#fireball mfs
mvshroombae · 9 months
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Here's my interpretation of a Stardew enemy (Lava Lurk)
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hotanddistraught · 11 months
never forget when my friends took me to whistler for my first time during a windstorm and not only took me to the alpine, but made my first run in 2 seasons a black diamond
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chaoticace2005 · 2 months
Crack ass idea bc I am not awake at all yet, and just saw the thing abt husk committing to the bit with dice and cards
Instead of being a gambling overlord he was a table top rpg overlord. Mf was a d&d DM so powerful he fuckin got your soul. Dice are obviously a dnd thing, there's also quick ref cards (at least in 4th edition there were, I know, I drooled over them but they were so fucking expensive so I made my own) for spells and fancy attacks
So like. He just throws the dice and they kersplode still. But depending on the roll its more powerful (and u know he got weighted dice after getting power corrupted) and then he has these quick ref cards and can literally throw them to cast fireball or get-fucked-loser-spell
Caffiene hit mid thought and I lost all my bullshit rambling. ANYWAY. Idea. Thought. Whatever lol
- frick-it-sugar-spice
Shdhshsg that’d be great 😂
Imagine Alastor got his soul simply because Husk nat 1-nd so hard
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manicplank · 2 months
Don’t know if you did this already but
What’s their favorite alcohol?
Alcohol preferences
Peppino: He likes a good beer. He likes vodka but barely ever drinks it.
Gustavo: He's a Fireball fan. He also enjoys a nice beer and isn't too picky about the kind.
Mr. Stick: He likes grenadine and scotch.
Pepperman: Anything. Mf thinks he's immortal. Usually goes for gin.
The Vigilante: Whiskey type of guy. Doesn't mind a beer here n there.
The Noise: He'll drink anything. His favorites are tequila, rum, and gin. He likes martinis.
Noisette: She likes sweet drinks. Mimosas, sangria, etc. When it comes to hard liquor, she'll go for grenadine or vodka (but always with a mix or a chaser).
Fake Peppino: Not allowed to drink. Gets very sick.
Pizzahead: Vodka or scotch. Loves all types of wine.
Pillar John: He's a rum fella. Will drink anything, though.
Gerome: Doesn't drink. Sober bro.
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spock-smokes-weed · 3 days
I love ROTK because gandalf is so funny in that movie
It’s constantly commented on that he’s this insanely powerful wizard but doesn’t cast like ANY spells
He spends the whole movie leaning on his staff like “man someone should probably do something about that” while Gondor is getting sacked, and I’m in the audience like MF CAST FIREBALL!!!!!
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paisholotus · 9 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡, 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐
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A/N: This mf long. Hope y'all enjoy, tho 🩵
four massive fireballs arcing over the Water City walls and into the city. It is daylight, and the battle for the survival of the Northern Water Tribe has begun in earnest. The four fireballs land at various points within the city and explode. Back to the sanctuary, where Appa and the others are, the black and white fish circling each other in the sanctuary pond. Katara sits sadly in front of it, with tears in her eyes, Aang has been taken by Prince Zuko.
Above the waterfall, the Moon Warriors are perched on their polar bears on the frigid tundra, keeping an eye on Katara, Sokka, and Yue. They get on the flying bison and soar above them to find Aang. Lilia, Yanna's third command, motions for three Warriors to go protect them while the rest guard the oasis. 
- Time Skip-
Yanna and her mother rushed to save women and children. Many Moon Warriors are fighting with the Northern tribe, taking down soldiers on rhinos and catapulting fireballs against the wall. The women gasped as they watched the Warriors take down the soldiers, Yanna covered a woman holding a small child. She covered her face and told them to stay put and take cover.
The Fire Nation assault on the city below. A line of Fire Navy ships abuts the outer wall, which continues launching fireballs deep into the unoccupied portions of the city. The invaders have penetrated the outer wall with infantry and armor. The Water Tribe still holds one of the towers in the foreground, but it is clear the defenders are losing this battle.
A couple of Fire Nation war rhinoceros, each with small catapults on either side of its saddle. One after the other, the soldiers on the rhinoceros fire their catapults.
