#father and son fr
kermit-coded · 5 months
god. robert moses showing pete the footage of kingston saying that he'd put pete down if his magic went out of control and pete's immediate response being that it must be faked or out of context because kingston is his friend and he trusts him, when not only was the footage real, but kingston would choose new york over pete, and he would make that choice every time. what if i exploded.
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icyfox17 · 2 months
Okay here's the first irondad snipp I ever wrote (there is def some Tommy vibes since that was all I'd written before this BUT they are like the same person anyway so--)
"I think you should really reconsider your choices of joining a gang, and think of maybe joining a bathing club or something. Those exist right?"
The man doesn't even acknowledge Peter's attempt at a joke, instead swinging at him with another punch, that Peter easily dodges. His gun had been taken by Peter awhile ago, and his stamina was quite frankly depressing. He was panting hard, which meant Peter had to breathe in the stench of his breath, on top of the terrible body odor.
"Ugh, scratch that. You do know what a toothbrush is right? More than 80% of dentists reccomend Colgate. Maybe try that brand."
"I'm gonna," the man heaves, hands on his knees as he catches his breath, and okay this is getting a little sad, "rip your tongue out and feed it to my dog, so I can never hear you talk again."
"Yikesss, that's not nice for your dog. What kinda dog wants to eat human tongue?? Feels bad for your dog."
This time the man opts to scream as a response and charges Peter, who is honestly done with this at this point, so instead of dodging, he shoots him with his web and wraps the man up in it like a cocoon. He also takes care to web up his mouth because man, no one deserves to smell that breath.
Peter looks to the sky, and much to his dismay, it is still day. There isn't even the beginnings of orange tinging the sky to signify sunset, and man today is going to be a long day.
He guesses he could go and try to see what Ned is up to, but Peter's pretty sure he's working on a really important project, and he doesn't want to bother him with it.
Peter sighs heavily. "Karen, I don't know what to do."
The ai responds to him rather quite promptly, "You could always head back to the tower. I'm sure Mr. Stark would pause whatever he was doing to see you, if you wanted him to."
And yeah. That's what Peter normally does, when he's having a slow day. Today though, he's trying to avoid it, considering the fact that he shouldn't be patrolling at all, and he's sure that Mr. Stark would be onto him the minute he saw him. Peter isn't sure how he always seems to know. One time he even took a shower before going to see him, and he still knew. It was probably Karen's fault, though he made her swear not to tell him.
"I know Karen. It's just..." He trails off with a sigh, shooting a web and pulling himself up. He starts to swing through the city aimlessly, still unsure of where to go, but wanting to move away from the crime.
"I'm sure Mr. Stark would be happier to see you than not, even if you have done something against his wishes."
Peter cringes. "You didn't have to phrase it like that Karen."
"How else would I phrase it?"
"I dunno, just not that."
There's silence for a bit as Peter fights with himself. On the one hand, he really does want to see Mr. Stark. He hasn't seen him since right after the accident, and he quite frankly misses hanging out with him. On the other hand, he really does not want to hear a lecture about how he shouldn't be patrolling so soon after his injury.
Ring Ring Ring
Incoming Call From: Tony Stark
Uh oh.
Guess he doesn't have a say in the matter anyway.
"Uh, hi Mr. Stark!" answers Peter as cheerfully as he can, trying to find a decent roof to land on.
"Hey Pete, I was wondering if you--" Mr. Stark cuts himself off. "Is that wind I hear?"
"Uh yeah, it's just super windy where I am right now," Peter says, chuckling nervously. "It's honestly crazy how windy it is. There are definitely going to be some fallen trees tomorrow."
Mr. Stark is silent for a moment before, "You wouldn't... happen to be patrolling right now, would you?"
"Whaaaaat? Noooo," Peter winces as he hears a car blast it's horn, "that would be entirely irresponsible of me. I would never."
"You know I can look at your suit's cameras and see what you're seeing right now, right?"
"Obviously, but you're not because you trust me full heartedly and--"
Peter sighs. "Okay, so maybe I went on a five minute patrol. But it's super dead today! I was literally about to head to your place because of how bored I was. You can ask Karen!"
"That doesn't matter Pete. What matters is you just came out of a serious fight with several injuries. You shouldn't be throwing yourself back out there!"
"I know Mr. Stark."
"We agreed on two weeks. Two weeks! You know most people would need a whole month, but Pepper and Happy reminded me about your enhanced healing, and I said fine. Fine! Two weeks. And how long has it been?"
"...A week."
