#eating disorder nos
autumnbell32 · 2 years
You can not be collecting disability benefits and still have a fucking disability.
Having a lot of trouble getting past that. Why am I somehow wrong for considering the mental illness I have dealt with for 2/3 of my life a disability and for feeling that it has, oftenfuckingtimes, disabled me!? Sure there are times when I am higher functioning, but there have also been countless times when I couldn't convince myself to get out of bed to drink water...months worth of time spent sitting on hospital units dissociating and feeling hopeless. I cannot believe I even care enough to still want to discuss this with this person- I know what this has been like, I know what it has stolen, I know how much it interferes with my daily life from the moment I open my eyes to the moment I close them. I will also not entertain any type of invalidation from ANYONE just because I function well at times.
At the end of the day, it isn't worth the fight. It hurts that someone I love feels this way about me, but I feel this inner peace knowing that what they think about this particular subject does not matter and that they are wrong.
"I don't think you are disabled....if you are you need to get on disability." The words ring in my head like a judgmental church bell.
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soleillady · 4 months
Explicando abreviações e nomes usados na comunidade de ED
Sei que muitas pessoas estão chegando aqui na comunidade, então apesar de existir vários posts como esse, eu decidi fazer mais um, assim pode ter mais alguma informação ou chegar em mais pessoas que estejam com dúvidas.
Vamos lá! ↓ 💖
ED: Eating Disorder (transtorno alimentar)
T.A.: transtorno alimentar
Ana: apelido para anorexia
Mia: apelido para bulimia
LF: significa LOW FOOD (pouca comida), pode ser usado para dizer que vai comer pouco no dia, semana etc.
NF: significa NO FOOD (sem comida), é um jejum, e cada um faz esse jejum por um tempo determinado por si mesmo ou por alguma dieta, mas façam NF com moderação, pq pode ser bem perigoso.
MI: significa META INICIAL, é a sua primeira meta, aquele peso que você sonha em chegar mas ainda não é o ideal, o meu é 52kg por exemplo. Você pode ter várias dessas antes da meta final.
MF: significa META FINAL, é a sua meta de peso, aquele peso ideal para você, por exemplo, a minha é 45kg.
PI: significa PESO INICIAL, é o seu peso de quando você entrou nesse mundo, o meu por exemplo era entre 50kg e 52kg. Mas caso você tenha entrado em recovery ou algo assim, você pode usar o peso inicial desse recomeço, o meu seria 54,90kg.
PA: significa PESO ATUAL, é literalmente o seu peso atual, e você vai atualizando ao longo do tempo quando você for perdendo (ou ganhando) peso. O meu por exemplo é 53,95kg
Omad: significa ONE MEAL A DAY (uma refeição por dia). É tipo uma dieta, você só come uma refeição no dia, pode ser em qualquer horário que eu saiba e você coloca o seu limite de calorias.
MEALSPO: é como se fosse uma refeição inspiradora, se vc jogar isso no pinterest vc vai encontrar pratos com comidas limpas ou algo 0kcal por exemplo.
MEANSPO: é aquilo que te incentiva a continuar lutando pelo sonho de ser magra mas que é agressivo, tipo uma pessoa mandando você fechar a boca pois está enorme etc.
THINSPO: é uma inspiração de corpo, cada pessoa tem uma ou várias, eu por exemplo tenho várias idols de Kpop como inspiração, sendo a Wonyoung do IVE a mais famosa.
Comer limpo: acho que talvez não tenham dúvidas sobre isso, mas significa você comer saudável, comer frutas, legumes e verduras. Comer sujo seria um fast food.
0kcal: significa ter 0 calorias. Os mais ingeridos são as bebidas, como os refrigerantes zero, chás, cafés, mas existem outras bebidas 0kcal também. A água é 0kcal também e faz SUPER bem.
Miar: vem de Mia (bulimia), e significa v0mit4r. Um dos sintomas da bulimia é se punir por ter comido.
Purgar: é a punição que alguns fazem após comer, pode ser v0mit4ndo, pode ser por aut0mutilação, pode ser por uso de laxantes ou diuréticos. Não sei se o termo Miar se encaixa em se punir, mas acho que é só para v0mit4r (me corrijam se estiver errado).
Intake: significa ingestão. É usado para se referir a quantidade de calorias que você consumiu durante o dia.
Recovery: é a recuperação de um transtornado, ele está tentando deixar de ser transtornado, normalmente com a ajuda de terapia, da família, amigos entre outros.
EDNOS: significa Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified (traduzindo mais ou menos: tanstornos alimentares não especificados). É quando uma pessoa possivelmente tem um transtorno mas ele não se encaixa em só um, a pessoa pode ter características da anorexia e vigorexia juntas por exemplo.
Compulsão alimentar: é o ato de comer compulsivamente, comer até lixo se for possível, não confundam com 4 docinhos que vocês comeram depois do almoço sem querer, isso é descontrole. Compulsão é muito mais sério, por isso é um transtorno também.
Platô: conhecido como efeito platô, é quando o seu peso simplesmente fica parado, ele congela, você não ganha peso e não perde peso. Por exemplo, eu to presa nos 53kg 🥴. Uma salvação é fazer a dieta zig-zag.
Bônus: dieta zig-zag consiste em em comer quantidades variadas de calorias durante um tempo, até vc sair do efeito platô. Para saber mais vcs podem acessar o perfil do @lucca-strangee, ele explica tudo direitinho lá 💖
LEMBRETE: Não se comparem com outras pessoas, quase todo mundo aqui não é realmente diagnosticado, então não se sintam mal caso vocês não sejam super magros e super transtornados que nem fulano q é assim e é super focado. Viver assim é muito difícil, mas depois de um tempo vira rotina. Não é legal, mas a cabeça de quem passa por isso também não é legal. Eu por exemplo já não ligo mais, a vida nem faz sentido e eu n consigo controlar nada, mas o meu peso eu tenho que conseguir controlar. É importante lembrar que isso é uma doença e que existem vários transtornos, mas normalmente os principais são a anorexia, bulimia e compulsão alimentar. Aqui quase todo mundo trata como um diário, conta inclusive as partes ruins, então n ache q é maneiro viver assim, a gente sabe que é uma doença, mas querendo ou não, isso vira "tipo" um estilo de vida.
