#ever just look in the mirror and go [who the heck are you!?]?? me. constantly! like??
bellysoupset · 2 years
hiii can you please write a fic with leo getting carsick with lucas and vince?? and this time it’s pretty bad, they have to pull over multiple times and he still can’t stop dry heaving long after he’s empty and vince and luke are in complete Protective Bro Mode taking care of leo
"So I put my hands up" Vince belted from the top of his lungs, causing Lucas to dissolve in a fit of giggles and turn up the radio. He joined in the singing "They're playin' my song, the butterflies fly away I'm noddin' my head like-" and then pointed at Vince, who chorused in, "YEeeaahhh"
"You two are awful" Leo groaned from the passenger seat, rubbing his temples.
"Moving my hips like yeah!" Vin yelled from the back and Lucas snorted loudly.
"It's a party in the USA!"
"God" Leo sighed, leaning his head against the window.
"Cheer the fuck up, Leo!" Vin squealed, shoving his big body between the passenger and driver's seat and shaking Leo's arm, "it's the song of our people!"
"...Your people?" Leo groaned, slapping Vince's hand away from his arm, "dumbasses?"
Lucas rolled his eyes, "you started dating Jonah a week ago, why is he already rubbing off on you?"
"Fuck off, Luke" Leo scoffed, rubbing his face and glaring out of the windshield. A heavy silence settled and Vince scoffed, slapping Lucas' arm.
"You gone and made it weird, cazzo" he grumbled, before ruffling Leo's blonde hair, "what's up kiddo, you're all mopey."
"Don't call me kiddo" Leo sighed and then bit down a groan as he felt his stomach flip flop. It felt like it was filled to the brim with hot soup, even though the last he had eaten was bland oatmeal, followed by his anti nausea medication. Said medication that had promised to knock him out and give him a blissful six hours of cross country trip. Clearly it wasn't working.
"Answer the question, you little prick."
"I'm just... Just feeling bleh" Leo blushed. Suddenly he felt like the worst person ever. Not only he was a hassle to deal with by constantly getting carsick, but he was also bringing down the mood of the car. Vince and Luke had been so happy not even a minute before and now they were both frowning, looking at him with twin faces of concern.
"Bleh?" Luke repeated, "as in a headache or I'm gonna throw up in the car bleh?"
"Uhm," Leo curled up in himself, "a little bit of both..." his stomach churned, "maybe more the second."
"What the heck, you're sitting on the front and you took meds!" Vince whined, "I thought that wasn't supposed to happen!"
"Me too, sorry" Leo mumbled and Vince winced.
"No man, I'm not mad at you, I'm mad for you. This sucks" he ran his fingers through Leo's hair without thinking, catching Lucas' eyes on the rear view mirror and doing that twin thing they did, where they talked with just their eyes.
Leo groaned and leaned onto Vince's touch. Vin's hands were always a touch too warm, but at least they were solid and steady, a change from the sensation of the moving car.
"Leo," Lucas reached in to squeeze his leg in a reassuring manner, "do I need to pull over?"
Leo thought about it for a second. He really wanted to say he could do until the next gas stop, but his stomach was going from angry to fucking furious and he could already taste his breakfast in the back of his throat, "...Please."
"It's okay buddy" Lucas nodded, swiftly slowing down the car and turning up the emergency sign. He parked on the dust shoulder and Leo groaned, unlocking the door with a shaky hand.
"I'll be right back" he mumbled, then dizzily stepped out of the car, trying to salvage a scrap of his dignity. He made it to the back of the car and crouched down on the gravel, using the trunk to support his arms.
Inside the car, Vince watched as Leo, pale as a ghost suddenly disappeared from view and he raised a startled eyebrow "uh... I think we just lost the baby."
Lucas snorted, "he'll be pissed if he hears you call him that...Even"
"Odd" Vince said, then threw up his hand in the space between them, holding up two fingers. Lucas had only held up one and he sighed, seeing the results of their childish match. Vince grinned, "rough, bud" he said, kicking Lucas' driver seat.
Lucas rolled his eyes, "give me a water bottle" he asked, taking it and getting out of the car. He cringed as he approached the back and found Leo hunched down, with a small puddle of chunky white and brown puke before him.
"Hey" he said softly, crouching down too and planting a hand on Leo's back. Today he was wearing a long sleeved henley and its back was already drenched in sweat, "Leo, you're done, man."
"Uhm," Leo gagged weakly, "don't..." he let out a small burp, "don't think so."
"Okay, take your time" Lucas planted a hand in the middle of his back, "why are you almost on all fours?"
"Didn't want you to-" Leo interrupted himself with a painful heave and brought up a mouthful more of brown liquid "ah fuck..."
Lucas wrinkled his nose at the mess. He wasn't one to be bothered by vomit, but this stank, "get it up," he said gently, rubbing Leo's back a little forcefully.
A minute later Leo let out a queasy moan and almost lost his hold on the trunk as he heaved. Lucas grabbing his shirt was the only thing keeping him from face planting, as he brought up a lot more vomit.
He stopped puking and hung over it, breathing strongly "I'm..." he paused and spat in the puddle "I'm done."
"Alright" Lucas grunted, since his legs were starting to ache from the awkward crouched down position, "up we go"
"You talk like such a dad, Lucas" Leo chuckled weakly, stumbling away from the mess and resting against the car, "fuck my stomach hurts."
"Yeah, I'd expect so" Lucas handed him the water bottle "the fuck did you eat for breakfast, battery acid?"
Leo lowered the water bottle before it could touch his lips and gagged at the mention of his breakfast, glaring at Lucas, who had the decency of blushing and mumbling "sorry."
He waited patiently as Leo swished the water around his mouth, spat it and then took a tiny sip, trying to regulate his breathing.
"It's staying down?"
"Uhm... Not sure" Leo pressed the cold water bottle to his forehead, "I'm very dizzy, Luke."
"Meds did fuck-all" Lucas noted, rubbing his arm, "we'll stop at the next gas stop we find, get you some of the real stuff."
"No point" Leo squeezed his eyes, "...doubt I could keep it down now."
"We'll try anyway" Lucas promised, then fidgeted, "ready to get back in the car?"
Leo nodded, albeit he wasn't so sure. Just the thought of being in a moving car, again, was making him anxious. Speaking of anxious, as soon as he sat back down, Vince was the perfect picture of a worried mother, combing his hair back, hands on his clammy neck and forehead.
"How are you feeling, Leo?"
"Like crap" Leo sighed, cheeks blushing because he couldn't stop himself from leaning onto Vince's touch, "I hate my fucking stomach."
"Me too, kid" Vince sighed, rubbing his shoulders as Lucas started the car back up, "Uhm, I got you a bag..."
It was a nice gesture, but it made Leo's stomach clench from the sheer humiliation, let alone the nausea. Why couldn't he be like the other two, just hanging out, having the time of their lives?
"Thanks" Leo mumbled, taking it and leaving it on his lap. He knew he was far from empty, even if he hadn't eaten much for breakfast, Jonah had made sure he ate more than one yogurt he was planning to have. Now he was regretting it.
Thinking of his boyfriend at least brought up the small ounce of relief that he wasn't around for such a pathetic display. Even if Jonah had seen him sick a million times before, at least this was one less.
His belly churned as Lucas pulled the car into the road and Leo kept his eyes shut. He wasn't sure if it was helping with the motion sickness, so he forced them to open, only to catch his two best friends in the act of silently communicating.
"You guys can speak about me out loud, thanks" Leo grumbled, wrapping an arm around his tender belly. It was nauseating and awful the fact that he could genuinely feel his bloated belly somersault under his arm.
"Just worrying about you, Leo" Vince sighed and kept petting his hair, "it's a long trip..."
Yes, six long hours and only one had passed. Just the thought that he still had five more hours of a car trip made his stomach turn unpleasantly, "please just punch me really hard..."
Vince chuckled, while Lucas pouted, "I don't think a concussion is really gonna help you on terms of feeling queasy, kiddo."
Leo chose to ignore the kiddo, just this once. He let out a groan and leaned his head back, into Vince's touch, "I'll just try to stay really still."
And he tried. He almost managed, pushing down the nausea for several minutes, letting out the tiniest burps that kept rolling up and tickling his throat, but bringing no real relief.
The car was silent now, the radio turned off and it was so quiet that all three guys could hear the rolling and churning of Leo's stomach. A gurgle made him cradle his belly and swallow in the acid tickling the back of his throat.
"I'm- I'm fine..." he grumbled, getting a hand under his shirt and squeezing his tummy with his fingers. He burped, this one a real belch and felt something frothy claw its way up, "Ow..." he dizzily grabbed the bag in his lap, trying to get it open.
"Here, here" Vince reached in, despite the fact he was too big to keep squeezing himself in the tiny space between passenger and driver. He held up the bag for Leo, who grabbed it with both hands, leaning over it and trying not to puke.
He couldn't force his mouth to close, drool hit the plastic and he groaned loudly, no longer caring if he was embarrassing himself. Leo had the faint idea that Lucas and Vince were speaking about him, but he wasn’t sure what was being said, all that mattered was the growing sensation of being squeezed from his middle-
“UUURkk” he heaved and almost lost his grip on the bag. Vince’s hand cupped his forehead, keeping his head and aim steady and Leo gagged again, bringing up all of the remnants of his breakfast in one large gush that simply didn’t stop. Probably his dinner too.
 Oatmeal was the worst coming up, he decided, coughing and trying to get rid of the flakes in his throat, which kept triggering his gag reflex - He coughed up another torrent of liquid and the bag got heavy enough to sit on his lap and causing him to heave again, out of sheer disgust. 
“You’re empty” Vince was saying gently, “Leo, you’re empty, breathe.”
“Can’t” he gasped, eyes squeezed shut, “it’s in my thr-” he retched again and finally dislodged the little flakes which were making everything worse.
Leo’s hands trembled and he started to lower them, with the bag, only to feel Vince let go of his head to grab at it before all the vomit spilled over. He bunched it closed in one hand and Leo pressed his forehead to the car door. The wind was welcome against his face, wiping away the smell of puke that was making his stomach roil more.
“I’m fine...” he mumbled dizzily, only for his shoulder to hitch and a small mouthful of puke to land on his shirt, “oh no...”
He heard Vince cursing something in italian, but Leo felt exhausted... And so queasy still, he couldn’t force himself to pay attention.
“Gonna be sick”
“You don’t have anything else to bring up, kiddo” Lucas said, only for Vince to snort.
“Don’t challenge him” Vince warned, holding the bag with one hand cupping Leo’s cheek with the other, “we need to stop, Luke, get a new bag, some napkins... Leo, hey,” he patted his cheek gently “stay in the land of the living.”
“I’m here” Leo turned his face, despite the droplets of puke clinging to his chin and buried his nose and eyes in Vince’s large palm, trying to block everything. He wanted the world to stop fucking twirling.
His belly felt like it was filled with liquid still, sloshing from side to side and he was so dizzy... His mouth watered and he groaned, gagging in Vince’s palm.
“I’m pulling over, calm down!”
“Don’t tell me to calm down!” Vince scoffed and then the entire world came to a halt, chill air flooded the car as suddenly Leo was tipped forward, just as another rush of vomit came out of his mouth.
It stung his throat and nose, bile and water, nothing more. He hung awkwardly, half outside the car, half in and whined, unable to get it together.
“Okay” Lucas was saying, holding him put, “alright, new plan...” 
“Yeah?” Vince sounded eager to listen to the new plan. There was a beat of silence, interrupted only by Leo, retching again.
“Uhm,” Lucas sighed, “maybe get him lying down in the back, I’ll try to find a new bag and we can drive to a motel. There’s no way we’re making to New York with him in this state...”
“Noo” Leo whined,grabbing the door to force himself to sit up, “we’ll miss the concert.”
“Fuck the concert,” Lucas rolled his eyes, “who cares? Leo, you’re scari-”
“I care” Leo clenched his jaw, and yes he did. It hadn’t been cheap or easy to get the ticket, he was not Lucas Atwood who just got tickets sent to his household. He cared a fucking lot actually, “please.”
Vince groaned, “Lucas don’t fall for his puppy eyes.”
“Please” Leo repeated, turning to look at Vince, who immediately sighed, nodding his head.
“You’ll get yourself killed, kid.”
“I’m fine” Leo shook his head, before gagging softly “Well, I will be fine... Let’s not tell Jonah about this.”
“Lets” both boys agreed.  
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gatzbright · 10 months
i am constantly thinking about how much i believe in fate n paths already written out n people that are meant to meet & how if you look backward and down your own timeline a lot of the time things seem to just make Sense ... like chance meetings and the intricacies of it all. and i am a dnfer so ofc i will apply this to dnf bc they are soulmates. and past lives are also so so interesting to think of especially now bc of how we have the internet and it has made it MUCH easier for people to meet. like before that it would've been harder but it still would've happened if it's meant to be i think !!! and dnf almost met once and then missed each other. but then they met again and dream himself has said he thinks them and sapnap too would have always managed to meet somehow bc of their lives interlinking and being involved in the same areas. it's just kind of magic u know? 8 billion people on the planet and we're drawn to the ones we connect with most and u just Know when it happens bc you can always feel it. and then people will meet that one person who is like their other half n like a mirror of u and it takes no effort at all to be with them and u can be yourself and talk endlessly (george saying "have we been on this call for ten hours?") and it feels like puzzle pieces slotting together. this applies to both platonic and romantic. even familial. and some people stumble across these people in the same state or city or even on their street. but for others it happens across an ocean or maybe the other side of the world and then distance becomes the obstacle. and dnf found each other from across the ocean 4 thousand miles apart w the help of the the internet and minecraft and they just click n have that relationship and connection like no one else. and if even WE can see it from the outside like .. just imagine what it's like for Them to feel it ..... (sobs. love.) i think we see it anyways .. heart on ur sleeve n written all over ur face and all that. i believe in fate n soulmates n that red string and a reason for most things. and dream and george. they're also something pretty inspiring bc they had to go through a heck load of hardships to get george across the ocean & there was a lot of waiting n distance n pain n patience. but they did it in the end. and it's so so lovely and now the dream team is together .... buh. this stuff always reminds me of this art too. and i do think it was a miracle dnf ever met. but they did bc they were meant to.
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(art by hallie bateman)
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dddomenstarstwst1 · 2 years
Hello there! Could you do B, C, F & O for Izumi, Leo and Arashi? (you can leave out one of them/a letter if it's too much) Hope you have a good day!
Hi, thanks for requesting!
B, C, F and O (ft.izumi, leo and arashi)
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izumi sena
B — Body Part
° His: if izumi had to pick a favorite of his, he'd probably settle with his hands. Very model-like, soft hands with long and elegant fingers. He adores when you play with his fingers, hold his hands or put them to more intimate use
° His partner: favorite body part of his partner is their eyes, izumi often finds himself lost in them. You know the saying "eyes are windows to the soul"? He might have gotten a bit obsessed with that sentence, as izumi is often seen staring you in the eyes
C — Cum
° izumi has a love-hate relationship with cum, whether yours or his, he gets quiet aroused by the sight of sticky liquid on yours/his skin, but also gets a little squeamish by it. He also doesn't really like the taste of cum, so he won't swallow it
F — Favorite Position
° against the wall or in front of a mirror are two of his favorites. Against the wall, no matter who gets fucked, is a great one for quickies, as it's really easy to just pull the pants down and up just as fast. In front of a mirror is the one where izumi prefers to bottom, he loves seeing you behind him with that devilish smirk
O — Oral
° izumi is on the receiving end on this one, like i said the taste of cum isn't his favorite. Izumi gets restless when you go down on him, he can't keep his hands to himself and might need a gag, he says the pleasure is too much for him to handle, but it's really just the picture of you looking up at him that gets izumi so sensitive
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leo tsukinaga
B — Body Part
° His: leo loves his ass, don't @ me. He constantly has at least one of his hands touching his butt, showing it off to people and you. He forces your hand to always stay on his ass, even encouraging you to slap it, often making suggestive comments about his "booty" (his words, not mine)
° His partner: contrary to himself, leo loves your chest, doesn't matter if you have boobs or not, big or small, whatever. All of this doesn't matter to leo, he just wants to lay on your chest and forget about being one of the top idols in the ES. And maybe have your nipple in his mouth 👉👈
C — Cum
° cum all over leo, this boy is horny for it. He can legit get hard from seeing his semen on his body, same goes for your cum, he craves it just as much. Will definitely lick you and himself clean of any liquid and would describe the taste as "eccentric"
F — Favorite Position
° ass up, face down. According to him, the best position to get fucked in. Leo always awaits your return home in that position, wiggling his butt when you enter the room. Leo loves it solely because you can grab him by the hair from behind and yank it to make his back arch
O — Oral
° Yes, please! Leo jumps at every opportunity to give or receive oral, and let me tell you, he's pretty good at it himself. He quickly finds the right pace and places to bring you over the edge, and when receiving he gets so tongue-tied and dumb that leo can only blabber incoherently
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arashi narukami
B — Body Part
° Her: arashi loves her legs a lot, she's tall and most of her body is just her long limbs. She likes it when you compliment her and touch her legs, she also adores when you massage them after a long day of work
° Her partner: arashi's favorite part of your body is your stomach, she loves laying on it. Skinny or chubby, she's ecstatic either way, she just loves it. If you're insecure about your tummy, arashi will become your hyper girlfriend and will compliment the heck out of you
C — Cum
° much like izumi, i don't see arashi liking the taste of cum, but she isn't against the idea of it overall. She actually enjoys being covered in the liquid and the way you look at her as if she's the most beautiful art ever produced
F — Favorite Position
° she's more on the classy side here, arashi prefers missionary because the pose is so romantic and brings you both so close to each other. Arashi gets to see your face and you get to see hers, it's also really easy to kiss in that position, which can catch her off guard sometimes
O — Oral
° something tells me that arashi is very good at giving oral, and she prefers it that way, she is more keen on pleasuring you with her mouth than the other way around. Of course, she won't reject it if you'd like to go down on her, in fact arashi would enjoy a lot. She just prefers giving on this one
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Thinking of Shugo chara at 1am... 😔 I barely remember that show but... it was pretty good tbh?? Like??
