#falco the owl
elbiotipo · 7 months
Was thinking about the whole owl fiasco in New York (which is funny because we find wild animals around here every day but if it's it in New York it's international news)
And well, that owl was (apparently) freed by animal rights activists who wanted it to be free and stuff. They argue something on the grounds of "well MAYBE that owl died crashing into a building and spent the last weeks in a stressful enviroment eating rats full of poison but at least he died FREE". Which is of course, dumb.
And then some other people argue that it's wrong to free random animals from zoos and anthropomorphizing their freeddom, which is correct, but then they go all the way to the other side. I read someone posting that "owls in nature live 15 years, this one was going to live 60" and "animals in captivity don't want freedom since they are pampered" and while that's not untrue, animals in captivity do get a life that would be considered good and they get so used to it that many don't want or most often cannot be released... it's a poor argument. We really don't know if animals, among being pampered, don't desire more. One argued "owls love to sit in the same place and be fed" and are you sure? That does not sound like bird-like behavior to me.
And what's more, it's anthropomorphizing in reverse. The animal rights activists say "we cannot jail animals they want to be FREE" and these people argument back "no, no, they're living the good life, it's good that they are in captivity actually". Fine, what about of all the owls who live in the wild. Don't they deserve to live 60 years of pampering too? Current zoo animals shouldn't be freed, that's true. What about taking more, why not give them all a good life?
My response about this is that it's never about a single owl. We don't protect individual animals because of their own individual lives but because of what they mean for an ecosystem. When great pains are taken to protect charismatic megafauna such as pandas or whales, for example, it's because they're in danger of being lost forever. But also, because protecting them means protecting everything that supports them, the entire landscape (umbrella species). So the quality of life of a single owl in a single city is missing the point. We should instead asking, what's the quality of the ecosystems that support that species, and many others? The Eurasian Owl is a widely ranging species that has adapted to many enviroments, so it's not in danger of extinction anytime soon, but it's still good to ask: wouldn't it better to try and save the enviroments where it lives instead of a single owl in New York City? No animal is an isolated being, and both the animal right activists and their counterparts miss this. If we have animals in zoos, it must be for them to be safe enough so they can be reintroduced to their natural enviroments, which are the ones that truly need to be protected, as a whole. There is no point in arguing about a single bird when there's a whole forest of them.
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thetoonstation · 5 months
Oh,you thought I was done with peppy? Nope! My madness has gotten stronger!!
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Most of these are from Amphibia but fox is obviously from toh
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While I was brainstorming a design for King's palisman, I suddenly had another palisman idea. (Attack on Titan: The Final Season spoilers)
It would be based off Falco's Jaw Titan. It could also be an alternate design for King's palisman, since I wanted to give it a bird motif to represent the Clawthorne family.
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suprgamr66 · 9 months
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Writer’s comment: this is a part 4 of the “timelines collide storyline” if you haven’t seen part two the link is here
The infinitewatch chronicles:Timelines collide part IV
As Infinite walked through the rift he said, “Eren you’re coming with me. Accident or not you killed a kid. You’re going to be put in a cell where you’re powers will be nullified and unusable. I’ll help to train you soon. But for now you must be punished.” His visor finally changed to yellow and he escorted Eren to a cell block where each cell was blank white with a button to activate a light blue forcefield to contain the prisoners. Eren could see many people and creatures. One appeared to be made from a black hole and another appeared to have some gold gauntlet and was purple. Infinite said, “Your cell will be right right here.” They stopped at the cell on the left of the purple creature. “It’s only temporary,” Infinite continued. “You’ll be here for about a week. I’ll take you to the training room every day for this duration to help perfect your abilities. You’ll probably have a couple visitors. After looking at Mikasa’s file i’m certain of that. However looking at Amity’s file she’s probably gonna visit you for much different reasons. Good luck.” Before leaving he looks at the cell next to Eren and says, “Hey Thanos, your stones are still powering my armor, if you’re done with genocide you can join Infinitewatch. It would be a great honor if we had the mad titan going to war with us.” Thanos just looks at Infinite and says, “No. I stand by my belief. I won’t give up on it.” Infinite shakes his head and walks away. Titan starts walking to the cells and Infinite stops Titan while saying, “You didn’t have a hand in this, did you? I remember your early rebellion days.” Titan shakes his head saying, “Why would I risk my great position here.” Infinite coldly responds by saying, “Because you want to change infinitewatch and take mine.” Titan’s visor turns red as he says, “That was a long time ago and I still think infinitewatch could benefit from some of those you consider forbidden. Like shin Godzilla, its adaptive capabilities could help improve infinitewatch greatly.” Infinite’s visor turns red too and says, “We’ve been over why that wouldn’t work. Now shut up.” Titan’s fists clinch but he walks away and his visor slowly shifts back to yellow. When infinite exits the cell block he reaches Eren’s cell and says, “Good work soldier. You still want to flatten the earth? Well I can help with that.” Eren says, “I can’t believe I just killed a kid. This has gone to far.” Titan’s visor turns red as he bangs on the forcefield hard and says, “You will continue the mission. I need a distraction to get a shin Godzilla dna sample but I need chaos to do that.” Eren says, “Get it on your own, I’m done with the rumbling. I just want to do good here.” Eren lays down on the floor of his cell as Titan walks away. He hears a deep voice from the cell next to his which he recognizes as Thanos from when he responded to Infinite. The voice asks him, “Why are you here.” Eren responds, “Titan told me to sabotage the next mission so he could do something although I’m not sure what. He promised me I could complete the rumbling and he’d help me if I did that. All I wanted was to cause a little more damage to distract Infinite. But instead when I accelerated what was happening they got to close to where one of the locals were that were helping us. She was crushed.” Eren’s voice starts to tremble as he says, “She was just a kid. She didn’t need to die.” Thanos sighed before saying, “Look, we all do things we aren’t proud of. When we’re trying to complete our mission. I’ve wiped out half the population of multiple planets and nearly killed half of the universe. I still want to, it’s how I solve the population problem of the universe.” Eren says, “I still feel like shit about that girl dying but I’m now realizing there’s much worse atrocities committed by others.” Meanwhile, Infinite is giving the others their orientation when Mikasa leaves the group to visit Eren. She looks around for a little bit until finally finding the cell block where she yells out, “Eren!?” Eren yells back, “Over here!”
Mikasa runs to the cell and says, “Don’t worry! I’m gonna get you out of here.” Eren responds, “No, let me serve my time. I killed that kid. I deserve to be here.” Mikasa says, “Is this really what you want?” Eren responds, “Yes. I need to be punished for this.” Mikasa nods and walks away. Amity walks in the cell block and Mikasa says, “He’s over there by that purple thing.” Amity walks over and asks Eren, “Were you in control of those things?” Eren responds, “Those things are called wall titans and I wasn’t in control the whole time.” Eren struggled to say the rest, “But from the moment of the first scream I’d had some form of control. I just haven’t fully trained my ability yet.” Amity said, “Have you any idea who you killed? She was my girlfriend. We’d been trying to get her home. Back to the human realm but then Belos started and evil plan that would wipe out the boiling isles. I assume teleporting us to that place was part of the plan. His plan was to make us weak with the draining spell and then crush us with those giants. But Luz, she wasn’t supposed to die. Her blood is on your hands. So now…” Amity pulls out some sort of vile with dark purple goo. “So now, your blood will be on my hands” she opens the vile and the goo flies to her hand making a giant fist with spikes on the front she goes to punch the blue force field keeping Eren in the cell and separating the two of them. Before the first punch can land Infinite seems appear from nowhere and the red ring glows Amity freezes in place. Infinite says, “If you have a grievance against Eren why don’t you fight him in the training room. I strongly advise against it though. He’s a god class being and you’re not gonna survive for long in an arena against him.” Amity asks, “Where’s this training room.” Infinite says, “Right this way.” He let’s Eren out of his cell and they walk to the training room. When they get in the training room Eren says, “For what it’s worth I’m sorry about what happened on the mission.” Amity says, “Too little too late.” The room turns into shiganshina and Eren get’s a small grin as he looks around and sees the walls still standing. The grin disappears as he bites his hand and transforms into his 200 meter titan. He screams and all the walls fall. Hundreds of millions of walls titans go behind Eren. Amity gasps in shock. She creates as big a circle on the ground as she can and a giant creature made of purple goo rises. Amity yells out, “ABOMINATION MAKE THE ONE IN FRONT SUFFER AND KILL THE REST! THE FINAL KILL WILL BE MINE!!!!!!” Eren screams again and the wall titans begin marching forward. Amity creates more abominations of the same size as the first and they seem to understand the situation and and run towards the wall titans and fight them. But the wall titans push forward due to the abominations not knowing the weak spot of the nape of the neck. Eren screams again and the wall titans part, making a singular opening. Eren and Amity stare at each other for a moment before Eren slams his fist into the ground and spikes of titan hardening begin flying from the ground Amity dodges out of the way before she could get impaled by a spike. Eren runs to Amity and picks her up and holds her in the air. There appears to be sorrow in his titan body’s eyes as he squeezes and kills amity. The training room goes back to normal and Eren leaves his titan body and Amity comes back. She looks surprised and says, “How am I alive?” Eren says, “It had something to do with this room. I don’t understand it myself but I know if you die in a combat simulation here you live.” Amity nods and says, “I can’t kill you now. I don’t have the power to right now. But I promise I will be the reason you draw your last breath. Mark my words.” Eren nods and says, “So it’s back to my cell right?” Infinite walks into the room and says, “Yes, you don’t get off that easy by winning a vengeance fight.” Infinite escorts Eren back to his cell and reactivates the force field, sealing Eren in.
