#every witch way incorrect
yourfangirl420 · 1 year
Pov : Jax teaches Maddie how to make clones and the school fills with a smoothie throwing maddies
Jax : "you can use your clone to make your homework "
Maddie : "not i have already have kattie for that"
Jax : "so what you going to use them for"
Maddie : "smoothies "
Jax : :"to make you smoothies"
Maddie : "no. don't be silly "
Maddie : "to throw them on people in the hall"
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belovedhoon · 21 days
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belovedhoon's 2024 halloween spooktacular masterpost
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hey y'all! here is my master post for my halloween spooktacular! i have decided to come out with a new halloween/spooky themed fic for every week of october! send an ask to be added to the taglist!! (Must have ages in bio)<3
due to the fact that most (if not all) of these fics contain dark content i'm asking that MDNI (you shouldn't be on my blog at all tbh)
taglist: @hmusunoo , @st1llm0nster , @lonelybutterflytae , @multifictionx
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details below the cut >>>>>>
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fandom: nct dream pairing: franken monster! jaemin x fem drs daughter! reader wc: tba contains: angst, mentions of death, mentions of abuse, fluff (for some sections) synopsis: y/n knew that her dad johnny was a doctor and sometimes his scientific experiments were a little outlandish but she never would have expected her father to be hiding such a dark secret. how was she to know that her own father was doing freakish horrible experiments on the dead, that he had brought one of the dead to life? what will she do when she finds said ‘experiment’ in the locked basement her father demanded she never enter? will she freak out or will she help him when he calls out to her?
prey or pray?
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fandom: riize pairing: demon! Wonbin x witch fem! reader wc: tba contains: angst, mentions of death, suicidal thoughts, murder, smut, fluff (at the end) synopsis: y/n has heard whispers about the capability of summoning the descendant of lucifer himself and bounding him to themself to do their deeds. when y/n hears these rumors she runs with the possibility. why does she need to summon him to do her deeds? why to get revenge on those who murdered her beloved shotaro of course. they must pay and y/n will do whatever it takes to get that revenge even if she does have to deal with a moody demon who seems to hate her guts.
come closer
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fandom: ateez pairing: pirate! hongjoong x fem siren! reader wc: tba contains: dark content, angst, murder, character death, no happy ending (sorry) synopsis: hongjoong is a fearless captain of the sea who preys on anyone he can to get what he wants, no matter how innocent they are. some would call him evil, most wouldn’t even dare to even think about talking ill of him for fear of what he would do to them. hongjoong takes and takes and takes without any regard for human life or any life for that matter. what will he do when he’s out to sea and hears a beautifully majestic tune? he gravitates towards it of course he can’t help but be allured by the beautiful woman calling out to him…surely she can’t be bad if she sings so beautifully right? hongjoong makes the incorrect assumption that she is a harmless mermaid that he can force to do his will, but oh how wrong he is. what happens when the predator becomes the prey?
masked secrets
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fandom: tomorrow x together pairing: yeonjun x fem ghostface! reader wc: tba contains: dark topics, murder, gore, angst, smut synopsis: when murders started popping up quickly around campus, everyone was terrified to go to class, let alone leave their dorms. who could be responsible for these heinous killings and why? no one can be trusted in yeonjun’s eyes except for his best friend y/n, i mean why wouldn’t he trust her? she was so shy and reserved…there’s no way she could do something like this…right?…right…?
blood moon
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fandom: enhypen and &team pairing: vampire prince! sunghoon x human princess f! reader x werewolf prince! nicholas wc: tba contains: (slight angst in some parts), mentions of war, fluff, smut, happy ending (finally) synopsis: sunghoon, y/n, and nicholas have been best friends ever since they were young children. they met in the prestige school for royals, decelis academy. they grew up knowing that they were fated together, that they were going to be the ones to end the war between the vampire, werewolf, and human races. they were told that when the blood moon came about in the sky they were to marry and complete a ritual to produce an heir so that this could put a stop to the wars raging on in front of their very eyes. they knew this, of course, they’ve always known this however they never would have imagined it being so soon after they graduated from decelis academy.
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mysteryshoptls · 7 months
SSR Azul Ashengrotto - Platinum Jacket Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Azul: That painting was done by a painter from the Coral Sea… I'm rather surprised at the number of merfolk focused paintings here in a museum on the surface.
Azul: I suppose I should expect nothing less from this Land of Dawning Museum with 100 years of history lining its halls. Their collection includes a wide variety of works.
Azul: Fufu, it does bring me pride a supporter of the museum. I must do my part well… Oh?
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???: She's a lot bigger than I expected… Did the Sea Witch really need to grow to such a size…?
Azul: Well, well, Jamil-san. If there is anything I can elucidate you on this painting of the Sea Witch, I would happy to do so.
Jamil: Don't just listen in on someone else's personal mutterings like that. Your ears just pick up everything, huh.
Azul: The scene depicted in this painting is of when the Sea Witch was admonishing someone who tried to change their contract.
Jamil: And don't just start explaining without being prompted. Even I know about the story of when she transformed to that titanic size.
Jamil: But when I actually see this painting in person, she's just much larger than I had imagined… It's just hard to believe.
Azul: You believe this depiction is a fictional exaggeration of what actually happened?
Azul: I completely understand that. I had the same thoughts the first time I saw this painting.
Azul: Nevertheless, this painting has faithfully reproduced a well-known legend passed down in the Coral Sea.
Azul: The Sea Witch embodies the spirit of compassion. And yet, she also demonstrated her anger at the mer who broke their contract.
Azul: But all of it was for the purpose to reform the soul of the mer who had acted in bad faith!
Jamil: What, she disciplined them for their own good? …Actually, yeah, there are some people who don't learn their lesson from just a light scolding.
Azul: Indeed. That is how it is taught in the Coral Sea.
Azul: You cannot just spoil someone rotten, there needs to be some discipline as well. I believe that shows true compassion.
Jamil: I can't believe something reasonable actually came from your mouth… What's wrong, are you sick or something?
Azul: Not at all. I only say this because there was someone close to me who would do the exact same thing.
Jamil: You personally know a mer who is similar to the Sea Witch? Who could that be?
Azul: My grandmother.
Azul: She always dotes on me… And when I was a child, I was definitely spoiled rotten by her.
Azul: However, she didn't hold back on scolding me when I didn't heed her advice and mixed some dangerous potions together.
Azul: And that was beyond terrifying… She was as furious as whirlpools in a strait.
Jamil: Whirlpools in a strait, huh… I bet that was as intense at the Sea Witch in this painting.
Azul: Indeed she was. Even if I had wanted to swim away, my legs were shaking so much, I couldn't even move.
Azul: However, I do understand now that she was tough because she had been worried about me.
Azul: Even after leaving home, I diligently put forth the effort every single day while always remembering her teachings.
Azul: So whenever I go to work, I remember what she would say to me, and use that to strengthen myself before beginning.
Azul: She would say… "Become a mer who is capable of helping someone else."
Jamil: …I see.
Jamil: I gotta say, I wasn't expecting you to be that much of a grandma's boy. That's a bit of a shocker.
Azul: A grandma's boy… Well, I suppose. I am who I am now thanks to her.
Azul: Of course, it also wouldn't be incorrect to say that I learned the importance of proper compensation from her, either.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Azul: This is… a painting that depicts story of when the Fairest Queen disguised herself as an old woman and visited a young girl who lived in a forest.
Azul: If I recall, as a way to help the young girl in love, she personally came to deliver apples that the she needed for a dish.
Jamil: So she was going to get through to her love interest through their stomach, hm. If the Fairest Queen herself brought them all the way there, those apples must have been especially delicious.
Azul: Indeed, one can almost smell that sweet apple aroma just by looking at this painting.
Azul: I'm sure it would be rather difficult for a painter from the oceans to draw such a real-looking apple.
Jamil: You think? Apples are imported under the sea, too. I feel like they could draw it by looking at that…
Azul: Of course, we absolutely can get our hands of apples in the sea. However, there is a large difference in how the light hits it and how the color shines upon it when it is at the sea floor compared to the surface.
Azul: Unless that painter has spent enough years on land, the way they draw them will be completely different from how they look on land.
Jamil: Interesting. Speaking of differences, Azul… Is it true that things smell differently on land and in the sea?
Azul: Oh, you're quite knowledgeable.
Azul: It often does feel as though the same things smell differently under the sea or on the surface.
Azul: When I first came on land, every scent was new to me, so every time I came across something new, I made it a point to determine its aroma.
Jamil: You just went around sniffing everything left and right… Haha, makes me laugh just imagining it.
Jamil: I bet everything smelling different caused some confusion, huh.
Azul: I suppose so. However, I did make some new discoveries. I especially found my meal times to be very valuable.
Azul: I can never forget that moment I realized just how different the flavors of ingredients that we also had in the ocean could be just from the change in aroma.
Azul: People do often say that fragrance is a valuable part of determining the taste factor of a dish.
Jamil: That's true. Oftentimes spices are used as a way to add fragrance in the same way.
Jamil: So, what was the dish that made you realize that even the same ingredients could affect the flavor?
Azul: Just a simple grilled dish. Char-grilled meat or fish, for example.
Azul: Of course, I've eaten things made on land underwater before, but the flavor was completely different.
Jamil: Char-grilling, hm. I can definitely see that as having a different flavor, since those dishes heavily rely on aromas.
Azul: Indeed. As such, at Jade and Floyd's suggestion, we had a barbeque soon after we came to the surface…
Azul: However, our ingredients became charred due to our inability to control the heat properly, and smoke kept getting into our eyes… It was one hardship after another, since we had no idea how to do it effectively.
Azul: Not to mention that Jade and Floyd found it entertaining to keep blowing the smoke in my direction… It was a wretched time.
Jamil: Sounds like fun to me. I can picture just how disgruntled you must have been.
Azul: Oh, is that right? I'll make sure to invite you next time, Jamil-san, since you seem interested.
Jamil: …I think I'll pass, actually.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Jamil: This is a painting of the Lord of the Underworld and his human helper from his legends, huh. This lady looks pretty unhappy.
Azul: It is said that they would have troubles compromising often, and it seems that she is very reluctant towards something here.
Azul: In addition, she had failed in a task that the Lord had given her, and made a major misstep by reporting incorrect information.
Azul: However, he didn't abandon her and instead gave her a chance to redeem herself.
Azul: How utterly generous he is… The Lord of the Underworld is a wonderful inspiration as someone who knows how to rouse his people.
Jamil: Well, I can't deny that, but… To me, there's something to be said about being too tolerant.
Jamil: I know I personally would rather not have an increase in workload because something gets promised without thinking.
Azul: Are you perhaps talking about matter of raising the PR level of Night Raven College that the Headmage requested?
Azul: When that topic was brought up in the last Housewarden meeting, Kalim-san was so forthright in accepting the task.
Jamil: You accepted it, too. This is an unbearable weight on me, and my fellow dorm students, you know.
Jamil: I get why softhearted Kalim took it on, but why would you go out of your way to accept this sort of annoying task?
Azul: No reason why… The Headmage was in need, so I volunteered out of the goodness of my heart.
Azul: Also… If this PR were to succeed, then it would be beneficial to me, as well.
Jamil: Beneficial to you?
Azul: If the good name of our academy is spread, then that will also reflect on us, you see?
Azul: More than ever people will recognize us as being students from that Night Raven College…
Azul: And if it is a grand success, then as one of the organizers, I may have the chance to grow my own opportunities.
