#dumb blue lock drama
bkblaise · 5 months
I'm dumb as hell, so can you explain me why JPtwt is so pressed about Manga leaks?
I mean, I have heard that those who leak spoilers earn some money out of it, so does this money come out of the Mangaka's pocket? If yes, then I'm against it. If not, then what's the big deal? I think there are many bigger issues than this to focus on.
Further, spoilers come weekly, I guess? That too, in Japanese language, so it's the same amount of time as the official release of a chapter—you getting me?
Hi there! Sorry the response is so long. Basically, JPtwt considers leaks ("hayabare") as a crime (it is), engaging with them is something they find extremely distasteful. Not sure why the reaction is so strong, but it is. Maybe it's being protective over manga bcs it's a big industry nationally. However me being Korean, a LOT of people pirate manhwa... so... (though manhwa is generally not as big so the gripe is spoilers & not leaks.) It's upsetting in my opinion specifically because of the fact that the spoilers themselves only come out like 2 days earlier, but, this time it came out on a Friday when they were originally on Mondays (officials come out on Wednesday. But a long time ago, I heard these came out on Fridays and in Korean? Lol. I wasn't there.) Most of the people who were targeted including myself are artists. This is the source of my gripe with this callout/block list, because we never reposted the official copyrighted material in the first place, so bombarding us with blocks and possibly getting our accounts locked when there are people who rely on commissions and a platform to gain said commissions/communicate with commissioners, for instance, is a bit... odd? They could mute us instead... Yes, there are also plenty of people posting the official panels as well, and I get their frustration. But a Japanese twitter user put it well, saying something along the lines of "these users were all also forced to see leaks just like you, except they're not being [immature] about it". In my opinion if I could disengage with leaks regarding manga I would, since this was my policy up until me getting super excited about Kaiser's backstory specifically. I previously did not post about leaks on twitter. The issue is the people posting the original leaks, but they didn't even put them front and center, which I just found confusing. I think technically since English has (online?) simurelease with Japan, it can affect sales. By how much, I'm not sure, because Twitter isn't a real good gauge of just HOW many people see the leaks (a user called Rayuga is the main one as far as I know, and their main has like 90k+ followers, so I'd imagine their reach is still above that follow count... but it also can be less, because twitter is twitter.) I apologize if this is already common knowledge because before joining twitter, I mainly got my leaks from Reddit without considering the source. Scanlations (A group called PO2? is currently scanlating Blue Lock) also probably has the same effect, which when I was in Scans, in my group we had a hard rule that an English official copy being released would warrant us to drop a series so that the author would receive fair support. So not doing that when there is an english copy, is probably damaging. I never checked if PO2 takes donations or have a Patreon or anything like that, which from my time in scans is GENERALLY looked down upon internally within the community. If they do, this is something that I wouldn't really condone openly, specifically because it's still unauthorized redistribution. Attempting to profit off of that usually is because sometimes scan groups will pay their staff. Me, personally, I always worked for free. But if they don't, then I have nothing to say. I don't think people who would have not bought the chapter even if that was their only option would've ever contributed to sales in the first place, right? So it depends. In conclusion, I'm sure there are losses. But it's hard to gauge by how much, so I simply listed all the possible factors for you to judge by yourself.
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reallyromealone · 4 months
Title: fated
Chapter: two
Fandom: JJK
Characters: Gojo, Geto, unimportant ocs
Fic type: series
Pairings: Gojo x reader
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, omegaverse, Omega male reader, angst
Gojo had been staying with (name) for a week at this point, (name) going about his day of without any care and honestly ignoring him half the time.
Gojo was still his... Gojo self.
(Name) Was watching his dramas on the couch as he made little plush toys for the neighborhood children, Gojo had gone out to do whatever... Frankly (name) didn't care and if Gojo didn't have the power to blast off the hinges of his door, he would have changed the locks.
Gojo had Geto send him a copy of (name)s information, everything about the Omega, hobbies and interests though Gojo ignored those as they seemed to be generic Omega things to make the thorn bush that was (name) seem more delicate.
(Name) Was interesting though from the other things Geto gathered for him, and something deeply interesting.
He wasnt blood related to the (lastname) clan...
He was a descendant of a notable figure.
That would explain his defiant nature.
And then came his abilities...
Jesus fuck.
At that moment, Gojo knew why they were destined to be together.
If given proper training, (name) would be an unstoppable force and it made sense on why he was the diamond of his clan as Gojo was the gift of the heavens of his clan.
Their offspring would be a monster of power.
(Name) Was asleep when Gojo came back, the tv playing a drama as the Omega slept on the couch, curled up and cozy as a few crochet plushies scattered around him. Gojo felt the urge to protect but... He didn't feel love, he was always told that when you met your soulmate you would feel endless love but he just felt... Calm.
Like he did with Geto.
Carefully he lifted (name) and brought him to his bed, tucking him in.
He would learn to love (name) as his omega and (name) as his alpha...
"Work?" Gojo asked confused and (name) nodded with a yawn "of course, what do you think I sit on my ass all day?" Yup he could definitely see how he was descendants to Sakuna now, the white haired man chuckling at his omegas attitude, he definitely wasn't some weak Omega.
Gojo knew he would have to leave soon, he had work to do after all.
But he would be back, he had to come back for his mate after all.
They both had roles to play.
Gojo noticed that (name) always read slower, more intensely "oh.... They didn't see a purpose of having me learn too much, better a pretty Omega than one who could make their alpha look inferior" Gojo with his new knowledge of (name) knew that wasn't the full truth, they kept (name) dumb so that he couldn't be a threat like Gojo was.
"I have to go back to Tokyo tomorrow..." Gojo started and (name) looked up from his dinner "hm? Finally gave up?" He asked calmly and Gojo snorted "I don't give up, I just have to take care of stuff" he said simply and (name) rolled his eyes "it would be easier if you came with"
"Absolutely not" (name) didn't even hesitate to shoot that down, as he glared at Gojo "don't feel like you need to rush back" (name) said with a bland tone as he sipped his drink "ill be sure to come back as soon as possible " Gojo fired back as blue locked with (color) and the two glared at one another.
It took a month and a half till Gojo returned "what is this? You moving into the village or something?" (Name) Asked at all the bags and boxes that sat on his engawa "nah, Geto told me courting gifts are important" Gojo said and (name) looked a mix of annoyed and disgusted "you don't need to do that"
"But I want to"
(Name) Wanted to slap him, the audacity of this man.
Alphas were really shameless.
(Name) Barely glanced at the pile of gifts in his livingroom as Gojo made himself comfortable "so ya miss me while I was gone?"
"No" (name) said simply as he sipped his drink, already feeling a headache form in the front of his skull at the other "the house smells sweeter, you get a new air freshener or something " Gojo tried making small talk and (name) wasn't too interested "no that's just post heat smell, sticks on the walls for a while" this made Gojo freeze "your heat?" When was this?!
"Yeah, it ended the other day" (name) said like it was just talk about the weather, deciding to work on his crossword puzzle that was sitting on the corner of the table "why didn't you call me?" Gojo asked incredulously and (name) glanced up and glared "why would I call you?"
"Because I'm your alpha!"
"But you aren't" (name) argued and Gojo seethed, his Infinity getting a bit stronger and (name) was pushed back a bit, a slight look of fear on his face was enough to snap him out of it and a guilty look on his face "shit, I'm sorry" he was already fucking up even more and it hadn't even been an hour! (Name) Letting distressed pharamones slip out as he whispered "you make no attempts to be my alpha, ignore me for years and then you come into my life and make demands and claims... Then you use your strength the intimidate me... You are no different than the ones I grew up around" (name)a words were like a hot knife as he curled into himself.
(Name) Went about his day as if Gojo didn't exist, the Alpha having the decency of getting a room at the local inn though it was obvious Gojo didn't exactly want to do so but after the stunt he just pulled it was the smartest choice.
Though that didn't stop him from being excessive and clingy.
"Maybe we could go on a date tonight, what is there in this town anyways?" Gojo followed (name) around at work and the Omega was deeply embarrassed as people stared and whispered "can you not bother me while I'm at work?"
"I just wanna see what my omega is up to"
"Not your omega"
"Not yet"
"(Name)?" A voice called as Gojo was a bit annoyed that (name)s attention left him to some beta man who was the embodiment of the annoying boy next door trope "oh kei, is school out already?" (Name) Checked his watch and it was already 5pm, the store would be closed soon "yeah, gave the kids some fun in the sun before school let out... It's a nice day and all" he joked as Gojo dead stared him from behind (name) who paid no mind "that's great! It's too good of day to waste truly"
"Whose this?" Kei asked and looked at Gojo with a stupid smile that made the white haired man feel the urge to turn him into a fine mist.
There was barely any cursed energy in him, both Gojo and (name) combined had enough cursed energy to keep japan lit for a generation! He was weak, the lowest level scum cursed spirit could take him down!
"He's a creep who won't leave me alone" (name) said blandly and Gojo scoffed "Gojo Satoru, his fiance"
"Not my fiance"
"Not with that attitude" Gojo fired back and the school teacher looked between them confused before smiling "well it's nice to meet you Gojo! I'm Sato Kei!" He was inconsequential to Gojo, offering his hand to him but if he was to get closer to (name) he would need to get close to his friends.
"Pleasure to meet you" (name) huffed as they interacted but decided to take the time to return to his shift and shake the tick that was Gojo off him.
Gojo should had known it wouldn't be complete smooth sailing while he was here...
"It's always schools.." he whispered as he adjusted his eye cover and walked to the building where a cursed spirit resided, he just hoped he could finish the job fast.
Gojo didn't have a lot of empathy to those weaker to him, he didn't care about them.
But he did care about his omega, even if he didn't get why he did.
And telling (name) that his beta friend was dead... He never wanted to see (name) cry like that again.
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omg I want to know, how were the Napoleon Queer Wars of 2014 like?? 😬
oh lord lol
It's been almost ten years and I still get weird YIKES reaction in my skin when I think about it, or when people in the current Napoleonic corner act a bit like the people from back then. Which is a me issue, and not anyone else's problem. But it is why I don't really engage with anyone from the Napoleonic side of tumblr anymore - too many bad memories and bad taste in my mouth.
Essentially, someone posted the (in)famous Cronin quote re: Napoleon telling Coulaincourt about the Feelings He Gets When Looking At Someone Handsome Friend Shaped. They speculated about queer* implications of this.
