#essential oils diffuser
Yellow Flowers Beside a Clear Glass Bottle with Essential Oil
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It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. See more...
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retrogamingblog2 · 2 years
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Bulbasaur Diffuser made by ArkatzStore
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hanzajesthanza · 3 months
there is a mosquito in my house somewhere and yeah no offense but i do see why people fear vampires now
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sunstarstudiies · 22 days
underrated productivity hack #1
pick a scent, and then only use it when you are working/studying/etc.
your brain will start to associate that scent with motivation and productivity.
scent ideas under the cut!
these scents are generally known to be correlated with increased focus and productivity
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coldshare · 1 year
A word To build a scenario around... Steam
thank you for the prompt, anon! ♡ here it is (with some gratuitous references to contagion... you know me)
a character who's the type to prioritize self care over everything... who lives luxuriously, the type to resort to everything from expensive spa days to unwind, the type who's familiar with every natural remedy in the book, because really, even the slightest ailment is a perfect excuse to take it easy and even pamper themselves a little bit
the same character who feels themselves coming down with a terrible, incredibly contagious cold. but for whatever reason - maybe their boss urges them to come in (it's just a small cold, after all, and so much work still needs to get done), or maybe because they're just so confident in their home remedies to do the trick - they head to work anyways.
their desk becomes a mini pharmacy for the day - soft lotion tissues, three different tins of tea specifically meant to relieve cold and flu symptoms, herbal cough drops, a few cooling salves for their red, irritated nose, hot packs for their sinuses, a humidifier for the congestion. after all... if they're going to have to work with this cold, why not make their time here as comfortable as possible?
but still, despite every remedy, their cold turns out to be annoyingly persistent - they're just so congested they can hardly breathe through their nose, plagued with a tickle (not severe enough to catalyze a sneeze, in most cases, but present enough to be very distracting) in their nose which won't leave them alone no matter what. even worse, every sneeze is irritatingly unproductive; it does nothing to relieve the tickle - in fact, it almost seems to make it worse...
they make it to halfway through the afternoon where they decide they can't stand it anymore - they're not feeling too terrible, but this is certainly annoying, and that's enough of a reason for them to put an end to it once and for good. breathing in steam can be therapeutic, and even better, it's supposed to relieve congestion, right?
after a few moments consideration, they swipe the small vial of lavender essential oil off their desk. they've never been fond of this particular vial compared to the other essential oils they own - it always leaves them sniffly and teary eyed - but perhaps that would be a welcome side effect, just this once.
from there, they head into the break room and boil some water using the coffee machine (so what if they end up sneezing a few times, all over the coffee machine, misting the company countertops? it's not like they can control when they sneeze... with this cold, every sneeze just sneaks up on them; it's not their fault that they're not always able to cover.) they pour the boiling water out into a large bowl, drop a few drops of the lavender essential oil inside, and take a seat at one of the tables in the break room, which - aside from them - is thankfully empty.
the first breath of hot, fragrant steam does wonders for their congestion, which they can feel start to loosen for the first time, making their nose run. they haven't brought any tissues with them... perhaps that was an oversight, but the steam is just so relieving, they can't just stop now...!
the next few breaths, they can really start to smell the lavender, and... oh, the tickle in their nose sharpens with such intensity it takes them off guard.
"heh... hEhh... HIH-! hheh-Hhehh... heh... hehH..."
god, their nose tickles so badly; it's practically begging for relief. they lean their head down, taking another deep breath in through their nose.
"hehH... hehh-HEH-!" fuck, so close, just a little more... "hheh... HehhH.... hh-heh-Hehh-HEHh-!! HEHH'IIHHSHIEEEW!"
it's as if that first sneeze completely opens up the floodgates, snapping them forward - only for them to inhale a huge breath of hot steam. they wipe their nose on one palm, but even the slightest pressure against their nose seems to increase the tickle tenfold. everything smells like so strongly of lavender, it's - HEHh-! making them - heh-HEHh - h-have to -
every sneeze absolutely drenches the table beneath them. they lift their hands to halfheartedly shield the first couple of sneezes, but with the number of particles that escape through their fingertips regardless, does it really even matter? it's not like anyone else is in the break room, after all. they turn their head aside to keep from spraying the table (even if all that accomplishes is spread their cold in the other direction.)