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blu-joons · 3 years
When The Other Members Tease Him Over A Hickey ~ Seventeen Reaction
His hand immediately reached across to grab at the neck of his top, but Seungcheol wasn’t quick enough as Chan chuckled.
“What the heck is that?” Chan laughed, pointing to the large bruise that was in the crook of Seungcheol’s neck, “that explains the top.”
“Stop,” Seungcheol groaned, hurrying to cover the mark back up with his turtleneck, “I’m trying to keep this hidden; I don’t care how much I have to sweat in this shirt to do it.”
Chan’s head shook in disbelief, “it’s going to take more than that to try and hide that bruise.”
Seungcheol threw his head back in frustration, “I warned Y/N that she had to be careful because I had work, and now I’m stuck and unable to find a way to hide it.”
“If nothing else, at least everyone definitely now knows that you’re taken,” Chan tried to sympathise, "she's marked you well.”
“Don’t talk about Y/N like that,” Seungcheol laughed, cringing as he listened to Chan, “can we just act as if you haven’t just seen that and carry on as normal instead?”
“No way, I’m not letting this drop quite so easily.”
The smile on Jihoon’s face as he spotted Jeonghan sat on the sofa lit up immediately, unable to stop himself from sniggering.
“Did you have a good night last night?” Jihoon asked him, his eyes drawn only to the marking that was against Jeonghan’s cheek clearly.
“It was alright,” Jeonghan smiled, completely unaware of the bruising on his neck, “it was nice to spend a bit of time with Y/N seeing as the schedule has been so busy recently.”
Jihoon’s head nodded, “I think it was more than just alright, wouldn’t you agree with me there?”
Jeonghan’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion as Jihoon walked across to him, turning his head so that he could see in the mirror. “What’s that…oh, I’m in a lot of bother.”
“I think everyone will be able to tell how good of a night you had,” Jihoon shyly told him, “you’re lucky I was the one who found that.”
“What do I do?” Jeonghan asked him, but Jihoon simply held his hands up innocently, stepping away from Jeonghan. “You’re one of the good ones, don’t leave me alone.”
“Sorry, but I’ve got no hope of defending you on this one.”
He could hear the sniggers of the boys behind him as Joshua sat down in the makeup chair, feeling them quickly surround him.
“You might need a bit more foundation today,” Seungkwan informed the makeup artist, happy to show off the mark on his neck to her.
“Can you go away?” Joshua laughed back at him, swatting his hand away to try and safe himself some dignity, “I think you guys have made your point already this morning.”
Seungkwan’s head shook back at him, “I don’t think we will ever tire of making fun of you for this.”
Joshua’s eyes rolled in reply, “I ‘m not going to need anymore makeup, the mark isn’t even that bad, I imagine that just a bit of foundation will be enough to cover this.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure,” the makeup artist interjected with a chuckle, “that definitely looks like Y/N had a bit of fun with you last night.”
“Can we please just drop it?” Joshua groaned, throwing his head back. “Can we please just hurry up and cover this up so that people can stop constantly banging on about.”
“I told you already, we’re not letting this go for a while.”
A laugh soon came from Seokmin as he watched the blush on Junhui’s face darken as he spotted the hickey against his neck.
“Now you match,” he instantly teased, tapping his hand between Junhui’s cheek and neck, “you’ve really got the colour red down.”
“Go away,” Junhui whimpered as he tried to figure out what he was going to do, “I’m glad this is funny for you, but management are going to kill me if they see me like this.”
Seokmin’s shoulders shrugged, “why don’t you try and turn the rest of your body the same colour?”
Junhui reached across and pushed Seokmin away from him, “I don’t think I’m going to be able to turn the rest of my head into the same colour as my neck and cheeks.”
“You asked for my help,” Seokmin reminded him, “I don’t have much experience on showing up at work with a hickey though.”
“I’m done for,” Junhui established, throwing his arms up into the air, “and you are definitely not making this situation any easier, are you finished laughing at me?”
“I won’t be able to stop laughing at you for a long time yet.”
He sunk down in his seat as soon as he caught Mingyu walking into the room spotting the smirk on his face in the mirror reflection.
“Someone got busy last night,” Mingyu teased, grinding his hips beside Soonyoung, “have you even managed to get any sleep?”
“Be quiet,” Soonyoung scolded, gently hitting against Mingyu’s arm as he took a seat beside him, “I don’t need the whole world knowing that I’ve got a hickey on my neck.”
Mingyu’s head shook, “you don’t need my help, I think the bruise talks for itself to be honest.”
A sigh came from Soonyoung, bringing his hand up to cover the mark, “is it really that obvious? Do you think I can get away with it, just for today? Until it goes down.”
“If you think you shouldn’t wear makeup today, then you’re crazy,” Mingyu assured him, “you don’t realise just how obvious it is.”
“Don’t say that,” Soonyoung frowned, closing his eyes as he thought for a moment, “I can’t deal with being teased all day, I’m never going to hear the end of it if they start.”
“I hate to say it, but you brought this on yourself.”
As a gasp came from Vernon on the other side of the room, Wonwoo felt himself sink further down in the sofa of the dressing room.
“So that banging that kept me up all night was you two?” Vernon sighed in disbelief, “the constant banging on the headboard was you guys?”
“It was mainly Y/N,” Woonwoo tried to defend, “but we might have got a little bit noisy, although I’m sure that my neck probably explains most of that to you guys already.”
A sigh soon followed from Vernon, “over an hour I was laying awake, staring at the ceiling.”
Wonwoo felt his cheeks darken as everyone else slowly began to look around at him too, “I can’t apologise enough, but I promise that it won’t happen again.”
“It definitely won’t happen again,” Vernon assured him, “if I have to listen to one more grunt, I think I’ll have a breakdown.”
“We weren’t that bad,” Wonwoo sighed, trying to make the two of you seem better, “you could have gone across and slept in someone else’s room though.”
“I could have moved you out of Y/N’s room instead.”
A look of horror appeared on his face as Minghao showed Jihoon the marking that was incredibly clear against his neck.
“How blind are you to have not noticed that when you got ready this morning?” Minghao laughed, unable to control himself.
“I was tired, I wasn’t really paying attention,” Jihoon smiled, reaching up to try and cover the mark with his hand, “I’m glad that you’re finding this entertaining right now.”
Minghao’s hand rested against his shoulder, “I’m sorry, it’s just quite difficult not to laugh.”
Jihoon sighed in disbelief at the situation that he found himself in, “I told Y/N to be careful, but then we just ran away last night and didn’t think about anything.”
“You can’t help being in love,” Minghao tried to reassure him, “just like there is very little you can do about that hickey too.”
“There’s got to be something,” Jihoon exclaimed, “surely one of the others has shown up with a hickey before? I can’t be the first one out of the whole group, can I?”
“I think this record might just be yours I’m afraid.”
His body flinched at the feeling of a cold hand touching against his neck, knowing what Jeonghan had caught onto straight away.
“At least try and not make it obvious,” Jeonghan joked as he took a seat beside him, “you can tell Y/N’s joined us on the tour now.”
“I didn’t think anyone would notice,” Seokmin confessed in reply, drawing a huge laugh from Jeonghan as he failed to believe that Seokmin thought he could be subtle.
His hand rested over the mark once again, “have you seen the size of this? How can we miss it?”
A heavy sigh came from Seokmin, “you’ve got to help me out? If any of the others see this then I’m never going to hear the end of it, I’ll pay you back the favour.”
“You want me to help you out so that the boys don’t rinse you for letting Y/N give you a hickey?” Jeonghan asked, making sure he heard right.”
“Don’t make me beg,” Seokmin called out, gently shaking Jeonghan by his arms, “it’s bad enough having you tease me, let alone having another eleven people too.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll help, but you definitely owe me.”
His eyebrows knitted together as Joshua threw himself down beside him, slapping his hand against the top of Mingyu’s thigh.
“How was your evening? You snuck away at dinner pretty sharpish?” Joshua enquired, staring only across at Mingyu’s reddened neck.
“Just got a bit tired,” Mingyu defended, completely unaware of what had captured Joshua’s attention, “how was the rest of the evening for you guys without me there?”
Joshua smiled weakly, “I definitely think you had the better time; Y/N did a good job on you.”
The look of confusion only grew on Mingyu’s face. “What are you talking about? And why are you looking at me like that too? You look suspicious right now.”
“You haven’t realised, have you?” Joshua asked in disbelief, “you mean to tell me you’re unaware of the hickey on your neck.”
“I have a hickey on my neck?” Mingyu questioned, fumbling around for his phone so that he could take a look, “please tell me that this is a dodgy attempt at a joke right now.”
“I wish it was, but I’m afraid this is very much true.”
His suspicions immediately grew as he felt Seungcheol hover around his neck, knowing it was only a matter of time.
“What happened?” Seungcheol asked, tapping his finger against the bruise on Minghao’s neck, “that looks like it must be pretty sore for you.”
“Just a little bump, nothing to worry about,” Minghao lied, trying to keep Seungcheol out of his business, “I’m sure with a little bit of makeup I’ll be able to sort it out, no bother.”
Seungcheol’s head nodded, “and what exactly did you bump it on? It’s a strange spot to knock.”
As Minghao struggled to find an answer, he already knew that the game was up by Seungcheol’s stare. “Please don’t shout, I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
“You didn’t mean to let Y/N give you a hickey?” Seungcheol laughed, unable to believe that they were having such a conversation.
“I didn’t realise until after,” Minghao pretended, “can you please help me come up with an excuse to use on the rest of the boys, I don’t want them knowing the real reason.”
“No way, come to work with a hickey, deal with the consequences.”
His smile immediately disappeared as he felt Wonwoo near him as he sat down in the makeup chair, ready to get sorted for the shoot.
“You might have to squeeze in ten more minutes for him,” Wonwoo informed the makeup artist, “someone had a bit of a busy night.”
“Shut up,” Seungkwan immediately hissed, feeling the eyes of the makeup artist looking over him, “she might not have even noticed if you didn’t say something you idiot.”
A scoff came from the makeup artist, “it’s a bit of a challenge to miss something that size.”
Seungkwan groaned in response to her, “just tell me that you’re going to be able to cover it? That’s all that I need to know right now, otherwise I’m screwed.”
“Wonwoo is right, we will need a few more minutes,” she smiled, “but I definitely think that I’ll be able to cover that thing up.”
“That’s all I needed to hear,” Seungkwan sighed in relief, “the last thing I need is a bunch of photos being taken of me and a hickey, the fans will go absolutely wild about it.”
“The photos might hide it, but what about all of us?”
His cheeks quickly turned a dark shade of red as several murmurs of teasing came from around the room in response to Vernon.
“Y/N’s coming soon, just let it all out so that you don’t make her feel bad,” Vernon asked of them all, “just don’t embarrass her.”
“You want us to pretend like she didn’t leave a giant hickey on your neck?” Soonyoung asked him, “do you really think we’re nice enough people to do something like that?”
Vernon’s shoulders shrugged, “I’m not asking you to do it for me, I want you to do it for Y/N.”
Soonyoung’s eyebrows raised questionably, “do you realise how many jokes we have ready to go? Can your pride deal with listening to them all, just to save Y/N?”
“I’ve got my headphones somewhere,” Vernon smirked in reply, “I’m sure if I try hard enough, I can drown all of you out.”
“Your phone might die by the time we’re done,” Soonyoung teased, “we might have to do the rounds on this one, and then come round again so people can try once more.”
“I think I might just be better off leaving the room.”
A yawn came from Chan as soon as he walked into the dressing room, certainly feeling the effects of his evening with you.
“Have you managed to get some sleep?” Junhui asked him as Chan sat down beside him, “or are you still on cloud nine right now instead?”
“I got a couple of hours,” Chan spoke, quickly catching onto the murmurs that came from around the room. “Have I got something on my face? What’s the big joke guys?”
Junhui’s head shook beside him, “you could say you’ve got something, but not quite on your face.”
Junhui reached down and tapped against Chan’s neck, letting on exactly what it was that he had. “Please tell me that you’re joking, have I got a mark on there?”
“Just a little one,” Junhui mused, trying his best to diffuse the situation, “I’m sure that it’s something that we can cover though.”
“This is a nightmare,” Chan sighed, running his hands tightly through his hair, “I left the house like this, walked down the street. Now it makes sense why everyone stared.”
“It’s not your finest hour, I’ll give you that one.”
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koohiikori · 3 years
Mirror, Mirror pt. II | Insecurity Comfort
Summary : You're insecure, constantly bodychecking and hating yourself. What if your comfort character was behind the mirror all along? And what if you could suddenly see them too?
Warnings : Body dysmorphia, crying, gn!reader, cursing (well there's Bakugou, whaddya expect? )
Consists of : Bakugo Katsuki, Kageyama Tobio, Mitsuya Takashi
Part 1 Here (Backstory)
Part 3 Here (Fushiguro, Sugawara, Chuuya)
Part 4 Here (Oikawa & Iwaizumi, Chifuyu, Yuuta)
[ Bakugo Katsuki ]
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You could've sworn that was the loudest thing you've ever heard, but the silence that followed suit proved you wrong. His eyes were still on the sink, hands on the mirror as he banged them, hard enough to shake it, but not enough to break it.
"Why... why let me see them if you're not gonna let me help them? Why let me hear them, why let me know of their existence, WHY? WHEN THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW I'M HERE?!" He said as he banged the mirror once more.
Bakugou opened his eyes and looked up towards the person on the other side of the mirror, surprised to see that you were looking straight at him, frozen on the spot.
"H-hey, can you see me? Can you hear me?" He asked frantically. You nodded in response, wide-eyed and frozen.
"Ah, I- I..." his mouth opened and closed as he thought of what he should say. He knew you knew who he was, there was no way you wouldn't recognize him. And he's fucked up your first impression of him, well, in 3D form that is.
"Listen, I know you don't understand. Neither do I. But, now that you can see me too, I... I want you to know you're... really pretty. And.. you're kinda cool too. So stop shitting on yourself so much."
[ Kageyama Tobio ]
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He couldn't say a word. The frustration building inside him was horrible, but there's nothing he could do to make you understand how beautiful you are to him. Heck, just how beautiful you really are in general. '
He recalls a certain comment you made once, about how you wished you were as beautiful and dreamy as Kiyoko was. When he heard that he simply stared at you, wondering how you can't see that you are just as beautiful, if not more.
he didn't notice how hard he was biting his quivering lip until he tasted metal, but he simply ignored it. He pressed on the mirror harder as his tears dropped onto the white sink.
"H-hello? Who.. how?" You muttered, still in shock and unable to form sentences.
Shocked, he immediately pulled away from the mirror, eyes landing on yours. He knew you must've noticed how familiar he looked but you probably don't believe that he's somehow in front of you.
"Uh, Hello. You know me, right?"
"You look like... someone I know."
"Kageyama Tobio. Yeah, that's... that's me. I know this is weird and I'm just as lost as you are. But, I want you to know that... I think you're just as beautiful as Kiyoko-senpai. I want you to learn to see that you're beautiful, please."
