#fun fact he has been in a coma this whole time and doesn't know!
mtkay13 · 8 months
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Wen Kexing!! My focus here was to channel his coolness even through warm colors, and to get his... "essential vibes" through one picture. More (rambling) below! (this is essentially a post about WKX's personality)
A big case can be made about "who or what is the 'true' Wen Kexing". So; let's be real, I don't know if anyone makes a "big case" out of it, but I sure have seen people seemingly arguing against a vague 'common opinion' regarding Wen Kexing's personality. The """common""" opinion (allegedly): the true Wen Kexing is [insert one of WKX's facets] (or something along those lines) The case against it: all Wen Kexing's are the true Wen Kexing Now I do agree with the fact that "all Wen Kexing's" are Wen Kexing, technically. For clarity, let's list and name those various facets (most are commonly accepted, some I'll just name on the go): - Wen Kexing: I'll use his full name for the personality we're first met with in the book. Someone cold, rather quiet, analytical and distant. Giving off strange vibes in social situations (ZZS thinking he's weird, other jianghu figures being creeped out by him or thinking that he's up to no good), contemptuous - Philantropist Wen: The more extravagant, (bullshit) storyteller, outrageous and shameless flirting enthusiast version of WKX. - Valley Master Wen: cold, calculating, quiet, cruel, unbelievably patient, dislikes fun and games, barely feels anything - Wife Wen: The over the top dramatic wife whose life is made difficult by his difficult and shameless husband, essentially a lot of roleplaying the good littol domestic wife and whatnot - The wooden man: similar as Valley Master but demure and apparently subservient? (for calculated purposes) Okay they could be more I guess, but the point is, we have an array of WKX personas and personalities and the actual consensus (I think, my sample is like 10 people so....) is that every one of those is "true" to WKX and that not one of them is a fully constructed persona. Now, while I agree, I guess that what I wonder is: what is WKX in his resting state? If nothing is happening and that he's not in a particularly social or specific situation, what do we get to see? I think that the answer mostly resides in extra 4, which is an INCREDIBLE retelling of TYK from WKX's perspective; someone who thinks quite a lot, and for long, someone who observes things with distance and little to no emotion. Someone who is used to having one goal (revenge, taking care of ZZS during his coma), and who will probably go through a lot of quiet thinking when finally faced with the void of not having one specific thing to aim for. Someone who will have to learn to find joy/happiness, and who probably doesn't... get there "naturally"? (and by that I mean, without ZZS or without directly following ZZS around). Someone whose ties to his own emotions have been severed a long time ago, I guess. Someone still quite contemptuous of many things and people and who has a whole life he didn't plan for or even consider ahead of him. Which is............ what I tried to draw............ here..................... (That and also I wanted to draw a pretty looking hanfu in sepia colors) (but I SWEAR that was not the main goal) (I think) (anyway please ignore me)
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heartscrypt · 1 year
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tfw you sign your soul over to an eldritch fear deity in order to regain some semblance of control over your own life (tma au)
nobody understands how fucking crazy i am about this au. its tormenting me. also epel is here as well he's corruption he has a lot of worms in him sorry in advance
closeups + design notes + au jamil fun facts under the cut!
(tw some body horror stuff? eye stuff)
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design notes
his hair jewelry has been replaced with spider silk cocoons / string. also very obviously spider themed hair gem thing
spider eyes! both in the way of he has 8 human eyes and actual spider eyes on his neck
web tattoos. they spin outwards and grow in a kind of mesmerizing hypnotic pattern when he uses his powers
his braids now form a spiderweb pattern. hes also prematurely greying a little LOLL
his belt chains form a spiderweb pattern as well
he has piercings! an erl piercing across his nose bridge and four piercings on each ear
his pants are based off the spider-tailed horned viper-- a snake whose tail has evolved to look like a spider so the birds it feeds on will mistake its tail for prey
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au jamil notes
his backstory pretty much remains the same honestly
except when he's around 11, instead of getting poisoned and falling into a coma, he gets trapped in a buried-aligned artifact that he touched while cleaning one of the asim treasure rooms
nobody could find him for weeks and kalim was really tearing up the whole estate about it because he insisted that jamil would never run off or disappear without a reason
jamil escapes the buried by taking the assistance of the web (he does it in the way of "i don't know what's going on but this thing is reaching out to help me and i don't want to die so fuck it" but he's still accepting the web into his life regardless)
after two weeks they find him covered in cobwebs and dust in the treasure room and he gets scolded for making everyone worry
he doesn't even bother trying to explain to people what happened to him because he knows it's too unbelievable for them. he spins a lie and he's surprised by how natural it is to just Lie to people
jamil's powers as an avatar of the web manifest visually as him "pulling strings" out of people's eyes. like unwinding their irises like they're spools of thread. if you've seen the prev post on web!jamil you know what it looks like
if he leaves the iris-strings half unwound they become very suggestible, very easily manipulated
however if he yanks out the iris-strings fully, he can turn the other person into a complete blank slate. no thoughts head empty. basically an empty cocoon of a person. he tends not to do this because 1) it's very conspicuous and 2) it renders the victim completely useless to the web
he has to concentrate very hard to do this and he can usually pull on only one person's iris-strings at a time
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I know that Genderbending isn't a real thing anymore, but I thought it would be fun!
Tim is my favorite batbro, so I started with him.
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I chose the name Dorothy since it has the same ending as Timothy and a similar meaning. Other favorites were Tiffany and Theodora.
(Timothy: Gods Honor
Dorothy: God's Gift
Tiffany: Manifestation of God
Theodora: God's Gift)
As for her story/Timeline, I decided to throw a few things from Canon and Fanon together.
Her first memory was of her going to the circus when she was 4. Her parents had just come home from a business trip and wanted to spend some quality time with her. There she met Fanny (Female Dick) and saw the incident that killed Fanny's Parents.
She spent a few years in therapy after that.
Her hyper fixation with Batman and Robin when she was 6 after one of her live-in Nanny told her about them saving her from a robbery.
She just wanted to thank them.
At 9 years old she realized that Batman and Robin were her neighbors Bruce Wayne and Franziska Grayson.
This realization also started her career as a Baby stalker.
(The only reason why she was able to sneak out every night was because she played the role of the good and gentle rule-following Daughter to her Caretakers.)
She was 13 when she blackmailed Bruce into taking her as Robin after Jennifer (female Jason) died and Fanny wouldn't come back to Gotham.
Their relationship was rocky and cold in the beginning till Live decided to fuck her over.
At age 14 she had been captured and tortured by the Joker for a few weeks, resulting in her becoming Joker jr for months.
She only snapped out of it after her mother died and her dad went into a coma.
Despite popular belief and the fact that they spent most of their time aboard, she was close to them.
Daily phone calls and the writing of letters were their way of communication.
The Titans Tower incident happened when she was 15. (Her time as Titan started with her time as Robin)
At age 16 Lilith (female Damian) appeared and Bruce died. She became Red Robin and went on a wild goose chase to bring him back.
She laid down the mantle of the red robin and became crow after accepting Lilith as her family member/as robin.
Now to her relationship with the batfam:
Alfred: doting grandad vs granddaughter who has no sense of time and keeps on forgetting to visit.
Bruce: she still sees him as her boss, whilst he is the most parental girl dad to her.
Fanny: still looks up to her despite the feeling of hurt she still feels about her actions. Fanny just loves her little sister a lot but doesn't know how to apologize.
Barbara; she was her first celebrity crush and still adores her. Barbara enjoys spending time with her and they bonded over the whole "Joker ruined my life" thing.
Jennifer: they are surprisingly good. Dorothy used to look up at her and saw her as "her Robin". Jennifer apologized and all but begged for forgiveness after she broke out of the Pit madness.
Stephanie: Exes turned best friends. Their dating was just a try to name the close relationship that they had.
Cass: they are platonic soulmates. Twins from different parents.
Dara (female Duke): She sees her as the little sister that she always wanted. Dara wants to study her /jk. They often talk about comics and video games.
Lilith: She pittys her after having to deal with the league herself and tries to help her. Lilith hates that but has some respect for her after she brought her father home.
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spaceorphan18 · 5 months
I just need to get some feeling things off my chest - because it's in my thoughts and I feel like I'm stuck unless I express it - you know?
Anyway, I'm putting it all under a cut because A) It's XMen 97 speculation and might be spoilery? there are no spoilers but I don't want to run anyone else's fun, B) I'll be talking about Beau DeMayo, and C) lord help me, I'm bringing up Rogneto
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Okay - I want to talk about this first. I read this last night and it made me throw up in my mouth a little. And my ultimate first reaction was that I was glad he was fired.
Honestly, I've been worried that we're headed on an AoA direction for a while now, and even though I actually am fine with the AoA comics, I just do not want it here. The thing, though, is that AoA was always meant to be undone - so if he had had his way and this was Season 3 out of 5, the idea of that doesn't bother me so much.
Granted (logically) - the fact that he's outright saying this when he's been so cryptic about everything else means that it wasn't ever on the table. Still - the guy is just a hardcore Magneto fan. I wouldn't be surprised if the (one) reason the triangle thing even happened is that he does/did like the idea of Rogneto.
Ultimately, to each their own - ship what you like. But doesn't mean I would enjoy that scenario.
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Then there's this.
There's another post where he talks about using a Star Trek Next Gen episode for homework. And it's one where they're stuck in a time loop.
And it had me thinking that Rogue will get a chance to go back in time and at least tell Remy how she feels. She'll get some closure. Which is -- good for her, and I want her to not be in pain anymore.
But kinda sucks, because closure is closure, you know? And maybe dead is dead?
It's so funny because emotionally - my senses tell me that Gambit's story really is done. And that just makes me so sad to think about. They really did the thing and the door is closed and what next, we all move on and be happy? *sigh*
But then there's the logical part of me that kicks in. The one who has been to dark places with fandoms (and even this one) before. The one who knows that even Jean and Morph have been dead before and have come back. The one who knows that every time a comic book writer ends their tenure on a book there's always something the next writer will inevitably retcon.
There's no way - with all the experiences I've had with these mediums that Gambit stays dead. It's still a comic book world. And dead is dead just doesn't happen.
Also, in the while I'm thinking about it category -
Last week ole Beau teased a 'I can feel you' hint. I really think this was referring to when Rogue wakes up from her coma. She was dreaming that she could feel Remy. I'm kind of surprised I haven't seen that speculation though.
So, idk - I try not to spend a whole lot of time on Twitter, and this guy is ultimately fired and doesn't control direction on the show. And there's still the comics where everything is actually going pretty well. So. I really should be normal about a cartoon.
ETA: I forgot I was going to mention the Grant Morrison influence.
If you pick up any trade of Morrison's run, he shares his outline of his original plans for New X-Men, and one of them was that he'd kill off Gambit to further Rogue's story. Now - Marvel was like, nope, Claremont wants to use them, so Morrison was denied. (And thank god, Claremont's XTreme run had some of the best Rogue/Gambit stuff in years.)
