#especially between killer and dust
toffeebrew · 4 months
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DON'T KILL ME PLEASE!!! i think i have some unpopular opinions in there so-also i don't hate any ships (aside from the ones listed) at worst i feel neutral about them!!
another big disclaimer: I do realize this could be very wrong haha i don't know everything about these aus and I don't claim my opinions to be correct or in anyway canon.
i would love to explain the reasoning for all of them heheh (also ngl only know like... maybe half of these aus more than surface level so most of this was based off vibes alone. im not doing research for all the aus just for this chart im sorry LMAOO)
sorry bad sanses enjoyers 😭
Ship chart from:
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Blank chart:
(remember to credit or ill skin you! joking but do credit)
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llamagoddessofficial · 7 months
Now for some angst, what happens when the Bad Sanses accidentally hurt their SO?
Horror is, sadly, likely to accidentally hurt you. So long working for Nightmare means he forgot how to hold himself back; a lot of his forgotten gentleness comes back instinctively for you but instinct and love only do so much when his body is the way it is. His teeth catch on your lips if he misaligns a kiss, overly excited cuddles can leave bruises, a touch he intends to be tender will cut if he holds his claws the wrong way. It tears him up. He feels so big, so heavy and stupid, fumbling around and hurting the fragile thing he loves most.
You're always telling him that it's okay. The injuries he gives are very minor, they're getting fewer and further between as time goes on and he gets better at managing his strength. But nothing completely soothes him. He has vivid nightmares about accidentally killing you.
Dust is, surprisingly, the least likely to hurt you out of all of the bad guys. He has an excellent level of self control - not to mention his constant face of neutrality, you're famously the only thing that makes this frighteningly powerful creature emote. He moves slowly, thoughtfully, even at his most emotional he restricts his affection to avoid scaring you. A possessive arm around your waist, a slow nuzzle when he's feeling sappy, a claw under your chin to tilt your face up for a surprise silent kiss. You're the only thing he wants to feel for.
Being the least likely to hurt you means he'd have a particularly hard time if he did after all. Especially if it's bad. Dust can be difficult, sometimes, and hurting you makes him completely shut down, withdrawing for fear of losing his last loved one. He'll need time and patience to come back around again. All this LV, all this power, and it's only your forgiveness that can stop him from feeling so small.
Killer is a good boy. Unlike the others, who are all angst and nooo get away from me i'm too powerful, Killer's pretty much entirely at peace with what he is. He's at peace with his feelings too. He doesn't really need to do a lot of self control like the others, he's very relaxed. Everyone who has to put up with him will definitely attest to the fact that he doesn't bother controlling himself. Nightmare will ask you to come over when Killer is in one of his dangerous frenetic moods, because as soon as you're around, all of Killer's energy immediately diverts into trying to get your attention in any way possible.
If he does hurt you, he'd handle it so normally that it seems weird compared to the other bad guys. Profuse apologies, a bit of pretend grovelling. He might 'die of guilt' too (laying flat on the floor until you've stopped laughing long enough to tell him to get up) so be sure to forgive him ASAP.
Nightmare is a proud creature, you won't hear an apology. Gods don't beg.
... Just because you won't hear the apology doesn't mean you won't feel it in the air, though. You can tell he's angry with himself... he's stiff, he's quiet, he avoids eye contact at all costs. What kind of pathetic King thoughtlessly harms his most beloved? He's uncharacteristically meek for a long while; he'll linger in the room with you then vanish without speaking, leave gifts at your door without facing you, field vague questions about how you're feeling then fall quiet again. You can tell he's desperate to be forgiven, but can't bring himself to ask.
Just assure him. It doesn't need to be with words. It could be a loving smile, a squeeze on his arm, a hand on his cheekbone. After that, he can return to normal.
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stellocchia · 1 month
The fact that, oftentimes, even when the Sanses involved in all the Multiverse stuff still have living brothers they're supposedly attached to, those brothers still become irrelevant to their story has always saddened me a bit.
Especially because the Papyruses have the potential to be just as interesting as their brothers.
Like, imagine being Horrortale Paps and your brother gets taken away. Your brother who is the only one holding the little community you live in together. Your brother who is the one making sure that, despite the food scarcity, you still got something in your plate every day.
You worry endlessly about him. You spend days hoping he's still alive, holding fiercely onto that hope that has always defined you. And nobody else believes it. Sans had been starving himself for years, he was bound to drop dead at some point, they say. They all knew it would happen, and they didn't know how to comfort Papyrus when he still refused to believe it.
Papyrus learns to be a leader in his brother's absence. He learns to take charge, become more assertive, and stand up to Undyne. And yet, through it all, he still has the strength to remain kind. He still follows his passion for puzzles. He still cooks any chance he gets. His brother isn't there to act as a buffer between him and the world, so he has to adapt, but adapting doesn't mean giving up everything that is at his core.
And then, one day, Sans comes back. And he has some friends with him. He goes by Horror now, and he's got a bunch of new traumas to deal with. And his friends do too. Killer, Cross, Dust, they're all huddled together, hesitant to approach. Killer's putting on a front, he's all sharp edges and deceiving smiles, Cross is being all formal, he's walking on eggshells constantly, as if Papyrus would hurt him if he dared to step over a line that isn't even there, and Dust doesn't say a word. He doesn't even look at Papyrus.
Papyrus welcomes them all to his home. Horror seems uneasy at first. Papyrus is fine after all. He survived and he and Snowdin are both thriving as much as they can. For a bit, their chat is awkward and stilted, but, eventually, Horror asks: "You don't need me here anymore, do ya bro?". And Papyrus, who never gave up hope and never changed any more than he needed reassures him: "I don't need you, but I would like it if you stayed. I would like to know you're safe" and he's as loud as he's ever been, as bright and positive and, well, Horror can't say no to his little brother.
Cross, Killer, and Dust can also stay as often as they want. His brother has a big heart and he won't care about their bloody pasts. And, yeah, Killer and Cross will probably go back and forth between the Epic Sanses and Horrortale, but at least they have some stability now. At least they know that there is someone out there in the Multiverse who won't look at their scars, their high level, and their EXP and immediately think they're the scum of the Earth, and that's... well, that's nice.
On the other hand, imagine being Underswap Papyrus, and your brother was never taken from you, he chose to leave. And everyone assumes it must have been your fault. Perhaps you were too protective, and that's why. Perhaps you didn't support him enough. Perhaps you didn't get along. Perhaps you were straight-up abusive. The rumors abound both out in the Multiverse and in your own home because Blue didn't go quietly. He doesn't do quiet.
He said goodbye to all his friends while parading around with two literal gods and then he vanished into a golden portal. He dismissed all of your concerns and almost resented you for them. Because he's not weak he's not stupid and he can take care of himself. And you agree with all of those points, he's the coolest after all, but also you know nothing about the Multiverse and there are gods out there, so you can't know if being the coolest is gonna be enough to keep him safe.
Papyrus was never social. He got along with his brother, Ms. Muffet, and the man behind the door. That's his entire circle of friends. And now one of them is gone, and many more people than before have turned hostile. Because Blue is a nice person, he's nice to everyone, he's outgoing and social, of course, he wouldn't just leave his brother unless he did something to deserve that! Especially when everyone knows that Papyrus' HOPE is so low and that he's been struggling with depression for a long time. Blue wouldn't just leave.
Except he did.
Except he left.
Except he's not there anymore, because the Star Sanses could offer him glory and fame, and the love of thousands of AUs, and Papyrus could give him none of that. The only thing he could offer was his support for Blue's dreams and his unconditional love. And it was obvious to both of them that those two things could never be enough.
Papyrus doesn't change, because he was always well-rounded enough to make it by himself, just like his brother was. They were two whole people who never completed one another.
If they meet again, it won't be a sweet reunion like for the Horrortale brothers. It will be in the Omega Timeline if their AU ever gets destroyed. And they will be strangers making awkward small talk that will never develop into anything more than that, because neither of them wants the other to stay.
However, perhaps there in the Omega Timeline Papyrus can find a nice ending to his story. There are people there who are rejects just as much as he is. Who have wild rumors spread about them that are more or less founded than those about him. Other people who lost everything and are trying to find themselves with some help.
