#from discord so idk the source lol
thedogeveryonehates · 7 months
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goldensunset · 2 years
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🎶where am i now, trapped in this city of illusion?🎶
my twewy experience began two years ago today, and i wanted to draw something really quickly to pay tribute! it feels like it’s been part of my life for so much longer than that. it’s like an old friend to me already. here’s to keeping the twewy fandom alive and well for many more years to come!
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delta-orionis · 2 months
Thinking about an iterator OC based on the WAU from SOMA:
Idk about the name, but it has the acronym “WAU” (of course)
Cares deeply for its citizens. Emotionally devastated by the global ascension event, and wants its citizens back.
Intentionally gave itself the Rot, and can control it to an extent. Takes advantage of its mobile rot cysts to patrol its superstructure and spread the rot to the surrounding environment.
Potentially located underwater?? Not sure how this would work, but it would be cool. Their superstructure is like a combination of the Submerged Superstructure and The Rot regions. (It’s crazy how strongly these regions resemble the environments in SOMA. Very little would need to be changed.)
Believes that the Solution is to defy the cycle of death and rebirth by simply refusing to die. Obsessed with keeping itself and all of the creatures in and around its superstructure alive at all costs, usually by infecting them with Rot. (So like the polar opposite of what Pebbles was trying to do, lol)
The Daddy Longlegs in Rain World essentially act exactly like the proxies in SOMA- they both are blind but have excellent hearing, and respond aggressively to any source of noise. WAU’s rot cysts act the same, but are vaguely humanoid in appearance. If the player has the mark of communication, the cysts will make noises that can almost be discerned as understandable speech.
Its city is home to a sizable Memory Crypt, where its citizens stored their memories before ascending. WAU has overtaken the Memory Crypt with rot and is performing experiments to try and resurrect the Ancients using the qualia stored there (with little success).
Does not speak. Lacks a puppet, or allowed its puppet to be completely overtaken by rot.
In this crossover/au Simon was an Ancient. His qualia were implanted into the body of a resurrected/heavily bioengineered slugcat. Catherine is a citizen ID drone. (This idea is directly based on an AU fizzyfrogs posted in the Pathos-II discord)
Its city is named Pathos. Because of course.
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captainmera · 9 months
Mera! How do you add pictures to your A03 fics???
Asking cause idk how :,)
Make sure it's "rich text" first.
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Then click this icon here:
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Then this:
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Or just resize the image by tapping on the image and scroll until you see these blue dots:
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And that's it! :)
It helps if you have the image uploaded somewhere first, so you can open it's link. I use discord asdfghj lol;; I think the reason why some of the images don't work in my fics is because I deleted the "source" in my discord chat. So the images gets corrupted if you read from your phone. So that's not, like, optimal.
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badnewswhatsleft · 2 months
THANK YOU FOR THE MANIA TEA POSTING like genuinely im so. interested in it i wish to know more…like we know some parts but i need the full picture u feel me
LITERALLY mania tea is fascinating im constantly microwaving it in my mind.... like don't get me wrong i rlly do love mania i will defend it always, but knowing joe was absent from and particularly unhappy with it... it doesn't affect my enjoyment of the album per se, it just always. sits in the back of my mind.
it was pretty obvious that joe was literally effervescent with pride in being more involved for srar. it was very interesting to me to find out llamania demos were likely joe & patrick close collaborations because you can tell joe really valued those sessions. for smfs: "[...] i have been more a part of the process from the ground up than i have been in years. i feel a personal connection to these songs." (p.211). and in that discord q&a "i like collaborating with my band" - like that guy clearly loves working with patrick/his band so much😭🥹
(and idk i have to shoehorn this opinion in llamania is soooooso so so so excellent to me like i promise thats not even joetrick brain speaking because i loved it before i even knew any of this info. like hello musically and LYRICALLY all 4 mins of it is already so good and interesting. im so serious)
so to see what happened with mania is so interesting. im just so stuck on the fact that joe says patrick initially agreed with him on the idea of returning to a more acoustically driven sound!!
like why would there be/who would make that sudden call to scrap everything...??
at about 00:58 in this vid patrick explains that the way it used to work, he and pete work so smoothly together they would produce a bunch of material and then ig the industry machine steamrolls on. from the sounds of it in joe's book as well, i wouldnt be surprised if maybe some version of that had happened again for mania? this is so tragic because all of srar they were so fresh faced adamant that the process would be different this time round lol. lmao even. but then... again: the fact joe says before going into mania, patrick had agreed with him on returning to a "band" sound again in the first place is still very intriguing?!?! which then leads me to think about the following -
there are also these points about mania from the guys that also give me much food for thought.
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(source) "it didn’t feel like it was what me or Patrick really wanted to be doing but we both thought that was what the other wanted!" literally what. i dont like to extrapolate from one sentence where i cant even read his tone or body language but. what kind of dysfunction lol
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(source) wild post-mania description of mania. everybody fights and everybody's miserable sweeeeep
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also sorry for scuffed photos of book pages but the way joe describes it all is.
ummm i don't remember if i had a point to this. mania is literally like "this tea ain't shit" and half an hour later im pacing back and forth muttering to myself with none of this rocks open in my hands sticking book tab stickers on every paragraph. unfortunate album of strange creative frustration and pressure from pop culture and industry trends and joe clocking himself the fuck out of it we love to see it !!!!!
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magicaii · 4 months
Need a spinneraki non-villain au where both of them are shut in losers. Like, shuichi is a college drop out who’s been a NEET for the past two years and has convinced himself that he will never fit into society so why even bothering trying and doesn’t even care enough to outside anymore and tomura never made it to college at all and just lives off of his rich dad’s (afo) income as he does nothing but stay home to game and browse the internet all day cause he’s addicted to league of legends and he’s a closet scaly.
so imagine tomura and shuichi meeting cause they ended up in the same game because tenko misclicked and chose the wrong tier, and because he’s a bit of a toxic gamer, when he notices shuichi’s character choice he turns on vc just to say, “seriously? fucking zilean in the jungle? you’re never gonna make it out of iron asshole” and he only said it be to be dick and ruin some guy’s day, but he actually ends up advising the guy to choose a better character because he’s weirdly innocent and clueless for a league of legends player and it completely takes tomura aback. he finds out the guy is a complete newbie, which kinda explains it.
and during the game, spinner (his online name) keeps asking him questions since he’s apparently just decided that tomura has signed up to be his guide. and tomura kinda just goes along with it, and they’re the only two talking in vc anyway, although he’s far from nice about it. (think: what the fuck? USE YOUR SKILL or SUPPORT ME IN TOP LANE IDIOT)
so after the game tomura is about to move on with his day but then spinner sends him a friend request and he’s like ??? why does this weirdo think I’d wanna be his friend. but the request comes with a message and it says “haha thx for the help today? I’m kinda new at this… wld appreciate some more guidance n stuff… hope I can be as good as u someday lolz” and now tomura is half convinced this guy is just a fucking troll or something, cause there’s just no way. but what the fuck else is he doing anyway? so they exchange discords to chat.
spinner is strange. sometimes spinner will say things like “why is everyone so nasty in this game :((” and tomura will be genuinely confused because?? everyone knows league of legends is a toxic cesspool?? one day he finally asks what spinner’s deal is and why he started playing, and spinner goes “well tbh I was looking for friends”. tomura just deadpans that he’s definitely looking for them in the wrong place. spinners like, “I thought it would be easy to talk to people since there’s a voice chat but turns out people just use it to yell at each other and get into arguments. why would anyone do that lol, crazy” tomura just pauses cause he doesn’t really know, either. he’s been getting into arguments with random people in voice chat for years, it’s practically become a routine at this point, but he never stopped to think about it much. it’s pretty much become his only source of social interaction apart from his dad. with a pit in his stomach, he just replies “maybe they’re lonely.”
sometimes weird background sounds will come out of tomura’s mic, and spinner, after a while, finally asks, “so I’ve been wondering for a while. sometimes it sounds like someone is being murdered in your basement, what is that” and tomura’s like “oh don’t mind that lmao, it’s just my dad. he’s an investment banker or some shit and he gets fucking tilted at the stock market. idk I mostly tune it out now” and spinner just goes really quiet and says “umm. ok!”
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kimkhimhant · 6 months
You mentioned the idea of Chay having had a crush on Tem when he was younger on discord and my mind fixated on that like a moth with a lamp. SO how do you think Kim would react to this information, especially if he learned it while Tem was around (i.e. at the bar) because maybe Chay doesn't have an active crush anymore, but he still has eyes ok??
ooh okay!!! yes lets talk about this gkjhsfd
the age old story of having a crush on your older brother's best friend. Tem is a good looking dude and has probably been a big source of support for Porsche and Chay, so it would be very natural for little gay Chay to have some mild to moderate feelings for him. does Tem know about it? maybe! maybe not. chay is pretty bold when it comes to confessions. but Tem's also not about to date his best friend's baby brother, so if Chay ever confessed, he'd probably let him down gently and try even harder to brother him lol
i think kim would have some pretty conflicting feelings about it. there's that aspect of... kim wanting chay to have a normal life, detached from the whole mafia thing. so i think part of him would. idk. feel a little guilty(? idk if that's the right word here) thinking about how Chay could have Tem and have a more normal life and relationship, that he can't get with Kim. but also, of course, Kim is bound to be pretty possessive. maybe a little jealous. maybe it just makes him more determined to give Chay everything he could ever want. there are a lot of ways it could go honestly. like if he found out chay confessed to Tem and was rejected, he'd probably even be a little >:/ like how dare this person hurt chay like that lol
like in general i don't think kim would be the type to be particularly bitter about Chay having feelings for people before him, but he has a lot of his own issues with regards to feeling like he's bad for Chay? while simultaneously being very possessive and protective..
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shinesurge · 1 year
I'm sitting around waiting for our car to get serviced so I'm gonna take a minute to write a post I've been chewing on for a little bit lol
I think! A lot of creators talk about 'word of mouth' being the best advertising and it's TRUE they are right but I'm not sure the actual like, function of that is getting across because people still get confused about it when I bring it up, and I keep seeing people frustrated that their efforts aren't working (notably in spaces like the obscure webcomic tournament). Recommending stuff to your friends or writing stuff in to promotional spaces DEFINITELY helps don't stop doing that, but what people ACTUALLY mean by this is getting Visibly Excited about things in spaces where it can break containment.
Fandom content is what gets people into things!! Like, think about everything that "takes off" online; it's not because people post the plot synopsis over and over, or go "please read this it's good," the stuff that actually gets people engaging is seeing some cool fan work or clipped out content and going what the FUCK is that. The Barbie movie probably would have done fine on its own, but the insane phenomenon it's become certainly wouldn't have happened if regular internet users hadn't memed it to hell and back; this stuff works.
I didn't give a SHIT about Persona 5, or The Magnus Archives, or The Adventure Zone or any number of things I got dragged into until I saw fandom content for them. Persona 5 sounds like boring as fuck anime shit on paper, I do NOT care about podcasts, but people kept drawing the COOLEST stuff for them or posting insane fan theories until I HAD to know what was going on. That's what we're talking about with word of mouth! Sincere engagement with the thing is better than any advertising could ever be.
It doesn't have to be creative art or writing either! Make Character Appreciation Posts using the source material! Make an essay-length analysis of the story's themes! Set up a weekly post about how much you love a character or a count of how many days it's been since someone showed up, do Incorrect Quotes or paste tumblr text posts over characters, idk man there's entire blogs dedicated to posting every One Piece panel that has certain characters in it, there are no rules
What I'm saying is if you're wanting to help out smaller creators, please get involved, and PLEASE do it outside insulated places like discord servers. A thriving community that only exists inside a closed server still looks like a ghost town from the outside. "please read this it's got lesbians" helps get something on the radar, making a compilation post of the lesbians and posting it with a link to The Thing gets people's attention.
anyway that's all thanks @ Fans Of All Kinds for caring enough to want to help out independent people to the point i felt like it was worth making a post like this; to be clear, nobody is owed any of this stuff and you're certainly not obligated to put in all this effort to enjoy a thing! but i know a LOT of people are enthusiastic about indie media and want to help out, and sometimes a little extra guidance from the creator perspective helps them figure out how to do that effectively. love you have a good day
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w0w0zella · 1 year
um hello!!! im gonna be making a. bugbo murderstuck au Masterpost of sorts! I guess! ill format it like a q&a but im making up some of these questions myself. So lets get into it :3
this is a really long post! b careful :3
"what is murderstuck?" murderstuck is a Bugbo AU that made/am making (complicated wip status lol)! its a story that takes place a month and a bit after the events of familiar foe. Very long story short, gerbo ends up getting killed (on accident), joe then kills bugbo (On purpose) and joe seeks out thomas flyswatter for help. i have a post here that goes more into the story if you'd like to see it! vvv https://www.tumblr.com/w0w0zella/728157783124574208/ill-post-these-together-awawy-from-the-rest-of-the?source=share 
currently it is a well defined plot line that i and a couple other people have made art for,, and a work in progress fanfiction!