But I can't help but think that DeMayo may have been playing a little from that playbook. New X-Men has definitely been an influence on the show - from E is for Extinction to the psychic affair between Scott/Jean/Maddie. It wouldn't put it past me that the original Morrison outline that mentions killing Gambit off wasn't a least a little bit of an influence.
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agwic · 1 year
zampanio is a very good game, you should play it(or not idk it's probably not for everyone)
ok so i've fallen into an arg. and keeping notes on it. the creator of the arg, in the most roundabout and inefficient way possible, told me to post my notes somewhere public, like ao3 or tumblr. so here i am. to do that, and also to recommend that arg to you, because posting a notes doc without context would be weird.
so, uh, yeah. zampaniosim is an arg made by @jadedresearcher, who also made sburbsim and dollsim(a homestuck doll creator) and a bunch of other stuff, most of which was homestuck-related. zampaniosim also has homestuck references, but it's mostly due to references to jr's prior works, and zampaniosim is actually entirely original based on a weird video game creepypasta which has seemingly disappeared off the face of the internet. but yeah it has a lot of references. to a lot of things, not just homestuck.
anyways it's a really cool arg and it's still ongoing! and it feels like it has a pretty low barrier to entry, especially due to the fact that, since it's been ongoing for 3 years, there are plenty of(or maybe only the 2-3 i have found) guides(under a very loose definition of guide) and a wiki that is probably more helpful than not. i've decided to make limited use of the guides and wiki, which has lead to a very fun experience, especially knowing i can fall back on them(or ask for hints from other fans) whenever i want. still, this limited approach has meant that i've barely scratched the surface.
if you want to get into zampaniosim, then i recommend starting here, but here(should include link to the prior link, but doesn't include it today unless there's an exception for first visit) or here(includes link to the prior link, as well as a few other things i haven't looked into nearly as much) can also be places to start. or you can just look at the farragofiction website as a whole, or jr's tumblr blog, or just google zampanio. im not your boss.
orrrrrr you could watch me as i explore zampaniosim!!! by looking at my notes!!! which are primarily designed for me to not forget things so they may make very little sense if you don't do any of the things mentioned in the last paragraph!!! but things making very little sense is kinda the point of zampanio so it's as good of an entry point as any, i guess. though i will note that it contains a ton of spoilers, for obvious reasons
since my notes doc being public is ostensibly the point of this post, im gonna post the link again, this time not inline!
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kyuala · 2 years
partying with epex
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first time writing for these boys! hope u enjoy it. any feedback is encouraged and appreciated ♡
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says stuff like "this isn't hitting" and then drinks like he wants to get himself into a coma
you can physically see the immediate regret in his face once it does, in fact, hit
spends the rest of the night slurring his words trying to keep his members in check and ur like how is he STILL leading. dawit go sit down
keeps thanking you for taking care of him even when you say it's no big deal and laying his head on your shoulder so he can get his hair all up on your face and it's like sigh........he's lucky he's cute
knows EVERYBODY and their cousin
good luck trying to cross the dancefloor with him by your side 'cause he'll be stopping to talk to somebody every other step you take like he's running a political campaign at this damn party
knows the moves to all the hit songs but mostly ignores the choreography or deliberately gets it wrong 'cause he just wants to let loose and have fun and make you laugh 🤕
he's kind of insane so one minute y'all could be dancing to girl groups and he's got the cutest smile on his face and the next he's giving you The Eyes and dragging you somewhere so y'all can make out in private
you'd think he'd be all shy and quiet but he's giving his all on the dancefloor and belting out the lyrics to the best hoe anthems of the past decade
annoyed when somebody brushes past him on the dancefloor even though it's packed and literally a dancefloor
still clings to you when he's taking a break from all the dancing even though he's sweaty
says he's still got energy for another hour or two but jumps at the chance of finding a place to sit with you and talk abt nothing until it's time to go home
killing it at the dancefloor for an hour, resting for another hour, it's all about balance. keeps this routine for the whole night
that one dude who turns up wearing sunglasses inside at night (stopped letting people borrow them after donghyun stole and lost a pair)
the AMOUNT of ppl trying to flirt with this guy on the dancefloor...... insane
the way he still only has eyes for you though....... SICKENING and everybody can see it
donghyun gave him a cup of pure water once and it's still unclear if he was acting drunk or just being himself
somehow has shown up in the background of so many party photos looking like a cryptid it's got to be a running joke at this point
keeps saying he's going to leave the party bc he just wants to go home but only leaves your side when u go to the bathroom and even then he waits right outside the door for you
holds your hand when it gets too crowded bc he's scared you'll lose him even though he's literally 8ft tall
that one guy sitting in a corner having deep ass conversations with a group of people he just met
still introduces them to you like he's known them for like 10 years
honestly just vibin the whole time. gives everybody he meets a bright ass warm smile and has been a shoulder to cry on and given advice to more people than he can count on one hand
most excited for the walk home when he gets to hold your hand and talk only to you tbh
was probably dragged to the party
you and him stay glued to the wall sipping on ur sodas rating everybody's outfits out of 10
yewang doesn't give 10s out easily, he says they're for special people only
the one time he did give somebody a 10/10 was to you and he blushed right after he said it. super cute 1000/10 if i do say so myself
has filmed every single fight he's ever witnessed break out and you can hear him giggling in the background
pretended to be drunk out of his mind and scared everybody half to death once. still looks back on this moment fondly
only shows up if ur there or if there's food tbh
your partner in crime in whatever both of you choose to do to make sure your friends will never know peace
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main masterlist | epex masterlist
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phanfictioncatalogue · 10 months
Dan’s POV Masterlist
a great deal of light (falls on everything) (ao3) - bevshanscom
Summary: They have settled, he thinks, in their own way. That has little to do with the fact Phil’s turning 30.
(Dan and Phil celebrate Phil's birthday on the Isle of Man, and maybe Dan's already a Lester)
Brace Yourself (ao3) - AshHansbr0
Summary: Somehow every time I have a dentist appointment you do too and you always sit next to me in the waiting room and ask me ‘what are you in for’ as if we are in prison and this has been happening for two years who are you
Chips (ao3) - philsmeatylegss
Summary: Dan struggling with the concept that all healthy couples should fight.
cloud watch (ao3) - howelllesters
Summary: Or, pastel!Dan hates his new journal but writes in it anyway, and accidentally just ends up recording his feelings on punk!Phil, in a suitably melodramatic way.
Covet (ao3) - americanphancakes
Summary: The only thing making Dan feel alive is his all-consuming crush on the new deacon.
Dan and His Butterflies (ao3) - Raspberrysaxophone
Summary: Very basic: Dan is terribly in love with Phil (the sporty jog). So much so, that Dan joins the school's sports team to be closer to him. As Dan awkwardly stumbles around, Phil starts to take notice of him. A party takes place and who knows what a drunk Dan might do...
down for the count and i’m drownin’ in ‘em (ao3) - kishere
Summary: they’re stuck in a waiting game, the area of time when Dan knows Phil should be beginning his heat and actually /starting/ his heat. preheat has many side affects including wanting to nest, increased libido, irritation just to name a few.
Fortune Cookies (ao3) - kae_karo
Summary: Dan gets a fortune cookie and it's been bugging him all day. But he's NOT superstitious.
Getting through a bad day. (ao3) - Septic84
Summary: Dan has learned about his depression and understands it better now, that doesn't keep the bad days from happening.
glow (ao3) - danthrusts
Summary: being a witch is fun until everything is blowing up around you
Hurt me once (ao3) - Augusti_Lila
Summary: song fic of "hurt me once- ben platt"
Dan had decided to confess Phil his love. But sometimes what we plan it's not what we end up having.
I pray for the ground to swallow me whole (Just Like Heaven) (ao3) - AnotherPhanficWriter
Summary: Dan is a recently dumped Youtuber moving into a new apartment in Manchester. But the apartment isn't entirely empty; it's haunted by the ghost of a man named Phil. And although Phil can't remember much about his life, he's convinced that he isn't really dead. In Phil's 'previous life', he worked in Tesco, with only a couple of close friends, no one even knew his name. But now he's in a coma and his spirit is trapped in his house that now belongs to someone else. Will he remember what his life was like and more importantly, what can break this curse? While Dan recruits PJ, his friend who's slightly sceptic about ‘Phil’, to get to the bottom of Phil’s identity, he and Phil begin to fall in love.
In Vino... (ao3) - americanphancakes
Summary: Dan’s only brave enough when he’s drunk.
(Dan POV version of "Veritas")
It's Growing On Me (ao3) - Profrock
Summary: AU where Dan runs an aesthetic shitpost blog and Phil runs a famous aesthetic plant blog. One day, Phil follows Dan back and they get to talking...
Just A Little Bit's Enough (ao3) - TheUKAmazingDan
Summary: Dan wasn't very happy with what he found on Phil's laptop. The lies and deceit were way too much to deal with calmly, and believe me when I say that Dan was way beyond being calm.
Kiss Me Like the First Time (ao3) - interruptedbyfjreworks
Summary: “Remember our first kiss?” I asked, smiling up at Phil.
He chuckled softly. “How could I forget? That was the best kiss I had ever had. Although, I hadn’t kissed many people before that.”
I laughed and looked down at my hands. Somehow, they had found their way to Phil’s hands, and I was absentmindedly playing with his fingers. “Kiss me like that,” I said suddenly.
“What?” Phil said, startled.
“Kiss me like the first time.”
Kiss Me Through the Phone (ao3) - TheUKAmazingDan
Summary: In which Dan deals with the emptiness of their apartment, but Phil sends something to make it better.
like (ao3) - iihappydaysii
Summary: Phil's out of town and Dan's left alone with their five year old son. All their son wants is for Phil to come home.
Meeting the Parents (ao3) - eremoose
Summary: Phil meet's Dan's parents and discovers the nickname they gave him
Merry Christmas, you spoon (ao3) - kae_karo
Summary: Dan is Death, Phil is Life, and Christmas is coming up - their first Christmas together - though Dan's worried: something feels a little...off.
Paper Thin Charade (ao3) - ShoutingIntoTheVoid
Summary: Snippets throughout Dan and Phil's life showing moments they have almost revealed their relationship and had to cover it up.
Also shows Dan struggling with his sexuality and people finding out about their relationship and becoming more confident over time.
People Change Their Minds (ao3) - scifi
Summary: dan falls out of love
Precocious child (ao3) - Septic84
Summary: Dan and Phil's lives change and progress faster than they had anticipated.
The Smirnoff Slip (ao3) - TheUKAmazingDan
Summary: Laurence really hadn't meant to do it; He was only a kid after all. And Dan couldn't be mad at him, especially not after meeting his attractive new principal.
The stranger who loved me. (ao3) - Septic84
Summary: “Well, that’s nice I guess,” he paused, “but I have no idea who you are.”
“Haha, very funny,”
“I wasn’t being funny,”
“What?” I swallowed hard, “You don’t know who I am?”
“No, am I supposed to?”
