#except if it’s at kazuichi
cozytownz · 2 years
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had fun doodling this
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haunted-xander · 2 years
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Redrew one of the promo-arts for the anime bc uuuuuh I wanted to
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agalnamedlunasea · 1 year
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They haven’t told anyone yet…
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aparticularbandit · 4 months
doing a manip of the junko holding the monokuma right
and you can see where her nail has rubbed at his fur. it leaves a sweeping mark.
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so monokuma's got velvety fur probably.
...and/or he should be covered with the glittery stuff that switches colors when you rub it one way or the other. he should be able to switch which side is white or black whenever he wants.
but it's probably the velvety fur thing.
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sitting in the grass laughing at dumb jokes. they were spying on people a few minutes ago, but they forgot about that and now they're just enjoying each other's company
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the tough thing about writing realistic narrative conflict is that. when there aren’t larger sweeping stakes, something like 80% of narrative conflict is predicated on miscommunication or the withholding of information, big or small. and as someone who is both fairly autistic and well trained in conflict resolution, my brain is screaming “WHY DO THEY NOT SIMPLY DISCUSS THINGS OPENLY!!!!!!”
its something im practicing but BOY its hard fkdhfjdhfjs. im having to go “okay what would i say in this situation. now. would this character actually admit that? no. fuck. okay how can i hint towards it without them straight up saying it”
#personal#its an awkward balance to have especially with particular characters#its not necessarily an issue when im writing hajime#both because hes ALSO autistic. and because post shutdown (at least in my brain) hes much more blunt and straightforward#who give a shit about being polite or dancing around words when youre basically a war criminal right#now fuyuhiko is a balance to strike. because when talking to ANYONE ELSE he will say NOTHING about how he really feels unless hes pissed off#or really stressed and running his mouth on accident#now with hajime hes a lot more willing to Discuss Hard Things. however. there are still things he would Never Fucking Say. unless forced#and hajime will force it. eventually#akane is similar to hajime in that shes also very autistic and also just doesnt really care or pay attention to what other people think#but she also has a hard time tackling or discussing more intellectual topics solely because she just. doesnt get them. and also doesnt care#SHES NOT STUPID!!!!! SHE JUST DOESNT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT PHILOSOPHY OR WHATEVER AND THATS FINE#sonias an interesting one because. as a princess she has a LOT of experience talking around things#and so i think she does it just. habitually. pasting on a smile and a pleasant expression and everything is fine#but shes trying really hard to be more open because of hajime and the others. knowing these people are safe to just be her around#its hard bc she spent a year and a half being a military dictator acting on and forcing other people to act on her every sadistic whim#so now shes like ‘i have to be soooooo nice and never cause problems or i’ll die! i’ll simply die’#now kazuichi. kazuichi would never admit any kind of shit under penalty of death#except for the fact that he can not keep his mouth shut to save his life#so whether he wants to or not he will say what he is thinking at the least opportune moment possible#okay i was gonna say more and i wrote it all out but i reached max tags without finishing#so im just not going to say any more <3 love and peace#i have the most experience writing these five but im slowly expanding#i need to get better at kyoko makoto and byakuya bc theyre vital to the first week of recovery#and i. unfortunately. do not care about the first game very much#so im kinda flying by the seat of my pants with them#i need to make byakuya MORE OF AN ASSHOLE. but in a somewhat affectionate way. bc hes had a little time to grow#but hes still. byakuya togami. so he is an Asshole.#i think ive got naegi down. kyoko’s proving the hardest
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en-chi-la-da · 1 year
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kazuichi soda! except uhhhhh he’s dressed like this mechanic girl from final fantasy
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thequietkid-moonie · 9 months
Weak and naive darling
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ 9S, Adam, Eve, Kokichi, Nagito, Kazuichi ]
[ NieR Automata ] [ Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony ] [ Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair ]
⚠️ This contain a little bit of spoilers
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Soooo sweeeeeet!! V-chan always make the best request ❤️❤️ I think i went a little too wild with this request, but I can't help it, you chose my favorites video games with an amazing prompt!!
Love u @frickingnerd ❤️ please enjoy
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9S is always so curious about the world around him that he will always be happy to meet someone new, human or not it doesn't matter, even if you were a machine he will still be quite intriged by you
As he gets to spend more time and get to know better your personality 9S can't help but find it incredibly fascinating and adorable, he think that you are like how a human child would be and he can't help but want to be around you at all times. What started by fascination it quickly become an obsession, even a need to have you around or to know where you are at all times, is just that you are one of a kind and he can't help but be atracted to you and as he gets to know more about you a protective feeling towards you grows inside of him
Your naive personality matches perfectly with his inmense curiousity, he isn't more than a simple YoRHa unit, an scanner type, but with you he is more than that, is difficult to don't trust in the reliable and friendly 9S so is more likely that you start asking him whenever you aren't sure of something or even curious about something and that makes him feel inmensily happy and special, like if he is someone important, like if with you is were he belongs and he is going to protect that little paradise (growing a quite possessive over you, but he is good at hiding it)
You can be so sweet and adorable at times that it becomes even painful for 9S to be apart for you for so long, and since he will like to travel and explore the world with you he probably just end up bringing you with him around at all times, taking advantage on your naive personality and how much you trust him without even noticing, he is even insist that you should only trust him
9S has always been curious and with you it isn't going to be an exception, he wants to know everything he can about you, your past, your present and even what you want for the future, and even if you don't openly share it with him 9S will find out one way or another, so is for sure that at some point he will get to know about your past experiences with people that were just taking advantage of you and he hates it, he isn't easy to get mad but this is too much for him, he hates the thought of someone approaching to you only to fulfill their selfish desires, and he will hate it more if those memories makes you sad, although, as much as he hate it he will be more focused on comforting, also this experiences only feed his need to protect you and keep you close so anyone will dare to do something so terrible to such kind soul again, and with this he insist that he is the only one who is trust worthy, swearing on his life that everything he does is only because he wants the best for you
9S insist that he is the only one who is worth of your trust and that you should be wary of others, but the only one who is an exception to this is 2B, he tell you that you can trust her (just as he does), however even when he knows she is capable of protecting you and knows that she will do it for the care she has for him 9S can't help but worry over you and want to be with you, so most of the time you don't spend much time alone with 2B
9S is already pretty protective over you but you having such weak body just increases his worries, he wants for you to be free to enjoy all the world have to offer but the world is already too dangerous and you so weak, that just increases his need to be with you, even if you are already uset to constantly have little bruises and injuries for you how fragile your body is he isn't, and he probably will never get used to it, he does a big deal almost all the time but even when he could be panicing he is always able to help you, he had even learn everything that he can about how to help your injuries, how to fix all kind of injuries and seem to always be prepare
9S can be really energetic and excited to go in adventures with you but always treats you with care and even gentleness, you probably will never recive a harsh treatment from him unless he is in a lot of disstress and yet he will deeply apologize if it happen (even if it was an accident or you didn't get injured)
9S is already a little dependent of you for how lonely he was after meeting you, but before all the problems he had in the last fight of YoRHa and losing 2B he just breaks completely and his sanity becomes almost entirely dependent on you, his protectiveness and possessiveness only get worst and worst, here is when he is more probably to actually be harsh to you, he is so in the edge with everything that he can pass from screaming at you or at someone else for putting yourself in danger (even if it was for accident) to have a complete breakdown, apologizing to you and begging to please don't leave him, at this point you are the only thing he has in the world and he can't lose you too
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Adam loves learning, specially about humans he is just so amased by it, so he won't really lose the opportunity to met someone new (specially if you are a human), it just only take him a moment to understand how it is your personality and when he does his curiosity only grows
Adam is completely fascinated by your personality, specially because this world is really hostile and in war, he can't entirely understand how you have such personality and he just want to find out, at some point he even thought that it could be a facade, the posibilities and curiosity only grows more and more until it reach the point where it isn't just curiousity but an obsession too, and even when he noticed his feelings he just accept them with open arms
Adam finds incredibly fascinating your personality, he can help but laugh softly at how naive you are, once winning your trust (because he is going to win your trust) he can tell you anything and you will believe him, although he isn't going to take advantage of that he just knows what is the best for the two of you and that is what he tells you
Adam is pretty possessive over you, not really wanting for anyone to be able to enjoy of your company aside from him or Eve (and still he always reminds Eve to be kind with you), and his possessiveness only increases with time as he get to know more about you, your past experiences with people that only take advantage of you make him angry in a whole new extent (is probably what make him get to know a new intensity of hate) but he doesn't let you see that, instead just ask for details of your experiences
Although, when he get to know about those past experiences he find it an opportunity rather interesting, he was mad at those people but more than doing something himself he tried to teach you about anger and hate, he explained to you how those people only saw you as an easy prey and taken advantage of you, and the more you deny it the more cruel he becomes with his words. He will only stop until you finally start hating those people or can't take it anymore, in any case his obsession will grow a little more, satisfied at some extent with the results (not matter how you react at the end, but he will feel bad if he end up making you feel sad) and yet this will only make his feel the need to protect you
Adam found incredibly interesting how weak your body is, he was intriged by it at first but it quickly start to be troubling for him because he hates the idea of you being in danger, he had grow to love you so much that everytime you got injured it bothers him in a way that he hates seeing you in pain, and since you are so weak and easy to get injured it reach a point where Adam can't just get away from you for so long because he start to feel anxious about you (even if you are with Eve he can't help but worry). As time pass by Adam will just end up keeping you by his side at all times, besides he loves having you around
Adam will not leave anyone have the oportunity to find, not matter if is an android or a machine, not even if is another human, whoever dares to even just get close to you is quickly vanished by him, Adam can't just take the risk of something happening to his precious little darling, or someone trying to ruin the image you have of him, he can't have that neither. However he prefer to don't be violent in front of you, and whenever he does he apologize to you for such horrifing show but it was necesary (sometimes he just ask Eve to do it, leaving him to have fun and do whatever he wants to the prey)
Adam is always gentle with you, with his touch and words, his protectiveness grows so much that it reach the point where he doesn't let you do almost anything, he does everything for you and is always by your side, he is taking care for you no matter what you two are doing and almost all the time he holds your hand and guides you, he sometimes even talks to you in a soft voice. Adam treats you like if you were a porcelain doll that could break at anytime, but he does it out of love
Adam is incredibly fascinated with humans, even with death (since he can't actually die), however the only thought of something happening to you and losing you terrified him to the point that he will rip apart in a second anything that can threat your life, without a doubt, even if that destroy his own body, he will find a solution later anyways (no matter if it was an accident or even if it was his brother, although he will just punish him because he still loves his brother)
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Eve doesn't care much about you at first, for him it was enough having at his brother and meeting you wasn't a big deal (unless was his brother who introduced you to him), however he slowly start to show more and more interest on you because his brother is always busy, he slowly start to talk more about you and spend more time with you and yet it doesn't take much time for him to become completely obsessed with you
Eve likes your naive personality, he finds it rather interesting and adorable, Eve is a killing machine, he had born only to protect his brother from the androids, not that he mind but you are always so sweet and gentle with him, always asking for his opinion and hearing him carefuly, even when the smart one is his brother you even look up at him and can tell that you admire his strenght at some extent and that always makes his heart melt
As well, one of the things he loves the most of you is that you never say him no, his brother is too busy with those books and never had time for him even when he had eat all those apples, but you don't have the strength to say no even if you want, he doesn't notice when you aren't as interested or excited as him but it isn't like he mind it, he will just take your hand and drag you wherever he wants
Although, he has always been bother for how weak you are and how easy you get injured, he hates that whenever you two are hanging out or playing around most of the time you have to stop because you have hurt yourself, but he hates more seeing you in pain or being sad for being a burden to him, Eve always scold you and sometimes even raise his voice whenever you trip or get a little injured but seeing you sad by it aches his heart and end up apologizing, he always does the same and he always tell you to be more careful next time even when he knows that it would happen again because you can't help it
Eve doesn't think much of you being weak, and probably even clumsy, he just scold you like always, but something changes on him the first time he sees you seriously injured, seeing your human blood runs or your machine system exposed through an injury just trigger him in a way that nothing have done it before, not even with his brother, somehow it makes him realice how weak you actually are, how easily he could lose you and that makes him a little paranoid (and he will be even more worried if you are a human since Adam had already tell him that you probably are the only one of your kind that is still alive)
Suddenly Eve is reading and asking his brother all he can about medical information or engineering to be ready to any posibility that could happen, Eve is so scare that he gets completely ready to stop a bledding and treat a broken bone, or to assemble and change parts of your machine body (even if you are an android, he will find a way to get that information) because he is scare of something happening to you
You are his entire world, you and his brother are the only thing that matter to him, also Eve had born to protect and he is planning to do so, he isn't going to leave your side ever again, no matter where you go Even is following close behind, ready to protect you from anything and everything
Something else that will trigger him a lot is the fact that you have been taken advantage of in the past, when you tell him about your experiences he doesn't understand much at first and it has to be Adam who explain to him that those people just were playing with you for their selfish desires (because you decided to trust them and don't think bad of their actions) even if that means putting you in danger or even humiliating you, and Eve can't bare the thought of that happening to you, if those people are in this land you can be sure that he will hunt them down, if not he will hold that anger with him