Yanna and her sister waterbends tall structures around the houses of women and children. She waterbends the snow up and pushes the soldiers back away from the second wall. The secondary wall still holds a thin moat of water in front of it. The defenders are few, however, and a deadly rain of fireballs spreading destruction deep inside the city, Fire Nation tanks, firing as they advance toward the secondary wall.
Yanna looks up into the black, smoke-filled sky, and then the sky turns red. Yanna's heart sunk as she gazed at the now-red moon. She stared at the Northern Waterbenders, who had lost their ability to bend. Something has happened to the moon spirit, and the fire balls then penetrate the second wall, forcing the benders to flee.
The Moon Warriors formed a defensive line in front of the second wall, and Yanna felt wrath wash over her. Yanna's eyes began to glow as she moved her hands, as did the Warriors in a circular motion. They carved a hole in the ice, causing a few soldiers to stumble through. The sky then darkened to grey, Yanna's eyes blazed with rage as she realized what had just occurred; the moon spirit had been destroyed.
As she lifts her hands and cries, "RISE!" Hot tears streaming down her face. When the ice begins to quiver and shatter, the Fire Benders cease firing.
Seconds pass before the serpent emerges from the ice, leans down, and Yanna leaps upon the serpent, raising her swords into the air, "FOR THE WATER TRIBE, ATTACK!" The Warriors charge the army on their polar bears, while Yanna swipes her swords, taking out soldiers, tanks, and catapults.
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A glow spreads from behind the citadel to encompass the entire citadel area of the city. A huge, incandescent blue wave rushes under the footbridge as if some huge creatures were moving underneath it. Appa stands on the oasis, but he is dwarfed by the creature that rises from the pool, the citadel, and the city visible beyond it.
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The blue, white veined creature is a huge fish like being. At its center is a blue white bubble, and there is Aang, who spreads his arms wide. A moment later, the Ocean Spirit, for this is truly he in communion with the Avatar, duplicates the motion. The Fire Nation soldiers who stand in front of the last wall, who back away in fear, start to run back to their ships. The Ocean Spirit towers over the citadel, its arms still spread wide, its blue spirit lighting the city like a beacon. The Spirit begins to move down into the city. Master Pakku and his waterbenders instantly bow to the floor in honor of their god. Across the canal, some Fire Nation soldiers raise their spears in defiance but are swept away by a wall of water sent by the Ocean Spirit. Aang inside the body of the Ocean Spirit, flailing his arms about, directing the power of the Ocean Spirit against the violators of the Moon Spirit and the Water Tribe City.
The Moon Spirit looks down at the Moon Warriors and motions for them to follow it to the ocean. Fire Nation tanks fire blasts of fire at the Ocean Spirit, but they are absorbed with no effect. The soldiers and tanks are washed away as if they were toys. The Ocean Spirit passes by the Water Tribe citizens who make obeisance to their lord. The Fire Nation army in full retreat, trying desperately to escape the vengeance of a living Spirit. The Ocean Spirit reaches the main canal in front of the third wall and melts into it.
The Moon Warriors and the Moon Spirit make it to the ocean. Yanna, on her serpent take down Fire Nation ships while the Moon Spirit pushes the rest of them back. The Moon Spirit looks at the pushed backed ships and dissipates back into the water. The Spirit lifts out the water and puts Aang back on the wall, causing him to fall to his knees. The Spirit then goes back into the water and spirals around, lifting Yanna into the air.
"YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CRIMES YOU COMMITTED TODAY! FIRE LORD OZAI WILL FALL TO HIS KNEES AND PAY FOR THE WORLD'S DESTRUCTION! LEAVE AND NEVER RETURN!" Yanna said assertively. The spirit placed Yanna back on the serpent and vanished back into the water.
 -Time Skip-
Yanna's pov
I watched the Northern Water Tribe and my Warriors starting to rebuild the structure of the city. I looked at Arnook and grabbed his hand. He looked down at me with sad eyes while i gave him a sympathetic smile. He looked back up to the Moon and said, "The Spirits gave me a vision when Yue was born. I saw... a beautiful, brave young woman... Become the Moon Spirit." He Closes his eyes and signs deeply, "I knew this day would come." He said, doeful
"You must be proud." I said. He smiled, and quietly said, "So proud. And sad."
