#fanfiction wip list
duckingwriting · 6 months
Fanfiction WIP List
Reminder you can read all my completed fanfictions on AO3.
Unnamed Firefly - Jayne/Simon A/B/O AU. Simon had kept his secret since he presented, no one wanted an omega doctor after all, and his father couldn't let him throw away his potential. But he was close to running out of them so told the captain. He went to the Black market for a new supply, with Jayne as back up. Unfortunately things then went sideways. Falling into his second heat ever Simon's omega latches on to the nearest alpha he knows, Jayne. And even when back on Serenity the omega can't stand anyone else. #Jayne/SimonABO
Unnamed Avatar(Cameron movies) - Tsu'Tey/Jake Sully A/B/O au based off This fic on AO3. Jake never bothered to think about how his brother had been an omega, and how that would.habe affected the avatar he now claimed as his own. Going into an unexpected heat just before home tree was attacked was definitely not in the plan. And now he will do anything to prove himself to his new mate. It may be more omega instincts than a beta could ever understand but Jake's used to flying by the seat of his pants. #TsuteyXJakeABO
Like Rum - Pirates of the Caribbean Soulmate AU that I'm posting on AO3 as I go? Trying something new with it. Soulmates have identical tattoos, in different locations. James was convinced his matched Elizabeth's based of the few glimpses he had seen but learned that was not the case. He does catch pieces of a certain Captain's tattoo though, and has started to worry about who his soulmate could be for the first time in his life. #LikeRum
Just Bound - Sequel to Bound and Determined, Firefly A/B/O with Jayne/Mal as the main pairing. Mal has his omega now but his omega still has issues and a lack of self worth. #JustBound
Unnamed Underworld fic - Soulmate AU, Story with OCs, two sisters transformed into a vampire and werewolf centuries ago believe the other is dead until they meet again and realize they are on opposite sides of a war. #UnderworldSoulmateAU
I've got other small ones here and there that pop up too. Usually one shots. #Fanfiction
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alvivaarts · 1 month
Writing Tips For You (as if I don’t currently have insane writer’s block)
-Can’t start a scene? Write the setting instead. What is the lighting like? Is this place comfortable? Is it familiar or not? What should you point out now so it doesn’t suddenly appear when it becomes important for the characters? SET! YOUR! STAGE!
-Everyone says “show, don’t tell”. I like to think of that as “what are your character’s physical reactions? What are they feeling?” You can say “Character looked dismayed”, or you can say “Character grimaced with dismay.” See the difference?
-Struggling with dialogue? Talk to yourself while you’re writing. You might be blocking yourself if you subconsciously think some dialogue feels unnatural.
-Context, context, context! This applies to everything from the small interactions to the big plots. Every force has an equal and opposite reaction, allow interactions and events to grow as such.
-Context, context, context pt 2! But worldbuilding! If your character is performing an act, how does that fit into the physical reality they already exist in? How is it possible? Can you imply (imply, not explain) that these things are commonplace or why they wouldn’t be?
-Build the action. (Stealing this from theater class like twelve years ago.) You can’t just put a character into the scene and say ‘they made a sandwhich’. What has to happen for the sandwhich to be made? Your character has to walk into the kitchen, open the cupboard, get out a plate, get out the jam and peanut butter, get out a plate, get out the knives, open the fridge, get out the bread, close the fridge, open the bread bag, lay down two slices of bread on the plate, close the bag, open the first jar, pick up the first knife, scoop up the jam, slather it on the bread, put the knife down, close the first jar- and so on and so forth. Every small step is necessary for you to understand, and to engage your readers. You don’t have to go into ridiculous detail like I just did, but even understanding that for yourself.
-See above, but it’s not a scene and a sandwhich. The scene is your whole story and the sandwhich is your plot. What small steps MUST happen to reach the climax? Does changing one of those small steps change the result? How?
-Emotions are best portrayed when you have experienced them or can get insight from those who have experienced them. Let yourself get emotional in a scene. Allow yourself to be empathetic and vicariously experience what your characters are.
-Reread your own work! Your writing style and characterizations can change over time, but if you feel like you’re losing them, don’t be afraid to look at where you started to ground yourself!
-Proofread your own work 2-12 hours after you finish a section! Not while you’re writing! Don’t let yourself get carried away with writing things ‘right’, just get the ideas out.
-Have a friend or volunteer proofread for you too! This can help pick out things you repeatedly say, words you might misuse, grammar and punctuation that might need correction, and phrases that are hard to digest or don’t make sense.
-Make sure you’re making an effort to use regionally/era specific words and slang both in dialogue and in your writing. There are plenty of websites and videos online that list and discuss regional and era slang worldwide. Not to mention, we can connect with people all over the world using the web just to ask! Using incorrect phrases can really break immersion and make characters feel- well, out of character! I.E. an 80s jock saying ‘dope bruh’, American characters (generally) saying ‘lift’ instead of ‘elevator’, so on and so forth.
-Research research research! Research bloodloss limits, research how laws and jobs operate in different regions and countries, research weirdly specific myths and biblical themes, research as much as you can! You can only build a richer environment to write in!
-If you actively want to implement themes, allow them to reflect the experiences of your character. Example character is an Italian American who was orphaned at 13 after his orthodox Catholic parents died, he has been in and out of foster care his whole life, and the moment he got out his military job became strict and he allowed himself to be blackmailed to protect a child in a similar position. This has plenty of fun themes and symbolisms, like sacrifice, fate, lack of control, love, losing autonomy, etc, all of which can be framed under the impactful history of his Catholic childhood. This evokes the imagery of farm animals, servitude, animal tags/dog tags, holy spaces being used for other purposes. Play with it!
-Build three base playlists! One for your overarching story, one for songs that remind you of the main character and their story arc, and one for how you feel when you’re writing/songs that weirdly remind you of your story. You can cycle through these to help get into your mood.
-Consume other media! If all you do is focus on writing, you WILL lose steam and inspiration. Don’t be afraid to watch new shows, read new books, look at more artwork, read more poems, listen to more music. You might get a flicker of inspiration for themes, motives and ideas, and you’ll continue to fill yourself instead of dumping your focus out on your writing.
-Understand how each major character thinks and instinctively reacts to things. Some characters can stay calm, but others might instinctively react to things ‘angrily’, others might try to run away. This is an easy way to figure out character flaws and impliment easy conflicts.
And last but not least:
-Take breaks! Don’t worry about forcing yourself to keep a posting schedule (unless you’re being paid. I’m not. I’m doing this shit for free and for funsies) if all you do is spend all your time worrying about your writing, you won’t be able to relax your brain. Spend time with friends, play games, go outside!
I hope this helps!
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anto-pops · 1 year
A Torrid Arrangement - Sebastian Sallow x Female! Reader
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Summary: You and Sebastian have had a 'friends-with-benefits' dynamic going on for close to a year now, and the more time passes, the harder it is for him to hide his true feelings for you. It's an unbearable kind of torment, but he forces himself to grin and bear it anyway to preserve the integrity of his... situation-ship with you. That is, until the metaphorical floodgates finally open up.
Alternatively summarized as gratuitous FWB smut with lots of playful banter sprinkled in
This came from the depths of my fever-induced brain so if its all over the place, I apologize. But YAY MORE SMUT !!
Word Count: 8.6k
Warnings: 18+, aged up characters, explicit sexual content, lots of hickies
Full fic can be found here on Ao3 with more informative tags, as per usual :))
Sebastian knew it was going to be one of those days before he was even fully conscious. 
He jolted awake from an extremely graphic wet dream at the ass crack of dawn, hard and sweaty and tangled in the sheets, already reaching beside himself for the body that had just been pressed against his own. The dream had been so real– so incredibly vivid– that he swore he could still taste the familiar, salty skin on the tip of his tongue. He’d been so fucking close too; buried deep between soft thighs, clinging tight with every fiber of his being when reality had come and butt its ugly, unwelcome head in. 
With a ragged, disappointed groan, Sebastian let his head fall back against his pillow and dragged his hands down his flushed face, graciously allowing himself a few minutes to sort himself out. 
This was far from the first wet dream he’d had about you, and he was certain it wouldn’t be the last. Hell– you gave Sebastian’s thirsty subconscious plenty of material to work with every time you came around to ‘relieve stress’. Being long-standing fuck buddies with you granted him that lucious priviledge. Sebastian knew damn well how good you felt holding onto him, what you sounded like when you were about to come, what your heated, sweat-slick skin tasted like. 
He also knew how fucking cute you could be— especially when you were sprawled across his bed in his dorm with a textbook open beneath you to sneakily segue from studying together to fooling around. He knew how badly he wanted to spread you out across his sheets and make you moan for hours– to worship your perfect body slowly and sweetly with his hands and his mouth. 
It was barely past dawn and Sebastian already knew he was going to be tracking you down at some point today to act on his urges. As always, he would be hiding his monstrous crush under a thick layer of casual booty call. 
Whenever Sebastian woke up like this– nerves stretched paper thin over a desperate craving for intimacy– dueling was one of the few things that helped him clear his head and get his shit together. He wasn’t exactly a morning person, and he was even less of a people person at such a ripe, early hour, but he’d still left the confines of his dorm to make the trek to the Crossed Wands courtyard. 
There were no students in this area of the castle at this time, which just meant he would be making do with the practice dummies for a few hours until his blood cooled within his veins. Spell after spell fired from his wand and struck hard and true against the wooden figurines that lined the walls, the sound echoing off the Clock Tower walls and drowning out his incessant, horny thoughts. 
Thoughts that revolved too much around how nice your thighs would look with dark imprints of his teeth all over them. 
Biting the inside of his cheek, Sebastian unleashed a particularly aggressive Confringo charm in a bid to expel his sinful train of thought. The dummy erupted in an explosion of wooden bits and flaming embers, and as it collapsed to the stone floor in a mangled heap, the brunet realized that there was in fact one other person on school grounds awake– and they just so happened to be walking right towards him. 
He could practically hear fate howling with laughter at his expense when he dimly registered that not only did he know this lone survivor, it was against all probability none other than you, because why the fuck not. 
