#flatliners fanfic
myveryownfanfiction · 11 months
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tags: @illiana-mystery, @eclecticwildflowers, @onedirectionlovers2014
warnings: swearing, talk of death, mention of the experiment from flatliners
I leaned against the door to the classroom as I watched Dr. Wolfson teach his class on clinical death. The information he was giving them seemed awfully familiar to the writings he’d shared with me of his own experiment decades ago. I raised an eyebrow at the group of five students who were rapidly taking notes. Everyone else was taking notes but not like these five. They were hanging on his every word. When wolfson looked up from the students, he smiled at me.
“if you’ll excuse me class.” He said as he walked over. He put a hand on my arm in greeting as he led me out into the hall. “What’s up?” Nelson asked. I smiled and shook my head.
“I’m not allowed to watch you teach?” I asked with a laugh. Nelson smiled wider and shrugged.
“I mean technically you should have enrolled in the class.” I laughed. “Seriously everything ok?”
“yeah. I overheard some of the kids mentioning that you were going to talk about clinical death.” I said, a knowing look on my face. Nelson looked sheepishly at me. I lowered my voice. “Nelson, you can’t tell them…”
“I know. I’m keeping it vague.” Nelson said. He rubbed my arm as he looked down. “I…yeah alright.” He sighed as he tapped his cane against the ground. “I’ll go over the repercussions too. Talk about what can happen if done wrong or, for lack of a better term, the side effects.” I reached out and put my hand on his waist, squeezing gently.
“thank you.” I said softly. “There’s five kids in there taking notes as if they’re the Ten Commandments. Be careful.” Nelson nodded before looking over his shoulder at the class.
“I’m sorry.” He said, more to the classroom than me. I cupped his cheek and turned his head back towards me. Leaning in, I kissed him gently. Nelson smiled into the kiss before breaking away. “And they’re looking. I won’t live this one down.” He laughed, backing away from me slowly.
“so what. They’ve done worse with each other.” I laughed. Nelson shook his head and went back into the classroom where the kids immediately started to make fun of him with kissy noises among other things.
“alright alright. Settle down. Dr. (Y/L/N) was just leaving.” Nelson looked at me with a smile, shaking his head at his students antics. “Alright now. Back to work.” I walked away as Nelson continued his lecture from where I had interrupted him. Later that night, Nelson and I were sitting in his townhouse after handing out candy all night.
“Nelson?” I asked, looking over at him as the last of the kids ran down the steps, two of them dressed as doctors. He hummed as he set up another movie for us to watch. “You know what they’re doing tonight don’t you?” I looked over at him with a worried look. Nelson sighed and came over to wrap his arms around me.
“yeah I do. Same shit I did in med school.” He nodded, resting his head against mine. I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair. “They’re smart kids though. I’m sure they’ll be ok.”
“like you were ok?” I asked, eyes flicking back to Nelson’s cane. He sighed. “I’m sorry. It’s just…” Nelson broke away and pulled me away from the door.
“I know. I’m worried about them too.” He admitted. “There isn’t anything I can do except report them. And then I’d feel responsible for putting the idea in their heads. Either way.”
“and reporting them would create a double standard since they aren’t doing anything their professors haven’t done.” I continued. Nelson nodded. “And if we showed up while they were doing it, we could scare them or shock them into something even more problematic than what they’re already doing.” I leaned my head on Nelson’s shoulder as we sat down on the couch.
“I’ll check in with them tomorrow. Make sure they are ok.” Nelson promised. “I think I know who is going under too. Which makes this so much worse.” He took off his glasses, running a hand down his face and staring at the ceiling. Sighing, we sat in silence while the movie played in the background. “I should never have done that myself.” I turned my head to look at him, reaching out and hugging his arm.
“at least you didn’t publish the paper.” I pointed out. Nelson nodded.
“they’d have step by step instructions then.” He agreed. Leaning my head down on his shoulder, I bit my lip. “I feel so helpless.”
“there isn’t anything you can do. Not right now.” I murmured. “Tomorrow, we’ll pull them aside. Tell them we know.”
“I…fuck I’d hate to do it…I can see if joe still has the tape.” I pulled back and stared at him. Nelson kept his gaze on the ceiling, biting his lip and trying not to look at me. “We don’t go over anything in it but it shows how…” he swallowed and squeezed his eyes shut. “How they nearly lost me.” I bit my lip and stared at my lap.
“you never told me that.” I whispered. Nelson nodded. “Why didn’t you tell me that?” I looked over at him to find him watching me, tears pricking my eyes.
“you know why.” He said as he reached over to wipe my cheeks. “You know exactly why.” Nelson leaned in to kiss me but I pulled back.
“Nelson.” I whispered, shaking my head. He nodded and held his arm out for me. I curled against him, ear pressed to his chest. His heart beat in my ear as I took deep breaths, realizing that there was more to his little excitement than he had let on.
“I know. I’m sorry.” Nelson said as he kissed my head. “You don’t have to watch the tape. I’ll do it on my own.” I squeezed him tightly.
“thank you.” I whispered. Nelson nodded and the doorbell rang. Nelson got up, gently prying me from him.
“I got it.” He whispered, kissing me gently. I nodded as he answered the door and handed out the candy. “Come here.” He murmured as he went to sit back down. “You aren’t getting rid of me that easily.” I nodded as I curled into him. We sat in silence for a bit. “What time does trick or treating end?” I pulled Nelson’s arm towards me so I can check his watch. He started to chuckle and smiled at me. “I think it’s time for you to get a watch. Or start carrying your phone around with you like everyone else.” I rolled my eyes at him and scoffed.
“as if that’s what you do.” Nelson scoffed at me in return and waited while I checked his watch. “It ended half an hour ago.” I said, letting his hand drop. Nelson nodded, gently pushing me off him so he could turn the light off and grabbed the candy bowl.
“want some?” He asked as he held it out to me. I nodded and grabbed some. Nelson sat down next to me and put the bowl between us. “So tomorrow we’ll confront them and if they refuse to stop then I show them the video after you leave.” I nodded.
“sounds like a plan.” I dug into the bowl a bit more to grab some of the good stuff. “And thank you. For not making me…” I trailed off as I stared at the candy in my hands. Shaking my head, I looked up at Nelson again. “Thank you.” Nelson nodded and leaned across the bowl to kiss me.
“of course.” He said, cupping my cheek. Leaning his forehead against mine, Nelson rubbed my cheek. “Happy Halloween.” He smiled softly at me.
“happy Halloween Nelson.” I smiled back at him.
