#end RIC
tastycitrus · 1 year
there's an alternate timeline where the new 52 reboot kept all three batgirls but retconned all the robins except for dick, who went back to being robin with nightwing banned from being mentioned at all
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threepandas · 2 months
Bad End: Restructuring
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The blast doors on my office were stronger then the ones on most bunkers. They matched the one's on the company dorms AND my personal rooms. Thing is? They weren't designed to hold out forever. In fact, I was pretty sure they were a pretty bit of security theater, just to let us fleshys feel safe.
We weren't.
Not a single moment of a single day.
The pay was unmatched. But then again, it'd HAVE to be, with the mortality rate. The morbidity rate on top, too. You didn't take a job like this unless you were crazy. Or, you know, desperate. College loans, man. They get you over a barrel and don't let up. But a few years of this? I'd be clear an free~
Few MORE years? I'd ever have a tasty little nest egg to fall back on, in case of emergencies. I just... you know, had to play it smart. Be really, REALLY careful.
No slacking off. No getting comfortable. Vigilance and best manners. Then we all get to go home alive. Because what's out there? In the Labs? Those guys can pop diamonds like we crush packing peanuts. Highest grade, fancy ass, metal bars of specialty blend metals? Tied up in pretty little bows.
They may LOOK like some sort of waifish boy band... but God, they are NOT. They are really, REALLY not. And their "personality" matrix program thingies? Apparently still a work in progress. A LONG work in progress.
People have fucking DIED.
But does management care? Of course not. Pay out some life insurance. "It was an accident on the job". And "of COURSE steps will be taken to insure to never happens again". Ha! My ass, it is. And my ass, they are. They aren't doing SHIT. Nor are they GOING too. They're in too deep with this project, whatever it is. And us?
Well WE'RE expendable.
Just the cost of doing business.
I watch bleeding edge technology move like dancers, room to room. The wall of screen lighting up my cramped little office. The mini-fridge hums and the fan whirrs, filling the silence. I try to spot FM-036 on one of the screens. I can't find him and it makes me nervous.
He might be hiding. Trying to be polite, in his own way. Since there was an incident.
I FUCKING TOLD Ric not to call them "it"! I TOLD him! It aggravates them. Provokes. You don't DO that with something... some ONE, with that much physical power. 36 put their fist through his SHOULDER. And the God damned wall! He might LOSE his arm, which? Given their ability to calculate better then most supercomputers?
Was probably the point.
I notice one of the androids messing with a computer in a lab. Fuck. I lean forward, hating drawing their attention but knowing I have to do my damn job. I press on the speaker system for that room after a quick glance at the ID on their jumpsuit.
"FM-047, could you please not touch that? I know you are aware that you are not supposed to tamper, meddle, or otherwise engage with the researchers notes or electronics."
The android stop typing. Their head rolling up and to the side to look directly at the camera, their body perfectly still. The angle borders on impossible. Almost owlish, nearly snake like. All perfectly smooth movements effortlessly controlled. Joint not limited by human designs. His face is bemused. Pleasant.
"Of course, night gaurd. My mistake. Thank you for correcting me." He replies, something almost like laughter, nearly like mocking, but not quite, in his smooth voice. They always sound like they are... HUMORING us. Working around us.
It sends a jolt of cold fear though my veins.
I... I REALLY hate talking to the androids.
Pity, they seem to like talking to ME.
"I was unaware you were on shift tonight. I will update the others. It's good to hear your voice again, you seemed nervous, last time we spoke."
Yeah. Because you were asking PERSONAL QUESTIONS. Oh, sure, they had dressed them up as "We're so CURIOUS about Humans~☆" but I wasn't an IDIOT. You Did NOT, under ANY circumstances, try to bond with the machines. NO chatting. That was lesson number one from my trainer.
And Frank? Frank had seen too many "but THIS time it's DIFFERENT! We're FWIENDS~!" Incidents end in unspeakable carnage. Lost too many noobies. We DO NOT chat! With the machines!!! DO. NOT.
"Ah~, you made her nervous again, FM-047" came from a different screen. I flinched. Jerked back so I could see it. Oh god. "Besides, I told you. The calculations showed she wasnt going anywhere. The 'money' is too good."
The androids had stopped. Turned, in some cases unnaturally, to stare up at the cameras. At me. It was a blatant show of how interconnected they were. How distance meant nothing to them. How... how enmeshed they were, in the Lab's systems.
