#even when he’s younger he looks completely fed up with everything and I think that’s valid
taohs · 1 year
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losing-it-lately · 3 months
I Crumble Completely When You Cry
wc: 2k
eddie munson x cheerleader!reader
angst with a happy ending, best friends to enemies to lovers, regular upside down stuff, inspired by this one line in 505 by the arctic monkeys
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You aren't dating him. You aren't friends with him. You both don't "talk". Eddie knows all of these things are true, he knows all of these things form the basis of your's and Eddie's relationship- if it can even be called that. But it's not enough. It's not enough to hold him back from you or to suppress that gnawing pit in his stomach or to stop old habits from coming back from the dead. He shouldn't have said that, but what's worse is he shouldn't have done what he did after.
Eddie remembers everything that happened between you two. Everything that went down exists in perfect clarity as if it replays over and over in his mind. And in a way, it does, he hasn't stopped thinking of what happened between you two ever since. And you haven't either.
Eddie would say that what happened started a month or two into the school year- when you finally got into cheer and had gotten through to the team. Wayne would say that what happened started right after Will Byers had been found. Steve Harrington would say that it started when Will was proclaimed missing, but you had always known that what happened between you and Eddie didn't start that year, but was bound to happen from the first day you had met him.
You had always known Eddie. Ever since he had moved into Hawkins, the small and buzzed boy had been on your radar. More than just your radar actually, you had grown the biggest crush on him. He was tall and lanky and unruly and silly and everything that made you grin in the schoolgirl type of way that you did when you got a new crush. Eddie was sweet and you did as much to look after him as possible. Leaving snacks on his desk when you noticed that he didn't bring lunch often, or conveniently losing a pen in the back of the classroom when he had forgotten one or even stopping close family friends like Steve from picking on him; you had looked out for Eddie as long as you had known him, it was bound to happen even when you got older.
At some point, you assumed that your crush would disappear or die out, and then everything would return to normal, but in the midst of Hawkins Middle School was the annual talent show, which changed it all. Eddie was obviously going to apply with his new band, a small group of tweens that he had collected from grades younger than him. However, as he began filling out the form, he hit a dead end. Eddie needed a name, and he needed one quickly. This was the last day to sign up and the members of the council in charge were clearly fed up with him waiting and stalling with the form. Eddie was freaking out. Him and his friends had done so much practice, and now, when he was practically finished, he could feel it all crumble in front of him. And then you walked by.
"Are you ok, Eddie?" He wasn't, and you were ready to do whatever you could to fix it.
As he explained his problem, you searched through your bag. English had just finished last period, surely you still had your dictionary.
Finally, you lugged out the large hard cover and began searching for a word to compliment 'coffin'; scanning through the 'co' page and reading out words until Eddie got you to stop.
"Corroded Coffin! That's it!" His grin was so bright, you couldn't help but mirror it, and you knew in that moment that you would be taking care of Eddie Munson for as long as you could, no matter what it took.
And that's how you saw it, especially after November of 1984. You had just started cheer, Eddie had started a Dungeons and Dragons Club that you frequented every Thursday and your grades were falling right into place. Life felt perfect in a way, and then Will Byers went missing. And you spent too much time helping Jonathan Byers. And then you got wrapped up into a government conspiracy.
You were in danger. White vans of men circling around you and the kids you looked after, every single communication monitored and the constant threat of something worse than mankind. It was an easy decision- you had to get Eddie away from all of this.
Will may have been back, but gates still opened, and the labs still checked on you, and you had nightmares and scars that you couldn't explain to Eddie without getting him involved. So you did what had to be done. Late December, after having ignored and avoided Eddie for what felt like forever, you cut him off.
It was a second nature to find Eddie in the midst of the trees and shrubbery behind Hawkins high. At his table, playing lazily with the old wooden planks and graffiti-ing more song lyrics and initials onto the bench where he sat. Eddie looked bored and desolate as you made your way towards him. Your nerves were working overtime and your eyes were bloodshot from the many nights without sleep, and while the pep talk from Steve helped, it wasn't enough to stop your hands from fidgeting and smoothing down the top of your uniform. Your uniform needed to be on for this to work, and the only way this would work was if Eddie bought it, if Eddie hated you.
The wind rustled through your hair and the leaves crumbled under you, one making a particularly perfect sound that alerted Eddie of your presence. As soon as he recognised you, a wide grin split on his face, the same one you had always known and the one you were about to begin to miss. You almost returned it too, the reflex being nearly too natural to bypass.
As he got up to hug you for the first time in a while, you began to speak. "I don't think we should be friends anymore," surely, if you were straightforward and neutral, this would be easier for the both of you?
"What?" His voice was small and shocked and soft. "What do you me-"
"I can't be friends with someone like you. You're a freak and I'm changing for the better." Your eyes began to gloss over. You felt dirty and cheap, using things that Eddie had told you during quiet nights over against him. How could the right thing feel so wrong?
"What are you saying," he began to laugh with a dry and quiet disbelief. Something must have been wrong, and in retrospect, Eddie would be able to see that, but for now, the sting of betrayal was enough for him to egg you on.
"You can't keep calling me, or talking to me, or even looking at me, Eddie," the tears were falling now, and your cheer jacket wasn't enough to shield you from that look in Eddie's eyes. It was one of pain and confusion and it was something you had never seen before. "I have a new life now."
And then his eyes changed and what you saw became worse. Frozen over, his eyes had become blank and lifeless, it was as if he couldn't recognise you anymore, and the truth was, you didn't recognise yourself either. But you needed to do this, to protect him.
"Fine. Fuck you," and so you left. You turned your back on Eddie and to him, you never looked back. You walked away all self-righteous and whatever and you broke his heart. Eddie Munson loved you and hated you. That's not true, Eddie Munson loves you, and he has to deal with the fact that you want nothing to do with him. For so long, he was overjoyed with just having your presence as platonic, but he should have prepared for not having it at all.
And you. Walking away with your back turned as if it wasn't harder than fighting those stupid demogorgons. Muffling your own sobs like you had when you were hiding with the kids in a random laboratory in Hawkins Middle School. Running faster to Steve's car once you had reached the Hawkins High Parking lot than you had when being chased by those special agents. Turning away from Eddie was the hardest thing you had ever done, but you had survived it, just barely.
You had made the right decision too. Closing the gate and shutting downs Hawkins Lab was one thing, and then the Russians re-opened the gate and brought out a fleshy nightmare to fight. Finally, it was all over.
The Government monitored you for a few more months, made you sign a massive NDA and transferred the largest sum of money that you had ever seen into your bank account. So you signed up for a job at the Family Video, covered your community college fees and bought a trailer in Forest Hills. You didn't mean to, but now you were living next to Eddie.
It had been years, it must be safe now to make amends. Eddie may not love you like you love him, but at least, you both could be amicable neighbours. You could see him putting out the trash and get a small and courteous smile. It wouldn't be like what you had before, but you could be content. So you baked him some cookies. His favourites had always been the brownie and chocolate chip chunk hybrid you made for his birthday. Your hand had a small burn and you cut yourself when you were cutting the chocolate, but you couldn't feel any of the pain when you saw him take the first bite of the cookie.
And so you did. You baked them and brought a warm batch over to Eddie's. You knocked after Wayne left and waited until a disgruntled Eddie opened the door. His hair was tied up in a bun and his eyes had circles and he wasn't wearing a shirt- he had definitely grown since the last time you had spoken.
"Hey," you started with a developing unease in your voice. How can you do this successfully? "I'm your new neighbour." You offered him the tray of cookies with a small smile as his eyes narrowed down into yours.
After years of ignorance and silence on your end, cookies were the solution. Bitterness and anger took the wheel and Eddie reached for tray and dumped them onto the porch. "You need to leave right now." His voice had hardened into something deep and furious and once again, you were taken back to the late December afternoon. But this time, Eddie noticed your foggy eyes, clouded over with a fresh onslaught of tears.
Your gaze was lowered to the cookies you had spent so long slaving over in the Hawkins heat. Crumbs were on your nice shoes and the chocolate was beginning to melt into the 'welcome home' mat. The trailer was a home for you. You kept falling into your thoughts, waiting for Eddie to slam the door in front of you, fuelled by his disappointment or his distaste or his detest, but it never came. Instead a calloused hand cradled your face.
You used to hold Eddie like this when he would cry, both hands holding up his face so that you could wipe the tears off, but Eddie had just realised that he had never done it back for you. He began to quietly hum and whisper, "sorry". His face had reformed into something less harsh, because under all the anger, he still missed you.
Once your eyes finally met, Eddie remembered what had happened between you, and his hands dropped. He shouldn't have said that or destroyed your cookies or held your face, but old habits die hard. Three or four years and Eddie still couldn't forget you. You cry once, and his whole resolve crumbled. You don't know about the ballads that he's written for you or campaigns in which you still make an appearance. You don't know that Eddie lied to Hellfire, saying he made you leave and you don't know that he moved Hellfire to Fridays to make sure that you could never come back without ditching cheer. You don't know how many times Eddie has thought about you in his arms, your face in his hands and you don't know about all the things he has done for you.
And now, you are so close, Eddie doesn't know what to do. You wipe your eyes. Your cheeks still burn from embarrassment and desire, you want him to hold you so delicately again.
"Can I come inside? I need to tell you about November of 1984." He opens the door wider to make space for you to enter. He needs to tell you that he's been in love with you since longer than that.
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send me an ask if you want me to add onto this or make anything clear and reblog if you enjoyed this story! lots of love xxx
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sanguineterrain · 7 months
Hi, I love your fics. Feel free to say no to this request but I was wondering if maybe you could write something about asexual Jason Todd? I've always felt like he'd be aspec and identified with him because of that. You write intimacy and love without sex so well, and it'd be wonderful to see it with ace Jason. Maybe one where he tells the reader and he's really scared but they accept him? But if you don't want to, completely fine. Thank you for sharing your writing. 🧡
Hey there nonnie. This one is very personal to me; I'm also ace and have often had the thought that Jason is aspec too. I think sometimes I write him that way without realizing it. I hope you and others enjoy this one! 💓
asexual!jason todd x gn!reader. tw sexuality discussion, some internalized acephobia, love confession. please be kind in the comments.
Rain patters on the kitchen window. You'd come over with the excuse of the two egg and cheese sandwiches from the bodega Jason likes so much.
"I think I could eat egg and cheese sandwiches for every meal," he says, mustard on his nose.
You want to say something stupid. Something about bringing him egg and cheese sandwiches in the rain forever. Something about a grave and hunger and what it means to be fed, to feed.
"From anywhere or specifically from the bodega?" you ask.
"Bodega, obviously. Alfred's, too. And yours. Food made with love." He shakes the foil. "I can taste the love."
"I..." You touch your nose. "Mustard."
He wipes it off. The thin takeout napkin is tiny in his hand.
"Don't even know how it got up there," he mumbles.
Oh, God. You're about to say something stupid.
"I love you," you blurt. "I—I'm falling in love with you, Jason."
Silence. Jason freezes mid-bite.
"Fuck," he whispers.
You watch as he springs from the couch and starts to pace. He chews on a cuticle, eyes wild. The sandwich is abandoned on the coffee table. You frown.
"Jason. Jay. Hey. Jaybird."
Nothing. You catch his free hand and rub his knuckles. Jason's eyes dart to you. He stops.
"I didn't say that to scare you," you say, even though it hurts, the idea that your love scares him. "It's okay if you don't feel the same."
"I do," Jason says miserably. "Fuck, I do. I love you so much. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."
You squeeze his hand, suddenly, incandescently happy.
"You do?" you ask.
"But I—" He shakes his head. "I can't love you the way you want me to."
"Jay, whatever you think coming back did, I promise that—"
"No." Jason swallows hard and shuts his eyes. "God, that's the thing. 'S not from the Pit. I thought—y'know, I waited for everything to slide into place. The Lazarus Pit is s'posed to resurrect a person. Build them anew. But I felt the same."
"Felt the same?"
Jason looks at you then, and you know that expression. It's a plea. Don't use this information to hurt me.
You tug him back to the couch, coax him into sitting. He very carefully doesn't let any part of him touch you.
"I didn't, uh, have a name for it when I was younger. I didn't, like, think about sex or anything like that very much before B took me in 'cause I was in survival mode, y'know?"
"That makes sense, Jay," you offer gently.
"Right. Well, but it just... stayed that way. And before you ask, yeah, I've tried. I've tried to force the feelings." He takes a shaky breath. "I remember Dick telling me about how he'd started dating Kori—I mean, Kori, she's beautiful, y'know? And I was like, what's wrong with me that I can't feel that? I knew that she was beautiful, logically, but I didn't... feel it. I picked it apart for months, trying to figure out why I couldn't be like him or B or Selina."
"Oh, Jay..."
