#forget harry potter reboots
seleneprince · 5 months
When was anyone planning to tell me that this
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Was in fact NOT a fake thing? That there's a fucking trailer about it? And that Maxence Danet-Fauvel, from Skam France, is the one who plays Tom Riddle?? Was I supposed to find out just now??!
Like, I just watched the trailer and? It's? A masterpiece?? Whenever I saw fragments of it I assumed it was just from another movie Maxence was, until I saw him holding a wand..💀
I'm still speechless
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hopeymchope · 1 year
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Oh GOD the fiendish David Zaslav is rebooting Harry Potter with a new "extremely faithful" adaption of the seven books. J.K. TERFling is heavily involved, she's executive producing, and they've made a TEN-YEAR COMMITMENT already.
Five Rapid-Fire Thoughts I Had in Reaction to This News:
Fuck Zaslav. (Btw, did I mention that — after deleting half of HBO Max's original content — Zaslav has now announced a price hike to the newly christened "MAX" service? As if giving a shitload of money to the planet's most notable TERF wasn't enough fuckery. FUCK that fucking shitheel.)
See below.
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3. All y'all who were like "Boycott Hogwart's Legacy or You're Automatically a Terrible Person" or whatever because Rowling was going to make like a 1% royalty off of that game had GODDAMN BETTER boycott HBO MAX (....uh, sorry, it's just "MAX" now, I keep forgetting bc that name sucks — "HBO MAX" wasn't all that good a name to begin with IMO, but now it's worse) from here on out. YES, I know it's harder to boycott an entire streaming service that may contain OTHER content you want, but c'mon now, just bootleg anything you want off MAX in the future. (I'll help! I will send you a link or whatever if you need assistance. Message me. It's cool.) Because this is going to make her SO MUCH MORE MONEY due to involving her FAR MORE DIRECTLY. FUCK. WHY. Why did they fucking do this.
4. There are so many things in the books that are either A) poorly explained workarounds for continuity/logic issues or B) extremely problematic that the movies were actually BETTER for ignoring them. Can't wait to see the scene where every single known Time-Turner gets accidentally broken shortly after Prisoner of Azkaban in order to ensure the characters can never use time travel to fix their problems again! SUPER excited for the plotline where Hermione has to learn that she's silly and wrong for trying to free slaves because the slaves are fucking happier being enslaved! OH BOY!
5. God, a ten-year production commitment UP FRONT. I hope they lose so much money on this stupid-ass project that they wind up dragging their feet to produce future seasons for so long that the contract runs out before they've gotten farther than like, the third novel, and then it just dies on the vine. Would be HILARIOUS.
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labyrinthhofmymind · 4 days
WHY ARE PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT THE HARRY POTTER TV SHOW REBOOT AS IF THEYRE GONNA WATCH IT????? LIKE???? HELLO???? let’s not forget that engaging with it in any way means more money towards jkr, and for a fandom like the marauders that preaches so much about how inclusive and diverse they are (ESPECIALLY when it comes to trans people) the fact people are talking about this show and who they want cast + shit is INSANE.
ALSO!!!! WHY WOULD WE WANT A SHITTY REBOOT OF THE MARAUDERS ANYWAY???? idk about you guys but i’m perfectly happy with the little/big world we have created as a fandom through fanfiction, artwork, short films, etc. and ik for a fact that a tv show/movie about the marauders will NEVA live up to what we already have.
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orchideous-nox · 5 hours
Thoughts on how people have been acting about the reboot?
Okay I have an excuse to publicly rant about this. Yippie.
Frankly, I think it's a bit disgusting how quickly some people have thrown away morals and acted like it's okay to start supporting jkr again by saying how excited they are for the reboot.
I don't care if Ben Barnes and Andrew Garfield get cast. I don't care if any of the original cast return. I don't care if they included wolfstar as canon. All of this is bait to gain back support. This show is still something jkr is directly involved with and will benefit from financially and if you're saying that you'll run to HBO if any of those people are in it so you can watch it then please let me know so I can make sure to have nothing to do with you. If Ben Barnes or Andrew Garfield do become involved, then I will no longer be supporting them, this goes for anyone else cast no matter how much I love them prior. I hope people can understand why without me having to explain it.
I know it sounds hypocritical coming from a marauders fic writer, but I have done a lot in my personal life to let people around me know that I don't and won't support jkr and Harry Potter as a queer, non-cis person. Anything I own was bought previous to her remarks in the last few years and often second hand and/or given to me as a gift, and nothing I do online is to support her which is why I am so okay with forgetting canon in favour of fanon with the inclusion of LGBTQ+ in my posts and fics. I will always try to support fan produced content where I can, especially if the creator is queer and vocally against jkr, but I won't be supporting Wizarding World and jkr produced content.
I have seen too many people in the last few months going to the WB Studios, to the park in Orlando, buying official Harry Potter merchandise, hyping up the show, talking about how excited they are, and then come online like "fuck jkr". This is so contradictory and it confuses me so much which people still think it's okay to directly support someone who doesn't support our existance as a queer and trans community.
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raghu2fowl · 4 months
Okay, Hear Me Out.
You remember the Harry Potter films? Despite forgetting some important details from the books, the films did manage to stay true to its source material. It was widely enjoyed by fans of the book.
What happens to it now? There are rumors of it being rebooted on HBO.
Percy Jackson films? A nightmare.
But Disney heard the fans' outcry and gave us the much, MUCH, improved Percy Jackson and the Olympians series recently.
Now, Artemis Fowl: The Movie. I kid you not, my only reaction to the whole film during and after watching the film was - wtf. How could they absolutely butcher a book series so good?
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So, my question is - when HP and PJO can get rebooted, why can't Artemis Fowl? It deserves it. We, the fans, deserve it. So this is kinda a rant/petition to make an Artemis Fowl TV Series. Someone please do something.
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hjellacott · 10 months
The problem with diversity, Woke and Cancel Culture in TV & film (written by an actual filmmaker)
These days you surely have noticed plenty of attempts to "mend history". People destroy Christopher Columbus memorials, pretend like their ancestors didn't violently conquer territory that was already occupied (by either native tribes or other established civilizations), and try to rewrite history in a way that is less offensive, as if that undoes the "wrongs" that were done. And I say "wrongs" because of course the past is always going to look wrong if you look at it with the lenses of the present. For example, think of the most embarrassing thing you ever did in childhood; the reason why you think it was embarrassing is only that you're looking at it now as a grown-up, and grown-up you wouldn't do that thing - doesn't mean it was wrong for a child to do it, nor even really embarrassing.
The same goes to history. Imagine if Germany had spent its post WW2 years destroying every evidence of the holocaust, Nazism and WW2 and pretending it didn't happen. Not only would it have been incredibly offensive and hurtful to the victims and their descendants, but also, erasing history means forgetting history, and when you forget history, you're doomed to repeat it. Yet somehow, it's been OK to do this with literally anything else, leading to the phenomenom of "Cancel Culture".
