#fag transsexual
thekidsfromyestergay · 7 months
Just saw a video like "um actually rocky horror isn't good queer representation because frank sexually assaults janet" girl he kills and eats people. It's called the rocky HORROR picture show not the rocky cute gay rep tw t-slur picture show
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morsobaby · 1 year
I hope all trannies and fags and dykes are having an amazing day
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genderqueerdykes · 7 months
i love experiencing feminine trans manhood. i love you if you experience feminine trans manhood too. manhood is not defined by masculinity, every man defines themselves.
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orpheuslament · 11 months
transphobic christians & terfs screaming yelling throwing up when u suggest joan of arc mightve not been a cis woman
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rabidbatboy · 4 months
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FAGGOT TRANSSEXUAL ; for transsexuals who are also faggots
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[ PT / faggot transsexual ; for transsexuals who are also faggots
coined by me / END PT ]
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bromantically · 8 months
the point of slur reclamation is not to take away its status as a slur, but to take its power from the hands of oppressors and put it into our own. i do not reclaim words like fag because my goal is to normalize it and get rid of its status as a slur, i reclaim it because im making it mine now. im taking it so the power over it is in my hands, im taking their weapons from them and i dont intend to give them back
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aholotte · 25 days
Comparing Twitter and tumblr queer culture is so amusing
Twitter queer culture: reminder that if you’re an mspec lesbian every character from honkai star rail hates you (?)
Tumblr queer culture: does anyone know if we have butch faggot joy tomorrow
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butchkelev · 6 months
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in my bedroom, + the only skirt i own
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jackofspades330 · 6 months
Where are all the sexy Trans in real life? I see you online, wish I could meet you in real life. Dm
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pillowprincessvarric · 5 months
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No ill will at ALL towards op btw, I agree with this sentiment! But also whenever I read posts like this I can't help but wonder if maybe we've over estimated how many LGBT-neutral/positive people who just so happen to also still use fag/tranny actually exist in the world. lol.
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barbedwirechain · 8 months
hi!!! I've been questioning some uncertainty in my identity and you were the first person on t I saw when I looked into the "butch fag" tag, I'm really curious about what it means to be butch and on testosterone, or being butch and navigating the world passing almost as a cis man? for lack of better terminology, sorry if it's not right.
I've been out as trans since I was a kid (almost 22 now.) and I've always went back and forth on my identity bc I don't relate with other trans men or cis men in general but I knew transitioning was what's right for me. detransition doesn't feel correct at all, I'm so happy being on testosterone. im uncertain in my sexuality but have always found comfort with lesbians and butches, and I've always felt the explanation of butch dysphoria sounded more clear to me than wanting to wake up with the body of a cis man. what I mean is I think I'm a butch fag but I don't know what that means, I don't know how or if I'm ready to come out with that. I'm afraid of my future with dating or navigating queer spaces if I claim to be butch or lesbian aligned while still presenting full beard and no desire to change that.
I don't know how to navigate exploring this at all, especially because lesbian spaces online kind of scare me since its so easy to end up following terfs if you don't know what to look for. I don't want to be harassed or make anyone else uncomfortable with my presence. I want to connect with other butches on T. do you know of anything I could do to reach this kind of understanding?
i’ll say if you already see uh butch fag in yourself or find whatever it is in me, in you you’ve already started to reach that understanding. exploring online spaces where you have unprecedented access to people with these more “complicated” identities (more accurately—identities that are generally less referenced than others or not recognized outside of the community for better and for worse) and hanging out in adult oriented city spaces helped extend my understanding of myself as butch.
the longer i understand myself as trans the more i’m comfortable frankensteining my identity (for uh lack of uh better term). i say this to explain why i call myself the most appropriate word for me “dykefag” but butch fag… or faggot butch (on T or not) has uh community precedent. there’s articles and quotes of people saying that term or uh form of it and they’re also transsexual and/or lesbian, although this was something i found only after seeing myself in the phrase.
i understood myself as uh dyke for most of my life and uh lesbian as the most neat version of my sexuality; dyke is something i’ve reclaimed being called that as uh child and call/ed myself that for over ten years now (aside from uh brief period of bisexuality). after being on T though for almost two years i noticed people are less likely to see me as uh dyke so that word begins to feel more personal and intimate for me. but butch?
butch is always exactly right. its not something i reclaimed or have complicated relationship to, i just am.
i am and i mean it with no irony or “meh”-ness; i am butch and i think i’ll die butch.
uh good two years after beginning to call myself butch and right after starting T I leaned into my lifelong attraction to butches, already holding an interest in “‘queer’ masculinities” via research in college. eventually i realized i wanted to be that. i wanted to be masculine ina way that never didnt hold uh layer of unspoken queerness. even in my current “mostly cis-man passing” form (i don’t take it as an insult, i present more masculine than androgynous like i used to for comfort and safety) i’m always butch. most people assume ima cis gay man or uh very hairy bulldyke and at some point i was like… these lines are so easily blurred because of how i decide to embody butchness, on purpose, and (what’s read as) faggotry through my attraction to other butch and queer masc people. i experienced the difference between dyke and fag fade away and began to tag my shit with dyke fag and butch fag to be in the same spaces as other gay trans people who had this line also fade away.
maintaining my attachment to being butch and loving butchness led me to follow “butch4butch” pages and explore butch4butch tags and see myself as a butch4butch gay more and more solidly. and the more i searched for butch4butch, the more i came across trans fags and nonbinary butch lesbians (and both!!). similar to going on tumblr in 2011 and finding out there were people who didn’t believe in the christian god, lex and tumblr specifically led me to uh set of trans people who embodied this faggot butchness, whether dyke (lesbian) or faggot (gay boy) identifying— not to mention all the gay boy dykes and the fagboy trannies. i found/find myself relating to their appreciation of masculinity and consideration of transness and gender noncomformity more than any other space, including ones that are for lesbians which, in my honest opinion, always end up catering to terf-bubbles or narcissist echo chambers that define themselves through gender essentialist ideas about masculinity/men of which i no longer see any viability in.