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zoi-no-miko · 1 year
The Curse | Archive of Our Own
Fandom: Flatliners (1990) Rating: Explicit Relationships: David Labraccio/Nelson Wright Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fairy Tale, Fairy Tale Curses, Dom/sub Play, Romance, Animal Transformation, Size Kink, Is it bestiality if it's not a real bear? Summary: You know that fairy tale where the princess has to kiss a frog to break a curse? This one's about a prince and a bear. And rather more than kisses.
I'm not saying that Baldur's Gate 3 made me write an entire novel just to make Bear Fucking happen, but....
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blighted-lights · 2 months
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@novafire-is-thinking gave me the idea of glit hanging out on pharma's engine nozzle and i decided to draw it <3
pharma is SO hard to draw for no reason, forgive me. this is pre-war so i wanted to make pharma look a bit softer but i think it backfired 😔. anyways will b drawing much more of these two soon, i think of them so much.
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erinwantstowrite · 3 months
making a poll that will decide smth for me
edit: ***MIGHT have in LoF, not guaranteed
leaving this open for a week because we have a while till anything would be mentioned.
A little clarification i think is needed: Jon is going to be 13 in this fic. For a while I didn't know that Jon was 11 before he turned to a 17 I thought he was the same age as Dami. All I know is that Jon is not going to have that age up the comics did because seriously can DC let any of the kids in the comics have a normal age???? ever???? So Jon is 13, Dami is 14.
I also have no idea when Nika will show up. I'm pretty sure she's like, around, canonically, when Dami is 14, but at the moment he hasn't met her in LoF. So she might show up in the second fic, even if she isn't going to be shipped with Dami in this version. I do like Nika, she's an interesting character!
And separate to the poll but I wanted to know: I've been making a list of characters to be in Dami and Peter's "generation" of heroes. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears :)
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genny-grotesque · 3 months
such a tragedy that the first (canon) straight ship im genuinely invested in is so unpopular :/ n e ways daminika solos ur fav 🗣🗣🗣🗣💪💪💪💪
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skyward-floored · 11 months
Whumptober Day 16: Flatline
Okay so I picked “flatline” but it’s not... EXACTLY flatlining. His heart’s kinda still going, so it only sort of counts but who cares anyway I got inspired by that one so that’s what it’s about—
...this one’s a little heavy.
(Also thanks @silvrash-797 for some help with ideas :)
Read on ao3
Warnings: serious injury, mention of broken bones, CPR is necessary
It happened so fast that even when he looked back on it later, Four still wasn’t entirely sure what happened.
Their group was standing at the top of a cliff, discussing how best to climb down and studying the long fall below. Wild jumped out with his paraglider and was making lazy circles in the air while he studied the cliff, pointing out what looked like a less steep area for them to climb down.
They’d all just decided it was the safest way when something caught Four’s eye, something small and fast zipping over their heads—
An arrow?
...headed directly for Wild.
“Champion!” he shouted, but Wild hadn’t seen the arrow, and couldn’t turn fast enough to do anything.
It flew straight at him, slitting a hole right across Wild’s paraglider and catching it at the perfect angle to rip the top nearly in two.
Four watched almost in slow motion as Wild let out a single shocked yelp, the arrow embedding in his arm, then dropped like a stone through the air. He fell out of sight into the trees below them, but only seconds went by before Sky and Wind were already leaping down after him, their faces white as they snapped open their own gliders.
Four shook himself out of his shock and began frantically searching for the best way down the cliff, Twilight slamming a mask over his eyes and shooting an arrow into the forest behind them.
Four registered a scream from a monster as he began to go down the less steep side Wild had spotted only moments ago, and seconds later Twilight was beside him, his face drawn with worry. The others stayed back to fight the monsters that were running out of the woods, but Four knew they had the small group handled.
Wild was their priority.
They reached the bottom and Twilight turned into a wolf, nose in the air already sniffing. His ears perked, and Four hopped on his back before he tore off into the woods, paws pounding against the ground.
Four’s heart was in his throat as they ran, heart beating almost as loudly as Twilight��s pawsteps. He’s fine, surely he’s fine, he can survive a fall from that height, it’s not likely but it’s possible oh Goddesses please let him be okay—
Twilight nearly skidded to a stop, and Four had to clutch him in order not to be flung. He jumped off at Twilight’s nudge, and the wolf turned towards a particularly thick section of bushes, shoving his way through with Four following.
And on the other side was Wild, snapped twigs scattered all around him, lying in a small smear of blood.
Twilight practically threw himself forward, changing into a hylian as he moved, and Four ran up beside him in horror. Wild lay crumpled in a heap among the bushes, blood trickling from his nose, his arms both at odd angles. The offending arrow stuck up out of his shoulder, but Four barely noticed, his gaze stuck on the rest of him.
“Wild— Champion, can you hear me?” Twilight said frantically, fluttering his hands overtop of him, unsure of what to do. Four took a slow step closer, unable to look away from Wild, eyes glued to his chest.
Wild was still.
Too still.
“Link, come on,” Twilight choked out, and Four dropped to his knees beside him, still staring at his chest.
“He’s not breathing,” Four said suddenly, the realization like a splash of cold water. “Twi he’s not—”
Twilight made a choked noise and Four lurched forward, carefully setting his head over Wild’s chest.
A thin, thready beat met him.
“He’s not gone yet,” Four gasped, and looked at Twilight, his face twisted in horror, eyes shiny. “We don’t have any fairies, we need Hyrule, you gotta go get him.”
Twilight stared between him and Wild with an agonized expression, but then he bolted back into the woods, shifting into a wolf as he went.
Four turned back to Wild, and breathed out, panic threatening to overwhelm him.
Not right now, you need to get him breathing again! his brain shrieked, and Four quickly moved to make sure Wild was in a good enough position.
Then he started rhythmically pressing on Wild’s chest, trying to remember the exact technique to get him breathing.
It had been a long time since part of him had read that medical book, but he still remembered most of what to do. Up and down in a regular beat on the chest, then breathing air back into the person’s lungs, back and forth to get their breathing going.
He just hoped it would be enough until Twilight came back.
Distantly he heard Sky and Wind run up, heard their gasps of horror, saw in the corner of his eyes as they kneeled at his side, but his focus was on Wild, and trying to get him to breathe.
Push down hard, but not too hard, stop and breathe into his lungs, start the compressions again—
More footsteps pounded next to him, and a hand suddenly pulled at his shoulder, despite how Four tried to throw it off.
He couldn’t stop, he had to keep going or Wild would be in an even worse state when Twilight came back, he might not even be able to be saved—
“Four, we have Hyrule, you need to let him work!” a voice shouted, and Four stopped pushing, letting the hands tug him backwards.