*necessary disclaimer about modern concepts of sexuality not being applicable to the past yadda yadda yadda. I'm using short hand here, folks. No one needs to jump down my throat.
A bunch of the Very Serious History Blogs(tm) came down hard on them being like "you're a fool, absolutely not, Napoleon was Straight(tm)". Someone else replied being like "Well what about That Letter from N to Josie concerning a Certain Tsar of Russia?"
I forget how That Letter was explained away, but it was.
Some name calling nonsense and really aggresive replies where bandied back and forth. People were passive aggresive and mean. People ignored each other then wrote vagueing posts about it. The usual damned foolishness you would expect.
Then someone else referenced that one book whose whole thesis is basically Napoleon was Probably Bi. The book, I will say, isn't great. I'd never recommend it. But it was floating around in the 2014/15 world of Napoleonic Tumblr.
And oh man was the person who suggested it torn to shreds. Eviscerated. It was like watching a train wreck and the by standers decided to lock the doors of the train and not let the passengers off while everything burned.
There were weird spin-off dramas from this nonsense where people got into whether or not being interested in Napoleon made you a war crime sympathizer. (Some things never change on this webbed site.) Messy, messy. Also, utterly dumb.
Anyway - it ended up weirdly boiling down to two sides: Are You A Serious Historian/Take History Seriously(tm) Therefore Anti-Napoleon Possibly Being Something Like Queer Even If Never Acted On versus People Having Fun(tm) on the Internet Who Now Have Their Backs Up and Are Responding Perhaps Unwisely.
There was a third party, which I was part of at that time** (no longer, since I left academia), which was the "We Do Real History As A Day Job, Because We Are In Academia, but Lol Like Hell Would I Think to do Serious History on the Blue Hell Site. I'm Present for Shits and Giggles and Idle Speculation and Chats. Nothing Here is Serious. Everyone Needs To Calm Down and Take Themselves Way Less Seriously." We were a small contingent, to say the least.
**this is not to say I didn't walk away with egg on my face. Because I did. My comportment wasn't great and it's something I've been trying to be better about ever since.
It's not a time I think anyone save like four Napoleonic-interested blogs can look back on without blame.
But yeah - it was a real bad time on here. People were called names and cruel, cruel messages were sent to various and sundry by various and sundry. People deactivated over it. Friendships were literally torched because of it. There was a lot of issues with: "What Is Tone When Jumping On Someone's Post?? We don't know how to gauge it! Are you being mean? Are you being helpful? Who knows!! But you sounded aggresive in your add on and so I had better respond aggressively as well."
All because some people took themselves too seriously and because other people were stupidly mean about something dumb.
If I sometimes come in really strong with five million disclaimers in my napoleon asks/responses, even just the silly, purely speculative ones that no one sensible expects Real Serious History to result from - questions that clearly fall into the camp of shit a friend would ask you at the bar after four pints - things like: "was he queer? do you think he had add/adhd? what do you speculate were mental health issues he may have had?" etc. it's because of this year/year-and-a-half shit show. (And my disclaimers don't always serve their purpose because this is, after all, the Piss on the Poor website and people lack attention to detail when reading. [That said, I'm just as guilty of it as well, so can't point too many fingers.])
anyway, the long and short is that MAN people were very anti-any idea that there might have been an iota of what we would term queerness in Napoleon. And MAN no one can be normal on this site about anything so of course there was unnecessary drama and hurt feelings and bitterness.
May we never repeat this stupid time.
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ac-liveblogs · 4 months
Manshine City vs Bastard Munchen Part 2 "Oops I stopped Reading For Two Weeks" Edition
Last time: Nagi stood underneath Reo's window with a boombox and asked him to take him back. Reo, who swore he didn't need Nagi and was going to do this for HIMSELF, flings himself out the window.
I do like that Isagi is trying to master-mind the field 'oooh I can predict your every move!', theoretically Kaiser is doing the exact same thing, and they still fail to account for each other and completely fuck up their Pro Strats. I swear, Kaiser is just if the Isagi That Plays Soccer existed off the field as well as on it.
GOD Reo's inner monologue. "We split up once... we followed different paths..." ONE it's been like a month absolute tops TWO I maintain that Reo and Nagi exist in a totally different genre than the rest of the cast.
(Tbh I'm a little disappointed the Reo-Nagi drama seems to have resolved so easily, though there might still be tension outside of the field. I doubt Nagi's going to try and split up with Reo again at this point. Gotta wrap up these character arcs and move on, save the real meat for Episode Nagi in 4 years. Which is a shame, because given how batshit things were back in Blue Lock Reo absolutely Losing It was one of the things I was looking forward to most. What, he can't be too crazy in the insane soccer manga?)
Kaiser and Isagi, you two are my only hope... I need a murder attempt, c'mon...
I don't know enough about soccer to say if a two-stage volley is an 'insane, godly move' but I think a 5-stage anything has got to be pretty impressive. Who knew Nagi could be bothered to count that high. (I know Nagi didn't actually punt Isagi in the face but it sure looked like it, I was taken aback for a second.)
I love the way Nagi's 'ego' manifests on the pitch too, it's great. Gets really hyped up for a little bit of a game, gets super intense, trashtalks like a champ, I am a GOD routine, scores an absolutely insane fucking goal, goes 'yep that's all I wanted' and powers down mid-game. It's not over yet but he did what he came for! He's just like me forreal
"If not for the simple fact that Nagi doesn't know how to play this game, he would be unstoppable!!!" - Reo Mikage, probably
Agi... Reo... guys... chill
Chris' absolute lack of class is the funniest thing about him. This match is being televised, don't go calling your opponent a slut again.
Isagi "I have every tool I need to beat Kaiser except actually being better at this game than him!" Yoichi
Noa's just watching his team burn around him like "hmm. Excellent."
Chigiri throwing his hat into the 'dumb eye power' ring with a truly outstanding entry.
I know Kunigami is in this game, it just really doesn't feel like Kunigami is in this game. The match is losing track of Chigiri as well, I got a little surprised when he popped back up. I know the lack of synergy is on purpose due to the 'every man's either out for himself or the guy he's mentally ill about' aspect/'build your team around the striker' philosophy, but it does make the teams feel really uneven when the only characters that tend to matter are the Strikers + whoever's supporting them at the moment. It wasn't so bad when they were playing with limited teams, but right now half the teams feel like total space filler.
(The whole 'guaranteed shot' thing feels a bit... insulting to the concept of goalies/defense players too. I don't know much about soccer but it does feel like a major dick move LOL. To be fair, Gagamaru is not a goalie. Does Bastard Munchen not have a goalie better at goal-keeping than 'guy with hard head that doesn't play this role normally'.)
But yeah seriously Kunigami went to an ambiguous soccer torture camp to get his whole personality destroyed and for what. This? He doesn't even get to pretend to be the biggest threat on the field for even one game. Give that man a refund. Or at least some free therapy.
"go... the world's most random shot... even i don't know where it's going!!!" that is NOT impressive that's what i do every time I kick a ball. maybe i should be a pro soccer player. i could beat noel noa
Isagi has some nerve being shocked that Yukimiya is sabotaging him because ~they're on the same team~ yeah okay whatever dude and what was your end-goal here again
man, these matches just keep getting longer and longer despite the fact that they're aiming for way less goals...
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nowandajenn · 2 months
Blue Christmas-dirty shame
Series warnings: angst (like a lot), mentions of infidelity, language, family drama, pregnancy, sexual situations.
This chapter contains smut. No minors!!!
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December 17th
I let out a frustrated sigh as I look again through the clothes that are hanging in the closet in the spare room at my brother’s house. I’m scheduled to shoot a wedding tomorrow and I don’t have anything here that’s remotely suitable to wear, and the thought of venturing out to the mall or any of the shops in Boston this close to Christmas has me breaking out in hives. The original plan was to come back to work after the holidays were over, but I had forgotten about the Greenberg wedding, which I’d been hired for about eight months ago. 
I glance over at my cell phone sitting on the nightstand. Chris hasn’t called or texted since we last spoke almost a week ago, and the sane, rational part of me is glad that he’s backed off and given me space and time to try and figure out the mess of thoughts and emotions going through my head. The other, less sane, part of me that’s still in love with my husband is aching at the loss of contact. I keep waiting for the day that I wake up and find out that this has all been some horrible nightmare. 
I should call him or at least text to let him know that I’m coming over. I can be in and out; grab a dress and go. No muss no fuss. Although on the other hand, why should I have to announce that I’m coming to my own house to pick up an outfit? Honestly, it might be easier to just brave the rabid, pre Christmas crowds at this point. 
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I let out a sigh when I turn onto our street and see that Chris’ car isn’t in the driveway. As much as the traitorous, emotional side of me is wishing that I could just see him again, I know that I’m not ready for that. Hell, just getting out of bed and out into the world at this point is a major achievement in my eyes. 
I pull in the driveway and shut off the car, mentally preparing myself to walk in the home that we share together, that up until recently, was filled with only good, warm memories. The second that my key hits the lock, I hear Dodger on the other side of the door going crazy. I manage to get the door open and turn off the alarm before I’m knocked to the floor by 60 pounds of pure love and crazy puppy energy. I can’t keep myself from laughing as Dodger jumps all over me, trying frantically to lick me to death while jumping all over the place. 
“Come on! Dodge! Let me up, come on! I’m happy to see you too!” I laugh. 
I finally manage to get up off the floor and take my shoes off before heading into the living room. It’s not as clean as it normally is, but at least the house isn’t trashed like I thought it might be. My gaze sweeps around the room, and again, I’m struck dumb by the realization that despite my whole world going crazy, nothing here has changed. It all looks exactly the same. All of the pictures are in the same spots, the candles and knick knacks are all still there, the Christmas tree that Chris and I picked out and cut down is still there, decorated and ready with the presents underneath. 
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I close my eyes and take a deep breath. This isn’t why I came here. I came here to get a dress, and the sooner I get it and get out of here, the better. I walk into the master bedroom and almost do a double take. The room is absolutely pristine. There aren’t any stray socks on the floor, the bed is immaculately made, there’s no sign that anybody’s even set foot in here. Curiously, I walk into the ensuite bathroom and again, it looks like it hasn’t been touched. 