When Infinite leaves Thanos asks, “How’d it go. I imagine you won. Didn’t realize you were a god class being.” Eren asks, “How do you know so much about this place.” Thanos responds, “I’ve been here a while. I’m one of the first prisoners infinitewatch brought in since the current Infinite took control. He believes in redemption. It’s why he keeps offering me a place here. But if you do something really extreme, and your considered irredeemable or too dangerous to live he’ll kill right then and there. Nobody’s immortal as long as there’s an Infinite.” Eren goes silent. Thanos says, “I was apart of infinitewatch at a time. The previous Infinite was a little unhinged. He commanded mass genocide. Luckily for him that’s what I specialized in back home. That’s why I lead the marvel division. They’re the most used so they’re rarely here. They’re one of the biggest divisions here too.” Eren says, “The previous Infinite and I would’ve gotten along. I planned to kill everyone except my people back on my home island.” Thanos says, “Impressive. A waste of life but impressive. How did you plan to do it?” Eren says, “I have the founding titan, attack titan, and warhammer titan. But as long as I used the founding titan the others didn’t matter as much. I’m pretty much a god back home. I planned to do something called the rumbling where I would command hundreds of millions of titans which would emerge from the walls that protected my home. They would march out from the island and flatten the earth.” Thanos is taken aback and says, “Why would that be your option?” Eren responds, “The world hated my people for what we’d done in the past. Happened 2000 years ago but we were still persecuted for it. None of us were safe when the outside world still stood.” Thanos says, “Look at it this way, you’re only here for a week. These cells keep you alive so you can serve your sentence. I’ve been here centuries. I should count myself lucky. One other has been here since his birth. He’s a last resort option for Infinite, his name is black hole. Hell, he could even takeover infinitewatch if he broke out of here. But Titan would probably do it before him. If he doesn’t leave us and make his own organization. Titan has been obsessed with something Infinite calls restricted titans.” Eren is surprised and says, “There’s more powerful titans than mine?” Thanos responds, “I’ve heard others talk of creatures so uncontrollable or so potentially self destructive to infinitewatch for use to even attempt to use. One called shin Godzilla can adapt to anything. Titan wants to put their its dna samples in specially designed armors to mimic its abilities. Another is ghidora the planet eater. He believes he can trap it into a pocket dimension and use it’s abilities to stretch it’s necks to great effect. That titan is more of a god than you are. It can create gravitational forces that crush planets, warp time, and can even prevent physical damage to itself by warping reality. There’s a couple others but you know it’s bad if Infinite doesn’t want to risk it.” Eren says, “Why hasn’t infinite removed Titan?” Thanos says, “He believes in redemption. After the titan containment incident Titan redeemed himself by fixing the whole problem. He killed all the titans with a new armor he’d made and he went into the monster multiverse to tame new ones and brought them back. It is the nature of infinitewatch to eventually change leadership through civil war. It works sometimes. It’s how our current Infinite gained his position.” Titan runs into the cell block and says, “Eren, did you take belos out of the capsule infinite put him in.” Eren responds, “I didn’t even know he was contained. I was on top of the titan skull at that point.” Titan says. “Shit, then he must’ve escaped.” He opens the force field and Eren says, “Why waste your time here? It seems like you’ve got your chaos. Go get your dna sample if your so determined.” Titan says, “I will in one moment,” suddenly, he pulls out some kind of scepter with a pointed in and a glowing blue ball.
Thanos gasps and says, “Eren! Don’t let him touch you with that. He’ll be able to control you if he does!” Before Eren can react Titan touches the the pointed end of the scepter to Eren’s chest. Eren appears to change suddenly and he runs to the rift room where infinite already gathered his friends and the new recruits. Amity stared him down but Eren didn’t react. Infinite said, “Alright! Belos escaped his containment on the titan skull. He could be anywhere on the boiling isles but intelligence of the boiling isles says he will most likely head to the heart of the titan and attempt to…” Infinite is cut off when Eren uses the rift technology to create a giant rift outside the base and he sprints out of the room and out of the base. He bites his hand and screams out when he transformed into his 200 meter titan. The wall titans begin walking through the rift. Infinite runs out and says, “Piek, go find Titan, Zeke, you’ll find boulders you can use behind the base, Reiner, Annie, Armin, you guys catch a ride with Hunter, Amity, and Willow, two people a staff, one shifter and one witch, once you’re high enough to get Eren you jump off, transform and pull him from the nape, and Gus, you get recon on what’s going out there so we can adjust strategy if we need to! Go go go!!!!” The wall titans begin pouring through the rift and Gus reports this to Infinite. He uses the mind stone in his power core to speak to everyone in their minds, “Everybody from the Attack on Titan universe and The Owl House universe need to leave the base and kill as many wall titans as you can. Anyone else help with protocol heat and force reinforcement!” Eda turns into a harpy and flies out with king on her back. Infinite’s voice appears in their heads again as he says, “Aim for the napes of the necks of the titans! They won’t die from any other injury!” As they all run out they see something come out in a ball covered in markings and they hear it yell out, “I’m back!” Amity gasps and whispers, “Luz?”
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rossthren · 6 months
For the people that argued that the owl would be fine because it could hunt.
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crow-aeris · 5 months
I don’t think I’ve actually listed out character and their bird species before, but here it is!
Also, the best way to check the birds out is using EBird. just search the names/scientific name and high-quality pictures of these birds as well as their description, vocalizations, and range will all show up!
Characters and their Birds:
(Also, sorry in advance for the weird formatting, i couldn’t get it to work)
The Bats:
Alfred- Tawny Owl (Strix aluco)
This plays into how Alfred is able to just… Appear and can hear almost everything going on. Also, tawny owls are common found in europe, and alfed is british 😔
Bruce- Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja)
Harpy eagles are some of the biggest eagles in the world, feeding primarily on primapes and slothes. Now, take into account Bruce’s bulk… Our man is huge.
Damian- Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja)
Within the League, power is everything, so to be born such a “powerful” raptor would’ve been seen as a good sign, but after Damian “goes soft (stopped killing ppl)” he’s seen as “weak”, or a “waste of immense power”, especially in Ra’s’s eyes.
Duke- Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura)
Doves in general are seen as peacekeepers and pacifists in general (it might be sacrilegious, but I think Jesus Christ and Mary in this au would have been depicted as doves (aphrodite too), which would probably endear them to those who believe in the bible- I’m also an atheist, and this is just speculation— pls don’t kill me :,]) which leads a lot of people to underestimate Duke and drop their guards around him. He’s a nice person in general, but I think he’d use this to his advantage when undercover as Duke Thomas: Ditzy 2nd Wayne chick.
Also, since doves are the symbol of peace, he also acts as the promary peacekeeper and buffer between Damian and Tim, who’d constantly get into fights, especially once Tim becomes Shadow.
Cass- Barn Owl (Tyto alba)
Barn owls, since they have disk-shaped heads and displaced ears, have the best hearing of all owls. I think that was something David Cain took into account when he, uh, had Lady Shiva have his kid. And since she’s an owl, she’s perfect assassin material, and David Cain alongside Shiva trained Cass until she was perfectly silent both in the air and on land.
She also runs warm- courtesy of being an owl, and so her siblings (especially Jason and Dick) and Steph would huddle under her wings when watching movies and nesting, but if the arguments ever gets too rowdy, Cass would go to either Bruce, Damian, Duke, or Tim.
Tim- Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)
Being a peregrine falcon means he is well respected within the elites in gotham. His natural flight speed is also something he’s proud of, and as Shadow, Tim is capable of darting in and out of the fray and knock out criminals before they eve know he’s coming. His speed and skills are further honed later on, and he turns into a truly formidable oppendent.
Steph- Violet- backed Starling (Cinnyricinclus leucogaster)
While the males are really purple and flashy, the females are more neutral in coloration 😔 Stepha dyes her feathers while vigilante-ing, so ppl assume she’s a dude.
She and Duke looked after Jason while he was on the streets, and they would keep an eye out and make sure he doesn’t get into any trouble.
Jason- Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)
When he was younger, he had duller coloration in his feathers. But as he grew older, more and more people looked at him weirdly when he was out on the streets- his mom having to shield him from their leers. Later on, he learns that the people staring had less-than-pure intent, and that incentivizes him to hind away his wings.
When Batman and Anubis go off their rockers in grief, helps protect who he can from their indiscriminate anger, and evenually, he gets dragged into the flock after getting caught inbetween two gangs and got injured.