Jamil: So that's why. You're completely different from Kalim, who just took it on because the Headmage asked.
Jamil: But anyway, this is all just hypothetical, right? There's also the chance that it's all just a waste of time and effort.
Azul: That is true. However, that is no reason to sit back and do nothing.
Azul: My main goal while at this academy is to maximize my own marketability before heading out into society.
Azul: In order to achieve that, there is nothing I am unwilling to do. I must take every opportunity that is given to me.
Jamil: Sigh, that's just like you.
Jamil: Speaking of which, have you already come up with how you're planning on increasing PR?
Jamil: I hear that the organizer will have to implement the best idea personally. That's a pretty hefty load, don't you think?
Azul: Fufu, I can't go into details, but… Of course, I've thought of some feasible ideas.
Azul: If you're interested, why not join us, Jamil-san?
Azul: It would be remiss if I were to completely monopolize this wonderful of an opportunity.
Jamil: No thanks. I'll be leaving now before I get wrapped up in anything troublesome.
Azul: Fufu, and there he slips away from me. …Hm? This painting…
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Azul: It's the mermaid who fell in love with a human from one of the Sea Witch's legends. She seems so naïve and vulnerable; one prone to being led on.
Azul: Fufu… The world is cruel, after all. I wonder how much of reality she actually understood.
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Requested by @pianostarinwonderland.
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lokisgoodgirl · 1 month
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If you hear a strange sound, it's just me weeping because of A) the ending and basically just everything and B) That it's over.
I didn't think I liked books that broke my heart-but I guess I was wrong. TSOA is SO beautiful, every page just had something that made my insides melt, and I legit just closed it and cried into the couch for like 5 minutes. I didn't think I'd love it as much as Circe but I was incorrect. It made me swoon, it made me laugh, it made me hug Mr LGG real tight. My only regret is I wasn't reading it on holiday, somewhere warm- because the richness of Greece and water and sand were so tangiable it was weird to look up and see rain on the window.
Anyway, 5 stars. Amazing. Worth the hype it had, any day of the week. Madeline Miller is a goddess or a witch, either way I am a disciple 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
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concerningwolves · 2 years
Also, this talk about scapegoating ND people because of "incorrect" or "weird" behaviours vividly reminds me of this time in middle school when our entire year group did this desert island survival team-building exercise.
I've blanked most of it from my memory because the whole scenario was unspeakably miserable, but I don't think I'll ever forget what happened when the teachers introduced a Traitors-type mechanic. Basically, they randomly picked a student who would "sabotage" the "supplies" by stealing some (iirc, these were a stock of those little beanbags we used in PE), and we were supposed to work together to salvage the situation.
What actually happened was a witch hunt for the saboteur, and because I (undiagnosed autistic) wasn't reacting "correctly" to the situation, everyone came down on me. I remember standing in the corridor while a bunch of people that I called acquaintances, and some who I considered friends, all crowded around asking me if I was the thief. I think I might have been almost hysterical, because I started laughing and grinning in that painfully embarrassed way while I protested my innocence, and they took this as further "proof" and pressed me harder. I remember feeling absolutely filthy with hot-and-cold sweat, so frustrated I wanted to cry, because nobody would believe me. They were convinced it was me, because I'd committed some social transgression or other that I didn't understand, and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it.
The teachers put a stop to it in the end. (I think they actually cancelled the entire exercise, but maybe it was just that particular aspect they scrapped). Our form teacher gave everyone a very disappointed talk and revealed that the real thief was someone nobody had even glanced at, because he was popular and well-liked. I don't remember if anyone ever apologised to me. One of my friends told me I'd been "over-reacting", because it was "just a game", but to me it'd felt like a microcosm of my social life with the stakes dialled up a 100%.
I will always be able to point to that instance as the first time I became really, excruciatingly aware just how Different I was. For some reason, I'd put a target on myself, I thought. I know now that it was actually a case of ableism and inherent biases against neurodivergent behaviors, but that's a recent revelation. And my heart breaks when I think about how that kind of thing happens every day, all across the world, because so many societies train people to see ND traits as red flags.
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thebiggerbear · 1 year
The Ghosts Are Coming For You - One - Another One
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Pairing: Beau x Female!Reader; Beau x Female!Detective!Reader
A/N: This is my first foray into the character x reader side of writing. I hope it's okay and you guys like it.
To my lovely beta @rieleatiel, you rock girl!
Disclaimer: Let me just say up front, I have never worked in law enforcement so I tried to piece together things I’ve seen and heard in true crime documentaries and podcasts alongside with movies/tv and books. I apologize for any inconsistencies, incorrect information, exaggerations, or complete fallacies. Also, this story is going to take place over a few months. Some things might be delayed or appear illogical to not have been thought of before they take place in the timeline, but it’s purely for story purposes.
Tl;dr: I made shit up.
Warnings: death, graphic descriptions of murder, mention of past sexual assaults, mention of dead body, discussion of dead bodies
Word Count: 7065
Series Masterlist
Series Taglist: @deans-spinster-witch; @superrey; @fromcaintodean; @stoneyggirl2; @zepskies; @lacilou; @perpetualabsurdity; @deansbbyx; @syrma-sensei; @globetrotter28; @roseblue373; @angelbabyyy99; @hobby27
Beau Taglist: @heartlessdelusions; @nancymcl; @birdiellie; @illicithallways; @muhahaha303
This chapter was recc'ed by @winchestergirl2 here.
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“Got it, Cap. We’re on our way.” 
You made your way over to your partner, Jack Darcy, with your brows raised in question as you handed him his coffee. “New case?”
He gave you an appreciative smile. “Yep. Body found on a property over on Missoula. Cap said we need to get our asses over there asap.”
“Okay,” you sighed, opening the passenger door. 
Once you and Jack were settled inside the car, he turned a smirk on you after pulling away from the curb. “What’s wrong, Y/L/N? Getting tired of Homicide already?”
You shrugged half-heartedly, keeping your eyes on the road. “Just another day, another body.”
“You’ve only been working this beat for four months. It can’t be that bad.”
It was that bad. Transferring to Montana from New York, you prepared yourself for small city life, thinking things would slow down since the local population you’d be protecting and serving had drastically reduced from over a million to thousands. Boy, had you been wrong. 
“Four months and five years,” you corrected. You’d worked your way up to Homicide in Manhattan but once you got there, as good as you were at it, it wasn’t where you wanted to stay. Hence the transfer to Big Sky Country. You had heard Montana was beautiful and not as chaotically complicated as the Big Apple. So far, only one of those things had proven to be true. Something you thought about as you stared out the window at the clear blue sky.
“Yeah, but, you have to admit, things aren’t as crazy here. We’re lucky to get, what, maybe three cases a week?” 
“That’s three too many,” you muttered. In the reflection of your window, you saw Jack roll his eyes but he stayed quiet. In the short time you’d been partnered, he already knew to leave things be when you’d get in this type of mood, which seemed to happen every time you got a new case lately.
The truth was that you were tired — tired of the bodies piling up, tired of the horrors you saw that people could inflict on one another. Not to mention you couldn’t even begin to count how many unsolved homicide cases there were, active and cold. Once you landed here, you noticed the differences right away between your former precinct and your new one, resources and budgets being two of them. Your unit was smaller than your previous one and the bureaucratic bullshit that existed everywhere no matter the location in the country was even different in its own ways. You told yourself that you were making a difference, just like you had back in New York, but lately, that mantra wasn’t cutting it. Unbeknownst to Jack or anyone else in the squad, you were starting to wonder if maybe you should pursue a different path in law enforcement, transfer to a different department. Just like your former partner had urged you to do back when he left. Though, what that could be and if it was even possible, you had no idea, but you were thinking about it.
You opened your window slightly, feeling the crisp air hitting you, and it encouraged you to take a deep breath, ignoring the fact that you were barreling towards yet another murder scene, yet another poor soul that had met with a foul end at someone else’s hand. 
Jack listed off the details he had been told so far about the case that had been dropped in your laps, making your eyes close in pain and had you grabbing at your necklace under your shirt. Memories flashed through your mind of a crying family, a picture of a smiling young girl in her high school graduation cap and gown with her proudly holding up her diploma, and a sinister smile from an older man in an interrogation room as his eyes hungrily roved over pictures of the crime scene he was accused of creating. You shook your head to clear your mind and took another deep breath of the Montana air in order to assist in dispeling the thoughts, helping you keep your feet in the present you found yourself in and serving as a reminder to leave the past behind as you had promised yourself you would when you moved out here.
As horrible as this new case sounded, you hoped it wouldn’t be connected to the string of murders you and Jack had been investigating since your arrival. 
And almost as if your partner had heard your thoughts, he spoke it into existence. “It might not be connected,” he said hopefully, echoing your own wish. “It might be a standalone. Some random.” 
“Could be,” you agreed. “But you know as well as I do that it already sounds like the same MO.”
Jack thought over that for a moment. “We won’t know for sure until we get there and take a look around,” he reminded you. He didn’t want it to be connected anymore than you did.
You nodded and decided to leave it for now, knowing he was right. You needed to get there and start your own investigation; that was the only way to know for certain if this victim would be added to the already sizable file you had sitting on your desk back at the station. 
As Jack sped you both towards the scene, you offered up a silent prayer to whoever was listening that you wouldn’t need to add this person’s name to your growing list, and that you’d find whoever was responsible. While you were at it, you also prayed for the one thing you asked every single day: for people to stop hurting one another. It might be an impossible thought when there were 8 billion people running around the planet but you still asked nonetheless. If it was answered, you’d be out of a job, yet you would never be so happy to have to look for a new line of work. However, until that prayer was answered or until you made the decision to move on from Homicide, you’d still continue to work the cases and do your best to find answers as well as justice for the victims alongside the loved ones left behind to suffer.
Gripping the pendant on your necklace, you took another deep breath and put your game face on when Jack pulled up to the scene swarming with Helena PD officers and yellow crime scene tape, bordered by curious neighbors and local media. The white sheet instantly caught your eye and you turned to Jack, both of you exchanging a nod before getting out of the car to make your way towards the newest crime scene of your case files list.
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You were still inspecting the body when you heard Jack mutter, “Aw, hell.” You glanced up, furrowing your brows in question. He inclined his head towards a Bronco that had just pulled up to the scene.
You turned to see a blonde woman and a man with a Stetson on his head exit the vehicle. The glint of a badge caught your eye from the man’s belt when he moved to close the door. Both he and the woman started glancing around, walking up to one of the officers standing sentry at the surrounding crime scene tape and speaking with him. You exchanged a glance with Jack before returning your attention to the body. “Deputies from the Sheriff’s Department?”
Your precinct had clashed with them before, though clashed was a bit of a strong word. Compared to Manhattan, the two departments played better together in their joint sandbox; still, that didn’t mean there wasn’t the occasional pissing match, especially when there was a possibility of jurisdictions overlapping. You had heard all about it from your coworkers but it rarely ever happened when you and Jack caught a case.
“The sheriff,” Jack clarified, making you gape up at him in surprise before turning to look over the man with the hat and beard again with a more discerning eye. 
“He’s…young.” He was definitely not what you expected, and you were even more surprised that he hadn’t driven himself to the scene, idly wondering if his department vehicle was possibly in the shop.
“Youngest they’ve ever had I’ve heard, and a transplant from Texas, too. One of the good ol’ boys.” So, this was the sheriff you’d heard so much about. Who was the blonde then? You watched as the officer the two had been speaking to held up the tape and let them through. 
