#gang relations (positive)
triglycercule · 1 month
horror being very specific with table manners and he berates people (dust and killer) for eating like fucking pigs
i think it'd be morbidly funny that because there was no food in horrortale but the cutlery and stuff was all there that maybe he would pretend to eat with no food on the plate. it was in a satirical way that he would joke maybe around horror paps or alone where he would pretend to eat and have really good table manners but then the satire joke became REAL and now horror is incredibly specific about how to eat food
you MUST hold the fork in the left and knife in right says horror. no killer you can't duel wield the fucking knives this is a table not a slaughterhouse. dust pick up your elbows off the table. actually how about you get your entire upper body off the table tf why are you SLEEPING ON THE FOOD??? killer's sitting fetal position in the chair because of course he wouldn't sit normally like the idiot he is. dust is forced to put his hood down and reveal his face no more mysterious shadow style because it puts horror at ease. they cannot have a single peaceful meal because once they get past the table manners phase it then becomes a completion to see who can eat the least (because they suck at everything including eating)
#hey guys. every time i don't post it feels like i'm abandoning my own children#NOOO im sorry i'll come back home... i wont abandon you chat PLEASE DONT MAKE ME PAY MORE CHILD SUPPORT#i've been a busy little bee i snicker out. and by busy i mean playing. and by playing i mean hi3#i'm sorry my brain literally cannot handle having more than one interest. once i get into something else the other thing becomes ignored#IT MAKE ME SO UPSET BECAUSE WHY CAN'T I DO BOTH OF THESE THINGS I LIKE EQUALLY ☹️☹️☹️☹️ is this a me problem#anyways none of these tags were related to the post. i usually do little extra tidbits adding onto the post when i tag huh#i just recently learned (2 years ago) that youre supposed to put the fork and knife in that order. i still mess it up#i've been drawing on this notebook from the same brand from what i drew on in 2019 AND GODDAMN 🤤🤤🤤#this notebook is SO FUCKING SMOOTH I LOVE IT 🤤🤤 drawing on this paper is like drawing on fucking BUTTER it's delectable#a shame nobody likes traditional art i cry out (i'm not particularly skilled in either traditional or digital)#you could call me a jack of no trades master of none#got this idea bcs i was listening to binomi (HARDCORE MARETU FAN SINCE I GOT A PHONE. WHAT YALL KNOW ABOUT MARETU‼️‼️‼️)#and i was like omg food theme.... horror. so i drew it in earlier mentioned notebook#and i was like hmm what positions should i put the fork and knife. and then i got this idea#i KNOW cannibalism songs aren't exactly horror themed. but let me be delusional i wanna give my boy a cool theme and cannibalism is soo coo#killer sans#dust sans#horror sans#murder time trio#tricule hc#bad sanses#bad sans gang#nightmare's gang#this is funny but in a sad way because i added context to it. as is with all my mtt content#it's comedic because i think they're all stupid fucking idiots but i also make them do this dumb shit bc theyre traumatized
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No, just me? Okay 😔
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obscureother · 2 months
HEY YOU. Are you stinky? That's ok, sometimes we forget or need motivation to get unstinky.
this is your friendly reminder to go get UNSTINKY in the bath time cos im ALSO about to get UNSTINKY so we can get UNSTINKY TOGETHER (from a distance, im shy-).
But you go, "But OP, this post is (however many seconds/years old) D: what if you are not unstinkying anymore??"
and i tell you good tumblr person, that by the time you see this post, i will probably be stinky AGAIN and so you can reblog to remind ME to become UNSTINKY and we can return to our routine mutual unstinkying in the near future at any time.
Reblog to remember to get unstinky, and help someone else get unstinky too.
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christinelly · 2 years
Itafushi, Kafka on the Shore AU
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aspenforest732 · 10 months
Mortem ad Wrens Chapter 15: Our Brothers Must Bear
tw: mention of bullying, gang relations (positive), drug use mention, addiction first patrol starts a little early
‘text’ JSL Text thoughts
Akira leapt to their feet, snatching their journal, suddenly very aware of where their decoded notes were. Of where they were. Glancing out the window, Akira quickly confirmed that the nearest roof was close enough to warp if they needed to.
The door burst open as one of the monitors called out “Sir, there’s a bank robbery in progress at…” the man stopped as he took in the room. “I can send the backup evening patrol if you need-”
“No, we can go,” Fat Gum interrupted. After the man gave the address and left, he continued, “We’ll discuss this later.”
Torn between Aizawa being called and potentially carrying out the threat of expulsion and going on a mission when their teammates knew, Akira forced themself to nod and their feet to start moving as the trio rushed out of the agency. The early evening sun painted beautiful hues of red and purple across the sky as Akira ached to run along the rooftops. The group slowed as they approached the police barriers, and Fat Gum asked the situation.
“Thanks for starting a little early tonight,” a detective with colorful freckles said. “We’ve got two quirked individuals confirmed inside with twenty hostages. One of the tellers is following orders a little too exactly, so we suspect one of them has a Master quirk. The other’s quirk is unknown. Good to see you again, Suneater, and is this your new intern, Fat Gum?”
Mortis nodded, fighting to keep their face neutral. ‘I’m Umbra Mortis,’ they signed, Fat Gum interpreting.
The detective looked a little confused but shrugged. “Well, let us know if you need anything from us or want to talk with the perps.”
As the detective walked away, Mortis signed to Fat Gum, ‘Isn’t it possible that the second is under the villain’s control as well? I can try to get a higher angle to see their face, or I can warp in. I’ll have ten minutes of invisibility.’
“Try the higher ground first but be careful. If you can’t get a good look, come back here and we’ll discuss options.”
As they warped to the top of a lamp post, Mortis focused on their mindscape and noticed a new shadow next to them. Interesting… later. Mortis carefully crouched on the post’s thin head before leaping to the next one, testing their braces’ boost to cover the lack of momentum. There was a whisper of a whirring noise, but it shouldn’t be audible from more than half a meter away.
After jumping around a few spots, Mortis finally got a decent look at the second assailant’s face. With only the bottom half clumsily covered by a mask, Mortis took in the person’s face and posture and deemed them likely under the other’s control. Too-relaxed shoulders, blank eyes with an underlying tension, and gun in a death grip.
Ten minutes nearly up, Mortis softly made their way back to Fat Gum and stepped into their clone from behind. ‘The one with the hostages is most likely under the other’s control,’ Mortis signed. ‘His body language and eyes gave it away.’
“Do you think the control is weak enough to break with an emotional shock or blunt force?”
‘Unknown, although the victim is straining against the control so it’s possible the villain needs the appropriate distraction.’
Fat Gum nodded, and Suneater activated one clam and one octopus arm, what seemed like his usual shtick. “Stay behind us,” Fat Gum said. “I’d feel better if you were invisible, but don’t strain your quirk too much. Only engage if necessary.”
Mortis nodded, leaning up against a building before warping behind them and putting a hand on Suneater’s back. They paused briefly in curiosity as the constant burn they usually felt was still the moderate discomfort it had been since lunch. It did flare a bit with their active quirk use, but not nearly as much as what had become their norm. With his acknowledgement, the trio headed for the front entrance, and Mortis waited a moment before warping in through a window, dispelling their clone with the step’s motion. They’d still technically be behind the pair but in a better position to help if needed.
As Fat Gum rushed the first victim, Suneater extended his tentacles out to grab hold of the mind controller, only for him to freeze moments before he touched the man. Looking between the two, Mortis noticed that Suneater had met his eyes. Darting forward, they ducked behind one of the pillars before warping closer to the villain. Keeping their eyes around the man’s midsection, Mortis darted to the side and shoved him hard as a knife sliced at their costume. He stumbled, and the first victim started to slowly come to awareness, dropping their gun in the process.