Immediately, a million thoughts race through my mind. Has Chris not been sleeping in here? Has he not even been sleeping at home? Did the cleaning lady come today? Has Chris been sleeping in someone else’s bed while we’ve been separated, or whatever? I shake my head and try and focus on the task at hand. It takes longer than I would have liked, but I finally settle on a floor length burgundy dress that’s light and flowy with off the shoulder sleeves. I actually wore this to a wedding that Chris and I went to last October, and I remember loving the way that it looked on me, while still being loose enough to move around with ease. 
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Just as I’m grabbing a pair of shoes out of the closet to go with the dress, I hear a car door slam and then the chirp of an alarm. I shut my eyes and groan soflty. So close. I hear the door open and like clockwork, Dodger goes nuts. Trying to delay the inevitable, I go into the bathroom to grab my flat iron and my makeup bag, throwing it all in a small carry on bag from the closet. 
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Chris looks up from where he’s got his head buried in the fridge, putting groceries away when he hears my voice. 
“Hey back.” 
I shift my weight from foot to foot awkwardly, trying to figure out how to navigate this. It feels so wrong to be alone in a room with Chris and feel this nervous and unprepared for anything that might come next. Even when we first met, there were never any weird silences or awkward moments; everything just came so easily when it came to us. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t call or anything……I have a wedding to shoot tomorrow and I needed a dress, and I didn’t have anything on hand.” 
I watch as he shrugs slightly, going back to putting groceries in the fridge.
“It’s fine. It’s your house too.” he tells me. 
“I know……it’s just…..I don’t know. I felt weird just walking in. Like I didn’t know what I was going to walk in on.” 
Chris looks up at me and I can’t place the exact emotion on his face. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“Nothing, I just didn’t know what the house was going to look like…..” my voice trails off. 
“Or if you were going to walk in and catch me balls deep in another woman? Is that what you’re trying to say?” he asks bitterly. 
“No, that’s not what I was going to say, but since you bring it up, where the hell have you been sleeping? Because the bedroom doesn’t look like it’s been touched since I left.” I snap. 
Jesus Christ. Abort. Abort. This is starting to get really hostile and it’s definitely NOT how I wanted things to go. 
“It looks like that because I’ve been sleeping on the fucking couch since you left! I tried sleeping in our bed, and I can’t fucking do it. It’s hard enough being just in this house without you, but being in that room, in our bed, where the sheets still smell like you, it’s torture. So I sleep on the goddamn couch. Is that what you want to hear? Huh?” I watch as he turns away from me and grips the granite counter top, his weight shifting to lean more on his hands. 
“What do you want from me Chris?” I ask tiredly. 
“I want you to come home! I want us to try and fix this. I want you to give me a chance to try and fix this epic fuck up of mine. I want you to tell me if you even want to fucking let me fix this. I want you to talk to me about something, or anything for that matter!” he exclaims. He’s pacing the floor and gesturing wildly with his hands, and I can tell he’s incredibly worked up. He stops right in front of me and looks me dead in the eyes. 
“I just want you.”
His blue eyes, eyes that I know just as well as my own, are shining with sadness, desperation, longing…..and lust. He’s standing so close to me that I can feel his body heat, and he smells so fucking good, and goddammit, I can’t fucking BREATHE when he’s looking at me like that….
When I feel his lips press against mine, the moan that tumbles out of my throat would be downright embarrassing if I even gave a shit right now. His left hand cups my cheek gently but firmly, his right hand gripping my waist. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I know that if we do this, it’s only going to complicate things more than they already are, but dear God his hands feel so fucking good on me, and it feels like it’s been so long.
The breath gets knocked out of me momentarily as Chris backs us up to the dining room table and the edge digs into my back. 
“Sorry.” he mumbles, barely taking his lips away from mine to make the apology. His tongue sweeps into my mouth, touching against my own, and I moan into the kiss, arousal spiking in my tummy. Our hands work swiftly and diligently to get rid of the fabric that’s rudely separating us from blissful skin on skin contact. My heart is pounding in my chest and the feeling is so damn reminiscent of how flustered and excited and nervous I got when we first started sleeping together, when everything was new and exciting and we were still figuring out what made each other tick….and moan. 
I throw my head back in pleasure as Chris moves his lips from mine down my throat and neck, nipping and sucking at the delicate skin there, the feeling of his beard making my skin tingle. His hands find my full, firm breasts and he cups them gently, kneading the supple flesh and rubbing his thumbs over my nipples, making me squirm. 
“Fuck, Chris……” I moan, lost in all the sensations. 
“I know, baby. I know.” he groans, his voice low and husky, his accent thicker in his arousal. 
When he finally brings his fingers down to the apex of my thighs, I’m practically dripping for him. 
“Fuck, sweetheart. You’re so wet.” he whispers, his lips a mere breath away from mine as he drags two fingers through my wetness, making me jolt when he touches my clit with just the slightest touch. He spreads my wetness around a bit before sinking two long fingers deep inside of me, thrusting them slowly but firmly in and out of my pussy. His lips capture mine once more as he works his skilled fingers in and out of me, bringing me to the edge in an embarrassingly short amount of time. 
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The pads of his fingers hit the spongy tissue of my G spot with the precision of a goddamn sniper while rubbing my clit with his thumb. When my orgasm crashes over me, Chris swallows my moans while gripping the shaft of his almost painfully hard cock to keep himself from coming; the sight of me falling apart under his touch almost more than he can take. 
“Tell me you want this. Tell me you want me. Please.” 
I respond by taking him in my hand and running my fingers up and down his length, giving him a few long drawn out strokes before guiding him into me. Despite the orgasm that Chris drew out of me with his fingers, it still makes me gasp when his cock starts pushing into me, my walls stretching to accommodate the thickness of him. I can tell he’s moving slow, taking his time to either savor it or keep from coming too fast, or both. But I’m not in the mood for gentle right now. 
He looks up at me and I lock eyes with him. 
“Fuck me.” 
Without a word, he hitches my right leg up so it’s resting over his hip and shoves the rest of his cock into me with one harsh thrust. I cry out at the sensation, but he doesn’t give me much time to dwell on it before he’s setting a punishing pace, his hips snapping back and forth. I hold onto him for dear life as his lips and teeth move over my neck, my chest, and my breasts, marking me as his and making sure that I remember this for at least a few days. 
I squeal as Chris suddenly grips the back of my thighs and lifts me onto the dining room table and places his hand on my sternum, silently urging me to lay back. 
“Legs up.” he says in a low voice. 
I bring my legs up so the bottom of my feet are resting right against his pecs, and he gives an experimental thrust into me, making me gasp out at the change in angle and position. 
“Yeah? Like that?” 
It’s all I can do to just nod as Chris fucks into me over and over again, leaving me panting and breathless and moaning like a whore. He looks down at the place where his hard length is disappearing inside of my pussy, his cock, pelvis, and thighs wet from my arousal, and groans. 
“Fuck, Chris….oh God, oh fuck…….” I moan out as I feel that familiar tightening in my belly. 
“You look so fucking beautiful taking my cock inside of you. So perfect. Come on, come all over me. I wanna feel your pussy strangle my fucking dick.” he groans out. 
The second that his thumb touches my clit, I’m done for. My back arches off of the table and I dig my nails into Chris’ arms as I come, screaming his name. I hear Chris grunt, and with two more deep thrusts, and with a broken cry, he reaches his end, filling me up with come. 
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My eyes fly open when I feel Dodger jump up on the bed. Jesus Christ, when the hell did I fall asleep?! I look over and see that Chris is, thankfully, still asleep. After thoroughly defiling the dining room table, the party moved into the living room, the master bathroom, and then finally the bedroom. I squeeze my eyes shut and groan. 
Shame. Low down, dirty shame. I did not come here for this yesterday. This was the absolute last thing on my mind, and the last thing in the world I imagined would happen. Oh my God, we didn’t even use a condom. Not a single one. Jesus fucking Christ. God, I hope he used a condom when he fucked whoever it was that he fucked. I should probably get tested just to be sure. Goddamn it. 
It takes me a good ten minutes to find all of my clothes and once I’m dressed, I grab my purse and the dress and bag that I originally came for, and head towards the door. I bend down and scratch Dodger behind the ears for a few minutes, my heart breaking at the look on his face. 
“I miss you so much bubba. I love you, okay? I’ll come back and visit you soon, I promise.” I whisper to him. 
I make sure I have everything before setting the alarm and locking the door behind me, leaving Chris sleeping peacefully and undisturbed in our bed. 
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cupidstwin333 · 1 year
Hi! May I request a romantic matchup for Obey Me and BNHA? 🙏💕
For the description:
•I'm a 21 yo and also an Aquarius.
•I'm Pansexual and use He/She pronouns.
•I'm a INTP-T and my enneagram is 4w5.
•My hobbies are: Vulture Culture, Writing, Poetry, Reading, Video Games, Anime, Crafting, Singing, and Witchcraft (Ik a lot lol).
•I dislike: Pregnancy (Big irrational fear lmao) Having to plan/organize and/or lead a project and people who're too similar to me.
• My passions and long-term dreams are: Cottagecore (y'know, the fantasy of escaping and living in a self-sufficient cottage with your partner surrounded by animals and nature 💀), Psychology and Music (I also play the Ocarina :D)
*My physical appearance is:
•Voluminous, wavy, dark brown rooted with coral-dyed and upper-back length hair. It's usually tied up in a messy, high ponytail.
•Chubby and baby-like face with droopy, semi-small eyes, a small nose, and big lower-lipped lips.
•My body is on the femenine side, light skin-toned and apple-shaped (chubby); it has large stretch marks, scars, lunars and moles everywhere, including my face. I'm also 5'1.
•I tend to avoid shorts (lol thick thighs struggle) and heels. I often (and only) wear monochromatic, simple and comfy clothes (hoodies, leggings, boots, etc.)
*My personality is:
To strangers, I appear as anxious, shy, quiet, humble, gentle, reserved, unnerving (this was said by a close friend) and somewhat serious and mysterious.
Those closer describe me as quiet, mysterious, mischievous, sarcastic, cranky, realistic, procrastinator, funny (cue dark humor and lowkey sadism), flirty, blunt, overprotective (if we are VERY close), untrusting, loyal, prideful, assertive, and temperamental.