He watched almost dazedly as Hyrule moved to where he’d been kneeling, hands glowing a bright, intense blue. Warriors was next to him, saying something as he felt along Wild’s neck and shoulders, but Four could only watch in silence, blood roaring in his ears.
Please let it have been enough please let it have been enough please—
Wild jerked slightly, and Four heard a gasp of relief beside him, Legend pulling a shaking Hyrule back from Wild. The traveler began to argue, but Legend didn’t budge, and when Hyrule nearly fell over, the veteran pulled him further out of the way.
Four could only watch as Wild slowly stirred, Warriors working to make sure Hyrule had done what he’d needed. Wild’s eyes flickered uncertainly, and blood still trickled from his nose, but he was already trying to sit up, Warriors firmly stopping him from moving.
“He’s breathing, he’s okay, you and Hyrule did it Four,” Twilight breathed from next to him, and Four could only nod, still watching Wild.
The champion couldn’t even keep his eyes open all the way, and Time knelt next to him then, helping Warriors with the arrow Hyrule had accidentally healed into Wild’s arm. Four watched as Twilight moved to grab Wild’s hand, and the champion’s eyes closed again, face creased with pain.
Four swallowed. He’s fine, he’s fine he’s fine he’s fine he’s fine.
Sky gave him a concerned look from where he was kneeled, and moved closer to him, a hand settling over his.
“Are you all right Smithy?” he asked, and Four nodded yet again, reaching up to rub at his cheek.
His hand came back damp.
Four blinked in surprise, staring at the tears on his fingers and wondering when exactly he’d started crying. Why was he even crying at all? He wasn’t hurt, and Wild was okay now, breathing and being tended to by the others. There wasn’t any reason...
A wet hiccup suddenly escaped him, and Sky moved forward and pulled him into his arms, rubbing his back when a sound more like a sob came out.
“You did it Four, he’s alive, he’s okay,” Sky said a bit shakily, and Four swallowed, trying not to utterly break down in Sky’s arms.
He wasn’t usually one for hugging, at least not all the time. But under the current circumstances, the memory of Wild’s motionless body still sharp in his mind...
He sank further into Sky’s arms, and didn’t resist when he pulled his sailcloth over him, a hand running through his hair.
“He’s okay,” Sky repeated quietly, and Four clung to those words like a drowning man.
He’s okay.
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bloodfin · 9 months
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Rain Ghoul x Dewdrop Ghoul x Phantom Ghoul (plus some background polyghouls)
Rated: E for Explicit, 18+ only
Word Count: 4.347
Summary: Dew spills some wine on Rain's pretty moonrise outfit; shenanigans ensue
Pronoun tags for this fic: She/Her Rain, He/Him Dewdrop, He/They Phantom (everyone has a dick today)
Warnings: pre-existing relationships (and therefore pre-existing kink negotiations), ma'am kink, mommy kink, alcohol consumption, blood kink/drinking, spitting, aether is always a little stressed (and gets called daddy once), handjob, blowjob, anal fingering, spit as lube, anal sex, dumbification, come play, come eating, there is so much come, praise kink, knotting, breeding kink (very mild and only if you squint but just in case), horribly unreliable narrator, no beta we die like nihil; as is typical of my writing sensitive kink (mommy in this case) has been italicized and bolded for easy skipping - i know this isn't a kink for everyone, please keep yourself safe
Author’s Note: as always please mind the tags and don't read if anything squicks you out! i fear my brainrot is now terminal and i am making that everyone else's problem (sorry). if i missed a tag in the warnings or you think i should add something please let me know - i try and be thorough! enjoy, share what you can, and be well ~
additional disclaimer: this is about literal demons straight from hell and has absolutely nothing to do with the actual band members of Ghost, unless someone dyed themselves blue or gold and we all missed it
read on ao3
Vernal equinox had passed, but the ghouls were still in celebration mode, the walls of the den overflowing with small paper flowers. The pink moon was due to rise - the first full moon of spring always cause for extra celebration. It was welcomed around the abbey by all members for ushering in growth and change, solidifying partnerships of all sorts. 
Phantom, Aurora, and Dew decorated while Sunshine and Cirrus cooked, the den slowly filling with the warm smell of freshly baked bread. Mountain and Aether were arranging the plants to best receive the moon's energy, while Swiss and Cumulus worked on setting up a large nest in the center of the den. 
The only one absent from the preparations was Rain, but her packmates were certain that she would come by when she was ready if she felt so called. Every moonrise was different, but this moon in particular had a strong effect on her. Sometimes the pull was so intense she would spend the evening at the bottom of the lake worshiping in her own way, or she would slink away with the other water ghouls of the abbey. 
Today, however, she wanted to play with her pack, painting her face with a gentle pink blush and lipstick. It stood out beautifully against her navy-freckled teal skin, making her sharp teeth seem even brighter. She hummed at her reflection once she finished smudging her eyeliner, the red she put on the waterline bleeding into faded black. Predatory. 
Rain was flicking through her closet when the smell of dinner wafted under her door, her ears flickering once they picked up on the sound of quiet laughter. She huffed, passing over dress after dress, jumpsuit after crop top, nothing feeling quite right or looking as powerful as the moon was making her feel. She was fiddling with her belly ring when her eyes landed on a small black skirt next to the laundry that she had been meaning to return. One more wear wouldn’t make her anymore late on giving the clothing back to its rightful owner, right? 
“Perfect,” she smiled to herself, wriggling into the skintight black leather miniskirt, sporting a slit that left absolutely no thigh to the imagination. It hugged every part of her perfectly, highlighting where her cock was straining against a too small pair of panties. Once satisfied with its placement she put on a black lace bandeau, followed by a sheer black crop top. 
The only thing missing was shoes, and she slipped into pink heels that matched her lipstick before heading out the door, her tail wagging slowly through the air. 
When she rounded the corner into the den’s common room the air shifted, the whole pack taking a collective breath when they saw her. 
“Wow,” Swiss whispered under his breath, his foot tapping rapidly under the table. 
“Mo- mo- mom-m-” 
Phantom was stuttering, frozen in place before Cumulus clapped her hand over his mouth, whispering in their ear. 
“She will eat you alive baby. Let her get settled, she just got here.” 
Their ears started to twitch like he was going to make a move, but when they saw how Rain's teeth seemed to glow in the light he nodded, leaning into Cumulus's side, content to watch for the moment. Dew, however, was not. He wanted Rain near him always, and especially now. 