And as if he could read your mind, Jack then added, inclining his head in the blonde’s direction, “That’s his undersheriff, Jenny Hoyt.” You recognized the name. You’d heard of her as well. A bit of a wildcard, that one, and she didn’t play too well with others at times. “She’s a local. Rumor also has it that she gets plenty under the sheriff.” You glared over at your partner. He laughed and threw his hands up. “Hey, I’m just saying that’s the rumor.”
Rolling your eyes, you went back to your job. You were studying the shallow scrapes on the back of the woman’s wrist when you heard Jack snapping his gloves off and saw him get up out of the corner of your eye.
“Sheriff,” he greeted. “Jack Darcy, Homicide.”
 The man gave him a nod. “Beau Arlen. So, what do we have here?” You could hear the twang coming through. He was from Texas alright.
“37 year old female victim, yet to be identified. Homeowner found her this morning when he was letting his dog out, called us right away.”
“Coroner get a look at her yet?”
“He’s en route. Detective Y/L/N and I are doing the initial workup, we’ll let him take over when he gets here. You know the drill.”
“Oh, I do.”
“Do we have any idea on motive?” Through your peripherals, you saw the undersheriff take off her sunglasses and hold out her hand for gloves. An officer handed her a pair and you could hear the tell-tale snapping.
“None yet. Appears to be a brutal stabbing and her throat was cut. Attack could have happened overnight, while she was walking or waiting for a ride, we’re not sure yet. It’s really too early to tell on motive, but don’t worry, Sheriff, we got it from here.” Jack was giving them just enough info to address what they were seeing while also politely shooing them away. You were grateful for it. You weren’t done examining the body or the scene just yet. 
The sheriff chuckled good-naturedly. “I’m sure you do. We heard the call and we were in the area, so we figured we’d drop by and see if you city boys needed any help.”
You bit your lip to keep the wiseass remark you wanted to make from slipping out of your mouth. Jack was right; he sounded like one of the good ol’ boys. He probably meant well but damn did it irritate you when you heard remarks like that, especially when you were mid-investigation onsite. Neither you nor Jack had time for this. Nevertheless, you swallowed down the retort and instead focused on the scene. You had only been here for four months so you were still new, and if you wanted to make a leap somewhere down the line, you needed to play nice and not cause any waves.
In the corner of your vision, Hoyt had bent down on the opposite side of the body, her fingers inspecting the woman’s neck where the more severe gashes were. “Any initial impression on the actual cause of death?”
Okay, fuck playing nice. You weren’t territorial or easily bothered, but other than Jack, you didn’t remember asking for another partner. Any other case you’d have just rolled your eyes and sat back while she did her own workup, entertained at her thinking she would know better than yours or Jack’s experience in homicide, but not today and definitely not this case. “Well, I’m no M.E. but I’d say the huge knife wound to the heart along with the throat slash are pretty good bets for being the culprit. Though we’d have to rule out strangulation based on the ligature marks on her neck, you know, just to be safe.” 
“Strangulation, too? That’s overkill,” Hoyt murmured, clearly not picking up on your sarcasm. 
“Hence homicide.” You ignored her glare and went back to doing your job. Jack chuckled under his breath at your smartassery.
“Well, we’ll just get out of your way and let you continue playing Coroner then.”
You shrugged, not caring in the least about her attitude. “That’d be great, thanks.” The sooner she cleared out and let you finish doing your job, the better.
She scoffed. “There’s no need to be so—”
“Hoyt,” the sheriff warned. “Play nice. Let’s try and remember we’re all on the same team here.”
You couldn’t help but smirk when the sheriff pulled on her leash. Undersheriff or not, how dare she push her way into your crime scene and start questioning you?
Jack spoke up then. “Sheriff Arlen, Hoyt, this is my partner, Detective Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Pleasure,” you ground out, still staring down at the marks on the victim’s neck and the pattern of bruising that was starting to become eerily familiar.
“Likewise,” the sheriff replied. Hoyt stayed silent, her narrowed eyes trained on you.
Jack exchanged glances with the man before clearing his throat. “Anyway, Sheriff, as you can see, we’ve got things well in hand. We appreciate you stopping by, though.”
Beau shot him an amiable smile. “Of course. We’ll get out of your hair. Come on, Hoyt, let’s leave them to it.”
Hoyt never broke her gaze away from you as she got to her feet, snapping off her gloves. You smirked wider, shaking your head in amusement.
Jack’s phone started ringing and he grabbed it. “Sorry, gotta take this.” At Beau waving him off, he immediately picked up the call. “Yeah, Cap? Ah, we’re still going over it but—yeah she’s looking at the body right now. Looks like the attack didn’t happen onsite but she’s confirming that right—.”
“She wasn’t attacked here,” you confirmed for him, never taking your eyes off of the scene in front of you.
“Sorry, Cap, one sec. What was that, Y/L/N?”
You slowly lifted your eyes to his. “She wasn’t killed onsite.” You saw Jack’s shoulders slump slightly and any hope he had held onto when taking Anderson’s call immediately go right out of him. You both already knew as much, the signs of a body dump surrounding the scene, but Jack didn’t want to be the bearer of that news to your captain.
Jack told Captain Anderson he’d call him right back and promptly hung up. “You’re sure?” He asked, sounding deflated.
You gave him a nod, glancing at him somewhat sympathetically. “Positive.”
Your partner sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Shit.”
“What makes you so sure?” Hoyt questioned, her arms crossed and scowl trained on you.
So begins the pissing match. Fighting the urge to roll your eyes, you pointed to the body. “What’s the one thing missing from this scene that should be everywhere?” 
Both the blonde and the sheriff quickly scanned the area. “Blood,” the man answered.
“Blood,” you confirmed. “There are no footprints or drag marks around the body. No ID, barefoot, clothes are slightly torn and oversaturated with blood but otherwise holding up well, blood and mud-stained soles of her feet on a well manicured lawn after a dry evening with no blood drops or trails anywhere, decomp is more advanced than it should be if she died last night…she was dumped here.” You then pointed to the shallow cuts you found near the victim’s hands and wrists. “And she fought like hell.” You let your eyes linger on the victim for a moment, shaking your head sadly, and got up with a sigh. “She was tortured for a while before she was killed.” 
“But why dump the body here? On some random person’s lawn in the middle of the city where the killer could have easily been seen or caught on camera? Why not leave her somewhere she’d never be found, where they wouldn’t have to risk themselves being seen?” 
Your gaze moved over to Jack, both of you already knowing the answer to all of that, and he heaved his own heavy sigh.
“To send a message,” he answered. 
“A message? To whom?” Hoyt asked. 
Your eyes never leaving Jack’s, you snapped your gloves off, both of you opting not to share anything outside of the department. If Hoyt wanted answers, she could call Anderson and he could field that one. “That’s what we’re going to try to find out. Darcy, let’s start sifting through missing person reports from the last few days to see if any match her description.”
“She could have been held longer than that,” Hoyt piped in.
You turned a glare on her. “No, she couldn’t have.” What was with this blonde? Her boss who outranked her already told her to leave it alone. So why couldn’t she just leave you to your crime scene that you clearly knew more about than she did and just be gone already? One glance at the sheriff studying the two of you intently answered that for you. She was trying to show you up in front of him or show off for him, you weren’t quite sure which. 
“What makes you so sure?” Hoyt was outright smirking at you now, content in her attempt to ruffle your feathers. 
“As I said, the clothes are in excellent condition despite being soiled and there’s also the state of decomposition of the body. Had she been held longer than the time frame I just mentioned and say, killed yesterday, the state of the clothes would be much worse and they would have started deteriorating sooner. Not to mention her pedicure was not that old. Cuticles are pressed and intact.”
“She could have touched it up herself before she was taken. Or gotten it done right before.”
“Hoyt.” Beau gave her a look when she turned her smirk on him. “Let it go. They’ve got it.”
“That’s alright.” You took a step closer, staring down Hoyt and smirking right back. “Undersheriff Hoyt, if you would like to take over the investigation, by all means.” You waved a hand at the scene in front of you, ignoring Jack’s wide eyes and the motions he made with his hand to get you to rescind that offer. “If you’d like, I can make sure the State is made aware that you are now heading this case.”
“Wait, State’s involved?” The sheriff asked in surprise that then turned dubious.
“They are,” you answered before Jack could, never looking away from the blonde.
“Already?” Hoyt asked, suspicion clear as day on her face.
“Already,” you confirmed, no hesitation. “So shall I call them and tell them that this is now your case?”
Hoyt’s smirk had dropped long ago and the scowl was back in place. She considered you for a moment and then stuck her nose up in the air, downright glaring at you. But she didn’t say a word.
The sheriff took note of yours and Hoyt’s standoff as well as Jack’s anxious expression, then cleared his throat. “Like I said before, we’ll leave you to it.”
You nodded curtly, more than satisfied at the turn of events, and glanced back at Jack. “Call Anderson and update him. We’re looking at another one.”
He gave you a somber nod and moved away to do just that.
You couldn’t resist turning back to Hoyt with a syrupy sweet smile. “Like I said before, a pleasure.” Your smile faded and your eyes burned into hers as you spun on your heel to walk away, knowing that was the end of that little dick measuring contest and who had won. As entertaining as it had all been, you had work to do.
“Hold up a sec,” the man next to her called out.
You took a deep breath and turned, seeing Hoyt and Sheriff Arlen exchanging a glance. The latter locked eyes with you and put his hands on his hips. “You said it was another one. Just how many victims have you had show up with this MO?”
Hoyt arched her brows expectantly at you, waiting for you to answer.
“I’m not at liberty to discuss any ongoing investigations in the Helena Police Department. If you have any questions, you can direct them to my captain. Jack can give you the number.” You then walked away, heading back to the car, more than eager to take a minute for yourself and collect your thoughts under the guise of needing to make a call. You couldn’t believe you and Jack had yet another victim on your hands this soon. The guy you were after didn’t appear to be slowing down at all; if anything, he was picking up his pace, and that worried you. 
It shouldn’t have surprised you when the sheriff was suddenly next to you, matching your stride. “Bureaucratic bullshit aside, I need to know, are we dealing with something nasty here?”
“Nastier than someone brutally torturing and killing another person, then dumping the body somewhere she’s sure to be found so another person can be terrorized?”
“Good point. But you know what I mean. I saw you and Dorsey back there, I know there’s something you’re not saying. Are we talking about a serial killer or something else?” He shook his head when you didn’t answer him. “Come on, Detective Y/L/N, tell me what we’re dealing with here.”
You let out a breath and stopped in your tracks, turning to face him. “It’s Darcy. And we are not talking about anything or dealing with anything together. As I said, if you have any questions, you can direct them to—”
“Your Captain, yeah, I got it.” He took a deep breath and his hands were back on his belt, green eyes pleading with you though there was a sharp edge to them. “Listen, if there’s something serious going on in my county, I need to know about it. If the shoe was on the other foot, we’d give you the professional courtesy, you know that.” You had to admit that he had a point, though you weren’t exactly sure how he didn’t already know about the growing threat, from local media coverage to small town folks talking. You may have oversold State’s involvement earlier to get Hoyt off of your backs so you could continue to do your jobs without further interference, but nothing could be further from the truth. Captain Anderson as well as the Chief were doing everything they could to keep things tight and close to the vest. A serial killer on the loose in this area wasn’t exactly unheard of; there had been the Bleeding Heart killer that evaded capture for years until recently. However, your bosses were under the strict impression that people didn’t need to worry about another potential problem, possibly breaking through the front doors of their homes, or abducting and killing their neighbors quite so soon. It would look like they couldn’t get a handle on their city, people would be too scared to leave their homes, people would stop coming through here, and Helena would become known as a haven for serial killers. At least that’s all of the bullshit reasoning you’d heard so far.
