Mischief and Chaos - who isn’t willing to live the domesticated Midgard life, and getting utterly bored out of his mind... Until he discovered you.
Word Count: 2.5K
Warnings: Rated M If you’re not over 18, this ain’t the place to be, mah dude. Mentions of sex and sex toys, teasing, a little bit of jealousy, meddling and revenge. Kinda’ dom/sub themes going on, but very little. 
Author’s Note: Wasn’t really expecting to write this part, but I’m throwing it in here... Jeepers, I’m really enjoying writing this. Hope you enjoy, and let me know of any thoughts <3 Thank youu ^^
Here are the links to the other parts of this series: Part 1     Part 2 Part 3     Part 4 Part 5     Part 6 Part 7     Part 8 (First Half)     Part 8.5 (Second Half) Part 9
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Dating was fun at first, and then it became like a house cleaning chore, but worse; it was like there was a particular spot that had stained the carpet and, however hard you try, it just wouldn’t come off.
Because of an active dating life, your sex life followed along the same pattern. Dates that went well, that both you and the other enjoyed, ended in either you at their place, or vice versa. There would be laughs as clothes were removed, they’d quieten down the moment your skin met theirs. You’d feel muscles, sometimes not, and orgasms were a hit or miss, but when it came down to it, the night would end fun.
As usual, Loki hardly saw you, but he could hear you through the walls. He was too proud to confront you on it and preferred to ignore your guests when they were still in the apartment the morning after.
You’d frequently come out in their shirts, which Loki thought was childish.
“Had fun?” He would ask once you appeared the first time during the day.
“Yes.” Was all you would say, as you grab a snack before going back into your room.
As it got to your tenth sleepover at some other random person’s place again, Loki had finalized to himself that tormenting you as he pleased was becoming impossible. He had an idea as to why you were becoming more outgoing and sociable than usual, but he didn’t think it would resort to extreme cases like sleeping with a new person every or so day… You seemed eager than ever to overlook the Prince of Asgard.
He was in slight disbelief that a little teasing had caused you to react this way. Okay, he had to admit, some of his teasing went a bit too far, but how can he help it when he knows how you would be?
You were fascinating, and somehow predictable, and it was so enjoyable to watch.
When you hadn’t returned in the morning, Loki had left to his coffee shop to sit in the Sun. He thought he’d be alone for the day, until Thor stood in front of him.
“What are you doing, Loki?” He questions, almost threatening.
But Loki is used to his authoritative voice. He closes his book to speak to the God of Thunder. “Just enjoying the sun, brother, of which you’re rudely blocking.”
He narrows his eyes in disappointment as he finds Thor sitting next to him. “How are you finding life on Earth?”
“Surprisingly,” Loki begins, not taking long to make his judgement, “better than expected.”
“Are you sure?”
“If I was lying, don’t you think that spy would be trailing me right this second?”
Thor looks behind him, searching for Nick Fury. Loki frowns at him, finding the action unnecessary.
“So, Lady Y/N has actually turned you to a decent civilian here. I haven’t been hearing of any shenanigans from the wizard nor Fury.”
Loki scoffs, eyes never leaving the book. “I assure you, Brother, it’s not her. I can choose to be co-operative.”
“But that’s not really in your façade, is it?”
“What do you want?”
“I just wanted to confirm one more thing,” Thor says, leaning towards Loki over the table, “why are you here, and not with her now?”
“She’s probably somewhere else, with someone else.” Loki nonchalantly reads to the next line within his book. “I don’t know where, but I’m sure she’s alive.”
“Funny,” Thor says, a matter-of-factly tone lingering in the air, “I thought you took an interest in her. Well, the wizard has told me.”
“It’s true. Without her around, I think I’d be bored here, and thus said shenanigans would be frequent.” Loki places the book down again. “I understand she’s somewhat my ‘keeper’, and I don’t think she even knows that’s what she’s doing living with me – but I don’t need to be glued to her hip constantly.”
“So,” Thor’s tone had not changed. “If she were to, let’s say, have an interest in you, would this be a concern?”
Loki finally caught eye contact with Thor. “No.”
A bright beam spread across Thor’s face. “Ah, very good.”
Loki had continued scanning Thor, watching him dial a number on his phone. Before Loki could make a snarky comment on his incompetence with Midgardian technology, he saw your name on the screen.
Hastily, and with a short sigh, Loki finally took his book into his hands, trying to read the page over Thor’s giggles and his phone alert going off every so often. From the corner of his eye, he saw Thor put his phone away.
“Well,” Thor slaps his back, “thank you for letting me know. Don’t cause too much trouble.” And with that, Thor took his leave.
Loki blinked, a stone planting itself in his stomach.
Shutting the book, he bolts to his feet. All of a sudden Loki’s suspicion of Thor dating you was making him move to the apartment. Loki didn’t like these new feelings; he needed to fix it. Maybe he needed to meddle more.
He treads up the stairs, finding his keys to open the apartment. As he locks the door, he notices something; a large cardboard box in front of your room, which as well was open and vacant.
Loki isn’t one to pry, but the placement and the idle of it all was odd. He strides towards the box, crouching to read the label. The package was addressed to you, and a letter with the words “With compliments” was attached but not sealed. With curiosity thinking that Thor had mailed you something, he couldn’t help but read the letter.
“Congratulations, and welcome to the team.” He read, acknowledging you got a new job.
He wondered for a split second if you had used any of his techniques and smirked at the prospect.
He takes in the rest of the letter wordlessly, learning the marketing purpose for the items in the package, the actual description of the contents was vague yet still hinted on appealing intentions.
Putting the letter back into its envelope, and quickly scanning the area before doing so, he carefully uses his Seidr to peel the tape off the box with no tears or mark. Once the tape had been removed, he places a thumb underneath an opening flap and lifts the box, revealing the items inside.
It only takes a second for Loki to clock in what the objects actually are. They were convenient for your ever increasing libido, yet convenient for the God of Mischief to find. As a cunning strategy quickly forms into his head, he seals the box back up as if untouched.
After a couple of hours or so, you had returned. But something was off about you. You had spent the day with the person you just fooled around with and, although it never led to anything serious, over time there was a gradual looming aura. The person was adorably nice; you had been invited to a candle lit meal in the richer part of the city, conversations flowed, and you had found common interests more than other people you’ve dated, and they were kind, thoughtful yet so attractive, and their laugh was amazing… But you didn’t go through with sex.
You pause and sigh halfway through slotting the key into the keyhole. After a second of ruminating your life choices, you turn the key and open the door to your apartment. You pass Loki’s door; it was shut, meaning he was either out, or just keeping to himself for the evening.
Your first search, as you come into your bedroom, were the toys you relied on after every date, after every early ejaculation, after every fake orgasm, and just basically every sexual frustration you were put through for the evening. You latch your bedroom door shut, beginning to take off your clothes. You scour the usual place where you place your special items. You frown in puzzlement; you check the boxes next to shoes and old belts, under the bed where old books were stored in their own decorative boxes, you also comb through the mess of your underwear through your drawers…
“What the…” You acknowledge the box that’s hidden in the corner of your room. You recognize the logo; it was a lingerie and sex shop that you had been interviewed at. They had given you a job as a sales assistant, and you were expecting a package from them of some of the products they sell.
In delight, you rip the box open. “…What?”
You were met with one thing; a vibrator. You pick it up, feeling your cheeks felt heat; all, but one, of your sex toys were missing.
A knock on your bedroom door shook you, and you get to your feet. You keep your nude body behind the door as you unlatch and pull it open.
“You’ve been pacing up and down in there.” It was Loki.
“Did you do something?” You immediately put the clues together. There were too many coincidences. “Where did you hide them?”
“Hide what?” He smirks.
You glare at him. “Give them back.”
“Give what back?”
You open your mouth but seal it with your teeth gritting behind your lips. Your need to be satisfied, and the fact that you had to go through Loki to succeed it, was making you grip the side of the door harder. “My sex toys. Give them back.”
He chuckles; a deep hum with a glint of trouble behind it. “Would you like to ask nicely?”
There was a lapse of silence; you were starting to get chilly.
After a second passes, you slam the door on his face. Loki waits on the other side, hearing some nearby shuffling. With the door opening again, you appear in a robe.
“Please, can I have my sex toys back?” You say, almost in a pleading whisper.
Loki was loving this; he was the only person who knew where they were. All he needed to do was wave his hand and your toys will return to your bedside. But he wasn’t just going to give them up that easily.
He lets himself in the room sitting at the end of the bed.
It was much more amusing watching you quiver. “No – Much nicer than that.”
You were set in silence, not knowing whether to be angry and slap him, or to just shut the door and let yourself blush your way out of existence.
You exhale “Nicer?”
“Do you need them?”
“Well, y-yes-“
“Are you going to use them now?”
“That’s really none of your business-”
“I don’t understand why Midgardians need that much to simply pleasure themselves-“
Your voice was rising louder in anger. “Well, I don’t know if you’ve had your fair share of Midgardian women, but when you do, you’ll understand why-“
“Odin’s beard, why are you so desperate in achieving sexual climax? What is it with humans and the difficulty of having that satisfaction? To go to such lengths is… Juvenile.” He pauses. “Unless the people you have been seeing haven’t-“
“Are you gonna’ give them, or not?”
He dips his head low to you, a small mischievous simper on his lips, “Ask. Nicely.”
You weren’t sexually frustrated anymore; you were just annoyed. He wanted you to beg for your sex toys back, and you were trying to decipher whether you were annoyed about the situation, or his smug face more. You couldn’t just let him have them; they are expensive, and the freebies from the company you were going to work for you get to keep but you still needed to test them.
And it wasn’t just for the pleasure at all… That was a plus, if it succeeded in such.
“Well, Y/N?” Loki brought you back to reality. “Or have I-“
His remark was cut-off with your strides. Your legs not wavering as you climbed on top of him, straddling his thighs. Loki braces himself by leaning back and propping himself by his arms, his smug expression turning into a curious one. Your hands roam up his chest. He awaits your hands as they reach his collarbone, then gently landing on his neck, cupping his face slightly.
Your eyes were inviting, captivating with your supple, slightly parted, lips. You were sitting on his lap with small movements, his cock beginning to itch, giving Loki nothing for his imagination to miss. His mind was reeling, and when the shoulders of you robe began to slide off of you, displaying more of your gorgeous complexion, Loki was in the midst of breaking completely.
“Loki.” You begin under your breath, brushing a thumb over his jawline as you let the words flow out of you in a clear tone. “I would like to have your honorable permission to have the vibrators, and all the other sex toys that I own, back into my possession. Please.”
He looks up at you. “What would you do for them, my love?”
The pet name makes you stumble in your thoughts, but you recover. “Anything, My King.”
The Prince stills at his address.
With a wave of his hand, and you see your intimate toys returned, laying rest on your bedside table.
You lean close to him, your stare raking him up and down. Your wordless gratitude spoken in a thousand actions within Loki’s thoughts.
What were you doing?
Loki was about to take you under him before a small giggle leaves you, growing into a louder laugh. Your hands clutch your stomach, your hair falls back, and you lean away as you continue to let all the laughter out of your body. Loki froze once more, aroused and starting to get confused. His mind, once racing, was quickly calming down. His heartbeat was slowing, and his breathing was getting back to its regular pace.
What the Hel were you doing?
“You’re blushing.” You smile. “I’ve never seen you blush before.”
“What?” Was all Loki could muster.
You laugh some more, some tears falling from the corner of your creased eyes. You breathe a sigh of elation, looking at him with, what Loki could only describe as, pity.
“It’s revenge, Loki.” You get off him.
He frowns.
You roll your eyes, getting off of him and leave the room. “And, honestly, I just wanted to see your reaction if you were in the same situation.”
He hears the faint sound of the shower raining against the tiles of the bathroom, and another door lock shut.
The God of Mischief collected all the composure that he could, he got to his feet and his infamous cool façade took place on his visage. He couldn’t say he was disappointed, nor could he say he would admit to such emotions; was he that gullible, yet desperate, for someone to submit to him? Had he just been manipulated by a mere mortal? What was meant to happen was for you to beg him for no humiliation, and then appeal to have your sex toys back. It was going to be another event that was going to cause’ you to go red in the face, and scurry or stomp away in a silent huff. Instead, you had left him speechless.
Why did you do that to him? After obediently following his requests, you simply just let the moment go? Instead, he was blocked from receiving any vindication or relief from any of your actions, and for once he needed to be sated.
Nevertheless, the god was impressed. He didn’t know you would be willing to go that far, or that you could be that dominant…
He had to admit; “My King” rolled off your tongue gloriously.
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thewritewolf · 5 years
Nino’s Quest Chapter 10: Final Showdown
After they wake up from their sleepover, the party is ready to strike against their archnemesis - the Necromancer!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 (Final)
Read on Ao3.  My ko-fi.
The sunlight filtered in sharply from the skylight above and Nino was suddenly very aware of why Marinette was not a morning person. If he had a room practically forcing him to be one, he’d be a night person out of spite too.
He blinked to clear his eyes. When he tried to sit up, he was suddenly aware of a weight on his chest. Looking down, a tangle of red hair was sprawled over his chest. Alya slept soundly, undisturbed by Nino’s attempts to rise. As much as she was an adorable angel while sleeping, he definitely needed to get up now.
It was hard to pull himself away from Alya without waking her up, and not just because of her tenacious grip on his shirt. These quiet moments of being close together were surprisingly rare and he wanted to cherish them as much as he could…
...but he really did need to get up.
He climbed down to the floor and a smile crept onto his face as he noticed Marinette and Adrien. They had, inevitably, been drawn together until their limbs were tangled and Adrien’s head was tucked under Marinette’s chin. After taking a quick second to feel pride in this shipping victory that they had been striving for, Nino tiptoed around them and descended down the stairs.
After narrowly avoiding a conversation with the early rising Dupain-Chengs (seriously, how is Marinette not a morning person at this point?), Nino found what he was looking for and slipped inside the bathroom.
A couple hours later and all four of them were varying degrees of awake. From bright and perky Adrien down to foot-dragging Marinette, they had all come downstairs to scavenge some breakfast. A breakfast which was turning out to be larger than what Nino was used to. Which probably wasn’t that surprising since ‘dinner’ yesterday consisted of a bunch of croissants.
Between the food and the company, it didn’t take long for even Marinette to become more animated. It brought a smile to Nino’s face to listen to them gush over the campaign so far. Even more so when that gushing turned to plotting - the best ways to sneak into the tower, how they’d face down the Necromancer. But there was one gap in their plans that they seemed to be skipping...
“So, dudes. How’re you going to get out?”
The others gave him a blank look. Marinette pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Either killing the Necromancer destroys the undead he’s created… or it doesn’t. No matter what, we’ve got to stop him.”
Alya nodded. “M’s right. If we try to get help, he might find whatever he’s looking for. For the sake of the kingdom, he’s got to go down here and now.”
“Alas,” Adrien sighed, adopting the voice of his bard. “The greatest story ever set to song… and there will be no one left to sing it.”
“Aw, don’t worry!” Marinette patted him on the back. “There’s a good chance we can make it out of here. With all of us together, there’s nothing we can’t do.”
“And on that note,” Nino said as he slid out his chair. “Ready to get started, dudes?”
After some cheering and agreement, they stormed the living room. Their things remained where they had left them the night before and all that they needed to do was settle into their spots. A few minutes of checking to make sure everything was where it ought to be, and they all turned toward Nino. Their faces were masks of determination as they began to put their plan into motion.
“Okay, step one - I’ll use my lyre to summon a visual illusion within sight of the zombies.” Adrien squinted at his spells list. “It will be in the opposite direction of us, so the plan is that they’ll be drawn away by it.” He looked at Nino with hopeful eyes. “...But does it work?”
Nino considered this for a moment. The zombies were ordered to be hyper aggressive, so them going after something that fleeting wouldn’t be out of the question. But he couldn’t remember if the undead were actually affected by illusions or not.
After giving it a fair amount of thought and doing some meaningless rolling - they were mindless, so they wouldn’t get a save anyway - he came to a decision.
“It works like a charm, bro. You pied piper-ed those dead dudes like a pro. That leaves the tower tots exposed.”
“Go go go!” Marinette yells at them. “We rush the door and close it behind us.”
Nino waggled his fingers with a smirk. “Not so fast! The door is barred. Or maybe just stuck. Either way, your stringy elven rogue muscles ain’t enough to bust it down, dude.”