Dew was probably a little too inebriated to be attempting anything close to chivalry, but anytime he saw Rain like this his brain deflated while his blood supply funneled south. 
“Saved you a chair, beautiful,” he hummed, standing to pull out the seat beside his own. 
He should have left his glass on the table, really, but the thought didn't cross his mind until he bumped into Rain, burgundy wine sloshing out of his glass to drip down her exposed stomach. The room was still, Mountain having sucked in a sharp breath while Aether started to stand, readying himself to intervene. The sparkle of Dew's skin began to fade as his face fell, turning to run into the kitchen for a towel. 
He didn't make it very far, Rain's hand reaching out to grab the back of his neck. She pulled him back and pushed him to his knees, leaning on the chair. 
“Clean your mess, Dewdrop.” 
Aether breathed a sigh of relief and plopped back into his chair while the color returned to Phantom's face, eager to see what was next. His tail thumped quietly on their chair. 
Dew looked at Rain for a brief moment before dropping his head, speaking quickly. 
“Yes ma'am, thank you ma'am.” 
Rain's eyes dilated and her fingers flexed, breath stuttering for just a moment when Dew’s hot tongue met the cool skin of her stomach, lapping up the wine. He made sure to clean around the band of her skirt first, knowing how much she hated stains. 
Once he felt the area was thoroughly cleaned he delicately worked his way to her belly button, wrapping his tongue around the glittery, dangling jewelry and sucking it clean. He tongued around the attached belly chains, not wanting to miss a single drop. There was a quiet moan from behind them, but Dew didn't dare lift his eyes, focusing instead on the beautiful creature before him.
Rain stuck her hand out and Cirrus placed Dew's half spilled glass of wine into it, complimenting her skirt. 
She smiled while she swirled the glass in her hand, bringing it to her nose for a quick sniff. 
“Thank you, I've been meaning to return it -” 
Cirrus's laugh sounded like little bells in the wind. 
“Please, keep it. You look better in it then I do.” 
Rain smiled and bent to the side, knocking their horns together. “You're too sweet to me Cici, I'll be sure to properly thank you later.” 
She smiled back, blowing her a soft kiss before returning her attention back to Mountain, tugging him from the table and towards the nest. Chairs scraped on the floor as everyone shuffled around, still watching Rain and Dew’s exchange.  
Rain studied the glass of wine in her hand, turning it slowly. It was her favorite one, thick and full bodied, a few citrus notes at the end. 
“How many dicks did you have to suck to get this?” 
Dew shrugged while lapping at her cool skin. It didn’t matter to him so he didn't keep count, he would do anything for his mate. Anything to see her smile, even if he wasn't sure she'd attend the evening festivities. 
“Four,” Sunshine giggled from Cumulus's lap. Rain purred, licking the tips of her fangs. 
Dew had finished his task and was sitting back on his heels, looking up to watch Rain take another sip of the wine. His tongue darted out from between his lips with a quiet whimper. Rain looked down at him, one perfectly done brow raised. 
“Need more?” 
Dew nodded his head rapidly before opening his mouth wide, groaning when Rain slipped her thumb into his mouth, pulling at his cheek. She took a large sip of wine before setting the glass down, bending at the waist to bring her lips to Dew's. His sharp gag as he struggled to swallow triggered a series of muffled groans and the slick sounds of hands meeting wet skin. 
“Thank you ma'am,” he panted, struggling to speak around her thumb. He rolled his head to the side, exposing his thick veins and the silvery scars of their prior couplings. 
“Got plenty for you, too, if you need.” 
Dew often begged to be bitten where his gills once were, aching to feel something there again. But now he was offering in submission, to let Rain take what she needed under the power of the moon. 
Her tongue darted out of the corner of her mouth as she looked him up and down. 
With a quick nod of her head Dew was scrambling towards the nest, quickly divesting himself of his clothes as he went. She slowly followed him, sinking to her knees to pull his back to her chest, running her nose along his neck. 
“Please,” Dew sighed, flexing his claws against his thighs.
Rain inhaled deeply against his cinnamon-scented skin, fangs fully dropping before she sank them into the crook of his neck, blood quickly filling her mouth. He groaned low, the pitch only going higher when she took his hard cock into her hand, slowly stroking him from root to tip as she drank. 
“Rainy,” Aether warned gently from across the nest, voice cracking with the way Swiss had his mouth wrapped around his cock. 
She pulled herself from Dew's neck, licking at the corner of her mouth to gather a drop of his shimmering blood. 
“Don’t worry so much daddy, Dewdrop knows his limits. Would never hurt him more than he wants, promise.” 
“All good Aeth,” Dew agreed, raising a thumbs up which quickly dropped back to the pillows with a loud purr when Rain started to clean the wounds at his neck. Her tongue slowly worked around each puncture, her fist mimicking the movements of her mouth against the quickly darkening head of his cock. 
Aether nodded and fell back on his elbows, digging his fingers into Swiss’s hair, determined to enjoy the first night off in… a while. But a set of eyes still remained fully planted on Rain and Dew, the movement of a flickering tail catching her attention from the corner of her eye. 
“You okay bug? Not in the mood to play?” 
Dew barely opened his eyes, biting into his lower lip with a groan as Rain gently stroked him. 
“Wanted to watch, if that's okay with you both mm-ma'am.” 
Dew was nodding before he even finished their sentence, and Rain was grinning like a shark, Dew's crimson blood smeared all over her lips and chin. She didn't miss the way Phantom's eyes dropped to her mouth, watching her lick another spot clean. 
“Just want to watch?” 
Phantom blinked hard before forcing their eyes away from the mess, chewing at the corner of his lip. 
“He um… He just smells really good.” 
“Would you like a taste, sweetness?” 
Phantom nodded eagerly, eyes back on her mouth. “Please ma'am, please.” 
Rain beckoned him over with two crooked fingers, stifling a laugh at the eager way Phantom's tongue licked across her chin. Dew whined in her lap, quickly hushed by the drag of her pre soaked fingers up his chest to toy with the bar running through his nipple. 
Phantom hummed as he licked at her lips and chin, quiet thank you's between their breaths. 
“So polite,” Rain smiled, holding his chin to kiss them deep and slow. Phantom groaned when she slipped her tongue into their mouth, filling him with the taste of a beachside bonfire and hot iron. It was intoxicating, and they would let her have every ounce of air in his lungs if they could stay just like this forever. 
When they broke apart Phantom was a panting mess, claws digging into his own thighs. 
“Thank you mommy -” 
They paused, blinking his eyes and shaking their head to clear it. 
“Sorry thank you mommy -”
Another huff, trying to hide a whine that would rival Dew's. 