You personally disagreed with it all; you had learned first hand back in New York how valuable it could be to the investigation to keep the local population on alert, and how it might help reduce the number of victims. It could even provide a break in the case. Out here, in a close knit community such as this one, well, public awareness was not always viewed the same way hence all the bullshit justifications in keeping it quiet. At least as far as you had seen with this particular string of murders, anyway.
But even with your bosses working hard to keep a lid on things, how had this sheriff or his department not somehow become aware of what was going on right under their very noses?
Your gaze flickered back to the scene, seeing Jack talking with Hoyt, most likely in the same position you were in since the sheriff duo obviously decided to try to divide and conquer, before it landed back on the man in front of you. Seeing the concern layering his brow, his expression determined, you decided the hell with it. You’d made the case to Anderson more than once for things to go public, to lean on State more, to compare notes with other law enforcement such as the Sheriff’s Department to see if there were any other patterns or victims you were unaware of, missing or dead, or maybe even reported attempts at abduction or someone seeing something strange that could help turn the tide. Yet each time, you’d been denied and politely warned to keep your mouth shut, your head down, and to focus on your job. Well, you were already thinking of a change; what could it hurt to let this earnest looking sheriff know what was really going on? Perhaps he’d even do something with the limited information you could give him and jurisdiction squabbles aside, would it really be so bad to have another pair of eyes on the lookout for the same things you were? You didn’t think so. “Bureaucratic bullshit aside, nothing has been officially determined yet. For this case or..any others.”
His eyes tightened. “How many are we looking at so far?”
You bit your lip and turned to look at the officers surrounding the area. “Five.”
“And she’s the sixth?”
“If it’s determined that this fits that MO, then yes.”
“Based on your previous cases, does it?”
You gave him a look, staying silent. He knew you couldn’t answer that outright.
The sheriff let out a sigh and dropped his gaze to the ground. “Span of time?”
“Four in the last four months.” His head snapped up, his mouth hanging open. “That’s since I’ve been here. One was found right before I showed up.” 
He nodded and glanced back towards the scene. “Goddamn,” he said under his breath. After a moment, he turned back to you. His features started to relax slightly and the beginning of a smile began to form on his lips. “So, that’s why I haven’t seen you around before. I was wondering. Four months, huh? How’re you liking it so far?”
You glanced back in the direction of the body. “Seriously considering a change of address,” you muttered. “Maybe something tropical. People seem happier near beaches. I’m thinking it’s gotta be the sand, bikinis, and free-flowing booze. That or people are just too exhausted from being in the sun all day. I think that’d suit me just fine.”
A warm laugh escaped him as his bright smile graced you, reaching up to his eyes this time. It made you nearly smile in response, it was that infectious. He was certainly attractive and he had the whole sexy cowboy sheriff vibe working for him, complete with hat. For a split second, you wondered what could have happened had you met him at one of the local bars some night where your introduction to one another would have been vastly different. You tried to picture yourself line dancing at some country bar he might frequent but couldn’t. You’d tried it once but never really cared for it. You were more of a swayer and every so often (with a certain amount of liquid courage or lust coursing through your veins) a grinder. Instead, you might have grabbed his hat off of his head to get his attention and plopped it on yours, uttering the cheesy line of “Save a horse, ride a cowboy” or something to keep his focus squarely on you for the rest of the night. Before you could get too carried away in your thoughts, seeing an officer moving past you reminded you of why you were here. You needed to concentrate and get your head back into the game.     
“Oh, come on,” he urged, thankfully completely oblivious to what you had been thinking. “It’s only been four months! It took me at least six to settle in when I moved up here. You’ve got to give it at least that. I do copy you on the beaches thing, though. Definitely a slower pace.”
“Right? Though it’s gotta be a real pain in the ass to collect evidence in between tourists and the saltwater. You know what? Maybe I should just change careers. I’ll become a lifeguard. Bring some Baywatch to the Bahamas.” Oh no, that sounded flirty, hadn’t it? You hadn’t meant for it to sound flirty. 
His eyes lit up slightly but his amiable smile stayed the same. “I have no doubt in my mind you could.”
You nearly smirked but forced yourself to look disappointed. “But then again, there are sharks in the Bahamas, so maybe my Baywatch lifeguard audition will have to wait until, say, never.”
“Well, that’s a crying shame. Just when I thought I’d finally make the plane ride to the Bahamas.” His voice had dipped in register and his gaze burned into you, making you almost shiver. It was very obvious what he was thinking and you were thankful you were surrounded by several officers, your partner included, because there was no telling what you’d do if it was just the two of you and he looked at you like that. You had a very good idea of what he’d do and you found that you didn’t mind all that much, if you two weren’t on the job and he wasn’t already involved with someone else.
You forced yourself to focus, holding a hand up. “Alright, slow your roll there, Hasselhoff. You want to swim with the sharks, you go right ahead. Me? I’m staying on dry land, thank you very much.” He laughed again and you rolled your eyes, crossing your arms, thankful that you had been able to change the course of that conversation. “So, six months, huh? From Texas I take it?”
His smile got brighter if that were even possible. “The accent that obvious?”
“The accent, the hat, the whole cowboy vibe you’ve got going on.” You gestured to him with a hand.
“You got something against cowboys?” He teased.
“Nope. It’s just that we don’t see too many of those in the Big Apple.”
“New York, huh? Should’ve known. You’ve got the whole SVU vibe working for you.”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes again. Like you hadn’t heard that one before. “Not every female detective from Manhattan is named Olivia Benson and not all of us work out of SVU.”
He held his hands up, still smiling. “I didn’t mean anything by it, darlin’.” At your raised brows, he chuckled. “Just a friendly term where I come from. I didn’t mean anything by that either.”
“Uh huh.” You spun on your heel and continued your trek to the car, nodding your thanks at the officer who lifted the crime scene tape for you to pass under. The sheriff continued to dog your steps which made you smile discreetly. 
“So, tell me, how do people on that tiny island live all squished together like that?” He wondered.
“I don’t know, one and a half million people somehow manage to figure it out every day.”
“One and a half million? Son of a bitch.” You had just reached the vehicle when he turned to you. “Who am I kidding? I come from Houston and we have even more people there. Except we’re spread out and have more room to roam.” He chuckled, expecting you to find that as funny as he did. 
You gave him a polite smile and opened your door, waiting. “Was there anything else you needed, Sheriff?”
“Please, call me Beau. And yeah, there was one more thing.” You arched a brow up at him and his grin melted into a different smile altogether, making something flip inside your stomach. Uh oh. You were back in that murky territory from a moment ago. “I was wondering if you’d let me take you to dinner.”
Your gaze snapped to where Jack was currently talking on his phone. Hoyt wasn’t too far from him, watching your every move, you swung your head back to find the sheriff staring at you expectantly, the same smile from before sitting on his bearded face. You decided not to beat around the bush. “I was under the impression that you were…otherwise engaged.” 
His brows began to furrow in confusion. “How do you mean?”
You inclined your head back in Hoyt’s direction. He quickly glanced over and then back to you. “What, Hoyt? No, we’re just partners. She’s my undersheriff and a friend, nothing more.” You shot him a look and he laughed. “I’m serious, there’s nothing going on. I’m free as a bird. So, how about that date?”
You bit your lip in thought, trying to think of the best way to politely turn him down. You really, really wanted to accept, to see where this might go, even if it was just a one time thing, but the way Hoyt was eyeing him and you right now, there was bound to be trouble there, even if it was only a simple dinner between you and the cowboy. Which, as Beau had said before, was a crying shame. He seemed nice enough but you really couldn’t afford to make waves, not if you planned to secure another transfer after such a short stint up here. You would have to politely decline his invitation. “I’m probably going to be working late, especially with this new case. Thank you for the offer, though.”
He tilted his head, smiling wider at you. “Come on, you gotta eat sometime. Besides, what kind of sheriff would I be if I didn’t show a newcomer such as yourself some of the great things Helena has to offer? Like the steakhouse I’d like to take you to. They have the best ribeye in the whole county, hand to God.”
You could see that he expected that to do the trick. So, you turned the tables on him. You closed the door and crossed your arms. “Texas, didn’t you already pump me for information about this case? I gave you what I could. There’s nothing else I can give you.”
His eyes flashed at your last statement. Uh oh. “I doubt that’s true but be that as it may, I’m not asking you to dinner to talk about work. As a matter of fact, I have a strict policy during dinner: no work-talk. So, what do you say, darlin’? Let me take you out?”
You glared up at him. “Will you drop the darlin’?”
“If you really want me to,” he agreed.
“I really want you to.”
“Consider it done. May I call you by your first name then?”
“I’d prefer it to darlin’.”
“Alright. Y/N. Now that we’ve got that settled, I’ll pick you up at your place, say around…7?”
Shit, were you really going to do this? You could not afford to make waves. There wasn’t really anything stopping you. You two worked for different departments, precincts even. He wasn’t your superior and while he outranked you, you weren’t working with him. He had addressed the Hoyt issue head on, assuring you they weren’t involved. You two were grown adults, able to just have a nice meal together. Besides, you hadn’t had a good steak in a while and what could it hurt? Although, you couldn’t have him come to your house because you were pretty sure you’d never make it past the porch, not with the way he had been eyeing you up earlier, not with how often your thoughts headed in that direction.
You noticed him lick his lips as he waited for your answer. It easily could have been a nervous tic, thinking you’d might turn him down, but your brain zoned in on the action. His smile was warm, infectious, and you hadn’t terribly minded your little banter before. You could probably have a somewhat decent time and get along fairly well. Before you knew it, you were agreeing to let him take you to dinner. “Make it 7:30, outside the precinct. I’ll be done around then.”
When he grinned happily, you felt that same flip-type feeling from earlier. Maybe dinner with someone other than Jack and something other than takeout on the fly wouldn’t be so bad. It’s not like you were promising the man anything other than a meal filled with conversation. And he had been right, you could eat, though you’d never admit it to him. It’s not like you were jumping right into bed with him…hence why you asked him to pick you up at the precinct.
“7:30 it is. I’ll see you then, Y/N.” He flashed you another smile and turned to walk away.
“See you then, Texas.” 
He tipped his hat in your direction, his eyes taking forever to leave you, and headed back over to the scowling blonde. Figures — the first guy to officially ask you out since your move here would be within the vicinity of a crime scene, not to mention the whole little flirtation moment. That was just your luck, wasn’t it? A part of you even wondered if you were normal for accepting his offer at said scene, not knowing a thing about him or once thinking it odd that he chose this to be his moment after seeing a dead woman who had been stabbed repeatedly by some sick bastard.
You shook your head, unsure of what the hell you had just gotten yourself into, thinking your whole life was a weird mess, so what was one more strange thing? You sat inside the passenger seat of the car, laying your head back against the headrest as thoughts of this case ran through your mind. 