“Well,” Alya said as she flexed her muscles. “Let’s see it try to stop me.” She rolled a strength check and, sure enough, passed with flying colors.
“Alright then. The wooden bar they were using to keep it closed is splinters now, but the door is intact. Mostly, at least.”
“Cool beans.” Adrien chimed in. “We slam it shut and find something to block it with. We don’t want the Necromancer getting any back up during this fight.”
“Yeah, about that…” Nino checked his notes. “There are a couple zombies in this room.”
“Don’t worry, sunshine,” Alya said, already rolling. “Marinette and I will hold them off while you get it shut.”
“Um…” Adrien skimmed over his spell list. “Maybe I should have gotten the hold portal scroll back in town… Is there anything in the room I can use?”
“There’s a big ol’ boulder, but it is too big for you to push.”
“Is it too big for me and you?”
Nino grinned. “Not a chance. While the ladies put down the walking dead, we roll the rock in front of the door. It’ll take some beating down to move it now.”
“Awesome. Let’s hurry and get up there!”
The dash up the tower had perils all its own - rickety stairwell, the odd zombie guardsmen, a few traps - but none of them were enough to slow them down. It was inspiring to watch. The party had come such a long way. Nino almost felt bad about what happened next. Almost.
“Okay, dudes. It takes some ramming by Alya, but you bash down the door at the top of the tower. The moment you do, a wave of fire washes over you. Everybody make a reflex save.”
Naturally, Marinette passed. But she was the only lucky one out of the group. To Nino’s surprise, no one went down… but it was close.
Alya sucked in a breath as she adjusted her hit points, “Ooooh that hurts. Hopefully you’ve got some magic hands ready, cappy.”
“Ow ow ow ow ow,” Adrien muttered as he made a note on his character sheet. “Guess who has two thumbs and that same amount of health.” He pointed two thumbs at himself, a pained expression on his face. “This guy!”
Marinette rolled her eyes at his joke, but there was a ghost of a smile on her lips. “I guess I’ll be taking the lead on this one.” She leaned forward on her elbows. “So what’s our mortal enemy look like?”
“Super pale, like he hasn’t seen the sun in… I dunno. Months. Years, even. Big old gnarly staff with an antlered skull on it. Some rusty looking amulet around his neck you can’t really see that well. Ragged black robes dirty with dust and cobwebs. That sort of thing. Purple lightning crackles around his fingers as he sneers at you.” Nino cleared his throat and dropped a few octaves to get the voice right. “‘Pitiful. You barely cling to the falsehood of life. It would almost be a waste of time to raise your corpses, but… I have need of extra hands. You will do.’”
A couple rounds later and things had only gotten worse. Nino’s cleric was doing his best, but it was hard to keep up with the dark wizard’s onslaught. It was plain luck that they were all still standing, but that wasn’t going to last for a whole lot longer.
In short, they needed something miraculous to happen if they were going to win this fight.
Their comeback started, as it often did, with a crazy move by Adrien.
“He’s still hovering, right?” Adrien glanced up at Nino as he nodded. “Alright, I’m going to throw my rapier at him.”
“Are you sure? That’ll leave you without a weapon.”
“It isn’t doing me much good anyway. Might as well try to do some damage.”
“Alright. Roll it.”
Putting as much flair into the roll as possible, Adrien tossed the die across the board. It came to a halt next to Nino… as a natural one. Nino winced.
“Sorry, bro. The sword sails right past his head and lodges itself in the ceiling. Some dust and a couple pebbles land on his robes, adding to his dirtiness.”
Marinette’s eyes lit up. “That’s it!” The rest of the party sent her confused looks. “We’ll bring the ceiling down on top of him!”
“M, what are you talking about?” Alya eyed her friend with concern, but not a little hope. She’d gained a reputation for crazy plans that worked after all.
“If the rapier can get stuck, that means the stone is loose, which is backed up by the pebbles and dust falling. The whole city is on the verge of collapse - what’s one more roof?” Marinette turned to Nino. “I roll an engineering check.” Naturally, it was a high roll. “Can I see a structural weak point?”
Nino puffed out his cheeks and let out a deep breath as he thought. “Uh… yeah, sure. There’s a rotting wooden support beam. Take that out, and it should be enough to bring down the ceiling.”
Marinette considered this, her fingers steepled in front of her. Eventually she asked, “What sort of rot?”
“On the wood. Like, wet rot or dry rot?”
“Well… There isn’t a lot of water in the air so I guess dry rot...?”
“Is it still my turn?” At Nino’s nod, Marinette smiled mirthlessly. “I pull out my vial of alchemist’s fire and toss it at the support beam.”
Nino blinked, stunned. “Um… roll it?”
But she was already doing it.
The die rolled across the table, just like Adrien’s had.
She was further away and didn’t put nearly as much flair in, so it stopped in front of Adrien…
...on a natural twenty.
The table erupted into cheers. Adrien pressed a big kiss against Marinette’s cheek, Alya shook her arm, and Nino applauded from across the table. While they were still tittering with excitement, he began describing what happened.
“The glass of the vial shatters against the old, crumbling wood. The air immediately bursts into flame and hungrily devours the whole dang beam. While the Necromancer blinks stupidly at the sudden noise and light, the ceiling rumbles. Before he can respond, it collapses ontop of him, crushing him instantly. His amulet rolls out and hits your boot, Marinette.”
“I’ll pick it up. Maybe it’ll make a good trophy.”
“My cleric dude pipes up, ‘By the Sun! That’s the missing relic of my temple!’”
“Oh no.”
“‘But… it has been cursed. By a totally awful power.’”
Adrien was shaking his die in his hand. “I’m going to make a bardic knowledge check to see what I can remember about any unholy symbols or stuff like that.”
Deciding that he’d rolled high enough, Nino said, “It’s not good, bro. The mark is the personal symbol of a big man from down below. This is some serious stuff.”
Once again, the three of them looked at each other. Then Marinette’s eyes widened. “Wait! I look out the window - are the undead still walking around?”
Nino shook his head. “Nah, dude. They’ve crumbled back into corpses - the non-animated kind. You guys should be smooth sailing from here.”
“Kids!” Sabine called them from a few rooms over. “Lunch time!”
The game was left where it was and the four of them followed the scent of freshly cooked lunch to the kitchen. As they chatted away about their most recent victory and where they would go from here, Nino listened in and smiled.
He’d probably have to leave Uncle Hassan’s campaign to focus on running this one. But as he watched his friends’ faces lit up as they reenacted parts of the battle, he couldn’t find it in himself to regret it. There were plenty more adventures for these four to come, more stories to tell, and Nino wanted to be the one to tell them.
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willow-salix · 5 years
Random bit of fun because it's been the kind of day where I needed to make myself laugh.
Everyone knew that Selene had a love of classic horror films, the ones that Alan said were boring and not in the least scary. The same ones that John always turned his nose up at because the special effects were non existent. Virgil liked them because they always had great music to them and Scott and Gordon just found them hilariously funny. 
But this one was different, while her favourites were made in the 1960s, she had stumbled across one that was positively modern in comparison from the 2010s. She'd put it off over and over again but if there was one thing that hanging out in a floating space station gave you an opportunity to watch all the movies you had previously never had time for. She had quickly run through almost all the movies on her watch list and was down to two, it was scary or the prank show Gordon had insisted she watch, so it was time to watch the scary even if that time was 3am and she couldn't sleep (not that she expected the movie to help). So there she was, camped out on one of the couches in the sunken lounge of the villa, blanket over her legs, tablet balanced on her knees, watching the movie. 
It started with three young girls happily playing tea parties in their attic play room when all of a sudden they dropped their dolls and little tea cups and as one, moved to the windows, opened them, and jumped the fuck out. 
Selene jumped in shock. "Da fuq was that about?" she yelped, eyes glued to the action which had cut to a young single father having one last chance to impress his bosses at the solicitors where he worked. He was a widow, his wife having died in childbirth and he was fast running out of money,  debts mounting, he needed this job.  
The owner of a big old house had died and the young father was the one sent to go through all her papers and check the house over,  looking for her most recent will, before they could sell. Seemed simple enough, but this was a spooky movie so obviously that wasn't going to go well.
He said goodbye to his son, planning on being done by the weekend when his son and the nanny would join in for a weekend in the country, all very pleasant... Selene was now quite bored after the dramatics at the start. She reached for her cup of cocoa and sipped as she watched the young father, Arthur Kipps,  board the train and promptly fall asleep. Cue a dream of his late wife which shocked him enough to wake with a start. A helpful man by the name of Sam offered him a ride from the station to the guest house. 
At the guest house Arthur (whom she could see as non other than Harry Potter no matter how hard she tried) was told he didn't in fact have a room booked and must go away. Strange. But the wife of the landlord took pity on him and let him stay in the attic... The same creepy ass attic the girls had jumped from.
"No Harry! Don't sleep there!" Selene warned but of course the twat didn't listen. Though he appeared to get through the night unscathed and proceed to make his way to the creepy ass house he was looking through. 
Selene jumped and squeaked her way through his first visit when the bitch in black decided to pop her ugly ass face up now and then and waft around in the background when she shouldn't be. 
She got a major case of the sads when a kiddie died due to the black bitch and got rather indignant on Harry/Arthurs behalf when the villagers all seemed to blame him. But by the time he went back again and began to uncover some clues as to the woman in blacks identity and why she might be creeping around like a dick and scaring the shit out of people, Selene was on the edge of her seat and not in a good way. The ghost popped up, eyeballs being all weird and dodgy and it all got a bit much for Selene, though she would blame sleep deprivation from back to back rescues. 
"Expelliarmus! " she yelled, waving her wandless hand at the screen in an attempt to make the spook go away.
She might be a super tough witchy but even she wasn't good with jump scares, it was the dodgy plinky plonky music they used to fuck with your head that always got to her and after she had shrieked and almost dropped the tablet for the fourth time she paused the film and, grabbing laptop and blanket, decided her spaceman would so appreciate a late night visit from his witch. 
She padded her way down the hallway from the lounge on a hunt for her elusive man. She checked Scott's office where he was known to sometimes hang out but found it empty. The kitchen was just as deserted so she let herself outside, taking a deep breath of the cooler night air. Ahh, target spotted and locked on! He was stretched out on one of the loungers arranged around the pool, which to some would seem strange in the middle of the night, but she knew he enjoyed the quiet. Such a shame she was there to fuck that up for him. Sucked to be him right now. 
She tugged his book out of his hands without asking - he didn't need it now- put down the tablet and scooped up the cat that was curled up on his lap, dropping him unceremoniously on the floor.
"My space man." Armstrong gave an outraged meow but she nudged him aside with her foot. "Go find Alan and sleep on his face."
There went his peace and quiet. Much as he loved her she had the subtlety of a cyclone sometimes, even at half past three in the morning. How was it even possible that she was still this bouncy? He tried to catch his book as it was whipped out of his hands but missed.
"I was reading that."
The cat went next and, although he had actually been enjoying the warm weight of the purring creature on his lap, he would never admit it and therefore didn't raise a protest. 
Selene pushed his legs apart, ignoring his questioning eyebrow and settled between them. He let his feet fall to the floor, making room, allowing her to wrap his arms around her middle and lean back against his chest. 
She picked up her tablet and propped it up on her knees. This wasn't going to be pleasant, he had very little faith in her viewing choices. 
"Selene, " he sighed. 
There was that tone that they all heard at least once a day, the one that said he was already done with your shit. Good job she was immune to such things. 
She wiggled to get comfy and smiled to herself. This was much better, her man would protect her from evil jumping ghost ladies that desperately needed to cleanse, tone and moisturise once in a while, he was awesome and could like…shoot it with a laser or some shit, what more could she want in a movie buddy? 
"You know I have no interest in watching this, " he protested weakly as he caught sight of the screen. 
She ignored that too, he'd like it once it got going, she was sure of it, and hit play. 
The dumbass formerly known as Harry had balls, she'd give him that, he hadn't given up and was yet again back in the house of oogie boogies with nothing but a dog for company. The story was unfolding and Selene was actually beginning to feel kind of sorry for the emo ghost, but she still didn't trust her and said as much, very vocally and frequently. 
"Don't go in there…. Shit shit shit creepy rocking chair… ahhh I fucking hate those little wind up monkeys, this, this is why kids were disturbed in the victorian times, look at the fucking toys they give them, what's wrong with the parents…" she paused her mini rant by yelping and hiding her face in John's neck when the ghost popped up again, "not cool, so not cool dude. " 
John but his lip, refusing to laugh at her comments, it would just encourage her and honestly, she was bad enough as it was. She was so animated in everything she did, so open, honest and just full on. 
He much preferred to sit and watch in silence, but Selene was never quiet for long and with four brothers he was used to never getting his own way.  It had been a busy few days and while the others had passed out early, they were both too keyed up to rest. He'd chosen the sensible option of quiet relaxation, obviously she'd had other ideas.
He made an attempt to watch the film but it was almost impossible, having missed the start and with her near constant distractions. He gave up all pretence of paying attention and simply enjoyed having her so close, tightening his arms around her middle.
Once she deemed it safe she looked up again,  uncurling a little from the protective shelter of his arms and managed to sit through another five minutes without freaking out, that was until there was a massive ass house fire and Harry/Arthur's friend Sam told him a bit more about his own story, that's when she started to get defensive and head more into pissed off territory.  
"Why do you keep calling him Harry?" he asked but received no answer as she launched into another tirade. 
"What is wrong with you? Oi, ghost bitch, stop that shit! Don't make me come down there! You might be able to mess with the now non wizard but try a real witch for size."
She cheered and got a little excited when the heroes tried to help the ghost, though the bitch wasn't very appreciative and just did her banshee impression, which lead to Selene screaming back at her, as if that would actually help, making John jump in shock. How was she so loud? 
She relaxed when she thought it was all over, only to bounce back up in the last few seconds in complete outrage. "They should have called me, I'd have kicked that bitches arse in less than a day and been home in time for dinner, now look! Look at that! What the fuck was that? Fucking vengeful ghost, what's wrong with you!"  She pushed the tablet aside in a huff, crossing her arms, sulk mode activated.
The chest she was leaning against was vibrating against her back as he shook in silent laughter. She turned to glare at him, which just made things worse as he lost control. 
John was laughing at her, this was unacceptable.  She nipped his chin in retaliation, trying to hold in a laugh and not admit that she had been a massive wimp. 
He continued to laugh, the lines of stress and worry that had formed over the past few days vanishing smoothing out as he relaxed and let go. She smiled, glad to have helped. Even if her way had been unconventional, it had done the job. 
John hugged her tighter, his amusement fading away to leave him with quiet contentment as she placed the tablet on the ground and rested her head back onto his shoulder. High above them, a bright spot in the dark sky he could just make out his beloved craft, awaiting him, but, as was becoming more and more frequent, he didn't feel the immediate urge to return. They lay in silence for a while, watching the stars, relaxed and at peace. 
"Want to take your witchy to bed so we can get some sleep?"
He smiled, turning his head for a quick kiss. "That's an offer I would be a fool to refuse."
They gathered their things, turned off the lights and returned to the silent villa, bed calling. 
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the-light-followed · 5 years
“What shall we do?’ said Twoflower. ‘Panic?’ said Rincewind hopefully. He always held that panic was the best means of survival; back in the olden days, his theory went, people faced with hungry sabre-toothed tigers could be divided very simply into those who panicked and those who stood there saying ‘What a magnificent brute!’ and ‘Here, pussy.”
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Rating: 5/10
Standalone Okay: No
Discworld Books Masterpost: [x]
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If The Colour of Magic is a bad place to start reading Discworld, The Light Fantastic is 100% worse.  Not because it’s bad, because it’s absolutely an improvement on its predecessor.  It’s just that The Colour of Magic ends on a cliffhanger (only in the metaphorical sense; in the literal sense, Rincewind has just fallen off the cliff).  The Light Fantastic picks up exactly where it left off, with only a little exposition or explanation to soften the shift from one to the next.  I tend to think of The Light Fantastic as more like The Colour of Magic: Part 2, Now We’re Getting Somewhere, because, well, now we’re getting somewhere.
Folks, we finally have a cohesive, over-arching plot! We have stakes greater than “let’s not get killed by this latest thing that wants us dead!”  We have purpose, and drive, and successful barbarian heroes so old they lack teeth and have to make dentures out of diamond, and I love absolutely every bit of it!