Dancing back, Mortis saw Fat Gum directing the victims out the door while lightly shaking Suneater, who remained unresponsive. Mortis activated their capture scarf and snapped it out to coil around the villain, slamming him to the floor on his back. As the wind was knocked out of the villain, Suneater blinked back into focus along with the teller, and Mortis maneuvered the scarf to keep tension while leaving their shoulders, making it visible, before walking over to dispel their clone.
Fat Gum raised an eyebrow at the floating capture scarf, and Mortis acknowledged with a dip of their head that he knew they were keeping the villain occupied. ‘I wasn’t sure if he’d have control of quirks and him potentially controlling Sun Eater’s was quite dangerous, so checking the physical disruption theory seemed logical.’ Recoiling their end of the capture weapon, Mortis set the villain on his feet and covered his eyes with his own mask before maneuvering him to Fat Gum. ‘His quirk might be initiated on eye contact, and he either dropped his first victim by default or the connection was more tenuous due to being active for longer.’
“He also either can’t control quirks by proxy or was unsure how mine worked,” Suneater added. After Fat Gum checked them over for injuries, the trio made their way outside and handed off the villain to the police. They gave statements and filed capture reports before finally starting patrol now that it was 18:45.
“Most situations won’t put the burden of a judgment call on you,” Fat Gum explained while eating from a tray of yakitori. “Unless I specifically give you the choice as I did back there, remember to wait for my instruction to engage. Self-defense is permitted, but paperwork gets complicated when students use quirks without a license.”
Mortis nodded, munching on a few of the treats even though they weren’t hungry for once – usually a warning sign, now a sense of security. ‘May I ask a question about your quirk, Fat Gum?’
“Sure, kid,” he beamed.
‘Are you always hungry or do you constantly eat to keep your optimal percentage?’
Fat Gum laughed and Mortis cast a worried glance at Suneater, who just tucked into himself. “Most people don’t think to ask about the difference. I only get hungry when I’m running low on body fat and after patrols, so I eat to make sure I don’t lose ground. And you?”
Mortis shrugged, ‘I’ve always been hungry since I got my quirk. The only times I’m not are when I’m reaching the bad end of starvation mode, sometimes when people make comments about how much I eat, and since I ate lunch today.’
The heroes frowned, and Suneater said, “What do which people say?”
‘Mostly students from other classes, some random people, and Rich- one of the girls in my class. And they don’t say much, just comments about weight gain and not thinking about others with how much food I take.’ Mortis noticed their right hand starting to reach for their left so moved it beneath their costume to ground themself with the tassels instead.
Fat Gum stopped, rounding in front of them and kneeling to get on eye level. “Umbra Mortis, you have a good, brave heart and deserve so much more than the basic necessities.” At Mortis’s hesitation, he slowly put a hand on their shoulder, riding out the flinch. “You do. You’ve been dealt one of the worst hands in life, and I’m here to bring some good into it.”
After a moment, Mortis realized Fat Gum was waiting for a response and nodded, signing 'thank you' as they looked away.
As the large hero got up, Suneater asked, “Did the visualization help?”
Mortis grinned, pushing aside their confusing tangle of emotions for the time being. ‘I think so! I noticed something as I was warping, although I didn’t want to focus on it while there was an active hostage situation.’
Fat Gum grinned. “That’s great! And good judgment call, I know discovering something about your quirk can be a little distracting.”
Suneater offered a shy smile before hiding back in his scarf. They continued patrol for a few hours, busting a couple petty criminals, when Fat Gum got an alert on the Hero Network.
“Gang dispute,” Fat Gum sighed as he started sprinting in that direction. Suneater and Mortis quickly followed suit, the latter quickly getting frustrated at the sheer number of people who almost stepped into them. “Umbra Mortis, take the rooftops if you’re more comfortable, but stay close.”
Immediately, they did so as Suneater elbowed them to dispel the clone. Almost flying across the gaps, Mortis had to hold back to stay even with the grounded pair. They still arrived on scene a few seconds faster and observed the rising tension before warping back down next to Fat Gum and Suneater, dispelling their clone with some pocket sand.
‘No shots fired yet, but multiple Changer and Brute quirks active. 10 versus 8 over border dispute. Jets versus Sharks.’ Mortis quickly informed them.
“Leaders or lieutenants?”
‘One lieutenant on each side, quirks don’t have a visual component or aren’t currently active.’
Holding up a hand for Mortis and Suneater to stay back a pace, Fat Gum walked up to the entrance of the alley and sighed. “Haya, Hikaru, I thought it might be you two.” The closer lieutenant whipped around to face the hero, both faces flushing in… embarrassment?
What the hell? Akira looked to Suneater, who seemed done with the situation but still held a little tension.
Fat Gum put on a disappointed dad face as he continued, “This is the Jets’ week to protect blocks 14-16. If you need help remembering who’s supposed to protect this section when, just ask anyone from my agency. If someone got hurt, you know I’d have to report it, and remember your families for kami sake.”
Both lieutenants wilted and grumbled an acknowledgment, a few members looking confused as they dispersed.
‘You… work with gangs?’ Akira asked hesitantly.
“It’s more of a recent development, but as long as they provide proof of weaning people off drugs and sending them to hospitals when they can’t provide the needed help, I’m willing to work with them. They protect their own, and it didn’t take much for them to see the community as part of ‘their own.’ They also help report FQM and other dangerous activities from outside groups.”
Akira nodded, glancing at Suneater, who had a pensive but curious look on his face.
“You’re not concerned about that?” the boy asked.
‘You know what I come from, and you know what school I go to. How do you think I survived long enough on the streets to get in?’ As Fat Gum went to speak, they added. ‘It’s a good group, we protect our kids. We have a little more drugs going on than this situation, but none of the minors have access to them. I just wasn’t expecting a twilight to be so open about working with gangs. Usually that falls into more of an underground’s purview.’
“Has Eraser Head not taken you in? I know he’s helped vigilantes find placements in good homes before,” Fat Gum looked at them confused.
‘I don’t want to be more of a burden. I tried living with the partner and rehoming systems my group has, but I’m too expensive for most of them and bring too many risks for the others.’ Akira shrugged. ‘Eventually, I found it best to just live on my own.’
Suneater sharply sucked in a breath, “You were reworking your budget.”
Akira cringed but nodded. ‘Can’t get a legal, much less stable, job with just a P.O. box, and to get more of an address, I need a stable income or savings.’
“And U.A.’s assistance programs require an address and a guardian to sign,” Suneater murmured. Fat Gum looked perturbed, starting to say something before shaking his head.
The rest of patrol passed largely without incident, the trio only stopping a couple petty thieves and helping someone the older two seemed to know back to rehab. Akira tried to put thoughts of the Wrens out of their mind, but the nagging worry of now two people knowing the key to their past wore down the edges of their nerves as they grew jumpier than usual.
Fun fact: based on how tall Kirishima is in comparison to Fat Gum, Akira at most comes up to his waist. I also googled Japanese street widths to determine that, especially since the opposing roof seems relatively close in the anime, the street size including sidewalks is at most 60 ft. I feel a little silly lol I decided to do that little collection of oneshots I asked if y’all wanted the other chapter, and I was thinking up a name. At first, I was like oh I can do a play on Memento Mori and do Memoirs Mori since their surname is Mori… wait. I double-checked the meaning of memento mori (remember you must die), and it finally hit me. Mori not only means “forest” in Japanese but “death” in Latin. I feel like my friend definitely commented on that once but it didn’t stick I guess lol I’ve got 3 ideas so far, 2 of which are or would have been canon and one is pretty light. Each short story will say where in the timeline it's placed (if at all), so check the summaries for tw and if you want to avoid spoilers I probably won’t get a sensitivity reading for them unless I feel a strong need to for particular ones. As always, I’m very open to feedback. If you ever have a concern or question feel free to comment or dm me.