Now everyone's getting hurt, offended and ashamed by things that are well in the past, and instead of looking at them like a repressentative of the past, people seek to erase them, pretend they never happened, cancel them, try to vanish them from the Earth. For example when they throw Columbus' monuments into the ocean, or rewrite school books and neglect to inform children of how truly sad our past as human race is (and all these things have actually happened, I'm not exaggerating).
But when it comes to TV and film, you can't make them disappear, specially not in the era of Netflix, so what do they do? Try to redo them but "better". And then, legendary products of TV and film, such as Charmed, Friends, and so on, get either rebooted or attempted to be repeated in some similar fashion, and the "copy" sinks abysmally, while the popularity of the original rises.
There's a reason why the Charmed reboot hasn't been even a third of well-known as the original, why HIMYF sank after only two seasons, why there has never been anything quite like Friends, The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, why the new Star Wars movies don't get as popular as the original six, why Modern Family couldn't be done today, why TV and film are running out of original ideas and getting stupider and stupider, why Woke and Cancel Culture are setting fire to the world of good film and TV, or why the only good reboot I can think of was The Ghostbusters (women's version). Spending life trying to do the past again but "better" (or what you think is better according to your present lenses), instead of accepting the past as it is and coming up with new, original things that revolutionise film and TV, doesn't lead to anything but boredom and failure.
I've been working in film for years, it's what I studied, what I devoted my life to, and over and over, we all in the industry keep discussing the same thing: there are no new ideas, and this "diversity" thing is a farce. Diversity cannot come from non-diversity. Until you have diversity in production companies, script writers, show creators, directors... there won't be diversity. Not for real. Taking a show as great as Charmed for example and do it again "but with POC actors" is NOT diversity, is a joke. Same can be said about HIMYF.
And thing is, there is nothing wrong with having shows without diversity, or with barely any. There is nothing wrong with having shows or movies where everyone is white or male, I mean, look at the Marvel Universe, it's mostly built around grown-up white men with good looks playing superheroes. Men like it because it's got superheroes and action, women like it because the men look great, and children like it for the great special effects. Thing is, the writer's mantra is "write about what you know". So if you're white, went to Harvard in the 1980s, and grew up in say, Ohio, you should totally be writing about white people, because anything else is dishonest, with yourself and everyone else. How are you going to write about the lived experiences of people who you aren't even friends with? who you don't know anything about but stereotypes? No. If what you know about is a bunch of white men in NYC, then that's what you fucking write about. Yes, you do your research, but you, white boy from Arizona, don't start to do research about a lesbian girl from Sri Lanka to make her your main character in your new TV series, because all the research in the world won't make it right, unless you actually know well a real lesbian girl from Sri Lanka (or a country with a similar culture). Because your research will end up in stereotypes, trust me. And it'll suck.
And you definitely don't write about diversity behaving and pretending to be white men. For example, HIMYF. A show that attempts to be the diverse version of HIMYM. But it's not funny. It's not half as great. Why? Because it's too Woke. It showcases POC and women trying to behave like white American men, and it doesn't work.
I could go on about this for years and years (and please do feel free to ask anything) because it's such a massive issue, truly, and as a filmmaker, my ovaries are fucking huge with rage about the whole thing. But I'll leave it at this. We as a civilization need to develop thicker skin and learn to laugh at ourselves. No kidding the new generation is being called "crystal", damn, it's so bloody fragile. We need to be OK with jokes and even insults, and take them as what they are: the real repressentation of somebody's lived experience. I'm not saying racism is OK, but I am saying that I'd much rather someone is true to themselves so I know they're racists and choose not to be mates with them, than creating a fake world where everyone's fake and dishonest and pretending to be what they're not. Fake it until you make it never works. Not even actors do it.
What we see today in film and TV with the reboots and the "correction" is precisely that: fake and dishonest. Pretending like black actors have it as easy as white actors to get cast, like black stories can be identical to white stories, like producers and big companies aren't racist and sexist and homophobic because they make rainbow T-Shirts and say Love is Love like they're being paid for it (because they are), is fooling yourself and giving money to actual assholes pretending to be angels. We're forgetting what it means to have actual principles set in stone, and we're being content with people simply "pretending" for the sake of money and fame.
And I'll tell you one last thing: consume things and accept them and love them for what they are. I'm a woman and I come from minorities, but do I laugh when Barney Stinson says a sexist joke? yes. Because I accept he's a sexist asshole and I don't pretend to change him, I laugh and roll my eyes and think "typical Barney", and so far, having seen HIMYM several times, I haven't heard him say something so hurtful and inconsiderate that I actually got offended, mostly because I understand he's not a bad guy, he's just a product of the way he was raised and that's the whole point. To put it simple: don't get angry at a cat because it won't bark. And when I want to watch something that's feminist and all about female empowerment, I watch Charmed and see guys like Barney getting their arse handed to them by ferocious women.
And when I want badass POC or LGBT stories, guess what? Nothing, because we're yet to give POC or LGBT people enough of a platform as producers, script writers and creators to create badass LGBT or POC stories, so all we have is white people dressed as LGBT/POC in white shows dressing-up as diversity shows, and that's ladies and gentlemen how Sex and the City the reboot was born.
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This ask is a bingo card free space to talk about Stephen King stuff, cuz your last ask makes it seem like you have interesting stuff to say.
I don't know about interesting, and these are more personal opinions than anything else rather than meta of any kind, but I guess I can give it an answer.
Stephen King is a great novelist. I will start off with that immediately. The Dark Tower Series, while I have my gripes, remains one of my favorite fantasy series to this date (the first four books at least, after that is... for the second half of this post). Carrie, despite being his first novel, is iconic and memorable for a reason and packs a hard punch even when you know the Prom is coming.
This isn't really King so much but while there are many shitty film adaptations of his work there are several unbelievably good film adaptations to include The Green Mile, Stand by Me, the reboot IT Part 1 (Part 2 was... alright but not nearly as good), The Shining, and I'm sure others I either haven't seen yet or am momentarily forgetting about.
He's not one of my favorite novelists, but he is very good, and he's written some great works.
That said, he has his hang-ups and weirdness that he will almost always dump into a story.
What I was referencing in this post was that Stephen King has certain... I guess we'll call them Stephen King tropes. These are things that will pop up more often than not in Stephen King novels. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, but you get an idea what to expect if you read enough of his work.
Rape/Sexual Abuse
There's a lot of rape in Stephen King novels and a lot of the time it's fucking weird.
IT, infamously, in the book has a gang bang scene where all the twelve your old boys have sex with the girl to save the universe. (No, seriously, this happens in the book. Funny that no film adaptation kept that one).
In The Dark Tower series we have the incubus/succubus that shows up more than once, and yes, part of it is that the story is based on Arthurian lore where there is canonically rape that's very important (Morganna's seduction of/sleeping with Arthur under false pretenses) but it's also just... really really uncomfortable and weird.
It's not every novel, but sometimes you see it and you just want to ask King, "Why?"
"Why, Stephen King, am I reading this scene which I'm not sure needed to be in this book? Did you really have to put this in here?"
