#dumb fandom stuff
mossyshrum · 1 year
Analysis Of Why Fanon Creek Sucks
The fandom portrayal of Creek, as well as Tweek and Craig on their own, makes me really angry. I don’t understand why people choose to be in a fandom, get invested in the characters and the content, but then make the choice to butcher their personalities.
This will tackle the aspects of their relationship and them as characters simultaneously, since it goes a little hand in hand; misrepresenting their relationship also means misrepresenting their personalities.
You can disagree with me, because people see characters differently, but this is based off of my own observations and opinions. I will stand by this unapologetically, and you can pry this from my cold and dead hands.
People really love making gay relationships (be that WLW or MLM) fall into gendered stereotypes. While they can, and certainly do, it does not fit Tweek and Craig. People tend to always want to shove one character into the helpless, wimpy, and annoyingly submissive role, whilst their partner is some toxic, dominant alpha male. This bothers me for many reasons, because Tweek and Craig are complex characters. They can’t, and shouldn’t, be dumbed down to such simple traits. Craig and Tweek are human and humans are complicated.
Craig always falls into the “alpha” category. He’s controlling, cold, and borderline abusive in every way possible. Tweek is always his bitch, for lack of any other comparison, unable to defend himself and constantly relying on Craig. He’s molded into a crybaby that can’t do anything on his own and can’t throw a punch or anything of the sort.
The issue comes forth when you compare this to their canon relationship.
Tweek relies on Craig, yes, but not to the extent people make it out to be. Craig provides him support and unconditional love no matter what, and Tweek does the same. Craig has never been shown to be cruel to Tweek intentionally, or ever really; the closest we’ve gotten to that was the episode with the Buddha Box and the time he tried to dumb down Tweek’s anxieties with logic. I guess TFBW could kind of apply here, but that was honestly just petty relationship drama between two little kids. Yeah, friendly reminder: they are TEN. Everyone makes mistakes, children especially. Craig has never treated Tweek like garbage, although a lot of people seem to think that, since more fan works than I’d like to admit portray him that way.
Craig in general is a bit of an asshole at times, yeah, but literally who isn’t in this show? Be honest. And don’t say Butters, we’ve all seen some of the shit he does.
(This next paragraph will be going in line with how I see Craig as autistic coded, so skip past it if that’s not your cup of tea !! <3) Treating Craig like he’s an emotionless, apathetic monster because of how he acts rubs me the wrong way, and it always has. He has a lot of traits of someone on the autism spectrum when it comes to handling other people’s feelings, because we’ve seen him try to dispel Tweek’s anxieties with logic numerous times, which is something I and many other autistic individuals do. He doesn’t really understand or empathize with how Tweek felt at first, but once Tweek explained that, no, logic won’t help or soothe me, Craig just changed his tactics and listened, instead. He’s doing his best to assist, because he loves and cares about Tweek, but he wasn’t doing it right at first because he just didn’t get it. That doesn’t make him an asshole, that doesn’t make him a sociopath, and that doesn’t make him an abusive partner. He was trying and he still is.
As for Tweek, GOD - where do I even begin with how people portray him?
A lot of fans apparently saw Tweek and only took away the anxious and paranoid side of him. They snatched this up, combined it with the typical traits of romanticized anxiety, made him a defenseless crybaby, and called it a day! And I hate it. Tweek isn’t... at all how a lot of people make him seem. He’s shown to be aggressive, and protective, and LOUD!! He’s not quiet and submissive in the slightest. His tics (the vocal ones mostly, obviously) are part of the main reason he’s loud, but he’s also just... a loud person in general. When he freaks out, he doesn’t do it silently; he starts screaming and running in circles because the president made another dumb tweet and now they’re all going to die because North Korea hates them so he’d better go tell Craig because their doom is impending and all-encompassing and inescapable. He sent Craig to the hospital after their fight, like he beat his ASS, he doesn’t need Craig to defend him and treat him like a toddler.
I’ve seen quite a few people also ignore his tics. For whatever reason, they act like they’re nonexistent. It shouldn’t just be erased from his character. People think that taking away his tics is an instant fix for his mental illness and that’s so wrong??? That isn’t how that works. Removing his tics doesn’t take away the underlying and constant anxiety he has. It feels like they only do this to make him more “normal”, less alienated. They just write it out because they don’t understand his tics and how they work/affect him.
Why do people do this?
To circle back to the first point I made at the beginning of this post, I think that the butchering of their personalities stems from the inherent need to confine relationships to a box: there has to be one person who is more protective and dominant and one person who can’t do anything for themself. They can’t write a relationship unless it’s like that, because maybe that’s all they’ve seen, or maybe they’ve never been in a relationship, or maybe they don’t understand same-gendered relationships (even though they are no different than heterosexual relationships....) Creek isn’t like that, and it never will be, and it never has been.
A lot of actual published books - coughs gags Colleen Hoover - show relationships like this, and I think it’s ruined a lot of people when it comes to writing and understanding dynamics between characters. The material that they learned from had nothing but weirdly sexually abusive Andrew Tate-esque men and a meek little woman paired off and now it’s all that they know and understand. The popularization of literature like this really needs to stop, not only because of my dumb little South Park-inspired rant, but because it’s teaching a concerning amount of people that relationships like this are healthy and normal when they are anything but. If there’s anything you want to add or talk about, don’t be shy!