Barbara- American Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos)
She was originally going to be a baltimore oriole, but making barbara wouldn’t make sense. Then I debated making her an owl for wisdm, but the I remembered Apollo was the god of prophecies- Oracle of Dephi- and Apollo’s sacred bird was a crow (lets ignore how he smited them) so I made barbara a crow to lay homage to her as oracle :3
Plus, crows are hella smart, and I felt like it fit
Dick- Fischer’s Lovebird (Agapornis fischeri)
I could’ve easily took the coward’s way out and just made him a robin, but Dick needed to be colorful and bright, and he needed to be the light that illuminates Gotham’s eternally-gloomy skies. So i went searching for the perfect bird before finding the Fischer’s loverbird. It matches perfectly with the Grayson family colors- red, green, yellow- and so i went with dick as a fischer’s lovebird
Other Characters:
Thomas- Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja) Like father like son!
Martha- Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) She was a beautiful woman, and thomas won her over by trying to catch a fish for her. He failed, ofc, and capsized their boat, but she had fun and decided to marry that silly man. (they’ve tone this story to bruce like… 12 times, but what wouldn’t he give to hear them tell it again)
Selina- Eurasian mgpie (Pica pica) You’ve heard about magpies and how they like shiny things and how they love to take said shiny things… well, here it is! Plus, I just think pica pica is really funny
Gordan- Red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) Red-tailed hwk is THE most american bird, what with their shrieks being used in hollywood in place of actual bad eagle sounds, and Commish Jim Gordan works as a police, so I thought it was funny
Talia- Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) She is an imperial eagle because not only are they eagles, imperial conveys royalty, so i thought it was befitting
Ra’s- Haast’s Eagle (Aquila moorei) Haast’s eagles were huge, and I mean they were larger than harpy eagles with wigspans capable of reaching 8ft. the thing is, these eagles went exticnct partially due to humans sailing and traveling all over the place with rats and stuff being the main reason. i think that would make ra’s al ghul pretty pissed that his aves species was wiped out, or smth like that.
Either way, the Haas’s eagle is really cool and I think you should check them out
Joker- Glistening Green Tanager (Chlorochrysa phoenicotis)
I hope you all know how monstrous this bird is, like it is PEAK joker green, like literally. I got the idea off of a different blog i saw a few days or weeks ago talking about how the joker would be THIS bird, and i cannot agree even more. Also, the joker gnawed and tore his own wings off or the acid he fell into made it so the wings had to be amputated, either way idk and my brain is mush. What I DO know is that losing ones wings is terrible, horrible, and the joker probably gnawed it off himself in a fit of madness and craze directly after being acidified, or something like that
Metas/More Characters (No descriptions cos it’s 1am and I’m TIRED and I have a driving test tmrw):
Lois Lane- Western Kingbird (Tyrannus verticalis)
Clark- No Bird, he’s an alien
Jonathan- Like his mom, a Western Kingbird (Tyrannus verticalis)
Conner- Like his mom, a Purple Martin (Progne subis)
Luthor- Like his son, a purple martin (Progne subis)
Flashes- All of them would probably be a humming bird or a sunbird of some sort, I feel like its pretty self-explanitory. It’s not that being a hummingbird garentees you to be a speedster, it’s more like the speedsters just coincidentally end up as hummingbirds.
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my-friend-meowth · 2 months
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Good food at restaurant Pukki
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Kultapanda (Ailurus fulgens) Red panda
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Korppi (Corvus corax) Common raven
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Kuningasmerikotka (Haliaeetus pelagicus) Steller’s sea eagle
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Metsäpeura (Rangifer tarandus fennicus) Finnish forest reindeer
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Kierteissarvivuohi (Capra falconeri) Markhor
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Przewalskinhevonen (Equus ferus przewalskii) Przewalski's horse
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Jakki (Bos grunniens) Yak
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Kulaani (Equus hemionus kulan) Mongolian wild ass
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Tunturipöllö (Bubo scandiacus) Snowy owl
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Myskihärkä (Ovibos moschatus) Muskox
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Tuulihaukka (Falco tinnunculus) Common kestrel
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Patagonianaratti (Cyanoliseus patagonus) Patagonian conure
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Riikinkukko (Pavo cristatus) Indian peafowl
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Sinikurkkuara (Ara glaucogularis) Blue-throated macaw
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uwmspeccoll · 1 year
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A Lunch-Time Feathursday
Yep, just as our header suggests -- and getting progressively more gruesome. These images are reproduced from paintings by the German wildlife artist Wilhelm Kuhnert (1865-1926) from the second volume in Brehms Tierbilder, published in Leipzig and Vienna by Bibliographisches Institut in 1913.
Shown here from top to bottom are group of non-European finches, a Eurasian Jay (Garrulus glandarius), a Eurasian Eagle-Owl (Bubo bubo), a Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), a Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus), and a couple of Marabou Storks (Leptoptilos crumeniferus).
Bon appetit!
View more Feathursday posts.
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bonefall · 1 year
Oooo now you’re really getting me into Clanmew. What are the names for birds and bird species in Clanmew?
The simple word for "Bird" evolved from Old Tribemew, at the Dawn of the Clans. A "Bird" is any two-winged flying animal with bones.
Bird (and bats) = Hafefyl
The major types of birds that the Clan cats recognize are as follows;
Raptor = Yassga A large, dangerous bird. Any avian perceived to pose a threat is in this category, including swans, ravens, and herons. Not just birds of prey.
Fowl = Eyawoon Large prey birds, the same level of danger as any other large quarry. Ducks, pheasants, gulls, cormorants, a chicken or peacock would also be in this category.
Game = Biyaw These are the birds that are eaten regularly, without much other consideration. It's where most of the 'odd' birds that don't fit other categories go. Pigeons, sparrows, quails.
Fancy = Pyrrya Any bird that would be a shameful thing to kill. That usually means songbirds with pleasing songs, but also colorful ones with pleasing patterns and behaviors, and even bats as they bring sickness when eaten.
Examples of "Yassga";
Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) = Nyieu A species only encountered in the Tribe mountain, before re-contact it was considered a legendary animal. The most dangerous flying species, capable of attacking small deer.
Sparrow Hawk (Accipiter nisus) = Yi'i When hawks are being noted for their speed, it's this species. They primarily hunt other birds, but not cats.
Red Kite (Milvus milvus) = Eeao This is the species that is both large and bold enough to take kittens. The vast majority of the time when hawks are mentioned in a dangerous context, it is a kite. Goshawks are not as numerous in this area as canon implies.
Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) = Ipip Acrobatic, agile bird able to seemingly 'hover' in the air.
Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus) = Yeepi Skilled attentive hunters that tend to hunt small mammals in open areas, especially wetlands. RiverClan and ShadowClan see these a lot.
Merlin (Falco columbarius) = Mweelili A small, generalist hunter that likes low-density areas like moorland, sparse woods, and brush. Known for being friendly with Harriers and eating just about anything.
Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) = Pyip Not actually a dangerous species; but the perception of danger will make Clan cats avoid this creature. Most commonly found by the sea.
Swan (Cygnus olor) = Hchom Large and quiet, these birds are so large they can drown a foolish warrior or break a bone.
Raven (Corvus corax) = Nyok A raven is considered a very dangerous bird not only for its size and ferocious beak, but because of how vengeful an unkindness can be. They remember Clan cats and seemingly mess with them on purpose.
Gray Heron (Ardea cinerea) = Krekek With their habit of spearing, bludgeoning, and even brutally drowning their prey, herons are feared and avoided. There are stories of herons picking off wayward kittens, but it's unknown if it's true or just a tale to stop them from wandering.
Eagle owl (Bubo bubo) = Huo The biggest, largest, most dangerous owl. Cats are a desired prey. No other owl will attack an adult warrior, and eagle owls are most often found in ThunderClan territory where there's thick forest and a nearby rocky cliff.
Tawny owl (Strix aluco) = Hrrua'u A loud, sonorous owl. Known best for being the species roosting in the old Owl Tree.
Barn owl (Tyto alba) = Weear This owl does not hoot, it screeches.
Examples of "Eyawoon";
Duck (Anas platyrhynchos) = Kwek There are several species of ducks they encounter occasionally-- but this one, the mallard duck, is the most common. ThunderClan liked to try and hunt them when they had Sunningrocks, sometimes inflaming tensions between clans.
Ring-necked Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) = Rauqa Named for the territorial cry of a male pheasant, the most impressive prize that a ThunderClan warrior can catch.
Black-headed Gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) = Rewp Not just a seabird; found further in-land and will make do with just about any body of water. This is a species regularly found and hunted at Sanctuary Lake, and also the type that Gullswoop is named for.
Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) = Eeyar The Clan cats haven't been doing salt patrols long enough yet to know that this is absolutely not an Eyawoon, but in fact, a Yassga. Sandwhich-stealing BASTARDS. They're the ones with the gray back, yellow beak, little red mark on the lip, and feral Grinch-looking eyes. If you live by the ocean you know. (There is another species that looks similar but Clan cats think they are the same animal)
Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) = Waer A large, black fishing bird that dives underwater to catch its prey. Revered by RiverClan.
Carrion crow (Corvus corone) = Rawk This is the species being referred to when "crowfood" is mentioned. Rawkwoo.
Magpie (Pica pica) = Ke'ek Glossy, beautiful blue, black, and white bird. Very intelligent and a difficult catch; like crows and ravens they are smart enough to have a concept of social learning.