"why is it called "murderstuck"?"
murderstuck is actually (Believe it or not lol) a Homestuck thing! murderstuck is a specific part in act 5 act 2 of homestuck where one character kills someone and then someone else kills THEM, so i was like  Fuck yeah that makes total sense for this au. In all honesty, i just called it that cuz i needed a name to jump back to in discord for easy finding and it. Stuck i guess GIGGLES lol.
i am currently.  Semi looking for new name suggestions! so if anyone has any ideas !!!   Tell me !! Please !! I have No idea!! ((by the way, because murderstuck is already technically a thing, you need to tag murderstuck posts with #bugbo murderstuck or #bugbo murderstuck au or else it will be drowned out by all the homestuck art :3
(question by geluga on discord) "where did joe get his cleaver ? is it the same way he just happened to have an axe in episode 2 or is it from something else?"
yeah no i didnt really think out him having a meat cleaver lol. lets say thaat. umm. He got it becuase he was preparing bugbo a Yummy Meal (Steak is his Favourite or some  shit idk) !!!
i do NOT rmember why i gave him a meat cleaver aswell. If you want a Good answer, the reason i gave him a meat cleaver and not his Trusty Axe is because his axe would have been far too dull and bulky to slit bugbos throat. if you want the TRUE answer Its because i forgot he had an axe at all and thought the meat cleaver would look cool
(question by onyx on discord) "did gj feel bad after The thing or did he feel like totally justified"
AMAZING QUESTION !!!! Gradient Joe feels EXTREME remorse. of course when he looks back on it he knows why he did it, but if we're being completely honest; bugbo was immobilized. he did not need to kill bugbo. if he had killed him while bugbo was choking him, that would be a different story. but he killed him while he was backed up into a tree, immobilized and begging for his life.
he feels extremely bad ! Very extremely bad!
(question from ANON in my ASK BOX) "DUDE I LOVE YOUR AU SM RAUGHHHHH also question uhh where is hoppo in the au? we havent really heard about her"
So. During the events of this au. she is. away. like she usually is. Dont really know where! Shopping at grocery market. back at war. lost at sea. you decide. (More info on hoppo in the next question
(question by kets on discord) "uuhhmmmm what is the absolute WORST ending this au could have realistically?????????? like if it didn't end whene thomas was ocmforting joe idk :3333333"
OKAY i coudl see this one of a couple ways. First way is, bugbo wins. bugbo succeeds in choking joe to death, And now he is alone (til hoppo gets back) i said this one first cuz its probably not the worst possible thing, but i think it would be pretty terrible!
second worst would be if Joe waited for hoppo to come back instead of going to thomas for help. In my humble opinion, i think that hoppo is very stubborn and VERY loyal. so. (to me at least) it stands to reason that if hoppo came back, she would side with bugbo VERY hard. she would probably fucking hate joes guts, and that would be the worst  thing for him after everything he already went through. Maybe they would Fight too idk…
Very first worst would be if joe just straight up killed himself after killing bugbo. I could see this as a thing he contemplated, but if he actually went through with it?  Oh my god Fucking imagine. all of there corpses there for hoppo to find when she comes back. Thomas rotting away in his lair without anyone to talk to (and without knowledge of bugbos death) for years? Devastating.
other notable endings include Joe OR bugbo Killing themselves directly after gerbos death, hoppo ending up killing joe out of anger when she comes back, Or (In a silly alternate universe that We made on Disc Ord…) bugbo comes BACK to life and DRAGS himself to go kill joe HIMSELF!!!!!!
(question by DEMO on DISCORD) "is gradient joe book smart or money smart" i am going to kill myself and its your fault i think. never speak to me again (Joke)
as stated before, you need to tag murderstuck posts with #bugbo murderstuck or #bugbo murderstuck au or else it will be drowned out by Homestuck stuff !! i want to see all of your art and things!! Thank you!!
you are ONE HUNDRED PERCENT WELCOMED AND ENCOURAGED to make stuff surrounding this au! Please Please Show It To Me!!!
if you are drawing During Fight or. During Murdering bugbo or joe, here are some things to note! - bugbo attempts to choke joe to death during a part in the fight, and he almost succeds! This causes Permanent scarring on gradient joes neck, and scratch marks all over bugbos arms from joe clawing at them!!!
- joe ends the fight with his shirt partially open and his tie missing!
- joe breaks bugbos right leg! there is a noticable gash on his inner right knee!
- joe kills bugbo by slitting his throat with a meat cleaver!- after joe is done, he drags bugbos body over to where gerbo died! (he was crushed by the fallen Stone Structure!)
thank you all so much for the love and support with this au It means so much to me. thank you from the botom of my hart.  IF YOU HAVE ANY COOL IDEAS, MORE QUESTIONS, OR ANYTHING ELSE YOU WANNA SHOW/TELL ME, MY MESSAGES AND ASK BOX ARE ALWAYS OPEN!!!!!!
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tf2tism · 4 months
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I've wanted to make some personal emotes for a while but I didn't have the energy, I still don't, I'm in a flare but idk I just wanted to do something.
These are not for u to use lol, why I added the watermark (I'm paranoid) but if u want complex emotes like these ur free to add our discord (clown.car.collective) and we can see ABT commissions lol.
Aside from that ramble I should INTRODUCE MYSELF !!
My name is Salum / Samie, I'm 17-18 (usually body age/17), I use hx/bun/shx/XD, but my aux prns are he/she. I'm intersex tfemmasc and gay/nwlnw + aroacespex (twinning w/ the body).
I'm kinda host lol, and I do other stuff ig lol. I make the emotes for our Tumblr, only other person ik who has done it is Echo who is another host-like alter in our system.
I'm sourced from SamGladiator YHS, but I'm pretty disconnected from my source and don't rlly wanna talk abt it with randoms so pls don't bring it up, I'm just a cool bunny guy. I'm an irl bunny and vampire totezz real not fake. And I love drawing, cooking, baking, journaling, and a bunch of other stuff :33
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sleepanonymous · 5 months
Posting here for reasons! Ok so! To whom it may concern, idk! Call me a party pooper & an old head for this but all this "tummy" talk about III is rubbing me the wrong way. This isn't meant to make anyone feel bad at all! I come in peace!!! BUT! Y'all know the guys see a lot of what we talk about, right? I've seen it done about Vess as well before, concerning stretch marks. Can you imagine people posting zoomed in photos of your stretch marks or bloated tummy all over the Internet, and having full blown discourse about it? You'd be mortified! Would you say the same things about or to the Sleepy ladies...? Probably not. 🤔 Maybe I'm being a giant hypocrite. Sure. There's some nuance here and I know most of the comments usually come from a sweet & silly place because we love them SO sooo much!!❤️ And I am surely not immune to speaking on their physical appearance as well but never would I purposely say things that could make the guys possibly feel insecure or crappy under Instagram posts or whatever. These men have insecurities just like you and I. Yeah, it comes with the territory, blah blah blah, ect... But I'll tell you right now.... I can promise you, at least I feel I can speak on III.... He don't like it! lol So please show some respect in that matter. I guess my point is, if you care about the Sleepy dudes like I do, please pause before you say something that might make another human feel shitty about their body. We all struggle and you wouldn't like it if the tables were turned onto you. I truly come in peace! I love you all! 💖
Hello love 🖤 Sorry it took so long for me to get to this ask, by the time I got home from errands I had a migraine so I took a nap instead of getting online.
I don’t want to add too much to this post, since I think you’ve stated everything fairly clearly. I could easily fall into that hypocrite pile with you (I poke a lot of fun at the Eepy Guys, and even thirst over them, especially in more “private” online spaces like group chats/Discord). But even coming from good intentions, the comments could definitely be interpreted as malicious and hurtful. I’ve always struggled with body image/self esteem, so I think that’s why I reacted so negatively to that one nasty comment made about Vessel’s face.
One last thing to add, and not to scare anyone but just to add a little extra mindfulness to this ask: The band do 100% lurk and have burner accounts for online spaces. I’ve been told this by three different sources at this point, so I’m inclined to believe it.
P.S. I don’t mind being a mouthpiece for longer, more serious posts like this, especially if you DM me first 🖤
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curdled-blood · 6 months
Ur fav chars in general? (or comfort)
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I'm so happy you asked anon !! Here's how I'm gonna do this. I'm just gonna name my favs and comforts from the fandoms I'm in + some honorable mentions :3 (no particular order btw)
First things first!!
Creepypasta !!
• Ok obviously Jeff the killer but tbh idk if he's my favorite per say, but he is DEFINITELY a source of comfort for me ever since I was like 10 😭 i even have an oc to ship eith him LOLL her name is Ashley King and tbh i should post abt her more i think yall would like her
• Idk why but I think my tippy top favorites gotta be the slender family. I just always been specifically obsessed with their aspects of the creepypasta... Ness. I've also become like super attached to my little versions of them eeehehehh. It fucking makes me mad that ppl r still attached to the gross version of Fen and won't MOVE THE FUCK ON FROM IT and get pissed when ppl make their own versions 😡
• LAUGHING JACK !!!!! HES SO SILLY AND DEVIOUS I LOVE HIM SM. I kinda go back and forth on sinking for him tbh, but this dude was a massive source of comfort to me in middle school
• Nurse Ann is my wife btw. We're literally married ong
• I always thought that Bloody Painter was pretty fucking neat and I liked how his story wasn't written like total DOG SHIT like most creepypastas. Tho I fucking hate his creator (BOOOO DOOODOOCAT U SUCK. SAME WITH LJ. BOOOOOOO 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻)
My little pony
• Dear God ok I don't have a single favorite mlp character because I love so many of them that if I started naming my favorites, I'd end up naming every character in the fucking show 😭
• "But Lie!! Isn't it Fluttershy? Your pfp is her!!" ok I rlly like Fluttershy but idk if she's my favorite tho lol.
• Ok yk what I might be lying cuz I rlly do end up fixating on my hcs for her and her relationship with Discord lmaoooo. I just.. I just loved vampire!fluttershy flutterbat so fucking muuuuuch and discord with a vampire wife?!!?!??! AAAAAAAAAH.
• But discord is definitely a fav lolz. I love how he's literally just Q from star trek LMFAOOOO
• For some reason, I really really really LOOOOOOVE Spitfire's design AND name. I just love her colors, hair, and the fact that her name is Spitfire like the plane AHDHWHJAJA
• I've always been a big fan of Celstia too. I love how she's basically royal God but has this huge silly side :3
One piece
• Buggy. Buggy. Buggy. Buggy was my first favorite, as soon as I saw him I fell the fuck in love with him
• Crocodile is also so whdhajdjwiak. I love villains sm. I love when they're just evil to be evil.
• I think my favorite straw hats r Luffy, Chopper, and Nami. Nami just like me fr. I too am a red head who likes to steal money
• Ok so. This one isnt a favorite but he's a huge source of comfort because i made a whole ass oc to ship with him... It's fucking Klahadore. I've been obsessed with him lately I'm shriveling andjwjakkskdjan
Powerpuff Girls
• one of my main comfort characters is fucking Ace Copular from fucking power puff girls. YEAH. THE FUCKING GREEN POINTY GUY. it makes me wanna crumple in a ball I low-key wish he wasn't but I l9vr him sm and i wanna hit him with a hammer/aff
anyways anon thx for asking and I'm so sorry I went the fuck off
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lacefuneral · 1 year
hi!!! i love for custom blog theme,, do you have a link to the code or creator 0:?
so my theme is actually a heavily modified version of redux edit #1 by lopezhummel (current url: holyaura). i always remind users that most tumblr themes are old and that you'll need to replace all instances of "http://" in the code with "https://" so tumblr will save the theme. i had to do it with this one
these are the modifications i made to the theme. i edited this theme over the course of at least a year or so and don't quite recall how i did all of these things. but to the best of my ability:
i moved the "left side img" to the right side of the screen. i also made this element "responsive" so the image will never get cropped when you resize your screen. this was a bitch and a half to figure out and i truthfully do not remember how i did it
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i deleted the text in the drop-down navigation so it appears as a little line that is otherwise not noticeable. this type of theme, the "redux edit," used to be very popular because having a drop-down menu let you cram a bunch of links that lead to sub-pages on your blog. i've done away with my sub-pages, but i still like the format of the "redux style" tumblr theme, for its minimal UI and for its customization options.
i separated my mobile description from my web description for formatting reasons. basically, most elements in tumblr themes are connected to specific text fields and toggles. i simply went to the section that was connected to my blog description and deleted it. the web description has to be manually typed inside of the CSS/HTML editor when i want to change it. whereas my mobile description is whatever i type in the "description" box of the normal tumblr theme editors.