You were stomping through the outer courtyard with a few textbooks clutched tight in your white-knuckled grip, looking equal parts distracted and deliciously disheveled from a distance. Your mind had to be as scattered as his was, because you clearly didn’t notice Sebastian or the on fire training dummy as you strode through the open clock tower gate. He did his best to play it cool when you finally made eye contact with him, trying exceptionally hard to not look like he’d just jacked off to the way dream-you squirmed under him not twenty minutes prior. 
“Hey, you,” Sebastian called out smoothly when your hurried pace slowed down at the sight of him. You shook your head as though to clear it, squinting at him harder as you evenly stalked up to him, and your frown became more and more apparent the closer you got. Everything about your demeanor screamed ‘wild Graphorn, do not approach’, but Sebastian had never been great at following directions. 
You raked one of your hands through your wild hair as you finally came to stop a few feet away, panting slightly as you stared up at him as though you weren’t entirely sure he was real. “Sebastian?” 
The man in question cocked a brow at you, giving you a quick once over. Your hair was definitely mussed more than usual, a few stray strands falling over your forehead while others stuck up on one side– as if you’d been combing your fingers through it all night. There was no missing the mildly insane glint in your bloodshot eyes, and you were slightly paler than normal. Sebastian was also pretty sure you’d been wearing the same blouse yesterday, if the tiny stain on the collar was any indication. 
If you didn’t look so damned grumpy, Sebastian would swear he’d just caught you in the middle of a walk of shame. The mere idea sent a sharp pang of jealousy straight through his core, and he had to bite his tongue to stifle the snide comment that threatened to fall from his lips. He failed, opting to instead poke the metaphorical bruise and deal with the throbbing ache doing so would bring him. 
“Someone didn’t go to her dorm last night,” he snickered, aiming a crooked grin down at you. “Congrats on getting lucky.” 
Normally he would expect you to just roll your eyes and punch him in the shoulder before ribbing him back. But as Sebastian watched your eyes widen at the same time your face flushed several different shades of red, he couldn’t help but wonder if poking the metaphorical Graphorn before the sun was even fully up was a good idea. 
“I was not getting lucky,” you hissed at him, one eye twitching. Sebastian raised his hands in mock surrender before sticking his wand back in his pocket, awkwardly shifting on his feet for a moment as you huffed out an agitated sigh. “I’ve been getting fucked for the last twelve hours by Professor Sharp’s assignment– fifteen pages on the origin and uses of Wiggenweld. I’m not even sure if most of what I’ve written comes off as real English, so don’t fucking chuckle at me about getting lucky, you ass.” 
Sebastian just stared at you silently, watching you fume. He’d pulled plenty of all-nighters with you before, so he knew full well that after a certain amount of sleep deprivation and stress, you had a tendency to lose your shit in addition to your filter. “Ah,” he mumbled as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, only hesitating for a second. 
After all, he just so happened to know exactly how you liked to relieve your stress. 
He licked his lips quickly before he said, “You, uh… kinda look like you could stand to get lucky, huh?” 
Your nostrils flared slightly as you squinted up at him for a long minute instead of responding. It might have looked like a murderous face to anyone else, but Sebastian knew better, and he could practically hear the gears in your head clanking together as you weighed the offer. 
“…I mean, if you’re not doing anything else,” you finally muttered, your tense shoulders dropping a smidge. 
He gestured loosely to the demolished pile of wood on the ground. “I’m not anymore,” came his fluid reply, and before you could take note of the smoking remnants of the training dummy, Sebastian’s hand was grasping yours tight as he tugged you along behind him. You blearily blinked the fatigue from your eyes as you fell into step beside him, and the brunet tried his very best not to let on how extremely pleased he was.
Halfway to Sebastian’s dorm, you’d interrupted his hurried pace and directed him to the Room of Requirement in an attempt to avoid any awkward run-ins with his roommates. The absolute last thing you wanted to deal with on top of your Potion’s related irritation was prying eyes, and you already knew the Slytherin dorms would be chock full of those. 
Upon entering the more private space atop the Astronomy Tower, you threw aside your textbooks on the lone side table next to the double doors and spun around to yank Sebastian into a frantic, needy kiss. Your nails dug into his firm shoulders as you swiftly pulled him down to your level, and he allowed you to grind your hips against his steadily growing erection as his own fingers dug into the small of your back. 
“H-Hey, hold on,” Sebastian wheezed out when you pulled away to tug at his belt, and his hands dropped to your waist to hold you at arms length so he could look you over again. As the two of you had trekked up to the Room, you’d begun to look more and more exhausted— too out of it to even gripe about the endless staircase that never failed to draw complaints from you. “Are you sure you’re up for this right now? You look like death.” 
You snorted and rolled your tired eyes, pursing your lips in blatant disapproval. “Nagging, Sebastian? Really? I thought we were past this.” 
“I’m not nagging,” he grumbled. “I’m just saying, you kinda look like you need a nap more than you need a quick fuck.” 
Tutting disdainfully, your hands fell away from his belt as you crossed your arms over your chest. “I was just starting to loosen up. See if I ever relax around your ass again,” you retorted drily, tilting your head back to blink up at the ceiling. “The assignment is due before lunch today. If I sleep now, I’m not waking up until tomorrow. I can’t sleep yet.”
Sebastian tilted his head with a thoughtful frown, mirroring your stance by crossing his arms over his own chest. “What if I wake you up?” 
You shook your head dutifully, although you were sorely tempted by the idea. “Trust me, I can feel the impending coma. I can’t risk it.”
“Want me to turn your paper in for you?”
Another mournful shake of your head. “You know Sharp, he’s as stern as they come. I’m positive he wouldn’t take it from you– and I’m sure he’d give you detention for trying. It’s fine, I just need to tough it out for a few more hours. Think you can help with that?” 
“Shit, yeah,” he relented, fighting the urge to bury his face in your messy head of hair. Instead he opted for uncrossing his arms to run his hands up your shoulders to gently squeeze at the tense muscles there, and you sighed at the delightful shiver that danced up your spine from the action. “I’m really not trying to kill you, though. Are you sure you’re good for this?” 
You snorted again, shaking your head slightly, and the tension in your upper body began seeping away under Sebastian’s warm palms. “Are you always this sweet to your fuck buddies?” The brunet could feel himself flushing at the statement, but before he could respond, you were muttering, “It’s really weird coming from you.” 
“Just shut up and fuck me already,” you barked over Sebastian’s protest, pulling away from him to head further into the massive space towards the modest bedroom in the corner. The adjacent room had never disappeared after your first hook-up here with your longtime companion, and its constant existence since then had served as an odd reminder of your arrangement with the man. 
If you weren’t so stiff and weird from exhaustion, Sebastian could honestly convince himself that you were embarrassed or something. For now, though, he simply chalked your jaded nature up to your lack of a filter and stalked after you– totally not obsessing over the fact that you’d just called him sweet. 
You’d been undoing the buttons on your shirt as you walked, and as soon as you made it inside the bedroom, you stripped the material off completely and discarded it in the corner of the room. Your skirt quickly followed, and all the while Sebastian was forcing himself not to think about how nice dream-you’s skin had looked tangled in his dream-sheets. 
Sebastian stood in the doorway as he began unbuttoning his own shirt, shucking the attire off of his shoulders before moving down to his belt. The metal clink of the buckle was enough to draw your attention, and you fell back onto the mattress and scooted up towards the pillows without taking your eyes off him. The eager look in your fatigued eyes was enough to spur Sebastian onward quicker, and before long he was dressed in only his briefs as he prowled towards the bed with a predatory glint in his eyes. 
The way you were sprawled atop the sheets with your arms resting above your head was a sight Sebastian vowed to commit to memory for as long as he lived. You were clearly giving him free reign over your body, and his mouth ran dry at the realization that you were wholly handing control over to him. He swallowed thickly and moved to straddle your hips, leaning over you on his forearms so he could better slot your lips together, and after a few tentative pecks, his boldness started to grow. You sighed and tilted your chin into Sebastian’s kisses, parting your lips invitingly as you melted into the cool, satin sheets beneath you. 
With as tired and as boneless as you were, it seemed like you might actually be patient for once, and the thought had Sebastian’s heart fluttering excitedly. More often than not, he was so susceptible to your impatience and intensity that he always found himself getting swept up in your urgency when the two of you did this. Not that he didn’t love it; the dire, rough pace he’d always settle into with you, all gasping moans and tightly-gripped hands and frantic, needy thrusts– he absolutely loved it. It kept him hooked and craving more, even when you were both panting and sated. This, though…
Having you give up the lead and just relax for him was like a literal wet dream come to life. 
Tangling your tongues with a low moan, Sebastian leaned into you slightly, his hands shifting to rub slowly up your sides until his deft fingers slipped under your arched back to unhook your bra. It fell away like nothing, and you moaned against his lips when the pads of his thumbs came to graze over your pert nipples. Your sleep-deprived loopiness had to be contagious, because Sebastian pulled away from your lips to mouth hotly against your ear, “I dreamt about you last night.” 
He didn’t get the chance to feel weird about admitting it. You chuckled warmly, your kiss-swollen lips curving into a crooked, amused smile. “Oh yeah?” 
“Yeah,” he murmured, pausing to suck gently at your earlobe while his thumbs idly traced the outline of your ribs. He brushed his lips down the angle of your jaw, exhaling shakily when you leaned your head aside to freely offer him the wonderfully sensitive expanse of your neck. Sebastian lightly dragged his teeth down the soft, heated skin, then flicked his tongue over the faded imprint of the last hickey he’d left there. It was barely noticeable now. 
You shivered at the feeling, your fingers twisting in the sheets above your head before you sighed contentedly. “Was I pulling my hair out about Potions?”