And maybe one day he can meet other Papyruses who dealt with being left behind, willingly or not. Horrortale Paps certainly wouldn't mind acquiring a lanky brother too
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krypticcafe · 1 year
any chance for dbd killers (especially myers) reacting to a partner who wants to take the relationship real slow? how would they take it? would they push, or be respectful? patience? bonus for cuddle time 💜✨
DBD killers w/a partner who wants to take it slow
rating: teen
character(s): GN!Reader, Shape/Michael Myers, Ghostface/Danny "Jed" Olsen, The Executioner/Pyramid Head, The Cannibal/Bubba Sawyer, Legion/Frank Morrison
warning(s): suggestive themes, canon-typical violence and behavior, language
a/n: pardon the unannounced hiatus, cue the usual fanfic writer life drama, gonna be dusting off the request box :]
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Thank. GOD. He's not gonna say it, but Michael's beyond relieved because he's just not comfortable jumping into things, or anything at all. He likes consistency, not change, so he really needs the time to even just adjust to the fact that he's actually letting this relationship happen (no offense). Even the first time he let you live, he felt all irritated about it because it just felt wrong. But after he saw you leave med packs for him from time to time, lurk behind him while he was off chasing others, he started to grow a little more lenient towards you, much to your pleasure.
After you see the approval in his eyes, you're relieved, too. It's not that you thought Michael wouldn't take the suggestion well, it's that it was the first time you two were seriously discussing your relationship. Neither of you put a label on yourselves, you just both knew that you liked each other a little more than you did with other people. Kind of like a silent agreement.
But now you take confidence in knowing you can be as slow as you want with him, after all, you both have all of eternity to work it out, or at least until the Entity decides to do something about it. Though seeing as they haven't stopped you so far, you're probably fine for now.
It's a long time until you guys show any actual physical affection. The closest it's been is Michael getting revenge on people who use you as bait and grabbing your wrist to pull you to a safe spot while you help clean his gear during visits in between matches and lean on him or he holds you in his lap while sitting in comfortable silence (you've caught him falling asleep on a few occasions).
Expect it to take a while more if you guys actually want to get intimate, he's just too much of a 'business first' guy.
All in all, mission success.
"Like how slow?"
You should've expected this. While Michael is relieved, Danny, well, he doesn't take it as well. He's one of the clingiest of all the killers and makes it difficult not to be paranoid all the time of someone finding out. He's a hands-on type of guy and this... is kind of torture for him.
After some insistence and some pleading on your side, he'll give in, but it's not guaranteed. He has to resist his urges like some little kid trying not to open Christmas presents a day early. All day, every day, he's just thinking about smothering you in his touch, and it gets him frustrated (in both ways), so he has to take it out somehow.
You can literally see it in real-time when he's cutting through survivors like butter, not even bothering to act playful or make quips, just snarling and hissing at them like a feral cat. You make a mental note to give him a bit of something after the match, like a kiss or some cuddle time.
Other than that, he whines. A lot. Like it's so fucking annoying please make him shut up with a kiss or something, the killers can't stand hearing him bitch incoherently and you can only take so much of it as well. Also, he's a manipulative ass to expect him to be pushy and try to pressure you here and there.
It's kinda funny though, in a way you sorta conditioned him to feel even more euphoric when you do anything romantic with him. He's asking, no, begging for extra kisses, holding you real tight when you cuddle, and you swear you can feel him melting under your touch. Heart eyes and all, he's so obsessed with you.
Whenever you let him know you're ready to move things forward, expect him to be a little overexcited about it. Like if you finally let him get in your pants, he's gonna work you like there's no tomorrow, all that pent-up energy is flooding out the door.
I'm sorry, but you're literally caging an animal by asking *the* Ghostface to take it slow. He's only gonna get more hungry over time.
Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't think he cares. Like he's fine taking it as slow as you want, it's not a huge deal to him, and really, he has no room for judgment outside of killing people. You'll ask and he'll respond with the usual metallic grunt and boom. Problem solved.
In all honesty, it's probably good to take it slow with him if you want a nice, loving relationship with him. Because of his lack of experience, fast-paced relationships might just be too much for him to deal with, but taking your time lets him process how it even works. Dates, kissing, and anything beyond that aren't in his area of expertise, nor did he ever expect it to be, it's not his primary purpose.
This allows him to welcome something new in his life for once beyond the mundane life of Silent Hill and the matches in the realm of the Entity. He's not used to actually having personal priorities, so the adjustment period progresses along with your relationship. He's quick to find out that he really likes physical contact with you, too.
Most likely you'll be taking the initiative with him, teaching him the little things you like to do like cuddling and holding each other close. He really likes that, being able to just envelope you and keep you safe and close in such a comfortable manner.
I don't he exactly has a concept of... 'horny', it's more of a hunger I guess? A hunger to be close and in your presence, so he kinda has times when he'll stick to your side like a big old scary guard dog. If you wanna indulge him a little, go ahead.
Yeah, I can't really say much for him other than it is what it is.
He tries his best to be patient, he really does. Bubba's more than understanding about it, because he's already elated that you love him back in the first place! Though sometimes he just really wants to pepper your face in kisses and smother you in love, pick you up and swing you around in his arms, take you to some of the nicer parts of the Entity's realm, he almost forgets they all live in some sick game.
Horrible advice, but try not to be so... cute around him. I like to think he has cuteness aggression, so it's very hard to keep his hands to himself when you look so... so... nope, no, Bubba, focus, you're supposed to be chasing Ace right now- oooo but don't wanna just eat them up and make them yours!
He wants to do so much with you but it's kind of for the best to keep him from rushing into things. Even he's a little worried that he'll tire you out from his eagerness to get things moving. Hell, he even spooked himself when he found himself daydreaming about marrying you mid-match. He can't help it though, it's the southern love in him that gets him all antsy (he thinks you'd look very nice in a suit or dress if you're wondering).
Yeah, and don't think you don't know either, not when he's humming "Here Comes the Bride" while sawing up Kate in halves in front of you.
Oh, and you thought the wedding fever was bad? Wait until the baby fever kicks up. Since day one of falling in love with you, this man has been dreaming of church bells, vows, cribs, pacifiers, and all that. He's never told you it in full detail but you just know he does. Whether you want it for your relationship or not, he still loves you nonetheless.
Despite it all, you help remind him to appreciate what's in the moment, that you both have an eternity together in damnation to get to that point. So long as time and the Entity are on your side, he's more than happy to take things slow with you and he'll be sure to enjoy every moment you have together.
"You're joking, right?"
No surprise here either, Frank doesn't take it all too well. He's an impatient bastard and mostly thinks with his dick more than his head sometimes. To be honest, he never even anticipated getting into a relationship with you. He thought most of the survivors were annoying and unlikable in their own ways, he even found you irritating at some point just not as much as the others, or so he'd claim.
You try to explain to him why and unfortunately, it does result in a back and forth between you two, the other members of Legion even chiming in on your defense. It's until you point into his face that you both literally have forever in this endless hell so "what's the big deal about us taking our time" and for him to just think about it for a bit.
And yeah he does, but it takes a while for Frank to wrap his head around it. He's used to just getting what he wants, jumping into things headfirst, and figuring out the details from there. His whole philosophy defies normalcy, defies everything he hates about Ormond and the banal, suburban society it is. He lives for the rush, the excitement, the recklessness. Time and care in a relationship remind him too much of a "normal life".
But the others remind him there's nothing normal about where they are now. Hell, they get to wreak havoc and chaos in the trials, it's everything they dreamed of. Making a statement for themselves. And frankly (no pun intended), he likes you a little too much to let it go. So instead of rushing himself into things, he finds a new thrill in testing the limits. He teases you with lingering touches and suggestive remarks, leaves you wanting, craving just a little more of that.
He clicks his tongue, "I thought we were taking it slow?"
That little bitch. He's got you wrapped around his finger and you know it. But don't think you're the only one aching, no. Call him a sadomasochist because it's practically killing him too, how much he has to hold back. Yet it's such a rush, keeping his hands to himself and itching for the day when you let him do whatever. He. Wants.
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qin-qin16 · 23 days
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Cw: Killer x Reader, suggestive (?), but it is mostly fluff, Killer stage 2, actions against his soul (is all for science!), he kinda doesn't care though, we all like oblivious Reader… 
Notes: This was an ask for my other account, but I liked the result so much that I decided to post it here too!
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Killer never thought anyone could hold his soul so gently — not after Chara’s suffocating embrace or Nightmare’s brutal treatment. 
His soul is familiar with pain, emptiness, death. But kindness? He’s never felt it — or at least, he doesn’t recall ever feeling it. His smile wavers just a bit when you softly squeeze his soul between your fingers.
“I'm sorry…” you whisper in that pretty voice of yours, but Killer isn't focused on your words, no. Instead, he's focused on your face: on your furrowed eyebrows, on the curiosity in your eyes, on the slight parting of your lips... He finds your expression quite  amusing.
Normal beings were scared, disgusted, and uncomfortable around him because of his soul — something that shouldn’t be outside his ribs, especially with its round shape and dripping. But curiosity like yours? Few possess that.