The Stephen King Villains
Stephen King has a few types of villains, there's your primordial inhuman evil that takes advantage of human weakness (see the hotel in The Shining, the cemetery in Pet Semetary, IT in IT, etc.) and then there's your human cast of villains.
These vary too, but there's a certain flavor of them that I don't see anywhere else, and that's his teenage villains.
Usually, they themselves turn out to be victims of domestic abuse, which informs their violence in turn as they're caught in a tragic cycle, but you get these hyperviolent/vindictive kids who are just going to fuck up your life for little reason.
(The closest non Stephen King counterpart I can think of is Harry Potter's Marauders and specifically Sirius Black whose goading Severus Snape into nearly getting eaten by a werewolf is exactly the kind of shit that would happen in Carrie.)
I actually do like his villains, both his eldritch evil and the human pawns, and I like that the humans do tend to show depth in that they have reasons to become what they do and that usually a choice involved to become worse for some reason.
That said, they are a trope of his, and you know them when you see them.
Other Tropes
There are other things that come up, but as I haven't read most of Stephen King's works, or even most of his famous works, I don't feel comfortable extrapolating in the case that there really are counterexamples out there.
I've just come to expect that when I read Stephen King I'll get great stuff but I may also get fucking bonkers things as well. Sometimes the bonkers aids the story and sometimes I could do without it.
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halestrom · 11 months
20 questions game
thanks very much for tagging me @wonkyelk and @esteefee
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
1,290,753, which averages to 15k a fic which tracks for me
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Stargate Atlantis, primarily, currently Top Gun has a hold on me. Daredevil, 911
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
oh poor atlas, the worlds a beast of a burden
five dates that don't work out for buck and one that does
How To Romance An Astrophysicist
A Family Affair
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do my best and usually fail. I get stuck in my own head about it, and then have bursts of YES I CAN. I really need to go back and finish it.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Honestly Hold A Stranger, my Nancy/John fic? Idk. I don't tend to do sad endings bc im a little baby
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All? Maybe? Atlas has independent Atlantis so that's always a perk.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten one or two here or there. I'm a delete and forget kinda girl
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Sometimes! If I feel like it or it fits the scene.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I love a good crossover. Right now I'm posting a 911/Pacific Rim fusion, and I wrote a Old Guard/SGA crossover that I love.
The craziest would have to be my Battleship/The Sentinel AU
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Doubt it
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Don't think so but anyones welcome to!
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Nope, but I'd always be down to try.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
McShep, i love them so much.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I have a 123k time travel fic that i adore but the 123k, in retrospect, feels like a solid foundation and it probabaly needs to be split up and like have 200k more added and its just....SO MUCH
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I do really really good plots, that are different and unique
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I sometimes think my dialogue can come across as Same between characters and it's something I'm working on. Also, pacing sometimes.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't mind it, I just...I feel like if its plot relevant and it's something the reader needs to know then it can get a little dicey?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter way back in like 2003 on Livejournal
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I'm really proud of Impetus forever. It's just so well done in my opinion.
I also really fucking love my Betray The Moon series bc i threaded the plot through 4 different stories. And also love what I did with the magic. in that series.
Guide You Home forever.
Reboot was super super fun
The Doctor and the Sheppard bc I made John a Pegasus native and I think I made it work!
tagging: anyone who wants it bc i think a lot of people have already done this
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shutupanddance · 3 years
shutupanddance’s 50 Followers Challenge
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What’s up kids! If you don’t know me, I’m shutupanddance, I write reader-insert fan fiction, and my goal is to reach 50 followers by September!
In order to achieve this, I need your help! This post will contain a list of writing prompts and the fandoms I write for. Your job is to either reblog this post, or send in a request! I will answer EACH ONE and give you headcanons, an imagine, or a short fic! By reblogging or requesting, you help me expand my audience. Now, if you don’t want to request one of the prompts, you don’t have to! I’ll take any requests. The prompts are just there as a guide. Additionally, if you want to use these prompts for yourself, go right ahead! I don’t mind :)
Now, why should you participate?
My goal is to be the fanfic writer who writes where there is a lack of writing. There are so many times where I have been able to find ZERO reader-insert fan fiction for a character I love, and I want to fill those gaps. By helping me gain followers, you boost my work, and also the amount of requests I receive, meaning more and more people can ask for fics, imagines, and headcanons with their faves.
Obviously, you are in no way obligated to interact at all, but I would really appreciate it! If you are doing something similar, I’d be happy to help!
Anyway, here are the prompts!
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#1: “I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong.”
#2: “Should I ask why you have a knife in your purse?”
”It’s a dagger, actually, and no you shouldn’t.”
#3: “Close your eyes and listen. And trust me.”
#4: Rosemary, broken glass, and an old gun.
#5: “Do you remember when I loved you?”
”Good, because I never did.”
#6: “He saw the notice in the paper.”
”Why would you let him see the paper?”
”What was I supposed to do, eat it?”
#7: “I didn’t catch your name!”
”I didn’t throw it.”
#8: “I’m not better than you, but at least I’m not you. And right now, that’s worth a whole lot.”
#9: Romantic dinner, but something is wrong.
#10: Forehead kisses during an apocalypse
#11: “This isn’t BBC Sherlock! You can’t just run around administering justice as you see fit!
#12: Trying to get a smoke detector to shut up
#13: Falling out of a closet during Hide N Seek
#14: Revealing a dark secret, but it turns out that they already know
#15: Once upon a midnight dreary
#16: The odds were never in our favor
#17: If I should die, think only this of me
#18: Attack hugs
#19: Afraid of ladybugs
#20: The dumb*ss God couldn’t stop
#21: “There’s a rumor going around that you’re the one to ask if someone needs to acquire rare and dangerous objects.”
”There’s a rumor going around that you’re an undercover cop.”
#22: A parking lot, a coroner, and snails
#23: “You’re the only person I know who calls me that.”
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Now, on to the list of fandoms!
- Marvel (MCU)
- DC (DCU)
- Harry Potter
- Sherlock
- Star Wars (trilogies, Clone Wars, Rebels, Mandalorian)
- Star Trek (reboots, original series)
- Pacific Rim
- Knives Out
- Night at the Museum
- LOTR + The Hobbit
- Jurassic Park/World
- The West Wing
*if you don’t see your fandom on the list, let me know! Sometimes I forget what I’ve seen :)
Thank you SO MUCH for reading this far! Can’t wait to hear from you :)
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angelicymp · 3 years
Perhaps a little coaxing is needed...
Good evening my literary friends,
I am hoping to find a suitable partner for specific cravings and ideas I have in mind.
My introduction will be brief and a bit more to the point than usual. I am quite thorough and detail-oriented when it comes to being a writer, including some of my rules and preferences. However, since I believe it to be quite a hassle to go through every point I’m making, my ad will be a bit more compact.
A brief recap: You can call me Imp; I am in my twenties and a student, striving to become a part-time freelancer as well. My main hobbies are photography, traveling, drawing and of course, the art of writing. Currently, I reside in Europe, so my timezone could differ from yours, unless you are also from a similar region.