I'm also the therapist/older sibiling (only if needed be) friend that dissapears at random times but gives strangely good or shady (and still, good) advice that can listen to you for hours if needed. Not good at consoling or drama tho (I'm no good at words of affirmation and physical touch lol) I do tend to
My love languages are friendly banter/teasing/flirting and being a simp (platonic or romantic)
Large much? Yes 💀 I'm sorry- (Still love your content tho 💖)
After a long time of thinking 💭 your match is…
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How it started:
One day, in the heart of the Royal Library, Mammon's blue and yellow gradient eyes locked onto you. "Hey, you! What're you doing here, reading all by yourself?" He calls out to you in an attempt to make fun of you.
You glanced up, a mischievous grin forming your lips. "Oh, just educating myself. You should try it sometime."
Mammon scoffed, his pride taking a hit. "Hey, I know stuff! I ain't some dumb demon."
You raised an eyebrow, the playful challenge clear in your gaze. "Really? Because last I heard, you mixed up a potion and turned Beelzebub's snack into a dancing frog."
Mammon spluttered, his cheeks flushing. "Th-that was a one-time thing!"
Your banter became a familiar melody that echoed through the halls of the Devildom. Every encounter was punctuated with teasing remarks and quick comebacks, each exchange sparking an unspoken connection that left Mammon eager for more.
On a sunlit afternoon in the garden, you found yourselves alone. Mammon leaned against a tree, a smirk tugging at his lips. "You know, you're pretty feisty for a bookworm."
You chuckled, your eyes twinkling with amusement. "And you're pretty full of yourself for someone who always falls for Lucifer's tricks."
Mammon's grin widened. "Tch, like you're one to talk! I've seen you struggle with potions enough times."
You crossed your arms, a smirk matching his own. "True, but at least I don't pretend to be the greatest demon in all the realms."
As the days turned into weeks, you found yourself drawn to his unpredictability. He was a challenge you couldn't resist.
One evening, beneath a sky painted with hues of orange and purple, you shared a moment by the riverbank. Mammon's voice was softer than usual. "You're different, you know."
You tilted your head, curiosity dancing in your eyes. "Different how?"
He hesitated, a rare vulnerability surfacing. "You're not like the others. You see through my act, and you don't let me get away with it."
Your gaze softened, and your tone held a note of understanding. "Maybe because I see a bit of myself in you."
Mammon raised an eyebrow. "You? The mysterious bookworm?" He retorted with a hint of confusion.
You chuckled, your voice more gentle than usual. "I may be quiet, but that doesn't mean I can't see past the facade. We're both hiding something, aren't we?"
Your eyes met in a shared understanding, a connection that transcended the teasing banter. Mammon took a step closer, his heart racing. "Maybe we can stop hiding, just for a moment."
You smiled, your hand finding his. "Just for a moment."
General headcanons:
💘You share a love for video games, and late-night gaming sessions become a common activity for you both. The banter continues, but it's laced with camaraderie and genuine enjoyment.
💘He secretly treasures the little gifts you craft for him, even if he tries to play it off as no big deal. Your thoughtfulness touches him in ways he doesn't always express.
💘Mammon might struggle with expressing emotions directly, but he shows his affection in his actions. Whether it's protecting you, playfully teasing, or joining in on your hobbies, he's always there, finding his own way to convey his feelings.
💘Music holds a special place in your relationship. You might serenade each other with playful songs or share quiet moments listening to music that resonates with both of you.
And Dabi
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How it started:
You, a 21-year-old villain with an air of mystery, possessed a quirk entwined with the mystique of witchcraft. You didn’t choose this path of darkness but with your quirk and your misunderstood personality, it seemed like it was inevitable. Your presence held an allure that drew curious glances from the darkness.
Dabi, a figure draped in cerulean flames and enigma, found his path crossing with yours in an unfortunate twist of fate.
One rainy evening, you found yourself seeking refuge under a shelter, drenched by the downpour and some blood that was seeping through your reopened wounds after an unexpected encounter. Dabi appeared like a phantom from the rain, his voice carrying a hint of concern. "Need some help?" He wouldn’t have shared a second glance if it had been anyone else, but you..? You were different, at this point he had known and heard about you just enough to recognize your archetype among the rain and darkness. You were quite the topic among the villains in this area.
You managed a wry smile, Your damp hair clinging to your cheeks. "Someone managed to catch me off guard tonight." You say almost bittersweet as you remember the fight you went through earlier.
As he offered his coat to shield you from the rain, your fingers brushed against his—a fleeting touch that sent shivers down your spine. It was a moment that hung in the air, but both of you didn’t speak of it.
"Thanks for the save," you said, your gaze locking onto his with a mix of gratitude and curiosity.
He shrugged, a small smile forming his lips. "Guess it's the least I could do." He says while glancing at your wounds. They weren’t big or deep but they seemed to bother him nonetheless.
Still, your conversation flowed effortlessly, as if you were old friends catching up. Time seemed to lose meaning as you shared stories and exchanged laughter, the rain creating a cocoon of intimacy around you.
"Flames and spells," you mused, your eyes holding a spark of playfulness. "Not exactly a common combination."
He chuckled, the sound like a rare melody. "But an intriguing one, don't you think?"
As the rain subsided, he offered his hand. "How about we continue this conversation somewhere drier?"
Your heart raced as you placed your hand in his, feeling a rush of warmth that had nothing to do with the rain-soaked evening.
In a cozy and empty cafe, your dialogue evolved into something deeper. Shared interests and whispered secrets created an unspoken connection that felt both familiar and exhilarating.
"You're different from what I expected," he admitted, his gaze steady on yours.
You smiled, a glint of mischief in your eyes. "Expectations are overrated, don't you think?"
As the night wore on, your shared laughter filled the air, punctuated by stolen glances that spoke volumes. You were strangers who felt like kindred spirits, as if the universe had conspired to bring you both together.
Underneath the city lights, he walked you home, your footsteps echoing in the silence of the streets. Before parting, he hesitated, a question lingering in his eyes.
"Can I see you again?" he asked, his voice soft but earnest.
Your heart skipped a beat as you nodded. "I'd like that."
General headcanons:
💘You have a favorite hideaway, a forgotten rooftop overlooking the city, where you meet up with Dabi whenever you feel like hiding away and spending time with him.
💘He reveals his real name to you in a moment of vulnerability, a testament to the depth of your trust.
💘You introduce him to the concept of cottagecore, and you share a dream of escaping the chaos to find solace in a self-sufficient cottage.
💘You use your witchcraft to weave protective charms into his clothes, secretly ensuring his safety during fights and battles.
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bondew · 9 months
Don’t Cry Over Spilt Milk
Chapter four.
I didn’t really want to go to this party but after Chelsea texted saying she was I started getting ready as soon as I got home. I didn’t tell my parents the news instantly, I was kind of still in awe and shaking so it wasn’t really the best time. Maybe at breakfast or something? I put on my signature outfit, some grey parachute pants that make way too much noise and a little black tank that honestly sometimes makes me feel quite insecure. I tend to try and block that all out. Well block it out of everyone’s view atleast. As I apply makeup to cover my acne and blemishes phoebe bursts through my bedroom door, she’s wearing a beautiful blue, sparkly suit and her hair is curled, I didn’t think she was one to dress up but honestly she can. Pulling my shirt down so it covers my stomach I shove on some white ankle socks and my sparkly crocs. I put on my pride pins and as she watches she starts to dig in her pocket. I turn to see what she’s doing and notice she is now adjusting an aroace flag pin on her blazer. We both smile and she jingles her car keys as we both run out.
“You wear that outfit everywhere Dew!” She laughs as she turns the key.
“Ahem it’s either this or overalls so deal with it!” We both laugh and drive off.
As I step through the front door I instantly recognise the house, it’s Harry’s. Harry Greene’s. This knot in my stomach instantly tightens and doesn’t until release Phoebe and I find Chelsea. I hold her in a hug that probably lasts more than what is socially acceptable. Finding the group we all go to find ourselves some drinks and snacks. I see a few familiar faces, Tori and her lot, some theatre kids, some of Aled’s friends too. His friends from Truham are instantly recognisable, mainly because they are the only openly gay couple in like the history of the school. I like them. I haven’t ever talked to them. I wish I could though. The knot in my stomach returns as we walk through the sweaty crouds. Despite it being quite cold out the house is so packed that everyone is all hot and sticky. Tying my hair into a little half-pony I nod to my friends that I’m going to get some air. I find myself in the observatory sitting on a lounge, there isn’t many people in here. It’s kind of the only quiet place in this giant house. Swiping up on my lock screen I frown as I see no messages. I usually expect to see some but with false expectations every time it honestly just makes me feel shit. This is a dumb thing to complain about when I literally leave anyone who messages me on read anyway.
I look up to see all the drama kids kinda crowded together in a huddle on the floor. I only recognise a few, I don’t have any friends In theatre, although it’s been my class for four years now. They hurry me over and I sit down to see a bottle.
“We’re playing truth or dare come on!” A bubbly girl butts in. She has frizzy orange hair that’s all curly. She starts off by spinning and I don’t know if someone is praying on my downfall or just by chance it’s me.
“Uh truth?” I say, starting to pick at my nails.
“Oo! Who do you like?” She sits up on her knees and now the whole circle is staring.
“Nobody..?” My voice trails off as I scan at everyone’s faces. The only one I really recognise is Kael’s, he’s the boy playing the Beast. I shrug and pull my gaze to the floor. After playing a couple rounds I insist I go.
As I try and find my way back through this maze of a house I run into Harry Greene.
Instantly covering my pride pins he steps towards me. “Enjoying the party Shaw?” He says like a drunken idiot, well he is.
“Uhm it’s fine.” I manage to come up with. Harry Greene is the definition of a “British chav”, he’s a rugby lad and consistently uses “mate” in every sentence. I try to leave the conversation, usually when he talks to me it’s just to torment, tease and even bully.
“Found any ladies to kiss yet?” He laughs to his lot.
I tower over him and cross my arms, “More than you’ve ever in your entire life.” I stand my ground but he continues, I just stand there. As he continues I notice I start to care a bit more with every word he says. In a daze of a teenage, overthinking mind he suddenly gets cleared out of view. I snap back out of a messy thought and notice he has been completely pulled to the floor. Nick Nelson, one of the two opening queer boys at Truham is staring at me, smiling. I shake my head to remember what’s going on and instantly start thanking him. Pulling my hand off my chest to wipe my damp eyes he pulls me into a hug, I honestly don’t know what is going on. All I can think about is everything Harry said. Just then and in the past. Everyday of year 8 comes back, him bullying me constantly everyday after school. Having to hide my red under eyes from my parents, crying myself to sleep, repeating everything he said to myself in the morning to remind myself I suck. I pull out of the hug and run outside. I knew it was a shit idea to continue going inside as soon as I recognised the house.