From that day Eve just become fierce with wanting to protect you, he is always keeping you close to him and is trigger by every little posibility of threat, anyone who dares to comes close to you (that isn't his brother) is already a threaten for him, even if are docile machines they have to do as little as gently touch you for a moment for Eve to rip them apart and turn them into dust in a second, but he will try to hold back a little if it makes you uncomfortable or sad
Eve is dependent and desesperate, even when he is completely violent and doesn't hesitant in using anything to kill and destroy anything that can hurt you he still love you, when he is mad he can raise his voice and take your wrists pretty harsh but still is pretty obvious the fear that holds his voice or the tears that threaten to fall from his eyes everytime something happens to you, and even if it wasn't obvious enough his inmense fear and sadness it becomes even more obvious whenever he hugs you as if his life depended on it and his voice cracks while begging you to please don't leave him, he doesn't know what he will do if you leave him one day
And all of this only gets worst as he lose his brother, aside from you Adam was the only things for him, you and Adam were where he belongs and his only reason to be alive, but now that Adam isn't here his fear of losing you only increases, and his need to protect you too
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Kokichi Ouma
Kokichi will never say that what he felt was something like love at first sight, although since the start he was immediatly atracted to you, he just knew you will be someone funny to mess with. It doesn't take him much time before he approach to you and introduce himself just as how it doesn't take him much time to notice how naive you are, however he will be kinda surprised and even distrust of you for that, you could easily be pretending and that is why Kokichi takes it as his personal goal find out whatever you are trying to hide
Kokichi feels an inmense curiousity that quickly grows as love and obsession without noticing, and, of course he deny it and even it frustrated him, he wants to be mad at you and he want to proof that your kind and naive personality is nothing more than a facade, so with that excuse in mind he justify to himself why he insist so much on being with you and wanting to know everything of you
As time pass and he gets to know you better is when he finally accept that you are being sincere with your innocence and naiveness, and it only take him a second to fall in love harder for you for it, he just adores so much how naive you are and he is going to take advantage of that
Kokichi is pretty possessive over you but don't like admiting it, he wants all your attention and take advantage of your naiveness to get it, saying a lot of jokes and always saying things that made he seen like an amazing and smart person person, someone funny and lovely tricking you on wanting to be with him all the time (trying to turn things so his need of having you near can go unnoticed at some extent). As well, he makes sure to win your fully trust to have a better control over you, making sure to been seen as the person you can trust the most and the only one you should trust, making sure you heard everything he say to you
Kokichi isn't just possessive, he is also dependent, he is easy to get jealous when you are spending time with others, feeling like them are trying to steal you from him, and, as well one the things Kokichi wants the most it is to be seen as funny for others and have fun so he is easily trigger whenever the good imagine you have of him is threatened or whenever you show a little bit of negative feelings towards him
Kokichi has no shame while taking advantage of your naiveness, however he doesn't want anyone else doing it, what lead him to be a little paranoid and protective over you, he is keeping a close eye to whoever dare to get close to you, even if you don't tell him he will, soon or later, find out about your bad past experiences with people who took advantage of you make him furious, you are just so inocent and sweet that it almost hurt knowing what happened to you, it even make him feel ashame of taking advantage of it too (but he swears that it was everything for innocent fun and to protect you), Kokichi is really mad about this but it would depend on you if he decides to take revenge over them, depending in your reaction to that situation and what they have done to you, it would be expressed as simple but cruel jokes to him going to Gonta or even Maki and convince them that those people are dangerous and a threaten for your safety so they would teach them a lesson
Kokichi probably make some jokes about how weak your body is and even when he laugh deep down he is terrified, at first he thought it was funny how this actually matches your personality but as the time pass and he realice that you are so weak that getting injured is a common thing for you he can't help but be scare, he had grow so dependent of you that whenever you are injured he feel like is the one that has being injured, but he won't show it, let alone in front of others
Kokichi makes sure to carry with him some band-aids and other things to help you with your injuries and always insist on taking care of them personaly, he always brush it off with jokes but in reality everytime it happens his heart race and he panics a little, he is the one treating your wounds as a way to calm down and try to convince himself that you are alright
Everytime you get a deep injury the worry is more obvious in his face, he doesn't have the head to try and hide it when he is panicing about your safety, you are the only important thing for him (even more than his orgsnization) and the thought of losing you scare the hell out of him. If someone dares to hurt you on purpose Kokichi will not doubt on take the matter in his hands a make that person pay for what they have done
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Nagito Komaeda
Meeting Nagito is more probably to happen either by your hand or because of his luck and in any case he will imediatly put down himself, it doesn't even matter if you are talented or not because since the start Nagito can see that you are a hopeful person, what makes him grow obsessive pretty quickly
Nagito is convinced that you are a person who is destinated to bright with an inmense hope and, even when he see himself undeserving of even being in your presence he can't help but want to be around you, and he is really stubborn so he grows clingly pretty quickly
Nagito is really smart so it won't take him much time before understand your personality, naturaly naive and sweet and, in his eyes, that only makes you more hopeful, that naiveness only increases your bright hope making you even more perfect, for what it also make him even more unwhorthy, so for a while he will be stuck between wanting to go away from you because he probably will only bring you misfortune but at the same time he just grows more dependent of you, Nagito has lived all kind of terrifing events and someone like you, so sweet and naive, is all he needs what it lead to be even physicaly painfuly to be far from you. He will stuck between going away but being clingly at times and it won't stop until you reasure him that is okay for him to be around you (what will only feed his delusions and obsession with you, starting to actually believe that you are some kind of angel)
After meeting you Nagito's purpose on life is to help you reach the greatest hope, that is why for Nagito he is for you to use as you please and he doesn't hesitant on telling you so, but is more likely that you doesn't think much of it or that doesn't take it with the intensity he is expressing it, Nagito knows this, he is aware that you are too naive for all this mess but that is something that makes you special and he wants to protect that, Nagito doesn't take in consideration if this could bring you problems because in his mind he will be always there for you, to serve you and protect you, that is why he start to be overprotective over you, he doesn't let anyone try to corrupt your inocence
Nagito isn't an idiot, he know that people would try to take advantage of your naive personality and he wants to prevent that from happening, even when he knows that despair always brings a bigger hope the thought of you suffering from something so horrible as despair makes him feel sick, so when he gets to know that people used to take advantage of you (or even still do it) he is shocked, he take it as if he had failed you (even if he haven't met you yet at that moment), it would depend in how bad this have affected you to if he will try to take revenge on them, and probably have a mental breakdown over it (what, of course, will worsen his protectiveness)
He is already on the edge with you being in danger for your naive personality, but you also having a weak body only worsen his anxiety and worry for you, is already painfuly for him to see whenever you are sad or hurt (even if it is emotional), but being physicaly injured only make him worried sick, everytime he sees you with an injury, even a little scratch, he panics and the more it happens, the more little injuries you get, the worst he get, to the point that the fear of you dying doesn't let him sleep at night
Nagito end up trying to shield you from everything, it even reach a point where he is babying you, doing almost everything for you and walking in front of you to serve as a shield if something comes too close to you. People can thing that he is being overdramating but for him is the minimun he can do for you, and if it happen that you get injured because of his bad luck he will blame himself non stop, he will have a mental breakdown over it but one that not even you will be able to help him, he feels like he deserve to die for injuring you (even if is something small) but at the same time dying it would be a too pious of a fate for what he have done
Nagito is so on the edge, worring for your safety at all hours of the day that he, soon or later, will end up kidnapping you with the excuse of being the only safe option to asure your safety, and, even when he sees himself as nothing more than trash he will do everything in his power to assure your happines and help you bright in the biggest hope, he will investe every little thing he owns (even his life) on assuring your safety and happiness
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Kazuichi Soda
For Kazuichi is love at first sight, since the first moment he lays his eyes on you he is completely mesmerize by your beauty, he feels his heart go faster and his cheeks warm and yet he is eager to aproach to you, Kazuichi tries really hard to aproach to you to be able to meet you
Kazuichi is pretty delusional, in Kazuichi's eyes you are the perfection itself, even before getting to know you and he treats you as royalty and he looks up at you as if you were an angel, and your naive and sweet personality only feeds that delusions. Even before getting to know you Kazuichi has the thought that you are pure and innocent, he sees you as incredibly pure so you actually so naive only confirms what he thought of you and even increase it, he thinks of you as an angel
Kazuichi is clingy and incredibly obsesive, is almost like he actually can't stay away from you because doesn't see why he should be away from you, even if you aren't physicaly there with him you never leave his mind and it could reach the point where if he spend much time away from you he can't even do his work for how much you are occupying his mind (not that he is complaining)
Also, Kazuichi slowly becomes more and more possessive and protective over you, is just that Kazuichi loves you too much that he hates when others are too close to you or when you put too much attention to others rather than him (he complains but never blames you), he slowly convice himself that he is the only one who can treat you the way you deserve to be treaten and that others can be a threaten, and he can't let you be in danger! Although, since he isn't too good at fighting he just opt to always be with you and save you from danger in different ways
Kazuichi already feels the need to protect you from anything and everything but getting to know about your past experiences with people that just wanted to take advantage of you make him furious, he knows pretty well how it is to be betrayed like that and it trouble him a lot that you had been through that too! (although, it may take him a little to comprehend how things were when you tell him about it, specially if you say that it was nothing), thanks to this Kazuichi grows a little paranoid, not wanting to let anyone get near you for fear of that person wanting to take advantage of your innocence, what lead him to monopolize you more and more with the excuse of protecting you
You being so weak has a doble efect on him, in one hand it only feeds his delusions of you being some kind of angel and only reasure him that you are one of a kind, completely perfect and special, but it also make him grows a little paranoid about your safety, fearing and thinking that everything can hurt you (what is only comfirmed by you being easily injured) and make him more and more possessive and protective, those ideas together leave him to reach the point where is practically babying you, doing everything for you (as long as you let him, or well, when you finally give up and leave him because he is stubborn and will never stop insisting)
At first he didn't thought much of your injuries, yes he worries about them and probably thinks that someone had hurt you on purpose, but if you reasure him or ask him to calm down he will do and try to don't think much about it (what is difficult for him since the thought of it just stucks in his mind), but at the more injuries you have his just patient runs out and is when he start to get paranoid, he has the need to protect you and since he is dependent of you he can't risk something happening to you!
Kazuichi grows wary of almost everyone and is quickly to confront anyone who do as much as push you, immediatly raising his voice and accusing that person of trying to hurt you and won't stop unless you insist enough (but he won't exactly calm down)
Kazuichi will never dare to lay his hand on you, if he ever hurts you intentionelly will only be in his worst nightmares (and even if it was a dream he feels guilt), he is always looking after your safety so if he ever end up hurting you by accident he freaks out imediatly, he is stuck between feeling like the worst person in the world, feeling like he doesn't deserve forgiveness, and don't really understanding or accepting that it was him who hurt you and try to find a culprit, although his reaction will depend in how bad he had hurt you, the worst the injury is the worst he react
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m-y-fandoms · 1 year
(NEW!) Super Danganronpa 2 boys reaction to: their S/O thinking they were going to hurt them - COMMISSION
You feral beasts have been asking for this for like two years LMAO. Someone finally commissioned me to do it so let's get it!
V3 boys version link
The reader's pronouns are never mentioned, so anyone can read this with themselves in mind!
Word Count:  13k words!! 4.8k of those words are Nagito's section alone, as the commissioner requested for Nagito's to be longer than the rest (Please show this some love my hands hurt)
Trope/Scenario: A couple is in an argument or stressful situation. One partner moves suddenly, maybe to ruffle their hair or wipe sweat from their face, maybe grab something or gesture as they yell, but their S/O cowers/flinches at the sudden movement, and braces themselves or cries out, thinking their partner was about to hit/hurt them. Then, the angst ends in fluff with the other partner expressing that they would never hurt their beloved. I will make variations to this base concept to spice up the piece and fit the characters because we DON'T do O.O.C. here!
WARNINGS: SPOILERS FOR ALL OF SDR2/SDR2 CONTEXT NEEDED TO UNDERSTAND SOME SECTIONS - additionally, SFW sexual content-wise, but mature themes are explored like explicit language, possessiveness, abuse, and unhealthy relationships. Remember, the games themselves are rated M.
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Nagito Komaeda
It all happened so fast. You’d begged them not to do it. It didn’t need to go down that way. This never would’ve happened if they’d just listened to you.
It all happened so fast. One second your friends, your best and only friends, were piling onto your boyfriend, pinning him to the ground of the hotel lobby and the next, the world became an explosion of fiery red. A loud blast rang in your ears like a flash bomb or a gunshot fired off right beside your head without protective equipment. Kazuichi went flying, the back of Akane’s clothes were aflame. Fuyuhiko took on an expression you’d never thought you’d see from the resident tough guy of the group: eyes wide in genuine terror, mouth agape as he dove forward and away from the blast.
You begged them not to do this. Don’t corner him. Don’t force his hand. You knew him better than anyone else. And they didn’t listen to you.
You’d all grouped up before hand (minus Nagito of course) to discuss what to do about him. He was getting more and more unhinged as the days went on. Before the funhouse, everyone except for you saw him as a bit crazy, a nuisance, a freak but safe at a distance. Now… he was clearly a danger to himself and others. He knew something you all didn’t, and it was sending him into the self righteous hope power trip of the century. Something was so very different from the Nagito you knew and loved.
You’d warned them that it wouldn’t be like last time. He wouldn’t submissively let them tie him up in the old building and wait to be fed or released by Monomi. He was on the warpath now. You knew him. Once he got an idea in his head, that was it.
Fuyuhiko and Kazuichi had dismissed you immediately. You loved him. You’d do anything to protect that freak. They weren’t gonna heed your warning, because at the end of the day, you cared about him just a little more than you cared about the rest of them. Hajime and Sonia, even Chiaki - the more compassionate members of the group - had looked at you with pity in their eyes. They knew the last thing you wanted was to see your boyfriend tied up or hurt, and they felt for you, but at this point, the main focus had to be figuring out who put them on this island so they could escape, and preventing more death. Nagito was getting in the way of that. He needed to be restrained.