The Wallflower's Guide to Love (ao3) - Art3misPlayerOne
Summary: Dan is a brilliant but painfully shy and awkward guitar player in a popular local band who prefers to hide from the spotlight. He's content to lose himself in his playing and avoids friendships and emotional attachments, but an accidental run-in with a mystery boy inspires him to reach out to him through anonymous texts.
Too scared that the boy will be disappointed in the real him, Dan doesn't want to reveal his identity and risk losing their surprising connection. When forced to choose between his anonymity and putting his heart on the line, help from an unexpected friendship pushes him far beyond his comfort zone, but will it be too little too late?
when we were younger. (ao3) - dylaesthetics
Summary: dan is seriously in need of a breather after the difficult year he's had, and finds home in no one other than phil
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juanabaloo · 8 months
hey i figured out how to fix the whole Buffy - Riley arc! let's retcon / fixit shall we? [partial insp <- agree with all of that] (I do think in canon Buffy loved him and hate how terrible Riley was to her.)
S4 starts with Buffy in college. UC Sunnydale. Have Riley be a slightly older student than her, maybe a junior while she's a frosh. He's NOT her TA, but he does give her tips on how to survive Prof. Walsh's class since he took it. They flirt, somehow they keep running into each other at lunch. Buffy's breakup with Parker goes poorly (same as canon).
After a healing period Buffy swears off "intense / real" relationships. Triggered partially by Willow's frequent overnight stays with Tara, Buffy has - for her - a little ho phase. Zero judgment, in fact I'm cheering her on. She makes out with a lot of guys! She does more than that with several of them. (Personally I want her to hook up with girls too but honestly either way works. Faith is sadly still in her coma though, out of the picture.) Sometimes Buffy starts feeling too connected to the guy / person, so then she drops them.
She still struggles with feeling whole. College Buffy is having fun and doing well in her classes, while The Slayer is still going out at night and getting worried about (what turns out to be) Adam. She never tells her hook ups about how she is The Chosen One. She is doing great in Prof. Walsh's class and really admires her.
Riley starts out as just another guy, just a fun no-strings-attached hook up. They meet up several times. He immediately falls VERY HARD for her. She doesn't fight it when he takes her out for a picnic, but to her he is just another fun time. (She's still seeing a couple other guys at this point.)
Then she figures out he is part of The Initiative. Then she learns Prof. Walsh is part of it too. She doesn't know about the demon torture (yet), and now she thinks Riley could be more than just a hook up. She tells him she is The Slayer. He accepts it, and is excited that they can patrol together. (He's way less of an asshat about competing with her than in canon, he acts towards her like he acts towards Sam in that episode when he comes back.)
They start acting like more of a couple with Buffy finally accepting he is more than a friend she hooks up with. She has feelings for him, breaks it off with the other hook ups. Buffy and Riley become an official couple and Riley accelerates things immediately. Talking about living together, talking about her joining The Initiative. He admits to Xander that he plans to propose. (Boy you've only known each other for like 6 months! And hooking up for like 3 months.) His whole identity switches from Initiative Guy to Guy with Buffy. (Things have started deteriorating with The Initiative drugging being revealed and him having withdrawal.) Riley has become way too intense and Buffy pulls back, trying to set some boundaries. There's no way she's ready to move in with him. They've only been officially dating for 1 month.
Riley starts becoming really antagonistic. He goes ballistic when he "realizes" she was hooking up with other guys / people when they first started hooking up, even though they talked about not being exclusive and seeing other people. Even though she was honest with him before.
Then we dip back into canon. Buffy's Mom, Riley's being terrible, etc etc, etc.
This makes S4 Briley make more sense to me. Although I would still delete Xander's stupid little "go run after him" speech. Even though I can see Xander saying all that, Buffy would NOT run after him.
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goldom · 2 months
AFoLiS author commentary Part 4-1
I've said before, but Part 4 started coming together nearly simultaneously to 3, and was just some ideas on how to un-kill Firefly if she really died in 2.3. Then it just became my dark place to write Angry Stelle when I needed to. So the first chapter was written way, way before anyone else saw it. The prologue, though, I added at the very end.
I broke my elbow last October. The thing itself... y'know, sucked, but that night in the hospital that was far, far worse. That certainly had an effect on Stelle's time in the hospital. Reading it now, honestly, she had an easier time of it.
March doesn't once show anger at Stelle for hurting her. Stelle never gets over this fact. She comes to terms with it in Part 5 when they talk and she realizes she's being just like Firefly with her guilt, but it's still on her mind come Part 6.
Maybe your kiss could wake her, just like a fairy tale.
wow foreshadowing
Stelle goes full feral mode at Himeko for calling Firefly her friend. This was a big reason I had to go back and make Himeko not know their relationship at this point, because otherwise she would never. Stelle knows she doesn't know, and that it isn't fair to react like that, but she's not in her right mind at the time. Also, like, I feel this whole thing probably went over the heads of many straight readers, why it makes her so mad. They don't know. They can't know what it's like.
Boothill is a very fun character and I promise I don't hate him the way my Stelle does. She can't stand to be around him because I cannot replicate his dialect for more than a couple sentences. I could have just had them hire some random transport, but remember at the time I was writing he had just come out, and it felt to me like there was something between him and Dan, so I thought, why not say there is.
Stelle has a headache and is exhausted. This is the first sign of what we know now to be her Stellaron dependence. That's not how it started. It started because I had a headache and was exhausted while writing the scene. Because I'd been staying up all night every night writing in a near-fugue state. I was seriously possessed by writing this series at the time, it was just falling out of me as fast as I could type and occupying my every thought, keeping me from even sleeping. It's better now... or worse, I guess, depending on whether my health or writing is the priority :)
As you drift off, an idea enters your mind that you can barely hold onto. What was it? You can’t focus. And then you are asleep.
This was the moment I came up with the idea that the journal would help pull Firefly out of her coma. I was so happy when I thought of this. It's a way, way better solution narratively than just "Stelle gets new powers from God." I was trying to foreshadow it a little – Stelle sees journal, has an idea, but then passes out and forgets it. It doesn't really work. Even knowing the whole story, it's not clear what this line was about. In fact, y'know what, it's gone. Deleting it now.
I think my biggest regret in Part 4 is how easily they find the Disciples. It always just felt too easy to me (as Stelle says to Himeko later). But like... this is a romance story, right, I didn't want to spend multiple chapters just roaming all around space looking for clues. I think it could have been a better story if I did. It'd feel more earned. But it's not what I did.
oh hey, I actually did have Stelle use the word "straight" here while trying and failing to flirt with a guy. I was just thinking about how I never outright use identity labels and why. Mainly, because they're so culturally dependent that it pulls me out of the story whenever I see someone else use 21st-century-Western terms for these characters who are literal aliens to us and each other. That's why in Part 5 Firefly doesn't just say "Yeah I'm pan," she says "I'd love you no matter what you were." It's why I don't call Silver Wolf aro even though that's clearly what I'm going for. But I guess here the comedy of Stelle going "Think straight thoughts" was worth breaking that rule 'cause I'm not changing it.
Also in this scene I had to stop and do research for an accurate Chinese insult for the guy to call Stelle, which is how you know you're in too deep on your fanfiction. The thing he says is essentially "bootlicker."
“If your idea of flirting is a knife to the throat, I feel bad for Firefly,” he says, deadpan. “Or is that what girls are into now?”
(It is, Dan. Sorry, we can't explain it either.)
“I read her diary once, too. She’s… just like me. I know she’ll understand.”
By which Stelle meant Dan Shu lost the person most dear to her, but I meant that she's lesbian. I stop skirting the topic like this by Part 6. She'll say it clearly there. Also I just flat out call Yufei her wife, because come on. Come on. We all know it's what they wanted to say but couldn't because censorship.
Dan Shu in Part 4 Chapter 7:
I only knew the world through her eyes. Only wanted to know it that way. I’ve never been able to see this life with the joy she did.
Stelle in Part 5 Chapter 27:
“I want to see everything through your eyes. It’s all so much prettier in them.”
Dan Shu and Stelle describing their loves to each other is still probably my favorite scene in the entire series. The reverence Stelle treats it with is unlike her behavior anywhere else, except when doing the same thing for Firefly's stories in Part 5. I really would like to see Memokeeper Stelle some day.
“You’re the first person who ever looked at me like a real woman,” Firefly says. “Even the others back home…” “Treat you like a tool?” “Yeah.”
Oof that's no good. That has to change. Even the first part, because though old-Stelle WAS the first person to look at her like that, new-Stelle doesn't know that yet, so Firefly wouldn't have told her at that point. Okay, here's my fixed version.
“You always look at me like a real woman,” Firefly says. “Even the others back home…” “Treat you like a tool?” “No. No, they care about me, but still… I’m not there for my charming personality, you know?”
Stelle has her dream of Yaoshi. Remember the fact that she describes THEM as "the most beautiful being you have ever laid eyes on." And it's not just 'cause I think Yaoshi is hot I swear. This will matter again later.
...You know, Stelle wakes drenched in sweat a lot. I do too. But mine's from medication side effects, not meddling gods. Probably.
Dan Shu says Stelle just has a normal disease. This... I guess this could be a plot hole, but I think I meant she was actually just sick, but that's because she's vulnerable to infection from not having the Stellaron.
I had to research how Stelle could injure herself with a bow without arrows. I learned not to ever release a bowstring without an arrow or you're gonna do exactly what she does, slicing her forearm.
Stelle finally realizes what could possibly have made her walk away from Firefly once, and it tears her heart apart, because she can't understand why Firefly wouldn't have wished for a cure herself. Now, after 2.3, we know she is seeking a cure in canon, but at the time I wrote this, that really wasn't clear at all. Everything she'd said before then was focused on how she would be seen, be remembered, not on trying to extend her life. So in my version, her wish was different.
Stelle finally figures out how she can use the journal to help. I had to add in the caveat that it only works post-Abundance, because otherwise her whole trip would have been pointless. But honestly that doesn't make a lot of sense. The point of the journal is just to get Firefly's brain activity going again, it's Stelle's new magic that does the physical healing. It's the best compromise I could come up with to not make either part of her journey feel wasted.
Okay that's a huge post. Enough for now.
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clowncollectr · 1 year
Arknights - Everything between us, as it should be (Liang Xun / Lee) - Chapter 2
Rating: G
Word Count: 5317 (this chapter), 28397 (whole story)
Summary: It’s Liang Xun’s second time visiting Lungmen. The circumstances are much better compared to last time. There’s no rush. Familiar faces, new faces. More happy memories to join the old ones. Between him and Lee, things are finally as they should be.
Notes: Disclaimer that most of the stuff in this chapter isn't canon in the slightest. Well, I guess a lot of stuff in this story isn't. But in particular, I mean that Liang Xun doesn't actually have an ability like the one mentioned here. I'm just having a little fun.
AO3 Link
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
__________ Chapter 2: Mr. Liang’s hidden talent Three days was how long he had been told to wait. Liang Xun thought he might grow restless in that time. You can only read or watch TV for so many hours of the day before you get bored. Plus he’s not really the sort that prefers to sit around and do nothing. He didn’t want to risk Lee’s irritation by going somewhere without him though, especially when he had specifically told him to rest. So he rested.