However, you weren’t just curious. You were just like him. 
You wanted to experience it; touch it, squeeze it, feel it, maybe even step on it, tear it, bite it… He’d done all of that before just to see how much his soul could endure.
He shivers again, this time because of your caress between the red circles that form his soul like a funny target. Killer can’t resist teasing you with some dreadful remarks.
"Want to taste it? Want to sink your teeth into the small circle in the middle? I promise you I wouldn’t feel a thing…" he says, his smile widening as you bring it closer to your mouth.
It’s true; even if you bit with all your strength, he wouldn’t feel a thing. Maybe he’d experience a shockwave coursing through his body, so fast that it nearly turns him to dust. But that’s just a physical reaction — emotional responses? Killer doesn’t experience those. He doesn’t need to.
You kissed it. 
You gently press your lips to his soul in a single, careful kiss. No one has ever done this before, and the results are fascinating. 
Killer's bones tremble against each other as his magic makes beads of sweat form on his body. He can feel himself panting from the intense wave that washes over him, but it’s not a wave of shock or pain.
It was something warm, like a gentle breeze on a summer day. Perhaps your intention was conveyed through the kiss — passing into his soul and through his being like a Cupid’s arrow. He can feel kindness, concern, curiosity, and bravery. Were you… feeling all of that just from holding his soul?
When he looks at you, Killer almost instantly notices the new color on your lips: a bright, vibrant red — his determination now adorned on your lips like some kind of lip gloss. He also notices the same color on your hands.
His soul continues to drip, tainting everything around it — including you and the floor. Its shape begins to deform, the sides quivering and stretching. 
You lick your lips before humming as you taste it. It seems you enjoy the flavor of his soul.
"I thought it would have a specific flavor, but it tastes like... I don’t know, something bitter? It’s sweet too, but essentially bitter." You begin to lick your fingers as you savor it, "It’s not bad — really, it’s not bad at all."
Killer feels his eye sockets quiver and his black tears stop falling. He hasn’t stopped panting yet, and red sweat still drips from his forehead.
“It’s not poisoning, right? I should have asked before– I didn’t know you had any light in your eye.” You said, surprised, your eyes now fixed on him.
He, as surprised as you, glances down at his soul, seeing it in an upside-down heart shape. Killer laughs bitterly, feeling a strange, tingling sensation in his bones as he meets your gaze. He can also feel his cheekbones flushing from how intently you are observing him.
“Heh, neither did I.” Despite his nonchalant tone, you notice his tail giving a little wag. He is clearly pleased with the results of your test with his soul.
“Can I bite it now?”
“No.” He cuts you off. If your gentle kiss had such an impact on him, he doesn’t want to imagine what a bite would do — at least not in his current state.
“Just a little nibble?”
“Sorry, kid, not this time~”
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howlsofbloodhounds · 4 months
I’ve been thinking about ways Killer might’ve been instrumental in furthering Nightmare’s goals of widespread negativity, and I think he probably encouraged Nightmare to engage a lot more with mortals in Universes that aren’t aware of the Multiverse as a whole.
Universes that don’t know either Killer’s or Nightmare’s reputations or faces, but also don’t know anything about the Star Sanses, or Dream or Ink.
Reminding Nightmare that human mortals have their uses, and their souls are often stronger than most of monsterkind, reminding the Boss that cases like himself, Dream, Ink, Error, and even Killer are basically outliers. Not typically considered the norm.
I think Killer probably came up with the idea of creating cells inside those universes, secretly training and manipulating both human and monster agents to serve Nightmare’s goals, regardless if any of them are fully aware of that or not. Targeting any dumb or desperate fool, especially those who have any political power or authority over a certain place like a country or an army.
Encouraging wars, gang wars, revolts, territory spats, and acts of mass terror in these universes that could give Nightmare all the negativity he needs without anyone being all the wiser.
With everyone being too busy pointing guns and fingers at eachother to notice that they’re being used for something bigger. And Killer will keep the guns of war going by discretely turning everyone against their own groups, spreading rumors and propaganda.
Assuming Killer targets people who aren’t exactly important to that universe’s script, he may even be able to evade Ink’s attention for some time.
So while the Star Sanses might think that Nightmare only has himself, Killer, and possibly also Horror, Dust, and Cross/XChara doing his bidding.
He actually secretly has both deals & agreements with certain Multiverse-Aware universes—supply Nightmare and his Gang with resources & they’ll leave you alone—but thanks to Killer’s idea, he also has billions of regular Joes working for him and they aren’t even aware of it.
And, of course, Killer would be the one out recruiting people. And I think that the information about the operative cells would likely stay classified strictly between Nightmare and Killer, even if Horror and Dust are very likely suspicious.
But if any of them try to confront Killer about it he of course plays the fool, acting loud and annoying so all they’ll want by the end of the questioning is for him to just shut up and go away and they’ll completely forget what they were even asking in the first place.
(Not Dust though. Cuz while I get the vibes that Horror and Cross just wouldn’t want to deal with Killer, I think the similarities Dust sees between Killer and the anomaly only prompts Dust to pay closer attention to Killer’s actions and less his words.)
I think Nightmare’s Gang can be pretty cool if the rest of the Multiverse sees them as mostly a group of ragtag criminals causing mayhem and negativity wherever they go, but it’s just a front for a more numbered, highly structured and functioning organization with bigger, long term plans.
You could walk past a member of Nightmare’s organization and you wouldn’t even know it. The member themself may not even be fully aware of what they involved themself in.
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bloop-bl00p · 2 months
Are the suffering and consequences in the room with us?
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For a place that is supposed to be Hell, there’s little to no effort into showing that these people are punished. Not necessarily by the Hellborns, I very much like the approach of “Hell is other people” but the writers failed at showing us this aspect. Vivziepop's version of Hell feels more like L.A. painted in red. And that’s disappointing.
It’s still a messed up place but outside of episode 4, there’s no real investment in making sure we understand that this is HELL. We see people do drugs yet we see nobody in a zombie-like state on the street. The closest we had was a randoe in Happy Day in Hell but it was a joke.
This is something very blatant with HH, most of the time, when something serious is presented it’s a joke (Sexual assault, drugs, etc...) It’ll depend on whether you're Viv's favorite character or not.
Sir Pentious was not.
You also see this in how they approached the crimes committed by characters, most of them did messed up things but Charlie never tries to address these despite being the one supposed to care about redemption.
Vaggie participated in genocide, she was angry but for one episode only, and her rant to Alastor was too light-hearted to be taken seriously (again a joke). Rewatch the scene, with an Alastor that doesn't give a damn, the funny music in the background, her goofy facial expression and tone, that’s not taking it seriously narratively.
Alastor was a serial killer and took pleasure in torturing his victims. Currently, he’s a cannibal and slave owner, Charlie does nothing about it. I’m not asking her to free Husk and Nifty we don’t know if she really can, but she could have had a conversation asking Al to not torture people during his stay at the hotel or treat his employees like humans and not pets.
Angel Dust was part of the mafia. From what we’ve seen he isn't against killing people, in fact, he seems to like it.
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Every time we see him fight he’s smiling and enjoying himself, it’s said in the pilot that he’ll never miss an opportunity to help Cherry fight in those turf wars of hers. But his problem is druUuUUugs (this is an issue but that’s the only thing pointed out.)
That’s even more noticeable with the cannibals… who are nice? Whoa… you’re saying that the people whose whole culture is to jump you at your most vulnerable, tear through your flesh with teeth and hands just to feast on you in the middle of the street are actually silly guys and gals who like meat a bit too much. How charming ☺️
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She was more annoyed that guts and blood went into her eye than anything.
There isn’t enough effort to showcase the horrors of living in a place where your only chance to survive is to be physically stronger and a good manipulator. When we’re shown something awful like “murders or cannibalizing someone” it’s presented as quirky, and funny, and nobody really mentions it. Aren't we supposed to believe that Hell is a bad place as a whole? Is Extermination really the only thing we have to worry about?
What’s the point of adding concepts like forced labor, addiction, and an unfair hierarchical system if you’re not going to show the viewer the horrendous reality of these things?
Vivziepop needs to pick a consistent tone for her series, there’s nothing wrong with joking about murders and EdgyyYyy humor, but that makes the audience detach from the reality of these things and they will have a hard time caring for a character the second they are portrayed as bad. Especially when the transition between funny and serious is from one episode to another.
“Angel and Husk are suffering!!!!!”
The characters that are supposed to be addicts are sober every time we see them on screen. We see Husk drink alcohol directly from the bottle and rather than showing that the toxins are affecting his body by making him sluggish and/or on the verge of vomiting he’s still able to stand still and hold a conversation perfectly. Even if Husk drank like a sailor, there’s so much alcohol your liver can take before eventually letting it affect your system.