"No, I know. I tried. I crushed on a few people, but I never acted on it 'cause I knew there was something... different. Something to hide. And then I thought the Pit would give that to me, that feeling I've never had, and it didn't. And I guess I should be happy that it's not something that needs to be fixed or restored or whatever, but all I feel is shame. I feel sick when someone looks at me like I'm a piece of meat. I attract more attention with how I look now, and it's worse than before, having no control over how people desire me."
You frown. "Jason, if I've ever made you feel that way, I hope you'd tell me. I'm sorry if I have."
"No, you—you're perfect. God, you make me feel so safe. Cared for in a way I haven't known in a long time. And that's why this is so shit. 'Cause this won't work. You want something I can't give you."
"Who says I don't want what you can give me?"
Jason laughs. It comes out choked. "Oh, no, no. You don't know what you're saying. Maybe it'll take six months or a year or two years but you'll get fed up with not having sex. I'm not worth celibacy. I know I'm not."
"Jason." You lightly touch his cheek. He looks at you, eyes wet. "Oh, Jay. Why do you think that? Why do you think you're only good for your body?"
"Hah. I've only been good for my body for years now. 'S nothing new, and it doesn't matter whether I'm a boyfriend or a soldier."
"Jason. It does matter. It does. You're not a body to me, you're a person. A brain. A heart. A good soul."
He blinks fast. "Don't... y'don't have to say that stuff. Let me down easy. It's okay if you leave. I don't have what you want."
"But you do. There's no reason you don't. Sex? I can do without."
He scoffs. "That easy, huh?"
"With you? Yes," you say. "Easiest choice I've ever made, actually. Like deciding to bring you a breakfast sandwich. I woke up and I did that. Because I love you."
His fingers creep to yours. You hold them as soon as he's within reach.
"I'm not gonna change," he says.
Jason thinks it's a warning. You see it for what it is: hope.
"That's alright," you say, squeezing his hand. "I'm not trying to change you."
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krirebr · 9 months
I Can't Sleep, Cause My Bed's On Fire
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Pairing: Dark!Ransom Drysdale x Dark!Female Reader x Dark!Steve Rogers, established Ransom Drysdale x f!reader, past Ransom Drysdale x Steve Rogers
Word Count: ~3.3k
Summary: In Germany, you and Ransom run into someone from his past. Part of the Psycho Killer AU
Warnings: Horror elements, feeding off people, references to mind control, explicit language, group sex (mmf), light degradation, a little past (and present) heartache, a lot of smut- All of my work is 18+ - Minors DNI
Divider by @saradika-graphics
A/N: Ahahahaha! Oh god, what have I done????
A HUGE thanks, as always, to @paperweight91 who let me flail all over her about this idea and read so, so much of it and talked me through the panic attack I always have when it's time to write smut.
Please come screech with me about this Steve. I'm so obsessed with him.
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Ransom led you through the crowd by your hand. You lagged behind him as you tried to take in everything around you. People were dancing in cages, their eyes glossed over. There were humans laid out on tables as vampires fed on them. You saw no fewer than five couples fucking. This place was a wonderland. 
While you were still in France, Ransom had heard rumors of a vampires-only club in Germany, so now, after chasing down leads, you were in Berlin. You hadn’t known what to expect from Valkyrie, but this was more than you could have dreamed. No one was hiding here, pretending to be human, pretending to be weak. Here things were in their natural order. Here, even after only a few minutes, you really felt at the top of the food chain. Your fangs dropped in excitement and you let them stay. You were with your people now.
Ransom took you to the bar, pulling you in front of him and resting his chin on your shoulder. “What do you have on tap?” he yelled above the din to one of the bartenders. They placed a narrow menu in front of you, then moved on to help someone else. You looked at the selection of blood, all different types, ages, and diets. Your eyes wandered down to the bottom of the menu. “Hey,” you said over your shoulder to Ransom, “what do you think the Captain’s Special is?”
He went completely still. “What’d you say?” he asked, deadly serious. Without waiting for an answer he sniffed deeply. “Oh shit. We have to get out of here. Right fucking now,” he said as he started pulling you away.
You stood your ground. “What? Ran, no! I wanna st–”
A chuckle over his shoulder interrupted you. “Of all the gin joints in all the world, huh, Ransom?” 
He turned around very slowly to face an impossibly broad man, an inch or two taller than him with golden blonde hair and boy next door good looks. This new man looked about ten years younger than Ransom, but you knew better than to take that at face value. He reeked of power and experience.
“Steve,” Ransom said, cooly. “I thought you were still in Brooklyn.”
Steve shook his head, grinning. “Not for a few decades. It was time for a change.” He gave Ransom an obvious once-over. “You look good.”
Ransom scowled. “Where’s Bucky?”
Steve laughed and shrugged. “No idea. You know how Buck is.”
“I don’t actually.” Ransom said, and you weren’t sure you’d ever heard his voice be so cold. “I only met him at the end there.”
The grin didn’t leave Steve’s face. “Come on, you aren’t still upset about all that? You knew the score going in, Pup.” 
“There were lots of things I didn’t know going in, Steve.”
Steve sighed. “You always were so stubborn,” he said, reaching a hand out to stroke Ransom’s cheek, and Ransom, right in front of your eyes, fucking leaned into it.
Without realizing it, a growl built up in your throat. Steve’s eyes cut to you for the first time. “Oh! And who’s this pretty little thing?”
At that, Ransom seemed to come back to himself. “None of your fucking business.”
Steve wasn’t deterred. His eyes bore into you. You’d never been looked at like that before. It was like he was looking inside you. You felt like he could see everything you’d ever done, everything you’d ever thought. It made you want to cower, but it also pulled you to him.
“Oh,” he said with a slight moan, “she is brand new. What’d you bring me, puppy?”
“I didn’t bring you anything.” Ransom growled. “She’s mine.”
Steve looked back at Ransom at that. “Yours? As in…”
He looked at you critically. “Very interesting.” He held out a hand to you. “Steve Rogers. Welcome to my club.”
You took it and said your name. He brought your hand up to his lips and laid a soft kiss on your knuckles, then, as he released it, gave you a smile that you could only describe as predatory. “An absolute pleasure,” he said. He took a breath as if to say more when he was interrupted by someone in a club uniform whispering in his ear. He rolled his eyes. “I’ll be right there.” He turned back to Ransom. “I have to take care of this. But you should come back tomorrow night. I have a private room in the back. We’ll be able to catch up.” He glanced at you and licked his lips, then grabbed Ransom by the back of the neck and leaned in to give him one of the filthiest kisses you’d ever seen. Open-mouthed and wet. You could tell, even from the outside, how in control of it he was. It both made your knees weak and your blood boil. You were furious at Ransom for submitting to it. When he was done, he rested his forehead against Ransom’s and whispered, “I’ve missed you, Ran. Come back tomorrow.” When Steve pulled away, he winked at you. Then, over your head to the bartenders behind you, “Whatever they want is on me,” before disappearing back into the crowd.
Ransom grabbed your hand and tugged. “Let’s get the fuck out of here,” he growled. 
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Once you were on the street outside, you pulled Ransom to a halt. “Who the fuck was that?” you shouted.
“That,” Ransom snarled, “was the fucking Captain!” At your blank look, he let out a heavy sigh. “Christ, you’re still so new. He’s a big fucking deal in our circles, ok? He’s a name. He’s known.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at that. “He’s a famous vampire?”
“He’s a powerful vampire!”
“Well, I could obviously see that! It radiates off of him! What I’m asking is, who is he to you?”
Ransom backed himself up against the nearest building and leaned his head against the wall. He closed his eyes and sighed again. “He’s the one who turned me.”
“What?” was all you were able to say. You’d known, of course you’d known, that Ransom hadn’t always been a vampire, that he’d been turned at some point. But he’d never said a word about the circumstances and you honestly hadn’t given it much thought. Him being a vampire was just so natural to you, you couldn’t imagine him any other way.
And then you remembered how you'd felt when you'd first woken up when you'd opened your eyes and seen Ransom standing above you – everything you'd felt about him, the man who'd given you this incredible gift. The idea of Ransom feeling that way about someone else – about Steve – filled you with a fire so intense you wanted to spread it through this entire city, burn down absolutely fucking everything. “How long were you together?” You asked and you could feel how your voice shook.
“Less than a decade,” he said like he was trying to dismiss the whole thing. 
You scoffed. “You say that like it isn't a long time!”
“It isn't! Not to him, not to someone that old. He fought in the Revolutionary War, ok? I was a one-night stand to him.”
“But he wasn’t that to you,” you hissed.
He didn’t say anything for a moment, then, finally, “No. He wasn’t.”
You’d never felt like this before, not even before, when you’d found out everything Andy had been up to. You’d never felt this all-consuming fire, this hate and despair and lust all swirling together. You wanted to put your fist through the brick wall next to you. You wanted to put Ransom through it. You wanted to fuck him right there on the street. It was only the fact that you equally wanted to do all three things at once that kept you from doing any of them.
Like he always could, Ransom read everything on your face, in your body. “I hate him, ok?” he said, reaching out and softly laying his palm against your cheek. “I hate him so much.” He was placating you but you still leaned into it. 
“You want him,” you whined. It was obvious in the way he’d melted into Steve’s touch, Steve’s kiss.
“I do,” Ransom nodded and you growled. He stroked his thumb along your cheekbone to soothe you. “I’ll always want him, just like you’ll always want me and I’ll always want you. There’s something about that bond – when you turn someone. I don’t know, but no matter how much I hate him, I’ll always want him.”
“And he’ll always want you,” you snarled.
Ransom gave you a rueful smile. “That, I’m not so sure. He’s a couple hundred years old and I don’t think even he knows how many progeny he has. Plus he’s been in love with the same man since he was human. When Bucky came back, I was shown the door.”
You were finally starting to let go of your anger. You moved fully into Ransom’s space, placing one hand on his chest. “Fuck him, then,” you said. “Let’s go back in there, drink him out of house and home and then get the fuck out of Germany.”
Ransom rested his forehead against yours, in a mirror of what Steve had done to him, and sighed. “We can’t. We have to come back tomorrow night.”
“We don’t.”
“We do. He’s fixated on you now.”
You took a step back at that and looked at him, confused. “He barely looked at me!”
“Trust me, if we leave now, it’ll become an obsession, and he’ll come after us just to show us that he can. We don’t want that.”
For the first time that night, you felt a frisson of fear. “Does he want to hurt me?”
Ransom snorted and you had the shortest moment to be offended before he said, “He wants to fuck you. Both of us, probably.”
“What?” you asked, surprised. “What would be the point of that for him?”
He snorted again, “Besides orgasms?” he said and then sobered. “It’s a power play. You have to know that every single thing he does is a power play. Ok? You must remember that when we see him again.” 
“Ok,” you nodded, a little frightened by his seriousness. But only for a moment, because quickly your thoughts were overtaken by a broad chest, thick thighs, and a perfect ass. 
You looked up to see Ransom smirking at you. “Yeah,” he said, “whatever you’re imagining, it’s going to be so much better. It’s the best thing about him.” 
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You returned to the club the next night. Ransom had insisted on dressing you both – you in a form-fitting, off-the-shoulder dress that barely covered your ass and left your neck and chest exposed, him in a burgundy silk button-down, strategically unbuttoned, and tight black pants that made his ass pop. You were sure that if you could have looked at yourselves together in a mirror, it would have been a sight to behold.
Someone was called to the door when you got there and you were led directly to Steve’s private rooms in the back. You entered into a sort of sitting room, plush seating scattered throughout, arranged over lush rugs and under low lighting. Everything was dark wood and deep reds and blues. It communicated comfort, luxury, and, more than anything else, power.
Steve was already there, sitting in a large, wing-backed leather armchair. He looked, as ever, clean-cut, professional, and in charge. At his feet kneeled a dark-haired young woman, clad only in an expensive-looking slip made of silk and lace. You could smell the humanity on her. It took everything in you to not let your fangs drop right there. Steve slowly, gently, pet her head, like she were his dog. He gave a satisfied smile when he looked up at you both. “Good boy,” he said to Ransom. “I knew you’d come.”
Ransom huffed and pulled you so your back was flush against his chest. He layed a possessive arm across your stomach. “Of course. Who would dare ignore a summons from The Captain?” he said dryly.
Steve rolled his eyes but kept his smile. “Nothing as dramatic as all that. Am I not allowed to want to catch up with an old friend and his new lover?” Ransom scoffed but didn’t say anything, so Steve continued, gesturing to the woman at his feet. “I took the liberty of having something brought up from my private reserves for us to share. I remembered how you prefer the earthy ones, Ran. This one’s full-bodied and oaky, with the subtlest hint of vanilla. You’ll like it, I’m sure.” He stopped petting her, instead taking her hair in a harsh grip and moving her head to expose her neck.
At that, you couldn’t control yourself anymore, your fangs dropped with a hiss and you lunged forward. Ransom caught you, both arms around your middle and you let out a desperate whine. “I’m afraid we’ll have to decline,” he said. “My little rabbit still hasn’t quite mastered self-control and I would hate for there to be an accident with one of your favorites.”