Be sure to read through my ad to see if we’re compatible. Too many times I’ve encountered cases where the inquirers skimmed through all of the info and upon messaging me, were surprised to learn that we weren’t a match from the beginning. So if you haven’t properly read my ad, I’ll know. I’d like to urge everyone to stick with it so there won't be any misunderstandings and not waste everyone’s time.

Me, myself and I
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(art by: Ayami Kojima)
♦ Nickname: Imp
♦ Experience: 12 years and counting
♦ Style: 1:1 with the inclusion of doubling
♦ Rating: Mature
♦ Roleplaying Platform: Email and Google Docs
♦ Chatting Platform: Email, Google Hangouts or Discord
♦ Pet peeves: Slice of Life

After finishing the game of Resident Evil 8 Village, I was struck by yet another muse.
I am currently looking for either a pre-existing canon inspired roleplay, or, something completely original. Be sure you are above the age of eighteen, preferably 21 and upwards. I will not accept any inquires from minors - this is not negotiable.
What to expect
♢  Content: Mature. I am more interested in darker things like horror, occultism, the supernatural, you can maybe guess where I am going with this. My limits are few, safe for a couple of minor pet peeves that I have, I am pretty much open to some experimentation; such as violence, gore and sexual themes. When it comes to heavy scenes, I will not fade to black, unless it serves no purpose to the story. Not a huge fan of censorship. However, I will not force or push my partner into something they are not comfortable with. If you want to know the extent to how far I am willing to go, what sort of content, or how graphic my writing will be, you can ask me directly.

♢ Rating: I have little to no issues with delving into more sensitive topics. Since reality is often stranger than fiction, it is very interesting to explore all sides of human nature, including the less comfortable subjects such as psychology, crime, etc. But I also like to remind that this is a world of fiction and no one in their right mind would condone such things in real life. The world of adults is not easy to handle, but it sure is interesting to explore. So if you are a gentle soul and can’t take the heat of more serious moments within the roleplay, be it a character going through trying times, etc; this might not be ideal for you.
♢ Writing: My texts are considerably lengthy, detailed, and elaborate. Third-person is usually my preferred way of playing my character unless there’s a special case where an exception can be made. Word count usually fluctuates, though I have a standard form of 400-500+ words per reply. It also highly depends on the given situation.
♢ Romancing: I admit to being a hopeless romantic. There’s nothing more enjoyable than witnessing good and powerful chemistry between two characters. Preferably I go for the usual MxF pairing dynamic but I am also open to FxF and MxM, should it feel more fitting. While doubling, I can write the character/love interest to my partner’s desire, but I always aim to stay true to their personality and character. I hate nothing more than forcing characters into a relationship, especially if there’s no spark, so I won’t respond well to being pressured into letting characters act out of their personality. It’s just not realistic. As for smut, or what have you, I have no issues with adding a few spicy scenes, sometimes even drawing them out of our pleasure. When there is, however, a running theme where sexual themes are taking the focal point of the plot, it can become quite boring. It is never the center of any of my roleplays, so be warned.
♢ Plotting: I am fairly quick when it comes to building new characters, concepts, premises, storylines, backstories, etc. It allows me a certain latitude. Feel free to communicate your ideas and thoughts with me. I am happy to chat, even when it doesn’t involve the roleplay directly. Though this is a hobby, I am still extremely passionate about good storytelling and interesting character arcs. I hope to meet someone who is just as enthusiastic and willing to put in the same amount of effort. If it’s only me who’s pulling all the weight, I will lose interest and feel forced to end the correspondence.
No gos
♦ Won’t do: Pedophilia, Necrophilia, Bestiality, Scat, Vore, Toilet Play, etc. I am sure you can also think of many other strange fetishes that have developed over the years spent on the internet.
♦ Won’t write: The idea of supernatural beings trying to fit into human society. The typical bully x victim storyline. The run-of-the-mill vampires vs werewolf plot. BDSM centred stories. Slice of life. Flawless or excessively flawed characters.
What I expect
♢ Literacy: You should at least have a decent grasp of basic grammar and coherency in your spelling.
♢ Flexibility: Since we all have lives outside of the roleplay, we both need to be flexible. Sometimes our schedules may differ, and if life is currently intervening, we can take things a bit easier. Plus, I can’t always respond every second of every day, either. This should be considered a hobby and not a job. If a hiatus is on the rise, there is no problem with putting things on ice until things clear up.
♢ Experience: And by that, I don’t mean how many years you’ve roleplayed, rather the experience that comes with age and emotional maturity. Especially if you want to write stories with grit.
♢ Open to doubling: Quick explanation. Doubling is when we play two main characters each. The dynamic is as follows; I write your chosen love interest against your main character while you do the same for me.
♢ Long term: Only long-term partnerships.
♢ Sharing the spotlight: Don’t forget, this is all about you too! Let me know all your specific cravings, interests, or wants that you want to be included into the roleplay.
♦ Urban fantasy: Supernaturals, demons, spirits, vampires, you name it. I’d be more interested in something original and unique, especially when it comes to vampirism and demonic entities.
♦ Dark Sci-Fi: So this is a bit inspired by Resident Evil. A world where monsters become a vicious reality, generating fear among the people they come in contact with. But as it turns out, these monsters are not supernatural, but rather infected or mutated by a virus that cannot be explained.
♦ History, mythology, and folklore: An interesting take on the historical timeline, where legends and myths were once a reality. However, their existence was greatly misrepresented in the storybooks, sometimes even completely distorted. Our characters could be accidental time travelers who have been sent from the future to see it with their own eyes. Inspirations are mostly Slavic, European, and ancient folklore from all over the world.
♦ Crime with a dark twist: Mafias, organized crime, and corrupted politicians run this town. All of them have one thing in common. A particular drug that grants humans superhuman abilities; but at a cost. The drug will turn force the users to reject their humanity to instead embrace their monstrosity.
Canon & Fandoms
♢ Castlevania: Rather the original games than the Netflix series. But I am also not opposed to tackling the Netflix universe.
♢ Devil May Cry: Every game is game. Except for the reboot. Never played that one.
♢ Invincible: Not so invincible.
♢ Resident Evil: Village is one of the best games I’ve ever played. Periodt.
♢ Harry Potter: Next gen anyone?
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If you made it this far, I am glad you managed to hold on, lol. If you found what I wrote, agreeable and have a similar interests to mine, feel free to message me on this email adress.
You can also contact me via DM on my Tumblr blog, though preferably, I would rather be more receptive on Email since I am more active there. And it’s a lot more personal as well.
Hope to see you there.
I wish you all a lovely day my fellow readers!