You never thought it would be like this, though. You knew he’d retaliate this time, that he’d resist, but maybe in the form of a struggle with his attacker: a punch, a kick, running away, hiding… not a fucking bomb.
As the explosion rang out from behind you, sending you leaping forward defensively, the world seemed to move in slow motion.
How could he do this? It’s one thing to fight off those who are actively trying to subdue you, but to blow up the entire hotel? He was really willing to hurt or even kill everyone too close to the blast, even those with little to nothing to do with the plan? What about you, who he claimed to love, who was his shining hope, who had been the only one in his corner at all times? He was willing to just blow you away as well?
Time sped up again, and you sat with your legs crossed in the rubble, ash and sweat smearing your skin. You just sat there, breaths hitching in your throat as you held back tears that threatened to fall. It felt like you were in a trance as you sat and thought this all over. Nevermind the flames at your back or smoke in the air. Why, why, why???
It wasn’t the little bit of blood running down your arm or the ringing in your ears that broke through your haze, but the clap of a hand on your shoulder blade. You turned and looked up at Hajime, dust in his hair and a cut on his cheek. The white uniform shirt he always wore was stained up and torn in one area.
“Hey, (Y-Y/N)!” He coughed, soot in his throat. “Are you alright? Come on, we gotta get out of here! Smoke’s not-” a beam collapsed behind him, startling him as he hooked his hands under your armpits and lifted you from your seated position. “Come on, this smoke’ll kill you!” You stood with his help, still halfway in a state of shock, and in truth embarrassment that the one you constantly defended from your group of peers had done all this…
“Is everyone…” you spoke weakly, your mind flashing to the safety of your friends.
“Everyone else is out. They’re safe, let’s go!” Hajime guided you out the way he came in looking for you, past a flipped couch and under a fallen beam. Once out in the fresh air, you regrouped with the rest, all in various states of shaken up.
Sonia immediately rushed over to you, ripping the red bow tie from her neck and dabbing the cut on your arm with the fabric before wrapping it around the wound. You thanked her with a nod. Akane, usually a bit scantily-clad anyway, had most of her remaining clothes singed off or torn. She looked more defeated then you’d seen her since Nekomaru’s death. She’d probably bounce right back soon though, knowing her. Fuyuhiko looked more pissed than usual, sitting by the pool alone. Kazuichi was being tended to by Chiaki. You overheard her saying Monomi would be bringing medical supplies and helping transport those seriously injured to the hospital for a quick check up. The students protested, however, wanting to stick together in the resort and heal up in their cabins. Your eyes bounced around the group, looking for someone in particular, though you didn’t know why.
Why? Were you truly that delusional? You must’ve been under some type of love hex. Had you Stockholm Syndrome’d yourself into being blind to his every fault? You couldn’t help it - you couldn’t deny the feelings you retained.
“Where’s…?” Your words faded off, thinking better of it. Maybe this was the wrong time. They probably didn’t want to hear about the dude who just tried to send them on a one way trip to heaven. It was too late, your words had been picked up by Fuyuhiko’s relatively undamaged ears.
“Are you fuckin’ kidding me?” He scoffed, yelling over from the pool. “He ran off as soon as he got the chance. Didn’t waste a second to make sure you were okay. You’re still worried about that asshole? He just tried to fucking kill us! You must be as crazy as him. I’m starting to think so, at this point…” 
“Fuyuhiko…” Sonia warned, a small frown creasing her porcelain face. Fuyuhiko sighed deeply, backing off the attack. He didn’t mean that last bit, he was just frustrated. He threw in the towel, too tired to continue putting up a fight. The old Fuyuhiko would've laid into you a little longer. True to his word, he was a changed man. He shook his head and went silent, disappointed in you to say the least.
You were a bit disappointed in yourself as well, frankly. Why did you still want to see him so badly, to make sure he wasn’t hurt, to make sure he knew you still cared? You didn’t know what you’d even do if you saw him again. The mix of fear, confusion and foolish adoration was potent within you right now.
After assessing everyone’s needs and injuries, it was decided that you all were to go to your cabins and rest for the night. Tomorrow, you would go as a group to the new island unguarded by its Monobeast and resume the search for the truth and freedom.
“Everyone just… yell as loud as you can, or run out of your cabin and alert the others if… if anything happens,” He looked you in the eyes as he spoke those last few words. Hajime chose the phrasing carefully but you all knew what he meant:
If Nagito came around looking to further this deranged and deadly plan of his. 
They said as he ran off he was blabbering on, yelling about the “end of Jabberwock Island” and such. It was pretty clear to the entire group that whatever he had in mind would mean chaos and peril for everyone still left alive.
Now back in your cabin, the sun had long since set as you continued to pace back and forth across the floor, from the full length mirror on your sliding closet door, to the entrance, then over to the small bathroom area and back again. You’d not even taken the time to shower and change your clothes. You were still a mess, your thoughts too busy to care about the blood and grime coating you.
Your mind raced, taking in everything that had happened so far in this nightmare of a class trip, taking in everything that could happen fairly soon. 
Your mind bounced to Nagito, purposely being coy when you all needed his mind desperately during trials. 
To Nagito, who actively tried to hurt someone in the very first trial, who offered to help a blackened if they ever needed him.
To Nagito, who held you close at nights and who you could open up to for hours. The same Nagito who you’d fallen for, body and mind, and who now was an object of fear and anxiety for you.
Were you really scared of him now…? Your Nagito?
A quiet knock at your door shook you out of your pacing routine. You figured it was Hajime, arranging another group meeting or maybe sweet Sonia coming to check up on you. Rushing to the door, you opened it just a crack and peeked out.
Your blood ran cold, a shiver shot down your spine. You’d never reacted to seeing him like this before. Not even close.
“Hello there, (Y/N). Oh wow, you look awful…” Nagito smiled gently at first, then the corners of his mouth slightly drooped, downturned at the state of you. You looked yourself up and down once quickly, now acknowledging that you had in fact forgotten to wash up, overwhelmed by the day. A moment passed with your heart beat picking up quickly, and you began to merely stare at him silently through the crack, unsure of how to proceed. Should you scream? Should you warn the others? Even if Nagito wouldn’t hurt you, what if he made his rounds to the other cabins and hurt the others? He wouldn’t hurt you, right? That assumption of yours was correct, right? You weren’t so sure anymore. “Well, are you gonna just stand there or are you gonna let me in?” He smiled innocently again before pushing his way past you and into the expanse of your personalized cabin. Your safe space.
“Nagito…” You let yourself exhale the breath you’d been holding in, turning to close the cabin door behind him. You hesitated on the door knob, contemplating making a break for it right then and there. “What are you doing here?” You tried to keep your voice steady and even, even as your chest thumped.
“What?” His brow furrowed, rounding on you as you closed shut the door and turned to face him. “What do you mean? I always hang out with you here!” Was he just not going to acknowledge today, when you literally could’ve died due to his actions? “I kinda missed it, you know, the smell of your cabin, your smell. Being in the funhouse all those days was such a bummer.” Approaching you in two strides of his long slender legs, he took you tightly into his arms, nevermind the dirt and ash that transferred from your clothes to his.
“N-Nagi-” your words were muffled into the fabric of his green jacket, and for a moment your spine stiffened, not sure how to receive the hug. You corrected yourself though, and relaxed, embracing him back. Nagito was volatile right now, extremely unstable, and you didn’t want to be perceived as disloyal, untrusting. Nothing to trigger him. He was clingy and needy with you quite often and that part you didn’t mind. You cared for him the way he was… but who he was had slowly been changing. Ever since he entered that damned Final Dead Room.
Nagito didn’t miss a thing, however, and you knew that. Your hesitation to hug him back made a blip on his radar.
“Is everything alright? How is my little ray of hope tonight?” He pulled back a bit, holding you at arm’s length to observe your features closely. This was so uncomfortable: the scrutinizing gaze, the sorry state of your body at that very moment, the sweat that began to bead on your forehead.
“Well, Nagito, you…” you wanted to soften the blow, and so took the initiative to this time hug him first, leaning your head onto his chest. This is what he wanted, right? Play along, don’t slip up. It’s funny, when your head rested flat against him and you inhaled his familiar scent, you felt that warm feeling that made you fall for him for just a second, until you began to finish your thought. “... today… earlier today… why did you do that? I mean… how could you, to me of all people? What if… I mean what if that explosion killed me?” Your heart beat sped up.
“Oh, silly, it wouldn’t have!” He replied as if the answer were obvious. “You’re my shining hope, my everything, and that bomb was only intended to disrupt the plans of those who were there to trap me! I was one step ahead my love. You were never in any true danger.” Ironic, as he ran a hand up and down the arm with the deep cut on it.
“Well, how would you know for sure? What if I were standing where Kazuichi was? He got the brunt of it…” you asked, but you knew whatever answer he had for you wouldn’t calm your aching heart.
“I relied on my luck, of course! It’s all I have to rely on now: you, and this useless ‘talent’ of mine.” His tone was bittersweet. His luck? He really left your safety up to his luck? Sure, you’d never seen it fail him before, but seriously…
“About that… Nagito,” you pulled away, expectantly unsatisfied with his reply and no less terrified of the inner workings of the man in front of you, “what’s made you feel this way, all of a sudden? Sure, our classmates were a little wary of you, but we were friends, all of us. You had them, too. What changed? In the funhouse you - well ever since the Final Dead Room, you’ve changed. In the trial, you said you’d learned about Hajime and how he doesn’t have an ultimate talent, and the secret behind the funhouse’s design… but there’s more you aren’t telling us… I can feel it.” Walking over to a chair beside your bed, you sat down, wrapping your arms around your middle defensively. You felt small and vulnerable under his gaze, which followed you like a hawk.
He didn’t like hearing that - that he’d changed - not from you. You were the only one exempt from his plans, even if you didn’t know it at the time. He loved you and you loved him, and he didn’t want anything to change about that. This couldn’t be just another thing that his miserable life ruined for him. For now, he ignored it, deciding that maybe letting you, the only one he could truly trust, in on his little plan would ease your mind and bring you back to him whole.
“You’re right as usual, my love.” He stood in the center of the room, gesturing as he began to get off of his chest all that he’d gleaned from his time in the funhouse. “How perceptive of you. My little hope is so incredibly smart. It’s one of the reasons I know you’ll guide this useless pack of idiots, including myself, to the highest potential our negligible little lives could ever reach!” How could you have guessed at that time that he meant when he and all the rest he deemed unfit were long gone, wiped from this world by his own will? “I’ll let you in on it, if my little bird promises not to chirp to the rest of the flock, of course…” He grinned at you as if he were a mischievous little kid about to announce a school prank and not a man dead set on getting his classmates killed. You nodded instinctively, not prepared at all for what you were about to hear. “Well it’s quite simple, really. We’ve known about the existence of a traitor for awhile now, right? We thought this entire time that the one of us who was not like the others was to blame for this entire thing, that the despair that ensnared us and caused death after death was caused by this ‘traitor’, right?” You nodded again, wanting desperately to appease him in any way you could. “Well, we couldn’t have had it more wrong, and as my reward for winning the ultimate roulette in the Final Dead Room, I was allowed this knowledge to share - or not share - as I please.” He was smirking now and your heartbeat began to pick up once again. You did not like that look in his eye. The pale planes of his cheeks began to get rosy with that self-satisifed expression he often donned when he knew his plans for hope were on track.
“W-what do you mean, Nagito?” Your voice shook and you sat up in your chair, shifting uncomfortably in place, a motion he noticed immediately. Again, he didn’t appreciate that reaction from you one bit. Why were you so uneasy around him tonight? His mind couldn’t comprehend it.
“Turns out, this whole time,” he held his arms out to each side as if surrendering himself to the powers that be, “It was us! We were the wicked ones. We were the despair, the disgusting evil that clouded all hope.” He began to chuckle at the irony that only he understood in his words. “This ‘traitor’ is the only one who can stop us! They are meant to save the world from the plague of our very existence!” He began to chuckle, a devious and unstable sound emanating from his core.
“H-how could you mean - I mean… Nagito, how could we be evil? Why would you think that? We have been working together to stop Monokuma this whole time. It couldn’t be -”
“Does it really matter how? It’s the truth! I know it is!” He cut you off, startling you as he approached and sank to his knees in front of your chair. Leaning in, he took your hand in his clammy, translucent one. He kissed the tops of your knuckles sweetly - a gesture he often did when you were alone together - and you went rigid, unsettled by his manic words. Another reaction he frowned at. “I mean, you believe me, don’t you? Have I ever been wrong before? Every time I tell you who the blackened is, I’m right! Every mystery I’ve uncovered on this island, every deduction I’ve shared with you and only you, has been correct! Every time I’ve been ‘wrong’ to them, I’ve chosen to play dumb. I’ve never lied to you, I wouldn’t!” He looked frantic, his eyes darting back and forth between yours. When you didn’t reply, he continued. “The traitor, they are the one, true hope for our vile and corrupted lot!” He smiled, again, as if this were the obvious conclusion one should draw from his words, but you just couldn’t see your friends as the monsters he portrayed them as. You couldn’t even see him that way. It just didn’t make sense. Maybe whatever he read in the Final Dead Room was just more lies, planted by Monokuma as a motive to sow more division. Nagito was too smart to fall for that…
“So, what is the solution, then… your plan?” You were almost too afraid to ask, having a good idea of what it would be. His frenzied grin softened into a straight and very serious line. You felt your stomach twist itself into knots.
