#dumbs <333
beverlycrushr · 2 years
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The Golden Spoon 금수저 (2022) · Episode 11
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l3viat8an · 16 days
MC: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are actually my clothes. So don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt now.
Mammon: Alright, but when I come struttin’ in with your fuzzy pink socks on I don't want to hear any shit from you.
MC:*grinning* I’d love to see you in my fuzzy pink socks!
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happi-dreams · 14 days
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Lil doodle comic before I go to schoooll
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bizarrelittlemew · 4 months
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is it though? 🤔
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zootzezy · 3 months
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out with the old .
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clairabow · 2 years
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Steve whenever Dustin says anything:
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cinnbar-bun · 5 months
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New icon!! I commissioned @themetalhiro for my persona/SI with a silly and smol Croc~. (He’s not being forced to become a marketable plushie shhhhhh-)
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ectoplasmer · 1 year
you guys ever grab your f/o’s face and just *forehead kiss* *forehead kiss* *forehead kiss* *forehea
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dark1k · 1 year
connor: i accidentally forget to go into stasis for weeks at a time, sometimes i think i'm stupid
markus: don't worry, i do that all the time
connor: forget to go into stasis?
markus: think you're stupid
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puppbun · 1 year
do you like queers? femboys? TRANS* femboys? what about naked trans femboys??
Good. You have taste.
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dragonstar2568 · 8 months
Draco :(fell asleep with his head in his arms on his desk)
Harry : (holding a book to block the sun from hitting Draco’s face)
Ron :(leaning back on his chair) oohhhhhh man, you got it bad mate.
Harry :(flustered)(whispering) w-what are you taking about?! We’re just friends!!!! And be quiet!!
Ron :(lightly whispering) ohh, so your boyyyfriend doesn’t wake up???…And I thought you said you two were enemies?
Harry :(whispering) Because we are !!!
Ron :(louder whispering) dude!!! your literally holding up a book so the sun doesn’t get in his eyes ?!!!??
Draco : (lightly stir’s because of the noise)
Harry :(whispering) shhhhh!!! and, so what !!! I would do it for anyone. it’s called being polite!!!
Ron :(unimpressed)(whispering) I fell asleep in class yesterday and you hit me with a book to wake me up so I wouldn’t “miss the class”.
Harry :(loud whispering) hey!!! I didn’t hit, I lightly tapped !! And it was professor Snape’s class!!!
Ron : We’re in his class right now !!!!
Snape : Quiet !
Harry and Ron : (quickly looks back to the front) Sorry sir !!!
(For the rest of the class Harry still holds the book so Draco can sleep,..iiiin till Draco starts to wake up at the end of class that is, Hey, he still has to play his part at being enemies!! not cuz he’s scared Dray will find out about his feelings….hahahaaaa(And if he took extra notes, well that’s his business))
(And, Snape, definitely didn’t let it happen because he knows his “son” hasn’t been sleeping and might have a crush on the chosen one…. sooo he definitely didn’t change the seating chart earlier this year, so they sat next to each other. Because that would mean he cares and he doesn’t care !!!…at all !!,..and if there just so happens to be project that calls for partners later this week well it’s just coincidence)
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dekusleftsock · 8 months
When the situationship is so bad y’all can’t fucking hold hands
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l3viat8an · 23 days
MC: Careful now. If you keep being sweet, I'll start thinking you're in love with me.
Solomon: What could I have possibly done to make you think I'm not??
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aranciu · 1 year
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he's teddy fucking lobo
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cry-ba-bys · 9 days
I just took the cutest nudes ever!!! Need tranny perverts to jerk off over themmmmmm NOWWWW
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bri-cheeses · 6 months
The Skittles Finding Out About Rosekiller Pt. 3:
(Part 2 is here)
Barty and Evan are sitting on the couch in the common room when Regulus approaches them. The fact that they’re sitting in each other’s personal space despite the other side of the couch being perfectly empty does not escape Regulus. Nor does the fact that Evan is nestled into Barty’s side, held there by Barty’s arm, which is slung around Evan’s shoulders. They’re talking, Evan’s head turned up towards Barty, their faces only mere inches apart. All in all, the overall effect is one that screams the impression that they are not simply friends.
And at this point, Regulus has had more than enough of these mind games, and he’s fed up with it.
So he walks around the back of the couch, into their line of sight, and plops down aggressively on one of the armchairs that is in front of them. He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees, and massages his forehead with an exasperated expression.
Barty, an empath, senses something is wrong, so he asks Regulus what’s up.
And Regulus looks up at the both of them with a desperate and slightly frazzled expression on his face, then shoots a questioning glance at Dorcas, who is sitting in the armchair opposite of him. She gives him a slight nod, and Regulus turns back to face Barty and Evan.
He takes a deep breath before saying, “You know, I didn’t really want to do this, since I hoped that it would eventually just be obvious. But I have been so confused for the last three weeks, and so I’m left with no other choice but to ask you guys straight out.”