In what will quickly become obvious is the norm for him, Rincewind’s life continues to be a series of upsetting things happening one after the other.  Some highlights from The Light Fantastic include:
Being forcibly teleported (back) onto the Disc by the parasitically-attached Great Spell living in his brain, after falling over the Rimfall.  Reality is completely rewritten to do this, but everything remains exactly the same except Rincewind’s new position clinging to the top of a pine tree.  (Twoflower gets dropped back onto the Disc as well, but that seems mostly incidental.)
Going to the land of Death while still alive, picking up his mostly-dead friend, and running right back out to the land of the living.
Camping in the mouth of a giant troll the size of a mountain, while being held captive by mercenaries.  Somehow only the mercenaries end up dead.
Being attacked by wizards and Things from the Dungeon Dimensions, and fighting said wizards and Things in life-or-death battles.
Using the most powerful magical book on the Disc, possibly the most magical item full-stop, and then afterwards, allowing said item to be eaten by the carnivorous sentient Luggage for safekeeping.  Rincewind ends up owning the Luggage before the end of the story—so technically, he still has this wildly dangerous book.
Oh, and saving the world, of course.  He also does that.
I love, love, love the way Pratchett writes ‘heroes’ vs. how he writes his protagonists.  Absolutely none of his protagonists are the stereotypical hero, and his stories are better for it.
Quick sidetrack to define terms: when I say ‘stereotypical hero,’ I’m talking about the kind of lawful good protagonists you see in most high fantasy adventure stories or superhero comics, the stuff with worldwide or even cosmic stakes.  They’re typically well-trained or have some kind of special skills, or they acquire special training/skills along the way.  They almost always set out specifically to save the world, and typically do not have any ulterior motives beyond it being ‘the right thing to do.’  Usually, they’re strong and rugged manly men with impressive jawlines.  I’m talking Aragorn from Lord of the Rings.  I’m talking Captain America and Superman.  I’m talking the real Boy Scout types.
Truth, justice, and apple pie—or whatever the regional-specific pastry of choice might be!
Pratchett’s heroes are not that.  They’re cowards.  They’re scared or confused or unprepared, or making the whole thing up as they go along.  They’re fools, alcoholics, con men.  They’re salty old ladies and know-it-all young girls.  If there is a stereotypical hero-type character, they’re going to be a foil for the actual main character, and they won’t stay perfectly pure and uncomplicated for long—I’m thinking specifically Carrot, though we’ll talk about him later when we get to the City Watch books.  
Here, what we get is Rincewind.  And he is as far from a stereotypical hero as it is possible to be, probably because he would have started sprinting full-speed away from the thought before anyone finished saying it out loud.  Rincewind doesn’t save the world because he suddenly found his courage, or developed bonus superpowers, or found some kind of magical sword to do the fighting for him.  (He actually found the sword back in The Colour of Magic, hated every second of it, and got rid of it as soon as possible.  Goodbye and good riddance to Kring the magic sword.)  He hasn’t secretly had the courage inside of himself all along.
Rincewind saves the world because he’s got nowhere left to run, and that’s excellent.
I’m going to save a lot of my rambling about Pratchett’s deconstruction of the concept of ‘heroes’ for when I get to Guards! Guards! and later City Watch books, since Carrot is, like I said, both the main example and the central thesis.  But it is very important for everyone to understand: for me, nothing is more satisfying from a literary perspective than knowing that, at the end of the Discworld series, coward and hero-only-by-accident-or-mistake Rincewind is one of the two people in contention for the spot as ‘ultimate savior of the world, the universe, and all of existence.’  The other is a teenage girl.
Honestly, the only reason I think Rincewind might edge her out for the title is because he technically saved a slightly larger slice of reality with this whole escapade.  In Tiffany’s defense, I’m 98% sure she hadn’t been born yet when this whole thing went down, so we really can’t blame her for not solving it first.  If she were there, she’d have it handled, and that’s just objective truth.
But Rincewind.  Rincewind.  At the end of The Light Fantastic, the dude’s spent two whole books screaming and running whenever something tries to kill/maim/eat/threaten him.  The audience has absolutely figured out by this point that while he’s smart and sarcastic and surprisingly speedy, he’s totally useless in a conflict.  His priority is saving his own skin, not dashing feats of derring-do or whatever it is heroes are supposed to do.
And yet with the end of the world looming, his back against the wall, and no real place left to run, when the Big Baddie demands that he give up the last Great Spell, the one last thing preventing the immediate destruction of everything and everyone, we get this from Rincewind:
“If it stops anywhere, it stops here, thought Rincewind. ‘You’ll have to take it,’ he said. ‘I won’t give it to you.’”
And that’s it.  That’s what saves the world.  Not a stereotypical hero, not a hero of legend, not a mythic champion showing up for a final glorious battle—it’s a Pratchett hero.  It’s an everyday guy, a coward and a failure, dragged in by accident and against his will.  It’s an average person, nothing really special, who looks at something that he knows is wrong and that he’s sure will hurt him for disobeying.  And yet he still says no.  It stops here.
Even rats fight back, as Rincewind himself says.
This is the moment that really sells me on Rincewind’s character, every time.  Even before Pratchett was really taking Rincewind or the Discworld seriously, even while the whole thing is still one massive joke more often than not, he’s still given the readers a POV character who feels believably real.  He’s scared shitless, he’s tired, he’s sarcastic, and he doesn’t want to be there.  But that’s too damn bad, because he’s the one there, and if he doesn’t do this, no one else will.
And maybe Rincewind’s not Superman, but he still does it. He succeeds, he saves the day, and—despite everything—he’s somehow the hero of this story.  Screaming all the way, maybe, but he still gets it done.
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[Paul Kidby does incredible Discworld art, including some of the amazing cover art for the books.  You can find a lot of it on his website— www.paulkidby.com.  This one,The Colour of Magic, stars Rincewind, Twoflower, and their dramatic escape from the Wyrmberg.]
While we’re on the subject of heroes, we can’t skip over Cohen the Barbarian, who makes his debut here in The Light Fantastic. Now, Cohen is technically a hero, but this is still not in the ‘stereotypical hero’ sense—it’s literally his job.  It’s the thing he writes in the little box marked ‘Occupation’ on his tax forms, or at least it would be if he actually paid any taxes.  Or if he actually wrote things down.  
For Cohen, being a hero is how he makes a profit and pays the bills, and he is very, very good at it.  That’s 100% objective truth, and I know that for sure, because the man is old as the hills and still gets into life-or-death fights about twice a day, and that’s the sort of thing that gets you dead very quickly if you aren’t very good at what you do.
But Cohen still isn’t a stereotypical hero.  He does a lot of looting and pillaging, and his body count over the Rincewind books is—wow, it’s up there.  It’s a real doozy.  It’s hard to call his work heroism when it’s hardly a smidge to the left of repeated, outright murder.  I’ll probably circle back around to this in Interesting Times and The Last Hero, because there are some really interesting points made there about the ways that Cohen and his contemporaries play at heroes and villains like they’re a sort of performance they’re putting on rather than a moral act or a choice made out of necessity. But I will say now that putting Cohen in the same storylines as Rincewind really does put both characters into a more complex and interesting light.  Rincewind, the coward-not-hero, and Cohen, the fearless warrior, can kind of play off of each other.
It just goes to show Pratchett’s grasp of people as people, and not unidimensional cardboard cutouts.  Nobody’s always right.  Nobody is always wrong.  And real people don’t always stand up to perfect, pure concepts of what we think they should be.
Also, since Cohen is about a billion years old, we get little gems like his toothless lisp before he picks up some dentures, a concept that Twoflower brings with him from the Counterweight Continent.  (Or, as Cohen calls them, dine chewers.  That, friends, is a pune, or a play on words.)  Also, because he’s Cohen and therefore a dramatic bastard, the dentures are solid diamond.  It’s not as if the man can’t afford it, I guess?
I do want to take a little side trip into some other new details that pop up in The Light Fantastic, specifically the more in-depth stuff about Unseen University and the wizards.  The wizards are a lot of fun in the early Discworld books, specifically if you’re really bloodthirsty, because up until Ridcully arrives in Moving Pictures there’s quite a lot of turnover in Unseen University staff. The wizards are backstabbing bastards early on, and it’s almost jarring to compare the shifty, power-hungry jerks in The Light Fantastic and Sourcery to the fat, lazy hedonists they’ll become. We do get an impression of them as a collective that will stay pretty consistent as we move forward: their values, their skills, the way they do magic.
This is important not only because it establishes a lot of lasting detail for stories involving Rincewind, the University, and the city of Ankh-Morpork, but also because we’re about to get our first glimpse of the witches.  (Hey-o, here comes Equal Rites!)  With a lot of this stuff mapped out in advance, it makes it easier to run a compare-and-contrast of what’s going on with the two main schools of magic users on the Disc, what’s different between them, what’s the same—and the positives and negatives in them both.  (Again, hey-o, Equal Rites!  That all is about to be the whole damn point.)
I think it’s also fun to note that The Light Fantastic features the brief run of Galder Weatherwax as Archchancellor of the Unseen University, A.K.A. He Who Dies So Granny Weatherwax Can Have His Frankly Excellent Name.  Granny Weatherwax is the steel-souled spine of the witches, and the driving force of their run of books, and it’s kind of hilarious to think that Terry Pratchett did the writer’s equivalent of digging through a graveyard to give her a name.  This theft is later lampshaded and then ignored; Granny says something briefly about Galder Weatherwax being a distant cousin she barely knew, and the whole thing is never mentioned again from then on out. I can’t exactly remember where, and it might even have been in a short story or one of the side books Pratchett eventually put together, not in a novel.  Honestly, who cares—Granny Weatherwax is such a force of nature that it only takes a few minutes to forget that her name ever could have belonged to anyone but herself.
But Granny Weatherwax is not a discussion for The Light Fantastic.  It’s time to move on to Equal Rites!
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Side Notes:
This is the book where the Unseen University Librarian is changed into an orangutan.  It happens early on in a magical accident, as the grimoire containing the Eight Great Spells attempts to save Rincewind and the spell trapped in his mind, and he is never reverted to human form.  
He is referenced but does not appear in The Colour of Magic.  
At no point anywhere in the Discworld does he appear in human form.  At no point does he have lines in human language.  He is never named.  At no point is he described as he was prior to this change, except that the orangutan he becomes is initially said to look “like the head librarian,” so presumably he was already a bit orangutan-ish. 
For something as weird as this is, and for something with such long-lasting repercussions, it is treated in the moment as a thing of very little importance—except, of course, that now he has to be paid in bananas.  I find this absolutely delightful.
Tim Curry plays the wizard Trymon in the BBC miniseries The Colour of Magic, which combines The Colour of Magic and The Light Fantastic.  Trymon only appears in The Light Fantastic in the books, and I can’t read it anymore without picturing Tim Curry in his ridiculous robes and shoes, with his ridiculous overdramatic murder plots, working his way up to the top just to die a ridiculous death.
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No, really. Look at this hat.  Look at this goatee.  Only Tim Curry has the acting chops to pull this off.
Death once again appears, and this time we also get to see his house and his daughter, Ysabell!  I can see why it didn’t take long to go from here to Mort: the concept is way too good to leave to little snatches and side appearances.
Krysoprase the troll shows up for the first time in this book.  Later, he’ll be known as Chrysoprase, and will make appearances in several other Discworld novels: Feet of Clay, Wyrd Sisters, and, notably, Thud.  There’s also a troll named Breccia in The Light Fantastic; Breccia will become the name of Chrysoprase’s gang in Ankh-Morpork.
While going through my copy of The Light Fantastic to work on this post, I glanced at the cover and briefly thought I was losing my mind.  At the bottom, there’s a blurb talking about beloved Discworld character “Conan the Barbarian”—but up until that moment I was 100% certain the beloved barbarian on the Disc was named “Cohen.”  Turns out I’m not crazy, it’s just that the literal cover of the book decides to make a reference to the character that Cohen is parodying rather than to Cohen himself.  And this is the 2008 print edition, not an early run or a badly-assembled e-reader edition, which means it’s being released by a professional publishing company a full 22 years after the original novel came out.  It’s not like nobody’s had time to look over the material and do some copy-editing.
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Favorite Quotes:
“The important thing about having lots of things to remember is that you’ve got to go somewhere afterwards where you can remember them, you see? You’ve got to stop. You haven’t really been anywhere until you’ve got back home.”
“Do you think there’s anything to eat in this forest?” “Yes,” said the wizard bitterly, “us.”
“Not for the first time she reflected that there were many drawbacks to being a swordswoman, not least of which was that men didn't take you seriously until you'd actually killed them, by which time it didn't really matter anyway.”
“Are you a hero, actually?” “Um, no. Not as such. Not at all, really. Even less than that, in fact.”
“What shall we do?’ said Twoflower. ‘Panic?’ said Rincewind hopefully. He always held that panic was the best means of survival; back in the olden days, his theory went, people faced with hungry sabre-toothed tigers could be divided very simply into those who panicked and those who stood there saying ‘What a magnificent brute!’ and ‘Here, pussy.”
2 notes · View notes
silvana-fangirls · 6 years
Target [Dabi x ua!Reader] Chapter 8
Yes, I'm ashamed... so sorry for taking so long :( 
PLEASE read notes at the end
or below the cut
“Back to the U.A. student abduction situation, it seems that we finally have some news to share after all this time. Ever since (Y/LN) (Y/N), a seventeen year old student from U.A. High, failed to get rescued at the infamous fight that caused All Might’s retirement we haven’t gotten any more information about her or the League of Villains whereabouts for the matter. It seemed that neither Pro Heroes nor the Police could get hold of any leads regarding this situation” The news lady from CNN Japan started to say.
“I’ve also like to remind you, Fujiko, that (Y/LN) (Y/N) is notoriously known for being the daughter of two of the most dangerous villains Japan’s ever had: The Wizards. Which led everyone to believe that the reason why this girl wasn’t rescued yet was because there’s a chance she might already join the League” The news man added.
“That’s correct, Hideki. It’s even known by now that half of Japan’s population doesn’t want this girl back. But, back to the point: The Pro Heroes working on the case have finally something to say about it. Here’s what U.A.’s Principal, the heroes representative, had said.” A video of a press conference played right after.
“I know there have been so much speculation and concern regarding this matter. We know you want answers and I want to say that we’re also restless, waiting for the return of our dear student. For security reasons we can’t give you details, but we want to let you know that we’re close. It’s only a matter of time before we have our aspiring hero back home-“
Bakugou turned off the T.V. before he could hear any more bullshit.
To say he was seething would be an understatement.
Two weeks.
Two weeks since the failed rescue mission.
Two fucking weeks.
Two weeks of nothing, nada. It seemed like she vanished on the thin air from right under everyone’s noses, because Pro Heroes had nothing on the situation. He knew that press conference was full of shit, just to get people off their backs, just so they wouldn’t disappoint them too much; or actually, to prove them they weren’t just a bunch of incompetent morons, because you see… people didn’t want her back. At least half of them didn’t and the half that did was just so they could imprison her (or somehow manage to convince the government to kill her) because they were too fucking scared of having her on the loose. Too fucking terrified of history repeating itself.
Bakugou wondered if stupidity was a disease that was slowly taking on the world.
Still, people wanted answers. Whether they wanted her back or not, they wanted answers. The Pro Heroes slack was showing at full force now and people wanted the heroes back in control of the situation, they wanted so desperately to believe they still had the upper hand over the villains even if it was the complete opposite.
He felt like blowing up the world right now.
There was two knocks on his door before someone opened it.
“Hey, Bakugou. Your mom told me to just come in” Kirishima said, making his way in.
Bakugou didn’t even blink or acknowledge him in any way. He just stayed in the same position he was: sitting on his chair, facing the now dark T.V. with his knuckles white from pressing them so hard in order not to blow up his entire room.
Kirishima let out a concerned sigh.
“Have you seen the news? They said they’re close, dude” He said, trying to brighten up Bakugou’s mood. “They said it’s only a matter of time-“
“Bullshit” Bakugou muttered without moving an inch. Kirishima sighed again.