“Well… we have to go, of course. All of us, except for the traitor.” He stated plainly. Eyes widening just a tick before going neutral again, you tried not to convey the abject fear in your heart. “We all have to die, it’s the only way. The traitor will go on, as the only ray of hope we have left.” With that, you yanked your hand from his grip, and his eye twitched in response.
He was willing to kill you all? All of your peers, your innocent peers who had been through so much already, together… snuff them out just like that?
“Nagito… you know who the traitor is, then…?” His head tilted at that, like a curious puppy confused at his owner’s words. “The one you’re going to spare, you know who it is?” Did it even matter anymore? At this point, the Nagito you loved was long gone. You needed to warn the others. His answer mattered to you personally, nonetheless. Your brow furrowed, your psyche overstimualted by this entire conversation. You pressed him. “Nagito… you know who the traitor is, right?” A little sterner this time, you waited for an answer that would never come. Almost as if he were too prideful, or maybe too ashamed to admit he would have to rely on his luck yet again to meet his goals, he ignored your question.
Chills running throughout your body, you quickly shot up out of the chair. Standing abruptly and causing the slender man to stumble back a bit, you steadied your shaking hands by balling them into fist at your side.
“(Y/N) -” Nagito began as he stood to meet you. Why were you acting like this? Didn’t you have the same goals as him? Didn’t you see the necessity of this plan? Didn’t you love him as much as he loved you? Didn’t you know that know that you - his unbreakable hope - the only pure thing on this miserable island, had to be the traitor? How could it be anyone else? He couldn’t be one hundred percent sure, as the file in the Final Dead Room didn’t name you specifically, but it just had to be you. It had to be. He would delude himself until his last breath.
“O-okay, Nagito, I agree! Yes, y-you’re right of course!” Play along, (Y/N), play along, your survival instincts screamed at you internally. Now it was Nagito’s heart that began to beat fast. He could sense a lie a mile away, and you knew that. Was he truly losing you? “Tell you what, let me shower, I can’t stand this filth on me for one more second.” You forced a nervous chuckle. “After that, I’ll meet you somewhere, um… away from the cabins so the others don’t find out, and we can discuss this further.” In reality, you were hoping that as you showered, he would leave to find a meeting place so that you could run to the other cabins and warn the others. He took a step toward you, and you took a step back in turn. He cringed at that, a hand reaching out weakly for your touch. It fell to his side when you backed away until your back was at the bathroom door and you reached behind you for the handle. “Okay? You go scope out a safe place for us to meet!” You looked for confirmation, fake smile still plastered across your face until your jaw hurt from clenching so hard.
“Okay, (Y/N)...” his heart broke at your willingness to lie straight to his face. You’d never done that before. You would always be honest with him, even with the silliest thoughts. You nodded in reassurance, slipping into the mini bathroom afforded to you by Monokuma and closing the door. It was a modest thing, a small alcove in each cabin with merely a shower stall, sink with a mirror, and toilet all snug into one tiny area. You undressed like the wind, ready to take the quickest shower of your life. Just a rinse for the blood and dirt, running the water long enough to be convincing and you were out. You needed time to run to at least a few of your classmates' cabins before Nagito got back. Whoever you got to first could spread the word. You slid the glass shower stall door open and jumped inside, not even waiting for the water to warm up.
Soaking yourself promptly, you began to scrub off the day you’d had with a small wash cloth nearby. Mere minutes into your shower, you heard the small bathroom door slam open. Freezing instantly, you halted all motion and stared at the figure in the doorway that was a blurry mess of greens, creams and whites through the frosted glass of the shower door. Without a word, the figure approached the shower door and you felt your body go into fight or flight mode, adrenaline kicking into high gear.
This was it… you thought. You were sure that if you were the traitor, you would’ve known. The traitor was still out there, hiding their identity, and now Nagito was going to do exactly what he said he was going to do. You had to go… hope for the world was the end goal that superseded romantic feelings. Your life flashed before your eyes, and you thought of your friends, and how you failed to save them.
Nagito threw open the sliding door, and you fell back against the beige tile behind you, hands flying up to protect your head and face. You didn’t know how he would kill you, but braced for an expected blow. Exposed, defenseless and naked, vital organs unprotected, you began to sob.
“No! Nagito, please!” You screamed at the top of your lungs as he entered the shower stall in a panic, clothes and all. He clapped one cold hand over your mouth, a hand that was shaking. Instantly, tears sprang forth from his own eyes. Were you really that scared of him?
“No, don’t scream, please! Please, (Y/N)!” He released your mouth, throwing his arms around your shoulders in a crushing embrace. The shower head continued to spray down, soaking him now along with you as he clung to you like his life depended on it under its stream. His wild, long locks clung to his neck and forehead and his wet jacket weighed him down. You both stood weeping onto each other freely, Nagito from a broken heart, and you from shock. You were too terrified to move, to care that you were completely nude. He didn’t seem to care either, crushing you in his grip. He was a lot stronger than he looked.
“Nagito… Nagito please…” you pleaded, still not entirely sure these weren’t your last moments.
“I can’t bear to see you terrified of me. You’re… you’re the only one…” He could barely speak through his choked out sobs. He shook his head vehemently, needy for your touch. His hands roamed up and down your back desperately. He needed to feel you there, to know you were real.
“What…?” You didn’t understand.
“You’re the only one,” he sniffled, “who shouldn’t be afraid of me! You’re my shining hope. You’re my light in this darkness!” Tears wracked his body. “Why would a complete and utter nobody like me, talentless trash undeserving of your love ever try to hurt you? I wouldn’t even dream of it. (Y/N), please don’t hate me. I couldn’t bear it!” His finger nails dug into your spine. He was conflicted, and couldn’t fight the swell of anger that contended with the sadness in his chest. It felt like you didn’t know him at all to think he would hurt you. You weren’t the despair he sought to end. You had nothing to fear.
“But, y-you said- !” You began and he interrupted, unable to hear any more doubts of his loyalty to you.
“I know you’re the traitor. I just know it! You’re too good, too perfect to not be…” You’d never heard him so unconfident in his own reasoning before.
“You can’t possibly know that, Nagito!” You spat back, limp in his arms.
“I do know it. I know it. I’ll bet my luck on it. I want it so badly, my luck has to come through. It’s you, it has to be! I could never kill you. I could never get you killed. The others are the despair, you’re the solution. I know it’s you. I’m gonna make it all right… just watch!” He stepped back, taking your puffy face in his hands, staring directly into your eyes. “You’ll make it out of here! You’ll survive the last trial and go on without me, my love. I know it’s you!” He was deceiving himself once again, daring to want something so badly, so selfishly.
He would never live to see just how wrong he was.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
You, your boyfriend Fuyuhiko, and your best friend Peko went way back. As a kid growing up on Fuyuhiko’s side of town, everyone knew to avoid Kuzuryu property. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately looking back at it, you were a pretty reckless as a kid, even if you weren’t now. You used to to slip through fences and past security cameras all the time to play with the blonde fuzzy-haired kid and the girl with the cool sword. Your parents scolded you when you came home, not knowing where you really were, but you always found your way back. The boy, who always had a temper, and the girl, who was the calm to his storm, repeatedly called you names, told you to never come back or his family would kill you, then played with you all day anyway. You had no idea what his family truly was, what the word yakuza really entailed, only that everyone said that part of town was dangerous. You didn’t see it that way, not when you played cops and robbers or samurai and peasant with your two best friends nearly every day. The boy, Fuyuhiko as you’d come to learn, would always rush you off the property if his father was coming home or when less friendly clan members came around, and you didn’t learn until years later why.
By that time it was too late for you to be scared of his yakuza status or Peko’s true strength now revealed to you. You were besties, and nothing was ever going to change that. Through middle school, you formed quite the crush on the petite bad boy, and although he still had a nasty temper and could be quite aloof at times, you wanted him all the same. A lifelong friendship bloomed into a romantic relationship - with hesitance on his part - and before you knew it, you were set to attend Hope’s Peak together. You kept your relationship secret from everyone save for Peko. Fuyuhiko insisted on this, for your own safety.
Now here you were, on this mysterious tropical island with all of your memories of Hope’s Peak wiped clean. You found that in general, many memories of your past were wiped clean, save for those few precious and essential ones. You remembered growing up with Fuyuhiko, your relationship with him, and Peko who you loved like a sister. Everyone else were strangers, strangers who seemingly also couldn’t remember how they got there or how you were all connected. You were all freshmen it seemed, and that was were it stopped.
Almost immediately after Monokuma’s appearance and monologue, Fuyuhiko had pushed both you and Peko away. He demanded you both pretend like you didn’t know him, treat him like everyone else and if need be, you’d meet in secret and away from prying eyes. This was to be a killing game with rules and trials, and no one else here seemed to know each other from their past. If the others found out you three were connected, you would no doubt all be dragged down if one of you got caught up in something nasty. Allies, a package deal and all that. He didn’t want your connection to him to put you or Peko in danger. He knew you’d both die for him, and he for you, and he wouldn’t let any of these idiots use that weakness against you.
The cat was long since out of the bag. Peko was gone and you’d helped Mikan nurse Fuyuhiko in and out of the hospital after his near-fatal wounds from trying to save the swordswoman from her from execution. Everyone knew of your relationship now, which meant no more sneaking around behind everyone’s back, but Peko’s life wasn’t the price you ever wanted to pay for that freedom. Along with Peko’s passing additionally came a visible change in your boyfriend’s soul. Though he still had that fiery temper, he controlled it with great effort now. He tried harder with people, forgave easier, loved better, appreciated more. The days of reflection in the hospital stirred something in him.
Weeks passed, and it was one tragedy after another. From the group giving you hell about keeping secrets, to tending to Fuyuhiko’s extensive wounds, to now finding Ibuki hanging from a rope and Hiyoko posted up against a pillar with her throat slit, your group couldn’t seem to catch a break.
Though Mikan and yourself begged him to get some rest - as his wound had already reopened once - Fuyuhiko insisted on investigating in preparation for the trial with everyone else. He was as strong-willed as ever. You searched the hospital with him for clues or evidence the blackened may have sloppily left behind. He was on edge, and you couldn’t blame him. Everyone was, these were the fifth and sixth classmates dead in the blink of an eye, and the killer was still on the loose. Your skin crawled and you were extra jumpy today. Every corpse you had to look upon took a little more of your innocence and vitality from you, and this maniac had already killed twice. What was to stop them from killing again?
Fuyuhiko insisted that he wasn’t scared of the blackened, quite the opposite. It was his rage aimed at them that would fuel his strength to move on and identify them. You knew him well, and knew when to back off when he was in a mood. Everything seemed to annoy him at the moment. It was hard to search with him and cooperate when he got pissed off everytime you fussed over his healing injuries. He kept swatting you away then apologizing for being irate and short-tempered. He just wanted you to stop babying him.
Just now bending over to search near a hospital bed, Fuyuhiko shot upright, jumping at a sudden sound that startled him.
“What the fuck-?!” He turned to the source of the loud crash behind him. You were splayed out across the floor behind him, a deep gash on your cheek spilling blood down your face as you sat up. “What the hell did you do?!”
“I just tripped! I’m fine!” You gestured with one hand to a small table you’d toppled over, holding your bloody cheek with the other. The contents on said table, various sharp little medical instruments and tools, were strew about and on top of your body. Fuyujiko glared at the hard counter top of the cabinet you’d hit your cheek off of on the way down. Now you knew how Mikan felt, always making a mess of her clumsy self.
“You’re a fuckin’ idiot! Why don’t you watch where you’re going?! We’ve got enough shit to deal with right now!” He kneeled down to your level and started rapidly picking up the various scalpels and knives around you.
“I’m sorry, ‘Hiko…” the shame was setting in. He was already ornery today and you’d somehow made it even worse. He leaned over your body, reaching for more of the small instruments.
“Sorry’s not gonna cut it! You-”  hovering over you, he lifted one of the razor sharp tools above his head in a clenched, angry gesture. You turned your head, gasping slightly and flinching away from him. Your free hand came up to cover your face with your eyes shut tight in a grimace. Upon seeing you recoil, cowering away from him like that, he halted, the rest of his complaint dropping off into oblivion.
He didn’t want to be like that anymore, remember? He reminded himself of his temper, of his talks with Hajime in the hospital, of Peko’s memory urging him to do better, of his display of humility to Hiyoko in the hotel restaurant.
He cleared his throat awkwardly, putting the instrument aside and gently pulling you to your feet alongside him.
“Come on, sit down. Let’s get you cleaned up.” He pushed you gently down to sit on the hospital bed and reached for some simple disinfectant, a cloth to put it on, and a large bandage. He began to pat the blood away. “We’ll have Mikan look at this later to see if it needs stitches, but this is the best I can do for now.” He noticed you avoiding his eye contact and his heart sank. “Hey…” He held your chin, titing your head to look up and meet his gaze. “I’m really sorry, okay. I would never lay a hand on you. That is a fact. Please… know this for certain.”
“I know, I just… I don’t know… I’m sorry I reacted that way.” His apology helped, but you still felt a little foolish.
“No, it’s me who should be sorry. There’s no need to get that angry, especially at you, especially for an accident.” He sighed, running a hand down his face. He had a long way to go. “Please slow down. Be more careful and worry about yourself as much as you worry about me. I can’t lose you, too.”