“Fuck no.” He nipped at the faint bruise before pressing a hot, open-mouthed kiss to your pulse, sucking just enough to briefly tease you. “I had you under me like this,” he continued softly, pitching his voice low and nuzzling into your ear again, purposely aiming to press your buttons and work you into a needy frenzy. He felt your breath hitch more than he heard it, and as a sly grin broke out across his face, Sebastian slipped his fingers up your chest to pinch at your nipples once again. “I was fucking you nice and slow, making you feel so good…”
Moaning softly, you arched up into Sebastian’s hands, worrying your bottom lip between your teeth as he teased and flicked the sensitive nubs into stiff peaks. Your hips inadvertently rocked up against his as you desperately sought friction in the area you wanted it most. “Sounds like you’ve already got a game plan, huh?”
He sat back on his heels to look down at you as he shrugged. “If you’re up to it,”
“Just don’t let me fall asleep,” you mused, your hooded eyes trailing down Sebastian’s tanned, freckled chest to his dark briefs, halting when you caught sight of his cock straining against the cotton material. The sight had you licking your lips and fidgeting slightly before you blinked back up at him. “This paper is worth a quarter of my grade.” 
“I won’t. Merlin– you worry too much.” Sitting upright with an amused shake of his head, Sebastian rolled off of you to sidle down the mattress so he was kneeled comfortably between your outstretched legs. Your hands fell to your thin underwear, ready to peel them away to get a move on with things, but Sebastian swatted away your appendages quickly. With a half-hearted scowl, you relinquished control, allowing your arms to rest above your head again as you once more bared yourself to the larger man. 
Sebastian groaned softly at the sight, continuing where you’d left off by slipping his fingers under the waistband of your undergarments before tugging the damp fabric away from your aching center. You lifted your knees to assist him, and in one swift motion he had discarded the soiled attire over his shoulder, taking care to drag his eyes down the supple curve of your waist before settling on your glistening folds. 
“Damn, darling,” he moaned earnestly. “You look so fucking perfect like this.” You huffed softly as you hooked your legs around Sebastian’s hips to tug him closer, and he hummed at the same time he looped one of his hands under your thigh to hold you to him as he rocked against your slick core. The friction was tantamount to perfection, but you craved more, and Sebastian knew it too. 
Before you could open your mouth to complain, the freckled man ducked to press hot, wet kisses down the line of your throat, sucking and biting as he made his way down your shoulder past your collarbone. As he mouthed down your chest, he paused to tease one of your perked nipples gently between his teeth, and a pang of arousal shot through him when you arched and moaned under him. It was pure bliss– and your eyes rolled shut as your hips pressed up insistently. Sebastian ground his hips into yours for as long as he could manage before he had to scoot back to continue further, but he made up for it by dragging his nails deliciously down your thighs before he’d settled between your outstretched legs. 
You made such a pretty picture spread out in the lush, satin sheets this way; with your hands fisted in the covers above your head, your legs spread on either side of him, and the lustful gaze you pinned him with, Sebastian was half convinced he’d fallen back asleep this morning and was still dreaming. He couldn’t pass up the opportunity to watch your body react to his touch, so he smiled as he dipped his head to drag the flat of his tongue up your wet folds, and the way your breath stuttered in your throat was far more enticing than it had any right to be. You attempted to push yourself up onto your elbows to watch– entirely enthralled with how Sebastian looked between your thighs– but then he took your clit between his lips and sucked, and you were pulling the sheets into your clenched fists and falling back against the pillows with a ragged moan.
Sebastian continued to toy with you that way for far too long for comfort– holding you hostage in some combined purgatory of bliss and torment as he sucked and lapped at your center. It was far too easy to reduce you to a pile of brainless mush given your fatigued, overly-sensitive state, and he was all too curious to discover how many new things you would let him get away with before you got impatient and started begging. 
With gentle, attentive hands, Sebastian coaxed you into raising one of your knees up so he could throw your leg over his shoulder, instantly coiling his strong arms under your waist to hold you firmly to his unrelenting mouth. His stomach flipped at how easily you relaxed for him, and you proceeded to fight your boneless nature so you could sit up and watch him with lust-dark, hazy eyes. Sebastian loved the attention– thrived on it, really– and he broke away from your overwhelmingly wet heat to pepper chaste kisses along the smooth hollow of your leg. You were already breathing heavier– your fingers twitching around handfuls of fabric– and when Sebastian moaned and slipped his tongue out in-between kisses to lightly run the tip along soft, sensitive skin, your breath caught audibly in your chest before you shuddered out a shaky sigh. 
When he first sank his teeth into the heated flesh midway up your inner thigh, he did so gently, but your hips still jerked at the sensation, and you couldn’t stop the wanton moan that slipped through your parted lips. “Fuck, Sebastian–” you groaned, your voice laced with obvious desire. You dug the heel of your foot into the middle of his back, silently imploring him to give you more, because the feeling of him marking you somewhere so sensitive was too fucking good. 
Sebastian flashed you a smug grin as he pulled away, but not before planting a lingering kiss along the faint imprints of his teeth. The gesture was warm and promising– as was the way his hand squeezed your waist before letting the leg over his shoulder fall back against the mattress. He moved to splay his hands over your hips, your thighs resting comfortably over his arms, but he let them stay spread open rather than using his grip to pull you around like he usually would. 
As his thumbs trailed gently along the curves of your hip bones, Sebastian leaned back down to brush another warm kiss along your inner thigh, humming at the way your muscles tensed slightly. He nuzzled up higher, then parted his lips against the soft skin to bite again, and this time he sucked steadily with the intent of leaving a dark, lasting mark there too. You moaned softly, your hips rocking up at the sensation, and as Sebastian worked yet another brand into your skin, your breath shifted into quiet panting as your hands twisted in the sheets. 
Satisfied with the deep purple of the bruise and the light imprint of his teeth around it, Sebastian pulled away and dragged the flat of his tongue over his brand soothingly, breathing a low groan as he did so. He admired it for a moment longer before he mouthed wetly up your leg further, his dark, messy curls brushing against the join of your thigh. 
He nuzzled closer to begin working another mark there, and the sharp sting of his lips and his teeth had you gasping– bending your free thigh up to let it fall to the side in a bid to give Sebastian all the room he wanted to keep going. He moaned encouragingly, squeezing your hips once again as you lifted them up for more, and he dragged his tongue up along the soft hollow of your thigh as his brow furrowed in concentration. 
“S-Sebastian,” you gasped, trembling under the brunet’s affection. The shaky insistence to your voice caught his attention, so he leaned up enough to look at you as he licked his lips and pet your hips soothingly. Swallowing heavily, you opened your eyes and shivered, meeting his gaze almost shyly before you murmured, “I-I don’t– I don’t usually like slow stuff.” 
Sebastian shifted up onto his elbows, idly drawing his palms back and forth over your flushed skin. His expression showed nothing but concern as he asked, “Do you want to stop?” 
You shook your head quickly, scooting your hips minutely towards him. “N-No, no– this is fine. Good, even, I… I like this.” 
Tilting his head to the side, Sebastian tried unsuccessfully to figure out what was happening, then cautiously asked, “Are you okay?” 
“Yes,” you answered firmly, leaving no room for doubt. You fidgeted for a few seconds, squirming under the obvious care Sebastian was showing for you until you eventually took a breath and relented. “I like this. A lot.” The freckled man only cocked a brow at you in confusion, but before he could move to crawl over you again, you huffed and flopped back against the mattress. “I like you leaving marks on me, too.” 
He mulled that over in his brain for a long moment, squinting slightly. “Okay…?” 
“You fucking ass,” you wheezed out, your breath akin to an overwhelmed laugh. “It’s because it’s you, Sebastian, Merlin’s beard– I like you.”
Pressing his lips into a thin line, Sebastian stared up at you again and carefully replied, “Thanks?” 
“Nevermind, I hate you,” you grumbled, slinging an arm over your face. “Forget I said anything.” 
“No– hold on–” he sputtered before sitting up straight, his arms sliding out from under your thighs. You appeared to be disgruntled by the change, but you didn’t come out from hiding to complain. “I mean– we’ve been fucking for like a year. I’d hope to the Gods you can stand me by now.” 
You groaned from beneath the safety of your arm shield, “I cannot believe I have to spell this out for you. I’ve been fucking you for like a year because I like you, you moonmind. Like, romantically. Very much into you, whether we’re fucking or not.”
With an uncomfortably loud click, Sebastian understood.
“Oh!” His eyes damn near popped out of his skull, his heart doing some insane acrobatics in his chest, but all of that took a backseat to the blissful realization that he wasn’t the only one with a big, gross crush. “Oh, shit, okay,” he sputtered, raking his hands through his hair. “Wow, okay. Fuck, sorry– I was totally involved in the hickey thing, my brain wasn’t on. Wow.” 
“Merlin’s balls,” you groused, already trying to roll away from Sebastian’s wildly embarrassing presence. “I should not have said anything.”
“No!” Sebastian scrambled up the bed to brace himself on his hands above you, caging you between his arms while his heart hammered away against his sternum. “No, no no, you definitely should have said something, darling– shit.” He paused to try and coax you into coming out of hiding, but when you resisted him firmly, he didn’t push it. Instead, he chewed the inside of his cheek and tried to get his racing thoughts in order so he wouldn’t blurt out something completely idiotic. 
“I am like, ridiculously in love with you.” 
Completely idiotic. 
You froze under him momentarily before peering up at him over your elbow, your wide-eyed stare bordering on horrified. Cursing under his breath, Sebastian buried his hands in his hair and stared right back, almost entirely sure he could feel his life force draining from his body. 
“I-I mean– fuck, wait–”
“Are you kidding me!?” You bolted upright– narrowly avoiding cracking your skull against Sebastian’s on the way up. Your fingers clamped down on his shoulders so you could rattle him slightly as you blurted, “What the hell, Sebastian! How long?” 
“I don’t know!” He threw his hands up and pointedly stared at the wall before grumbling, “I don’t fucking know, it’s not like it happened all at once. It started towards the end of our fifth-year and it just kinda… grew from there. Like a Horklump.” 
Sebastian realized how shitty that euphemism was when your mouth fell open in utter disbelief. “Did you seriously just compare your feelings for me to a fungus?” 
“Look, I’m sorry, okay?” He sat back on his heels, crossing his arms stiffly over his bare chest as he returned to staring at anything but you.