“Look, I know you probably don’t want to get your hopes up but they said-“
“IT’S BULLSHIT” Bakugou shouted, unable to stop the little explosions coming from his hands. Kirishima backed up a few steps. “I’ve been to the police station every fucking day since and they have nothing, absolutely nothing. That fucking press conference was just to get people off their backs” He hissed through harshly gritted teeth as he tried to keep himself on check. The last thing he needed was to destroy something out of rage and get more bullshit from his mom. “They have nothing on her… No leads” He finally said in an almost shaky whisper.
Kirishima’s eyes darted through the room as his hands moved nervously against the sides of his legs. What was he supposed to do? Or say? He felt guilty enough as it was, after all he was one of the ones that failed to save her, so he couldn’t imagine how Bakugou was feeling.
He’s been visiting him every once in a while. The first time he came it was kind of a suicide mission actually, considering that he was the one that refused to let Bakugou go back to her. Sure, all of them refused to let him go, but it was Kirishima who used his hardening quirk around his hand, taking his explosions and all, in order to keep him from getting out of his grasp.
To his surprise, Bakugou didn’t even shout at him. But Kirishima soon realized that it was because all his temperamental friend could think about was this girl and how she stayed behind.
“I’m sorry, man” He didn’t know what else to say. If what Bakugou said was true, then God have mercy on this poor girl, because if the Pros weren’t able to get a hold on her, then who will? “I can’t believe heroes’ been of no use, though”
“Fucking tell me about it” Bakugou muttered. “That’s not even all”
“What do you mean?” Kirishima asked.
“These stupid people believing that she’ll join the villains is just making things fucking worse. There’re even Pros speaking up now, saying that she’ll probably follow her parents’ footsteps. So, if even heroes doubt her do you actually believe they’d waste their time finding her?”
Kirishima bitted the inside of his cheek at this. This wasn’t getting any better. Every day they seemed to be even further from her, his mind couldn’t help but wander to the worst possible scenarios.
“I can’t imagine what she must feel” Kirishima let out in an almost whisper. “Do you think they’re treating her well? I mean… you said they were trying to convince you two to join them, right?” Kirishima said, but since Bakugou didn’t utter a sound he continued. “Or do you think they’re torturing her? They’re villains after all” He couldn’t help the sudden word vomit, his mind was going miles per hour as he tried to imagine what that girl must’ve been going through “In fact… they’re mostly all grown up men, you wouldn’t they – there’s no way they took advantage of her, right!?” He almost shouted in terror. “YOU THINK THEY-“
“Shut your fucking mouth” Bakugou hissed.
“But, dude! They’re villains! I mean, they could’ve-“
“I mean it, Kirishima. Shut your fucking mouth if you want to keep your head right where it is!” Bakugou shouted in rage as he stood up, blood boiling.
Kirishima bit his tongue to restrain him from saying anything else, even if he wanted to.
Truth to be told, a lot of nightmarish things could’ve happen to the girl by now, or could stillhappen or even could continue to happen if they didn’t find her soon. The situation simply looked worse every time he thought about it. As far as he knew, there was only one girl in the League of Villains, and then they were all grown up man that couldn’t possibly be any less than 21 years old.
She was a seventeen year old, good looking girl, that was completely defenseless and at their mercy.
But, he didn’t say anything else. Bakugou’s eyes were raging fire and they promised pain to whoever decided to defy him right now. Kirishima didn’t have a death wish.
Before Kirishima could register what was happening Bakugou was putting his shoes on and getting out of the room. Kirishima followed behind quickly, he didn’t know what he was up to but considering his mood it could be dangerous to whoever crossed paths with him right now.
Bakugou was already getting out the front door of his house when Kirishima caught up to him.
“Bakugou where are you going!?” he asked in an almost distressed state.
“I’ll give you two options shitty hair: you either piss off or you shut the fuck up and follow me” He said, not stopping his pace once.
If Kirishima thought those awful scenarios haven’t crossed Bakugou’s mind once, he was even stupider than he thought.
Those dark possibilities have crossed Bakugou’s mind, more times that he could even count. It was the main reason why he was so fucking restless and coming and going from the police station ever since that day.
How could he not think about it, anyways? He’s been there, he’s seen those disgusting guys, he’s also seen her and he knew what villains were capable off. What villain wouldn’t at least think of taking advantage of such convenient situation?
Plus, it was like every fucking time those thoughts assaulted his mind all he could think off was disgustingly scarred skin.
Bakugou saw him. He saw that crispy bastard. He saw his interest on the girl from the fucking front row.
It made his hands twitch… at made him shudder and just hate himself even more for being so useless at the moment.
But, fuck. Enough is enough.
He knew one way of helping this situation, and he wasn’t gonna stop until they did what he fucking say.
To say he felt ashamed of that press conference wouldn’t even come close to what Aizawa felt at the moment.
He was against it, of course, because it was all a lie. They weren’t close; they haven’t even advanced an inch since the first day. They were clueless, desperate… with no idea of where to even begin.
But the other heroes were worried. Which, in part, he understood. Everyone worked so hard to get to where they were and everything was starting to collapse from right under their feet. People were doubting them, losing hope on them… just like The League of Villains wanted them to.
They were winning.
Heroes didn’t want their fans to give up on them, and they didn’t want people to worry… so they decided to do this press conference to calm them down a bit even if he didn’t want to.
He let out a shaky breath, trying to work his mind even harder on this. He needed to get the girl back. He refused to let her parents’ past be what condemned her to such destiny, much less when she tried so hard to get away from it.
He needed to get her back, no matter the cost.
Before he could put any other thought on it, though, the door of his office at the U.A. flew open, reveling his angriest student from class 1-A followed by Kirishima.
“Bakugou, Kirishima” Aizawa simply greeted.
Judging by Bakugou’s raged face as he practically stomped his way to him, Aizawa had an idea of two about what was this about, also taking in consideration the fact that Bakugou has practically made the police station his new home, spending his time constantly pestering around police officers and heroes working on the missing girl case with questions, or so they’ve told him. After all, he wasn’t working at the station with the others, but rather with All Might at his house while he recovered, trying to work up ways to get their student back. Aizawa simply couldn’t fathom the guilt Bakugou might be carrying with him right now.
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” Aizawa asked.
Kirishima tried to open his mouth as he looked crazy nervous about this whole thing but Bakugou beat him to it.
“That fucking press conference was fucking BULLSHIT!” He spat angrily “You have absolutely no leads and yet everyone’s more worried about saving their asses rather than saving her!”
Yeah, Aizawa saw it coming and while he was speaking nothing but truth…
“I have no idea what you’re talking about” he said in the same bored attitude he always had.
It definitely angered Bakugou even more because little explosions were coming from his hands. Aizawa raised an eyebrow at this.
“I know you’re one of the Top Pro Heroes working on the case so CUT THE CRAP!” He shouted.
“I suggest you look your language around me, Bakugou. There won’t be another warning” He said menacingly.
That seemed to calm down Bakugou, at least a bit.
“Why did you decide to do that press conference when you have absolutely no fuc-freaking leads?” He asked, gritting his teeth.
Aizawa had no answer for him.
“Dude, relax... Maybe it was to the villains get scared, right?” Kirishima tried lamely to better the situation.
“Yeah, right. So they take even more precautions than the ones they’re taking now? Don’t be a fucking idiot” Bakugou spat at his friend, before turning to Aizawa once again. “If you did it for that, then the situation’s even fucking worse than before”
This was one of the reasons why Bakugou constantly proved himself to be probably the best in his class. While he might not have the usual emotions that a hero has, he thought like the best of them.
He was absolutely right. Even Aizawa himself warned the others that this would probably happen if they did the press conference.
“Since you know what the right and wrong thing to do so well... why don’t you tell me what you would do in this situation?” Aizawa asked, and as he expected, Bakugou didn’t back up from the challenge.
“Whether you might get clues or not, you’re never going to save her because of one thing” Aizawa’s brows shot up slightly in surprise.
“Why’s that?”
“I saw the policemen and some of the lower rated heroes working in the case” Bakugou started and Aizawa could see the raw rage in his eyes as he talked about them “They don’t think she’s worth it. They think she’ll actually join that League of Morons because of her past. If the rescuers aren’t even interested in the rescue, how the fuck do you expect them to succeed?” He said through greeted teeth. “And all this has everything to do with the stupidity that suddenly seemed to consume all the fucking country. Because if the people doesn’t want her, the heroes obviously don’t. After all, most of them just do it for all that comes with saving the people” He said, looking straight at him. Aizawa knew he was thinking the same as him: it seemed that the League wasn’t as far from the truth as they wanted them to be, considering they were exposing the true hollow motives some heroes have. “You need to do another press conference. I don’t give a shit about what you say. I don’t give a shit if you make it up, lie or whatever... But you have to convince everyone she’s one of the good ones, dammit”
Once again, thinking like a hero.
What he suggested as exactly what Aizawa wanted to do since the beginning, but Best Jeanist didn’t allow him to.
“What if the villains use it as an excuse to kill her?” Aizawa asked, because even if he wanted to do it, he knew it wasn’t a fool proof plan. Lots could go wrong.
“They won’t kill her, at least not right away. If people think she’s actually good, those morons would want to prove them wrong even more than before” Bakugou said “I know it does shorten up our time. But if they think she’s bad, we’ll never fucking find her” Bakugou said a bit shaky “You also have to get a better fucking team of Pros to work in this”
Aizawa said nothing at first. He just gazed outside his window, full aware of the two young aspiring heroes waiting for some kind of answer.
“I know that your abduction was an experience that shouldn’t have happened in the first place and should never happen again. But I think you benefited from it” Aizawa said to Bakugou in all honesty.
Bakugou said nothing to that.
“Will you do it?” He asked instead.
“Yeah” Aizawa said almost absent mindedly. “I’ve been meeting to, anyways” he casually shrugged
“But what will you say?” Kirishima asked almost bewildered. He wasn’t really sure about this. If Aizawa-sensei made something up, what if people didn’t buy it? Or if they caught him?
“Just the truth”
Dabi was sitting absent minded while looking at the T.V. that was now in his room. He had to move it to the bunker after Shigaraki wouldn’t stop bitching about how dangerous it was for each one of them to be constantly leaving the bunker to go sleep at their own places. He insisted non-stop about temporarily moving to the bunker, at least till things ‘calmed down’ (which was, of course, getting his ‘master’ out of whatever prison he was in and getting the girl to finally join them) and he just agreed to leave his apartment so he wouldn’t have to listen to his bitching any more. So he brought the T.V. here, in the room he picked for himself.
He’s been practically glued to the T.V. Ever since that ridiculous press conference aired.
“‘We’re close’ my ass” He thought as he flickered between the News’ channels to see if there was anything else about it.
Dabi was good at several things. Reading people was one of them... and he recognized desperation anywhere.
They were desperate. People were turning on their own heroes, slowly but surely. So, in a desperate attempt to keep them cheering on them they released that desperate press conference.
Apparently all of his ‘colleagues’ saw the same as Dabi did because no one even battered an eye to the news, if anything, they seemed more chill than ever.
“We have a last-minute interruption right now, Pro Hero Eraserhead has called a last-minute press confer-“ He stopped his zapping at the mention of Eraserhead, eyes narrowing as he instantly returned back to that channel.
“He said it was of Nation Wide interest so we’ll be transmitting that” the image instantly switched to Eraserhead, dressed in a suit, pretty much like the other time as  people of the press were quickly trying to find a place to listen.
“Sorry for the short notice about this, I’m pretty sure most of you are still on your way here, but there’s just no more time to waste” He started, as people in the press quiet down. “I know you might be thinking about how unusual this looks, considering there was just a press conference not long ago this very same day. I know most of you are probably expecting some bad news, but don’t worry. Things regarding the case of (Y/LN) (Y/N) are still the same since this morning, I’m not here to talk you about that” The noise in the room instantly increased after that. “But rather, to tell everyone in the country something that I’ve been meaning to you long ago”
Dani narrowed his eyes even more at this.
What the fuck was this? Some kind of plot? It didn’t look like it and if they asked him, Dabi would even guess that this was all Eraserhead, no one else involved.
“Ever since we defeated the Wizards, questions about how we finally did it arose. How we managed to find them. How we managed to finally overcome their seemingly undefeatable quirks”
Dabi felt his body unwillingly stiffen at his words.
“The thing is, we wouldn’t have been able to do it without help” Some muttering could be heard, as Eraserhead was looking at them dead serious. “In fact, they’d still be overpowering each and every hero to this day without said help, Japan would still be in fear” He added. “Once I tell you who this helper was, most of you probably won’t believe me. Most of you would probably stand up and scream at me or even leave… But, don’t worry, I have enough proof here with me to show you the truth. You’ll see everything for yourselves.”
For some godforsaken reason, Dabi was having a hard time trying to make out what Eraserhead was saying. His blood suddenly pumping so hard on his ears it was getting difficult to hear. The grip in his remote control was also increasing, hand getting warm enough to start to bent the object due to the increasing temperature.
Why it felt like he was so goddamn nervous? Nervous about what, exactly?
“You see, the one who actually turned them in, and helped with the entire plan on how to defeat them was none other than their daughter (Y/LN) (Y/N), U.A. student currently hostage of The League of Villains”
It felt like someone was turning down the volume of the T.V. because suddenly Dabi could hear nothing more than his own quiet breathing. He even stopped hearing his thundering heart, as it seemed to come to a halt at some point. He was simply frozen in his spot, unblinking, gazing straight at the T.V. while barely registering how the entire press sure enough started to stand up and scream at the Pro Hero.
There was a part of Dabi that just was dying to get out an incredulous scoff, even an ironic one. Because, there was simply, absolutely no way that happened.
But then, there was a way, and it absolutely did happen. Because footage from the year it happen started to show on the T.V. showing a younger and more innocent looking (Y/N) talking to no other than Pro Hero Best Jeanist, the one Dabi faintly recalled being in charge of taking her parents down back in the day.
There she was, exposing the real identities of her parents, sharing her address and explaining in terrifying detail how to take her own parents, her own blood, down.
He could hear faint gasps coming from the press, and he figured he probably would’ve gasped dramatically too if he weren’t him… Because, fucking hell, it was simply jaw dropping.
The last thing he payed attention to was when Best Jeanist basically told her that all that would end in her parents’ death. Since there was absolutely no way they were getting out of a death sentence.
And she understood. He could see that part of her felt guilt and sorrow, but she didn’t flinch. She was a girl on a mission.
Dabi’s whole body started to itch right then, begging him to run right to her room.
He just needed to see her.
But he couldn’t move, it was like the weight of the truth had been left on him and he couldn’t get up of his seat.
What did make him snap to reality were sudden hurried steps, that he instantly recognized as Shigaraki… going straight to the girl’s room.
His body moved at its own accord by then, he didn’t remember how he managed to get there right at the same time as he did, but here he was, right at her door with Shigaraki.
Dabi’s dangerously hot hand on Shigaraki’s right arm, and Shigaraki’s four finger hold on Dabi’s left arm, pinkie finger dangerously close to his skin.
He didn’t even register when the others got there.
“What the fuck are you doing” Dabi hissed, looking straight at him.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Shigaraki asked, looking at him partially in shock. “I’m pretty sure you heard the news just like everyone else, didn’t you? She needs to fucking die after what she did”
“I didn’t know you were such a devoted fan of her parents” Dabi said mockingly but never losing his threatening stance. He new this was oh, so dangerous… the was he was reacting right now was not good and would rase pointless suspicions, but he couldn’t let that girl die. At least not yet. This might be ammunition for Shigaraki’s use in the future, but the temperature on his hand refused to drop.
“It’s not about her parents you fucking moron” Shigaraki spat, almost offended. “Do you actually think she’ll join us after what she did? After turning in her own blood? Are you that stupid?”
He was right, and Dabi knew better than anyone. She won’t join them, not now, not ever… much less now that he knew the truth.
He didn’t really have any excuses. All rational parts of him were willing to let Shigaraki go and let him carry on. She won’t join them, so the next best thing the could do was kill her, wrap her in gift wrapping and leave her at U.A.’s entrance. But the rational part of him was not the stronger one right now.
He didn’t even know from where the excuse came up, but it came.
“I don’t know, are you that stupid?” He asked, smirk already ghosting his lips. Shigaraki only looked at him dumbfounded now.
