#feminist agenda
haggishlyhagging · 1 year
“Because they are so absolutely crucial to a fulfillment of feminism's purpose on our planet at this time, I look at the women's communities that I know of—the failed, the still functioning but struggling, those trying to acquire land to begin in earnest, those newly born and still starry-eyed—and I am surprised at their isolation in the Women's Movement. I am surprised that they seem not to be part of the general feminist agenda, that this agenda does not include centrally the creation of an entirely new and comprehensive model of human interaction. I can hardly believe that so many strong and wonderful women are still trying to make room for women in men's game—revealing their lack of self-knowledge and self-esteem and their feelings of powerlessness—when there is a marvelous women's game going on out there.
I watch small groups of women struggling to pay for pieces of land, trying to get the rest of us to understand the importance of having a place to practice feminism uninterruptedly together. That is, a place to practice being free of patriarchal dicta in everything they do and say, to practice creating a harmonious, nonhierarchical, gift-giving women's world by living in it moment to moment.
Watching, I see women who might facilitate this new reality giving their money and time instead to the male game—men's politics and revolutions, the old woman-hating, hierarchical, competitive world. I watch with pain as they pour their resources back into patriarchy out of a deep and largely denied belief in the inferiority of women and the power of men.”
-Sonia Johnson, Wildfire Igniting the She/volution
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During the early 1990's "riot grrrl" movement with bands like Bikini Kill, Hole, and L7, I wonder if there were many salty people--especially men---who thought those bands were just spreading feminist agenda?
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manicmoonworld · 1 month
Would you take me out tonight lovelies?
It's another gorgeous night here today. Feeling amazing and hoping I can pass some of that to you 💘😗🥀
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blackopals-world · 3 months
Noble!Yuu: Remember before we were married and you went on and on about how many kids you wanted?
Malleus: (reading paperwork while trying to hold a fussy fire-breathing toddler) Please don't bring that up now.
Noble!Yuu: What? I bet it was really easy to talk a big game before you got a taste of the real thing. Balancing work and parenting is hard isn't it, love?
Malleus: You're still mad I was insistent that we don't hire a nanny or governess.
Noble!Yuu: Of course, I have so much work to do and we need more than the two of us. It takes a village and I wanted my old nursemaid to help.
Malaise: (bitting Malleus, trying to draw blood)
Noble!Yuu: His instincts are so strong. Come now young prince, we get blood from our prey not daddy.
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(Because I have to say it. The attitude that nannies are for neglectful parents(read mothers because they are the ones who are shamed the most and not fathers) who don't care about their kid's well-being. Most families with nannies are the most involved with their children which is why they hire nannies. This is however dependent on both the nannies and the parents of course. However, the insistent of some parents to not get babysitters or nannies is based on harmful propaganda against women who entered the workforce and would "neglect" their family duties. This conveniently forgets that just a generation ago the role of child-rearing was done by slaves and later poor free women/immigrants. Regardless children take up time and energy and quitting your job for them is a personal choice and too many men make it about themselves. They will call their wives bad mothers for needing help even while their wives are postpartum and are very vulnerable to those comments, making them do things they wouldn't have done otherwise if they were in a better state of mind.)
(If you ever thank me for anything, thank me for spending information you may need to know.)
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quillkiller · 6 months
all im saying is ive never seen someone criticize those marylily or dorlily fanart/fics where they’re harrys mothers and theres no james in sight
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gwandas · 2 months
Underrated terrible Feysand moment is in ACOWAR when they reunite and she asks Rhys where her sisters are before they’re about to bang
“I can—take you to them.” Every word seemed to be an effort.
But he would, I realized. He’d shove down his need for me and take me to them, if that was what I wanted. My choice. It had always been my choice with him.
It’s so fucking funny that SJM wrote this without a lick of irony, like ma’am. Why are we praising Rhys for giving her a choice on whether or not they’d have sex LIKE I SURE HOPE HE WOULD???
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 10 months
Roxy: one thing abt me is if a pretty girl says something I immediatly change my mind.
Jane: Well, maybe you should have some principles.
Roxy: ur right may b I should ;)
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guilty-feminist · 11 months
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cecelovesrats · 1 year
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robin wishes all women and related genders a happy women's day :) and olly does so as well!!
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im-not-a-l0ser · 8 months
Max: Okay, Steph, I gotta say something. I think my feelings for Richie may be resurfacing. Steph: Oh, please. They were buried in a shallow grave.
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thebillyengland · 2 years
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Feminists be like, "How patriarchal of him to decide what to do instead of asking the women her choice"?
Even though it's a heroic act, damn the patriarchy!
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carladuquette · 11 months
Someone called TechnicallyRon on Twitter “took 1 star reviews of Barbie from furious men on letterboxd and put them on the posters because it makes the film seem ever cooler” and it’s everything 🩷
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the-plothole-court · 2 years
neil: do women really take out their bottom 2 ribs so that they can have a skinny waist? tell me thats bullshit.
allison: it’s for real
neil: i’m gonna go outside and light myself on fire.
neil: what are we doing to our beautiful queens?
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tybaltsjuliet · 5 months
it’s awesome having a best friend you share a psychic wavelength with because @venusofsuburbia and i can trust that when one of us says “tom blyth as lorelei lee” we will receive the correct response of “and mike faist as dorothy shaw”
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bombshellsandbluebells · 11 months
speaking as someone who really enjoyed Barbie, I just don't think Barbie is deep enough to warrant all the dramatic takes and arguments on it
#like it's a fun movie!#the production design is amazing#i'm all here to gush about the filmmaking and art dept on that film#but I feel like it's getting hyped way beyond what it is#a fun movie that manages to say something and be entertaining despite being another big studio film only made bc it's based on popular IP#like Greta did make something entertaining and worth watching#she did manage to say something and give it personality when so many IP movies are soulless and meaningless#but it's not the big evil manipulative marketing people complain it is#becuase literally.....everything greenlit by studios nowadays is tied to some kind of IP or brand or intended to sell you something#i didn't see these complaints over the lego movies#it's not to blame for launching a big pointless ip franchise bc even if barbie had bombed you KNOW the other mattel movies would have#probably happened bc IP matters way more than what audiences are actually interested in#but it's also not like a revolutionary feminist masterpiece??#it says something yeah but it's not really groundbreaking and it's pretty simple#and it's certainly not like....revolutionary enough for all the negative backlash though we all know something doesn't HAVE#to be truly revolutionary or progressive for that kind of crowd to get all up in arms over the Woke Agenda#it's just like#it is what it is#a movie that would have happened whether competent storytellers and filmmakers got on board or not and at least they made something#worth watching which I can't say of a LOT of IP greenlight decisions#it's jsut like#I enjoyed the movie and it was well made and I'm glad it's doing well but every time I see a new argument about it or take#I just want to be like#it's not that deep lol#that doesn't include just analysis and discussion of the movie#that's different#i mean more discussion like it's bad this movie did well bc it's just an overhyped commercial!!!#anyways got that off my chest lol#i still would have killed to work on set dec for that film
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