“For what, exactly?” You ran a trembling hand through your unruly hair, then dropped your gaze to the sheets. “For returning my feelings? Or for not saying anything before right now?” Sebastian just shrugged unhelpfully with his lips pursed. Groaning loudly, you flopped back onto the bed and stared at the ceiling for a minute, your irritated, murder face back in full swing. 
Just as Sebastian was starting to get worried by the awkward silence— doing his best not to fidget— you nodded to yourself and announced, “We should date each other.” 
“…Come again?” 
“We should date each other,” you repeated firmly, leaning up on your elbows again and exuding a confidence that had seemingly come out of nowhere. “I like you, you love me–” Sebastian did his best to not choke on his own tongue, “–we spend so much time together that we’re basically dating anyways. At least, Imelda seems to think so… it seems like a good enough idea to me, if you’re interested.” 
It took Sebastian a few seconds to untangle his tongue enough to reply, but when he did, all he could do was croak, “You want to date me?”
“Yes. I’d like that.” 
“…Are you high? Did you smoke Mallowsweet on your way here?”
You groaned and tipped your head back between your shoulders, very clearly searching for some semblance of patience. “I’m high on sleep deprivation, yes, but that doesn’t make my feelings any less real. They’re there whether I’ve slept or not. It’s actually hell.” 
Sebastian was still flabbergasted, staring down at you helplessly. “Why are you bringing this up now?” 
“I don’t know! I didn’t mean to full-on confess or anything, it just kind of came out that way. You were leaving hickeys on me, and I realized that whenever I wake up tomorrow, I’m gonna feel them and see them and remember how you fucking appeared out of nowhere right when I was wondering if you’d be pissed if I snuck into your dorm at the ass crack of dawn– and then I’ll remember how good you looked leaving them on me and how I totally wanted you to do slow mushy lovey sex stuff to me, and then I’ll probably sleep like shit for weeks fantasizing about that, and–”
“Okay, alright, damn,” Sebastian interjected, his face flushed an impressively dark shade of red.
“You asked,” you mumbled as you half-heartedly picked at the sheets. 
“I did, yeah.” Licking his lips quickly, Sebastian reached forward to rest his hand over yours, dragging his thumb along your knuckles soothingly. “I’d really, really like that. A lot, if I’m being honest. I’ve kind of dreamt about it for a while now.”
Your sheepish smile transformed rapidly into something purely elated, and you flipped your hand over to intertwine your fingers with his own as you playfully mused, “Not the only thing you’ve been dreaming about, apparently.” 
Sebastian laughed again, and this time it was less nervous and more breathless with relief. He leaned forward to brush his lips against yours, resting his free hand on your warm cheek, and you instantly relaxed for him as you tilted your chin up into the kiss as you gave his fingers a tentative squeeze. 
You fell back onto the bed again as you tugged Sebastian over you, loosely hooking your legs around his hips to keep him close. The brunet groaned and leaned into you, and when you threaded your fingers into his hair and pulled him into another kiss, he slipped his tongue between your lips with a shaky sigh– all too eager to put his hands all over you. Luckily you seemed to be of like mind, moaning against his mouth before pulling back just enough to whisper, “Touch me, please.” 
Sebastian nodded ardently and nipped at your flushed lips, shifting his weight to free up his hands so he could better run his palms along your sides. He squeezed gently before dragging one hand down to your still-slick heat, expertly seeking out your tiny bundle of nerves in a bid to reduce you to a mewling, gasping mess. Your spine rounded towards him as soon as he found it– an airy moan ripping from your throat as he pressed tight circles around the nub– and Sebastian swallowed your keening noises greedily. 
“Why are you still wearing these?” You murmured against his plush lips as your finger slipped beneath the waistband of his briefs, tugging softly to convey your request. 
There was no muffling his smug bark of laughter, and a feline smile split his face as he pulled back just enough to plant a featherlight kiss on the tip of your nose. “So impatient,” he teased, intentionally ignoring your hand on his undergarments in favor of sliding one of his skilled fingers through your folds. He replaced the missing finger against your clit with his thumb at the same time he inserted a digit inside of your pulsing walls, and the feeling had your head falling back as your lips parted around a stuttered gasp, your thighs tightening impossibly further around his waist. 
Undeterred, you blindly wiggled your hand under the hem of Sebastian’s underwear and tugged his arousal out with a practiced flick of your wrist. You wrapped your fingers around his girth and gave him a long, tight stroke– squeezing the head in the way you knew he liked– which in turn earned you a rough, wavering moan. Matching Sebastian’s pace was easy, and you stroked him steadily as you leaned up to seal your lips over his pulse to begin working a dark hickey of your own into his sweaty, freckled skin. 
Resting his weight on his free arm, Sebastian leaned closer as he sighed heavily while his brown eyes fluttered shut from the way your mouth felt on his neck. He rocked his hips into your hand and pumped his fingers a few more times inside of you before he was withdrawing the digits to push his briefs down all the way. You merely chuckled against his throat, pulling off of the fresh, blossoming mark with a satisfied hum before you laved your tongue over it. 
Once Sebastian had finally wrestled off his briefs and settled over you again, you tugged him by the neck back into a hungry kiss, and he groaned deeply at the way you moved perfectly against him. As you curled your tongue between his lips, your hands traversed down the broad expanse of his toned back to feel as much of him as you could, pawing encouragingly at his lower back to guide him into a languid, grinding rhythm against you. 
Sebastian let himself follow your lead for a few slow thrusts, but the way your skin felt against his– coupled with the way your quiet moans sounded muffled against his lips– was too tempting to overlook for long. Following a brief, bitey kiss, Sebastian dropped his hand between your legs once again to press at your wet, warm entrance. You shivered at the way his fingers felt against you as he coaxed you into relaxing, and your nails dug into his sculpted shoulders when he mercifully worked two of his thick digits inside of you. A string of moans and praises alike fell from your lips as your head lolled back against the pillows, and the remnants of Sebastian’s restraint began to slip away as a result. 
“Fuck, darling,” he keened breathlessly, unable to take his eyes off of your face as your expression shifted into one of pure pleasure. His buried his fingers to the knuckles, utterly overwhelmed at how tight you were, and he nudged his nose against your cheek as he murmured, “You look so fucking good right now…”
“Y-You may have mentioned that, yeah,” you laughed against his sweat-slick skin, blinking affectionately up at your now-boyfriend as he took in your pliant body beneath him, and the thought imbued you with a fresh sense of desire that you were desperate to act on. “Come on, I want you inside me already.” 
With a wheezy laugh, Sebastian nodded and ducked his head to catch your lips again as he started thrusting his fingers into your pulsing heat. He nibbled gently at your bottom lip when he buried his fingers deep to curl them towards your stomach, which in turn earned him a squeaky little moan that was immediately followed by an impatient wriggle of your hips. Your legs were trembling with barely contained want as you spread them further, and Sebastian took full advantage of the newly acquired space to readjust himself into a more comfortable position. 
By the time you were panting against him and rocking back onto his fingers, Sebastian was more than ready to move things along. He slid his fingers out and pulled away with another quick kiss before sitting up to steady his cock at your entrance. You helpfully wrapped your legs around his waist again, angling your hips towards him with a coy smile on your face until you felt the head of his achingly hard member bump against you. Sebastian flashed you a doting smile in return, and with an unhurried roll of his hips, he was sinking into you with a throaty groan that made your hair stand on end. 
“F-Fuck, you feel so warm– you’re perfect, darling,” he grit through his clenched teeth, plunging himself deeper inch by inch until he had bottomed out completely inside of you. The way your walls fluttered around him made him dizzy with need, but he noted the tension in your shoulders and forced himself to maintain his slow pace so you could get acclimated to the feeling. Sebastian was practically fluent in your stubborn body language by now, and he was nothing if not determined to get you to relax completely. 
Rather than thrusting deeper, Sebastian sighed and licked his lips as he glanced up at your face. You were an incredibly tense person on the best of days, but when you were running on fumes like this, he found it to be even harder to get you to release the mountain of stress you seemingly carried with you at all times. While he was all too used to the frown lines that so frequently cropped up between your brows, seeing them now just made Sebastian want to be even gentler with you– even more careful. 
He lightly nudged your head aside and set to dragging hot, wet kisses down the column of your throat, moaning wantonly at the bare salt of your sweat on his tongue. You shivered and gasped, tilting your head to the side with a low sigh to grant the brunet more access, and before long the combined feeling of Sebastian’s tongue and lips on your neck had you melting under him completely with your eyes blissfully closed. 
“That feels… really good,” you murmured with a low voice. It was pure rapture to feel Sebastian this way; moving slowly inside of you, his lips dancing down your throat and nipping softly at the skin there. His hands eventually crept up the pillows to tangle in your hair, and the enticing feeling of his nails scraping against your scalp was enough to have you tightening around his cock a fraction. 
The praise sent a bolt of confidence through Sebastian, and he moved from your neck back to your lips to slot your mouths together again. He gingerly pulled his hips back before rolling them forward, and when you moved down against him with a shaky breath, it was all the go-ahead he needed to keep going. 
The rhythm he fell into was slow and steady, moving inside you with long, easy thrusts while he ground against your ass every time he buried himself deep. His eyes remained trained on your face, your expression clearly showing how pleased you were to be taken care of. You weren’t squirming in blatant pleasure yet, but Sebastian figured this was a good enough first step. 
“C’mon, Sebastian– you’re putting me to sleep here,” you mumbled playfully, letting your arms rest above your head in the way Sebastian loved to see. His tempo faltered slightly, but your mischievous grin betrayed the legitimacy of the claim; he should’ve known you were simply teasing him, especially when he knew you always got a kick out of taunting him. 
“Oh yeah?” He practically purred, sitting back on his heels to wrap his hands around your hips as he hauled you aggressively into his lap. 
You adjusted to him easily, wiggling your hips in Sebastian’s grasp in a bid to spur him onward. “Yeah… jeez, Sallow, you had one job. Tsk tsk.” 