Egret (Egretta garzetta) = Bwawa Though they have many of the same 'brutal' behaviors as herons, they're too small to cause damage and hence are sorted into 'eyawoon'
There is currently no word for Chicken but Ravenpaw is probably using the term Barley likes best. Except the rooster which he immediately named "Urkaroona."
Examples of "Biyaw";
Wood Pigeon (Columba palumbus) = Huwoohoo Big, fat, common, a popular meal bird.
Dove (Columba livia) = Hrru Funfact: In TPB, there is a moment where Fireheart scolds Cloudpaw for calling a pigeon a 'dove.' In English, pigeons and doves are synonyms, but in Clanmew, Cloudtail had killed a Huwoohoo, but called it a Hrru.
Sparrow (Passer domesticus and Passer montanus) = Qee Though there's a difference in plumage between these species, Clan cats think they are the same species because their songs are nearly identical. Passer montanus (Eurasian Tree Sparrow) is just considered what a sparrow looks like when it lives deep in the woods.
Quail (Coturnix coturnix) = Wipiwik A round little ground bird that's very fast.
Jackdaw (Coloeus monedula) = Miaw A black-and gray bird with a mewling call.
Song Thrush (Turdus philomelos) = Errari This bird has many songs, which is taken by Clan cats as intentionally trying to hide its true name. They may even be changing their appearances to look like a Mistle Thrush; clearly they're something much more intelligent, since they use stones to smash open snail shells.
Mistle Thrush (Turdus viscivorus) = Charrech Much larger than a Song Thrush. Brave, one of the few birds that sings even in terrible weather, but named for the angry sound it makes when it's guarding berry bushes in winter.
Fieldfare (Turdus pilaris) = Apapach A very important winter prey bird which travels in large flocks. Bullied by Mistle Thrushes for good food sources.
Redwing (Turdus iliacus) = Eean Similar to a fieldfare, but smaller and usually in tinier groups. The call is very different, so these birds are not usually confused by Clan cats unless they're seen first. Apapach are the preferred prey of the two.
Blackbird (Turdus merula) = Oohee Males are blue-black with a yellow ring around the eye, and females are a ruddy dappled brown.
Eurasian jay (Garrulus glandarius) = Arkr Loud, aggressive medium-sized birds. Pale with blue wings.
Examples of "Pyrrya"
Bat (4 SPECIES) = Fip This refers to the sound of their wings mid-flight. No species of bat is consumed. If eaten they can bring horrible sickness, seen as a punishment for killing an holy night-loving animal with such a beautiful voice and great hunting skill. Clan cats are able to hear bat songs out of range of human hearing!
Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) = Popep A very small, common bat species that usually eats mosquitoes and midges in wet areas.
Soprano Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pygmaeus) = Ipi'ip Humans can barely tell the difference between these two, but Clan cats recognize that the song of a Soprano is much faster, higher-pitched, and absolutely sonorous. Considered the night version of a wren and held in high esteem.
Long-eared Brown Bat (Plecotus auritus) = Fepfr A very quiet, low-flying bat with a habit for doing some ground-hunting. This is usually the first bat that an apprentice sees instead of hears, and the one which is used to teach them to not hunt bats. It has a very modest song, which Clan cats explain as mourning for every bat accidentally killed and discarded. Rarely called the "Fip Hhass;" the Whisper Bat.
Noctule (Nyctalus noctula) = Shi'po The largest bat, has huge teeth and a broad face. Females both migrate and hibernate, but males stay awake all year and sing with a very distinctive tune hard to put into a word.
Songbird (SEVERAL SPECIES) = Pigu Note: Most songbirds are down here in this category, but some, like Song Thrushes, are only here conditionally. Usually if there's enough food to go around.
Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes) = Pi'ie The song of this tiny bird is so fast and beautiful that Clan cats have a hard time putting it into words; these birds are not killed except by fiends and rogues.
Robin (Erithacus rubecula) = Birri This is a small, gray-and-brown bird with a bright orange face. They're not very filling, pretty, and sing a delightful song, so like the other species in this category they aren't taken unless there's a serious need.
Woodcock (Scolopax rusticola) = Mweep Though large and delicious, these birds are so enjoyed that killing them is dishonorable without approval. They're the only bird that can fly away with its young, it dances and puts on air shows as mating rituals, and they're quite rare.
There are more species than this found in the area but this should be more than enough for now. Here's the most significant "bird" species they experience on a regular basis!
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ivyespeonfriends · 7 months
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WIP of a BBU Oc
Meet Falco the ghost owl. Barnaby’s and Vivi’s son and BeeBee’s little brother.
A new gem is added. The gem of Biology. It’s color, turquoise.
Falco was amazed by his daddy’s work, inventions, and studies. He wanted to become some what like a scientist like his daddy. He turned to Biology to study the world around him. Falco even likes his mommy’s baking, but he can’t have chocolate, but that’s okay, he doesn’t even like it. He still likes caramel apples though. He can also be his mommy’s taste tester when she bakes. Falco likes his older sister, BeeBee. They both play together and even go out flying together.
Hope you guys like this.
Vivi and BeeBee @multi-fandom-official-account
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thetoonstation · 7 months
Lumity redraw with falox
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boombox-fuckboy · 2 years
Skyjacks - Some Birds
Some lionbirds in Skyjacks might be familiar (I imagine most people know what Lucas looks like) but others maybe less so, depending on where you're from. I like birds, so here's a few noteworthy and cool features:
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Red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)
Metatron, flown by Gable of The Uhuru
Wildfire, Yellow Audron general bird for the Swiftwell Courier Service
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Grey-headed albatross (Thalassarche chrysostoma)
Flea, flown by Jonnit Kessler and Gable of The Uhuru
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Red-breasted merganser (Mergus serrator)
Ferdinand, flown by Travis Matagot of The Uhuru
Banner, flown by Coriander Swiftwell of the Swiftwell Courier Service
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Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja)
Aristocracy, showbird and jousting bird flown by Tiberius Youngblood of the Youngblood Family
Bountiful, Winter Stables warbird of The Swiftwell Courier Service
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Saker falcon (Falco cherrug)
Augury, flown by June Hymnall, apprentice aboard the Swiftwell Courier Service's Red Audron
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White-bellied go-away-bird (Crinifer leucogaster)
Obstinacy, flown by Fredrick Hawthorne, master all-courier to the Swiftwell Courier Service
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Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus)
Victory, flown by Hidred Gastaur, pro jouster
Ghost, Autumn Stables warbird for the Swiftwell Courier Service
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Great Horned Owl (Bubo Virginianus)
Agamemnon, flown by Fthina Vronti, Post Master General of the Swiftwell Courier Service
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Choco toucan (Ramphastos brevis)
Royal, Red Audron general bird for the Swiftwell Courier Service
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Pied kingfisher (Ceryle rudis)
Squall, flown by Braith Ashworth, all-courier for the Swiftwell Courier Service
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suprgamr66 · 8 months
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Writer’s comment: this is the third part of the “timelines collide” storyline’s finale if you haven’t seen the finale part 2 the link is here https://www.tumblr.com/suprgamr66/741711622959136768/suprgamr66
The infinitewatch chronicles: Timelines Collide finale part III
Everyone stared in shock. Infinite said, “Everybody ready?” They all nodded. Darious suddenly appeared to be made from some goo and ebberwolf’s teeth grew and jutted out from his mouth. Luz shifted back into her titan form. Infinite told Eren, “The suit you’re wearing is connected to your brain and will turn you into a titan by you simply thinking about it. The armor is designed to stay on the titan body and return to your body the second you leave the titan body. You just have to think about shifting into a titan and it’ll happen.” Eren nods and infinite shoots dark energy into the wall, creating a rift. infinite says, “Ms noceda, you fought honorably but due to the risk of giving you titan shifter abilities again I strongly recommend you stay back.” His power core glowed blue in the space stone area and she was teleported through a portal back to her house. Luz’s jaw drops and infinite says, “relax, she’s safe at home now. It’s too risky for someone with no powers in the slightest to take on this mission.” Luz nods and they all walk through the rift. They see titan at human size and he says, “Welcome back. Finally ready to die?” Infinite says, “Do this, and you will die all the more painfully.” Titan shakes his head as he says, “You’ve made infinitewatch weak. The infinite before you was a great warrior! He lead us into great battles! We conquered timelines! We didn’t protect them! I will return infinitewatch to its formal glory! Remember this and remember it well! YOU ARE THE CAUSE OF INFINITEWATCH’S WEAKNESS AND I WILL ELIMINATE YOU FROM THIS EXISTENCE!” Infinite sighs and fires a dark energy bolt at Titan. Titan laughs and says, “Did you honestly think that would work?” He grows to 300 meters and Eren then transforms to match it. He charges at Titan but Titan uses his staff to knock him back. He falls, shaking the earth. He turns his attention to infinite and they hear some chirping noise. Infinite’s visor changes to red. “Of course he’s doing this shit. Everybody! Avoid VG when he appears!” Everyone nods but he doesn’t appear. He then sees a shadow and he says, “oh shit. Everybody look out for shadows on the ground!” Suddenly, one of the shadows bites Armin and yellow lightning appears. A giant explosion is set off and everyone is sent flying. Infinite was hit into a Eren’s titan body. He stands back up and screams, “Titan you coward!” Titan just looks at infinite. He crosses his arms and blue energy starts appearing around him. Infinite says, “Alright! Now’s the chance!” Titan fires the atomic breath and it sends infinite deep underground. Eren suddenly gets up and sprints full speed towards Titan but is suddenly grabbed by something. He turns his head to see a giant gold dragon neck and head biting into his shoulder. He screams out and suddenly, a million wall titans come. Half of them restrain Titan and destroy the dorsal plate and the other half attempt to free Eren but can’t. Eren thinks to himself, “This must be void ghidora.” Two other heads appear from the sky and descend down to Eren. Infinite appears from the crater and yells with effort as he uses his power core to hopefully alter reality enough to affect ghidora. He fires a giant bolt of dark energy at the head on Eren’s shoulder and miraculously, it works. The head breaks off of Eren but infinite falls to the ground exhausted and falls back into the hole he’d crawled out of. Armin goes to Titan who is still being restrained by the wall titans and crushes the garbatreum bead. Void ghidora screams but is still there. However, Zeke transforms and throws a volley of rocks at one of the heads. It hits it and it is shredded. Amity and Luz fly up to the third head amity uses goo to create a giant gauntlet and she punches the last head stunning it and Luz uses her staff to hit the head with and launches it back into the singularity it had come from. Titan creates spikes all over his body that get the wall titans off of him. Now all the titan shifters transformed except for Colt, who get’s on Falco’s back. Falco flies Colt up to Titan’s head.