Hajime Hinata
You’d closed yourself up in your cabin for good, with no plans to go out in the foreseeable future. Every few minutes you checked the locks, on both the doors and the windows, biting your nails down to nearly bleeding. In addition to shutting yourself in, you’d shut the world, the island, and all your classmates out. You were a nervous wreck.
Mere hours ago, Nagito had blown the hotel lobby and everyone in it sky high. He’d finally lost what little marbles he had left. Nobody knew fully why, but he’d snapped too far beyond repair. Both you and poor Kazuichi were very near to the blast zone, and even now you felt a dizziness and slight loss of hearing. You were sure that over in his cabin, Kazuichi was feeling the same way. You wanted to pass out, to scream, to topple over in exhaustion but refused to let yourself leave your post. As much as you were tired and dizzy, you were equally as terrified. What if that maniac Nagito showed up again to finish the job? Though the vertigo threatened to take you down for the count, you were determined to stay vigilant. Your mind grew more and more dull and hazy by the second, though.
Hajime and the others wanted to go to the new island in the morning, and as far as you were concerned, they could search until their hearts were content. You’d given up. You’d been broken. You’d been beaten by Monokuma and this killing game. Why go to a new island? Every time you guys went to a new island to explore, someone died. Everyone was dying. There was a psychopath hell-bent on blowing you up - or worse - on the loose. You were content to stay in your cottage and rot away. Paranoid and eroded away from trial after trial, you’d refused to let anyone in, even your sweet boyfriend, Hajime, who’d already tried to come check on you several times that night. Even as the rain poured down from the night sky and lightning cracked consistently, he kept coming back. He was extremely concerned about you, but you just couldn’t do it anymore. You didn’t trust anyone anymore. You couldn’t.
You trusted Teruteru, and Peko, and Mikan, and Gundham, and Nagito… it was all too much. Who would betray you next? Who would stab you in the back when you least expected it for a chance at freedom as a blackened who got away with it? It could be literally anyone. Sonia had a country to get back to, an entire country waiting for her. Fuyuhiko had an empire. They all had a reason to live and you’d be an easy target in this state of barely conscious, injured and mentally broken.
You’d almost fallen asleep when a knock came at your door, again…
You almost chose to ignore it, but figured getting your body moving would keep you awake, so you forced your feet over to the door.
“Hajime…?” You assumed, your voice weak.
“Man…” he sighed loudly, muffled by the rain and the barrier of the door, “(Y/N)... you sound terrible. I really do think you have a concussion. Please let me in. I’m worried sick.”
“Please go away, Hajime. I’m sorry… I’ll be fine. I just -”
“I know you’re scared. You know you can trust me.” There was that word again… Moments passed in silent contemplation. “... I’m gonna keep coming back until you let me in. I’m soaked… please…” he whined, jiggling the door handle on his side. Now it was your turn to sigh. You rested your head against the door, senses dimming fast. He was probably right, you most likely did have a concussion. Your head ached, your vision was a bit blurry, the light of your cabin bothered your eyes. “You can’t just stay in there forever, you need medical atten-” The door swung open before him, and you hurriedly signaled for him to come in, swiftly locking the door behind him.
“No sudden movements. I’m a bit confused right now… everything’s a bit slow…” Your words slurred out but he seemed to catch them all.
“Yeah, no shit. You were blown all the way across the hotel floor. Come here, let me check something.” He took your wrist and stood you in the center of the room in front of him. He pulled a small flashlight he won from the gacha machine from his pocket and flashed it into your eyes slowly. “Try to stand still.” You were trying to, but swayed and stumbled regardless. “See, you can’t even do that much. Look, since Mikan is gone, we gotta let Monomi help us out. Let’s get you to the hospital.”
“What?! No, no no…” your heart beat quickened, feeling that paranoid panic set in again. “I’m not leaving this room.” The confusion was hitting again as you stumbled backwards a step and your back met the side of your bed. Was this a set up? You already let him in, now he wanted to get you out in the open? “Something’s gonna happen! I won’t go!”
“(Y/N), I promise I’ll get you to the hospital safely and I’ll stay with you the whole time. I know you’re scared but you’re being irrational right now!”
A thunderous boom sounded outside as high above your cabin the lightning cracked. In an instant, all of the lights wavered and went out. You cried out into the pitch black. You couldn’t see even a foot in front of you. This was definitely a set up. It had stormed plenty of times on this island, and the lights never went out like this.
Hajime reached out for you in the dark, and you screamed even louder at his touch. This was it, the betrayal. It was inevitable on this hell of an island. No one could truly be trusted.
“(Y/N), stop! Stop yelling!” Hajime grabbed one of your wrists in the dark, and you sank to the floor, too dizzy to stand any longer. He heard the thud of your butt hitting the ground, though he couldn’t see it, and sunk to his knees beside you.
“Please… don’t hurt me, Hajime…” the words tumbled out of your mouth lazily. You wanted to pass out so badly.
“Hurt you?” He sounded incredulous, almost scoffing. Turning the screen brightness all the way up on his e-handbook, he set it on the ground beside you both for some type of light, as meager as it was, and sat the flashlight beside it. He grabbed your face in his hands, gently shaking you to alertness. He’d heard it wasn’t good to let someone with a concussion fall asleep. “I’d never hurt you.” He stated almost matter-of-factly. “You’re just going through a rough time right now... Don’t talk like that. You know I’d never hurt you. I care about you, a lot.” He adjusted your position so you were sitting up a little straighter.
It pained him to see you this way. This killing game was stealing your luster, your goodness, your spirit. He’d noticed that your smile - a smile he loved so very much - grew smaller and smaller with each trial. Now it’d come to this. You were frightened of even him…
“I’m so scared, Hajime…”
“I know. I know you are.” He spoke with compassion in his voice. “Will you let me help you? Please…?” He waited for your nod of confirmation before continuing. “Come on,” he scooped one arm under your legs and the other under behind your back and stood with you in his arms. “We’re gonna get you the help you need. I know it’s hard, but we are a team. You, me, Chiaki, Sonia, Kazuichi, Fuyuhiko, Akane, we need to do this together. I know it’s hard to trust after all that’s happened, but I’m gonna keep you safe, and we’re gonna survive this, together.”
Kazuichi Soda
Kazuichi sat in front of the busted funhouse elevator, ass nearly numb from sitting in that position for hours. He was squatting before, until his knees began to hurt as well. You sat behind him, handing him tool after tool when he needed it and offering encouragement and advice when you could. Still, he was being testy and very short with you and the two of you had gotten into it several times today already. Nothing big, just a few little spats. You had to keep reminding him that you were only trying to help, but nonetheless he was in a foul mood.
You knew he was truly mad at the situation, not you. His anger was misplaced but it still hurt. You’d all been locked up in the funhouse for days without food and with minimal sleep due to Monokuma’s interference and everyone was on each other’s last nerves. Now the elevator was broken, and the Ultimate Mechanic was expected to be the one to fix it. He’d been at it all day, and with each set back or miniscule perceived failure, he got more and more irritated.
You handed him a wrench you’d gotten from the hidden room beyond the Final Dead Room. All the tools he was currently using were from there as well. Oh yeah, that was another reason he was so pissed off. He’d never admit to it, but the fact that you were smart and brave enough to pass the Final Dead Room’s test unscathed and here he couldn't even fix this measly machine irked him like nothing else. He felt like the word useless might as well have been stamped onto his head. After he let out yet another frustrated groan, stretching out his sore wrist, you sighed and spoke up:
“Hey, Kaz’, it’s okay if you can’t get it done today. Let’s get some rest. We need to conserve energy.” He looked at you as if you’d just called him the biggest loser ever.
“That’s easy for you to say! You’re actually contributing to the group! You don’t have the burden of feeling like a failure on your mind!” He gritted his sharp teeth.
“You are contributing by even trying to fix it!” You retorted, not appreciating his tone or him starting an argument with you yet again today.
“Oh, don’t patronize me! You just don’t get it! Everyone likes you and you’re good at everything you try! I can’t even do what I was literally born to do correctly!” He spat.
“Oh, Kazuichi, give me a break! It is not that deep! Nobody even needs to use the elevator at this very moment!” You shifted your position right next to him, crossing your arms over your chest in a pouting display.
“If you’re not gonna help, then just go away!” He leaned forward toward you, raising the wrench in his hand in exasperation. You jolted backwards, leaning away from him with a fright.
Things got really awkward, very fast. The air went dead silent and all anger drained from his face. He lowered the wrench as a blank expression took over, followed by one of slight embarrassment. Did you really think he was gonna hit you with it? A moment passed, and you both looked away from each other, refusing to make eye contact.
“H-hey…” Kazuichi hesitated for a second, then made up his mind. Grabbing your shoulder, he seized you into his chest and held you tightly. His mind flashed back to his years in the family shop, to glimpses of his dad screaming whenever he angered him, even hitting him sometiimes for fucking up on a car. He might have even deserved it - he thought - but you didn’t. For sure, you didn't. He respected but feared his father, and he didn’t want to make anyone feel like that, especially not you. “I would never hit ya like that! Y-you gotta know that, right?!” His voice broke as he fought back tears. “I’m sorry for being an asshole today. This place just fuckin’ sucks you know? I can’t take it anymore!” You felt wetness soak through your shirt on your shoulder though you couldn’t see his face. You returned the hug, pulling him tighter into yourself. You two sat like that for a long while, resigned to give the elevator another try sometime later.
Nekomaru Nidai
You and Nekomaru were kinda… a thing? It was complicated because you were two very different people, but there was a little spark, a mutual crush that was known of and whispered about by the other students. It was weird, because you two flirted with each other, but nothing really ever happened because when he was around, you felt like a flustered mess, a puddle of mush. He was an intimidating, extroverted mountain of a man, and it was easy to become nervous in his presence. It’s like you were touch-starved, head over heels for your handsome classmate and yet the thought of him touching you turned you into an anxious idiot at the same time. You spent a quite lot of time together but there was rarely any touching other than a motivational clap on the back or the slap when you made a good joke, maybe even a very platonic-feeling bear hug as a greeting every once in a while.
In fact, you saw more chemistry between him and Akane, or even him and Hajime, two people he hung out with all the time. Heck, he touched Akane a lot more than he ever touched you. It made you feel a bit jealous, even. You felt silly even admitted this to yourself, as he wasn’t even your boyfriend and could do whatever he pleased, but it was frustrating nonetheless.
You wanted to be mature, to be honest and communicate your feelings with him once and for all because the pining, the unfulfilled feelings were driving you crazy but it had totally blown up in your face. Turns out your relationship with him was a lot more complicated than you originally thought. The talk ended up as a bit of an argument… well, it felt like you were arguing and stumbling over your feelings while he didn’t seem to be upset at all, which made you feel even more overwhelmed. You felt childish, unable to express yourself in a way that didn’t feel humiliating. He always seemed willing to talk something out, but at the same time didn’t really seem to understand how you felt in any other way than on a platonic level. He motivated, talked to, trained, and fixed people for a living, but maybe sports and romance were just too different for this conversation to click in his head. Or maybe… you were reading the signs all wrong. Maybe he didn’t like you back at all. Maybe you and your peers had misinterpreted his fondness for you as flirting, and you decided to accept that. You respectfully asked him to forget about everything you said, and apologized for the confusion and awkwardness, making your swift exit.
Sulking, dejected and needing some alone time, you walked along the lengthy bridge that connected Jabberwock Park to the island that housed the supermarket and resort. The sun was in the process of setting, leaving the island nearly dark with last last bits of daylight.
“(Y/N)!” You looked up from your navel-gazing to see a large figure bolting toward you at the speed of light. Nekomaru’s sudden appearance startled you even though you knew the guy to be loud and over the top. At that distance, you may not have been able to tell it was him in this little lighting if he weren’t yelling out your name. You’d recognize the voice from a mile away. As he finally approached, not the least bit out of breath, he began to speak immediately.
“Hey, (Y/N)!” He seemed a bit different, a bit less charged-up than his usual state. It was like a calm state of focus.
“Hey… Nekomaru.” You smiled weakly, still extremely nervous standing in his shadow. You had to tell yourself that you only felt this way because you liked him, and you had to let go of those feelings. “What’s up?” You twiddled your thumbs timidly, eluding the eye contact.
“I wanted to talk to you about earlier. When we chatted… well, I’ve been thinking about it all day. It’s been bothering me! So…” His brow furrowed. It wasn’t often he was speechless. “Uhhh..” he stalled in his deep rumble of a voice. He took a step closer to you, and you took one skittish step back. It felt weird having him in your personal bubble. It bred butterflies in your stomach. You began to shiver. It was partly because of the chill in the evening air, and partly because you dreaded confrontation like this. You feared he would make this more painful and awkward than it already was. Why couldn’t he leave it be? You weren’t his type, you accepted that! You took another self-conscious step back.
“We don’t really need to talk about it. I get how you feel, it’s fi-” a gasp passed through your lips as his massive hand suddenly flew down toward you. You flinched backward just a tad and felt your heel slip off the edge of the bridge. His hand found its desired destination around your waist and he pulled you in snugly to his wide, warm chest.
“W-why did you do that?” You looked up at him, your face pulsating with warmth just underneath the skin. He raised a brow apphrehensively at your reaction.
“You were shaking, so I figured you were cold. Plus, you were about to fall off the bridge. Two birds, one stone! Bet you’re warmin’ up now, huh?” He grinned down at you briefly before the wary expression took over again. “Hey, I know I’m a big dude an’ all, but you don’t need to be afraid of me or anything…” he mumbled and you could feel him speak from your position smashed against his chest. You looked down now, a bit ashamed that you made him feel that way. You didn’t know why he cared what you thought of him, but you could hear the slight hurt in his voice.