[ Mitsuya Takashi ]
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"Hey..." he whispered, eyes trailing on the sink.
"I know you can't hear me, but I still want you to know." He continued as you stood there dumbfounded, staring at the figure leaning onto the mirror from the other side.
"I'd pay thousands more- no, there's no limit to how much I'd pay to have you be the model for my designs. You'd be able to pull off anything." he said as he let out a breathy chuckle. "Yeah... you'd definitely pull off all the designs I've made."
"Mitsuya? Mitsuya Takashi?" you called out.
He looked up to meet your eyes. You could see that he was shocked for a split second, before smiling and his face relaxed.
"You finally heard it. From me, no less." he said with a smile.
"So don't ever think you're any less than beautiful."
Here ya go! @uwiuwi @rinluvsyouwu
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roscgcld · 3 years
request: can you please do jjk character reaction to you gaining weight? i feel so insecure about it and it would be good to read something like that.. i love ur headcanons :-)
hey again! it's me with the gaining weight request :( i forgot to say that i want gojo's reaction to it :( his reaction to you being insecure of gaining weight and trying to lose it. thank u in advance ily :]
note: excuse me *bops you on the head* you cannot be insecure about something as small as weight. you’re beautiful 😠😠 and if anyone else says otherwise i will start swinging. who doesn’t like a little fluff to hold onto when they cuddle???? you’re perfect, and a little extra weight is not that bad! and i am happy that you like my headcanons love - makes me super happy to hear it from time to time >< i love you and send you positive vibes uwu ~
pronouns: she/her - because it came naturally, but i still love my non-binary readers i send you love and kisses and an apology >< 
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because of your boyfriend’s wicked good looks and his naturally flirty personality, it is no surprise that he is surrounded by a lot of equally beautiful people in your eyes
and even though he entertains them with no more than a charming smile and a few nice comments, that doesn’t make you any less insecure about something as small as your weight 
also adding into your insecurities is his title as a gojo - the strongest sorcerer of the generation, and the next in line to become the head of the gojo clan. his elders are expecting him to marry young and start popping out kids
the women that his elders had sent to him as ‘suitors’ did not help too - they were all what you viewed as the epidemy of a perfect woman. pretty face, amazing body, and a soft spoken and gentle personality; acting and looking almost too fake and doll-like
gojo usually turns them away by giving them some half ass excuse about why he can’t date them, slamming the door in their faces after he pulls you towards him to press a passionate kiss to your lips; hand obviously resting on your ass
and even though that makes you super embarrassed, you just giggle softly against his lips at the offended gasp coming from the door; to which gojo will grin lightly into the kiss before deepening it quite excitely
but that never shuts your demons away - and one day you just found yourself looking yourself over the full length mirror hanging in your shared closet; a frown marring your features
you had always pride yourself on keeping in somewhat shape, but with the constantly on the go lifestyle you live, and the stress that had started to mountain at work; it is natural for you to have gained a little
and recently, as if your mind had decided to spite you, you had realised that gojo is surrounded with more and more people around him - beautiful people around him, to be exact
whether they are fellow super fit sorcerers, another random suitor knocking at the door of your shared apartment, or even just random strangers on the street - you have started to realise that gojo just naturally attracts attractive people like that into his life
people who would look amazing together with him. someone who isn’t you
you were so consumed with your thoughts that you had not heard gojo, who came out from the shower with wet hair and a pair of fitted briefs, looking around your empty bedroom in confusion
tossing the towel he was using to dry up into the laundry basket, he had peeked into the closet of your shared room curiously; only to see you dressed in nothing but a cute white bra and a matching set of underwear
he was about to tease you about it, playfully asking if you ‘trying to make us late for our lunch with the others’ when he noticed the frown on your face as you scanned yourself over; hands resting on your stomach 
wordlessly gojo made his way towards you, your eyes snapping towards his huge frame appearing in the mirror as his arms wrapped themselves around you immediately; bright blue eyes blinking at you from the mirror whilst he rests his chin on your shoulder
“what’s wrong, bunny? you have a frown on your face, and you know that i hate it when you’re frowning~”
at first you felt embarrass to admit what was plaguing your mind, knowing that he was going to tease you about being so insecure about something like this - but gojo is stubborn 
he is going to coax it out of you one way or another, so you better fess up with whatever it is that is bothering you
it took some time for him to coax the question out of you, but eventually you gave in; awkwardly meeting his eyes through the mirror as he raises an eyebrow at you; silently coaxing for you to tell him
“I just...i’ve wanted to ask you for awhile now....am i fat?”
your question actually had gojo freeze as he made the most confused face ever, hand cupping up to gently squish your face between his fingers as he pulled away a little
“who said that? am i going to have to kill someone?” gojo asks too casually, to which you widen your eyes before you wrapped your hands around the wrist holding your face, shaking your head
“n-no! not at all!” you tried to calm him down as he turns your body to face him, an even more confused look appearing on his face - and you know that it’s genuine since he looked like a confused child 
this just made things worse for you as you rubbed your warm cheeks, looking away from his all searching eyes. “i-it’s just...i feel like i’ve gained some...and you’re always around really good looking people...women..”
gojo was genuinely confused as he frowns, to which you just gave him an asperated face. yet before you can say anything he made a noise of confusion; arms wrapped around your waist loosely. “is it bad that i didn’t even notice?”
whatever you wanted to say dried up on your tongue as gojo looks over at you and gave you a soft but genuine smile, hands reaching over to cup your cheeks in his hands
“i didn’t date you because of something so artificial, bunny.” he hummed as he playfully squished your cheeks together. “to be honest, i didn’t notice about that until you brought it up.”
you made a face at him, as if silently asking if he was being serious as he pulled a face on you as well. “i am being serious here, bunny. i really didn’t notice at all.” 
he just pulls you into his chest and hold you close, smushing your face into his firm chest as he coos at you. “you should know better then to think that i care about things as fickled as weight~ i’m dating you because you can make really good onigiri.”
“so you are dating me for my cooking?!” you gasped at him dramatically as you pulled your face away to glare at him, to which he just grinned before he leans forward to press kisses all over your face; your annoyance melting away immediately
after that it sort of just been left forgotten - but gojo never forgot. He can never forget something like that
even before you told him, he could tell that something was bothering you for some time now; but he wanted to wait for you to tell him yourself
and like he said, he really truly did not realise it until you pointed it out; he had never really care about things like physical appearance. since at the end of the day, he only cares about your chemistry together
i think that gojo, even though he is very vain, does not necessarily care about looks when he dates. for him, he wants someone who can handle all sides of him instead of being with him him for face value 
so that is all he cares about - and you were perfect for him. so do forgive him for not giving two shits about something as small as appearance lol
yet he knew that you were still thinking about it - so he went out of his way to make sure that you’re not going to do something that might bring you more harm
when he realises you are eating smaller portions, he might whine and pout at you with puppy eyes; demanding for you to take a few more bites of your food
and no one can really say no to him whenever he shines his beautiful eyes at them; so he always end up getting his way
he always make sure to get the food you like and stock up on the snacks you enjoy to eat; and heck, he will even go out of his way to visit you during your lunch break at work to bring you out on lunch dates whenever he can
he’ll even become more touchy; even more so than he was before. but now he made sure to keep his touches at places where you are the most self conscious about
grabbing your thighs when you two seat together, resting his hands on your love handles whenever he wraps his arms around your waist, resting on your stomach whenever you two cuddle together
he’s always shown his affection through physical touches, since mans will end up insulting you by accident because of his inability to read the room - he might make a very unsavory joke that makes you want to hit him over the head
but he does really care for you, and always goes out of his way to make sure that you’re more than aware that he does care for you; even if it means feeding you food in the middle of a restaurant if you refuse to eat more
when you confront him about it, he just gave you a soft but genuine smile before he rests his hands on your shoulders to shake you gently; as if he is shaking you back into reality
“i just know you well, bunny. and i know that you’re going to try and loose weight because you think that’s what i want.” he sighs dramatically before he tossed his arms around you, pulling you into him with a pout. “but you should know better than to think that i am going to leave you because of your weight.” 
his words caused you to pause as he pulls away a little to press a soft kiss on your forehead, soft lips resting against your hairline for a few more moments as he tightened his arms around you
“plus, i see it as a bonus honestly. more places to mark and more of you to love. also - your ass looks amazing in sweats.”
“i should have known the inner perv will wiggle his way out.” you grumbled shyly as you tried to push your grinning boyfriend away, who just grins in response as he you closer, catching your wrists in his hands. “you know i speak nothing but the truth love~”
and even though gojo adopted such a teasing tone, you knew that he was speaking nothing but the truth. it may not be enough to calm your whispering demons, but it did make you feel a little more confident in yourself 
gojo also continued to shower you in more and more attention, making sure you never forget just how much he loves you. and that you should never care about something as small as your weight
he loves you no matter what, no matter what size you are - as long as you are there to welcome him home after a long day of work with the all love you hold for him, that’s all he needs
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform
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hi there! may i request small frappé with pumpkin spice and whipped cream? childe x reader ty! this is my first time requesting so i hope i didnt do this wrong!!
Heya, dear anon! Thank you so much for your request, it was perfect and i had a lot of fun writing this. So, here's your drink: A small frappé with pumpkin spice and whipped cream on top. Hope you enjoy! <3 (Reblogs are very much appreciated.)
Prompts: fluff, fake dating, “You’re not wearing that, are you?” + “I don’t think I can do this anymore.” (400 followers event: JJ's coffee shop)
Be mine – Tartaglia x gn!reader (fake dating!AU, fluff)
“You’re not wearing that, are you?”
With furrowed brows, you looked at Tartaglia. He was standing behind you, watching you as you turned in front of the mirror to get a better look at your outfit. “Why?” you asked, a hint of confusion echoing in your voice. “Is there something wrong? Is it too much?”
“No,” he replied, and a smile flashed over his face as he stepped closer and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind. Resting his chin on your shoulder, he added, “It makes you look even prettier than you already are, to be honest. Everyone’s going to stare at you.” He nuzzled your cheek. “And I’m not sure if I like that thought.”
You felt your face growing hot at his words and tried to wriggle out of his hug. “Stop that,” you said with a sheepish grin. “No one’s here, there’s no need to act like we’re a couple.”
Tartaglia hummed in response and took a step back after releasing you from his hug, although he couldn’t deny that your words hurt him more than he liked to admit. He knew that you were right – the two of you weren’t really dating, after all. It was just a show you put on to stop your friends from constantly pestering you to finally find yourself a boyfriend. When you had asked him to pretend to be in a relationship with you for a while, Tartaglia hadn’t hesitated to help you. Up to this day, he hadn’t regretted it – well, a bit, maybe.
At first, it had been nothing more than a game and a secret the two of you shared – something that never failed to make you laugh when your friends weren’t around. But as the weeks passed, things had… changed. At least for him.
He had no idea how you felt about the whole situation, though. If you still thought about him as a friend or if his constant flirting did have some kind of effect on you… if you maybe had developed real, genuine feelings for him too. It was foolish, he knew that, but he couldn’t help but hold on to that thought whenever he saw you.
You watched him in the mirror, the way he stared into the distance absent-mindedly, his pretty blue eyes filled with something you couldn’t quite put your finger on. He often had that look on his face when he thought you weren’t noticing it but whenever you brought the topic up, he always told you that you were imagining things before he quickly changed the subject.
That didn’t stop you from asking, though. You turned around to face him, your left arm slightly outstretched, almost as if your body couldn’t decide if you wanted to reach out for him or not. “Hey,” you said, your voice a lot softer than you initially intended. “What’s wrong?”
It was fascinating to see how his facial expression changed almost immediately, how he put on a smile that could have fooled anyone but you. “I was just thinking that you’re right,” he replied and shrugged. “About us, I mean. We’re not a couple when your friends aren’t around, and I’m sorry if my actions made you feel uncomfortable.”
You let out a surprised laugh. “What made you think I was uncomfortable? I just – I don’t know, I guess I wanted to say that there’s no need to pretend anything when we’re alone. It’s not necessary and I don’t want to bother you. Um…” You shook your head, annoyed by your own stammering. “You’re not making me uncomfortable. That’s what I was trying to say.”
You watched as his smile slowly transformed into a more honest one, and suddenly, there was this warm feeling welling up inside you again. It had happened a few times already, mostly when he looked at you like you were the most precious thing he had ever seen or when he hugged you like he had done earlier but you had never bothered yourself with thinking about it. After all, he only acted like that because you had an agreement with each other, not because he actually cared about you… at least not in that way.
And it was fine, although you couldn’t deny that a part of you had always wondered what it would be like to be in a real relationship with him. He could be reckless and even kind of belligerent sometimes, yes, but when he was with you, he seemed to be a completely different man – caring and considerate, always trying his best to make you smile when you were upset or sad. He was your best friend, the one you could always rely on, no matter what happened.
And sometimes, just like in this moment, he was the one who made your heart skip a beat without even knowing it.
“We should go,” you said, shaking your head once again to get rid of the confusing thoughts that had come to your mind. “The others are probably already waiting for us.”
On your way back home, you couldn’t stop thinking about something your best friend had said to you. Sometimes, you couldn’t help but wonder if they secretly knew that your relationship with Tartaglia wasn’t real but since you didn’t want to risk anything, you had decided to let sleeping dogs lie a while ago. Maybe they didn’t know it, anyway but something about the way they looked at you when they told you how happy you could be to have someone like him in your life, had suggested that they were well aware of your fake dating. “If you weren’t so cute together, I would be so jealous, really,” they had added with a grin, darting a glance at Tartaglia who had been joking around with one of your other friends at this point. “He’s awesome, (Y/N). Don’t mess this up, okay?”
The words were still echoing in your mind. How could you mess it up if everything wasn’t even real? Of course you knew what they were trying to say but at some point, you would have no other choice than messing everything up because you either had to tell your friends toe truth or act like you and Tartaglia had broken up. You couldn’t force him to play along forever, after all.
Sooner or later, he would find someone and fall in love for real, and then you would have to let him go, no matter how awful it felt to imagine him being with someone else. The thought hurt – and at the same time, it made you absolutely furious.
You stopped in your tracks, confused by the sudden anger that welled up inside of you when you thought about Tartaglia’s hypothetical future partner. Just because he would start to date someone, you definitely weren’t going to lose him; he would still be your friend. The only thing that would change was the fact that he would no longer act like he was head over heels in love with you.
And that was the moment it finally hit you.
The problem wasn’t that you were afraid of losing your friend. The problem was that you didn’t want him to fall in love with someone else – you wanted him to love you, actually love you, not just pretending like he had done for the past couple of weeks.
It was absolutely crazy, you knew that. He had agreed to fool your friends with you for a while because he thought it sounded like fun but actually developing feelings for each other hadn’t been a part of the deal. It had been completely out of the question, even.
Heck, why did everything have to become so complicated all of a sudden? Why did you have to fall for him? Everything he did, every hug, every kiss… all of that was part of your charade. He didn’t do it because he had romantic feelings for you.
You couldn’t help but remember the scene from earlier when he had hugged you in front of the mirror, implying that he’d be jealous if someone else would start to admire you. There had been no one around to see; he didn’t have to talk to you like that – and still, he had done it. And he had hugged you in a way that still made your heart beat faster.
Damn it. You needed to talk to him.
You needed to talk to him right now.
You turned around and rushed back to the restaurant where you had parted ways maybe fifteen minutes ago. He wasn’t there anymore but you knew that he sometimes went for a walk near the docks because he liked to listen to the sound of the waves, so you decided to look for him there.
It wasn’t too hard to find him – and as he spotted you approaching him through the crowd, a soft smile flashed over his face. “Did you miss me already?” he asked in a teasing tone that usually would have caused you to roll your eyes. But right now, it just made you feel more insecure.
“I need to talk to you,” you said. Admittedly, it wasn’t the smoothest conversation starter but you were way too nervous to bother yourself with being particularly eloquent in that moment. “About us.”
He raised his eyebrows. “About us?”
“About the whole situation,” you explained. “The relationship thing we have going on. I – I don’t think I can do this anymore. It just… it just feels wrong to pretend like we are dating when we’re not. I don’t know why I came up with that idea in the first place, it’s so stupid and I’m sorry for dragging you into this and-“
“Whoa, slow down, (Y/N),” Tartaglia interrupted you and furrowed his brows. “What are you talking about? I told you many times that I don’t mind helping you. I know your friends, I realize that they can be quite annoying when it comes to… well, your love life. You’re not taking advantage of me if that’s what you’re concerned about.”
