#fridge move
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It's summer time. Do you need a mover to help you with fridge relocation in Canberra? We I think you search ended here. Canberra Movers Packers has a solution for you. Our expert fridge movers have year of experiece for safe and secure fridge move. Just click here and get the beal deal of this summer. Hurry up, now.
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batboopp · 2 days
this is the first sign you see when you try to get into gotham
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housecow · 1 month
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the difference between these two 🥺 both??
funny story though. my roommate is still taking food but my memory is so bad when it comes to things i don’t eat myself (adhd)
when i talk to friends and family about the situation the first thing they ask is, “are you sure you’re not sleep eating?” which is adorable. they wanna believe, even if for a second, that maybe i’m not truly at fault for making myself into such a cow 🥺 i get it bc im getting very fat even with the thievery but at the same time. im literally being gaslit
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phantomrose96 · 1 month
Tiny sprout update
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andypantsx3 · 1 year
boyfriend shouto who occasionally ices the door handle so you can't open it. when you whip around to demand he stop being a little shit, he taps his mouth with one long finger and says, "ah but you haven't paid the toll yet."
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kandidandi · 1 year
Tour bus design for @kaleidoscopek9 ‘s punk au!
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close ups under cut :)
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filmnoirsbian · 1 year
Me when I do anything
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triptychofvoids · 27 days
This ever happen to you?
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And a sandwich for you too!
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aheh once or twice vielleicht... though i will allow it given the circumstances.
and thank you for the sandwich! i wont turn it down, but what kind is it exactly?
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bwabbitv3s · 1 year
Want to bet that at some point Danny with Tuckers help rigs up a livestream of the inside of the Fenton Fridge™ to try and catch how long it takes the hotdogs to turn into ghosts. Mostly he just wants some idea of when to clean out the fridge to prevent sudden hotdog attacks. No one outside of Amity Park takes it serious and thinks it is just a joke. A more boring version of a watch the lettuce outlast the politician only they don't know the context of the joke.
Then the live stream starts to glitch. Weird artifacting and fuzzing along the edges of the hotdog package form. A few people start to notice the odd items in the fridge like the specimen sample container filled with what looks like lime green jello. That sometimes the hands that rifle through it to take stuff out are wearing protective gloves.
The ARG people start to trickle into the stream and pick through past footage and Danny's other videos. His channel which had just a dozen or so followers ticks upwards and people join in on the new "Fridge Livestream ARG".
With his friends help Danny leans hard into letting people think it is an AGR. Tucker on the digital side with allowing more controlled bursts of the ecto-interfearence on the stream. Rigging up custom emots, notifications, and a donation page. Sam helps provide creepy ghost vegetables and fruit. Undergrowth's contact in the city has caused some creepy garden hotspots that grow super weird vegetables. Like potatoes that look like screaming faces or carrots with ridges like closed eyes. Danny starts moving the overflow of lab fridge stuff into the regular fridge things. Instead of them being banished to the drawer of shame Jazz created. Timing swapping the stuff into place with the bursts of artifacting Tucker lets through.
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Hire Our well-experienced and trained fridge movers for relocating fridges or refrigerators to any place, whether it is another city, state, or country. Our fridge removalists can move it quickly without any struggle. So you will be assured of smooth and expert fridge removals in Canberra.
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cinewhore · 3 months
Sorry for being weird I’m just getting used to being happy and alive
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
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momotonescreaming · 4 months
lowkey obsessed with the domestic college stommy au that lives in my head
#stommy#momo.txt#no upside down au established stommy they leave hawkins together#go to college and get a shitty tiny 3 bedroom apartment in the city#that they share with robin and carol#because they cant go anywhere without their girls#and Tommy's already had his redemption he's trying to be nicer and do better#but his sharp edges are softening even more in the city#he gets to wake up in the morning in his boyfriends arms he gets to explore this side of himself#they watch bastball games together and hug and kiss and cheer whenever their team scores#he can slap steves ass when he's making breakfast and tommy comes up behind him#because theyre both still jocks#carol makes a chore chart and sticks it to the fridge so they can rotate through all the chores in the shared spaces#gives everyone baskets to keep in the bathroom to keep all their products separate (this is mostly for carol and steve)#robin is dating vickie and she wants what stommy has she wants to wake up in the morning to her gf but she can't just ask her to move in!!#tommy says yes you can suck it up and fucking ask her to move in next semester already#steve is a little nicer and reminds rob that vickie loves her and she'd never be mean about it if she wasnt ready to move in#but she totally is so thats a non issue#they all go to parties at frat houses and steve and tommy drink and dance and use the alcohol as an excuse to get all touchy in public#carol flirts and goes home with some hottie of the week#she's having fun being single and exploring herself and the dating world#robin dances and has fun but eventually just goes home with vickie#they have fun they build up this lil friend group and its everything and theyre free#they made it out of hawkins theyre away from their parents#im just!!!!!#aaaaaaaa#theyre fun to think about i love them#if anyone is reading this i love u
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papercrane · 1 year
Actually, does Yona even.... have a place she comes from? At all? She mentioned recently coming to the Zora domain I know, but like...she doesn’t say from where, right? Did they seriously slap her in as a ‘not gay!!!!’ wife SO fast that they didn’t even have time to make up a kingdom name? 
Actually. There aren’t even multiple Zora domains at all, are there. Did they bother even retconning things to say ‘yes there are now ok’ at least??? Or is homegirl SERIOUSLY standing there hailing from the far-off land of ‘the writers room when people are worried about homophobic fanboy backlash’??
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ellies-enrichment · 1 year
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“what’s an Apex Predator?” “the most Badass predator” “Hm. pretty short for that” “....wait, were you talking about me?”
alternative to this post part 5
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