Another one. How the hell was that even possible? There were now six victims with the same MO. Knife to the chest, ending in the heart, after their throat had been slashed but before they completely bled out. And this was after they’d been tortured for hours, days even, where they’d been repeatedly strangled to the point of unconsciousness and then brought back so more horrors and pain could be inflicted on them. It reminded you of a series of homicides you’d worked back in Manhattan, with an eerily similar MO; the difference was that those victims were sexually assaulted, asphyxiated with a plastic bag over their heads repeatedly, and their bodies were dropped off at different anchor points, not some random location where the body was guaranteed to be discovered within a short amount of time and it would put the killer at risk to be easily spotted by passersby or security cameras. Not to mention, you had closed the Manhattan case; the bastard was still sitting in jail — you’d checked.
You slipped your necklace from underneath your shirt and began to move the pendant back and forth as you thought it over some more. The victims here in Montana matched one description: a woman in her mid to late 30’s, usually turned out to be single or at the least casually dating, nothing serious. She always had Y/H/C hair, working hard in her chosen career or job, and she appeared to have been a decent dresser while doing the upkeep required for her fingernails and toenails. That was really what prompted your hunch about the pedicure that you couldn’t tell Hoyt, and let’s face it, wouldn’t tell her unless you were forced to. The territorial blonde had definitely left a bitter taste in your mouth.
But the New York victims had been women of various sizes, races, ages, and stations in life. One was a sex worker, one was a single mom, one was a lawyer from the Upper East side, one had been a late teen fresh out of high school… You closed your eyes in pain, gripping your pendant tightly. That had been one of your toughest cases to date. You didn’t like to think about it but that had been the one to light a fire deep within you to do whatever it took to hunt down the sick bastard who had done that to her. You worked tirelessly with your partner, trying to fit the pieces together, and run down the very little clues you had. In the end, it had all paid off. You made sure you were present that day in court for that son of a bitch’s sentencing.  
You opened your eyes and thought back to your current case. Every detail of this scene fit the details of previous scenes to a tee, minus the location where the body had been dumped. But the why of the dumping seemed to fit into a pattern. Something kept prodding at you, pulling at your instincts. Something was off here. You knew you were dealing with a serial but something kept pushing at you about Manhattan… It had to be the similarities. It was only natural for you to recall your experience when you saw similar MO’s in trying to figure out who was behind the killing and what their motivation was. Yes, that was it. 
You were interrupted in your reverie by your cell phone ringing. You answered it on the first ring. “Yeah?”
“I need you up here,” Jack requested.
“On my way.” You hung up and took a deep breath, slipping your necklace back under your shirt, and stepped out of the car, intent on heading back up to where your partner was. You both needed to figure this out and fast. You knew this woman was about to be added to the list of murder victims that had been the work of a serial you were currently tracking down, and based on how frequently he was doing this, he was only just getting started.
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Wednesday characters with a southern s/o
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Wednesday: She has found you to have a very charming voice. She does not think your southern drawl is very hard to understand or very annoying but she won't tell you that, but it does get on her nerves when you occasionally use words that are grammatically incorrect. Such as saying "I seen.." She has explained to you that saying "I have seen.." would make more sense when recounting an event but if you keep doing it she does find a soft spot for it, she has learned to like your accent. It’s very attractive, especially the way you pronounce “Wednesday”. She enjoys that you can make all kinds of southern phrases sound lovely to her. She loves it when you call her your “little witch”, or your “mischief” Since she will often hear you call other people darling and sweetheart.
Enid: Having an attractive southern romantic partner is a treat that not many others have. Enid loves having a southern sweetheart in her life because you always treat her with respect and adoration. She thinks you're always extremely polite and chivalrous, opening doors for her and pulling her chair out at restaurants. She doesn't like it when others try to get you wound up and listen to your accent get thicker but does love hearing how you say the same thing as her just differently and it's always a surefire way to cheer her up.
Xavier: Oh, he thinks it's a lot of fun. He loves your southern drawl, and he finds it to be so cute and charming. Even when you get mad, and start swearing up a storm, he can't get mad it's just so adorable. It is a little annoying sometimes as not everyone understands your accent, which can cause some misunderstandings especially after he noticed your southern drawl gets a lot thicker when he teases you playfully. Loves it when you start being a bit sassy toward him if he pushes too far. When you both tease each other, you both can often go into a bit of a little argument, and he can tell your trying to resist laughing a bit it's actually really adorable to him.
Rowan: He thinks southern accents are the most attractive accents in the world. He can't get enough of your sweet southern accent and dialect. He absolutely melts whenever you say "y'all, bless your heart, sugar, baby, mama, honey, dear, sweetheart, babe, sweet-tea, etc", It's rough sometimes. Especially because you can speak too fast for him and sometimes the words just mash together like goulash. He'll think the biggest issue is when you use "y’all" because he keeps thinking you're talking to or about multiple people. But the real icing on the cake is when you say “I love you” or when you call him “Honey”.
Tyler: He thinks it can be frustrating sometimes because he has to concentrate on everything you say or tell you to repeat/slow down so he feels like he has a chance. He has wished you would just be quiet sometimes and stop speaking like he teases by saying, cowboy. Your accent was one of the reasons why he fell in love with you though. It’s unique and not everyone gets to hear it every day. It’s just adorable but he was confused when you said you liked his accent even if it is to tease him.
Ajax: It was not easy to understand you in the beginning. But once he got used to the accent, he found your accent absolutely cute he guesses he is now used to it and he likes it even if people do have to come to him asking what it was you said. He finds it unique and it makes you special to him. (If you were to try to get rid of your accent or hide it, that would feel like some part of you was gone and he wouldn’t like that. A thick accent is actually part of who you are).
Bianca: She thinks having a southern romantic partner is lovely but also a challenge in some ways. You both come from different backgrounds and you each want the other to embrace your cultures. This is great because it brings more color and culture into your lives and your relationship. However, it can also create tension since you both need to learn to appreciate and respect the other's culture. The challenge is worth it, but it does take effort and compromise. In the end, has really come to enjoy when you sweet talk her more so when you will use words commonly regarded as a sign of endearment such as "darling" and "sweetheart" to describe her as you think that she is most pleasant and attractive.
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pabl0andm3 · 4 months
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Our dinner | P.2
Warning: Incorrect grammar
Authors note: Hey guys I finally upload the part.2 i literally forgot to upload it AHAHHA.And yes I changed the Title because It's a secret HEHE. And I would like to thank you guys for the likes on my P.1 story it means so much to me 🌺💮🦢
I woke up early in the morning to start my day I literally haven't planned on waking up early since it's Saturday and all I do is Stay home and chill. My fight with Pablo is still not ok we haven't sorted it out. Neither of us Want to apologize and about last night Pablo went home in the middle of the night knocking loud on the door.
And now that It's Saturday maybe this is the time we talk about our argument. Because I'm that type of person who doesn't like drama especially fights. I even regret Yelling at him for not taking me out maybe I'm being dramatic like he said. While I'm lost in my thoughts I didn't hear the bedroom door open revealing a tired Pablo. I was making us breakfast i expect him to hug me or talk to me about our fight last night but instead he grab his phone and type something that made him SMILE! wth.
I sighed while still cooking at the pancakes and when I'm done making pancakes I grab some plates for us and I made way to the fridge to find something to drink and I pick an orange juice for Pablo and apple juice for me. Once everything is Done I take the pancakes out and put in each plate and I also take some blueberry, strawberry and honey to Finish the pancakes. After that I didn't call him to breakfast after his behavior this morning he must be The one who talk or try because he's the MAN ! but oh well...
I was eating my food while scrolling to TikTok and I saw him washing his hand and take some fork to eat pancakes without a single word spoke to him not even a "thank you" or smile but NONE he didn't show any emotions. I finish my pancakes fast because I don't want to his Face Right now. Once I finish eating I put the dishes on the sink and Test him if he wash mines call me Brat but this man is On my nerves right now.
I went to the bathroom to shower a "long relaxing shower" after that I put some black shorts and paired it with over size shirt. I'm trying so hard not to steel his Comfy hoodies thankfully I still manage to not steel some he will for sure think I'm trying to Impress him Hehe. After I did my skincare routine and I put some mascara and lip oil and I'm ready to go downstairs to watch some movies that I have in mind.
While I was searching the movie I want to watch I hear the water drain and I want to look if he was washing the dishes but my mind said No. The water is still turning on and I know that his washing the dishes. After I find the movie I want to watch i get comfy. Half way through the movie I became hungry idk why so I went to the kitchen and when I'm about to open the fridge to grab some Food I find my PLATE witch the pink plate Pablo know that is my plate and This Animal is not washing my dishes.
I sighed and wash my dishes as I put the plate on the drawer while suddenly Pablo was in the living room clicking another movie my jaw drop on how disrespectful his behavior was I didn't say anything and went to him and pay his shoulder and said. " Gavi why did you turn off the movie I watch " he turn to me and said "come here" I did what he said and he turn off the movie while I make my self comfortable. "can we talk" he said minutes later
"Mhmm" I reply while looking at the ceiling " I'm sorry I really am. I regret every words I have said to you amor and I know that you will not forgive me easily and I truly understand that because of my stupid behavior but I just want you to know that I'm sorry and believe me or not I don't know how to apologize and that uhm I'm really really sorry I love you and I promise I will not do it again" he said while he take your hand slowly and stroking it with his thum.
"Look babe thank you for apologizing and I appreciate that but I need see actions to prove that you are really sorry because Last time we argue you always said the word "I will not do it again" which was a lie. And I'm sorry to for Testing your temper and I want to see if you really sorry or not. " I said calmly. " Yes amor I will show you " he said while hug and that day everything change ......
After the day you and Pablo talk about your argument Pablo change so much. He now go home Early to see you he even make you morning breakfast which was rare because he doesn't know how to cook and when you ask him "who told you to cook babe" he always answer "It's a secret" you just laugh on how adorable he is. And he often take you out or spoil you with hundreds of gift you always told him it's to much and ofc he's so stubborn to listen.
MONTHS later he is like a sweetheart to you and that you plan on Telling him that you have forgive him. So your plan was to cook dinner and tell him that you forgive him and everything will back to normal. You cook him a soup , a fish, carbonara, and ofc his favorite sushi and for dessert you made him carrot cake and homemade ice cream. You set all the food in the table and after that you change since you fell like Smelling fish HEHE.
After you change you heard the doorbell ring which means that Pablo is here you Excitedly open the door and to see a crying Belen in the door you freeze and said "Mama are you ok come here" you said while you close the door and make her sit on the sofa " Mama do you want to eat I made dinner " you said but nothing came in her mouth she just sob there and you stand up and take some water to help a little "here mama Have some water" you said while handing her the water "thank y.. ou dear" she said while drinking the water.
"Mama can you tell me what's wrong your worrying me" I ask again" dear I'm so sorry to ruin your night but I.. i... I have something to tell you that will break your entire heart " she said and now you feel nervous about what he's talking your thoughts goes on by "did someone die?" , "am I fired at my work", but you shock your thoughts away. "What is it mama" you said in nervous voice " P.. a.. Pablo-" before she could finish when you hear the name of your beloved boyfriend everything stop. " What happened to him" you ask in Trembling voice.
"he... He.... Got in to a car crash and ..and that according to the police that there is a white Lamborghini that overtake him and... And that was the reason he got into car crash and dear I'm sorry but we got him in the hospital and that's when the doctor said he couldn't make it. I'm so so sorry we didn't tell you... but he... He got you this" she said sobbing while I was crying my lungs out I couldn't believe this is happening.
