#fenwick makes no sense
hollowed-theory-hall · 5 months
The Riddle of Tom Riddle: Part 1/?
(Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7)
The Death Tool of Voldemort's Wars
So, I did say I'll make this post somewhere, so here it is.
When trying to make sense of Voldemort’s behavior in the books, I noticed that the two wars were actually very different. How they were waged, how many people died, and who was most targeted along with Voldemort's goals.
(Because I mentioned it, I'll just say Voldemort’s behavior in the book is really weird and somewhat contradictory, but I found a way to explain that. Consider this the second post on my way to analyze Voldemort after the Horcruxes one)
The Wizarding Population in the UK
The first step to figuring out how bad the wars with Voldemort actually were is to know the size of the wizarding population in the UK. Numbers of deceased don't mean much without being able to calculate percentages.
If there are 40 students a year at Hogwarts in 1990s → 400 wizards and witches between ages 10-19
Account for fewer births during and right after the war with Grindelwald in the 1930s-1940s, and the war with Voldemort in the 1970s
Account for longer life acceptancy (Average of 130)
And we get an estimate of something like this:
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With wizards being around 0.01% of the muggle population in any country.
The population in Britian in 1991 was 57,359,454, making the wizarding population 57,359*0.01% =~ 5,700
The population in Ireland in 1991 was 5.1 M, making the Irish wizarding population about 510.
So as a rough estimate, we'll say there were ~6,200 wizards and witches in the UK and Ireland together in 1991
Probably less though considering JKR killed most of Harry's grandparents' generation with Dragon Pox....
By the same logic above in the 1970s the Wizarding population in Britain and Ireland was ~5,600 + ~300 = ~5,900 wizards and witches.
So, now we have the estimated size of the population and we can gage how much damage these wars actually caused.
So, I may have compiled a list of all war casualties from both wars. I will not place the full details here (like the exact year each died), but I'll mention sides, who they were killed by, and any other information relevant to understanding the war's influence on wizarding society, and what we can learn from it about Voldemort's intentions.
For these lists:
(M) - muggle (MB) - muggleborn (PB) - pure-blood (HB) - half-blood (O) - other $ - Death Eater or affiliated ^ - Order of the Pheonix member or affiliated Italics - killed against Voldemort's orders
The First War: Surprisingly Targeted
Killed By Voldemort Personally:
~4 unnamed goblins (O)
Dorcas Meadowes (PB/HB)^
James Potter (PB)^
Lily Potter (MB)^
Killed by Death Eaters:
Mr. Bones (PB)^
Mrs. Bones (PB)^
Robert McGonagall (PB)
Marlene McKinnon (PB)^
~4 more unnamed McKinnons (PB)^
Mrs McGregor (M)
Douglas McGregor (M)
2 McGregor Children (M)
Caradoc Dearborn (PB/HB)^
Dean Thomas’ Father (PB)
Edgar Bones' Wife (PB)^
Edgar Bones (PB)^
~2 Edgar Bones' children (PB)^
Benji Fenwick (PB/HB)^
Frank Longbottom (PB)^ - Not dead, but counts
Alice Longbottom (PB)^ - Not dead, but counts
Fabian Prewett (PB)^
Gideon Prewett (PB)^
Killed by the Order of the Pheonix & Aurors:
Evan Rosier (PB)$
Wilkes (PB)$
+ 13 muggles killed by Peter Pettigrew on October 31st, 1981
+ Regulus Black who died in the cave with the Inferi
This lands us at 45 casualties (including the Longbottoms) for the first Wizarding War. Now, let's look more closely at the numbers.
Not counting the muggles and creatures other than wizards lands us at 24
24/5,900 =~ 0.40% of the wizarding population was killed in the first war.
And did you notice anything interesting about the names on the list? There is only 1 muggleborn and 1 muggle family, whose death wasn't even on Voldemort's orders. What does it tell us about the war?
Well, first off, Dumbledore's idea of morality and not using dark magic and lethal curses kind of sucks. This is hardly a war, it's a massacre. 19 Order members and their families die compared to 3 Death Eaters, one of which was killed by Voldemort's creations. Moody and Mr. Weasley aren't kidding when they say the first war was rough in the fifth book. It really was, but only for their side.
The innocent casualties of people not belonging to any side in this war stand at 19 (including the 13 muggles killed by Pettigrew), and 6 (not including Pettigrew).
It's just wild how Peter Pettigrew has the most kills in this war, more than Voldemort. And it tells you a lot about Voldemort's priorities.
His priorities clearly aren't to kill all muggleborns, we can see that much. So what are his priorities? What is he actually waging a war for if it's not to kill all muggleborns like all the characters tell us?
Well, I will post a full rundown of the timeline of the first war at some point, but for now, what we know is that Voldemort is targeting the Order of the Phoenix, who opposed him. And he is in general causing chaos for the Ministry of Magic.
We know that by 1981, Voldemort practically won, with the ministry having more spies of his than any other group. The ministry was made up of Death Eaters. But we don't know of any rules he passed in this time, or moves to legalize dark magic or outlaw muggleborns — nothing like that happened.
What did happen, was that Voldemort made a cave filled with Inferi and experimented with potions (he invented the potion of despair in the cave).
It seems, more than anything, the war was there to distract the ministry or weaken it, and less about accomplishing a specific political goal. And if he was after a specific political goal, then it isn't blood purity as he isn't rounding up muggleborns like in the second war.
The low death count overall (especially when compared to the second war) is because Voldemort is there. Voldemort does not approve of unnecessary death, even muggle one:
“Nice costume, mister!” He saw the small boy’s smile falter as he ran near enough to see beneath the hood of the cloak, saw the fear cloud his painted face. Then the child turned and ran away. . . . Beneath the robe he fingered the hand of his wand. . . One simple movement and the child would never reach his mother. . . but unnecessary, quite unnecessary. . . .
(Deathly Hollows, page 295)
Voldemort himself does not like unnecessary death. He considers it and killing in rage below him at the end of the First Wizarding War. He doesn't do it himself and doesn't let his followers kill unnecessarily up until the night he kills the Potters.
What exactly Voldemort was trying to accomplish is a question I've pondered and have a few more posts about. But understanding he wasn't really after the death of all muggleborns and neither was he after control of Magical Britain, which is made very clear by the second war, is the first step to understanding him.
The Second War: Chaos Galore
Killed By Voldemort Personally:
Bertha Jorkins (PB)
Cedric Diggory (PB)
Bathilda Bagshot (PB)
Charity Burbage (PB/HB)
Alastor Moody (PB)^
Rufus Scrimgeour (PB)
German-speaking child #1 (M)
German-speaking child #2 (M)
German-speaking woman (M)
Mykew Gregorovitch (PN)
Gellert Grindelwald (HB)
Peter Pettigrew (PB/HB)$
2 Unidentified Death Eaters (PB/HB)$
Severus Snape (HB)$
Killed by Death Eaters:
Bodrick Bode (PB/HB)
Emmeline Vance (PB)^
Sirius Black (PB)^
Amalia Bones (PB)
Florean Fortesque (PB)
Mrs. Abbott (PB/HB)
Igor Karkaroff (PB)$
Montgomery (PB/HB)
4 Unidentified Muggles (M)
Gibbon (PB)$
Albus Dumbledore (HB)^
5 Unnamed muggles in Gaddley (M)
Gornuk (O)
Edward Tonks (MB)^
Dirk Cresswell (MB)
Dobby (O)
Lavender Brown (PB)^
Camelia (PB/HB)^
Vincent Crabbe (PN)$
Colin Creevey (MB)^
Remus Lupin (HB)^
Nymphadora Tonks (HB)^
Fred Weasley (PB)^
Killed by the Order of the Pheonix:
Bellatrix Lestrange (PB)$
Killed by Golden Trio:
Bogrod (O)
Tom Riddle (Voldemort) (HB)$
+ 42 more casualties for the Battle of Hogwarts.
What we see here is that this second war was much deadlier. The Battle of Hogwarts alone had more casualties than the entirety of the First War. Even if I'm generous and add 20 more dead to my estimate of the First War, it doesn't come anywhere close to the death tool of the Second War.
Now, I ask myself, why?
The Second War was much shorter, officially ongoing between May of 1996 and May of 1998 (2 years), with the First War officially waging from 1975 to October of 1981 (6 years). What was so different between the wars that caused this kind of escalation in the second one this quickly?
We see the Second War unfold, we watch how quickly the Ministry of Magic falls and the Death Eaters take over. They quickly make laws such as the Muggleborn Registry — things that didn't happen in the first war.
“Attendance is now compulsory for every young witch and wizard,” he replied. “That was announced yesterday. It’s a change, because it was never obligatory before. Of course, nearly every witch and wizard in Britain has been educated at Hogwarts, but their parents had the right to teach them at home or send them abroad if they preferred..."
(Deathly Hollows, page 182)
Lupin is talking about the Muggleborn Registry and compulsory attendance to Hogwarts — completely new things, never seen before in Britain. They weren't around the first go-around even if Voldemort had the same amount of control over the ministry (it being made up of his followers even in the 1970s). So, what changed? What's the difference?
I pondered this question, and I realized what the main difference is — Voldemort. He is different. His priorities are different.
In the second war, Voldemort doesn't show any care for the ministry, government, or unnecessary death the way he did in the First War. In the First War he limited his Death Eaters, focusing them on targeting only Order members, but in the Second War, not only did he let them loose, but he let himself loose as well.
And I'll prove just how unconcerned he is with Britain and the war during Deathly Hollows and Half-Blood Prince.
In Half-Blood Prince, when the Death Eaters break into Hogwarts to kill Dumbledore, arguably their biggest achievement in the war thus far, and where is their leader? Off, somewhere. Researching wands so he could kill Harry Potter.
And where is Lord Voldemort, leader of the Death Eaters when his followers take over the ministry and start passing the aforementioned rules? He's in Germany, tracking down the Elder Wand.
