#effeminate stranger
randys-ranch · 14 days
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this doesnt cancel out my rant about how fandom percieves transmasculinity this is more or less a rant about egg jokes being made about real life people. I dont think queerness should be such a big deal that people tweak out and freak when a man is a little bit quirky.
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queenimmadolla · 2 years
watching pretty in pink with eddie (okay, you’re forcing him to, whatever) and he’s just so pleased and warm inside every time it gets to the ending and you start ranting about how they should’ve stuck with the original ending (and the book ending, which you have) and it should’ve been Duckie that Andie was dancing with at the end, Duckie that Andie should’ve ended up with. Duckie, who showed up for Andie in her time of need even though she had left him behind. Duckie who would always be there for her, in any way she needed regardless of how much it hurt him. Not mediocre Blane and his half-assed apology because Eddie feels like that’s the two of you; Duckie and Andie. Sure, Duckie’s a little more effeminate than him, but who the fuck cares? They were perfect for each other. And so are the two of you. He also took a page from Duckie’s book and will try to serenade you in stores, so hope you don’t get embarrassed about public displays of affection cause he can’t contain his love.
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Apparently I have watched The Birdcage, with my family no less! I'd seen it referred to here but never connected the dots that it was the same movie I'd watched many years ago on tv, probably when I was a teenager.
I don't remember my parents' reaction to it but since I'd seen some of it and no one changed the channel, they were at least engrossed enough to watch? They can be cool about stuff sometimes, they are just very unpredictable about it.
#Rant#Personal#My parents are weird#My dad is sexist as in he believes in gender roles and frowns upon any type of effeminate behaviour in men#but he also believes that all women should be hashtag girlbosses#My mom reads/watches things with queer people all the time (she doesn't actively seek it but she doesn't get scandalised or whatever by it)#And she and my sister once had a conversation in which she said people should accept their queer kids and when my sister raised the#'hypothetical' whether she would do the same....she said yes?#Which.....um. That lady gets antsy when women don't wax their leg hair. Even complete strangers.#She and dad get weird about bra straps showing. You're telling me they are a-okay with their kids being bi??#Also what about the gender stuff#They are cool about muslims and yesterday my dad even tried to rationalise with his colleague about how they face so many disadvantages#and mom keeps bragging about her multi-religious college friend group#But then they also say things like 'I once went to a muslim colleague's house and it was /clean/. You couldn't even /tell/'#They obviously also are against casteism but then they turn around and spew some brahmin-manufactured religious bullshit#While being kind of meh about religion in general#Like I don't understand this on-the-fence behaviour. They clearly understand oppression. Why still cling to the status quo then?#They understand that women deserve financial freedom. queer people (sexuality based at least) deserve basic rights.#muslims deserve not to be harassed.#Why not take the next step and examine your own biases about these communities then?#I know the answer ofc. It's because they think they are 'progressive' and so they don't have any biases ever#It's frustrating. I want to come out. I'm tired.#But I can't. I can't speak about politics.#I can't even say 'hey. you know my male friend from college who wore a saree to our graduation? I thought he looked rad#and every day I wish I had his bravery'#Ughhhh sorry for this
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sharkieboi · 3 months
so I got some skirts. I haven’t worn skirts/dresses in a very long time, basically since I came out and started transitioning. but I love this artist and one skirt in particular I’ve been pining after was on the “Discontinued” chopping block so I caved and bought it.
and it arrived and I tried it on tonight and holy shit I didn’t realize how much I missed the appeal of skirts, like on levels fashion and aesthetic and sensory and comfort and !!!