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imastoryteller · 2 months
How to Craft a Compelling Morally Grey Character: A Step-by-Step Guide
Step 1: Define the Character’s Core Traits
Identify Strengths and Virtues: List positive traits that make the character likable or admirable. These could include bravery, intelligence, loyalty, or compassion.
Identify Flaws and Vices: List negative traits that add complexity and realism. These could include arrogance, selfishness, impatience, or a propensity for violence.
Step 2: Establish Motivations and Backstory
Create a Detailed Backstory: Develop a background that explains why the character has their particular mix of virtues and flaws. Consider their upbringing, significant life events, and personal experiences.
Determine Core Motivations: Identify what drives the character. Is it revenge, love, ambition, survival, or something else? Motivations should be realistic and relatable.
Step 3: Develop Moral Ambiguity
Set Up Moral Dilemmas: Place your character in situations where they must make difficult choices with no clear right or wrong answer. These dilemmas should challenge their morals and reveal their complexity.
Showcase Contradictions: Allow the character to make decisions that might seem contradictory. For example, they might commit a crime to protect someone they love, revealing both a moral and an immoral side.
Step 4: Create Dynamic Relationships
Construct Meaningful Relationships: Develop relationships with other characters that highlight different aspects of your morally grey character. These relationships can help explore their multifaceted personality.
Use Relationships to Drive Conflict: Relationships can be a source of moral conflict and development. Conflicts with friends, family, or rivals can push your character to reveal their grey areas.
Step 5: Show Consequences and Growth
Illustrate the Impact of Actions: Show the real-world consequences of the character’s morally ambiguous decisions. This adds realism and stakes to the story.
Allow for Character Growth: Let your character evolve. They might become more virtuous or more corrupt over time. This evolution keeps the character dynamic and interesting.
Step 6: Balance Sympathetic and Unsympathetic Traits
Make Them Relatable: Ensure the character has traits or experiences that the audience can relate to or sympathize with, even if they do questionable things.
Maintain Complexity: Avoid making the character too sympathetic or too unsympathetic. The balance between good and bad traits should make the audience feel conflicted about the character.
Step 7: Use Subtlety and Nuance
Avoid Clear Labels: Do not overtly label the character as good or evil. Allow their actions and motivations to speak for themselves.
Employ Subtlety: Use nuanced behavior and dialogue to reveal the character’s moral complexity. Avoid heavy-handed exposition.
Step 8: Test and Refine
Seek Feedback: Share your character with others and seek feedback on their complexity and believability. Adjust based on constructive criticism.
Refine Motivations and Actions: Continuously refine the character’s motivations and actions to ensure they remain compelling and consistent throughout the story.
Example: Crafting a Morally Grey Character
Core Traits:
Strengths: Intelligent, determined, loyal.
Flaws: Arrogant, manipulative, vengeful.
Grew up in a tough neighborhood, witnessing crime and corruption.
Lost a loved one to a gang, fueling a desire for revenge.
Driven by a need to protect their remaining family and seek revenge.
Moral Dilemmas:
Joins a criminal organization to infiltrate it and bring it down from within.
Struggles with the ethical implications of committing crimes for a greater good.
Has a strained relationship with a sibling who disapproves of their methods.
Forms a complicated friendship with a morally upright police officer.
Consequences and Growth:
Faces the legal and emotional consequences of their actions.
Gradually questions their own morality and seeks redemption.
Helps the community but uses unethical means.
Shows moments of kindness and ruthlessness.
Reveals their inner conflict through small actions and dialogue.
Avoids overt explanations of their morality, letting the audience interpret.
By following these steps, you can create a compelling morally grey character that adds depth and intrigue to your story.
+ If you find my content valuable, consider Support This Blog on Patreon!
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nopanamaman · 3 months
How does the stalker business work?
Loredump. October 2023
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A web of alliances, insiders, clients, and territorial disputes - this is what forms the stalker business, a domain that’s as illegal as it is profitable.
Today, we’ll delve into the basic origins and inner workings of this peculiar profession. Let’s find out how these glorified marauders operate!
How did the stalker business develop?
The stalker business emerged almost as soon as the Zone itself was born. But, much like every structure based around the Zone itself, it became more refined - and more corrupt - as years went on.
What started as individuals travelling the Zone completely on their own accord grew into a network of organised groups with their own informants, clientele and designated territories. Yet when it looked like major alliances had become fully solidified with a couple of large groups operating across vast stretches of the Zone, the development of the internet put a dent in the system.
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Yura: Do I really need to know the territorial policies of 70s factions Sergei: YES Olya: No.
As many information-gathering and order-related operations moved online, doing business in smaller groups became a more viable option. Nowadays, the majority choose to operate in gangs of up to 30 people.
Since the business has grown more decentralised and, in a way, accessible, the competition within it has increased dramatically. Territories are less clearly defined and run-ins with members of rivalling gangs are commonplace. When it comes to the human factor, it’s more dangerous than it ever was.
How are the little groups organised?
Modern stalker groups are typically formed around somebody who has direct connections to potential clients or those able to nicely aggregate information about the Zone’s current state. So any group needs at least one product reseller and one strategic leader, which can sometimes be the same person.
The latter is true for Sergei's group, for instance.
He is responsible for processing orders, evaluating the delivered artefacts, reselling them, gathering up to date information about the Zone’s landscape and traffic, and helping the available stalkers plan their trips accordingly. It’s a heavy workload, so having just one person performing all of those tasks wouldn’t be manageable on a larger scale.
Obviously enough, smaller groups are more reliant on the quality of their individual members, even more so when they have a specific role to fill. If we use known members of Sergei’s group as examples, they fit pretty neatly into the following roles:
Radar (радар). Formerly fulfilled by Kolya – a stalker with an outstanding sense for anomalies. Irreplaceable for navigating the more treacherous parts of the Zone. Yura was going to inherit that role.
Doctor (доктор). Self-explanatory. While it’s recommended that all stalkers undergo some form of first aid training, it never hurts to have someone with a deeper knowledge of medicine on the team. This role was filled by Nikita.
Insider (свояк). As the name suggests, it’s a person that helps in various aspects of stalker work by providing client contacts, guard post information, info about other gangs’ operations, and so on depending on their position. Insiders don’t usually take part in actual trips or even work with specific stalker groups, but Olya is built different.
Ram (таран). The muscle of the group. You don’t need to be especially physically fit to navigate the Zone,but when things become dire, it absolutely helps. This was Sergei’s role when he still travelled the Zone.
These are arbitrary designations and many don’t fit into one particular role. That said, creating a balanced group of 3 is easier when there’s a fair understanding of each person’s strengths.
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Yura: Oh, kinda like video game classes! Sanya: Yeah, I guess. Yura: So who would I be? Sanya: Support.
What does the typical work cycle look like?
An order is either placed on an online marketplace or is mailed directly to a trusted trader. The trader then passes the information to the strategist, who analyses the current Zone layout, as well as the latest available information about the placements of various artefacts and anomalies.
The strategist then determines the optimal routes to retrieving the ordered goods. Some use special software to aid in the process. The service price is then estimated based on the difficulty of retrieval and transportation. If the initial price suggested in the order is lower than this estimate, price negotiations will ensue.
Once the minimal price is agreed on, the actual planning starts. A group of three is gathered from the pool of available stalkers. They are all informed about the mission specifics and the route they need to travel - this is when the team can discuss and make adjustments to the plan.