“That’s—that’s pretty, Dolores,” she said, pointing at the pendant gleaming in the ruffled folds of Umbridge’s blouse. “What?” snapped Umbridge, glancing down. “Oh yes—an old family heirloom,” she said, patting the locket lying on her large bosom. “The S stands for Selwyn. . . . I am related to the Selwyns. . . . Indeed, there are few pure blood families to whom I am not related. . . . A pity,”
(Deathly Hollows, page 225)
Voldemort is so unaware and un-present in Britain during the time he supposedly rules it, that Dolores Umbridge can strut around the ministry with the locket that is his Horcrux and holds a piece of his soul and is his Slytherin family heirloom and claim it to belong to the Selwyn family and to be hers. And she wasn't tortured horribly to death.
Yeah, Voldemort never stepped foot in the Ministry throughout Deathly Hollows. At least, not until he retrieved the elder Wand and was convinced he could kill Harry.
In the First War, Voldemort had intentions, unrelated to blood purity as they were, but intentions nonetheless. He was actually leading and had goals for the war. In the Second War, it looks like he gave up. Like he decided killing Harry Potter is the only important thing and he isn't even bothering with anything else and lets his Death Eaters do as they please.
Voldemort didn't really plan to win the Second War, he didn't really care what happened to the Ministry, as long as he could kill Harry Potter whom he is quite obsessed with. Like, he's really weird about Harry Potter, and maybe I'll talk about it more in-depth, but he's obsessed with being the one to kill Harry with a wand of his own, to the point of ignoring literally everything else.
If you are going to fight an opponent that is trying to kill you, you should probably be just as willing to be lethal in turn or you'd end up massacred like the Order of the Phoenix from the 1970s....
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juniperjellyfish · 7 months
Okay hear me out, because I have a theory.
Morro is from the cloud kingdom.
We know (or are at least pretty sure) that certain elements are native to certain realms. So what if wind is native to the cloud kingdom (I know this throws some wrenches in Wojira but ignore those until I overthink them away).
So Morro was born in the cloud kingdom, and the writers of destiny wiped his memories and cast him out when he developed powers. So when Wu, found him, he didn’t know he had powers and didn’t know where he was from.
This also explains why Morro was able to defy destiny. He was supposed to be a writer of it. Writers of destiny can be written about (hence the memory wipe), but it’s also a lot easier for them to defy destiny.
So when Morro’s power moved on, it went back to the Cloud Kingdom, but season five had such an effect on the place, that their power started falling apart and they practically became a joke.
I personally hc that they DID have the power to write destiny. Remember when Zane got his voice back because it was written? And then the writing on Dareth’s scroll turned red when Jay spilled the ink?
How can that all happen if the writers never had any power? Maybe the merge actually did screw things up! Maybe Morro’s actions caused a butterfly effect that drove them to irrelevancy?!
All I’m saying is that there’s no way they were useless from the start.
But if Morro was from the cloud kingdom, it makes it so much cooler that he swayed Fenwick over to his side. Fenwick probably recognized him and was like “Oh sh-t, this guy that was kicked out decades ago is back.” (I’m not gonna try to put a time on this, it’s up to interpretation if Fenwick was the one that kicked him out or if Fenwick came into power later)
Then it makes sense that Euphrasia was the one that got Morro’s power. She comes from the same place! Morro probably didn’t choose Euphrasia to give the power to, it was probably his element’s choosing. It was sick of not being welcomed in its own realm, and it knew that needed to be changed.
Alright, so I know there’s holes in this theory, but considering how many holes there are in Ninjago lore, I feel like the holes make it even more believable.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
Okay it’s been a few hours since I typed this and I thought of something. Wojira being solely wind and water never made sense to me. I mean- she has the storm amulet and the sea amulet. Storms are more than wind and the sea is more than water. Yes, those two elements are arguably the most influential in the amulets. But what about storm being wind, water, and lightning? Maybe the sea is water, and nature?
So maybe those elements played a hand in creating the amulets, but the reason only Nya’s power was acting up is because her element was the most connected to it? Maybe when all that happened is when Morro’s powers finally moved on!
Thanks again for coming to my TedTalk
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marketfreshfics · 1 month
Saturn of ULTRA - Prologue
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Plot summary: When a futuristic Hogwarts is constructed after a massive catastrophe, a new threat to wizard-kind emerges in the wake of such advancement. An unlikely pairing must work together to prevent history from repeating itself.
Tags: Hogwarts AU (canon divergence) | friends to lovers | aged-up characters (7th year) | NSFW content (magical violence, smut, language)
Waking with senses so ill-equipped ought to be outlawed. Incandescent lamplight induced squints and her eyes squeezed shut, annoyingly so after having been closed for so long. Her sense of sight shook the dust from misuse, eyelids dry and stinging as she strained to make sense of colours, disconnected from dreams, and, albeit reluctantly, reattached firmly to reality and the demands of the present.
She was horizontal, thank Merlin; standing was a language she lost to lack of use, especially if she didn’t have legs. Did she? Was she still human?
Her toes could curl, and the blankets shifted over her limbs, temporarily relieving her delusions. Remarkably, her joints did not crack from fusion, though atrophy had done a number on her.
Seconds passed as she gathered her bearings again, or at least enough to look around a second time, inhaling sharply when she met a pair of brown eyes wide as saucers.
“You’re awake!” cried a familiar voice, familiar despite the haze of memory that nearly failed her thrice. Female and soft, she combed through her mental faculties to place a voice to a face, and, once fully visible, a face to a name.
It all connected at once. “Poppy?” She croaked, the sound a hollow wrack, coughs immediately following suit.
"Yes, yes it's me!" Poppy's joy manifested in a giddy seat-bounce in the armchair at the bedside, radiating relief. "Can you sit upright? Shall I ring for a nurse?" But before her bedridden friend could manage a partial response, she was calling for one anyway, unwilling to leave risk to chance on this momentous occasion.
The waking girl found her voice again with an air of confusion. “A nurse?”
Small, spry hands grasped hers then, and with a feeble sense of self, she was soon sitting upright with pillows to prop, blinking snapshots of her surroundings as if to process them slower than experiencing the now at full speed. Sense began to manifest then, as she recognized lying in a hospital bed, all manner of potion stores lining the nearby shelf, the black chalkboard enchanted to mark up a real-time display of her vital signs, arcing and dipping with her rapid heart rate.
Abruptly, the nurse on staff was erased with a sponge, one Miss Ophelia Derby replaced with the healer taking over, Miss Nova Fenwick. 
A proper lot to digest awaited as she looked to Poppy for a slice of normalcy. With her, fresh memories of feeding mooncalves and scritching baby snidgets under their beaks soothed her brain ache, a small respite; call it intuition, but an inkling writhed in her unfed gut that the situation outside her bubble of awareness was grim.
As if to cram the notion deeper, Poppy’s subtle glance shift from eyes to throat fisted her self-consciousness, and so she felt about her face, noting all the important bits and bobs were still there, though something felt different…
Fingertips brushed the slip of fresh, sensitive skin, where it connected to the jagged, familiar skin of her neck. She followed it, from her earlobe to the hollow of her clavicle, scrunching her neck in an attempt to see it despite being physically unable to contort in such a manner.
The attending healer politely rapped her knuckles on the open door, asking if all was well before her eyes flared wide with the shock of finding her previously comatose patient sitting up and fully conscious. She spun on her heels, plaited hair whipping with the abrupt motion as she hurried off to hail a doctor. 
Alone with Poppy once again, the burden of her two most prominent, must-be-spoken words fell on her shoulders. “What happened?”
The weight of the question buckled then, as Poppy’s chest swelled with the kind of inhale only meant to precede difficult conversations. She let it out unbearably slow and prepared the words that would provide clarity. From her solemn expression, she wasn’t exactly eager to know.
And so, Poppy told her dear friend about the night that everything fell apart.
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A Ravenclaw through and through, her pursuit of knowledge knew nary a bound.
But this was information she ought not to have asked for.
Though her wand rested in her lap again, the hawthorn conduit pristine save for a small scorch mark on the hilt, she felt as if the ancient magic in her had somehow perished. The news that Poppy shared had been so devastating, so life-shattering that she wasn’t keen on the next steps, the what-nows unspoken for the time being, almost in mourning. She was left with this lead ball of news in her gut, liable to pull her down with it as it sunk.
Hogwarts was destroyed.
Once Ranrok accessed the final repository beneath the school, a chain of events followed in deliberate, gutwrenching succession. 
First, her ancient magic amplified the effects of the repository. In Poppy’s words, it was like a magnifying glass held beneath a blinding ray of sunshine at high noon.
Second, when Ranrok was defeated, the magic was rendered unstable, and despite the ancient magic wielder containing it within a vessel as a source of rest, it remained hostile, churning continuously in the moments following, the volatile power fermenting in its own subatomic mass.
Then third, terribly so, the unbridled magic began to spread outward and up, pulverizing the very foundational bricks of the castle like shale rock beneath boots. Luckily, the professors were able to evacuate the school grounds exceptionally fast, with Aurors arriving on the scene to assist, but there was nothing that could be done to preserve or save Hogwarts. The clock face was first to fall, followed by the west tower, the Ravenclaw and Astronomy towers crumbling simultaneously, and then one by one, history, stories, and an era in itself were laid to rest in ruin.
That was in February. Seven months ago.
And the descendant of ancient magic had slept ever since. “Well, the muggle term is 'medically-induced coma,’ but that sounds awfully bleak,” Poppy sighed. 
She cried through her physical exam, tears ceasing only while being coached through learning to walk again, but as soon as her personal effects had been returned to her on the day she was discharged, they sprang forth with renewed agony, facing the outside world without knowing what came next, as if the pages of a book she was halfway through reading were promptly torn out, the ending lost for good.
And to add more fuel to the flames of guilt consuming her insides, she learned her advisor and mentor over the past six months had perished along with the castle as well. 