I was crying so hard that I couldn't breathe but lucky Belen was there to help me after a couple of hours we finally calm a little bit and "Dear I'm sorry but I think I need to go and that please tell me if you need anything and if you want to see Pablo tell me so we can drive together yeah?," she said sobbing with red tired eyes. I just nod nothing comes In my mouth. " Uhm also Pablo got this for you the police saw it and have your name written " she said handing me the bouquet of flowers with letter on the top. And that when I lost it I scream and cry on Belen's shoulder my voice was crack my eyes are tires my heart was bleeding with regret and pain. Minutes later Belen finally go home she offered me to go with her but I couldn't stand up and that I need space she understood and hug me.
After Belen go home I finally have the urge to pick the bouquet of flowers I slowly take the letter while I was sobbing so hard. I open the letter to see his adorable handwriting and I read it carefully
" Hello Amor. This bouquet of flowers is for you and l want to say that. Thank you for loving me unconditionally, thank you for giving chances when we argue,thank you for always here for me when ever I want a shoulder to cry on when I want an arms to hug or cuddle me when I need it. And thank you that you change me you turn my anger to calm thank you amor. I want you to know that this day I want to ask if you forgive me or not. But I truly understand if you still don't forgive me. But again I'm sorry for everything. I want to love you the best I could I want to spent to you with all my life. I want you to have my babies and I want to marry you in the future I can't wait to ask you to be my wife.
- your Pablo
And after you read it you scream and cry your heart. "You should have forgive him " you should have react dramatically "you should have loved him more" the words on your head keep running in. You cry in the your shared bedroom while you sob one of Pablo's shirt. You cry like a river you couldn't believe it you want to open your phone to check what time it was but you don't want to see your wallpaper of you and Pablo on your anniversary. You sleep with an arching heart.
You wake up early in the morning you don't know why your heart still heart. You go downstairs to find the table you set for him and knowing he will not go home anymore....
Authors note : AGHHH please tell me if it's good or not. And I'm sorry again with my grammar correct me if I'm wrong sorry. So here it's is.. thank you guys for waiting the PART 2😭🙃
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loudmound · 4 months
What don’t you like about the remake? I gotta know
anon i fear you are going to open pandora's box with this question.
since it was revealed in 2022, i will say that my very passionate, fiery, and searing hatred for its very existence has definitely simmered, and what i hold now in my heart for it is a very... cautious disdain.
i'll do my best to break it down for you.
so... for starters, bloober team, the developers behind the remake, has had something of a muddied history with riding off the coat tails of games past, airlifting concepts from them wholesale, and layers of fear was no different in that respect. there's also the can of worms that is their survival horror title "the medium", which is basically bloober's silent hill 2 before the sh2 remake.
spoilers for the medium, but what can be gleaned from it thematically deeply concerns me as a sh2 fan, i.e. the notion that a victim of csa is simply too far gone and either the player character has to kill her or herself with the adage "you cannot save everyone". not to mention the fact that said victim's abuser was framed in a far more sympathetic light than she was, framing his predatory behavior as a monster controlling him from the inside. it's disgusting and insensitive, simply put.
this theme of "if you're mentally ill or suffer from trauma, you're beyond help and simply better off dead" also appears in their blair witch game, which is... great. from jump, i have had less than favorable opinions on bloober team, not for the quality of their visuals or their gameplay, but what stories they're most interested in telling, and how they go about telling them, exactly.
now, to blanket state that every single person on bloober team are hacks and frauds and don't have a shred of integrity telling the stories that they do would simply be ignorant and incorrect. i wholeheartedly believe that there are individuals working on the sh2 remake right now who want it to be the best that it can be and Very Much Want It To Be Good. it's a shame that these individuals who don't have much in way of creative control are getting thrown under the bus, too.
i can, however, maintain that opinion while also finding their backlog of games prior to the upcoming remake very disconcerting and have that inform my overall level of distrust in their integrity wholesale.
i don't think there's anything that makes me more miffed than thinking about when the first remake trailer dropped.
so, we see our friend jim rush into the bathroom, seemingly out of breath, and wash his hands in the sink. we then get a shot of those hands, trembling with fear. he then takes thumb to palm, rubbing circles into them, presumably as a means to soothe himself. we then get him looking into the mirror, seemingly confused and out of place. he touches his face, much like he does in the original.
now, i understand that the notion of jim's emotionality has been a hotly debated topic. some people like it. some people don't. and i'm one of those people who doesn't. at least in this particular vein. in the original sh2, the cold open we get with james slowly approaching the mirror, shrouded in shadow, running his hand over his face as if he doesn't think he's real immediately sets the tone. we don't know who this man is or why he's here. as far as we know, he's just a random guy looking for somebody. namely: We Do Not Know He's Guilty Of Anything.
jim, however, is OOZING of guilt. he literally washes his hands, for christ's sake. anxiously washing his hands of his deed. the fact that it's more obvious that he's a guilty man from the start rather than further re-contextualizing his behavior throughout the narrative and to the reveal is a very classic blooberism.
bloober has a very bad habit of being... heavy-handed when it wants to implicate. saying what something is without saying it outright. this can be found in the most recent release date trailer, where angela desperately tells james that "[she'll] be good for him" ('him' being her sexually abusive dad, of course) in a scene which looks like she's in front of the giant mirror. in the original, it's apparent that Something's happened to her, but we're not sure what until the abstract daddy boss fight later in the game where she says "or you could just force me. beat me up like he always did."
it's not that sh2 wasn't ever blunt or heavy-handed with its storytelling, of course, but it's a matter of when it's appropriate to forego subtlety. eddie, for example, doesn't make vague allusions to or sugarcoat the abuse that he experienced as a fat person, and that's fitting! being candidly violent and more outward in contrast to angela who for the most part is very withdrawn and meek works very well. sometimes, being blunt is the best course of action for optimal characterization/narrative progression.
also, on the topic of jim... i call him jim simply because he does not read as james to me. he's a new individual that's operating within a james-like role; he's just... simply a different person. he's very, very gritty, and VERY visibly neurotic. to me, he's very much anxiety tunnel-visioning: hyperfocused on one thing that everything else seems to fall by the wayside.
i never got the implication that he was dissociating like the original james is, of which i think is a core trait of his, and probably informs a lot of why i do not read jim as james. this is a very take it or leave it kind of opinion, and it's not that i feel super negatively about jim's characterization, either. it's just... idk i don't think screaming and crying while falling to your knees is a very james thing to do. james fell to his knees silently after he screamed, comparatively. shrug.
it's like... james is a herding dog and jim is a sighthound. same animal, different kind.
and then there's maria. but i wrote a whole post on that already, so you can read that here. people have also written numerous think pieces about why her redesign is so nothingburger, too, so i'm not the only one who thinks this way, either.
angela in the remake is alright. i have my gripes, but she's okay. what concerns me the most is the VERY PERTINENT lack of eddie. he has been very notably absent throughout this whole song and dance, and it's getting fucking ridiculous. WHERE IS HE BLOOBER. I KILL ANOTHER HOSTAGE THE LONGER YOU KEEP HIM FROM US.
all and all, i don't have very high hopes for the sh2 remake, not because it doesn't look good, play good, etc.; the way that a game plays, and even more so how a game looks doesn't matter to me so much as how the narrative is executed. the remake, photorealistically, looks great! the environments are very rich. that's all well and good.
but, again, looks alone cannot sway me. it's nothing that i haven't already seen before done by games past. i'm not excited for a sh2 that looks like a re2r or a re4r, simply put. there was a style developed within the limitations of what the ps2 could handle, and with the massive upscale in technology and photorealism above all else, it's undoubtedly lost. while a matter of taste, of course, i just find myself very straight-faced looking at what teasers we have of the remake. i'm not amazed, nor am i amused! it's as simple as that.
and also, we should mention that at the helm of it all, konami has been milking the silent hill franchise for all it's fucking worth. maybe the members of bloober team are trying to genuinely make a good game for once, but konami wants that money at the end of the day, if the spectacular failures of games past, as well as silent hill themed experiences such as ascension are anything to go by.
also also, this remake is never gonna satisfy every single sh2 fan. that's just the truth of the matter. i think some people are really gonna love it and some are really gonna hate it. realistically, i'll be very meh on it. i can find some things to like about, but that's really it. if i'm cherry-picking things i enjoy about something i'm largely reticent on, i wouldn't call that enthusiasm in the slightest. would you?
anyways, thank you for reading. i hope these answers suffice and satisfy.
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ride-thedragon · 6 months
Nettles Discourse.
I'm a big Nettles fan. I accept that the bias I have towards her can affect my judgement when it comes to negative discussions, no one likes their favourite characters to be undersold or talked about in a negative regard. That being said we've lost the plot yet again when it comes to her.
I know I can be out there with my claims about her (George literally wrote asoiaf to support her narrative), but I do think she's often disregarded about the way she impacts the narrative. Because she does, she leaves some of the biggest questions that carry over into the main series in fire and blood.
. Was she a witch that seduced a prince
. Did her and Daemon spend the rest of their days in the Vale.
. Did she create the burned men
. Is she actually Valyrian
. Can non Valyrians ride and claim dragons.
. What happened to her and Sheepstealer (the dragonskull found in the main series...)
For who she is as a character, she's so misrepresented in the fandom, while I know I'm annoying about her, it's within good reason.
That's without the paedophilia discourse surrounding her character, the race and racism discourse surrounding her character at all times. Someone conflating her popularity and race isn't entirely incorrect.
The way people undermine her written story because they don't like her. The way they will make race and class the forefront of that undermining is quite insane when you see it.
There is also this air of mystery intended by her character that allows for theories and tie-ins to the main plot.
I've said that she mirrors Dany in some regards, which is true. They have a lot of parallels, like Rhaena and Sansa or Baela and Arya.
All this is to say that even though she isn't a main character in Fire and Blood, she's still important, and race does affect the perception of her a lot, which is an issue. We see the same thing with the popularity of Baela and Rhaena in the show, especially. She isn't a pov character or a main focus by any means, but her mystery alone would've had her 10 times more popular if she was a white alternative to that familial ship.
Let's be serious.
Nettles is a child, Nettles is a victim, Nettles was groomed has no basis in the actual story.
If it's a reservation, you hold in the discourse fine, that's great but it's not an in universe thing.
She's legally an adult. She's an impoverished black girl in the narrative who's saved by a prince and a house protecting her against their world's Monarch and escapes on a dragon she claimed and she again escapes and her escape is framed as Daemon's redemption in the narrative.
When people say she was abused by Daemon, they never contextualise it in her character. She's just a poor, 16 year old at the mercy of a prince. That's unfair.
I'll be the first person to scream from the rooftops that Daemon should be held accountable for his every breath in the narrative as well as not being redeemed for all his crimes because he let my favourite character go.
But let's be clear, if someone views their story as romantic, it doesn't mean that they want paedophilia in the narrative. Nettles is closer to Book Brienne's age and perception than she is to Sansa's, two character with prominent ships with men older than them. Nettles is an adult by Westeros standards. (Daemon will burn in hell for messing with teens), but she is an adult.
It's not a question of a person's morality if they ship Daemon and Nettles. They are within the bounds of the world to do so. That's just how they choose to engage with the material instead of being critical and applying our standards to a ship.
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magixfairyix · 2 months
Trix & OC Core Incorrect Quotes 01
After S.S.S. (as in far after) Iorda is consensually kidnapped into the coven as they'd (and the Winx) been friends for four years at this point, and Iorda had gone fully from fairy to a witch a year prior.