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parcai · 3 years
this has three parts, and answer this whenever you like but: 1, do you have any book → screen adaptions that you think are good, but also 2, what do you think MAKES a good adaption? is it fixing the plotholes, is it doing it word for word, is it having accurate character depictions, what makes them good. and then 3, should adaptions be considered "canon" or viewed separately
1. good adaptations: this is tricky bc i know i’m forgetting many. i searched up good adaptations lol since i only thought of a few off the top of my head and chose some of the ones i agree w
i dislike talking about harry potter for obvious reasons and also i was never super into it, but i would argue its movies are better than the books themselves lol and are really the reason it turned into such a universal empire.
again not all positive feelings for the book, but tkam’s adaptation was well done. actually just in general take some of these w a grain of salt
the godfather
wizard of oz
forrest gump
hidden figures
lord of the rings
crazy rich asians
perks of being a wallflower
to all the boys i’ve loved before
jurassic park
alice in wonderland (animated)
devil wears prada
idk there’s a lot actually. people give the adaptations sm flack but that’s only bc the only ones that people tend to remember are based off books are usually so horribly bad that it’s memorable
2. it’s difficult to say there’s any definitive way to make an adaptation good. i think a lot of it has to w respect and contextual history. i’m not like a period drama kind of girl, but i feel like if someone started taking artistic liberties w pride and prejudice or smth that’s just so set in its own tradition then it’d be weird and incense a lot of people. this is usually the case w classics. tcon is a good example of a non-traditionally historical seeming world, same w lord of the rings, and so making it so close to word for word and only changing through omission was v smart to me. narnia’s so inherently tied in w the world wars and all of those stories have too rich of a history to sacrifice. or even animated alice in wonderland is p close to the book. this is why reboots are gross sometimes <3
if the source material isn’t so linked to history or whatever, i def think fixing plotholes can help readers. the purpose of these adaptations are to popularize something that maybe isn’t world-renowned, i think. so plotholes, even some big structural changes aren’t off limits. nothing should really directly contradict the source material, but as most of these types of adaptations are for more recent cultural pieces or just overall lesser known, doing it word for word can bore and alienate the original fanbase, who’ll always think the books are better if there’s no changes. listening to what fans would’ve wanted in the books and implementing into the adaptation is often successful. and like i said it doesn’t feel sacrilegious. in general, no adaptation imo should be word for word. even the “relic adaptations” bc it’ll always be compared and significantly worse when word for word. even my previous example narnia omits the other children besides the pevensies or focuses on characterization that was never fully explored in the books (lucy feeling like susan’s lesser shadow for example), which really adds to the charm. same w sherlock actually giving sherlock a personality besides a reclusive, unfeeling detective like conan doyle’s version. they made him reclusive w a side of curiosity and arrogance and caring-ness (that’s not a word), etc.
i wouldn’t say accurate character depictions are always super important. like i know for shadow and bone, they’re changing the darkling and alina a little since it was so problematic in the original grishaverse books (tho idk if this will be a good adaptation as it hasn’t released yet). i wouldn’t say any one particular thing makes an adaptation good. i feel that when adapting you need to take the most significant part of a series, why it’s special, and preserve it. that’s like really vague lmao. prob like 97% of the time character depiction is the most important part, i agree. bc 97% of the time beloved stories are character driven and altering the character everyone first fell in love w is self sabotaging. but this isn’t always the case. some movies are just straight up flashy and fun to watch bc the purpose of the books was sheer effects. in that case, u better put in the budget to make that come to life.
part of harry potter’s appeal was certainly characters, but the wizarding world itself is something people were v drawn to. building such intricate sets...costumes...a world that lifelike...mm hp has one of the best world adaptations imo. hp’s most special things were its worldbuilding and its characters. the adaptations successfully carried both forward, and thus they were a hit. forrest gump is all about character. thus forrest’s characterization was more important than anything else they did. alice in wonderland, crazy rich asians, jurassic park are all like hp in its importance of world, so that was preserved (and you’ll notice in the live people version of alice in wonderland the world is slightly sacrificed and not nostalgic, which is part of the reason it flopped so hard). i hope this makes sense and also i’m not repeating myself too much.
3. it should be considered canon...to a certain extent.
at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter if the adaptation sucks bc fact is, the author and their agent/publishing house decided to sell it for an adaptation. they have made the active decision to put the fate of their brand into someone else’s hands, knowing how much or how little creative control they’ll have. so if you follow the definition that canon is the “official part” of the universe, then, well, so are the adaptations, you see what i mean?
but the reason it has a catch is also bc sometimes adaptations directly contradict their respective books. a good of example of this is divergent in which tris dies in the books, but not in the movies. and that’s just complicated bc like... she can’t be both dead and alive lol. for direct contradictions, i wouldn’t consider the adaptations canon, as it defies an author’s pre-existing world. everything else is canon imo tho, even the little added tidbits that aren’t in the books but were added to the adaptation to make it more marketable. sometimes this hurts the fandom; sometimes it doesn’t, but it is what it is.
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king0fcrows · 3 years
I am SHAKING right now because I’ve had WAAAAAY to much coffee and
I just saw a post about Generator Rex on my dash and here’s the thing:
I had completely forgotten it existed.
I LOVED that show. It was legit one of my first real fandoms? HOW did I entirely fucking forget about it? I literally cannot even remember anything about the show right now except that I was constantly lusting over Agent Six?
And when I went back to look at my fandom timeline on my old archived tumblrs, I also was reminded that I was into Ben 10. Not quite to the degree I was into Gen Rex but enough that I remember reading obsessive!darkfic of Kevin/Gwen back on DeviantArt BEFORE Ben 10 made him into a good guy in Ben Ten: Alien Force.
(Yes, I have apparently always liked creepy ships--even in early adolescence.)
Ben 10 started when I was pretty young, to the point I was watching with intrigue whenever I saw it on cartoon network but not YET able to keep track of a schedule well enough to not miss episodes.
But by the time Ben 10 Alien Force hit?
Oh FUCK yeah--my ability to actually follow fandoms developed!
So my fandom timeline looks like this:
Fanfic.net and DeviantArt accounts started in 2007. I was liking futzing around on these sites a few weeks/months before breaking down and making accounts. I distinctly remember Quizilla being somewhere in there as well. This was right as I ended middle school/started high school and really started getting into fandom as a regular hobby. Main fandoms were Harry Potter, Naruto, Bleach. 
I discovered Livejournal a year or two later and sadly made an account in 2009 right as the site was exploding but I enjoyed the short time I spent there. I was introduced to the Star Trek reboot movies, GenRex, and Ben 10 Alien Force during this time. I futzed around in communities for those fandoms (and the aforementioned fandoms) for a year before I gleaned everyone was mid-exodus and followed to tumblr. I made my first tumblr blog in summer of 2010 but didn’t really start using it regularly until 2011.
I was immediately sucked into the SPN fandom! The pretty blue eyed angel standing in a shower of sparks won my heart and I’ve been in hell ever since. (Even when you leave the SPN fandom you never really leave.) 
Simultaneously, Young Justice started and I enthusiastically jumped in--unearthing my early childhood love of Batman: TAS, Justice League/Unlimited, Batman Beyond, and Teen Titans in the process. I proceeded to rewatch all of those shows. When rewatching JLU I distinctly remember flashing back to the memory of me sobbing over both Solomon Grundy and the Flash nearly/outright dying in their respective JLU episodes when I was roughly eight years old. This is the first time I can remember contemplating death and experiencing empathy for a fictional character. I’m still wrecked if I watch those episodes! (Really DCAU as a whole is pretty heartwrenching and will wreck my ass.)
