#euphemia | asks
hedgehog-troops · 2 months
Headcannon that Monty loved regulus more and effie lived Sirius more. James was just in the middle.
i feel like this has so much oitential for angst, where james grew up loved by both his parents because he had some traits from them both and never understood the mommy's/daddy's kid stereotype because he loved them both equally.
and then come sirius and regulus and he watches the way montys eyes light up talking to regulus about potions, how they can talk for hours, how they always disappear together for ages.
he watches effie and sirius bond over the randomist things and watching them do make-up together, doing everything together, making hot chocolate together, gossiping together and james is just there.
he isnt the favroite, he isnt the one thats be willingly sought out, hes just loved.
he knows he shoukdnt but he misses the way his parents would have unlimited time for him, how he could randomly think if smthng and just come downstairs and tell them, unlike now when he comes, Monty is doing expiraments with regulus and sirius and effie are engaged in conversation whikst playing chess.
he consideres himself the worst person for being jealous of them, but he knows that they deserve it more than him.
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writtenicarus · 4 months
from august 23 to june 24,
from me, to you.
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Bury Our Secrets Shallow is officially FINISHED!
read it now, available on Ao3 right here.
• BURY OUR SECRETS SHALLOW || Sirius knew that he wasn’t considered a good person. As a matter of fact he wasn’t good at anything at all. Not a good son or brother or student or cousin or protector. But the truth was that he tried. He tried so hard, too hard. It hurts when his younger brother keeps pushing him away after they left their parents home and chose to move in together, but if Sirius can’t be good, he wants to find something good to live for.
When they moved to a small town in rural England after escaping their parents, Regulus was determined to ignore his older brother at all costs. What neither expected was for their lives, relationships and friendships to intertwine so deeply they had no choice to face each other and reconcile with how much they had suffered.
Thank you all so much for the support on this journey, and welcome my new fic!! The first chapter of Good Luck, Babe! can be found here.
Love, em x
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celestialseawitch-ff · 2 months
I have...somewhat weird question and you don't have to answer that and I really hope you wouldn't see it as me pressuring you or something...
Soooo I was kinda rereading marked one and bc cliffhanger is cliffhangering and somewhat eating me alive...do you have anything about marked one? A smallest sneak peak? Just something random about them? Anything?
But anyway I really hope you don't mind me being this invasive and even tho I really wish to wake up to a new chapter of marked one (or any other one of your wip) and enjoy it I can wait as long as needed
I've gone on such a Harmony deep dive lately, I'll be honest, there isn't going to be a Marked One update for a while. I don't post for a story if I'm not working on it and I haven't been writing Jamione much of late. And since that really sucks for all of you, here's your snippet!
Euphemia nodded. “I’ll tell you all about it. Tomorrow, though. Today, you’re going to become Lady Potter.”
“Everyone already calls me that,” she grumbled as she got up. She headed for the walk-in closet to get the dress Demetra had set aside for the ritual bonding.
“That’s out of respect. If you never take your title properly, it would quickly become mocking.”
Hermione pursed her lips. “All these politics are very sink or swim and I’m definitely going to sink. I’m a Gryffindor,” she complained, “people say ‘politics’ and I suggest kidnapping an illegal animagus and keeping her in a jar.”
Euphemia appeared in the doorway to the walk-in closet. “Is that something you’ve done?”
Hermione looked over. “I was fifteen, if it eases your concern.”
“I think it raises it.”
Hermione laughed despite herself. 
A little smile spread across Euphemia’s face. “You’re going to keep James busy, aren’t you?” 
Hermione scoffed even as she smiled. “I think he’ll be keeping me busy.”
Euphemia shook her head. “I know this whole thing is completely unexpected and you didn’t ask for it – but I can’t help thinking that Cernunnos knew what he was doing when he chose you. You two will be good for each other.”
Hermione slipped her dress on and did the buttons up with a flick of wandless magic. She turned to her mother-in-law. “I’m going to take that as blanket permission to burn the offices of that Russian publication that was clearly involved in my attack.”
“Is that your plan?” Euphemia asked with a healthy amount of concern and humour in her voice.
She shrugged. “I need to talk to Fred about it. He’s the only accomplice I have in this reality so far.”