That was when he realized how much he needed it. On the first night, Liang Xun slept as if he’d fallen into a coma. The mountains of his hometown could be moved a second time and he’d probably sleep through it. When he finally woke up, he realized from the strength and color of the sunlight that it was already noon. He hurriedly sat up in a panic, thinking that he had definitely missed an important meeting by now. Once his eyes caught up with his thoughts, he eventually came to his senses and realized where he was.
After getting ready for the day, he headed downstairs and was immediately greeted by the smell of food. Ever since he’d taken up his position as magistrate, his meals were always prepared by kitchen staff ahead of time. All he had to do was go to the dining room table and it would be waiting for him. That’s why the current situation, the scent and sound of food being prepared, had caught him off guard. It was nostalgic even. Reminiscent of humble beginnings. There’s a certain appeal to things like this too.
When he investigated further, he found that everyone was gathered in the kitchen. Lee and Hung were busy preparing food by the stove. Meanwhile, Waai Fu and Aak sat at the table, conversing with each other.
There were already various foods on the table. The view from the window told him that it was lunch time already, but there were definitely breakfast meals mixed in with great variety. Tea, coffee, porridge, toast, eggs, sandwiches, fresh-baked bread. The fact that the two cooks were still busy in the kitchen implied that this wasn’t the full menu. The two people already seated at the table were looking at the food in astonishment. Aak stared down with a slightly annoyed look on his face before turning towards Waai Fu.
“You know how he always says he doesn’t show favoritism between us three?” “Yeah.” she answered.
“Now I get that he wasn’t lying to us.”
Waai Fu let out a nervous laugh before leaning towards him to whisper.
“Think of it this way. Isn’t it a good thing that the favorite’s finally showed up? We all reap the benefits. We’d go broke if we ate like this every day. He just wants to show off.”
No later than when she finished speaking, they heard the sound of a third person taking a seat at the table. Seeing who it was, they both straightened their backs into a polite posture, drank from their cups, and faced the other direction. Like an improvised performance where the prompt was to act normal. Neither of them were very good at it.
The atmosphere at the table was similar to when distant relatives come to visit. Not unpleasant, but the lack of familiarity and age difference makes things a little strange. They’re not even sure what type of hobbies this person has. Aak assumed that trying to talk about video games would only lead to confusion. And to add to that, years of being in such an important position has given the man a dignified and commanding presence, ingrained as if it were second nature.
This demeanor was useful for making sure no one questioned you when you were giving orders. But in Lee’s household, it only made everyone wonder how such a taciturn man is supposed to be best friends with the guy who pretends to have headaches to avoid doing work.
Fortunately, they didn’t have to deal with the awkward situation for too long. It was only a few minutes later when Lee and Hung arrived with extra food and took their seats at the table. Now that the easygoing members who were good at talking to everyone were here, lunch went as expected. Enjoyable and satisfying. Liang Xun spent the rest of the day doing leisurely activities to pass the time. Reading, walking around the neighborhood, examining the various items at Lee’s place that've been picked up over the years.
Surprisingly, it didn’t bore him. You come to appreciate mundane things like this when everything you do and say’s been labeled as important for the past several weeks. It was a pleasant break. For awhile, he found himself in a comfortable routine, until one afternoon, Lee mentioned something over another moderately extravagant meal. “Want to come with us today?”
Liang Xun noticed that everyone was looking at him, and he realized that the question was meant for him.
Seeing the confusion on his face, Lee explained himself.
“We only have one active case left. A pretty trivial one. Someone asked us to help find their missing cat. Honestly, cases like these aren’t very exciting. Half the time, we find their pet just by asking around for a couple days. It’s a nice excuse to walk around, chat with people, and catch up on news and rumors at least.”
Of course, he agreed. There was very little reason to say no.
After lunch, the group headed out together, and Liang Xun found himself realizing how little he knew about Lee’s occupation. Neither of them went into much detail about it in their letters. Perhaps due to the nature of their work. 
The prospect of seeing Lee work was honestly a little interesting. Liang Xun’s own work, as impressive as the titles are, isn’t particularly interesting to observe. Most of the time it’s just talking and writing about important topics with others. If something was interesting, it usually wasn’t for good reasons. And he’s never been fond of the personal rumors that tend to spread around among his coworkers. He didn’t care for those types of things.
Though at present, he didn’t mind listening in. Lee was walking a small distance ahead of everyone to lead the way. Even with the slight gap between the carp and the rest of the group, the other agency members had no difficulties making conversation as usual. At some point, someone asked the question that’s been in the back of everyone’s minds. Where were they going?
Lee realized that he’d never actually specified apart from saying they were going to ask around the neighborhood, so he explained.
“Only place left is the small neighborhood near that bakery we go to sometimes. The one with the ice cream Hung likes.”
“The retirement home?”
Lee’s tone quickly changed to that of a disappointed parent. “Aak, let’s just refer to it as a normal neighborhood.”
“What? Isn’t that what it is? Even the old folks who live there jokingly call it that.”
“I think what Mr. Lee means is that it’s fine for them to joke about it. But even with so many of the elderly living there, people might misunderstand us if we call it that.”
“Hung’s got it. Bad for business. The last thing we need is more weird rumors about us.”
From an outsider’s perspective, he really seems a lot more like a parent than their boss. Liang Xun thought to himself.
It’s quite amusing. For once, Liang Xun was thankful for his poker face. He never would have imagined seeing his friend in a role like this. Lee wasn’t exactly an unreliable person as a child, but for someone who was supposed to be the oldest, he liked to run from responsibility a lot. So seeing the same Lee who would disappear for hours to avoid getting yelled at by adults as he is now…well, if Liang Xun tried to tell his younger self this, he probably wouldn’t believe it. It’s clear that his friend has matured a lot since then.
The time spent walking felt like only a couple minutes, as it tends to when you’re with good company. Eventually, the person leading them came to a complete stop. It was safe to say that the quiet and peaceful looking neighborhood in front of them, lined with modest houses in neat partitions, was their destination. There wasn’t much else around that might be of interest.
Now, this would normally be the part where they started going from house to house and inquiring each resident as to the whereabouts of that lost pet they were looking for. Or maybe it would only be Lee. This task didn’t exactly need the manpower of five people. A group that size might alarm the poor residents looking to see who could be at their doorstep. 
These two options made the most sense, so of course what happened next was that Lee loudly cleared his throat and turned around. He walked towards Liang Xun, placing both his hands on the other’s shoulders, and looked him straight in the eye.
“Liang Xun, brother. We swore that we’d always look out for each other no matter what, right?”
The person in question already knows where this is going. He hasn’t heard this phrase in such a long time, but he knew that whatever came next, it would be as strange as all the other times. Also, he takes back what he said earlier about Lee’s maturity. Some things never change.
Since this wasn’t the first time, he already knew where refusing would get him. It was more troublesome than just playing along. The first sentence spoken to him was already a warning, so he nodded his head and gave up on resisting.
Seeing the other’s acquiescence, the Lung’s eyes lit up and his pleading expression transformed into a grin. With one hand, Lee took a small note out of his pocket. And with his other, he gently grabbed Liang Xun’s hand, placing his own hand, the one with the note, onto his.
“Liang Xun is very good at talking to others. And he understands the thoughts of the common people well. How else could he have won the hearts of his city’s people so easily? Naturally, he’s the person best suited for this task. The rest of us would only get in his way.”
He had no idea what this person was scheming, but Liang Xun was already in a position where it was difficult to refuse. As strange as this request was, it’s not like it was unreasonable. Lee would never actually put him in harm’s way. Maybe the carp had just gotten bored and wanted to try something interesting. Maybe he did have an ulterior motive. It didn’t matter. Compared to the last favor Liang Xun had asked of him, this was a drop in the bucket. If his friend was able to trust him without knowing anything, he could do the same.
He accepted the note that was placed into his hands and waited for further instructions. Or at least an explanation. The other man just smiled before pointing to the note and saying “Start wherever you’d like.”
Again the matter wasn’t that serious, but Liang Xun was still very perplexed. After taking a few steps towards the nearest house, he couldn’t help but turn his head to glance at Lee who, along with the rest of the group, hadn’t moved at all. 
This scene reminded him of the first time his parents sent him off to school. They waved at him from afar in silent support, indicating that they were waiting for his return. He really didn’t think he’d be experiencing something like this again, especially at his age. With a small sigh, he opened the note in his hands to read it and continued walking. The three other members of the agency, who until now have been silently watching all of this unfold, looked on with both curiosity and concern as their guest walked away. Earlier they had wondered how these two very different people could have become friends. But now it was starting to make sense. They could picture the relationship easily. Poor Mr. Liang was probably dragged along on all kinds of antics by his troublemaker of a friend.
With an honest personality like his, it’s quite an unfair matchup to be stuck with someone like Lee, who is too good at manipulating and persuading others. A friendship between someone virtuous and someone who was…well, Lee. Considering how the guy acts now, they couldn’t help but wonder what growing up alongside a more childish version of him must have been like.
They watched from a distance as the Kuranta approached the first house and hesitated for a second before knocking on the door. The three felt some pity for him and started to speculate.
“I hope he didn’t bully him. I don’t think Mr. Lee is that type of person, but I haven’t forgotten his weird story about that guy he tricked into selling him his office”
“They’re still friends even now though. Maybe the guy got Stockholm Syndrome at some point, heh.”
“You two are being way too dramatic. They obviously have a good relationship.”
Waai Fu raised her voice before saying the next part, in an almost accusatory tone. 
“Surely , Uncle Lee has a reason for making our guest do our job for us though. Right? ”
The carp heard her words, but the look on his face only showed that he was in a good mood and currently very amused. All he did to respond to her was move back a couple paces, so that he was obscured by the corners of a nearby wall. Then he made a motion, beckoning for everyone else to follow and calling out to them.
“Alright kids, gather around. I want to show you something interesting.” When they walked over to his location, they realized that he’d picked this spot because it gave a good view of the neighborhood while staying out of sight. The whole group had begun watching Liang Xun, observing as the first resident opened their front door and greeted him. Before any of the other members could start asking questions, Lee finally clarified. “Your uncle Liang has a weird talent that I don’t think even he knows about. He gets along with old people extremely well. Maybe he has a secret Arts ability for talking to old people or something. That guy’s the favorite grandchild of every senior citizen in the world. I noticed this a long time ago, so I started bringing him with me whenever I knew the old folks were planning to scold me. Isn’t this a perfect opportunity to see his skills in action?”
The reactions from the group ranged from confusion to disbelief, but Waai Fu was the first to give her opinion on the matter.
“You’re a horrible person”, she said dryly.
Lee scratched his head and quickly tried to defend himself.
“Resourceful! I’m being resourceful! We’d just scare people if we all went as a group. Anyway, let’s be honest here. We get some weird results sometimes when we do the work ourselves. We already have plans with our visitor over there later this week. It’d be best if we closed this case without any trouble. Having him do it is our safest bet.”