I looked at Aang, Katara, and Sokka, hugging beside their bison. My heart wanted me to go talk to them, but I don't know what I would say. It's been years since I've spoken to them, I was a little girl the last time I spoke to them, I'm 18 now. I felt Arnook looking down at me, and he smiled, grabbing my hand. He turned back to the people and began to speak. "Great People Of The Water Tribe, we just fought the greatest fight our people have ever encountered, I would like to thank THE GREAT MOON AND OCEAN SPIRITS FOR GUIDING US AND FOR GIVING US STRENGTH TO WIN THIS BATTLE! But most importantly, I would like to thank the Avatar and thank the people who we thought were legends. PLEASE EVERYONE BOW BEFORE THE MOON WARRIORS WHO SHOWED INCREDIBLE STRENGTH AND POWER, MAY IMIQ CONTINUE TO BLESS US!"
I watched everyone bow before me before my Warriors. I felt joy and pride in my heart, that I had done my people proud, that I've done my father proud. Arnook nudged me to speak, and I walked down the steps in front of the people, and in front of Sokka and Katara.
"I am Yanna, the Moon Warriors' leader and the daughter of Tarak and Myra. I was chosen by our previous Avatar, Imiq. At a young age, I had no idea I had so much power and responsibility at the time. My father would often tell me that I was destined for greatness, but I never knew what he meant. Every day, we would train, and I had no idea he was preparing me for who I was meant to be.
The day the Fire Nation arrived at the South Pole was the darkest day of my life. It was the day I lost my father. I had to abandon my friends and fully isolate myself from the rest of the world in order to become powerful enough to protect both the south and north poles.
I've questioned whether I was giving my all mentally, physically, and emotionally. I felt like a failure every day, until one day I realized I couldn't feel sorry for myself anymore. My people were counting on me. Every day, I trained and fought hard. There were days when I stumbled, but I always got back up. Because that is what a leader does—they do not give up when things get difficult.
When life knocks you down, you get back up and keep pushing until you can't anymore, and even then, you try again." I felt tears brim my eyes as I raised my fist to my chest.
"I am proud to be a member of the Water Tribe, a Moon Warrior, and most importantly, I am proud of the Avatar for returning to us. And I'd want to thank my fellow brother and sister, Sokka and Katara, for bringing him to us. As long as there is air flowing through my lungs, there isn't a challenge or fight I'm not willing to face," I said, raising my fist in the air. "MAY THE GREAT SPIRITS KEEP SHINING ON US!"
Everyone raised their fists and chanted. I looked at Katara, who was crying, and Sokka, who was smiling slightly. I approached them while standing in front of them. My chest felt heavy as I opened my mouth to say something, but it wouldn't come out. Katara then grabbed my hands and pulled me into a hug, causing me to sob, then I felt Sokka wrap his arms around me and Katara, too. "I missed you, Yan." Katara said. I kissed her cheek and said, "I've missed you more, Tara."
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saika077 · 1 year
[Book 6 Spoilers]
Night Raven Quest but make that TTRPG, baby (ft. The Overblots)
Riddle doesn't really understand the whole roleplaying thing at first but surprisingly enjoys the whole dungeon exploring and puzzle solving. He'd be a Human, pretty basic, I know. And a boy scout like him would be a Paladin with very strict moral code and is very stubborn about it. His stubbornness and temper sometimes causes conflict on the table but he'll work on that. Most of the time it's not even him starting the conflict, but rather some people (Azul) getting on his nerves and causing his anger to explode. This boy seriously needs to learn to cut himself and others some slack and have fun like a normal goddamn teenager.
Leona is the type of mf who makes a hard-boiled character with serious fucked up backstory but gave them a goofy ahh name no one can keep a straight face calling him that. His character would be a war veteran Dwarf Cleric named Angus Schmungus or something. And you know what? That's probably not even his real name. His character name, background, affiliation, etc. is between him and god (the DM). And if anyone asks him about his background and/or motivations he'd just give different outlandish story every time like that one ex-convict dude from Ratatouille, neither confirming or denying the credibility of the story.