“I’m not scared of you, Nekomaru… quite the opposite…”
“Whaddaya mean?” What did he mean what do you mean??? Was he really that clueless? You literally had a whole conversation about this earlier today. Did the meaning of your words fly totally over his head… or were you just not clear enough?
“Nekomaru… I’m not scared I just…” you paused, debating just shutting up then and there, “I just get really nervous around you because… I really like you. Like as more than a friend…”
“You do?” Why did he sound genuinely surprised?
“I told you so earlier…”
“You did?!” He donned a puzzled look, and you looked up at him, incredulous. “No way!”
“I told you how I felt earlier, and you didn’t seem to feel the same so I let it go!”
“See, I told you it’s been bothering me, because I couldn’t for the life of me understand what you were so upset about earlier!” He threw his head back in one of his endearing, hearty laughs. What was that stereotype? Dumb jock?
“I mean, I tried to tell you, without being too forward or blunt. I was afraid you’d reject me…”
“Haha! Next time, why don’t you try to be more straightforward and honest with your feelings? It feels good!” He flexed the arm that held you close, giving you a good squeeze. You felt your cheeks warm up sheepishly.
“Like I said… you make me nervous…” you chuckled diffidently.
“Well, what do you say we try that talk again?” He began to resume the walk across the bridge, with you under his arm. “This time, we both be clear adn honest with each other?” His eyebrow wriggled rather mischeviously. “I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the results.”
Twogami / Ultimate Imposter
You’d spent nearly all of what little time you’d been on the island with Byakuya. You were starting to form a little crush on him, and he was rather fond of you as well (not that he’d ever openly admit it) so he allowed it. You of course knew about the Togami family’s power and influence, everyone did, so you found yourself a bit shy around him, but having fun at the same time getting to know him. You were a bit of of a people pleaser, both curious about him and eager to help if he needed it. There were times when you two simply hung out, like two normal people, and sometimes he even seemed to find you as fascinating as you found him. When he found himself asking one too many questions about you, however, he always seemed to reel it in, pulling back like he had some type of wall up.
You were fine with it. You’d just met a few days ago after all, and the friendship… or something more, would form when it formed. You didn’t want to force it. You were already feeling a bit silly and about wanting to connect with the Ultimate Affulent Progeny in the first place. Someone with his wealth and status could probably spend his time with anyone he wanted.
The threat of the start of a potential killing game was putting everyone on edge, even the scion himself, though he carried it better than most. He genuinely looked like someone your class might be able to look to as a leader.
The group had decided to throw a little party later that night, and you offered to help Byakuya tick off and confiscate all weapons or even potential weapons in the old building that would house this party… for some reason. Every loose wooden plank, every butter knife, every pointy object had to go. It felt like he knew something no one else did… but, you happily followed along, helping him with this task. Honestly, though, on the inside, you feared he was being a little too uptight. How would he enjoy the little get together tonight in this state of uneasiness?
In between locking up items he dubbed nefarious and double checking every corner of the building, you two actually got to know each other a little better. After hours of work, he was satisfied. All the while, he seemed to be watching Teruteru and Nagito like a hawk as the two shuffled in and out of the building preparing tonight’s dishes and cleaning respectively. What was Byakuya hiding from you? Why all the suspicion? Did he genuinely think one of your classmates would kill someone tonight? That was just insane to even think about.
Trying to ease his mind, you started up an innocent conversation.
“You shouldn’t worry so much, really! Tonight will be great! I know it. I brought my good luck charm and everything!” Smiling and seeking to distract his tense mind, you brought a little trinket out from your back pocket. In your flattened out hand you displayed a little baby blue pocket knife, barely the size of your palm. “My dad gave it to me when I was really little, and I -”
“What is wrong with you?!” Byakuya’s hand shot out toward you to grab the small blade and you flinched backward, holding your hands up defnesively and dropping it onto the floor in the process. The sudden, angry movement had frightened you, especially coming from a man who knew how to hold an intimidating presence.
The silence then was palpable as it hung in the air, and he, the real him, wanted to apologize, to explain himself and express regret for overreacting. He wanted to say that you’d been a joy to hang out with these past few days and that he’d never raise a hand to you, but Byakuya Togami would never lower himself to say these things… and right now, he was Byakuya Togami. He steeled himself to speak.
“I was merely going to confiscate the blade from you. What a gross overreaction…” He spoke condescendingly. “Do you really think me some animal, some lesser beast who physically assaults people? Don’t insult me so…” He scoffed, plucked the blade from the ground and pocketed it. “I don’t know what kind of men you’ve dealt with, but clearly you’ve been hanging around with the dregs of humanity.” Crossing his arms nonchalantly over his chest, he left you there without another word, satisfied that his facade had remained in tact. Inside, it burned, it hurt to be so cruel to such a sweet person like you. He left to make final preparations for the party tonight and you stayed behind, offering to help Teruteru and Nagito since you were already there. It would take your mind off of the humiliation you just suffered.
Early into the next morning, when Monokuma dismissed the survivors of the very first class trial back to their cottages at last, you’d nearly missed it as you crawled onto your bed in a tired, traumatized ball:
A rectangular black box sat on your bedside table. It wasn’t yours, and you were sure your cabin door was locked. How did it even get there?
You opened it cautiously and found the most expensive looking, elegant, and elaborate looking pen in the world within. On one side was the Togami family crest, engraved delicately and masterfully. Tucked under it was a small note. You read it, tears welling up immediately.
A replacement good luck charm - T
Gundham Tanaka
Gundham felt totally secure with you, a feeling he’d never truly felt with anyone else. He’d never state it in plain words, but it was true nonetheless. You’d always been accepting of him and his rather eccentric ways. He didn’t need to feel like an outcast around you. He felt completely seen, understood on a whole new level. He could’ve sworn you cast some sort of spell over him, the way his cheeks and the tips of his ears would feel like they were on fire when you complimented him or held his hand. He nearly burst into flames when you once pecked his cheek with your soft lips after he carried a bunch of stuff back to your cabin for you as a favor.
You two spent nearly every day together. Everyone knew you two were a thing and you didn’t mind the teasing. You had no reason to be ashamed of how you felt about Gundham. He was the kindest soul you’d ever met, it just took a little digging to figure that out. Other than Hajime and Sonia - the only other two who really tried to get to know him - you were the only one who he’d let tend to the Devas. You often held them, fed them, watched them in your cabin when Gundham showered or needed a short break. The hamsters and Gundham himself provided a much needed light for you in the darkness of this killing game. The little things you did with him mattered so much to you. You appreciated every moment when in this place, you could be very much dead the next day. You swam at the pool and went shopping at the supermarket together on the main island, ate at the diner together on the second, hung out at the music venue together on the third, and now, trapped in the funhouse with starvation as the motive, Gundham insisted that you share the sound-proof, luxury room with him.
You’d initially gotten extremely flustered by his request but eventually accepted. Gundham didn’t seem to think twice about it. You supposed he was so naive to romance that he saw nothing wrong with you two sharing a bedroom at all. Maybe he did know, but cared more about your safety than the embarrassment. You knew he’d never do anything without your express permission anyway, so after deliberating, decided it was a non-issue. It was unusual for Monomi not to pop up to protest, however.
Days into being trapped in the funhouse, you sat at the small desk in your room feeling like a total asshole. You’d been in an argument with Gundham earlier, one that you’d totally started and knew you were in the wrong for. You rarely ever had a disagreement with him, much less gotten into a full-on fight. It was a bit one-sided however, as you yelled and complained while he just tried to reason with you and ultimately ended up leaving you alone in the room for some space. You regretted it the instant he left, and had made up your mind to apologize the second he returned. You were miserable: starving and dead tired from Monokuma Tai Chi every morning, but that was no excuse for your behavior. Everyone else was hungry and cranky, too, and you’d taken your anger out on Gundham for no reason.
You pulled out the headphones and small MP3 player Hajime gifted you when you hung out a few weeks back and slumped forward on the desk, moping as you put the headphones in and blasted the music as loud as the cheap earbuds would allow. You had to pass the time somehow, and walking around looking for Gundham when he’d eventually come back here to sleep would waste what little energy you had left. There was a small part of your mind that wondered: what if he didn’t come back? Your heart ached. Everyone was starving… someone would have to kill soon to get out of this hopeless situation. You could only hope and pray that the last thing you said to Gundham wouldn’t be that hateful nonsense. You let yourself zone out, head down on the desk and eyes closed lazily. You began to doze off and wouldn’t know how long you were out.
You awoke to the music still blasting in your ears and a tap on your shoulder.
“Hmm?” Groggily you turned to see Gundham behind you. Gripped tightly in his gauze-wrapped hand was a large, sharp knife the length of your forearm. Your eyes widened and you screamed, taken off guard by the frightening sight. “Gundham, please, no!” It was a bit odd that he looked more shocked than you did as you backed away from him, falling off the chair and onto the floor behind it with a thud. Tears began to stream down you face. 
You didn’t think it would end like this, but it was kinda of the perfect location. The room was sound-proof, after all. You just never expected a betrayal this cruel. Maybe you should’ve. After all this time, all of these deaths, it was naive to truly trust anyone on this island. Why did it have to be him though of all people? Maybe he had to do this. After all, the Devas were starving, too, and they meant the world to him. Getting out meant saving them as well.
Tossing the knife onto the bed, he rushed over to you, kneeling to the floor and tearing the earbuds out of your ears.
“What sort of demon has possessed you?!” Confusion coated his visage and the Devas hopped down from their master’s scarf and swarmed you, sensing your distress.
“What do you mean?! You just scared the shit outta me!” Fresh tears sprang forward with your frustration.
“That was never my intention, my beloved…” he shook his head apologetically.
“Well you can’t just pop up out of nowhere with a knife like that, especially in a situation like this! I thought you were about to fucking murder me!” 
“I assumed you knew that I would never do you harm, so I didn’t see an issue with my approach… These other peasants would do well to fear my dark powers, but I thought you knew that my loyalties lie with you, dear one!” He pulled off one of his dramatic gestures. You pulled your knees up into yourself, suddenly feeling very stupid.
He proceeded to explain that while he was gone, he’d decided to take on the Final Dead Room in hopes of finding a route of escape from the funhouse because he couldn’t stand to see you suffer like this for a single day more. Instead, he came upon a cache of weapons of every sort and size, and begged you to keep that fact a secret. Pulling you to your feet, he sat you down on the bed and handed you the knife.
“Since I can not spirit you away from this hell, I have chosen to provide you with the means to defend yourself should I ever fail to. Hide it somewhere that is always accessible to you and no one else. And my darling, I beg of thee,” he pleaded, “cease all usage of that wretched machine!” He pointed to the MP3 player discarded onto the ground. “You must be on your guard at all times in this place, especially if the Devas and I are not there to guard you.” Your bottom lip quivered, heart swelling at his concern for you, even after you screamed at him earlier. You sat the knife down and threw your arms around him, collapsing into his chest. You didn’t deserve him.
“I’m so sorry, Gundham! After I sat here and bitched at you for no reason, you went out and still thought of my safety? I’m so, so sorry!”
“Think nothing of it, dear one…” He mumbled, burying his red face in his scarf.
Teruteru Hanamura
Most of the your other classmates were repulsed or at the very least annoyed by Teruteru’s antics. His behavior: overtly flirty and forward, even to the point of perversion, was a major turn off for most of the people he talked to, but you actually really liked him. You found his one-liners funny, his pick up lines amusing. He was genuinely fun to hang out with, in your opinion. He complimented you a lot, and you would playfully tease and flirt back. He really seemed to enjoy the matching of his energy, and though you’d only known each other for about a week, you spent a lot of time together. He was usually showing you some simple yet delicious recipes and letting you taste test his meals (of course with a lot of innuendos built in) and you would share your interests with him while you cooked together. You noticed, also, that the more time you spent with him, the less time he spent bothering the others. Maybe all he needed was a little positive attention all along.
Tonight, all of your classmates would be attending a party, both to socailize and ensure that nothing could happen because you’d all be in the same place, which would leave too many witnesses, therefore making a killing unlikely. Teruteru of course was excited to do what he did best and provide the meals for the party, but his mood seemed to be like a rollercaster that day. As you spent hours helping him cook, sometimes leaving to take breaks or talk to the others, he seemed to go from flirty to worried, salacious to nervous, confident to angry. His mood seemed to turn foul when Nagito would waltz by the kitchen, passing through as he did his assigned cleaning duties in the party building. You noted this, but it was strange, as you hadn’t known Teruteru to particularly dislike any of your peers… Did he have an issue with Nagito? But Nagito was so chill…
No matter the reason for his mood swings, you took them for what they were and tried to help out by offering an extra hand (which he made a dirty joke about) or changing the subject when he got gloomy. You could only do so much to stabilize his mood, however, and eventually he seemed to just be barking orders or frustrated with you. He was already in a bad mood and you didn’t want to contribute to it. You weren’t a true chef anyway and you were probably just getting in the way, you figured, so you took a big tray of finished dishes and began to make your way out to the dining hall.
Your shoe caught onto a thick chord just outside the kitchen door, just a piece of junk Nagito hadn’t gotten to yet and you tumbled forward, spilling the entire tray onto the floor. You gasped as you hit the floor, your knees stinging with the impact. Teruteru, who witnessed the whole thing, ran over to you with a shriek to make sure you were okay. The melancholy melted away, and checking on you was all that mattered.