“What the hell does that even mean”
“Jeez, I knew you were dense but c’mon” He continued with his act. “First, they release a press conference in a desperate state we all agreed it was bullshit and just to keep people from worshiping the ground they walk on. Now, they do it again and you fall for it like some dumb idiot. Just put two and two together for once. Two desperate press conferences in the same day, both with the obvious same means”
Shigaraki seemed to consider his explanation for a few seconds, neither of them loosing the grip on the other while he did.
“Then how the fuck you explain the footage?” Shigaraki asked.
“He’s right, Dabi. I mean, there was a footage with the date and all! And she also looked younger!” Magne added.
Dabi rolled his eyes at them.
“For all we know they could’ve forced her so they didn’t send her to some juvenile detention. That way they could keep an eye on her and control her” Dabi easily said.
“That still does not explain why she hasn’t join us yet” Compress chimed in.
“That’s right” Shigaraki said, and turned to Dabi again, twitching his little finger as a threat. “How do you explain that?”
Dabi knew that even if he manage to give a reasonable answer, Shigaraki was already suspicious of him. He was looking at him with a glint in his eye that could only be described as a kid who just found the newest toy in town. Whether Shigaraki spared her life today or not. Dabi knew things would just turn to worse for him.
“If you were her, wouldn’t you be scared of Pros?” He simply said, threatening Shigaraki with a glare.
A wicked smile started to grow from Shigaraki’s mouth.
“Fair enough” He said, as he let Dabi out of his grip and so did he. “How about an agreement then?”
Dabi said nothing, but his eyes were trained on him.
“Get her to join us, or I’ll force her to” He said with a twitching smile. “And trust me, I’ll have fun while doing it”
He left after that, and so did everyone else but not before shooting a shocked glance at Dabi.
While the threat was clear it did little to make him care. He could deal with Shigaraki and his mind games. He had the mind of a freaking spoiled kid after all.
Also, he had more important things in his mind right now.
Turning to her door, he could barely hold back the smirk that was so desperately trying to show.
Time for a little fun.
It's been a long time... I think we all agree and I'm SO sorry about that. I traveled a lot these months and I just didn't have time to write it, but it's finally done and it's oh, such a long chapter.
Anyways that's not what I wanted to tell you... I know that most of you (me too) would want the chapter as soon as possible, but I just wanted you to know that I have a jelsa fanfic that I also have to update, and I've been meaning to write a KougaxKagome fic for so long now and I'm working on that as well so, as soon as I finish those I'll get back on this! Comments, Reviews ans such always help with speeding up the process and keeps the inspiration flowing as well ;)
Thanks so much as always and please don't forget to comment!
tag list: @buckybear97 @this-lost-child @aebeessun @ye-rinn@ihatemyselftoinfinityandbeyond @cindxalex @luvley-shadow@taeniix@roadtripsonspaceships @iana-therese@darkagedoctor @liliafangirls @darkfaethedestroyer@celestiallsunshine @meggy126 @starlordsmum @megganclaark @hecatemacbeth7 @dixonsbugaboo 
 (please let me know if I forgot to add you)
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elanska · 5 years
Miss not so sidekick - chapter 86
still on our latte dunnit...not! case. mob...apawn bring out her witness (oy, this level of preparedness is very suspicious, but yeah, Latte already figured this is Peridot's doing). Anyway, witness A also quickly hop onboard of Latte dunnit! train which makes us hates her already (you filthy liar! you dare to besmirch our latte??)
apawn and false witness A putting 'oh how horrendous her crime is' - making the library crowds murmuring amongst themselves.
Arwin asks Latte whether she dunnit (unlike Latte who read the novel, he doesn't know about the events or even about Peridot making this crime case. And even though Apawn is very suspicious to quickly loaded them all with the scenario and even bring the inside jobs testimony (you fuckin liar, I will get you for this!) making the case seemingly very tight, so probably it's nice gesture for him to ask Latte.......wait a minute, but he knows Latte is Ibelin's fangirl so there's no fuckin' way Latte would done it! at least not to Ibelin! do you badly wish Latte to off your rival or something? hey bunny!) (on the other thought, we found it's amusing for Arwin to be in situation where Ibelin got attacked! and instead getting all angry or protective over the female lead!Ibelin that he's fish #3 for, he's more concerned with Latte got accused and whether it's true or not *because he likes Latte now, and doesn't really care about Ibelin, heh. Our Arwin has really left the fisheries long time ago*
Latte, despite bearing the unjustness of totally got framed by cunning and filthy liars situation and uncomfortable stares from the crowds still keep her calm and 'dude, this whole farce' demeanor. She's totally innocent and telling him that she was staying at her home NEET style 2 hours ago and watching her daughter's hair being brushed by our magnificent Esula. Arwin follows it up by concocting 'then ‘tis must be daughter's revenge since you botched her hairdo' and Latte 'hey that's art!' (somehow they sounded like my parents on silly fight. Also, yes, they make fun of the situation again)
Kenneth, already have enough from our baka couple totally not taking this seriously, step up to take the straight man role. He confront the filthy liar inside job and Apawn if they really, seriously, claiming that Latte done this crime. Apawn and inside jobs (both filthy liars!) shuddering under Kenneth's serious stare. They didn't expect somebody will step up to defend their victim (me, glance at bunny = oy, they think you're a joke. Wait, yourself busy joking with Latte. Well, the jokes are on you then). Latte also seems surprised to see Kenneth step up to her defense, since he always treat her as nuisance and something annoying. C....could this be? a power of friendship? Mah Friend Kenneth?? uwu
this doesn't escape Arwin's attention, who quickly trying to establish his closeness with Latte by uh....getting closer and ask if she and Kenneth are friends now. Latte gives ambiguous answer and I'm sure Arwin feels a bit jealous here. Especially since he's been busy poking the fun with Latte while Kenneth shows himself to be da MAN! da KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR! defending the distressed lady in trouble (Latte seems very impressed by Kenneth's action too). Uh oh, it's like 0-1 for Arwin (but it's not like Kenneth ever sees Latte in that way. He's just serious character and feel offended that his friend get accused of crime that she said she didn't commit. While we think Arwin is totally okay with both do/do not commit crime option. He's magician's tower lord you know? even if Latte did, what would they do to her if he interjects? worse come to worse, he can just take Latte to his tower and that will be the end of that. plus, she will be separated from ibelin /heh/ ***oh no, I'm getting affected by this psychopath thoughts, moving on moving on***
oh yeah, talking about distressed lady, how come we forgot about the actual victim of bookshelf-nearly-fall-on-top-of-me Ibelin! sorry we forgot about you since those two filthy liars are accusing our precious Latte making our blood boils (GRAAAA!!). And hey Latte, aren't you a bit of also distant to not checking up on your best friend and start playing detective!mode instead? (uhm, she seems okay after Kenneth's save and Latte is always this curious tabby cat that check her surrounding so she might interested to check the bookshelf that nearly fall on top of her best friend ****and then she got framed immediately**** but we still think you really need to check on your friend Ibelin earlier, Latte).
Latte doing his late check-up on Ibelin who reaffirms that she's alright, but then starts to passive-aggressively reassures Latte that she believes Latte didn't do it, and even if she did, Latte must have good reason for it and how she totally wouldn't ever blame Latte. Uh Ibelin, we get it if you're mad got almost getting hurt and then suspicious people ganging up and *le gasp!* putting your friend as the culprit! ..........but, aren't you two friends? like, you totally knows that Latte likes you very much, always get trouble because she's hovering near you, yet never blames you (because you're like, her fave character, and yes she knows what she's getting into by hanging around you, yet still done it anyway), but this is even worse than vote of no confidence from Arwin before (at least he was asking if Latte done it instead 'it's fine, I totally understand if you done it'). Moreso to  says it loudly so everyone in their vicinity can hear it? and right after Kenneth put his vote of confidence in Latte's defense too?
though to be fair to Ibelin, Latte might also not be 100% sincere of being friends with Ibelin either. She likes Ibelin, sure, but as the perfect!angelic!character from her favorite novel and refuse to see past that. When Ibelin acted angelically (like Latte knows) Latte overjoyed, but if not, she frowned. Almost low-key pressuring (to act perfect angelically all the time) there, but latte brushed off her own perception and just making excuses for Ibelin (and from what we know from spoiler, Ibelin aware she have to act goody-goody angelical girl so probably no harm from our Latte's expectation on her either)
Anyway, anyway. furthermore, Ibelin's settings are a female lead so perfect that her best friend will ended up betraying her out of jealousy. We don't know how much it had happened to her before she came to Empire, but we know she's not a perfect angelic character image she's showing us so far, so maybe, just maybe, she had *bad* thought of Latte *really* backstab her this time, just like her previous 'friends' and being a goody-goody girl, choose to deliver the perfect angelic-but-still-passive-aggressive-I-know-what-you-did-you-two-faced-bitch! (noooo, our Latte is innocent! innocent I tell you!)
Ibelin vs Latte cracked friendship showdown interrupted by the head librarian whose name is good reminder to us all. Apawn like 'tsk, nuisance' but important reminder bringing a good and useful news (while we’re at it, please fire that insider job girlie, damn gurl being false witness of a crime! it’s a crime!). Y'see, the library recently installing CCTV recorder that they bought from magic tower! Apawn is very SHOCKETH (ha! fucketh over aren't you pawnie?!!). important reminder droning about the CCTV recorder are like, so expensive, but the magic tower apparently having discount sales so he buy it to protect rare books from filthy thieves
Latte, goes, "really?" and Arwin goes, "yea, the mages are whinning aout no revenue recently so........" LOLOLOLOL even though you're a genius, you apparently make a mistake lending Bishot to Latte for a month, Arwin (he's also following her around to taking cares of the thugs, but we won't hold it against him for that one). Also, see? see? he's a responsible tower master (well we already seen it previously when he investigate and punished the magicians for defective scroll case). When the household are having strict finance, he made that orb and sell them to finance the household (Yeah, I'm under impression that Arwin is the one solely responsible making this orb since 1. Arobrock and other mages having difficulties with making scrolls; and 2. He's the one to show up for the orb maintenance on the library today (of course other wizard could probably do maintenance and Arwin probably just get bored getting sieged by Peridot and other girls and/or decided to just stalk Latte per usual. Well, just my 2 cents)
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bethhxrmon · 5 years
All I Ask of You Pt. 38
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“Break a vase, it’s Halloween! Jello shot, it’s Halloween!” - “Halloween” from Be More Chill
Pairing: Peter Parker x Female OC
Word Count: 3.4k
Summary: All the loose ends are getting tied
Warnings: Probably could have been two chapters but the author is lazy
A/N: So this is the second to last real chapter, and I can say this story will be done literally one day before I see Endgame!
Recovering from the injury was surprisingly easier than Annie originally anticipated. The stab wound ended up being shallower than they all thought. It just caused immense pain, and Annie still felt a soreness in her side. However, if that was what she had to go through in order to finally see Carnival disappear for good, then she truly couldn’t care less.
What did end up concerning Annie was the mysterious man she encountered. No one wrote of what she saw necessarily, but almost everyone insisted that he wasn’t important. But Annie would beg to differ. If there was someone out there who could just shove whoever he saw as a threat into another dimension, it was very much so the point. This guy had been running around for who knew how long, and she seemed to be the only person to know about him.
No amount of internet searching was pulling up anything. It was likely that she was never going to find him. However, what concerned her was that he not only knew her, but he knew she had been stabbed before. She didn’t trust the guy, and the only other person who seemed to put a lot of thought into it was Peter.
“So he really just showed up out of nowhere?” he asked, frowning.
Annie nodded, “Yep. Right after Carnival stabbed me. And I starting kinda yelling at him, and then he just left because you guys were coming.”
“Right… okay this isn’t about the dude, but… do you think we would’ve made it in time if he hadn’t been there?”
“Y-yeah, I got him by surprise. So I think I could’ve even met you guys halfway.”
The truth was that Annie had no idea if she would have ever seen any of them if it hadn’t been for that guy. As angry as she was for him not doing something earlier, the timing was undeniably convenient.
Peter sighed, pulling her in for a hug, “I can’t believe you were gonna do that. You didn’t even know I would be fast enough.”
“And I didn’t know if he was gonna cut your throat or not, but I wasn’t about to watch that happen,” she said, hugging him back tightly.
Neither of them had much time to process just what her decisions had meant for the both of them. Actually, Annie still didn’t believe that she was going to be stuck with Carnival for forever. There was no way she would have let that happen, but she couldn’t bear the thought of watching Peter die in front of her. And thankfully, neither of them had to worry about anything bad happening. School was about to start soon and they were going to have to go home.
Right then, Harper ran into the computer room the couple was in, “You’ll never guess what happened! It was so freaking insane and you guys just can’t guess it! I wouldn’t have ever guessed, you guys!”
“Well, you gonna tell us?” she questioned.
Harper squealed, “I’m officially Tony Stark’s fashion assistant! It’s now a paid position and everything. My parents can suck it! I got a job with someone who’s more successful than they’ll ever be!”
Ned quickly followed into the room, “Yeah! It was wicked awesome, you should’ve been there.”
“That’s awesome! I didn’t know that was a thing, but I’m so proud of you!” Annie exclaimed, grinning as she went to hug Harper.
They all left for their homes in that mood. Annie, Peter, and Ned went to their apartments. Harper left for their dorm room. It left Annie in a car with just her mom, since her dad was back at the university and trying to get an early jumpstart on prepping his classes. Not that being in a car with her dad felt like a better option by any means of the word. He would ask too many questions because he always seemed to doubt what she was doing.
As Annie sat in the passenger seat, a short newscast came on the radio station they were listening to. It was about the huge fight that happened with Carnival. She even heard her own hero name being put in it. For once, it was something that was positive. That was a nice change of pace, to say the least. Clearly, it wasn’t going to bring back Tina, but it was a start to making up for what she did.
After a commercial came on, her mother sighed, “I worry about heroes like that.”
She nodded, “They put their lives on the line, and that Swan lady and that Spider guy… they can’t be that old. I wonder if their parents know.”
“What would you do?”
“I guess I would hope they’re being smart. I don’t know how anyone could handle it. You haven’t been up to anything like that, have you?” her mom asked.
There was a pregnant pause in the car as Annie went to think of something to make up. Except, before she could, they both started laughing uncontrollably.
Her mom truly had no idea after all of it was said and done. Words couldn’t describe how relieving it was to know that she didn’t know. A part of her wondered if her mom had any suspicions. Of course, that would involve her mom knowing about her powers anyways. Odds were that her dad would be the one to suspect, and there was no way she was going to tell that man.
“Oh, also… I have a boyfriend now,” Annie piped up with a smile.
Her mom pulled into the parking garage, “Really? Who is he?”
“You remember Peter?”
“You did always seem to be drawn to him. I think you guys would be cute. Just make sure to be careful. Don’t do anything stupid.”
Annie scoffed, “Can we not do another one of those awkward sex talks again? It was bad enough the last time.”
“And did you do anything?”
Annie rolled her eyes, “The guy ended up having amnesia, it wouldn’t have made a difference either way. And then he died… but things are going way better with Peter!”
“Well what helps is that I know you were both friends before.”
The rest of the day melted into the next and into the next and Annie quickly realized that she was about to start her junior year of high school. It wasn’t that she was worried about it, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to go back to school. Although, she did start to have a routine of sorts again. Mostly, it was running around patrolling with Peter and trying to not get too off-task. Not because they were too busy flirting to do anything, but because they would get distracted by the smallest things.
Sure, that sort of thing happened when they first started teaming up, but when it was apparent that they were both close to begin with, it was only worse. Although, a lot of it ended up dealing with Annie wanting to find the weird wizard guy she met. It was nice that there was someone who seemed to care about her theories.
And before she knew it, Annie was leaving school one day almost a week after it started when she finally got a call from Tony Stark.
“Hey, meet me at that ice cream place a few blocks from your school. The results came in,” he told her before hanging up.
Probably so she couldn’t ask about the results. In all fairness, it would have only irritated Annie if she found out those results through a phone call and nothing more. But what if he already knew? What if this whole ice cream thing was just a way to admit that he was her biological father? Or maybe it was a way to celebrate that they weren’t related and could just go back to their normal lives. Not that her life had ever been normal to begin with.
Annie didn’t even know what she wanted the results to entail to begin with. A part of her couldn’t help wondering what it would be like to rub it in her dad’s face. To say that she had a genius billionaire for a real father. But then there was the fact that she had biological parents the whole time and Tony never bothered to double check if someone like her existed in the first place.