“Well, shit.” He grinned wickedly down at you as he rolled his hips back, pulling almost all the way out and relishing in the way your face fell briefly. He hovered there for a long, torturous second before he snapped his hips back into you, using his grip to hold you down on his cock as he ground deeper and harder than before. You were left gasping at the feeling, your head falling back as your fingers twisted in the sheets, and before you could recover, Sebastian rasped, “Guess I should fuck you better then, huh?” 
Without giving you room to breathe, Sebastian kept up his agonizingly slow pace, easily pulling you back onto his cock with every firm thrust. He fucked into you evenly– his strong hands controlling the rhythm in the way he knew drove you crazy– and it earned him a cacophony of shaky moans that fell from your flushed, bitten lips. 
“Yeah,” you replied finally, your voice tight and shaky. “You have to keep me up all morning, remember?” 
It was a simple enough statement, but the way it rolled off of your tongue made it sound absolutely filthy. Your raspy voice was dripping with lust, your hot breath panting out between your parted lips, and that was more than enough to light a fire in Sebastian’s blood. 
Groaning roughly, Sebastian paused long enough to hook his arms under your knees to haul them easily over his shoulders. You gasped as the movement lifted you off of your hips– then again when he nipped sharply at the inside of your knee before sucking hard enough to leave another flushed bruise there. The sensation had you squirming in Sebastian’s lap to the best of your ability, moaning breathlessly as he ground into you with a low rumble. 
Once he was satisfied with his mark, the freckled man rubbed his hands slowly down your tense thighs, leaning over you on his hands again so you were effectively bent back and pressed against the sheets. Sebastian leaned more of his weight into you– sinking deeper– and just as you were opening your mouth to urge him on, he started moving again. 
He picked up his pace from before easily, but now, every slow, hard thrust stuffed you full of him, and it didn’t take him long to find the angle that had you gasping sweet little moans with every shaky breath. 
Writhing under him, you arched your back and gasped Sebastian’s name as your hands tightened in the covers above your head and pulled ardently. He was fucking you slowly– but at this angle everything felt so intense– enough so that any teasing pretense you’d previously had was quickly washed away beneath constant, steady waves of pleasure. Your toes curled in the air behind him as your thighs quivered and flexed against his chest, but beyond that, you were entirely at his mercy. 
An animalistic sound reverberated from deep within Sebastian’s chest, and his own fingers gripped the sheets on either side of your head. The view he had of you was fucking insane; between the incredible face you were making, the way every thrust sent electric little sparks all throughout the both of you, and the way your cunt tightened around his cock with every deep thrust– he couldn’t help but moan your name, brainless praises falling from his lips whenever he could string the words together. 
“S-Sebastian,” you gasped, shakily riding your hips up against the brunet’s to meet his every thrust with keening moans. “Sebastian, fuck– more, more, please–”
He made a soft, broken sound at that, then shrugged your knees off his shoulders to let them fall into the bends of his elbows instead. Surging forward, he captured your lips with his and slipped his tongue between them, and you took full advantage of the closer proximity by burying your fingers in his messy, brown curls and pulling him impossibly closer. 
With you bent nearly in half this way, your knees almost touched the sheets and in turn gave Sebastian the room to pull back farther and thrust deeper– managing to maintain his steady rhythm and simultaneously drag his cock hard all along your sweet spot. You were positively shaking under him, gasping pretty, noisy little sounds into your shared kiss as you wound your fingers restlessly through his hair and pulled just to have something to hold onto. Sebastian squeezed his eyes shut and pumped his hips harder, his self-control stretched thin by how perfect you were. 
How you looked, how you sounded, how you felt… he wanted more of you– more of the loud, pleading moans that tumbled from your kiss-swollen lips. 
“Gods, darling–” Sebastian leaned down and sank his teeth into the crook of your neck, pressing his body against yours as much as he could. You bucked up against him and cried out at the sharp, sweet sting of your lover’s teeth, your head writhing against the pillows frantically as your hands fisted in his hair so you could press his face encouragingly against your flushed throat. It pulled a brutal groan from Sebastian as he bit harder, sucking yet another dark bruise into your skin, and the sound you made in response was enough to send his mind spinning.
Your voice echoed off the walls of the bedroom, your loud moans and cries of his name falling freely from your lips as Sebastian marked you mercilessly. The ragged sounds coming out of him almost sounded like growls muffled against your throat, and the feeling of being so full had you arching your back clean off the mattress. Your nails raked viciously down his neck and shoulders before digging into his strong biceps, but the sting from the welting lines only served to rile him up further. 
When you threw your head to the side and began shaking, your voice cracking as you wailed for Sebastian in the way that told him you were close, he pulled his arm out from under your trembling thigh to plant his thumb firmly against your clit and began rubbing tight circles against the overly-sensitive bundle of nerves. As he brought you closer to your climax, gasping filthy praises between stuttered moans, Sebastian sped up his pace until he was pounding his cock into you, doing his best to keep you bent at that perfect angle as he did so. Your entire body seemingly snapped off the bed– arched tight and clinging hard to his larger frame as you clawed your nails down his arms– and your airy voice rose higher and transformed into a desperate, overwhelmed scream that cracked and made Sebastian’s brain go completely blank. 
You shook apart entirely in Sebastian’s arms, tight and blindingly hot around his cock, squirming beautifully under him as he fucked you through your orgasm. Your slick coated his shaft as he relentlessly pumped into you, until the thunderous rush of his own climax crashed down around him. Warm, thick ropes of his cum filled you as he emptied himself inside, and Sebastian swore nothing on this Earth could ever hold a candle to how marvelous the feeling was.
He was vaguely aware of himself moaning your name over and over again– stammering out mumbled praises of good, so good darling, fuck. His hands gripped your hips tight as he curled over you and clung to you for dear life while he mouthed brainlessly against your heated skin. It took both of you a few long minutes to come down from your peaks; you with your arm slung over your eyes, and Sebastian slowly wrapping himself tighter and tighter around you to gather you closer. Even once the trembling had subsided, he couldn’t find a good enough reason to move. He twitched his hips back to pull out– mostly for your sake– but that was about all he could manage. 
“Holy shit,” you rasped out after a while, catching Sebastian’s bleary attention. He blinked up at you and watched as you dropped your arm above your head to stare up at the ceiling, and he hungrily took in the steady rise and fall of your bare chest as you caught your breath. 
He snorted softly and dragged his palms along your still shaking thighs– still loosely draped around his waist. “You alright?” There was something to be said about how pleased he was by the low, smokey sound of his own voice, and evidently you were too, considering how it sent more shivers up your spine. You nodded though, tugging at his shoulder to silently urge him closer. 
Sebastian slithered up until he was close enough to catch your lips, allowing you to pull him into a lazy, sated kiss while your fingers combed through his tangled curls. All too graciously, he melted against you– for once not fighting the desire to affectionately trail his knuckles down the line of your jaw. After a few minutes of languid kissing and mindless touching, Sebastian rolled to the side and let you readjust so you were laying on your side with your back to his chest, giving him the chance to wind his arms around your waist and hold you against him. 
He knew he was meant to be keeping you awake leading up to Potions class, but a few minutes of rest wouldn’t hurt. Beyond a herd of Thestrals stampeding through the room, Sebastian sorely doubted that anything could drag him away from this moment with you. He’d waited long enough for it as it was. 
After turning your assignment in and sitting through a particularly dreadful lesson for an hour, you’d finally been free’d from the shackles of the education system for the weekend, and you’d quickly found yourself sprawled across Sebastian’s bed with the curtains drawn. You were currently dead asleep and likely to stay that way for a while, but the brunet didn’t mind in the slightest. He wasn’t particularly tired, but he was especially interested in lengthy cuddling with his girlfriend, so he had no problem with the current arrangement. 
With his fingers tangled idly in your sleep-mussed hair, Sebastian watched as the bright streaks of daylight moved across the ceiling while you used his chest as a pillow, far too content to be bothered by how damn long it took to get to this point. 
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watchyourbuck · 3 months
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Wip Wednesday | A.R.C.A.N.E.3
(snippet from upcoming chapter 4)
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Eddie woke up to water being thrown on his face. He gasped for air and spat out what had gone inside his mouth, then opened his eyes, moving frantically, but he couldn’t see. Blindfolded.
“Stay put, Voider,” ordered a man in a rough voice.
Eddie’s senses were heightened. He struggled against the restrains on his hands and feet, but the knots were tight. Camp of Voiders, he thought.
The man moved around the room, his steps resonating against the walls. This couldn’t be on the surface. He was underground. Somewhere underground.
“Where is he?” Eddie asked, trying to force his wrists apart. “Where is he!”
Read on ao3
tagged by @spotsandsocks @honestlydarkprincess @hoodie-buck @jesuisici33 @exhuastedpigeon @wikiangela @disasterbuckdiaz @diazsdimples & @tizniz I haven’t been able to read your works yet but I will asap! Thank you for your love & patience 🥺🩷
tagging in return @lover-of-mine @wildlife4life @tsunamibuckley @loserdiaz @puppyboybuckley @sunshinediaz @spagheddiediaz @theotherbuckley @kitteneddiediaz @steadfastsaturnsrings @honestlyeddie @evanbegins @eddiiediaz @eddiebabygirldiaz @eddie---diaz @devirnis @bigfootsmom @smilingbuckley @hippolotamus @daffi-990 @your-catfish-friend @911-on-abc @monsterrae1 @thewolvesof1998 @bucksbackwardcap @cal-daisies-and-briars @nmcggg @urfactual & @giddyupbuck ✨ (let me know if you wished to be removed!)
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createserenity · 5 months
Master List of My Fics and WIPs
Been meaning to do this for ages, so here we go. All titles link through to the fics on AO3. Sunlight In Your Smile (M, 12k - wip)
Aziraphale has to attend a family wedding and he may have told a bit of a white lie. Of course he doesn't actually have a boyfriend. So now he needs to find one and in despair he turns to an escort agency for help.
Waking Up With You (G, 1.6k - complete)
Crowley has just left the shop for the night and Aziraphale is locking the door when it hits him out of the blue. Why are they doing this? Why is Crowley leaving?
After six thousand years together and free from Heaven and Hell, Azirpahale realises they need to take the next step in their relationship. Fluffiness all round!
