#for pleasure reading
(This is so random and I'm going a bit insane at almost 3am😫)
Duke: Tim! Wssp?
Tim: *face half an inch away from his phone* reading.
Duke: reading what?
Tim: 🧍🏻‍♂️
Tim *mumbles*
Duke: huh?
Tim: *mumbles a bit louder* superbat😔
Duke: omg?? *whips out his phone and opens a recent tab* same?!
*staring at eachother in disbelief for a solid minute*
[Meanwhile in the other room]
Jason: *writing superbat fics*
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soracities · 1 year
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Yusef Komunyakaa, from "The Cage Walker", Pleasure Dome: New & Collected Poems [ID in ALT]
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valtsv · 9 months
grabbing myself by the scruff of the neck and forcing myself to at least skim read a longform post or piece of text that i just scrolled past despite thinking it sounded interesting because it's "too long" i will NOT contribute to my own attention deficiency and limit my general knowledge and critical thinking skills by needing information spoonfed to me in bitesize pieces to be able to digest it i will NOT
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4sh-n4 · 4 months
AU where bruce and co. (his entire hoarde of kids, even jason in disguise) are at a gala. And it's a really big gala, party of the year type of thing in Gotham, absolutely unmissable. And usually, even the rogues know that this night is off limits, so it's relatively safe. So, they're all at this gala, right?
And then the joker crashes it because he has no respect for Gotham traditions. Breaks in through a window, yada yada. He starts to go on this whole villain speech as per usual, and everyone is waiting for the heroes to come. But all the heroes are at the gala, in their civilian identities, with a thousand eyes on them. No one can reasonably slip away, except for maybe jason, who's already seething mad and ready to attack. But with the chaos and people trying to get away, all the exits are blocked, and his helmet is at home.
Bruce is at the front of the crowd, facing the Joker. Joker sees him and makes a comment about Jason, and goes on about how Bruce must've felt when his baby died. And then he brings up how he killed the little birdie too, just a few days before the terrorist attacks that allegedly killed Jason. And he mentions how much he tortured Robin before his death, and Bruce snaps.
He leaps forward, absolutely hammering the shit out of the joker. Beats him up so bad, no finesse or technique to it, just pure rage. His kids try to pull him off, to no avail. No one else even tries. By the end of it, by the time the police arrive, the joker is more blood than body, and Bruce has finally calmed down. Everyone is just staring at him in shock, understandably. (The joker ends up in hospital, paralysed and in a coma)
His kids all drag Bruce home and give him an entire lecture about his persona and how his cover has probably been blown. About excessive violence and how he refused to kill joker but then pulled this in public?? They're all worried about the fallout in the news the next day.
No one sleeps that night, for various reasons, but then when the newspaper comes out the next morning... there's just nothing bad written?? The headline is something about Bruce being a hero for saving everyone from the joker, but there's no other mention about Batman or anything else.
Turns out, no one in Gotham is surprised that Brucie Wayne, no 1 airhead, beat up the joker because "did you SEE him as a teenager?? We were all just glad when he came from his travels pretending to be stupid instead of picking fights with everyone. If anything, it's understandable that he snapped, I would too if a clown started bragging about killing my son." The only reason no one brought up his violent past is because they were worried he would revert back to that behaviour.
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collophora · 4 months
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Do yourself a favor and go read the entire fanfic work of @fanfoolishness
(In order: Under sun and shade, Blind Side, and Breathless (patching up is one of my fav too, I just had no cool sketch idea for it)
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thiefkingyall · 1 month
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Now for the painstaking colouring process... pray for my hands- hand writing those notes to look like they were scrawled hastily while slipping into madness was... not something I had expected to do. Ahem... now if you'll excuse me... the Seaspring calls.
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p4perhearts · 22 days
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Chappell Roan’s Makeup Part 2 🌈💋💕🦋
by cherry_roan on twitter/x
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duohensheng · 2 months
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hey remember that time last month when I read vol 6 and was forever changed
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ash-and-starlight · 1 year
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and i’ll do anything you say (if you say it with your hands) chapter 10
“You came looking for me,” Sokka says. Zuko’s already soft eyes melt further.
“Of course I came looking for you,” he says. Like it’s obvious. Like it doesn’t knock the earth off its axis.
For a second, Sokka forgets about the pain, past and present. All he feels is a treacherous bubble of hope – inside his chest, under his skin, stuck in his throat.
or read it from the beginning if you haven’t
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hamletthedane · 4 months
Coworker: You know, you were talking about that book the other day at lunch, and I kinda wanted to read it.
Me: What book?
Coworker: The Hobbit.
Me: You’ve never read the Hobbit?!?!? Did you get it??
Coworker: I started last night and I’m already almost to the end…..I’m starting to feel strangely sad thinking about all the time I wasted being “too cool” to read for pleasure when I was younger. I wish I had known about this book when I was a teenager - it would have changed my life, I think. There’s just something about this story that I really love. It’s, like, comforting??
Me, trying not to get emotional: Yeah…the Hobbit really does that to you.
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peachebo · 9 months
he finally can take some rest.... with his murderous clown-robot
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Happy holidays
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soracities · 11 months
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Yusef Komunyakaa, from "Jasmine", Pleasure Dome: New and Collected Poems [ID in ALT]
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ghostlyheart · 8 months
How I (roughly) imagine this scale:
1- I see myself as a faster reader than the average person. I can breeze through a text quickly and still understand almost all of it
2- I read at a "normal" speed. I need to pace myself but can consistently read and comprehend a text in a reasonable time frame
3- I see myself as a slower reader than other people. It takes me a long time to get through a text and if I try to go too fast I won't understand it
Obviously this can vary by your mood, the type of text, etc. and this is a very imprecise scale with some overlap, I'm just casually curious!!
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misskaboom · 11 months
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When he reads a story to me…
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oh-biwan · 5 months
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Touch my lungs, take my breath
Inspired by @predator-padawan's pleasure, little treasure 🖤 The thought of using the Force to touch the insides, the utter invasion, nowhere to recoil from it, and instead just taking it... this fucked with my brain on so many levels and snugly rooted itself in a dark corner of my mind.
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dog-botherer · 5 months
Ok why did no one tell me how gay the original Sherlock Holmes stories are. I though BBC Sherlock was just gay out of nowhere, I didn’t realise it was just following the source material
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