Euphemia hummed. “Burning it down would make a statement. But buying it and dismantling it for parts would send a message.”
Hermione raised an eyebrow. “Are you angling to be an accomplice?”
Euphemia looked away but she wasn’t able to hide the smile of amusement on her face. “Don’t tell my son.”
Hermione laughed.
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
Hi Cas! Just had a question about something
Do you know if Euphemia has a maiden name? Is there one commonly used in fandom? If not, is there one you like to use?
I'm writing something at the moment where her maiden name might get mentioned, but I don't think I've ever actually seen anyone use one for her 😅
Okay the wiki doesn't have one listed and I've never seen one for her, nor have I had to use one.
Anyone out there used one before?
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lolathestoryteller · 3 months
Jily Drabble: “Mum! Dad! I’m in love!” said James Potter, enthusiastically in the potter household for everyone to hear.
Emphemia Potter glances up from the beautiful white gown she’s been working on — taking in a dress the muggle way takes much more time than she’d thought. She really ought to applaud Rose Evans during their upcoming Sunday tea — to raise an amused brow at her glowing son.
Merlin, how much he‘d grown.
„I would hope so,“ Fleamont chuckles from where he’s reading on the sofa across the room. „You’re getting married in a week.“
James‘s already bright smile turns even brighter, if that’s possible. He makes even the sun seem pale in comparison.
„I am, aren’t I?“ he asks, sitting down onto the chair opposite her and her sewing machine — well, Rose Evans‘s sewing machine, really. „I still can’t believe it…I’m going to marry Lily Evans.“ he gushes.
Euphemia smiles softly as she reaches for his hand. „And I can’t believe my only child is getting married!“ she says, trying not to tear up as she studies his face. „You’ll be a wonderful husband, James.“
„Yeah?“ he asks, his eyes sparkling hopefully.
She squeezes his fingers gently. „Yeah. Lily is a very lucky girl.“
„Just as much as he is,“ Fleamont chimes in, winking at his son. „Lily is an exceptional young Lady. You‘re a lucky man, son.“
James grins, leaning his head onto the back of the chair. „I know…she’s incredible…“ he sighs, so love struck Euphemia thinks he might be well be considered drunk with love.
She releases his hand to focus back on hemming the dress — her own wedding gown.
Lily had asked for it, much to her surprise, saying that her sister had worn their Mother‘s dress already…and she’d love to wear hers.
Euphemia had rarely cried so openly. She’d always wanted a daughter, and she could not have wished for a better one than the kind, incredibly brave young woman that had captured her son‘s heart.
Yes, she thinks, smiling to herself as she runs her fingers along the silky white fabric, Lily and James will live a long and wonderful life.
And she can’t wait to be there and see their story unfold. Not to mention…the possibility of future grandchildren!
Here is to hoping, she muses excitedly.
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ask-felix-aberg · 7 hours
You receive a letter via owl that has clearly been scribbled with urgency, half-cursive slanting sharply to the right.
Hi, hello, yes- circling back to the formalities later. Presently I must ask you a question of utmost importance.
…Do you bleat and fall over when startled?
For science, of course. No, I haven’t been jeopardizing this note’s legibility with barely contained mirth as I write. The very idea.
— Euphemia Spindle
Dear Euphemia,
To answer your scientific inquiry: No, the bleating doesn't happen that often. However, the falling over part... well, let's just say I've had more than my fair share of undignified tumbles when startled.
I appreciate your dedication to science. Glad to know my clumsiness is contributing to something important. :)
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ask-sebastian · 3 days
Sebastian! Sebastian, right? My hero, the guy who nearly dropped Professor Hecate’s Hybridean Black skull on Prewett? You, there!
I’ve been meaning to bake Slytherin House ✨pie✨ in a show of goodwill between you lot and Ravenclaw, what flavor most delights the scintillating snake pit? Hopefully you share my sentiment for apple, as it’s rather bountiful this coming season. That is- if Highwing stops pilfering the blasted nab-sack. Honestly, at this rate she’ll be considered a Nargle.
Whoops, digressing! Anyways, I eagerly await your owl.