All The Pieces of You (E, 73k - wip)
Aziraphale had known he found Crowley attractive for a long time, but there was nothing wrong with that. The Almighty had done a very nice job when she’d made Crowley and surely appreciating the work of the Almighty was what angels were supposed to do? It was nothing more than that.
Except now Aziraphale knows what lust feels like and that might be a problem.
A mixture of smut, fluff and ridiculous historical adventures.
In The Beginning (E, 8.9k - complete)
In the beginning there was a garden and the Angel of the Eastern Gate and the Serpent of Eden decided that there are better things to do than stand around in the rain getting wet.
Shameless smut, in which Aziraphale and Crowley learn what all the fuss is about sex.
Better Than Today (E, 4k - complete)
Whenever they fucked Crowley said, “I love you.”
It would probably help if they talked about it, but somehow they just keep ending up having sex instead.
Smut with a fluffy ending.
Give In To Desire (E, 4.4k - complete)
Crawley hadn't actually meant for this to happen. He'd thought he'd tempt the angel into eating and the angel would maybe have a few bites and discover that it wasn't so bad after all. He hadn't expected to be setting himself up to be tempted into the sin of lust.
Just another fic speculating on what happened in the basement during the Job minisode, because you can never have too many of those, right?
A Day For Magic (T, 3.4k - complete)
In which there is a bench, a park and a coin, which leads to silliness and fluffiness all round.
Fic inspired by these kisses.
A Time of Wanting (T, <1k - complete)
Crowley wants.
He wants so badly and he's wanted for so long that it's a physical ache in his chest now. Short ficlet that's fluffy and happy, despite how the summary makes it seem. Also inspired by the kiss picture linked above.
Goodnight Angel (E, 14.4k - wip but also works as it is)
Post lockdown-phone-call fic.
Aziraphale had told him not to come over, but he was a demon and obviously he wasn't going to listen. Besides he was going out of his mind with boredom and going to see the angel was a much better idea than a long nap.
Apart from my main wip All The Pieces of You I've also got a follow up to In The Beginning in the works and eventually I'll go back to Goodnight Angel as well. Apart from that I'm going to list my wips here and try to keep track of them with tags and get a bit better at posting about them. Some of these will probably never get written, especially since a few days ago there was only 12, then I scrapped one altogether taking it down to 11 and now somehow I'm up to 15. Too many ideas in my head and too many half writtten fics on my computer.
After The Swap
Blind date
Dance for Me
End Times
Entertain Me
Here's to the End Times (yep different to the above fic despite the similar working title)
It's You (This one is a one shot human AU and might be posted soon)
Run Away Together
Sunlight In Your Smile (I've started posting this finally!)
Lockdown Lifted
So You Can Take It Off (Desperately want to finish this because it's different to anything else I've written)
South Downs
Run Away Together (very much a working title!)
This Land of Ours (fits in the Pieces of You universe)
Waking Up With You (This is now done and posted!)
Job (This is finished and posted as Give In To Desire - linked above - although technically there are more chapters in the works)
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WIP Wednesday: But Make it Different
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Hi y'all!
First off, thanks for the tags! Second, this is going to be a bit of a different WIP Wednesday post.
@affectionatelyrs and I are planning to post our epistolary roommates fic VERY soon. I wrote part of a message from Henry to Alex that had to be deleted, but instead of it living forever in a doc, I've included it here. I felt they were important to share, because they're actually useful resources :)
I had to cut a few because of Tumblr's limit on links. They're below the cut because they make the post super long, but this does give you a sneak peak into the fic :)
Thanks @sparklepocalypse @affectionatelyrs @xthelastknownsurvivorx @magicandarchery @captainjunglegym @leojfitz @junebugclaremontdiaz @14carrotghoul @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @wordsofhoneydew @suseagull04 @itsmaybitheway @bigassbowlingballhead @firenati0n @eusuntgratie @leaves-of-laurelin for the tags!!! I've been enjoying your snippets so much in my email and I need to go interact with them here now :)
I'm late, so I won't tag too many people, but here you go @read-and-write- @kiwiana-writes @littlemisskittentoes @cactusdragon517 @emmalostinwonderland @msmarvelouswinchester @rockyroadkylers @gayrootvegetable @gay-flyboys @inexplicablymine @galitzine-nick and @songliili :)
Bisexuality Resources:
Queer Community 101:
Dating Apps:
Sex-related resources:
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ace-writer-lani · 6 days
Edit: lol I have decided to give the first sentence of each fic
-TCoS&D: "To put it lightly, Bianca was stressed."
-TLLoG: "Silently, Nico slipped into the office where he found Will hunched over...something."
-AA&A: "'He's watching again.'"
-TU&U: "'You're going to be late.'"
-AFR: "Jason thought he had died."
-L&L: "'Finished,' Will announced, barging into the room."
-LT: "The black-haired girl was starting to creep Clarisse out."
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kale-theteaqueen · 4 months
So if I start a tag list.... Who wants on it. (Comment and I'll add you)
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themetaphorgirl · 17 days
the Lockwood & Co tag on twitter today is about Arif, so I figured I would share a snippet from a fic I started a while back!
(I’ll post more things soon, including a Patron Saint chapter that’s in progress- it’s just that on top of everything else we just found out our landlord is selling our house and we have to move, which is…a lot! I’m big stressed! but I’m trying to write!)
The bell over the door jangled merrily as it opened and a light breeze ruffled the “grand opening” banner hanging overhead. “Hello, welcome!” he called from behind the register.
A little girl zipped ahead of her family and made a beeline for the candy display. “Ooh, Daddy, look!” she chirped, gazing at the jars of lollipops and taffy.
Her father held the door open as he ushered his wife inside. “Just a second, Jessa,” he laughed. “Wait for us to catch up.”
“Oh, it’s lovely in here,” the wife said. She had a blue and white striped baby sling crossed over her chest and she absently patted her baby’s back as she looked around. “Imagine, just a few months ago this was a taxidermist’s shop. This is…this is a drastic improvement.”
“Fewer things staring at you from the window,” her husband agreed.
He grinned. “Glad to hear it,” he said. He held out his hand. “I’m Arif, nice to meet you.”
“Donald Lockwood,” the young man said, shaking his hand firmly. He was in his thirties, tall and thin, and a pair of silver glasses perched on his nose. “This is my wife, Celia, and our daughter-”
The little girl ran over to them. “Hello!” she said, holding onto the edge of the counter and raising herself up on her tiptoes to be seen. “I’m Jessica Lockwood, I’m six years old, my favorite color is pink. What’s your favorite color?”
Arif blinked. “Um…green, I suppose,” he said. “That’s not a question I’m asked often.” He grinned. “But I could have guessed your favorite color.”
Jessica beamed at him. She was dressed in a pink romper and a pink floral shirt, with pink socks and a pink ribbon tied in her dark hair. “I’m awfully fond of pink,” she said. “My bicycle is pink, I rode my bicycle all the way here.”
“We live a few blocks over on Portland Row,” Donald explained. “It was a nice evening and we thought we’d take a walk before curfew.” He ran his hand lightly over Jessica’s hair. “Especially since this one has been so patient waiting for us to take her out on her bike.”
“We’ve been busy because we have a baby now!” Jessica said. She ran over to her mother, who was wandering around the shop looking at the shelves. “Mummy?”
“What, my darling?”
“I want to show Mr. Arif our baby!”
Celia Lockwood laughed and walked over to the counter. She was shorter than her husband but still rather tall and willowy; her long dark hair was tied in a loose braid down her back and her dark brown eyes were identical to her daughter’s. “Sorry, I got a bit distracted,” she said. She drew the edge of the wrap back. “Here he is, although I’m afraid he’s fast asleep right now.”
“That’s Ani,” Jessica informed him.
“It’s Anthony, actually, but we didn’t factor in a six year old’s inability to pronounce that name properly when we made that decision,” Donald said with a proud smile.
“Well, hello, Anthony,” Arif said to the sleeping baby. “How old is he?”
“Three months,” Celia said proudly. She ran her fingertips lightly over the soft dusting of dark hair on the baby’s head. “It’s been a bit of an adjustment getting used to having two children in the house, but Jessica’s been an angel.”
Arif crossed his arms and leaned on the counter. “Oh, so you’ve been a very good big sister?” he asked Jessica. She nodded solemnly. “Well, very good big sisters deserve treats.”
He went over to the bakery caseline and took out a vanilla cupcake topped in pink strawberry frosting. Jessica’s eyes went owlishly round. “Oh!” she said. “Thank you!”
Donald picked her up and set her on his hip so she could see better. “That looks like it was made for you,” he laughed. He kissed her cheek, then wrapped his arm around Celia’s waist. “Here, you pick out something too, dearest.”
“Ooh, there’s too many options,” Celia said. “Everything looks so good. Do you make everything yourself, Arif?”
“My wife and I do, yes,” he said. “We’ve been trying to open a shop of our own for years.”
“Well, I have a feeling we’ll be giving you a lot of business,” Celia said.
She ended up choosing a slab of shortbread glazed with caramel and Donald picked a slice of German chocolate cake, and Arif packaged everything up as neatly as he could. “Mummy, what about the baby?” Jessica said. “He needs something too.”
“Not yet, darling, he’s still too little,” Celia said. “He needs to be a bit older.”
Arif rang them up for the cake and the shortbread, but he stopped Donald’s arguments before he could get started. “The cupcake is on me,” he said, waving his hand dismissively. “Don’t worry about it.”
Nevertheless Arif caught Donald dropping several bills into the tip jar on the counter before he picked up the box, much more than the cost of the cupcake, but even if he hadn’t it was worth it to hear Jessica chattering happily to her parents about how excited she was. Through the window he could see her clambering onto her little pink bicycle; her parents followed behind her hand-in-hand, Donald holding the bakery box and Celia patting her sleeping son’s back.
“Nice family,” Arif said aloud to himself as he cleaned imaginary crumbs off his brand new countertop. “Very nice family, hope I see them again soon.”
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strawberrywinter4 · 28 days
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So. This is part of two things.