Also around that time I also was introduced to Ao3 and spent many months just casually reading fic there before I finally wised up and created an account in the summer of 2011.
Iron Man and Thor were my gateway to the greater MCU. I experienced peak tumblr from 2012-2015. Superwholock was everywhere and you can hate it as much as you want but it got me into Doctor Who and I am so, so fucking thankful for all of those fandoms. They were so sincere and enthusiastic and wanting to see the next episode/season and liveblog it along side everyone else were sometimes the only reason teenage me had for not wanting to kill herself.
I made it through the worst of it in my personal life. College happened. I stayed on tumblr even when the Purge happened in 2018. I mourn the loss of p0rn and had to fan myself when I rediscovered the old sideblog I made just for hardcore lemony fanart that I forgot existed until I started making this post.
I’m an adult in a much better place. I’m anxious sometimes about what will happen next in fandom and sometimes nostalgia for what came before makes me feel gloomy/overly pessimistic--but regardless of what comes next, in the end I believe it will be an adventure and full of exploration! I will adapt and I will thrive and I will squee along side everyone else as new and wonderous fandoms emerge!
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ellanainthetardis · 3 years
What are your favourite films and TV shows? 😊
Oooooh let’s see...
Movies, some of my reaaally favorite are Ever After: a Cinderella Story, Papy Fait De La Résistance (French movie, it’s a 2nd WW pastiche and it’s hilarious), Rabbie Jacob, Les Visiteurs (all French), Dante’s Peak, Music & Lyrics (with Hugh grant), My Best Friend’s Wedding, Abyss, the sound of music, all the Don Camillo, all the lord of the ring, I never say no to Harry Potter, cloud atlas, and obviously almost every Disney under the sun.
Tv shows: stargate sg1, Buffy the vampire slayer, Lucifer (even if season 3 really almost out me off the show altogether), grey’s anatomy (even if this last season is meh at best), once upon a time, the nanny, Sherlock, umbrella academy... Ducktales! Aaaand I’m forgetting some... oh Charmed the reboot is pretty good. And omg how can I forget... DOCTOR WHO.
I really liked atlas this year but I wouldn’t say it’s a favorite (but worth a watch in my opinion), I’m also currently watching Riverdale, this is us, station 19, a million little things... but I haven’t really been following the latest seasons because all the COVID centric things makes me anxious. I’m already suffering grey’s and I’m two episodes behind as it is so... I’m also suffering Riverdale because goooooosh is it bad. I mean it was always trash but it was more quality trash now it’s just oO trash.
Mostly right now I’m binge rewatching bones. I really want to try the one and the bakerstreet irregulars on Netflix though.
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fyrapartnersearch · 3 years
♔ Let's try this again ♔
Good evening my literary friends,
I am hoping to find a suitable partner for specific cravings and ideas I have in mind. My introduction will be brief and a bit more to the point than usual. I am quite thorough and detail-oriented when it comes to being a writer, including some of my rules and preferences. However, since I believe it would be quite a hassle to go through every point, my ad will be a bit more compact. A brief recap: You can call me Imp; I am in my twenties and a student, striving to become a part-time freelancer as well. My main hobbies are photography, traveling, drawing and of course, the art of writing. Currently, I reside in Europe, so my timezone could differ from yours, unless you are also from a similar region. Be sure to read through my ad to see if we’re compatible. Too many times I’ve encountered cases where the inquirers skimmed through all of the info and upon messaging me, were surprised to learn that we weren’t a match from the beginning. So if you haven’t properly read my ad, I’ll know. I’d like to urge everyone to stick with it so there won't be any misunderstandings and not waste everyone’s time. ————————

Me, myself and I ♦ Nickname: Imp ♦ Experience: 12 years and counting
♦ Age: 28 years.
♦ Gender: Female. ♦ Style: 1:1 with the inclusion of doubling ♦ Rating: Mature ♦ Roleplay Platform: Email and Google Docs ♦ Chat Platform: Email, Google Hangouts or Discord ♦ Pet peeves: Slice of Life
♦ Timezone: GMT+2

After finishing the game of Resident Evil 8 Village, I was struck by yet another muse.

I am currently looking for either a pre-existing canon inspired roleplay, or, something completely original. Be sure you are above the age of eighteen, preferably 21 and upwards. I will not accept any inquires from minors - this is not negotiable.
What to expect ♢  Content: Mature. I am more interested in darker things like horror, occultism, the supernatural, you can maybe guess where I am going with this. My limits are few, safe for a couple of minor pet peeves that I have, I am pretty much open to some experimentation; such as violence, gore and sexual themes. When it comes to heavy scenes, I will not fade to black, unless it serves no purpose to the story. Not a huge fan of censorship. However, I will not force or push my partner into something they are not comfortable with. If you want to know the extent to how far I am willing to go, what sort of content, or how graphic my writing will be, you can ask me directly.

 ♢ Rating: I have little to no issues with delving into more sensitive topics. Since reality is often stranger than fiction, it is very interesting to explore all sides of human nature, including the less comfortable subjects such as psychology, crime, etc. But I also like to remind that this is a world of fiction and no one in their right mind would condone such things in real life. The world of adults is not easy to handle, but it sure is interesting to explore. So if you are a gentle soul and can’t take the heat of more serious moments within the roleplay, be it a character going through trying times, etc; this might not be ideal for you. ♢ Writing: My texts are considerably lengthy, detailed, and elaborate. Third-person is usually my preferred way of playing my character unless there’s a special case where an exception can be made. Word count usually fluctuates, though I have a standard form of 400-500+ words per reply. It also highly depends on the given situation. ♢ Romancing: I admit to being a hopeless romantic. There’s nothing more enjoyable than witnessing good and powerful chemistry between two characters. Preferably I go for the usual MxF pairing dynamic but I am also open to FxF and MxM, should it feel more fitting. While doubling, I can write the character/love interest to my partner’s desire, but I always aim to stay true to their personality and character. I hate nothing more than forcing characters into a relationship, especially if there’s no spark, so I won’t respond well to being pressured into letting characters act out of their personality. It’s just not realistic. As for smut, or what have you, I have no issues with adding a few spicy scenes, sometimes even drawing them out of our pleasure. When there is, however, a running theme where sexual themes are taking the focal point of the plot, it can become quite boring. It is never the center of any of my roleplays, so be warned. ♢ Plotting: I am fairly quick when it comes to building new characters, concepts, premises, storylines, backstories, etc. It allows me a certain latitude. Feel free to communicate your ideas and thoughts with me. I am happy to chat, even when it doesn’t involve the roleplay directly. Though this is a hobby, I am still extremely passionate about good storytelling and interesting character arcs. I hope to meet someone who is just as enthusiastic and willing to put in the same amount of effort. If it’s only me who’s pulling all the weight, I will lose interest and feel forced to end the correspondence. No gos ♦ Won’t do: Pedophilia, Necrophilia, Bestiality, Scat, Vore, Toilet Play or roleplaying with minors. I am sure you can also think of many other strange fetishes that have developed over the years spent on the internet. ♦ Won’t write: The idea of supernatural beings trying to fit into human society. The typical bully x victim storyline. The run-of-the-mill vampires vs werewolf plot. BDSM centred stories. Slice of life. Flawless or excessively flawed characters.