You buried your face in your hands for a few seconds and let out a frustrated groan. “That’s not the reason I want to end this, Tartaglia,” you said. “I want to end it because it just feels wrong. We don’t love each other – we shouldn’t pretend that we do. It’s… it’s just not right.”
“Who says I don’t love you?”
You had expected every answer from him but not something like this. With wide eyes, you stared at him, searching his face for a sign that he was joking, that he was trying to fluster you like he already did a million times but his expression was unusually serious. “What?”
“Who says I don’t love you?” he repeated patiently. “You said it’s not right to pretend that we love each other. But the truth is that I’m not pretending anymore. So, it’s not wrong, is it?”
You couldn’t reply. Your thoughts were racing as your brain tried to comprehend what he had just told you but you felt like you weren’t able to think straight at all. Not when all you could think about was that he loved you.
Tartaglia stepped closer, gently cupping your face with his hands. “I love you,” he said, the tone of his voice so earnest that it send a shiver down your spine. “And I think that you may love me too, so if that’s the case could you please say something? Or – I don’t know, blink twice, maybe?”
“Shut up,” you said, finally snapping out of your state of shock. “Shut up and kiss me.”
Taglist: @blissmal, @aimicoos
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linnamonrolls0 · 2 years
The Thing About Illicit Affairs... : Chapter 7
Lin-Manuel Miranda x Reader
“And you know damn well, for you I would ruin myself, a million little times…”
When you pictured moving to New York City, an apartment in Washington Heights was a far cry from your Gossip Girl dreams. That was, until the guy next door flashed you a smile that could light up the entire city and your world turned upside down…
Mature / Warnings: SMUT (yup, finally), cheating, slight kinda age difference; I'm like really into sweater!Lin so that's also a thing / 3299 words
Chapter 7: (Don't) Say No To This
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11:08AM - Lin: Gmorning beautiful. Be there in 5? :)
11:08AM - Me: See you sooooon 🥰
It’s fine. I’m fine. This is going to be fine.
I keep telling myself that as I quickly run a brush through my hair, smoothing out any last tangles and making sure I’m happy with my light makeup. It’s cold, so I slip a soft cardigan over the cami I’m wearing, trying very hard to look like I’m not trying too hard. If this were a normal situation, I wouldn’t put any effort at all into looking nice just to build bookcases with a neighbour, but then, Lin is another story entirely. I’d be kidding myself if I said I don’t care what he thinks.
I wonder if he’ll notice…
I snap a quick selfie and send it to my groupchat with Anya and Gina, asking for their opinions. They bombard me with replies immediately, first with approval and then with many questions about who exactly I’m trying to impress with this sexy-casual vibe, wanting to know what in the Netflix-and-chill is going on.
But I think it wiser not to respond to those texts when I hear a knock on my apartment door, another rhythm that alerts me it’s him.
I give myself a final once-over in the mirror (a replacement to the one I broke) and adjust my glasses before I run into the living room, tossing my phone onto the couch and swinging the front door open to reveal Lin standing in the hallway with a giant toolbox.
I wouldn’t admit it out loud but my heart skips a beat when I take a second to admire him; his hair is a little longer, he’s abandoned his beloved goatee in favour of light stubble, and he’s wearing a dark grey-flecked turtleneck with jeans and… socks. It’s weird, but on him it’s all cute. Ah, whatever, I guess he did only have to cross a hallway to get here. He could really get away with anything.
“Hey, you,” Lin says with that ever-dreamy smile. Does he know how his smile makes my heart flutter? I missed it. It’s been over a week since I last saw him; we’ve been texting almost constantly, but of course that isn’t the same.
“Hi! What the heck do you need all that for?” I joke, nodding toward the toolbox. More so to distract myself; because really, in the back of my mind I’m wondering, why the flying fuck does he look sexy in a turtleneck, of all things? Surely that cannot be normal - either I have a sweater kink I never knew about, or there’s just something about him looking like this that kills me. Probably both.
“I figured we should be prepared for any eventualities, you know?” He laughs, strolling past me into the living room and setting the toolbox down on the floor, “So, where are these bookcases?”
“Riiiiight here.” I grin, reluctantly tearing my gaze away from him and dragging over the boxes to the middle of the room. His eyes widen at how many pieces they’re in. “More than you bargained for, huh? I didn’t expect it to be this messy either.”
“Well, let’s get going! This shit’s not gonna build itself.”
“Wait!” I say, “First things first, we can’t think with decaffeinated brains. So, coffee?” I offer.
“Of course.”
“All of it!”
“No wonder you’re so damn sweet,” I remark, turning to head across the living area to the kitchen before Lin can respond to that. I know my flirting is a little out of line, but I can’t help it when the opportunity presents itself - and he isn’t exactly shutting me down. Quite the opposite, he’s only indulging my advances with that charming smile, looking at me like there’s nowhere else he’d rather be, and it doesn’t help when he looks like that…
As the Nespresso whirs on the countertop behind me, I turn to catch Lin admiring the triptych of photos I’ve recently hung up on the last bare wall in the living room. Mounted in simple black frames, the pictures depict three of my favorite spots in my hometown, each street bathed in the warm glow of sunset from a series of lockdown walks. Alongside fond memories of growing up in and around these familiar places, they remind me of the peace I felt walking those quiet streets not so long ago, my only moments of solace amidst the fear induced by the pandemic I thought we’d never see the end of. I’d never been so glad to be wrong, and these serve as a reminder of the hope amidst all the chaos. We could all use a little more hope, even now.
“These are beautiful,” Lin compliments, “Where did you get them, if you don’t mind my asking?”
“I took them, back home.” I can feel myself blushing again, and I curse my lack of control over my reactions around him, thankful for the room’s worth of open-plan distance between us. “So��� thank you, I guess.”
“They’re yours?” His statement carries a hint of surprise. I can’t help but wonder why as he continues, “Of course! You’re a photographer.”
“Well… I don’t warrant that title. It’s just a hobby,” I say meekly.
“Nah.” Lin shakes his head, still looking at the pictures before he turns to me again. “With art like this, you should own that title.”
I shift my gaze to the ground, suddenly somewhat bashful as I busy myself with adding milk and sugar to our coffees. “Thank you. I don’t have as much time for it now, but I try to…”
“Damn. Have you taken any here?”
“A few. I… could show you, if you want?” I offer, beckoning him over as I grab my laptop from the kitchen island, sitting down on one of the barstools and setting the coffee mugs on the counter.
“Oh my god, yes!” He practically leaps across my living room and takes a seat on the barstool beside me. I can feel his gaze fixed on the screen over my shoulder as I power up my laptop and open the right folder; I’d call it too close for comfort, but that might be my fault more than his.
“Here…” I slide my laptop across to him.
“Can I scroll?” he asks sweetly. I nod, and now it’s my turn to admire him as he looks at the various pictures I’ve collected over my first few weeks in this neighbourhood and back in the city. His curiosity is quickly replaced by awe; it always warms my heart to see anyone appreciate my photography, but every compliment means a little more coming from him. “Please don’t be offended, but… Would you consider selling these?”
“I’ve never really thought about it,” I respond honestly, starting to mull over the idea, “I guess it would depend, to whom and why.”
“I’m thinking of, I don’t know, maybe like a Heights version of what you have here?”
“For you?”
“Yeah, if you could?”
“Of course! Do you have any favorite spots around here? I can try and do those…”
“Please don’t take the trouble, I just thought if you have any shots that would work…” Lin insists, almost apologetic for asking.
“No way. Tell me and I’ll make it work.” The idea of putting together a photographic representation of his love for this place brings me almost as much joy as my own triptych did.
“Are you sure? I’m happy to pay, like, whatever you want,” he says emphatically.
“Fuck, no. Anything for you, Lin. Anyway, after these stupid bookcases, I’ll owe you again!”
Once we’re sufficiently caffeinated, we settle into a pretty good flow with the bookcases, sitting cross-legged on the rug in the middle of the living room, deciphering the instructions and putting the Ikea furniture together with all its bits and pieces. Lin has managed to convince me to connect his phone to my surround speakers; so an eclectic mix of showtunes and pop songs fill the background, allowing any moments of silence to feel comfortable rather than awkward.
“Who the heck plays a playlist in order?” I laugh as he places his phone on the coffee table, out of harm’s way.
“Try anyone with musical sense! Have you even heard of a mixtape?” he says in mock outrage.
“What, like burning CDs for people?” I tease, knowing that’ll get a reaction out of him. I love how dramatic he can get over the most random things.
Lin stares at me, comically horrified. “No, cassettes! You know, those things you can’t shuffle, like, at all? The nineties?” He pauses for a second, suddenly realizing. “Oh.”
“Yeah, not a fan, I’d barely developed sense in the nineties… So I’m cool with Apple Music now,” I say playfully, grabbing his phone and hitting shuffle on his playlist just to wind him up, avoiding addressing the inevitable age thing for now.
“You have so much to learn,” he says with an overdramatic sigh, “For your first task: give me the screwdriver?” I pick up the right tool, holding the screw in place. His finger brushes against mine as he reaches for the screwdriver and the little zap of electricity causes me to let go before he’s gripped the handle. The tool falls to the ground and I yelp as it narrowly misses his foot.
“Oops!” We both reach to pick it up, bumping heads in the process and laughing rather than getting back to work. I grab the screwdriver, very nearly dropping it again.
“If I’d known you were such a klutz…” Lin chuckles, shaking his head as he reaches out to take it back. “Give me that before one of us gets hurt.”
“I’m not that bad,” I huff, pointing the screwdriver rather dangerously at him to ironically illustrate my point.
“I beg to differ.” He takes the screwdriver from my hands, safely this time.
“Screw you!” I giggle, throwing a small screw at him.
“Really?” He smirks, catching the screw and raising a brow as I feel myself blushing again; beyond the pun, the innuendo is not lost on either of us. “Okay, can you hold this?” I do as he asks, holding the piece of wood in place as he joins it to another piece. “And that’s how you do that.”
As this goes on, he continues giving me instructions; our arms end up in some sort of interlaced tangle with me holding the pieces into place and him assembling them, and we’ve ended up painfully close together in the process. I pray he can’t feel my heart racing next to him, and I hope he doesn’t notice my cheeks turning red the more I think about what we could be doing instead…
Until he does.
He’s putting together a particularly tiny attachment that is meant to support one of the shelves, his hands deftly working around the pieces as I hold it together, biting my lip when his fingertips brush against mine yet again. I thought all his attention was focused on the task until Lin looks over at me, practically glaring.
“Stop that.” I give him a questioning look, and he drops the screwdriver to gently place his thumb under my bottom lip, pulling it from my teeth. “That.”
I see how it is.
I smirk, “What, am I distracting you?” Feeling a little bolder, I move even closer to him, until our faces are barely a couple of inches apart. All complications aside, I know what I want, but I can’t be certain I know what he wants. Does he?
“Don’t…” Lin whispers, his eyes locked on mine. He’s normally an open book, but for the first time, I struggle to read him.
“Or what?” I ask innocently, before he leans in, his lips finally claiming mine in a kiss that sends my racing heart into a frenzy. When his tongue finds mine, it’s like water in the desert, breathing life into me yet again. Our hands abandon the pieces and frantically find each other, he slips my cardigan off my shoulders and I couldn’t care less where it ends up once I shrug it off. He has one arm around my waist, pulling me onto him, his other hand tangled in my hair, my hands gripping the front of his sweater and pressing against his chest, enough sparks flying to start a fire right here.
He sighs, and the deja vu of the whole thing is not lost on me when he reluctantly breaks the kiss, though his arms are still around me, his fingers still playing with the ends of my long hair. “We shouldn’t,” he whispers, “But god, I want to… I want you.”
“You have me, Lin. I’m right here…” I respond, leaning forward to gently nip at his neck, or at least what of it is exposed above his turtleneck. I hear his breath catch and he tightens his grip on me. I lean in to his touch, welcoming it and trying to pull him down to the floor; if I’m honest, I would let him take me anywhere.
“Mmm, not like this…” He shakes his head and guides my legs to wrap around his waist, standing up, “You deserve better than that, mi querida.”
I don’t know what my deal is with him and Spanish, nor could I figure out how he knows about it. The word rolls off his tongue in a distinctive accent and he has me distracted long enough to move us over to the sectional sofa. I tug on the hem of his sweater, he lets me pull it over his head and throw it over the side of the sofa, quickly followed by the t-shirt he’s wearing under it. I trail my fingers over the smooth, lightly tanned skin of his chest and he bites his bottom lip as he gently lays me down on the cushions, holding himself above me, our eyes locked and I can feel myself drowning in that sea of dark brown again. He helps me out of my cami and tosses it somewhere across the room, his hands immediately on my breasts and his lips at my neck. He hooks his fingers into the band of my leggings and tugs them down in a swift movement; all too eager, I kick them away.
“Is this what I’ve done to you? You knew…” I blush fiercely as he slips my panties off and runs a finger delicately over my already wet folds. “Good girl, you’re already dripping…” I’m surprised by the whimper that escapes me as he carries on teasing, both with his fingers and his words, his lips still biting and sucking at my neck. I gently tug on his hair, just about long enough to grab, eliciting a soft moan from him. “I’ve been thinking about you for so long,” he whispers against my bare skin, “But this…” The warmth of his breath sends a shiver through me that I’m certain he feels, and as his finger continues circling my clit, I’m surprised how close I am just from this.
“So have I… I hear your voice through that wall and I can’t sleep until…” I murmur, sneaking a hand down between my legs, just to tease a reaction from him. He tries to pull my hand away, but instead I move it over to palm him over his jeans. He involuntarily grinds against my hand and I take that as an opportunity to undo his button and zipper. He wastes no time in briefly getting up and divesting himself of his remaining clothing, letting me enjoy the view. He may not be as fit as the guys I previously thought were my ‘type’, but god damn, there’s something unbelievably sexy about him that draws me in. He’s immediately back over me; we know we want this to last, but all the pent-up frustration has already got us readier than we’ll ever be. This is not the time to be taking things slow.
I close my eyes in anticipation, but instead I feel him still above me. “What happened?” I ask, looking up at him.
He looks into my eyes, with equal measures of lust and concern. “Are you sure you want this?” he asks earnestly. I sigh. I appreciate that he cares, but right now all I can think of is finally having him, after all this time pining from afar and fantasizing alone…
“Yes, Lin. I want you, this, everything…” I whisper with certainty, as he shifts his gaze away, guilty. “Look at me,” I gently cup his cheek and our eyes meet again, “Are you sure?”
He nods, though his expressive eyes betray him - behind the desire, I can still catch the lightest hint of conflict. “Yeah. I’m sure.” He lowers himself down to meet my waiting lips, silencing any questions I may have with a kiss as he finally enters me, slowly at first and then all at once. I bite down on his lip as I adjust to him, arching my back, wrapping my legs around his waist and slowly taking him deeper, sighing when he’s exactly where I want him. “You okay, baby?” he whispers. I can’t deny it’s been a while and this kind of throws me off, how gentle and careful he’s being even in this stupor of lust, though from his slow movements I can tell he’s holding back, his hands firmly gripping my thighs.
“Mmm…” I nod, moving my hips against his, letting him stretch me far beyond my limits, but still, “More…”
“Oh… Feels good but I don’t wanna hurt you, princesa…”
“I don’t care, just fucking hurt me. Please.”
Lin gradually increases his pace, starting to lose control, meeting his hard thrusts with my hips as I let my hands wander over his body, caressing every inch of his smooth skin, reduced to a whispering, whimpering mess as he repeatedly hits that sweet spot within me like he somehow just knows exactly what I need. I clench around him, digging my nails into his back and probably leaving a fair few scratches, only encouraged by the sounds of his moans and incoherent words under his breath.
“You… Fuck, yes… You’re mine,” he murmurs, punctuating a string of curses with harsh bites to my neck.
“Mhmm…” I purr in agreement, holding onto him tightly, tugging on his hair, anywhere I can reach.
“Say it…” he growls, stopping his movements, his hands firmly gripping my hips.
I whimper in protest as he holds me still for a moment; “All yours, Lin…”
If he ever mentioned it, I wouldn’t confess to the sound that escapes me when he pushes me to my peak again, something between screaming his name and crying out in ecstasy, but it takes me a while to regain my composure between waves of pleasure. His thrusts get rougher, harder, more frantic. I can barely breathe before I tense over him again when he lets go as he whispers my name, more loving and lustful than I’ve ever heard it before, filling me with his heat, his release resulting in mine mere seconds later.