Professor Fig deserved far, far better, she thought, watching the valleys and hills of the highlands pass by in a blur of evergreen beneath the setting sun, as the Hogwarts Express rolled smoothly along the tracks en route to… well, whatever it was now.
Of course, they’d rebuilt the castle, she thought when Poppy went on to explain the aftermath. Students and staff banded together to erect a replica of the fortress they adored, though the unfettered magic, left floating about, anchored to the school grounds from the repository had… altered it, as time passed. When prompted for further explanation, Poppy refused to elaborate and remained blatantly cryptic, advising her to “keep an open mind.”
She ruminated endlessly in the weeks leading up to the start of term, during her physical rehabilitation appointments scheduled alongside the magic refresher compendium that Professor Sharp had oweled to her over the summer. “Seventh year awaits,” he wrote, each flourish of his rushed penmanship as punctuated as his tenor drawl, “see to it that you maintain your upward trajectory.”
Despite everything, the wielder of ancient magic felt wholly useless to the cause. Ever the diligent friend, her Hufflepuff companion provided reassurance, reminding her that she was bedridden and healing for the heftier half of a year. “Everyone is eager to see you again,” she added affectionately. “Especially a certain redhead.”
Bloody hell.
He was the first of whom she asked Poppy for updates about, steering the topic of conversation back to brighter prospects. Before Hogwarts was felled, before Ranrok and his arsehat loyalists encroached beneath their sacred place of study, Garreth had gone ahead and topped off the culmination of months spent flirting back and forth, their friendship toeing the line marking uncharted territory, with an admission of his feelings that left her chest tight and her center of gravity knocked clean off its axis.
And despite being deemed one of the brightest witches of her time, she hadn’t a clue how to react before mumbling a pathetic, “I need to think about it,” scrambling off to anxiously breathe into her bed linens. 
Award-winning, frustrating, remarkable display of utter stupidity, that was.
She wouldn’t have the gall to approach him now and ask him to backtrack his feelings, months later, without a responding peep bridging the gap with a swell of awkwardness. 
A Ravenclaw through and through, yes, but she was certainly dimwitted to matters of the heart.
Commotion in the adjacent booths tugged her from the self-flagellation stewing in her feelings. She poked her head out of the lonely compartment, curiously eavesdropping on a swath of fourth years discussing some sort of ward approaching. “Once the train passes through, it’ll light right up! My uncle helped with the redesign, incredible what that magic has done…”
“Quite right, I’m excited to see it happen.”
It only prompted more questions, of which she was about to pose to the younger students, when the train slowed considerably in its locomotions. 
The voice of the stately conductor echoed through the corridor then, announcing to a chorus of animated titters and chatting. “Attention, students! We are now passing through the school ground wards, so you will notice some changes occur. Please remain seated, and ensure your personal effects are tidied, packed, and ready for arrival.”
Everything began to change in rapid succession, and she was wholly unprepared.
The first thing she noticed was how dark it became, all at once, without the ebb from daylight to night.
Then, immediately after, the train compartment transformed from the timeless warmth of woodgrain and upholstery, to sleek metal fabrication and dazzling light fixtures that glowed an otherworldly shade of teal.
The scenery outside her window drastically altered before her eyes, as the Hogwarts Express slowed in its approach of the train station.
And when Hogwarts Castle appeared in the distance, alight with fluorescent saturation, electric in its very existence, she was left in gobsmacked awe.
Thank you to @wedonthaveawhile for letting me 'borrow' her OC Nova from her story, The Serpents Hold 🤍 you are a total peach and I LOVE YOU
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moonytoasted · 20 days
names for the marauders-era friendship groups
dont argue with me.... these are just my headcanons :3
marauders: james, sirius, remus, peter. why: i mean i think we all know why.
valkyries: lily, marlene, mary, sometimes emmeline vance, formerly dorcas why: originally came from tiktok, seen to be warriors in norse mythology and guide the slain to valhalla.
the pantheon/emeralds: regulus, evan, barty, dorcas, pandora why: pantheon/emeralds sounds so much cooler than skittles..... and not all of them (barty, ravenclaw/pandora/dorcas) were canonically slyth.
fighters: emmeline vance, hestia jones, amos diggory, caradoc dearborn, benjy fenwick why: most of them were fighting in the war on the order's side, and some died fighting.
sailors: xenophilius, sybill trelawney, pandora, bertram aubrey why: they seem like a very spacey/eccentric group. spaced out -> astronauts -> meaning of astronaut is star sailor
faithfuls: snape, mulciber, avery why: comes from a fanfiction name for them. makes sense with snape being in the group too.
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sofargoneao3 · 7 months
three's a crowd
“I think I was just propositioned for a threesome,” Remus said as he set down their butterbeers on the table.
Peter choked on his handful of peanuts so violently bits flew out of his nose, Sirius barked out a laugh, and James’ mouth dropped open in shock.
“By who?” James asked, looking around The Three Broomsticks curiously. For a Saturday, it wasn’t that busy so whoever it was would definitely be noticeable. 
“That witch at the bar,” Remus pointed at the witch who sat with a large mug of mead in front of her.
“She’s about fifty,” Said Peter, after he’d finished coughing.
“Not bad looking though,” Sirius observed. 
He wasn’t wrong, she had red lipstick and looked good for her age, but her graying hair and the style of cloak she wore definitely gave it away that she was getting on in years. Remus grimaced slightly and James laughed at Sirius.
“Nothing wrong with an older woman, if you ask me,” James said proudly, “look at Lily!”
“James, she’s two months older, not two decades,” Peter looked over his shoulder at the witch again, “Or two millennia.”
“What did she say?” Asked Sirius, as if he was considering going over to her if Remus didn’t plan on it.
“Er, she just asked if I was busy later,” Remus took a drink of his butterbeer, “and if I had any friends that would be available as well.”
“Too bad we’ve got that Order meeting tonight then,” Sirius grinned, “threesomes are very in right now, even with muggles.”
“Remus, don’t do it, she’s just an old hag who wants to watch you make out with some other young guy for the evening, it’s creepy!” Peter shook his head
“Piss off, Peter, you haven’t got a clue what you’re on about,” Sirius said, and smiled mischievously. “You haven’t even tried it.”
“Well, maybe I would… if there were two girls,” Peter said quickly, and the rest of the group laughed as he blushed.
Sirius waved his hand dismissively. “This isn’t the right way to do it, anyway. You’ve got to be the guest.”
“The guest?” James asked curiously.
“Yeah, you’ve got to be the third party, so you’re just there for the fun.”
“Speaking from experience, are you, Pads?”
Sirius smirked. “I might be.”
“Bit like being the seeker, isn’t it? Just come in at the end for the glory?” James said, like suddenly it all made sense if it related to quidditch.
“Exactly. You don’t want to go around mucking up things with your friends or girlfriend.”
“You haven’t got a girlfriend,” Peter pointed out uselessly.
“That’s why I’ve done one and you haven’t,” Sirius said, goading. Peter put his head in his hands, looking slightly traumatized by this revelation. 
“I haven’t done one.” James said as he swallowed his butterbeer.
“You have got a girlfriend!” Peter snapped. 
“I haven’t either,” Remus said, though he was certain they all already knew that.
“You wouldn’t, you’re far too well behaved,” Sirius said as James sniggered beside him. 
“She called me a bad boy!” Remus gestured towards the witch at the bar with his head. James doubled over in laughter while Peter spluttered in disbelief. 
“She’s just trying to convince you! That is so creepy-” Peter shook his head, baffled.
“Well, if you’re going to do it, you can’t do it with a friend,” Sirius said defiantly. “we’ll have to pick someone else out.” Sirius looked around the bar, and pointed over to Benjy Fenwick, who was sitting across the restaurant, “oh, he’d be good.”
“No, no,” Remus said, playing along, “it would have to be someone I trust… like James!”
James grinned proudly, “Ah, Moony, you flatter me. I don’t think Lily would approve though, you might have to go for someone with more experience… Sirius?” 
Sirius grinned and leaned back in his seat, his hands resting behind his head. “Thank you, James, that means a lot. But no, I’d have to go for Remus here, for the fun of his first time.” 
While the other three shared sly smiles, Peter looked at them in disbelief. “Oh great, thanks, just forget all about me.” The rest of the boys shouted out protests but Peter just rolled his eyes at them. “It’s like being picked last for quidditch teams again with you lot.”
“You said you’d only do it if it was two girls!” Remus pointed out.
“Well, yeah, but you know,” Peter waved his hands frantically, “I want to be included still!”
“Alright, next time we’re all having a pretend threesome, we’ll make sure to invite you,” James patted Peter on the shoulder as he said it.
“Thank you,” Peter sniffed, looking slightly less offended. 
“Alright, I think I’ll go talk to her then,” Said Sirius, and before any of them could stop him, he was leaning against the bar, chatting up the middle aged witch.
“He’s certifiable,” Peter mumbled as he watched Sirius from their booth.
“Oh, you know him,” James shook his head, “probably can’t stand that she asked Moony before him, he’s got to one up him.”
“What do you think he’s saying-” As Remus asked, the witch grabbed her mug of mead and tossed it towards Sirius, the red liquid splashing over his face and hair before dripping down onto his shirt. “Er, that’s not good.”
Sirius grabbed a napkin and wiped his face before hurriedly walking back over to his group of friends, who were all howling with laughter. He threw a handful of galleons on the table, and grabbed his leather jacket from where it was hooked over the back of the chair.
“Remus, you plonker, she wanted help carrying some boxes,” Sirius shook his head, and specks of mead were flung about, “we’re about to get kicked out of here, let’s go.”
The rest of them could barely walk out with how hard they laughed, Rosmerta’s shouts only fuelling their hysteria.