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i added code someone else made ("NoPo" by drannex42 on GitHub) which allows you to hide posts with certain tags on them. i did this to hide my pinned post, as it looks bad on desktop.
i replaced the tiny pagination arrows at the bottom with images that literally say "next" and "back" because the arrows were far too small/illegible. i know they aren't centered in the container i'm not sure how to fix that lol
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i added a cursor
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i installed a working music box ("music player #3" by glenthemes), and then added music by uploading MP3 files to discord and then using the links of those files as the audio sources. iirc i also had to make this element responsive and i aligned it so it would sit on the left side of my screen. i made the "album art" for each one the same strawberry pixel art
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the moth is just a PNG i added and then moved around so it was behind my sidebar using the options that came pre-packaged with the theme
if you want something like the strawberry shortcake decoration at the top (called "banner" in the theme) your best bet is to google "pixel divider"
theme didn't support favicon so i added that in so i could have a little heart
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this theme is. really weird about backgrounds. any background that i have ever set for it, i've had to do weird shit in photoshop. like making the background HUGE, mirroring it, etc. - because it would crop the image weird, or there would be a gap where there was no image. idk man, it's haunted. i'm sure there's a way to fix this but i am NOT tech savvy enough. anyway, patterns are probably your best friend. and if you DO want something that isn't a pattern, it's going to take a lot of trial and error. but i love this theme so i deal with it 😭
the sidebar image and the floating image do not scale. if your image is 1000 pixels, it will display at 1000 pixels. you'll either have to edit the code so that the theme scales the image for you, or resize any images before you add them
my white whale of theme editing (aside from the Weird Background thing) is that i cannot get infinite scrolling to work. i have tried every code out there. all of them break my theme. it makes me sad because like. i have music there for a reason. the idea is that people would listen to it while they scroll. unfortunately, the way it's set up now, the music will stop every time someone clicks "next" or "back" 💀
anyway sorry for rambling but i hope you enjoy the the theme and customizing it in the way that you want to!
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monstersinthecosmos · 2 years
The show definitely isn't going with the Loustat route. With the way things are going there's no way anyone would want to root for them, and I think that's probably the point.
yeah tbh like, I think part of why this experience has been so discordant for me is that I sat here like a fuckin tool just inhaling every bit of news for a year and it's like, how many times they said it was a romance, how many times RJ said the characters were important to him, how many times they said the changes they made were small things that wouldn't matter, etc. It's hard to consume the show with a blank slate when you've been given that message for a year. Even the trailers strategically used tons of giffable shippy moments that, when they finally showed up on screen, turned out to not be romantic at all LOL.
So I feel like I'd have a different perception of the show maybe if I hadn't known all that. Then again, sometimes when I watch the episode and make the creative decisions make sense, RJ comes on afterwards and ruins it by undoing the grace I was willing to give him LOL.
I could see it being a grand creative challenge to see how much they can make you hate Lestat and still have you root for them in the end but idk. If that's the show some people want to watch, I hope that's fun. LOL. Like, that's kinda how it is in the books? Lestat is awful and misbehaved and selfish and abusive and we root for him anyway. If it ain't broke don't fix it, idk man. The source was already right there.
There's two things I keep coming back to, though:
Jacob & Sam said in an interview at one point (I wanna say it was SDCC weekend but I can't recall) that even when things were hard between the characters they were informed by the idea of the reunion and it helped to be awful to each other. So I worry that everyone on the production is using that as a horizon line to work towards.
It was just continuously promoted as a romance. AND LIKE THIS IS KINDA ??? idk like was it deliberately misleading marketing? Or is it a show full of like, lazy cishet tropes that doesn't realize how toxic it's coming off? (I am still pointing towards the confrontation from Daniel's soulmates comment where it's like HOW IS THAT THE IMPRESSION YOURE GETTING FROM THIS STORY LOL) ((And not to nitpick RJ harder than deserved, but in Ep6's thing afterwards he kinda brushed it off like it was normal relationship bad decision making and not like, horrifically depraved abuse LMAO.))
This is another point that isn't exactly about what we're talking about right now but SINCE I GOTCHA HERE I also wanna say there's been this really obnoxious trend that I'm seeing in some of the newer & casual fans and I even saw in some reviews, and it's the bad habit of writing off all evildoing as ~ThEY'Re VamMPIreS~~ as a blanket excuse to ignore all bad behavior and pretend that every bad thing they do is simply them "being vampires." And a lot of "WHAT DO YOU EXPECT, IT'S A HORROR/VAMPIRE SHOW" and like !!!!!!! I gotta say those are absolutely ice cold takes.
The entire reason this book was groundbreaking was because it humanized the vampires. And a huge core of the books is analyzing good and evil and the meaning of their lives. The entire idea is "I want to be a good person even though I have to kill humans to survive" and each book has that conversation.
"THEY'RE VAMPIRES" completely misses the point, and some of the drama & violence on this show is so heavy-handed that I wonder if the team takes the THEYRE VAMPIRE approach where it's just carte blanche to act like a fucking asshole lol. And just, idk. I'm not sure it's fair to accuse the team of "missing the point" bc I'm sure they're all educated and understand the books, but it's very obvious to me that this was a way to cash in on a bunch of tacky vampire tropes for the money lol.
The entire point of the books, the reason they were groundbreaking, the reason we love them is that the vampires are still so human. They're capable of hurting others and being hurt. Their interpersonal relationships in the face of eternal loneliness are just as full of compassion and emotion as any other relationship. MAYBE EVEN MORESO BECAUSE THEY'RE ALL BIG VAMPIRE-BRAINED AND EXTRA EMOTIONAL. And I think this theme is REALLY strong with Lestat; obviously we spend the most time with his interiority but he struggles with his relationships and wanting to be loved and wanting to be good, even when he fucks up. And those fuckups are more human than they are vampire.
So idk I find the show very tonally imprecise; I worry that the extreme violence they used was perhaps a ~they're vampires~ decision and they're trying to tell us that to vampires maybe it's not such a big deal? (Hate that lol.) But at the same time, it feels really, idk, gross and uncomfortable to leave horror conventions to use such real world domestic violence tableaus to tell a vampire story. If it's supposed to be fantastical vampire drama we could've done with slightly fewer of the too-real bits, idk. MAYBE I'M SENSITIVE HAHA. But yeah it's just.
I'm sure I'd have a different opinion if I came in cold (and I've been trying to watch like YouTube reactions from new fans to see their impression! It's really interesting!) but it's difficult not to come in with expectations between all the marketing and even just having a foundation of the books.
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fairlyaverageff · 2 years
UwU - (A Volturi One-Shot)
Okay, so here’s a much longer than expected one-shot that come from an idea my discord friends and I were throwing around when we were sharing approximately one brain cell. A kinda shitpost story about what would happen if a chaotic gen-z human (female) had to make it weird by moaning when a certain vampire king was trying to feed. Warning for very crude language, sexual references, and imagery.  Obligatory note that in all of my fanfictions I tend to write the Volturi as a family unit. Meaning Aro did not kill his sister, the wives are loved by their husbands and not locked in a tower, and the Volturi itself if kind of like a government organization with 200+ members that definitely does hush-hush dealing with human governments. (I also picture Marcus as the late 30s type. Facecast being Henry Cavil in/as the Witcher but with brown hair lol. But this is fanfiction, so feel free to picture everyone as you like.) Renata is physically 18+ in this story... idk what her canon age is. Pairing is Platonic!OCxMarcus and OCxRenata. This was supposed to be 10 pages max and ended up being 35... so be ready for a wild ride. This One-Shot is LGBTQ+ friendly.
UwU - One Shot
“Look, my dudes, we can talk about this!” Her voice echoed down the stone corridor, the two men in their ridiculous cosplay-worthy gray cloaks completely ignoring her as they dragged her down the dark passage.
Each had a hand locked on one of her biceps and damn if their grip wasn’t firm.
She’d tried to wiggle away when they first grabbed her out in the streets, but that had been useless. All the strength in her decently fit barely-over-five-feet-tall body was no match for the two men who were much larger than her pitiful stature. 
To say she yelled when one of them held her back against his chest and the other opened a drain cover and jumped down into the darkness below would have been an understatement. She’d screamed like a little bitch, and only shut up when the one who jumped into the hole that was only barely big enough for the two of them and would have easily broken her leg if she’d stuck it out, landed with her still held against him both completely unscathed as they faced his companion.
She knew enough about physics and gravity to know there was no way in hell these two men should have been able to jump down into a manhole from that height and not break both of their legs and/or die. There were multiple seconds of darkness and rushing wind to indicate they’d dropped from a ridiculous height.
Fully convinced this must be some government cell of sleeper super-soldiers she’d pissed off by tagging the side of the building they’d apparently been sitting on the roof of, she figured now was time to barter with them for her release. 
“I got 24 bucks cold hard cash in my pocket, it’s all yours and we can forget this whole thing ever happened. Y’all can even leave me down here I’ll find a way back up to the surface, no biggie!”
One of her manhandlers snorted at that - the only sound she’d heard from either of them so far - and while it wasn’t the agreement to the deal she was hoping for, at least it was a sound of acknowledgement to indicate they weren’t deaf.
They didn’t stop dragging her, and the tunnel they walked through seemed to only get darker and darker as they went. The only light sources seemed to be very tiny lights on either side of the hall that were embedded in the floor - the kind of super tiny lights you’d see on the steps in a movie theater so you didn’t eat shit and bash your face when you came back from a pee after drinking an entire $9 soda during the opening credits. The two tiny pinpricks of light only popped up every thirty or so feet if she was guesstimating properly. 
She couldn’t even see her captors; it was so dark. Their icy hands were still firmly clasped around her arms, but that didn’t stop her from trying to appeal to them in some way. “Look, I don’t know what kinda sleeper cell you guys belong to, but how in god's name can you see down here? Can I get some of the super juice or whatever steroid you guys are on?”
“Shut up.” The one to her left grunted, and she turned her head to stare into the dark where he should be at the sound of his voice. 
“Wow, I can’t see what you look like but if you’re half as fine as your voice suggests I might be willing to barter something else for my release-,”
The one on her right made a sound that was clearly a choked back laugh that she would have absolutely responded smartly to if she wasn’t suddenly blinded by white light. 
She yelped in shock. Neither of her captors broke in their stride as they threw open two metal doors to drag her through them and into this new hallway. 
This hall was already very obviously different than the one they’d just been in - and not because the other was pitch black, echoey, and kinda damp feeling. If she didn’t know any better - and she didn’t - she’d guess she was just dragged into the corporate offices of some posh glass faced building. Fluorescent lights were spaced evenly in the ceiling, and to her right was a cozy waiting room that looked like it belonged in a bank for stupid rich people. There was a pretty tan woman sitting at a large mahogany desk.
“Yo lady, help me out here!” She called to the receptionist, who’d stood when the two men dragging her entered the hall looking very puzzled. 
The two men halted holding her, about twenty or so feet away from an elevator that was dead ahead, all gazes locked on the receptionist. 
The receptionist stared at her, her eyes traveling down to study her spray-paint covered forearms and dirty jeans, before comprehension dawned.
“Ah,” She sighed knowingly, “This is the graffiti artist who keeps tagging the city? I will punch in the code so you may take her directly to Master Caius.”
She had no idea what any of that meant, but as the receptionist spun to walk back to her desk, the men who were holding her began manhandling her again, towing her uncooperating form to the elevator. 
They really did not seem even slightly phased by her wiggling. 
She could hear distantly as the receptionist tapped away at her computer before the elevator dinged and the doors opened. 
“You bitch!” It was all she could think to say. Where was the woman supporting woman sistership? Where was the solidarity? It was just a little spray paint! Definitely not enough of a reason for another woman to allow two men to drag a fellow girl to a questionable place with no explanation as to what was happening. 
She got no response from the other woman, and was unceremoniously heaved into the elevator by the two men. They kept her between them the whole time, even when they did an about face to watch the closing doors and forced her onto her knees to wait as the elevator rose.
Her head craned back and she blinked rapidly to try to get her eyes to focus better on the two people holding her in the brightly lit elevator. 
They were both pale, tall, and undeniably the most bangable dudes she’d ever laid her eyes on.