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Nikita: No, no, this route will be way too stressful for Olyechka. Perhaps, she should sit this one out? Olya: If we don't make this route shorter, Nikita won't come back, I'm afraid. Nikita: Well, aren't you a treat. Anyways, Serozha, my leg has been getting worse and I won't make this climb. Olya: Perhaps, you should sit this one out.
After the artefacts are delivered to the trader, their quality is evaluated. Stalkers tend to pick up whatever valuables they find on the way, which means extra cash for them and more work for the trader.
Once the evaluation is complete, stalkers are paid off and the products are resold at a significantly higher price. The artefacts that were specifically ordered are exchanged for the agreed upon amount of money and the extra stuff is peddled to other high-paying customers.
Since selling artefacts is a risky and complicated endeavour in itself, most stalkers are content with the paychecks they get from their trader.
Finally, when everything is done, stalkers may anonymously share information about their trip to the online community. But considering the competitive nature of the business, not everyone is willing to help out their fellow colleagues – or really, not everyone wants to talk about the things they’ve seen.
What is the online stalker community like?
As was already mentioned, the internet has majorly changed how stalkers went about receiving orders and information about the Zone. It has become an important channel for communication and securing deals.
Firstly, all of the relevant platforms are on the deep web. Secondly, all of them are invite-only.
The three major platforms are:
Doska (literally “the board” as in bulletin board)
A marketplace where orders are placed and taken up by anyone interested, as well as an auction platform for selling off artefacts. Widely used by groups and stalkers who have not yet gained established clients.
Krematorii (crematorium)
A closed forum. Discussions, rumours, shitposting.
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10K Crematorium karma
14KKM (as in 14 thousand kilometers, the approximate area of the Zone)
A dynamically updated map of the Zone. User-managed, hence chaotic and unreliable.
Users can mark locations of witnessed anomalies and artefact positions, which others can confirm or downvote. A marking needs to be confirmed by at least 4 people before it is put down and is removed if at least 4 people downvote it. All markings can be commented on.
Most of the community tries to maintain it more or less accurately for the sake of their own future missions, but there are malefactors that will add false markers to it. Should be taken with a huge grain of salt.
Of course, it bears mentioning that there are plenty of fake online communities on the surface web. Those are rife with people roleplaying as stalkers, scammers, kids, and just shitposters. No actual stalker uses those for business.
Rules regarding the Zone
Though the information side of things has changed a lot, the core methodology of travelling the Zone itself remained the same. Sets of universal rules became solidified over the years, which can be described as a mixture of operational protocols and esoteric beliefs.
What are the basic operational protocols?
Basic operational protocols outline best practices for dealing with simple anomalies, traversing the Zone, bypassing guard posts, and handling difficult situations (mercy kills, painless death, encountering other stalkers).
Some common recommendations include:
use projectiles (usually bolts with pieces of cloth attached for visibility) to check for gravitational anomalies;
operate in groups of three - two do the job, the third one watches on;
do not consume any food or drinks you find;
avoid unnatural shadows;
do not stay at the Hollow for over 20 minutes (your body will start to decay);
do not approach the Town (your body will permanently distort);
do not handle fizzy clay without rubber gloves (will leave you debilitated or addicted to the substance);
always send the draisine back;
don't photograph ghosts;
They are objective results of many years of trial and error. Going against them is likely to end in death or injury regardless of your personal qualities. In other words, there is little dispute over the validity of these rules. The same cannot be set for the second ruleset.
What are stalker beliefs?
The Zone favours the miserable. The desperate, the broken, the lonely. The Zone favours ones that are willing to give up their whole being to her, to completely entrust themselves to her whims. She rewards dejection.
These are common truths to some and hogwash to others. There is no solid proof for any of these claims - how can there be? However, there is no happy stalker, and there is no living stalker without a scar. To many, that's evidence enough.
On top of that, there are some group-specific philosophies. They include:
the Zone is a holy place that needs to be revered;
the Zone is an ulcer of the world that needs to be cleansed;
the Zone is the new stage of Earth’s evolution;
the Zone is divine punishment;
the Zone is a point of contact with a parallel universe;
and many others.
These philosophies dictate how people go about their activities in the Zone in a more ritualistic sense. It’s hard to devise whether or not those little rituals have any effect that isn’t purely psychological.
There is a good number of people that hold a purely cynical view of the Zone. But whether they admit it or not, everyone gradually develops a sense of fear and reverence for it. How they compartmentalise it is a different question.
I could write more about the topic, but as of now, I think this general outline should suffice. The stalker business is a multifaceted enterprise to say the least, so hopefully this article has shed the light on its most essential aspects.
Perhaps, there will one day be a more in-depth follow-up! Who knows. As we continue to unveil the enigmatic layers of the Zone, only time will reveal the full extent of its mysteries... And the engimatic layers of shitty Stalker forums, I guess.
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flowerandblood · 3 months
The Lost Haven (6/16)
[ modern mafia • Aemond x niece • female ]
[ warnings: uprotected sex, incest obviously, smut, the angst, injection of a sleeping drug, violence, bad, bad things ]
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[ description: The vacation from eight years ago still haunts his memories and doesn't let him forget what happened between him and his niece, the daughter of his sister and Harwin Strong. Their paths separate and he immerses himself in his father's mafia world until the day she calls him for the first time since those events. Sexual tension, dark, dangerous, withdrawn, thirsty Aemond. ]
Author’s note: As promised, this is another, this time official modern version of The Fall from the Heavens. In this version, Daemon is not related to the family, but is simply Rhaenyra's husband and the leader of the second gang, Alys and Larys are also not related to each other, but Larys is Harwin's brother. I will partly refer to the original series, hiding some easter eggs, and some will be a completely new, fresh plot. As in every universe, only Aemond calls her Rhaenys and this is not her real name (she is unnamed character and the others also do not know that he calls her that). There will be a lot more brutality and angst in this version, so watch out. You can read this as a standalone story.
Series & Characters Moodboard Aemond & Rhaenys Moodboard
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
She had felt the closeness of his body all night: his arms locked her in his embrace every time she rolled over on the bed, with a murmur of satisfaction finding with her a new position in which he could snuggle into her.
Although he kept his hand on her bare buttock, desperately wanting to feel her skin, she did not perceive this touch as sexual per se: there was a need for physical affection in him that only another living, warm body could give.
He smelled of alcohol, cigarettes, mint gum and intense, masculine perfume. This combination dulled her and relaxed her making her fall asleep again immediately even when she woke up, his touch, his presence, their bodies entwined together soothed her.
She was sure that in the morning he would wake up horrified by everything that had happened, begging her to go to the pharmacy to get the pill that would prevent any unplanned pregnancy, the effects of their ill-considered excess.
He, however, took her again, more tenderly and slowly, making her feel so good, too good, because, after all, it should feel bad, it should be disgusting, it should hurt.
But it didn't.
She was too wet, he slid into her too easily, he was trying too hard to rub against the spot from which shivers of pleasure ran through her, making her womanhood twitch with convulsions of sweet ecstasy.
She felt remorse for not standing up to him, for opening her thighs to him twice even though she had promised herself that it would never happen, that it was just her hideous deviation that she would keep to herself forever.
"Are you taking pills?" He asked when it was all over, and she froze, snapped out of her reverie.
"No." She muttered, knowing what he meant, what he was going to say.
She felt like vomiting at the thought.
He surprised her when his lips placed a warm, gentle kiss on her cheek.
"It's your body. But know that I'd like to be the father of your child. Someday. You decide when. If ever." He whispered in her ear and she froze completely, shocked.
I'd like to be the father of your child.
If ever.
How could he say something like that?
She felt a twinge of regret towards herself that something in his words brought her a strange relief.