Azul would try to cheat, so they'd need a dice tower. They'd also need to check his dice before every campaign (can't be too careful with this slimy mf). During his character creation process, he prioritize stats like Charisma, Intelligence, etc. He plays a Bard and a Tiefling for that extra +2 Charisma and +1 Intelligence. Though when I said a bard, he's more like a...conman of some sorts (though he wouldn't call himself that). He'd Mansplain, Manipulate and sometimes Manwhore (should the situation call for it) his way into and out of situations.
I genuinely feel like Jamil would be a Yuan-Ti Warlock. I know how obvious and on-the-nose this is but idk it just feels right. He'd make very calculated decisions even if Lady Luck isn't on his side all the time. He'd also be the one who always take one for the team whenever one of them need to make a skill check, even if his stats doesn't seem to be the highest. He doesn't seem to be fazed by any trials that come his way and generally keeps his cool, unlike some people in this table. That is, until the DM puts down a giant enemy spider mini figure on the table and Jamil falls off his goddamn chair.
Vil surprisingly takes roleplaying pretty seriously? Idk I just can't see Vil half-assing acting even if it's only for a table top roleplaying game. And who knows? Maybe he'll finally get to be the hero he always wanted to be. His only obstacle? Leona's goofy ahh character name. Anyways, his character is an High Elf who comes from a long line of powerful noble Wizards.
Idia wanted to go fully on a "stealth DPS" (whatever that means) build, so his character creation focused primarily on what stats benefits his class more, which in this case is a Rogue Artificer. He'd invest most of his stats in Dexterity and Intelligence. For the race, he'd probably be an Elf for that +2 Dexterity; or maybe a Lightfoot Halfling for the nimbleness trait, no darkvision tho; or he could be a gnome for darkvision, +2 Intelligence and +1 Dexterity. All depends on what kind of Rogue Artificer he wants to be, he'd either be a Arcane Trickster or a Phantom (oof too close to home?). Whatever he is, he's all about that "Meta".
Malleus is very unfamiliar with the whole rules, character creation, etc but he's just happy to be invited here :). His whole thought process while creating his character is probably like 'hm..a Dragonborn? Well, I am a dragon fae..". So yeah, his character is a Dragonborn Sorcerer. Kinda predictable tbh, but very... Malleus, also his solution for every problem is to cast Fireball. Yea, his character is pretty much just him but a dragon. But hey, my golden rule in DnD is that it's all about having fun, regardless of the characters.
Almost all of them would try to be the team leader, so there's gonna be a lot of fighting and arguing on the table.
This party is dysfunctional as hell idk what to tell you
Did I mention that this is also a group therapy?
Nothing says group therapy more than a whimsical adventure with your not-friends am I right?
Yea that's all I got for them, not much but yeah idk man
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Hey can I asl for a Bg3 match up? :D
Pronouns:He/him and they/them
Sexuality: Gay
Race: High elf
Class: he's multiclass Wizard and Bard
D&d alignment: Chaotic neutral
Appearance: Red-ish hair with some light "graying" its more caramelly but like graying anyways, he has heterochromia, his right eye is brown snd left one is light brown. He's dresses very eccentricly and likes wearing long robes with the main colors being dark blue and a magentay red and lots lots lots of jewelry, he's around 170cm or 5'7 ish
Personality: Confident, creative, definetly a problem solver, aloof from time to time, extremely emotional has not know a day of peace with how many emotions his tiny smooth brain can hold. They're wise but the intelligence department is lacking a little tiny winy bit, his brain only retains fun facts and obscure knowledge.
Likes: Cats, pigeons, plants, herbs, herbal tea, coffee, sweets and lots of em, owning books without reading them and obscure spells.
Dislikes: Crowds, loud people, shoes are the bane of his existence, spicy food, silver as a color, his own ears and paper that's thin enough to see through.
Extra fun facts: He has stage fright which is why he has to know how to do other types of magic too, he's befriended every cat he's met and the mf grins like the cat who got the cream all the time... even when he shouldn't even be smiling, he gets into trouble for that.