I’m literally so happy about it and so reluctant to take it off that i’m sitting on the couch watching TV still in the full Outfit I tried on, it’s so great
#shhh sharkie#there’s so much I could say about like how happy and fun this is#I never didn’t like skirts or dresses!!!#I didn’t like ones that I didn’t look good or feel comfortable in (empire waists my beloathed)#but like the swish and the flourish and the fluff and when they’re soft and comfy and swirl fun too!!#idk i’ve just been so scared about wearing skirts and dresses since i transitioned#cause the pain of getting misgendered all the fucking time was not worth expressing myself through my fashion in highly public settings#even this like. the outfit i’m chilling in now I’m planning to wear to DnD tomorrow#but specifically cause I do a rideshare there and carpool home with my friends#so the most risk I have of someone having any negative reaction is very limited#I don’t want to wear a skirt on the bus yet like yknow???#i’ve already had experiences of strangers making fun of me or harassing me for being slightly effeminate slash clearly not straight/cis#literally while waiting for a rideshare. and other times just waiting for the bus.#still will never leave my mind the guy who called at me from his car at a stoplight to ask if I was a man or a woman#and I was in a full parka and wearing a mask. but was sitting with my legs crossed. cause it was 3 degrees and snowing.#shouted. SHOUTED. at me for the entire time he was stuck at this red light.#and when I finally told him to fuck off he laughed at the pitch of my voice and said ‘OHHH GOT IT YOURE A WOMAN DAMN’#and then the light changed and he sped off.#and my bus didn’t arrive for another twenty minutes.#so yeah I’m nervous about being Visible. especially when I’m alone.#but I think I can do the skirt to DnD tomorrow. i’ll get a ride there and wear headphones and a mask the entire time#and then I get a ride with my friends directly to my front door after#but yeah either way! skirts!!! holy shit!!! didn’t realize how much I’d been missing them!!!!!
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genderqueerdykes · 4 months
honestly what people don't realize is that a lot of queer liberation will come from liberating cishet people from feeling like they can only identify in highly specific ways or else they're not cishet. if we encourage cishet men to wear makeup, dresses, skirts, "feminine" blouses, and other gendered that would make people question their gender or sexuality, and encourage cishet women to wear "masculine clothing, forgo shaving and makeup, and having "manly" hobbies, we open the doors for all kinds of trans people to present and express themselves freely without worry.
we break down hatred and misunderstanding when we allow folks of all identities to be and express themselves in ways that make sense without forcing arbitrary rules and identities on them. we would move toward a society where both effeminate trans and cis men who wear makeup and dresses would not run into having their gender questioned by total strangers, we would move toward a society where both masculine trans and cis women would not have to deal with being misgendered and having their womanhood questioned.
cis folks having their gender be questioned as trans, and trans folks having their gender be questioned as cis because of how they dress are being affected by the same principal: men only dress one way, and women only dress one way. this creates stress for not only trans people. cis folk feel trapped and isolated by this logic every single day, and they shouldn't have to feel obligated to completely changed their gender identity in order to just dress and express themselves.
whether or not we like to address it, there are in fact cisgender people who feel trapped and held down by how strict gender presentation rules are. we shouldn't assert that they deserve to feel that way, but rather that no one should have to feel this way. no one should have to feel like they cannot be who they feel they are on the inside, no one should have to feel like they can't wear clothing that makes them feel like who they are and looks good to them. no one should have to feel like they can't express themselves.
everyone deserves the freedom to dress how they want to, no matter what gender they are and what unnecessarily gendered pieces of clothing they wish to wear. we need to liberate everyone from this mentality, it only helps more people be free of this unnecessary restriction we've placed on ourselves.
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arlens-entries · 8 months
I need other non-binary ppl, especially folks who aren't interested in medical transition, to understand we don't all have the same experience as 'they thems' who only get misgendered according to our agab in public.
I'm a short genderqueer ftm with long hair and a deep voice, I get gendered every way possible. Any pronouns work for me, so misgendering isn't typically on my radar. However, I often experience transmisogyny when I'm read as mtf or transfemme by strangers, and explicit homophobia when I am read as an effeminate cis man. I think some fellow trans people find this 'misplaced' transphobia funny, I have had friends literally laugh in public situations where I’ve become unsafe. And I think allyship of other trans ppl isn’t just acknowledging each other as trans, but considering the safety of certain settings and knowing when not to acknowledge weird comments.
It's not some hilarious moment when someone calls me a woman and 'corrects' themselves when they hear me speak, or a giggly bit when I'm asked to leave for answering a question out loud in a women's bathroom. It's not funny when I get backhanded compliments about being a man and braiding my hair or suprised comments about my choice of formalwear.
These moments aren't affirmations of my masculinizing transition, and strangers being 'wrong' about my presentation and gendering me as a trans woman is not the funniest fucking thing, especially in the presence of my transfemme friends who experience the same backhanded shit I do.