“Okay, yeah, I’m officially ready to offer up something else entirely for my peaceful release.” She said playfully, even though she wasn’t completely kidding. 
She’d climb both of them like a tree, no doubt about it.
They didn’t even look down at her - they both stared resolutely forward as if determined to not give her the time of day.
“Oof, the sting of rejection is real my friends.” She sighed dramatically, “I can assure you, you’re missing out on a real opportunity here - oh shit you guys are so strong!”
The end of her sentence was a startled exclamation as the doors dinged open and she was roughly dragged back to her feet and out of the elevator. Her ridiculously hot captors said nothing to her as they dragged her down this stone hall that was periodically lit with fluorescent lights in the ceilings. 
There were no windows here, and there was something about the stone that had her thinking about the old castle in the city that she was never able to get close enough to to cover with her art.
But most of that place wasn’t structurally sound - at least all the locals said it wasn’t - so there’s no way that’s where she was.
Though, that would be a pretty ideal cover for a government pod of super hot super soldiers to operate out of.
There was no telling how long they dragged her, or exactly where she was, before they abruptly stopped and turned her around so she was facing a large heavy looking wooden door.
The captor to her right raised a pale hand and knocked twice on the wood, the sound echoing in the hall, before reaching for the handle. There had been the slightest pause as if someone had responded to the sound and invited them in before the man made to open the door, but she knew that couldn’t be the case. The only sounds in this hall were her breathing and the echo of the knock.
Without any fanfare or preamble, the door was opened and she was pulled inside. She was fully ready to make a new comment about how manhandling wasn't necessary and if they wanted her to come with them all they had to do was say please, but she was quickly distracted as her brain rushed to take in the details of the new room she was in.
Much like the hall, there were no windows here. This room was clearly an office, decked out with overflowing bookcases on every wall - the only break in those bookcases being the unlit fireplace that took up a decent spot of room on the left, a large desk right smack in the center, two plush chairs facing it and the stone floor covered by what she was positive was a very expensive and large Persian rug. 
There was no time to observe the wall behind her, because she was once again unceremoniously shoved to her knees between her two captors. Each had a hand on her shoulder and upper arm respectively, as they stood between the two chairs and faced the man who was rising to his feet from his place in the leather chair behind the desk.
He was tall, platinum blonde, and she might have considered him to be better looking than the two hunks who’d abducted her if it weren’t for the really unattractive scowl that was presently on his face.
“This is the one who's been defiling our city for the last two months?” He sneered, his question meant for either of the two men holding her.
“Yes sir.” The hottie on her left replied. “We caught her in the act, and we detained her immediately.” 
Detained? What were these guys, cops?
“Pretty sure you can’t call it detained if you dragged me to some underground bunker.” She quipped smartly, “Detained would mean you held me where you caught me-,”
“Shut up!” Hottie on the right hissed, digging his fingers into her shoulder in a way that was totally not cool and made her wince.
“Leave us.” The platinum blonde waved a hand at her captors. “I’ll take care of it from here.”
“Yes sir.” The two men said in unison like well trained soldiers as they released her and, as if by magic, both were gone and the sound of the door snapping shut rang in the sudden silence of the room.
What in the actual fuck.
It was quiet for a very awkward moment as the two of them stared at each other, before she figured she might as well speak since he didn’t seem inclined to. “So what, are you gonna like… write me a citation? Give me my one phone call? Shoot me dead and leave me in a ditch somewhere? Cause honestly, the vibe is all off here and I don’t know what the hell you and your super soldiers got planned-,”
Abruptly he was in front of her, her face only inches from his thighs in a movement that had been so quick she didn’t even see it.
Yeah, these guys definitely had some super serum shit going on.
She fell backward onto her palms at his proximity. “Look man, you’re super hot and all, but I usually ask for dinner first and I can see that wedding band - I don’t fuck with married men.”
He grabbed her, and none too gently either, by both of her upper arms like she was a small child and lifted her clean off the floor. She might have aimed a kick - or two - at his groin in response, but that proved to be completely useless. He didn’t flinch; the man didn’t so much as grunt when her foot landed right at the hip joint, and that was kinda damaging to her ego cause she was sure it was a solid hit.
All the air was knocked out of her lungs when he suddenly slammed her back into the wall near the door - how and when he’d moved them over there she had no idea.
At least there wasn’t another bookcase against it, because that really would have hurt.
“I do not tolerate little pests like you defiling my home, and I absolutely will not tolerate cheek from anyone - especially a mortal.”
She had a couple responses to that in her head - one of them was just to compliment him on his truly spectacular upper body strength because wow - so she went with the second option that was a more coherent response to his hiss.
“Okay firstly, I was ready to offer you the $24 I offered the other guys to let me go, but slamming me against the wall just lost you that chance. Secondly, I know y’all got some steroids or some experimental drugs that the government clearly doesn’t wanna share with the rest of us little people, but no matter how cracked out you are right now there's no way you actually consider me a mortal and you a…” She trailed off, leaving the ending open so he could answer the unspoken question. 
His only response was to shake his hair back out of his face, and for the first time she saw what the warm light from the single lamp on the desk had failed to show her when she was dragged to this office. 
This dude's eyes were the strangest shade of dark red.
“Dude whatever they’ve got you taking, you really gotta stop, because those eyes are freaky-,”
He bared his teeth at her, and while the tiniest part of her brain kinda wanted to laugh at that, the other 98 or so percent was pulling fire alarms in every corner of her being. She had no explanation as to why, but it made her very uneasy, and her unease definitely wasn’t made any better by the animalistic snarl he let out that she was sure sent vibrations into her bones.
Okay fuck, that was actually kind of scary. She felt like all the hair on her body stood up at the sound.
He smiled at her and for the first time her brain wasn’t distracted by his looks enough to realize this was not a smile she wanted directed at her.
Uh oh.
He inhaled deeply, lowering her so he was no longer holding her slightly above him on the wall and making the rough stone scratch her back. He only stopped lowering her when they were almost eye level.
Caius could smell the fear, and he was pleased that he finally prompted silence from the smart mouthed little brat.
“You’ve spray painted your last building chit. If rebirth is true, maybe in your next life you’ll have a subconscious instinct to know better than to damage the property of others. Especially when you have no idea who you could be up against.”
That was the perfect opportunity for an innuendo, and she would have taken it if he didn’t close the space between them and yank her head to the side with one hand in her hair so quickly she was convinced he might just scalp her.
All animals would instinctively fight against a predator trying to sink its teeth into them. It was natural instinct to fear anything that could swiftly end their life and in this moment she fully understood humans were no different.
His teeth were in her neck, and she could tell instantly that they were way too sharp to be human - they felt almost burning hot - and she heard an awful ripping sound as pain shot through her head and shoulder from her neck.
It was the sound of ripping flesh, and it was a sound she would have happily gone the rest of her life without hearing. 
She could hear him swallowing, and felt like her shirt was becoming damp. 
These pale beautiful people were not super soldiers. They weren’t some secret government placed grouping of new genetically engineered cops. 
They weren’t human at all, and she’d seen enough true blood and read enough smutty vampire novels to know what was happening here.
Her head was starting to spin, the room at the edges of her vision becoming darker with each passing second. 
With the knowledge that she was going to pass out, also came the realization that she was going to die.
Well, if this is how she was gonna go out she might as well make it interesting right? Like, she should at least make it memorable for both of them - more so for him because he’d be the one alive to remember it.
With her brain in full fuck it I’m dead anyway mentality, she took in the little air she could despite the creature holding her against the wall with its fangs embedded in her neck and let out the most ridiculous bad-porno video moan she could with her last breath.
The vampire dropped her so suddenly that her body smacked onto the stone floor with a sound that was definitely not pretty. She didn’t have even the slightest forewarning that it would be a good idea to put her hands out to break her fall. 
She would have tried to stand, or run, or scream, if the second she tried to roll over her body didn’t feel as though she was having electric shocks of pain running through it. So there she stayed, lying on her side with her back against the wall and feeling a horrible fire burning in her neck. Hopefully she bled out quickly, or  he came back to finish her off soon - maybe the moan wasn’t the best idea. At least she would have died quicker that way.
Caius stared at the curled mortal on the floor in absolute disgust, his appetite completely vanishing at the awful sound she just emitted. She’d been getting off on that?
He couldn’t even look at her.
He went back to his desk, mumbling under his breath about revolting mortals and resumed his task of going through the never ending pile of correspondence he’d been putting off taking a look at for the last week. 
The only sounds in the room were his pen scratching across paper as he began writing, and the shuddering breaths of the human girl across the room as she died. 
He was fully content with letting her bleed out, then he’d have someone collect her body for disposal. He wanted absolutely nothing more to do with the repulsive little thing.
He started to lose track of time as he wrote, waiting impatiently for the extra set of breaths to cease. The heartbeat, while uneven, was a white-noise like sound to him, and it wasn’t until over half an hour had passed that he realized there was a problem.
The breathing and the beating of her heart weren’t slowing. The room smelled thickly of her blood so he’d assumed she’d been bleeding out, but when he glanced up from the fourteenth letter he was replying to he could see that the gaping wound he’d left on the side of her neck had healed over, looking as if she had a pale skin graft set over the area.
She was one of the rare mute changers, and the only way he’d ever let that change complete itself was if all seven layers of hell froze over.
Maybe not even then.
He shot to his feet, rounding the desk and flashing to her side instantaneously and imperceptibly to human eyes. Kneeling on the floor, he grabbed the closest limb to him - an arm that she had stretched out - and dragged her hand up toward his mouth.
The second he bit into her wrist he knew there was no hope in finishing her off the old fashioned way. The blood was thick, and there was a sweet undertone - and aftertaste - of venom that made it unpalatable. He would have swiftly dispatched her using the good old  twist-and-snap-the-neck method, but the moment his teeth left her wrist she groaned, and the groan was so reminiscent of the moan that had made him drop her in the first place he threw her arm away from him as if burned.
He was by his desk again, not wanting to stand too close to the mortal who seemed to be getting a sexual thrill off of being killed by him as if she’d given him a disease. 
Ugh. No. He would not touch her again. 
The sound of her uneven breathing, and the equally uneven but still unmistakably strong beating of her heart was the only sound in here now aside from his own breaths. 
She was changing, and if he didn’t stop it now he was going to have a huge headache on his hands explaining to his brothers why there was a random newborn in the castle and why he needed someone else to dispose of her.
She’d likely damage his office in a newborn frenzy, and it was the desire to not have her destroy his belongings that caused him to cross the room and hastily exit. He took care to lock his door just in case before he sniffed the air in the hallway, looking for a scent he recognized.
He found the scent he was looking for, his brother having passed by here sometime earlier in the day, and he followed its trail even though he knew where it would lead.
“Marcus! I need a word.” Caius’ voice was sharp as it cut through the previous peaceful silence of the library. He could hear the quiet steps and breathing from guards who were pacing around the shelves, reading, and just taking a break in the large multi-level sanctuary. Their library was huge, but he knew exactly where Marcus liked to sit on the main floor - his chair by the fire was a well known off-limits seat to everyone in the coven.
No one was close to his brother - the guards usually gave any of the kings a large berth when they were relaxing in this space - and Caius could hear Marcus’ personal guards Afton and Chelsea off in the distance, sitting on the floor in a far-off aisle and talking quietly among themselves.
If he spoke low enough he was sure he’d be able to keep his conversation with Marcus private.
Their numerous guards loved to listen in on each other and gossip on any given day, but they still knew better than to even attempt to do so with any of the ancients.
Marcus’ head turned toward Caius, watching his approach and studying his expression until he was standing in front of Marcus’ chair.
Whatever it was Marcus saw on Caius’ face clearly concerned Marcus because his usually glassy gaze had a certain sharpness to it that was only ever reserved for times when there was news of an impending attack on their coven being brought to their attention. Marcus set the book he had been reading down on the arm of his chair, eyeing Caius with a clearly speculative gaze that Caius was one hundred percent certain questioned his sanity.
“What is it, brother?” Marcus asked, his tone grave as he rose to his feet. He stood perfectly straight, his impressive height accentuated nicely by the fire crackling behind him in the hearth.
“I- there’s…” He hardly knew how to explain it, the words refusing to fall from his lips as his silent brother stared at him as if expecting very bad news.
It took him a long moment to realize his speechlessness wasn’t because he didn’t know what to say - it was because he was embarrassed to speak his thoughts aloud.
But this was Marcus, and he was a much more preferable confidant than Aro who had a tendency to use his thoughts against him for personal gain if he wanted something badly enough and Caius was theoretically digging his heels into the ground in response.