Darcy: It was in the third year when you and Icy were fighting, cue crow's dust, and she said 'Now, what am I going to do with you.' Right? >:)
Icy: hOw CaN YoU qUotE tHat?
Darcy: I have a book of your homosexual quotes with Bloom. I had a guess you'd bang/makeout with each other at some point and I decided to keep a book so when you two did relieve the sexual tension I could chuck it at you
Iorda: Hey um... I might've fucked up
Icy: What did you do? Is everyone alive?
Stormy: Technically we both fucked up so...
Darcy: 'Fucked up' by whose standards?
Iorda: 'Fucked up' as in you three will likely approve
Darcy: Alright spill the tea
Icy: It was his fault. He should've been grateful it was Iorda because we all know if Darcy and I was there he wouldn't have been able to walk out of there with his limbs intact
Iorda: Yeah that's what we call illegal Icy
Darcy: BSH fucking with someone's pain reflex is illegal
Icy: They are don't worry. Darcy stop scaring the child
Iorda: Darcy, fuck you. I thought I just did something illegal
Iorda: Since Darcy and I are immune to poison does that mean we can't get intoxicated to death, stung to death by poisonous animals, or get poisoned from drinking human blood?
Icy: Iorda, the hell
Darcy: Eh I don't think human blood is poisonous it just fucks with your body. Also the first it's not necessarily poison. The second though...
Stormy: One, why did you assume we would know?
Iorda: Eh ya'll tried to kill me via poison I thought you'd know
Stormy: Nuff said. Secondly, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Iorda: A lot of shit
Iorda: Yeah turns out it wasn't a daemon, it was Death
Stormy: ... excuse
Iorda: Don't worry I'm alive. Wait... does this add a ninth time considering I 'interacted with death?'
Stormy: ... yeah no shit you're alive. You're talking to us
Iorda: For all you know I could be possessed sthu
Icy: Darcy! You're girlfriend is going fucking insane and please tell me you didn't know that DEATH is real!
Icy: ... You scare me
Stormy: Oh yay mom is back
Iorda: Acually get your ass on here this is revolutionary!
Icy: What is revolutionary and what did you two do?
Iorda: Your ice doesn't melt in blood! ^^
Darcy: Remember when Iorda got stabbed and got a free chiropractic appointment?
Iorda: ... shit my back issues actually disappeared for two years after that so not far off from the truth
Darcy: ... not even gonna question that, but anyway
Stormy: Wait wait wait, what happened after the stabbing?
Icy: Darcy what did you do? (five years too late)
Iorda: You didn't tell them? DARCY THE HELL
Darcy: Damn. Well after that happened a bad migraine hit from the emotion feeling thing so I forgot, so, yeah I didn't tell them. Oops
Iorda: You didn't tell them you broke every bone in my body? Priorities
Darcy: I thought she would
Iorda: Cackling rn holy shit
Stormy: And you did that when you could feel her emotions?! Darcy?!
Darcy That's why I got a hell of a migraine and nausea after. Felt like shit
Iorda: yOu felt like shit?? I was dYinG 
Darcy: Fair, you win
Icy: ... I told you to like, kill her mind or something not bReAk hEr bOnEs
Darcy: Yeah I know I'm a perfectionist ;)
Stormy: Musa is laughing her ass off at this conversation
Iorda: Tell them that they are a traitor
Stormy: Done, they flipped you off. And by the way, I just remembered that were used to compare you to a cockroach because of your inability to die
Icy: Perfectionist my ass. You didn't even finish the job. This is why I'm the coven leader because you all are insane
Iorda: It's not their fault I'm a badass cockroach
Icy: That's also not likely. That'd only happen if Iorda didn't get her blood and magic energy cleansed 
Iorda: .. do what?
Icy: Get your blood and energy cleansed. You know, to get all the curses and whatnot out of your body so you can use your magic properly. Otherwise, you could have difficulty using certain parts of your magic, sleeping, also a sense of paranoia and unease
Darcy: Iorda please tell me you're just you and that you did get your blood and energy cleansed for the love of-
Iorda: And where do you find this information? Just asking~ 
Stormy: They teach us this second year of Cloud Tower, common knowledge. Though it's not taught to faries because it's not relevant and... You didn't go to CT second year, did you?
Icy: Iorda answer
Iorda: ... so tHaTs why I'm shit at psychic magic
Stormy: So we can't speak because otherwise the Ariste will hear us. Only communication is through this chat while we search for potion ingredients
Iorda: The what now?
Stormy: Creatures that'll eat our skin if we make noise
Stormy: JUST RUN!
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uwoo97s · 2 years
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witchboy(?)shotaro ! (poc) florist reader
yandere themes (obsession) , jealousy , delulu taro , ft sungchan & jisung , ji & sung condoning shotaro’s behavior , a brief mentions of chenle , incorrect use of magic spells.
published date/221122
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HE REMEMBERED LIKE IT WAS YESTERDAY — the first time he saw you. how elegant you looked, how pretty your voice sounded as you spoke nothing but soft words to him. oh how the male wished he could hear you speak to him with such tone for eternity.
but that was only in his deepest dreams, he’d be to shy too say anything of such to you out loud. hoping you could get a hint of his feelings through his gestures, which worked in a way(it didn’t.) ? well, in his mind at least because now you were paying more attention to him.
smiling at him every time he walked into the small tavern of a flower shop, letting him receive a hug each time he brought you the flower tulips from down by the pond just a few miles. though you always instated on how he should leave the flowers for the animals, they would need them more than you anyways.
though he loved everytime you hugged him, he always made sure to hug back, hesitation never appearing from him. he’d nuzzle his face slightly in your hair, just to get a sniff of the lavender shampoo you used, it always made your hair smell so nice he really loved it. his hug would always lingering longer than yours, whenever you were ready to pull away, he only pulled you closer not wanting to let you spill from his grasp, which you though of as his friendly abundant nature.
but for him that wasn’t the case. he just didn’t want to let you go. afraid someone would steal you from him, even if you weren’t his. but in his head you were. he even had a whole future planned out for the both of you.
dreaming of you and him in a small cottage not to far from the village and castle, giving you a small garden so you could still do what you loved, and maybe even having a child or two running around and giggling filling the air. he just knew the both of you could, would be happy together.
“it’s completely bizarre! outrageous even! why in the hell would she choose to go out with him?” one could say shotaro was enraged, or in better terms jealous. he found it utterly stupid how you could choose that pathetic man, chenle over him. (though he wasn’t really pathetic, but shotaro just has a too big ego) the male found he was much more attractive and eye appealing than the local knight, he’d admit to that any-day without hesitation.
in your eyes you saw chenle for the charming man he is, (which isn’t in anyway or form a lie.) but for the witchboy, things were rather difficult some would say both knight and witch didn’t get along, that came too be odd and a shock for most local towns folk, including yourself when you’d first heard the news. which happened to be at this very second as sungchan was going on about shotaro , while jisung just stood beside him, nodding or shaking his head and letting small “mhm’s” and “uh-uh’s”. (that put you on edge a bit.)
“so you see.. that’s why our local witchboy seems so upset and hasn’t come to visit you (y/n)” Sungchan spoke aloud , as a ending to his little rant. part of you was still in shock the other, was starting to feel bad. if you’d known that before hand maybe things would’ve been different previously.
you hadn’t truly realized shotaro wasn’t fond of chenle. but now that you knew you really hoped he wouldn’t be too upset about the situation, hoping as your friend he would understand your feelings towards the charming knight.
“so.. i hope you can understand my feelings taro.. i wasn’t aware of your dislike towards chenle, honest!” and it was nothing but honesty as you spoke to him, you’re hands touching at the small flower in your hair. you were nervous, you didn’t know why. having never felt this way around shotaro but maybe it was the longing silence that filled the air after telling him how you felt.
“hm.. it’s okay (y/n)” he gave you a smile, though it wasn’t one showing off his pearly white teeth. it was a calm smile, a smile that also made you return one to him. after that he gave you a wave before walking off, making up a excuse lie , about having to be with jisung and sungchan for a quest.
when truly he was going back to his cottage home, to do much more. if he couldn’t get your love the hard way, then he’d just get it the easy way, and put a spell on you.
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rozecrest · 3 months
i played slay the princess for the first time yesterday! it was really cool!! i have covid so i was like i need to make this day memorable for a different reason and distract myself so i'll finally play this game (similar reason i started reading dunmeshi -- but that was just a scare)... gonna talk about my full run under da cut this post got long. spoilers, of course
okay so i knew a little about this game in that i saw a few screenshots of the princess looking Different so i knew she changed but i didn't know anything about then narrator or the voices or the vessel (that's what i took to calling our handsful growing god we brought gifts to. i think it's a fitting name thematically if technically incorrect) or the looping game mechanics which i'm glad of!
run-through of the main actions i took
first loop: questioned the narrator intensely, did not take the knife, chose to keep course of saving the princess after she lightly threatened me for dithering about it, the narrator took control of my body and i warned and resisted until she killed me. i meet the damsel and the voice of the smitten, argued with the narrator, slipped the princess' hand from her chain and asked her what she wanted over and over until her drawing simplified enough that it seemed painful so i let it go, we left together and she was taken... and i met the vessel for the first time
second loop: i shirk the call and refuse to go to the cabin just to see what will happen. there are infinite fractal cabin. the world ends. the stranger begins! i meet the voice of the contrarian and take the harsh stairs and have the worst icy trip of my life. i talk to the stranger until she shatters and shatters and shatters and i have no choice but to slay her/save her/every option until she combines into a three-bodies-joined princess, and the vessel takes her
vessel interlude of note: speaking to Her this time i felt confident that i ccould kind of do whatever and not ruin things, and find my way back to Her. i decided to choose to slay the princess. i wanted to see what would happen
third loop: the princess is quite rude this time, which makes the choice easier. i play at deciding whether i should rescue her for a bit, and the strike. we fight. we both die. do you really think this is the end? i wake up and meet the adversary. don't take the blade and i refuse to fight. it causes her agony. she kills me. she becomes the fury. i believe i gshe kills me awfully and says it will be forever. the vessel takes her anyway
having the time of my life on priv btw
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fourth loop: i speak to her for a while, and am unsure what path to take, so i leave, and push the table up against the door, and go to sleep. the princess comes to me anyway. i die of fright. she says she will not forget. i wake up to the nightmare. i believe this is where i meet my favorite voice, the voice of the paranoid (the voice of the hero is narrowly second to him in my ranking). absolutely love him chanting your organs into function, it creates such a good rhythm and tension to the moments. the nightmare and i get all the way to the cabin door and i kill her. on impulse, and because it felt like at the time that violence had been my least utilized path. she takes me with her. i am falling, falling, falling. i choose to throw away the knife. i die terribly.
i reach a third chapter for the first time! the wraith :)
i love how fucked up the road looks. and this is maybe my favorire cabin entrance..
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she breaks my ankle, i let her possess me, she walks me out to her freedom, she is taken.
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fifth loop: i don't remember how, but i reach chapter two: the witch. (on second thought: i think i had an almost identical run to the very first meeting. i am taken over again, but i cannot resist. i am killed) my utena senses immediately start tingling even harder, and this was correct to happen. and for the life of me, i cannot remember what i did here! and don't feel like checking history.. i think i gave her the knife? because in the next chapter, the thorn, she already has it. and i did not kill her.