He jumps off and transforms. He lets himself fall to his neck before grabbing it and pulling his head down to the ground. He slams his fist into the ground shaking it but it does nothing. Willow creates giant vines that restrain Titan’s arms. However he tries to fire regular atomic breath at Willow. Hunter screams out and teleports to Willow, grabbing Willow he teleports again and and she doesn’t get hurt. Hunter was stunned as he looks and realizes he’d dropped his staff and hadn’t used it to teleport. Gus used an illusion to blind titan. Laura restrained Titan’s legs with titan hardening. Amity covered Titan’s hands and the dorsal plate in abomination goo. Darius turned his hands into blades that were ready to attack titan in an instant. Collector molded the earth around titan to capture him. Luz floated down and said, “Gus, lower the illusion.” Gus looked confused and said, “Why?” Luz responded, “I want to check something.” Gus shrugged and lowered the illusion. Titan said, “You think this can hold me? I can shrink in seconds and escape if I wanted to.” Luz responded, “That’s what you say, but the amount of shin Godzilla DNA you injected must be taking over your body. Meaning if you shrink now that process will be sped up. Potentially instantly. So you must have something to neutralize the shin Godzilla cells. But it isn’t continuous. Otherwise the affects wouldn’t be useable to do things like regrow your arm.” Infinite crawls out of the whole and stands up. Limping over he says, “Well done. Now, we need to kill him.” Luz nods and says, “How do we kill him? We can’t physically attack him with the nanometal and…” she’s cut off as Titan starts moaning in pain. Suddenly, the ground starts shaking and he tries to scream out but it just sounds like Godzilla. Infinite was shocked and he steps back as he says, “Everybody run! Get away from Titan! The shin Godzilla DNA is taking over!” They all run but suddenly it stops and disappears. Infinite looks confused and he says, “What the…” he’s cut off as Titan’s hand is placed on infinite’s shoulder. Titan says, “Don’t fucking move. Did you honestly think I was stupid enough to inject shin Godzilla into my body? I made a decoy which I put real shin Godzilla DNA in so I could operate it with this.” He reveals he put a mind stone on the handle of his ax. He continues saying, “ I did inject it into my armor but I killed it before hand so that I could control it with the mind stone I melted and put into my armor. So now, what do you plan to do now?” Infinite says, “You can’t kill me.” Titan growls, “Why not?” Infinite responds, “because you know they won’t except you as their new leader until they see you kill me in a fight for leadership.” Titan snarls as he says, “Then what are we waiting for.” Infinite calmly responds, “for you to formally challenge me.” Titan says, “Infinite! I challenge you to a combat of leader ship!” Titan throws his ax into the armor’s head and kills it as well as the shin Godzilla DNA within. Infinite calmly says, “I accept. From god class being to god class being. May the best fighter win.” Titan says, “This’ll be fun.” Infinite says, “Eren and Eda. You too stay here when I win I’ll come back to establish a base. That’s where those of you from Eldia, the human realm, and the demon realm will be stationed unless ordered otherwise. Got it?” Eren get’s out of his Titan body. They nod and Eren asks, “What do we do for the time being?” Infinite closes his fist for a second and tosses a pair of contacts to Eren and Eda. He says, “These will give you easy access to see the fight. Just put them on your eyes when they start glowing.” They nod as infinite creates a rift that he walks through alongside everyone else. Infinite uses the mind stone to communicate to everyone at infinitewatch home base. He says, “Titan has officially challenged me to a battle for leadership. All who wish to see it come to the front of the building.” Zeke asks, “Why not use the battle room?” Infinite coldly responds, “You can’t die in the training room.” Zeke looks surprised.
Then, people and aliens and creatures of all kinds of species begin pouring out of the base. Titan’s visor changes to red as he says “can we start now?” Infinite says, “Everyone back up! Titan, your move.” He flaps his wings once and unsheathed his kong teeth on his wrist and attempts to stab infinite with it. Infinite dodges and his hand glows red as he punches Titan to the ground. Infinite goes to stomp on his head but Titan rolls out of the way and slashes at infinite’s Achilles tendon. It lands and infinite yells out in pain. He shoots a bolt of dark energy where Titan is but he rolls away and get’s back on his feet. He throws his ax and infinite dodges it. When it comes back to Titan, infinite catches it before it can reach him and he throws it back at Titan who also catches it. Infinite’s legs and hands glow purple and his hands appear to have a red hue and he jumps at Titan who he punches in the face. He knocks him down but no damage is done. Infinite says, “Shit. The dorsal plate. Hey Titan! Am I too good for your best weapon?” Titan yells, “SHUT UP!!!” He crossed his arms and fired a beam at him. Infinite began glowing green as he sprinted and dodged to blast. He moved so fast the only thing to show where he went was the green trail that was left when he ran suddenly his entire arm glowed purple and he grabbed the dorsal plate and crushed it into dust. Titan screamed in anger and he grew to 300 meters. Infinite’s visor switched to red as he saw the singularities appear. One ghidora head charged at infinite and tried to eat him whole. But infinite stood in the mouth, unsheathed his sword, and did a vertical spin, cutting half the head off. He looked up and saw two more singularities appear and he said, “Of course they regenerate.” Another head charged at him but this time, infinite grabbed the bottom and top jaw. He snapped the jaws off and shot a blast of dark energy down the throat. This propelled it back through the singularity and the third head charged at infinite. His body glowed purple and he let himself be eaten but this time released a large amount of energy using the power stone in his core and exploded his way out of the mouth. Titan growls and fires atomic breath through his wrists. Infinite just stands there and watches it hit him. When it stopped he simply laughed and said, “you’re getting desperate.” Titan bellowed and three singularities appeared in the sky. Infinite said, “Regenerated already? Fine.” Infinite screamed with effort as his entire body glowed yellow and he blasted yellow beams at the head. They slowed down and stopped. They then turned their attention to Titan and they wrapped their necks around him. Titan screamed in agony as he was crushed by the void ghidorah. Infinite ran and used the space stone to teleport to his forehead where he used a his sword to stab it into the helmet. He then used the power stone dagger to stave the garbatreum bead. It shattered and void ghidorah screeched as its connection was shattered Titan let out his full wingspan and void ghidorah’s grip was released. He used the Godzilla dorsal plates on his wrists to create a giant ring of atomic breath that made void ghidorah retreat back to the singularities. He growled and said, “I’ll be back. Mark my motherfucking goddamn words you piece of shit.” Infinite said, “I look forward to it. Next time I won’t hold back.” Titan growled and flew away. Infinite turned to the gathered crowd and said, “INFINITEWATCH! YOUR LEADER IS HERE!” The crowd cheered. Luz hugged amity and they kissed. Willow, began cheering even louder when seeing it which embarrassed Luz and Amity who began blushing. Hunter went over to Willow and kissed them which Amity and Luz just stared in shock. Gus said, “about time.” And started laughing infinite said, “Alright, everyone! Tomorrow we go back to work and prepare for Titan’s return! But tonight! We celebrate!” Everyone began cheering and infinite shouted, “Rift!” The man who pointed out the merging timelines stepped forward.