inside, exploring tags online or apps for Gay people who do Gay shit and have Sexy and Fucked up understandings of gender can help you understand yourself further by identifying and also dis-identifying with others without having to “conflict”. outside?… i rarely explain what i am. and for better or worse, i don’t try to. i let people think i’m whatever they think unless someone directly asks or when cis men try to approach me and to conceal my agab and also deny them i kinda just straight up lie and play cishet man. i recognize we exist under 20 million ___ or ___ binaries, both imaginary and tangible, new and old, outside and inside—shit even nonbinary and binary began to feel like another binary to me recently and the only thing that alleviates that is 1) going through butch(4butch) tags and seeing cis, trans, and who knows butches loving each other in coexisting without pretending they’re at war and 2) being in community with other dykesfags, or fagdykes, and butch faggots irl. and like, lesbians in person are also jus way more awesome. *whispers* like most people. i understand this is, unfortunately, only as easy as your access, space, transportation, and work and personal life allows. most of my adult queer experience is in non-sober spaces ina city that i lived around or in and that can't be disregarded or forgotten.
to wrap this up, i didnt look for em (us haha) til i felt i was one of them but We’re Everywhere. not uh majority but uh presence, and that’s enough. and if i’m being honest even if i never found any of these people, i felt so intensely about being uh butch faggot and uh dykefag i saw myself simply going with it—but going with it with the knowledge that it’s near impossible to make anything up at this point. someone has almost surely shared the idea or identity regardless of if they publicized it or let it be archived. and even as much of this response IS about that, i can’t overemphasize that even if it’s something you did made up, all alone, 200% you, the feeling is true, yea? the beauty of frankensteining your [trans] identity is seeing that you can kinda be whatever the shit you feel as long as it’s truly comfortable and honest to the time with reasonable respect to yourself and your community.
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toxicyaoilover · 10 months
transmasc teruhashi will not leave my head.
transfem toritsuka will not leave my head.
kuboyasu teaching teruhashi how to be a proper gentleman... aiura teaching toritsuka about the wide variety of womanhood that exists...
you guys must see my vision (analysis under the cut)
teruhashis need to be the perfect girl because of a general disconnect to womanhood in general. constantly being objectified and treated as a god based on a random dice roll of genetics. teruhashi realizing that the need to be perfect comes from hardly viewing themselves as a girl at all, they view themselves as an object just like everyone else does, with the same pressure everyone else puts on them. the freedom that would come from realizing that you arent obligated to participate in womanhood for other people if you no longer feel any connection to it...
toritsukas obsession with the feminine body also... being raised without a lot of proper woman figures in a life can make your view of women. really fucking weird. i think the only reason toritsuka would never consider being a girl (beyond a general lack of knowledge of transgenderism, sexuality, and queer identity as a whole. you look at toritsuka and tell me that freak knows what a pronoun is.) would probably be because, after the only women you ever consume being those in porn, it would really mess up your perception of what a woman is. toritsuka would definitely have a skewed view on women and femininity as a whole. i think having that view corrected would leave a lot more opportunities for them to realize things about themselves that previously were just brushed off as being a straight guy.
its not that these are my concrete opinions on the characters, btw. i just find these to be really fun ideas to toss around. these characters are action figures in the daycare toybox and im just having my turn with them. you can go back to playing with them however you want after im done.
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saint-vagrant · 1 year
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⠀⠀HE HIM • SÉ É
displaced, disabled rural-born butch fag 🐗
it was TDOV. i don't always want to say with art what is more accurately said with body (as if there's much difference.)
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i've got mixed feelings on being visible vs invisible. visibility sharpens the target. 400 anti-trans bills and otherwise tacit acceptance and demand for abuse and neglect. while at the same time, seemingly bringing no further clarity to our struggle, even denied the trust to describe and portray it-- or trust when we're unable to do so. trans people are the latest bipartisan scapegoat, the latest justification for capitalism's inherent self-preserving eugenics policy. there are no sides to this. it's by design. someone will always be the acceptable loss. if we weren't frayed threadbare before, the pandemic leaves situations like this a lonely problem shouldered in isolation. it's heartbreaking. please be gentle. reconcile whatever inconsequential little differences on your own time, and please be gentle with each other.
over the the years i've continued working thru unstable and threatening circumstances and would love to keep at it without all that. people (and i'm grateful for this) congratulate me for never wavering in my subject matter, but those choices take a toll. i'm planning exit strategies for the first time. i'm more than flat images. the subject matter is living and breathing (for now!) i'm not sweet or pretty. i'm a hairy dirty hungry pig, sick, tired, and i still deserve a safe place to rest and a community of care!
i want to be remembered for having lived but begging for grace while alive is exhausting, and though i could really use help, i'm not sure what kind. even so... my work, my stories, and myself are laid out to enjoy. i'll try to ensure that they remain. thank you for your friendships and for your support.
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⠀trans forever • 💉 11 yrs of T
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genderqueerdykes · 1 month
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pink now (im really tired chronic fatigue is a bitch ilu all)
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kleptomanicphilia · 7 months
It's uncomfortable question time for the sex education blog !!!
For those with a penis and to which this applies;
Almost all of my exes, whether they were cis guys, MTF, or transmasculine said they prefer to sit over stand. We were curious to find out how common that actually is! feel free to elaborate as much as you're comfortable with in the tags.
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butch4maryoliver · 7 months
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Select pages and buttons from my neocities website(s)
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