CURIOSIDADE: o termo "borboletana" mistura borboleta com Ana (anorexia). Ana pois é o transtorno, e borboleta pois é um símbolo famoso entres as pessoas da comunidade (antes você é a lagarta, ao longo do processo de emagrecer você vai para a etapa do casulo, e quando você finalmente chega na sua meta você se torna uma linda borboleta). É um termo antigo que eu nem sei se é usado ainda pq hoje em dia os outros transtornos são mais reconhecidos e ter T.A. não se resume mais em ser anoréxico.
Juntei várias dúvidas gerais e algumas que eu tinha. Espero ter ajudado, podem me corrigir caso haja algum erro. Força para nós e boa sorte pra quem chegou agora. Amo vocês 💖
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it-is-only-a-novel · 4 months
Neurodivergent: a list
A list of those who are included under the "neurodivergent" label.
Applied Neurodiversity
Dissociative disorders
Depersonalization-derealization disorder (DpDr)
Dissociative amnesia
Dissociative identity disorder (DID)
Other specified dissociative disorder (OSDD)
Unspecified dissociative disorder
Eating disorders:
Anorexia nervosa
Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID)
Binge-eating disorder
Bullimia nervosa
Mental illnesses:
Delusional disorder
Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD)
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Personality Disorders:
Cluster A:
Paranoid personality disorder
Schizoid personality disorder
Schizotypal personality disorder
Cluster B:
Antisocial personality disorder
Borderline personality disorder (BPD)
Histrionic personality disorder (HPD)
Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)
Cluster C:
Avoidant personality disorder
Dependent personality disorder
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
Personality change due to another medical condition
Personality disorder not otherwise specified (PD-NOS)
personality disorder trait specified (PD-TS)
Tic disorder
Chronic motor or vocal tic disorder
Tourette syndrome
Transient tic disorder
Acquired Brain Injuries (ABI)
Angelmans Syndrome
Auditory processing disorder
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Body integrity identity disorder (BIID)
Bipolar disorder
Depersonalization-derealization disorder (DPDR)
Down syndrome
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)
Fragile X syndrome
Intellectual disability
Irlen Syndrome
Meares-Irlen Syndrome
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
Obsessive love disorder (OLD)
Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections (PANDAS)
Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS)
Savant Syndrome
Williams Syndrome/Williams Beuren Syndrome
This is by no means a full list.
If you: see that I'm missing something, or
want me to rephrase something, or
have a resource to share, or
have a suggestion for organizing the list
please let me know in the comments/rebloggs.
I'm autistic and I love making lists. I also hope it may help spread awareness about neurodivergent people!
I am not an expert. But I do believe that we should be careful to include people in the neurodivergent umbrella. We are stronger together.
Updated: 9/2/24
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0kyocals · 1 month
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Um guia completo para anas que acabaram de entrar na comunidade ! tw. Anorexia. Por favor Não leia se não for da comunidade!
Índice: dicas ; dicionário ; BMI'S ; comunidades ; tags ; 'spos ; chaves
Dicas !
Pelo amor de deus, comece devagar. Não comece um NF de 78 horas nos seus primeiros dias. Comece com uma dieta básica e fácil (exemplo: 1000kcals), então vá diminuindo até você se acostumar.
Evite ver fotos de comida! Elas só causam mais descontrole.
Procure saber seu peso ideal e seu bmi, não vá perdendo peso aleatoriamente.
Não se force mais do que você consegue aguentar. Se você fez um NF de 5 horas e comeu, está tudo bem. Você vai se acostumar aos poucos, não apresse o tempo.
Ao invés de no foods, tente o OMAD. Na minha opinião, ele é bem melhor. Diminui o descontrole bastante.
Porém, não seja idiota. Não faça um OMAD tipo, pipoca ou junkfoods. Coma algo saudável e nutritivo que te ajude a manter o foco e não comer mais.
Dicionário !!!
Ana: a Ana é o apelido de anorexia/anorexica. Exemplo: você é uma Ana. Eu sou uma Ana.
Junkfood: besteira/bobagem. Comidas tipo pipoca, chocolate, pizza, hamburger e etc.
OMAD: one meal a day. Uma comida em um dia. Nessa dieta, você só pode almoçar/jantar. Só se pode comer uma coisa.
NF: No food. É uma dieta onde você não come absolutamente nada.
BMI/IMC: É o chamado Índice de Massa Corpórea (IMC). O IMC é uma classificação adotada pela Organização Mundial da Saúde para avaliar o estado nutricional de um indivíduo, e por meio dele é possível identificar situações de risco para a saúde.
Edtwt: Ed twitter. As Anas do twitter.
Ed: eating disorder. Transtorno alimentar. (Também chamado de T.A)
edtumblr: comunidade anoréxica do tumblr.
Thread: fio. É tipo isso que eu estou escrevendo agora. Um fio te dando dicas/te explicando. Existem vários tipos de fios. Maioria pode ser achada no edtwt.
UGW: ultimate goal weight. O melhor peso que você quer/poderia chegar.
GW: basicamente a mesma coisa. Exemplo: meu GW é pesar 38, mas meu UGW é pesar 36.
SW: start weight. O peso que você começou.
HW: highest weight. Seu maior peso.
CW: current weight. O peso que você está agora.
Exemplo ; meu UGW é 36. Meu HW foi 49. meu SW foi 49. Meu CW é 43. meu GW é 40.
Um breve exemplo;
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o IMC normal de uma ana é <17.9.
Pro Ana: elas são as Anas mais "profissionais". As que já fazem nfs mais longos e são bem, bem mais restritas (elas foram a única que eu lembrei KKKk)
#garotos(as) bonitos(as) não comem.
#ana e mia
#t.a Brasil
#t.a Br
#ed br
#ed brasil
Aqui você achará o edtumblr português. A minoria fala inglês ou outros idiomas. Se você quer ir para o público anorexico brasileiro, use essas tags acima.
#tw ana diary
#tw restrictive diet
#ed not Ed sheeran
Já aqui você poderá achar pessoas que falam outras linguas.
Thin inspo. Inspiração fina. Você achará fotos de pessoas magras que te motivaram a continuar tentando. Você não tem esse sonho de ser delicada como essas fotos?
Ideias de comidas com poucas calorias para você!!