Infinite continued, “Take this time crystal to the new merged timeline so Eda and Eren can join in on the festivities. I think Rick Sanchez would be happy to know this is how we used it.” Rift nods and takes the crystal from infinite. He teleports and when he comes back Eren and Eda are with him. The reality stone part of his core glows and the entire area is transformed into a party with food and fireworks. There’s games and music and everybody is enjoying themselves. Infinite pulls Eren aside and tells him, “Look, I know I gave you Titan’s position as head of the titan division but I can’t give you the second in command slot. I need someone who’s been with infinitewatch about as long as me.” Eren nods and says, “I understand. I’m just happy to be Levi’s superior now.” He grins as he says this. Infinite’s visor changes to light green as he says, “You know, if I remember the playlist I had it’s gonna be a slow song next. You should go find Mikasa.” Eren looks surprised and blushes. He stutters, “I- I- how did you- what?” Infinite quickly says, “I’m not an idiot and if I was your file is completely loaded into my armor’s memory. Go, don’t be stupid and waste your chance.” His visor appears to be dark purple for a second but goes back to green. Eren nods and finds Mikasa right as the slow song starts. Eren and Mikasa danced to the music near Armin and Annie. Farther down the area Luz and amity were dancing next to hunter and Willow. But infinite didn’t go down to dance with anybody. While everyone was dancing infinite was on the roof of infinitewatch home base watching it happen. He looked next to him and saw Gus sitting there with him. Gus asks, “Why not join everybody?” Infinite sighs. He says, “They were lost on a mission. It was my own stupid fault. I did my best but there was nothing I could do. If I’d just told them to stay back.” Gus looks surprised, “Wow, you ok?” Infinite responds, “It was a long time ago. Honestly I’m not sure that’s what happened. That’s just the story I use. When you’ve been alive as long as me, certain events get fuzzy and muddled. I don’t remember much. My time with them is the clearest except for why they aren’t here. It’s maddening.” Gus puts his hand on infinite’s shoulder and says, “I’m sorry. I wish I could help but there’s not much I can really do.” Infinite shrugged his hand off and said, “Relax, there’s nothing you can do.” The song ended and he jumped off the roof to join the party again. The next day, infinite went to the merged timeline and built a base there. He stationed everybody from the boiling isles, eldia, and the human realm there so they’d be ready incase something happened in that timeline. He returned to infinitewatch home base and went to the training room. Where he listed Titan as an enemy for training. So that he could prepare everybody for the return of Titan.
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lmky-n · 7 months
owl/parrot hybrids
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meet Sasha (alexandra) and Charlie (Charles)
Charlie is 14 and Sasha is 17
Sasha's and Charlie's family
Vasilisa (mother)
Roberto (father)
Svetlana (grandma)
Mira and Asya (aunts)
Barnaby (great-uncle)
Vivi (great-aunt*)
BeeBee and Falco (mother's cousins)
as always, BeeBee and Vivi (they both were mentioned) belongs to @multi-fandom-official-account
Falco (he was mentioned too) @ivyespeonfriends
*Vivi is female for me but originally Vivi is demigender and demifluid
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o-craven-canto · 11 months
All animal species (and a couple algae) that have kept the same scientific name since Linnaeus
The first work of taxonomy that is considered as having any scientific authority for animal species was the 10th edition of Linnaeus' Systema Naturae, published in 1758. (Also a book on spiders called Aranei Suecici, published one year before.) That's the foundational text of the binominal system of nomenclature of species still in use today. Since then most of Linnaeus' original species (4379 species, of which 185 mammals, 554 birds, 217 "amphibians" (including reptiles and cartilaginous fish), 379 fishes, 2104 "insects" (including various arthropods, of which 664 are beetles and 543 are moths & butterflies crammed into only 3 genera), and 940 "worms" (including basically all other invertebrates, and even some protists and algae)) have been dismembered, renamed, or at least moved to different genera (e.g. the house sparrow went from Fringilla domestica to Passer domesticus).
Here is a list of all of Linnaeus' original species from 1758 that still retain their original name. I believe they are 484 in total.
Homo sapiens (human)
Lemur catta (ring-tailed lemur)
Vespertilio murinus (rearmouse bat)
Elephas maximus (Asian elephant)
Trichechus manatus (West Indian manatee)
Bradypus tridactylus (three-toed sloth)
Myrmecophaga tridactyla (giant anteater)
Manis pentadactylus (Chinese pangolin)
Phoca vitulina (harbor seal)
Canis familiaris (dog)
Canis lupus (grey wolf)
Felis catus (house cat)
Viverra zibetha (Indian civet)
Mustela erminea (stoat)
Mustela furo (ferret)
Mustela lutreola (European mink)
Mustela putorius (wild ferret)
Ursus arctos (brown bear)
Sus scrofa (wild boar/pig)
Dasypus septemcinctus (seven-banded armadillo)
Dasypus novemcinctus (nine-banded armadillo)
Erinaceus europaeus (European hedgehog)
Talpa europaea (European mole)
Sorex araneus (common shrew)
Didelphis marsupialis (common opossum)
Rhinoceros unicornis (Indian rhinoceros)
Hystrix brachyura (Malayan porcupine)
Hystrix cristata (crested porcupine)
Lepus timidus (common hare)
Castor fiber (European beaver)
Mus musculus (house mouse)
Sciurus vulgaris (red squirrel)
Camelus dromedarius (dromedary camel)
Camelus bactrianus (Asian camel)
Moschus moschiferus (musk deer)
Cervus elaphus (red deer)
Capra hircus (goat)
Capra ibex (Alpine ibex)
Ovis aries (sheep)
Bos taurus (cow)
Bos indicus (zebu)
Equus caballus (horse)
Equus asinus (donkey)
Equus zebra (mountain zebra)
Hippopotamus amphibius (hippopotamus)
Monodon monoceros (narwhal)
Balaena mysticetus (bowhead whale)
Physeter macrocephalus (sperm whale)
Delphinus delphis (common dolphin)
Vultur gryphus (Andean condor)
Falco tinnunculus (common kenstrel)
Falco sparverius (sparrowhawk)
Falco columbarius (pigeonhawk)
Falco subbuteo (Eurasian hobby)
Falco rusticolus (gyrfalcon)
Strix aluco (tawny owl)
Lanius excubitor (great grey shrike)
Lanius collurio (red-backed shrike)
Lanius schach (long-tailed shrike)
Psittacus erithacus (grey parrot)
Ramphastos tucanus (white-throated toucan)
Buceros bicornis (great hornbill)
Buceros rhinoceros (rhinoceros hornbill)
Crotophaga ani (smooth-billed ani)
Corvus corax (raven)
Corvus corone (carrion crow)
Corvus frugilegus (rook)
Corvus cornix (hooded crow)
Coracias oriolus (golden oriole)
Coracias garrulus (European roller)
Gracula religiosa (hill myna)
Paradisaea apoda (greater bird-of-paradise)
Cuculus canorus (common cuckoo)
Jynx torquilla (wryneck)
Picus viridis (green woodpecker)
Sitta europaea (Eurasian nuthatch)
Merops apiaster (European bee-eater)
Merops viridis (blue-throated bee-eater)
Upupa epops (Eurasian hoopoe)
Certhia familiaris (Eurasian treecreeper)
Trochilus polytmus (red-billed streamertail hummingbird)
Anas platyrhynchos (mallard duck)
Anas crecca (teal duck)
Mergus merganser (common merganser)
Mergus serrator (red-breasted merganser)
Alca torda (razorbill auk)
Procellaria aequinoctialis (white-chinned petrel)
Diomedea exulans (wandering albatross)
Pelecanus onocrotalus (great white pelican)
Phaeton aethereus (red-billed tropicbird)
Larus canus (common gull)
Larus marinus (great black-backed gull)
Larus fuscus (lesser black-backed gull)
Sterna hirundo (common tern)
Rhynchops niger (black skimmer)
Phoenicopterus ruber (American flamingo)
Platalea leucorodia (Eurasian spoonbill)
Platalea ajaia (roseate spoonbill)
Mycteria americana (wood stork)
Ardea cinerea (grey heron)
Ardea herodias (blue heron)
Ardea alba (great egret)
Scolopax rusticola (Eurasian woodcock)
Charadrius hiaticula (ringed plover)
Charadrius alexandrinus (Kentish plover)
Charadrius vociferus (killdeer plover)
Charadrius morinellus (Eurasian dotterel)
Recurvirostra avosetta (pied avocet)
Haematopus ostralegus (Eurasian oystercatcher)
Fulica atra (Eurasian coot)
Rallus aquaticus (water rail)