Yes, Marcus was definitely the better option.
Aro would find out later of course, but at least it would be after his issue was taken care of.
“The guards found the human who’s been putting graffiti up all over our city.” Caius said stiffly, trying to ignore the way his brother's brows raised at the unexpected topic of conversation. “I started feeding on her but I… I couldn’t finish and I need you to…”
He trailed off, and Marcus stared at him for a long moment, his gaze un-focusing for a few seconds as he watched something invisible moving around in the air around Caius.
He knew the exact moment his brother saw what was unmistakably a sire bond beginning to form between him and the mortal on the floor of his office.
“You are changing her?”
“NO!” Caius’ denial was very loud indeed in the silent library, and he quickly adjusted his voice so he was whispering once more. “No I… I need you to go and take care of it.” 
Marcus’ eyebrows were so high on his forehead Caius was expecting them to crawl up into his hairline and disappear like caterpillars in a bush.
“I went back to finish but it was too late and her blood…” Caius started to explain feebly, his hands raised as if pleading for Marcus to understand. “She was already turning. I need you to go and stop it.”
Marcus stared at him.
“Can you just do it!?” He snapped, quickly growing frustrated by his brother's inaction. “Please?”
The word please falling from his brother's lips was so startling that Marcus blinked rapidly for a second, before coming back to himself enough to speak. “If you weren’t thirsty enough to feed fully why didn’t you just break her neck?”
No need for Marcus to comment on how dark his brother's eyes still were. He knew there was some other unexplained reason Caius didn’t finish the human off - perhaps she was a drug addict and her blood was terrible.
Though the traces of human scent that clung to his brother's clothes didn’t smell half bad to him…
“I can’t touch her.” Caius growled. “Will you just go do it? Please?”
This time the please that passed from Caius’ lips sounded more like a curse, and that was what Marcus expected from him on a normal day.
He sighed. “You need me to take care of it like a little girl asking her father to squish a spider for her?”
“Now listen here you-,”
Marcus raised a hand, nonverbally telling Caius that the insults he had ready at the tip of his tongue were unnecessary. “Either you tell me why you can’t touch her, or you deal with it yourself. I don’t fancy touching a human who may burn, shock, or otherwise cause me discomfort because you’re trying to pull a tasteless joke.”
There was also no need to mention that Caius had no sense of humor and he was sure whatever his reason for not touching the human and needing him to take care of it, it was not over a desire to pull a prank.
That was more Aro’s speed.
And Aro probably would want the human to live so he could see what their gift manifested as, as an immortal.
“It’s no joke!” Caius’ tone was exasperated. “But I can’t touch her! She’s… ugh.” 
He literally shivered in disgust.
Marcus did not move, and Caius knew this was a hopeless cause if he wasn’t going to explain himself.
“She moaned.” Caius hissed through his teeth, so low only his brother could hear and any passing guards in the halls would be none the wiser. “I’ve never been so disgusted in my life.”
Marcus’ lips parted just the smallest amount in shock, and when he tamed his expression back to indifference the edges of his lips twitched for just a second.
That insignificant twitching at the edges of his emotionless brother's mouth was as close to a grin as his brother ever came since the death of his wife nearly three millennia ago.
He growled.
“Just show me where she is, Caius.” Marcus sighed, an edge to his voice that Caius didn’t recognize right away. “I’ll take care of it.”
That placating little I’ll take care of it nearly made him blow a gasket, because he realized what the edge was in Marcus’ voice.
Marcus was amused.
Rather than give him any more ammo to use against him in a future argument, Caius turned on his heel and strode from the library, not bothering to look back to see if Marcus was following. He heard his brother's sigh and the sound of his steps as he followed him back to his office.
The run only took a couple of minutes, and when he was a hall away from their destination with Marcus right on his heels he was intercepted by the last person he wanted involved in this right now.
Aro turned toward their hurried approach, both of his brows raised as Caius stopped short, his gaze finding Marcus over his shoulder as he stopped too.
They all stared at one another for a long moment, and Caius was grateful over how quiet Marcus usually was because he didn’t seem inclined to say anything at all.
Aro sighed, “Alright, what am I missing?”
The face Caius made in response to that inquiry was answer enough that something was afoot.
After ten seconds of silence where it became obvious Caius wasn’t going to answer, Marcus spoke. “Caius has an… issue… and he asked me to sort it out for him.”
“Some of the guards encountered the tagger that’s been marking the city.” Marcus elaborated. “She is… indisposed in Caius’ office.”
Aro’s gaze locked with Caius’ at this. “Since when have you ever liked sharing your food?”
It was an appropriate question to ask. Caius was a very possessive eater. When he got into a feeding temperament he was very aggressive over his kills. 
He didn’t even like sharing with his mate - though he was willing when the mood struck him and the bond insisted he provide for Athenodora.
But allowing Marcus or Aro to have one of his kills? Especially when Caius had been chomping at the bit all month to get his hands on the mortal who was insulting him so thoroughly by defiling the city he was very protective of? There was no way.
Aro stared at Caius and Caius stared right back as he tried to think of a way out of this situation - at least for the time being.
When his brother raised his hand, palm up, Caius knew he no longer had much of a choice.
Aro was ruthless in getting what he wanted.
Striding forward he brushed palms with his mind reading brother, before roughly shoulder checking him as he pushed past him and stomped toward his office. 
Aro made a sharp intake of breath, and Caius knew that it wasn’t because of the uncalled for shove.
He very nearly took the door to his office off its hinges as he shoved it open when he heard his brother snicker.
The girl was still there - obviously - but it seemed that she’d made an attempt to crawl away. Undoubtedly she was just following the natural animal instinct to get somewhere safe when  badly hurt and exposed to the presence of predators, but she’d only made it roughly ten feet before she curled up in a ball on the floor between the chairs.
Now she was in a very inconvenient spot right in the middle of his office but he tried not to let that irritate him; one of his brothers would remove her.
What he hadn't been expecting the moment his brothers entered, all three of them now standing at different points in a circle around the girl on the floor, was the sound that came from Marcus.
Marcus took in a sharp breath, his eyes snapping down to stare at the girl on the floor before both of his hands found the sides of his head, his fingers kneading at his temples.
Neither Aro nor Caius could ask what was wrong before Marcus sat on the ground by the girl within half a second, staring at her with an expression that would have been much more at home on someone who’d just suffered a head injury.
“Marcus!” They both said in unison, Aro reaching out to yank one of his hands from his head so he could find out what ailed him.
Caius didn’t speak, giving Aro silence so he could focus on helping Marcus, his eyes traveling to the black haired female.
His discomfort be damned, if this girl was hurting Marcus he didn’t care if he had to stomp on her skull and ruin his shoes to kill her.
He was about to do just that when Aro spoke.
“Ah, yes. I can feel it now.” Aro dropped Marcus’ hand, gaze switching from Marcus to the curled little mortal on the floor at his feet. “I understand brother. It’s settled then.”
“What?” Caius hissed, throwing his hands up in frustration. He always hated not being privy to these private conversations Aro and Marcus had sometimes - he looked between them as if everyone in the room but himself had lost their senses. “What’s settled? What’s she done to him? What are you on about this time?”
“She’s got a happiness aura, Caius. I can feel it myself, though it took until I read Marcus to notice it at all. Surely you sensed it when you were feeding on her?”
The look Caius gave him all too clearly said no, he most certainly did not feel it.
Aro sighed, waving a hand airily at his brother, crouching down so he was close to the small human on the ground, his elbows on his knees and his hands hanging limply in front of him. “It seems the answer to the theory we’ve been hopeless to  solve ever since my sister's passing is right here, isn’t it Marcus?”
Marcus, who was still sitting on the floor looking as if he’d been hit over the head with a heavy object blinked once, then groaned as he ran his hands over his face. “My head hurts-,”
“Your head can’t hurt!” Caius snapped automatically, only growing more frustrated when Aro ignored him to reach over to Marcus once more with his palm up.
“It does.” Marcus grunted and for the first time in too many centuries to count, Marcus’ eyes found his with a clarity in them that was so foreign it made Caius feel incredibly uneasy. Marcus touched his palm to Aro’s without breaking eye contact with Caius, rising to his feet in one fluid motion.
“Ah yes, I’m not surprised.” Aro mused, more to himself than anyone else as his gaze remained focused on the human before them. “You’ve gone nearly three millennia without. It's only natural that now that you have a steady supply again you’ll feel a little off balance.”
“For God’s sake Aro!” Caius was about to go on a tirade, both of his brothers could hear it in his voice, but neither reacted with the same emotional upheaval of their most hot-headed brother. 
“We could never truly know because she was dead.” Marcus said quietly, “And we’ve never encountered another like her until now. I still feel… by the gods do I miss her… but I don’t…”
Marcus did not continue, and it was the look on his brother’s face that had Caius sobering immediately, his anger fading as quickly as a snuffed flame of a candle as the lid was replaced. 
“I’ll have Eleazar examine this one,” Aro sighed, “So we’ll know if she’s addictive like Didyme - bless her heart - but even if she is… it’s probably best you stay exposed to her Marcus.”
Marcus didn’t say anything to that and the silence in the room over the next few minutes was only interrupted by the pounding heart of the human lying before them, her uneven breathing easily ignored.
So it was true then. Marcus’ unusual level of codependence on his late wife, and his unusually severe depression after her death was  because of withdrawal from his mate’s happiness-inducing talent. Plenty of vampires who’d lost their mate still lived and functioned out in the world. Although all of them mourned the passing of their true loves, none had taken a hit as horribly as Marcus. However, they had never been able to  prove that his depression was anything more than him  loving her very much and having a dependent personality.
To know that none of it was true - that he wasn’t weak, but just a victim of circumstance - was too much for Marcus to process right now. He didn’t want to look at the human on the floor between him and his brothers, though he knew she was about to change his life. 
"Well, nothing more to do now than check back in a couple of days," Aro clapped his hands once, getting to his feet.
"Whoa whoa whoa, hold on a second!" Caius' expression was appalled as he realized what Aro was saying, gesturing to the human on the floor, "Aro you can't be saying what I think you're saying! You haven't even read her-,"
"Bah!" Aro made a clear sound of discontent as he wrung his hands in front of him. "You know I'll never touch someone mid-change!"
Caius pursed his lips. Right. Aro reading someone mid-transformation meant his raven-haired brother would receive the full details of how much pain they were in.
He'd already lived through the pain of his own transformation. He didn't need to relieve the experience through anyone else.
"You don't have to do anything more Caius. Just leave her here. We'll deal with it later."
“I- but- she-,” Caius spluttered, gesturing wildly to the mortal that was barely twitching on the floor. She was definitely one of the rare silent-change cases that would come up every now and again. Which was kind of a relief because he didn’t want to listen to the thing scream for the next three days. “I don’t- You can’t make me!”
“She’s already changing.” Aro’s brows were raised. “There's nothing more you need to do with your charge-”
“She’s not my charge.” 
“So the tooth fairy came in and changed her then?” Marcus remarked dryly, “Did you make sure to get their contact information so we can let them know to come pick her up?”
“You aren’t funny!” Caius snarled, “You could not have chosen a worse time to have a reawakened sense of humor-”
“Well don’t act like it’s our fault you didn’t finish your food-”
“She’s disgusting!” 
“She moaned Caius.” Aro rolled his eyes, “A biting kink is hardly the most scandalous fetish out there nowadays. There was this one man I encountered who-”
“Stop!” Caius and Marcus both spoke at the same time, neither wanting the undoubtedly tasteless mental image Aro was about to inflict on them.
“I am not doing this Aro!” Caius snarled, “I bought you guys here to dispose of her-,”
“We’re not going to dispose of your little newborn Caius,” Aro rolled his eyes, “She’s your responsibility-”
“The hell she is!” He took one step forward, ready to do whatever was necessary to stop this madness before something hit him.
He staggered back multiple feet until his lower back struck his desk, staring at Marcus -  who was still lowering his fist - in shock as his left ear pulsed with pain.
The realization that Marcus struck him sobered him immediately, but didn’t stop the insult he had ready at the tip of his tongue. “You did not just punch me you bastard-”
“Enough!” Aro’s voice was loud, his tone so stern it caused both Marcus and Caius to stop glaring at each other and turn to him. 
“Leave the girl here, Caius.” Aro enunciated each word slowly as if he were particularly dense. “Do not lay a finger on her. We’ll address this again in a couple of days.”
Caius looked at him, and then at Marcus for a long time in which not a single one of them took a breath, absorbing each of their stubborn expressions before cursing and storming out of his office.
Damn them both.