For a few moments, all we can hear is the sounds of our own heavy, uneven breaths as we reluctantly come back down, letting the high subside. Trailing one hand up to the back of his neck, I pull him in for another kiss and he’s more than happy to indulge me, his lips slowly and delicately caressing mine.
I catch a glimpse of us in the mirror nearby, still entwined in each other’s arms - flushed, blushing, satisfied… And for now, nothing else exists. In this moment, nothing else matters but him…
Chapter 6 / Chapter 8
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keijislove · 3 years
Can i request #2 and 3 from the prompt list with Harry x Reader please but make it a happy ending? Thank you!!
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A/N: Hi anon, omg this was so much fun to write!!! I love Harry and feel that there is not much Harry x reader content out there, so here you go! Hope you like it 😊
‘And then they lived happily ever after!’ Cho finished reading as the girls around her squealed in excitement.
You merely snorted.
‘Why do all of your books have sappy endings?’ you questioned Cho as she looked at you incredulously.
‘Well, its fun to read.’ Cho shrugged. ‘If you were in Ravenclaw, you could be reading diverse romances instead of those stupid muggle books you like so much. For example, what’s this you’re reading?’
She snatched your book and looked at the words you’d been reading.
‘Real love is rare but fake words and promises are everywhere.’ She read out before looking at you. ‘See, this is why you feel so lonely, Y/N. if you’re gonna be reading miserable books like that, then I can’t blame you for being droopy most of the time.’
‘It’s not miserable, Cho.’ You contradicted. ‘It’s a little something called reality.’
Cho snorted. ‘Whatever you say.’
‘Besides, I’m not always lonely.’ You continued. ‘I have Hermione and Ron... and Harry too.’
‘And Harry too!’ Cho mocked. ‘Blimey, Y/N I forgot to ask. How’s things between you two?’
At that you looked down. ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’
Even though you weren’t looking at her, you could almost feel her roll her eyes.
‘You’re lovesick, darling.’ Cho explained. ‘You get this weird glow on your face when you talk about him and your eyes form hearts like in those muggle comics you read. Also, when he’s around, you blush like a tomato. Tell me how this is incorrect?’
You sighed. ‘None of your business, Cho Chang. So what if I like him? I’m probably the 100th girl who does. He has a pretty wide collection of choices, you know. Take Ginny for example. She’s everything I’m not. She’s pretty, popular, outgoing AND she is sweet. I’m a loner, too sarcastic to have too many friends, and it’s not like I can help it anyway. He’d never like me.’
‘Sweetie, what is there not to like in you?’ Cho asked worriedly.
It was one of the many reasons you liked her, she always paid attention to your moods and constantly asked if you were alright.
‘Y’know what Cho, let’s leave it.’ You muttered. ‘I promised Ron I’d help him with his essay anyway. He’s probably eating in the common room. Bye.’
You gave a nod and walked off, but you could feel Cho’s eyes watching you thoughtfully.
As you walked into the common room, a chorus of noises greeted you.
‘Fine, I’ll give you five galleons I can.’ Harry was saying.
‘Alright mate, whatever you say.’ Said Ron.
‘Five galleons you can do what?’ you questioned, walking up to them.
Harry immediately coughed nervously. ‘Ahem, Y/N! Hi! Ron here was betting I couldn’t, er, sneak down to the kitchens.’
‘If you know Fred and George, doesn’t seem impossible.’ You said in amusement.
‘Someone summon us?’ a voice called behind you as you turned to see Fred standing there.
‘Oh, yeah.’ You spoke. ‘Ron here thinks Harry can’t sneak down to the kitchens, so he put five galleons on that. I was just explaining how anybody who knew you two could probably sneak off to Mars unnoticed.’
‘We are honoured.’ George bowed to you. ‘But Ron, mate, weren’t you betting that Harry couldn’t ask o-’
‘NO, I WASN’T!’ Ron bellowed, causing you to miss what George said.
George’s expression immediately changed.
‘Harry couldn’t ask what?’ you asked.
‘The house elves to make him some food.’ Fred casually spoke.
You narrowly looked at him.
‘Boys.’ You finally muttered, going upstairs.
You were trying to wrench your bag out of the spot it had decided to get caught in, when a voice startled you.
‘Here, let me help.’
You turned around to see none other than the Chosen One himself.
‘Oh, thanks.’ You said nervously as Harry yanked the bag out of the door.
You grabbed it and turned to leave.
‘Er, Y/N?’ you heard Harry ask.
‘I was wondering if, um, you’d... y-you’d like to go to Hogsmeade with me?’ Harry asked.
Your eyes grew wide. ‘Are you asking me out? Like on a date?’
‘Erm, yes.’ He said.
‘Oh.’ You managed to squeak. ‘Oh, Oh! Um, y-yeah, alright, s-sure!’
He flashed you one of his stupidly adorable grins. ‘Brilliant!
You and Harry had been dating for a few weeks now.
But something was terribly wrong.
Harry had started acting horribly distant, sometimes ignoring you or trying to walk past you in the corridors.
You were on your way to the common room. wondering whatever you could have done to upset him, when his voice caught you before you entered.
‘Ron, I can’t do this anymore.’ He spoke. ‘I know I agreed to your dare that I couldn’t ask Y/N out, but I can’t do this. I’ll give you your galleons, don’t worry.’
‘Well, alright mate.’ You heard Ron say. ‘But I thought you were happy-’
‘I’m not.’
That was enough for you to choke a sob and run off to the deserted Quidditch Pitch.
So that’s what it was.
A dare.
Harry didn’t want to be with you, heck he didn’t even enjoy it.
You kicked away stones in anger, remembering Cho’s voice.
Real love is rare but fake words and promises are everywhere.
That was exactly what the past few weeks were.
Fake love, fake words, fake smiles, fake promises.
It was all fake.
Your thoughts were cut short, as a pair of shoes came skipping by.
‘Oh.’ You heard a familiar voice.
No, go away, please. You thought. I hate you, don’t come near me.
‘Hey, love.’ Harry grinned.
You tried not to gag. ‘Why’re you calling me that?’
He frowned. ‘D-do you not l-like it?’
‘No.’ you coldly responded. ‘You’re here to break up, aren’t you?’
‘What how did you-’ Harry began.
'Is this what this whole relationship was to you? A bloody dare?’ you asked through your tears.
Harry’s eyes widened. ‘You heard...?’
‘Yes, I heard.’ You said. ‘Harry Potter, don’t you ever dare speak to me again.’
With that, you stalked off.
Even though you’d convinced yourself you’d never speak to him, you couldn’t help but worry about Harry.
The third task was near, and you were wondering if he’d make it.
He’s made it this far, hasn’t he? You thought. He’ll manage, stop thinking about him.
Sitting in the arena, waiting for him to emerge out of the maze, you couldn’t take it anymore.
‘Cho... if he’s back, just let me know.’ You informed the black-haired Ravenclaw, turning to leave.
Just as you turned, a cheer erupted as you whipped around to see Harry carrying something and lying face-front on the ground.
Everyone was cheering, but you squinted at what he was carrying, trying to make out what it was.
When you focused for long enough, your hands flew to your mouth as you let out a blood-curdling scream.
Cedric Diggory’s body.
And it wasn’t moving.
‘Is he... can I see him?’ you asked Madame Pomphrey.
‘Well, I’m sure he’s asleep, dear.’ She answered, frowning. ‘But in you go.’
You thanked her and went inside.
Harry was not sleeping, but he looked terrible.
‘Oh, Harry.’ You sighed, walking to him.
Still not looking at you, he spoke. ‘You still hate me.’
‘No, I-’ you began. ‘I... I don’t. I’m sorry if I made you feel like that.’
‘I should be the one apologising.’ He said quietly.
You sighed. ‘I’ll be late for Charms... see you soon, Harry.’
You bent down to place a kiss on his cheek.
At that moment, he turned his head abruptly, causing your lips to collide.
Gasping, you pulled back.
Entire body trembling with giddiness, you walked to your class.
After your little ‘encounter’, Harry went back to ignoring you.
You were sick of it, and one day, while he was returning from Hagrid’s cabin, you cornered him.
‘You can’t hide forever, you know.’ You spoke seriously, arms crossed over your chest.
He didn’t look at you.
Sighing, you stepped forward. ‘We need to talk.’
His head snapped up to meet your eyes.
‘There’s nothing to talk about. I kissed you and you pulled away. End of story.’ He casually said.
‘No, it’s not the end of story.’ You snapped. ‘How could you even, first you fake-date me and then this, I mean for Merlin’s sake Harry, a kiss is supposed to mean something and I-’
‘What makes you think it didn’t mean anything?’ he asked softly.
You gaped at him. ‘You said... you dated me because of a dare and then-’
‘Oh.’ He interrupted. ‘Oh. That’s why you were upset. Oh my god, Y/N, you totally misunderstood me. I... was talking to Ron because I felt that I wasn’t being fair to you... I like you, Y/N. I truly do, and I wanted to date you as well, but I was worried what you’d think when I’d explained it was a dare! And th-then I came to tell you all this, but you seemed so sad, I thought you hated me. Don’t ever think like that, Y/N. That kiss meant everything it was supposed to.’
You remained silent.
Harry blushed and awkwardly scratched his neck. ‘Uhm... and I-I’d like to try that again...’
Your eyes widened as you turned red.
Swallowing your nerves, you leaned forward as he mirrored your actions and met you halfway.
And this time, neither of you pulled back.
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abbynx · 3 years
La Squadra Esecuzione as Best Friends Headcanons
Formaggio - Very chill, first and foremost, he is down for anything to do. Videogames? He'll try to beat your ass. Cat cafes? Heck ye he is down - The type of friend who will coax you to cut class to hang out behind the school or climb over the school fence to hang around the local arcade or theatre. But if he get caught, he won't snitch and he's willing to take responsibility. Begrudgingly. - Ohhhh physical touch is bare minimum for him. He'll occasionally lean on you, perhaps shrink himself to fit himself in your pocket just to platonically cuddle and perhaps, use you as a transport. - Will high five you as a greeting, and will high five you as a farewell. Usually followed by a hug too uwu "Bro!" He holds his hand out for a high five, in which you instinctively grant him one, when he also entwines his fingers through yours and pulling you for a hug, patting your back for a second and pulling away. "I missed you bro!" - Prepare for dumb jokes, dumb puns that he effortlessly come up with as time goes by. You can't go on a day without him cracking a joke. You'd either roll your eyes at it or laugh along with him. There's nothing in between "You see that guy over there, bro?" He leans on you, arm draped around your shoulder as he points at a person from afar. "Yeah, what?" "I say... You'd be a perfect match." You glanced at him, hearing him shake a box of matches as he wiggled his eyebrows with a dumb grin. - *Finger guns and bro intensifies* Illuso - That weird person you don't see yourself associating yourself with somehow befriended him for some reason. Most likely started when you both started to wake up at 3 AM and meet in the middle of the dark, in the kitchen, wanting to grab something to eat. At first it is awkward, but soon you learned to bond through it! And soon enough, your midnight chats extended to become actual friendships! - Seems distant, but he cares. He's the type pretend not to care about you, but will glare (or more than glare depending at the severity) at people who hurt you. He is the 'I'm the only one allowed to insult them like that' type of friend. "Huh, Formaggio hasn't been teasing me. I wonder what happened." You wondered aloud, as you say beside your friend Illuso. "Must be because of his bruised jaw. The previous mission must've been tough for him." "Yeah... That..." - Probs touched-starved. He acts irritated and push you away when you try to hug him, but secretly loves it. If you stop trying to hug him, he'd be kinda sad but will not say anything. - This friendship includes you listening to him rant about every little thing, and brag about things he can't do. He appreciates you listening to be honest, and that's initially how your friendships started anyways. - Will use derogatory terms as a term of endearment. Please don't be offended, he doesn't mean any offense "Hey idiot! Get your sorry ass right here! Risotto said we have someone to take care of!" "Thanks, dumbass." "Eyo slut! Take a look at this fugly idiot!" - Does not have the habit of knocking. In fact, he just barges into your room, through the mirror. In more than one occasion has he seen you undressed but he couldn't care less about it. "Hey dumbass can I borrow your— hey, stop screaming! Anyways I ran out of hair ties, do me a solid—" - Everyone around you being confused to how you two are most unlikely to become friends, but you two are practically unlikely twins Prosciutto - You can not stop me from assuming he is quite the mom friend if you pry his shell hard enough. Perhaps a mom friend mixed with tsundere friend. "Hey! Drink your water or I'll break your ankles! No I don't care that we're in the middle of killing someone! I packed you some water and you didn't drink it! Well shit I didn't pack it specifically for you, I just managed to pack extra! Now go ahead and drink, I'll handle this one myself! While you're at it, coat yourself with sunscreen! If I hear you whining about being burnt, I swear to God—" - If you happen to be a mom friend too, you'd be bonding over the
mutual stress of having to look over the rest of the gang over a glass of wine as chaos around you ensues because you two decided to take a small break. "Formaggio and Ghiaccio is up at it again..." You sigh, swirling the content of your stemware as the distant bickering of the two aforementioned assassins echoed. "Just... Let's just lay low. It'll be over soon." Prosciutto sighs along as well, before downing his glass of whiskey. "Hopefully." And it didn't end, as it ensued and progressive got worse. Stands were called, knives were thrown, guns were shot. And two mom friends of La Squadra almost lost their voice from all the yelling and lecturing - Will scold you for your bad habits. Bad posture? He will walk behind you, press his knee on your back and roll your shoulders back whilst he lectures you about it. Messy time management? Will buy you crap to make you keep track of time. Sleeping so late? He will take whatever you're distracted with, demand you to turn your lights off as he lights soothing scented candles and tossing you some comfortable blankets to use. Barely taking care of yourself? Bro prepare yourself. "I don't understand how you live like this! You'd be dead if you were to continue that habit! At least help me help you to make you be better!" - Very blunt and honest to the point it stings, but he never lies to people he is closed to. He prefers being upfront with his loved ones and will try to rebuild their confidence and reassure them that they can be better than what they are. "When I say you're idiotic, you're but a burden, I mean it. You have all rights to be hurt by it, but don't just live with it. Prove me wrong, that you can be better than that and you'll be the best version of yourself. I know you can do it." - Will accept hugs, but will most likely not hug back. Maybe he'll just out one hand on your back and lightly stroke it, but that's it. But in rare occasions, he will return them too. Sometimes, he'll even initiate it. - Your connection to him as a friend has lead several advantages. No one in general can make a negative comment about you with Prosciutto around. His glare alone was scary and they would not wish to stick around and find out what he can do than just glaring. - Extremely appreciates when you help him around by simply carrying things for him, fetching him coffee and actually doing your damn job properly is enough to make him be filled with gratitude. Pesci - Baby. Okay, so this boy. Boy oh boy, he is baby. Take care of him, bro. Don't coddle him to the point of him being entirely dependent on you, but sis you can always reassure and make him improve himself! Perhaps a tamer version of his relationship with his brother. - You two will mostly likely be friends because you always defend him from the others from teasing him and rooting for him. He is very grateful for it and can't thank you enough. Either that, or Prosciutto paid you to babysit him. - Will constantly cling on your arm when he's anxious. It's up to you whether you'll snap at him and slap his hand away, or just let him hang around you. He'll just simply grab your wrist, and sooner and later he'd have his body pressed against yours, completely clinging on the entirety of your arm. "D-don't leave me, Y/N! I'm scared—!" - He is extremely thankful for you watching over him and protecting and by this, he tries to improve himself a lot more just so he can confidently say he can watch over you and protect you as well - Just the sweetest little thing, whenever he'd be away with Prosciutto for a mission he'd return home bearing gifts from travel and he'd give it to you. It would be something either miniature, or something practical like a knife sharpener or something. "I-I got this for you... I hope you like it! Big bro helped me pick!" - Honestly, I can imagine him just being the best, supportive and encouraging friend there could be. If ever you needed someone to confide in, he'd just sit and listen and will certainly not repeat what you told him to others. He'll try his best to comfort