My experience can't be chalked up to binary transphobia because I very much present as a multi-gendered person. I suffer transphobia not because I am androgynous, but because I'm not sometimes.
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ashen-laguz · 2 years
still thinking about that customer from the other day who assumed I was a trans woman
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vexingwoman · 6 months
We should talk about how much fictional characters and fandoms influence girls to identify as trans guys, even excluding all the yaoi fetishizers.
I don’t think I’ve ever met a trans-identified girl who wasn’t deeply involved in multiple fandoms, or who didn’t have a sheepish, effeminate male anime character as her profile picture, or who didn’t refer to herself as a “catboy,” or who wasn’t otherwise hopelessly immersed in weird fictional shit in some form or another.
It almost gives me the idea that they’re not identifying as actual, real-life guys, but rather a hyper-specific, fictionalized representation of what guys could hypothetically be like—even though this representation doesn’t even exist in real life.
Even stranger, I recently fell down the rabbit hole of the “whump community,” which romanticizes the extreme suffering, anguish, and trauma of fictional characters. So many members of that community identify as trans guys, and virtually all the characters whose suffering they romanticize are male. Not sure what to make of that, but it’s something to think about.
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kiame-sama · 1 year
The Hylian Zonai- (Yandere!Ganondorf x Reader)
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Warnings; Based in Legend of Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom, only a few spoilers for 'past' characters and what they look like, Ruaru & Sonia & Ganondorf appear in this fic, divergent from primary ToTK plot, reader is fem bodied and pronouned, Reader is half-Zonai half-Hylian, yandere behavior, yandere temper, obsessive behavior, romantic yandere (Ganondorf), platonic yandere (Rauru), soft kidnapping,
The sands rolled in a never ending storm that seemed to sweep over the vast landscape. Wind howled in mournful wails that seemed to only be amplified by the ever rolling sands. Even the village built to nestle within the sands seemed to be rather battered by the constant winds.
Not far from the village, near buildings meant as training grounds stood an imposing figure. His wild red hair seemed to whip around his face and accented his sharp features. He stood staring out into the rolling sand, eyes fixed on a truly pathetic sight.
Struggling in the sand was a newborn molduga. Though it was a monster in almost every regard, this one was just an infant and would be claimed by the sands in no time without the brood mother that bore it.
"Another beast soon to be felled by the very thing that gave it life."
"Should we intervene, my king?"
"No. The sands take as much as they give. The beast will nourish the sand with the blood in its veins."
The tall and well-built Gerudo woman nodded, knowing that going against the King of the Sands was suicide. Still, she felt pity for the whimpering pup that struggled blindly in the scorching and unforgiving land.
A movement among the rolling dunes near the pup caught their attention, sure it was a larger beast coming to claim an easy meal. However, a much smaller figure than expected emerged from the intense sands. They walked with purpose towards the whimpering pup and remained obscured beneath a cloak that shone white like exposed bone.
The molduga pup growled and tried to struggle away from the figure, barely getting any distance from the being before being easily overtaken by the stranger. Every snap of the small molduga's jaws seemed to do little to dissuade the being before the infant beast squealed in fear. It cringed away and tried to curl up in a futile effort to protect itself from what was no doubt about to end the little creature.
That end never came.
Instead, the figure rest a forgiving hand on the side of the pup, soothing the frightened newborn with a kind touch. The pup seemed calmed by the being, a faint yet sweet voice carried on the wind with clear sweet tones that put the young monster at peace. Far too distant to hear clearly, the voice seemed to have an effeminate pitch to it that interested the king.
After a moment's time a sudden music met the ears of the onlookers, the figure holding up a beautiful pan flute that sparkled in the sun. The sounds carried on the sand and echoed out in all directions, seemingly calling attention to itself.
Silence was what met the music at first before a deep rumbling gathered in strength and volume all around. It was the familiar sound of a molduga- an adult molduga- burrowing through the sand. The sound of the pan flute had attracted the attention of the nearest molduga and it now rushed to find the source, not wanting to pass by an opportunity for food.