Anyway, thanks for coming to my YouTube channel gang. Be sure to subscribe and SMASH that like button!!!!!! 3 am challenge soon
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l3viat8an · 7 months
MC: I've been meaning to ask you something.
Barbatos: Go on.
Barbatos: Only if I concentrate.
MC: Can you read my mind-
MC & Barbatos:…..
MC: Oh, fuck-
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sodamnbored · 2 months
Jason, jumping back aboard: So turns out the Legion wasn’t so thrilled about me teaming up with a bunch of Greeks and their warship.
Leo, going for the controls: Guess we’d better vamoose then.
Jason, anxiously: Can you hurry it up? The Legion are coming with everything they’ve got. Even the War Elephant.
Leo: You’re gonna have to hold them off while I get us mobile.
Jason, when the projectiles start flying: How am I meant to do that?!
Leo, harried: Bribe them. Blackmail them. Seduce them! - Have I taught you nothing??
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gh0stsblogs · 5 months
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young Tobs n EJ
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vind3miat0r · 2 months
"my child is fine!" your child listens to fictional auditory men comfort them in order to feel validated and loved
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royalarchivist · 4 months
[Immediately after Fit brutally roasted a chatter for being a filthy metagamer]
Dono: You became my comfort streamer. It has been great here.
Fit: Oh, thank you so much, thank you thank you thank you. I'm glad I can bring you comfort when I insult the sht out of some chatters, I'm glad I can comfort you. That's right!
Fit: People say I'm nice, no, I'm not nice. I'm polite. Mostly. There's a difference between being nice and being polite, I am polite. I am polite.
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soup-of-the-daisies · 1 month
i know this has been talked about to death already, but the way such a large part of the fandom characterises the marauders feels so mean spirited like- what do you mean they can barely tolerate each other? what do mean remus is always annoyed and exasperated what do you mean peter’s not part of the group what do you mean james is all sunshine and no substance what do you mean sirius’ existence warrants an apology in and of itself?
legit it’s just. idc if your incorrect quotes are just jokes, they make it look like the marauders are barely acquaintances who don’t even genuinely get along most of the time. if these supposed ‘best friends’ of whom half are supposedly soulmates don’t even seem to they like each other, why do you still claim they’re an iconic friend group??
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ros-garden · 8 months
This is what happens when Mammon has to babysit Luke-
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relaxxattack · 2 years
finding good homestuck fanart and then realizing it was posted in 2012-15 by a long since deactivated blog is like you just picked up a child’s handmade doll out of an ancient wreckage. abruptly confronted with death and beauty and innocence all at once
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chaifootsteps · 23 days
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That feeling when you want to "own the haters" so badly that you pester SVA About it and then doxx yourself like an idiot.
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navree · 1 year
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oedipus killed his dad and fucked his mom. polynices and eteocles killed each other because they wanted to be king. agammemnon was ordered to sacrifice his own daughter. clytemnestra killed an innocent woman and ill-treated her children for years afterwards. orestes was goaded by elektra into murdering their mother. achilles murdered hector and desecrated his body. medea murdered a shitton of people including her own children.
one of the main draws of greek tragedies is that there aren't bright lines of "good" and "evil", it's about human people with flaws that exacerbate the situations they're in and lead to devastating consequences. oedipus's hotheadedness, medea's mild sociopathy, polynices and eteocles's lust for power, achilles and clytemnestra's rage, the tyranny and indifference of the gods themselves. that is what makes the greek tragedy so incredibly compelling even thousands of years after they were written, and why some of the great tragedies from later eras (shakespeare's tragedies, american canon tragedies like death of a salesman or the crucible) are still so inspired by that fundamental "the characters are flawed and those flaws are their downfalls regardless of inherent good or evil within them" type of storytelling.
and if you've been studying and analyzing greek texts and are not in fact just talking out of your ass for twitter points about the dragon incest show and you genuinely think that greek tragedies have clear cut "good guys" and "bad guys" then you are two steps away from being brain dead and i'm shocked you're allowed online access without adult supervision. also idk how to tell you that ancient greece was in fact quite misogynistic soooooooooooo. but i think op is just stupid.
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gobstoppr · 3 months
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transmaskmetaknight -> GOBSTOPPR
wanted a change of pace. the word gobstopper has been bouncing around in my head lately
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l3viat8an · 7 months
Solomon: *T-posing in the kitchen doorway at the demon lords castle* Greetings, Barbatos!
Barbatos:*Not looking up from his morning tea* Good morning, problem child.
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sodamnbored · 13 days
Jason: Alright, ready to power through this paperwork?
Reyna: Sorry, I have to run. Got a doctors appointment.
Jason, concerned: Oh no. What’s wrong with you?
Reyna: Nothing. It’s just my annual checkup.
Reyna, on second thought: When did you last have one of those?
Jason: Never. I have never been to the doctor.
Reyna: Well that can’t be smart.
Jason, shrugging: Pssh. I am the picture of health.
Jason, grimacing: *every bone in his body popping as he stands up*
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cobaltfluff · 1 year
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"Being in the snow with my lover like this immerses me in a special feeling. I like it."
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vind3miat0r · 1 month
with d(a)emons and empowered humans being connected by having a d(a)emon coalesce when an empowered human is born, wouldnt it be funny if Gavin and Freelancer or Avior and Starlight were connected bc one was created due to the other—
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