O contrário do de cima. Você achará fotos de pessoas acima do peso que também te motivaram a continuar tentando. Você não quer ficar assim, quer?
Pessoas nojentas, comendo de jeito nojento. Eu garanto que irá tirar sua fome. Pelo menos espero. Ewww!
A 'spo mais famosa do edtumblr/twt! Aqui você verá pessoas sendo 'rude'. É mais pesado, então não vá lá se não tiver coração para isso. Exemplo: lá você verá pessoas te humilhando por comer, por ser acima do peso, e por falhar. É estranho mas ajuda muito.
Já aqui, verá pessoas sendo gentis com você. O contrario da acima. Te motivaram a continuar de maneira gentil.
Quer achar fotos no Pinterest, mas tem a censura chata de transtorno alimentar? Tá aqui !!
Pesquise thìnspó para achar fotos lá. Infelizmente, censuraram as thinspos. Coloque acento no I e O.
Use mealspó para achar suas comidas. Tambem censuraram mealspo lá. Coloque acento no O.
Use fatspó para achar fotos como essa.
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É sua escolha. Coloque acento no O.
Use meanspó para achar frases como "junkfood que você quer a 10minutos ou o corpo que você quer a anos?"
Use édtwt para achar várias coisas relacionadas com a comunidade. Acento no E.
Minhas thinspos favoritas achadas no Pinterest + a coisa que mais me motiva !!
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(queima 600 calorias ! 15 Flexões, 1 minuto wall sit, 30 abdominais, 100 Polichinelos, 25 agachamentos, 60 afundos, 15 flexões, 100 polichinelos, 1 wall sit, 60 afundos, 30 abdominais, 25 agachamentos, 40 polichinelos, 25 agachamentos.)
Minha maior motivação é isso.
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Isso. É a gordura dentro de você. É horroroso, é grotesco, é nojento. Você não quer isso dentro de você, quer?
*nossa gente levou MUITO tempo pra escrever isso ksksksks.
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kyojurismo · 11 months
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→ you must be 17+ to follow me as i produce and interact with nsfw content.
→ i keep my inbox always open, but if you want to send a request check if i’m accepting them first or else i will delete them ( nothing personal guys ).
→ don’t follow me if you’re lgbtphobic, racist, ableist, terf or invalidate non-binary ppl and misgender others for fun. i don’t tolerate any kind of hate towards me and my followers, so i won’t hesitate to block you.
→ i age up characters if needed, so don’t follow me if you’re against it and don’t send hate comments about it.
→ pls don’t spam my inbox & dms as i easily get anxious, i try my best to answer as quick as possible so all i ask in return is respect.
→ i’m shy and really awkward most of the time, but i enjoy interacting and sharing opinions w others, so you can hit my inbox whenever you like !! i’d like to make a couple of friends here hehe.
DEMON SLAYER: kamaboko squad | the hashira ( including kanae ) | yoriichi tsugikuni | muzan kibutsuji | upper moons ( except kaigaku ) | enmu | kyogai | lady tamayo | yushiro | hinatsuru, makio & suma uzui | koyuki | dilfs edition?
INUYASHA: inuyasha | kagome higurashi | sango | miroku | sesshomaru | kikyo
JUJUTSU KAISEN: yuji itadori | megumi fushiguro | nobara kugisaki | maki zenin | toge inumaki | yuta okkotsu | noritoshi kamo | satoru gojo | suguru geto | nanami kento | toji fushiguro | ryomen sukuna | choso
MY HERO ACADEMIA: izuku midoriya | katsuki bakugo | shoto todoroki | eijiro kirishima | ochaco uraraka | denki kaminari | tsuyu asui | kyoka jiro | fumikage tokoyami | tamaki amajiki | hitoshi shinso | shota aizawa ( eraser head ) | nemuri kayama ( midnight ) | emi fukukado ( ms. joke ) | keigo takami ( hawks ) | rumi usagiyama ( mirko ) | yu takeyama ( mt. lady ) | kaina tsutsumi ( lady nagant ) | toya todoroki ( dabi ) | himiko toga | atsuhiro sako ( mr. compress )
SPYxFAMILY: loid forger | yor forger
★﹒YES & NOs
I WRITE: fluff | angst | hurt | comfort | smut | female, male & gender neutral readers | modern au | dom!reader | yandere | child!reader | headcanons | short & long fics
I DON’T WRITE: non-con | incest | pedophilia & big age gaps | specific reader ( unless it’s from an emergency request & i feel like i’m able to write for it ) | bullying & abuse from the characters | a/b/o au | eating disorders | suicide
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jacobelgordi · 5 months
mi vieja es full anamiacore disordered eating almond mom asi que nunca nos cocinaba frito entonces ahora si me hago una milanesa frita a la noche a la mañana tengo que desayunar uvasal por el orto como el de las speed congeladas. no se cual es la lección si igual llegan a los 26 asi o peor por mas que coman para el orto no es necesariamente xq soy debil de estómago. fin¿
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autumnbell32 · 1 year
Kimbra – Save Me (Acoustic) | Glasshaus Presents
had a reaction during trauma work in therapy that really surprised me.  she asked me, “if i could enter the scene and give my child version what she needed, what would that be?” i told her i was scared to enter the scene- even the adult version of myself was scared of the screaming man in the corner...too scared to make it to the child sitting in the chair.  she reassured me the man couldn’t harm us, he was frozen.  my adult self walked towards the chair and knelt down, looking the child in the eyes.  but that was as far as i got.  as i was sitting on the couch in the therapist’s office, i started sobbing, my feet turned inwards towards each other, my fists balled up, i made myself smaller.  my therapist teared up and told me that i carry all this hurt around most of the time, and im only going to get better by being with that child, taking the child somewhere where she is safe.
i have trouble helping that child almost every day, and when i do try i choose ways that end up harming us both.  i don’t react to that child as a capable adult, i react to her as if i am another child- of course a child would offer her sweets, hiding places, pretend play.  i can’t be mad at myself for that, or strongarm myself into doing something else- it takes time, patience, constant self-reminders.  getting better looks like being a caretaker for myself.  getting better looks like not letting people continue to do to me what was done to me as a child.  getting better looks like not continuing to do to myself what was done to me as a child.