besides... don't they deserve to sneeze after having not been able to sneeze all morning, aside from the few terribly unsatisfying sneezes they'd had to put up with? isn't it only right that they get relief from this annoying cold as soon as possible? they need to get all the viruses out of their system to get rid of this cold... each messy, spraying sneeze sets them closer on the path to recovery. the tickle in their nose is really just there to help them sneeze out their cold as soon as possible, so why not coax it even further, make this process a little faster? really, they're doing their body a favor as they breathe in more steam, as they give in to the tickle in their nose, as they sneeze and sneeze and sneeze...
(maybe that's what they think, but they've left the air so utterly saturated with their cold viruses that it's no wonder that half the office comes down with the same miserable, messy cold in the weeks following, leading to more than a few dirty looks... after all, they brought their cold to work, and they hadn't exactly been subtle about it)
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wandoffire · 10 months
Essential Oils
Basil oil: focus
Clove oil: energising
Wintergreen oil: stress/tension relieving
Tangerine oil: cleansing
Rosemary oil: concentration
Chamomile oil: calming
Peppermint oil: ease stomach/headaches
Lemongrass oil: positivity
Lavender oil: sleep, relaxation
Grapefruit oil: uplifting
Frankincense oil: peace
Rose oil: lifts mood
Eucalyptus oil: clear breathing, opens chest
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* Just a general cheat sheet – there are so many more different oils and uses for them :)
* Look for “100% natural oil” on the bottle to know it’s not mixed with harmful chemicals.
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galacticnikki · 28 days
A Baby Witch's First Spellbook
Deep Sleep Essential Oil Blend
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We all have those nights where it can be oh so difficult to go to bed. It could be restless thoughts, a stressful day, or a looming deadline. It's not easy to relax sometimes. Whenever it gets hard to fall asleep I find myself making a blend of essential oils to help me sleep.
You'll Need:
5 drops sleep oil
3 drops cleansing oil
2 drops protection oil
Sleep Oils:
Passion Flower
Cleansing Oils:
Lemon Grass
Palo Santo
Protection Oils:
Dragon's Blood
Witch Hazel
Wolf's Bane
Feel free to check out my master post for more information!
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jeyneofpoole · 8 months
if duncan and jenny of oldstones had kids they’d be so insanely fucked up and also the most normal out of any targaryen children to ever exist . and i just needed to put it out in the universe … and ive decided you were the target . friend <3
i think it might very much be a ‘not right now sweetie mommy and daddy are having special alone time’ situation but like for the kids’ entire lives. they’re fine parents conceptually ig but they’re too busy being weird but boring with each other to go to the park on sundays and play catch. kids grow up vaguely neglected but not evil come home politely for westerosi thanksgiving every year have biweekly therapy about some great undefinable sadness you know the drill.
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cajunwitch101 · 2 years
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lotro-tooltips-daily · 8 months
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umbrae-sortilegium · 11 months
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𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒜𝓇𝓉 𝑜𝒻 𝒰𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒶𝓃 𝒜𝒾𝓇 𝒟𝒾𝒻𝒻𝓊𝓈𝑒𝓇 𝒾𝓃 𝒲𝒾𝓉𝒸𝒽𝒸𝓇𝒶𝒻𝓉 Hᴀʀɴᴇssɪɴɢ Mʏsᴛɪᴄᴀʟ Aʀᴏᴍᴀs. Air diffusers can play a significant role in the practice of witchcraft, where scented air is believed to carry messages, reveal truths, and connect with the realm of spirits. These devices offer versatile means to create the desired atmosphere during rituals, ceremonies, and spellwork. Unlike incense, air diffusers can be more suitable for some practitioners due to various reasons, including health considerations and personal preferences. In this article, we will explore the multifaceted applications of air diffusers in witchcraft, covering their use in various magical purposes, such as banishing, cursing, and shadow magic. We will also delve into the magical significance of vapor as opposed to smoke or incense, shedding light on the unique qualities that make air diffusers a powerful tool in the practice of witchcraft.