“I'm sorry momm- ma’am. Thank you ma’am.” 
Rain just smiled as she twisted Dew’s nipple between her fingers, his keen cutting through the heavier sounds of fucking that had filled the room. The way her head was tilted probably should've sent Phantom running, but instead his cock kicked against their thigh, a shiver running up his back. 
“So dumb you're having trouble speaking and I've only kissed you. Don't worry sweet little bug, mommy will take good care of you.” 
Phantom choked on their inhale as pre blurted on his leg, and Dew whined even louder, drawing Rain's attention back to him. His cock was weeping freely, begging for release while she kept teasing at his chest, working her other hand under his chin to turn him towards her. 
“Did you lose your words too?” 
Dew groaned when she started to slide her hand back towards his cock, lifting his hips to try and meet her. 
“You know I love your voice Dewdrop, if you need a moment you can watch Phantom and I play for a while.” 
Phantom's tail smacked against the pillows so quickly it sounded like someone running down the hall. Dew shook his head, voice just starting to splinter with need. 
“No ma'am, need you. Need you please.” 
“What do you need,” she cooed, pushing a lock of golden hair behind his half drooped ears. 
“Want - need your cock, your knot. Need you to fill me ‘til I swell with you, please, need you so bad.” 
Rain hummed, tapping her fingers along Dew's length while he squirmed. Phantom crept closer, kneeling in front of the pair, fangs poking into their lower lip. 
She paused, looking across both Phantom and Dew, finally settling on an idea. 
“Phantom, sweetness, you're being so good. Do you want a nice hot dick in your mouth?” 
“Please, mommy.” 
“Excellent,” she purred, kneeling tall behind Dew as she folded him to the floor.
“Why don't you come get this skirt off, without ripping it, while I get Dew all worked open hm?” 
They smiled so wide Rain was sure his ears would fall off, scrambling to her side to examine the zipper. With careful fingers Phantom undid the clasp, gently sliding the zipper down while watching Rain run her nails down Dew's back, making him arch. 
He leaned in close to her to work the band of the skirt down, breath hitching when they caught the gentle scent of orange blossoms on a sea breeze. Rain was always dangerous, the sharp iridescent scales that framed her face and joints were a reminder of that. But right now, she was deadly. 
A whine bubbled up from their throat when the band of her skirt caught on her cock, unable to bring it any lower. Rain glanced down to find Phantom gently pawing at her, looking up at her with big sad eyes. 
“Wanna be good and help you, but it's stuck. Don't wanna ruin your pretty skirt.” 
“Sweet little bug.” 
She smiled as she stood, gently ruffling their mop of hair before letting the skirt pool around her ankles. She stepped out of it and her shoes, returning to her spot behind Dew. Phantom's mouth watered at the sight of her cock hard and leaking into delicate pink lace, barely contained. 
She brought two fingers to his lips, tapping them as she spoke. 
“Get these nice and wet for me, then you can have a taste.” 
Dew groaned loud, wrapping his tail around Rain's free wrist. He pushed his ass further up, hips swaying slightly. 
Phantom moaned around Rain's fingers, wrapping their tongue around her long digits while sucking at the tips. When they pulled away he made sure to leave a thick line of saliva up her fingers, watching with rapt attention as she smeared it around with her thumb. 
She nodded her head towards Dew's exposed hole, telling him to spit. They were happy to oblige, sticky with want themselves, aching to make Rain happy. He trilled when she hummed with approval, bringing her wet fingers to Dew's hole, pressing the tip of her index finger inside. Dew's gasp was anything but quiet. 
“You're both being so good for me,” Rain praised, shifting on her legs to make the bulge of her cock more prominent. Phantom couldn't help the thin line of saliva that dripped from their fangs and down his chin. 
“Come have a taste, Ant.” 
Phantom eagerly licked across his lips, dipping down to settle against Rain's lap. They began to mouth at her cock through her already too wet panties, running his tongue up and down her length. She purred low, her free hand working into their hair while the other pressed into Dew. 
“Just the best bug, sweetest little thing,” she cooed. 
“Rainy,” Dew whined, wiggling back onto her fingers. “I need -” 
She curled her finger up, stroking against his prostate while shushing him gently. 
“I know baby, I know.” 
Dew adjusted his arms so he could rest his face against them, his back making a pretty arch. His golden skin always seemed to glitter most in dim light; he’d certainly be glowing once the moon fully rose.. Rain hummed as she worked a second finger into him, quickly followed by a third. She scissored them as much as she could, making sure Dew was starting to stretch. He was already leaking, a leftover trait from his time as a water ghoul, the slick sound filling the space. 
Phantom moaned at the sight, his drool further wetting Rain's cock. She rolled her hips gently against their chin, his attention quickly returning to suckling at her tip. 
“Please,” Dew whimpered, claws flexing into whatever poor cushion he latched on to, “ready for you now. Need to feel you, want it to ache.” 
Rain purred as she pulled her fingers from Dew, her other hand still nested in Phantom’s curls. 
“Don't worry baby, it's coming. Being so good for me. Showing off for Phantom, huh? Showing them how good you can be?” 
“Only for you ma'am,” Dew sighed, wiggling his little hips. 
Rain pinched at his nearly non-existent ass cheek before returning her attention back to Phantom, gently pulling him away from her cock. 
“Do you want to watch, or would you like to play with Dew?” 
Dew trilled, his answer obvious. Phantom had the sense to at least look like he was thinking about it before planting a kiss to her cheek and shuffling towards Dew's head, settling on their knees in front of him. 
Dew stretched out as much as he could, wrapping first his fist and then his tongue around Phantom's cock. Plum-flushed like Aether gets, although the purple was swirled with grey instead of gold. He hissed when Dew took them into his mouth, head dropping back at the heat of his tongue. 
Rain smirked as she watched them, taking her own cock in hand and pressing the head to Dew's hole. He leaned back into her, stretching himself between his partners, urging her to give him more. 
She wrapped her long fingers around the base of his tail and tugged, using the extra leverage to slide inside with a guttural moan. Dew responded with one of his own, muffled by Phantom pushing themself deeper down his throat. 
“Not gonna last,” Phantom grumbled, his hand locked around Dew's bun. “Feels too good.” 
“Mhm I know,” Rain smiled, rolling her hips to drive her cock straight against Dew's prostate. He popped off of Phantom with a little whine of protest, his breathing heavy when she began to pull at his puffy nipples. 
“Dewy isn't gonna last so long either, huh baby?” 