Marcus hesitated outside the door to Caius' office. There was no reason for him to announce himself or knock as his brother hadn't entered this room since he stormed out two days ago, but he still needed a moment to process exactly what he planned to do when he got inside.
He and his brothers had left her inside to change. Currently Felix and Santiago were pacing the halls near this corridor, having been ordered there by Aro to keep everyone away from the girl and to apprehend her if she woke up and tried to wander. She’d be waking up within the next day, probably sooner rather than later as she was a tiny little thing, but there was no telling just when that would be.
He wondered if she knew what was happening to her. Had she been listening when he and his brothers talked over her? Or had they been speaking too quickly and quietly for her to be aware of their words when she was suffering the burning agony of transformation?
Either way, after thinking about it for nearly four hours this morning, he’d decided that someone needed to try to explain what was happening to her.
If there was one thing they’d learned over the countless years ruling their species, it was that an uninformed newborn was a crazy newborn. 
Not to mention that if he wanted her to remain around him to supply some of - what Aro had started referring to as - his antidepressant, he’d need to be on good terms with her. If he wasn’t and she despised his presence he couldn’t exactly expect her aura to constantly work. 
It might be a permanent part of her she had no control over, it might be something she could influence at will, and it could be something that was affected majorly by her moods. Only time would say.
Taking a deep breath he opened the door to the office, ignoring how Felix and Santiago’s steps both paused at the sound, and stepped inside allowing the door to snap shut behind him.
Being in her presence again was like someone was pulling aside a veil that had been cast over his head - a veil he’d never known was there until a couple of days ago. His thoughts were suddenly clearer, his breathing came easier, and the overwhelming sadness that had consumed him so thoroughly for thousands of years and made him nearly constantly wish for the sweet release of death was no more than a dull throb in a small part of his heart.
The mourning of his mate was still very much present there, but it was a mourning all those who suffered terrible loss lived with.
It was no longer an incapacitating pain, just a very normal ache.
He felt lighter in here now than he had when he’d first encountered her, though he knew this was only because the end of her change was near. The little female looked more immortal than mortal now. He estimated she only had half a day left before she awoke.
As he took in her appearance he realized her dark hair must have been false, because now her hair was such a light blonde that it was nearly white in color.
The venom must have removed the dye.
Without thinking he crossed the room to where she was curled on her side, her rapid heartbeat the only sound as he crouched in front of her to gaze at her face.
By gods, she looked-
Well, she looked like she could be Caius’ child by flesh and not just by venom.
She gave no indication she knew he was there, so he cleared his throat before speaking.
“Can you hear me child?”
She didn’t speak, but her eyelids did flutter for a second.
He sighed, scooting closer to her and placing a hand on her shoulder before pushing her onto her back. 
Instinctively she uncurled from her ball, laying flat on the ground with her arms and legs slightly apart, her eyes fluttering again as she tried to look up at the unknown person who had moved her.
Marcus caught a glimpse of red irises, shot through with streaks of light brown as the transformation continued to work to rid her of her human appearance.
Her eyes closed once more and she groaned.
“Can you speak?”
The only response he got to that was another pained groan.
Alright then.
“Try to at least tell me your name. If you can do that I'll tell you mine, and I'll try to explain what’s happening to you.”
Her thoughts were hardly coherent due to pain and her vision had been nothing more than a blur of confusing colors when she opened her eyes. She wanted to say she had a pretty solid guess what was happening to her but the very idea of speech sounded horrible right now.
It was quiet again, and she wasn’t sure if the person who’d moved her was still in the room before he spoke.
The only thing she knew was that he wasn’t the one who’d bitten her. His voice was much too deep to be the same person.
“I know it hurts. It won’t go on much longer, but I'd like to address you as something other than child.” The man repeated. 
Huh, that was weirdly nice of him.
“Ann-ah.” She croaked, her voice somehow managing to be high pitched and scratchy at the same time.
She groaned, hoping he knew that she was confirming what he said and he would stop asking her to try to talk.
“Okay. Anna then.” Marcus said softly. “My name is Marcus. My brother Caius was the one who did this to you. Do you remember us talking over you in this room two days ago?”
“Nuh-uh-,” Anna’s face crumpled, and he understood that asking her to make any sounds right now was most likely extremely uncomfortable.
It was probably best she didn’t even bother. 
With a sigh loud enough he knew it would be audible to her, Marcus sat on the floor beside her, resting his forearms on his knees as he stared forward at Caius’ desk.
He began to talk, and without hesitation or any polite formalities he explained to her what she was becoming, and what she would likely experience once her heart stopped. He did not bother taking the time to choose careful, gentle words that would make what he was saying less shocking. There was no point in sugarcoating what her life would be like when the change ended and her pain stopped. It was inevitable, and it was going to be her reality very soon.
Anna didn’t try to talk, and he was grateful as he continued on explaining what the purpose of the Volturi coven was and how she would be expected to conform and follow instructions and directions.
It did occur to him that she might be too consumed by pain to listen, but he wasn’t going to ask her to give any input into the conversation. If she wasn’t listening? Well no one can say he hadn’t at least tried.
He talked for a long time, as there really was a lot of information he needed to give her. When he paused in explaining a rather lengthy list of rules their coven had for newborns he realized her heart rate had spiked startlingly fast, and it occurred to him he must have been sitting beside her for the better part of the day.
At least he’d covered a lot of material.
“Anna? Is the pain receding?”
It was the first thing he’d asked her directly in hours, and her answering grimace was enough of a confirmation. 
“Make a fist to confirm what I’m asking you.” Marcus said sharply, getting to his feet so he would be prepared to take her down if she launched at him. “Is the pain in your chest getting worse?”
As he gazed down at her, he watched the small almost-vampire clench her right hand into a fist for a few seconds before relaxing it.
“Are your hands free of pain?”
She made a fist.
“The rest of your arms?”
Another fist.
“Your legs?”
Again, she clenched her right hand into a fist.
Marcus turned and took a few quick strides to the door, opening it and hearing Felix and Santiago pause as they paced the stone floor a few halls away. 
He spoke to the empty corridor knowing both of the guards would hear him. “Santiago, go and find my brothers. Felix, with me.”
Felix appeared in the hallway within seconds, and Marcus said nothing to the guard as he went back to Anna’s side and heard Felix follow him into Caius’ office, closing the door behind him with a soft snap.
They both stared down at Anna, fully aware as her heart took off at a stallion's pace that she had minutes - if not seconds - before she woke. 
“Your heart will stop shortly.” Marcus said dispassionately, “When it does you’ll want to take a deep breath and sit up as slowly as you can. I’m sure you’re aware of many scents right now, and the new one in the room is Felix. He’s here to restrain you if you… panic.”
Marcus caught Felix’s head turning to look at him from the corner of his eye, catching the significance in what he was saying.
He was only to restrain her, not harm her.
The door opened once more, and Marcus did not turn to face his brothers as they entered, watching Anna intently as she took a sharp breath, her heart going much too fast now.
Aro drifted to his side and took his hand, reading his thoughts as the four of them stared down at the small girl on the floor as the last seconds of her mortal life passed them by.
Her heart raced, and raced, and raced until there was an abnormal jolt in its pattern. They all listened as it faltered, before giving two more hard disjointed thumps. The only sound in the room was Anna’s shocked intake of air as her heart finally failed and silence reigned. 
Her eyelids fluttered, and then opened fully. Two scarlet eyes stared up at the ceiling in astonishment, darting around as she took in such finely textured details she would have never been capable of noticing before with her human eyesight. 
Eventually her eyes wandered to each of them individually, and she surprised them all by sitting up very slowly and carefully - an abnormally tame response for a newborn.
Marcus figured she must have been listening to him after all.
“Wow.” Anna breathed, squeezing her eyes shut for a long second before opening them again and blinking rapidly as her brain adjusted to her super-sharp sight. “This is really trippy. If all that didn’t hurt so bad I’d be sure I just took acid or something. God what the fuck.”
Aro and Caius both breathed in - clearly about to tell her off for her language - but were silenced by the withering look Marcus sent them. The language really wasn’t the top priority right now.
Her accent though, and the fact that she spoke to them in English - which they already knew she would based on what the guards who’d carried her into the castle relayed - showed that she most certainly was not from Italy. She was American. A tourist most likely. 
That was good, they were used to making sure the disappearances of tourists were not linked to them.
Anna observed her hands in front of her for a long moment, taking in their pale perfection before she looked back up at them, her blonde eyebrows raised. 
Caius couldn’t tame his startled look at her appearance into one of indifference before Aro glanced over at him, a smug grin on his face.
It infuriated him greatly to realize the disgusting girl looked just like him. His brothers would never let him hear the end of this.
Anna sniffed, her head turning to Marcus as she recognized his scent as the one that had been with her for hours now.
Marcus crouched so he was closer to her level, and heard as Aro did the same. 
Caius and Felix both remained standing.
“This is Aro.” Marcus inclined his head toward his brother. “Do you remember what I told you about him?”
She nodded, and Aro grinned widely. 
“Spectacular.” Aro said happily, holding out one hand to the newborn and ignoring the way Felix shifted at the gesture. The girl was only minutes old; she would be easy to anticipate if she had any thought of hurting him. It would be obvious on her face and in her body language long before she acted. “This might just be one of the calmest rebirths we ever had. Nice work Marcus.”
Marcus rolled his eyes. All he did was talk; the exceptionally calm way Anna was behaving was all her. 
Anna noticed his expression and grinned.
She reached out a hand toward Aro - slowly, like she was a human, and showing that she was taking great care in her movements as she placed her palm in his.
It was probably good she was moving so carefully too. Felix was very tense.
It was quiet for nearly a minute before Aro laughed, patting the back of Anna’s hand affectionately before dropping it.
Aro turned his head from Anna to Caius with a sigh. “You really do need to get a sense of humor, you know. When you bit her she only moaned because she was trying to be funny in the light of her death, and when you tried to finish the groan was just because you let her wrist go and the removal of more pain than she was already experiencing was a relief. You really had me so convinced she had a biting kink.”
Aro sounded almost disappointed that she didn’t - it would have been so funny if it had been true - and Anna’s face cracked the biggest shit eating grin any of them had seen in a long time.
With that grin came a feeling of lightness and ease that the three brothers knew was not their own - an entirely involuntary action the little vampire had no control over yet - and Felix shook his head as if in confusion when the sensation hit him.
They probably should have given him some forewarning.
Marcus’ fingers found his temples where he rubbed hard, and Aro caught the motion in his peripheral vision. He knew his brother was getting a headache again - this new supply of dopamine was something he desperately needed but his brain wasn’t quite ready for it yet. With the rather scientific approach to drug addictions, human mental illness and substances, and cause and effect Aro had in his head from the truly endless supply of memories both his own and not, Aro figured the best way to introduce Marcus to his new antidepressant was slowly. Eventually she’d make him feel much more himself but without the added headache.
He was completely certain of it; they’d just have to do small doses for now.
Aro patted the pockets of his suit jacket, looking for the small hand mirror he usually carried around - because he really did care if his hair looked a mess and it didn’t bother him in the slightest when his brothers would make fun of him for always checking his appearance - before retrieving it and holding it out to Anna.
“This was a gift from my wife. Do not break it or I'll be most cross.” Aro said seriously, watching as the little blonde carefully took the mirror, opening it as if it were tissue paper and getting a first look at her new reflection.
She gave a startled little jump at first glance, stared at herself in the tiny mirror for a long moment, and surprised all of them when she carefully passed the mirror back to Aro without closing it. 
“Imma just give this back, if I hold it much longer I’m definitely gonna break it. Marcus mentioned super strength, and I can feel it - that’s for sure.”
“That’s Master Marcus to you, you little-” Caius started in on her instantly, and both of Anna’s brows raised at him when her gaze found his - registering that he was the one who’d killed her - but she was saved from responding by Marcus’ annoyed sigh.
“I introduced myself to her informally, Caius,” Marcus snapped, “Now calm down or leave. I do not have the patience for this right now.”
Caius exhaled loudly out of his nose, clearly ready to start yelling, but Marcus turned away from him and back to the matter at hand. 
Anna’s gaze was on him. It seemed she wasn’t very intimidated by Caius’ outbursts. 
Whether that was a good thing or not… Marcus couldn’t really be sure.
“You seem to be taking this very well.” Marcus’ deep bass voice was always so quiet, and Anna found it inexplicably soothing. 
His expression was impossible to read.
“Well the alternative was being yeeted into the forever sleep. And what do you expect? Oh, woe is me, I’m superhuman, immortal, and hot as fuck now. Whatever will I do?” She said the last part of her rebuttal in an overly enthusiastic, damsel-in-distress candor that would make any B movie director proud.