Air diffusers are versatile tools in witchcraft, allowing practitioners to infuse spaces with various scents, each carrying its own magical significance. The aroma released by an air diffuser can serve as a medium for communication with the spirit world, as it is believed that spirits can be drawn to or repelled by specific scents. During rituals or ceremonies, practitioners may select scents that resonate with their intentions, whether they seek to invoke protective spirits, honor ancestors, or connect with particular deities.
One of the most common uses of air diffusers in witchcraft is for banishing negative energies and entities. By diffusing cleansing and purifying scents such as sage, frankincense, or rosemary, practitioners can create a barrier against unwanted energies, keeping their sacred space clear and protected. The diffused vapor becomes a potent tool for establishing boundaries and warding off malevolent forces, aligning with the magical intention to banish negativity.
In contrast to incense, air diffusers are favored by some witches for their smokeless and low-heat operation. This makes them suitable for individuals with respiratory issues or sensitivities to smoke. The choice of an air diffuser over incense can be seen as a practical consideration, ensuring that the practitioner can fully immerse themselves in the magical work without discomfort or health concerns. Furthermore, the controlled release of scents allows for a consistent and subtle presence of the chosen aroma, which can be essential for long rituals or meditation practices.
Cursing and hexing rituals also find use for air diffusers in witchcraft. Scents like black pepper, graveyard dirt-infused oils, or chili pepper lend an air of aggression and intensity to their workings. The vapor released by the diffuser can act as a conduit for the practitioner's intent, emphasizing the dark energy they wish to project. The aroma becomes an integral component of the curse, enhancing its potency.
Shadow magic, a branch of witchcraft that delves into the exploration of one's inner darkness and the mysteries of the subconscious mind, can greatly benefit from air diffusers. The subtle, vapor-based delivery of scents can contribute to the creation of an atmosphere that facilitates the practitioner's journey into the shadows of their psyche. Scents like myrrh, patchouli, or cedarwood can deepen the connection to the hidden aspects of the self, aiding in shadow work and inner transformation. Conversely, love spells and attraction magic can benefit from air diffusers as well. Aromatic oils like rose, jasmine, and ylang-ylang can be diffused to create an atmosphere of love, sensuality, and attraction. The gentle diffusion of these fragrances can enhance the effectiveness of spells designed to draw love and affection into one's life.
Air diffusers also have a role in divination and communication with the spirit world. When used in conjunction with specific oils, they can facilitate a clearer connection between the practitioner and the spirit realm. Oils like mugwort, cedarwood, or myrrh are known to enhance spiritual communication when diffused.
Protection spells in witchcraft often rely on the four elements, and air diffusers can represent the element of air in these rituals. By diffusing oils like eucalyptus or juniper, practitioners can strengthen the protective barrier around them or their sacred space, making it more challenging for negative energies or entities to penetrate.
In meditation and trance work, air diffusers serve as a valuable aid in reaching altered states of consciousness. A carefully selected blend of essential oils, such as lavender, frankincense, and sandalwood, can induce a deep state of relaxation, enhancing the ability to journey within or connect with higher realms.
The concept of elemental magic is central to many pagan and witchcraft traditions, with each element having its own unique properties and correspondences. Air diffusers, when used in spellwork, can invoke the power of the element of air/and or ether to lend energy and intent to a particular work. The gentle diffusion of air-element oils can create a sacred and potent space for rituals and spells that require the influence of this element.
The practice of smudging, common in many indigenous and pagan traditions, can be enhanced with air diffusers. By diffusing the smoke of sacred herbs or resins like sage or palo santo, practitioners can cleanse and purify their surroundings without the need for direct combustion. This smoke cleansing can be a powerful tool in removing negativity and unwanted energies.
Air diffusers are also instrumental in creating a harmonious and balanced environment. By diffusing oils associated with equilibrium, such as lavender and chamomile, practitioners can promote a sense of peace and balance within their homes or sacred spaces, fostering a positive atmosphere for their magical work.