♦ No vulgarity: Let's keep it classy. There's nothing more I dislike than slipping into senseless vulgarity, be it language, unnecessary drawn out violent or tasteless smut scenes. I'd rather have things done beautifully, even if it a subject on the darker side.
What I expect ♢ Literacy: You should at least have a decent grasp of basic grammar and coherency in your spelling. ♢ Flexibility: Since we all have lives outside of the roleplay, we both need to be flexible. Sometimes our schedules may differ, and if life is currently intervening, we can take things a bit easier. Plus, I can’t always respond every second of every day, either. This should be considered a hobby and not a job. If a hiatus is on the rise, there is no problem with putting things on ice until things clear up. ♢ Experience: And by that, I don’t mean how many years you’ve roleplayed, rather the experience that comes with age and emotional maturity. Especially if you want to write stories with grit. ♢ Open to doubling: Quick explanation. Doubling is when we play two main characters each. The dynamic is as follows; I write your chosen love interest against your main character while you do the same for me. ♢ Long term: Only long-term partnerships. ♢ Sharing the spotlight: Don’t forget, this is all about you too! Let me know all your specific cravings, interests, or wants that you want to be included into the roleplay. Cravings ♦ Urban fantasy: Supernaturals, demons, spirits, vampires, you name it. I’d be more interested in something original and unique, especially when it comes to vampirism and demonic entities. ♦ Dark Sci-Fi: So this is a bit inspired by Resident Evil. A world where monsters become a vicious reality, generating fear among the people they come in contact with. But as it turns out, these monsters are not supernatural, but rather infected or mutated by a virus that cannot be explained. ♦ History, mythology, and folklore: An interesting take on the historical timeline, where legends and myths were once a reality. However, their existence was greatly misrepresented in the storybooks, sometimes even completely distorted. Our characters could be accidental time travelers who have been sent from the future to see it with their own eyes. Inspirations are mostly Slavic, European, and ancient folklore from all over the world. ♦ Crime with a dark twist: Mafias, organized crime, and corrupted politicians run this town. All of them have one thing in common. A particular drug that grants humans superhuman abilities; but at a cost. The drug will turn force the users to reject their humanity and embrace their monstrosity. Canon & Fandoms ♢ Castlevania: Rather the original games than the Netflix series. But I am also not opposed to tackling the Netflix universe. ♢ Devil May Cry: Every game is game. Except for the reboot. Never played that one. ♢ Invincible: Not so invincible. ♢ Resident Evil: Village is one of the best games I’ve ever played. Periodt. ♢ Harry Potter: Next gen anyone? ———————— If you made it this far, I am glad you managed to hold on, lol. If you found what I wrote, agreeable and have a similar interests to mine, feel free to message me on this email address. Email: [email protected] Hope to see you there. I wish you all a lovely day my fellow readers! -Imp
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ralfstrashcan · 4 years
I absolutely adore your Shadowhunters content, especially the in-depth analyses. My favourite one is about how the portals works bc honestly, I thought the same thing.
The other night I was kept awake by a thought. “Why didn’t they just shoot Valentine?” Like. Luke’s a cop. He has a gun. I could not think of a single good reason as why they couldn’t do that.
Hey there! I’m glad you like my content :))) thanks for the compliment, and the question.
What you wrote made me laugh because I’m pretty sure there were similar musings in the Harry Potter Fandom re Voldemort XD Just shoot him, wait for the Horcrux to reboot, go again until all Horcruxes are used up and bam, problem solved.
I can’t think of a logical in-universe-reason why shooting Valentine wouldn’t have worked either. It’s not like Shadowhunters are invulnerable to anything except adamas. They can die in car crashes. They can cut themselves on kitchen knives. And even if they were, adamas bullets anyone? In any case creating Shadowhunter-harming firearms should be possible.
My guess why that wasn’t done would be
1) don’t quote me on this but I think firearms push the rating more than swords? And Shadowhunters is not a particularly gory show. Sure, sometimes someone gets shot. But not five times per episode. So giving all the Shadowhunters firearms could probably remove the show from family-friendly territory.
2) fantasy-typical plot convenience. It’s pretty common for protagonist from a normal-world upbringing to enter the fantasy world and immediately forget all the handy muggle stuff they could be using. I find this immensely dissatisfying. As a creator you should at least try to explain why mundane concepts aren’t adopted into your fantasy world. Like, I would buy that Shadowhunters are too stuck up to ever think they can benefit from something a lowly mundane produced but a) they’re not complete idiots and they are clearly at least somewhat in touch with the mundane world so they should be aware of the concept of guns and how producing adamas guns might simplify their lives a lot, arrogance be damned.. they obviously don’t have such qualms about phones! and b) Clary as an ex-mundane should definitely bring it up at some point. It could even be waved off with a bullshit-excuse why firearms won’t work against Valentine (“He could just deflect a bullet with his deflect rune!”) but it should have at least been addressed.
Honestly, from an in-universe standpoint firearms make much more sense than swords. All Shadowhunters should be sharpshooters. Sure, being able to fight close-range is important but when you think about it all Shadowhunters should mainly be long-range fighters. Why get close to an enemy that can only harm you close-range - demons fight with claws and teeth and stingers after all - if you could just eliminate them from afar with little to no risk to yourself?
Wow, the more I think about it the less sense it makes that Shadowhunters train the way they do. Their purpose in life is to fight demons, right? And the demons are either knee-high critters or pterodactyl-esque wraiths. Why exactly do they learn hand-to-hand combat? Oh right, of course, for all the Downworlders they need to keep in check. The Clave really is the worst, huh? Anyway.
Leaving the matter of guns aside, how could I pass up this opportunity to rage some more at the show? They could have saved themselves so much trouble if they’d used mundane tech every once in a while! How quickly would they have found Valentine if they’d used satellite imagery when he was shipping on his ship of evil for a whole season? I’m also still salty about Simon infiltrating Aldertree’s illegal undownworldering camp and *gasp* being lost because of anti-tracking-rune wards. If they’d planted a nice little GPS tracker on him that could have been avoided, I’m telling you. And don’t get me started on all the paternity and fraternity tests that could have prevented so much drama.
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sunnydaleherald · 4 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, December 22 - Wednesday,December 23
The Sunnydale Herald is currently looking for some new editors! Drop us an ask if you're interested!
DAWN: Candles?! We can't have candles? BUFFY: Dawn, it's magic clearance. Everything must go. DAWN: B-but they're just candles! BUFFY: Well, yeah, you know, to you and me they're just candles, but to ... witches they're ... like bongs. So, no candles, no charms, no -- WILLOW: Bird. BUFFY: No bird? WILLOW: That peacock on the table. It has two crystals in it. Tara, she... she left them. BUFFY: I'll make sure she gets them.