I hope I did that right :) Have a nice day/night and tha k you :D
I love how sweet all of you guys are in my Asks. I should be the one apologizing cause I have so many accidental spelling mistakes, lol.
~~~~~ MATCH UP ~~~~~
Anon I love your character 10/10. Whether they are a representation of you or not, I love them! I match you with-------
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Gale Dekarios
This ticking time bomb of a man (Literally, man is a bomb) loves your comedic sense and the fact he can relate to a true connoisseur of Magic. It's like the Weave made you two for one another.
~~~~~ HEADCANONS ~~~~~
Gale loves your shows when you perform; watching you use the Weave and your other talents impresses him greatly.
He has no problem helping you reconnect with the Weave if you struggle with a spell. (We all know the scene I am thinking of 0.0)
Gale enjoys learning your fun facts and feels like it connects him to you better. It also helps him keep up with what interests you.
Gale hesitates to start walking around shoelessly with you; however, when you two are in his tower, he doesn't mind humoring you.
Gale knew you were the one when Tara accepted you right away.
Correction: Gale knew you were the one when you and Tara ganged up on him and decided your new pastime was picking on him.
(I Wonder if it's just my dialogue scenes or everyone else's, but Gale also has an issue with smiling 24/7, even if there's something horrible going on. Like using runepowder to murder the whole Underdark on accident)
Gale loves to 'borrow' from your book collection to help you continue learning about the Weave.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
You stood atop the ruined stage at the fairgrounds, decrepit since you guys got rid of the imposters. Your group decided to set up camp here while waiting out at the location of the Nether Brain. As you began practicing the magic show you used to perform before the parasite, a lone Wizard stood by on watch. Gale loved watching you enjoy yourself; nothing set his heart more alight than watching you learn and process things.
Conjuring up a seat, he continued watching as you cast a fireball, quickly switching to an iceblast and causing an explosion similar to a firework. As you continued step by step, you could feel someone's eyes on you. Becoming more meticulous with your casts, you started to lose connection to the Weave. Noticing this, Gale smiled and began to walk over to you. "My dear, what seems to be the matter?" You look to Gale and sigh, frustrated that you forgot such a basic routine due to stage fright. Gale shook his head then stood behind you, "Close your eyes love and follow Mystras guidance, let the Weave move you, forget any eyes on you just flow with the Weave."
You closed your eyes, noting Gale was moving around you now. As you started the basic incantation for a mage hand, you were pulled out of your trance by a swift peck on the cheek from the Wizard before you. Shooting your eyes open, you turn to him with a smug smirk. "Rule number one, don't become distracted, Rule number two, stop looking so handsome while you focus."
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(Tara and you were lounging about in the sun on the balcony of Waterdeep Tower. As you two were resting, a grumpy Gale appeared)
Gale: I woke up from my nap to find my lover and cat gone.
(Tara raises her head slightly, yawning)
Tara: Hmmm, it seems I am more critical to your elf than you are, Mr. Dekarios.
(Gale stands there in shock; before he can turn on his heel, he hears Y/N speak)
Y/N: On a scale of one to ten, Tara, how funny was his face? Be honest with me.
(Gale didn't even have to turn around to know you had a giant smile on your face)
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maamlet · 7 months
daolock is genuinely like The best subclass wotc has ever added to 5e btw. spike growth+ the invocations that add push+pull to your eldritch blast. variant human so you can start with the crusher feat and get Another chunk of spike growth damage. Plus agonizing blast if you want to be insane. all doable by 5th level. literally cheese grate mfs into 2d10+10d4+8+3 damage (average of 47, nearly Double the average of a 3rd level fireball) Every Single Round (assuming you hit both blasts, and maintain concentration on spike growth). off of a Single spell slot. fucking Cracked
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passionesolja · 3 months
Just stated playing Dragon Age: Origins as an Elf Mage and it has given me more anxiety and paranoia than any other game I’ve played, it also has given me more of a power fantasy than any other game. I’m ducking and dodging the Chantry, but I’m also like “yeah I’ll cast fireball and take all y’all mfs out”. When I get the Blood Mage path unlocked, it is over for everybody istg lmao. Shoulda never let me be a Grey Warden. Having a great time, my worst enemy is NPCs and small corridors bc my character gets stuck on everything
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taintworshipper · 5 months
Hitting that elven delight, shit been growing for 12,000 years 1 hit from it would send the hardest rock eating dwarves to the mines of Moira. Shit is so diabolical that it would cast a bane on you that would send a mf soul to the Black Land of Mordor. Bro tried rolling into my village, sent the weakest link of the town and watch a mf implode to the lowest tier of gravitational magic. Mf casted a Candle of Invocation and thought he a level 4 tier wizard- pushed that bitch down the steps and casted fireball- call me el fuego
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reikunrei · 6 months
Sorry, but how would it be a disservice to Will’s character for him to have powers?