Protection against psychic attacks and negative energies is another common use of air diffusers in witchcraft. Oils with strong protective properties, such as black salt-infused oils or rosemary, can be diffused to create a shield of defense around an individual or their space, ensuring safety from harmful intentions or entities.
In the realm of prosperity and abundance spells, air diffusers can be used to amplify intentions of financial well-being. Essential oils like cinnamon, basil, and patchouli, when diffused, can attract wealth and prosperity into one's life.
Air diffusers are also a valuable tool for enhancing one's focus and concentration during magical rituals and spellwork. Oils like peppermint and rosemary can be diffused to stimulate mental clarity and enhance cognitive abilities, allowing practitioners to perform their magical work with precision.
Witches and practitioners of folk magic often turn to air diffusers when working with lunar energy. By selecting oils that correspond with the moon's phases, they can harness the moon's mystical power to enhance their magical intentions.
In the practice of kitchen witchery, air diffusers can be used to infuse the atmosphere with the energies of the herbs and spices used in culinary magic. This adds an extra layer of intention to the meals prepared, imbuing them with magical properties that promote health, abundance, and love.
For practitioners of herbal magic, air diffusers offer an effective means of working with the properties of various herbs. By diffusing essential oils extracted from specific herbs, they can tap into the magical and healing qualities of these plants.
Dreamwork and lucid dreaming are enhanced through the use of air diffusers. Lavender, mugwort, and marjoram oils, when diffused before sleep, can promote vivid dreams and facilitate dream recall, aiding in the exploration of the subconscious.
Air diffusers are also a valuable tool for aura cleansing and energy balancing. By diffusing oils that resonate with the chakras, practitioners can cleanse and balance their energy centers, promoting physical and emotional well-being.
In the art of sigil magic, air diffusers can be employed to charge and activate sigils by diffusing oils aligned with the sigil's intent. This creates a focused and charged environment for the manifestation of desires.
Psychic and intuitive abilities can be heightened through the use of air diffusers. Oils like mugwort and bay laurel, when diffused during meditation or divination, can open the third eye and enhance clairvoyant and clairaudient experiences.
Air diffusers are also valuable tools for harnessing the energies of the seasons and sabbats in witchcraft. By diffusing oils that correspond with the specific sabbat or season, practitioners can attune themselves to the natural cycles and celebrate the turning of the wheel of the year.
In the practice of candle magic, air diffusers can complement the spellwork by diffusing oils that correspond with the intention of the candle. This enhances the effectiveness of the magic by infusing the surroundings with the desired energy.
Psychic protection and boundary-setting are important aspects of spiritual practice, and air diffusers can be used to create a protective energy barrier. Oils like juniper or myrrh, when diffused, can establish a shield against unwanted influences and psychic attacks.
Air diffusers are a valuable addition to the practice of color magic. By choosing oils associated with a specific color, practitioners can infuse their magical work with the energy and symbolism of that color, enhancing the effectiveness of their spells.
Healing magic can benefit from the use of air diffusers by diffusing essential oils that promote physical and emotional well-being. Oils like eucalyptus, lavender, and chamomile can facilitate the healing process and promote recovery.
In the creation of enchanted spaces and altars, air diffusers can be used to infuse the area with the desired energy. By diffusing oils that correspond to the purpose of the space or altar, practitioners can create a sacred and powerful environment for their magical work.
Air diffusers can also be employed in weather magic and working with the energies of the wind. By diffusing oils associated with specific wind directions, practitioners can align their magic with the natural forces of the atmosphere.
In the realm of astral projection and out-of-body experiences, air diffusers can be used to create an atmosphere conducive to these practices. Oils like frankincense, myrrh, and cedarwood, when diffused, can help induce a trance-like state that facilitates astral travel.
Air diffusers are a valuable tool for grounding and centering in magical practice. Oils like patchouli, vetiver, and cedarwood, when diffused, can anchor an individual's energy and provide a sense of stability and balance.
In self-discovery, air diffusers can be used to create a supportive and introspective atmosphere. Oils like rosemary and lavender can promote self-reflection and inner exploration, aiding in the process of personal growth and healing.