But maybe we could use his addiction in a way to reinforce the fact that he isn't free.
Think of it like this, show a few scenes where Husk is excessively drinking experiencing bad hangovers, and not doing his job correctly as a whole. Vaggie complains about this to Alastor saying that til now he has done nothing significant to help the hotel and the employees he brought aren’t even behaving properly. She threatens him saying that he might get kicked out if this continues.
To that, Alastor could later threaten Husk saying he better fix his drinking habits or he’ll broadcast his scream or whatever. Later Husk would still be drinking but you could have little details of Alastor side-eyeing him and him just letting go of his bottles. He’ll still be sluggish but he’ll make sure he’s sober enough to keep The Radio Demon happy.
We never really felt like Husk’s movements were controlled by Alastor, he was just brought into the hotel without his concent, that sucks, but he can still converse normally with the others. In the Pilot, he insulted Deer Boe in his face with no repercussions. A few more scenes like the one in episode 5 to reinforce the power dynamics between him and Al wouldn't kill.
And Angel Dust how many scenes do we see him do drugs yet his body is able to take it all?
He’s supposed to be an addict, there are few mentions of him hiding things in his room but it's all talking! Talking is not bad, you can talk, but it’s boring and holds NO substances when there isn't SHOWING. Imagine this:
Charlie is worried because it’s been an hour and Angel hasn't come back to the Hotel, she knows his schedule as a sex worker is extremely busy but she usually knows when he comes back and he didn't respond to any of her messages.
Before she could go out to search for him, Cherry burst out into the room, a beaten and knocked out Angel on her shoulder. She was barely standing herself as she was also injured, with many cuts freshly bleeding mainly on her arms and face.
Charlie and the other help her get Angel to his room to tend to his wounds and Cherry’s. When she asks for an explanation Bomb explains that Angel couldn't buy his usual stash of drugs at the local store he went to anymore, as it got plundered right after the end of the extermination, the owner was killed and the shop was vulnerable to thieves.
Angel was looking for a very rare type of drug, made in the Gluttony ring, usually, the things made there take you quickly to cloud nine practically knocking you out in the process. The store he bought it from was the only one with prices affordable enough for him.
He eventually found a gang that was willing to give him a very small portion of drugs in exchange for money. Except that he didn't have nearly enough for what they were asking but he still went with it just after his work in one of Val’s clubs, already a shitty idea since he was exposed to many illicit substances when working with the moth so he wasn’t clean.
Obliviously the gang didn't accept a slip payment and tried to rob and take advantage of him. Cherry stepped up, fought a bit, and escaped with Angel, thanks to her smoke bombs, before things could get too serious. She goes on a small rant about how she and Angel are friends and they mutually help each other, when her wounds are patched up she leaves not before asking Angel to call her when he wakes up. Before she could go Charlie proposed to her to stay at the hotel but Cherry refused stating that there were people in the street who probably needed her help, but she might send people to Charlie’s hotel if she felt like they couldn’t survive in the street.
There’s probably a lot I could fix with this story but that’s just a quick example. What did I manage to convey without blatantly saying it? Angel Dust isn’t in a great financial situation, his addiction is so bad that he’s willing to put himself in danger just to get his hand on the strongest dope and Hell is a fucked up place. I didn't say it I showed it and since you’re smart you understood the subtext.
Some will say that there’s Extermination, but first, we just learned that they can fight back and they have a year to prepare themselves so the stakes are lesser.
Second, it’s surprisingly easy to get angelic weapons.
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Someone like Striker managed to get multiple angelic weapons to kill Stolas and a rope that neutralized his powers.
An imp, the cockroach of the society, either his killing business is extremely successful or Carmilla’s prices aren’t that high. And don’t go tell me “Stealaa bought it!!” that’s never implied or stated.
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Plus the angel leaves these in the open, I’d say it’s quite easy to get one of those right after an Extermination, nobody was surprised Vaggie has a spear so it feels like it’s common for someone to have them.
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ancha-aus · 11 days
Ghosts & Medium AU Drabble - Research
Just a tiny little thing this time :3
Mostly what Dust can do with many ghosts following him.
Also in case you didn't notice @mikimakiboo wrote their own drabble on how Horror met the group and how he ended up joining them! Which i pretty much accepted as canon to this AU lmao. Story here.
anyway. Lets go :D
Dust turns his alarm off wiht one hand and slams his other down on Killer's face. Killer groans and Dust rolls his leg up and kicks out. Kicking him off his mattress.
Dust rubs his sockets as he mutters "Stay out of my bed."
Killer groans from the ground and Dust can hear the pout as he speaks "But Dusty~ You are so warm and it is so nice to be near you adn you smell great-" he groans.
Dust pulls his arm and hand back from where he hit Killer as he gets up "You are fucking weird as shit. also you need to socialise wiht other people." he grabs his clothes and points at the door "Out. I am getting dressed."
Killer pouts and crosses his arms "But I already saw you shower before! what is the big deal?"
Dust just keeps pointing towards the door.
eventually he grumbles and killer takes Cross's body and leaves the room.
Dust sighs and gets undressed and redressed before going to his tiny living room.
Horror floats in the kitchen waiting. Dust sighs but moves into the small kitchen area and reaches his cabinets for soemthing to eat. he doens't have a lot but it is better to at least eat something or else Horror will not shut up the whole fucking day.
Cross is lecturing Killer again. something about how he cané keep using Cross's body to be indecent. Killer just answers that Cross is just jealous he can't do it himself after which cross sputters about how he wouldn't do that.
Dust goes back to ignoring them as he finds some old cereal. he doesn't have milk but that is fine. He fills a glass with water and just munches on the dry cereal as he leans against the counter. Eating under the watchful glowing red eye of horror and the narrowed sockets of ash.
If Dust had known Horror would comment and watch his health this closely he would have put up more of a fight to not get him to go with them.
Dust finishes his meal and puts his stuff in the sink to maybe wash one day. thought probably not.
Dust goes to his couch and opens his laptop. only to see it not turn on. Ugh! out of charge. So much forchecking if any people need some exorcist. especially as the free building wifi seems to be out.
He tries to calm down but his headache is already starting. He needs to get some actual monster food and stuff to help him. He is getting low on magic and he needs money to get the right food. He needs a job.
Ash looks at him worried before shooting Cross and Killer a glare as they keep arguing and Hroror watches between them.
Dust needs a spot where he can do some reasearch. Where he has wifi to check for jobs. A place where they would be forced to be quiet but also be able to keep these ghosts busy-
Dust stands up "We are going out." and he walks towards his bag and quickly packs his laptop and charger.
The ghosts looks at him and Dust just points at the open door "We. Are. Going." at least that gets them movign and floating. Dust locks up and gets them in his van.
He parks his van in the parkign lot as he gets out "okay. ground rules." He points to Killer "No. Talking."
Killer pouts "But dusty!"
Dust glares "I am serious. I ened to do research and work and i need wifi and electricity. Which means. Library. But library requires everyone to be quiet. and sadly. because you are in an actual body you make noise."
Dust nods to horror and cross "You two and ash should be fine but please stay a bit quiet as i work."
Cross smiles "No worries." and horror nods as well.
Dust nods and takes adeep breath as he enters the library.
One of the nice ladies behind the reception looks up and smiles "Dust. It has been so long. How are you- oh! Who is your friend?"
Dust glances at killer and Killer grins as he raises a hand and waves "Name is Cross. Just here to help dusty."
Dsut makes sure to shoot him the stink eye but Killer just keeps smiling with cross's face.
The lady looks between them and gives a knowing smile. No wait! No! The lady giggles as she turns to her work "Just respect everything and please be quiet. it is a place of learning after all."
Dust considers correcting the assumption but by the proud tilt of Killer's skull Dust doubts he will just accept that without starting up the whole conversation about how they have been on a date already.
Dust walks towards the back with all the older stuff and archives. Hopefully he can either get a job soon or at least something to fix the situation with his growing number of ghosts. He takes a seat and starts to unpack his things.
Dust doesn't look up at the others as he speaks "You guys can just... search the shelves for books to read. books should be easy enough for you guys to grab and read. just make sure to leave the books on the carts around the place." he gets his laptop started and set up and gets to work on typing on the ghost formers and checking his email. a lot of spam and prank mails but he expected that much.
He rather quickly gets into a familiar routine. he sets his laptop to scan and sends out a message to hear updates before going to the archives and looking for old mysteries and strange crimes. That is usually how he finds spots where he can find more information on spells and rituals.