He couldn't be her boyfriend, her husband, but he could be the father of her children.
"I…I don't know what I'll do yet. I need to think about it." She mumbled, feeling her heart pounding like crazy, not knowing what she was supposed to respond to his words.
She heard him swallow hard, as if something hurt him in what she said.
"Let me know when you've made your decision about...you know. Please." He whispered, and she felt a squeeze in her throat at the thought that he wanted to know what she was going to do.
Whether or not she would buy the pill in the pharmacy.
She pressed her lips together at the thought that even if she complied with his request, it wouldn't change anything.
"So that you won't answer me?" She asked in a shaky voice, hearing him lift himself on his arm at her words.
"I'll. I swear I'll. Hey. Hey, look at me." He said, but she didn't believe him, because she knew he would hurt her again.
They were destined to do so.
It was just a pleasant dream, nothing more.
"I mean it. I swear. I…" He didn't get to finish because they both flinched and pulled away from each other, terrified when they heard a loud banging on her door.
"Open up." Daemon called out and they both stood up as if burned, dressing quickly.
"Wait a minute!" She said, handing him his shoes and jacket.
"Go to the toilet." She whispered to him, running quickly to the door herself when she heard him lock himself in the room.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
She swallowed loudly, trying to control her panic and opened it, looking at her step-father with big eyes. She opened her mouth, but he spoke up first.
"Get changed, we're leaving immediately." He said dryly, looking her over from top to bottom, his brow furrowed.
Did she overlook something?
Could he see what she had just done?
"But why so sudden? I'd like to have breakfast. Has something happened?" She muttered, trying to sound as casual as possible.
"Viserys is dead." He said, and she froze, feeling her heart stuck in her throat.
With a remnant of her strong will she held herself up from looking behind her, towards the toilet.
God, he'd definitely heard that.
"– what? – but –"
"They called the ambulance, Alicent found him dead in his bed. Who was banging on your door last night?" He asked, and she swallowed hard, feeling a cold sweat run down her back.
She couldn't lie, she had to think of something.
"Aemond. We talked about the past." She whispered, looking at him pleadingly, asking him to leave it alone.
"Is he here?" He asked coldly, stepping inside, looking around the room. His step headed towards the toilet, and she stood in his way.
"Y-yes. He was drunk and fell asleep on the floor. You scared me, we didn't know what to do." She muttered, feeling burning tears of shame and horror under her eyelids, the fear that squeezed her lungs made her breathe with difficulty.
One more time, just this one more time let me lie, she thought.
Please, this one more time.
"Get out of there. Now." He directed his words towards the door, which opened a moment later.
Her uncle came out of there pale, trembling all over, though she had no idea whether from fear or because of what he had heard.
"Go to your mother. She needs you now. Your older brother is completely drunk." Her step-father said, and her uncle passed them without a word and left, not even bestowing a single glance on them.
She pressed her lips into a thin line, clenching her thighs together, feeling his semen begin to flow down her leg.
She took a deep breath, trying not to burst into sobs and to keep up appearances that nothing had happened.
When Daemon's hand touched her head and pulled her to him, making her hit his chest, when his arms closed her in a secure embrace, she burst out into a loud, miserable cry.
She was pathetic, she was dirty, she was worthless, a simple whore, a vessel for his seed.
He did what he wanted with her, and she allowed him to.
"We'll go to the pharmacy. We'll sort it out. Don't worry." He said, and she felt both gratitude and horror at his words.
We'll sort it out.
He knew.
Her distraught mother went with Alicent and her siblings, and she, Daemon and her brothers were to return home together. On her way out of the building she spotted her uncle smoking a cigarette, his gaze blank and absent, directed somewhere in the distance.
He heard their footsteps and turned, meeting her gaze – the way he lowered his head in shame, looking away made her feel tears under her eyelids.
Of course it had ended like that.
It was just a dream, nothing more.
"We'll stop at the pharmacy on the way. Your sister is feeling unwell." Communicated Daemon as they set off, driving out of the car park.
She looked at her uncle again through the window and saw that he was looking at her, his eyebrows arched in pain, his lips parted, as if he regretted letting her go without saying goodbye.
She swallowed hard, resting her forehead against the glass, unable to focus on Jace's or Luke's questions, fearing what would now happen to their grandfather's business.
That's what everyone was wondering now, she thought.
As they drove down to the shopping arcade near their house, Daemon stopped in the parking lot and looked at her over his shoulder.
"Are you going to manage on your own or should I come with you?" He asked, and she felt her heart squeeze with pain.
She was afraid.
"Can you come with me?" She muttered, feeling tear after tear begin to run down her cheeks. Jace touched her shoulder, terrified.
"Do you feel that bad? Did you poison yourself with something?" He asked and she nodded, looking straight into her step-father's eyes.
"Yes. Yes, I poisoned myself with something very badly."
The experience of walking into a pharmacy with her step-father to buy a morning-after pill was one of the strangest and most uncomfortable things she had experienced in her life.
The lady pharmacist looked at Daemon grimly, as if she assumed he was responsible for all the fuss, putting her into a state of utter embarrassment.
Even though she tried to stand up to him, Daemon paid up and told her to hide the pack in her backpack as soon as they walked out of there.
"Read the leaflet carefully. Do everything as it says."
"I know." She muttered, for some reason bursting out crying again, wiping her reddened cheeks with her hand, trying not to think about the curious stares of other people around them.
"Everything has consequences. It will be fine. Don't worry. I won't say anything to your mother." He said, and she nodded.
It was the right thing to do, the logical thing to do, the safe thing to do.
This was the right thing to do.
When they got home, she went upstairs to her room and locked herself in, saying she wanted to take a shower. Daemon and her brothers were waiting for a call from her mother, and her stepsisters were in classes, so she had apparent peace and quiet.
For now.
She sat down on her bed and pulled a small packet with one pill inside from her backpack. She unrolled the leaflet and started to read, but couldn't concentrate.
I'd like to be the father of your child.
Why did he say that?
Did he want to have a clear conscience?
She swallowed hard, burying her face in her hands, not understanding why she had doubts.
After all, she was so young, still going to university. How would she explain her pregnancy? What would she tell her mother? That it was casual unprotected sex with a stranger, that she could have taken the morning-after pill but was an idiot?
She wanted to call him, to talk to him, but immediately afterwards she thought that he would tell her anything so that he himself would not feel remorse, the end result being that she would be left with a swollen belly, grief and humiliation alone.
She pressed her lips together and took the tablet out of the packet, grabbing for the bottle of water standing on her bedside table and hesitated, wanting to put it into her mouth.
I don't want to.
But it's the right thing to do.
I don't want to.
But I can't do it alone.
I don't want to.
I could love this child.
I have always wanted to be a mother.
I'm scared.
No one will understand.
I don't want to.
She closed her eyes, stood up, went into her bathroom and threw the pill into the toilet, flushing it down, letting it flow along with her certainty that what she had done would have no consequences.
It will be what is meant to be, she thought, sitting down with no strength on the cold tiles, feeling an emptiness in her heart.
When Daemon asked her if she had done the right thing she said yes.
She wasn't sure if he believed her or not, but he stroked her head anyway before walking out and leaving her alone.
By the time their mother got home it was late in the evening: from what she had managed to overhear it appeared that Viserys was really dead, that he had died in his sleep, that he had not suffered and that she was to go to the notary in two days' time to hear his last will.
That was what everyone was worried about.
What share of the estate would go to whom.
She shuddered, feeling the vibration of her phone in her hand, and froze when she looked at the display.
He was calling her.
She swallowed hard, locking herself immediately in her room, panicked, feeling her heart pounding like crazy.
She answered the call and put the phone to her ear, hearing a noise on the other end, as if someone was driving a car.