The figure did not flee even as a spout of sand flew into the air due to the molduga breeching to take a breath. Even as the beast drew near, the figure remained by the side of the pup, standing so still the onlookers would have mistaken it as a statue had they not seen it move moments before.
When the adult molduga finally emerged from the sand to find the source of the sound, it reacted in an unusual way. The beast turned one small eye to examine the figure and the pup, carefully staring the two down. It then seemed to let out a deep rumbling purr, the molduga pup responding in kind to the sound as it nuzzled up to the adult. Despite all odds, it seemed the scarred and old molduga was the brood mother of the abandoned pup.
The pup was quick to climb into the open maw of the brood mother, taking shelter much like a crocodilian species would. It was clear both pup and brood mother were pleased to be reunited as the brood mother  purred to the figure. Just as quickly as the brood mother appeared, she burrowed back into the sand and began the long travel away from the figure.
The wind whipped around the figure, pulling back the light covering the figure wore to reveal the being underneath.
A shock of white furred ears lay back against the (h/c) skull of the figure, likely working to keep sand from entering the soft ears. The figure had the clear complexion of a Hylian despite the large Zonai ears which tucked back to reveal the typical Hylian pointed ears. The general figure of the being seemed to be Hylian and bore a peaceful smile as their eyes followed the path the brood mother molduga had taken.
"A Hylian? Here? Unacceptable! Shall I dispose of the intruder, my king?"
"No," the Gerudo King shook his head dismissively, "this is no ordinary Hylian. The Zonai King Rauru has a daughter, correct?"
"Yes, my King. Our sources indicate that the Zonai Rauru has a child and she has been absent from their kingdom on some kind of exploration journey."
"Excellent," the intimidating figure bore his teeth in a clear grin at the fortune smiling upon him, "if it cannot be dismantled from the outside with brute force, I will destroy the kingdom from the inside with wits."
The Gerudo King grinned and walked forward towards the odd Hylian-Zonai, noticing how one of the large furred ears angled back towards the sound of shifting sands under his feet. He debated cutting the woman down while her back was turned, but decided the princess would be of better use to him alive.
Before he could reach an arms-length away, she turned to face him. Her golden adornments clinked together and chimed with her movement as he finally got a full look at the unusual woman. Her facial features seemed almost tailor made as she observed the much taller Gerudo man, her (e/c) gaze examining him as the notable Zonai feature of a third eye stared unwaveringly at his imposing frame.
She had a feminine figure that accented her unusual appearance, the union of Hylian and Zonai attributes giving her a unique silhouette. He would be lying if he said he didn't find her beautiful and her mixture of features only seemed to accent that beauty. The silence stretched for a moment before one of her delicate eye brows lifted in question, snapping the Gerudo King out of his temporary stupor.
"You aren't from around here, clearly. Tell me, what is a woman such as yourself doing in a land so inhospitable?"
"Well," her two primary eyes narrowed, the one in the center of her forehead still wide and staring, "it is common courtesy to introduce ones self before questioning the intent of another, no?"
An odd thrill ran through him at the clearly clipped tone the woman used, feeling his lips try to pull into a grin. It was impressive to hear the polite yet firm tone the woman used as she stood unflinching before the man who dwarfed her in height.
"It is indeed. I am Ganondorf, King of the Gerudo."
"Then we are well met. I apologize for intruding on your lands, King Ganondorf. I am (Y/n), daughter of King Rauru and Queen Sonia, princess of Hyrule."
The intimidating king decided to have a more cordial approach to the lovely woman, lifting one of her noticeably smaller hands to his lips as he kissed the knuckles gently. His hand seemed to only be bigger in comparison as he noticed the rather soft feel of her skin. Though he was not often the kind to partake in such pleasantries, the Hylian-Zonai interested him.
"Tell me, Princess (Y/n), to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"
"I am on a pilgrimage of sorts to the neighboring lands of my father's kingdom. I wish to learn more of lands dissimilar from the kingdom I am accustomed to."
"I would be happy to tell you what I know of these lands. Of course, I must invite you to the city I call home for the sands are treacherous at the best of times. It would honor me if you would join me in a banquet this evening."
"The honor would be mine, King Ganondorf."