“Or maybe you just want to be lazy.”
“I hate to say it, but that’s probably the real reason.” Aak and Hung commented respectively.
Although their response was somewhat negative, no one could deny that they were curious as to what the hell Lee was talking about.
Going by just what they could see, things seemed to be going well between Liang Xun and the first resident. Fantastic even. The old woman he was currently talking to appeared to be in a very good mood. You could tell they were having a pleasant conversation even from afar. But this wasn’t all that strange. It wasn’t surprising at all for the man to be good at talking to people. They continued observing him, waiting for something interesting to happen.
We’re looking for a gray, striped cat named Bao. Show whoever you can the photo and ask if they’ve seen him. You can also hand them my agency’s phone number to report if they’ve seen him. If anyone asks, you can just say you’re helping a friend look for their cat (technically not a lie). The houses are neatly ordered around here so it should be obvious when you’re done. Try to keep a low profile. Thanks. I’ll treat you to dinner later, promise. - Lee
That’s the message Lee left for him. And what was up with the handwritten note? These instructions could be given verbally in less than a minute. Although as simple as the task was, Liang Xun found himself in a bit of a predicament. He’s only visited the first house so far, but the woman who answered the door turned out to be very talkative. He expected that some people might be annoyed by his unannounced visit, but this woman seems to really enjoy chatting with him.
The plan was to quickly introduce himself, ask about the missing cat, and then politely excuse himself so as to not waste the other person’s time. But so far, they’ve already talked about the weather, about how he’s visiting Lungmen, local food, favorite food, things to do that don’t cost a lot of money, and probably even more menial things at their current pace.
“Oh actually! I haven’t asked yet. What does a nice looking gentleman like you do for a living? Your fine clothes suggest that you’re more than just an average salesman. Ooh! Don’t tell me that you’re a celebrity or something. I think you’re too well-mannered to be a celebrity though. They’re usually the eccentric type.”
“I work for the government.” 
This was also technically not a lie.
The woman reacted to his words with a contemplative nod, resulting in a period of silence. Liang Xun thought that maybe this meant there would finally be a lull in the conversation for him to excuse himself. But those hopes were dashed pretty quickly as only a second later, she continued to speak.
“Ah, I’ve got it. Like all that bureaucracy stuff, right? You people always look so tired when I stop by to submit my papers for the year. At least it looks like they pay you well. Sorting through documents and stamping them all day may seem boring, but don’t feel discouraged, young man.
It’s necessary work. You’re helping everyone out even if it doesn’t always feel like it! Honestly in my humble opinion, the whole institution would fall apart if it weren’t for honest workers like you. Those big shots at the top get too much credit if you ask me. Hmph.”
There was a lot to unpack in everything she just said, but more than anything, Liang Xun’s just surprised to hear someone refer to him as “young man” for the first time in years. This whole situation is a little strange.
Not that he particularly minds talking to this person, but perhaps this was his cue to leave. There are people waiting for him after all. Once again, he tries to excuse himself. And once again, his escape is denied.
If the universe wanted to help him out, it had a funny way of showing it. The old woman speaking to him had suddenly shifted her attention, turning her head to wave excitedly in another direction. Following her line of sight, Liang Xun realized that she was waving at her neighbor. Another elderly woman made her way towards them, and suddenly, he found that they were a crowd of three.
Now he didn't have much excuse to leave. His next destination was to visit this new person anyway. So he exercised patience, which fortunately for him, isn’t difficult at all. Liang Xun waited respectfully as the two women greeted each other and made small talk. As expected, eventually the newcomer inquired as to who he was and they both turned to him, finally giving him an opportunity to speak.
He just repeated what he had said to the first woman. A short introduction, statement of why he was there, and asking if she had seen the animal from the photo anywhere. Although he didn’t care to lie, as Lee hinted in his note for him, it was best to keep things simple and avoid saying more than he needed to. He never expected the vagueness of his request to be used against him. “Yes, this is Liang Xun. He came all the way here to visit his friends and enjoy a nice vacation but now he’s helping them look for their missing pet! He’s even out here asking door to door for them. Can you imagine traveling all the way here to see someone and then they go and ask you to run around the city looking for someone?! What a poor impression. Shouldn’t his time away from the desk be spent enjoying himself?”
The talkative woman’s comment left him speechless. It was in good faith, and nothing said was false but…
Well, he wasn’t being forced to do anything. Lee liked to goad him into doing ridiculous things sometimes, but in the end he always asked, making it a choice. And to be honest, despite Liang Xun’s initial misgivings, it almost always ends up working out for him in the end. The carp’s intuition is quite good. He recalls several times when Lee had invited him to skip class during a period when Liang Xun was feeling particularly stressed. He doesn’t know whether it was coincidence or consideration. It’s hard to tell since Lee does like to do things on a whim at times.
If anything, the woman’s indignation only brought on a strange sense of guilt, which made Liang Xun feel more like the guilty party than the victim. What she described sounded too similar to when he had asked Lee to look for the owner of the goblet.
He was preparing a statement in his mind to correct her assumptions, but before he could say anything, he saw that he was already being regarded with a look of pity. “That’s no good...”, the other woman responded, looking extremely dispirited. “You should enjoy your time here in Lungmen. And spend it with your loved ones of course. We’ll do our best to help. Everyone in this community is close. My husband even knows someone who works with the local animal shelter. Let me get him right now. Oh, and I’ll go fetch you some gifts to take back home with you while I’m at it!” It wasn’t wrong to say that Liang Xun had accomplished what he set out to do. Sort of. He probably doesn’t even need to go from door to door anymore. As the sympathetic woman had promised, she ran back to her house and returned shortly with her husband, along with a small bag of things. To make matters more complicated, now they were a crowd of four people standing outside.
For a community as small and close-knit as this one, it wasn’t unnatural for people passing by to want to check what the commotion was. Friends simply stopping by and asking what they were up to. Before Liang Xun knew it, the crowd had gotten even bigger. He feels that the situation has gotten somewhat out of hand.
At the same time, all of this was being witnessed by Lee and his crew. A crowd of people were now standing around Liang Xun, and some people were even handing him things. They’d been watching quietly together until now when Aak finally said his thoughts out loud.
“Holy shit.”
“Language.” Lee reprimanded him, more out of habit than actual offense.
“I can’t believe you weren’t lying.”
“Why would I tell such a stupid lie?”
“Boss, you and your friends sure are very, um, talented?” Hung tried to phrase it as a compliment, but Waai Fu quickly shut this angle down with her own comment.
“I knew it was too good to be true. Your entire friend group is made up of weird people.”
“Hey, come on now,” Lee tried to argue,  "It's because he’s a good person. You can tell easily from a first impression. Wouldn’t you want a grandson with a personality like his?”
They all continued watching as the number of things held by Liang Xun increased. It seems that aside from helping him find the missing pet they were looking for, the local residents had decided at some point to give him gifts to take home. At least that’s what they hoped was happening. Otherwise, it just looked like he was extorting the elderly out of their possessions, which was probably not the case.
The greatest benefit of Liang Xun’s sudden popularity was the efficiency with which he completed his task. Since most of the residents had come to him, he really didn’t have to visit that many houses at all. This was a good thing since he’d received so many random gifts, which many people had called “a symbol of Lungmen’s generosity to visitors'' to justify why they were giving him something. It had become a little difficult to carry it all.
Honestly, judging by what some of the residents had told him, he suspects that maybe there’s just not a lot of interesting things that happen in this neighborhood, making his presence somewhat of an exciting event. There’s no other explanation for this type of weird behavior.
Once he finished with the last house, he made his way back to Lee and the others. Despite running around and carrying so many things, his diligent training and natural traits as a Kuranta made it so that he wasn’t winded at all. This didn’t stop everyone from reaching out to help carry his things when he reached them. While doing so, Hung was the first to congratulate him on a job well done.
“Mr. Liang, you finished so quickly. I think this was probably even faster than if all of us had split up to cover all the houses.”
Liang Xun thanked him and accepted the compliment, but he also admitted that he didn’t do anything special. If anything, other people had done most of the speaking for him.
This just made everyone more impressed for some reason. As if the lack of trying made it a more remarkable accomplishment. Meanwhile, Lee stood there with his hands on his hips and a fairly pleased look on his face.
“See? Didn’t I tell you guys? He really was the right person for the job. He even got his hands on a bunch of free stuff somehow. Not bad. Hopefully you’ve got space for all those things in your luggage.”
Liang Xun scowled a bit at Lee. At this point, he’s not sure if his friend was making fun of him again or not. But his comment did make him remember something he was curious about. 
“That reminds me. Did you send me out there knowing I’d be coming back with all these things?”
Lee is the type of person who’s good at predicting things after all. 
The carp gave him an inquisitive look and stopped to think about his question before giving an answer.
“I knew you’d be successful at least. This neighborhood’s full of good people. Very little chance of anything actually going wrong. But at the end of the day, I can’t control other people’s actions. If you’re asking why I made you do it, I just didn’t want to do any work today.”
“I see.” Liang Xun closed his eyes and nodded, accepting the other person’s answer.
To be honest, Lee hadn’t really answered his question. But this is how he’s always been. Good fortune tends to follow the people around him, but he hardly ever takes credit. Maybe now that he has his agency, he’s learned to actually receive something in return.
Speaking of the agency, its members seemed much more comfortable around him now compared to before. Although he’s not really sure what changed. He had gotten the impression that perhaps they were too intimidated to talk to him. The age gap is very big, and the circumstances under which he was introduced to them was a little strange. They seemed very wary of him last time, but it didn’t get in the way of their hospitality.
Many people in the past have told him that he’s always too quiet, and his expression is so serious that others will easily misunderstand and find it scary. Liang Xun figured that like with many good relationships he’s built over the years, this is just another that he would have to build with time and sincerity.
At least that was the plan. But surprisingly, all three of them approached him as they were all walking back to Lee’s place. There was a curious look on each of their faces, and eventually, they began to take turns asking him difficult questions.
What did you say to those people? How did you get them to give you all these presents? Does Lee always make you do stuff like this? Are you also this popular back where you’re from?
Liang Xun tried his best to answer each one honestly, but he felt his answers weren’t very interesting. Who knows why they’re suddenly interested in knowing all of these things. Still, he’s happy to get along with everyone. He had made it his goal to rekindle his friendship with Lee, and naturally that means also having a good relationship with the people close to him. 
His own hobbies are old-fashioned and there isn’t much free time for him to stay up to date with trends. It’s impressive that Lee manages to get along with so many people much younger than him. It was an innate talent, and something he wished he had. Being able to get along with others is a skill many take for granted. That kind of ability can be really powerful.
Now that he thinks about it, maybe the reason Lee gave him such a strange task today was because he was trying to give him an opportunity to help everyone. And now that the mission was completed successfully, it’s easier for him to fit in because he’s participated.
I can only speculate in the end. He doesn’t like to admit to these things. Liang Xun quietly thought to himself.