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daisyachain · 2 years
Unrequited love subplots can add interesting and/or compelling drama to a story, but when added on to a romance they straddle the line between boring and annoying. In a romance the main pairing’s supremacy is a foregone conclusion. Even in a reverse/harem situation you can usually tell which is the love interest and which are the spares. Having some loose end character mooning over an MC means you’re wasting story time on a dynamic destined to go nowhere, contribute nothing, leave one side character banging against a blank wall of disinterest forever.
Not so Blue Flag. Whatever the hell else is going on, the unrequited love dynamic sure isn’t one-sided. Though it differs in tenor both characters involved have an immensely important and shifting relationship to each other. It’s not a case of one character being locked hopelessly in the designated loser slot; ending aside, Taichi contributes as much to the dynamic as Touma. There’s a charge between them. There’s something that each of them seeks in the other to resolve. The unrequited aspect of it doesn’t drag Touma’s character down because he’s written well as a person with hopes and aspirations that have nothing to do with, let’s face it, a dumb indulgence on his part. Despite the label of Romance the romance isn’t a be-all end-all, and the unrequited love subplot becomes interesting by asking: well if the love isn’t what’s requited, what is requited between them?
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Opposites Attract (2) Masterlist
part one
A Light & His Soul Snatcher (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Phil was the most powerful magic wielding human of the decade, even when he was just a child. He was what his people called a light - someone that was a pure source of magic. He'd been forbidden to leave his house because his parents were terrified that he'd attract soul snatchers, which was horrible creatures that consumed innocent souls. But Phil was a curious little one and he was bound to step outside eventually.
Dan had been a stupid young boy, who'd gotten too obsessed with the magical culture and peer pressured into doing something really dumb, just because all his friends had done it. His soul had been broken and locked away, never to be seen or felt again, as his body was doomed to roam the world as a soul snatcher. But Dan would be granted a second chance.
When the two meet, the impossible happens. Lights have always fallen prey to soul snatchers before and Phil should really be dead and Dan should really be fed. It doesn't quite go like that.
An Angel in a Leather Jacket (ao3) - bakingphaninmymind
Summary: An argument starts it all. Hell comes after for Dan Howell, the school pastel boy. He only wanted to help, but got backstabbed in the end. From a safe position in the school hierarchy, Dan is up to neck in an affair he never had and starts finding threats in his locker. He needs someone on his side if he wants to make it to the end of high school. A mysterious punk boy promises him protection. The condition Dan needs to meet, though, is far from normal.
Are We Soulmates? (ao3) - Sb1235
Summary: Phil had always been a closed-off, anti-social outcast. Dan is the most intimidatingly popular boy in school. Will a relationship ever work in a seeping-with-drama, secretive, and excruciatingly painful world called high school?
Baby, They Ain't Got A Clue (ao3) - cafephan
Summary: Dan, the shy new kid in school, is asked to prom, but his date stands him up. Phil, the popular outgoing kid in school, is stood up by his date too.
bruised knuckles (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Daniel James Howell. The tough, sarcastic bad boy. A lot of people fear him, others envy him, some even admire him.
Philip Michael Lester isn't one of those people. He hates, well maybe not hates, Dan and Dan knows exactly why.
chemistry (ao3) - howelllesters
Summary: Based on the prompt ‘sporty!dan is lab partners with computergeek!phil and magic happens.’
Drunk Words Are Sober Thoughts - danhasacrushonphil
Summary: The opportunity of a life time comes in the form of Phil Lester actually showing up at a party, all tattoos and bright blue eyes. Dan's been crushing on him for far too long, so getting the chance to play Never Have I Ever with his crush? Yeah, he can't pass that one up. What could go wrong?
Flower Crowns and Footballs (ao3) - sadia_xoxox
Summary: Dan Howell, a delicate pastel princess, starts at a new school and is shown around by the school's best footballer, Phil Lester. While on the surface the two seem to be complete opposites, will they attract or collide?
Jackets (ao3) - FoxyAtlas
Summary: Phil Lester, bad boy who wears the same leather jacket to school every day and makes a hobby out of scaring people. Dan Howell, future valedictorian who prefers a varsity jacket, and refuses to be shaken by anyone, bad boy or otherwise. And how they come together through a high school track, an English class, and a failing videography program.
Kissing at a Christmas Party (ao3) - softphiily
Summary: Dan and Phil are best friends, but they are complete opposites. Dan is a popular sporty football player while Phil is a quiet nerd who loves to read and write. They’ve been crushing on each other for a while without knowing the other one likes them. Dan plans to finally confess his love to Phil at a Christmas party.
Like I'm Living at the Edge of the World (ao3) - transdimensional_void
Summary: Sometimes Goth!Dan makes nerd!Phil feel like he’s living at the edge of the world.
Lonely in Conflict, Cast as a Convict (ao3) - andthenshesaid-write (ladyknight1512)
Summary: Dan is a vampire who can’t remember how it feels not to be lonely. Phil is a vampire hunter living in his brother’s shadow.
When they meet, they find acceptance in each other that they don’t find anywhere else, but there are secrets and other forces at play trying to keep them apart.
Lungs Filled With Flowers (ao3) - worriedpeach (skeletonflowers)
Summary: Whenever Dan has a bad day, he always knows that Animal Crossing will be there for him no matter what. When he finds a friend code written on his desk, he immediately adds it into his DS, despite not knowing who it could be.
Maths Notes and Flower Doodles (ao3) - DavineNaughter
Summary: Phil Lester is that dorky guy who always doodles on everything. Dan Howell is the school's most popular boy and star athlete. They don't see much of each other, and when they do it generally involves punches and Phil getting injured. But then they're sat next each other in a couple classes and paired together on a project, and that may change. Throw in some homophobic douchebags, a super sassy sexual Chris, and a sprained wrist, who knows what could happen. Based on a Tumblr post.
More Than Just The Game (ao3) - benotafraidofwriting
Summary: Phil's just trying to survive the school year. Cue a certain football player who throws everything off.
Opposites Attract (ao3) - KaytheJay
Summary: Dan is a nonbinary pastel person. Phil is a badass punk. They both have feelings for each other but believe that the other couldn't possibly like someone like themselves.
Pink Roses (ao3) - roryonice
Summary: Popular!FootballPlayer!Phil comes up with creative ways to ask Pastel!Dan to Prom, but it doesn’t work out the way he’d hoped.
Put Your Heart in It (ao3) - TheUKAmazingDan
Summary: Dan didn’t expect his first kiss to happen in the office of the school nurse, especially not with the athletic motorcycle-riding sex-bomb Phil Lester.
//soft and neat\\ (ao3) - ode_to_phan
Summary: Dan’s entire world was made of simple things, such as cherry blossoms, lilies, and hot chocolate on cold days. Phil’s, on the other hand, was heavy metal, bright hair colors, and piercings. They seemed like complete opposites. But... were they opposites?
teach me how to kiss (ao3) - cityscaped (touchofgold)
Summary: Dan is a typical notorious bad boy smoker who couldn't give a shit about anything. Phil is a quiet librarian nerd who spends too much of his time in an abandoned tower in school. After rumours were spread that Dan had slept with many girls, and his two friends finding about it, Dan's dirty little secret is exposed.
Dan has no idea how to kiss.
And what does he do? He gets kissing lessons from Phil.
The Meeting Place (It's a Pastel/Punk Thing) (ao3) - AnotherPhanficWriter
Summary: Pretty boy Dan is a little pastel wearing homosexual (out and proud) and can't wait to go to university in the next few months, while his punk bad ass neighbor and classmate, Phil, wants nothing more than to cause havoc, ruin plans, party and smoke. Dan and Phil go on a school trip and on the way back are in the St Pancras train station next to The Meeting Place statue, this is where the two boys are placed under a spell. The two wake up the next day to find that they've switched bodies.
the truth is rarely pure and never simple (ao3) - ZozeeWrites
Summary: dan is natural athlete, the top player on his college ice hockey team. no one knows that he is actually really smart and is transferred into the Honours Literature class. that is when he meets a literature nerd, phil, who just might be able to give his life a little more importance.
we have more in common than i thought (ao3) - manicpixieidiot
Summary: bad boy!dan has a bit of a secret crush on nerd!phil, and when grouped with him in class he uses the opportunity to convince him to come to a party. (what happens next will shock you!!) (not really, no shocks don't worry)
Who Would've Thought? (ao3) - pasteldanhowells
Summary: Phil is really into literature/English in school, and Dan’s a “jock”. They’re total opposites, but find themselves being paired up together for a project in English class, and Dan eventually finds that Phil isn’t as bad as the entire school makes him out to be.
who'd have known? (ao3) - CallofTheCurlew
Summary: Nerd!Dan and Badboy!Phil meet at a club Dan isn't even sure he wants to be at. But it's his last year of university, and those are made for memories. Allegedly.
Your Band is Weird (ao3) - orphan_account, uraniumreader
Summary: Year is 3005 and everything is pretty much the same, except bands, music, and anything fun and/or entertaining is banned. Phil is an 18 year old nerdy kid who works at a bookstore and has never strayed from the rules, content with the strict rules that his society has given him.
Dan is a 17 year old high school drop out, lives with his friends in a shitty apartment, and has never followed the rules. Ever.
However, after meeting, their lives and the lives of those around them begin to change and their world will never be the same again.
Yellow Love (ao3) - worriedpeach (skeletonflowers)
Summary: The deal is to make bamf!Dan Howell want to date Nerd!Phil. But how can he go through with it when Dan’s eyes are the colour of chocolate and he has a dimple that makes Phil’s knees weak? He decides he can’t go through with it because he’s too afraid of falling in love before Dan ever will. With a Christmassy twist at the end!
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drudeger · 2 years
welcome to my page!
hello, my name is drudeger or just dru for short! I also go by scoffin or knife and my pronouns are it/kit/ni (pronouny is here if you're not sure how to use them).
I'm an asian american, abinary (multi/polygender), bi-fictoamorous, polyamorous, ace gay lesbian! I'm also ADHD+autistic, and depressed with disordered anxiety.