He reads text after text and feels his headache just get worse. Ugh. Focussing on reading as he is already getting oversensitive to all the ghost auras may have been a wrong choice after all but what else can he do?
He doesn't get any new offers for jobs. which sucks. He can't really work in many places as he dropped out at like ten years old. No matter how much you teach yourself people justdon't take you serious then.
Dust does get some inside information about a lot of cult activity. which may explain the lack of jobs as the cults are stepping in very quickly. Dust makes sure to make a few notes on the information and makes a mental note to keep his ehad down.
Meaning he will have to be even more selective in what jobs he takes and-
fuck he doens't have the fonds to be selective wiht the jobs he can get. Fucking hell.
So getting work is a bust. He tries to texts next and most of the things he already read.
Then he finds something about a circle of madness or something. dark thoughts invading people in a certain area. it destroying relationships and bonds between people-
bonds... between people...
It speaks of a being of darkness. feared by all. It seems to grow in power when near the very darkness it brings.
but it speaks of it being able to break bonds between people.
Though that may also be spekaing about other ties between poeple. Dust knows better than to believe text literally but it is still more promising than most things he read.
He goes to the copier and gets copied made of the texts he found and makes sure to return the papers to the right archives.
By the time he is finally done it is already late and nearing closing times. Dust considers leaving the ghosts once again but ends up searching them out.
Killer had just been reading comics in the kids corner while Cross had been doign his own research on religion and healing magic. Horror however had just been reading up on local and global news and information on food it seemed.
Ash had been by his own side the whole time and researching with Dust.
Dust wishes the second librarian good night but waits by the door as she locks the place up for the night. Dust returns to his van and drives home.
He will have to look more into this demon thing... iff it can break bonds between humans and monsters nad souls... maybe it can break the ghosts anchors? Or at least make the anchor between killer and cross's body break which should enable cross to get back to his own body.
Maybe things are starting to look up!
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toxiccrybabyart · 10 months
Skeles as humans but with all my headcanons and design choices
Because in my eyes they’re all queer as fuck and no one can take that from me
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Ink is nonbinary, uses any pronouns, is aroace and from Filipino decent. They’re a tattoo artist, though his own tattoos are actually just henna. They like to do henna at the local ren fair when it’s open. He also does art commissions on the side, when they’re not prepping for various tattoo gigs.
Blue is a cis guy, uses he/him pronouns, is bisexual, and half Hawaiian half Puerto Rican.
Dream is a trans man, uses he/him pronouns, is pansexual, and from Scottish and fae decent. He likes to garden and do photography. He’s currently a free lance photographer.
Error is a cis guy, uses he/they pronouns, is demiromantic and demisexual, and a black American. Despite his rather closed off and almost rude nature, he finds that he enjoys streaming, and has a decent following. He also enjoys crocheting, and sometimes just streams himself crocheting while talking with chat. He brings string alone with him in his coat pocket, and weaves it between his fingers when he’s overwhelmed.
Cross is a cis guy, uses he/him pronouns, is bisexual, and Dominican Puerto Rican. He works as security for Nightmare, though Nightmare technically doesn’t need it, but he has the money and it makes Cross feel better to make sure he’s okay.
Nightmare is genderfluid, uses he/she/they pronouns (in preference order), is queer, and is of Scottish and fae decent. He is also a natural red head like Dream, but dyes his hair black. He’s embarrassed of the red color, which is silly because he looks lovely with red hair. She’s a gothic model, mostly encouraged into it by Dream, but she secretly loves the positive attention.
Dust is a cis guy, uses any pronouns, is pan, and is a mixed black American. He’s incredibly closed off and is pretty paranoid. She gets the shakes pretty bad, especially in her hands. They’re rather cold. But around his two other friends he lightens up a little bit.
Horror is a cis guy, uses he/him pronouns, is bisexual, and a white American. He tries to be friendly and approachable despite his own issues he’s working through. He’s got a few memories issues and a thing about food, but he’s a great friend, and his friends will kill you if you even imply otherwise.
Killer is gender queer, uses he/they pronouns, is omnisexual, and is a mixed Korean American. He comes across as just a chill relaxed guy despite his morbid sense of humor. Though he’s got issues, you’ll be hard pressed to learn of them unless you’re close to him.
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derangedanomaly · 5 months
okay okay weird request, and slightly embarrassing to ask for, but no one does it
A fluff headcanon with Dust, Horror, Killer, Nightmare, and possibly Error, where the reader is a really REALLY short adult. Im talking like so much shorter and smaller then the guys that it’s actually kinda crazy?? like, you can still tell their an adult, but their just really short.
i have a love for height differences, especially with the boys. i have a different type of love towards these skeletons ❤️
i won’t be mad if you don’t do this, and im really sorry if this request is annoying, or give you second hand embarrassment, or if your not taking requests right now 😭
I actually think that this is a pretty cute request! I have a thing for height difference... So I might've made this a little spicy... Hope you'll enjoy!
Warning: A lil spicy
He's so smug.
He's a little shocked about your height... How can you be so small??
He's honestly such a bully.. he's literally bullying you because of your height 😭
He'll literally use your height to his own benefit (somehow)
He's manipulating his way into your heart fr.
You'd have to show him, that your fighting are GOD TIER, for him to actually treat you... Somewhat normally.
Likes to wrap his tentacles around you.. he just likes how big they are compared to you. (SIZE KINK 😦)
He's definitely one of those people that yell "LMAO, LOL" out loud. So this'll pretty much be his first reaction.
He's the shortest of the Bad Sanses, so having someone that's SHORTER than him around?? A blessing frfr.
He'll constantly use flirting puns on you, that involve your height.
"The best part about being this tall, is how easy it is to see cute people like you in the crowd."
Overall, thinks your height difference is cute.
He'll definitely give you piggy back rides, if you ask for them.
He loves looking down at you....and he also likes you looking up at him.... (Kink check?)
He's kinda surprised at your height.. he studied humans awhile back, and he doesn't understand how you're so short.
He probably won't joke about your height. But he will snicker when others say something. (He just can't help it lmao)
He doesn't have much thoughts on your height, will never really fully mention it either.
Will treat you as if there wasn't ANY height difference between you two.
But he does have a growing need to.......... manhandle you.
He's used to people being shorter than him. So it doesn't faze him.
He probably won't even know that it's uncommon for human adults to be this small.
At first, he'd kinda avoid you... because he's afraid of accidentally hurting you, but after you establish that you're ok, and can hold on your own, he'd be stuck to you like a glue.
He wants to help you as much as he can!
He also likes praise.. so he'd get really excited when you tell him he's a good boy for helping you reach for something.
He likes to carry you around on his shoulders. :)
He can't help but smile sweetly at you when he notices your height difference.
He loves romance, so he'd probably find it actually pretty romantic that you're shorter than him.
Likes to stare at you. A lot.
Literally analyzing you and everything lmao.
You don't even have to ask him for help, he already knows you need it before you ask.
Likes to wrap you in his strings and bring you along wherever.
Bondage kink?
He gets a little giddy, seeing your height difference.
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neverniko101 · 7 months
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Okay I know I said I would do Horror!Dreamtale but in my defense LOOOK AT THEM-
This originally started out as a redraw/redesign of an earlier art piece, but I guess they’re steampunk now- these are redesigns for Krxken!tale, btw! There won’t be too much more of these folks until Horror!Dreamtale is done, so have some rambling to sustain yourselves :>
Dust- The Doctor
- 6’2
- The temporary “Leader”- the other two crash in his house until they meet a certain octopus
- His hobbies include medicine, alchemy, performing horrific and unethical experiments, and eating oatmeal
- May or may not have a deal with a certain god of death…
- He has a pet crow that needs a name, reblog with name suggestions :>
- He will not take the mask off, asking him to or trying to take it off will make him angry. Not even the other two know what’s under his mask, he only takes it off to eat when he’s alone.
- Despite his intimidating appearance, he has limited magic and is fairly weak in battle. He lets the other two do most of the fighting and has them restrain his “patients” before he works on them.
- In a pinch, he will fight using bones, his staff, potions, and gaster blasters shaped like bird skulls, although he tires quickly.
Horror- The Armswielder
- 5’9
- His mechanical eye works like a telescope, allowing him to see far away and small details
- His hobbies include playing with sharp objects, metalworking, construction, and gardening
- He likes gathering trinkets from AUs they visit, especially plants that he grows in his garden.