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bulbabutt · 1 year
say what you will about bay april (and trust me, megan fox deserves so much better) at least she's proactive about looking into things and does things without the boys-hell she's the reason they're even alive in the first place, she saved splinter and the turts as a kid
doesn't erase vernon and mikey being constantly horny on main for her or that weird technique they force her to do to get info out of stockman in oots's opening segments but still, give her credit, she's strong-willed and has a sense of justice and tries to do what's right
hmmmmmmm ok. theres a lot to say about bayverse april. and i specifically avoided talking about movie aprils cuz it was going to get repetitive and long (like 1990 april is very similar to 87 and 07 april is basically 03 april)
but with bayverse, you're right, she is the central character in that movie who drives the plot. but thats because of the megan fox of it all, being that shes the biggest star there and also because bay had an obsession with her (to her detriment bad vibes all over the fucking place holy shit leave this woman alone) we're still framing aprils ass in the shot, still being creepy about her, despite the fact this movie is trying to be from her perspective (for more info on that aspect i think you just gotta watch lindsay ellis' "the framing of megan fox" video about transformers, because its the same shit here)
and just because its like 87 april (because this movie is pandering to 87 fans) doesnt mean theyre really add anything or even understand the concept of what makes 87 april good in the first place. like i said in my post about 87 april, what makes her great is that the turtles fall into her story, and that we are centred on the news room politics of it all. the human world the turtles interact with is her life.
(this got kinda long so its under a cut)
in this movie, we change the misogynistic boss burne thompson into: whoopi goldburgs burnadette thompson. which. hm, color and gender blind casting for burne thompson is. a way to do it i guess. (i do know whoopi is in this movie because she wanted to be in a turtles movie, no disrespect there) but it removes that core element of reporter april fighting her shitty boss. in this she's now just a regular reporter working at a normal news station, but also we're still giving her the girly aerobics story. so, who's decided that if her boss is a black woman? thats kind of fundamentally changing the implications of why shes stuck doing that job, its no longer because shes the woman reporter, and is now just because thats what shes been assigned. now its not her fighting sexism, its her just not wanting to do her job. a shitty one, but its no longer because of a sexist work place.
and then her story of being a reporter is she gets FIRED for being a BAD reporter, because shes crazily rambling about turtles to her boss with no real sources. which...87 april didnt do that, her point wasnt to find the turtles, it was to use her job to help them. the turtles are the secret, not the story. for a movie that likes pandering to 87 and nothing else, they missed this concept entirely
(side note that isnt important, when shes rambling to the roommate about them.... this movie panders enough to 87, why is the roommate not just named irma. shes only in that scene. seriously, it should have just been irma.)
and then. the vernon fenwick of it all........ why the fuck. did you do this. why make him the only character who believes her? oh sorry, not even believes her, simply THINKS SHES HOT. SO GOES ALONG WITH IT. i know they wanted to put casey jones in this movie, but then went NOOO that would be SILLY if the guy hanging out with her is casey (we want to save him for the seqeul) so lets make it another reporter. uh vernon. hes from the original! and thus we change vernon from being the rival reporter who hates her because shes a woman whos better at his job than him, into just: her creepy co reporter who has a crush on her. and since he's the co star here, she has to not tell him off for his bad behaviour. maybe he'll even get a date out of it!
(again, if she needed a sidekick, irma is right there, you put the other two here, why not irma)
and the choice to make her a part of the turtles origin story is, in my perspective, very much like my issue with 12 april's destined to be part of the story thing. shes part of this story because her dad created the turtles. yes, she saved the turtles and splinter, but its less of her own choice in the matter, its because she was the daughter of the man who made them. its the opposite of what i think makes her a good character in the franchise, someone who is hunting for a story and gets in too deep, and happens to be near enough by the turtles that they get her out.
like lets compare her to the april closest to her, 1990 april. thats an april who gets into the plot via going hunting for a story on her own. there's some kind of gang up to no good and she wants to get to the bottom of it. she does get to the bottom of it all on her own, she learns via interviewing immigrants that the foot is the organization behind it. shes doing something no one wants her to do, shes going against what her boss, and what cops think she should be doing, and the foot literally try to kill her because SHE is hunting for THEM. she ends up in turtle plot because raphael HAPPENS to be around when the foot find her. its HER story. the foot is after HER. the turtles in that movie end up losing splinter and then fighting the foot BECAUSE april was looking for them. THATS what makes her have agency in the story.
i do think a lot of you guys are missing my point here though (no offence!) so let me try to explain it better.
its not just about if we see april be a self sufficient character who's central to the plot, or even what her personality is like, its whether she exists in a real way outside of the men around her. its if her choices are important to the story. she doesnt need to have saved the turtles, know how to fight, kicked the shredder, or have been right about whatever story is going on. the question is: is she in the story because she did something on her own to get to it? is she a character who matters without the men in her life? can she stand on her own? do you care about her life? what are her aspirations, how is she trying to achieve them?
based on all that, i think 2014 april is in fact the weakest april. they're only making her seem like 1987 april because, and i dont know if ive said this anywhere yet, men who watched 87 when they were kids think shes hot. that is the only value a lot of people have placed on her. thats her legacy to a lot of people. its fucked up, and this movie doesnt do anything to dissuade you from thinking that.
sorry to go off on your ask, but bayverse (specifically the first one) really got no aspect of any tmnt thing correct. not april, not shredder, not splinter, not casey, and not the aspect of how these turtles are even ninja (i think everyone involved shouldn't be allowed to make another piece of media for putting that fucking ninjitsu book in the fucking sewer)
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sinsiriuslyemo · 1 month
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Chapter Eight: Muggle Films and Magical Secrets
Penny had her knees drawn up under her chin, her arms wrapped around her shins, turned slightly toward Sirius as though she planned to hide behind him at any moment. Her eyes, however, were glued to the TV as the menacing sounds of a tuba played behind an underwater scene, where a bloke named Matt Hooper was inside of what he’d called an anti-shark cage. Sirius’ attention was split between the movie they were watching, and Penny, the latter being of far more interest to him if he were being honest. It wasn’t that Jaws hadn’t been engaging, but rather that he preferred to watch her reaction to a film she’d claimed she had seen a hundred times, and yet was watching as though it were the first time. It was amusing and rather charming.
He had loved The Goonies, which had been the first muggle film they’d watched. The group of four friends had reminded him so painfully of he and his friends that for a moment, he wondered if whoever wrote it had gone to Hogwarts with them. For a brief moment he had even wondered how different their lives would’ve been had they found themselves looking for ancient treasure instead of fighting a brutal war. The wonder and sense of adventure in the eyes of Mikey and his friends had left their own not long after they’d finished school.
Benjy Fenwick. That had been the death that had changed everything for him. It was the moment Sirius realized just how fragile life was, and how likely it was for any of them to lose it at any moment.
Afterwards, Penny insisted that he might likewise enjoy Jaws, a film about a giant shark terrorizing a small island off the coast of America. Apparently it was one that she’d seen as a small child.
“Oh dear God!” she exclaimed as the large shark swam up behind Hooper in the cage, crashing into it.
“I thought you said you’ve seen this over a hundred times,” he mused, the corners of his lips curled slightly.
“I have, but it gets me every time,” she answered without moving her eyes from the screen. “This was the movie that got me to stop taking baths, you know.”
His smirk grew more pronounced. “Is that so?”
“Yeah,” she said. “Don’t ask me why, but I was convinced that the shark would somehow come up from the drain and eat me whole — tub and all.”
His brows shot up above his eyes. “You thought…”
“I was seven,” she argued, finally looking over at him. “I know it doesn’t make any sense.”
Sirius snorted softly. “When I was seven, I thought that the stars were fairies who flew too high and got stuck to the night sky.”
Penny smiled. “That’s kinda cute. Wait, are there really fairies?”
“Oh yes,” he answered. “They aren’t as magical as they sound. Mostly they’re used for decoration.”
Her brows furrowed. “Decoration?”
“Mhm, they’re quite vain you see. They love being put on display, spend most of their time grooming themselves.”
“Huh.” She blinked and then glanced at the screen. “Oh! This is the best part, watch.”
Just when Sirius was near certain that shark would kill everyone aboard the Orca, Chief Brody began to strike him with a large, heavy tank, throwing it into the animal's mouth. The chief began to climb out of the cabin, a long, makeshift spear in his hand.
“Does he mean to kill that shark with just a stick?” Sirius asked incredulously, preparing himself for a convoluted and thus disappointing ending.
“No, he has the rifle, see it?” she replied, pointing at the screen.
“Rifle… is that some other sort of weapon?”
“Yeah, it shoots out these little things called bullets. They’re just a bigger version of that smaller one he had earlier… sort of… I don’t know, I’m not really a gun person.”
Sirius tilted his head to one side as he watched the main character, Brody was his name, shoot at the shark, who apparently was keen to bite down on the air tank in its mouth. “What’s he doing then? He’s already tried to use a gun.”
“He’s not going for the shark this time,” she answered with a knowing grin, adding in a much quieter voice, “He’s going for the tank. Smile, you son of a bitch!”
Sirius jolted slightly as an explosion was shown on screen, water bursting into the air as Brody rejoiced. Leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees, he watched as the water turned a dark shade of red, the half-blown shark sinking to the bottom.
“I love that part,” Penny said just as Hooper had resurfaced.
“Oh, thank Merlin. I like him,” Sirius said as he once again leaned back in his seat.
“Me too,” she replied. “I almost became an oceanographer because of Matt Hooper.”
Looking over at her, Sirius turned slightly toward her and asked, “What did make you want to study witchcraft?”
Penny shrugged as she hit a button on the remote, and the tape slid out of the VCR. “I don’t know. I guess I’ve always been fascinated by people’s fascination with it. I find it interesting how it can influence a society for good or bad, mostly bad. At least historically. Did you know in the US in 1692 they burned women just for being suspected of being witches? No evidence, just a suspicion. Back then all it took was some Puritan’s wife to point a finger in your direction and just like that, you were burned at the stake.”