She asked with a particularly hard thrust into him, Phantom's eyes wide watching Dew's roll back into his head. They pulled from Dew’s mouth to rest for a moment, unwillingly to reach his end so soon. Dew’s mouth was legendary for a reason, after all. 
“Go ahead, get that pretty mouth on Dew's little cock, he wants it so bad.” 
Rain's words pulled them from their trance, blinking a few times with his head tilted just to the side before nodding quickly, shuffling back down to take Dew to the back of his throat. 
Rain wrapped one of her arms around Dew's waist and the other tangled back into Phantom's hair, rubbing gently at the sensitive skin behind their ear. Dew's hands were everywhere, flying from Rain's head to Phantom's, digging in his own thighs and pressing on Rain's, lifting his hips to help guide her into that perfect spot while desperately trying to not choke Phantom. 
She didn’t need the help, she knew Dew's body as well as she knew her own. Maybe better, even, with the way she had him moaning while dragging her cock over the perfect spot. Each roll of her hips was punctuated by one of his breathy sighs, adding to the cacophony of the room. 
Phantom for his part was chirping happily, licking long trails across the thick veins on the underside of Dew’s cock. When Rain pushed them forward he happily followed, swallowing around Dew's length with a pleased hum. Rain cooed at him from over Dew's shoulder, scratching behind his ear again before grabbing the back of his head. 
“Tap twice if you need to breathe, yeah?” 
Phantom brought his tail up and tapped the spade twice against her hand, rolling their hips gently into the nest of blankets below him. 
Rain smiled that far too toothy grin, thrusting into Dew and driving his cock further into Phantom's throat. Dew was all but jelly between them, held up by Rain's arm around his waist and Phantom’s hand pressed into his chest, his tail slowly tangling with Rain's in search of something more to hold onto. 
Phantom's tongue was good, great actually, Dew's thoughts on the matter filling the space as choked off babbling. When Phantom wrapped their tongue underneath Dew's head and sucked Dew was certain he'd open his eyes and be back in the pit, unholy pleasure running hot in his veins. 
Rain hooked her chin over Dew's shoulder, nuzzling at the space below his ear. 
“Don't swallow sweetness, let him dribble out of your mouth, down your face. That okay?” 
Phantom moaned in affirmation around Dew's length, nodding his head as best he could. It wouldn't be long now, Dew's balls were heavy in their hands, getting tighter with every thrust of Rain's hips driving him further into their mouth. 
She drove harder into him, and Dew's hands fisted Phantom's soft hair right next to Rain’s. 
“Rain, Rain, Rainy, fuck -” 
Dew's voice went high until it broke off, dying out as he painted inside Phantom's mouth. Phantom hummed as he took every drop, careful to not swallow. Once Dew had stopped pulsing they pulled away, sitting back with their head slightly tilted slightly forward before smiling, Dew's spend trickling out of his mouth and down their neck. 
“Fucking nasty,” Rain mumbled, pressing herself hard against Dew, grinding her hips to his ass. “Just how you like it, huh?”  
Dew nodded in agreement, his voice breaking on every whimper Rain pulled from him as she chased her own release. 
“Lay back bug, slide closer to me.” 
Phantom melted for her, nearly pressing themself into Dew's chest before dropping onto his back, tail shifting to rest on Dew’s thigh. They moaned when Rain wrapped her talented hand around his length, back lifting from the pillows. 
“Haven't even been touched yet,” she cooed, and Phantom shook their head. “Such a good, patient little thing.” 
Phantom nodded hard, like he was trying to say waiting for you. 
“Whenever you like, sweetness.” 
Their voice was trapped in his throat, muffled by every unholy sound Rain could pull from them as she worked his cock at the same tempo she nailed Dew, who was putty at this point. He was limp in her arms, begging for her release, her knot. For everything, for nothing, for all of it at once. 
Phantom wasn't sure how long they'd last, and when Rain rubbed her finger across his slit to gather a pearl of pre just to taste it they knew it wouldn't be long. 
She hummed in pleasure at the tang of him, mixed with the carbonated vanilla of their benzoin scent. Her hand quickly returned, long manicured fingers wrapping around their length, pulling in the most devastating way. 
Phantom could feel their eyes crossing as he watched, Rain's hand firm against him, the other tight around Dew. They brought their tail to where Rain and Dew’s were tangled together, joining the heap. 
Dew was crying now, his cock hard again, gold skin glistening. He begged, Rain purred, Phantom tried to keep their claws to themself but he looked so pretty, eyes screwed tight under a crown of sweat, his golden bun no longer neat and tidy. So they reached out, grabbing Dew by the base, feeling his little knot start to inflate under their hand. And if Phantom thought Dew had been crying before, well… He was really going now. 
“Little bug is being so sweet to you, aren't they,” Rain purred, licking below the shell of Dew's ear as she slowly ground her knot into his rim. 
“Yeah, yeah you both are. Need it ma'am, need your knot, need to cum -” 
The movement of Rain's hips became more frantic as she pressed more firmly into Dew, hissing when his tight body finally swallowed her knot, enveloping her in delicious heat. Dew keened, high pitched and devastated as he came into Phantom's hand, a string of thankyouthankyouthankyou falling from his wine stained lips. 
Dew was babbling, words broken and punctuated with breathy moans. Phantom wasn't much quieter, egging Dew on with their own muttering. C'mon Dewy, come for mommy. Make a mess, make me a mess. 
Rain followed quickly, the squeeze of Dew around her knot too much, biting into his neck with a groan from the depths of her throat. 
Phantom wasn't sure what brought them to the edge. Dew's hot come, the scent of his blood, the noise Rain made when she slid fully into his body. Maybe it was the way her calloused fingers rubbed against their frenulum with a talent flick of her wrist. All he knew was that they were floating, high in space, coated from the chin down in their own and Dew's release. 
He stirred when they heard Rain shuffling on her knees, laying down next to them with Dew tight in her arms. He hissed a little at the shuffle but it was good natured, her knot still buried tight inside his hole. Dew shuffled a bit closer, admiring the mess that was Phantom before turning his head to bat his lashes at Rain. 
“Go ahead Dew,” Rain smiled, blood dotting her lips. “Clean up your mess.”
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itsjustzuniper · 5 months
I did ideas for gravebird fics
So, I need some help with writing some fanfics about Damian Wayne, especially Gravebird. I'm not sure where to start and I want to make sure someone actually reads it. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please let me know by commenting or sending me a private message. I'd really appreciate your help.