"A week! You know, I was going to call you and ask if you wanted to go to Ben and Jerry's with me, but now--"
"No, Mr. Stark please! I won't go again for the next week, I promise."
"And how good was your promise this time?"
"I double promise. Triple promise! C'mon Mr. Stark, please? I really wanted to see you today."
"Kid, you can still come over," he says, sounding a bit appalled at the idea that Peter couldn't. "You can always come over. You know that by now."
"...but can we get ice-cream?"
Peter tries his best to give puppy eyes, even though he's unsure if Mr. Stark could even see him.
He hears Mr. Stark mumble some vague curses before, "Alright fine. But if you do this again, I swear to God--"
"I won't, I won't!"
"Okay, now get your butt over here."
Peter giggles a bit. "Okay. Bye Mr. Stark!"
"Bye kid."
There's a beep to signal the call ending, and Peter makes sure to swing by his backpack on the way to the tower.
All the while, Karen is strangely quiet but Peter has a sense she's feeling downright smug.
Peter ignores it though, in favour of focusing on his excitement for ice-cream.
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livelaughlovepedri · 8 months
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sintupperware · 6 months
a teaching moment
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maverick: i asked bradley what he wanted for dinner and he said, "not a burned quesadilla" because in the summer of 2005 i overcooked one side of his quesadilla.
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certifiedbi · 10 months
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hardly-a-p3rson · 8 months
Rossi and Reid are my favourite duo
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stardustsea · 1 year
Buck trying to Bobby Bobby (while cooking) lol
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fandomandsparkles · 2 years
philza minecraft historically bad at following arrows
tommy “i’ve taken an alternate route” innit
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ross1fum1 · 2 months
This week Dani and Pedro get to race together, I bet Pedro is so happy
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chinelacanta · 5 months
at risk of losing his ‘red haired’ title from how green jealousy makes him
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miekasa · 1 year
Gojos Son that says baby all the time is a complete mamas mom
I’m assuming you meant mama’s boy by this? And if so, I’m gonna agree—and it’s 100% because of Gojo. When the biggest reference for loving you comes from his father who is throughly obsessed with you, it’s no surprise that your baby is a huge mama’s boy.
When your son sees Satoru come home and immediately go to hug and kiss you, before picking him up, of course that becomes his reference point for greeting you after getting picked up from daycare. He’s managed to copy Satoru’s mannerisms down to a T—or maybe he was just born with them—the way he sees you and lights up, waddles right to you as fast and he can and starts squishing your face to give you kisses the second he’s in your arms. Even the way he says, “I missed you, baby!” has Satoru’s exact cadence.
Your on rotation babysitters (Megumi, Yuuta, Yuuji, and Kento) always mention that the kid has a knack for talking about you when you’re gone. Megumi always drops him off with multiple drawings and cards for you with lots of hearts and flowers on them; Yuuta jokes about how he was well behaved, just a bit stubborn during lunch because Yuuta didn’t “make the rice like you do”; Yuuji sends you pictures and videos per request of your son because he wants you to see what they’re up to; Kento notes how he often shows off his new spelling and growing reading skills by proving to his godfather how well he can spell your name :(
You’re the first person Satoru leans on, so your the first person your son leans on—physically and emotionally. You give the best goodnight kisses according to them both, you make the best breakfast, you’re the person either of them would rather hang out with then they don’t have work/school. Your kid is absolutely, 100% attached to you, but he learns it from Satoru. Ironically, this also makes them two peas in a pod, they’re the same person at this point.
Even when Satoru is alone with your little boy, they’re always talking about you. “Wanna find flowers for mommy?” Satoru will ask, ask they’re walking around the mall. Two stores down, they spot a chocolate stand and Satoru feels an exited squeeze at his hand, looking down to see the three year old all but bouncing, “Those are mommy’s favorite!” They both just adore you so much :(( it’s beyond endearing to have so much love from the two of them :(((
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scowlsnwhiskey · 27 days
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shhh 💤
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insxmniaxx · 1 year
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m5or · 4 months
I have learned that Time can eat souls. Considering that Twi is Time's descendent and can rip out souls with his bare teeth in tp. Would that mean soul-eating got passed down genetically? Is it possible for them to have a soul picnic together?
Would Poe souls, spirits, and regular souls taste different from one another? Or are they the same thing with different names?
Gives a new perspective to the hero's shade you are what you eat kinda thing. lol
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timdrakeslawyer · 2 years
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how did bruce even know tim would look at that exact moment he’s such a dad catching tim like that…
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