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List of Monoma fanons/headcanons so far mentioned in the mod-chat
° His favourite shape is the Pentagon/Pentagram
° He has ADHD/ADD of some kind
° He is Filipino
° He was the theatre kid who would dress in a David Bowie costume for Halloween
° He has pseudobulbar affect or NOS-Mood disorder
° He might have OCD
° He listens to all of Micheal Jackson's songs
° His favourite was Thrilled before he heard Man in the Mirror
° He can footwork
° He has hypermobility in 90% of his body, he once used it to freak out Bondo (he only bent his knees backward 🙄)
° Dude has to have either Sensory Processing Disorder or Tactile defensiveness disorder
°He has silted speech, use to have selective mutism
° He's an atheist
° He once did calculus for fun, but got bored when he could solve almost every problem
° His room is a mess, he has a pile of abandoned hobbies and projects
° He might have Bipolar disorder
° Him, Ojiro, Tsundori and Tetsutetsu are actually good friends
° He will eat anything at any time, but ends up forgetting to (just like Shoji)
° He has some form of black and white thinking
° He is impulsive but smart
° When the palms of his hand get wet, they slightly spiky like a mix between toothbrush bristles and a cat's tongue
° He is the braincell of the Ojirena (Ojiro arena/his group of friends)
° He came up with the name Ojirena as a joke but everybody liked the name
° Him and Ojiro have debates over Shinsou's morality
° Boredom is his middle name (he is bored all the time)
° He collects rocks and stamps in his free time
° The biggest reason Vlyad is like a father figure to him is because his dad dead when he was really young.
° Him and Tsundori are the epitome of younger brother slightly older Sister vibes
° He wins in Monopoly so often that class-1b banned it as a game option for a while
° He used to have a "THAT GIRL" aesthetic in grammar school
° He now has a mix between Preppy style and Japan's Ouji style.
° When Tokoyami told him that he is technically an alt-kid, Monoma visibly winced.
°Him and Jirou are both music kids who were parentified at a young age
° Monoma at least once, listened to Forever Drunk by PRC peach, Bleach Blonde Baby by Poppy and Runaway by Mars Argo
° He has 4 dogs, they all have names starting with M, the names are Mutsumi, Masato, Mutya and Marì
And for the final one I can find so far:
°His parents are both Filipino immigrants, they moved when he was around 3 years old; however he still go over to the Philippines to visit his Lolas and Lolos
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xpositivepsych4kidsx · 10 months
How to Know if Your Child is Autistic? ASD: Common Signs and Symptoms and Presentation Levels
(ASD) Autism Spectrum Disorder, alternatively, ASC: Autism Spectrum Conditions, is an umbrella term that includes a range of developmental and neurological conditions with signs, symptoms, and severities of varying ranges. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health for Health Care Providers (DSM-5), which acts as an “Authoritative Guide to the Diagnosis of Mental Disorders,” (American Psychiatric Association, 2023), they list the following symptoms to occur most commonly in the majority of individuals on the spectrum:
Difficulty with communication and interactions with other people
Restricted Interests and Repetitive Behavior 
Symptoms that affect the individual's ability to function appropriately in school, work, and other aspects of life
__Quick Facts:___________________
1 in 100 individuals are affected by Autistic Disorder (World Health Organization, 2023); Males are 3.8 times more likely than Females to be diagnosed with Autism (National Institute of Mental Health, 2023).
1.7 in 100,000 individuals are affected by Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD) (National Autistic Society, 2022); Males are 8 times more likely than Females to be diagnosed with CDD (National Library of Medicine, 2012). 
30 in 10,000 individuals are affected by Pervasive Developmental Disorder – not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS);  (Fombonne, 591-598 2009)
1 in 75 individuals are diagnosedAsperger Syndrome; Males are 3-4 times more likely than Females to be diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome (Nationwide Children's Hospital, 2023). 
1 in 36 people are diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (Center of Disease Control, 2023)
Autism Spectrum Conditions exist across all gender, race, and ethnic groups. It can be screened for, in some cases, as early as 18 months but is commonly discovered around 2-4 years of age. In addition, many physicians recommend that children be screened by a pediatrician at milestone ages to monitor their development. Furthermore, at critical ages, children should be monitored specifically for Autism Spectrum Conditions. The CDC offers a Developmental Milestone Checklist on their website for parents to use for early detection. According to the CDC, Early Signs and Symptoms Include: “ Social Communication/Interactions
Avoids or does not keep eye contact
Does not respond to name by 9 months of age
Does not show facial expressions like happy, sad, angry, and surprised by 9 months of age
Does not play simple interactive games like pat-a-cake by 12 months of age
Uses few or no gestures by 12 months of age (for example, does not wave goodbye)
Does not share interests with others by 15 months of age (for example, shows you an object that they like)
Does not point to show you something interesting by 18 months of age
Does not notice when others are hurt or upset by 24 months of age
Does not notice other children and join them in play by 36 months of age
Does not pretend to be something else, like a teacher or superhero, during play by 48 months of age
Does not sing, dance, or act for you by 60 months of age
Restrictive/Repetitive Behaviors and Interests
Lines up toys or other objects and gets upset when order is changed
Repeats words or phrases over and over (called echolalia)
Plays with toys the same way every time
Is focused on parts of objects (for example, wheels)
Gets upset by minor changes
Has obsessive interests
Must follow certain routines
Flaps hands, rocks body, or spins self in circles
Has unusual reactions to the way things sound, smell, taste, look, or feel
Other Symptoms 
Delayed language skills
Delayed movement skills
Delayed cognitive or learning skills
Hyperactive, impulsive, and/or inattentive behavior
Epilepsy or seizure disorder
Unusual eating and sleeping habits
Gastrointestinal issues (for example, constipation)
Unusual mood or emotional reactions
Anxiety, stress, or excessive worry
Lack of fear or more fear than expected
It is important to note that children with ASD may not have all or any of the behaviors listed as examples here.”
A physician can help parents identify which, if any, condition their child is affected by. Common treatments include behavioral therapy: psychotherapy, cognitive and dialectical behavior therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, medication, or a variety of other holistic methods. 
All individuals on the spectrum will have an array of different strengths and challenges that impact their life and, consequently, gift them unique experiences. This severity can be measured on a leveling system of 1 to 3 that ranges from ‘requiring support’ to ‘requiring very substantial support.’ Oftentimes, individuals diagnosed with lower levels of ASC are referred to as “high-functioning” and/or “masked” individuals. This is because it is often remarked that those with ‘mild-ASD’ can pass for neurotypical or awkward children. It is for this very reason that, in some cases, people are diagnosed when they are adults or not at all.