Steve scoffed. “Of course, she doesn’t have any control with you being the one to teach her.” 
You felt Ransom stiffen behind you, and you were able to pull yourself together enough to stop fighting to get loose. You sank back into him, partly to comfort and partly to apologize. You’d embarrassed him. You tipped your head back to try to whisper an apology, maybe, but Ransom just subtly shook his head and ran a comforting hand down your side.
“Well,” Steve said, patting the woman on the arm and then snapping at the door behind him, “can’t be helped, I guess. Pity.” He pulled out his phone and typed a message as she got up and left the room. “They’ll bring us something from the bar.”
“Excellent,” Ransom said, still running his hand up and down your side. “We haven’t eaten anything yet tonight.”
“Well,” Steve said with a smirk as there was a knock on the door and someone in the club’s uniform came in with a tray of drinks, “I promise you’ll both be very satisfied.” He passed a tumbler to each of you. “What should we cheers to?” he asked. Then his eyes narrowed in on you. “To new friendships,” he said, with a quirk of his lips.
You raised your glass, then took a sip and moaned. It was delicious, even though you missed the little cries and whimpers that usually accompanied a feeding. 
You were so absorbed in your glass that you were surprised by Steve’s fingers circling your wrist. “You like it?” he asked, his voice low and husky, standing much closer to you than you’d realized. This close, he was completely intoxicating. His scent, the coldness of his touch, his power.
“I do,” you breathed, “it’s delicious.” Ransom’s arm wrapped across your body again, pulling you tight into him. 
Steve ignored the display from Ransom, softly running his thumb over what had been your pulse point when you were human. “I’m glad,” he said. “I’m here to please.”  He began to pull you away by your wrist and Ransom let out a short but obvious growl. Steve took his attention off you but left his hand and tsked. “You always were so possessive. I’d hoped you’d have grown out of that by now, but you’re still so young, aren’t you, pup?”
Ransom scowled. “I always hated it when you called me that.”
“No,” Steve said. He leaned forward and placed a soft but leading kiss on Ransom’s lips, squishing you between the two men. Your whole body was thrumming with need now. Steve pulled away, and Ransom moved his head to chase after him. “You loved it,” Steve whispered.
He grabbed your free wrist with his other hand and pulled you with him as he walked over to the nearest couch, perching on the arm. “Come here, little one. Let’s talk, just you and me.” He pulled you so you straddled his knee, and you could tell that you were soaking his pants leg through the tiny excuse for underwear you were wearing. “Oh, you are a needy thing, aren’t you? Maybe you should stay with me, hmm? I’m much more experienced and have so much more to teach you.”
You could feel Ransom’s hackles rising, even from a few feet away. You turned your head to look at him, still standing by the door, and his eyes were locked on you, just you. You bit your lip to hold back the moan at how he watched. You turned back to Steve and smiled seductively as you said, “And what would happen to me when Bucky comes back?”
Steve threw his head back and laughed. His eyes cut to Ransom as he said, “Jealous little thing!” He jerked his knee up, rubbing hard on your cunt and you gasped. “Yes, I’m sure he’s told you all about how I spurned him. Took advantage of his naivety. As if he ever had any. Is that what he told you? Am I the big bad?” You couldn’t answer him, could barely think, as his knee continued to grind against you. “Oh, little one, you are drenched. How does he handle you by himself? Ransom,” he called over your shoulder. “Come help your desperate thing.”
In an instant, you felt Ransom’s hands on your hips, and you couldn’t help the cry that tumbled out of you. He had your dress off before you could even register what he was doing. Steve groaned at the sight of the black lace that adorned your body. “You wrapped her up exactly how I like. Such a good puppy.”
You couldn’t hold back any longer. You tore through Steve’s shirt, sending buttons flying across the room. He lunged forward, kissing you, finally, demanding and aggressive, his tongue forcing its way into your mouth, making you keep up with him. You felt Ransom’s own mouth on your neck, his hands on your breasts. Your hands fumbled their way down Steve’s abs and into his pants, freeing his cock—long, fat, and so, so hard for you. One of them, you weren’t sure which, tore away your underwear, the sting of the elastic snapping pushing you ever closer to the edge. In your periphery, you vaguely noticed Steve’s arm snaking around you and heard Ransom gasp. You wrapped a firm hand around Steve’s cock and stroked furiously, as Ransom’s fingers (you’d always know Ransom’s fingers) slid between your folds, his thumb quickly finding your clit while two fingers slipped inside you. You keened as he touched you exactly where he knew you needed it and sent you hurtling over the cliff of your orgasm. Your whole body shook with it, only managing to stay upright thanks to being sandwiched between these two men. It felt endless, but as the aftershocks ran their course, and you slowly came back down to earth, you registered Steve’s breaths growing more erratic and Ransom’s groans picking up behind you. You tightened your grip on Steve and increased the pace of your strokes to an inhuman speed until he bucked uncontrollably with a guttural moan and painted his spend all over your front. Seconds later, you felt Ransom’s own release on the small of your back. They both continued to jerk against you, gradually slowing down until the three of you were just one tangle of limbs, collectively trying to catch your breaths. You rested your head against Steve’s shoulder as Ransom collapsed against your back.
Steve looked over you both to the clock on the wall. “Well,” he said, his voice full of smug satisfaction, “we have about six hours til sunrise, and there’s a bed in the next room. Think we’ll be able to find a way to fill the time?”
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reverieblondie · 3 months
now all ive got in my head is fever pushed confessions. like either zev or rolan taking care of tav and tav is just honest saying whatever pops in their head . its mostly nonsense but out of the blue its just this shameless love confession, is decorated with every reason why they adore rolan/zev and a glassy eyed stare
oh, I have thoughts!
So lets start with Rolan, You are just giggling and letting the fever fully take you over as Rolan is trying his best to get your body temperature down. I imagine that Rolan is really good at dealing with sick people because as an older brother when his mom was at work and cal or lia were sick he was the one feeding them soup and giving medicine. He keeps trying to put the rag on you are your just asking him everything you can think of.
"Rolan, what's your favorite color?" "Uh...don't have one? Blue maybe?"
"Rolan, why do you wear your hair like that?" "Well, helps keep the hair out of my eyes." cut to you pulling out the tie and he just sighs and laughs as as your burying your hands in his soft hair.
"You have pretty hair..." "Thank you" "And a pretty face..." Rolan looks at you with a smirk, yeah your fever is bad, "Thank you. Let me get you so medicine."
As Rolan gets up that's when you reach out and grab his robe forcing him to turn back, "What? need something else?" You look at him with all sincerity, "You know I love you right?" Rolans first instinct is to chuckle it off but...your serious... "I- Tav..."
"And its not just because your pretty either... your hard working and kind and you do your best to take care of the people you care about... I even love when your being cocky and suave, then shy and nerdy...I just love every bit of you..." Rolan sits down and carefully cups your cheek, "When your fever breaks, tell all this to me again so I can tell you how much I love you, even when your pestering and playing hero, or even when your acting silly from a fever, I love every part of you. Deal?"
You eagerly nod and Rolan then goes to get your medicine. but as soon as he slips from the room he is leaning against the wall holding his chest, Y-You love him...and your going to confess again... he needs to heal you faster!
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Okay now for Zevlor,
Zevlor is not so used to helping sick people but he's not completely lost either. Zevlor has given fed you, wrapped you in blankets and has given you medicine that should sooth your fever and let you rest. Its while he is rising from his chair next to your bed that your meek voice is calling for him, he is immediately at you side ready to run anywhere to get you anything you need.
"Zevlor...I am still so cold..." Zevlor frowns as he presses his hand to your head, "I know Tav I am sorry...but I am out of blankets I could find do you ha-"
"Will you lay with me...please?" Zevlor is frozen...he knows he shouldn't and he's trying to think of an accuse why he shouldn't but he just can't think of one...so he agrees and sides in. Your quick to wrap yourself around his warm body your shivering getting less as he holds you back, albeit timidly.
"Your..so warm.." You say into his chest, Zevlor is trying to to explode, it's not that he hasn't been in a persons bed...but this is you...and its been such a long time, he doesn't want to read into anything... "ha, yeah infernal blood makes me warmer than most, its terrible in the summer months."
This gets a chuckle as you hold him tighter, "I wouldn't mind cuddling you in the summer...I would want to be wrapped in your arms anytime you would let me..." Zevlor is praying you can't hear his racing heart, "I'm sure you would grow tired of something like that."
you laugh, "Why would I get tired being held by the man I love? I love you so much that no matter what i would always want to be in your arms..."
Zevlor holds you tighter, "Y-you love me?"
"Very much..."
Zevlor swallows the lump in his throat before he finds that old confidence he had in his younger years, "Tav, I love you." but all he hears in response is a soft snoring...
he chuckles and places a kiss to your head, vowing to himself to confess to you again when he finally asks you on a date...
Those are my thoughts!
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gracev0609 · 3 months
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Strawberry Moon
Josh Kiszka X Reader
Disclaimer: I am not spiritual, I have no experience in any of this, all information was taken from this source
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: 18+ only, Minors DNI, celebrating the strawberry moon, trying to conceive, explicit sex, breeding kink.
You sat cross legged on the fluffy cream colored plush blanket across from your lover, Josh. You cracked your eyes open, peering at his toned form. He sat mirror image to you, cross legged with his palms facing the sky, completely bare. Your sunroom was glowing in various shades of pink and orange, coloring each plant and pillow a color of the sunset. Tonight was the Strawberry Moon, the next phase. You and Josh had been trying to get pregnant for about a month now, neither of you were getting younger and honestly, you both were eager to start a family. Josh got the idea this morning after reading about the powers of the strawberry moon. He had set his phone down on the kitchen island and rattled off how the strawberry moon has powerful energy and can work on our inner selves as well as increase love and fertility. He told you about the affirmations you both could say during your meditation as well as charging moon water to drink to help.
His arms wrapped around your frame, settling his hands over your empty womb,” I know it's all a little weird, and if it doesn't work what have we lost? But on the other hand, if it does and we make a baby….”
“I think it's worth a shot Joshy, if anything it'll make a nice evening.”
He leaned down, kissing the top of your head,” That's my girl.”
Back to the present, you closed your eyes again repeating your affirmation once more, We're harnessing the energy of the strawberry moon. Let us harness it's power of love, self improvement and fertility.
You sat meditating and reflecting until the sun went down and your solar fairy lights came on. The air around you became cooler, your sweat slicked skin chilling causing your nipples to pebble.
Josh spoke, his voice soothing,” My love… are you ready baby?”
Josh stood retrieving the glasses of water from the end table, striding over to the windowsill to place them under the moonlight to charge. Turning on his heel, he made his way back over to you, his hips swaying as he moved. He kneeled down in the pillow nest you were meditating in before leaning over and grabbing the small tray of strawberries. He nestled into your side, raising a summer sun warmed berry to your lips,” To celebrate. A new phase, a new chapter of our lives. I'm really hopeful that we'll make a baby tonight lovie. The celestial energy… you're ovulating… I think this might be the perfect combination honey.”
Chewing the succulent fruit you nodded,” I hope so too. I think the odds are in our favor tonight.”
Josh fed you a few more berries, his hand stroking your skin, warming your body up for him as you chewed. Eventually his hand dipped down between your legs, sighing softly when he discovered the slick between them.
His fingers swirled around your clit, “ You're going to be such a beautiful momma. You're so kind, so sure of everything you do. Our child is going to look up to you.”
Sighing you shudder, his praise fueling your arousal and you rest your head on his shoulder,” I love you Josh.”
Gently he slides two fingers into you, lightly moaning when he feels how tight and wet you are. And he continues to pump his fingers in and out of you he runs his hips into your leg, gliding his already leaking cock against your thigh. It doesn't take you long until you're clenching around his fingers, the coil in your stomach snapping, as you soak his hand in your release.
Josh presses kisses to your temple,” Good girl, that's my good girl. So beautiful, so ready to take my cock.”
Whining you grasp at him, tugging him to position himself over you,” Please Josh, I need it. Put your baby in me.”
He grasps his cock in his hand, running his swollen head through your slick,” Fuck, keep talking like that and I'm not going to last long.”
He pushes his hips forward, easing himself inside of you. Your hands grip onto his biceps as you adjust to his size,” Isn't that kind of the point.”
You giggle lightly as he rocks his hips,” I guess so…. Pretty baby just wants to be full of my cum?”
You groan, hitching your thighs over his hips,” You know I do.”
All you can think about is the way it feels when he fills you, so wet and warm, coating your insides in Josh. The thought pushes you closer to your second climax, and you start clenching around him, fluttering around his pulsating cock.
Through gritted teeth he praises,” Go ahead sweetheart, cum all over my fat cock. Let me have it.”
His voice in your ears, his skin on yours, and his tip pushing against your sweet spot, you had to surrender to the waves of pleasure. All you could think about was Josh. All you could think about was making him a father.