She heard him grunt, as if he was afraid of what he was about to say.
"How are you?"
What kind of question was that?
What was she supposed to answer that?
It was great sex, uncle, maybe we'll be parents soon?
"I don't know." She said, walking closer to the window, not wanting anyone in the corridor to hear that she was on the phone.
She heard him swallow hard, feeling involuntarily how difficult it was for him.
Why was she making excuses for him so easily?
"Did you…go to the pharmacy?" He asked finally.
There was silence on the other side for a moment.
"No, what?"
"I wasn't able to do it. I don't expect anything from you." She said in a trembling voice. "I'll manage on my own. If it turns out that…"
She didn't finish, preferring not to say it out loud.
She heard the sound of the key turning on the other side and the silence indicating that he had turned off the engine.
"I want this. If it's going to happen. I want to be a part of it."
"It sounds right only in your head."
"No. I mean it."
She closed her eyes and swallowed hard, wanting to tell him first that she didn't need his pity, but reminded herself after a moment that this was the day his father had died.
She sighed quietly, looking out the window at the courtyard of her house.
"And you? How do you feel? With everything that's happened."
"Depends on what you ask." He replied, but his tone of voice changed, becoming cool again.
"About your father."
"We knew he was seriously ill. That this was probably his last birthday."
They were quiet for a moment, however there was something warm in that silence, some kind of understanding and comfort.
"You said you didn't regret it." He said finally, and she drew in a loud breath at the memory of what they had done.
She didn't know what she was supposed to answer.
She was sad, bitter, disappointed, but did she regret it?
"I still think so. But I didn't get my hopes up about anything, if that's what you're aiming for. Daemon won't tell anyone about this. He won't…"
"Why was it so right?"
She froze, feeling heat in her lower abdomen at his question.
"Since it was wrong. So fucking wrong." He continued, as if his darkest, most disturbing thoughts were pouring out of him. "Then why it was so pleasant?"
"The forbidden fruit tempts most." She whispered.
She heard him swallow loudly, drawing in air deeply, as if something in her words pained him.
"Is that what it was for you?"
"I don't know. And for you?" She asked angrily, not understanding what he wanted to hear from her after so many years of silence, after he had come to her room in the middle of the night without a word of explanation and fucked her like there was going to be no tomorrow.
"I wanted…nevermind." He hissed.
"No. Say it." She demanded, hearing him twist in his seat.
"For eight years you pretended I didn't exist, I deserve this." She said in pain, feeling a squeeze in her throat so strong that she ran out of breath.
Don't hang up, please don't hang up.
"I want to try." He said at last, so quietly and uncertainly that she barely heard him.
"I don't understand."
"I would like to study archaeology. You wrote me that if I asked you to, you would help me get into university." He mumbled like a small, embarrassed child, startling her completely.
"I…well, but…there are only two months left to submit the documents. What day is today? Thursday. Are you thinking about full-time or part-time studies?" She asked, walking over to her calendar, trying to count in her head how much time they had.
God, there was a desire in him to change something.
She knew that if she discouraged him, she might soon find out that someone had shot him in the head.
"Only part-time classes are an option." He replied finally. "Is it manageable? Do they have any…requirements?"
"Passed final exams in high school, preferably in history or a language." She explained. "There are also entrance exams, but they are not difficult."
"I had the best result in the history final exam in the whole class." He muttered and she nodded, feeling a rush of adrenaline.
"Good. That's very good, Aemond. It can be done. If you want, come to my University tomorrow, we can talk to my professor about whether a personal teaching plan would come into play if you got in."
"Is there such a thing?"
"Yes, for students who are working at the same time."
"Really?" He asked, a note of hope in his voice that made her heart clench.
"Yes. Text me when you can be there, the professor has class until 3 p.m. Okay?"
"See you tomorrow." She said and hung up, looking at her phone screen in disbelief.
She didn't know why she jumped up and down with happiness, why she believed that things would change, that she would really get him back.
She wanted so badly to know that there was still hope for both of them.
Throughout the next day she feared he would give up and not come.
She thought with horror that he was, after all, a complete stranger to her.
What did she know about him?
Despite her doubts, he finally wrote to her.
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How did he know where he was supposed to arrive?
She figured he might have looked it up on the internet and went out to meet him, intending to pick him up from the car park. When she saw his car pull into the driveway she approached him, keeping a safe distance. He got out of the car and automatically reached into his jacket for his pack of cigarettes.
"There's no smoking allowed on University premises." She said.
He lowered his hand in a gesture of impatience, furrowing his brow.
"Are you fucking serious?"
"Yes. Let's go. We'll find my professor in the teachers' common room, he's just having a break between lectures." She said, and he moved behind her, looking around at the walls of the large, brick, old building from the 19th century.
"Does he know I'm coming?" He asked uncertainly, clearly tense.
People passing him looked at his face, at his scar.
She felt uncomfortable with the thought, angry for some reason that he couldn't just walk down the corridor in peace.
Was it always like this?
In the shop, in the office, in the restaurant, at school?
Everyone looking at him.
When they got there she knocked on the right door. Her professor, Mr Addams, was a hearty, grey-haired, rather short man with big glasses and a short, elegantly trimmed beard. He was a man of great passion and they immediately found a common language through which he began to take her on his private excavations as a help.
In this way, she managed to collect any savings of her own.
"Professor. This is my friend I mentioned to you." She said, glancing over her shoulder, her uncle's face pale and terrified, his healthy eye wide open.
Good God.
Her professor held out his hand to him, and to her relief he showed any social reflexes and shook it.
"My pleasure. Miss Strong spoke of you in all superlatives. Please, let's go to my office." He said, moving briskly down the corridor with a bundle of keys in his hand, and they moved to follow him.
Mr Addams opened the door to the room and invited them inside into a small study with a high window, all lined with wooden panelled walls, an oak bookcases filled to the brim with books, a desk and several chairs all around it.
The professor sat behind the table, sighing heavily, indicating their seats on the opposite side.
"I'm listening." He said, and she looked at her uncle. He gave her a horrified look, convinced apparently that she would do everything for him.
"So. My friend didn't have the opportunity to study because of his job. I was wondering if there would be the possibility of personal teaching plan or part-time study in that case." She said finally. The man raised his eyebrows and scratched his chin.
"Classes can be studied in part-time, but you have to do a lot of practice hours on excavations, as you know, Miss Strong. They are obligatory." He said.
"Yes, but my friend works at night. He could take part in them during the day. Right?" She asked, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye. Her uncle grunted, tense, not knowing where to look, his fingers clenched into fists.
His face then when Jace took his boxers from him, his loud sobs, his hands clenched into fists as he stood up to his waist in water.
"Yes. Yes, that would be possible." He replied lowly, trailing his fingers along the armrest.
The professor nodded.
"Well, if that's the case, then please prepare yourself for the exams. Then we'll see what comes of it." He said and rose, nodding at them.
"Is that it?" Her uncle muttered, looking at her with big eyes, as if he expected to be questioned for hours by this man.
"Yes." She replied. "Thank you, Professor."
When they went outside and said goodbye to Mr Addams they stood in awkward silence, not knowing what to do with themselves.
"If you'd like, I'll wait and drive you home." He offered, not looking at her but somewhere to the side, pretending to read something interesting on a poster hanging on the wall.
"No need. Mum will pick me up." She replied.
He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye and grinned under his breath.
"They pick you up and drop you off like a little girl?" He sneered, making her feel an unpleasant sting in her heart.
"Ever since someone put a rape pill into my drink, yes."
His expression changed, filled with sudden shame and discomfort. He grunted and scratched his chin, embarrassed.
