#elyse writes
elysesium · 2 years
"They were not the only ones that visited him, though can he even call what she is doing a visit."
Or an AU inspired by @xxpeppermintxx109′s Green Lies, Black Hearts
Or I got a new obsession and author feeds their pocket fandom so well I decided pain is a pretty good way to show my appreciation.
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umbracirrus · 10 days
WIP Wednesday!!
A not-so-little snippet of Elyse spending time with Dagny for my WIP today, with a little bit of Balgruuf! Not much else to say, honestly-!!! I'm hoping to get this chapter finished soon, and make some more progress on the next chapter which is. Well. Going to have some very cute moments with The Idiots :3
Tagged by @hircines-hunter yesterday, and will tag back today! Also tagging @thequeenofthewinter, @skyrim-forever, @oblivions-dawn, and anyone else who wants to share a WIP (but no obligations to share anything-!!!) And btw - if anyone? mutuals??? wants me to tag them in WIP posts or not please let me know - trying to figure out who to tag is what takes the longest when I make these WIP posts 😭
“Can you hold onto your hair for a moment? Don’t move! I’m getting something quickly!” Dagny requested, dragging her out of her thoughts as she was made to take hold of her hair which was currently split into three strands and in the middle of being braided together. She watched as the girl ran over to a drawer, and pulled out what looked to be some flowers which had been dried out and preserved. “These will do!”
When Dagny returned, she took the strands of hair back from Elyse, but made her hold onto the small bundle of flowers. Every once in a while, as she resumed the braiding, she would ask for one of the flowers to weave into the braid, and she did it so quickly and so deftly it almost stunned Elyse.
“I... don’t often get time like this. To do things that I like,” Dagny eventually whispered once the final flower had been weaved in, before taking the hair tie from Elyse’s wrist and starting to wrap it around the end of the braid. “I don’t care about weapons like Frothar does. I don’t even know what Nelkir does for fun, but he always tells me to leave him alone. And Father is always busy... He’ll find time to get me some nice clothes, or nice food... But I can’t spend much time with him.” Her eyes fell to the ground, and she sighed. “I do like spending time with Mila and Braith... But they say that I’m ‘different’ to them. That... because father is the Jarl, I’ve got more money and privileges than them.”
Elyse was quite surprised to hear such an honest statement from Dagny. It was a surprisingly earnest self-reflection to come from her, given how she had been speaking and behaving until that point.
In a sudden change back to her usual behaviour, Dagny clapped her hands together and gestured for her to stand. “Come on, up on your feet! My mirror is heavy, and I don’t want to drag it over – I want to know what you think of my handiwork.”
Elyse was stunned as she stared at her reflection in Dagny’s mirror. She would almost never put her hair into a braid, it was always far too much hassle, yet seeing it like that, draped over her shoulder... Perhaps Dagny did have a point about her hair making her look older in its usual style. Not that it would deter her from her bun, it was functional and reliable, and much less likely to get in her way like that. But perhaps in her free time in the future... Perhaps she would try not to always have her hair like that.
She turned towards the girl, and smiled. “It’s lovely, Dagny. Thank you.”
Seemingly pleased with the reaction, Dagny brought her hand up to her chin. “I think that I’ll let you off with the clothes, because you’re obviously not going to fit into any of my dresses… So...” She quietly hummed. “I know! We’ll go to into the city and do some shopping! I could do with a new dress… and you definitely do.”
Once more, Elyse felt Dagny take hold of her arm to get her to move, though thankfully she only held on long enough to make sure that she was actually following. She honestly wasn’t the biggest fan of wearing dresses, they were more of a special occasion thing for her – but if it appeased her at the very least by tagging along, then she would play along. Besides… Dagny did seem to be delighted at having somebody to spend time with from Dragonsreach… she didn’t have anyone close to her who could have joined her to do these sorts of things with, beyond her few friends. It was a sacrifice she was willing to make, even if it wasn’t really her thing.
They began to make their way towards the main doors of Dragonsreach, but when they had just made their way past the fire pit in the middle of the main hall, Dagny gasped and turned around. “Wait a minute! I need to talk to father quickly!”
Elyse turned on her heel and followed the girl.