Psophia crepitans (grey-winged trumpeter)
Otis tarda (great bustard)
Struthio camelus (ostrich)
Pavo cristatus (Indian peafowl)
Meleagris gallopavo (wild turkey)
Crax rubra (great curassow)
Phasianus colchicus (common pheasant)
Tetrao urogallus (western capercaillie)
Columba oenas (stock dove)
Columba palumbus (wood pigeon)
Alauda arvensis (Eurasian skylark)
Sturnus vulgaris (European starling)
Turdus viscivorus (mistle thrush)
Turdus pilaris (fieldfare thrush)
Turdus iliacus (redwing thrush)
Turdus plumbeus (red-legged thrush)
Turdus torquatus (ring ouzel)
Turdus merula (blackbird)
Loxia curvirostra (crossbill)
Emberiza hortulana (ortolan bunting)
Emberiza citrinella (yellowhammer)
Emberiza calandra (corn bunting)
Fringilla coelebs (common chaffinch)
Motacilla alba (white wagtail)
Motacilla lava (yellow wagtail)
Parus major (great tit)
Hirundo rustica (barn swallow)
Caprimulgus europaeus (European nightjar)
Testudo graeca (Greek tortoise)
Draco volans (flying dragon)
Lacerta agilis (sand lizard)
Rana temporaria (common frog)
Crotalus horridus (timber rattlesnake)
Crotalus durissus (tropical rattlesnake)
Boa constrictor (common boa)
Coluber constrictor (eastern racer)
Anguis fragilis (slowworm)
Amphisbaena alba (red worm lizard)
Caecilia tentaculata (white-bellied caecilian)
Petromyzon marinus (sea lamprey)
Raja clavata (thornback ray)
Raja miraletus (brown ray)
Squalus acanthias (spiny dogfish)
Chimaera monstrosa (rabbitfish)
Lophius piscatorius (anglerfish)
Acipenser sturio (sea sturgeon)
Acipenser ruthenus (sterlet sturgeon)
Muraena helena (Mediterranean moray)
Gymnotus carapo (banded knifefish)
Trichiurus lepturus (cutlassfish)
Anarhichas lupus (Atlantic wolffish)
Ammodytes tobianus (lesser sandeel)
Xiphias gladius (swordfish)
Stromateus fiatola (blue butterfish)
Callionymus lyra (common dragonet)
Uranoscopus scaber (stargazer)
Trachinus draco (greater weever)
Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod)
Blennius ocellaris (butterfly blenny)
Ophidion barbatum (snake cusk-eel)
Cyclopterus lumpus (lumpsucker)
Echeneis naucrates (sharksucker)
Coryphaena equiselis (pompano)
Coryphaena hippurus (dorado)
Gobius niger (black goby)
Govius paganellus (rock goby)
Cottus gobio (European bullhead)
Scorpaena porcus (black scorpionfish)
Scorpaena scrofa (red scorpionfish)
Zeus faber (John Dory)
Pleuronectes platessa (European plaice)
Chaetodon striatus (banded butterflyfish)
Chaetodon capistratus (foureye butterflyfish)
Sparus aurata (gilt-head bream)
Labrus merula (brown wrasse)
Labrus mixtus (cuckoo wrasse)
Labrus viridis (green wrasse)
Sciaena umbra (brown meagre)
Perca fluviatilis (European perch)
Gasterosteus aculeatus (three-spined stickleback)
Scomber scombrus (Atlanti mackerel)
Mullus barbatus (red mullet)
Mullus surmuletus (surmullet)
Trigla lyra (piper gurnard)
Cobitis taenia (spined loach)
Silurus asotus (Amur catfish)
Silurus glanis (Wels catfish)
Loricaria cataphracta (suckermouth catfish)
Salmo carpio (Garda trout)
Salmo trutta (brown trout)
Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon)
Fistularia tabacaria (bluespotted cornetfish)
Esox lucius (northern pike)
Argentina sphyraena (European argentine)
Atherina hepsetus (Mediterranean sand smelt)
Mugil cephalus (flathead mullet)
Exocoetus volitans (tropical flying fish)
Polynemus paradiseus (Paradise threadfin)
Clupea harengus (Atlantic herring)
Cyprinus carpio (common carp)
Mormyrus caschive (bottlenose elephantfish)
Balistes vetula (queen triggerfish)
Ostracion cornutus (longhorn cowfish)
Ostracion cubicus (yellow boxfish)
Tetraodon lineatus (Fahaka pufferfish)
Diodon hystrix (spot-fin porcupinefish)
Diodon holocanthus (long-spine porcupinefish)
Centriscus scutatus (grooved shrimpfish)
Syngnathus acus (common pipefish)
Syngnathus pelagicus (pelagic pipefish)
Syngnathus typhle (broad-nosed pipefish)
Pegasus volitans (longtail seamoth)
Scarabaeus sacer (sacred scarab)
Dermestes lardarius (larder beetle)
Dermestes murinus (larder beetle)
Hister unicolor (clown beetle)
Hister quadrimaculatus (clown beetle)
Silpha obscura (carrion beetle)
Cassida viridis (tortoise beetle)
Cassida nebulosa (tortoise beetle)
Cassida nobilis (tortoise beetle)
Coccinella trifasciata (ladybug)
Coccinella hieroglyphica (ladybug) [Coccinella 5-punctata, 7-punctata, 11-punctata, and 24-punctata survive as quinquepunctata, septempunctata, undecimpunctata, and vigintiquatorpunctata]
Chrysomela populi (leaf beetle)
Chrysomela lapponica (leaf beetle)
Chrysomela collaris (leaf beetle)
Chrysomela erythrocephala (leaf beetle)
Curculio nucum (nut weevil)
Attelabus surinamensis (leaf-rolling weevil)
Cerambyx cerdo (capricorn beetle)
Leptura quadrifasciata (longhorn beetle)
Cantharis fusca (soldier beetle)
Cantharis livida (soldier beetle)
Cantharis oscura (soldier beetle)
Cantharis rufa (soldier beetle)
Cantharis lateralis (soldier beetle)
Elater ferrugineus (rusty click beetle)
Cicindela campestris (green tiger beetle)
Cicindela sylvatica (wood tiger beetle)
Buprestis rustica (jewel beetle) [Buprestis 8-guttata survives as octoguttata]
Dytiscus latissimus (diving beetle)
Carabus coriaceus (ground beetle)
Carabus granulatus (ground beetle)
Carabus nitens (ground beetle)
Carabus hortensis (ground beetle)
Carabus violaceus (ground beetle)
Tenebrio molitor (mealworm)
Meloe algiricus (blister beetle)
Meloe proscarabaeus (blister beetle)
Meloe spec (blister beetle)
Mordela aculeata (tumbling glower beetle)
Necydalis major (longhorn beetle)
Staphylinus erythropterus (rove beetle)
Forficula auricularia (common earwig)
Blatta orientalis (Oriental cockroach)
Gryllus campestris (field cricket)
Cicada orni (cicada)
Notonecta glauca (backswimmer)
Nepa cinerea (water scorpion)
Cimex lectularius (bedbug)
Aphis rumici (black aphid)
Aphis craccae (vetch aphid)
Coccus hesperidum (brown scale insect)
Thrips physapus (thrips)
Thrips minutissimum (thrips)
Thrips juniperinus (thrips)
Papilio paris (Paris peacock butterfly)
Papilio helenus (red Helen butterfly)
Papilio troilus (spicebush swallowtail butterfly)
Papilio deiphobus (Deiphobus swallowtail butterfly)
Papilio polytes (common Mormon butterfly)
Papilio glaucus (eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly)
Papilio memnon (great Mormon butterfly)
Papilio ulysses (Ulysses butterfly)
Papilio machaon (Old World swallowtail butterfly)
Papilio demoleus (lime swallowtail butterfly)
Papilio nireus (blue-banded swallowtail butterfly)
Papilio clytia (common mime butterfly)
Sphinx ligustri (privet hawk-moth)
Sphinx pinastri (pine hawk-moth) [genus Phalaena was suppressed, but seven subgenera created by Linnaeus are now valid as genera]
Libellula depressa (chaser dragonfly)
Libellula quadrimaculata (four-spotted skimmer dragonfly)
Ephemera vulgata (mayfly)
Phryganea grandis (caddisfly)
Hemerobius humulinus (lacewing)
Panorpa communis (scorpionfly)
Panorpa germanica (scorpionfly)
Raphidia ophiopsis (snakefly)
Cynips quercusfolii (oak gall wasp)
Tenthredo atra (sawfly)
Tenthredo campestris (sawfly)
Tenthredo livida (sawfly)
Tenthredo mesomela (sawfly)
Tenthredo scrophulariae (sawfly)
Ichneumon extensorius (parasitoid wasp)
Ichneumon sarcitorius (parasitoid wasp)
Sphex ichneumoneus (digger wasp)
Vespa crabro (European hornet)
Apis mellifera (honey bee)
Formica fusca (silky ant)
Mutilla europaea (large velvet ant)
Oestrus ovis (sheep botfly)
Tipula oleracea (marsh cranefly)
Tipula hortorum (cranefly)
Tipula lunata (cranefly)
Musca domestica (housefly)
Tabanus bovinus (pale horsefly)
Tabanus calens (horsefly)
Tabanus bromius (brown horsefly)
Tabanus occidentalis (horsefly)
Tabanus antarcticus (horsefly)
Culex pipiens (house mosquito)
Empis borealis (dance fly)
Empis pennipes (dance fly)
Empis livida (dance fly)
Conops flavipes (thick-headed fly)
Asilus barbarus (robberfly)
Asilus crabroniformis (hornet robberfly)
Bombylius major (bee fly)
Bombylius medius (bee fly)
Bombylius minor (bee fly)
Hippobosca equina (forest fly)
Lepisma saccharina (silverfish)
Podura aquatica (water springtail)
Termes fatale (termite)
Pediculus humanus (human louse)
Pulex irritans (human flea)
Acarus siro (flour mite)
Phalangium opilio (harvestman)
Araneus angulatus (orb-weaving spider)
Araneus diadematus (European garden spider)
Araneus marmoreus (marbled orbweaver)
Araneus quadratus (four-spotted orbweaver -- last four are by Clerck 1757, some of the very few surviving pre-Linnean names!)