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cookeybg · 3 months
Unexpected Cohabitation a JonDami fic - Chapter 11
Title: Unexpected Cohabitation
Main Characters: Jonathan Kent and Damian Wayne (some of the others show up too, the list is too long)
Eventual relationship: Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne (my fave)
Stuff to know: No capes, reverse robins, high school AU, no smut, no Brucie Wayne, I know nothing about sports but it will show up, (aaand I think that's it, will add more if it comes up)
Word Count: 1,147
[Here's my table of contents]
Part 3 - Chapter 11
Jon mucked up the last of the manure into the wheelbarrow, his strength had increased in the last three weeks he had been joining Damian in his chores. He refused to think of it as blackmail enforced labor and thought of it as helping, he was after all staying at his house for free. He stopped to rest against the shovel, his eyes catching on the only other human in the room. Damian joined him every morning, wearing the same type of hoodie and shorts he always did, that he was always able to keep pristine due to the fact that he never lifted a finger. He lounged on the bench located near the exit, his back resting against the saddle he used on Lady, engrossed in his phone. That in itself was strange, mainly because he couldn’t hear the sounds of the Cheese Viking’s game he was obsessed with. Not once had he commented on how slow Jon was, or what he was doing wrong, or that he should smile and think of the chores as training, that it built character. Damian sometimes sounded like an old man. Instead, he smiled and snorted at whatever or more likely whoever he was distracted with. “Should I take this to the compost bin?” A stupid question, he had been taking the manure to the compost bin every morning. Instead of Damian giving him a response, Alfred the cat meowed at him from atop a barrel. Jon had found out no less than ten cats lived in or around the manor, though he only ever saw one or two at a time. He hadn’t met all of them and just knew of them because Dick liked to talk. The orange cat, Ginger, tended to stalk the halls indoors while Alfred liked to mysteriously pop up, much like his namesake. Jon let the shovel fall noisily to the ground. “Oops.” Jon said carelessly. He ignored Damian’s glare, lifted the wheelbarrow by the handles and rolled it out of the barn towards the compost area. He could hear Damian follow him silently. He tipped the contents into the bin, when done he walked back into the barn to sit on the wooden bench. He took off the rubber work boots that he had been provided, for his chores, and replaced them with the ratty sneakers he wore to go on runs with Damian. When he stepped out he saw Damian leaning against the post of the corral’s exit, still on his phone. Jon frowned at the sight. He approached casually, his hands in the front pocket of his own hoodie. “All done.” Jon shrugged. Damian hummed and nodded in response. “So, are we going on a run or…” Jon huffed, waving his hand towards the offending phone, “you too busy?” Damian looked up at him through long black lashes, his green eyes looking a bit lighter in the morning sun. “Tt, it took you long enough.” “Well, if I had help, it would be much quicker!” “Didn’t you live in a farm or something, Corncob?” “No, I help at my Maw and Paw’s farm.” “Then why are you so slow?” Damian started stretching. “What had so much of you attention, anyways?” Jon pictured white hair and a black cardigan. Damian raised an eyebrow and bent at the waist to touch his toes. “I mean you normally talk to me, but you might as well not have been here today.” Jon huffed. “Aw, lonely?” Jon sputtered a denial, his cheeks warming up. Damian smirked and ran off leaving Jon to catch up.
The rest of the day had been uneventful. The only highlight of the day was meeting Jay at Journalism club during lunch, they had type up some of the article they were writing together and promised to meet up again after baseball practice to finish up. Jon stood stretching his legs out after the brutal run Coach put the whole team through, daydreaming about asking Jay out to eat somewhere, when his absent gaze caught the color white. He stopped short narrowing his eyes at the girl sitting under the shade of an old tree next to the bleachers. She was focused on her phone, one foot crossed over the other, back against the tree. Jon wandered over to get a closer look, his water bottle conveniently in the same direction. She was wearing a white crop top, which was seemed to be against school dress code, a black bomber jacket, black ripped skinny jeans and white high tops. The girl seemed to like to match. “Jon.” Damian’s voice startled him, nearly making him drop his water bottle. “What?” Jon whipped around to face him, slightly embarrassed at being caught. “I’ve been looking for you since lunch.” Damian put a hand on his hip, a frown on his face. “Oh sorry I was doing something for journalism.” Jon said. “I wont be home for dinner,” he lowered his voice, “Could you please make sure Bat-cow and Lady are in the barn and lock it up for me?” “Where are you going?” Jon tried not to look in the direction of Damian’s possible girlfriend. “Tt. It’s not really something I need to report to you,” Damian lifted a finger to stop Jon from arguing, “but, since you will be doing this favor for me…I’m going out with Colin and -“ “Damian!” The girl at the tree walked up to them, “are you done with practice yet?” Jon felt instantly annoyed at being interrupted, but he watched the tall girl stop a bit too close to Damian. “Yes, I just need to change.” Damian told her, then turned to Jon, “So, will you?” “Hi, I’m Jon!” Jon abruptly turned to girl, smiling the bright smile everyone seemed to like and extending his hand for her to shake. “Hi, I’m Nika.” She smiled back shaking his hand. “Jon-“ Damian bristled beside him. “Did you just transfer or…?” Jon kept smiling, ignoring Damian. “No, just visiting Gotham.” Nika said. “Oh? For how long?” Jon feigned curiosity. “For a bit,” Nika smirked, “Damian’s been making it a blast.” “Jon-“ Damian tried again. “He’s showing me around town again tonight.” Nika purred grabbing Damian’s hand. Jon stared at their hands, at their intertwined fingers, for some reason his heart squeezed. He then snapped his head up, his smile much more forced. “I gotta go, it was nice meeting you!” Jon turned, quickly walking away. “Jon-“ Damian caught up with him, he was headed in the same direction after all. “Yes!” Jon continued walking, “I’ll make sure the girls are safe and sound, go have fun with your girlfriend!” Damian stopped walking beside him. All he heard from him was a disgruntled “tt.” Jon ignored it, he did not look back. All he wanted top do was shower and leave. He couldn’t wait to hangout with Jay.
Not sure about this chapter but get ready for a bit of angst in the next one. Medical drama!
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remy45 · 5 months
Damian wants to keep his feelings for Nika in secret.
Nika thinks he is more obvious than he hinks.
Just a short but sweet daminika fic. Hope you like it guys¡
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tags: @eclecticwildflowers, @illiana-mystery
warnings: talk of death, Nelson wants to go through with his experiment, swearing
running my hands through my hair, I took a shaky breath.
“Nelson,” i sighed. “This is a bad idea. A real terrible, shit idea.” He shrugged as he looked at me over the rim of his cup.