His hips pound into yours, losing all self control he once had. Slamming himself deep inside of you, chasing his primal urges.
His voice sounds strained,” God… fuck… I can't wait to get you pregnant.”
“Do it! I need it, wanna have your baby so badly!” You cry your nails digging into his back.
His hips stutter, and you feel his warm cum flood your insides.
“Fuuuck… that's right baby, keep milking me. Get every last drop… Gonna make the most beautiful baby.”
Finally his hips still and he all but collapses on you. His hands holding you close to him with his face buried in your neck.
“You're so beautiful, honey. You're going to be the most amazing mom. God, I really hope we just made a baby.”
Your hands stroke his back, both of your emotions heightened. Wanting this to work so badly. One hand comes up to scratch his scalp lovingly,” Maybe our strawberry moon helped us tonight.”
Josh raises his head from your skin, he raises his gaze until he finds the moon. His eyes stay locked on and you can tell he's pleading with the sacred celestial energy. Eventually he pulls out of you, before quickly shoving a pillow underneath your hips. He snuggles into your side, grabbing a blanket and draping it over the both of you,” Gotta keep it all in.”
His lips trail slow lines over your exposed skin until he's eventually lulling you to sleep. Right before you fall under the wave of slumber you say a prayer to your strawberry moon.
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ochomasaio · 5 months
Fukuzawa's wife, ¹ how you met him | BSD fanfic
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You were from a different country. A country after the sea. You were traveling on a ship bound for the port of Yokohama. With you other girls, a little younger or a little older than you, had set sail for a better future, some would marry the men they corresponded with from their country, others to find a job to support them and their family back home. But none of you would fulfill any of these. It was an open secret that you could easily have been fooled and ended up a stranger among strangers in a foreign land.
And this was waiting for you at the port. Remote areas were not always good for most of the girls who left their place. All of you would be sold as slaves. In the panic you managed to leave the port. But not for long, two men spotted you and were running after you. You ran, you ran and you don't even remember how long. Until you arrived next to a tall white fence. Without thinking too much you jumped in. You fell into a flower bed. You were in Fukuzawa's court. He had just been fed cats that you had chased away with your invasion.
Fukuzawa was annoyed that you chased away his cats so violently. But when he turned and looked at you for a few seconds, he was speechless. Petals from the damaged flowers were tangled in your hair and spread over the rest of your body. He was brought out of his thoughts by the footsteps of the two men who were chasing you, trying to find the entrance to the courtyard. You quickly got up and jumped over him. "Please! Hide me! Don't give me to them! I don't know them!" You had a scared, sulking look that couldn't help but captivate him, it was like an ancestral male instinct within him was telling him to protect his weak female. Without wasting time he pushed you into the house. The men at that moment burst into the garden only managing to see a female figure. Fukuzawa turned to them, closing the balcony door behind him. "How can I help you?" He asked looking at them from the edge of his porch with a look that killed.
The men took a few steps back in bewilderment before asking about the girl. He could have easily killed them but the girl could see through the crack. "A woman fell into the yard and ran away from the opposite side." "And the woman who came into the house?" The man asked him. "That was my wife." He told them and sent waves of bloodlust towards them. Fearing for their lives, they ran out of the yard.
Fukuzawa opened the balcony door finding you kneeling behind it trying to see out. You thanked him from the bottom of your heart. You felt a weight lift off of you until he asked, "Where are you going now?" You rolled your eyes but didn't move from your seat. You opened your mouth to speak but no words came out. Indeed, now what would you do to survive? He passed you and closed the teapot that signaled that the tea was ready. "I made tea. How about you sit down and tell me how you ended up in our country being hunted." You had back thoughts but accepted, what else could you do? You said everything from the beginning. Fukuzawa sympathized with what happened to you, he even suggested you stay with him for a while, the last empty apartment was given to Atsusi anywas. Your cheeks reddened when you heard that. He didn't expect himself to propose such a thing to a young lady either, but he did, anxiously waiting for your answer, noticing your every grimace.
You told him that you would like it, that you were more than obliged to him for it. He was the only person you could trust. Things were a bit strange especially in the first few days of the cohabitation. You were even ashamed of the fact that he was feeding you, taking care of you and generally staying with a man you were completely dependent on. You had thought of this situation many times for the same reason you had come to the country in the first place, to marry a supposed man for a better life for you.
As you thought about this, your subconscious accepted Fukuzawa as a husband figure for you. But I'd be lying if I didn't say that for him now, coming home and finding you there welcoming him so beautifully, you've given him a new motivation for life. Now he was the first to leave the office. This took everyone at the Armed Detective Agency a bit by surprise, especially Ranpo. For them it was normal for the president to leave hours later, reading some documents. Fukuzawa couldn't wait to go back home. But you were so young, you couldn't possibly find him attractive, or so he thought. But for you, the concerns were the same. He was a mature, collected man, it is impossible for him to fall in love with a foreigner who looks like a child in front of him.
There was something else that worried him. What job would he tell you he does? He thought you would get scared and run away from him. "What is your job?" Its like you read his mind. He swallowed hard and you got up from the table to get him some water. "Are you ok?" You asked worriedly as you knelt next to him in your haste. "Yes of course, don't worry." He replied leaving the glass of water on the table. After making sure he was okay you realized the position you were in. You had clung to him and rested your hand on his back. "I'm sorry." You said and went to sit on the opposite side of the table. "Fukuzawa-san, I'm more than happy and obliged for what you have done for me in the last months. But-" "I don't want you to even think for a minute that you're a burden to me... I want you to stay with me." Although he struggled to say it, once it reached your ears it made you very happy. You didn't want to leave him either. Fukuzawa realized that he had just revealed a lot of what he felt. But seeing your face has created such a beautiful expression, a small sneer escaped him. "I'd at least like to do something to help. Maybe get a job, but I'm not registered with the state." You said and sighed. "There is a way to get a visa." He answered you and took a sip of his tea. "To marry a Japanese."
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mamisfavmosher · 1 year
"This is my first time asking my requests
Can you write a poly!judgement that The reader is part of the Bloodline younger sister of The Uso's, The reader is fed up with Roman and his shenanigans then Rhea and The Judgement Day wants the reader to join them (if you don’t wanna write that, I completely understand)
thanks for the request! and sorry for the wait!
new family // poly!judgment day x fem!reader
"How many times do I have to tell you, huh?" Roman bellowed. He was angry. I suppose he had every right to be. He had to do quite a bit of convincing with Adam Pearce to get this match for me and I messed up during the peak of anticipation. My foot had gotten caught behind the rope when I was attempting to perform a corkscrew from the top rope and it was obvious. I had flailed my arms a bit out of panic and the only thing my opponent could think to do was catch me and put me through her finisher. Before I knew it, the ref finished the three count and Roman was yanking me backstage. "I worked my ass off to get this opportunity for you and you go screw it all up! You're a shit wrestler if you can't even land a corkscrew!" He scoffed out.
"I'm sorry-" I hoped an apology would slightly calm him.
"You're sorry?! How about you learn how to do your fucking job before you start apologizing to me. You're so pathetic, you know that? You're lucky you're even still in the Bloodline." Roman angrily ranted in front of me. I took a deep breath and tried not to let his words affect me.
Glancing over at my brothers, they both gave me sympathetic looks before turning their gazes away to let me finish receiving my lecture. "But, Roman-"
"Shut the hell up! You wait for me to finish speaking before you say anything!" He was entering full on tribal chief mode now.
"What did I just say? Shut your mouth! ..." Roman's words kept coming, but they seemed to be fading out as I spotted the darker, more dominant faction approaching. The four group members of the Judgment Day stood tall and menacing behind Roman as he let his anger take control. "Finally learned how to shut your mouth, huh?" I simply ignored the taunt and let my eyes wander toward Rhea's. Roman must have noticed that my attention was no longer on him and traced my eyesight behind him.
Damian stepped forward, his taller posture creating an air of superiority. "Roman Reigns, huh? You know, I never gave much thought to you, but now... now I just know you're a scumbag." He laughed out and Finn joined him. Rhea and Dom moved closer to me, shielding me from Roman and the rest of the Bloodline.
"You okay, chica?" Dom asked. I didn't answer, my mind still reeling with panic and anger and embarrassment. "Sweetheart? Can you hear me?" He snapped his fingers in front of my face. I had never seen Dom and Rhea look so concerned.
"I'm fine..." I shrugged and stood on my tip toes to look around Rhea at the rest of the Bloodline and the still raging Roman. Rhea moved her head into my view and gently ran her hand over my arm, a look of admiration crossing her face.
"You deserve better than this, babe." Her voice was soft, but there was a hint of persuasion to it. I knew what this was. She had mentioned it one other time after Roman had one of my matches taken away. The Judgment Day wanted me to join them. I had refused the first time, brushing the situation off as if it had never happened before and it wouldn't happen again. But, then it was as if Roman started playing on a loop. He would do something horrible, take something away from me, yell at me, and even sometimes disrespect me in the ring, and the Judgment Day had taken notice. "This idiot is holding you back. If you join the Judgment Day, your career is gonna sky rocket. I swear." I tried to avoid eye contact with her, pushing down the feeling of betrayal. If I join the Judgment Day, I'm leaving my brothers behind, my family. It felt like that was everything I had ever been taught not to do.
I caught the curious gazes of my brothers as they watched the conversation between Roman, Damian, and Finn, and shifted their attention to Rhea, Dom, and I. "I can't." I said. Rhea followed my stare and immediately understood. Dom quickly motioned them over to us.
"Boys, this is your sister. And as a man with a sister myself, even though I'm currently not in contact with my family, I wouldn't let her stay in a situation like this. Not a chance. We want her to join the Judgment Day." Dom reasoned with them.
The twins looked over to me, sullen looks on their faces. "Sis, that's completely up to you, but just know.... we support you no matter what." Jimmy said, throwing an arm over my shoulder.
"Yeah." Jey pulled me into a tight hug before ruffling my hair and gently shoving me away. "Get outta here. There's bigger, better things out there for you, sis. And, don't worry... We're not far behind." He smirked and walked back over to Paul Heyman with Jimmy.
"I guess I'm out of the Bloodline, then?" I asked myself.
"And the newest member of the Judgment Day, babygirl." Rhea smirked. "Welcome to the family." She hugged me close to her chest and softly kissed my head.
If this was the kind of love I was going to be shown in this new family, I could get used to it.
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baahsu · 9 months
Zoro x 1234ji because I became obsessed with them
Bounty hunter zoro gets lost while tracking a target and ends up in germa
Judge thinks he can be a good asset, so he hires him to help the kingdom and to train his kids since the soldiers haven't been a match for them for a long time
Zoro thought it would've been an easy way to get stronger himself and to have easy access to more powerful targets, but he ends up keeping company to four colorful haired bastards, three of which that can easily tower over him, that become a pain in his ass
The four become increasingly more obsessed with him the more time they spend together
It starts with the fighting, they seem impressed with how strong he is, with how fast and skillful he is with his three swords technique
They even stop in the middle of training one day to ask him if he's really human. And what an odd thing to ask, zoro just raises an eyebrow and replies that of course he is
When judge's not around, they attempt to make small talk with him over lunch and dinner
When judge's there, though, they act like robots, only talking if their father directs a question at them, and zoro feels like he's intruding on something big and out of his control
But zoro's quick to notice how bad at normal conversation they are and he snorts every time they go about how "The sun… It's shining again today. All the way up there... In the sky. Exactly where it should be."
Once, zoro even wakes up in the middle of the night with four pairs of eyes intently staring at him, intrigued about his sleeping habits. He shrikes (and denies doing so to this day) and forbids them from doing that ever again. Surprisingly, they listen and zoro figures despite being such weirdos they aren't all that bad after all
They continue talking and getting closer after that, and the brothers slowly tell him everything about the experiments judge's performed on them ever since they were kids
Ichiji and niji have burn marks all over their bodies due to their powers. They couldn't control them in the beginning and judge couldn't spare resources to treat them properly
Yonji broke an arm during a mission when he was younger and instead of putting it on a cast judge ordered the scientists to cut it off and replace it with a robotic arm. Since they were already at it, judge ordered them to replace the other one as well
They talk about how judge fed poison to their older sister, reiju, even before they were born, all because he wanted to increase her immunity to it
When their mother died sanji was devasted, more than the other three that seemed to be under complete effect of judge's experiments. Sanji couldn't stop crying and judge got tired of it, deciding to lock him up in the dungeons with an iron mask covering his face just so he didn't have to look at or hear him anymore
Zoro's furious listening to their retellings, livid at some points, and he makes it his mission to get all of them out of germa
He wants to take reiju with them as well and she's thankful for it, but refuses. She opts to stay back to distract judge and eventually carry her revenge of poisoning and killing him
The day of the escape arrives and zoro clearly didn't fully thought it through
He's carrying sanji in his arms with yonji draped across his back and ichiji and niji hanging off of each of his arms. He gets lost one too many times and for the first time he hears the brothers laughing at him. He's so surprised he can't even justify himself by saying the castle has too many unfamiliar hallways that keep moving on him
The four share a look after their laughs die down and decide to take a hold of the situation, activating their raid suits and taking turns carrying zoro so they can finally fly out of the kingdom
It takes some time but they find their way to the east blue, where zoro said he was from, and eventually a curious boy wearing sandals and a straw hat demands they join his crew because "your hairs are weird and you look like superheroes!"