So when she got in and saw that Tony had a bowl of cotton candy ice cream on the side of the table she went to sit at, she started to wonder even more. Until she saw that the envelope in the center of the table was closed. For some reason, she always assumed he would already know before she did. That he would break the news and hand the papers to her regardless of what the results ended up being.
“It’s… um… it’s closed.”
“Great observational skills,” Tony remarked.
Annie rolled her eyes, “Okay, sorry I just thought with the ice cream and stuff… you were gonna kinda already have all the answers or something.”
“Oh, no, this is to prepare both of us. But you should open it,” he said, sliding the envelope over to her side of the table.
She nodded as she took the envelope, tearing it open. While a part of her didn’t want to look at it, the other part of her needed to know. So she unfolded the paper and found herself reading it over and over again.
“Um… well, you’re off the hook,” she murmured, staring at the paper in disbelief, “Isn’t this supposed to at least give me some idea of who else is a match?”
Tony frowned in confusion before looking at the paper for himself, “Well… it’s all in a database. If your parents aren’t there-”
“I thought you were gonna use a worldwide database,” Annie responded.
He nodded, “I did… whoever your parents are, they just don’t want to be found I guess.”
“Oh…” she trailed off, staring intently at the saturated pink and blue swirls of her ice cream.
Tony sighed, “Look, kid, we can do more extensive searches if that’s what you want-”
“No. I don’t want that. If they never wanted me, or if they were forced to do whatever it took to get me in this position now… I don’t want to know.”
Tony nodded slowly, “Are you sure? I know a few ways to pinpoint that sort of thing. Honestly, it’s the least I can do for making you think I was your dad for a bit.”
“No, you don’t understand, I don’t care. Those people… they could be dead for all I know, we definitely wouldn’t speak the same language if they’re alive. So why should I throw all this time and effort into finding a family that I already have? Like, I have my parents, well, I have my mom, I have you, I have Pepper, there’s Harper, and Ned, and obviously there’s Peter. I don’t need to waste my time on something that’s only gonna hurt me in the long run,” Annie explained as she took a spoonful of her ice cream.
He smiled a bit, “I gotta hand it to you, you’re a smart kid.”
“Well, you can’t just spend a whole summer with a few people and then not feel close.”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
“And besides,” Annie paused for another bite of ice cream, “If anyone would be your kid, I feel like it’d have to be Peter. You know he looks up to you, right?”
Tony gave an incredulous look, “What? He does?”
“Yep, before I knew the whole Spider-Man thing, there were times he wouldn’t shut up about you.”
“You’re joking.”
“Look, I can act and I can tell some freaking great jokes, but it’s true. Call up Ned sometime if you don’t believe me. Actually, don’t, you should just use your ears next time,” Annie said with a small laugh.
In a way, it was a relief to know that nothing changed. She still had no clue who her biological parents were and that was more than fine. Everything she said had been true. There was no point in looking for people who never cared enough to check in on her in the first place. Not when there were plenty of people who cared about her and were right there.
Life was finally getting into a good rhythm, and Annie was comfortable with how things were going. The nice routine of being at school with her friends and getting ready for her audition in December was a relief. And then she could run over and hang out with Harper whenever. It definitely beat only occasionally calling and texting about everything that happened. And things felt stable for the first time in months.
Before Annie knew it, Halloween was right there. Her birthday passed a few days before, but she insisted on not doing anything about it until it was actually Halloween. However, Peter didn’t bother to listen to her and gave her his present on her actual birthday.
It was a photo album. Not just of them, but of their friends and people Annie cared about too. Most of it was from the summer, but Annie didn’t mind that one bit.
What she did mind was Peter’s idea for a Halloween costume.
“Oh, come on!”
Annie shook her head as she stuffed her textbook back into her bag, “I’m not going as White Swan.”
“But it would be a great couples costume!”
“We literally got caught kissing one time, for like, two seconds and everyone thinks we’re lovebirds or something.”
Peter wrapped an arm around her, kissing her cheek, “Well, they’re not wrong.”
“But we both know you knew those people were coming. You did it on purpose,” she pointed out with a small laugh.
So maybe there was one tabloid insisting that White Swan and Spider-Man were in a passionate, heated relationship. When or how it started was what they didn’t know. Well, they didn’t know anything in reality. And Annie was pretending to hold it over Peter, but they both had too much fun making fun of the article.
“Seriously? You two would never be convincing,” Flash interjected, rolling his eyes, “Penis Parker over here is too… lame and you’re…”
Annie glared at Flash, “Too what?”
She sighed, “Right… too strong to be a hero. Got it,don’t you have someone else to bug?”
“No, I was gonna ask you about your dad throwing last year’s audition for you.”
Annie paused, looking between Peter and Flash. There was a long pause that seemed to grow awkward and tense. And then Annie burst out laughing. Before pulling Peter away and walking off. It just wasn’t worth the time and effort to try and say anything to Flash. She knew that all too well.
Peter reached over for her hand, holding it as they walked out of the school, finally reaching Ned.
“Dude, did you see the article?!” he exclaimed.
Annie smirked, “The one about the whole passionate love affair between me and Peter? Well, my bad, not me and Peter?”
“Yeah! Aren’t you guys worried?”
Peter shook his head, “Nah, they’re not gonna figure it out from that. They talk about us like we’re adults, dude. This was actually great for covering us.”
“You’re thinking like I do… that’s not good, I’m the one chronically scheming everything around here,” Annie insisted.
“You two make no sense sometimes, but I know it pissed off Flash. Probably because he didn’t think Spider-Man was taken,” Ned responded, laughing a bit.
It had been nearly a year since Annie moved in, but it felt like she’d been around Peter and Ned for forever. Actually, it felt like Harper had been in their group since forever too. Maybe being a suit designer threw them into a good place in their group in the first place, Annie wasn’t sure. They’d always been friends, though, so Annie felt it only made sense for Harper to be there.
Which was exactly why Harper was already spread out on the couch at Peter’s apartment when the trio arrived. Their classes got done well before the high school’s classes did, and Harper always made sure to rub it in.
“How’d you get in here?” Peter asked.
Harper stayed on the couch, “Oh, your aunt let me in. She’s a freaking gem, by the way, and I was helping her do some laundry and then she had to leave to get candy for tonight.”
“You know this isn’t your place, right? It’s really important to me you know that.”
They laughed, “Of course I know that, Pete! But Annie’s apartment is so dull and lifeless right now… okay, that’s a lie, but if I see her dad for more than two seconds, I’m gonna throat punch the guy.”
-It wasn’t something Annie had talked about to anyone except for Harper, but her parents were talking about separating. Annie didn’t want to start blabbing around and worrying about it until they physically told her it was happening. So far, it was just something she and Harper accidentally overheard her parents talking about while hanging out. They’d gotten just a bit too quiet and then way too curious.
Obviously, Annie had seen something like that coming from a mile away. Even after all the stuff her parents did to fix things, it clearly wasn’t working. Annie wasn’t going to be the one to say anything, but she wasn’t about to stop it either. At least, as long as it meant she would get to spend the overwhelming majority of the time with her mom.
However, as far as her parents knew, she didn’t know anything. Though, she’d have to be blind to not notice the light tension in the house.
“Okay, a bit violent, but fair enough,” Peter conceded.
Annie looked around the living room, thinking of something else to talk about, “So did we all bring costumes?”
Harper grinned, “Obviously! I’m gonna be a piece of candy corn! And I got your Christine costume done, you’re gonna love it!”
“Is it in the bag on the coat rack?” Annie asked, her eyes catching a long, black bag.
They nodded, “Figured that would work as a good birthday present. Congrats on being alive for a solid seventeen years… give or take since you were a lab project.”
“Oh, shut up,” Annie retorted, rushing over to tear off the plastic bag to reveal the blue, purple, and silver star princess dress.
Harper smirked, “I dare you two to top that.”
“This is so freaking awesome! I can’t believe you got all the detail done on this so well. How long did it take you?!” she exclaimed.
They shrugged, “I kinda started getting the base of it all when we were all together over the summer. It was my side project. Ned helped a little bit too, so I’m giving him massive props for not squealing.”
“Hey, I can keep a secret pretty well!” Ned insisted.
Peter nodded, “Yeah, he’s kept my Spider-Man thing pretty well… okay there was one time, but other than that he’s been great.”
“I’ve never almost gotten Annie found out. She just screws herself over.”
Annie rolled her eyes, “You forgot the one time that you were chewing me out for committing arson a bit too loudly.”
“Okay, you should’ve been caught for that, though.”
“Maybe, yeah, but that doesn’t mean that everyone needed to know that I was some weird chick with powers,” Annie pointed out, “But enough of that, I’m gonna run and change into this thing!”
Harper laughed, following her into Peter’s room, “You’re gonna need some help with the back, hun.”
A few minutes later, Annie was in the Christine Daae costume and Harper was in their candy corn costume. Somehow, the glittery jumpsuit didn’t look tacky. Probably because of how the orange in the costume matched Harper’s hair color almost perfectly.
Peter looked over at Annie wide-eyed before rushing and spinning her around, “You look amazing!”
“Thanks,” she said, laughing a bit as he set her down.
The guys went to go change into their costumes as Annie and Harper focused on their hair and makeup. Harper was really driving home the candy corn look with a headband with a candy corn colored bow on it. They were also basically painting their face with orange, yellow, and white glitter.
Whereas Annie was more focused on looking exactly like Christine and getting the tie back just right with the crown and the cute little wand accessory she had.
“You know, if I’m careful enough, I can make it look like my powers are coming through the wand,” Annie said, shutting off the lights with her power.
Harper grinned, “That’s wicked cool, I feel like you should totally do that at least once!”
The guys came back out with Ned dressed up as Harry Potter and Peter as Luke Skywalker. All in all, Annie was definitely going to claim that it was a successful Halloween as the four of them left the apartment to go and get some trick-or-treating done.
There weren’t any good college parties that Harper got invited to and they definitely weren’t about to go to Flash’s Halloween party either. Maybe it was childish to run around asking for candy, but they put in too much effort to really care about being too young. And if things really didn’t work out, Peter would probably just call Tony and they could get all the king-sized bars in the world.
Tag List (ask if you wanna be added to the sequel too!!!): @flushings-here​ / @moonstruckholland / @gaypanda / @twilightparker / @parkerpuff / @lcy-thot / @buzzinglee / @dolphinsarecuteandstuff / @lionsfandomsandbearsohmy / @ironmaxn / @ijustdontknowsometimes
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radishearts · 5 years
Confession week: ladynoir july
it's still day 4 but it's part 12: hairstyles
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9,  Chapter 10,  Chapter 11,
Ladybug groaned as the evillustrator, or at least this version of him tugged at her hand styling it according to the directions of style queen who was watching every move like a hawk.
This was almost worse than tourture.
He tugged at her locks again.
Never mind it was worse.
She couldn’t help but feel nervous as a troupe of akuma’s from previous battles, fussed over dresses shoes and other accessories.
It was rather confusing.
To see akuma’s working together on such a strange event.
Holy matrimony, if lady wifi and style queen could stop bickering for two seconds about trends maybe she could have enough time to think of an escape plan.
She thought of calling her lucky charm, but it would be too hard to defeat a room of at least 10 akumas of different skill sets, they could easily take her down in a one shot.
She would have to wait...no pray that rena and carapace would be able to find chat and the rest of the heroes to bust her out of this mess.
Aka an arranged marriage between her and viperon.
Akumas had such weird tastes in shipping. ~ Rena and carapace walked hand in hand through the dark forest.
Splotchy patches of light were scattered all over the path, and they found it was easier- no safer to walk together.
After about 20 minutes of consistent walking on the path they heard the crunch of crisp leaves and a sing song voice, chorusing the reprise of a disney piece, which they couldn’t pinpoint.
The muffled voices moved closer, and rena and carapace, couldn’t help but step back in fear.
“When will my reflection show who i am insiiiiiiidddddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!”
Roi singe cackled.
“for the love of miraculous, do shut up chanton.”
Rena looked as if she was about to explode as the trio turned down the path towards them, and carapace grabbed her wrist.
“No one flirts with chat noir, but his lady.”
His sentence was cut off by chat noir running towards them embracing them in  hug.
“Thank the good lord, your alive," he broke it searching over their shoulders "where’s ladybug?”
“We need to hurry, she’s been captured.”
“Yeah dude, she was taken by style queen.”
“There’s more of them?”
“Yeah, dude, like heaps, we have too save her come on!”
“Yeah, we’re probably too late, she’s probably already married to him.” he sighed
“Dude you seem way to enthusiastic about his.” carapace said sarcastically
“Yeah chat, go save your girlfriend.”
“She’s not my girlfriend, and she probably likes him anyway.”
“Dude, i wasn’t supposed to tell you this, but like while me and LB were talking she told me how much she enjoyed spending time with you.”
“Yeah, like a friend.”
“No… not just like a friend, more than that.”
Chat and rena perked up.
“And you didn’t tell me about this why?”
“Because rena, it was supposed to be a secret, but the poor guy was so oblivious, I just had to tell him.”
“So,” he choked, “she likes me?”
“That's what I implied.”
“Go for it dude!” rena encouraged, “ don’t let some snake steal her, it’s confession week remember?”
“Go be her prince dude.”
Chat smiled.
“Thanks guys.”
“You think we just gonna let our otp get ruined because you have a lack of self confidence, nuh-uh, dude.”
“By the way, have you told her yet?”
“Yeah, what is your plan.”
“It’s a secret.”
“Can we leave?” the dragoness spoke with a sharp and fiery tone, which chat had to admit made him fear for his life.
“Sure…” - All of the akumas had cleared out of the room allowing her time to so called ‘admire’ her dress.
It was basically an ugly piece of bunched fabric.
“Ladybug!” a yellow striped heroine whispered from behind her.
“Chlo- i mean queen bee, what are you doing here?”
“Me and pegasus have been searching for you around the castle. The real question is why are you here? Did you just let yourself be captured?”
“I told rena and carapace to get help, and yes i let myself be captured.”
“Why you waiting on your prince charming to save you? Your perfectly capable of escaping and you and me could easily could take them down. Strong woman like us can stand on our own two feet.”
“Queen bee, I know this comes from the best in you, but I honestly think it’s better that we wait! Go find everyone else and then you can bust me and viperon out of here.”
“I trust you.”
“Yes, ladybug.” - As the 5 heroes continued on the path way back it was made clear that the path, was bricked, and yellow.
Capace, rena, chat and roi singe exchanged glances, with no hesitation they linked arms.
“We’re off to see the wizard! The wonderful wizard of oz!”
The skipped off leaving the dragoness to shake her head in utter disappointment.
- Ladybug sludged as she walked down the aisle, following the enthusiastic footsteps of the puppeteer or at least this version.
If there was ever one day she was going to get married, she really didn’t expect it to be in the presence of akumas and to a guy she didn’t even know that well.
Viperon smiled as soon as he saw her, he leant into her and whispered in her ear.
“Don’t worry will escap-”
The akuma had made her first appearance since she had made them dissaperate and into this crazy fairy tale land.
It’s fairy tale book held open.
Ladybug leaned over to him.
“The akuma is in her book.”
The akuma coughed awkwardly interrupting their conversation.
“No interrupting the ceremony with side chats.”
“No interrupting our side chats with your ceremony.” ladybug retorted, receiving a snicker from several in the audience and viper.
The two heroes exchange glances of amusement draining out the akumas monologue.
“And now ...ladybug do you take viperon to be your lawfully wedded husband.”
“Wait what?” viperon exclaimed in disbelief
“Your getting married.” - The troupe was stopped by akuma.
Who seemed to be searching for someone.
The monster  leaned in suspiciously at the trespassers.
“Trust me guys i got this!” chat murmured clearing his throat.
Well he didn’t, got this, got this, but if he could accomplish defeating a giant, he could surely ask the girl of his dreams, who may or not return his feelings out.  
“Fee, fi, fo,fum, where is jack? so i can take him up to my beanstalk.”
“I have no idea who dis jack is, but we are here for the ball.”
Chat plastered a fake smile on his face and to his surprise the giant let them pass through the gates.
As they made it to the door they found queen bee and pegasus standing in conversation at the doorway, seemingly arguing over something.
“You just let her go?”
“Well i couldn’t just kidnap her? Could i?”
She paused at the sight of them.
“Chat noir, rena rouge, carapace, roi singe and you….”