Sirius shook his head. “No, I didn’t know that. We don’t really learn about the witches and wizards in America. But it sounds horrifying.”
“I always assumed it was the Puritan’s obsession with their misogynistic views on women, mixed with citizens exerting revenge on their neighbors for one thing or another,” she mumbled, her brows slowly forming a crease between them. “Are there wizards and witches in the States?”
Sirius nodded. “Yes, of course. Our kind are everywhere, in all parts of the world.”
“You make it sound like you guys are a different species,” she replied as her lips formed a smile.
“We aren’t,” he said, smiling back. “We just have different traits, I suppose. It’s not very different from having dark hair or light hair, brown eyes or blue eyes.”
“And you just… live among us? How do you keep your magic secret?” she asked. “I mean, I can’t imagine becoming a garbage collector when you can just use magic to make trash disappear.”
“Some of us live among you, but for the most part our world is separate from yours. Most wizarding families live and work in our world. Very few work with muggles, and most only by necessity.”
She turned to sit cross-legged, facing him. “You have your own world?”
“In a sense,” he answered. “It’s still in this world, it’s just hidden.”
Tilting his head, Sirius narrowed his eyes as a smirk fell on his lips, which earned a small laugh from Penny.
“Well, okay then, can you at least tell me what it's like?”
Shifting his eyes to the coffee table, he thought about how he could explain the wizarding world to someone who had never seen it. There was really only one word that came to mind, “Magical.”
Her eyes still watched him as though she was waiting for him to expand on that idea, and though in any other circumstance he’d had never entertained the notion of telling a muggle about its existence, he almost relished in sharing it with her. Perhaps because of her genuine interest, or perhaps he actually did trust her to keep it secret, but as he continued, he allowed himself to become immersed in the memories that seemed so far away.
“There’s this village called Hogsmeade, it’s the only all-wizarding village in Britain. It’s one of the oldest communities in the wizarding world, not very far from Hogwarts. It’s surrounded by the most beautiful mountains and caves. We used to go there on the weekends sometimes. There are shops and cafes, and enchanted candles that hang in the trees during the holidays. And when it snows, it looks like a place that’s just fallen out of a storybook.”
“Sounds amazing,” she replied.
“It’s lovely,” he agreed. “Our favorite was to go to Zonko’s Joke Shop, where we would stock up on various items we could use to play jokes on the First and Second year students. Then we would go to Honeydukes and have a butterbeer.”
Penny’s brow arched in interest. “Butterbeer? Like butterscotch beer?”
Sirius shrugged. “I’m not sure what beer is, but yes, it’s butterscotch flavored.”
“Beer is an alcoholic drink. In London it’s called a pint.”
“Ah yes, of course. It has some alcohol, but not very much. You can’t get pissed on it.”
“That sounds good.”
“It’s delicious. Especially on a cold day, they serve it hot.” He licked his lips, trying to remember the flavor on his taste buds, but it had been far too long. He could only faintly remember what it smelled like. “What about you?” he asked, turning his eyes toward her.
“Me? I grew up in Westport, Connecticut,” she replied as though there was no comparing it to the wizarding world. “We have museums and parks, beaches… shopping, if you’re into that sort of thing. I think the biggest thing to happen there was when Paul Newman moved to our town back in the 60s. He opened up a playhouse that does pretty well.”
“Who is Paul Newman?”
“He’s an actor. Or was… I think he’s retired.”
Sirius nodded once. “Sounds lovely.”
“I guess,” she chuckled.
“What brought you to Britain?” he asked.
“School, mostly… but I was also pretty desperate to leave. My parents are great, but they can be a bit…” She paused to think of the right word, “overbearing sometimes.”
Sirius nodded. “You did mention that before.”
“I did?” she asked, her brows knitting briefly. “Oh yeah.” She laughed under her breath. “I keep forgetting you’re a dog. I mean you… you know, you turn into one.”
“Right,” he answered with a smirk.
“How do you do that anyway?”
“It’s a very complicated and dangerous spell. It took us two years to manage it.”
“It’s that complicated?” Penny asked in somewhat surprise.
Sirius nodded. “Well,” he reconsidered. “Not necessarily, but there are some things needed that are outside of your control and take a long time to find. Such as a lightning storm. That alone could take years.”
“Do you get to pick your animal?”
He smiled at her. “No.”
“So, what? Does it go off your —”
“I shouldn’t be telling you any of this,” he reminded her gently. The small smile was still on his face, but he feared telling her too much could put her in even more danger than he already had.
“Well, it’s a little late for that. Sucks for you that I’m a history major,” she teased. “Come on, this is so fascinating, and when will I ever have a chance to ask a real wizard questions ever again? Probably never, I’m pretty boring. Don’t get out much.”
Snorting to himself, Sirius ran a hand through his hair with a sigh. “What animal you can become often has much to do with one’s personality.”
“Huh… interesting,” Penny mumbled. “I wonder what animal I’d turn into.”
“I’m not sure,” he replied. “I don’t know you that well, but if I were to guess, likely something intelligent, kind… beautiful.”
Her cheeks turned a lovely shade of pink and a shy smile stretched on her lips as silence settled between them. If this were an entirely different situation where he wasn’t a wanted wizard and Harry wasn’t in danger, he might’ve followed up with another flirtatious comment. He might’ve even tried to kiss her. But that nagging voice in the back of his mind — which strangely sounded quite like James — kept telling him that even flirting with this muggle woman was dangerous, even cruel. The facts remained that he was indeed a wanted wizard, and Harry was in danger, and because of that any connection with Penny would be short-lived. Encouraging their mutual attraction would only end in heartbreak. His own he could handle, but not hers. She had been nothing but kind to him, breaking her heart would be a terrible way of repaying that kindness.
“Another tape?” she suggested. “I have three more.”
Sirius swallowed, glancing at the remaining tapes on the bottom shelf. “Alright.”
“I could make popcorn,” she said as she stood and went to the shelf. “What do you think? Indiana Jones, Casablanca or Back to the Future? Which sounds good to you?”
“I liked The Goonies. Which one of the three is similar?”
“Well, technically none, but the kid who played Data in The Goonies is in Indiana Jones. And it’s also an adventure movie,” she replied.
“Right, let’s have that one then,” he said.
Nodding once, Penny pulled the tape from the shelf and began to put it into the VCR after taking Jaws out. Sirius’ eyes casually scanned the shelves again, Magical Theory and A History of Magic catching his interest once again.
“I wondered,” he said, waiting for her to look back at him before he gestured to the shelf with his chin. “Where did you find those books?”
“Which books?” she asked, looking up at the shelf.
He stood and went over, pulling out the old, tattered copy of A History of Magic and holding it up for her to see. “This one.”
“Oh, that was a gift from my uncle.”
“Your uncle?”
“Yeah.” she replied.
For reasons he wasn’t prepared to dissect, Sirius felt a surge of excitement course through his veins. Was she magical? A squib perhaps or simply a witch who somehow or another had yet to discover her magic?! He shoved aside the fleeting thoughts of her being able to come with him to Scotland and asked, “Is he a blood uncle?”
“No, he’s married to my mom’s brother.”
Right. She was no witch. She just possibly had a wizard who had married into her family.
“I see,” he replied, trying not to sound too disappointed. “Do you know where he got them?”
Penny shrugged slowly. “No clue. He just said he thought I would find them useful for my doctorate program. Are you telling me that’s a real magic book?”
Sirius nodded, holding up the book. “This one I read while I was in first year,” he said before he reached for Magical Theory. “This one, too. You have a few others in that other room as well.”
She cut her eyes to him, her brows furrowed at him. “How do you know what books I have in there?”
“I saw them,” he answered. “When you went out after giving me a bath, I had a look around your flat.”
“You went through my stuff?”
“Not exactly. I just had a look around, that’s all.”
“Okay, but what does that mean? Did you go through my drawers, did you — Oh my God, did you see my underwear?!”
“No! Of course not!” His cheeks grew slightly warm, an unusual feeling for him. “Only what I could see without touching anything, honestly,” he answered, holding up his hands, each still holding a book.
Nodding softly after a moment, she glanced at the books in his hands, gesturing to them. “So those are textbooks.”
“Yes,” he replied. “So are the ones in your study, though they’re more advanced. Ancient Runes Translations is a sixth year book. Did you get those from your uncle as well?”
“Yeah, he gave me five books total after I finished my Masters.”
“What exactly is a Masters?”
“It’s the degree you get before your PhD,” she answered.
She nodded. “That’s higher education for us muggles. Don’t you guys have something similar? Like school after you leave school?”
“No,” he replied in a chuckle, putting the books back on the shelf. “Not really, at any rate, unless you were a performer of some kind. There was a girl in my year who wanted to be an actor. She went to the Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts after sixth year.”
Agatha Winterbourne, Ravenclaw. Sirius could still hear her in the Great Hall during supper, yammering away excitedly at the Ravenclaw table about how she would be leaving Hogwarts at year’s end to follow her dream. He remembered how he would glance between James, Remus and… him, an expression on his face that was some mixture of worry and doubt.
“Oh? Has she been in anything I might have seen? I watch a lot of movies,” Penny answered, smiling.
“Mostly plays… but whether she’s worked since, I haven’t any idea,” he replied. “We were at war by the time I finished school the following year, that left me with little choice but to join the fight to ensure we would have a world to go back to that was worth living in. I wasn’t entirely tuned in to what was going on outside of it.”
“That must’ve been really hard,” she said after a moment.
Sirius bobbed his shoulders, going back to sit on the sofa as he answered, “It was alright. It wasn't the worst thing that was going on at the time.”
“Yeah,” she mumbled. “Well, if you hadn’t been at war, what would you have done?” She went to sit beside him, pulling one leg up onto the sofa.