Not caring that Balgruuf appeared to be in the middle of a conversation with Farengar, Dagny rushed over to her father and cleared her throat to get his attention. He turned to face her briefly, to tell her to wait for a minute, though she appeared to not like that and started tapping her foot as she folded her arms over. Elyse let out a quiet sigh at the girl’s stubbornness.
After a few moments, Farengar pinched at his nose, and began to make his way back to his study. Balgruuf had barely been able to take a breath after that conversation before Dagny was stood in front of him. “Father, I’m going into the city with Elyse. Can I have some money?”
Balgruuf stared at her for a moment, raising his eyebrow at the request for money. “Dagny, you know that I can’t keep giving you money to spend – I told you that you needed to make the money that I gave you at the festival last. Did you spend it all on cakes and accessories?”
“I wouldn’t be asking for some if I had any left.”
A loud sigh escaped Balgruuf as he folded his arms over and shook his head. “I can’t give you any, Dagny. At any other time I would, but right now I am not able to. I’m sorry,” he stated, before lowering his arms, ruffling Dagny’s hair as he did so. Dagny let out a huff as she ran her hand back through the strands to neaten it back out.
“Just because you don’t have money doesn’t mean that we can’t go and look at things, Dagny,” Elyse piped up at this point, drawing the attention of both father and daughter. “You could always just show me some of your favourite places in the city and we can go back there in the future.”
“I suppose we could do that…” Dagny mumbled, disappointment in her voice. She then turned her head back towards Balgruuf. “We will be back later, Father.” She then fully turned around to face him when he didn’t respond, and frowned. He hadn’t moved since they had turned to look at Elyse as she had spoken. “Father?” And after a few more moments with no response, she reached up and started snapping her fingers in front of his face. “Father! Did you hear me?! We will be back soon!”
Balgruuf blinked for a moment, then brought his hands to his face and ran them down it. “Y-Yes, apologies, Dagny. There’s just a lot on my mind right now, I heard you…” He exhaled quietly. “Stay safe out there, both of you.”
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sableflynn · 5 months
Out unseen - ch. 12
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Volkan sends a message.
contents: noncon, beatings, forced orgasm, amateur photography
It was important, in some abstract, distant part of her mind, for her to listen. These visits were the sort of business Volkan would only conduct in total seclusion, and these visitors were prominent members of society. She needed names, titles, anything to bring back with her if—when—she escaped. Volkan always made introductions, allowed her to linger as ornamentation while they made small talk, and then sent her to be restrained in the basement or a bedroom before true conversation began. It comforted her in some cold way, the thought that he still felt compelled to keep her from the dealings of his underworld. She could almost convince herself that he still saw her as a threat on some level. He still had reason to be cautious. She wasn’t lost forever. 
Read the full chapter on Ao3
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damn-daemon · 3 months
In the depths of that silence, she was lost time and again, slipping, falling, crashing through the walls of her being. Old memories of laughter cut at her like knives while sobs drowned her in a sea of their tears. And everywhere she turned, she saw his face. It was in the depths of that foul ocean and across the expanse of a darkened sky. Her screams were stolen from her, but she could still feel the echoes of what she had done, the sensation of the spear popping through flesh, how the steel tip scraped across bone. - The Taste of Bitter Steel, Chapter Nine
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pelideswhore · 1 year
Theseus: If you don’t like me, just say that.
Hercules: Okay. I don’t like you.
Theseus: Why would you say that, that is so mean.
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maysshortmoviereviews · 7 months
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House of Ninjas (2024 - )
The Tawara family, the last shinobi clan. It had abandoned its roots after an incident in the past, but now the family must take on the greatest crisis in Japanese history, one that threatens to shake the nation to its core.
This is truly an original piece of work I have seen in a while. It has comedy, action, an animation-style story, romance, and a family drama. It really is quite out there with a very good story. I highly recommend it if you enjoy original work and good action sequences. Some may complain about the modern music, but I think it works well with this very quirky story. I loved it. It just was such an enjoyable show and I hope Netflix will renew it for Season 2. Check it out.
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demiaseranmage · 1 month
I’ve posted a Rolling with Difficulty fanfic! Please go read it!
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lindscys · 6 months
@surgcns ♡’d for a starter (still accepting) !