I'm cryptidkin, a huge furry, advocate critical queer inclusion, shill for communism, and avidly self-ship (f/os include miya atsumu, fukunaga shohei, and vash the stampede).
you can find all of my socials here. you can find my tagging system here. and if you need something tagged, please tell me!! (I will not trigger tag slur reclamation, sorry)
no DNI. I unfollow, block, and mute freely.
undertale/deltarune, spider-verse, mob psycho 100, dungeon meshi, the owl house, she-ra: pop, steven universe, the amazing world of gumball, bojack horseman, hades (video game), sonic the hedgehog, the persona series, the total drama series, pokemon, digimon, meguru bachira (not blue lock just him specifically), any and all trading/collectible card games, hardcore techno music
beyblade (metal fight, zero g, burst, and x), bluey, chainsaw man, haikyuu, kuroko no basuke, fossil fighters, tenkai knights, trigun stampede, kirby (the pink guy)
special interests:
my big dumb multiverse au
art blog: @cryptidshollow
music archiving and general music blog: @draxmusic
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Andrew Tu
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Looking for a BIG!
Year: 2nd
Major: Biological Sciences
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Snacks: Jalapeno Cheetos, Dr. Pepper, Sour Patch Kids
Favorite Hobbies: Fortnite, Basketball, Reading (Harry Potter/Percy Jackson), Spending time with family/girlfriend, Looking at shoes
Favorite Animal: Tiger
About: I'm from the Bay Area, specifically San Jose. I feel like I'm a simple creature. All I need for fun is a good TV show or movie, and perhaps some In-N-Out. When I'm at home and spending time with my siblings, that is our go-to. When I'm here in Irvine, I do the exact same thing, which I've been told is IPad kid behavior. I've found that I rotate between fast food restaurants when I'm here, and currently on my rotation, Raising Cane's is next up. While it is delicious, hopefully whoever ends up being my big could introduce me to some new places to eat so I do not get tired of my burgers and chicken. When I get the chance to, I love to read books, and I'm a sucker for the Percy Jackson or Harry Potter series. I think I've read each one over and over again about 8 times, and I'm about to rotate for a 9th. I'm always willing to try new TV shows or movies. I'm currently watching Percy Jackson and the Olympians with my girlfriend, who also got me hooked onto The Rookie, which is a super interesting cop drama show! Once I finish these shows, I'm going to lock in on watching Jujutsu Kaisen before the spoilers reach me. Aside from that, I'm honestly into any sort of shows or movies as long as there's action to keep me awake. For sports, I've played basketball all my life, but I'm always excited to learn a new sport to help me stay active! When I listen to music, I have a habit of listening to one song on repeat until I find something else I like. This happens so often that I ended up with the Ninjago Theme Song as number 1 on my Spotify Wrapped one year, which has to mean I have great taste in music. Usually when I do listen to music, I'm an average Katy Perry enjoyer and mostly listen to general pop music from people like Bruno Mars and The Weeknd. As for my other hobbies, I had a phase last year where I got into Fortnite, so I'm always ready to run squads. I also very much like Brawl Stars, so if you need a Bull for Brawl Ball, I'm your guy.
What are you looking for in your future Big/Little?: When looking for a big/little, I'm hoping for someone who I can crack jokes with. I've been told I'm not the most extroverted person, but with people I'm comfortable with I can be. I usually find I connect with my friends when we laugh at the same things, no matter how dumb they may be. Nevertheless, I'm going to form a strong connection with anyone I'm paired with, but being able to have a laugh with them is just an added bonus!
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nityarawal · 1 year
July 20, 2023
7-19-23 Testimony- Idyllwild State Park- Police report by Court Mandated Journalist/Reporter/Realtor/Mother/Lexus Owner
There was a pounding on bathroom door.
What's going on, I thought?
I just put in another $1 token!
"Hold on," I said, drying quickly and gathering my shampoo, conditioner and special skin regime- cut short in only 15 minutes!
"Is that your white car?" Dumb cop asked.
"Yes," I said.
"Is there a problem?"
I quickly got license in my car for him, locked doors; as he requested to run it.
I think he was blubbering lies that I didn't pay for state park shower.
This wasn't true.
I nearly asked him for a $4 refund. I was so miffed.
I showed him my "Golden Bear Pass," and he also immediately wanted to know if I had weapons in my car, clearly scared- after terrorizing me out of my women's shower room.
"Absolutely not!" I told him!
"Who issued this?" He said in disbelief confused by Green Golden Bear Pass. 
This was the 1000th+ case of a court officer taking collateral with a clerk doxxing my location since 2016 divorce.
(Joan Grandizio- my boss at Free Living sold me to Schmitt & Curtis in Jan & Carmel Benson sold me in 2020-21 handyman Dennis Sketchley & Dustin (Alex Grover) aka Shane Stewart Broker Militia w/ Clark attys & Judges since 2017!)
I had just spoke to traffic court manager Michelle for Judge Hodgekins that day.
I showed cop the notes in my journal and told him to call her if he has a problem with county's and courts 4 year timeline resolving my registration issues from officer Enoche's wrongful rental car arrest with fired Triple AAA tow-driver Daniel Crabtree of Idyllwild Garage; attempted murders, rape reports through IEHP corrupt insurance, Blue Shield; life insurance scam, Dr's and social workers probate foul play on my homes.
My accountant Amy arronson scammed me on tax returns with IRS & federal banking issues Ensued in Idyllwild with PNC Bank & BBVA.
It wasn't enough to fire manager Jerry Sue Haney. PNC lost my bank records from BBVA they bought executive managers claim.
Dumb cops asked if I wanted an ambulance for my skin condition- since he interrupted my shower! 
No- I told him it was due to Covid 19 officers 911 rapes! 
And divorce court bigotry bribes to resist a timely cooperation of respectful divorce dissolution. 
(He appeared to need an ambulance for his perversions though!)
"No- I'm not fine" I told him. "I just need dinner. My blood sugar is low & I have PTSD f/ this nonsense! Human needs!" I said knowingly & looked at his bleary eyes!
I was sweating like a pig- still hot from shower- dripping wet in my yoga clothes.
I explained that I had PTSD from similar officer abuse and that Enoche not only raped my sister Vanessa out of arrest; he bullied Jyoti on registration- AND stole my rental car with gay triple AAA driver (his casual gay lover?) Daniel Crabtree on a date at 54399 Valleyview Ave for Shane Stewart of Idyllwild Realty- before his property manager- Emily Pearson was murdered.
See receipts for payments through PNC disputes from BBVA & Wells Fargo/Amex/Fidelity fraud to IRS & Gonzalez Mexican harem of laborers and sex workers. 
Much of dramas posted on tumblr & Twitter as a journalist!
Daniel Crabtree got fired from Idyllwild Garage- that's not enough. I want to dispute all Lexus tows I did with him previously to desert & LA; he milked me for black market bribes as collateral w/ faggot Sheriff he admitted- a bigot of a gay man. 
Very racist and a mean mommy hater- like bosses Sheriff Bianco & Jeremy Parsons. 
Charge Carmel's boytoy cop officer Dan Godsnick for foul play attempting to steal my Lexus with Carmel Benson of Idyology and murders of Adrien Denava & Leslie Wiedner of Tollgate. Whistleblowing on every bribe!
Need commissions and liens put on Countryclub & Tollgate Idyllwild homes as well as Idyology & 1067 Neptune Encinitas/Aguanga/Anza. 
These are all PNC clients. 
Eric Berg and I want to file disputes for Tmobile cellular reception phone not working and rapes into hospitals with Verizon thru PNC.
We want to prosecute for Rapes & attempted murders through probate real estate fraud- now that courts have another recorded testimony- and police report co-penned by me- since your officers are illiterate to write tickets or read orders on substandard 6 month grooming organised crime edu.
Pigs are way too young for ownership of a gun to bully with.
I also told Officer Bill Sallyo to arrest Shane Stewart of Idyllwild Realty & gay accomplices in militia sheriff harem/employees/slaves/drs- with his morality Police enforcing a gay agenda as Marshall Law. 
If Sheriff has issue with 400+ Idy houseless they slummed against Gavin Newsom's orders in Covid- fix it. 
We were all affected by his murders and robberies of our property manager Emily Pearson at 54399 Valleyview; colleagues in Aguanga/Encinitas; neighbors; and landladies.
This is a national real estate civil emergency connected to cars, kids, dmv.org scams & general federal defense fraud.
I hope Sheriff- Ranger- Police (Pig Bill didn't seem to know what he was & gloated last two) took this Marshall Law suggestion seriously to heart.
Because, now Bill's license is on the line; a breed that works for a fast buck & kink.
As a realtor of 23 years we feel all State and County Park lands in America should be run, cleaned, and maintained by civilians. They are currently dirty, functionally obsolete and mismanaged for few patrons- losing state & civilians buckets of money! 
Civil servants failed constitutions. I had to warn several moms their showers might be interrupted by kinky officers. They looked worried sizing up the creepy cop.
Bill said he's a Ranger and showed off his weapons & 40 pounds of overstuffed toddler gear after banging on door claiming to be "police" for heart attack warfare effect later switching tine to ranger when I told him to get educated by his colleagues. False arrests and terrorism are a pet peeve I explained! Have Gavin send every civilian suffering courts Hardship their rightful benefits without stingy mean middle men agenting abuse!
Is Ranger Bill same fat scared officer that broke his ankle Stalking Me & Sage (Wolf Husky God-daughter) down Strawberry Creek to airbnb in 2019? 
Why have cops always terrorized Idy hikers and campers/traveller's?
Is it in their job description to be ignorant fat asses terrorizing mothers?
We'd like to prosecute every officer, clerk and judge to president- that broke Governor Newsom's covid 19 tenant and car rental, lemon laws, bank, real estate, and family laws; in organized federal crimes against #FreeBritney & I.
We don't hire our service men to steal, rape nor murder civilians.
Mahalo, Thanks, Merci & Grazia,
Peace USA,
Nitya Huntley Rawal 
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
Not to start drama or anything, but that "no animals are really blue" factoid is the dumbest, most pedantic crap and I wish everyone who has ever argued about it a very "please stop acting like other people are objectively wrong when they just aren't recognizing the arbitrary terminological nitpickery you have locked yourself into for no reason"
Some animals look like the color that they do because of pigmentation, some get their colors from reflective structures in the feathers/scales/etc themselves. This does not mean that only some animal colors are "real." That's just dumb.