The large Gerudo king could feel the corners of his mouth curl into a toothy grin at the princess' easy acceptance of his invitation, knowing her royal upbringing would make her more likely to agree out of politeness. Though he intended to overthrow King Rauru and absorb the Hyrule Kingdom, that didn't mean he needed to harm the lovely princess. Perhaps he could even absorb Hyrule Kingdom through succession of the throne by wedding the princess.
He was of the belief that King Rauru would be unlikely to just offer (Y/n) in marriage given the strength Hyrule already had. There was no need to have a political marriage with another kingdom when there was an apparent standstill of strength in war between those kingdoms. In any case, it would behoove the Gerudo King to win over the trust of the princess before entering Hyrule to lure the King into a false sense of trust.
The afternoon sun shone through the windows and dappled the halls of Hyrule Castle with the colors of stained glass. The group that kneeled before the two sitting on their thrones seemed almost out of place, none more so than the Gerudo King who seemed so large even in the grand halls. Next to the thrones stood a woman with fair skin and blond hair, eyeing the Gerudo man with great suspicion.
"Allow me to offer you my deepest apologies on behalf of the Gerudo for taking so long to accept your repeated invitation. It is our desire to be accepted into the protective embrace of your kingdom. To seve it faithfully."
Each word was carefully chosen and spoken clearly, seeming to be almost hissed out by the Gerudo man. Though the pair of royals saw through the almost exaggerated show of fealty, neither said anything against the king. Instead, the Zonai King Rauru spoke with a kind and welcoming tone.
"A welcome appeal, Ganondorf. I will accept your vow of fealty to the kingdom of Hyrule. I understand that a single male is born to the Gerudo every one hundred years.  Receiving such an appeal from you, a hero to his people and a king by birth... Well, it is truly reassuring."
"It is my honor. When your Zonai ancestors first descended upon these lands long, long ago, they must have seemed to be gods. And now you rule as king and have taken a Hyrulean woman as your wife. Your Majesty has certainly risen above your admirable lineage. Most impressive. It is unfortunate that the noble Zonai no longer grace this world with their presence... All except you, your sister, and that lovely daughter of yours, that is."
The comment about King Rauru's daughter caused a clear reaction from the royals and the woman at their side, all seeming uncomfortable at the mention of the kind woman. Sonia, the beautiful Hyrulean Queen, glanced at her King with an almost worried expression. They had been quite careful when it came to announcing the birth of their daughter, (Y/n) Princess of Hyrule. Beyond just the care they took, Rauru in particular was known to be quite fiercely protective of his daughter and mention of her put him on edge.
"I am afraid my daughter is out on pilgrimage at the moment and not present in the kingdom."
"On that, I have to disagree, King Rauru."
Before the Zonai King could ask just what it was Ganondorf was insinuating, the door at the far end of the hall opened with a loud sound. Walking in- flanked on either side with tall Gerudo women- was a familiar face that put the Zonai King's heart at rest for what felt like the first time in ages. Queen Sonia was thrilled and stood quickly to meet her daughter, Rauru standing as well to do the same.
"Mother, Father," (Y/n) practically cheered as she melted into the affectionate embrace of her parents, "I've missed you both so much..."
The woman standing at the side of the thrones seemed confused and surprised, as if she were unaware of the royals having a daughter. Though the interaction was going exactly as the Gerudo King had planned.
"Oh, my beautiful girl, how was your pilgrimage?"
"It was fantastic, Mother. The other lands around Hyrule have such differences and complexities to them. Better yet, I have learned so much about the other lands and creatures from those lands. I have so much to share with you both and show you."
The excited tone of their daughter almost completely distracted the King and Queen as it had been a few years since they last got to hold their offspring. It was as if everything else had fallen to the wayside in favor of putting all their attention onto their beloved child. So often Rauru had considered bringing his daughter home simply for his own peace of mind, but he was thrilled to have her back now.
He did not overlook the stare King Ganondorf had fixed upon his beloved child, however.
"I thank you for your show of fealty, Ganondorf. You may leave."
"Father," (Y/n) interrupted with a chiding tone and an unhappy frown, "he is king of a kingdom near to our own, and he is a guest here! We should show him the same hospitality and kindness he showed me when I first encountered the Gerudo."