“(Y/N)!” Mistaking his tone for anger because of his previously existing foul mood, you were startled by his approach, flinching away, shrinking backwards slightly. You fucked up, you ruined the dishes he spent hours making. He was probably furious with you. He stopped dead in his tracks, shocked by that instinctual response from you. With your reaction, he finally realized how rude he’d been to you all night. It wasn’t your fault Nagito was up to no good, and even knowing what he knew, he shoudn’t have taken his mood out on you. He was pushing away the one person who treated him with such kindness and respect on this island. His mother wouldn’t have been proud of that. “Take my hand.” He extended it to you and helped you to your feet.
“I’m so sorry, Teruteru, your food-!” You began to apologize profusely but he cut you off.
“I can always make more. I enjoy making more. Are you alright? You took quite the spill!” He smiled warmly at you. “I shoudln’t have been so… intense earlier. My apologies.”
“Oh I’m fine! It’s okay. But, about the food… are you sure it’s gonna be okay? Can we really make more in time?” He nodded enthusiastically in response. When you beamed back at him, he felt his inside twist into a knot.
He had to stop Nagito tonight. It was decided. He didn’t know how, or the extent of Nagito’s plans, but he couldn’t let him start the killing game with that knife he’d caught him taping under the the dining hall table earlier that morning.
Because… what if Nagito chose you, as his victim?
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yukiwhitetm · 2 months
DR Characters Assigned DC Roles
The main premise of this is that Shuichi Saihara as Robin 3 is both dating civilian Kokichi Oma as Bernard Dowd and flirting/being flirted with by his alter ego Stray. Shuichi has no idea Kokichi is Stray but Kokichi definitely knows Shuichi is Robin 3. What order do these events happen in? Who knows!
The Bats and Birds
Batman (The Bat): Kyoko Kirigiri
Agent A: Makoto Naegi
Robin 1, Nightwing: Kaede Akamatsu
Robin 2, Red Hood: Hajime Hinata
Robin 3, Red Robin: Shuichi Saihara
Spoiler, Robin 4, Batgirl (Batboy): Kaito Momota
Robin 5: Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Batgirl, Oracle: Chiaki Nanami
Black Bat, Batgirl, Orphan: Maki Harukawa
Batwoman: Aoi Asahina
Signal: Yasuhiro Hagakure
The Cats
Catwoman: Celestia Ludenberg
Stray & Bernard Dowd: Kokichi Oma
The Rogues
Joker: Junko Enoshima
Punchline: Mukuro Ikusaba
Harley Quinn: Toko Fukawa
Poison Ivy: Komaru Naegi
Blackmask: Mondo Owada
Penguin: Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Scarecrow: Miu Iruma
Bane: Nekomaru Nidai
Mr. Freeze: Teruteru Hanamura
Riddler: Hifumi Yamada
Mad Hatter: Angie Yonaga
Deathstroke: Tsumugi Shirogane
The League of Assassins
Ra's al Ghul: Haiji Towa
Talia al Ghul: Korekiyo Shinguji
Prudence Wood: Peko Pekoyama
The Outlaws
Starfire: Sonia Nevermind
Arsenal: Nagito Komaeda
Bizarro: Ibuki Mioda
Teen Titans
Beast boy: Gundham Tanaka
Raven: Himiko Yumeno
Wonder girl: Tenko Chabashira
Superboy 1 a.k.a Conner Kent (Supergirl): Akane Owari
Kidflash: Mahiru Koizumi
Cyborg: K1b0
Aquaboy (Aquagirl): Hiyoko Saionji
Superboy 2 a.k.a. Jonathan Kent: Masaru Daimon
The Justice League
Superman (Superwoman): Sakura Ogami
Wonder Woman: Kirumi Tojo
Green Arrow: Byakuya Togami
Aquaman: Leon Kuwata
Martian Manhunter: Ultimate Imposter
Green Lantern: Kazuichi Soda
Captain Marvel: Nagisa Shingetsu
Flash: Chihiru Fujisaki
Zatanna: Sayaka Maizono
Black Canary: Mikan Tsumiki
Most of these characters have been assigned DC roles based on their personalities, regardless of gender (except for Superboy and Bizarro since they're clones of Superman so have to be the same gender as him)! I included some Rogues, League of Assassins, Outlaws, Teen Titans and Justice Leaguers because the Batfam interact with them a lot.
In my mind, Kyoko Kirigiri is together with Makoto Naegi and has been for the long term but her as the Bat and Celestia Ludenberg as Catwoman share some flirtatious banter.
Hajime Hinata as Robin 2 died and came back, and when he did he came back different. How much you want to lean into Jason Todd's backstory or Hajime Hinata's and whether you want to include Izuru Kamukuru is up to you.
Kaito Momota may or may not have had an unsuccessful romantic relationship with Shuichi when he was Spoiler and Shuichi was Robin 3. This can be prior to Shuichi meeting Kokichi or Robin 3 and Stray could have had some playful banter going on during this time (this works because Shuichi actually dates civilian Kokichi, which could be after he and Kaito break up). Kaito could be with Maki now!
Yes, this character assignment does mean that Masaru Daimon is Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu's best friend. Yes, that is hilarious.
I was running out of DR characters near the end so I started swapping some around to find suitable Justice Leaguers. Masaru was originally Captain Marvel but then that only left Kotoko Utsugi as an option for Superboy 2 and I thought Fuyuhiko would hate her. So, Masaru became Superboy 2 and Nagisa Shingetsu Captain Marvel. Byakuya Togami was originally assigned as Lucius Fox, the manager of WE, but I had to swap him to Green Arrow because he was just too perfect for that!
I hope you enjoyed! Please like, comment and reblog. Your support is much appreciated.
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anonzentimes · 1 month
I'm sorry this is a stupid question, but I'm a bit confused. What do you think Nagito's relationship with the other ultimates is like? Does he genuinely care about them? Or he just see them as talented people who can bring great hope and nothing more?
(I think it's interesting that it was shown in Danganronpa 2.5 that in Nagito's perfect world, he was friends with Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko. I've seen so many people think that he didn't care about the other ultimates beyond their talents but I like to believe that he at least cared a little)
Wonderful question, I'd be happy to help with my interpretation!
Basically, the way I like to describe it is by separating his feelings by calling them warped love and genuine love. His warped love is more about status. Nagito doesn't expect reciprocation with this love because he wants to help from the side lines. He wants to be a stepping stone for the ultimates since he's not capable enough in the (false) hierarchy he's accepted to create such great hope. This is what he talks about a lot in Chapter 2!
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For his genuine love, well it's what it sounds like, it is genuine love. But despite this fact he doesn't expect reciprocation for this either because of his self esteem and fear of his bad luck going after them if he gets too close. For genuine love he really does care a lot about the person more personally beyond just status even if he doesn't acknowledge it or even notice it, the only real time he understands is when Hajime's status is no longer there. He's so stuck in his absolute beliefs that when he's burdened with the fact he cares about Hajime when his status is gone and he is a despair inducing TERRORIST he is beyond conflicted at the fact he still loves and cares about him. His absolute beliefs override his genuine love and he doesn't quite understand his genuine love as much, Anything is okay if it's for the sake of Hope after all.
In Danganronpa 3 I believe Nagito only loves everyone with warped love at First. Through spending so much time with them he genuinely cares for his classmates quite a lot. It's sort of a mix of warped and genuine love there. His classmates know about him more beyond the surface from spending time together and him being there as well, it's to different degrees but for the most part the class just thinks he's a freak and doesn't like him much. Nagito doesn't mind since both of his loves, and general worldview/self esteem, allows him to think it's just because he's factually garbage and doesn't deserve reciprocation. Nagito distances himself with the class because of all of these things but genuinely does care about them personally and about their status, he's only shown full reciprocation by Chisa and only the slightest bit by Chiaki.
In Danganronpa 2 everyone doesn't know each other as well and it's mostly first impressions and preferences, Nagito mostly cares about status here since he doesn't know them as personally and in the prologue nobody knows enough about Nagito to form a full opinion on him. Nagito's meltdowns, coping mechanisms, worldview, and what not obviously lead them to dislike or even hate him when they're on display in Chapter 1 and onwards. They don't really care about him much, again to ranging degrees, but it's worse this time since he is quite literally at his worst mentally in the game and his moral grayness, luck cycle, and how he appears when hope is relevant serves as something dangerous for them to fear. Everyone hates him in the killing game and he has warped love for the ultimates in Danganronpa 2, he may have preferences but he doesn't really have much genuine love for them yet.
However, there is an exception to this. An exception big enough that he defies his normal behaviors of distancing himself from the Ultimates and wants their attention and time, an exception that is the biggest obvious display of his genuine love that we have, Hajime Hinata.
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Nagito feels a connection with Hajime when they first meet and from a preference standpoint really likes and connects with him, this quickly shifts into genuine love. Nagito doesn't distance himself from Hajime he actively tries to get his attention, make a good impression, help him, and he playfully teases him. Nagito cares about Hajime alongside inherently status and that status allows his genuine love to easily happen. I said it earlier, but Nagito is beyond conflicted at the fact he still loves and cares about Hajime when he knows he's a terrorist. He's fond enough of Hajime that he kind of acts irrationally compared to what he usually does, and I think that is genuinely so sweet. There isn't anything specific he just feels a relatable connection without his worldview being able to get in the way of genuine love forming for him. Nagito cares and loves Hajime, his absolute beliefs that he uses to function are still more powerful though.
In Danganronpa 2.5 I think the reason he's friends with Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko is from preferences and genuine love since the simulation is using his school life memories! :)
In conclusion, it kind of depends on circumstance? Nagito genuinely loves his classmates from knowing them so long alongside their status, when he doesn't know them as well there isn't as much genuine love yet but there are preferences on the people themselves paired with the warped love about status. The exception is that he has such interest in Hajime from the very start had such a strong preference that he forms genuine love quickly.
Hopefully that makes sense! Thank you for your ask, if there's anything that didn't answer your question fully let me know <3
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 3 months
Analysis of Yuma's Design ②
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The design of Yuma's head has several features that are related to "question" or "mystery".
Everyone has probably noticed that his ahoge design is based on a question mark. Also, anyone who has watched him closely has noticed that his pupil design (or perhaps I should say the area around the pupil) resembles a keyhole. Some might argue that it is an abstract shape and perhaps something else, but "key" is a symbol used frequently in RAIN CODE, so I think it is reasonable to interpret it as a keyhole.
The main consideration I want to talk about in this post is that the outline of his eyes is a closed ellipse. My guess is that this is because it is based on the letter Q of the alphabet. There are several characters designed by Rui Komatsuzaki in Danganronpa and RAIN CODE with closed eyelines, such as Gundham, Kazuichi, Gonta, Ryoma, K1-B0, Aphex, Zilch, Desuhiko, and Vivia. While there are exceptions like Ryoma, most of them have sharp or semicircular eyes. Characters like Yuma with rounded eyes and closed eyelines are rare, so I think there is an intention behind it. He has a single long eyelash at the corner of his eye, which to me looks like a diagonal line coming out of the circle of the letter Q in the alphabet.
Yuma's eye line is not a simple single line, but rather a line that branches out a bit, so this analysis may be a bit of a stretch. I just think it could mean something, and I think it's one of Yuma's most distinctive parts, so I personally always want to draw him with his eyeliner closed when I draw him. Please don't get me wrong, this is just my preference! I have no intention of criticizing any fanart that doesn't. In fact, in the art for the Danganronpa and RAIN CODE Collaboration Cafe, Yuma's eyeline is broken at the inner corner of his eyes. If Tookyo Games supervises this art properly, it may not be so important whether Yuma's eyeline is closed or broken.
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jesterable · 1 year
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am i danganronpa posting in the year of 2023? yes. i am. anyways sdr2 will forever be one of my favorite casts of characters and i love them all dearly. so i basically just drew all of them as stylized as i could. 
these were 90% done from memory except for mahiru bc i forgot what she looked like entirely besides her color scheme.
thought process for all of them under the cut in order of when i drew them
mikan: my brain went to that one sprite of her as it does. and she’s purple and honestly doesn’t have enough specific craziness to have more than one color so she’s very one-color 
kazuichi: very sharp. very square. very pink as well, but just pink didn't feel right. he has to have that gross green 
akane: i couldn’t see her colors being changed v much but not so much that its. too normal.
 teruteru: very proud of his face. he's very oval.  and still not crazy enough for many colors 
hiyoko: it was a very specific vision to have her with the UGLIEST yellow hair. also i don’t like the banana shape so i tried several other pigtail shapes to be normal about 
gundham: took me about 3 tries to get his drawing right. i still have a crush on him. he’s mostly magenta but i felt like that was too little so i gave him red eyes
ibuki: i am proud of her. needed her to look fucking radioactive 
sonia: silly girl! she's relatively normal looking but she is not a normal lady. very :3 coded 
chiaki: im sOOO proud of my color choices for her. idk why but the dull pink and blue combo is my fave. also i completely went off base with her design on purpose bc i don’t like her actual design. my girl is a GAMER. let her look like one. 
mahiru: i don’t know much about her i actually had to google just her so i knew what her hair looked like. ok bowl cut you eat that up! 
nagito: he’s fucking insane. don’t like how his hair looks ingame so i made it better. i also totally forgot his outfit if you couldn’t tell. love giving crazy people neon eyes 
fuyuhiko: made him accidentally smaller than the rest but i think it fits. baby face... little fucker 
peko: tried to make her colorful but at the same time incredibly gray. she gives gray to me. she radiates gray
monokuma: i don’t like the strictly black and white design so i might it alot more red, and just made all the extra bits bright fucking red 
imposter: i didn’t know what to do with him but my brain told me to make him orange so i did. 
nekomaru: originally he was just gonna be blue, but my brain was like no... give him a more prominent smile. so i did ! 
monomi: had to make her soo pink and silly coded... gave her a closed eye, a tongue out, and made her folded ear just tilted down a bit more. 
hajime: i tried to make him the most normal looking out of all of them. he just had to be.