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Autism Spectrum Disorders. In Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). 
“Apa PsycNet.” American Psychological Association, psycnet.apa.org/record/2013-14907-000. Accessed 29 June 2023. 
Asperger Syndrome - Statpearls - NCBI Bookshelf, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK557548/ Accessed 29 June 2023. 
“Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).” National Institute of Mental Health, www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/autism-spectrum-disorder-asd#:~:text=ASD%20is%203.8%20times%20as,all%20racial%20and%20ethnic%20groups. Accessed 29 June 2023. 
“Autism Spectrum Disorder.” National Institute of Mental Health, www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/autism-spectrum-disorders-asd. Accessed 28 June 2023. 
Charan, Sri Hari. “Childhood Disintegrative Disorder.” Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences, Jan. 2012, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3401658/#:~:text=This%20loss%20usually%20takes%20place,8%20boys%20to%201%20girl. 
Fombonne, E. Epidemiology of Pervasive Developmental Disorders. Pediatr Res 65, 591–598 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1203/PDR.0b013e31819e7203 Accessed 28 June 2023.
“Frequently Asked Questions.” Psychiatry.Org - Frequently Asked Questions, www.psychiatry.org/psychiatrists/practice/dsm/frequently-asked-questions#:~:text=The%20Diagnostic%20and%20Statistical%20Manual,criteria%20for%20diagnosing%20mental%20disorders Accessed 29 June 2023.
“Signs and Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorders.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 28 Mar. 2022, www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/signs.html
“What Is Autism?” Autism Speaks, www.autismspeaks.org/what-autism. Accessed 28 June 2023. 
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All About Alice
Trigger Warnings: Death, bullying, and homophobia.
Basic Information
Full Name: Alice Lyn Kingsleigh
Nickname(s): N/A
Age: 25
Date of Birth: March 30th
Hometown: London, England
Current Location: Evermore, USA
Ethnicity: White
Nationality: British
Culture: UK
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She / Her
Orientation: Pan/Polysexual/romantic
Occupation: Burlesque Dancer/Waitress at Wonderland
Living Arrangements: Apartment
Language(s) Spoken: English, French
Accent: “Proper/Posh” British
Religion and Beliefs: Alice is a bit agnostic. She was raised Presbyterian, but never bought into it. It all sounded like a story to her, as do most other religions. Who is she to say who got the story of the literal universe correct?
Political Affiliation: Liberal
Social Issues: Alice believes in equality for all, and will fight for it when any opportunity arises.
Physical Appearance
Face Claim: Virginia Gardner
Complexion: Clear skin
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5′7
Weight: 130 lbs
Build: Slim
Tattoos: Splatterings of flowers under her breasts, along her ribcage, down her shoulders/arms, and down her hips. Lavender on her middle finger on her left hand. 
Piercings: Basic ear piercings as well as more unusual ear piercings. 
Scars: Alice has some scars on her hands, elbows, and knees from accidents when she was younger and would try to explore. They’re fairly minor and mostly healed. 
Common Hairstyle: Mostly Alice just let’s her hair do what it’s going to do. She runs a brush through it and just leaves it however it is, which isn’t exactly crazy, but it’s definitely a natural wavy, full head of hair. Occasionally she’ll straighten or curl it, and might even wear a braid or some ribbons in her hair, but that’s mostly if she’s getting dressed up for an event or something similar.
Clothing Style: Quirky. Alice likes clothes that speak. (I could say that’s metaphorical, but Alice really does feel like she hears things speaking to her sometimes, so.) Anything that’s considered alternative or different or out-of-date calls to Alice. Basically, she has a unique sense of fashion made up from random finds in thrift shops and the like.
Mannerisms: Alice tucks her hair behind her ears a lot. It’s just sort of a quirk, she’s always trying to get her hair out of her face. She’s also restless, so her leg will bounce if she’s sitting still for too long.
Usual Expression: Curious and tentatively optimistic!
Overall (do they get sick easily?): Alice is actually pretty healthy. She only gets really sick maybe once a year. Other than that, she just has pretty bad seasonal allergies that can sometimes develop into colds or sinus infections.
Physical Ailments: N/A
Neurological Conditions: Alice has Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, and it is likely she has NOS (Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified) as well.
Allergies: Seasonal weather allergies
Sleeping Habits: Alice can fall asleep literally any time, anywhere. It’s been a problem in the past - falling asleep during lessons or in the car - and can still sometimes cause trouble to this day. Alice loves her sleep, and so she loves to nap. She just has such a hard time waking up. She never feels fully rested. 
Grooming Habits: She takes good care of herself. She loves sleep, she loves bathing, and she enjoys painting her nails when she has the time and patience for it. Alice doesn’t go out of her way to participate in skin-care or go beyond what is necessary to stay clean, though.
Eating Habits: Not only is Alice a picky eater, but she also eats like a bird. She has never had a particularly large appetite, and her mother always yelled at her for “playing with her food.” (Okay, so half of the time in her mother’s defense, Alice was literally playing with her food.)
Exercise Habits: Alice likes to bike! It’s her most frequent form of exercise, since she doesn’t go out of her way to use a gym or anything.
Emotional Stability: Ask, and Alice will tell you very sternly that she is perfectly normal and emotionally stable, thank you very much. The truth is, however, she is anything but. Below any positive emotion, there is always a layer of brimming anxiety, threatening to push her into a polar opposite emotion. She tries to keep level-headed because she hates being labeled as “crazy,” but when she snaps, she snaps big.
Sociability: Alice is naturally curious, so she’s very sociable. She thinks that everyone is interesting in their own light, and everyone has a story to tell. And she wants to hear them all!
Body Temperature: She gets cold easily, and loves to bundle up.
Addictions: Easily addicted to alcohol and other substances once exposed, though she currently has no specific addictions.
Drug Use: Marijuana, the occasional opioid
Alcohol Use: She drinks to excess whenever she has the excuse to.