“Yeah, it’s us, where were you guys?”
“We’ve just been here, annoyed that ladybug insisted that she was going to wait for you to show up.”
“At least we did.”
“Time to crash a wedding.”
“Just another wednesday!”
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saieras · 6 years
I’m here. I’m okay. (Part 1)
Part 2.
Summary: After Avengers 4, after everyone was brought back, Tony and Bruce devised a memory suppressant in hopes of sparing Peter from the trauma. But when that stopped working, Tony and Peter must learn to heal together.
Genre: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Fix-It(?)
Rating: T
Warnings: Mentions of PTSD, anxiety attacks. IW Spoilers.
2737 words
Notes: I’ve always wanted to explore Peter’s PTSD, but my other fic doesn’t allow me to do that (because he’s ashhhh). So I just started a new WIP. Will be from both Tony and Peter’s perspectives. This first chapter is just setting the tone, so it’s far from finished.
Peter spent most of the first week sleeping. He was awake for only an hour or two, here or there, which he spent in some kind of discombobulated stupor. He was faintly aware of Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner running constant tests on him, and May to their side — watching, worrying, crying.
Peter didn’t quite understand everything just yet. The last thing he really remembered was jumping through a bunch of magical, well, portals (but they were all yellow, instead of one blue one yellow) and kicking some tall purple alien called Thanos. After that, it was just fragmented images that refused to come together to form a coherent reel, and faded sensations — pain, fear, discomfort; some flashy lights, loud noises.
And then there was just darkness — darkness, silence, and terror.
Objectively, Peter knew what had happened. He’d managed to glimpse pictures and videos of the Dusting, as the media called it, because it was practically unavoidable. He saw people just collapsing, disintegrating, fading away. It horrified him, yet fascinated him more — was that what he’d experienced?
But then May found out he’d been watching those news reports and just freaked out, and when she freaked out, Peter freaked out. To make things worse, apparently May and Ms. Potts — Mrs. Stark, rather — were on a private number basis now. May called her, and an hour later the TV was removed from his room, leaving Peter with nothing but the impenetrable darkness of his memories.
Peter tried to pierce that oblivion which surrounded him; tried to force his mind to remember. But the more he tried, the more tired he felt, and before long he would get a massive headache. It actually got so bad one time that he puked, which almost gave May a heart attack. So after that he just stopped.
So Peter started asking questions. He wanted to know how and why the Dusting happened, and why it happened to him, and why he didn’t remember any of it. He first tried May, but gave up because she kind of just sobbed and touched his face and refused to answer, and Peter wound up crying with her without really knowing why, and later it just became too difficult to ask her anything. Then he tried Happy, who he heard had shared the same experience — except, like him, Happy didn’t remember much of it. Finally he tried Mrs. Stark, but in the few instances when she did drop in, she was so brisk and business-like that Peter never really worked up the nerves to broach the topic.
Which left the man himself, Tony Stark. After all, if anyone knew about the Dusting, it had to be the guy who ended up bringing about the Reversal, right?
Peter knew he dropped by, because May said as much, and because sometimes when he woke up, he could kind of retrace the sensation of fingers in his hair, or a soft low voice, or his hand being held but not having the strength to squeeze back. The problem was, Peter could never catch the man when he was actually awake and lucid. This went on for a day or two until Peter finally gave up, and resigned himself to the fact that he was going to get out of bed one day with enough strength to stay awake for more than two hours, and everyone was going to give him answers.
There were all sorts of lines and fluids going into him, but on the fifth day Peter was finally allowed to eat through his mouth, after confirming for the sixth time that, yes, he farted that morning. It was a good day, even if May’s meatloaf had to be ground into pulp before anyone let Peter ingest it. Peter even stayed awake long enough to watch the sunset.
Peter woke up the next day to a beaming, tearing face. He squinted, still groggy, and was suddenly dragged to a sitting position.
“Careful with him,” he heard someone say, before he was crushed in a hug.
“Ned,” he croaked in belated recognition, wrapping his right arm around the much larger boy.
Ned didn’t really say anything. Just sort of sob-babbled about how he’s missed him, about everything that has happened, and asking whether or not this meant he was now a year above Peter.
“Hey,” Peter said as he patted his best friend on the back. “Hey, Ned.”
“And me?” came a quiet, snarky voice.
Peter turned his head to see MJ, standing about three feet from the bed. She smiled and gave him the finger, like her usual aloof self, but it was completely unsuccessful because she’s got tears streaming down her face, and her eyes were the level of puffy you’d only get after literal days of crying.
Peter felt his heart lurch. With some effort, he lifted his left arm in invitation.
MJ hesitated a little. But then she shrugged and rushed forward and buried her face in Peter’s shoulder, and he pressed both of them close, and the three of them shared the warmest, most awkward group hug in the history of group hugs.
They ended up spending three days at the compound. Peter tried his best to be a good host — he played board games and cards when his brain could handle it, and binged movies when he couldn’t. They chatted to catch up to a year’s worth of events. It was still hard to wrap his mind around it sometimes — to Peter, it had only been a couple days; to his friends, it had been fifteen gruesome, hopeless months.
All the same, they never asked him about what actually happened, on that day. And when he tried to ask them, they just looked at each other uncomfortably and changed the topic. Peter tried to not be bothered by it, but it gnawed at him, especially as his body gained strength and he had more hours each day to think about it. Yeah, it was really good to see his friends and hear about their lives, but he was so done with everyone keeping secrets from him.
It wasn’t a sudden thing. Mostly fleeting images — being punched, being thrown down to the ground, trying to get some metal gauntlet off. Saving aliens. It came to him in dreams at first, which he desperately grasped at when he woke up. He was almost afraid they wouldn’t come back, but they did, and grew clearer, stronger. Before long, he was able to recollect bits and pieces even when he was awake.
Peter was absolutely thrilled. He started to push into that boundary again, even if each attempt still left him aching and nauseous. Slowly, the mist in his mind begrudgingly retreated, giving Peter back his precious memories one image at a time. His physical condition seemed to be coming back at an exponential rate as well, and with each passing day he felt more like himself. He also resolved to keep his recovery from everyone else, which admittedly made him feel a little bad, but they had brought this upon themselves by being so secretive in the first place.
Then, ten days after the Reversal, it happened for the first time.
Peter had been dreaming about that day again. He went through the events relaxed and comfortable, like watching a favorite film for the tenth time, or like taking the backseat as his body took him on a wild but predictable rollercoaster ride. He saw himself notice the giant donut ship appear above Manhattan, saw Ned distracting everyone so he could go and help. Mr. Stark was already on the scene, because obviously he would be, fighting some Draconian rip-off from Dungeons and Dragons. Before they could finish the fight, though, Peter was told to save a wizard with a necklace (because D&D, why not).
He knew what would happen next. He got beamed up to the space ship. Mr. Stark got a bit mad. They saved the wizard. Mr. Stark made him an actual Avenger!! But then they crashed the ship, and met up with some dude from Missouri, a really scary antenna alien lady, and The Rock but with tattoos. Mr. Stark never quite explained why they needed to stop this guy called Thanos, but everyone knew it was for the good of the universe, and Peter gave it his all.
Peter liked these dreams. He was pretty cool in these dreams — he was brave, he fought hard, he saved people. He was the embodiment of what Spider-Man was supposed to be, through and through. He sat back and let the dream take him to the big fight, the one with everyone pinning the alien down and trying to take his gauntlet. They almost had it, but the dude from Missouri heard something about someone called Gamora, and everything went into chaos. Peter didn’t blame him, though — he knew he wouldn’t have kept his cool either, if he came face to face with Uncle Ben’s murderer.
He expected the dream to stop after that. They always did, and he’d always wake up, wanting to live in it for a while longer. So when it continued after Thanos disappeared in a portal, Peter was confused. He watched as the dream took him through brand new memories, of the moments after the battle; he was helping Mr. Stark get back up to his feet, they were taking stock of their options on the alien planet…
That was when he realized he was going to get his memories back, the rest of it, or however much he could take. He almost let out a whoop of delight.
Then the alien antenna woman disappeared in a cloud of dust.
Peter didn’t even have time to feel shock when, in barely ten seconds, The Rock and the dude both disappeared.
He didn’t even have time to notice the wizard disappearing.
Because he knew he was. He knew with every atom of his being, every hair telling him danger, danger, danger he was going to die, he was going to disappear, like everyone else, and he hadn’t even had time to call home to May to let her know he was okay, nor to respond to that kiss MJ had given him, and it was danger danger DANGER, and Peter didn’t know where he was going, it was dark and there was —
Oh, god. Oh no. Oh no, no, he could feel it, his fingertips, his body was trying to hold itself together, but he could feel the molecular structure of himself disintegrating, he wanted to fight it, he needed to fight it, he had to see his friends, he had to see May, he wanted to spend more time with Mr. Stark, he’d just become an Avenger for crying out loud, but it was massive, empty, abysmal, something like Hell made manifest and Peter didn’t want to go, he didn’t want to be alone —
Suddenly he was hugging Mr. Stark, just holding on to him like he was the last solid thing in the world, like he was the life line, the only hope — hanging on by the last thread. The man said something to him, and Peter begged, he begged, he didn’t want to go, he wanted to stay in a world where there were so many more things to do, stuff to talk about, cool things to invent…
And Mr. Stark held him, but Peter’s body couldn’t really register the man’s arms because his mind was still screaming danger, like the worst stomach flu and fever and headache all rolled into one. And the pain. Peter tried to hold onto Mr. Stark as tight as he could, but he felt every nerve fiber getting torn apart, and it was a billion times worse than when he fell off his bike and broke a bone, a million times worse than that time he got shot in the stomach… He saw the man trying to say something, felt his grip even though his senses were beginning to numb.
That was when Peter saw the fear, the helpless, horrifying terror in Mr. Stark’s eyes. And that was when he knew no one could ever save him. Not even Iron Man, the genius billionaire who always had a plan. Peter was alone. He would always be alone, he couldn’t save everyone and now he couldn’t be saved…
Peter’s vision was beginning to get blurry — he felt tiny, helpless, unable to do anything, like he had when Uncle Ben died in his arms, when he was crying and trying to staunch the flow of blood. He saw the familiar pitch black boiling below him like a tar pit of all the ugliest memories he ever had, and he tried, he really did, he fought so hard but he couldn’t get that gauntlet off in time and because of that he was going to disappear, disappear, disappear…
It was too much. Peter was exhausted. He couldn’t fight it anymore, the nightmare that had grabbed hold of his feet and was dragging him down, down to where no one will ever know or remember him. He should have done a better job. He wasn’t strong enough. Like that time on the ferry, like this time with the gauntlet — if only he’d been stronger. If only he’d thought things through more. He shouldn’t have made May worry. He shouldn’t have inconvenienced all his friends. He shouldn’t have thought he could possibly help Mr. Stark.
“I’m sorry,” he croaked out. He wasn’t sure what he was sorry for. Maybe it was for not trying harder. Maybe it was for leaving the people he cared about before he was ready to leave them. Maybe it was for making Mr. Stark worried.
And if you died… I’d feel like that’s on me.
Ah, Peter thought. So that’s why he apologized. He looked at Mr. Stark and wanted to say more, to say it would never be his fault, to say it has been so much fun being Spider-Man, being Peter, with the greatest mentor he could ever hope to have helping him along the way.
Thank you, he wanted to say, but he never got the chance.
As his world disintegrated into ash, Peter Parker bolted upright in his bed.
He tried to hide the incident. The next morning, when May got him breakfast, he smiled and finished it and told her how good it was, but he had to use his other hand just to steady the fork.
The rest of the day he spent watching movies or reading the books MJ brought him. He tried his best to focus, but randomly, again and again, he would find himself back on that desolate planet, the roof and walls collapsing around him, dusted away, and he would be alone, fighting and kicking but still being dragged toward the ultimate doom, helpless.
And then he would snap out of it, panting, his clothes drenched in sweat, his knuckles white on the page. He felt awful because one of MJ’s books was ruined this way, the cover torn by his super strength.
“Peter?” May had asked, walking in at that moment. “Is everything okay?”
Peter smiled, hiding the book under his covers. “Yeah. Yeah. That smells delicious, by the way.”
May beamed. “It’s meatloaf day,” she said, setting the tray down. “Honey, are you sure you’re alright? You look pale.”
“Absolutely fine,” Peter said with forced joviality. “I’m getting better every day!”
He was lucky he didn’t have other visitors today, for it drained him to act. He managed to wolf down the lunch in record time, and convince May that he needed a nap. After she left, he went to the bathroom and threw everything up. He didn’t understand why it disturbed him so much. It’s all over, he told himself, splashing water on his face. All in the past.
When evening came, he told May he had to go to sleep early. It felt rotten to lie to her, but he had no choice. He didn’t know what to do, what was happening, and the last thing he wanted was for her to worry. He needed to be strong for her. He hugged her good night, and spent the next three hours curled up in his blankets, awake and shivering.
From that day forward, Peter became afraid to fall asleep.
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mayparkerblogs-blog · 6 years
Just Your Average Morning {Part 8: infinity war au!}
WOW does it feel good to post on a somewhat regular schedule! Just a heads up this was kind of a #struggle to write but whatever. Also my dudes, I’d really, REALLY love it if you all could reblog this post so all of your friends could see it to because, you know, that’s what heroes do. ;) Now don’t just stand there - get to reading!
Friendly Reminder: this post contains Infinity War spoilers. Although I am 90% sure the majority of you have already seen it (and if you haven’t then you should stop reading this right now and drive to your nearest movie theatre), proceed reading with caution if you are still yet to see the film.
New to JURAM or missed a previous chapter? Don’t worry, there’s no need to “not feel so good, Mr. Stark” - you can check out my very own master list right here! 
Avengers x fem!Reader (contains IW spoilers)
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previously in JURAM...
You thought about all of these things as you looked at the great city surrounding you and all of the wonderful people which occupied it, the people that you were trying to save.
You thought about this as you took your last glance at the blue planet you call home.
As you stretched one second into a thousand beautiful moments.
As the doors closed.
And you were utterly, terrifyingly, alone.
Get out, get home. Get out, get home. 
The donut closed and you were instantly enveloped into unwelcoming darkness. You shivered as you looked around and saw the unfamiliar and strange alien architecture and technology surrounding you. Whatever force that was bounding you to the wizard suddenly ceased to exist, and you landed on the cold floor with a hard thud. You ran back to the doors which closed and locked only seconds before and desperately tried to free yourself from this pastry-looking alien vessel. After tugging, punching, kicking, and ramming at the heavy doors, they wouldn't budge - not even your trusty shield could release the iron gates.
There’s got to be another way! Think, Y/N, think!
You examined some of the technology on the ship, attempting to understand a mere morsel of what was written to the screen. You were frantically tapping and retapping until your heart suddenly stopped mid-beat.
Were those footsteps?
You looked around the corner and saw the shadow of a figure approaching, and it definitely wasn’t human. You began high-tailing it down a random hallway, but stopped in your tracks when you remembered that you had left the wizard all alone for whoever or whatever was strolling through the ship. 
Save the wizard!
You ran back over to the wizard, who was still suspended mid-air, and used all of your available strength and might to pull him down the hall with you and into safety - as much safety as you can get on an alien ship. Unfortunately he wouldn’t budge a single inch. In your head, this was a rather pathetic scene. After all, you, Lady Liberty, an avenger in training who possessed the super soldier serum, had been beaten by a trick that bad magicians show at birthday parties. You were snapped out of your self-depreciating daze to the sound of footsteps - even louder than they were before.
If I don’t leave now and let that thing over there find me, there's no chance that me or the wizard will make it home. Sorry, buddy, I’ll be back for you!
You carefully and quietly sprinted away from the wizard and continued down the long, dark hallway until you found a nice corner to park yourself into. 
Shit! My phone! Wait, how am I even getting any reception?
You fumbled through the many pockets of your suit until you found your cell phone to discover that the one and only Steve Rogers was calling you.
Thank God! I know Steve can help me!
“Steve!” you whispered as you answered his call.
“Y/N? Is that you? I can’t really hear you all that well. Where are you? We’ve been trying to reach you for the past 30 minutes.”
“Yes, Steve, it’s me and I’m - um - I’m in the donut!”
“You’re in the what?” he asked, very bewildered and confused.