~~Buffy Season 6 Episode #111: "Gone"~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Still Inside (Buffy/Spike, E) by MaggieLaFey
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Christmas in Hell (Angel, Skip, Vamp!Willow, Lindsey, Wesley/Lilah, T) by beer_good_foamy
Hospitalized (Giles, Buffy, Willow, Xander, G) by ynyseira
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Time (Spike/Xander, unrated) by AngelynMoon
Crash by HollyDB
Wish we had more time[Before I forget it all] (Dawn, G) by The_odd_one
Don't let tomorrow come[or you'll be gone] (Spike, Dawn,unrated) by The_odd_one
Winter Travel (Buffy/Faith, G) by TheOriginalLovelace
Sur les genoux du Père Noël (Warren/Andrew, T, French) by Petite_Laitue
Troublesome Two (Spike, M, Teen Wolf xover) by skargasm
Soft Spot (Buffy/Spike, T) by Cheetoh
Rasa Sordidum (Xander/Tara, M) by Jacob_M_Bosch
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Christmas past, present and future with Giles (Giles/Reader, unrated) by prose-for-hire
Sacrifice (Willow/OC, unrated, ABO) by 80sheart90sbaby
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Shades and Songs (Buffy/Spike, T) by DarkVoid116
Feral For Your Honey (Buffy/Spike, E) by SoddThis
Slippers (Buffy/Spike, E) by sweetprincipale
A Night Meant to Be (Buffy/Spike, T) by tbd
That Same Slayer (Buffy/Spike, T) by acekoomboom
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Blessures connectées (Buffy/Faith, G, French) by MalvyDaina
Zombie Apocalypse For Beginners Ch. 1 (Xander, T, Walking Dead xover) by Jacob_M_Bosch
Still Want, Take, Have Girl Ch.1-42/42 (COMPLETE) (Buffy/Faith, M) by QuillBard
Finding Home Ch. 1 (Ensemble, G, Harry Potter xover) by Buffyworldbuilder
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The Future is Ours , Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, E) by DarkEternity96
When all you've got is hurt, Chapter 25 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Twinkles
Mythical Creatures, Chapter 8-9 (Buffy/Spike, T) by Passion4Spike
Anniversary , Chapter 38 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Nik84
Time After Time - Dawn's Light, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, E) by MissLuci
These Violent Delights, Chapter 38 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Touchstoneaf
Daughter of Aurelius, Chapter 21 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Loup Noir
Have a Very Spuffy Christmas!, Chapter 22-23 (Buffy/Spike, T) by Puppet
Still Inside, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, E) by MaggieLaFey
The Darkling, Chapter 88 (Buffy/Spike, E) by OffYourBird
Demon Love Languages, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, T) by misskittyfantastico
Until Then, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Holly
Distant Thunder, Chapter 31 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Axell
Kindred, Chapter 35 (Buffy/Spike, E) by sweetprincipale
Flickers, Chapter 32 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Dusty
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The One Eyed Carpenter and the Moon Maid Ch. 8 (Xander, T, mystery xover) by JoeB
Game Over Ch. 28 (Buffy, E, Exalted xover) by MabusIOI
The Werewolves Of London Ch. 7 (Oz, T, Harry Potter xover) by Rod
City of Demons (Spike, Angel, G, Twilight xover) by HalfofMySoul
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Chapter 13 (Part of a Balanced Breakfast) of What Makes a Monster (Buffy/Spike, unrated) by SleepingTigress
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Spuffy sunrise manips by thenewbuzwuzz
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Artwork: Spike Icons by thisyearsgirls
Anya icons by artsying-ifer
Artwork: BtVS Moodboard by theslayervest
Artwork: Buffy Sketches by arcturedraws
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Artwork: Some more Buffy reboot sketches by buffylover
Artwork: Buffy by DanFuller965
Video: Sanguine Daydream - A song inspired by Buffy by InexperiencedLuthier
[Reviews & Recaps]
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PODCAST: Episode 66 - City Of / Lonely Hearts (feat. Stacey Abbott) by Conversations With Dead People
PUBLICATION: Harm’s Way by Rewatching Angel
[Fandom Discussions]
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musing and navel-gazing by slaymesoftly
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Wtf by anonymousrobinhoodqueer
What if “sirens” were just vampires by artish-calamity
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Discussion of 3.16 "Sleep Tight" by Priceless
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Reacting to Reactions BtVS S3 by Multiple Authors
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Does Dawn have a cameo in “Restless” during Xander’s dream? by bl0ndiebear
Superstar & The Ridiculousness of Buffy by EBeewtf
List of jobs Buffy could have had or ways to make money by Adriannee
Season 6 question? by RaspberryBri
Ok so I have finished season 4 by Diccy123
My first rewatch by SweetandUnsweet
Just realized something in Crush season 5 episode by Hollyvu
Quoted descriptions of Buffy Characters by Cia1313
What was your initial, very first reaction to Buffy? by danzalthar
Books in Giles Library. by therealbabyshell
Loss, heartbreak and Buffy by Mika95
Who do you prefer? by Proud3GnAthst
Willow isn’t a good person by Veteran_Ozzy
Re-watching "Helpless" now...why doesn't Buffy enlist Angel's help?? by ClarissaDarjeeling
Cooke Dough Speech - I don't get it?! by sheep-shape
Rewatching. Why does Buffy always want to sleep with the window open???? by dickwhitman61
For the fans who watched Buffy during it's original airing, was the ending of "Becoming Part 2" a big deal for fans and you? by jdpm1991
Anyone else hate that we find out Angel knew who Buffy was before she was a Slayer? by jdpm1991
Most Iconic Songs Featured on Buffy by HummusOffensive
The hood? No, Beverly Hills. by Lonetraveler87
What Are Your Thoughts On The BTVS 2019 Reboot In The Comics? by george123890yang
Pylea by greenlightroses
Poor giles and jenny by idiotic_memer
Do you think Lindsey would have joined Team Angel if given the chance ? by NewShinyThings
Empty places - why did the writers do the scoobies dirty like that? by monnaamis
Season 6 question by RaspberryBri
Just watched AtS S4 for the first time... WTF? by Lovetheearth
A question about "The Gift" by Robster-the-lobster
Watching Buffy w/ daughter, need recommendations by Shaunobi
Revelations by how-far-weve-come
Final installment of husband watches Angel for the first time by Argonarrs-girl
“Chosen” or “Not Fade Away”? by LunchThreatener
Vengeance Demon Question by locke-ama-gi
The Wish by how-far-weve-come
I gotta ask, why do people ship spike and buffy by RaspberryBri
Do you think that Joyce and Giles should have been together? by Proud3GnAthst
Thinking about Faith, Wesley, Mrs Post and all the others who were allowed to hang out by TypicalPsychology6
Missed clue about Cordy in You're Welcome by idkidc1243
Who had the biggest character development in the buffyverse by Bharraway
I wish Buffy The Vampire Slayer ended differently by
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