— Euphemia Spindle
(OOC: Please enjoy my exceedingly dramatic and convoluted way of saying “hi, I’ve just discovered you and think you’re cool as shit. Have a wonderful day.” XD)
Pie is a very kind and wise choice, for I have not met many who don't enjoy such an indulgence. As for flavours, certainly not kiwi and though many are mad about pumpkin this time of year, I find myself regarding the gourd with suspicion lately.
Unfortunately, there are few foods left at Hogwarts that have not been compromised in some fashion.
Digressing aside, if you ask any number of Slytherins, you shall get just as many answers, but I agree that your first instinct is as spot on as you can get. Apple will likely go down a treat.
PS Sadly, I do not have any advice for preventing Highwing from pilfering. I too have a pet with sticky fingers paws. I wish you more luck than I've ever had.
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phantomarine · 1 year
Oh dear, you gave me absolute whiplash. I follow webcomics randomly and forget to look into them (Kinda the reason why I started my tumblr blog, so I get the reminders) and you kinda gutted me with the SSSS "news".
Sad, but well, at least I have Cheth and Euphemia, who came from the left side with a steel chair and became one of my favs. Different kind of awesome story, but awesome it is!
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I am so so sorry. Here is a very canon in-character doodle to ease the pain 💙
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athenasparrow · 1 year
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An official ✨ coming soon ✨ announcement because I'm back to writing and this is over half way drafted now!
A young redhead author escapes the shackles of a doomed relationship and a toxic friendship to settle into the tranquil embrace of Chateau Gryffindor. As she reclaims her joy, she gets caught in a dance of temptation with the charming man in the neighbouring cabin. If only her past stopped turning up...
Snippet One
"Sirius, for goodness sake, hurry up!" Euphemia hisses. Keeping quiet is necessary; the two men asleep upstairs would try and instil things like logic and propriety into the situation and really - where is the fun in that? "We have a mission to accomplish!"
Sirius finally manages to zip up his costume, his eyes peeking out from behind the ill-fit ninja mask. "I swear these things were designed by a sadist," he mutters, adjusting the fabric over his groin. “Tell me again why we can’t just change there?”
Snippet Two
“Don’t go,” Lily whispers in panic. James’ face grows even more concerned, but to his credit he doesn't question her again, instead, he makes to slide out the window.
“No, don’t come down, help me up,” Lily says frantically, glancing behind her again before tucking her towel more securely between her breasts and reaching her hands up to grasp his forearms. He's strong. Under less stressful circumstances she may have appreciated the muscles flexing under her fingers for longer than a moment.
If you'd like to see more, send me an ask with a word to search and I'll give you a line from this WIP 😘
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shipcestuous · 4 months
The anime Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion is all about an imperial royal family, and while it's not super relevant to the main plot, most of the siblings have vibes with one another.
But beyond just vibes, there is a confirmation that the main character Lelouch's first love was his sister Euphemia, and it's confirmed she reciprocated because it's stated she would often argue with their other sister Nunnally over who would get to marry him.
Lelouch and Nunnally's bond is also kind of core to the show, with him doing everything he does for her and seeing little point in existing in a world without her in it, while she says all she's ever needed and wanted in life is to be happy with him.
Thanks so much for the recommendation!
These ships have come up a couple of times. You're in good company! Thanks for the additional details.
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moonlightdancer26 · 9 months
why did his parents name him James?
Because their parents had named James’s parents really fancy and stupid names so they had both agreed to give their child a basic white boy name in order to break the generational trauma
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lipid · 9 months
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☆ Code Geass: Genesic Re;CODE POP UP SHOP at Tree Village Café ☆
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loserboyfriendrjl · 1 year
who do you think the marauder's parent's favourite of their child's friends would be?
if we’re talking about only the marauders, i think hope’s favourite is peter (he’s such a sweet, young boy!), and for lyall i’d say… james (james reminds lyall a little of him as a young man, and he likes lively people). euphemia’s favourite is sirius, and fleamont’s is either sirius or remus (he always was only slightly suspicious of peter, although he and james had been friends since forever). lydia’s favourite is sirius (reminds her of when she was his age), and cora’s is james (she gets very good vibes from him).
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floralembarrassment · 2 years
Can I please have some happy jegulus
Hello!! I have been putting them through the ringer lately, haven't I? So yes absolutely!