Scorpio maurus (large-clawed scorpion)
Cancer pagurus (brown crab)
Oniscus asellus (common woodlouse)
Scolopendra gigantea (giant centipede)
Scolopendra morsitans (red-headed centipede)
Julus fuscus (millipede)
Julus terrestris (millipede)
Gordius aquaticus (horsehair worm)
Lumbricus terrestris (common earthworm)
Ascaris lumbricoides (giant roundworm)
Fasciola hepatica (liver fluke)
Hirudo medicinalis (medicinal leech)
Myxine glutinosa (Atlantic hagfish)
Teredo navalis (shipworm)
[shout out to Furia infernalis, a terrifying carnivorous jumping worm that Linnaeus described, but which doesn't seem to actually exist]
Limax maximus (leopard slug)
Doris verrucosa (warty nudibranch)
Nereis caerulea (ragworm)
Nereis pelagica (ragworm)
Aphrodita aculeata (sea mouse)
Lernaea cyprinacea (anchor worm)
Scyllaea pelagica (Sargassum nudibranch)
Sepia officinalis (common cuttlefish)
Asterias rubens (common starfish)
Echinus esculentus (edible sea urchin)
Chiton tuberculatus (West Indian green chiton)
Lepas anatifera (goose barnacle)
Pholas dactylus (common piddock)
Mya arenaria (softshell clam)
Mya truncata (truncate softshell)
Solen vagina (razor clam)
Tellina laevigata (smooth tellin)
Tellina linguafelis (cat-tongue tellin)
Tellina radiata (sunrise tellin)
Tellina scobinata (tellin)
Cardium costatum (ribbed cockle)
Donax cuneatus (wedge clam)
Donas denticulatus (wedge clam)
Donax trunculus (wedge clam)
Venus casina (Venus clam)
Venus verrucosa (warty venus)
Spondylus gaederopus (thorny oyster)
Spondylus regius (thorny oyster)
Chama lazarus (jewel box shell)
Chama gryphoides (jewel box shell)
Arca noae (Noah's ark shell)
Ostrea edulis (edible oyster)
Anomia aurita (saddle oyster)
Anomia ephippium (saddle oyster)
Anomia hysterita (saddle oyster)
Anomia lacunosa (saddle oyster)
Anomia spec (saddle oyster)
Anomia striatula (saddle oyster)
Mytilus edulis (blue mussel)
Pinna muricata (pen shell)
Pinna nobilis (fan mussel)
Pinna rudis (rough pen shell)
Argonauta argo (argonaut)
Nautilus pompilius (chambered nautilus)
Conus ammiralis (admiral cone snail)
Conus aulicus (princely cone snail)
Conus aurisiacus (cone snail)
Conus betulinus (betuline cone snail)
Conus bullatus (bubble cone snail)
Conus capitaneus (captain cone snail)
Conus cedonulli (cone snail)
Conus ebraeus (black-and-white cone snail)
Conus figulinus (fig cone snail)
Conus genuanus (garter cone snail)
Conus geographus (geographer cone snail)
Conus glaucus (glaucous cone snail)
Conus granulatus (cone snail)
Conus imperialis (imperial cone snail)
Conus litteratus (lettered cone snail)
Conus magus (magical cone snail)
Conus marmoreus (marbled cone snail)
Conus mercator (trader cone snail)
Conus miles (soldier cone snail)
Conus monachus (monastic cone snail)
Conus nobilis (noble cone snail)
Conus nussatella (cone snail)
Conus princeps (prince cone snail)
Conus spectrum (spectrecone snail)
Conus stercusmuscarum (fly-specked cone snail)
Conus striatus (striated cone snail)
Conus textile (cloth-of-gold cone snail)
Conus tulipa (tulip cone snail)
Conus varius (freckled cone snail)
Conus virgo (cone snail)
Cypraea tigris (tiger cowry shell)
Bulla ampulla (Pacific bubble shell)
Voluta ebraea (Hebrew volute)
Voluta musica (music volute)
Buccinum undatum (common whelk)
Strombus pugilis (fighting conch)
Murex tribulus (caltrop murex)
Trochus maculatus (maculated top shell)
Turbo acutangulus (turban shell)
Turbo argyrostomus (silver-mouth turban shell)
Turbo chrystostomus (gold-mouth turban shell)
Turbo marmoratus (green turban shell)
Turbo petholatus (turban shell)
Turbo sarmaticus (giant turban shell)
Helix lucorum (Mediterranean snail)
Helix pomatia (Roman snail)
Nerita albicilla (blotched nerite)
Nerita chamaeleon (nerite)
Nerita exuvia (snakeskin nerite)
Nerita grossa (nerite)
Nerita histrio (nerite)
Nerita peloronta (bleeding tooth)
Nerita plicata (nerite)
Nerita polita (nerite)
Nerita undata (nerite)
Haliotis asinina (ass-ear abalone)
Haliotis marmorata (marbled abalone)
Haliotis midae (South African abalone)
Haliotis parva (canaliculate abalone)
Haliotis tuberculata (green ormer)
Haliotis varia (common abalone)
Patella caerulea (Mediterranean limpet)
Patella pellucida (blue-rayed limpet)
Patella vulgata (European limpet)
Dentalium elephantinum (elephant tusk)
Dentalium entale (tusk shell)
[genus Serpula is still in use with none of its original species]
Tubipora musica (organ pipe coral)
Millepora alcicornis (sea ginger fire coral)
Madrepora oculata (zigzag stone coral)
Isis hippuris (sea bamboo)
Isis ochracea (sea bamboo)
Gorgonia flabellum (Venus fan)
Gorgonia ventalina (purple sea fan)
Alcyonium bursa (soft coral)
Alcyonium digitatum (dead man's fingers)
Tubularia indivisa (oaten ipes hydroid)
Corallina officinalis (coralline red alga)
Sertularia argentea (sea fern)
Sertularia cupressoides (hydroid)
Pennatula phosphorea (sea pen)
Taenia solium (pork tapeworm)
Volvox globator (colonial alga)
[genus Hydra is still in use with none of its original species]
15 notes · View notes
blueboybracket · 1 year
Round One of the Ultimate Blue Boy Bracket has officially started! The first round consists of 90 match-ups, which will be split up into two halves over the course of the next two or three weeks
I'll be posting 10 matches per day for Round One across the next couple of weeks, all matches will run for a week each!
The second half of Round One will begin on the 22nd of May!
Here are links to the current on-going matches! I'll add the rest as they are posted
Jack Power/Mass Master (Power Pack) vs. Jaime Reyes & Khaji Da (Blue Beetle)!
Kaito (VOCALOID) vs. Kyle Marlon (Evillious Chronicles)
Inkling Boy - Default (Splatoon) vs. Lancer (Deltarune)
Darington (Blaze and the Monster Machines) vs. Blue Robot (Bomb It)
Goo (Inanimate Insanity) vs. Leonard McCoy (Star Trek)
Michael J. Caboose (Red vs. Blue) vs. Santa (9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors)
Sniffles (Happy Tree Friends) vs. Ludwig von Koopa (Super Mario Bros.)
Genie (Aladdin) vs. Rex (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)
Titan (Show by Rock) vs. Seragaki Aoba (DRAMAtical Murder)
Langa Hasegawa (Sk8 the Infinity) vs. Adolin Kholin (Stormlight Archive)
The above matches conclude on the 15th of May 2023
Blue M&M (M&M's) vs. Every male Sentai Blue (Super Sentai)
Toy Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's 2) vs. Whirl (Transformers)
Rimuru Tempest (Tensura) vs. Equius Zahhak (Homestuck)
Stitch (Lilo & Stitch) vs. R2-D2 (Star Wars)
Leonard L. Church (Red vs. Blue) vs. Gus Porter (The Owl House)
Reed Richards (The Fantastic Four) vs. Pegitan (Healin' Good Precure)
Gil Webber (Monster High - G3) vs. Dr. Manhattan (Watchmen)
Vanitas (The Case Study of Vanitas) vs. Ed (Get Ed)
Romero (Zombie Land Saga) vs. Nagisa Shiota (Assassination Classroom)
Shuichi Saihara (Danganronpa V3) vs. Makoto Yuki (Persona 3)
The above matches conclude on the 16th of May 2023
Beast (X-Men) vs. Quirrel (Hollow Knight)
Falco Lombardi (Star Fox) vs. Grimmjow (Bleach)
Johan/Jesse Andersen (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX) vs. Caspar (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
The Blue Guy ("I'm Blue (Da Ba Dee)" - Eiffel 65) vs. Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Kaladin (Stormlight Archive) vs. Rei Suwa (Buddy Daddies)
??? (The Binding of Isaac) vs. Branch (Trolls)
Captain Haddock (The Adventures of Tintin) vs. Flik (A Bug's Life)
Riliphin (Witch Hat Atelier) vs. Ice (Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia)
Glossaryck (Star vs. The Forces of Evil) vs. Sam the Eagle (The Muppets)
Lo'ak (Avatar: The Way of Water) vs. Sigma Klim (Virtue's Last Reward)
The above matches will conclude on the 17th of May 2023
Tailgate (Transformers) vs. Shay Volta (Broken Age)
Leonardo (Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles) vs. Wirt (Over the Garden Wall)
Ice King (Adventure Time) vs. John Egbert (Homestuck)
Continued in reblog
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