- His time in the forges has made him resistant to heat
- He tries to split his time evenly between Horror!tale with his brother and Dust!tale with the other two
- Fights using his large array of weapons or bone attacks- the physically strongest out of the group
- Works for the other two in exchange for weapons and food to bring back to his AU
Killer- The Inventor
- 5’7
- Hobbies include engineering, arson, sewing, and annoying the other two
- Relies on a potion that Dust makes him to keep his ‘condition’ under control
- Very particular about his outfit and will get very upset if it is ruined, although he does say that none of his looks are complete without a splatter of blood
- Will absolutely charm people into getting what he wants
- Likes roses- the rose in his suit is actually a hidden knife
- Very fast & agile
- Fights using his inventions or bone & gaster blaster attacks, although he is very good at making improvised weapons
- Makes most of his weapons for Horror as they end up being heavy & he’s the strongest
General notes:
- Killer invented a portal machine that lets them travel to other AUs, but it needs high amounts of energy to work- batteries, nuclear waste, human/monster souls, the three aren’t picky
- They live in Dust’s house in Dust!tale
- Dust makes potions/medicine for Killer, Killer makes weapons for Horror, Horror gathers supplies for Dust
Killer by rahafwabas
Horror by Sour Apple Studios
Dust by Ask Dusttale
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Kinktober day 17
Jason voorhees + dry humping
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Im gonna try and catch up on kinktober, can’t promise they’ll all be done in October, but I will finish this list at some point. No beta read, we die like Jason’s victims.
Kinktober list
The underbrush crunched under your boot as you ran through the forest, your heavy boots doing nothing to silence the sound of your feet as they stomped through the leaves and plant life. Behind you, you could hear the sound of a person hot on your tail, their steps louder than your own and if you listened closely, you could hear them panting.
Had it been anyone else you would have started truly running for your life, but as you knew it was only Jason, you kept it at a manageable pace, knowing he wouldn’t truly kill or hurt you. This had all been Jason’s idea, after you got together, he seemed to finally discover his libido and how he always got excited when hunting other people. He really wanted to hunt you through the woods like you were one of his victims, though without all the traps. Just him and his machete.
Of course, he hadn’t outright asked you immediately when he got the idea. He actually avoided it as much as possible, to the point where he would avoid you after hunting whoever his last victim was because he didn’t want you to see his half hard erection, or notice how he was panting a little deeper than normal.
But one day you noticed, it was late at night and Jason must have assumed you had gone to sleep when he returned to your shared cabin. He was cleaning off his machete when you came up behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist, the large man almost flipping around and chopping your head off in surprise. When he realized it was you though, he shrunk in on himself somewhat, especially when you started running your hands up and down his thighs. That was when you realized he was hard, and after some prodding got it out of him what had caused it.
So here you were, running through the woods in some heavy boots, baggy denim pants, some t-shirt you didn’t care for and one of the jackets Jason had brought back from one of his victims. When you felt Jason near you and the tips of his fingers brush against your back you sped up, a breathless laugh escaping you as you left him in the dust. You knew from how Jason started storming after you that it had served its purpose and made him even more excited.
When you neared a large boulder, you tried to turn and go in another direction, but the strong powerful hands of your boyfriend grabbed onto your jacket and wrenched you back. You let out a yell of fake fear as he grabbed you, looking over your shoulder and trying to appear truly terrified as you struggled out of your jacket, stumbling over your feet as you slipped free and left the fabric in Jason’s iron grip.
You also used this time to look at Jason and smirked internally at his appearance. To everyone else he would look the same, but you could tell he was really affected by this. What skin was visible was shiny with sweat and his chest and shoulders rose and lowered as he panted, his breath creating small clouds in the cold night air.
Turning to continue to run, you only got maybe 20 meters before your foot was caught in a root that was sticking up, sending you crashing to the ground. You flipped around to see Jason standing right over you, machete gripped tightly in his fist as he seemed to step out of the mindset of a killer and tilt his head, asking in his own way if you were okay. Giving a small nod of reassurance that yes you were fine, you kept up your role of victim and tried to crawl backwards when your foot was free.
Your upper back hit the trunk of a tree and you were stuck, gulping the spit that gathered in your mouth as Jason slowly walked towards you, his slow sure gait sending a shiver of excitement up your spin. A gasp left you as Jason picked you up by the shirt and slammed you back into the tree, crowding around you and forcing his way between your legs causing you to hook them around his hips.
Jason stabbed the machete into trunk of the tree and pushed himself closer to you, his panting audible through the hockey mask as he stared down at you. You moaned as his hips met yours, your lengths rubbing against one another, the shaky groan leaving Jason telling you he was just as affected. The role of victim and killer seemed to have been thrown into the wind as Jason stared grinding his hips into yours, his head falling onto your shoulders as he panted and groaned.
You threw your arms around his neck and pulled him closer, trying to grind back against his movements. He grabbed your hips in his strong hands and held you in place, his movements going from grinding to rough humping, the denim of your pants digging roughly against your crotch and making you whimper. You cursed to yourself as he pressed you further into the tree, his powerful hips humping against yours with what appeared to be no difficulty or strain.
You could feel how hard he was through his pants as his large length humped against your own, the noises he released sounding almost animalistic as he panted and growled, spit dripping from behind his mask and onto your shoulder as his hands dug bruises into your hips. You could tell he was about to cum as his movements grew more jagged and rough, the noise that leaves him sounding like a wounded animal as you feel warmth spread over the front of his pants and seeping into your own. He keeps moving his hips, humping into your own until you cum, your head smacking into the tree behind you as you throw your head back at the orgasm, the feeling ripping through you all the way down to your toes that curl in your boots.
The two of you stand there pressed up one another and panting, trying to catch your breaths as Jason’s hips move in small twitchy moves, overstimulation making you both sensitive to the smallest movement. Leaning down you press a kiss to whatever part of his head you can reach and rest against him, trying to calm down your heartbeat. When Jason seems to have caught his breath he took a step back, still holding you against him as he starts making his way back to your cabin, his walk slightly awkward as he wasn’t used to walking around after doing something like this.
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malfiora · 5 days
I'm rewriting Jason's resurrection and reconciliation with the fam for my own sanity:
Jason dies tragically and horrifically at age 15
A year later, Superboy Prime punches through universes, collapsing two realities onto each other: one where Jason dies, the other in which he survives. Jason comes back to life but is semi-conscious. Talia finds him and takes him to the League
Jason regains full consciousness after a dip in the Lazarus. For two years, Jason trains and slowly regains his memories. Once he's 18, he decides to return to Gotham, despite Talia's wishes
Quickly becomes clear that Gotham hasn't changed much, which disappoints Jason. He decides to put his League training to use and control crime as a harm reduction tactic, and he goes back and forth on contacting Bruce, especially after he hears rumors of a new Robin
Joker pops up with a new scheme, and this is the last straw. Jason concocts a plan to kidnap and finally kill Joker and confront Batman about all the ways he's failed him and Gotham. When Batman refuses to kill Joker, Jason feints like he's going to kill Tim to "save him the trouble" since Batman clearly cares so little for his sidekicks. ("Hey, kid, at least I'll make it painless.") This gets a reaction from Batman, who incapacitates Jason and rescues Robin. Jason retreats to lick his wounds and reconsider everything
Jason takes time to ruminate on all of this. He's still hurt that his death meant nothing in the grand scheme of things but thinks about Batman's reaction to Tim being in danger and has to wonder if that's how he acted when Jason was in that warehouse
Out of morbid curiosity and a little bit of fanboyishness, Tim monitors Jason. Jason knows this and eventually confronts him. He feels bad for scaring Tim but has to maintain his edge so he tries not to be too scary. At some point, Tim speaks his mind and tells Jason that he has no idea what things were like while he was dead. "Batman was a mess, he almost killed people. That's why I became Robin. I had to put him back together, so you don't get to act like you know everything that happened the past 3 years because you been back a couple months." Jason takes this in. They part ways. (Jason: "Don't die." Tim: "Don't change.")
The Chemo incident happens. Jason rushes to Blüdhaven to make sure Dick is alive and okay, thus revealing he's alive to the Titans. After the dust settles, he and Dick talk privately so that Dick can react properly. (Dick: "No, Batman didn't tell me." Jason: "Yeah, he has a habit of doing that.")
Jason gets to ask if Tim's claim of Batman being a mess is founded. It is. He asks Dick if it's worth doing things the same way. "It is." That doesn't help.
Eventually Jason and Bruce have their equivalent of a heart to heart. Basically they both go, "I love you even if I think you're wrong."