Zoro's lowkey offended for being clumped up with those four, but hell, they've been looking for a place to belong and this could just be it
When the times comes, they'll hear about the fall of the king of germa and that's when they'll know they can finally go back for reiju
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woo alright, i was hoping to request hcs of the band w a reader whos extremely affectionate but its completely platonic? just like how they react to it and what they do. thank you 🧡
(hello! Sure I can and here ya go! Sorry for the wait but enjoy!)
Platonic Tokio Hotel
Bill Kaulitz
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I feel like he is open and happy to receive the affection
He doesn't mind a bit
He likes hugs, hand holding and kisses on the cheeks and stuff like that
He is open to your affection
He's like a child asking for a goodnight kiss on the forehead
He just likes being held
Your hugs and affection is somehow just so comforting
He doesn't know how to explain it
It just is
He knows it's completely platonic and is cool with that!
He knows that's just how you are and he'll indulge in it
He finds it fun how much you feel comfortable around him enough to give him affection
When he gets it more than the others he is smug about it
Doesn't really care if people see y'all when you give affection
He likes the hugs especially when it's cold
He's a pretty private person and would not like to be involved in a scandal
But for you he's fine with it
Finds it funny and will continue on like nothing ever happened if you showed him affection in public
Actually likes the confused looks from your platonic affection
He likes affection, so do you
It works!
Tom Kaulitz
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He also likes the affection
Even if he knows it's platonic he'll be the one to tease and flirt a little bit
It's all for fun dw
He will hug you back no matter what
He would never push away your affections
Doesn't care that you just do it because you want to because he loves the attention
Such an attention whore I swear
Is the type to just want a hug for no reason throughout the day
If you give someone else more affection he is sulking in the corner
Give him a hug or a kiss on the cheek to make it better
Fans and interviewers have asked about it and a few times there was almost a scandal
He fed into it because he wanted to until you cleared it up
You just were comfortable enough to give them affection
He also finds it comforting ngl
Gustav Schäfer
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I feel like he is the more shy as hestant one
Not because he is uncomfortable, he is just worried about making you feel uncomfortable
He doesn't know where to put his hands with hugs or what to down with kisses on the cheek
Give him a little time to get used to them and he'll be cool with it!
Will hug you back no matter what, will have his arm around your neck and may rarely kiss your cheek back
Norman Reedus and Andrew Lincoln energy at times ngl
You guys look like a couple sometimes but you guys are the friends to give each other disgusted looks when that happens
He also welcomes it openly and will display affection with you anywhere
Especially if you're nervous or stressed
He finds the hugs, hand holding and little cheek kisses comforting also
Will let you hang onto his back, have your head or feet in his lap just because
You remind him of a younger and clingy sister sm he can't help but just let you have your way
Georg Listing
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He is the shameless and nonchalant one I feel
He doesn't have a reaction to the affection at all at times
But he doesn't care who sees or what the think when they see the affection, hugs, hand holds or cheek kisses
You can legit lay on this guy and he would not care
Have your arm around him in an interview?
He doesn't care and will wrap his arm around you also!
He likes giving into the affection, not that he would show it that much
He knows you find comfort in the affection, and he will gladly give it to you to make you happy
Will have an arm around your shoulder and just be hugging you in interviews, photoshoots, everything like it's nothing
He's like an annoying older brother with this sm
He likes the platonic affection you both share
He doesn't think affection needs to be just for a relationship, and can also be shared with your close friends if they're comfortable
He is shameless and will have no reaction at times, you need to do something big get a reaction
Is so used to it will just let you do anything like do his hair or just jump on his back
Will continue talking like nothing happened at all
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coff-in · 4 months
AAAAHHHH I'm the devious baby sis requester and coff-in you make my heart flutter :))) Your thoughts on Decay route fed my thoughts oh my god you genIUS 1. All I can think of is baby sis reader finding her siblings dead (or at least close to dying) in the murder-suicide route and being like "D: Why didn't you take me with you????" Which kind of brings me to an interesting question, do you think either sibling would ever be compelled to kill her? Like for example Andrew clearly meant to go meet Ashley in the afterlife, does he ever have "ah hell just bring the whole family" thoughts and goes to find baby sis reader? I just think of him gently comforting her, talking her down with a knife to her throat because it's for their own good, he promises. 2. Alternatively, baby sis reader *pretending* to lose it when she loses her -not- favorite sibling because, yk, that's what normal people do when the lose their siblings. It's still a plan though because if she freaks out about it, whatever sibling left will freak out that this will cause reader to leave > they become even more possessive > yeah that's exactly what reader wants. In the case of Ashley, reader's crying over Andrew while Ashley is half-insane herself and frantically telling her that "I'm good enough for you, right? You don't need him, WE don't need him (coping very hard right now)! You have me, you have me!" and she completely misses the look on reader's face when she finally gives into Ashley's embrace. If it's Andrew, reader backs away from his knife and bumps into Ashley's body and screams, trying to run, but he catches her (as always) and tells her that "I'll take such good care of you, it'll be like she was never there. Isn't that fine? I've always been your favorite older sibling...and now you can have all my attention. It'll be better with just the two of us... (he is also coping very hard right now)" and reader "reluctantly" gives into him because of the knife, but she's secretly delighted. She hopes he doesn't put a hand over her heart, because it's fluttering. Sorry I feel like I just word vomited all over the place, I just wanted you to know that your thoughts are so DELICIOUS mwah I love you too :DDD
notes from coff-in: I JUST SAW THIS!!! i'm at work rn but i can't wait, i'm just too impulsive. and omg "devious baby sis" that's so good! we should actually kiss each other /j
[fem] reader-insert, follow up to "younger sister [reader] who just as bad as the graves", talks/mentions of incest, murder and suicide
i would think that andrew would most likely kill baby sis [reader] in the decay route. he killed ashley out of his resentment for her (but he joins her later because he still loves her you know?) but he also loves [reader] too, so he'd kill her too so they're all together forever. in an afterlife where there are no consequences their actions! there's also the possibility that he doesn't kill her and GRRR THAT'D BE SO ANGSTY!!! [reader] coming across their dead bodies and trying to cope with the fact that her siblings ("soulmates" because we're delulu) are dead and they didn't invite her to go with them. she'd have a full mental breakdown before killing herself.
(this is completely unnecessary but i see devious baby sis [reader]'s weapon being a pair of scissors, the blades are supposed to be symbolic of her siblings. every precise cut and stab is made with her love for them ♡)
oh oh oh!! her getting to live with her favorite sibling would be fucking hectic. i definitely see the siblings loving each other like a cute little incestuous polycule but having [reader] live with her fav sibling would be sorta chaotic. ashley would maybe use [reader], not as a replacement for andrew, but maybe some sort of stand in? [reader] for the most part does everything ashley wants her to do and only really choosing to step in and veto ashley's feelings when they (or ashley specifically) are in danger. there's also hella toxic yuri incest, you gotta trust me on this
"i'll take such good care of you" GOD I WANT ANDREW!!! I WANT ANDREW TO BE REAL!!! THE DEVIOUS ONE HERE IS YOU NONNIE FOR WRITING THAT LINE 🔥 ✍️ i think andrew would try to put all that happened in the past but he's coping and [reader] can see that. they'll leave ashley's body buried somewhere and ditch town and try to live a normal life... as boyfriend and girlfriend :3 but sometimes andrew slips up, you know? maybe he almost calls [reader] ashley or maybe he's brushing her hair one night and puts it up in a ponytail like ashley did. but [reader] doesn't mind, of course, but she has andrew with her :)
or maybe andrew and [reader] continue going about their murder and cannibalism after ashley dies when they steal her dream talisman, who knows, who knows.
i'm curious about what would happen if her favorite sibling died but she couldn't kill the survivor. would she leave? would the living sibling be mad at her? i'm like growling and barking in excitement in my mind I LOVE THIS!!!
you and your wonderfully devious brain, 'nonnie, thank you!!! ur like a head chef in the kitchen, just know that i'll always eat your cooking ♡
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autisticdiluc · 3 months
yandere simulator ramble (mostly ab ayano)
see my thing is with yandere sim obviously there are a bunch of problems from alex himself being the developer, the panty shots in the game (because eventho it's used as blackmail with info-chan and sold to those who want it or wtv there could be a way easier way to blackmail the girls for points), the depiction that the bullies are gyaru giving the impression most gyaru's are mean/bullies, the fact that oh everyone is 18 even though they clearly arent?? amongst other things
yet even then there's something still addicting about the game especially with ayano being a yandere, or to consider: someone with obsessive love disorder (the highest 'level' or intensity of this). even then, although obviously everyone in the aishi family just has to be a yandere, it was gonna be obvious that ayano was gonna be one too rightt?
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First Part: Emotions
ryoba fed into the mindset that ayano needed that special someone to be complete so she could finally feel something and she's 'reassuring' ayano that ryoba was the same way when she was younger as well until she found jokichi. ayano, as a child, knew something was wrong with her. there is no doubt that something continues to be wrong with her especially after her own mother teaches her to get rid of blood to use it later to "get rid of future obstacles." Obstacles which refer to the rivals; rivals who are just girls that have a crush on taro (minus muja kina and mida rana because theyre just creeps i fear). even so ryoba's words lingered in ayano's mind. that was ayano's reason to live - something to look for. which btw is kinda fucked up cause she's a child thinking this but also fair anyway,,
Jokichi has attempted to make ayano's life better. he has tried to be a good father; he has tried to be the best that he can be in order to make his daughter feel normal. but with how ayano is - how she is broken from the start - it was impossible. it didn't help that ryoba encouraged the behaviour almost, saying she was exactly the same as ayano AND how she wasn't worried at all. jokichi didn't like that (normal reaction cause hello??) but ayano is nothing but an empty girl. however what i find interesting is that she felt pity for her father. despite everything she felt pity, and that!! is an emotion!! why i find this interesting is how she can feel something for someone else but not for herself. as a result of her pity, she began to act like other children pretending to be normal and happy for jokichi, despite how she knew that he didnt really believe her happiness himself.
and then!! ayano began to pretend all the time. to stop the bullying, to fit in with everyone because it was simply more convenient even if ayano didn't really care if it happened or not. she had friends (though she didnt care about them) and she had a routine established by pretending all the time. she grew resentful of being 'broken'. as funny as that is because she was supposed to broken, yet, she felt emotions to a mild degree. resentment (some might also say bitterness) is like more complex emotion rather than your typical joy sadness etc but it's still an emotion. and ayano WANTS to feel and have emotions anyway. she craves it, ayano longs to feel, its almost painful itself because she can't experience it to a high degree. HOWEVER!!!!!!!!!! as small as it is she's felt emotion, she's felt pity and bitterness and she wants and wants and thats so interesting. what's even more interesting is her length to have emotions. in her lore video, she is seen killing a cat to see if she felt something like guilty or remorse but nothing happened. this is where it (chronologcally) is seen that ayano is willing to do extreme things to see if she could feel something, so it's not a surprise when she's willing to kill her 'rivals' to keep taro.
now ayano is described as someone who has no personality, no hobbies, no true friends, nothing, just an empty husk of a person. however, when she meets taro that changes drastically. she has clearer and obvious emotions; she finally has the feelings she always wanted. although, i believe that she wouldn't react to having feelings the best even with finding osana talking to taro etc etc. if you lived your entire life having no emotions (not any major or obvious ones anyway) until you find your someone (someone who you've been dreaming of, waiting for, needing) and all the emotions finally comes crashing down all at once,, don't you think you'd be more than a bit overwhelmed? she's been missing out on all the sensations people had since birth. she's always felt incomplete and then all of a sudden she meets taro and it fits like a missing puzzle piece finally being placed down. it was clear that taro made her feel happy, wanting love and all positive emotions. although, now that she has emotions: she's going to have to experience the 'bad' ones too. she'll experience anger, annoyance, fear, anxiety, jealousy, desperation, envy, hatred etc etc.
as soon as she sees osana talk to taro yeah you can tell she feels all the negative emotions all at once. she finally has emotions, she finally can experience what everyone else takes for granted, but osana comes in and threatens her. osana talks to taro, has a crush on him, and that sends a spike of fear and anger through ayano because ayano should not be striped away of her newly found emotions. she needs the emotions. and as a result she needs taro because he is the one allowing her to feel this way. she's in love with the emotions. it's not love that she has for taro, not really, but she is obsessed. she has the overwhelming obsessive desire to protect and possess taro (which is literally the description of obsessive love disorder). she needs taro like how she needs air now that she's met him.