Archetype: The Explorer/The Activist  
Positive Traits: Creative, curious, sensitive, unique
Negative Traits: Guarded, stubborn, flighty, distracted
Good Habits: Taking care of things around the house; going to sleep at the same time every night
Bad Habits: Sleeping too much, not eating enough, not cleaning her room or things often enough
Goals/Desires: Alice honestly just wants to live life and see where she ends up, she doesn’t really strive for anything in particular other than to make friends and be happy. Her biggest goal right now is to change how people are being treated at Wonderland.
Weakness: Her emotions.
Fears/Phobias: People thinking she’s crazy, being thrown into an asylum or mental institution, etc
Secrets: That she was briefly institutionalized after her parents death. 
Regrets: Alice regrets being at a protest the night her parents died.
Proud Of: Her strength to keep trudging on after all she’s been through
Embarrassed By: Her toothy grin, her occasional clumsiness.
Attitude: Curious and realistic. She hopes for the best, but expects the worst in most situations.
Pet Peeves: Arrogance, mistreatment of others, lying
Inner Conflicts: Working for Reina, mainly. Wanting to explore but being trapped in Evermore. 
Motivation: To be happy and normal, but an interesting enough person. To save others from injustice.
Hobbies: Reading, writing, baking, partying, adventure, etc.
Talents/Skills: Alice doesn’t really think she’s a good writer because she just kind of let’s her hands take over, but she is actually pretty good. She is a very skilled and knowledgeable lock-picker.
Intelligence: Alice is book-smart, having grown up with knowledge at her fingertips and a need to learn things beyond school curriculum.
Driving Style: Awful. Don’t let her on the roads, she’ll get you killed.
Favorites, Likes, and Dislikes
Weather: Alice honestly tries to make the most out of any weather, but she does love herself a beautiful, semi-cloudy afternoon.
Color: Yellow, Blue
Music: Indie, electropop, edm
Movies: She can’t sit still long enough to watch them, honestly
TV Shows: She really likes cartoons?? Adult and children shows alike; she likes shows like American Dad but also Adventure Time, for example
Books: Action/adventure or fantasy books are her go-tos!
Magazines: She finds magazines cliche and ridiculous, tbh
Sport: She doesn’t play any, though she’ll watch things like Rugby or Roller Derby for entertainment
Beverage: Tea, tea, and more tea
Food: She’s a big fan of sandwiches and pastries
Animals: Cats and rodents (i.e: hamsters, mice, gerbils, etc)
Quote: “One of the biggest lies we are told is that art has to be pretty and that it has to mean something. Sometimes art’s purpose is just being. It is alright if that is your purpose too.”
School Subject: History
Possession: Her father’s pocket-watch.
Websites: Instagram, TikTok
Favorite Toy or Game: Growing up she used to always love to play hide and seek. It was her absolute favorite - especially when no one knew she was playing. She liked it when people found her and seemed worried, even if it was only temporary and they got angry afterwards. Alice has also always been very good at chess as well as card games.
Father: Thomas Kingsleigh  [DECEASED]
Mother: Samantha Kingsleigh [DECEASED]
Father’s Occupation: Owner and CEO of Ascot Trading Industries
Mother’s Occupation: Homemaker
Siblings: One older sister
Birth Order: Youngest
Children: None
Other Close Family: None
Pet: A cat named Dinah
Family’s Financial Status: Extremely Wealthy
Relationship With Family: Alice loved her father, and was very much a “Daddy’s Girl.” She missed him when he was away on long trips and always ran into his arms when he returned, sucking up as much time with him as she could before he had to leave again. Her relationship with her mother was far more strained, as her mother was always nit-picking everything about her and coming down on her too harshly. 
Home Life During Childhood: As a child, Alice got picked on a lot by her peers. Mostly, Alice remembers being alone quite a lot, and feeling awfully lonely.
Bedroom Through The Years: Alice’s bedroom in her family home has always been the same. Very pristine with elegant furnishings and little personal decor. When she turned ten, however, she got to pick out new bedding, and chose a fluffy white duvet with blue and yellow flowers sprawled all over it, and matching pillows. Her bedroom in her current apartment is much more personal. Plants and artwork everywhere, lots of books and journals, little trinkets, etc. It’s very light and cozy.
Best Memory: She has a vivid memory of her family taking her on a picnic when she was very, very little. They were in a field of flowers, and her mother read to Alice and her father while they ate and made commentary here and there.
Worst Memory: The death of her parents.
Type of Student: Alice is extremely easily distracted, but with the right teacher (or the most strict) she was very focused and did well.
Extra Curricular Activities: Theatre
Best Subject: History
Worst Subject: Math
Popular or Loner: Loner. Even before Alice begun getting home-schooled, she was bullied and harassed a lot by her peers for being a bit odd.
Schooling: Graduated from home schooling, graduated from Kingston University London.
Current Details and Relationships:
Town: Evermore, USA
Home: Apartment
Neighborhood: Apartment Complex
Car: None, but she has a bike!
Love Life: Impulsive and sporadic.
Best Friends: TBD
Other Friends: TBD
Enemies: Reina Amador
Past Lovers: Ronald: A boy Alice was foolish enough to snog at a party when she was sixteen and very drunk, and continued to fool around with for about a year and a half. He took her virginity and Alice was very certain she might have loved him. However, he broke up with her when a rumor started circulating that she was a “lesbo,” which grossed him out, and he verbally attacked her. They got into a fight, which ended with her having to be pulled off of him because she was scratching at his face. Elizabeth: Not really a past lover, but Elizabeth is a girl that Alice found herself growing close to at the same parties during which she met Ronald. They would get drunk, dance together, and always found themselves collapsed somewhere laughing by the end of the night if Alice wasn’t with Ron. She could swear she felt sparks with Elizabeth, and that their chemistry was almost tangible. But one night when she was drunk, Alice tried to kiss her, and Elizabeth promptly flipped her lid. She slapped Alice in the face and called her a “freak” and a “lesbo” before running off to tell everyone Alice had tried to force herself on her.
Zodiac Sign: Aires
Enneagram: 4w3, The Individualist/Aristocrat
Temperament: Sanguine
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
Primary Vice: Lust
Primary Virtue: Humility
Element: Fire
Dream Career: Undecided
Dream Life: Happy and healthy, and loved, somewhere cozy and safe.