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i made her trust me, and i did not break it. as a lesbian, this chapter was emotionally manipulative. of course i was going to save her. of course i wanted her to trust me, and keep it. her being taken made me terribly terribly sad, she was ready for a future, gone now.
i went to the mirror. the narrator took me instead. i've grown to resent him by now, how he spins the princess and the player against each other over and over, encouraging my worst violences. i had told the vessel once that when i found him i would kill him. my desperate want for answers got in the way. and he was dying anyway. i asked them until he was ready to shatter on his own. i told him the truth: that i was still deciding what to do, and i wanted a hand in that choice to be hers.
endgame! fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i rejected godhood. i spoke to all the gifts i had given, which was really cool and affecting, loved that. i found the hero, and we went to her heart.
i was VERY indecisive. i wasn't sure what could get me what i wanted, which was of course a breaking of the cycle, a forging of something new, walking to the outside world lesbianly etc etc. on my first go of the cabin at the heart of the princess, i took the knife. i chose to because i felt more often than not i had chosen not to take it. i felt validated when the hero said it was wise, that it tended to give us more options than it didn't. considering who he was, i shouldn't have listened LOL
first: i chose to kill her. i hated the choice, but i wanted to see what would happen. i became a god and saved the nameless world and broke from the constructs. my voices came back, pissed, and decided to beat me with hammers forever, lol
i reloaded a save for a very first time. second: i chose her option. i was on a path to the cabin in the woods. i had a job to do. credits roll. MISERABLE ! deeply fun that it's an option, but miserable.
i mulled on what i could do to change things for a bit. i had been saving often throughout, at places of interest or nexuses of change, so i had plenty of options. it came to me like a bolt. of course! don't take the knife!
third: we left together. utena ass ending. we can always build new roads ! i am sentimental and was deeply invested in the princess' freedom and happiness and possibility fo life outside this violent cycle we were bound in, so i was happy to tell her i loved her, open the door together, and leave, close the game, and let that world be final. for now :)
last thoughts: i really enjoyed that. i'm always saying i need to play more visual novels and i really really do they rule they rule! the art in this was so cool! the voices were so creative! i liked the writing style a bunch! i loved how settings shifted. i loved how branching it felt, like there was always something new to try. always enjoy when a game just closes on you and greets you again when you open in like the vessel did that one time. good game !
things i want to go back in my saves and try at some point
becoming Gods and letting the world fall away with her
breaking the narrator before He can die on his own
breaking my body in a meeting with the vessel
killing the vessel before She has collected enough selves
and also trying to find more of the princesses i missed!
scrolling through achievements i didn't get also (i got 24/97) and i saw you can kiss her. i bet its fucked up. i would like to see it
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writing-heiress · 1 month
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TV Tropes: Juliet Belladonna
All Loving Heroine: How the Celestial Realm see her.
Animal Motifs: Moths.
Bitch in Sheep’s Clothing: Juliet acts as if she is as pure as an actual saint in public, mainly the Celestial Realm. Only her family members and those who live in the Devildom know what she’s actually like.
Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Despite being a horrible person, she genuinely loves and cares about her family, especially her parents.
The Fake Cutie: How easily she was able to maintain her cutesy and innocent persona is almost impressive.
To Seraphina: Seraphina is Juliet’s opposite in every way. Juliet comes from a sorcerer family, having bonds (angelic pacts), strongly detests Solomon & demons, & wanting a relationship with Micheal. Meanwhile Seraphina comes from a long line of witches, having several pacts plus some bonds, views Solomon as a big brother, has a more positive relationship with demons, and not wanting anything to do with Micheal. Juliet is extremely envious of Seraphina because of how things comes seemingly easy for the latter.
Gemstone Motifs: She tends to give the Seraphs/Archangels gemstone-like nicknames, with each gemstone strongly associating with their respective Seraph. Not only that, she refers to them as her “precious jewels”.
Green-Eyed Monster: Juliet becomes crazy jealous of Seraphina because of when Micheal, Raphael, and Jophiel have repeatedly shown interest in Seraphina rather than herself.
Light is Not Good: Despite having holy magic and being revered as a saintess, she is anything but.
Manipulative Bitch: Given how she manipulates the Celestial Realm as well as the Sorcerer’s Society, thinking that she’s a good-natured individual.
Politically Incorrect Villain: She has a strong hatred for demons and anything associated with them. This even extends to hating Solomon for his 72 pacts & Seraphina being romantic relationships with 7 of the most powerful. She strongly opposes to Diavolo’s exchange program.
Villian with Good Publicity: Her with the Celestial Realm & the Sorcerer’s Society.
@adrianasunderworld @queen-of-twisted @yukii0nna @yumeko2sevilla @liviavanrouge @achy-boo @abyssthing198 @the-weirdos-mind @starry-night-rose @fair-night-starry-tears @rosietrace @the-trinket-witch @lorkai @absolutepokemontrash
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creature-wizard · 11 months
Food for thought...
Christianity is witchcraft. Hear me out. There are many sets or different types of followers and beliefs in Christianity where people assemble to pray
The Latin word for assemble is convenire
Where the word coven comes from coven is not a witch made word, so these different sects of the church are just different covens, and a prayer is just a spell. I mean a spell you call upon your deity or deities for help, and you don't need ingredients for all spells, and some ingredients are used in prayers too.
So basic different groups = covens and prayers = spells so Christians practice witchcraft too...
Every now and then somebody tries to pull this gotcha, but... uhh... it's honestly kind of silly, y'all.
"Witchcraft" as most people understand it to day is a modern construct, much of it influenced by modern speculations of what pre-Christian religion was like in Europe. People like Margaret Murray believed that the conspiracy theories about witches going around during the early modern witch panic were inspired by actual practices of numerous cryptopagans.
Now the thing is, the witch conspiracy theories were shaped by the belief that witches, or more specifically practitioners of malefic magic, were Satan worshipers; and therefore everything they did would be a mockery of Christianity in some way. Witch covens are literally a Christian invention.
Conflating pagans and witches is also a Christian thing. Actual pagans didn't regard themselves as witches. There were, of course, pagans who practiced various forms of folk magic, but the same is also true of Christian societies. It's worth noting that folk magic wasn't really considered witchcraft by Christians most of the time, and actual pagan societies didn't really approve of people they believed to be working malefic magic, just like Christians.
Also, claiming that a prayer is "just a spell" is just plain incorrect. Spells are done to directly affect change in the world somehow. Prayers can be used for this, but that's not their only use. There are also prayers of praise and prayers of penitence. And, idk, is straight-up petitioning a deity really something that qualifies as a "spell"? I tend to think a spell requires some sort of technical work on the part of the practitioner.
So yeah, "Christianity is just witchcraft lol" might sound funny at first, but it's an ignorant and hyperreductive take. Stuff's a lot more complicated than some of you folks realize.
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halfbakedspuds · 4 months
Thanks to @honeybewrites for the tag
OC incorrect quotes tag
Rules: use this quotes generator for your OC's and share what you get.
I had way too much fun with this. None of these should fit this trio nearly as well as they do
Adrian: Crushes are the worst. Whenever I’m near mine, I start acting stupid. Lyanni: You always act stupid. Lyanni: Lyanni: Wait... Lyanni: So, what's for dinner? Adrian, staring at the food he burnt: Regret. Lyanni: Talk dirty to me, baby~ Adrian: The dishes. Lyanni: Wh- Adrian: They’ve been there for 4 days and it’s your turn to wash them. You still haven’t cleaned them and I have asked you to do so several times. Adrian: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us. Lyanni: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both. Lyanni: *Laughs* Babe, you had a crush on me? That’s embarrassing— Adrian: We’re married. Lyanni: I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Adrian: Damn, that sounds like a marriage proposal. Lyanni, getting down on one knee: That's 'cause it is. Adrian: *angrily presses Lyanni against a wall* WHERE'S THE MONEY?! Lyanni: ... Lyanni: Are we about to kiss-
No pressure tag for @illarian-rambling, @orion-lacroix and anyone else who wants in
Adrian: Why can't any of you ever clean up after yourselves? Wilhelm: I have a person who does that for me. Adrian: Yeah, ME. Wilhelm: I'm glad you agree. Lyanni: You know, when I first met you I thought you were a real bitch. Wilhelm: What changed your mind? Lyanni: Oh, I still think you're a bitch. I've just grown to like that about you. Wilhelm: What's this? Lyanni, hugging Wilhelm: Affection! Wilhelm: Disgusting. Wilhelm: ...Do it again.
Lyanni, to Adrian: Why is Wilhelm not talking? Adrian: I'm playing the silent game with him. Lyanni: Well, then you just lost. Adrian: I lost two hours ago. I gave him ear plugs and told him to close his eyes. It was the only way I could think of to get him to shut up. Wilhelm: Now, Lyanni, all of us are doing this because we care about you, okay? Adrian: Except for me. I just wanted to see the look on your face. Wilhelm: And here we see Lyanni and Adrian in their natural habitat. Texting eachother variations of the word "garlic bread" to try to make eachother laugh. Lyanni: Gaelic bread. Adrian: Grueling brad. Lyanni: Ha ha, glamorous beans. Lyanni: I bet you can’t make a sentence without the letter “A”! Adrian: You thought you just did something there, didn’t you? Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but numerous sentences could be constructed without employing the first letter of the English lexicon. Wilhelm: Fuck you. Wilhelm: What time is it? Lyanni: I don’t know, pass me that saxaphone and we’ll find out Lyanni: *BLASTS the saxaphone* Adrian: WHO THE FUCK IS PLAYING THE SAXAPHONE AT TWO IN THE FUCKING MORNING Lyanni: It’s 2 am Lyanni: Oh, so you two are getting along very... cordial now? Adrian: Cordial? Nah, we're friends. Lyanni: Friends? Adrian: Yeah. After you stopped us fighting, we got to talking. Seems like we have some common interests. Wilhelm: We both love butterflies. Lyanni: Aww– Wilhelm: And beating people up. Lyanni: Oh, okay. Adrian: Why were you up yesterday until 3am? Wilhelm: How did you know I was up until 3am? Lyanni: We could hear you clapping to the FRIENDS intro every 25 minutes. Wilhelm: What are you guys doing? Lyanni: Like in life in general or- Adrian: Not much. Why, what's up? Wilhelm: I dunno, I’m bored playing AC. Adrian: Assassins Creed? Wilhelm: Animals Creed. Lyanni: Assassins Crossing. Wilhelm: I have an army. Adrian: We have a Lyanni. *Adrian recording whilst Lyanni and Wilhelm are arguing* Wilhelm: HOLD UP, HOLD UP, HOLD UP, HOLD UP!! HER SISTER WAS A WITCH, RIGHT? AND WHAT WAS HER SISTER? A PRINCESS! THE WICKED WITCH OF THE EAST, BRO! Adrian: *wheezes like a tea kettle* Lyanni, pulling out a knife: I'm gonna stab him. Wilhelm: YOU'RE GONNA LOOK AT ME AND YOU'RE GONNA TELL ME THAT I'M WRONG? AM I WRONG? Lyanni: It's my favorite movi- Wilhelm: SHE WORE A CROWN AND SHE CAME DOWN IN A BUBBLE, LYA! Lyanni: I'm not fighting with you, I'm not fighting with y- Wilhelm: GROW UP, BRO. GROW UP! Wilhelm: Hey, Lya? Lyanni: Yeah? Wilhelm: Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on? Lyanni: Lyanni: Where’s Adrian?!
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