as i said like 3 paragraphs above she's going to be overwhelmed, like it or not, and whenever people are overwhelmed they tend to take an unnecessarily drastic and extreme path because when you're overwhelmed you aren't in the best mindset. ayano is still a human even if she was "broken" before. she makes mistakes and she's going to be overwhelmed by her emotions for a while especially because she feels like she's is almost dead when she's not near taro. taro is a trigger for her essentially. when he's near, the overwhelming feelings all come back. she felt dead before, now she doesn't and these feelings repeat over and over every time she's away from taro and when she goes near him again.
on another note l, although ayano "has" taro currently, she still feels broken and incomplete when not near him as mentioned. yet, this incomplete feeling hurts MORE because she knows who her someone is. im going to bring up the fact that ryoba and jokichi went to the states for a 'vacation' (to kill the journalist) without warning. i find it interesting because ayano is most likely to experience negative emotions more intensely than before. taro has brought the emotions to light so i believe she still feels them when she's not near him but it's so mild that it's barely there. however with negative emotions those are easier to feel. ayano was shown to be angry that osana has a crush on taro (and she wasn't near taro at the time) after finding out from info chan in the opening cutscene,, in fact she was at home meaning she was not close to taro at all. as i mentioned though taro is almost like a trigger so its most likely just that. anyway the intensity of negative emotions may be easier to give into. so.... going with an idea that they are easier to give into, it's easier to feel even when not around taro. i believe the feeling of loneliness is something that is practically overtaking ayano's very mind.
ayano has always been lonely, before she met taro and after. she's been lonely in the sense that she never had been able to connect with her peers on a genuine note. lonely in the sense that jokichi only worried about her wanting her to be normal and ryoba was the opposite, not worrying at all. lonely in the sense she always felt incomplete, lonely cause she knew she wasnt normal, lonely because she needed to be fixed, lonely because nobody other than her mother and all those who suffered from the "aishi conditon" would understand her. and even though those with the "aishi condition" would understand they already found their someone, they werent "broken" anymore. and speaking of the those finding their someone it is highly likely that ryoba devoted more of her time to jokichi than she did to ayano. the reason i believe this is because although ryoba has jokichi, she needs him to love her as well. gonna leave it there but!!! ryoba and jokichi are away in the states currently. so if ayano did feel lonely before she's going to feel lonely in that empty house. a house too big with your own thoughts, own freedom and doing whatever the hell you want. ryoba actively encouraged ayano to do whatever she needed to do to get rid of the 'obstacles' in her life if she found her special someone. its no surprise with the eliminations you can do one of them is torturing your rivals (or even just mind breaking a random student). (On a side note Japanese houses don't have built in basements so ryoba had to literally custom add that)
anyway I bring forth another thing: neglect. however I'm going to go into detail with this with the second part: OLD
Second Part: Obsessive Love Disorder
Obsessive Love Disorder is something that Ayano has. Obsessive Love Disorder as said earlier is a disorder where a person feels obsessive over another person and feels the need to protect them. this isn't really looked at as an 'actual' disorder to psychologist but i couldn't give two bare fucks about that. let's break it down with SOME of the symptoms of OLD:
overwhelming attention to someone
obsessive thoughts
feeling the need to protect the person you're in love with
possessive thoughts and actions
extreme jealousy over interpersonal relationships
low self-esteem
may not take rejection lightly/easily
ignoring personal boundaries
overly controlling
being overwhelmed with emotions about a person that is disrupts your daily function
threatening the other if they leave
monitoring the others actions
blurring or crossing boundaries
inability to tolerate time away
most if not all of these things can be easily associated to ayano's behavior. ayano stalks taro, occasionally fantasizes that he kidnaps her, dislikes all the girls who try and talk to taro, wants him all to herself, feels dead when he's not near, follows him home so she can spend more time 'protecting' him, cannot see a life without him (evidenced by 'snap' ending as when she kills him, she kills herself not long after), her first interaction with him shows her finally feeling emotions and as i said she's going to feel overwhelmed with them, anger and anxiety that a 'rival' may be able to take taro away from her, based on ryoba where she tortured jokichi i doubt that ayano would take lightly is taro tried to leave her, finally rejection results in quite literally being heartbroken AND snap so it's obviously not taken easily nor lightly etc etc
anyway!! those are some examples that relate to the symptoms now here are two of the many causes.
some of y'all (if anyone reads this actually but the group council in my head will suffice) may not like this one but number 1 is neglect.
neglect is one of those things that can be in several forms. the more common forms would be emotional neglect (AND!! physical neglect), e.g. not telling your child you're leaving to go away to take care of some 'business' until you're already gone. (even worse when the business is to kill a man but yk). with this neglect you're emotionally unavailable (and in this case also physically). to understand better emotional neglect it is when a child does not receive the stimulation and nurturing they need. ayano has not received stimulation or the necessary nurturing from ryoba because ryoba fully heartedly believes that all ayano needs is that special someone. in a sense, she is right but she was actively neglecting ayano by not helping her instead just repeating that someone will come to complete and fix her. as said in the example it can also be physical neglect as ryoba left a teen (because no way you're a junior and 18, fuck you Alex the highest you can get is 17.) all by herself in a house whilst indirectly promoting the use of the basement through vague post cards and childhood lessons.
(And yes! Encouraging negative behavior is neglect because you do not care what happens to those around you!)
another form of neglect that ayano experienced was medical neglect. this form of neglect isn't as obvious but can be picked up in ayano's lore video. at the very beginning, it is stated that her first memories are that of hospitals, doctors and everything medical wise. this was most definitely jokichi's work as the best ryoba has stated on the matter was how they were similar and how ayano will find her someone to complete her. now later (but before ayano pretends) the hospital etc weren't mentioned again. it can be thought and implied that ryoba decided it was a waste to focus medically on ayano because she'll simply find her someone to cure her later. this can be thought out to be medical neglect because there could've been a small chance if ayano kept doing, if she visited more happy places there's a possibility something could've changed. even then this neglect isn't so obvious so it's easy to ignore. to add on though teaching your child how to clean up blood for not so good reasons is encouraging negative behavior and could be a contribution to her messed up mindset.
another reason would be delusional jealousy. this is inhibited by an instance or things that are false. this delusional jealousy can also make one believe someone is in love with them even if there are obvious signs that is not the case.
okay for this reason I believe the delusion itself is fostered by the fact that ayano needs taro so she believes he must need her. it's a common mindset even without OLD that if someone needs something, others must need it too making possessiveness and jealousy to form. because the game isn't complete and is likely not going to be complete in the next decade, it's hard to tell if taro would actually like ayano as a genuine person. (and I would say that it's kind of obvious that he doesn't but in game taro is a pussy? if you even stand near him for more than 5 seconds he's like "oh she's strange" "stay back get away from me!!" even when ayano isn't doing anything?? like in game I wouldn't be close enough where the pink love thing pops up and taro would still be like "get away from me!!!") but if ayano hypothetically talked to him like all of her rivals, then taro would maybe like her.
once again these two are not the only ones that can be associated with ayano but these are the only ones I wanted to discuss.
anyway ending this section to go to the next important one!! drumroll... Pacifist vs Murderer
Third Part: The Endings
this is the third part of my rant that consists of pacifist ayano vs murderer ayano which could be "Good Ending" Ayano and "Bad Ending" Ayano.
starting off with something a good bunch of yan sim fans don't actually agree on is that pacifist ayano is a completely different person than murderer ayano.
and you might be thinking "wrap it up luca,, pacifist is different than a murderer no shit"
but really it's more than that. pacifist ayano is different because she actually truly expresses her emotions when she's a pacifist. even if you gossip about the rivals or expell them where they don't show up to school anymore, ayano can be seen as a person who expresses her emotions because she's so much more than a murderer. this is even more vividly seen if you befriend the rivals. once again this is based off the two rivals that are out, osana and amai. if you decide to befriend osana and she comes to your house in the morning, there is the infamous talk where osana talks about her stalker and how she can't believe that someone could fall in love without knowing them. this, to ayano and the player itself, can be associated with ayano herself especially considering how she 'loves' taro without knowing him and has stalked him. now when ayano decides not to betray osana, giving her normal tea, it can be seen how desperate ayano is to keep taro without actually harming osana. osana may like taro, but ayano needs him. the desperation expressed through the befriend route shows the most human ayano ever. this desperation and longing for taro is carried through the same befriending route with amai (although her conversation involves jabs at having a "rival" and "eliminating" them).
the most human and realest part of ayano is when she befriends the rivals and begs them not to confess to taro. (if it isn't obvious I love the pacifist ending because I like the raw desperation and human form of ayano compared to the murderer route)
in contrast to pacifist ayano, when ayano murders the rivals, her sanity obviously decreases. unlike in game where you can giggle or go near taro to increase your sanity, it's not that easy irl.
keep in mind if ayano doesn't increase her sanity and it goes below 20% then ayano starts hallucinating and murdering those around her. even if ayano could realistically easily increase her sanity after killing a rival that is to show that ayano will only be a murderer (something the headmaster and megami saikou thinks her to be). if ayano were kill and regain her sanity quickly she is as broken as people think her to be. she is truly nothing but an empty husk who follows her mother. she may have emotions but she isn't someone you can love. she isn't someone who can be seen as a human. like ryoba, ayano would most likely follow the path that ryoba led where ayano simply kidnaps taro at the end torturing him and making him her husband. as said earlier, negative emotions are easier to form so it would be easy to give in to the pestering intrusive thoughts to kill her rivals. it's the quickest way out and it's the true emotionless thing most want her to be. being violent seems to be the easiest way out and most often people take that route, however, in the very end ayano simply follows her mother's path of decay and destruction. murderer ayano is easier to conform, though, is that the real ayano? is she someone who can't be proven not to be broken? another thing is that if ayano does go this route and she doesn't get caught, all she ends up doing is create a cycle. she continues down the path that ryoba had laid out for her since the beginning. (which honestly is the lousiest route and ending to take because people just loveee the trope of repeating the cycle)
personally I don't care much for the murderer ending but I will admit it is interesting to see how ayano spirals and ultimately decides to kill off every single one of her rivals.
the next two endings are going to be briefly the genocide ending and "snap" ending.
genocide ending is simply the ending where ayano is a murderer but instead of just applying that to just her rivals she does it to the entire school minus taro. it's the 'darkest' ending depending on how you look at it because it proves that ayano couldn't stand anyone else coming between her and taro. she needed taro all to herself and she did just that by killing every single person in the school all in the first day of the week (minus the headmaster, taro, infochan and the guidance counsellor). in this ending you can tell that ayano's sanity is completely gone by the way she says "so..i killed them all" in the cutscene that plays. ayano says it in such a manic and inhuman way its obvious that she doesn't regret it now that she can have taro all for herself. at the very end of the cutscene it pans to taro being in the basement tied up. this is where its clear that ayano follows ryoba completely (if not surpassing her in terms of violent nature and sense due to how she killed every one instead of just her rivals) to keep taro as her senpai.
and finally, snap ending. Snap ending is by far the most interesting one in terms of endings. Before ayano kills taro with the knife, when she walks to every student she kills them with her bare hands. in this ending I believe that she's more "broken" than her other endings. she's given up on this world and she's willing to take out others who get in her way (literally). the others are so terrified to the point where they can't even move, they just watch until it's their turn. ayano feels nothing but heartbreak and there's no other option but to kill taro then herself. even before she kills herself with the same knife she used to stab him, the insistence of voices saying "do it" continue to loop giving her no other option but to join taro. this ending is so interesting because it shows how ayano physically cannot live without taro and how she's willing to make sure that nobody else has him. another thing interesting about it is the trope of "if you die, I die". this trope is placed into things like Romeo and Juliet where Juliet pretends to die and Romeo kills himself to "join" her. when Juliet wakes up and finds Romeo dead she soon follows killing herself actually to join him.
anyway I think I'll stop for now cause I've been at this for hours LOL
The End (for now..)
idk I like yan sim a lot and I love ayano's character (I doubt yandere dev was smart enough to do it on purpose but whatever.) Ayano is literally my girl and I love her so much ❤️❤️ ayano is just a girl
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leggerefiore · 1 year
Identical Pair
cw: April Fools fic, poly (ingo/reader, emmet/reader),
You sat across from the two twins at the breakfast table with squinted eyes. The day had come, you knew. A day in which the two always went out of their way to plan something. Ingo drank his coffee as he always did while reading up on the news, and Emmet devoured a few muffins while drinking something that was once recognised as coffee. Nothing seemed out of place between the two. The younger twin wore his eternal smile, while the older one held his stiff expression with ease.