Important Events: -TBD
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diaryofaschizoid · 2 years
Diagnostic history
Heey everyone,
I wanted to give a brief summary of the diagnostic processes I went through, and the disorders I was either officially or self-diagnosed with. If people are interested in reading about this more, I can go into more detail in the future.
At 6 years old I was first diagnosed. After my brother was diagnosed with ADHD and PDD-NOS, my parents thought I should also get tested. The verdict: I had ADD, based on my behaviour in early childhood. I was always the quiet child, withdrawn, shy, I would rather play alone and read books instead of being active or playing with other kids. Additionally, I had problems concentrating, and seemed to be mentally absent (due to daydreaming) a lot. I have identified with having ADD all my life, and have been medicated (Ritalin) since 6 years old, with a 4 year break between 18-22.
In the course of my teenage years I self-diagnosed: long-term Depression, an Eating Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder and Body Dysmorphic Disorder.
2 years ago I decided to get back on my ADD medication. I was experiencing chronic fatigue, no ability to concentrate, and the ever increasing intensity of my university programme was impossible to keep up with. The psychiartist who got me back on my medication then suggested I might have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), for which I was then tested and officially diagnosed with. ASD seemed to fit me at the time. It gave me much needed explanations of my behaviour, which provided me with great relief. However, after 6 months of having this diagnosis, really thinking it through, I seriously started to doubt this diagnosis. I realised I do NOT experience difficulty in understanding neurotypical behaviour, social cues, norms and rules, making friends, engaging in small talk (although I try to avoid it at all costs), seeing things from another's perspective, etc. Because of this I was fairly certain ASD did not fit me at all.
Reading the book The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel van der Kolk, I realised most of the symptoms of ADD and ASD actually show immense overlap with the symptoms and outcomes of (childhood) trauma. A few examples: Hypersensitive sensory processing, decreased ability to concentrate, being shy, withdrawn, not liking social contact and thus wanting to be alone, clinging to safe routines, places, people, and activities, stimming, avoiding eye contact, etcetera.
This made me realise most of my symptoms and 'disordered' behaviour could be explained by trauma, both childhood neglect and traumatic experiences throughout my lifespan. Turns out I was not very wrong thinking this.
Only a few weeks ago I stumbled upon personality disorders, having a gut feeling when I saw a video about Avoidant Personality Disorder, thinking that it sounded like something I could be experiencing. However, with APD the avoidance of social contact is out of fear, not by choice or lack of interest. I do sometimes experience overwhelming fear of (high stakes) social contact, I can and do force myself to actually go through with it. Therefore APD did not fit me either.
The next video I watched was about Schizoid Personality Disorder. And, oh boy, that one hit me hard. It felt as if all the puzzle pieces, of me and how I experience life, that never fit or made sense, finally fell into place. I spent the next few researching the disorder, from Wikipedia, to YouTube videos of Schizoids describing their experiences, to psychologists explaining the disorder.
It was a complete revelation. A moment of complete recognition and reflection of my truest self. It was a very emotional experience as well, and I cried for a while.
Last week I finally forced myself to see a GP again, and brought up suspecting SzPD and wanting to get a diagnosis and perhaps undergoing treatment. I was referred and am awaiting further contact. The current waitlist is around 9 months, so this could take a while. I will keep everyone on here updated about the process.
If you have continued to read my story this far, you are a champ, thanks! xD
I would like to conclude with a brief comment on some Schizoid's opnions and beliefs that SzPD is not a disorder and that it should not be treated / it is a way of life. I suppose I hugely agree with this. Most of my symptoms do not really bother me, I love being alone, do not feel a need to emotionally connect with people, and am generally alright with all of this. It is not technically a disorder at all, when it causes the affected person no significant distress. Nonetheless, life outcomes for people with SzPD are extremely low, which is an extremely depressing reality. I personally often experience life as if I'm watching it all go by from the sidelines. I see others have happy and healthy social relationships, I see them pursue a wide variety of (fun) experiences, getting good jobs, and so forth. I myself, however, mostly fantasize about doing or having these things. I excitedly prepare myself to pick up a hobby, or to go to a job interview, or start a friendship, but can barely see myself keeping up with any of it due to a complete lack of motivation. I am terrified of never being capable of having a relationship with someone, of not being able to hold a steady job and supporting myself financially, of slowly wasting away my entire life stuck in dissociation and an elaborate fantasy life.
This is why I wish to seek out professional help. I recognize and respect the fact that not all Schizoids want or need help, and are perfectly capable of living their life the way they always have, and do not expect them to seek treatment. I believe it should always be an individual's personal decision.
Take care, and thanks for hearing me out <3
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Hi! I go by Lydia. Suspecting I have a dissociative disorder. Seeking a professional opinion.
I’ve been officially diagnosed with GAD, Persistent Depressive Disorder/Major Depressive Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, ADHD, and Eating Disorder NOS. Bipolar has been mentioned but not officially diagnosed due to lack of time with the last psychiatrist I saw.
Body is 28, but I feel more like 21 most days.
I figured I’d make a post of some variety to introduce myself, feel free to reach out! I’m very shy but sometimes I answer messages. 👾
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gaystay · 1 year
Hi everybody! Y'all can call me Admin or A if you like, I use she/they (though mostly they) pronouns, and I'm 18! As I already posted, I'm taking asks right now for fics. If you're interested, please see my previous post for the list of fandoms I write for! However, there are some rules for this blog.
Firstly, please be respectful! I will not hesitate to block any users disrespect myself or anyone who interacts, or anyone who pushes me to write stuff I'm not comfortable with. This brings me to a short list of no-nos.
Topics I don't write: self harm/suicidal ideation, eating disorder, abuse, rape.
Kinks I don't write: cnc, dubcon, piss kink, foot fetish, age play (pet names/nicknames are ok, just dont ask me to write about a significant age difference or anything even close to pedophilia).
If you have a request and aren't sure if it falls into one of these categories, don't be shy to ask!
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fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
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In order to request you have to be 18+, please no minors!
Please be kind, and mindful in your requests!
A request could take me any time to complete from one week to two months. Please don't be demanding.
Whenever I receive a request, I always make a post with the tag selenes lovely requests so you can make sure if I have accepted it or not! I also have a wips page that I update regularly.
Remember a reblog/comment telling me you liked the way I wrote your request goes a long way. A writer can only feed on feedback.