Jason forms the Outlaws, but the moment he gets the distress call from the fam, he comes rushing back to help. He's offended that Bruce is surprised (Tim is hopeful, Dick isn't remotely shocked)
When Dick "dies," Jay comes back to take his place as Eldest Son. He sticks around through the end of the Robin War
Other important events that definitely happen but just don't fit neatly into a timeline:
Barbara and Jason team up on a mission shortly after Bruce tells Barbara that Jason is back. She's happy and immediately falls into big sister/mother hen mode and chides him for not seeing her sooner and makes him promise to stop by the clocktower regardless of whatever is happening between him and Bruce. She promises to help him upgrade his tech if he does. (Barbara has always been more lenient with killers and believes wholly in second chances.)
Cass stops Jason from killing someone who "deserves it," resulting in them fighting. Cass is better trained but she refuses to kill Jason, who won't stop. Eventually, they call a ceasefire and talk a bit. "All life has meaning," Cass says. Jason scoffs. "Even the Joker's?" "All life," she insists. Jason quietly disagrees but he respects Cass's determination. This starts a back and forth of him testing her anytime they're grouped together. ("Even this lowlife, Cass?" or "She's worth your own life?" or "They wouldn't spare you, why bother?") Each and every time she sticks to her principles.
Jay and Steph grab food together after a patrol one night and bond over being the family outcasts (i.e. the ones Bruce doesn't implicitly trust). Jason vows to make Steph his Robin if he ever becomes Batman. She laughs but is secretly touched
***I can never decide what to do with Damian. On the one hand, it's hilarious if Jason knows about him and keeps quiet about it. On the other, I don't see why Jason wouldn't tell Bruce about Damian's existence. Maybe once he's on speaking terms with Bruce again, he does tell him about Damian, which then prompts Jason to encourage Talia to let Damian meet Bruce. This is accelerated by Talia discovering Ra's' plan for Damian and wanting to get Damian away from the League
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deadbeat-motel · 7 months
For my rewrite, I wanted to tie each sinner who's staying at the motel to a specific deadly sin to make it easier to understand what got them in hell and just for the fun of it.
It doesn't apply to the rest of hell to have a specific sin, but I thought it was interesting that the inhabitants of the motel will represent a sin.
Some of these characters are still rough ideas and will be subjected to some changes once i finalize the actual lores for these characters:
First up, Angel Dust is easy to confuse as Lust because most people might assume that since he's a sex worker, its probably what got him in hell right? Though, his sin had nothing to do with being lustful since he didnt become a sex worker until then (plus being a sex worker doesnt warrant someone a tacket straight to hell). Instead what really did him in was Gluttony since it was his appetite for vices that got him into trouble and also inadvertently lead to his death and it was that appettite that lead him to take any and all clients to feed his appetite for angeldust.
Nifty's sin is Lust, though not in the traditional sexual sense that we know. For her sin's sake, Lust is all about an uncontrollable desire that leads one to do horrible acts in order to attain what they've been obsessing over. In the rewrite, I was going to let her be a lot younger (most likely an adolescent-young teen) with a very skewed sense of what romance/love is like and have her lean in more towards a yandere-type character or a crappy creepypasta kid character (think Nina the killer levels of crappypasta). I'm torn between the two ideas at the moment.
[Also fun fact, hearing that nifty was a japanese woman from the 1950's kind of took me off because googling it, she wouldve been a woman who grew up in the middle of world war 2 and lived through a bit of the Post war boom if we assumed she's also american as well. Having someone with a background like that who acts like she's mentally a child makes it feel like Viv did no research at all.]
Husk's sin remains as Greed, as gambling just seems so hard to quit for him, even when his life is on the line, especially when he's cheating death so many times. Maybe it was after he had his first close encounter with death in his youth... or the few couple of times during the war... that he began to think of himself as too lucky to die. Unfortunately for him, he'd have to learn the hard way that whatever force that was trying to save him can't do anything about his own body failing from years of self-destructive alcoholism.
[Husk will literally kill me with all the research I'll have to do from 1910-1970 to get his story straight.]
Alastor is one Prideful mf. As an intelligent serial killer (possibly cannibal), he was able to evade the police whilst keeping the high-profile radio host job he killed others for. He enjoyed leaving clues and slipping little hints around his scene that stumped the entire police department. In the end, getting sloppy because of his own overconfidence in his abilities was what did him in and he was chased down and shot by a hunter in his escape.
Sir Pentious is Envious of the Victorian family and those above the middle class. He believed that he deserved to have the same kind of privileges they have especially since he was a brilliant inventor who believed he could forward Great Britain to a greater future. So he gave up 15 years trying to take over the monarchy by himself and failing miserably. He died due to an invention gone wrong and that was the day Great Britain was rid of its persistent annoyance.
[Some people may read about him in history books and confuse him for an anti-monarchist when this man's entire goal was to replace the monarchy with himself.]
Cherri Bomb grew up as a resentful youth of the Japanese 70's being a sukeban of a delinquent girl gang. Their Wrath was known all across the other local schools in their area and they were known for their sheer brutality. However, Cherri Bomb in particular was also feared by other members of the gang as she was ruthless punishing those who wanted to leave the group. She doesn't ever disclose how she died to others and thus no one is ever really sure how she ended up down here but no one really feels the need to ask.
[I'm extremely unfamiliar with Australian history so Cherri Bomb will have to have grown up in Japanese 70-80's delinquent culture.]
There's one sin left.... but since I don't really have anyone in the HH cannon that could realistically fit Sloth, I'm left with two options: Characterizing the blank slate that is Crymini myself or leaving the last resident as a community effort "Build-a-Sinner."
So first poll ive done but....
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qin-qin16 · 16 days
Harsh like a cat's tongue
Summary: All Color had to do was turn his back for Killer and Delta to jump on each other's vertebrae, but things ended up getting out of control in this not-so-friendly game.
words: 1.4k
cw: Color x Killer, queer platonic relationship, hurt/comfort, Killer is our favorite punching bag, Delta is here, but not for the comfort part, violence (the girls are fighting!), protective Color… 
note: Consider this a belated birthday present. Happy birthday again @howlsofbloodhounds! Hope you enjoy this one (since it was inspired by one of your posts lol)
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"Look, I won’t be able to be by your side all the time, so try not to get into trouble, okay? I can sort it all out later, just… don’t start anything.” He can almost feel Color’s fingertips gently brushing down his face, cleaning the remnants of black lines left around his eye sockets.
The words echo in Killer's mind, and he barely registers the same sweet, patient tone from Color that he first heard. So why? Why is Killer ignoring this simple request? Is it just for fun? Or is he indifferent to the impending danger because he misses that despair?
Yes, he grins, perhaps that’s the reason. 
Killer barely manages to dodge the punch Delta throws close to his face. It’s clear that Killer must be rusty, as he didn’t notice the orange figure as easily as he used to.
Color may have eased his defenses, but that doesn’t mean the others — especially the other Sanses — will be equally merciful with him. Not after everything he has done.
“Over my dead body! I’ll kill you before you even think about living here!” Another punch is thrown in his direction. Luckily, this time he manages to dodge it more effectively, paying closer attention to Delta’s aggressive and impulsive attacks.
“It shouldn’t be too hard to step over a pile of dust,” Killer retorted, his mocking smile widening further at Delta’s furious snarl. 
They had been in this aggressive dance for a while now, and although Killer felt his bones vibrating with excitement and his magic simmering with anticipation, he continued to focus solely on dodging. It was unusual for him to be on the defensive side, rather than the attacker.
But no less fascinating.
“Ha! You’re the one who’ll end up as a pile of dust!” Delta, too, seemed to be enjoying the furious dance between them, even if all that hatred was coming from him alone.
As for Killer, the round target on his chest made it clear that this was all just an experiment for his amusement: how much longer could Delta tolerate Killer’s presence in the Omega Timeline?
The results were hardly surprising. As soon as Color left, they both went at each other's throats, or at least tried to. Until then, they hadn’t made physical contact — only attacking and dodging in tight circles, confined to the small area around them.
“I wonder what Color would think if he saw his little friend beating up his roommate. Poor little Color,” Killer said with a scoff, raising a barrier of bones just in time to deflect Delta’s kick. Without the blue magic, it would have definitely landed squarely on his ribs.
“It’s not like he’ll miss Nightmare’s pet!” Delta sneered, watching Killer’s smile waver. “What’s wrong? Did I hit a nerve?” He chuckled.
How could Color be friends with someone like this? As Killer pondered this, a gap in Delta’s defense suddenly appeared. Seeing an opportunity for an easy defeat, Killer summoned one of his bones behind the skeleton with orange gloves, poised for Delta to make a mistake and impale himself on it.
How could Color be friends with someone like this? Color. Color's friend. As the thought crossed his mind, the newly summoned bone vanished in an instant, leaving behind only a brief wisp of gray smoke.