Regardless, he’s grateful for his good fortune. Today’s results have been nothing but good.
Liang Xun considered this and returned to Lee’s place with a sense of satisfaction. No one would ever tell him the real reason everyone was more comfortable around him now. It was because they’d all decided to watch over him in case Lee decided to make him do something weird again.
The Kuranta had initially given them the impression of someone who was too important. Someone who belonged in a much fancier place than whatever their small homes and messy office had to offer. But isn’t he just another person who’s too nice for his own good? That’s a dangerous trait to have in a place like Lungmen.
Not to mention, it’s hard to find a person intimidating after you’ve seen them run around a neighborhood and try to manage a crowd of old people giving away more gifts than they could carry.
Maybe everyone’s impression of Liang Xun has gotten a little strange, but it’s nice to see everyone get along better. Plus that guy doesn’t have to go shopping for souvenirs anymore. 
Not a bad outcome at all.
Ah, but being able to skip work for the day was certainly a nice bonus.
0 notes
the-loss-guild · 4 years
Is Cinnamon alive?
Cinnamon yawns as he walks out of his room tired. He had no idea what happened and thinks today is a normal day.
Cinnamon: "Good morning everyone."
Now he sees the question. He looks confused
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Cinnamon: "Dear anon what in the blazes are you talking about?"
mod~ Stormy1z1
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heshoes · 3 years
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She was his best friend and they shared everything together already anyway. What difference would it make if it were a hat, shampoo, or the same bed sometimes? So what? That's what the Uni Daze were about, having fun, traditions, getting serious, new relationships, friendships, heart ache, break-ups, make ups, secrets, the occasional/casual bajingo here and there, and possibly, just maybe, finding the love of your life and hoping that it all works out.
Warnings: smut, slow burn, angst, mentions of abortion, mentions of verbal abuse
Harry Styles x OC (Face claim Zendaya)
Uni Daze Masterlist
Chapter 1 (Word Count 4k)
Water droplets cascaded down my neck before I grabbed a towel to throw over my head. That shower was definitely needed. My muscles would be sore from my workout this morning, but I enjoy the ache. As I headed towards my room to put on clothes I noticed that my roommates door was still closed and for Michelle this can only mean one thing.
I pulled up my trousers and pulled my t-shirt over my head before layering it with a plaid button up. If she doesn't wake up soon, I'll be forced to take measures into my own hands. I walked halfway down the hall and then stopped to pick up the beanie that I let Michelle borrow last night. The hat was carelessly tossed on the floor along with a t-shirt of hers and a pink-ish orange lace bra. This was just one of the many downsides of living with a woman. Even if she is your best mate, finding the occasional bras and panties mixed into your clothes on laundry day can put a damper on your chances of trying and talk to a girl if you don’t have a washer and drier in house, and lets not even mention those four to five days out of the month when a tampon box is left on the bathroom sink and you have to explain that to a date. Not thinking, I picked all of the items up before I dropped the shirt and bra on the ground, feeling somewhat awkward touching something that was so close in contact with Michelle's...intimate bits.
"Michelle?!" No answer…
"Mitchell?! Wake up you're gonna be late for our first class!”
I laughed to myself at her lack of response before I sauntered back down the hall to my room grabbing the Ultimate Alarm; a fog horn that Michelle, the lads, and I nabbed from a school footie game. We each have one and have all have organized to use it with each other when the drink has made us more sluggish than functional.
Not much has changed since the first day I met Michelle. She's the only one here that I've met who seems to have stayed the same throughout all the three years of university that I've known her....That can be looked at as both a good and a bad thing.
Shaking the foghorn with devilish delight and biting my cheeks so that I wouldn't blow my cover, my feet stopped in front of her door once again. I cracked the entrance slightly sticking my arm in the room and turning my head away to shield my ears as much as possible from the noise. As soon as I pressed the button to sound it off, I heard a loud thudding sound followed by cursing. If she wasn't up before, she's up now.
I ran back to my room to put the horn down and grab my bag. This is the first year that I haven't strained my back to pick it up. Fouth year with a lighter load but more studying than I did in all the other three years combined seems pretty backwards to me, but I won't complain.
"What time is it?”
"Half- Oh-“
Michelle emerged from her room looking worse for wear. Her hair was in a nest atop her head and she only wore a long sleeved burgundy t-shirt and a black pair of boy short knickers on her lithe, lanky frame. I  swallowed deeply and turned my head away not expecting her to be so scantily clad. The colors contrasted with her warm honey/caramel skin tone and it was only then that I took in how much of her skin was actually showing. I've seen her naked before but it was an accident and brief. Very brief. I only saw her outlines really, nothing of real importance... not that I was trying to look or anything.
"Half past eight. Go put on trousers! I don't want to see your bajingo!”
Michelle primped her dry lips at me prior to moistening them with a swipe of her tongue, making sure to flip her middle finger up in my direction before she disappeared back into her room.
"Everyone wants to see my bajingo Harry and that's plenty of time for me to get ready. You didn't have to use the Ultimate Alarm. It's not like I was in a drug induced coma!”
"I called you twice but you didn't answer. I thought that-“
I trailed off my words as a gorgeous blonde walked out of Michelle's room. Her hair was tussled and she was scrambling to adjust her skirt as Michelle looked at me with a tightlipped grin, feeling out the room.Michelle walked her secret house guest to the door and gave her a lingering kiss that caused the girl to stand on tip toe before awkwardly waving a goodbye to her and shutting the door. I was left stunned.
"Pick your jaw up off the floor Styles!”
"That- that was a girl.”
"She was your friend?”
Michelle walked into the kitchen grabbing an orange juice carton out of the refrigerator. She took a sip straight from the jug causing me to grimace before she rolled her eyes at me and grabbed a  red solo cup. I was only momentarily distracted before I continued on my previous trail of thought.
"But, you were...and she…"
"Yes Harry, spit it out come on. You're almost there. I know it. I can feel it”
"She was putting her clothes back on.”
Michelle nodded her head in agreement as she continued to guzzle the rest of our citrusy, pulp free juice. After she finished it, she tossed the empty plastic to me and then walked out of the kitchen. I was right by the bin but set the cup on the countertop as my brain continued to navigate through what I think I want to ask.
"You didn't have on many clothes…"
"No, Harry. Neither of us did last night.”
Michelle folded her arms while squinting at me. The hint she's dropped allows what comes out of my mouth next to be uninhibited and honestly sound a bit too over zealous about the idea.
"You had sex with her?”
Michelle nodded her head up and down grinning slightly. Almost a smug look on her face I would say. She hadn't been in a relationship in a while. The last one I remember was when she was with my best mate Louis. It's how I met her as a matter of fact. Michelle and Louis are virtually the same person. It's freaky sometimes. She could be a reincarnate of him as a girl. They were inseparable, but when it ended it ended badly. I'm still not clear on the reason why. Neither of them will talk about it, but I managed to stay neutral in the whole situation and still be able to carry on a friendship with both of them. I'm still good friends with Lou, but he doesn't come around as much since I moved in with Michelle. Me and her got on so well while her and Louis dated it was hard not to become friends with her as well. Louis moved on and moved in with his bird earlier this year and I haven't really seen Michelle with anyone...Until now.
"So-so, you're a lesbian then?”
"Yes Harry. I've 'switched teams' as they say.”
"Since when?” I was just so shocked.
"Since over the summer...Does it bother you?” Michelle looked down at the ground and scratched the back of her neck as if she were bracing herself if I said it did and to be honest I was slightly offended that she’d think that way of me.
“No… No, I just never saw you with anyone over the summer.”
I could hear a sigh of relief escape Michelle’s lips as she turned to leave the front door.
I could have sworn she only hung out with me and the lads when Louis wasn't around. She hung out with us so much and we'd gotten so comfortable around her that we actually started counting her as one of the guys and calling her 'Mitch' or 'Mitchell' instead of Michelle. She always pretends to get cross with us when we called her that, but she can never keep a straight face long enough for us to believe that she doesn't like it.
"That doesn't mean I wasn't with anyone Harrow." Michelle winked at me and went back into her room coming out ten minutes later in joggers, a t-shirt, and Nike trainers with no backpack, one pencil, and a pen. Very prepared.
"Told you thirty minutes was more than enough time. Come now, Hazland.”
"...That's what she said." I smiled proudly at my own joke while Michelle gave me an unwavering a stale face.
"If I can say anything about growth in these last 4 years of our friendship it would be that you have made the least of it. You are the worst.”
“The pot shouldn’t call the kettle names. I thought it was funny." I grinned at her irritation grabbing all of my things in preparation to start the final year.
"Of course you did. Usually when you think it's funny that means it's not.”
Michelle exited out leaving me to lock the door to our new off campus apartment but I wanted to know more. 
I followed behind her and asked her all types of questions. You can't just spring on people that you've switched sides and not expect them to want to know all of the details. In all honesty it wasn't a big deal as long as she was happy. Perhaps I was just being nosy, but after usually seeing her with mainly men my underlying question to her was probably, "Why?"
"I wasn't having that much luck with guys, Haz. One night I went out for a drink and a girl approached me so I figured, why the hell not? What could it hurt, really? Nothing. I went for it, and I enjoyed myself.”
She didn't have a great track record with guys after her split with Lou. She was so unhappy at one point, but then again when you bring home assholes and expect them to turn into stand up gents tears are to be expected. They always looked like gutter grunge to me but at the moment that seemed to be her type, so I didn't say anything. I've actually spent a lot of nights with Michelle rubbing her back as she cried against my shoulder and handing her the odd Kleenex to substitute for my shirt. Now that I think about it, last summer I really didn't see her with any guys. I guess when I saw her with girls I always assumed they were just her friends.
"So...What's it like?”
"What's what like?”
"You know the, um, the switch...What's it like?" Michelle threw her head back and laughed as we reached the main building for our senior seminar class.
"You mean what's it like going from cock to fanny? Is that what you're asking me?" I raised my eyebrows at her bluntness and I could feel heat rise in my cheeks. There's no beating about the bush with Michelle, not anymore anyway.
"Pretty much, yeah. That's what I'm asking. I’m just being nosy. If it’s too much you don’t have to-“
"Honestly," Michelle shifted her eyes back and forth as if she was going to tell me the secret to life in her next sentence, "It's so much better. Guys have no clue what they're doing down there. It's so refreshing to have someone know exactly what it is that I want, when I want it, and how I want it without explaining myself like I'm a bloody rubix cube. Did you know that there are three holes down there?” She asked me sarcastically as if we weren’t both on track for Med school.
"I resent that! And no…no I didn't know that.” I replied to sarcasm with sarcasm, grinning to myself much like the purple devil emoji. I surely did know all the holes.
"Why is that, Hazland? The resentment issue?”
We took our seats in the half full lecture room at the back of the class as we normally do. Michelle, myself and the rest of the gang have started many an early weekend by sitting in the back of the class, signing the attendance sheet and then leaving when the professors back was turned. I don't think I'll do that this year though. I have too many important tests to take if I want to be a doctor. I mean to pass the UKCAT exam the first time.