May 15 Prompt: Nightmare, from @calaisreno’s prompt list. Check out their wonderful prompts!
It’s a sneak peak for my current WIP: A Gentleman’s Shrine. You can find the post of what this fic is going to be about here.
Warnings: PTSD and Violence
A little context: This story takes place after WWI in England. John is on his way to the Noble Legacy Gala (explained in the post that I linked), and he catches himself in a nightmare.
It’s constant. Redundant. Persistent. Ceaseless.
John only hears his panicked breaths, higher than normal. Dust is caught in his throat, gunfire is ringing in his ears. His sweaty hands are clinging to his rifle like it’s his one and only. Both German and English intertwine and he’s not sure which one he’s supposed to speak. He doesn’t believe he can speak.
Before John knows it, he catches a soldier’s head being pierced by a bullet, another taking the wrong step and his body detonates, blood splattering everywhere. He can’t move, or more like he doesn’t want to move because what the fuck is this?
This isn’t what he signed up for, it’s not. This doesn’t feel prosperous or close to honor. This doesn’t feel like he’s fighting for anything, let alone his country.
No, he is in the presence of hell. The Western Front is where men turn into something equivalent to animals, fighting for land they will never step foot on. It is where intelligent minds turn into a sequence of survival instincts. It is where all humanity comes to an end.
“Get up, Watson!” John barely registers a strong hand pull on his arm, hoisting him up and out of the mud mixed with blood. “You’re gonna die if you don’t–”
Whoever was speaking to him is shot to the floor, his limp body hitting the mud John was just near unconscious on. Limping away, John stumbles through the trench, looking for…something. Or was it someone? Was he even looking for anything in the first place? What was he searching for? What was he after? What is the point?
Someone charges after him with a close—combat knife, and John holds his rifle up and shoots. He shoots the man. He’s dead. He’s–
No. No, no, no. What has he done? What has he–
John kneels down next to the man, checking vital signs, as if that will accomplish anything. He hears him mutter something in German, but John doesn’t understand, he doesn’t understand anything. Realizing he’s doing everything in the wrong order, John tries to press down on the wound and attempts to stop the flow, but it's no use. When a river begins, it doesn’t cease.
John sobs, repeating an apology that won’t do any good. He’s a doctor, he’s trained for this, he can help. He can help, he can sort this out and get this man to safety because he has a family at home and they’re waiting for him. They’re waiting for him and John’s made their wait worth nothing.
This is wrong, this is all wrong. He wants to go home. He wants to go back to Mum and Harry. He doesn’t want to forget the feeling of sitting at the dinner table and eating his mum’s soup.
Keep the pressure, keep the pressure. Don’t let this man die.
He doesn’t want to forget the voice of his sister, cracking jokes and hearing his mum scold her for the inappropriate ones.
The man is dead, but John doesn’t stop the pressure. He will never stop. He will never stop apologizing, and he will never forget the man muttering in German, “Please, God, let me live.”
John screams as he wakes, jolting up in his seat. He takes several deep breaths, trying to calm himself, return to a leveled mindset that he didn’t have during the war.
“Sir?” a man’s voice asks. “Sir, are you well?” He puts a hand on John’s shoulder and John flinches away. Realizing his rude behavior, John forces himself to lose the tension in his body, shifting in his seat. He swallows.
“Uh–yes. Yes, I apologize. I…” John looks around the train, seeing the other participants staring at him with horrified expressions. Mothers hold their children tightly and fathers grace him with disturbed looks. John forces his eyes to the crew member, who seems unsure of what to do in this position. “Only a nightmare,” John dismisses, clearing his throat.
“Should…we move you to another cart?” the man asks, eyes flickering to the other people seated.
John’s jaw clicks. “No, this isn’t to happen again, I assure you. I’ll be fine here.”
With hesitance, the man nods. “Alright, then. Would you care for any refreshments?”
“No,” John says. “Thank you.” The man leaves and John’s face burns. He’s made a fool of himself, he never should have fallen asleep, no matter how long the journey is.
Everyone in the cart begins to forget about the outburst, going back to their conversations or finishing their small meals. John rests his head on the back of his seat and stares out the window, watching plains of grass pass by and sheep being heard.
John should soon be arriving at the next train station soon enough. He closes his eyes, wondering what his life has become.
I hope you all enjoyed this little sneak peak! I saw the prompt for today and thought it was perfect for this. This fic is currently in the works and I promise that it includes a lot of research, not just assumptions or blind facts, haha. So I’m certainly trying my best ❤️
Tags: @a-victorian-girl @whatnext2020 @totallysilvergirl @thegildedbee @with-a-ghost-mr-holmes @jawnn-watson @blogstandbygo @lisbeth-kk @holmesianlove @7-percent @itsonlytext @chinike @peanitbear @helloliriels @keirgreeneyes @ghostofnuggetspast @dw91165 @jolieblack @gwendelaneyisjohnlocked @cortina @kettykika78 @johnlockbbc
(Let me know if you want to be tagged in the future)
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eldritch-ambrosia · 3 months
WIP Ask Game
I've seen a few posts like this and wanted to give it a try!
Here's are the titles/brief ideas for my current wip Merlin fics. If you're interested, feel free to ask about the one that intrigues you the most and I'll post a snippet or say something about it!
The Wedding Knight (Merwaine, Explicit)
secret relationship rumors (Merthur)
pwp, Your Eyes Glow Ch 2 (Merthur, Mature/Explicit)
carving wooden dragons as gifts (Mercelot)
arthur returns after five years (Merwenthur)
whump, love triangle, Waiting on You Ch 6 (Merthur)
Rival Princes AU (Merthur)
Cowboy Gang AU (Merwaine)
pwp in the rain/temple, Eye of the Storm (Merthur)
Artist/Secret Wealthy Patron AU (Merthur, Explicit)
ygraine is summoned
searching for Emerys (Merthur)
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nerdieforpedro · 7 months
WIP Last Line
I was tagged by the ever lovely @trulybetty who’s pending Tim Rockford fic will have us even more hot and bothered then we already are for him. 🥵
My lines from my WIP are from an idea I had about Din Djarin in the wee hours of the morning. I started writing and ended on this: 🤓
Watching you hesitate, the hunter taps his right thigh and holds your hands, placing them on his shoulders. “Use my armor to show me the sounds you are capable of sard’ika. I chose you for your plush body. Do not delay, no credits if I am not satisfied.” His tone is stern with a hint of desperation. He’s close to having you in the first position he wants.
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I fell in the Din-bin and am making a small nook in there. 😎
No pressure tags: @goodwithcheese @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @fhatbhabie @beabliss @maggiemayhemnj @perotovar @laurfilijames @musings-of-a-rose @rhoorl @mandoisapunk @iamasaddie @megamindsecretlair @morallyinept @pamasaur @angelofsmalldeath-codeine
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cevansbrat0007 · 1 year
Hey there I loved sweet morning light. I had a thought what if bird comes over to Ari's place and they do what they normally do but then while he is sleeping she gets her period so she sneaks off to go home thinking Ari won't want her there if they can't have sex?
Oooh! Hello, my sweet friend aka The Bringer of Chaos. I'm kidding! I love seeing your ideas in my inbox. They always make me think. And speaking of thinking...
I could do something with this. Maybe she creeps out in the middle of the night to go home, but has to make a stop at a late night convenience store to grab supplies after realizing she's out.
Something goes wrong. It's not major, but enough to shake her up. But not only is Ari pissed about her dipping out in the middle of the night (my men really don't like that), but he's upset that she went to a store alone at such a later hour.
They could've gone together, you know? Perhaps he might use this to his advantage and convince Bird to start leaving her things and a few essentials at his place.
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infinitewolfstarr · 5 months
About me & links:
Name: that’s a secret xoxo gossip girl
Age: 25
Pronouns: She/Her
Hogwarts house: Slytherin 💚
Fave ship: Wolfstar
Fave colour: Sage green
Fave animal: Cats & Highland cows
Important mention: I am a diehard swiftie. that is all.
AO3 links:
Completed fics:
I didn't sign up for this :
(Chapters: 24 Word count: 103,272)
Sirius Black is single and loving his life, he is adamant he does not want children- it’s the whole reason he split with his soulmate, Remus Lupin. However, one day a terrified four-year-old named Leo Black is dropped off on his doorstep and changes his life forever.
Wolfstar endgame
Parent Trap:
When Sirius Black and Remus Lupin divorced, they decided to cut all ties and made a bad decision. They chose to separate their identical twins and take full custody of a baby each. Years later a chance encounter at summer camp leads to twins Teddy Lupin and Leo Black trading places. The twins are both as sneaky as the marauders once were and work together to find out why their parents split up, how they met and trick them into falling in love again. Most importantly, they get to meet their other parent for the first time and spend time with them. However, it’s not as straightforward as they thought it would be and soon everything starts to fall apart as family secrets are unveiled and feelings get hurt.
Is it over now?:
Barty Crouch jr is an Italian tattoo artist based in LA, he’s used to being around celebrities due to his famous clients. He’s a player, a menace to society and he has commitment issues to go with his daddy issues(let’s not mention the sprinkle of mental health problems and hidden insecurity). He’s normally fine around the famous lot, couldn’t give less of a shit about them but when his celebrity crush,singer Evan Rosier,starts coming in regularly to get tatted- Barty starts falling hopelessly in love and he hates it.
On hold:
All fics on Infinitewolfstar are on hold because my sister found my account and I’m scared but I will update eventually😭
His silent world is on hold because Parent Trap is occupying my brain 24/7 atm but it will get finished eventually- sorry!
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claymorexpunisher · 1 year
Updated, Upcoming & Finished Work…
Key: S: Smut, F: Fluff, A:Angst)
Completed/Updated stories are in blue font. This list will be updated as I finish writing.
•Request: Britt Baker x Reader (S)
-Summary: This is an anon request from long ago came with absolutely no details soooo I'm taking some liberties lol. Britt and Reader get off on the wrong foot. Some good ole hate fucking ensues. (Tags/TWs: 18+, I'll be writing a male reader version and female reader version, hate fucking, enemies to hatefuck buddies, heel!Britt/babyface!Reader, hotel room sex.)