Meet the Parents (1/1) (jegulus)
Regulus was having a wonderful day. He had woken up to a cool room but sheets warmed by the light of the sun shining through the slit in the curtains. He had slept restfully and endorphins from the night before were still coursing through his veins. James had brought him coffee in bed, and made him breakfast so late it could have been lunch. And now here they are together, wandering around the farmers market on a beautiful summer day.
Regulus was standing looking at some of the bouquets of fresh flowers, trying to decide which ones to get for this week. He allowed his smile to spread across his face when James linked their hands together from behind him. It was only when his arm was yanked so hard he turned around with it that his mood faltered.
"Ja-" he began but was promptly cut off as James leaned in to whisper in his ear.
"I swear to god I will make this up to you later and I promise they are going to love you but just so you know my parents are right there and yes they have already seen me and are walking this way, I'm so sorry."
And Regulus freeze as fast as James speaks. He really hasn't been ready to meet the Effie and Fleamont Potter. But will he ever be? He is no good with parents but his benchmark is his own and Regulus isn't positive but he is pretty sure it isn't his fault his own parents didn't like him. He shakes his head to get his awful parents out of his head, and takes a deep breath.
"It's okay James," Regulus says and because there really isn't anything either of them can do about, he sets his shoulders and turns around to see bright smiles on both of James parents, with arms wide ready to pull James into a hug, as they reached the pair of them.
After severals hellos and kisses to their son, the Potters both turned to Regulus. Regulus extended a hand toward them, and offered a soft "hello."
Fleamont shook his hand and clapped the other on his shoulder. "You must be Regulus! We've heard so much about you," He said and Regulus learned where James got his grin.
"Oh goodness, only good things I hope," Regulus laughed.
"Only wonderful things darling," Effie said, and then spread her arms wide in invitation. Regulus stepped forward accepting it but was grateful Effie kept it brief. She must've felt Regulus tense a bit more, but when she stepped back her face wasn't offended. "I'm certain there are only good things to hear," Effie added kindly.
"Well now I know where he gets it all from," Regulus said titling his head toward James. "I've never met a kinder human until now with you two," and matching smiles appeared on all the Potters' faces. "It's very nice to meet you both," Regulus added.
They continued chatting for a few moments, James catching up his parents on his news the exciting and the mundane. Finally they turned to Regulus, "don't be stranger sweetheart it was wonderful to meet you." Effie said.
"Yes you should join James for dinner with us on Sunday, or any Sunday really," Fleamont said.
"Dad," James said out of pursed lips.
"Hunny don't pressure the boy," Effie nudged his shoulder. She smiled warmly as she turned to Regulus, "no pressure Regulus but you are always welcome dear."
"Thank you, we will definitely set something up," Regulus replied and he found he meant it.
As James' parents walked away, Regulus found he was once again being yanked by the arm. But this time when James leaned in it was to press a kiss on Regulus' cheek and pull him in a hug. "Thank you," was whispered into his ear.
"They are lovely James, and I meant what I said about going to dinner," Regulus added, which earned him a second hug.
"I love you you know that?" James asked, taking Regulus' hand and swinging it sweetly as they began to walk back toward the flower stand they had migrated away from.
"I love you too, James."
"Alright flowers first, and I don't think you are going to have to pick just one this time," James said and Regulus chuckled but quickly leaned over to pick the two bouquets he'd had been trying to decide over earlier.
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leavingautumn13 · 8 months
ranking the kissability of my own ocs because i'm unwell about them <3
Hrissock: 0/10. they bite. do not approach.
Rahifa: 4/10. lowkey kind of awkward. there's a wall there.
Euphemia: 8/10. prepare to be kissed back and covered in sparkly lipstick afterward.
Loor: variable. probably depends on if you're into tentacles or not.
Qana: 10/10. will accept respectful kisses on the cheek, as befits a paladin of her station.
Pumpkin: 10,000/10. if you're not kissing her between her cute little ears then what are you even doing? she also bites
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usernoneexistent · 5 months
Golden, plaid, and safe for the ask game 💙
Oh goodie! I unfortunately don't have anything for plaid but plenty for the other two words.
'There was a sad and betrayed look in his golden eyes.' - Abandoned AWID chapter
'"Eagerly leaping about which I believe it's safe to presume that they are in excellent conditions," Euphemia shyly smiled.' - Forget-me-nots, one shot story
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