A bluejay's feathers are not "tricking" you into thinking they're blue. If something reflects blue light and your eye perceives it, it's blue. That process I just described *IS* what color is. It's the relationship between specific wavelengths of light and your subjective ability to perceive them.
Like for one thing, your brain is "tricking" you into perceiving every color, because that's how perception works. No colors are "real." There isn't an elementary particle or fundamental force of "blue" or "red" or "orange." They are literally just words that describe the subjective experience of seeing different wavelengths of light. Your brain made all of this up. None of it is "real."
But a blue bird isn't "tricking" you by appearing blue to you even though it has no "blue" pigment because your vision doesn't detect pigments, it detects light, and a bird that "looks" blue is reflecting blue light. Your eyes don't sense chemical compounds that cause the reflection of specific wavelengths of light, they sense the light. By seeing a blue jay as blue, they're accurately sensing what they are made to sense. You are perceiving absolutely nothing that isn't "really" there.
Light can't "imitate" or "fake" being blue, because all "blue" means is a specific way that light is.
You could argue that animals that do have pigments aren't "really" the colors they are, and only structural color is "real" color. Like??? This is just the dumbest thing??
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 2 years
나야 나!
produce 101/idol au hcs
these r really rudimentary thoughts so . do what u will with them
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rin does Not give a fuck about fanservice. he’s the type of edgy contestant that stares at the camera and goes “watch me,” and his fans eat that shit up.
producers will be BEGGING this boy to smile and do some finger hearts at the camera, and he grimaces instead saying smth like “why do i need cheap tricks to show my skill as an entertainer?” MF UR ON AN IDOL SURVIVAL SHOW
otoya, on the other hand, lives to suck up to his fans. always stops in the middle of going from place to place to sign people’s banners, phones, fans, etc… it takes him forever to get from one place to another because of that
he also strikes me as the kind of guy who has all the tea abt everyone in the idol industry?? if u ever upset him, you better pray that otoya doesn’t call up blue lock’s version of dispatch the moment he gets a second alone. bllk! dispatch wld be out of business if it wasnt for him feeding them crumbs of idol drama 💀
bachira is the idol that’s constantly spamming social media. it’ll be 3 am in the morning, and everyone’s notifications are going ham because he’s posting shit like “my guts are baja blasting 🤪🤪🤪” while going through his post-taco bell poop.
at the same time though, he’s probably the one that’s the most “genuine” on camera? he does whatever he wants, so he doesn’t feel a need to fake a parasocial relationship with fans or craft a work persona. this is both a managerial nightmare and a dream-come-true, but we fuck w it here
i also think bachira wld be a dancer btw
nagi livestreams all his gaming sessions. sometimes he’ll set up an among us room to play with his fans (cough nct taeyong cough). he falls asleep all the time whenever he isn’t actively performing, so fans will sometimes play “where’s waldo” with nagi whenever another member is filming stuff backstage.
he’s also RIPPED so like people will sometimes ask him to show his abs and he’ll be like :X before yanking his shirt up. he doesn’t get why people ogle over him, but hey, it gets his bills paid so who is he to complain
karasu’s a rapper. i think the visual of him leaning back in his studio while working on songs is sooooooo hot. bonus points if we get pictures of his hands n stuff
ok i Know rin technically is the first place and leader of bllk eleven, but for some reason, karasu gives me leader vibes? he’s trying to round all the boys up while they’re doing dumb shit and hes standing there like 🧍 mamas i do not get paid enough for this
hiori joins nagi in on gaming. he livestreamed him dying his hair once. it was just him, god, and his truckload of fans in a cramped ass bathroom while he wrapped his head in foil and sat on top of the toilet.
he’s also the one that gets the brightass neon hair each comeback. u know the song’s abt to slap when hiori shows up looking like the froot loops mascot 🗿
chigiri’s sister won’t quit airing out chigiri’s dirty laundry, and it drives him insane. it also drives him crazy when people thirst after his sister. also i think his fancams wld go the most viral just bc he’s very pretty, and i think he’d be fairly reasonable with fanservice
although he does get pretty snappy sometimes, so it’s a delicate balance finding what he’s in the mood for. the hair stylists love dressing him up since he’s one of the less fussy members (thanks to how much his sister used to dress him up when he was younger)
one out of the two visuals of the group (the other being aryu)
aryu practices english with his fans! he’ll attempt interviews, posts, and livestreams entirely in english to learn, and he’ll do his best to correct his mistakes :) everyone’s very supportive of him, even when he’s rambling about his latest hair styling tips in broken english and bits of japanese
also because he’s so fucking tall, he solos everyone whenever those idol sports competitions come around. his long limbs are lethal, and people will thirstpost about him violently. he’s also very fashion-forward, so he collaborates often with the styling team about the group’s concepts and outfits!
ISAGI’S THE MEOWMEOW OF THE GROUP!! he’s trying his hardest and always delivers. he’s also down horrendous for whatever noel noa is as an idol, and he’s practically begging for a collaboration every other tweet. poor boy nearly shits his pants whenever he sees noa at an awards shows or other big events
i’d also love to see him star as an mc on music shows?? he gives off the perfect zealous yet cutesy vibes to pull that off. he’s the perfect level of awkward to be endearing, and he’s always invited back because of how polite and hardworking he is :] he also def has a lot of gap moe between his self as an absolutely fucking feral performer who rips up the stage versus him being Just A Dude offstage
reo was a trainee w nagi! he practices by doing covers of other idols’ works (im trying rlly hard to incorporate his chameleon thing into the idolverse ok), and he’s really touched when trainees do covers of his songs and dances too! it shows him how far he’s come :]
he ties his hair up a lot, so fans beg him constantly to put it down! id like to think nagi once caught him on a livestream fresh out of a shower w nothing but a towel around his waist, and people went fucking NUTS over 1) seeing reo half naked all drenched w water and 2) finally seeing him without his little bun
reo is also a dancer in my heart (i am never wrong btw <3)
omg cld u imagine all the cute names u cld give to barou’s fans? the king and his loyal kingdom :] people also wld kill to see his hair down and ungelled, but he doesn’t like it bc it feels unruly so there’s some beef between his management and him over that
he got wrestled into a maid outfit once, but people loved it so much it became a key moment for the group. he doesnt mind it as much as people thought he would, but definitely wld prefer to dress up in other costumes for once. barou’s also an extremely talented performer, often shining the most when he gets solo performances over group collaborative ones.
niko is literally junji from onlyoneof 🧍he also strikes me as the kind of guy to rock eboy fashion? he absolutely eats up any dark concepts!! he kinda detests cute concepts, but unlike rin (who’ll throw hands w his management), niko kinda learns to grin and bear it
niko also composes his own songs! he’s a very self-made idol, and he’ll treat his fans to a snippet of his latest project every now and then (this is me trying to incorporate his special skills but idol version pt 2)! he’ll lock himself in his room for days on end during off seasons to compose, only coming out to use the bathroom and eat at ungodly hours. other members sometimes drop by to bring him snacks and water
gagamaru’s a lil . unhinged to say the least . he does mukbang streams every once in a while, and it gives his management a stroke when it goes viral because he ate everything using his hands. he’s getting good at using utensils regularly, but hey, if his fans wanna see him stuffing his face in the way that makes him happiest, then who is he to upset them?
gagamaru also solos everything on idol sports shows. whenever he’s on one of those wilderness survival shows, he comes back out looking just the same as he did going in, if not better. he’s also so flexible that it drives every dancer in the industry green with jealous that they can’t control their body like he does. he’s still very sweet and humble though, so no one can really hate him since he’s just a big hunky goofball that does what he wants :]
ok fr tho yukimiya still keeps up with his modeling on the side (kinda hc to be a model-turned-idol), so he sneaks in a lot of his sponsors’ clothes into his idol outfits! those kpop fashion accounts are always scrambling to identify the clothes he’s wearing
he also has one hell of a gap between performing and being off stage, and he’s so goddamn charismatic that it feels like he’s a completely different person when he’s on stage. like he’ll be all smiley and sweet, and then he’ll go fucking feral just like isagi that it’s hard to believe he’s normally a soft-spoken gentleman whenever the cameras aren’t on him.
ok now that ive talked abt the bllk eleven, extra hcs of idol au bllk that werent part of the main team
aiku gets into so many dating scandals that they dont even feel like a scandal anymore. everyone wakes up and is like “oh this is who he was fucking w this time” and moves on. good for him ig? at least he’s free on that end
sendou gets nervous talking to girl groups. he’s also really generous w fanservice and does gravure photoshoot bc he knows what its like to be a fan of them. good for him good for him!! go feed ur fans!!
sae def placed first on a previous season of bllk produce 101, which got rin inspired to become an idol. imagine the tension at awards shows OOF 💀 or the questions people post abt the brothers potentially collaborating for a comeback. sae also hates fanservice, but he goes out of his way to shut that shit down
kaiser is kpop’s ace!! there is nothing this bitch can’t do! he also refuses to cover up his tattoo and shows it off whenever he gets the chance. talks about wanting to get more in the future, but his management’s successfully keeping him restrained… for now.
ness wld be disturbingly good at cute concepts… it’s crazy how easily he can get people to fall for him with his easygoing charm, but the second people start talking smack abt smth he likes, he turns murderous. it’s always the adorable ones you need to watch out for. sometimes fans admit to liking him more than kaiser which usually throws him for a loop.
speaking of concepts, shidou devours dark concepts too! i feel like he’d make one hell of a vocalist, and he’s constantly hounding sae for a collab together. even his regular clothes are striking enough to be confused for a stage outfit, and he takes a lot of pride in keeping up his demonic aura (even though he lives for the thrill of performing more than anything else)
kunigami gives off such husband material vibes. baby gets invited to shows where he babysits kids, cares for pets, etc and everyone just ends up falling more in love with him. he’s so respectful about turning people down too like goddamn how is this boy real
nanase is 100% the maknae of the group. bonus points if he originally came from a nugu group that rose to a fair amt of popularity, and now he’s starstruck that he gets to interact w idols that he looked up to for so long
ego def used to be an idol before retiring and becoming a manager/head honcho behind blue lock’s produce 101. he hates the artificiality of idols and pushes the boys to become their own version of what they expect an idol to be like. hes also insane in this au too
anri is one of the biggest managers of the produce project! she’s the one behind the scenes, setting everything up! the boys are extremely grateful towards her, and she even has her own dedicated fanbase!