Were they truly not doing anything this year? You remained unconvinced. Their lunches were packed with as many foods as you could think one enjoyed while the other detested to help call out any imitation they may fall into this year. Yet, even as they headed out the door, they remained completely as they usually did. Ingo gave a sweet peck to your cheek, and Emmet squeezed you into a tight hug. Their goodbyes were as they always were. You still felt suspicious of their behaviours.
Later in the day came as you decided to sneak a visit in during lunch for them both, bringing Ingo a coffee from his favourite café and Emmet a slice of cake from his bakery. Both stills seemed to be themselves, as Ingo scribbled away at paperwork and Emmet fed batteries to his Joltiks. Both thanked you for the items and easily fell into conversations about their days so far with you. It was only during Ingo's quick trip out to the bathroom that you decided to try something.
You crept towards Emmet and playfully sat in his lap. He moved his legs to accommodate you and wrapped his arms around you. Everything seemed as it always was with him. You wondered, though. Grabbing his hand, you dared to bring it down to your thigh playfully. For a moment, he stuttered his hand before shifting into doing it. You were in denial. That was absolutely an Ingo pretending to be an Emmet move. Still, he followed through. You leaned back and looked at his face curiously.
Obviously, there were no physical differences due to their status as identical twins, but you felt that there must be something that would easily set them apart. You were absolutely convinced that they were during their usual prank of pretending to be each other. “Ingo,” you tried, “You don't have to force yourself to keep the charade up for me, you know. I can see right through it.” His head tilted.
“Darling,” his voice was the right pitch and tone, “I am Emmet, and I am confused.” You sighed. Of course, this was his only time to let loose and mess around, so he would never give up something so much fun easily. You pondered. Emmet may have been an easier target to break. Carefully, you dropped the topic and shifted back into a conversation about his battles today and how the Joltiks were doing, both at the station and at home. When 'Ingo' returned and continued his work at his desk. You decided your next attempt.
Getting up from Emmet's lap, you walked over to Ingo and leaned over his shoulder. He was filling out some reports. Silver eyes darted to you as you stared at him. “Do you want to try these sweets, Ingo?” you figured with them both in the room a two versus one battle would not go well, “I know you are the biggest fan of sugar, but with how much Emmet likes them, I do wonder…” Ingo swallowed and laid down his pen. Both twins struggled to tell you 'no' when you gave them a certain look, so you decided to play around with that. You took a piece away from the strawberry shortcake to bring it to his lips.
Easily, he bit on and swallowed. No over the top look of disgust followed, nor did any obvious enjoyment. Ingo reached and downed some of his coffee with a sigh. “Ah, well, I suppose it is not as bad as I had imagined,” he replied, “The strawberries are not so overly sweet as to drown you in sugar. I could easily eat more of that.” Emmet gave a giggle behind you both.
“Brother, they are convinced we are doing the same prank as last year,” he explained while coming up behind you to hug your chest, “Would it be funny two years in a row?”
“We have done it for nearly two decades now,” Ingo corrected, “It is truly only funny to us.” They were one hundred percent doing it, then. Naturally, they easily could imitate each other with little question, but there were always small things that bled through.
“Ingo, Emmet grabs around my waist while you go for my chest,” you turned to gaze at the frozen twin, “You also only ate half the cake. Emmet would have devoured it. Much like how Emmet has barely drank any of the coffee I brought.” “Emmet's” face fell into a frown.
“… Verrry cruel,” 'Ingo' said while standing up and crossing his arms, “Darling! We were having so much fun!” You laughed as the real Ingo let you and readjusted his hat by its brim. Emmet wrapped his arms around your waist with an expression of annoyance.
Then they both broke into heavy laughter.
You gasped.
They had not.
“Ingo,” you grabbed the cheeks of 'Emmet', “I always knew you were secretly a sadist.”
“Dearest, I simply wished to have some fun,” his smile shifted from an imitation of Emmet's to his own more subtle one, “Ah, we have been doing that prank on our employees as usual, though.” Emmet took off his hat and both brothers came to stand side by side.
“Ingo actually came up with yours, yep! Not me,” Emmet proudly shoved the blame onto his older brother, “He said you would be on edge this year and to “change it up” just for you.” You turned away from them in annoyance. They had got you good, you would admit it. Your frustration would not fade easily, however.
“I hate you both,” you tell them, “I'm taking the Joltiks in the divorce, Emmet.”
Emmet's face became stricken with horror, while Ingo's eyes filled with worry. As you marched out of the office, Ingo started calling out for you while Emmet rushed after you.
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fluffypotatey · 10 months
Shadowpeach's reaction to believing the other is dating again
ANON I AM SO SORRY T^T i meant to reply to this the moment I read it then got distracted and now it’s almost 1am (edit: it is now 1:30 lmao)
you have come to ask me, a girlie who is a sucker for unhealthy shadowpeach and long time lover of the jealousy & possessive tropes, about shadowpeach’s hypothetical reactions of the two monkeys believing the other is back in the dating scene?
well, obviously, they would be completely fine. absolutely no negative reactions or breakdowns or obsessive thoughts hindering their ability to function and be mentally healthy. of course.
however, i feel like swk would be more subtle about it. like maybe he hears something out of context said by MK or Mei or Tang or Red Son or Sandy (who might have also jumped to the same conclusion) and is like “oh……” and then is oddly quiet for maybe a month, freaking out MK
also, SWK would have his own internal battle of wanting to see Macky to confirm but also not wanting to see Macackle because the confirmation would break him. but he would make so many excuses to see Macaroon by visiting Pigsy’s noodle shop then chicken out when the time does come (the funny part of me says that Pigsy is the only one aware of SWK’s true intentions and is very annoyed about it)
the anger doesn’t really come until SWK feels fed up with Macaroni’s “mixed signals,” meaning Macky’s very bad attempts at being civil/flirting. because “if Macky thinks he can just use my feelings while being in a relationship he can think again!” (despite Macky never being in a relationship but Wukong never confirmed this so is mad for the sake of this hypothetical SO and himself while struggling with his own very messy feelings. because he likes it when Mac has his attention on him, he likes it when Mac tries to woo him the same way he had tried when they were younger and ignorant, he likes it when Mac cannot help but look at Wukong, he likes it when he makes Mac forget all about that stupid significant other because Wukong and Mac used to be something and could still be that something if Mac just gave Wukong a chance or if they had never ended their old relationship like the way they did. if only, if only, if only, if only, if only—
with Macky, ahahahaaaaaaa hoo boy.
not subtle. very unsubtle. like, yes, even Wukong can see and notice Macky’s very unsubtle and unstable self but unlike everybody else who is aware of the reason, Wukong would just be confused on why Macky is always weirdly snappy and grabby and always feel the need to mention Wukong’s love life????
anyway, Macky would not react well. 1) because it feeds into his angry theory that Wukong found their relationship to be superficial and temporary 2) he has been revived for, uh, *checks watch* not very long, so imagine going through a severe break up and dying them being resurrected and trying to enact revenge on your ex (of whom the feelings are still too raw) but you’ve been out of time for so long that you cannot process shit 3) it is my belief that Macky had nobody else as close to him as Wukong was
so, Macky hearing through the very botched grapevine that Wukong is back in the dating scene? man’s is not handling it well. house/apartment/whatever establishment he was staying in is trashed. he replans his revenge against Wukong. he stalks Wukong obsessively bc he has to see that bastard in the act because maybe then he’ll be free. he would sabotage any and all attempts of demons, humans, whoever that whispers about pursuing Wukong because….reasons
(obviously the reasons are not the fact that Wukong moving on terrifies him, the fact that he can be so easily replaced hurts, the fact that he cannot let go despite everything, the fact that Wukong still smiles the same, that Wukong still laughs the same but it’s so much lighter, that he understood what it was like to be loved and cared about by Wukong. to have all of his attention on Macky, to hold him so gently even though these same hands could break him (and have), to be treasured and desired by someone so powerful. how could Mackarell give up something so precious? he is still selfish and has been deprived for f that love for too long. why on earth would he ever wish for someone else to have a piece of what he once had?)
so yeah i’d say they would be coping sO well :)
#this is a side tangent but shadowpeach deserves some more fics with both or either of the two idiots being jealous#please#for me#ley them simmer or wallow in their personally inflicted angst/pining soup while i giggle and read with delight#and when i say i’m a lover of this trope i also mean i’m a connoisseur of this trope#i have tastes and am picky about it#bc there are some…….not great works that try this trope (to put it politely) and it hurts bc i KNOW it could be written sO good#also funny note: this reply was supposed to end after I shout ‘they would be so horrible lmao’#but then I thought nah lemme share my elaborated thoughts#another side note: I am sure y’all notice I call Wukong and macky’s thing a relationship instead of friendship or situationship mostly bc#a relationship can mean many things and my view of shadowpeach is both romantic and qpr#like the vibes fit for both of them and I’ll just roll with either#but i struggle to call their thing a friendship because to me that takes away some of the aspects of swk and macky#do i think they even dated in the past? no but i DO think the two were so attached to the hip that to outsiders they saw 2 boyfriends even#if nothing was technically official of their relationship being romantic or platonic but it blurred the lines so well nobody could be 100%#& even in the current plot their relationship is STILL blurred to me so i can’t pick and like both options (both are severely unhealthy ofc#lmk#shadowpeach#asks#anonymous
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friends-w-ghosts · 8 months
Some Edgar & Sabin headcanons because I love them. If they make a FFVI remake I hope we get more dialogue and have side quests relating to each of the characters, I just think every one of them is so interesting and I’d like to see them each get more time to shine.
- He is the furthest thing from a morning person. Unfortunately during the plot of FFVI saving the world generally required getting up before it was even light out. He would much rather get up at 8 and spend until 9 waking up and getting ready. But alas, duty calls.
- Also definitely has the WORST bedhead. I imagine him having fairly thick hair that’s straight but has enough of a wave to it that it makes it time consuming to do in the morning. That and he just cares about looking presentable so he doesn’t cut any corners.
- He loves spending time on his appearance not because of vanity but just because he enjoys it as a form of self expression. He canonly enjoys decorating his room so I can see spending time choosing outfits and jewelry for himself as an extension of that.
- Terra was enslaved to work for the Empire, Locke is a thief, and Sabin is a monk…. This leaves Edgar as the person funding everything. Which he doesn’t mind in the least, money and treasure doesn’t mean much to him. His friends being healed up, fed, well-equipped, and well-rested means much more to him.
- He’s also very good at caring for people when they’re sick! Because Sabin was sick so often when they were younger he spent a lot of time learning how to care for him and all sorts of folk medicine. He can be a little over worried and over bearing with it at times but he means well.
- At the beginning of FFVI he’s very pale because he spends so much time inside and doesn’t really have any free time. Sabin for sure teases him about this and by the end of FFVI his skin tone is closer to Sabin’s and his hair is lighter because he’s actually getting some sun. Aka, Gerad looks different than Edgar because he’s just Edgar after being in the sun.
- The biggest morning person ever, unlike Edgar. He gets up far before anyone else to get ready and train a little before the day starts.
- He also probably has pretty bad bedhead too considering Edgar and him are twins, but it doesn’t matter as much because his hairstyle is pretty messy to begin with. He just throws it in a ponytail and calls it a day.
- He HATES asking Edgar for things (or anyone, but especially Edgar). Knowing that Edgar already sacrificed so much by becoming the king of Figaro to let Sabin go off and have whatever life he wanted, he feels bad asking Edgar for anything more.
- He still gets sick easily, but not nearly as easily and as badly as when he was younger. He also never admits that he’s sick and tries to hide it. You basically have to beg him to rest when he is.
- He actually enjoys being a little bit dressed up but doesn’t because it’s inconvenient with his fighting style and he strictly limits his material possessions to what is necessary. He does wear different bows that Edgar gives him and occasionally small earrings. (I imagine Edgar loves dressing Sabin up too so the bows were completely his idea and bypass Sabin not wanting to ask him for anything).
- Actually the best parental figure to Gau, he probably models his parenting style mostly after Duncan. He’s very kind and surprisingly patient but also very strict at times, which works well with Gau. He also probably gets advice from Cyan. I could write a whole different post about just Sabin and Gau.
- I imagine the world of final fantasy 6 is actually made up of a few different languages, with one standardized language that is none of the characters first language but is built to make communication easy. Or maybe it would be the first language of people in the Empire, because I can see that being one of their grand pursuits or something. Anyway, this applies to Edgar and Sabin because I can see them talking in whatever Figaro’s language would be called when they want to talk privately but don’t get a lot of space from at least 2+ other people.
I wrote this up quickly so sorry for any grammar mistakes/weird sentences. I just wanted to get this out there for fun. If anyone is interested I might write more!
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zaceouiswriting · 1 year
The memory of purple fields (2/2)
Character Theo Raeken x male reader
Universe: Teen Wolf
Warnings: None
Red velvet and white satin glowed in the warm light of just another ordinary morning. Still unable to move fully or speak at all while healers walked around your room every day, making sure there was everything you needed to heal.