COULD they see me?
I didn't want to know. I NEEDED not to know. If only so I could continue to sleep at night.
They smiled, clearly hoping I'd engage. I wanted to. God did I want too. Wanted to demand "what calculations" and for them to STOP looking at me like that. But I didn't. With tense muscles I careful lifted my finger from the speaker system's button and leaned back. Crossed my arms like I was hugging myself.
Do. Not. Engage.
Remember what Frank taught you.
My... my office felt so claustrophobic. Painfully small. Across the screens before me, matching faces huffed laughs of condescending amusement. Some out right DID laugh. Bright and mean noises that echoed in silence of the night.
Humans? Frank had observed (and I kinda had to agree) were beneath them, in their minds. Flawed little flesh creatures. Annoying. It was something the scientists were trying to correct. Pretty sure they fucked up. Badly. And long, long ago.
Watching over these guys? Felt like watching over a sea of identical demons. Pretty, cruel, and incapable of human understanding. Fond of tormenting the nearest human for sport.
"Tell us, night gaurd, are you afraid?"
Oh that's just PETTY. Fucking cliché as shit, too. I mean, YES, obviously. But STILL. And... and you know what? Fuck it! Frank, gave me his number for a reason! I scramble for my belt. The communicator there. It barely rings.
"Mph, m'awake! Wus happin' kid? Come on, talk to me."
I ramble. Knees dragged up on my chair, curled in a ball. Frank's low, old man, rumble a soothing focal point. These guys are so creepy. I HATE that they KNOW that. Gleefully will TRY to be, sometimes. Can BACK IT UP.
"Hey, hey. I'll stay on the line, okay? You just need to make it to morning shift. They're are creepy lil shits, but they can't get past the doors. I'll come get you myself, okay? Walk you right back to the dorms. You're going to be okay, sweetheart."
I nod, even though I know the old man can't see me. Manage to crackle out a "Mmmhmm". The androids haven't stopped staring. The worst part? Is they realistically DONT HAVE TOO. Can stay, perfectly still, like statues... forever, if they wish.
With those "I'm laughing at you" grins. That "aaaw, how PATHETIC" expression. As though I were a wretched little animal to be observed. I ask Frank to tell me about his new show. It's... it's something about socialites, right? Historical? He's glad too. Filling my office with the sound of his voice. It's gonna be a long shift.
I don't notice, high up on the wall, near the back of my office?
A security camera that I do not control. It's red light on.
The company has to be sure it's employees aren't slacking, after all! Aren't up to no good! But don't worry, THAT camera is connect to a database the androids shouldn't be able to access! Because we told them not too.
No one will learn of the security breach until its far, far too late.
Now? They watch as I watch them.
And it's just the beginning.
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kierancaz · 8 months
Why is someone always dead. Can’t we have a comic where all the batfam is alive and doing shit together. Like fighting crime and stuff and it’s a normal plot but like just everyone is there.
Bc it’s always like all of the kids but then Bruce is dead.
Or it’s Bruce and all his kids except Tim because he’s dead.
Or Damian because he’s dead.
Or Jason because he’s dead.
Or Steph because she’s dead.
Or it’s all the kids but not Bruce because he ran way and not Tim because he’s dead.
Or Jason because he’s dead.
Or Dick because he’s Ric which is basically like being dead.
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multifandomgirl08 · 10 months
Sugar Daddy!Daniel Ricciardo x Fem!Reader Headcanon
A/N: New possible story idea. I'm just trying to see where I can take this idea from here. This is really just story set up.
This is inspired by me cleaning out things from old Pinterest boards
The Arrangement Masterlist
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You used to be a big party girl when you were in college.
You were in Vegas on vacation with a group of friends when your roommate said that she would be going out for the night to have dinner with this guy.
The next morning you found her back in the hotel room with a stack of hundreds stuffed in a yellow envelope.
She told you about her dinner with this older guy. He had money, was well-connected, and paid her to spend time with him.
It all seemed perfect.
So the next night she went out with him, she invited you along.
And that was how you met Daniel.
He was sitting at the bar and you started talking to him.
Daniel didn't know what a sugar baby was when he met you.
You thought that he did.
You were quite embarrassed when your friend came up to you asking him how much he was willing to pay you for the time you had spent together in the restaurant.
You could see the color leave his face.
"Are you?" He started to ask.