you, taking inspiration to how you comfort him and will just try his best to make you feel better. "I know life is rough and hard and bad, but you always told me it will change and soon it all be over and better. It's good that you recognise you're in a bad place, now you need to take a break and then later you won't even know you've already forgotten your problem! It's okay to be sad, too, but not for too long." - The type of friend that will share anything he has. He has a cookie with him? Shit, he'll split it in half and give the other half to you. Some soda? Well I hope you don't mind drinking from the same can as he is, he will give it to you. Melone - So this nerd isn't a complete creepy pervert, not entirely at all. He's chill for most of the time, so he's a neat company if you don't mind him bombarding you with questions regarding your genetics, heritage records, blood type, zodiac signs and whatnot. But knows when to stop. - You most likely befriended him because he is one of the chill people in the group... Somewhat. Or perhaps you just started to bond over mutual love for steamy, erotic novels from the same author. If this man has shame, his guilty pleasures would be reading these types of trashy novels filled with smut. - He is great as a wingman. Complain to him about your lack of a love life, he'll observe your types and he'll somehow come up with a list by the next day enthusiastically listing them to you in a PowerPoint presentation. "If you're into girls, I have this one right here! She's compatible with your zodiac sign, although she has quite the temper she can be extremely passionate and affectionate— or perhaps you're into men, that I have as well. Several, actually. This other fellow right here is also a part of Passione from the Human trafficking branch, stoic and quite a stern one, but knows when to lay low at times and appreciate those around him— either him or the girl, you'd make good babies together!" "Melone, what the fuck—" - Very touchy. He'd lean his head on your lap as you both read on the couch, or randomly put his head on your shoulder during meetings, grab you by the arm while crossing the road, smacking your ass as a greeting (if you tell him stop, he'd stop of course), will pretend to kiss you just so he can see your reaction, anything. He is one affectionate nut that he sometimes forget about personal spaces. If you're not particularly fond of being touched like I am, simply tell him nope. I mean, he'd be sad but will respect your boundaries. The only time he'll actually respect established boundaries, to be honest. - Knows the most random facts and will share them to you for the fun of it. Additional to that, he will also mutter his shower thoughts and random cursed facts out loud just so he can curse you with the knowledge and confusion. "Did you know that dolphins masturbate using dead fishes? Also, there was an experiment involving dolphins in which one of the scientist fell in love and had sex with it. Another fact, is that dolphins are also seen doing the deed—" "Okay, Melone, I get it! Dolphins aren't as innocent as they seem! Stop ruining it for me already!" ... "Did you know that a woman once used mayonnaise as a lubri—" "MELONE!" - Being his friends meaning being his impulse control. If he intends to use his Stand on some innocent passerby just for the heck of it (for science, as he claims), smack him by the wrist and glare at him. If he eyes a particular someone for too long that the person gets too uncomfortable, try to divert his attention away. "Ow! Y/N what the heck—!" "What did I told you about oogling at people? It's impolite and creepy, stop that!" - He may not seem like it, but bro he cares a lot. If ever you had a problem, he'd sit and listen, offer you his shoulder to cry on, and perhaps hang out to divert your attention away from what's bothering and hurting you. And if you need advice, he'll try his best to come up with a flawless solution to your problems. But if comfort is what you need, his arms are open baby. Ghiaccio
- Bro you must need emergency ear plugs for this one, he is a massive screamer, a ticking time bomb with no timer that will erupt at random. If ear plugs aren't enough, cover your ears. - Befriending him was an impulse control befriending him. Well, all you did was to constantly try to calm his tits and cool his head to the point he actually barges in your room to hang out so that he can cool his head from all of the shenanigans occuring all around him, or maybe he just had another thought about something maddening about the world. "WELL WHY?! WHY IS WOMEN'S CLOTHES SIZING CHART DIFFER FROM EACH STORE?! THAT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE! INCHES AND CENTIMETRES EXISTS FOR A REASON, DAMNIT!" - There are moments where he isn't screaming, thankfully and he's a decent person to talk to. If you're a listener, he'll do the talking, just ranting about things, rambling on and on, before complaining, and then another outbursts comes out. By this, you simply sigh, put a hand on his shoulder and talk to him in a gentle, calming voice. It usually does the trick. Formaggio and Melone joked about this talent of yours as witchcraft. - He appreciates you a lot and honestly doesn't know what to do without you and by that, he knows he has to reciprocate the care you give him somehow to show he is grateful of your friendship and care. He isn't the type to be physically affectionate, but he is extremely thoughtful about his closed loved onesa and prefers to be practical about it. He would save you your seat in meetings, fetch you snacks if he ran out for an errand, etc etc. Extremely observant of your mannerisms, that he might point that out to you and you won't even realise you do that. - So like, he is very protective as a friend. He will do something whenever someone has wronged you in any way. The others teasing you? Bam, he'll shoot them back with a witty insult. Your s/o cheated on you? Ohohoho boi, be prepared to see their name on a headline on the daily news. Your order was wrong? Bam, he'll have the waiter shaking in fear from a screaming, angry Italian mafioso as he demands for them to remake your order correctly. "WELL CAGACAZZO?! QUIT STANDING AROUND AND GET ORDERS CORRECTLY—" "G-Ghiaccio it's just a minor thing, let it go—" "THEY SERVED YOU AN INGREDIENT YOU SPECIFICALLY TOLD THEM NOT TO INCLUDE BECAUSE YOU'RE ALLERGIC TO IT! WHY ARE YOU LETTING THIS SLIDE OFF?!" - All in all, he's just glad you're there for him because damn, someday his temper is going to get the best of him and he doesn't know what to do. And with your friendship, he's learned how to cope with his spontaneous anger by carrying soothing stuff to ease his nerves (courtesy of your suggestions and gifts for him) - Basically the dynamic of a rapid gremlin with rabies and a calm, sunshine personified angel. Everyone (Riz, including, but he's more subtle and dry about it) joked about the unlikely friendship, and how your ears must've lost a little bit of hearing capacity. Rissoto - I feel like he'd be extremely attached to a childhood friend. You've been friends since before you underwent the drastic change by going through a lot to get to where he is now, and still the only person that stuck around with him was you. By that, you became the most trusted by him due to the fact you've known each other for very long. - As his best friend, you're his confidant and finds himself often going to you if ever he needed advice, or needed to vent about his stress. He really isn't vocal but when he's confiding in you, his words spill out of his mouth usually sealed tightly just steadily flows, his big strong Capo veneer falls apart in front of you but he doesn't necessarily feel unsafe by being vulnerable. That's how he trusts you. - No one will dare to bad mouth you in front of the Capo, or else there'd be hell to pay for. I mean, teasing is fine, he knows you can handle burns from team mates here and there (and will silently smirk at it) but he will not stand it if they attempt to belittle you for something unreasonable. "Watch your mouth. That was
out of their control, stop blaming them for something they can't do." - The type of friend that doesn't know how to comfort someone, but will try their best. So as you spill your heart out, tears, snot, sweat and all, he'll just pull you to his chest and awkwardly pat your shoulders to get you calm and comforted. Not to mention, he is extremely stiff at the hug and is very unsure what words to say to you to not upset or offend you any further, so he'll just ride it out smoothly, and let you let it all out on his chest. It's not like he can't wash your tears, snot and sweat on his chest anyways. - Since he is very non-vocal, he's a good listener so rant all the way! Complain about the weather, about your lack of love life, about how underpaid the hitmen team is, anything! He won't find the perfect response, so he'll just nod along and perhaps comment occasionally on what your saying. "So like, ugh, I am soooo frustrated at how Prosciutto could say that to Pesci! He makes a good point, but it's redundant for him to be too harsh on him! Look, all I'm saying is, maybe Prosciutto should start choosing his words correctly so that Pesci won't feel too upset! You know???" You glanced at your friend, as he simply sat attentively beside you. He nods silently as a response. "Anyways—" - Extremely great at deduction and the way he reads people so easily is so unreal. And so he uses this to his advantage to know what's up with you whenever you seemed off. By this, he's able to tell whenever you're upset but scared to talk about it, frustrated but too busy to talk about, etc etc. And with this, he takes the time to drag you to take a seat, and talk about what's been bothering you. If you don't wish to talk about it at all, he'll let you be after with a reassurance that you can overcome whatever the heck you're going through. - Everyone is surprised that you two aren't married??? That you're just friends??? The way you two look just makes you two look like a couple and it boggles the others how you two aren't one.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Hello!! Congratulations on your 1,500 followers!!! I was wondering if you could write hc's with the Demon brothers reacting or helping MC with daddy issues(if possible specifically the kinds with an absent father). If possible please make the female MC, but if you would prefer to make it Gender Natural than its awesome as well!! Thank you very much for your awesome work!!💖💖
A F!MC has an Absent Father (Mammon, Beel, Asmo, and Lucifer)
Okay, so this was a pretty tough request (part of the reason why I'm getting to it so late). Having an absent father can lead to a lot of different (very sensitive) issues for their daughters and I always want to try and be as respectful as possible while still producing accurate content… So instead of my usual 7 brothers format, I'll be shortening this to the brothers that I think could best handle the situation at hand. As always, I will try my best to be respectful to those who may be experiencing these struggles, but if anything I say comes across as harmful or triggering please let me know right away. I'll take down/edit the post if need be. Thank you.
Warnings: Absent Fathers, Eating Disorders, Body Image Problems, Depression, Abandonment, Divorce
What kind of Dad wants nothing to do with his kids?? From Day One, Mammon just couldn't understand it...
Admittedly, he might have been a little biased. Ever since he watched his baby brothers grow up, he'd always had a little soft spot for anklebiters in general… They made for pretty sweet kids compared to their rude, spitfire-y current selves (even Satan had his moments). Mammon could see that same innocence in a lot of kids, human, angel, or demon.
So when the MC revealed to him that her own father walked out on her mother before she was born, he was just slightly (incredibly) outraged.
Though he'd like to believe the guy had his reasons for leaving, it just didn't sit right with him… Especially after getting to know the MC so well and seeing that she was such a great person! 
Hadn't the guy been curious about her at all? Didn't he care?? What was stopping him now?? (You know, aside from being on a completely different plane of existence and all that. Like that would stop Marlin from finding Nemo… Yeah, he likes Pixar. What of it?)
Some people might have gone as far as to say that Mammon was waaay more upset about it than she was herself, which was nice but well… his heart was in the right place.
It was around the time when he offered to track the guy down, hogtie him, then leave him to drown in the 4th Circle that she had to take him aside and explain that, though she appreciated his anger on her behalf, she didn't need him to crusade for her… 
She ultimately told him that if he really wanted to help, he could love her and be there for her. Words that he not only took it to heart, but he took very seriously.
She’d never had anyone be as reliable or faithful as Mammon was after that point. As far as he was concerned, he could be what her father never was for her: loving, caring, and present for no other reason than because he loved her!
You know, like you're supposed to be for the people you hold dear...
True, he didn’t always say the right things nor did he always manage to solve every problem for her when he tried to help but he never stopped trying to make her feel loved. He'd spend every Grimm he'd ever had if he had to. She deserved it.
When you love someone, you usually want to get to know more about them. Things like their past… So it wasn’t unusual for Beel to ask the MC about her home back in the human world, especially after he shared his own past with Lilith and his brothers.
Unfortunately (or fortunately he'd suppose, depending on how you look at it), the intricacies of divorce were a little new to him... Sure, he knew what marriage was and that relationships can fail, but to be frank, he grew up in a very different sort of situation than that of humans. 
He didn't even have a mother, much less and traditional father-son relationship. Lucifer filled in that spot for him like he had for everyone else and they left their father of their own accord...
But something about the way the MC talked about how her father left felt… upsetting. She seemed to use different sorts of tones when talking about the whole thing... At first, she spoke it with blank apathy, but then it changed to bitterness, then lastly… sadness. Like she was regretful about something that, for as far as he could tell, was completely out of her control…
He didn't want to pry into her past much more for that reason... Though he could tell something about it had hurt her, probably deeply, he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable so he just waited for her to come to him instead...
And in time, she did.
And ever the patient listener, Beel let her get it all off her chest. He could tell that she felt a lot of different ways about it, and most of them weren’t positive, but he was never one to tell people how to feel about anything. Thinking back on it, he supposed that he’d feel pretty bad too if Lucifer just left the family one day, but even that wasn’t quite the same thing… 
What he knew for certain was that it hurt him to see her so upset and, for once, he wasn’t really sure how to fix it… Can you even “fix” these things? Since he didn’t know the answers he just made a simple promise to himself in order to help make things better...
He probably couldn’t bring her father back, nor could he make his absence hurt any less, but he could be there for her instead. Not like a father, obviously, but as someone who could always love her whether or not she felt she needed it...
And from then on, he let his actions so the talking.
If she was upset and needed comfort, Beel was there. If she was feeling lonely or unloved, he’d be the first to notice and hold her close. Even if she tried to push him away to protect herself from any pain, he wouldn't just abandon her. He'd wait patiently for her to be ready to let him in.
He might not have known all the answers for her, but he wasn't going to let her feel all alone… He made sure of that.
If he were telling the truth, Asmo was already pretty familiar with this sort of thing. Everybody has "Daddy Issues," himself included, and affects people in a lot of different ways in or outside the bedroom.
Which is why he found it particularly disheartening when he noticed some signs in his beloved MC…
The MC had once confided in him that her relationship with her father was… distant. Though he was physically in the family, she never felt like she could talk to him or get to know him… In a sense, he was never as involved in her life as he probably should have been.
That alone wasn't very uncommon for human families, or so he's heard, heck between his Heavenly-but-Distant Father and his Not-as-Distant-but-Always-Busy Brotherly Surrogate, he could even relate… but it was how she seemed to cope that concerned him…
Something about her self-esteem just wasn't where it needed to be… 
Of course, Asmo's not one to get on a high horse and preach that looks don't actually mean anything (he's a demon, not a hypocrite) but there's a big difference between practicing self-love and falling victim to self-critique… There’s wanting to look your best because it brings you personal joy to do so, then there’s constantly worrying about rejection when you don't look so nice… He's seen it all before.
Truthfully, it was a painful cycle to witness… the eating and then the starving… the hours she’d spend in front of the mirror or her bitter tears after a "bad" selfie… It made his heart ache uncontrollably just to think about it…
So of course he intervened, he simply had to. Not only was it unhealthy for her but it could have brought his darling so much lasting pain in the long run...
When he finally spoke to the MC, he tried to be as gentle as he could while still expressing his concerns… He told her that he noticed the way she had been acting and that he was worried about her…  He genuinely believed that she indeed deserved love with no strings attached. She didn’t need to “prove herself” worthy of it for him or any of his brothers because they would be there for her regardless of what she looked like.
It wasn’t a cure-all. obviously, but never thought it would be. It would take her time to learn how to express love for herself or feel secure that he wouldn’t just start ignoring her one day… but Asmo was nothing if not a caring and patient lover. 
He tracked down places and people who could help her with her struggles and what they couldn’t offer he picked up on himself through perseverance, persistence, and a lot of research. He had his heart set on helping her and that was exactly what he planned to do.
Asmo wasn’t going to stop until she believed that she was honestly, genuinely loved... And that was a promise.
Lucifer picked up that there was something a little different about the human early on, even before he was ever told that her father passed away when she was young. She seemed… particularly fond of him.
He didn’t think much of it at first, but over time it started getting more and more apparent that she gravitated to him for one reason or another… She’d hover around him, bring him things while he worked, or act out like she wanted his attention (not completely unlike Satan or Belphie in that regard).
If he were being honest, it flattered him some, but the more he began to think about it the more… uncomfortable it made him for reasons he couldn’t quite place…
Eventually he gave in and had to run the problem by Barbatos just for a little clarity (he figured the butler could be discreet about it) and that’s when the connection between him and the MC’s deceased father finally came to light. 
There was no real way to sugarcoat it other than to say that she seemed to think of him as… a surrogate Dad of sorts… Which didn’t exactly ease his concerns at all. 
Though he was probably the most “fatherly” person in the House (having more or less become the unofficial father figure to his brothers for centuries), those were still his brothers. He had a large part in actually raising them. The MC was not only a human, but patently not his child. He truly had grown to love her over their time together but that was a very different kind of love…
Something about the situation rubbed him the wrong way… Would he be taking advantage of the MC’s past if he were to try and be with her like he wanted…? Sure, he may be demonic, but he’s not heartless. He only wanted what was best for her and he wasn’t quite sure that was him for once…
While he was still mulling over his feelings, the MC finally jumped the gun and asked him if they could start dating. He knew that it would hurt her (and him) if he said no but he also couldn’t pretend that there wasn’t a problem here…
So he compromised. He agreed to the relationship, but told her that he wanted to take things slow… He was open about his concerns that she may not love him for the reasons she thought she did, which wasn’t the most pleasant conversation to have but it seemed like the one she needed to hear.
It encouraged him that she didn’t appear to reject him outright when he brought it up, nor was she completely broken up about the pace he wanted to set for them, which was a good sign. 
He offered to find her people to talk to about her concerns, particularly around her upbringing, at no cost to her. He thinks humans call them… therapists? Whatever they were, he didn’t doubt that they were better equipped to help than he was.