She should go into acting.
“We should really introduce you to the Cullens.” The black-haired Aro was speaking again, his expression very clearly amused as he stood and looked down at her. “I think you’d do wonders for their self-esteem.”
“What’s a Cullen?”
“We’ll explain that later dear.” Aro said affectionately, watching her get slowly to her feet after she saw Marcus rise to his, as if she were waiting for nonverbal cues. “But first, let’s take care of your thirst.” 
He waved Felix forward, and Anna’s appraisal of the abnormally large vampire was only interrupted once as Caius let out an audible scoff before turning on his heel and storming from the office, letting the door slam behind him.
“Huh,” Anna shrugged, “You know, I get the feeling he doesn’t like me.” 
Felix cracked a smile that Anna reciprocated, and Aro noticed Marcus pressing his fingers to his temples again.
“He’s just irritated we were ignoring him,” Aro said playfully, motioning to Marcus that he should leave first before following. He heard Felix telling Anna he was going to hold onto her arm and asking her to do her best not to overreact to it, and ignored the little vampire’s growl as Felix did exactly as he’d warned.
She was young, and instincts are instincts after all. 
It was good she’d listened to Marcus’ lengthy explanation about her new life though, because after that initial growl Anna seemed fine with listening to Felix as he guided her along beside him.
Marcus figured he could leave Aro and Felix to chaperone Anna for now - his head really did ache - and took his leave at the first hall junction they came to, going in the opposite direction from where he knew the trio would be headed.
Aside from that, the only hiccup in their journey to the feeding chamber was Renata joining them, unable to bear the thought of Aro being unguarded with a newborn around. Her gaze traveled to Anna in clear surprise as she took in the newborn the rest of the coven had been warned about, not having expected the pretty little blonde to look so like Master Caius.
Anna was calm, and absolutely beamed when she saw Renata.
“Man if my throat didn’t burn so bad it felt like the devil just jizzed in it, I’d be fully convinced I'd died and gone to heaven.”
Aro choked as he tried to suppress his laugh, truly startled as Renata’s mouth dropped open in shock.
Felix’s laughter echoed in the hall, and Aro figured it was probably best they addressed the crude language once she was fed.
If anyone asked Anna what her first couple months as a vampire had been like, she really wouldn’t have had anything to say. Everything kinda blurred together because of how seriously intense it was adapting to being a different creature than the one she was born as. 
Marcus had warned her, but it hadn’t really sunk in how truly mind-fucking it would be to have such intense emotions, temper tantrums, and thirst now that she wasn’t human.
Something she could say though, was that even though she didn’t always remember fine details of those first months through the haze of thirst and super-emotions (as she liked to refer to her new and startling emotional capacity as an immortal), she did have a very clear place in her mind where she kept her relationships. Bonding with people as an immortal was very different than it was as a human. 
The way people treated and responded to her was ingrained into her brain right off the bat, and  the friendships she’d formed - no matter how new and insignificant they’d seem to be to a human since it was such a short timespan in which she’d known them - became an unwavering part of her. 
She liked Felix a lot. He helped her calm down and always knew exactly what to do to help when she’d have a temper tantrum. Once he even flattened her on the floor and simply sat on her back for an hour until she stopped spazzing and started listening to his breathing instructions.
She liked Demetri, who seemed to be Felix’s right hand man and was always a second set of hands when shit got out of hand - or more specifically when she got out of hand. She liked Alec and Jane, who just had such a vibe about them that she respected them right away - and Jane seemed to vibe with her too. 
She really liked Lady Athenodora, who seemed to be the most modern of all the ancients and always poked fun at her asshat of a husband - and Anna’s very own sire - Caius.
But her best friend of all was Marcus - well Master Marcus in public; she only called him by his first name when they were in private or if Aro was the only one around.
It had taken her a little while to understand, even after other guards had helped her learn about her happy-aura-special-talent thing, just what Marcus’ issues were and why everyone always seemed to act as though she and him were a package deal of some sort.
Now that her initial “crazy months” were past her - the crazy months being the oh so eloquently named period of about two to four months after a newborn’s change - she had a clear understanding of what all of that meant.
She was a living, breathing, antidepressant for Marcus.
But she wasn’t like his late wife Didyme. 
Anna’s happy aura did not leave Marcus walking around as if he was slightly punch drunk, nor did it have any of the guards flocking toward her as overeager romantic interests like Aro’s late sister had.
There was something peaceful and calming about her presence. Everyone just felt at ease and… good around her. No one in the coven disliked her and she couldn’t exactly find that shocking if her very presence made people feel like they just took a valium.
No one ever felt anxious or melancholy when not exposed to the little blonde’s radius of sunshine. Eleazar had been completely right when he examined her and compared her to Corin except that her talent did not have an addictive edge.
Caius and Aro were sure - Aro more so because he had been in so many people's minds - that Marcus was reacting as any depressed mortal who was being properly medicated would. She took the edge off; she was a healthy, synthetic substitute to a hard drug he’d been addicted to. 
Marcus still had his days. He still had his down periods, but he was better with Anna around. There had only been a couple bouts of depression in recent months that were particularly bad for Marcus, and each time another guard had found her and told her Marcus needed her presence. 
She was always quick to be at his side, just like how in her human life she was always right there whenever a friend needed her. She’d sit on the floor beside whatever chair he was slumped over in and just wait quietly until he stirred.
Marcus was very close to her for more reasons than just her happy aura. As time went on it was clear to everyone that she and Marcus were kindred spirits. They had many common hobbies and interests. Anna was much more modern and chaotic than Marcus was; this was probably because of her young age and the vastly different time periods they were born in, but it was obvious that she and Marcus were soulmates of a purely platonic nature.
It was the bane of Caius’ existence to be constantly reminded that she was a permanent presence in their coven.
He couldn’t even properly discipline her. The one time he’d tried to catch her to remove her tongue - really she could do without it for a week and learn that she needed to stop with the cheek she always gave him - the little shit had let out a shriek that hurt his eardrums and ran off down the hall.
He’d chased her all the way to the throne room, and he would have had her if she hadn’t run behind Marcus and pressed her face into his back pleading for his protection.
Marcus wouldn’t let him near her.
“She’s a kid, Caius. Grow a pair and stop overreacting to every little thing.”
“She’s twenty-two! She’s no child!” Caius had snapped back, jabbing a finger in her direction. “You enable her!”
While she certainly did get away with quite a lot of misbehaviors because of her friendship with Marcus, it didn’t mean she was completely undisciplined.
Marcus did have a tendency to smack her upside the back of the head a lot which, to be honest, was completely fair with how quick she would go from being somewhat normal to an absolute basket case that wanted to do something like coat herself in body paint and run into the square naked just to see if the sunlight would still make her a disco ball but a colorful one this time.
Which she totally wasn’t allowed to do because it was totally against the law, and secrecy was the main goal, and blah blah blah talk talk talk.
Since she’d been a little newborn-nutcase at first she wasn’t on the Volturi guards' payroll nor was she given any real jobs to do. Her main tasks were to sit still and for the love of god not break anything, and that was not as easy as it sounded.
No one knew what to do to get her to behave at first. They couldn’t use any of the normal methods of keeping vampires in line - like limb removal or just general ass beating - because Marcus had been perfectly clear harming her was off limits.
No one could exactly blame him either. Even though there were enough occasions to prove Eleazar's assurance that her happy aura seemed to be permanent - only becoming stronger when she was in a good mood and never waning even when she was temperamental or upset - they all understood that he didn’t want to risk losing her aura. 
He needed her antidepressant quality, and the fact that he was genuinely fond of her as a person only reinforced that they had to have a gentler approach with her.
Aro had been the first to figure out how they could… encourage… good behavior. Anna was very extroverted and easily bored, so the first several newborn months when it was necessary for her  to learn control and be exposed to as few people and emotional scenarios as possible were, figuratively, driving her nuts. 
Telling her to sit still and try to calm down only made her more antsy, and Aro had figured rewards for good behavior might work best.
To everyone's immense surprise, the reward that worked best were books. 
Anna’s rooms were very large and comfortable here - as were all the guards' personal living quarters - but hers lacked personal touches. Understandable, because she didn’t have any money just yet and she was prone to breaking things with her new strength, but still depersonalizing.
She wanted to paint her walls. She wanted to get bookcases and fill them with her favorite books and stuffed animals. She just wasn’t allowed to yet because she was always acting up.
So Aro made a rule: each day she went without breaking something, starting a fight, or doing something utterly ridiculous (like trying to see how far she could literally run up a wall with her super speed before gravity took its toll and sent her plummeting down onto her back) she was awarded with an item she wanted to make her rooms her own.
It wasn’t easy at first, but with the help and guidance of her friends, she’d begun to improve more and more with each passing day.
Around six months later while a small portion of the guard stood in the feeding room waiting with the ancients for Heidi to arrive with a tour group, Anna talked quietly with Renata to the left of the circular room’s doors. Both of the girls' heads were bent together, so they were unaware the brothers were watching them.
"It seems like Anna and Renata are finally starting to get along," Marcus said in a quiet aside to Aro and Caius, his voice low enough that only they could hear.
"Oh thank goodness," Aro's eyes flashed to Renata, "I've been worried about the poor dear for years. It's been so hard for her to accept you know, with the time period she was born in…"
"Wait," Caius hissed, trying not to look over at Anna. "She likes women? All those comments she's made over the last year-"
"Renata likes women." Marcus said, even though both of his brothers had known that fact for years. "Anna likes everyone."
Caius just stared, and Marcus leaned his head back on his throne muttering, “It’s about time. I’ve never liked slow burning romances, and watching the bond grow between the two of them while waiting for them to just get together already has been driving me insane.”
Aro cackled, and multiple guards turned to look toward the kings in confusion, speculating that perhaps Master Aro was finally losing his mind after all.
Months turned into years, and Anna hardly noticed it at all as time no longer meant much to her as an immortal. After the newborn year was over, and she was considerably more rational and able to focus on tasks, she’d been put to studying and testing to find herself a true ranking within the Volturi guard.
These tests did involve general education at a university level - all of the Volturi guards were expected to be literate and educated to at least PhD standards. The masters believed that with infinite time, there was no excuse for their people to not be using it to better themselves.
They couldn’t go to actual universities, but the Volturi did have guards that were responsible for schooling and conducting exams that would have made any human being have a mental breakdown of truly epic proportions.
Along with school, she had strategy training, control training, and fight training. 
She'd passed all of her tests with flying colors after only 3 years, and she was the youngest elite guard the Volturi ever had because of it.
She couldn't pretend that was because she was extraordinary or anything though. It only turned out that way because Marcus had been a consistent and sometimes ruthless teacher. She'd had special treatment that no one before her had ever had before by having one of the ancients and one of the best fighters among vampires training her personally every day for two and a half years. Anyone would excel with such attention.
It was only fitting that she became Marcus’ personal guard as both his antidepressant and his greatest friend, but that didn't mean she didn't have to earn her stripes so to speak.
So he’d trained her himself to help her get there, and she earned the extremely dark gray cloak she wore just as all the others had. 
The bite marks Marcus had left on her arms, neck, and torso were proof of that. He hadn't been easy on her at all, and even though some of the lessons were hard she was grateful for the skills she had now because of him.
She wanted to live a thousand years, and you didn't get to that age without surviving some serious fights over time.
One of the bites on her torso was on her left rib cage, and there was one high up on her neck and two on her right arm from the time she had insisted she was ready to take the test to become an elite guard - a test she’d most certainly not been prepared for but she was too stubborn to believe otherwise when she was only two years old - and Marcus had squared up with her to fight. She should have known then and there that the fight was going to be a lesson and a punishment, because no one ever beat Marcus, and the final elite guard qualification fight was meant to be taken against an actual elite guard and not one of the masters.
He’d handed her ass to her, and made sure each bite was a reminder that she would have been killed if the fight was real - especially the ones on her side and neck. 
Her pride had been hurt, but Marcus never dismembered her out of respect for their friendship. Even though she most definitely sulked for three days following her ass whooping, she and Marcus were completely back to their normal easy friendship right after.
Anna was lying face down on the couch in her living quarters hiding under nearly fifteen blankets as she heard a light knock on the main door and Renata went to answer it.
Marcus entered the room she was in shortly after, and pulled the mountain of blankets off her in one good tug.
“Alright Anna, time to stop with the moping and get up.” 
Her answering question was muffled by the pillow she had her face pressed into, "How long have I been moping exactly?"
Marcus shook back his sleeve to check his watch, "69 hours."
As he predicted from the moment he calculated the time, she snickered. "Hehe, nice. Okay, I guess I can get over it now since the hour is so perfect."