“Oh come on (Y/N). You can’t tell me you never thought about what comes next.” Nelson shot back. I bit my lip and he smiled triumphantly at me. “This is our chance to see what’s on the other side. All I’m asking you to do is record it. You don’t have to be a part of it anymore than that.” I shook my head and sighed again.
“Nelson what you are doing is fucking suicide.” I said with a hard edge to my tone. “Literally. Or homicide depending on you look at it. Have you listened to suicide survivors versus real near death experiences? Suicide survivors have a vastly different view of the afterlife because they fucked around and found out. Near death experience is a whole other realm.”
“and how am I supposed to replicate a near death experience without it being construed as a suicide attempt? Huh?” Nelson growled. “I can’t. So I go the route I know. The one I know my classmates can bring me back from.”
“assisted suicide then.” I cried, throwing my hands up. “Dammit Nelson.” I put my head in my hands and took a shuddering breath. “Do you have any idea what this is going to do to me?” I looked at him, tears shining in my eyes.
“do to you? I’m coming back.” He laughed. I shook my head.
“And if Dave can’t bring you back? Or Rachel?” I asked. “You and I both know steckle is only there for the equipment and to be the voice of reason. Joe is just there for kicks.” Nelson looked at me with an eyebrow raised. “What happens then? You can’t tell me that isn’t a possibility.” We sat in silence for a few minutes.
“they can do it.” He whispered, reaching out to grab my hand. I pulled it back from him.
“and if they can’t? I want to know what happens then Nelson.” I shot back. “You are so damn positive this will work you can’t even think of the fucking reproductions.” I threw the papers he had given me back across the table at him as I stood up. “Like what would happen to the four of them if it was found out what you roped them into. Or what would happen to me.”
“I’ve got a note absolving them of any responsibility.” Nelson said, standing up with his hands up trying to calm me down. “You don’t have anything to do with this except recording. They can’t touch you. Besides you’re not even in the department.” Nelson gently wrapped his arms around me. I hit his chest, making him curl in on himself and step back slightly.
“Ow.” He moaned as I hit him again. “Hey. Stop. What’re you doing that for?” He tried to grab my hands but I kept hitting him.
“I don’t care about my reputation. Or if I’m kicked out of school. I’ll go somewhere else.” I ground out as I accidentally slapped him. Nelson grabbed my wrist and held tight. “I care about what happens to me after you’re gone. Do you expect me to move on? Go about my days with the same cold exterior you’re expected to have as a doctor? Forget you’re gone and just find someone else?” I finally started crying and I collapsed against Nelson’s chest as he hugged me tightly. He sighed and rubbed my back as I gripped his shirt tightly. Nelson pressed his nose to my head and kissed me gently.
“I get it now.” He whispered. “I get it.” His grip tightened on me and I gently hit his chest again.
“no you don’t.” I chuckled. “You never do. But that’s alright.” I pulled back to look at him. “I’ll be there Nelson. But I won’t record. I won’t help. Not unless I need to.” Nelson nodded, cupping my cheeks to wipe away my tears. “I know you all are certified but if they can’t do it, I’m going to be the one to do CPR. I’ll bring you back.” Nelson nodded as he gently kissed me, making sure he showed me how much he loved me in it.
“I don’t doubt that. Not for one second.” He whispered as he drew back. He rubbed his thumb over my cheek before drawing me back to his chest. “I love you.” I sniffled and hugged him tighter.
“I love you too.” I whispered back. “Just promise you’ll come back to me. Just come back to me.”
“I promise.” Nelson assured me. “I’ll always come back to you.”
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zoi-no-miko · 1 year
Any day you can write a character saying "I know I can't suck the curse out through his dick" is a good writing day.
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Part 2 (now of 3!) of Jamie is injured during the first West Ham match and hides it so he doesn't lose more ground to Zava fic is up!
For the day 16 prompt: flatline
Read on ao3
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meetinginsamarra · 11 months
Whumptober Day 16 "flatline"
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John trudged along the hospital corridor, his footsteps falling heavy with exhaustion. He clutched at a paper cup of bitter coffee and a packet of crisps as if they were a lifeline.
31 hours had passed since Sherlock had been reanimated and John had adamantly refused to leave his friend’s side, having sworn to watch over Sherlock as long as he would be unconscious.
I have to be there when he wakes up. Always “when”, never “if”.
During these 31 hours, John had allowed himself to only leave Sherlock’s room thrice. Each time for a quick trip to the vending machine located around the corner. So far John had been surviving on tap water, coffee and soggy sandwiches and also had been denying himself to nap or even sleep.
John did not know if he did this as some kind of penance for what he had done
punching Sherlock and kicking him on the floor, breaking ribs, damaging his eye
or respectively, what he had not done
coming to help my friend right away instead of choosing to ignore and hate him
but it had left John feeling utterly drained.
Maybe castigating himself in such a way was the first step to forgiveness and redemption or maybe he could not bear the thought of failing to keep Sherlock safe once again.
Possibly both. Anyway, I have so much things I need to say to him.
Each time, John had returned as fast he could to Sherlock’s room. The immanent fear that something bad might happen to Sherlock again during his absence weighed heavy on John’s shoulders.
While sitting at Sherlock’s bed, John had spent much of his time pondering how to explain his behaviour. Express the guilt and remorse he felt. How to phrase a proper apology.
But how can you apologize for the unforgivable?
Entering the room, John instantly searched for Sherlock’s face. Finding him awake caused a warm flood of happiness. But seeing the expression of raw desperation and utter forlornness in these pale blue grey eyes shocked John to the core.
The paper cup slipped out of his hand.
The sound of coffee splattering on the floor startled Sherlock in return.
“John?” Sherlock looked up and a tiny spark of hope ignited in his eyes.
All of John’s carefully planned out words, all the painstakingly crafted sentences scattered and vaporized in a second.
“God, Sherlock! You flatlined!” John blurted.
find the fic on AO3 HERE
Please tell me if anybody wants to get tagged or untagged (just say it, I won’t get mad).
@helloliriels @calaisreno @7-percent @lisbeth-kk @peageetibbs @gaylilsherlock @totallysilvergirl @alexisnoir @blogstandbygo @jobooksncoffee @missdeliadili @kabubsmagga @mary-johnlocked @vaticancameos221 @kestrelwing64 @sabsi221b
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theblognameistaken · 7 months
Anyways, I'm gon make a new series about them but tgcf inspired!
Because tgcf created love
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why are there no dc×dp fics on ao3 with Danny Phantom or Fenton interacting with Flatline???? they would be amazing!!!
king of ghosts meeting someone who kills to get abilities of the person they killed!
I do hve ideas if anyone wants some.
also if there are fics could someone pls tag me or link them?
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