“The spaceship! I’m stuck in the spaceship with this wizard guy and Peter is stuck on top of it and Tony said he was coming to help but I don’t know where he is so please send somebody up to get me Steve I’m scared and alone and I don't know what to do I should have never taken my suit and shield with me I’m not ready for this and I don’t want to die yet please Steve please come get me.” you pleaded as tears streamed down your face.
“Y/N, Y/N, listen to me,” Steve said in between your sobs, “You’re ok. It’s going to be ok. We all saw how brave you were on the news and we are all very, very proud of you. You sure are braver than I ever was. You’re a very tough girl, ok? Don’t you forget that! You can handle anything, even this. Just be strong for a little while longer, ok? Nobody knows where Tony is but we’re trying to contact Rhodey right now and Sam is already suiting up. It might take us a fat second, but we’ll have you and Peter home for dinner. Stay hidden, stay quiet, and try to keep all of your communication systems on so we can get a hold of you when we need to. Don’t do anything rash or engage with any life form on the ship. Can you do that for me?” Steve spoke quickly and gently, his calm voice soothing you to a more rational state of mind.
“Yeah, yeah I can do that. Ok. But please hurry, Steve. Please.”
“What?” Steve asked. “What did you just say? I think you’re breaking up.”
“I said ok and please hurry, Steve!” you raised your voice a little bit and immediately looked around to make sure the coast was clear before you spoke again. “Steve?”
“Hang tight, kid!” 
Suddenly, your short phone call with Steve ended, rejoining you to the world of foreign solitude and fear. Echoes of a man screaming burst through the ship in waves, sending shivers up your arms and guilt for leaving the wizard all alone and defenseless into your mind. 
Backup will come soon enough, I know it will. Engaging the hostiles will only make matters worse. Do what Steve said - stay hidden and stay quiet.
Mere moments after your call abruptly ended, you heard footsteps coming down the hallway. 
Oh no! Somebody probably heard my voice and came to investigate. I blew it, I’m dead meat! Wait, no, don’t think like that! You can handle anything - Steve said it himself. Just quickly and quietly take down the threat and continue waiting for backup to arrive. 
The footsteps got closer, and you carefully removed your shield from its holster on your back and slid the straps into place on your forearm. You checked your helmet to make sure it was secure, shook out your neck, and transferred from your crouched position on the floor to an attack ready squat. You pressed your body against the wall and saw that the silhouette of a tall figure was nearly upon you.
Breathe in, breathe out. 
Just as the tall figure turned the corner, you smacked it in the face with your shield and quickly pinned it against the wall while it was still stunned from your hard blow. You wound up your arm and were about to deliver a mighty hit to the head with your trusty shield when suddenly -
“Y/N! Y/N! Stop! Stop! Stop! It’s me! Hey! Look! It’s me!”
You paused mid swing and looked at the now familiar face of the figure.
“Yes, Tony! Jeez, kid, I thought you were going to kill me with that thing.” Tony said as your cheeks turned red with embarrassment. 
He noticed your burning cheeks and quickly came up with an alibi to ease your conscience. 
“Part of it’s my fault, part of it’s yours. I could have said something over the comm to let you know that I was coming to get you, and you could have waited a damn second before almost curb stomping me with that shield of yours. You could also say that it was payback for me leaving you stranded for the past 30 minutes inside of a donut, which is understandable.”
You softly laughed and smiled at Tony, glad that he was trying to ease up your current situation and lighten the mood. Your mind was at peace knowing that you would be back home within the hour, until you realized that Peter was nowhere to be seen.
“Wait, have you seen Peter anywhere? He was beamed up with me and the wizard but was bounced off to the top of the ship.” you asked.
“Yep. Saw him clinging on the outside as I was flying up to get the two of you. He’s safe and sound at home with May right now, and with a brand new suit for him to play with.” Thank God - I don’t know what I would do if Peter got hurt because of my stupidity. 
“Thank goodness. Wow, that relieved a lot of stress. Anyways, so, I saw this door right over by where I was levitated up so I was thinking that you could just blast it open and we could fly on out of here-” “Slow down there, Sparky,” Tony said, interrupting you, “I want to get back to earth just as much as you do. But first, we need to retrieve that necklace from the wizard. Then, and only then, can we skedaddle back home.” Your heart immediately sank in it’s chest. Nothing was making sense to you, and you didn’t care if it did or if it didn’t nonetheless. You were aching to be at home, on the couch, eating a bag of chips, and watching awful movies on Lifetime right now - but you knew that an average life style just wasn’t meant for you. Look at you, you’re an avenger! When Steve asked you to join the team 3 months ago, your agreement wasn’t to run away and hide when the going got tough. You agreed to stand up when nobody else would, to fight till your very last breathe, to protect the innocent, defend the weak, and to avenge the human race. You weren’t just Y/N Y/L/N anymore - you were Lady Liberty, guardian of the free world. It’s time you better start acting like her.
“Alright then,” you said, “let’s go save this wizard.”
You and Tony stalked around the ship until you found yourselves right above where the wizard was being tortured by the ugliest lifeform you had ever had the disprivellege of laying your eyes upon. You winced between his loud cries and almost threw up when you saw what the other guy was doing to him.
“So why do we need the wizard and his fancy necklace again?” you asked.
“It’s a rather long story, actually, but I’ll sum it up for you - this dude Thanos wants to collect all of these magical rocks called infinity stones so he can dominate the world and yadayadaya. You know, just typical antagonist dreams and wishes. Two of the infinity stones are on earth, because, you know, we’re in the way of everything. One of them, the mind stone, is that yellow gem in Vision’s forehead, and the other one, the time stone, is in the wizard’s necklace. We have to get the stone, and I guess the wizard too, back to earth because that vertical worm over there is trying to deliver him and the stone to his buddy Thanos. Makes sense, right?”
“So, once we get home with the stone, can’t we just stick it in a blender so Thanos can never have it and destroy the world?” you asked.
“That’s exactly what I said. Thank you, Y/N, thank you.”
After a brief moment of silence and self collection, Tony was ready with a plan.
“Ok, so here’s what’s going to happen. I’ll-”
“Don’t forget to add me!” Peter said as he dropped down from the ceiling on a web.
You and Tony jumped at his adolescent voice, but quickly realized that it was only Peter and not some alien brute who wanted to eat your stomach for breakfast.
“Wait, but I thought you said...” you began asking Tony.
“Peter! What the hell do you think you’re doing here? How are you still here? Better come up with a good explanation, and fast. Now that I have three people and not two, some live bait would be a great option to get the worm away from the wizard, so spill it.” Tony demanded.
You could tell that Tony was mad - so, so mad. Which, led to the conclusion that it would be best for everybody if you just stayed out of this conversation. 
“Please don’t use me as Squidward bait, Mr. Stark. I have a perfectly good reason for being here,” he paused and thought for a moment, “You know, now that I think about it, it doesn’t even make sense to me why I snuck back on so I’ll just keep it to myself.”
“Good. Save us all from five minutes of you trying to irrationally explain another ill thought out decision,” Tony said, “Now, for the plan.”
“From what I can tell, and I hope you guys can too, our magician friend Squidward over there possesses some form of telekinesis. He also obviously has the upper hand since it’s his ship, so we’re going to have to maintain an offensive position so we don’t get pushed into retreat and get lost in the maze of hallways. I’ll get his attention while you guys get into your respective positions. Y/N, you’ll be in that corner behind those boxes. Peter, on the ceiling. When it seems like the worm is about to engage in a hostile attack, Y/N will throw her shield at his face, hopefully breaking the force that has been keeping the wizard suspended mid air. Squidward will most likely go over and lash out at Y/N for hitting him, leaving Peter to transport the wizard to a safe location. You’ll have to give Peter plenty of time to get the wizard out of harm’s way, Y/N, so try and keep Squidward stalled for a couple minutes. I’ll run over to the ship’s controls, turn around our course, and finally neutralize Squidward. Sounds like a plan?” Tony finished, looking to you and Peter for recognition. 
You and Peter looked at each other, then nodded back at Mr. Stark.
“Ok. In positions, then. Let’s get this shit show over with.”
The plan was going perfectly. Peter was taking your new found friend to safety as Tony was seemingly successfully fiddling with the ship’s system and you were holding your own against Squidward, who was apparently named Ebony Maw. 
This nightmare is going to be over in no time, I just know it.
“There was a girl in my English class called Ebony, you know. Haven’t heard from her since she got arrested for doing cocaine, though. Hey, you two have a lot in common - for example, you both are crackheads.” you said noting to the several dents and horrendous wounds on his head as you launched your shield at him.
“Pathetic,” said the always disgusting Ebony Maw as he effortlessly flicked your shield away, “Your primitive remarks are just a ploy to cover up the fear and insecurities bellowing inside of you. No matter, I’ll find a way to get it out of you.” he said as he threw you up 10 feet in the air and pinned you against the wall.
So maybe I shouldn’t have jinxed myself by thinking this was going well?
“Try to stay as still as possible,” the rotting beetle said, “The more you struggle, the more they hurt.”
You watched as the same tiny glass spears which put the wizard in so much pain grew closer to your face, Maw laughing in joy at the pain you were about to endure.
I’m starting to think that Tony didn’t think out his plan as much as I thought he did. 
You didn’t want to ruin Mr. Stark’s chances of reversing course, or endanger Peter’s life for second time in the span of 24 hours, so you sat in silence and waited for the crystal daggers to pierce your smooth skin.
“Oh shit!” Peter said as he ran back into the room, “Uhhh, Mr. Stark?!” he yelled as he pointed at you to get Tony’s attention.
You watched as the red and gold iron man suit turned to look at you and froze in place once it saw what was happening. Thankfully, the man on the inside can process and fix a problem at rapid speeds.
“Hang on to something!” Tony yelled as he blasted a hole through the side of the ship, sucking Ebony Maw out into space. The wizard was almost lost to the black vortex as well, but Peter managed to get to him in just enough time.
You fell to the floor with a loud thud, and got up rubbing on the shoulder you landed on.
“Yep. That’s going to leave a mark.” you said, walking over to join Tony, Peter, and the wizard at the main console of the ship.
“You know, you could have just said something if you needed some help. I had nothing better to do, considering that we can’t turn this ship around.” Tony said.
“Oh be quiet,” you said, “It was all part of the plan. Well, my plan at least.” you responded.
“Yep, you just keep on telling yourself that.” Tony said with a little bit of smugness.
You looked at Peter and rolled your eyes, while Peter just shrugged at you in response. Peter and Tony started discussing ways to get back home while you turned around and retrieved your shield from the corner of the room that Maw effortlessly flicked it into.
Ew - I better disinfect this thing when I get home.
“Thanks, by the way.” the wizard said to Tony solemnly as you lightly jogged back to the group.
“Thanks? I mean, sure, all we did was sneak into a foreign ship and get stuck in space to save your sorry ass. But yeah, sure, ‘thanks’ is just enough.” Tony said as he finished up melding the giant hole in the side of the ship together.
After silence filled with tension and uncomfortable glances between you and Peter, the kid had decided to slice through the awkwardness with a light conversation starter.
“I’m Peter by the way.” Peter said, stretching his hand out to the wizard for a shake.
“Y/N.” you said as you joined Peter by the wizard.
“Doctor Strange.” the wizard simply stated, neglecting to shake either your hand or Peter’s.
“Oh, we’re using our made up names. Then I’m Spider-Man.”
Doctor Strange gave Peter a look of both discomfort and confusion at the same time, and then went back to ignoring you and the other minor.
“I think he likes us. What about you?” Peter asked.
“Eh - I think he’s undecided.”
“So, here’s the deal,” Tony began, gathering everybody’s attention, “F.R.I.D.A.Y said that the ship’s basically stuck on full throttle, meaning that we’re on a one way trip to Thanos’ man cave.” 
“We can just turn the ship around once we land, right? Or just find another one?” Peter asked.
“That won’t work.” Doctor Strange furiously retorted. “We can’t let the time stone get anywhere near Thanos. I swore to protect the stone, not hand deliver it to the cruelest malefactor in the known universe. You need to figure out how to turn this ship around.”
“With all due respect, sir, Tony Stark is the smartest man on Earth. If there was a way to turn the ship around, he would have already done it.” you said to Strange.
“Ok, guys, just hear me out,” Tony started, “We’ve got what Thanos wants. He’s going to be sending all of his resources down to earth to retrieve the mind stone, meaning that he will be virtually defenseless. Well, as defenseless as a Titan can be. Why not use that to our advantage? Storm the castle, slay the dragon, and prevent any further damage from being done. We don’t know exactly how many stones he has now, but we know he doesn't have them all. He won’t be expecting a fight on his turf - we’ll have the complete element of surprise.”
“Absolutely not. No, Tony. I can’t do that. If Thanos gets a hold of the time stone, there’s nothing we can do to stop him. Turn this ship around now, Stark.” Strange said, raising his voice.
“Come on, Strange. If we don’t get the jump on Thanos now and give him time to retrieve the other stones, there’d be no Earth left to fight for when we got back. We will get our assess handed to us, no doubt about it, but it’s better than letting our home suffer because we chickened away from a fight.” Tony said.
“It’s almost a suicide mission. We’ve got no backup, no knowledge of the land, no certainties about everything. All of this is theoretical. It’s just,” Tony sighed and took a moment to collect himself, “If we didn’t even try to stop Thanos, and he got to Earth and attacked an almost vulnerable planet, it’d be all our fault. We’d sit there saying “we could have prevented that, millions of people would still be alive if we would have just done something” - we have the chance to prevent that, right now. So why wouldn’t we?” Tony turned away from the wizard and walked over to the console, head in his hands.
“Fine, Stark,” Strange said after a few moments, “Just know that if I have to decide between you all and the stone, I’m choosing the stone.”
You looked at Peter, who furrowed his eyebrows at Strange’s last comment. He walked over and stood on one side of Tony and you followed, standing on the other side. The three of you sat in silence, staring at the vast realm of stars before you.
“Alright, gang, The landing sequence has begun. Peter, come over here.”
You and Peter had been sitting on the floor against a wall taking various naps and discussing the future for the past few hours, so having to actually do something was quite the change.
“Yes, Mr. Stark?” Peter said as he quickly hopped up and ran over to the console.
“We’ve got to land this thing manually, and I’m too small to reach the other handle. This thing was designed for a big boy like Thanos after all. Grab that other thing right over there. No, not that thing. Look where I’m pointing, Peter. There you go.”
You hopped up and strapped your helmet back on your head (you knew it wasn’t the best idea to take it off in the first place, but who takes a nap with a heavy thing like that crushing their skull?), and slipped your shield back onto your forearm. You considered offering Tony and Peter some help, but decided to stand out and watch with Doctor Strange.
“Are you Captain America’s sidekick or something? I apologize, but I’ve never seen or heard of you before.” he said.
I knew that question was going to come eventually.
“No, not a sidekick. Just an avenger.”
“So what exactly are you capable of doing, Miss Y/N?” Strange asked, not removing his eyes from the entertaining sight of Peter and Tony struggling to land the ship from two separate sides of the console.
“It’s a little hard to explain. I was in an accident, Steve was the only person who had the same blood type as me, he donated blood, and somehow, by the grace of God, I inherited the super soldier serum. So yeah, I’m something like Captain America.”
“Interesting. That didn’t sound too hard to explain.”
“Actually, doc, it’s a lot more complicated than that. But, I’ll save the rest of the story for another day.” 
“I’d share it now if I were you, Miss Y/N, since it’s not a 100% guarantee that we’ll have another day.”
“Alright, then, Strange, I’ll tell you my origin story. It was just your average morning in the Y/L/N household - my parents were out, my sister made cinnamon rolls, and naturally, since I didn’t have school, I found myself waking up at 11 am. Just as I was walking down the stairs to have breakfast, I -”
You were interrupted by a sudden and severe rattling of the ship, sending you and Strange tumbling about since neither of you were holding onto something to begin with.
“Hey, thanks.” you said as Strange somehow caught you - until you realized it wasn’t Strange, but his red cape.
“I guess chivalry isn’t dead after all.” Strange said, getting up from the floor.
“Look alive, people,” Tony said as he turned around from the console and joined you and Strange in the center of the floor with Peter slowly in pursuit.
“We’re here.”
@infinite-exist-ence @sataninsatin @tinyclockss @markusstraya @sassyandclassyx @scarletracoon @peachiis @voidrivaille
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