•Cody Rhodes x Reader (F/A)
-Summary: Cody and Reader have a forbidden romance. Reader is Brock’s advocate. Her girlfriends cover for her as she goes to make sure Cody’s okay after a brutal assault by Brock. (Tags/TWs: budding romance, forbidden romance, injury, a bit of angst, first kiss; Brock is more obsessed with Cody than the reader herself, let’s be real.)
(Read “Behind Closed Doors” on Tumblr & Ao3)
•Cody Rhodes x Reader (S)
-Prompt: If you want to come, you’re going to have to beg. (Tags/TWs: orgasm denial, toys. Filth. Just pure filth. Sorry in advance… no I’m not.)
(Read “If You Want to Come, You Better Beg” on Tumblr & Ao3)
•Damian Priest x Fem Reader :
-Summary: Damian and Reader hilariously argue with one another in Spanish during a segment. Rhea has to step in. (Tags/TWs: banter, kayfabe arguing, heel/babyface segment.)
(Read “The Last Word” on Tumblr & Ao3)
•Damian Priest x Fem. Reader (F):
-Summary: Reader gets a bit jealous watching Damian celebrate his NXT North American Championship win with beautiful women. (Tags/TWs: established relationship, jealousy, tooth-rotting fluff, hurt/comfort.)
(Read “Worthy” on Tumblr & Ao3)
•Drew McIntyre x Fem. Reader (S):
-Summary: Reader comes back from a friend’s birthday party only to realize she’s being followed. (Tags/TWs: 18+, consensual kink, consensual non-consent, dirty talk- lots of it, simulated stalking. )
(Read “(Un)Willing Participant” on Tumblr & Ao3)
•Drew McIntyre x Fem Reader (F):
-Summary: Vamp and Farmer!Drew catches Vamp!Reader in the act of feeding off his animals in order to survive. (Tags/TWs: budding romance, farmer!Drew, vampires, blood drinking, animal death but nothing graphic, I promise.)
(Read “Bound by Fate” on Tumblr & Ao3)
•Drew McIntyre x Fem. Reader x Roman Reigns (S)
-Summary: Reader has a bit of a filthy fantasy. Her boyfriends, Drew and Roman, take it upon themselves to fulfill that fantasy for her- without the need for getting arrested. (Tags/TWs: 18+, simulated public sex, consensual kink, sex in a home theater, a lil dirty talk, Dom/Sun dynamic.)
(Read “Just Like at the Movies” on Tumblr & Ao3)
•Judgement Day x Fem. Reader (F)
Summary: Scottish!Reader has Dom, Damian, and Rhea try Scottish foods like haggis and black pudding while they're on tour. Things don't go so well for DomDom.😂 (Tags: wholesomeness, Dom trying his best not to puke, on the road shenanigans. Requested by @motorcitygem)
(Read “Ith do Shath!” on Tumblr & Ao3)
•Judgement Day x Fem. Reader (S)
Summary: This takes place a little bit before Edge's departure. They and Reader have a little fun at Edge's home, but the cracks in the faction start to slowly show as they all fight over control during their scene with Reader. (Tags/TWs: 18+, gangbang, overstimulation, jealousy, possessive!JD, vaginal penetration, fingering, oral sex- male and female receiving, consensual kink.)
(Read “At Their Service” on Tumblr & Ao3)
•Live Forever (Ch.1) (Judgement Day x Fem Reader (F/S/A)
-Summary: Human!Reader comes into the WWE as Hunter's personal assistant. During one of Hunter's meetings with Vamp!Rhea, Vamp!Damian, Vamp!Dom, and Demon!Finn, JD and Reader take an instant liking to one another. (Tags/TWs: 18+, consensual sex, budding poly relationship, sex in the workplace, biting, slight bloodplay.)
(Read Ch. 1 of “Live Forever” on Tumblr & Ao3)
•Idea: Liv Morgan x Ruby Soho (F)
-Summary: Liv asks Ruby why Ruby fell in love with her. (Tags/TWs: tooth rotting fluff, established relationship, hurt/comfort.) I believe I wrote this prompt a long time ago and now I can't find it. So I figured it'd be fun to rewrite something similar!)
•Idea: Mercedes Mone x Fem. Reader (F/S)
-Summary: Mercedes loves to spoil her girl as often as she can, so they decide to take Mercedes' new limo for a spin. (Tags/TWs: 18+, sugar mommy!Mercedes😼, oral sex, begging, sex in a limo.)
•MJF x Fem. Reader x Baron Corbin (S)
-Summary: Max and Corbs like to share everything. Including their girlfriend. (Tags/TWs: 18+, threesome, sex in a private jet, name-calling, biting, fingering, daddy kink, consensual kink.)
(Read “Mile High Club” on Tumblr & Ao3)
•MJF x Fem. Reader x Wardlow (S)
-Summary: Max, Reader, and Wardlow are all living together for the week while reader’s apartment is being repaired... (Tags/TWs: 18+, thigh riding, dirty talk, Dom/Sub undertones, threesome.)
(Read “Three’s Company” on Tumblr & Ao3)
•Rhea Ripley x Fem. Reader (F and a little bit S)
-Summary: Rhea and Reader are an on-screen couple. So of course, Reader "jokingly" offers to “practice" their kissing for if the necessity arises. (Tags/TWs: first kiss, flirting, onscreen relationship turns very real.)
(Read “First Kiss” on Tumblr & Ao3)
•Roman Reigns x Fem Reader x Damian Priest (S)
-Summary: Reader enters Liberación looking for stress relief and light smut ensues. (Tags/TWs: 18+, voice kink, , first time kinkster, simultaneous praise and humiliation kink, consensual kink) within the Liberación world)
(Read “Voices like Honey” on Tumblr & Ao3)
•Roman Reigns x Male Reader (S)
-Summary: (Requested) Roman and Male Reader have some fun of their own in the ring after everyone’s gone for the night. (Tags/TWs: 18+, established relationship, anal sex, consensual sex in public, soft!Ro.)
(Read “Outta the Spotlight” on Tumblr & Ao3)
•Idea: Seth x Fem. Reader (S)
-Summary: Reader comes over while Seth’s sister-reader’s bff- isn’t home.
(Tags/TWs: best friend’s brother, Reader is in her mid 20’s, consensual sex, doggy style, hint of exhibitionism, biting (if you blink).
(Read “BFB” on Tumblr & Ao3)
* WIP/Series Updates:
-Liberación (Chapter 6 &7/?)
(Main Pairing(s): Damian Priest/OFC, Roman Reigns/OFC, Drew McIntyre/OFC, Liv Morgan/Rhea Ripley) (S/F/A)
(Read “Liberación” on Tumblr & Ao3)
-Primed for Sin (Chapter 2/2) (Pairing(s): Werewolf!Roman Reigns/Sex Demon!Reader/Werewolf!Baron Corbin/Vamp!Drew McIntyre) (S)
(Read “Primed for Sin” on Tumblr & Ao3)
-Brats Have More Fun (Chapter 2/?) (Misc. Pairings) (S/F/A)
(Read “Brats Have More Fun” on Tumblr & Ao3)
-As Fate Would Have It (Chapter 6/?) (Pairing(s): Drew McIntyre x OFC) (S/F/A)
(Read “As Fate Would Have It” on Tumblr & Ao3)
-Lock & Key (Chapter 5/?) (Main Pairing(s): Drew McIntyre x OFC) (S/F/A)
-Sweet Dreams (Chapter 2/2)
(Main Pairings: PT. 1: Roman Reigns/Reader, PT.2: Jey Uso/Reader) (S/F)
(Read “Sweet Dreams” on Tumblr & Ao3)
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pixelatedraindrops · 4 months
RainCode Possible Planned SickFic MasterList:
It is unknown when I will start writing these nor if I will write them all, but I will try to get some of them done at some point this year! The order also doesn’t matter. This is just a planned list! Nothing here is final aside of the last fic on the list!
Shattered Resolve (A Home Is Where The Heart Is Alternate Ending)-
What if Yuma got worse instead of better? And it shakes Yakou’s resolve to go through with the sacrifice/murder plan that he had in mind?
type: oneshot
Kanai Ward’s Not So Comforting Food-
Yuma gets food poisoning after eating a meat bun. Though his mind forgot, his body KNOWS something is VERY wrong with the food.
type: oneshot
A Sick Day for the NDA-
Sequel fic to Under the Weather; where everyone else in the agency catches Yuma’s cold. And a now healthier Yuma has to care for them all by himself.
type: unknown
I Can Always Rely On You (KokoWendy)-
During an investigation between the Detective and Informant, Yuma gets sick and Kurumi returns him to safety to care for him. But after Yuma gets better, Kurumi catches what Yuma had, and it’s worse. Yuma repays the favor by caring for her. And he finds out he cares a lot more for her than he thought.
type: two-parter/chapter
The Chilled Trainee-
Yuma gets put into an icy fridge for a while by peacekeepers until the NDA comes to his rescue. But by the time they return to base, he starts to suffer from hypothermia. The agency does what they can to keep him warm.
type: unknown
Truth Behind the Mask Under an Unfortunate Circumstance-
AU where Yuma finds out the truth to Makoto’s identity (and everything about Kanai Ward) sooner due to the masked individual collapsing on him from exhaustion, and his mask comes off.
type: oneshot
A Heartwarming Reunion (MakoYuma)- DONE
Postgame Fic where Makoto becomes almost dangerously ill due to overworking with no rest while already being sick. And a more serious Ex.Number One Yuma struggles to try and take care of him. He uses his memories of when the NDA cared for him before to help guide him. Finale Fic to the Sickfics of the Heart Saga.
type: multi-chapter
Note: For the fics I have that include ship names, it will be very platonic/tame as I’m not really into romance as a genre. But it will likely still be sweet enough for shippers to enjoy c:
But yeah this is a list for me to possibly attempt whenever!
Figured I’d at least have these written down.
Lmk which ones interest you or have your attention if you want to c:
(and who knows I may get even more ideas later in the year… xD)
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