He tried his best to make it clear that he was only concerned because he loved her so deeply that he wanted to make sure that he wasn’t using her trauma for his own ends... She deserved better than that and he wasn’t afraid to tell her such.
It ended up being a slow process to love for them both, but he’d never regret putting the MC’s wellbeing first. No matter what.
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ticklepinions · 3 years
Reflection of You
A/N: Previously posted by another blogger, got permission to re-post. I made some edits but hope you enjoy. It is from a first person perspective so if that’s not your cup of tea then keep scrolling.
You looked into the mirror with tears streaming down your face. As much as you hoped that the outfit you put on looked great, it just didn’t. At least not on your body you thought. Other people could wear the exact same thing and look like supermodels…. But not you. You were born different you thought. Born into a cruel world, with no purpose in mind. Your life was like a living nightmare. Feelings of unworthiness constantly plagued your mind, rendering you drained most of the time. Your family often made underhanded comments about how you never leave the house, much less your room. Maybe you would, if people found you desirable. What’s there to like anyway, you’re either too much or too little but never enough. The pain of being you was too much to bear and you plopped on the bed out of pure exhaustion. You shouldn’t feel tired though, it’s not like you did anything but mope about all day. You can’t even get dressed properly without breaking down in tears like a loser. A knock on your door snapped you out of your trance, it’s them. The person who had stolen your heart, was waiting at the door… Time to wear the same mask that’s fooled so many.
“Hey!- Whoaaaaa you look a-maz-ing....” they said, looking at you like a prized possession.
“I don’t look good hah-” you began, only stopping because of the lump in your throat threatening to make you shed a tear.
“Yeah, you’re right, you don’t look good, you look f*cking fantastic” they reminded you, kissing you on the forehead.
Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry... Cry.
“Anyway I was thinking maybe after the beach we should have a movie night- Oh baby, I’m sorry were movies a bad choice?” they asked, pulling you into their embrace.
“What’s wrong love?”
“I’m ugly” you choked.
“Nonsense, you’re beautiful!”
They’re lying. They don’t even love you, so why bother. Push them away, you don’t deserve to waste their time.
You started to choke on your tears, now unable to stop it or the bad thoughts from flowing. They tried to get you to look at them but you refused.
“I’m sorry you feel that way, but I can assure yo-”
“No. You don’t even understand… Look at me, I’m a pig. If I go to the beach I’ll just look like a washed up whale” you sobbed, remembering that beach party in college.
“Don’t say that!”
“Say what? The truth?” you grumbled.
The two of you sat there in silence, an unspoken argument flaring between your piercing eyes. The silence broke, when they decided to tackle you on the bed.
“Now you listen to me. You are the best thing to ever happen to me and I refuse to let you beat yourself up”
You tried to protest but a quick jab to your side was enough to keep you quiet.
“I love your eyes, they tell a story of the strongest person I’ve ever known” they said kissing you on your eyelids…. Gross.
“I love your face, it’s so cute, so adorable, so soft!!? What moisturizer do you use???” they exclaimed, rubbing their hands all over it, squishing the heck out of your cheeks. What a dork…
“I love your neck, and having a double chin just means there’s more of it to love and besides, it gives me more of a reason to do this…” they smirked nibbling all over your neck, causing you to let out an embarrassing assortment of snorts and squeaks.
“This tummy, stretch marks and all allowed me to feed you with the good good food. It’s beautiful, these marks are like battle scars, something to show off from a war well fought. And you fought the good fight, each day you choose to live and I couldn’t be more proud” they said, delicately tracing the beautiful lines drawn across your skin. You try and fail to stifle the giggles that poured out.
“Don’t get me started on these thighsssssssssss. Cellulite schmellu...lite. These bad boys right here are the best pillows I’ve ever slept on and I wouldn’t trade em for the world” they winked at you, “fluffing” up the pillow by squeezing the hell out of them.
“What those hands do? I’ll tell you what. They produce the most beautiful stuff, whether it's you playing the piano, or drawing, you have been blessed with some damn good hands” they said smothering your hands with kisses before you playfully slapped them.
“OH how can I forget your love handles!? Better to get a hold of what’s mine am I right?” they teased kneading your sides. You jumped and flailed, trying to break free from their grasp but alas, you couldn’t nor did you want to…
“And baby you’re so smart, like I’m half a brain cell and you have like at least 2. That’s hecking smart my dear and DON’T YOU DARE compare yourself to ANYONE okay!? Okay!” they threatened as their head pressed against yours.
Okay maybe they were being a little cute. Then all of a sudden they threw their head back and screamed at the top of their lungs...
You rolled your eyes, smiling at your idiot as they waltzed dramatically around the room.
“Whaat!? Don’t believe me?? Lemme show you!” they said, now raking their nimble fingers up and down your ribs. You, like a fool, clamped your arms down to your side, trapping their fingers there. Through teary eyes you see them smiling and laughing along with you.
“You shouldn’t be this adorable, issa crime!” they teased now wiggling their fingers in your armpits. Your face was flushed and got redder by the second as they tickled every spot they could find. To make matters worse… the compliments drove you wild.
“And I love love LOVE making you smile… Look how precious you are~ Nooooo don’t cover it up” they pout, gently tugging at your arms.
“There we go, look at that, my day just got 100 times better seeing you smile”
You blushed in response.
The tickles had slowed down as they brought their face inches from yours. Panik. You tried to turn your head away but they took a hold of your chin, forcing you to look at them. Their eyes seemed to pierce your soul, but it wasn’t a look of malice, nor disgust; it was pure, unadulterated adoration. After what seemed like forever they spoke.
“I wish you could see what I see… I love you for you… You’re beautiful just the way you are, m’kay? I’ll be here for you every step of the way but I hope someday you’ll accept that you’re perfectly imperfect and I’d rather you no other way” they finished caressing your head and sealed their statement with a forehead kiss.
In that moment, maybe you didn’t hate yourself as much as you did earlier; loving yourself doesn’t happen overnight after all. There are lots of wounds to be healed, and today reminded you that you don’t have to do it alone.
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whosscruffylooking · 3 years
The Purest Things: Wingmen (Aaron Hotchner x Female BAU! Reader)
this is based on season 10 episode 10 “amelia porter”
Warnings: None. Pure Fluff.
A/N: I am so beyond obsessed with the mutual pining. Initially, this was going to be one part, but I have to slow burn the heck out of this, so it'll be a few parts. Enjoy!
The Purest Things Masterlist
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august 2014
Bookend: "You meet thousands of people and none of them really touch you. And then you meet one person and your life is changed forever." – Love & Other Drugs
I walk into the jazz club, searching for Rossi. For the past year and a half, we have frequented this classy establishment, bonding over our shared passion for jazz and fine liquor. We come here every Friday unless the job keeps us away. It's a form of escapism that I have grown to cherish deeply. With a job like ours, finding something to look forward to each week, some semblance of a routine is crucial.
I stroll over to “our” booth, but instead of seeing David’s familiar face, it's that of the Unit Cheif. I throw my head back and laugh, “Of all the people I could have expected to see here...you were not one of them.”
Don't get me wrong; I'm not upset to find him here. I could never get enough of him. I see him nearly every day of the week, I have weekly movie nights with Jack, and Aaron and I have been to hell and back with each other over the years.
He shakes his head and smirks, “What can I say? I'm full of surprises.”
“So tell me Aaron Hotchner, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company this evening?”
“David Rossi, ” he emphasizes.
“So you’ve been recruited as one of his wingmen too huh?”
“Apparently so.”
“Well I'm glad you're here.” I slide into the booth next to him.
He glides his cup in circles along the tablecloth, “Me too.”
“May I pry?” I inquire.
He nods, “You may.”
“Why exactly are you here? Believe me, I'm thrilled you're joining us, but David and I have been coming here for over a year. Why'd he invite you now?”
His shoulders tense up, and then he inhales deeply, the tension releasing when he exhales.
“If I'm being completely honest, I think it has something to do with the fact that Beth and I are no longer together.”
“Oh my God, Hotch. I'm so sorry, I didn't know.”
Aaron looks up at me; the professional man, the profiler I'm so familiar with, is gone. Instead, he looks at me with the eyes of a vulnerable man, someone who loves so passionately and craves that same love in return. This isn't the first time he's looked at me with those eyes, and I pray that it is not the last time. If it were anyone else, the prolonged eye contact would deter me; my glance would dart in the other direction. But, for years, I have savored these intimate moments with him. I'm not exactly sure when this connection began or when it deepened to the awareness we now have of one another.
Most likely, it began shortly after Haley’s death, when I started to spend more time with Jack or those late nights working in the office with him. Maybe it was that time I brought him his favorite coffee and bagel to his house because I knew he wouldn’t feed himself otherwise.
(Aaron’s P.O.V.)
I gaze at her with utmost fascination. She is a mystery I have never been able to solve, a profile I cannot complete. She is whole, a pillar of strength for our team, her family, me, and Jack. Yet, there is a fear within her that mimics a young child scared of the monsters that are both imagined and real. She’s seen and experienced things that no one her age should have to witness. I can see through the worn expression on her face. She’s holding herself together for the sake of everyone around her, but inside she’s slowly falling apart. All I want is to help mend those crumbling pieces and hold her together. She doesn’t realize that she has been doing that very thing for me for the past four years.
In my life, I have had the opportunity to love deeply and freely. But two of those loves stand in realms of their own. The first time I fell in love, it was with an opposite. A precious, symbolic tale of love and loss.
With Beth, I did love her. She gave me the strength to feel something again after Haley died. I found the ability to move forward with hope and recognition that I deserve happiness once again.
The second great love came in the form of a mirror. We share an empathy, an understanding of the fundementals of life and love that shapes our individual values. I was far from perfect when we met; I was detached, damaged, and hopeless. I felt like I was barely a man. Truth be told, I won’t be perfect after the fact either. But, she gives me a sense of realness that I never perceived as possible. And since the day we met before I even accepted the actuality of my affections for her, I strove to better myself. Every day since, and for the rest of my life, I want to work every day to be the man she deserves and needs.
Awakening from my trance, I speak up, “I am grateful every day for the relationship I had with Beth. I truly did love her. I love her still for the person she helped me become. I realized, through her, that I can choose to move forward with my life.”
“You deserve to be happy, Aaron,” she interjects.
“Some time ago, Rossi came into my office encouraging me to start dating again. He reminded me that Haley wouldn’t want me to avoid moving on. Of course, my immediate instinct was to deny that I was guilty of just that. But he was right. He told me that I am no good to anyone when I’m miserable.”
She throws her head back and laughs, “Miserable? No, I wouldn’t call you that. Slightly uptight? Absolutely.”
I gasp, exaggerating a look of offense, “I’m hurt.”
She touches my arm, and I can feel my heart stop for a beat. Something about her touch elevated my heart and soul to another plain. It’s as if her small hand on my forearm revealed the certainty I had been searching for.
I chuckle, “Don’t worry. David and I came to the same conclusion.”
“Phew,” she breathes out a sigh of relief, “Good because I didn’t know how I was going to dig myself out of that hole....but please, continue what you were saying.”
I take a deep breath, “When you and I met I had already lost my entire world. Haley had just recently taken Jack, we were fighting constantly, and then...” I feel my eyes beginning to sting, and I realize that she hasn’t taken her grip off my arm once she squeezes it reassuringly.
“When Haley died, it felt like I was staring into an abyss. After the funeral, you found me alone, in some room that I had escaped to for some solace. But I didn’t feel any relief. And then, you came in. You sat across from me, and we just sat in silence. Somehow though, more was said in that silence than I had ever dared to utter out loud to someone. You didn’t know it then, but you saved me that day. You saved Jack too.”
I hear her short intake of breath and look over to see her lip beginning to tremble.
As much as I want to hear her melodic voice speak to me now, when I am most unarmed, a feeling that is entirely foreign to me, I have never felt so driven to yell from the top of my lungs a profession of love for this woman.
I begin to speak again, and I am immediately interrupted by Rossi, accompanied by the jazz singer hooked on his arm.
“La mia bella ragazza! Finalmente sei arrivato,” he says, kissing the top of her head. She blushes slightly, her eyes flickering to me briefly.
“You are a sight for sore eyes my dear. Is she not Aaron?”
I take a sip of my drink, glancing at y/n, her beautiful y/e/c sparkling back at me. How can anyone put into words just how beautiful she is?
I nod, “She is indeed.”
I’m suddenly made aware of the absence of her touch on my arm. How can someone’s touch both simultaneously have such a stronghold on you and also set you free? Regardless of the reason, I long to savor that feeling once again.
“Well,” she inches out of the booth, “I’m going to get a drink. Can I get you boys anything?”
We shake our heads in unison. Rossi suggests that his date join her.
He places his hand on my shoulder, “So? Any progress made?”
“I don’t want to overwhelm her. There’s so much I want to say. But I feel like I’ve put her through enough already. I’m an old man Dave. I’m a widower with a son. The damage I’d be asking her to cope with, the burden I’d be subjecting her to...”
David clears his throat and slips his phone out of his pocket. He swipes through some photos in his camera roll and lands on a photo of y/n and me. It’s from a cocktail party he hosted a few years ago. Jack, y/n, and I are sitting on the grass in Rossi’s backyard playing with dandelions. I can still hear their laughter filling the air: Jack’s squeals and y/n’s child-like giggles. We felt like a family. I would give anything to relive those moments of genuine bliss, to feel that sensation of being complete, heart, mind, and soul once more.
“Sometimes,” Rossi begins, “when people are destined to be together, their love grows over an undetermined span of time. It could be months, weeks, even years. You both may feel the shared pain of this rollercoaster called life and the hurt that comes from being separated from one another, but this helps you better grasp the priceless value and purity of the love you share. There is no easy road to love. Anyone who claims otherwise is doomed to be plagued by the mediocrity that is a false sense of security. The path you are on, Aaron is the one walked by the greatest lovers in history. In layman’s terms, don’t screw this up.”
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nincompoopydoo · 3 years
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( gif from this beautiful gifset by @knightwayne )
PAIRING: Bruce Wayne x reader
SUMMARY: Alfred definitely knows something about Bruce that you’re not willing to think about and Bruce has an epiphany that changes the way he sees you.
A/N: Guess who forgot which day pbr is usually posted? This idiot here. God, I’m sorry and this chapter can be boring. Next chapter will have a lot more going on, I promise. Also, this might end in the next chapter or two. Enjoy, folks.
WARNINGS: Kinda dramatic because I’m dramatic.
Driving through the Wayne estate gives you a sense of much-needed peace. The never-ending tunnel with walls of identical colossal pine trees as you faintly hum to Aretha Franklin over the low whirring of the running engine. It’s a quarter to noon, and the sun doesn’t seem to shine in the city of Gotham—clouds of grey constantly shield its optimum shine, only to ever allow rays to seep through the gaps in the moving Autumn wind. You don’t mind it and you never did, growing up in the city left clouds unnoticed to you unless it signified the arrival of a thunderstorm. Weather and nature are the least of your concerns but you would appreciate it now and then.
The tunnel of trees comes to an end as a clearing of extensive fields emerges into view. What is left of the Wayne Manor still stands with ostentation, despite its skeleton along with its dignity rotting away to be eventually consumed by mother nature herself. There’s a sense of eeriness to it; you find it odd how a building could seem so alive at times, like it's watching you, despite its apparent decay.
You turn your head away and focus on the road.
A glance at your hand on the wheel, you’re reminded of last night, when his hands held yours—it burns at the mere thought of his gentle touch. And the drive home, silent with the occasional glances and small smiles. You recall how the passing streetlights cascade hues of orange on his wearied expression and how his eyes were bright when they flit to your figure in the passenger seat for just a moment. Something must have changed between the two of you, but you can’t quite tell what. Maybe it’s your undying love for Bruce. Maybe he feels the same way. You snort to yourself, alone in your car, one can only dream but it doesn’t mean they all come true. Bruce may love but he doesn’t commit. You can’t commit too. Now, you’re starting to believe you’ve been lying to yourself.
The glasshouse comes into view as you steer around the bending road and into the driveway. It contradicts everything the manor was but only shared its sense of glory. You like the glasshouse, less deafening and structured with the purpose of bareness and vulnerability but its dark furnishings keep it grounded and secure. Its sense of balance tricks your mind into thinking you’re stable. His car is still around, parked by the porch but you don’t see him, ambling around the household.
Switching off the ignition, you snatch the paper bag from the passenger seat and clamber out of the car. Darker clouds begin rolling from afar, your hair flying in the strong wind. A storm is coming, you’re sure of it. One of the rare times it rains during the season. You dread the thought of having to drive back into the city and across Westward Bridge. Driving over bridges built over the water in the rain scares the heck out of you.