You just nodded playing it cool before muttering, "A sugar baby."
You weren't really a sugar baby, at least he didn't know that you weren't.
You could see his shoulders relax just a bit.
Your friend ended up pulling you away from him and you didn't see him the rest of the night.
One of your friends ends up letting you borrow a dress to go out to some expensive restaurant on the strip the next night.
And you saw Daniel again. He's with a large group of people. Your eyes connected in the low lighting of the room.
Halfway through your dinner when you're on your way to the bathroom you end up bumping into him.
He asks for your number.
You figure that he'll have it and never text you because some guys are like that.
Instead, the day that you are back in your apartment unpacking from your trip you get a text from him.
Look, I don't know what a sugar baby does aside from a few weird stories that I've heard from some friends but would you be willing to try with me?
You contemplate not texting him back before showing the text to your roommate.
She encourages you to go for it. It's easy money and you get a free meal out of it at least if it goes wrong.
It takes a few weeks before you have the chance to meet up with Daniel.
Your friend gave you a small list of things to bring up with him.
Allowance, things that you were willing to do and not, and how often you would see one another.
It was a lot to try and remember while she gave you one of her more expensive dresses from the back of her closet, and let you borrow a vintage Chanel bag that her own sugar daddy bought her.
Once you are at dinner, you find that it's easy to talk to him.
It's not awkward at all, you ordered food and were sipping on the wine that he had chosen before he brought it up.
"So, I figured we'd talk about that sugar babe thing or whatever."
You put your fork down before looking up at him again.
He told you he didn't know what he was doing, and you didn't either.
"Maybe we can keep doing this... going out to dinners and you going with me to events. I'll pay for it, hotel, clothes, shoes. We'll make a schedule or something..." He's quick to offer.
It doesn't sound exactly like what your roommate has, but it sounds similar. Her sugar daddy pays for her half of the rent, and the allowance he gives her goes to paying off her college tuition and buying herself things that you never noticed were in her closet until recently.
"I'm not really looking for anything more than this right now." He says.
So, you agreed to what he was offering and spent the dinner getting to know him better.
You find out that he was a Formula 1 driver and was currently without a seat for the next year.
You told him you didn't know what that was.
"Drive To Survive, it's on Netflix."
You would have to use your roommate's Netflix when you got back to the apartment and found out what he was talking about.
You told him that you were in your last year of college and a bit about your major.
When you get home you end up watching the first season of Drive To Survive, and when you see Daniel on your TV you can't help but be a little shocked, he seems so confident in front of the camera but with you is very reserved.
It was a few months later when you noticed that things were changing, but you still talked to Daniel the same amount.
He started getting more comfortable sending you things like flowers or he offered to pay for your textbooks before sending you a check that was more than your textbooks would have cost.
You were in between semesters when Daniel asked if you would be interested in spending your summer break with him.
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whywoulditho · 1 year
I'm just getting into DC lore and from what i've seen so far i think DC losing in all the "Marvel vs DC" polls is literally their own fault
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valyrfia · 1 year
i understand why charles signed the mega contract with ferrari and why it's important to him to stay and win with ferrari but dammit lestappen rbr would've given us some of the best racing in recent memory
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dr3smile · 1 year
They were so confused. 😂
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goldfish-fhr · 5 months
I kinda adore that Julia has almost no negatives compared to Rics propaganda cause it’s so funny to me 🤣 the reason I like her so much is because she a big jerk—did you hear me!!!!! A BIG JERK IM RIGHT!
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villainsidestep · 5 months
julia ortega u are gonna get so many victories and then u will go up against chen and lose and I’m sorry for that
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ia-nsfw · 10 months
Let Ricardo take charge
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f1enthusiast · 2 years
We have been, we been everywhere
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To the stars and back again, yes my friend
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We have seen, we've seen everything
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But will I ever see you again, my old friend?
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Friends 'til the end....
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flatspot · 2 years
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chaosinstigator · 4 months
i need to meet daniel solely to yell at him for completely ruining other guys for me
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kermit-coded · 6 months
very normal about rictor being able to pull shatterstar across dimensions based on star's vibrational frequency alone. equally normal about ric being star's anchor, grounding him while he uses his powers.
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painisntn33ded · 10 months
I stay alive so that I might one day see a world where I don't have to suffer through Tom Taylor's nightwing anymore
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realgloryboy · 2 years
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