"... You are right, (Y/n). There is no need to be so crass as to dismiss visiting royals, regardless of their allegiance and standing with Hyrule. We should have a feast tonight, to welcome these visitors from the sands."
Despite the warm tone he took, Rauru fixed the Gerudo King with a clear gaze of distrust. The stare was an obvious statement to the Gerudo man to keep his distance from Rauru's beloved daughter. But the way (Y/n) looked as she smiled back at the foreign King made the Zonai's blood boil with frustration as it was clear the princess had taken an obvious liking to the man.
Rauru would not give up his dear daughter so easily.
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What if little mermaid reader swim too far from the coral side of ocean and get into deep sea and meet all mer yarem now mermaid reader have to comeback to the coral reef before this big mer bois cath her
Poor little blue tang mermaid reader was swept into a current and had to find her way back home! So she began the long journey back… she first ran into Kureha, a pacific giant octopus merman and Kosho, a zebra moray eel merman. Kureha was a bit rude but he was a really beautiful merman. She was surprised by just how massive the effeminate merman was. And Kosho had a really interesting tail. But she must swim on… she couldn’t possibly stay here, she needed get back to her reef!
She was able to quickly swim away from the two merman and eventually ran into humpback whale merman, Oliva. He was really nice but quite chatty. He even allowed her to rest of his back to lessen her journey home. Oliva even offered her to become his mate but she decided to keep swimming. She really wanted to go back to her reef.
The farther she swam, the stranger the mermen became. She swam away so fast when she spotted angler fish merman Motobe. He was so gloomy and she was afraid he’d eat her.
Eventually she was close to home, but she ran into a whale shark merman known as Sukune. Sukune was also really nice and incredibly sweet to her. A shame he (also) was much too big to possibly be her mate…
If only she knew none of these men were going to take no as an answer.
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fayevalcntine · 1 year
The whole framing of Lestat as the sole symbol of patriarchy that fandom is so desperate to put him in doesn't work unless you deliberately ignore how he was also a victim of rape and abuse before he was turned. People want him to be fit into this strict role of "father figure/violent husband/perpetrator" that is only that and not even a whole person, and in doing so they need to push aside the fact that despite being his family's provider, he was also pushed into that role when his father forbid him from joining a monastery or gaining an education that he wanted. Lestat wanted to run away with a theater group as a kid, and actually managed to do so once Gabrielle gave him her blessing and monetary support in order to go to Paris. He didn't always want to be the provider, he was forced into that role and became despondent when he thought he would never get a chance to leave his home.
His new life prior to being turned is pretty much the antithesis to the whole "Lestat is a manly man who would sooner throw up than be compared to a woman" spiel: he lived with another man in Paris while also being an actor, having left his family and "responsibility" to them. The only family member he was ever close to was his mother, all the other male members shunned or ridiculed him. Add onto that the fact that his turning firmly placed him within the role of the damsel/victim: he's kidnapped from his bed by a stranger, taken into a tower and left to rot while being fed on for a week, before then being raped and violently turned all while never even being asked if he would consent to it in any normal circumstance. But you of course have to ignore all of this if you want him to only represent the aggressor/patriarch while Louis is the helpless unhappy matriarch of the family.
My issue isn't that I think Louis isn't a victim, it's that it's not unrealistic for Lestat to be an aggressor/abuser while also displaying traits that aren't regularly assigned to stereotypical depictions of male characters. He's abusive to Claudia while also having been a victim of abuse from his own family. He's not a good maker/teacher, but he also didn't even have one when he was turned. He's the provider/attempted protector of the family and seemed to like being that, while also having run away from his own family prior to this to act in a theater in Paris. He's a rich white man while also being obviously effeminate in public spaces, even to Tom's own bigoted humor.
Like Louis' own complicated story with being his family's benefactor and provider, you can't firmly place Lestat as being one thing or another in terms of gender ideals without deliberately ignoring parts about him that don't fit this. And I don't think it's an absolute necessity, when even in Louis' own story, Lestat isn't stripped of his effeminate mannerisms or behavior while also being the abusive maker/father/lover.
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Yandere! Gellert Grindelwald x Muggle! Female Reader.
One shot. Topic: Reader Chan who loses hope.