"Do you know who did this? I can take care of it. For your comfort." He added, as if to make amends to her for his ill-considered words.
"Larys Strong." She said, and he looked at her shocked as if he didn't believe she had said that.
"I already told you. He was telling me about my father."
"But it wasn't him who put it into your drink, it was one of his people, right?"
"He asked me if I wanted a drink. I said no. Then he ordered water for me. I took a few sips from it and struggled to get to the bathroom."
Her uncle stared at her wide-eyed, breathing loudly through his nose, his lips pressed together in a way from which she felt fear and a cold sweat on her back.
"Son of a bitch." He hissed, running his hand over his face, turning his head away, clearly thinking of something she didn't like.
"Don't interfere. Go home." She said impatiently. He looked at her, surprised.
"And when are you going to teach me?" He muttered.
"For the exams. I need you to help me. How do I reconcile what I have to do at night with studying if I don't know where to start?" He asked, and she sighed heavily, burying her face in her hands.
"Okay. Okay, I'll help you. I'll pass you the study books somehow." She said finally, giving in, recognising that she had no choice, that whether she wanted to or not, she had to help him get out of this life that was destroying him every day.
She didn't want him to die.
He stood over her and stared at her, his warm breath enveloping the top of her head.
"Can I touch your hand?"
She lifted her gaze to him and met his eyes, one blank, staring dully ahead, the other red with emotion, his full lips parted involuntarily in an accelerated breath.
She held out her hand towards him, and he took his from the pocket of his trousers, grasping her little fingers in his.
There was something frighteningly natural about the way they intertwined, how perfectly they fit together, how right they looked in a tender embrace.
"Walk me out."
And off they went together, walking down the University's sidewalks, holding hands as if they were a couple.
There was something childlike and naïve about it, about how tightly their fingers clasped together, how close the embrace was, how much they needed proof that nothing was over between them.
She thought it was a pathetic attempt to reclaim their lost childhood.
She let go of his hand as they stopped at his car and watched as he got in without a word, only to drive away a moment later without even bestowing a single glance on her.
She spent the rest of the day during class unable to focus on what she was hearing, pondering how she was going to fool Daemon and her mother into thinking she was spending time with someone else while she was actually helping him study.
She concluded, when she saw her stepfather's face behind the wheel and not her mother's, that it might be worth it to just stop lying.
When she got into the passenger side of the car and Daemon set off, she began to speak at once.
"I'm helping Aemond get into University."
Daemon snorted at her words, surprised, frustrated and intrigued all at the same time. She clamped her hands on the fabric of the backpack lying on her lap, dreading his answer.
Is that all?
"I want to help him prepare for his exams. He has very little time."
She swallowed hard hearing him say the word coldly and confidently.
Daemon switched on his indicator and turned at the crossroads even though he should have been driving straight, leaving her stunned.
"What are you doing? Where are we going?" She muttered, feeling her heart start to pound like crazy with terror.
"You'll see."
They stopped in one of the busiest streets in the city: her stepfather had told her to get off, so she did, moving a moment later right behind him towards one of the pubs.
"Not open yet, mate." Said a tall, stocky man in a black suit stopping him with his hand.
"For me it is. Mate." He scoffed.
The man wanted to say something, but someone from downstairs called out to let them in.
A woman.
They went down the stairs inside: apart from them and the bartender, who was mopping the floor, a beautiful black-haired woman was sitting at one of the tables, bent over a laptop. Seeing her stepfather she stood up and approached them with a smile that was both seductive and disturbing.
Her eyes were unnaturally green.
"Well, well. Fucking Alys Rivers. The world is small." Daemon said and shook her hand in a gesture as if they had once been partners.
"What brings you here?" She asked softly, directing the gaze of her bright eyes at her, her voice melodious and deep.
The woman examined her figure from top to bottom, as if she had just been looking at something tasty.
"I came to show my step-daughter the brutality of life." He explained, glancing at her over his shoulder with some kind of pride, as if he was just about to teach his son some very manly and important things.
Alys Rivers cocked her head at his words, glancing at her with a look that frightened her.
As if she had heard of her before.
"Oh. I see. Well, I won't disturb you. It was good to see you. Give my regards to your wife." She said and returned to her seat, clicking something on her laptop again.
Daemon moved forward and sat a table at the other end of the room. She sat next to him, tense, and after a moment a man came out of the back room who had not noticed them, walking straight towards the black-haired woman.
It was only when she saw his face that she understood why her stepfather had taken her there.
He had three long scars on the left side of his face.
The man only noticed them when the woman pointed her finger at them. He nodded at them and Daemon reciprocated the gesture, looking at her.
"Guess who left him such a beautiful reminder."
On the way back home, she was silent, because that was also the state of her mind: it was empty. No thought, no feeling, no sound or word flowed through her: images from outside the window flashed before her eyes, as if she were watching a film.
A passive observer of someone else's life.
"Robert wasn't the only one. There are seven others. Most recently Tyland. They were in arrears, and Otto is very much on his word. I worked for him, just like your one-eyed uncle." He said, and she looked at him shocked.
"What?" She muttered.
"I slammed them with a baseball bat until they looked like a red tomato. They had all their facial bones broken. They looked like completely different people afterwards." He said, and she lowered her gaze, feeling discomfort, horror, disbelief.
She rarely thought about what they did to people who didn't pay them on time because she knew that if she started doing it, she wouldn't get a single peaceful night again.
"Your uncle is now his dog. The faithful hound he has raised for himself for eight years. Even if some part of him would like to run away, he knows he cannot bite the hand that feeds him. A dog can only have one owner, and that is his grandfather, even if you wish it were otherwise."
"Don't speak about him like that. As if he wasn't human." She exclaimed in pain, looking at him in disbelief. Daemon shook his head.
"You don't understand. He's brainwashed. He's trapped in his big cage and he thinks he's free. But as soon as he tries to take a step too far, Otto will react and you'll get the message from him that he's not going to university and he'll never see you again. If it was just about fucking, I'd be able to understand it. I also did… reckless things when I was your age, but you get involved, naively mistaking his euphoria at meeting you after eight years for affection that could change anything."
Each successive word from him was like needles that, one by one, drove into her heart, a bucket of cold water that made her begin to quiver, red with shame, sadness and regret.
Some part of her knew he was right.
She closed her eyes, seeing in her mind the face of a man with three scars.
He had done this to him.
How could the hands that touched her so tenderly, so softly, do such a thing?
A dog can only have one owner, and that is his grandfather, even if you wish it were otherwise.
She knew that the comparison her step-father used was cruel and derogatory, but she understood in a way what he was warning her about.
Her uncle was lonely and manipulated by his grandfather, full of complexes and insecurities that made him cling to what was safe and familiar, which if there was too much risk would cause him to withdraw.
She realised that he would never choose her.
What happened between them was pure coincidence, the result of their collision in a place and time beyond their control.
A desperate attempt to connect again.
She spent the rest of the day in the garden, watering the flowers and weeding around them, trying to calm and soothe herself. The sight of them, those beautiful, vibrant colours of their petals gave her pleasure, comfort in a state where she felt she would never experience any other joys in her life again.
The next day her mother and Daemon went to the notary to hear her grandfather's last will. Everyone was tense and sullen from the morning, knowing what it meant.
A war of influence was looming over what Viserys had left behind, pubs, clubs, businesses, more than half of their entire family's source of income.
Jace and Luke were restless, looking out of the windows once in a while, talking loudly about the fact that whatever their mother was getting, Otto would surely want to take from them by force, and they would never agree to that.
"Stop it." She muttered, sighing heavily. Baela, who was sitting next to her, squeezed her hand in hers, sensing her uncertainty.