Killer staggered back, still bewildered by his own instinct to consider the consequences of Delta’s death. Would Color forgive him, or would he see him as the ruthless killer everyone claims he is? Before Killer could dwell on the question, the tip of Delta’s shoe struck his jaw with a sharp impact.
“Don’t be daydreaming on me now!” That was the last thing Killer heard before a hellish buzzing filled his head, mingling with Delta’s harsh curses and death threats.
Killer didn’t even attempt to brace himself as he fell, accepting the inevitable impact with the dirt floor. Delta was clearly someone you couldn’t afford to let your guard down around, not even for a moment.
He felt something lodged in his throat and, struggling, began to cough. He turned his face to the side, spitting out the vile black goo onto the floor, along with what little dignity he had left. The buzzing in his skull persisted, a relentless, irritating monotone like the beeping of a dead heart monitor.
It echoed and echoed, filling his mind with its insistent, rhythmic drone.
Even without the single eye light in one of his eye sockets, Killer felt the pain twisting through him, spreading from his jaw and radiating through his skull like a slow, agonizing shock. For a moment, everything went dark. Then, the faint glow of his soul illuminated his vision, casting everything in a crimson red.
Before his vision fully returned, Killer first felt something on his face — an unknown gentleness, caressing and touching him like he was made of glass. He tried to speak, to push it away, feeling he didn’t deserve the pity of whatever was comforting him. But all that escaped his teeth were a few incoherent grunts.
“It’s okay, I’m here,” a voice assured him gently, urging him to stay quiet.
Killer felt all his bones relax instantly, and his soul, which had been twisting in agony, finally settled in front of his chest. He recognized that voice, so sweet and familiar.
“What happened to you?” Color murmured, carefully wiping the black streak that dripped from between Killer’s teeth, as if even the slightest touch might cause him pain.
Don't talk to me like that, Killer hissed in his mind. Don’t be gentle after I broke your promise.
“Shit, Color, I ca-”
“Shut up.” Killer had never heard Color growl with such controlled intensity, as if he were suppressing a hidden rage to avoid frightening Killer more (even though that anger wasn’t directed at him).
“I don’t want to hear a single word from you, or I’ll say things I’ll regret later.” Killer’s vision shifted from a yellow light to a brief flash of orange, before settling into a soothing light blue.
He then realizes that the light is coming from the fervent flames emerging from Color’s skull, casting a beautiful display of colors that illuminates both his face and the surrounding area.
Killer didn’t hear any response from Delta; he was either as stunned by Color’s aggressive stance or had simply decided to comply with the harsh order. Either way, Killer didn’t care. What mattered was seeing Color’s eye light focused on him only, carefully scanning for any additional injuries on his face.
“Can you talk to me, Killer? Please?” The aggressive tone from before melted away, replaced by a pleading and patient voice — the one Killer knew so well.
Wanting to reassure him, Killer managed a smirk, despite the pain in his jaw and numbness on his tongue, “I’ll survive— ouch!”
He chuckled, “Heh, if you’re already talking nonsense, then it can’t have been that bad,” Color said, half-jokingly, though his voice carried a note of genuine concern.
Killer simply grunted as Color’s hand moved to his spine, traveling down to his shoulder blades before helping him into a more comfortable sitting position.
Even though he turned his face away, trying to hide the shame he felt for disobeying Color’s "order" — even though, deep down, Killer knew it was just a request — he couldn’t help but imagine the disappointed expression on Color’s face.
“Look, I know I messed up, okay? You don’t have to look at me like that…” he whispered, fearful and aware of the consequences he might face for ignoring such a simple request as avoiding a f-
“It’s alright,” Color said, with a calmness that surprised Killer. He looked back to see concern in Color’s eye and the blue flames on top of his skull glowing more gently. “We’ll talk about this later. First, we need to take care of you, okay?”
Killer trusted those words completely. He allowed himself to be comforted by Color’s promises, lightly headbutting Color’s face as a simple, silent apology.
He felt Color’s hand give his shoulder a reassuring squeeze, as if he understood Killer’s remorse — not for getting into the fight or for getting hurt, but for breaking one of the few promises he had made to Color.
“We’ll talk later, Delta. Don’t even think about running away from me.” Killer couldn’t help but smile smugly, imagining Delta’s anxious expression, clearly terrified of the lecture he would face later.
Tagging the people who want to throw rocks at me for this
@toffeebrew @unamzi @what-have-i-unleashed
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howlsofbloodhounds · 1 month
I got some assorted headcanons for Nightmare's henchmen because I've been thinking about how many chronic issues those guys are bound to have non-stop lately...
He doesn't take care of himself properly, even after he starts taking care of the others. Meaning my guy is most likely gonna have some issues with chronic dehydration, which, in my experience, leads to "fun" things like: long-term and short-term memory issues, struggles with focus, difficulties regulating emotions (meaning, the longer this goes on the more often he might flip between different stages), difficulties sleeping, frequent headaches, chronic fatigue, dizziness and vision blacking out when he gets up from a sitting position, and joint pains.
Being dehydrated also generally makes pre-existent mental issues worse. So the struggles with guilt, self-hatred and all that stuff that is very present at Stage 1 are probably all accentuated by his lack of proper self-care.
His skull and empty eye socket both cause him pain often. Especially with switches in temperature or humidity. Because of the positioning of those wounds, that often leads to debilitating headaches and often teeth pain too. He pulls on his bones to try and alleviate the pain because the pressure does help in the moment, but the strain he puts on them always leaves him far more sore after.
The years of starvation also left his bones far more brittle and prone to breakage. He's gonna be extra careful even while doing things like getting out of the shower or sitting down. He would benefit from getting braces and several different kinds of mobility aids, but it's not like he's got access to any of that either in his world or at the castle, so he learns to make do without.
Because he's got a high LV and yet his soul is still inside of his body, he experiences a lot of side effects from that. Things like: chest pains, frequent headaches, auditory and visual hallucinations, memory problems, frequent blackouts, disorientation, and bone fragility (though, unlike Horror, his bones aren't more prone to breaking, they're more prone to dusting).
The thin layer of dust that constantly covers his bones causes frequent rashes and irritation. It's not unusual to see red blotches on his bones. Massaging his bones with oil or cremes would help relieve some of his discomfort and I'm sure that Killer does his best to find and steal some for him, but their resources are still limited and his access to it is only temporary. Also, that scarf he always wears doesn't help, what with it being covered in dust. And having his hood always up doesn't help either, since fabric rubbing against his already sensitive and irritated bones is probably Hell. Wearing some lighter and breezy clothing would do wonders for him. (Yes, this is part of my propaganda to put all my faves in pretty dresses. It would look cute and it makes sense, I swear).
Old badly healed fractures from his time in the military probably cause him a lot of general pain he's grown used to in the years. But, by far, the worst of his problems come from his and XChara's unusual soul situation. Sharing a soul cannot be easy, and it probably leads to a great deal of disorientation and confusion around their memories and identities.
Not knowing where one ends and the other begins makes social interactions with outsiders to their bond rather difficult. It most likely led Cross to develop a great deal of social anxiety which is why he often tends to isolate himself and suppress most of his emotions. Truly, he tries to minimize the amount of meaningful social interactions he gets because the panic attacks afterward are just not worth it
All skeletons should immediately be put in loose pretty dresses /hj
But honestly I love these very much, they seem very probable. And I can honestly relate to Killer’s dehydration and Horror’s teeth problems, those things suck. (For me tho it’s often because water is a boring drink.)
Also do you think that whenever Killer decides to take the others on his responsibility, does he do things like help Dust rub the cream on his bones, especially with those hard to reach places or extra painful spots? Maybe this is something they’d have to work up to, as doing something like that is a rather vulnerable thing, requiring trust.
I think itd be a cute image though, and maybe if we go with the headcanon that horror is or grows to be a little bigger or taller than Murder and Killer, he offers Murder some of his clothes since they’re bigger and looser. I’d imagine that Killer would have to frequently steal and horde painkillers and numbing medications for the gang, and perhaps manage it all carefully to avoid overuse.
And Dust probably wouldn’t want to wash his scarf, but I wonder if he’d accept a cleaner version of a scarf that looks just like it and just keep the old one as a comfort somewhere in his room.
And I’d imagine that Dust and Horror would have to frequently remind both Killer and Cross/XChara of who they are, where they are, the time and the year.
And very likely have to remind Killer about things multiple times either because he forgot something, or because he was asked to do something but didn’t realize if that experience was real or not. Perhaps they create a little system of asking if they can hold Killer’s hand (or let him hold their hand), to anchor him in reality whenever it seems like he’s not really present or sure.
{ @stellocchia }
Honestly id love to hear more about all of your headcanons. They’re all so detailed.
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