Grindelwald caressed your effeminate cheekbone with affection to get your attention. The two of you were bare naked and laying outside on the beach Grindelwald owned. He told his henchmen to close the land for today. It was just him and you.
You peeked at his awaiting expression. Just to get him off your back. You gave him a fake smile and ran your long piano fingers across his gray hair. 
You two married four days ago. When Grindelwald is finished with the last papers, he will take you to a real honeymoon. He wanted to take you to Denmark and then Libya. 
He imagined you wearing foreign dresses and jewelry. Grindelwald wanted to fuck you without taking them off. He fondly smiled at the memory of the wedding night. 
He didn't remove your huge sparkly wedding gown when he consummated the marriage. He let you bleed on the expensive silk material. To remind you, he is in charge. After that, Grindelwald didn't use his magic to clean the gown. He hung it up and placed it behind a glass case for display in his study. 
He wanted everyone to know he owned you. 
He was a fan of nature. So, he didn't make love to you on a bed in a bedroom. Too original and boring. No, he fucked you on the grass in the dark woods next to his old school, Hogwarts. His powerful magic skills blocked predators and made you two invisible. 
He felt as if he was the original Adam making love to his wife, Eve when they got expelled from Paradise. 
What a grand feeling.
You couldn't say the same. A elderly stranger whom you never met kidnapped you and chained you to a room. He didn't touch you but forced you to wed him. You tried to fight but he would whip and burn you. He tamed you like a horse. 
So, you had to respond to his kisses and look at him as he raped you. You felt like a coward. But who likes pain?
Grindelwald purred like a damn cat when you gave him his fake affection as if it was medicine. But, now. He noticed how lacking you were. As if you were not trying. You stopped giving him fake smiles and seemed to not mind getting hit by his slapping and hair pulling. 
How rude. He gritted his teeth at your defiance. So, he got his belt and whipped you. To his horror, you didn't seem to even feel him. You flinched and winced at the right time. But you didn't utter a word. The fuck is wrong with you?
He didn't feed you for two days. Then he finally came. 
"All right. That's enough!" He snarled and shook your shoulders. "Why are you acting like a bitch?"
"What's the point of my opinion? You're always offended by my answers anyway and deny them." You sarcastically replied as tears came out.
Grindelwald clenched his jaw. He demanded why you were ungrateful. You lost it. You pushed him out of his grip. You sobbed how you lost your freedom and all people you loved and how it was unfair that he expected you to love him like a mindless slave.
You clutched your face as you crumpled to the ground. The middle aged man watched you with a clean expression and said nothing. He didn't say it. He actually pitied you. He agreed he was rather mean to you. Grindelwald walked to the door. "Don't try to escape." His tone mellow and heartless once more. 
He was sitting on his favorite arm chair in his study with the fireplace lit. He had a glass of whiskey in his hand.
Fuck. He screwed up. He didn't mean to break your spirit. When he told you he loved you. It was real. If he didn't love you. He wouldn't feel guilty or ask why you were unhappy. Grindelwald is too proud. He will never apologize or admit his mistakes. 
But, he is affectionate and will make it up. He decided to give you more freedom. Going on leisures alone in the Muggle world only. Not the Magic world. And have your technology devices back. 
Yeah. That will do.  Hopefully, he will make you lovey dovey and wrapped around his finger. But he will make conditions. Nothing is free. Everything has a price. You have to suck his dick well and hard before stepping outside. A smirk graced his gray cracked lips. Not a bad deal. 
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citizen-zero · 1 year
baby gays will be like “queer is a slur” and then see pictures of random twinks and effeminate men, like complete strangers, and be like “hmm kinda fruity” with no sense of irony or self awareness whatsoever
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spacelazarwolf · 2 years
So you’re saying trans women are “treated like men”?
Explaining why trans men have the potential to be treated as women (and therefore experience misogyny) does not mean all trans men are treated as women (and experience misogyny). 'Can (be able to)' and 'do'/'are' do not mean the same thing. Your logic is based upon a false dichotomy that had nothing to do with what Avishai actually said.