As you swing the car door to a close, you hear the shuffling of feet amongst leaves behind you. Alfred, with a barrel of chopped wood—stocking up for the winter. There’s a glimmer of amusement in his eyes albeit startled by your sudden presence. He mentions your name with endearment; you greet him with a small smile. You always liked Alfred. You enjoyed his company.
“What a pleasant surprise seeing you here,” he says, pushing the barrel aside as he nears you. “I’m afraid you just missed Bruce. He left for Metropolis an hour ago—duty calls.”
You nod, ignoring the clench in your heart. He hadn’t told you anything but frankly, you weren’t expecting him to anyway.
“Well, I just came by to drop off this,” You lift the paper bag, swaying it a little within your grasp. “As a thank you gift, you know.” Alfred smiles at this, gestures towards the house in a beckoning manner. “Come on in, I’ll make you some tea.” Before you could even protest, he’s gently guiding you to the door by the shoulder. It’s hard to say no to Alfred, especially when he offers tea.
Your mind wonders as you watch the drizzle of rain form ripples in the lake. You sit on a chair with a contemporary structure to it; it digs into your lower back, due to your bad posture. Uncomfortable but nice-looking and great armrests. Contradicts everything a chair should be. Alfred emerges from the kitchen with a black ceramic mug in hand, steam from the brewed tea lingering above it. He holds an identical mug, for himself. With two hands, you clasp onto the mug with acceptance, a radiant appreciative smile upon your lips. “Thank you, Mr. Pennyworth.” Alfred shoots you a look of disdain, “I’ve told you many times, Alfred is fine.” Taking a sip, you shake your head, a smile still lingering. “No way. I have too much respect for you to call you by your first name.” Alfred mirrors you, settling for the chair to your right, swiftly sliding the scatter of papers to the corner of the table. You find it easy to fall into a natural conversation with the older man—the two of you are mutuals after all of a certain billionaire. Yet, Alfred is more of a father figure, having practically raised Bruce and you, well, it’s complicated. It always is. You don’t know where you stand in his life, and you're not sure if you want to know.
“Anyway, where have you been? I haven’t seen you in weeks.” It’s true. The usual sight of the butler sauntering around the glasshouse or somewhere in the Wayne Estate was absent during the last two weeks. Alfred is always around, his disappearance was glaring, impossible to go unnoticed.
He shifts in his seat, placing his mug on the table, teaspoon moving with a soft clang. “I was visiting family back in England. I appreciate that you have noticed my absence,” An eyebrow raises, your laugh comes out more like a huff. “Always, Mr. Pennyworth.”
Family. Mother. Dinner—you remember the dinner with your mother on Sunday night, and you’re the host. The host hasn't decided on the menu for tomorrow’s meal. Oh God, it’s tomorrow. Procrastination is your friend but your family’s expectations for you aren't. If you pop enough wine bottles, maybe she'll be too drunk to be disappointed by the end of the night.
And the wedding. The mere thought makes you sick. You don’t want to bring a date, but you don’t want to be alone. Weddings, love, couples—it makes you tick. It’s a glaring reminder of how your love life is an absolute disaster and your inability to maintain relationships. It’s hopeless, you’ll die a spinster and everyone lives happily ever after.
“Are you alright?”
It’s funny how those three words have been the most frequent words you would hear from those around you. You appreciate the concern, really, but you can’t help but feel there’s a stronger and deeper meaning to those words. It’s a question of assurance, a reality check, and a realization that you might be broken. Everyone is broken—in their own ways.
Although you seem reserved to some people, your tendency to open up about your issues to those close to you contradicts that though you instantly regret it. Especially when people tell you to change. You hate change. It’s terrifying.
You pause, suddenly feeling...fidgety. Yet, in the words of Bruce: In Alfred, you trust.
Remember, keep it light. You don’t want to haul all this luggage of yours onto an aging man. He’s already got Bruce’s luggage.
“My cousin’s getting married in two weeks and,” you sigh, he listens intently. “And as pathetic as this sounds, I really don’t want to go to it alone.”
Your words are direct, straightforward and you sound like a whiny teenager or the main character in a Wattpad story but truth be told, there’s an underlying meaning to it and you know, Alfred knows it. You just don’t want to admit it.
He takes a beat, assessing your sentence like he’s a therapist, wanting to select his words carefully. “Well, I don’t think you’re pathetic. It’s...understandable,” he flashes you a pointed look and you find yourself straightening your back. “Why don’t you ask Bruce?”
Your brain must have short-circuited at that moment.
Oh, hell no. Not in a million years.
You’re shaking your head, laughing nervously. “No, no. No. Never. I couldn’t possibly ask him to do that. He’s already done so much for me—”
“You’ve done a lot for him too.”
A pause, words stuck in your throat. You just look at Alfred through confused eyes. You’re not sure what that means. He’s staring at you with a knowing look. You sigh, shaking your head in denial once more. “No, that’s...that’s not true.”
It’s almost infuriating how stubborn you can be sometimes that it’s even irritating yourself. You’re staring at your fingers, playing with the tag attached to the teabag by a thread. As far as you’re concerned, Bruce is...the greatest friend you’ve ever had. Through thick and thin, he’s been there for you. He’s always there. It’s partly the reason why you have fallen for him in the first place. Hard. He’s easy to love when he wears his heart on his sleeve. It’s rare but it’s beautiful. You almost feel ashamed to be allowed to see him in that light.
“Bruce will do just about anything for you,” Alfred says calmly as he watches you avoid eye contact. “And I know, you’ll do the same for him.” You throw your eyes at the older man as he cops you a look. Your heart is beating so fast, so thunderous, you hear it in your ears. He’s right and you know it. That accidental kiss to your forehead on the night you asked him to come for the play comes back to mind in a flash. It feels like a mark on your forehead, it feels like it’s burning.
“Would you like a scone with that?” He’s pointing to your tea and with that, he’s off to the kitchen once more, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
It’s late—a quarter to four in the morning. He spends most of his nights in the Batcave, hidden away from all the sounds and tumult of the world, shrouded in the darkness as the light of the computer screen cascades on his tired eyes. He ambles through the glasshouse, weary feet against hardwood floors, body begging to lay on grey sheets though he dreads a vacant bed.
He strains his eyes peering into the gloom when he perceives a paper bag, sitting idly on the table by the window. Nearing it, there’s a yellow post-it note stuck onto the bag and under the gentle light from the moon that reflects against the lake, he can make out words written on it.
It’s from you.
Thanks for coming to the play. I would have bought you something else, but I’m really broke. Sorry. I owe you one.
A drawn heart follows it. It’s tiny. His chest feels warm.
He should have recognized the paper bag because inside, there are four bagels. Four Asiago bagels. He laughs, it comes out more like a puff of hot air, feeling the warmth that resides in his chest spreading throughout his body.
Then, it hits him like a bullet to the heart. The impact is strong, powerful. Your impact on him is strong, powerful. There’s no mystery to his feelings for you but at this moment, he’s completely certain. For the first time in life.
He loves you.
Bruce staggers into the chair, hand carding back the strands of his hair. He can’t keep doing this to you. Whatever the hell is going on. Your friendship, the...stupid agreement. He wants none of it because it feels like he’s constantly going around in circles.
But what do you really want, Bruce?
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innocence - 02
PAIRING: bodyguard!bucky barnes x innocent actress!reader
WARNINGS: age gap
A/N: i’m still stunned at how many of you are enjoying this story. thank you so so much for your support. much love xx
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Bucky always woke up at 5AM and waking up at 5 AM was already considered a victory for him - to sleep through the night. Once the digital clock flashed 5 AM in electric red, his eyes were wide open, the sight of constant darkness being the only thing he could see. His routine was precise, as precise as time itself and it barely changed - gym then a dark cup of coffee followed by reading whatever coffee side table book Steve would linger around.
Y/N, unlike him, didn’t have a precise routine. She enjoyed routine but her mornings were always her own time, away from everything. On her free days she would try to wake up by at least 10. After she was fully awake she would turn on the TV in her bedroom and turn on the kettle for a nice tea. She would then lay in bed, surrounded by her blankets and dressed in an oversized cardigan while some random show played.
Bucky’s mornings were always filled with people coming in and out, that was life living in the Avengers headquarters. Some mornings he thought about moving into the apartment in Brooklyn but that would just upset Steve. Heck, he didn’t even know Bucky had bought the apartment, it had been an impulse buy and he would go there every week to check on it. However, Brooklyn wasn’t as close to Y/N’s in SoHo so he guessed he would stay. Y/N’s mornings on the other hand were quiet, too quiet. It was just her, just her in a two bedroom apartment in the middle of wealthy SoHo.
      - Morning, Buck. - Steve, like always, walked into the kitchen, coffee mug saying number one dad in hand. He always had this smile that Bucky couldn’t find the words, a smile that was almost glad that he was still alive yet pitiful. The pure look of someone who’s been burdened, a mother to a child’s look, one she didn’t want. - Excited for guarding your first client?
      - Feels more like guarding property. - he mumbled over the dark coffee, chugging it all before anymore questions could be asked. 
It shouldn’t be a hard day, he thought to himself, mostly looking after her if she decided to go out for anything. He had looked into her profile, she was an easy target. Almost always wearing heels, flowey clothing, things that wouldn’t help her if someone was after her. Anyway, looked like an easy job, easier than saving the world.
Meanwhile, Y/N was laid in the middle of her covers, remote in hand as she skimmed through the channels. Looking around she noticed the loneliness she was in, the empty walls decorated with her own choosing but still empty. No sounds, too quiet. 
She rose from the bed, big socks touching the cedar wood floor as she padded up to the kitchen. The agency had had everything decorated and the fridge stocked but as she opened the door she couldn’t find a single thing she wanted to eat. Disappointed, she closed the fridge, leaning against it to look at the rest of the flat. It was quiet, too quiet, filled with the sounds of quiet if that was even a physically possible thing. She let herself slide down the fridge front, sitting on the floor as she thought about what to do. She didn’t have her script yet, or at least more than two pages of it and going outside was the least thing she wanted to do today.
Y/N was about to fall asleep on the ground against her fridge, she heard footsteps. Quickly, she got onto her feet, rushing over to the door so fast she almost slipped. Pushing the peep hole away she put herself on her tippy toes to see if one of the neighbours was home.
     - Y/N, are you staring out the peep hole? - the person whose steps belonged too was definitely better than any neighbour. Quickly, she unlocked the door, pushing the metal that held it shut to the wall and opened it to see Bucky in a much more casual attire than before. Red henley with some loose dark jeans looked better in her opinion. - If you hear someone it’s always a terrible idea to use the peep hole. Almost always let’s them know someone’s in.
     - Then what are peep holes for? - Bucky playfully rolled his eyes but not before observing what she was wearing. She looked more comfortable. - Do you wanna come in? 
     - Miss Olson said I am to wait outside your door until you want to leave the apartment.
     - What if someone broke my window and took me?
     - Trust me, Y/N. I would know and would win that fight. 
     - You sure you don’t wanna come in? I could cook you some breakfast. Whatever you like. - she had that shine in her eyes, Bucky couldn’t explain it. He just knew it didn’t felt forced but she surely was nervous judging by the pushing of her oversized cardigan’s sleeve to cover her hand. - The agency filled my fridge with so much food I don’t know what to do with it.
     - I’m not a breakfast kind of person, Y/N.
     - Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. - her small hand came to rest over his wrist, pulling at it so he would go inside. He found it amusing how someone who was much shorter than him, head barely hitting his collarbones, would try to move him. Although, surprising wasn’t the fact that he moved but the fact that she touched him, she touched the Winter Soldier.
Bucky wasn’t a kid anymore, he wasn’t naive and he lacked Steve’s “all good” view of the world so he knew what people thought of him. They thought he had been of use but at the end of the day he had been the Winter Soldier for 70 years. They didn’t dare touch him but her she was inviting him into her home and touching him as if he were an old friend.
Once he got in, he immediately looked at everything. There were fake flowers everywhere in little glass jars, if they were broken and she were trying to escape she would get hurt, too many windows and not a lot of mirrored surfaces, people could look in. 
     - Would you like some pancakes? French toast? - her voice interrupted his inspection. - My mom was a cook, I can cook pretty much whatever you want. Can’t promise it will be as good as a cook’s but it’ll be edible.
     - You really don’t need to feed me, Y/N. - his gaze returned to her apartment, open doors everywhere.
     - I just thought ... since you’re going to be around a while we should be friendly with each other. - she looked down at her feet before looking up again, head slightly looking to the side. - I don’t know anyone in here, I didn’t even pick this apartment so I thought I would at least get to know you.
She felt ashamed, heat seemed to radiate from her cheeks to her whole body. Back at the theatre everyone knew each other, they all had show themed hoodies and would say hi whenever they came in and left but things in Hollywood were different. In her first movie she had made friends with only one cast member who still spoke to her but everyone else did their job and returned to their lives without a single hello. She thought that maybe knowing Bucky would make having someone constantly in her life a bit easier but she understood his position.
Bucky himself seemed to read that all on her face and as he did a thought popped into his head “they are gonna eat her alive”. 
     - Let’s try that French Toast. - she smiled at his answer, once again pulling his hand towards the kitchen. It was spacious for a SoHo flat, with cut edge technology and also a very visible knife set. He would have to tell her to put that somewhere else. 
She on the other hand quickly assembled all she needed, placing it on the marble countertop, a happy grin on her face as she started to prepare the meal. It reminded him of memories he had tried to suppress.
     - Mum’s a cook, why are you an actress? - those memories were still memories he wasn’t ready to get back and as such he reckoned speaking with her would keep it out. 
     - I don’t really know how to explain it. - she smiled, pulling a few hair strands behind her ear. - My mum took me to a musical after I didn’t get cast in the nativity play. It was Phantom of the Opera, I just remembered that chandelier rising and crashing and the energy of the performers. There was just ... that was time stopping and rushing at the same time. And the look on the performers faces as they finished a piece, god it was just, I had never seen and I don’t think I have ever seen such passion in someone’s face. 
Bucky moved his head ever so slightly, she seemed to be lost in her own memories, a daydream gaze washing over her features. He wondered what it was like to have memories to be proud of.
     - I’m sorry, I must sound like a sap. Why do you become a bodyguard?
     - I like a challenge.
     - That’s what you told me yesterday. - she placed a beautiful set plate in front of him. Beautiful things make beautiful things, that’s what his mother once told him. Maybe she was right.
     - What can I say, I’m not that interesting. 
     - I don’t know if that’s true. - she added a coffee cup to the French Toast, before pulling a chair. - You know, if I’m at home you don’t need to be outside my door, you can come in.
     - I wouldn’t want to intrude on your personal space.
     - It’s not really my personal space. The agency bought the flat and decorated it themselves so I guess it’s just the space I live in. I don’t really know the city yet so you’re mostly waiting outside for nothing. - she shrugged.
    - How long have you been in New York?
    - A little over 5 months. I was in California during my last movie and prior to that I was living in Haymarket in London. How long have you been in New York?
    - I was born in Brooklyn, about half hour away from here. Lived here my whole life ever since ... at least the part of it I could control.
Bucky waited to see that pity look, the one everyone in the team seemed to give them whenever they looked at him but she didn’t. She merely wrapped her hand around his, caring smile of someone who almost looked proud he existed or proud he was alive. They’re gonna eat her alive, he thought to himself once again.
    - Hey, you could show me around. - she suggested, jumping from the high chair onto the floor.
    - I don’t hang around SoHo, Y/N. 
    - Well, you could show me Brooklyn. Isn’t Coney Island in Brooklyn?
    - You wanna go to Coney Island? - he chuckled. - I don’t think your agency would enjoy that. Too public.
    - They don’t need to know. - she smirked playfully. - If you don’t tell them they won’t know.
    - You’re a celebrity, trust me you’ll be noticed. 
    - You said on your CV you were good at blending and disappearing into a crowd. Please, I’ll get you whatever you want in Coney Island.
    - Whatever I want? - he furrowed his eyebrows at her and she nodded. - Alright, Y/N.
taglist: @disasterbii @lookiamtrying @buckysteveloki-me @nsfwsebbie @americasass81 @jamesbarnesappreciationclub @lostinthebeans @mariahthelioness29 @buckyandsebastian @peaches-roses-sins @theadorasabditory @sipsteacasually @tonystankschild @saiyanprincessswanie @booktease21 @noiralei @learisa @everythingisoverrated @uglipotata72829 @naturalthrone22 @husherstan @mandiiblanche @vicmc624 @newyorkgoddess​ 
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