i have to spend some time articulating my thoughts about this better, and i am currently planning on watching the show again to do some proper analyzing about the details of it and whatnot
HOWEVER the long and the short of it, imo, when it comes to my opinion on powers being a "disservice" to his character, i instantly think of how he, at his core, is a purely nonviolent character. that's something i think most people agree on, and this is shown by the way he always runs, hides, or deescalates a situation rather than choosing to fight (i'd argue that the closest we get to him "fighting" is when he tells the shadow/mf to "go away" but, obviously, that didn't work)
when we see powers in the show, they are, first and foremost, presented as a weapon. now, i don't think that the powers themselves are inherently meant to be a weapon, that's just how they're "useful" to Brenner and hnl/that's how El uses them to keep herself and her friends safe, so that's the lens we've most commonly seen them through
could Will have powers that aren't weapon-based/similar to how we see them presented in the show? absolutely! and i should say that i'm not against Will having powers. there's a lot of evidence that potentially points to him having powers that's impossible to ignore, and, done right and done well, i think it would be super cool (i even have a lot of thoughts about that opening s1 dnd session where he's choosing between casting protection or fireball, and how, rather than his powers being something he could wield, like a fireball to cause damage, he has something more akin to a "shielding" ability)
however, and i guess i could have made this more clear but also it was just a stupid jokey post so why should i have made it into an essay, i suppose that i often jump to "i don't think will should have powers" because the fandom likes to give Will powers like El or One, in which he can throw things around, or make him control the shadow/mf, or has some sort of ability that he can use against the shadow and essentially winds up putting a weapon in his hand, and i think that's stupid
as i said at the top, we're shown time and again that Will is a nonviolent character. in the s1 shed scene, he has the gun in his hand, ready and loaded, and he can't pull the trigger. i'm even tempted by the idea of him having/gaining powers, only to refuse to use them at all, but that's just me having fun speculating. because we're shown that, even when he has the resources and capability to do something, he can't bring himself to actually do it
another big factor for me is that this kid has been through hell and back several times over. he's Seen Some Shit. and yet, he remains the sweet, kind, quiet, sensitive kid we were told he was at the very start of the show. he very well could have become hardened and cold and jaded, but that didn't happen (mostly by virtue of having as excellent a support network he could have asked for)
and i have a lot of thoughts on this specifically in how it ties in with Henry being the sort of "blueprint" character for El and Will, but i can't quite articulate my thoughts on it at the moment in a way that won't seem ramble-y and weird and all over the place, so i'll save that for another time. but it's something about his experiences changing him, and how Will is shown to have not changed after his experiences in the UD and his experiences with the shadow in s2, and he continues to not change and that's always framed as a good thing/most everyone can agree that him becoming a "hardened badass" would be a bad turn for his character and wouldn't make sense
so, just based on how i've seen people talk about his powers in the fandom, and how he'd basically be wielding this big powerful weapon to beat Vecna once and for all... it feels weird
but i guess i'll just stop myself here otherwise this answer will become way too long when i meant to keep it short!! oops sorry!! i have a lot of other thoughts about how this sort of thing ties in to his relationship with Mike, how any sort of "arc" he has involving powers is/was already covered by El, and how i feel like his purpose as a character in the grand scheme of things is to remain as he is, "unchanged" (tho like. obviously he is changed by his hardships. the trauma he has is No Joke, but you get what i mean) by any hardships, and to be an example of someone who can defeat evil without needing to be hugely overpowered
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jelicoxoxo · 2 years
Tokyo revengers as dragons (Pt. 2)
A/n: these are kind of rushed so they’re probably not as good, but it’s still content so I’ll put it out there.