This is why reading comprehension is important. I sincerely recommend that you take the time to review the skills you should have learned in grades 2-6, instead of arguing with strangers because of your own inability to read correctly.
also like. the entire thing with transmisogyny is that trans women are treated as “effeminate men” or “failed men” or “a man in a dress” and that is what people use to justify bigotry against them. one of the pillars of transmisogyny is that society doesn’t see trans women as women and punishes them for demanding to be seen as who they are.
maybe if we didn’t view “treated like men” as “treated as an authority figure with privilege” and “treated like women” as “treated like a victim” we could talk abt the ways that being treated “like a man/woman” affects trans people.
being “treated like a woman” means being told your ailments are all in your head, being paid less, being afraid of physical violence, being denied opportunities based on people’s preconceived notions of your perceived gender. these are all things both trans women and trans men understand.
being “treated like a man” means being denied your emotions and support for those emotions, being treated as existing only to provide and therefore expendable when you can no longer do so, being punished violently when you step outside of gender norms. these are also things both trans women and trans men can understand.
our experiences with gender give us unique insight into how the patriarchy affects everyone, not just cis women, and that’s fucking scary to people whose entire worldview relies on bioessentialism or even gender essentialism.
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I want you all to remember everytime you see a post saying "dont call people eggs you're trying to push transfeminity on cis men and gnc people!!" that's exactly what transphobes and terfs have been saying for decades. That trans women are trying to pull effeminate men into the Gender Cult.
And also remember that apparently everyone except trans women are allowed to compare the behavior of strangers to thier own trans experiences. And ask yourself: why am I only not okay with this when it's a trans woman saying it?
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doubledeadstudio · 7 months
AHHH this is my first time asking something on here so am nervous sorry~
I’d love to know how our romancable companions would react to hyper expressive auDHD MC? You know, theatrical kind of manner, not really much of a filter in terms of what’s proper to ask or say, lots of stimming and incoherent noises. Very energetic but can get quiet and dissociate easily. (Totally not asking to self-insert better before working on fanarts haaaa haaa haaa)~
Also I need you to know how much I ADORE this game. The lore, the world-building, the characters and the choices that actually MATTER. THE WRITING! THE SOUNDTRACK AND THE ART AUUUUGH!!! It’s so good, it’s officially my newest hyperfixation. Thank you for making this piece of art, I’m buzzing and can’t wait for moooore! And the gnome scene really was hilarious, I was choking on air and saliva, xoxo
Thank you for the nice compliments! I'm so happy you like it. :D
This is an interesting question. I try to avoid specificity with the MC because I want people to be able to immerse themselves in them as much as possible, but I do have a lot of thoughts about this scenario.
Black would honestly find it refreshing. I don't think he's accepted it himself (he doesn't believe in therapy LOL), but I'm pretty sure he's autistic. Esp if the MC is very blunt or makes their thoughts and boundaries very clear. Black is the type of person that misses a lot of social cues, and people make fun of him for it. He takes things people say very seriously. If the MC just tells him their thoughts, he'll remember them and act accordingly. And I think this would make the MC feel safe too, because they would feel like he's not playing games with them.
This scenario is interesting with Crux in particular. They aren't in the game yet, but actually, his bio dad and favorite little sister are like this, and he would be able to tell immediately. He won't make a big deal out of it, but he'll be adjusting around the MC. Take them to quieter places, make sure their seat is comfortable, etc. The MC will just find this out that oh, he's always playing obnoxiously loud music in the car and smoking, but he never does it around them.
I also think in a weird way, he'd be way more honest around the MC, but he won't let them know he is. Like Crux is the type of person that keeps his real feelings and thoughts close to his sleeve, because he has a whole complex about being "weird" in ways he can't control, so it's made him a bit of a liar. But if it's the MC, he'd just say his real feelings, because he suspects they won't judge him for it.
Vincenzo is complicated because he is very mentally ill and neurodivergent, but for most of his life, he was in an All Boy's Catholic Boarding School. He was bullied for being weak, weird, effeminate, etc. If he notices these traits in MC, he'll degrade them for it, and in a fucked up way, see this humiliation ritual as actually beneficial to MC, because it would teach the MC not to show strangers their neck.
But I feel like, if the MC gets closer to him, that he'd be able to face aspects of himself that he's tried to suffocate for years, and it would be liberating to him.
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