He had never wondered that before, had never even considered what he might’ve done after leaving Hogwarts. There had been a brief time in his second year when he had entertained being an artist, mainly because he knew that such a profession would offend his mother, who had expected him to continue the family’s name in philanthropy. That all changed around his third year, when there was an anti-muggle attack that killed dozens of innocent people. He had overheard his parents boasting about the Dark Lord’s progress, and it had been from that moment in time that his interests swayed toward helping the opposing side.
“When I was 11, I thought about being an artist,” he said. “But that was mostly me rebelling against my parents. I’m not sure if I wouldn’t have become interested in something else as I got older. Perhaps a dragon keeper. Or a philosopher. Something with a lot of action or that required the use of my clever mind, but not an Auror. Definitely not an Auror. They’re a bit like your muggle police. Far too many rules for my taste.”
She smirked at him, propping her elbow onto the back of the couch and leaning her head on her hand. “So you were a trouble maker.”
He grinned playfully and wagged his brows. “You’ve no idea, love.”
She chuckled softly, and was about to ask him something else when a ring sounded from somewhere behind her. Turning to the end table beside the sofa, she picked up some sort of contraption and held it to her ear. “Hello?”
He could hear another voice, a woman.
“Mom…” Her eyes met Sirius’ as she added, “Hey.”
The woman spoke again, though he couldn’t quite make out what she was saying, but the look on Penny’s face was as though she were smelling a rubbish bin.
“Great,” Penny said, clearly attempting to sound enthusiastic, but failing miserably. “I really don’t have time to —” She rolled her eyes, sighing silently. “Okay.” She listened for a few moments before saying again, “Okay, fine. I’d be…” She grimaced. “Delighted.”
Whatever it was she was agreeing to, Sirius was positive she was far from delighted about it.
“Yep. Okay. I have to go,” Penny said. “Okay, bye.” She placed the object back onto a large cradle and looked back at him, shaking her head gently. “Don’t ask.”
Standing, she made her way into the kitchen and began to rummage through a cupboard out of sight. When she came back into view, she was opening a packet and placing it into the microwave and pressing one of the buttons.
“Do you not get along with your mother?” he asked.
She took a step to lean halfway through the door frame. “I do, I just get annoyed when she tries to set me up. She doesn’t really get me, and… I guess I don’t really get her much.”
“Mm,” Sirius replied.
“I know she loves me,” Penny said as a popping noise began to come from the microwave. “And I know she means well, but I wish she would just understand that dating is the last thing on my mind right now.”
Trying to ignore the twist in his abdomen, Sirius gently cleared his throat. “She’s sending you on a date then?”
“Unfortunately,” Penny groaned, stepping back into the kitchen. “Some friend of hers’ son. Apparently he’s just finishing up his Masters at Oxford. La-di-dah.”
Sirius tried not to let out a bark of laughter. “Maybe she thinks you’ll like him.”
“My mom doesn’t know what I like,” she answered as a longer beep sounded from the microwave. She opened it and pulled something out of another cupboard before she opened the microwave. “She doesn’t get why I chose the topic I did for my Doctorate. She thinks it’s a waste of my time.”
“What’s a Doc —”
“PhD,” she replied, coming back into the sitting room with a large, bright orange bowl and reclaiming her place on the sofa.
“If it were up to her, I’d get married and start popping out babies like a good little factory,” she said, taking a kernel of popcorn from the bowl and eating it. “Nevermind what I want.”
“What do you want?”
Penny sighed, swallowing what was in her mouth before she said, “To learn more. To study this other culture that up until now I didn’t think existed in any tangible way.”
“And do what with it?”
“I don’t know yet,” she answered with a listless smile. “Can’t exactly write a book on it. But something good. Whatever it is I end up doing with all this knowledge, I want it to help people somehow.”
“Perhaps one day you will,” he replied with a warm smile. He glanced down at the bowl. “Are you going to share that then?”
Following his gaze, she smiled and moved closer to him, placing the bowl between them. “So you’ve had popcorn?”
“Have I had popcorn?” he asked in a breathy chuckle. “Of course I have, love, I’m not from another planet.”
Penny snorted bashfully. “Well, it’s good to know there are some things our worlds have in common.”
They stared back at one another for a moment before Penny leaned forward and took up the remote.
“It’s getting late, so this’ll probably be the last movie,” she said. “But maybe tomorrow, I can rent a couple more. We can continue your muggle cinema education.”
He let out a bark of laughter, tossing his head back. “Sure, I’d love that.”
She reached for the lamp on the end table and turned out the light, pressing a button on the remote before she snuggled closer to him.
He shouldn’t have done it. He should have kept his distance. But despite the voice in his mind screaming for him not to move, Sirius lifted his arm and draped it behind her over the back of the sofa.
You bloody prat, groaned James’ voice in his head.
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zkoh001 · 10 months
"If you think it is my husband you should fear, you are nothing more than a fool."
Im dubbing this the tigermom au, where Misako had a legit reason to leave Lloyd, and it was to put fear of god in the hearts of destinies writers the moment they hear the Garmadon name. (In the meanwhile getting stuck in a time loop/trap)
Honestly I just feel like she COULD be a really cool character, if her abandoning Lloyd with no fair explanation didn't weigh her down. She pretty effortlessly rizzed both sons of god, and is one of the few non EMs shown doing spinjitzu. Also was quite good at it, if we can believe Wu. Tho I think she could do a bit more sass. (She was sassy like twice, and I live for it. Also sassy Lloyd, but that doesn't belong here)
Here are a few scattered ideas:
° When she hears the prophecy, she realises the only way to save her family is to rewrite destiny. Good thing she knows where to do that
° Using her archeology/history background she begins looking for ways to move amongst realms
° She leaves Lloyd at Darkleys (only for a few weeks, she swears) temporarily. Why Darkleys? Well, he probably would be safer with his father idolized rather than despised (see the movie for example)
° I'm not sure of the deets, maybe Travelers tea or some other method, but she leaves for Cloud Kingdom (or perhaps Time blades shenanigans, but honestly, I want her to punch Fenwicks jaw trough his skull.)
° Not looking for a nice chitchat with the people who broke her family, she wreaks havoc amongst the denizens of CK, looking for two specific scrolls
° Eventually they kick her out with joined efforts, and she returns dejected. The worst she expected was Lloyd starting a Garmadon cult amongst the students, not her son all grown up, hanging out with a bunch of teens in pajamas.
° I want to make her showing up more impactful. I want Wu and the ninja to be surprised, I want her to be devastated when she puts two amd two together (she doesn't know about tomorrows tea, so it seems even worse). I want her to mourn the time lost, but still be determined to make it up somehow.
° Note, that while it's not nearly as bad, she still had the attitude, of fighting her way out of her problems over trying to raise Lloyd into not killing his dad. This could be a character flaw to explore, and it could make Lloyd more drawn to her, since her attitude is quite a bit similar to Kai's
Sidenote, I know that sounds like Maya over again, but it does't need it to be similar really. I like to actually make Ray and Mayas kidnapping make sense, with Krux knocking them out with the tea, kidnapping them, and THEN forcing them to stay with the "I know where your babies live" threat.
So while Maya was kidnapped, Misako would have left willingly, albeit, for longer than she meant to.
But let's get to the mom part shall we?
° Honestly, outside of making Misako more interesting, this is a bit self indulgent, because I think Lloyd should have a healthy outlet, since trauma dumping Akita is not really an option now
° Lloyd would be conflicted, not being able to hate her, but still, she was never there
° "You don't have to forgive me"
"It's okay, you didn't mean to..."
"But it still hurts doesn't it? You can let it out"
° I know, it's harder to manage more characters, but I want her to BE there for her son, also let's scrap Wusako, I wanna make her love Garmadon, to the very end, even if it's tragic.
° She won't leave when going gets tough, and she would offer her own fighting skills to help too
Just some fun extras:
° She showed up to the Monastery after some rumors about demigods living there, to examine the place. The spinjitzu brothers found her, she used some incredibly stupid pickup line with fingerguns, and procedeed to steal both their hearts
° She's got rizz that literally only works on these two.
° The spinjitzu brothers would stare down any EM who dares question her presence, and she fucking knows it.
° Will watch with a shit eating grin as Wu lectures, and Garmadon threatens the poor sap
° Since Maya is the overenthusiastic mom, I will make Misako the bad influence mom, who makes her son do dumb shit kids his age should do (and 100% joins in, cause, whose gonna tell her she can't?)
° Lloyd inherited his grandfathers hair, his father's eyes, and his mom's face.
° I just find it funny if Lloyd showed up to CK, and everyone was hostile/angry towards him. And Lloyd being Lloyd would assume it's about his dad, since it always is. Except not now.
° "YOU! I know who you are! You are that woman's son!"
° "...Yeah, he is my fa- wait, what?"
° "Hey, look, looks like your mom made quite a mess for ya"
° " Which only means even more people hate me so thanks MOM."
° Lloyd is the house cat, if he doses off on you, you are not allowed to get up/disturb him (I like to think it started when he was little, but since he is still the youngest mentally, it stuck). The ninja (and his family) strictly enforce this, even on random visitors who fall under the cat-curse. This is not even really Misako related just Cat Lloyd? Cat Lloyd.
° ... Also, I think he should have a ponytail. (Seriously, that hair would be realistically such a hassle while fighting. Pull that hair back, so you can SEE you dingbat)
Just... I mean, Lloyd and Garmadon are already cat coded according to the fanbase, why not give them a feral wildcat mom/wife? She will hiss at anyone who messes with them, don't worry.
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showmey0urfangs · 2 years
I think something very interesting in Louis and Lestat's relationship is how they differ fundamentally in their approach to life and the world: Lestat is consumed by need (for love, appreciation, recognition, companionship), while Louis is consumed by guilt (towards his brother, his sister, the black community, God, Claudia but also guilt about his vampiric needs and, I think, about ultimately loving a murderous vampire). This makes them distant and resentful: Lestat thinks Louis doesn't appreciate being a vampire and being with him (he suspects Louis hates him, "your quivering, hateful lips") and sees little wrong in pursuing hedonistic and selfish goals; Louis goes through continuous cycles of self directed-hetero directed blame to try and find some peace. An example: the riots that followed Fenwick's murder are seen by Louis as a direct consequence of an unhinged and unjustifiable reaction, while Lestat thinks the day is to be celebrated as it marks Louis's final abandon to his uncontrollable and evil needs.