Character list
Smiley, angry, draken
This mf fell through your roof. Literally. He thought he could rest on it for a second, but his weight was to much and he fell through the roof and coincidentally right in front of your bed. You screamed when you saw him staring back at you, and shut up with his intimidating glare. He crawled out through the hole he left in your roof and watched as you paced back and forth in distress as you both sat in the front yard of the house he almost destroyed. He looked up at the roof himself, and left after a few minutes of watching you stress over your home. You stayed at a friends place for the night, and came back to a large pile of tree wood in front of your house, and a familiar dragon flying in circles above your home. He would bring wood and other things to your house, which his non-fearful behavior told you that he already had been socialized with humans already, so you would feed him every day from then on. You never claimed him as *your* dragon, you didn’t feel the need to—but he would still protect you and your house with his life, and everyone knows about the bond you and draken have, while he pays no mind to almost everyone else.
Was bred for dragon racing, a pretty peach color with pink dusting the tips of his wings and ears. He’s a sky/wind dragon with the prettiest wings, and you are his rider. He went viral on social media quite a few times, and wins almost every race you guys enter. He’s known for his insane amount of speed, and has been to just about every event in the town. Every parade, every festival, every party, even some birthday parties. But with all this positive attention also comes negative attention, when you find that your dragon had been stolen! You spent all day searching for him, going from house to house to see if anyone had seen him or heard anything, which you found no leads to him. You already grew depressed, how could you not when part of your family had been taken away from you? He was not only the racing dragon everyone nicknamed ‘smiley’ for his little grin, he was everything to you, and you held him closely to your heart. But you didn’t have to worry long since he found his way right back home just the day after, nobody being able to sever the relationship you have with your dragon. You have no idea how he escaped, and you frankly don’t wanna know, as long as you have him back.
He’s smiley’s brother, obviously, but didn’t quite get as lucky as he did with the genes for speed. Instead, he had way more agility, and was extremely talented with sharp turns, tricks, and was insanely intelligent. He’s a sweetheart, giving “gifts” to you every chance he gets, will sunbathe with you and partake in your little skin care routine (which you went out and bought products specifically for dragons just for him), always wants to feel included in anything you do. People recognize him for his beautiful soft blue color, and the darker blue that dusted the tips of his wings similar to his sibling. He never attracted problems other than your neighbor’s complaints about his loud snoring, but he’s quick to act as a personal body guard when he senses danger, shielding you from potential threats with his wings, and only dropping his guard when you tell him to. He’d never hurt anyone or anything, unless they become a danger to you. Once shot a fireball at someone for shouting in your face, but it didn’t hit anyone thankfully. You where charged for damages, but at least you found out that his fire is actually blue as well?
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Mfs will become super muscular and not even do anything with it other than take a few more pictures than the average person. Like bust a wicked move, paint a gen z Mona Lisa, cast a giant fireball at an unsuspecting group of cops, solve time travel, eat a book, like what else are you bringing to the table
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oursonwithagirl · 1 year
what if mike, will, and el all have powers?
if it hasn’t been made clear enough already, they are the main focuses of the party. they’ve been given the primary colors: red, yellow, and blue. other party members are very important as well, however by season 4, there was a need for mike and will and el to be separated from hawkins and focusing on less of the supernatural side of things. there was a huge emphasis on their return to town. and the effects of that have already begun.
so el has telekinetic powers; she can move things with her mind. they can get enhanced when thinking of a powerful memory, whether the emotions associated with it are those of love, happiness, anger, or sadness. she can open and close gates to the upside down, which henry and the demogorgan can also do. but the energy and focus it takes for her to use these powers leave her feeling depleted and exhausted. she needs time in order to “recharge”. entering a void is also something that can be done by el, and she can spy on a different person or location. at times, she can even communicate through that void.