tokimitsu has bad stage fright, and his fans do their best to support him! they encourage him to do what makes him comfortable, and he promises to work hard to not let them down. he has one of (if not, the) strongest bond with his fans, and their interactions are super wholesome.
buratsuta is like jyp. hope this makes sense <3
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check out this sick edit of bllk produce btw
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tomdutch · 2 years
I understand that what Sydney did was wrong and I no longer support her at all, but that gives you no fucking right to wish that she was dead. Wishing that upon someone is so fucking wrong no matter what they did. That makes you just as bad of a person as her. This is why our world is so fucked up, because of people like her and people like you. Have a great life.
shut your terminally online white ass up. her mother is celebrating her own birth by making its theme centred around a man who in his presidency created a literal muslim ban, locked latino families in cages, said and done the most horrifically racist and misogynistic shit & her dad was wearing a blue lives matter shirt to mock and admonish black lives matter, a movement made to protest the senseless mass murder of black americans by the pigs who’s job is supposed to be to protect them.
for you to compare ME wishing death on ppl who literally celebrate their birthday by celebrating ppl who want ppl like me DEAD and HAVE killed ppl like me and think you occupy any sort of moral high ground is literally racist you dumb piece of shit. this isn’t stupid tumblr drama where i’m fighting with another user and pull that shit on them, this is my muslim coloured ass wishing death on extremist white supremacists who are actively supporting and encouraging the horrors my ppl have to endure. you can go choke too. have a terrible fucking life you waste of space
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bohica160 · 3 years
Omegaverse - Denied Time Off
Another omegaverse? No way! When your boss is being a dick -_-
(Sorry for the reupload, I apparently made it a chat the first time?🤷‍♀️)
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗMinors gtfo, this isn't for youᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
CC: Alpha Chris, Fem omega reader, voyeurism(workplace)
Alpha Chris gets rather needy during his ruts. Sometimes they get very intense for the both of you, that it's in everyone's best interest that you both take the time off from work. A lot of companies are very lenient with allowing mated couples time off for heats and ruts. Obviously there are some cases that they will allow non-mated individuals time off. However for some reason when your boss found out your sweet loving boyfriend worked for BSAA, he started to treat you differently compared to others. Giving you a harder time from work load to requesting time off for important moments.
You knew Chris’s rut was going to happen any day now, and you figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask your boss for the week off. To no surprise, your boss barely let you finish before he said ‘no’. When you told Chris your boss needed you to come into work during his rut, on the outside he seemed a little annoyed but internally he was pissed. You figured you could call out a couple days saying you were sick, but you were worried how the remaining week will be for him when it hits. The next day was impossibly hard to leave for work with Chris standing behind you the whole time you got ready for work. Littering your neck with marks as he rubs his erect member against the plush of your ass. You were surprised you made it out with every piece of clothing on your person.
Once you walked into your cubicle, you noticed a pile of paperwork waiting for you on your desk. You could already tell by the stack, you would be coming home late. You sent Chris a quick text letting him know before you got to work. It was almost 11am, when you heard a few voices causing a commotion. You knew if you even dared to try to peek around a corner to see what it was, you knew it was best to stay out of office drama. It wasn't until a specific scent hit your nose. Right as you were about to get up from your seat, a big strong hand grabbed onto your forearm, pulling you up to stand. “Chris! What are you doing here?” You asked with a little hint of worry. You noticed his flushed cheeks and how his skin was glistening from the fluorescent lights. He quickly tugged you out of your work area and dragged you down the hall. The pheromones he was producing were causing some omegas to gather. A few were dumb enough to approach the two of you, causing the alpha to let out a warning growl baring his fangs, causing them all to shrink back and run away.
You didn't realize where he was taking you until he pulled you into a room and locked the door behind you. Noticing the bathroom stalls and sinks, you turned to ask him a question, only for him to seal your mouth with his. He backed you up against the counter, his big hands grabbing each cheek, lifting you up without breaking the kiss. He pulled back enough to pull off your shirt, attacking the bare skin with his lips and teeth. “C-chris, we can’t d-do this here.” Completely ignoring your protests, he unhooked your bra with one hand while he continued to trail down your skin. Sucking on the plush skin, spilling out from your bra. “Maybe if your fucking dick of a boss let you had some time off, we would be doing this at home instead of here”, he said with a groan, cupping your breasts, twisting your pebbled buds. Your sweet moans bounce off the walls.
You lean back, head thumping against the mirror as he latched his lips around one of your nipples. Bringing his free hand to the middle of your back, arching you more up into him. You cup his face pulling him up to face you, releasing your bud with a pop before devouring your pink swollen lips. Your tongues mingle against each other with passion and need, the alpha makes haste with his pants. The clinking of the metal buckle rings in your ear causing you to clench around nothing. You hook your legs around his, trying to pull him closer to you. He lets out a low chuckle against your lips before pulling away, “hmmm so eager, even though you didn’t want to do this here” “It's your fault” You respond with a pout with your eyebrows squeezed together. Giving you a smirk “Oh?” You hear a soft thud of his pants and belt hit the floor. “What exactly is my fault baby girl?” You lift up the edges of your skirt, bringing it to your mouth. Holding onto the fabric with your teeth, you flash him your lace panties. Closing your legs you swiftly slip them down before kicking them off. The alpha watches your every move as he slowly pumps his cock, smearing the beads of precum dripping down his slit. You back yourself further onto the counter putting your weight onto your arms as you lean back. Bringing your knees to your chest, resting your feet on the edge of the counter. Chris raises an eyebrow only for you to slowly open your legs giving the man a perfect view of your cunt. You can see his length twitch in his hand, letting out a long deep groan.
“Shit baby” he rasped, reaching forward with his unoccupied hand, using one of his thick digits to run up and down your soaked folds. “So fucking wet” He slowly inches his finger in. As your walls contract around his finger, he'd bury it deeper and deeper into your warm cunt. He curls his finger up, rubbing the rough pad against that soft spongy spot that has you trying to close your legs, only for him to release himself, to hold your legs still.
You let out a small whine, as he withdraws from your heated core. He laps up your slick dripping down his hand, letting out a hum of content. “Sorry baby girl”, he said, fisting himself as he lined himself up to your entrance. “I’d love to play with you more but,” He pushes himself in slowly, only giving you the tip at first. You let out a whine and try moving your hips forward, but his grip on your hips, have you in place. He pulls back just a bit and sinks a bit further each time. “I need to fuck this sweet pussy of yours.” With that last word, he snaps his hips into yours in one swift motion, pulling the most pornagraphic moan from your lips.
Each time his length twitches, your walls tighten around him. This vicious cycle continues until he starts rolling his hips into you at an agonizing slow speed. You wrap your arms around his neck pulling him closer, nipping on his ear. His hips start to pick up pace, with each graze of your teeth. His grunts cause the muscles in your pelvis to flutter and turn into jello. He moves his hands to your ass, squeezing each cheek as he lifts you up just enough to press your bundle of nerves against his abdomen. “F-fuck” you choke out as he continues to lift and drop you on his cock like you weigh absolutely nothing. “That’s it baby”, He grunts through clenched teeth. “You like getting fucked at work?” You squeeze your eyes shut as you clench around him. “You do, don’t you?” Your eyes shoot open as you shake your head. “You sure? Seems like you want everyone to hear you.” Right as you were about to say something, he drops you on his shaft as he thrusts up. You let out a cry as he presses up against your cervix. Head falling back as your legs wrap tightly around him. Your slick drips down his full balls, pooling below the two of you.
“S-shit. You okay angel?” You nod your head slowly bringing your head back forward, looking at his blue lust filled eyes. Releasing your grasp around his neck, you lean back putting your arms behind you to steady your upper body. You languidly roll your hips into his, fucking yourself on his cock. He stills, watching you bury his length deep into your core. He waits a moment before thrusting into you in time with yours. Your mouth hangs open, feeling the crown of his member abuse your spongy spot. Chris could feel the heat pool in his pelvic floors, heartbeat speeding up as he felt himself soon coming to his release. Your slick gummy walls flutter sporadically around him, the tension building up in your lower belly. “Gonna cum all over this fat cock?” He asks with a smirk. You respond nodding ra[idly. Chris pauses his thrusts only for you to quickly look up at him with confusion and annoyance. “Say it.” You search his face only seeing his sly smirk and playful gaze. You were at your wits end, you were so close, and the longer you waited the less pressure you felt in your abdomen. “Say it or I-” “Please! Please let me cream all over your fat cock! I want to be filled up with your thick cum! Plea-” Chris honestly wasn’t expecting that much of a reaction from you, but goddamn he didn’t think it was possible to get any harder.
With a flip of a switch Chris began to thrust into you frantically. His eyes drank in every inch of your body, from the way your tits bounced with every erratic thrust. To how your eyes rolled into the back of your head with a fucked out look plastered on your face blubbering complete nonsense. The tension in your abdomen was becoming unbearable, needing one more push to send you over the edge. “Shit, shit shit!” Chris felt the heat explode throughout his lower body, as he gave one hard thrust deep into your heat. As you felt your alphas cock spasm inside of you, shooting his warm thick cum up against the narrow end of your cunt, the strain of pressure inside you finally broke. As your cunt tried to milk every last drop of him, Chris began to hump into you, muscles pressing firmly on your clit. You threw your head back, “Fuck Chris!” you kept chanting as the contact to your pearl pushed you deeper into ecstasy. You swore you could feel your nails dig into the ceramic countertop.
Once Chris came down from his high, he pulled you into him, littering your face with soft sweet kisses, bringing you back down to Earth. Once you regained composure, you buried your face into his clammy neck. “Can we go home?” You asked barely above a whisper into his skin. He hummed in response, kissing your crown. He quickly dressed the two of you before he gathered you in his arms bridal style. When the two of you made it out of the bathroom, your boss was standing outside with a few other coworkers. Chris walked up to the man towering over him. His blue eyes glaring at him. “Deny her time off again, and I’ll keep fucking her here. Understood” You boss kept his gaze down at the floor, shaking his head as if his life depended on it. His scent flooded the place, making the place stink of fear. Chris turned to leave, “Don’t let it happen again” He called out, not bothering to look behind him.
(ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚°˖✧.*:・ Tag list:@thatgoblin
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