My masterlist contains all the characters I write for. And my future characters list is about characters I would love to write about. Feel free to choose any or combine two or more people. Ask me for a character you're interested in and is not listed.
All my fics will be written x reader. I write all of my readers as over 21 and keep the descriptions vague. I can only do female reader for smut fics and gender neutral for fluff/angst. I don't do highly specific readers.
I don't do too heavy angsty topics such as eating disorders, infertility, miscarriages, abortion, divorces, deaths, and cheating. More can be added at my own discretion.
Kink wise I am cool with almost everything, so just ask me! 😮‍💨
Hard nos are incest, paedophilia, necrophilia, doctor kink, age play, race play, underage characters in situations they clearly shouldn't be, water sports, scat play, foot fetish, and grooming.
You are allowed to send heavily detailed asks, plot-wise but I will always keep the reader vague.
I reserve the right to stop writing any request if I feel uncomfortable.
Understand that if I find out you have sent the same request to another writer, I will simply not write it :)
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 1 year
070 of 2023
What’s your definition of weird?
Do you use shaving cream?
I mean, I only shave my face and maybe somewhere else, but sure.
When was the last time you cleaned your room? Is your room clean?
Yesterday and nope, but it looks better already.
Have you ever personally known any girl who shaved their head?
I know one who had to have her head shaved for the same reason as me. I met her in the hospital last year.
Have you ever known anyone who committed suicide?
Yes. It’s a painful story, he was only 16, but severely mentally ill.
Have you ever tried to commit suicide?
No, but I used to think about it.
Have you ever coughed up blood?
No, never.
How do you wish you could die?
Dying is overrated, I want to be immortal.
What’s the longest phone conversation you’ve had lately?
Five minutes, no kidding. Too long for me already.
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My husband.
What were the last words you said?
“Ik hou van je” ^.^
Who was the last person you hugged?
Also my husband.
Do you have any apps on your Facebook? If so, what?
I don’t use Facebook.
What’s some of the worst pain you’ve ever felt?
Pain after surgeries. Horrible.
What kind of mouse pad do you have?
The green one, from ACV.
What color is your mouse?
White and grey, it’s wireless.
Do you or have you ever had an eating disorder?
Yeah, I do. Sadly.
Do you think you’re fat?
All the time.
Do you know any who might be anorexic? Do you know anyone who has bulimia?
Some people over the internet forums, but no one in person. I do have EDNOS, though.
Did you ever want a pony when you were little?
Yeah, I used to. But when I was very little.
What’s your favorite cheese?
Gouda, but young. Dutch chreese ftw.
What’s your favorite cake?
Cheesecake, but I’m not a big fan of cakes.
What are you having/what did you have for dinner tonight?
Chicken wings and fries.
What’s your favorite dessert food?
I don’t like dessert.
What’s your favorite candy?
I don’t like sweets.
Have you ever had a Nos?
What’s that even? A olish word for nose? If so, then everybody does, I suppose.
How long have you been taking this survey?
Too long already.
What are you listening to right now?
There’s TV in the background, as usual.
What is the closest thing to you right now that is alive?
My older cat.
What’s your worst fear?
Failure and losing.
Are you an outcast?
Kind of, but not 100%, I’d say.
Do you exercise?
Every day. I walk a lot and I work on my arms.
Do you hate it when people repeat themselves?
Nah. I do it as well XD
Do you say like a lot?
Yeah, like... You see :P
What’s your favorite carnival food? (cotton candy, corn dogs, funnel cake)
Fries and frikandels, but you can get them in every fries shop. We don’t have anything separate for carnivals :P
Do you have a good memory?
Nah, my memory is horrible. At least short-term. My long-term memory, as in things I’ve been studying, is great.
Do you dislike writing school essays?
I hate it. I have no literacy skills, really.
Are you a very open-minded person?
I am. In my eyes, everyone is equal. I’m not judgemental either.
Are you modest?
More than I should be, possibly.
What kind of guys/girls do you usually fall for?
With good personalities. For appearance, I don’t seem to have a type. All I need is beautiful, expressive eyes.
Do you skate?
I don’t, but it sounds fun.
Are you in a band?
Nope. It was my dream when I was, like, 12.
Can you play the guitar? If not, what other instrument do you play?
I don’t. You need two good hands for it, and I’m physically disabled.
If you were to make it big with your own band, what would its name be?
Mzake it big... that’s commercial. No.
What’s your favorite kind of pasta?
Penne. But most of all, I like that mushroom tomato one from Bavet.
Would you rather a friend come over to your house or you go over there?
Either. Both sound fun.
What’s the perfect first date?
Guys night in a pub, with lots of beer.
Have you ever had rabies?
It’s deadly, I wouldn’t be tyoping here if I had it.
Do you know anyone who ever had to get a rabies shot?
My mum because she got bitten by a dog.
Have you ever gone hunting?
No, but it doesn’t sound appealing to me.
Ever eaten deer? Duck? Squirrel? How about lamb?
Duck and lamb. Duck is okay, lamb I difdn’t like much.
Are you a vegetarian?
As close to it as possible. Not fully, though.
Do you know any vegetarians? What about vegans?
I do, but not in person.
Do you know what a vegan is? How about fruititarian?
Do you think people are stupid?
What’s your favorite search engine?
Google by default, but it doesn’t mean I like it.
Internet Explorer or Firefox? Safari or Firefox?
Opera, yup.
Do you have hair in your nose?
Doesn’t everyone to some extent?
How long, in miles, is the width of your fingernail?
In miles? Maybe in kilometres?
Are you a math wiz?
Yeah, but I prefer physics anyway.
What’s your favorite subject?
Physics, as I said.
What is your locker number at school? Do you have a lock on your locker?
I’m not in school, I do work, our work lockers don’t have numbers and my uni doesn’t have lockers. Yeah, all my work lockers have locks.
Have you ever received a note in your locker?
Yeah, long ago.
Do you like to laugh?
I do. I laugh a lot, actually.
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jenny-from-the-bau · 1 month
you need to watch higher ground! just fyi they have a lot of self-harm, abuse, SA, eating disorders discussions once it’s a alternative school from troubled teens/teens with mental issues but it’s incredible!! and aj is SO good there’s a very emotional scene that she gives her ALL
Hmm, that's a lot of my NOs, but I can try lol
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