He hesitates, but then sees that Barty has absentmindedly started stroking Evan’s arm with his fingers as he listens to what Regulus is saying, and it’s the final straw for Regulus. His next sentence comes out lacking the usual finesse of one raised in the House of Black when he blurts out, “Please just clear it up for me, are you guys dating, fucking, or literally just friends?”
And Dorcas nods vigorously to show that she shares the sentiment, while Pandora just listens to the whole exchange with a somewhat carefree but slightly intrigued attitude, all while knitting something that vaguely resembles a scarf.
And Barty and Evan glance at each other in confusion, before looking back at Regulus. And Barty says, “We thought we told you? We’ve been together since the beginning January.”
And then they act as if they’re just about to go on with their lives without saying anything more, but Regulus and Dorcas aren’t just about to let it go that easily. So Dorcas says—after digesting this new information for a second—“Seriously? It’s May, you guys. That’s five months that you’ve left the three of us in the dark on this, and now you just casually drop this information on us, then expect us to move on just like that?”
At this, Evan shoots a confused glance at Pandora, saying, “But I know that I told you, Panda. I remember, it was when we were in the woods in that one clearing with the fairies. Why didn’t you just tell Reg and Cas?”
“Oh,” she replies, “I figured you guys would’ve told them if you had wanted them to know. It wasn’t my place to say,” she says simply, before going back to knitting.
Regulus blinks. “That’s. . . that’s actually pretty good reasoning,” he admits reluctantly. “But wait a minute. Barty, didn’t you have multiple girlfriends all throughout January?”
At this, Evan groans and tucks his face into Barty’s chest. Barty’s face turns red in embarrassment as he says, “Yeah, well, it was, uh, complicated. To say the least.”
Evan then says something unintelligible into Barty’s chest, which causes Regulus to say, somewhat sarcastically, “What was that, Evan?”
Evan emerges, shooting a glare at Regulus, before saying, “By “complicated,” Barty means that we were sleeping together on a regular basis, but it still wasn’t enough for him to realize that he wanted to actually date me. He just thought that it meant that he found me to be really hot. Isn’t that right, Barty dear?”
“Shut up,” Barty whines, “I was confused. And I am sorry, you know. Besides, you did agree to it in the first place!”
“Yeah, because that’s all I thought I was ever going to get!”
His expression softens when he sees Barty’s hurt expression, though, raising a hand to brush Barty’s hair out of his face. “But we figured it out, didn’t we?” He asks, with a slight smile on his face.
“Yeah,” Barty smiles back dreamily, “we did.”
“Oh Merlin,” Regulus says, startling Barty and Evan out of their own little world. “You two are disgustingly sappy. I have no clue how I didn’t realize you guys were dating. And how did I completely miss all of this drama?”
“You didn’t, at least not fully,” Evan assures him. “Remember the first week of February when Barty and I didn’t talk to each other at all? And you guys thought it was because Barty slept the girl I liked? Well you were right about the fact that I was mad that Barty slept with her, just not because I liked her.”
Dorcas suddenly gasps, then says with a shocked tone, “And that time that I walked into your dorm, and you pushed Barty off of your bed really fast, and your guys’ faces were all red, it wasn’t really because you were having a pillow fight, was it?!”
Barty winces at that. “Actually… we were having a pillow fight. That time, at least. Not that we didn’t use that excuse later on Regulus.”
Regulus makes a disgusted face. “Ugh. I did not need to know that.”
Evan laughs at that. “Seriously though, how did you not guess? Why would we be having a pillow fight with our shirts off?”
Regulus looks taken aback. “I… I didn’t think about it. You guys are two of my best friends, so that’s not my first thought when I see something like that. Especially when you tell me otherwise.”
He levels a glare at them, causing Barty to start to apologize. “Look, we’re sorry. We really thought we’d told you! It’s just that—”
“No, no,” Regulus cuts him off. “It’s fine. I’m just expecting to hear everything later, okay?”
Barty raises an eyebrow at him. “Everything? You sure about that?”
“Most things,” Regulus clarifies. “Not all.”
“That’s what I thought.”
The conversation dies out, and Barty and Evan go back to talking about how to master the charm that Flitwick taught them about that day, and Pandora occasionally chips in with advice since Charms is her best subject. Regulus pulls out a poetry book, and Dorcas starts to study Quidditch plays.
This lasts for a while, until Evan suddenly sits up and says, “Wait a minute, Regulus, Barty and I literally sleep in the same bed every single night. And you’re seriously telling me that you didn’t realize?”
“Shut up!” Regulus says, and finally everything is cleared up between all of them, and the group dynamic goes back to the way it was before all this happened.
With some exceptions of course, as Barty and Evan are, in fact, still dating.
And that, my friends, is one of my headcanons for how the rest of the skittles learned about Rosekiller :)
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