Claudia is finally a result of Louis's guilt and Lestat's need to keep Louis, to feel loved and appreciated. As much as I think Lestat has loved Claudia, I think he has always thought of her as ultimately Louis's: you wanted her, you fix her. You needed her, I needed you. The fundamental miscommunication is that Louis felt like he was building a family (in an attempt to silence his guilt and pain) so he thinks they are to deal with Claudia's misconduct together, while Lestat always wanted a romance, for which having Claudia was a price he was ready to pay.
To be fair idk if I'm making any sense but this show has been slowly but surely consuming my life and I've found myself wanting to write essays on it for no apparent reason lol
Hi anon, you hit the nail on the head. I would add that their lived experiences and Louis race also play a role in their approach to life. Lestat can afford to be reckless and do all these crazy things because he is used to always being the most powerful creature in the room.
Louis spends most of his life having to conform to a society that sees him as less than. The pressure from his family and his religious up bringing also contribute to his feeling of guilt and shame about his desires that he thinks are unnatural.
The scene in the confession booth really shows us how Louis is consumed by guilt to the point of self loathing and becoming a vampire does nothing to remedy this. Instead it adds one more thing to his guilt and shame. Now the family whose love he spent his whole life trying to earn hates him and thinks he's the devil, and then the business that was his only point of pride is in ruins.
Despite becoming a vampire, society still sees and treats him as inferior and this is something Lestat fails to understand. To him, Louis just needs to embrace being a vampire and all will be well, but it's not that simple.
You're also 100% right too about both of them using Claudia for different but equally selfish reasons. For Louis she is a form of atonement for the guilt he feels about the riots, and a way for him to fill the gap left by the rejection from his family. For Lestat she is simply a means to an end, just like you said, she was the price he needed to pay to make Louis stay.
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juniperjellyfish · 11 months
So when the ninja are in the Cloud Kingdom, Fenwick says, “You think we wanted you to become a ghost?”
Ever since Morro escaped things were happening that weren’t written in destiny, including cole turning into a ghost.
So when in the Crystal/ice maze (idk what it was) the ninja saw their futures AKA destinies. So how can Cole see his destiny if he is currently defying destiny? Kai, Jay, and Zane were still somewhat on the right track to the future.
Does that make sense? Cole didn’t see he future because he wasn’t on track to the right future.
Then season 8 came along and made all of this irrelevant.
If this doesn’t make sense please tell me, I want this to make sense
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icy-watch · 7 months
Season 5 hurt me in ways I wasn't expecting.
I knew it was going to hurt, just not this much.
So, where does everyone stand? Well, it seems like there’s another ahead. And this one involves venturing across different realms.
Everyone seems to be coming into their own -- growing up, understanding who they are and who they want to be.
Except Cole. He's still a ghost. While I think he's accepted it, it's definitely not what he wants. I'm thinking at some point in the next season he gets cured.
I don't think anyone who was in the Cursed Realm will come back again. I really think they're gone for good.
I think Pixal is going to finally get a new body. She's spent 2 seasons in Zane's head already. It's time for her to get out. And become her own droid again.
I really don't have any sense of what the next season is going to be about, so I don't really have many predictions about it.
Below the cut are the predictions I got right and wrong.
The boys will find a way to either survive without their powers or find a way to restore them. They did manage to survive without them for most of the season.
Someone or multiple someones whose powers aren't connected to Lloyd will be very helpful in taking down Morro. And Nya comes in with the STEEL CHAIR!
Nya is going to struggle with her new powers, but they will be the key to taking Morro down. See above.
The boys will run in to Morro while they're at Stiix, and there will be a showdown.
The boys will have to escape whatever prison they're put in while they visit the Cloud Kingdom.
Ronin will do more to help the ninja. He really came thru for them in the end.
We will see Garmadon in the Cursed Realm. And Chen and Clouse.
The other Elemental Masters can help defeat Morro. Skylor was the only one who appeared, and she was only there for 5 minutes, tops to work at the restaurant.
Water doesn't work on ghosts who are possessing other people. Surprisingly, it's super effective.
Nya will go to Misako or Wu for advice on her powers. She went to Ronin to get her out of training with her new powers.
The Preeminent is trapped in the Cursed Realm. She was the Cursed Realm.
The ghoulfiends will abandon Morro after he didn't make it to the Cloud Kingdom. They stuck with him, and they eventually got there themselves.
Morro will eventually take completely over and no one will be able to get thru to Lloyd. Morro left Lloyd's body.
Skill Island. RIP Skull Island. You would have been a cool spot to hold the tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master.
Morro will beat them to the Realm Crystal. The boys got there first.
The Preeminent will not be defeated this season. She will be sent to another realm. WELL then.
Ronin told the boys who to go to in order to learn Airjitzu from. He sent them to Yang, however Yang gave them a scroll to learn Airjitzu from.
Enemies are waiting for the boys in Cloud Kingdom. There was Fenwick, but there was also Nobu and Nimbus.
Wu, Nya, and Ronin will interrogate Ghoultar and learn about the Preeminent. They did interrogate him, but they didn't learn about the Preeminent from him. And Ronin already knew.
Having Nya along for the journey to the First Spinjitzu Master's tomb. She was there, but she was above water and taking care of WU and Misako.
No one will be permenantly killed off this season. The main characters, no. Others? Unknown.
Something happened to Morro in the Cursed Realm. Unknown what happened to him.
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
Have you seen the original timeline that was in the bts Mara shared in her interview? Louis and Lestat met in October 1910, first night together January 1911 and Louis' turning in March 1911. Then in 1x02 they went for a train trip where they met Sofia, a female opera singer and had a threesome with her! In 1x03 there is no mention of Antoinette, Claudia's turning was set in July 1917 after Louis and Lestat were back from the trip and they found all Storyville and the Azalea closed and boarded up and Louis kills Anderson and not Fenwick. I think it was the original draft when s1 was supposed to cover the entire season.
It’s realllyyyy interesting!!
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I can‘t really wrap my head around all of the changes yet (some make sense to me, some do not?! 😅) but I agree, they had probably simplified some things for a one season run… nonetheless, that one season was supposed to have 15 episodes iirc, (couldn’t find the source I remember a really old article, but the oldest I could google just now says 8) , 8, so… some of these changes… are really interesting.
Maybe we’ll get a recount after season 2 as per to the why ;)))
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myuntoldstory · 3 months
🧠 (sirius!!! and james pls). 🤩✅🤯 YAY
hello!!! also comprehensive! thanks very much for these :D
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
sirius has a scar on his chin from when james punched him hard after his poorly thought-out stunt with snape. it's small, barely there, and he can get rid of it with magic, but he keeps it there as a reminder of what he had almost done. he's let his hatred for snape and desire for retribution cloud the very real and terrifying fact that he had almost exposed his friend, his brother.
at some point, james decided to actually try forgetting about lily and started dating someone by the name of charlotte fairchild (any story i've written where james is in a previous relationship, it's always with the same character. she's not even canon, i don't think) but that proved to be unsuccessful (at this point either charlottes honestly tells him it's futile effort or charlotte ends up becoming a backstabbing girl and betray him).
(i also have like a thing of unrequited love so hence this particular headcanon)
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
sirius just because i love him lmao. he's my bias sdlflksdjflksdj but he's also one interesting character to explore, like, being morally grey, and being complex, and always having this shadow of evil always lurking behind him even though he's obviously a good person and was trying his best to be a good person. sometimes that evil wins, like when he was bullying snape in hogwarts, but he makes sure that good wins. gosh i hope i made sense.
okay but also, this is going to sound strange, the lesser known characters are also fun to write. so like benjy fenwick, for example. it's more of the possibilities of what i can turn them into that makes it fun. i mean yeah they have established fanon traits, but it's always fun to explore how i see them specifically as characters? so like, for instance, for me benjy fenwick's the golden boy of hufflepuff, like the cedric diggory before cedric lol.
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
characters ending their dialogue with "yeah" lmaooo.
i try not to, it starts making everyone sound the same, but i can't help it. it's gotten to the point where i do it too now, in real life lol.
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
COMEDY. COMEDY because like... my humour, whilst super unhinged and broken and utterly disgusting (not that that's a good thing. i don't even know why i framed it as a good thing dsklfjsldk im sorry), is not something i can translate well in writing. like, i have humour, but it's too beyond comprehensible to use and write into a story.
and this goes with any kind of comedic writing. so comedic scenes, jokes, clever pranks, quips, puns... any kind of comedic writing at all.
that's not to say i won't try, but i'll probably limit it to a paragraph or something.
horror is a close second in terms of... scares, if that makes sense. i feel like i can do the atmosphere enough, cause i'm good at over-describing, but when it comes to the scares itself i can't. i'm too marshmallow and potato for that.
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mothjournal14 · 4 months
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This is GRIEF.
We experience it.
Try to understand it.
To make sense of it.
Often lose ourselves in it.
That kind of emptiness changes us.
Until we move through it.
Feel all of it.
And finally understand.
We grieve because we miss them.
Because we love them.
Because we weren’t ready to say goodbye.
Until LOVE reminds us.
Until HOPE emerges.
And we finally believe.
This is temporary.
Because the day will come.
The veil will lift,
and we’ll see them again.