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"are you okay?" question came with a soft expression, those working in a first responder space had to look out for one another when they could get a moment to. especially after events that had left them all scrambling, and spending days on end just trying to piece things back together. "it's been a rough few days, for everyone. but i promise, it's not a loaded question. i'm asking as a friend. we have to look after each other, you know?"
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kathbunny · 1 year
VRMMO AU - Finbar
Finbar and Elyse had been logged in for maybe an hour now, both just going through the same routine every single day they spent playing together. They did inventory for their shop in-game, checked on the npc they hired to sell items when they logged out.
After that, they'd both spend a while replenishing the stock in the kitchen in the back of their shop together, chatting as they went through the mini games that the game used for cooking. It was peaceful, not that different from what they did in real life, which was nice.
"Fin, I'm going to head out to buy some more wheat." Elyse announced as she moved some sandwiches she made into the display case of the shop.
"Alright, want me to come with you?" Finbar offered, still stuck in a mini game for the cake he was making.
"No, I've got it. I'll be back in a minute."
"See you in a few minutes then." Finbar finished the mini game, the cake appearing before him on the counter. He waved as Elyse left.
"See you in a few minutes!"
Finbar headed into the guild building, immediately seeing Dani and VR-LA moving the meeting table through the entryway, which looked burnt. Finbar shut the door, taking a deep breath and pacing outside the building for a moment.
Finbar walked back up to the door and opened it, seeing that everything was back to normal. The table was in its correct place and not burnt. Dani and VR-LA were also gone though. Finbar sighed and began to listen, trying to see if he could hear their footsteps.
Finbar heard footsteps on the second floor and hurried up the stairs to try to prevent any further chaos, since he had mentally prepared himself for it anyway.
VR-LA and Dani were in the hallway with what looked to be half a burnt table, despite there being a full table down the stairs.
Finbar decided he was no longer mentally prepared and he went back down the stairs and out of the guild building.
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ceegeneauauthor · 1 year
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Now that Strength of Heart is officially done, I’m ready to jump into a new book!!! And by jump in to, I obviously mean that I spent all day playing around on Canva to make this look like the Friends With Benefits movie poster lol.
And honestly, it’s about time I had a MMC with Jensen Ackles as a face claim!!!! 🫠
I’ve already got a super rough outline of what I want to happen, and I’m planning to start writing tomorrow!!!
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umbracirrus · 1 month
WIP Wednesday!! 💛
Having a bit of a writing block at the moment, but have been productive nonetheless!
I've been working on an illustration for a later chapter of The Perfect Storm, featuring Balgruuf and Elyse and my favourite place in Skyrim, Balgruuf's balcony atop Dragonsreach which looks over Whiterun 😊💛
Tagged by @bostoniangirl21 and in return am tagging @hircines-hunter, @thequeenofthewinter, and @throughtrialbyfire but no obligations!! 😊
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sableflynn · 1 year
Out unseen - ch. 11
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Elyse searches for answers. Felicia learns that things can always get worse.
contents: explicit noncon, stress positions, gun play, highly unsafe gun practices
The grocery store was a ten minute walk and a world away. As the apartment seemed to shrink around them, the rooms bordering on claustrophobic, walking to the grocery store was the only way Elyse could breathe. She went because she didn’t need the others to see her crying. She went because someone had to keep running errands and keep the house together. She went because it was the only way she’d stop seeing the ghost of Felicia around every corner.
Read the full chapter on Ao3
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dochalstead · 1 year
@csmistcres sent 💬 for a starter!
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— ❝ the way you flirt is shameful. ❞
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serenityscribes · 1 year
Not to Be (2023)
I’ve lost years to the longing To be more diminutive Smaller in size and spirit Wanting only to fit in To be more “feminine” To be more “normal” Not to be the large Sometimes in charge Nervous wreck That has often been me Time and space and progress Leads to the knowing That others are absolutely More than welcome To go elsewhere to find less Than the me I’m supposed to be
E. Ecker, March 2023
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damn-daemon · 2 years
"To be my lady-in-waiting is not a kindness, Elyse. It is, in fact, the opposite,” Queen Aemma had spoken to her, moments after declaring her punishment. “You are now closer to me than any lady at court, save for mine own daughter. You shall be watched, you shall be measured, you shall be judged."
The Taste of Bitter Steel, Chapter Four
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thunderbringer · 2 years
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It’s beanie time.
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