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yukiteruakari · 1 month
If Leon had lived longer or survived, I believe he would've been one of the main characters in the story.
Usually, promotional materials such as merchandise tend to feature Sayaka alongside the main trio of THH. This is understandable given her early portrayal as the heroine, but let me explain why it makes sense for Leon to be also included in the main group.
Danganronpa often pairs characters with others who complement their themes, forming what I call "narrative partners," whether in duos or trios. This isn't just for main characters—most have these connections, though there are exceptions.
Leon's narrative partner is Sayaka. They are designed as complementary opposites, each embodying the game's central theme of "talent" more than any other characters, a theme that wasn't touched upon after their early deaths in the story. Beyond this, Leon's crush on Sayaka, which is evident throughout the Danganronpa series, further ties their stories together. They were also the first characters created, serving as a foundation for the series.
Moreover, Leon shares characteristics with the "best friend" archetype seen in other Danganronpa games, like Kazuichi and Kaito. I'd argue these characters were inspired by Leon, suggesting that, had he survived, he would likely have been close friends with Makoto, forming a trio with Makoto and Sayaka. This is supported by class photos showing them together, hinting at a potential narrative thread that was never explored. This relationship could have deepened Makoto's character by showing and building his optimism through real friendships, rather than leaving it seemingly baseless.
Having Leon and Sayaka in the story would not only have supported Makoto's 'optimistic' character trait through their friendship but also balanced out the stoicism of Kyoko and Byakuya. Just as Sayaka relies on intuition and Kyoko depends on logic and facts, Byakuya's uptight and overly serious demeanor would clash with Leon's more light-hearted and playful nature. With Kyoko and Byakuya offering logical perspectives and Sayaka and Leon adding emotional depth and sentimentality, the group dynamics would have become more engaging and interesting, in my opinion.
I would have enjoyed seeing Sayaka and Leon embody the themes of talent, alongside Makoto and Junko symbolising hope versus despair, with Kyoko representing mystery, thus tying together Danganronpa's main themes, and Byakuya taking the role as the crucial anti-hero of the story.
These are just my thoughts, but I'd love to hear yours, too.
Oh, and maybe I should note that the official character list for THH goes exactly as follows: Makoto, Sayaka, Leon, Kyoko, and Byakuya. So, here’s an official picture of them together! It calms my soul.
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Thank you for reading!
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theamityelf · 28 days
How does mini Hajime dynamic with other sdr2 cast and kirigiri? And how does it affect kirigiri dynamic with her class?
I think it would come out earlier that Kyoko lost her memories, because Hajime would just admit right away that he lost his, and if he lost his memories of what he's doing at this school and Kyoko won't tell people what she's doing at this school, at least a couple of people would ask, "Did you lose your memories, too?"
And even if she shuts the question down, that's pretty much a yes.
The other senpais would pretty much just be like, "I don't think I've seen you around. I guess you must be in a different class?" His appearance isn't one that would stand out to them that much, anyway, so no one thinks that much of the fact that they don't know him. It doesn't occur to most of them that he's reserve course, because no one else here is reserve course. And if Mahiru (because if it's anyone, it's Mahiru) suggests that maybe he was in the reserve course, Hajime would reject the idea, because he doesn't want it to be true.
His dynamic with the other minis is similar to in SDR2 canon, except that in this case they've actually been in class with each other, so he's slightly the odd one out. That isn't entirely a bad thing! A lot of them love meeting new people. Ibuki, Kazuichi, Nekomaru– a lot of them are very excited to have someone new in their social group who they can talk to and get to know.
That's mostly at meals, though. Kyoko spends most of her time by herself, which means most of the time it's just the two of them.
Hajime's time with Kyoko is often spent asking "What are you doing?" and "What's that for?" as she investigates.
She usually doesn't answer his questions, because she is not going to allow this whole tiny senpai situation to trick her into saying her thoughts out loud for the cameras. And she explains this to him at some point, so he's pretty much used to asking her questions that she's not going to answer. It's like he's watching a detective show.
Occasionally, she'll ask him to get into small spaces for her.
"Can you fit through there and see what's inside?"
And then the next time Makoto spends free time with them, Nagito asks Hajime why he's covered in dust.
"Investigating," he sighs.
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vroerry · 9 months
Hi. So, to start, i dont know the difference between oneshot and short fanfic, im not used to those words yet, im sorry ;n; so make it whichever one of those two you feel like and would have fun with! Id like a nice little story to read, not just headcanons alone if possible.
Ive been thinking about this idea that takes place after Kazuichi Soda gets yelled at by Sonia in the Dangan 2 game, and they all storm off in their own directions. But then, reader tries to go comfort Kaz and one thing leads to another~
I suppose a touch of angst would be appropriate for such a story, but i dont want it to be just that, or too focused on that. Thats the lead up to the NSFW, which is the focus.
Reader goes and finds Kaz in the night after everyone went seperate ways, comforts him, they talk, hes probably a bit snippy, but then calms down. These 2 were buddies, not dating, but then all the ~stuff~ happens, and, you get the rest. Sexy stuff ought to cheer the man up lol. You fill out the "how" of this scenario. Howd they end up in bed? Have fun with it.
Im sure reader would feel bad for Kaz, not wanting him to be in distress. Maybe reader has been secretly pining for Kaz, but that doesnt HAVE to be a detail, im kinda making this all up quickly, throwing in lots of details, and you decide what sticks~ The others on the island didnt see each other for the rest of that night, so they could definitely get alone time no problem. Maybe after he calms down a bit, reader comes up behind him and hugs him, sweet and somber.
Idk about location, because the others would be in their cottages, but the motel should be free at this point, so maybe there so they can be loud and not care.
Can i PLEASE have reader taking kaz's hat the morning after because her hair is so messed up, like "gimmi that shit, your hair looks fine as hell, im the mess today i need hat." Maybe something in the end about them trying to act natural the next day around the others, you know? Perhaps some hickeys gave it away or somethin, whatever you think up and wanna write is cool.
Gender neutral or female reader is cool if ya dont mind. And idk what genre to label it as like you asked in your rules. Slight angst with mostly NSFW? Idk how to genre, i apologize ;-;
Thank you for reading, i look forward to your future works, whatever youre inspired to do is cool. Take it easy<3 ~Tiara👑
I'm so freaking sorry for the wait😭 My life took a heavy turn, but I'm fine now!
When I tell you I took my sweet time to play around with this scenario~
Also, difference between short fanfic and oneshots: It might be made up by me??? For me a short fanfic is multiple parts, 10 at tops, each part being around 1600 words at least?? So the entire fic is maximum around 16k words.
But now, to the fanifc:
A comforting touch
Kazuichi Souda x fem reader, NSFW
words: 1380
Another day on the islands, another day to end in chaos. Just the usual Jabberwock Island drama in the middle of a damned killing game.
Everything was fine, everything was going well, until Kazuichi decided to express his love for Sonia again. And this time, it did not end well. And you were the one that was in charge of finding Kazuichi. Again.
"Just make sure he doesn't do anything stupid" Hajime asked you and sent you off on your way.
"I will!" you replied and took went on a journey to find your buddy. Ever since you've ended up in this situation, he made you weirdly comforted. His goofiness, his fun aesthetic, everything. Except for when he was driving Sonia, and after that everyone else, insane. Even you struggled to understand his obsession with her, but brushed it off. It's his business not yours. It's his business not yours...
When you started looking for him, the sun was still up, but soon the moon took his place on the sky with the stars and you were completely clueless about his whereabouts.
"Let's see..." you thought to yourself. "What did I miss...?" The locations quickly ran through your head. Library, check. Theater, check. Cottages, check. First island entirely? Check.
"The motel!" you said out loud. "Well, I doubt he'd be there but... it's worth a shot" you wondered and decided to give it a go. You made your way to the third island and immediately headed for the motel. The abandoned looking building looked the same as ever, and the smell of musk was just as strong as before. You slowly opened the door and called out to the seemingly empty building.
"Kaz? Are you here...?" you walked inside and started looking around. "I just want to make sure you're okay, bud... I've been looking for you for hours..."
No response.
You continued to walk around the dusty place, stopping every now and then in front of doors.
"Kazu? Please be here, I have no other idea where to look for you... We can do whatever you want... Just be okay..."
Still nothing.
You sighed.
"Fuck, maybe I was wrong..." with a heavy heart you started to get to the exit. "I hope he's alright..." as you started walking away, a door behind you opened. You quickly turned back to see Kazuichi standing in the doorway.
His hair was the usual mess, he cried his eyeliner off.
"I'm sorry" he mumbled. "Were you that worried?"
"It's okay! Oh god, I finally found you..." you said and went back to him. "Thank god you're okay... Would a hug be okay?"
"Yeah..." he replied and you wrapped your arms around him and so did he.
"It's going to be okay... I promise, Kaz... You'll apologise to her tomorrow and everything will be fine..."
"I will..." Kazuichi said. "I... i went overboard... I didn't want to upset her..." he slowly let go of you.
"I suppose... You don't want to go back there, right?" He shook his head in response.
"I don't want to be near anyone right now... Well, aside from you, I guess... But if you don't want to stay, you can go back..."
"No, it's fine" you brushed the offer off. "I'll stay here with you... I promised the others and myself that I'd keep an eye on you..."
"Alright then.. I guess... we can stay here..."
"Do you... uh... want to talk about everything that happened..?" you ask. He stays silent for a bit.
"Let's sit down..." he said and went back to the room he was hiding in. You followed him.
He sat on the bed and gently tapped the space next to him.
"C'mere... Let's have a... chat..." he smiled at you gently and rested his back against the wall. You sat next to him with a curious look as he speaks up.
"So... I know I fucked up... Miss Sonia didn't deserve that" he mumbles, looking down with a guilty expression. "But at the same time.. I... don't really know how else to show her how I feel... My parents never really... taught me how to handle emotions... But it doesn't matter now... She's got real close with that demon lord or whatever he calls himself"
"Kaz..." you sigh. "I know, rejection sucks but... I'm sure you're going to find someone that knows how to take care of you, someone who loves you for you..." you smile at him and pat his shoulder. "Even if that person isn't Sonia... There must be someone out there.."
"Where?" Kazuichi frowns. "I won't ever find my match and you know it... I'm like that one sock at the bottom of the drawer, always lonely and"
You suddenly press your lips on his, making him shut up in the middle of his dialogue.
"That someone is right here, Kaz..." you whisper to his lips. "I may or may not destroy our friendship but I don't care... I am that person..."
"Man... what since when why..." he starts asking every question that comes into his mind. Nonetheless, you quickly. make sure he stays silent.
"Just shut up and enjoy the moment" you kiss his soft lips once again, wrapping your arms around him. Pulling him close, not letting him escape your touch.
Kazuichi's eyes slowly flutter close, as he kisses you back, letting himself go under your touch.
Your hands start to wander around his chest. Slowly caressing each spot through his overall then zipping it down to reach under it...
"Are you surre this is a good idea?" he breathed out.
"Do you feel better?"
"Yes" he whispered.
"Then yes..." you kissed his lips again. "It is a good idea.." You smiled and slowly tugged his overal off his chest.
You now began placing passionate kisses all over him. Starting right under his ears, steadily working your way down his neck, stopping at the collarbone and then repeating the said path in reverse. Now going up, every now and then gently sucking on his skin, leaving hickeys. He let out soft sighs of pleasure, his eyes fluttering after each kiss.
"Let me take care of you too" he tried to switch things up but you stopoped him with a firm expression.
"I am the one comforting you" you took your shirt off, making him blush and his eyes lit up in excitement.
"Actually...Keep going" he said with sparkling eyes, as you went down on him with a sly smile. You kissed him like there was no tomorrow, making sure all of your love went through. All the love, admiration, and comfort. Everything that was boiling inside you whenever you thought about Kazuichi But despite your order, his hands began wandering too. Pushing your clothes down, guiding you into his lap.
"Ride me" he pleaded.
"Any time" you replied and began grinding your hips. Back and forth in his lap. Kazu groaned, feeling the pressure of yourbody. His patience on edge, his mind wishing for the clothes to disappear. Both of you bit down on your lips to keep the silence. , Trembling, shaky breaths leaving his mouth he spoke up again.
"We can be as loud as we want... Just please ride me already" he pleaded again, whining under you. He was so on edge, so impatient. So ready for everything to come crashing down.
"I’ll get right to the point, I promise...” you continued to rock yourself back and forth, putting more and more pressure on his body. Even you started to tremble and placed your hands on his chest for support. Gently grabbing onto his small pecks, feeling muscle tensening at your touch. 
"Don't just promise me. Do it"
The next morning the two of you were walking back to the first island. Hand in hand, smiling as the sun was coming up.
"So.... We're together?"Kazuichi asked.
"I am not sure" you replied. "All I know is that..."
The two of you entered the first island. You quickly grabbed his hat and placed it on your head.
"That I need your stupid hat... My hair is a mess..."
"Mine too!" he tried to get his hat back.
"Yours is alway a mess, Kazu. Mine not" you giggled. He rolled his eyes.
"Love you dork,.. And your comforting touch..."
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