Magical significance lies in the form of vapor released by air diffusers compared to traditional incense smoke. Vapor is often seen as a purer, more ethereal substance, connecting with the spirit realm on a subtler level. This can be particularly advantageous for practitioners who prefer a gentler approach to magic or seek to work with spirits in a more refined manner. The fine mist of vapor is believed to be a better medium for messages and revelations from the spirit world, as it represents a more direct and refined conduit for spiritual energies.
Air diffusers are powerful tools in the practice of witchcraft, offering a wide range of applications during rituals, ceremonies, and spell work. Their ability to release scented vapor makes them versatile instruments for invoking or banishing spirits, cleansing spaces, or delving into the realms of shadow magic. The choice of air diffusers over incense can be driven by health considerations and personal preferences, ensuring that practitioners can fully engage with their craft. The magical significance of vapor in witchcraft emphasizes its role as a subtle and potent medium for communication with the spirit world, making it an invaluable addition to the witch's toolkit. © Dʏsʜᴀɴᴋᴀ/Oᴅᴇᴛᴛᴇ ₂₀₂₃
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cosmicreptile · 5 months
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This took me like 5 months idk if I’ll ever work with light weight yarn again-
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hauntedvulcan · 21 hours
"You put your girlfriend in the DIFFUSER?" -my roommate
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the-clumsywitch · 2 years
🎃 Halloween Diffuser Blends 🎃
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vivid-vices · 17 days
so the other day i bought this 3-wick candle that was on clearance for $6 because it smelled really good but i didn't expect the scent to be as strong as b&bw candles (~$27) and then surprisingly it was so this afternoon my mission is to go back and buy every single scent of that clearance candle that smells good to me because i go through candles crazy fast
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queercravt · 2 years
Witch Safety: Oil Burners
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So, I have a rather embarrassing thing to confess. We've been using oil burners for maybe close to 20 years (though admittedly hardly at all in recent years), but only learned to use them correctly very recently. In fact, our incorrect use of them once very nearly resulted in a serious fire! (This is what turned us off using them for quite some time.)
So, it may seem like common sense to many people, but I wanted to share these safety tips in case any other witches out there are also unaware of the correct & safe way to use oil burners.
First: essential oils are highly flammable, so mixing oils & fire should always be done with the utmost care.
❌️ DO NOT: simply put a few drops of oil into the dish above the flame, then light the candle! This is what we did for years, and it's what led to that terrifying close call. The flame jumped from the candle to the dish; then the oil splashed, & the window sill caught fire.
✅️ DO: fill the dish with water, then add a few drops of your oil to the water. Then you can light the candle. The mixture will heat up & you'll still get that lovely smell, the benefits of the oil, and much lower risk of fire where you don't want it.
❌️ DO NOT: overfill the dish with water, or add too much oil. Overfilling the dish with water can cause the liquid to bubble & spill over, where it can still catch fire as there is still oil in the mixture. Similarly, adding too much oil can make it easier for the mixture to catch fire.
✅️ DO: leave plenty of room when filling with water, and add only 2-3 drops of oil. This will be plenty to provide the smell and/or benefits you're looking for.
❌️ DO NOT: let the dish burn dry. This is a little less about safety, but if you let it burn dry you may get a burnt smell as well as smoke.
✅️ DO: supervise your burner while using it, and extinguish the candle when the liquid is gone (or nearly gone).
‼️ If your oil burner or anything nearby does catch fire:
❌️ DO NOT throw water on it. Remember, it's an oil fire so this will only make it spread more!
✅️ DO smother the flames using whatever you have available. Towels can work in a pinch, but be mindful that what you use is thick enough to really smother the flames & won't just catch fire itself, making the problem worse (and you may also burn yourself this way!!). Towels are of course flammable, so that route can be risky at best. Ideally, if you can put something like a metal bowl or pan over the fire, this would probably be the safest way. Baking soda or sand can also be used to smother oil fires. A fire extinguisher of course can be used with caution, but they do have quite a bit of pressure so hold it far away from the flames to avoid spreading them. If you're not sure what to do or things get out of hand, call your local emergency number right away.
I hope this is helpful! Stay safe, & happy casting.
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