we know that will already has a connection to the upside down/vecna/the mf. his goosebumps flare whenever he’s near, and he can feel whatever emotion vecna is feeling. unlike el, will has no control over his powers when he feels this connection. essentially, he can act like a spy. but it’s been hinted throughout the show will’s powers may end up being something more. he manipulated some lights and almost opened a gate in season 1. his role in the party is a cleric, which has healing powers. he has also been shown casting fireball multiple times.
now, mike seems like the most average dude ever. how could he even have powers? well, check out the manifestation theory. he’s been the DM of the party, and all that happens has been created by him first. he has a very creative imagination, so could all of these things happening be his way of coping?? besides being in the center of a love triangle, why is he separated from the party along with will and el? vecna also hates him from all that he’s done to help his friends. additionally, he is now associated with being the heart of the party. if karen wheeler is revealed to be actually related to henry creel, could there be a chance at powers through genetics?
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omegaremix · 21 days
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Omega Radio for May 27, 2024; #377.
Gang Starr ft. J. Cole: "Family And Loyalty"
Benny The Butcher & Armani Caesar: "Buffalo Kitchen Club"
Meyhem Lauren & Daringer ft. Conway The Machine: "Red Pesto"
NappyHIGH f. Raekwon + Westside Gunn: "From The Projects"
Prodigal Sunn ft. Killah Priest: "Vintage"
El Camino ft. Inspectah Deck: "Victory"
Headkrack ft. Method Man + Kool Keith: "Buckwild"
Kool Keith & Real Bad Man: "Fire And Ice" + Battle (ft. Ice-T)
Real Bad Man & Blu ft. C.L. Smooth: "The Golden Rule"
Real Bad Man & Blu ft. Planet Asia: "Hebrews"
Planet Asia & Apollo Brown: "Get The Dough Off" + "Peas And Onions"
Che Noir ft. Planet Asia: "Caps Lock"
Che Noir & Big Ghost Ltd. ft. Skyzoo + D-Styles: "Brilliance"
1982 ft. Skyzoo: "Summer In New York"
Roc Marciano X Pete Rock: "Chris Angel"
KRS-One: "The Beginning"
Da Beatminerz Ft. KRS-One + Smif-N-Wessun: "Seckle"
Prodigy & Big Daddy Kane + DJ Scratch: "You Don't Want It"
DJ Premier X Snoop Dogg: "Can U Dig That"
DJ Premier & Slick Rick & Li'l Wayne: "The Root Of All"
Apathy ft. DJ Premier: "Stop What Ya' Doin'"
Apathy ft. Celph Titled: "Todd McFarlane"
Celph Titled ft. Buckwild: "Wack Juice"
Curren$y ft. Boldy James + The Alchemist: "No Yeast"
Masta Ace & Marco Polo: "Richmond Hill" + "P.P.E."
Marv Won ft. Freeway: "Roc Nation"
Royce Da' 5-9 ft. Redman: "Royce & Reggie"
Homeboy Sandman: "Then We Broke Up"
Armand Hammer ft. El-P: "The Gods Must Be Crazy"
eLZhi & Oh No: "Fireballs"
SonnyJim & The Purist ft. MF Doom + Jay Electronica: "Barz Simpson"
Madlib: "REEKYOD"
Byron G ft. Domo Genesis & Evidence & The Whooligans: "Lord Steppington"
A.F.R.O.: "Good Morning, FRO"
Cypress Hill: "Bye Bye"
DJ Muggs X Crimeapple: "Camisas"
DJ Muggs ft. Cee-Lo Green: "Jokers Wild"
Billy Danze ft. Lady Lee: "Blessings And Prayers"
El Michels Affair & Black Thought: "I Would Never" + "Glorious Game"
AZ: "This Is Why"
Kool G Rap ft. 38 Spesh + AZ + General Vee: "Born Hustler"
Logic ft. AZ: "Carnival"
Living Legends f. Del The Funky Homosapien: "The Return"
Deluxe hip-hop, rap, living legends, and golden-era veterans; consecutives and combos-.
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