"Because I'm not half bad at it. At least I don't think I am... Never got a complaint before and I don't intend to.”
Michelle laughed loudly as the professor walked in, drawing attention our way. I smiled and waved at the onlookers before Michelle chuckled again grabbing my hand to stop me as the professor started to speak.
"Just because you never got a complaint doesn't mean that it wasn't said, Harrow. Nine times out of ten, if you don’t hear a complaint it’s because she cares more about your ego than her orgasm...It’s a shame really.”
I primped my lips at her and we continued to whisper to each other back and forth while we took notes on what the professor wrote on the whiteboard during the lecture. There would be two major papers in this class. Thankfully for the twenty page essay that we'll be assigned to do later on in the quarter we can have a partner. Michelle quickly leaned her head on my shoulder choosing me to work with when the paper isn't even due until the last week of class. I of course accepted her. Not only is she my friend but she's one of those annoyingly clever people. I've honestly never seen Michelle open or purchase one required textbook in all of our three years knowing each other in our university careers, but every time marks are posted her marks are always first class honors.
By the end of class, I ended up giving Michelle a hefty amount of paper for notes in seminar and for the other classes she had throughout the rest of the day. It baffles me as to how she's this born genius, but the most unorganized person that I know at the same time. Her only response to my annoyance was, "At least I have writing utensils.”
"Was that girl this morning your girlfriend?”
"No. I'm an admitting fuckgirl. What’s the saying? If you can’t beat them join them. I refuse to be part of the played group any more. It's our last year after all. I figure it's time to up the ante. Let monogamy go.”
I laughed and shook my head before another question came up. It was always something I wanted to know about lesbians but was too embarrassed to ask. It's not like I have many lesbian friends who I could turn to and get the information that most want to know.  I'm never that embarrassed around Michelle though.
"So, erm, um...who's more dominant, when you're...You know?”
Michelle rolled her eyes at the question and I began to feel like an ass.
"When we're scissoring?" She spoke loudly making my thought about embarrassment wrong.
Michelle snickered knowing that she's put a vivid image in my head of her and the mystery blonde. I shake the thought before I get too carried away. I'm not supposed to get aroused with the thought of my best friend and another girl.
"Whoever feels like it whenever they feel like it? It was always a competition with men isn't it?”
“I don’t think it’s so much a competition as it is that some women don't like being on top?” I spoke presenting the idea causing her to pop her lips in disagreement.
“It’s never asked though is it? Sounds like male assumption to me. When I'm with a girl it's just flat out pleasurable for the pair of us. It's not about dominance, Harry. It's about getting off. Scissoring isn't a thing though, by the by.”
I nodded my head up and down still in awe that she of all people had taken a liking to someone who has the same bits as she does. It didnt' bother me like she thought it did earlier and I hope I didn't give her that impression by my line of questioning. Honestly these were just things I always wanted to know. I'm actually more hurt that scissoring apparently isn't a thing...They make it look so pleasurable in porn...I've been bamboozled.
"That's enough questions about me for now. What's happened to you?”
"What do you mean?"
"Harry full offense, but you were a slut when I first met you. You've since depleted in your numbers dramatically, except I'm sure the use of your hand. There were tissues in your bin the other night when I was cleaning the apartment and you don't have a cold…"
"I have h-hay fever Michelle! Allergies kick up at random times... Don't clean my room, I'll do it! It's personal in there. I knew I couldn't find any of my shit for a reason. And hang on-" I knotted my eyebrows playfully at her earlier slut comment.
I admit that I got around, but I moved very slowly. I've only ever had sex with seven or maybe nine girls in my twenty-one years give or take. I don't really keep count. It's not like they were souvenirs or notches on my belt for me to keep track of. All of them were an experience and I'm pretty sure I could name them all if I had to.
The first time happened my last year in 6th form or high school you could say and I didn't even know Michelle then. I got teased for that a bit, but I wasn't in a rush. The maybe other seven or eight happened here at uni but it wasn't as frequent as Michelle makes it out to be. The first two were in my first year when I met Michelle, one of them ended up being my girlfriend over a span of Five months. After that, I only was only ever active with a few more spaced out over the course of two and a half years, and they were regulars. That's not that bad when you think about it, especially for a guy my age at university.
"You were Haz! You had a new girl every weekend.”
"I did not! They were the same few people. They just kind of, alternated? You just never paid them any attention so you thought they were different every time. You're giving me more credit than I deserve." 
Michelle rolled her eyes and continued to tease me.
"Whatever. What's happened then?”
"I don't know what you mean. I got invested in my studies. I have to take the UKCAT this year.”
"When is the last time you fun bit wrestled, willy waggled, played 'hide the helmet', rolled in the hay as they say?" I scrunched my nose and then thought about it and then got frustrated that I had to actually think about it.
“Yet I’m the worst? Who’s this they you speak of?" I asked her, squinting my eyes and tilting my head to the side.
"Everyone says those things when talking about sex. The more mature ones do anyway. Stop dilly dallying and answer the question. When is the last time you put your 'p' in a ‘v'?"
"S-spring? Early spring? Early Spring terms I guess…"
I could feel my cheeks turn red as I answered her question and Michelle bit her cheeks as an odd snorting noise left her nose while she tried to hold in her laughter. It's not that funny.
"You haven't fucked since the spring?" I  laughed more at myself than at the shocked look on her face and shook my head no.
"No, not actual Spring. Early spring terms, so February...My birthday.”
"Harry, we're at the end of August here! You might as well count yourself as celibate. Not that I can blame the girls for dodging you. You still call a vagina a bajingo.”
I chuckled before I spoke, "The word vagina is honestly just as bad as bajingo. And this is coming from someone who has over a hundred words and phrases for sex.”
"A hundred and counting, Harrow.”
I shrugged my shoulders and tried to make the red in my cheeks less noticeable by rubbing my hand over my face. Spring term is when I decided to get more focused. I threw myself into clubs and my books to try to get more into school and buckle down. I'm even president of our graduating class now, prepared to serve on the Alumni council after graduation and I for one am proud of myself for getting this far. The greater half of my first three years here at university was spent at frat parties and in my bed sleeping class time away. I barely know how I made it through this far with decent grades, but I'm grateful that I did. Failure isn't an option.
Michelle stood on tip toe, leaning her head on my shoulder all the while soothingly rubbing my back. When I turned my head to face her, she batted her long lashes at me and made her big brown eyes look like one of those odd cartoon characters whose eyes cover more than half of their face.
"It's okay, Harry.”
"What is?”
"That you haven't gotten any pussy in over six months." Michelle has officially taken a back seat and let Mitchell take the wheel. This is how she got the nickname in the first place.
"Sod off Mitch! It's not like it's a bad thing-“
"Like shit it isn’t."
"I'm busy anyway.”
"With your hand and those bin tissues." I nudged Michelle off my shoulder feigning to be fed up with her masturbation jokes.
"Well if you weren't in my room you wouldn't have seen them! Gosh, you do something one time and then that's what people automatically associate you with!”
Michelle lets out another awkward snort that causes both of us to laugh out loud as we walk through the halls preparing to go our separate ways for the rest of the day.
"That was actually kind of funny Harry. Your jokes are getting a bit better.”
"Yeah, I know. They're funny when they're at my expense.”
"Aw, Hazland. You poor, poor serial masturbator. I'll see you later, yeah?”
"Yeah," I grinned at her before I turned to leave.
"Wait, how much later?” Michelle walked back towards me with one eyebrow raised to the sky as I tried to quickly map out my schedule for the day in my head before spitting it out to her.
"Uh, I get done with classes at half five, then I have a class meeting at six, and then I work at the first year halls front desk from seven to eleven thirty tonight. So I'll probably get home around midnight."
I contently sighed and grinned at Michelle as a look of pure horror took place of her once relaxed features. Her eyes seemed to widen larger after every additional activity that I listed, but I truly enjoyed remaining busy. Michelle's face remained contorted with displeasure before she spoke.
"So you're still coming to the pub later with the lads right?”
"Uh-oh. Chelle I don't know. I kind of forgot all about that. I don't think I will though, it's Monday and-“
"Ah, ah, ah, I'm not taking no as an answer. You promised and it's welcome week anyway. The pub is gonna be live! Just swing by and have one drink.”
“Nahhh I think I’m gonna-”
"One drink.”
“Sit this one out.”
"One drink, Harrow. One. Come on its tradition. You can't just bum out on tradition. This is our last year." She held up her tiny pointer finger to emphasize her point before she spoke again, this time in a small whisper, “One."
“Please?” Her lips pouted and her eyes turned sad trying her hand at manipulation.
"No, Chelle. No. Stop looking at me that way...Oh! Gah! Fine. I'll head to the pub when I get off work. One drink. One.”
Michelle bounced on her feet and clapped her hands in excitement making me shake my head before I turned to leave. Before I could make a real step Michelle called my name again.
"Hey, do you think I could borrow a pen? I seemed to have dropped mine."
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artistcaptainbendy · 2 years
🖊+ aric
Ok time to give my boi his time in the spotlight
Fun fact his design is partly inspired but a FNF mod character named Garcello, mainly the hat and hair.
Not only did he bet his business and house to his DDR rival, but also Ava's friendship. He caught up in the moment. (He won at the end)
He loves putting honey on his food to a point his food in more honey than food.
He has a big fear of spiders because one time he killed one with a broom and hundreds of babies came out of it.
You need a distraction to keep your enemies off you? His your man
He became friends with sp Krupp as teens because of their shared love for manatees.
During photo shoots he gives people snacks and drinks.
He loves to swim; it's relaxing to him.
Once he had a whole pizza stolen from him by one bird.
Has been on record saying that if he was a villain, he would only steal honey, cameras, and manatees.
When he was first starting off as a photographer, he went to a photocon and hated it because it wasn't anything he expected. (Had some fun in the ball pit)
Loves state fairs for the cookie buckets and butter people.
Loves snacks, mainly cookies.
Loss his dad to an accident at 12.
Despite working with Ava on multiple missions his not a POOP agent.
Doesn't drive but knows how to. He mainly walks, ride a bike, or take the bus.
Knows how to play the sax
When him and Ava found themselves in a more child friendly version of ''children of the corn'' he stole a motorcycle from a kid lead the others away from Ava.
He loves bath bombs.
Hasn't told anyone the secret recipe to his strawberry cheesecake, not even Ava.
When he was in the hospital the doctors called him a medical mystery because he had
3 broken ribs, one in his lung.