He rolled his eyes so hard Anna could almost hear it even though she wasn’t looking at him as she finally raised her head from the pillow and sat up.
"You're sure you're alright?" Marcus' expression was politely concerned for her, and she laughed.
"I had a beautiful woman around to take care of me and nurse my wounds," She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, "I'll live."
They both heard Renata choke back a mortified little squeak from the front room.
Anna laughed again, even louder this time at her mate’s still-adorable modesty. Renata acting as though that statement was embarrassing was laughable. Marcus had caught the two of them in an empty corridor one day and there had been absolutely no way to play off what they were up to.
Marcus had let out his usual god-I’d-love-someone-to-just-end-me-right-now sigh, told Anna that they needed to resume her control training, and waited completely straight-faced and quietly for Anna to get off her knees and get her face out from between Renata’s legs as Renata frantically pulled her dress back down.
Renata avoided Marcus for nearly three weeks after that, and even then it was only because Aro ordered her to stop being shy and get over it because she was expected to continue her normal duties as his guard, and that meant she’d be around Marcus constantly so she needed to push the incident from her mind.
"So we're cool?" Marcus’ words pulled Anna out of her trip down memory lane, and she beamed at him.
“Look at you, using the correct slang! Yeah, we're cool."
He reached over and mussed her hair affectionately. "Good. Now let's go to the throne room for a short while so Caius can see you're out and about before training. Caius is temperamental about your unexcused absences this week so you better get moving."
As they left her rooms together, Anna trailing behind Marcus by a few paces because he was just way taller than her and his strides were always bigger, she couldn’t help but complain.
“Why do you even need guards anyway? It’s not like you can’t put any one of us in the ground at a moment’s notice!”
Marcus gave a ghost of a chuckle, and she smiled at him behind his back.
When she had passed her final fight test - not with Marcus because it was deemed unfair for her to test with her trainer; there could be no question about him throwing a fight for her benefit -  she fought Caius. She catapulted into him so hard she sent them both out of the fighting circle they were supposed to stay confined to. She was scolded by the guard who was refereeing the match because, while your opponent being knocked out of the circle gave you a win, throwing yourself out of the circle with them in the same move didn’t count.
“Hey man,” She’d laughed in response. “I'll sink the ship I'm working on just to kill the captain.”
The ref tried not to smile, he really did, but the sound of Aro’s laughter from somewhere off on the side broke his concentration.
Caius was frustrated as usual with her lack of professionalism, and Anna wasn’t going to deny that Caius being frustrated with her total I don’t give a fuck mentality combined with his wife’s heckling from the stand to not hurt his kin - and infuriating reminder to him that she looked like his biological kid - made him an easier opponent. 
The final elite fighting test wasn’t meant to be taken with the masters, but Caius had wanted an opportunity to - how did he put it - squish her like Marcus did.
Man when she’d tripped Caius so he fell out of bound in the final five seconds of her fight… she’d had to run for her life to find Marcus before Caius killed her. He was so mad.
Marcus had found the entire thing hilarious.
Anna was sitting on the floor against some shelves in the library, reading a book and only looking up from where it rested in her lap occasionally to cast the obligatory I’m-your-guard-and-have-to-keep-an-eye-on-you glance at Marcus who was sitting in his usual chair by the fire a little ways away. Sometimes she sat in the chair across from him, sometimes she sat on the floor behind his chair and leaned against its back, and other times they both preferred a little distance from each other as they read in peace.
They were best friends and spent nearly all their time together, but they still both needed breathing room every now and again. 
She was looking forward to tonight. Marcus and Aro had approved the night off for her and Renata so they could leave the castle and go on a date as long as they were both back by sunrise. Even now, almost ten years after her change, she knew that Aro and Marcus expected Renata to make sure she stayed in line.
Anna grinned down at her book, remembering the body glitter incident from last March and trying not to laugh at the memory of Caius losing his shit and Marcus’ and Aro’s absolute shock when they saw that every single inch of her skin was coated in dark pink body glitter as she stood in the sun in the town square.
The humans found her hilarious, and the sun's rays were not an issue because of all the glitter.
Marcus walloped her upside the head really hard once she was back inside. She’d only stayed out for fifteen minutes tops and was just trying to make the tourists who were there for the Saint Marcus Day festival laugh, but she was still put on probation for six months after that.
It was so worth it though. The guards got such a kick out of it and didn’t stop talking about it for a month.
Yeah… she wasn’t gonna pretend their concerns about her judgment were misplaced.
When she looked up from her book again she saw Marcus staring at her with a raised brow, obviously wondering what her smile was about, but she wasn’t able to answer before a set of steps she recognized entered the library.
Caius was clearly in a raging temper when he appeared beside Marcus, and it seemed as though her sire was angry with her by the withering look he sent her as he hissed to Marcus about making sure she was appropriately disciplined and blah blah blah.
Marcus was great at pretending as if everything Caius said was news to him. 
Athenodora had come up to Anna and Marcus in the halls earlier that day and begged Anna with her hands folded in front of her to “Please for the love of god break that ugly ass vase that Caius insisted on putting on one of the art pedestals within the main hall to their room. She’d do anything - just please Anna, please.”
Marcus took a walk so he could plead his ignorance, and Anna had happily knocked that pedestal down and stepped on the shards of the baby shit green colored vase that were now all over the floor.
There was no way Caius would figure out from Marcus’ expression that he knew what had happened and had totally allowed it.
It wasn’t either of their fault that Caius had terrible taste. If the thing wasn’t so ugly Athenodora wouldn’t have begged her to break it in the first place.
“I swear to god! If you can’t keep her in line I’ll end her myself-”
“Yeah, sure, keep threatening that as if you don’t remember the whole reason she’s here in the first place is because you’re a baby.” Marcus said emotionlessly, staring down at his book and idly turning a page as if he didn’t notice Caius’ indignant splutter. 
“What!? How dare-”
“You always blame Aro and me for whatever she gets up to. It’s not our fault you didn’t finish your food.”
Anna had to shove her fist into her mouth to keep from laughing.
“She was gross and slobbery and even you-”
“I would have eaten and left no crumbs.” Marcus said simply. “If she was getting a kick out of it I would have just let her enjoy her final moments without judgment.”
Anna slapped both hands over her mouth, holding her breath as she rocked with silent laughter.
“We don’t kink shame in this family Caius. It’s not our fault you’re pathetically vanilla.” Aro’s voice called from somewhere by the entrance, and Anna finally collapsed into a fit of very loud laughter. Tears would have been absolutely streaming down her face had she still been human - the evidence of their presence in her eyes were clouding her vision at that very moment. When had Aro gotten here? She had no idea but this was amazing.
“I am not-” Caius started to say only to be cut off by Marcus.
“I’m going to tell Athenodora to say “Fuck me daddy uwu” to you unironically in bed, and if you can’t keep it up we’ll all have undeniable proof that you’re a wuss.”
Anna was sure she died right then and there. Her soul must have truly left her body and ascended into the unknown at those words from Marcus’ mouth. She knew she was rubbing off on him over the years, but to this extent? 
This was the most amazing moment of her life.
She wasn’t the only one laughing now. Some of the guards present in the library as well as Aro and his wife had joined in. She could barely hear Caius stomp out, her lungs feeling like they were burning because of how hard she’d nearly been screaming with laughter at Marcus’ truly impeccable timing and the absolutely bomb way he delivered that line without emoting at all. She couldn’t remember a time in her life when she was as happy as she was now. 
She’d lived a good life while human, and the fact that the circumstances and path of her life had led her here to Volterra with a new and huge found family… she really couldn’t believe her luck. 
Some of the happiest memories of her life came from these years as an immortal, one of the most vivid being when Master Aro and Marcus allowed her to take Renata to the NYC pride parade the previous year. She’d taken a picture there of her and her mate that was displayed proudly as her phone background (there was even a printed photo of it in a frame on the mantle of Marcus' rooms, which she still considered one of her greatest achievements). 
It was a selfie she’d taken as she threw an arm around Renata’s neck and dragged her close, beaming at the camera while her mate smiled in the most genuine way, a rainbow flag proudly painted on her cheek and an adorable contrast to the bi-pride flag painted on her own. 
She sat up on the floor, trying to control her giggling and breathing as she turned her head to gaze at Marcus, who she found was still sitting in his chair and beaming right back.
His answering smile - a smile she knew would have never been on his face had she not been here - was all she needed to be one hundred percent positive that putting up graffiti all over Volterra had been the best decision she’d ever made in her life.
Even if it was such a pain when the brothers made her go wash it all off.
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ragamuffin-ponies · 5 months
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I got these commissioned by DreamZ, one of my favorite artists. Please check out her art and engorge her to make more Rarijack content:
Hopefully that link works
This is about to get serious I think. At least as serious as I can get on my fucking Tumblr page called Ragamuffin Ponies 😭
A couple months ago I had an extremely intense anxiety attack because I couldn't find a good profile picture on my fucking discord. I wanted one that was Rainbow Dash but with short hair. I ended up using the following picture
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This image was edited and uploaded anonymously to derpibooru. No artist is known. I used ai to upscale the image to HD, it was pretty low quality before.
Even looking at them not to check the sources I can feel my chest tighten. I'm still not sure why I got this way, but it was the catylist to find out why certain things like this have been meeting me feel so terrible for as long as I can remember.
I'm still figuring it out, but I think a lot of it can be chalked up to some sort of gender dysphoria. No I have not talked to my shrink about this yet. Shortly after graduating college I befriended a plethora of trans, nonbinary, or otherwise genderqueer/transexual individuals. It's crazy now quickly people you've never met in person can become such integral parts to your life. One of my favorite aspects of the human existence for sure. Anyway, hearing them talk about their trans experience, especially one of them in particular, I caught myself going "wow I was exactly the same way when I was a kid," or "I've thought the same thing all the time."
I used to be pretty transphobic, and although there is one specific person I've hurt dearly (who I have fully apologized and made up with all these years later) I never went out of my way to harass anyone because I wasn't evil like that, just wrong. I always told myself "yeah I'd rather be a girl but I can't do that because something something biology facts and logic". I have long hair and when I cut it I hated myself. It's not a suprise that when I shave my arms and legs I stop literally making myself sick and my sh desires go away by at least 60%. It's a lot of bullshit that I think most other people would have maybe all picked up on by now, but idk if anyone has.
Now, I'm not trans. There's definitely things I still like about being a guy I think. Genderfluid is a label that I think really fits me, but I'm NOT COMING OUT OKAY? For now I'm still cis. This is all very new we're talking a couple months. It's more like I'm questioning right now.
I really want to reach out to one or more of my trans friends for help, but I'm afraid where to start. Number one I don't want to just vent to them. I definitely don't want to say the wrong thing and trigger or insult them. But most of all I don't want to be a burden.
Also right now my brain wants to just stay in the closet forever. But that's worse than bisexuality, which I only need to hide from my parents and grandparents. With it being my actual gender idk how long I can keep the jig up. Lol I say that like they don't already know I'm bi and it's not just some big dumbass game. Completely by happenstance, I managed to explain what genderfluid was and naturally they were like "wow what kind of world are we living in" and it definitely visibly upset me but I don't think anyone noticed. I just went into my room quickly. And that was months ago, before I was even confident in my self-diagnosis (which again, I'm still not sure about. I might still be cis or I might be something else. No clue bro). So I don't ever tell my parents, okay, then what? I tell my brother? My girlfriend? My irl friends? My internet friends? Random strangers on Tumblr?? I settled on the last one for now. I still need to figure out what the fuck is even happening to me.
I'm glad this is happening when I'm in the safest, just emotionally sound, financially / mentally stable point I've been in in my life though. The timing is great because I can take as long as I want to figure this all out.
PS. I only haven't mentioned it to my gf yet bc idk how the hell she'd react, plus it's all still so new, both my emotions and our relationship. She is VERY gender nonconforming, very butch. Except she is completely cis gendered and straight as an arrow. Plus her being a gender enigma aside (and I am being very presumptuous when I say this) a lot of her friends seem homophobic, although she isn't. Obviously. Don't want to get too far into it bc I don't want to seem judgemental of people I haven't met but I've seen enough to make me already hate two of them maybe three. And that's just through social media and like three conversations. I might try to drop a few hints here and there, because I think if anyone should know it should be her, right?
PPS. I hate the genderfluid pride flag it fucking sucks and genuinely that might be on the cons list. Same reason I'm bisexual instead of pansexual even though I'm actually pansexual, the pansexual flag sucks and the bi flag rocks don't @ me
Anyway DMs are open if you want to help me the fuck out
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