As far as you knew, it had been three weeks, and no one had even noticed you were back. Thinking you're brain-dead from blood loss and lack of air.
Finally, in the fifth week, one of the healers recognized it. A few medications were discontinued, and two days later, you sat up again, being able to stay awake for a while longer and even stand up. Even if your healers scolded you for it every time, afraid your wounds would reopen.
You could hardly ask for Theo. Once you did, the healers' faces darkened and saddened. You've already thought of the worst. But they weren't ready to say anything yet.
One day you finally broke one of the healers through sheer friendly pressure to finally bring you to Theo. Although she tried to prepare you, nothing could really prepare you for what you saw: You saw with utter shock that his body was almost invisible under all the bandages. "What happened?" Your hoarse voice still hurts from what you've been through.
"He was found almost dead, surrounded by hundreds of enemies, killed by him. His body was almost completely cut open, and his armor was shattered,“ she recounted anxiously.
Hearing all this, you got up from your wheelchair. The healer scolded your antics, but you ignored her. "I promise if you don't wake up, I'll find a way to bring you back, only to kill you again and again!" Your threat got nothing out of him. He really was still unconscious. You could only hope that he wasn't silently suffering as you did.
“Bring me a bed in here too. I won't leave his side until he wakes up!"
Immediately the healer left and did your bidding.
Days became weeks, and weeks became months. Whatever it was holding your Theo back, it was strong. Your parents urged you to take an official walk back into the world so people could see that your family's empire still remains strong. But you told them that you would only do this with the love of your life by your hand.
Maybe it was just a coincidence, fate, or Theo was waiting for that exact moment. But once you declared your love to that reckless idiot. His hand slowly but surely took yours.
Without a second thought, you called for the healers, and days later, you were swearing at Theo while he just looked mesmerized into your eyes. "What have you to say yourself, mister?"
"I love you so damn much!" His words brought a crimson blush to your cheeks.
You turned your head slightly while clearing your throat and staring at him simultaneously: "You're not getting out of this that easily. You almost died!"
“And I almost lost you… again. You call me reckless all the time. But it's you who almost dies by the dumbest of means!” Theo finally got fed up with you lecturing him, so he flipped the coin and did it himself. Other than him, you could get up and walk away from him. When he tried the same - still scolding you - his legs gave up; he was just too weak.
Suddenly his words stopped. So you turned around just in time to see Theo fall to the ground, but you were there and caught him before his body could collide with the floor.
You carefully put him back on his bed. "As soon as the healers allow it, we will train you again. You'll be back faster than you think!"
"Your Majesty!" one of your servants shouted at you. Your restored health was a palace secret known to few because of all the nobles who wanted a piece of the kingdom if you died. They are besieging your sister to get them to marry their sons. Or maybe even try to take the throne by force soon if your health would not improve.
Smiling at your servant, a young man, your nurse's child, a few years younger than yourself, you actually helped raise him since he turned five. Such a sweet kid. He swore himself into your service the day he turned twelve. But because he's like a little brother to you, he became your secretary, not a room servant.
"What can I do for you, Butterfinger?"
His cheeks flushed at the unfortunate nickname. But he recovered himself quickly. "Sir Theo Raeken is waiting for Your Majesty. The ball is already in full swing!
"Can you give me the box, Butterfinger?"
"The box?" he asked excitedly.
You nod your head with a gentle smile. He jumped away with a squeak and fetched the special box in blue silk from your walk-in closet. As he slowly came back, he admired the stylistically splendid box. "Here, Your Majesty!"
As you looked down at the box, you sighed heavily. "Thanks, Butterfinger. And please stop being so distant.” His eyes sparkled mischievously. "You did it to annoy me, didn't you?" When he bit his lower lip, you knew it was right.
"You deserve it!" he exclaimed with a small tear growing in his eye. "Not only did you almost die, you nearly entirely ignored me when you finally returned!" Suddenly the carefree mood was gone.
You looked down at him sadly. "Oh, come on, Butterfinger. I love you! You are my little guy! But Theo will soon be my husband. And one day, you'll find someone nice too.” You cupped his right cheek in your hand and brushed away some strands of hair that fell into his warm, sharp face.
"I know," he murmured under his breath, reluctant and hit hard by your words. "It's just. I don't want to lose you!" Sniffling even louder now, you pulled him to your chest, gently caressing his head.
You stood there for a while, just holding on. "What's taking so long?" came the confident but amused voice of the only man who could make you weak in the knees. But as he walked through the door and looked at you with your Butterfinger in his arms, his expression changed; his amused eyes softened. "He's still salty that I stole you from him. Isn't he?"
"I'm not sal-"
"Yes, he is, but we can't be mad about it. After all, he's just a little guy!" Suddenly, he tried his hardest to get away from you, embarrassed that you won’t see him as old as he is. Before he could, though, Theo captured him, closing him between you and him. „We are all like a big family, Scrappy!“
"Not you, too!" the smaller one wailed, annoyed by both your antics.
For a brief moment, Theo and you, teased the boy caged between you two; until Theo looked up at you, right into your shining eyes. "We can still stay here. Nobody knows that we would come anyway.
Immediately you let go of both the boy and the man. "NO. We need finally make our appearance. My parents can't hold back the nobles any longer! Seeing the Demon Sword at the Crown Prince's side again would be enough to make them retreat!"
"Of course, you're using me again!" he groaned dramatically.
"Don't be an idiot!" Laughing at his dramatic play, you grabbed his hand and dragged him behind you. "Remember, Butterfinger, stay in your room for a while!"
You could feel Theo's eyes burning holes in your head, questioning your strange words, but you ignored him.
You left the Ruby Palace - designated for the Crown Prince and his companions - with renewed vigor. Nobody outside it knew you were alive, well, and training again. It had been a year since Theo had woken up again. And everybody was sure they would never see either of you again.
The palace guards grumbled, and the few nobles who ran through the gardens were so shocked that they could not move anymore.
Just outside the ivory doors that led to the ballroom, Theo and you came to a halt again. Turning to face him, you made sure everything was in place, that his cloak hanging over his right side was securely in place. When he wasn't looking, you secretly pulled a brooch out to clasp his cloak more tightly.
"How do I look?" you asked him suspiciously. For the first time, he took you in completely. Your silver crown is always slightly slanted to keep your hair as it should be, and your perfectly white royal suit gleams in the warm glow of the lights. But your left side cloak wasn't lying correctly, so he stretched out his hands and carefully patted it out again. 
But he did it too quickly and roughly, so you stumble into him with your hands flat against his toned chest. You landed with your head close to his, breathing against his lips. Just looking at his full lips made your mouth water. "You have no idea how much I want to just... rip you out of those clothes and do to you what I've wanted for years where I only dreamed about it!" you whispered hoarsely. Seeing the immediate effect on his rosy cheeks and nervously bouncing Adam's apple.
He cleared his throat, reminding you that you both had more than enough time on a different day, and you knew he was telling the truth. Now it was his turn to ensure you both made an official appearance.
You carefully pushed yourself away from your one true love. "Remember, until I'm on the balcony, you're five feet behind me. It's supposed to be a surprise that we're both back."
Theo, who knew about the plan, nodded mischievously. As they stood ready at the door, the trumpets could be heard. The merry chatter in the ballroom suddenly stopped. The Herald, who usually announces the arrival of someone important, fell silent upon seeing you, unable to understand. With a smile, you put a finger in front of your mouth.
Your steps were confident and strong. Your scars are well hidden beneath your masterfully crafted suit. With your right hand on the balcony, you looked down. The room went into gasps when they saw the dead walking.
You grinned down knowingly at the nobles. You glared at them, sending a threatening message with your eyes to stay away from your many sisters, but they didn't back down. Not immediately. Not until you could feel Theo’s presence beside you. His black suit was the perfect contrast to your white one.
As soon as they saw your demon blade, they were gone from your family in no time.
Looking over your shoulder slightly, you give the herald a subtle nod. Almost immediately, perhaps out of a happy shock, he announced you, with all your titles, and then Theo, with all his titles, which weren't many but still impressive.
When he finished, you smiled at Theo, who smiled softly down at you. As he extended his forearm, the chuckle waiting in your throat couldn't be contained anymore.
You took his arm almost too desperately. His smile widened to reveal his perfectly white teeth that shone like stars. Theo carefully led you to the side stairs. "Are you ready?" he asked, whispering in your ear.
Shaking their heads subtly, the two of you stood at the top of the stairs for a second. You closed your eyes, inhaling heavily and holding your breath, only to open your eyes a second later to exhale.
Your eyes glittered in fearful panic. Theo just had to turn to you and cup your cheek. "I am by your side, every step. As always!” His smile was so warm, his words so genuine, and his hand so gentle that one could only seek his hand with his face for comfort.
Not once did a single person speak up. Everyone waited for you to touch the bottom of those stairs. 
When Theo withdrew his hand, you were sad, but his smile was still there to reassure you.
Theo took a step down, and they followed him. Until the two of you were standing on the ballroom floor. Not a second later, you were surrounded by people. They even tried to push Theo away from you. You couldn't handle that boldness. You were looking at a girl - the daughter of a duke, cute but not your type, obviously - who was trying to break Theo and you up but didn't take the cue to back off when you gave her a warning glare. So you have a tighter grip on the handsome knight.
With a powerful grip on him, you pulled Theo into the middle of the room. The high nobility looked at you suspiciously and almost certainly believed you were just a double. To make the illusion that your house isn't dead yet. 
Still, when you reached the middle, you made eye contact with the orchestra, instructing them to start playing a slightly faster song. You easily grabbed Theo in all the right places. It took your poor knight a moment to realize what was happening.
For a nice change, you led the dance while Theo trailed behind for the first few seconds. But once he realized what was happening, he took control of you like he was meant to.
Theo's easily enforced dominance has always been one of the things that most attracted you to him. He doesn't need to remind people who's in charge. He just is.
You danced to your heart's content but stopped after the third song. Because you both danced alone. Looking around, most people were shocked at a public show of homosexual attraction. But your family wasn't. You knew from the servants that they made a bet about how long it would be before the two of you finally got together.
"Theo?" you asked softly. He can't speak because of your big sparkling eyes. He could only nod his head. "To this day, I still remember the purple fields and how you saved my little life." A blush shot up his face because no one knew he was your savior. "But I fell in love with you when we were twelve. You saved me from being kidnapped and got hurt in the process. I knew then that you would be with me every step of the way I will take, and now-"
You stopped speaking, which made Theo's heart skip a beat with nervousness. He was always on top of things - being the cunning man he is - but you tend to make his life unpredictable, which he loved dearly. Without you, he would have become a lumberjack like his father and father.
Before the poor knight could understand what was happening, you suddenly pulled out a small box and fell on one knee. Another gasp went through the room. "Will you, Sir Theo Raeken, become the knight of my life? Please do me the honor and finally marry me?" You didn't dare look up until you had finished, knowing that you would be fumbling with your words otherwise.
When you did, his eyes widened in shock. "Are you sure? I'm not a noble and a guy!" he whispered softly in your direction, which a few could hear and had to agree with.
„My family never married for political alliances, and I won’t start with it now. You are the love of my life, the only person I will ever even look at in the future. So yes, I’m damn fucking sure!“ Hearing you curse sent another shocked gasp through the crowd, but Theo just chuckled and held out his hand.
"In that case. Of course, I'll marry your idiot ass. Took you fucking long enough!"
You could hear someone fall, most likely from Theo's boldness to speak to you like that. Most believed you would have him executed for his words. But to their utter surprise, you took the black star metal ring from the blue silk box and put it on his finger.
Standing up again, you two locked eyes. "I never thought this day would come! I mean, you've always been so bloody cowardly, in terms of-"
Lips interrupted Theo's concentration and the utterance of words. His brain malfunctioned when he realized it were your lips, finally joined with his own. Remembering the threat he gave to you on the battlefield, he went along with it and kissed you back just as passionately, maybe even more.
The kiss was shorter than either of you wanted and not as intense as desired. He held you by your waist and had that stupid smile on his lips. "You talk too much," you murmur against his sinful lips.
"Sorry," he murmured back. "God, why didn't we do this sooner? I mean, your lips would be perfect for su-"
Before he could say his dirty mind out, you kissed him again to hopefully finally shut him up for good. Which worked because after you two broke apart, he could not do anything but smile broadly at you, his perfectly white teeth showing all their charm.
Your parents were by your side in a heartbeat. The nobles thought they would reprimand you and make you marry a girl; to further strengthen your bloodline. But they did the opposite. Your mother pulled you into a hug, tears streaming down her face. Your father, on the other hand, took Theo in his arms and cried too. You never saw that strong man crying in your life. It shook you to the core.
A moment later, your parents changed places, and your father squeezed the life out of you while your mother squished Theo's face.
The wedding is already planned, but you will wait a while, at least for six months. Hopefully, nothing changes between you and Theo, except for you finally bringing him to your bed... naked.
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