Multiple broken or fractured bones
Fractured eye
And was put in a coma. But somehow lived
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lakemichigans · 2 years
my thoughts! SPOILER WARNING
i already complained enough about will's lack of plot and screentime so i won't get into it here, but my point still stands. that throwaway line at the end where he says he can still feel vecna gives me hope for season 5, but doesn't take away my anger at letting him become gay background noise the past 2 seasons. the fucking vecna parallels!! the parallels!
i loved how they handled max's trauma regarding billy and how she secretly prayed for him to die (especially in a car accident, considering his car is where he continuously terrorized her). very spot on. then the survivors guilt that lead her to feel so guilty for what is, in reality, just a normal trauma response. i sincerely hope that they bring her out of this coma otherwise all of it will be for nothing (but i have a strong feeling she'll pull through, otherwise why wouldn't they just kill her in the finale?) also, caleb's acting in this scene was fucking heartbreaking :(
the whole robin/vickie subplot sucks. we're already doing the unrequited love thing with will & mike!! i get that they're hinting vickie is actually interested in robin, but they didn't need to do any of this. it's irrelevant, just give her a girlfriend and put that angsty screentime towards more important things
controversial opinion but eddie's death was perfect to me. he's like bob. he's great, he adds something to the group, but when it's his time to go (to further the plot in a meaningful way that's been built up since the beginning of the season), he goes as a hero. i know it's never fun to see a character you love get killed, but i appreciate the purpose of it and that's why i liked it. HOWEVER it's bullshit that steve/robin/nancy we're never shown mourning for him?? dustin's scenes were amazing, especially with eddie's uncle, but why did eddie's other friends not seem to give a shit??
steve's feelings for nancy feel very genuine and mature - it's nancy's feelings that are chaotic and naive (and i say that out of love for her). i fully believe that steve has worked on himself and wants nancy back in his life because he thinks that they only broke up because of what he did, but the truth is that it wasn't just his faults that ended the relationship, it was nancy's too. she NEEDS breathing room and the ability to find herself without putting anyone else first. steve has had time to grow, but nancy hasn't. she needs to ditch them both. months or years down the line, if she reconnects with one of them (or both in my dreams lol) then perfect, it will be much healthier for all of them. but right now? dump him!!!
they gave karen wheeler some of her agency & brain back, that's cool.
i don't mind the fact that vecna is also the mind flayer. it was clear that the mind flayer was communicating with will somehow, it wasn't just a cloud of smoke, you know? it was sentient in some way. and it furthers my belief that vecna chose will on purpose, because he sees himself in him. he doesn't want to kill will, he wants to use him. the same way he wanted el to join him. please god let it mean something. i am so tired of seeing will get NOTHING from the plot
i love that we're consistently shown how love is stronger than anger. it's never the bad memories that give them strength, it's always memories of friendship and love and happiness ;-;
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brendan-block · 2 years
Here's some old notes I wrote about my backstory for Brendan, including his traumatic childhood as Simon, his years at university, the affair with his professor, etc; everything that led up to Simon becoming Brendan.
As with almost all of these old drafts I'm finally publishing, this needs a rewrite and is unfinished. For now I'm posting it as is.
Simon becoming Brendan is not the result of him getting beaten into a coma by his then-girlfriend's husband. He is not brain-damaged. It is the culmination of everything that happened to him up to the point of his affair with his university professor.
The violent death of his parents was extremely traumatising. He actually doesn't remember all that much of what their life was like before the fire, except for the occasional flash he gets. On that day he loses not only his parents but also his grandmother, because she's too mentally unstable to care for them properly. Things aren't looking good for them, but then, finally, they get a ray of hope. People from the church  - people they know with faces they recognise - come to take them away. These are the people that Brendan remembers as his prominent caretakers - not his loving parents. These children don't really know them like they think they do and what should have been a happy home and the rebuilding of their lives, becomes a horrific nightmare. Brendan literally has the whole "disobedience must be punished" beaten into him (and even now it's still something he repeats A LOT and it's one of his number one excuses for doing what he does) until it's fully ingrained in him and he comes to believe it fully that he deserves the pain these monsters have wrought upon him.
What he doesn't believe, however, is that his sister should be held to those same standards. Brendan completely blames himself for the fact that his sister nearly burned to death and is permanently scarred over half of her body, because the last thing his mother ever said to him was to save her and protect her, and he couldn't get to her in time. It was a firefighter that saved the both of them. In Brendan's eyes his sister is a goddamn saint for putting up with him at all after what he's done to her and he's determined to protect her. But he can't and he fails her, over and over and over again, every night the monsters come and snatch her out of her bed. He does catch one of the caretakers once in the act of raping her and it is because of that, that he never forces himself on anyone (despite admittedly being tempted at times).
When they eventually leave the village, Brendan goes off on his own. He doesn't want to be with his sister anymore and he can't bear to see their grandmother when he feels like she abandoned them. He needs to get away from them and the shadow of everything they went through and go where he can just breathe and be someone else for awhile. So he goes traveling to all these places he always wanted to go, but none of it is anything like he saw in the brochures or in the books he read as a kid. It's not fun or exciting. It's just lonely. He's lonely. He doesn't know how to interact with people anymore. For years it was always just him and his sister locked up tiny rooms until they were brought out for service or dinner or for appearances' sake with the other villagers (since, after all, they were the late Laird and Lady's children). Most of his attempts go south quickly. Women either laugh at him or flat-out ignore him, and most men attack him because he either talked to a woman they were with or simply because they don't like how weak and timid he is.
At university things aren't much better. He stops talking to people altogether and stops trying to make friends and just keeps to himself. Most people don't seem to want anything to do with him anyway, so he just doesn't bother anymore. Until he meets Jeanette. Jeanette is (was) one of his professors, a beautiful golden-hair goddess in his eyes, and the very first person in a very long time to be kind and patient with him. She gets him to open up again and because of that Brendan quickly falls in love with her. Jeanette in turn becomes horribly attracted to the broken soul she finds in him. Both are fully aware of the fact that Jeanette is the wife of a fellow teacher, but they have an affair anyway. It's through this affair that Brendan learns the sort of man his other professor really is. He's exactly like the caretakers from the church, except instead of hurting innocent children, this man directs his abuse at his wife; at the woman Brendan loves. He tries to come to her defense, but just like with the men he crossed paths with in his travels.. just like when he was a child.. he is weak and lacks the skill to fight. He fails Jeanette (much like he believes he failed his sister) and they are brutally beaten for it.
When he wakes up he is alone. Jeanette is not there. Neither is her husband. But then nurses and a doctor come in and they’re telling him he’s been in a coma for several months. He has messages waiting for him from Jeanette. Their relationship is over and she’s gone back to her husband. He can’t understand it. How could she go back to him? But then he starts thinking about it. He thinks about the men in his life, of the things he experienced with them, of the things they said to him, the things they did to him. He wasn’t like them at all. These [UNFINISHED]
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songofclarity · 3 years
One of my favorite ideas for the LSZ is WRH's son concept is an au where WRH survives the ssc (maybe he's too weak or is in a coma from his injuries for some time so he wasn't able to stop the aftermath of the ssc) and he's now a hermit living in a mountain in qishan away from society because he wants to be left alone to meditate and contemplate on his past mistakes in peace believing that he is the only one that's left of his whole clan
And since he's living in isolation he doesn't hear about wwx's return or the downfall of JGY or the fact that WN is alive and then one day he meet LSZ on some night hunt and he immediately recognizes his youngest child that he thought was dead years ago but he has no proof and LSZ evades all questions about his birth so WRH decides to investigate and finds out WN is alive and goes to find him and when he does WN reveals everything
I suppose LSZ's reaction at 1st would be hostile to WRH, he would refuse to even recognize him as his father, which would be normal but eventually LSZ comes to term with it and starts to accept him
Meanwhile wangxian are shocked at 1st but then very protective of LSZ because they don't trust WRH but ultimately they will respect LSZ's choice if he wants a relationship with his birth father
I'm thinking wangxian and WRH eventually reach an agreement to not try to kill each other and let bygones be bygones for LSZ's sake but that doesn't mean they will get along
In fact this starts a rivalry between WX and WRH. On one side WRH is jealous that wangxian (especially lwj) are the ones that raised his son and thus they're the ones who know him best they're the ones he goes to for comfort when in pain they're the ones he sees as a role model... Etc meanwhile wangxian are jealous that WRH shares something with LSZ that they can never have, the bond of blood, they also feel that WRH tries to encroach on their territory and that he's trying to draw LSZ away from them and the Lans so they don't trust him at all.
So the 3 of them are extremely passive aggressive and petty to each other especially behind LSZ's back, the juniors even dub it "the war of the dads" and start a betting pool on whose going to win
This goes on until LSZ falls into some grave danger and wangxian and WRH have to work together to help him and they eventually end up realizing that they all care for him the same way and only want him to be safe and happy and so they learn to coexist
Lan Sizhui has never been hostile to anyone in his life, but he decides his first victim will be this sad and lonely hermit who committed the crime of *checks notes* being a Wen?? lol
My feelings on Wangxian+son and the erasure of the Wen Remnants as also being Wen Yuan's family aside, so long as Lan Sizhui looks at Wen Ruohan and eventually says, "Hello... Dad," with his nerves all in bundles and choked with emotion, I can roll with this! Wen Ruohan coming in post-canon to shake things up and Lan Sizhui getting more Wen fam is a lot of fun!
Also just imagine Wei Wuxian having flashbacks to this moment:
Wen Yuan immediately shook his head, whispering, "…I won't go… I still want Granny."
Wei WuXian pressed, "You want Granny, but not me?"
Wen Yuan pleased, "I do. I want Brother Xian too.” He messed with his fingers, counting one by one, “And I want Brother Rich, Sister A-Qing, Brother Ning, Uncle Four, Uncle Six…"
Wei WuXian tossed the butterfly back onto his head, "That's enough, that's enough. I'm gonna be drowned amongst all the people." (ch 75, ERS)
Wei Wuxian just cannot become Wen Yuan/Lan Sizhui's favorite!? Because even once all the Wen are dead, they are now coming back to life apparently, just like he did lmao
An alternative thought I have on all this is based on how Wen Ruohan had Wen Zhuliu protect Wen Chao, which makes me struggle to see Wen Ruohan being confrontational towards Lan Wangji for, essentially, protecting and caring for Wen Yuan. I know it's less dramatic than a big comedic family feud, but I personally find it more compelling to have a situation where Wen Ruohan might feel indebted to Lan Wangji.
(Wen Ruohan and Wei Wuxian's situation would be far more rocky considering Wei Wuxian hunted Wen for sport for three years and rumor has it that the Wen Remnants were Wei Wuxian's slaves/servants lol But Wei Wuxian still saved a group of them all the same!! Or tried to save them...)
Which is to say the real hostility in all this would might come from the Lan Sect and the Lan Sect rules. In the Iron Hook extras, Lan Sizhui can't even admit he's scared because it goes against the Lan Sect rules, and he fears being punished by Lan Wangji if he confesses to it. Imagine Wen Ruohan's alarm, to hear that his happy and lovable and playful child was stifled to such a degree!
Wen Ruohan, "Thank you for protecting and raising A-Yuan, but also Xu-er might have had a point about burning this place to the ground. No child should ever have to live here."
(But at least Wen Yuan had a chance to live!)
Although we should really consider a post-conclusion where it's Granny Wen that Lan Sizhui remembers and loves the most LOL
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