JN Fenwick (© 2021-2024) | mothjournal14
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grimmplacehq · 2 months
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Character name: Fenrir Greyback Age & Birthday: 44 & October 27th, 1938 Gender & Pronouns: Cis Man & He/Him Occupation: Illegal Artefact Dealer Blood Status: Half-blood, Werewolf Previous House: N/A (didn't attend) Previous Affiliation: Death Eaters/Neutral
Fenrir is taken by Blue
early life:
He was born as Arthur Fenwick to two half-blood parents of lower economic standing, with two siblings—one brother and one sister, each two years older than the last. The Fenwicks moved out of London and into rural territory shortly after his birth, despite warnings of violent crime in the area. With both parents struggling for income and prices low in the area, they felt they had little choice.
The house the Fenwicks lived in was broken into several times in one month, with no items taken. Local law enforcement, even of the wizarding variety, were unhelpful and the perpetrators went uncaptured. On the night of the full moon, when both parents briefly leave the house—one to work and one to a local shop—an unrestrained werewolf breaks in. The attack results in the death of his sister and leaves him found in critical condition... and permanently changed.
The Fenwicks leave the rural scene with their remaining child, giving Arthur up to his werewolf sire in the hopes that they could salvage their family. Under the care of that werewolf, he is renamed and reborn as Fenrir Greyback. As a teenager his caretaker is killed by aurors and after a lifetime as an outcast, his hatred of wizardkind becomes bone-deep and further justified.
Greyback attacks and kills two muggle children. They are targeted for transformation, but don’t live through the experience. He manages to avoid capture by the Ministry and is never prosecuted for his crime. Tensions between magical beings (specifically werewolves) and wizardkind have never been higher, and the idea of an organized allegiance takes root in his mind. The number of attacks, particularly on wizarding children, grow. Those that survive his initial attacks are usually abandoned by their families and brought into his fold.
As his plans begin to take form, Fenrir begins a real effort to recruit werewolves among the underground. To fund this effort and further intrench his influence, he starts trading illegal artefacts among the dregs and dark wix of society. 
Soon after, he begins doing business with, and attracts attention from, the first of the Death Eaters. Although radically different in ideals, their interests seem to meet in the middle—both want muggles and plenty of wixkind subjugated. 
Fenrir and his growing underground society of werewolves pledge some allegiance to the Death Eaters and Lord Voldemort. There’s tension and not much trust between them, but a truce makes sense until the dusts of war settle.
Greyback’s werewolves and the Death Eaters clash from ideological differences on non-humans and, in particular, werewolves. The infighting is quickly contained, but while they remain aligned, Fenrir’s limited trust further dwindles. They are as much the enemy as the rest of wixkind.
Voldemort is defeated and many of his death eaters rounded up. Fenrir and his packmates lay low while aurors stalk the land. Although he doesn’t openly disavow their alliance, the werewolves offer no assistance to the remaining death eaters... even those desperate enough to beg for it.
As the war settles into the background, he and his packmates make new plans to regain their lost numbers and form an army all their own. It's time to shrug off the illusion of an alliance and recognize that all wixkind is their enemy.
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legilimenace · 5 months
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⋆✴ HP: Charis Northmoor ✴⋆
Name: Charis Northmoor
Nicknames: "Cousin" (by the Fenwicks and Kenways)
Name Meanings: Charis - grace, kindness, and life
Birthdate: March 3rd, 1881
Nationality: English
Gender: Female
Blood Status: Pureblood
Sexuality: Heterosexual
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⋆✴ Education ✴⋆
School: Homeschooled (11–15), Hogwarts (15–17)
Charis' education was always a very transient one with extensive practical experience as she tagged along with her father and their friends, gaining hands-on learning with beasts, magical plants, and necessary skills for wizards and witches to have. When she got to Hogwarts, her experience was almost a bit stifling and she frequently longed for the outdoors, feeling almost beyond her peers (whether or not such a perception was truly accurate). Her father, however, couldn't have been happier that she was in an actual school and faring relatively well, as he had thought it would turn out much worse
House: Slytherin
Charis hadn't been quite sure what to make of her house placement when she first got to Hgowarts. At first, she didn't think much of it beyond it being the "ambitious House," but as she came to realize the kind of identity valuation that her peers made of her once the hat had made its decision, she felt slightly resentful. She may not have been entirely on the side of fraternizing with no-majs/muggles (and being placed in such a house felt more like a callout than an affirmation) but she had nothing against squibs or those born from non-magical parents as some of her housemates seemed to. Her placement in Slytherin forced her to call into question some of her belief systems and a sense of hypocrisy that she wasn't aware of.
Best Class: Study of Ancient Runes
Worst Class: History of Magic
Electives: Magical Theory, Arithmancy
Quidditch: N/A
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⋆✴ Magic ✴⋆
Wand: Vine wand with a unicorn hair core, 11 ¼ and reasonably supple flexibility
Charis received her wand from Ollivander's and it was a near-shocking circumstance to have the wand begin to glow within its box as she approached the counter, not even needing to hold it. She was aware from off-handed comments by the Kenways that vine wands have always been rather sensitive, but it came as quite a shock to her to feel such a pull to the wand.
Pets: Owl (Beedle)
Boggart: Being burned alive
Riddikulus: The fire turns into puppies nipping at her ankles
Patronus: Nightjar
Amortentia: -
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⋆✴ Physical ✴⋆
Height: 5'5"
Body build:
Eye color: Blue-green
Skin tone: Pale
Hair color: Blonde
Type of hair: Curly
Usual fashion of dress:
Amidst polite society (and very often outside of it), Charis can be found in clothes with every frill, lace, and floral embellishment. She greatly enjoys the feeling of looking well-put-together, donning a fancy hat or brooch to accompany her outfits that usually mix a shade of white with another rich color. When keeping the company of her American family friends, she will still do her best to look just as put together, though will do her best to be more sensible overall with her choice of footwear and maneuvering capabilities.
Jewelry or accessories: Family ring, modest pearl earrings
Voice: Slightly airy and raspy with a more pointed enunciation
Face claim: Ashleigh Stewart
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⋆✴ Personality ✴⋆
Personality traits: Direct, curious, friendly, humored, impatient, sharp-tongued, adventurous, discerning, deceptive, selfish, determined, pragmatic, proactive
⋆✴ Favorites ✴⋆
Color: Powder blue
Food: Bread and butter pudding
Literature: Fairytales and folklore
Most prized possession: A family ring with a crescent moon and stars, bequeathed by her paternal grandmother
Likes: Insects—fireflies especially, hydrangeas, discovery, mooncalves, wood nymphs, cherry cordial
Dislikes: Hodags, remaining indoors for long, being out-done, impractical homework, sea creatures, floral teas, dragonhide
⋆✴ Habits ✴⋆
Smokes: No
Drinks: Yes, socially
Other drugs: No
Mannerisms: Clicks her tongue often when irritated
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⋆✴ Family ✴⋆
Mother: Drusilla Northmoor (née Max) †
Born in southern Britain, Drusilla was a pureblood from a middle-class and opportunistic family who relished in the chance to marry their children off to powerful wizarding families such as the Blacks and the Zabinis. The Northmoors were equally as good of a match, not necessarily for their perspectives on blood purity, but for fabled whispers of a power long forgotten or rather lost to time as the treasure of the united Northmoor, Fenwick, and Kenway clans was locked away under quest and shrouded in mystery.
Thus, Drusilla was arranged to be married to Elchion Northmoor a couple of years after graduating from Hogwarts. It was not a match of love, but they came to care for one another as one would care for a companion. For many years they struggled to have children, and to take her away from the prying eyes of British wizarding society, Elchion brought her to America to reacquaint himself and introduce her to the families he had been close with as a child where even their great grandfathers' grandfathers had known one another.
Charis was, unfortunately, too young to remember her mother as she had died not too long after giving birth to Amantha, an unplanned "October surprise" of sorts.
Drusilla had already been fairly old to have even had Charis, and at the time that she had to give birth to Amantha the family could not reach a wizarding hospital and so they entered a muggle one. Unfortunately, they were not able to keep her alive, and this further fueled Elchion's distrust of muggles.
Father: Elchion Northmoor (b. 1846)
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Elchion was somewhat of a soft soul prone to vices, though no more so than his dear friend Terrence Kenway. Even in spite of his stern and often pensive manner, by comparison Elchion was rather gentle
Charis had never known her father to ever be cruel to her or Amantha, only ever particular about raising them with standards and grace. He himself was a man of class even when "roughing it" in the vast American countryside, but he was never above deceit as a means to an end and his perspective on muggles/no-majs was quite close-minded, perceiving them to be of a threat worth not taking lightly
Drusilla may not have been the love of his life but he was still distraught and infuriated by her passing and would partake in alcohol quite often. In spite of his sorry state he still loved both his children and wished the best for them and for that, Charis loved him dearly, even if she didn't always feel inclined to love his rules.
Though he never remarried, after Charis and Amantha grew to adulthood and left his care, he settled into a small estate in southern France and took with him a few of the Fenwicks that had grown tired of traveling around America
Sister: Amantha Northmoor (b. 1884)
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Amantha was placed in Ravenclaw when the Northmoor girls arrived back in Britain to attend Hogwarts
Perhaps it was because she was younger, but in spite of her outward composure, Amantha was even more free-spirited than Charis and much preferred being with her American wizard friends than her new British ones.
Once she graduated from Hogwarts, she practically rushed back to the US to reconvene with the Fenwicks
Later she marries Walter Fenwick and they have two sons together
Charis got along relatively well with her sister, but there was always an element of detachment between them as though they were better friends than they were siblings
⋆✴ Relationships with Others ✴⋆
*Open to all relationships
Best friend(s):
Orpheus Kenway
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Closest in age of all the Kenway children and dearest in her heart, Orpheus is one of Charis' closest friends. Even as they may be very distantly related through their ancestors (a fact that perpetuates a joking sobriquet of "cousin"), he is truly like the brother that she never had—as, she would argue, the rest of the Kenway boys were as well.
The Kenways (Oswin, Crescentia, Eren, Terrence), The Fenwicks (Randall, Julietta, Ruby, Isleen, Walt, Ira, Nory, Melina)
Love interest(s):
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