"They're coming back!" Jace called out as he ran out into the driveway and they followed him, looking with big eyes at Daemon's and his security guards' cars.
Her stepfather stepped out of the car with a broad smile as if he was the winner of some world championship, however, her mother was pale and her face expressed horror.
"Everything. Viserys bequeathed everything to your mother in his will." He said spreading his hands as if he had received a blessing from God himself.
Jace and Luke ran up to him and hugged him as if it was the best day of their lives, but she and her step-sisters felt exactly the same as her mother.
Her uncles, her aunt, his second wife got nothing.
"How can this be?" She mumbled, shaking her head.
"He left them some big estates by the sea and in the city. I don't give a shit. Tonight we're celebrating, my dears, we're having a banquet!" Daemon exclaimed as he walked into their house, but she approached her mother, who was barely on her feet.
"Mom?" She muttered.
Rhaenyra looked at her and shook her head, following her husband into the house.
She knew what she was thinking about.
Otto will never leave it like this.
"Each of you will have a bodyguard assigned to you from today. We are reinforcing the security of our home, each of us can now be a target. You do not speak to anyone from that part of the family without consulting me or your mother." Said her stepfather, holding a glass of champagne in his hand, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye, giving her a protracted, uneasy look.
She lowered her gaze, feeling discomfort in her stomach, having the impression that she had forgotten how to breathe.
Taking advantage of the fact that Daemon was in euphoria and he, along the other men who worked with them had made a party, she went back to her room. She lay down in bed hearing their laughter and loud conversations downstairs, not understanding where their reason for joy came from.
Did they love killing each other so much?
She shuddered as her display lit up – she reached for her phone with her hand and unlocked the screen as soon as she saw that he had texted her.
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She swallowed hard, looking around, wondering if she should do this.
Everyone was downstairs, the security guards were drunk.
Maybe she could sneak out?
She knew the code to the gate, maybe no one would notice her if she went out the back door.
Uncertainty, fear and trepidation squeezed her heart, but some part of her wanted to believe that he really cared, that in a situation where all seemed lost he was willing to reach for the one thing that gave him hope.
Today he lost everything, she thought.
Can I take more away from him?
So she packed her books from her first year into her backpack and left the room quietly in her sweatshirt and shorts, not even trying to go for her shoes, heading for the stairs. Apart from one drunk, sleeping security guard and two men talking in the kitchen, she didn't see anyone.
She lay down on the floor and began to crawl forward, feeling like a commando on an important mission, seeing from a distance that they didn't hear her. She rose as she entered the dark hallway and quietly opened the door.
She lifted her gaze up to the camera facing the exit and cursed under her breath, stopping halfway.
She had completely forgotten about it.
What now?
She looked around, trying to remember exactly what the image from the cameras she had seen once looked like when she and Daemon were searching for something on the recordings.
One, two, three, four she started counting and spotted an area she was sure the range of none of the cameras included. She ran in that direction, propped a bucket lying next to her feet and struggled to climb the wall, pulling herself up with a groan of effort, leaping over to the other side, almost breaking her legs.
She hissed, falling onto her hands – when she lifted them she saw that she had scraped her skin there and on her knees.
She sighed heavily, recognising that she would survive such injuries and that they would be nothing compared to what Daemon would do to her if he found out she had escaped.
She'll just give him the books and go back home.
She breathed out loud when she saw his car around the corner, its engine and lights on. He opened the door from his side, looking at her with big eyes, and she quickly pulled off her backpack, giving it to him.
"Take this and get out of here." She muttered, but his hand grasped her wrist.
"– come here –"
"– I have to –"
"– come –"
She stared at him, panting hard, knowing involuntarily what he wanted, feeling the squeeze between her thighs at the thought that she wanted it too.
"– I –"
"– it won't take long –"
He closed the door behind her as she let his arm pull her around the waist – she clumsily sat on top of him, trying to make herself comfortable on his lap in such a tight space. She lifted herself up on her knees to slide her shorts off while he looked at her with a misty gaze, unfastening the belt to his trousers.
"– good girl – such a good girl –" He breathed out, releasing his erection immediately, throbbing and dripping with desire, ready to give her what she needed.
There was no time for any other kind of caress, so she positioned herself over him, lowering herself slowly onto his thick, smooth tip, feeling how wonderfully he opened her for himself, stretching her warm, moist walls.
"– fuck – fuck, baby –" He muttered, clamping his hands over her firm buttocks, panting and moaning loudly along with her, sliding into her in one, deep thrust.
The feeling of him deep inside her was full of tension, her interior suddenly stretched to the limit on his throbbing erection, which he began to thrust slowly into her with trembling, tentative slaps full of impatience.
"– ah – G-God –" She mumbled, feeling how her slickness helped him to force his way into her body again and again, filling her so wonderfully.
Why it felt so right when it was so wrong?
Her hands embraced his neck, their foreheads touched each other as his palms on her waist forced a quick, sharp, violent pace on her from which her nipples hardened, the pleasant tickle in her lower abdomen caused by him rubbing her where she needed it made her gasp.
"– Aemond –" She mewled, trying to find a rhythm with his body, rolling her hips back and forth, filling herself again and again with his swollen, hot manhood, feeling pleasant, warm tickle in her belly.
"– do you hear it? – do you hear how well you take me? – only you – fuck –" He gasped, pounding into her with loud, wet slaps of their hips, listening how her twitching cunt clicked with his every push. His hand sank into her hair as his moist lips brushed hers, inviting her into the warm, sticky kiss full of their saliva.
Their tongues licked and teased each other, intensifying their sensation, building a swift path to their fulfilment, their bodies slammed against each other greedily with their embarrassingly loud moans of pleasure.
It seemed to her that they were too ashamed and shocked by the situation, by what they were doing, and how pleasurable it was, how liberating it was, to fuck in his car against everyone and everything, the sticky juices of their forbidden fruit running down their thighs each time his cock sank into her weeping pussy again.
She was terrified that, despite the speed and brutality of his thrusts, his hands caressed her body so tenderly, stroking her hair, her neck, her back, her buttocks, her cheeks, allowing his lips and tongue to join hers in loud, chaotic, wet kisses full of their moans.
She couldn't stop the tension that was growing in her lower abdomen, the pleasant tickling in her fingertips and the clenching deep between her thighs that proved she was about to come.
"– where? –" He mumbled into her mouth, her hands stroking his sweaty, soft cheeks, letting the messy, greedy thrusts of his hips give her the pleasure she so needed, her lips parted wide as the aggressive, stupefying fulfilment full of relief shook her body.
"– here – right here, uncle –" She gasped, feeling only pleasure, only relief, only bliss.
He groaned loudly, helpless, and came hard inside her, throwing his head back, panting heavily along with her. He hugged her face to his sweaty neck, exactly as he had then, that night in the hotel room, his half-hard, pulsing manhood filling her with the remnants of his seed.
"– I think I'm in love with you –" He whispered in a trembling voice, making the sound stuck in her throat with emotion.
She parted her lips, not knowing what to answer him, thinking with embarrassment that she somehow reciprocated his feelings.
His hand slid off her head while the other continued to stroke her bare buttock, his soft erection still throbbing deep inside her as his lips placed a warm, soft kiss on her forehead.
"– forgive me –"
She only drew in the air loudly, shocked, and clenched her hands on his black T-shirt when she felt the needle jab into her neck. Her squeal of horror, grief, and disbelief sounded unnatural, as if she were a small animal being butchered.
Her body became numb, the image around her became blurred and unclear, a heavy, dark sleep descended on her mind as she simply relaxed in his arms, feeling his hand stroke her head again, his cheek nestled against her forehead all wet.
He cried.
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tarjapearce · 1 year
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[There is no exact timeline, mind you hehe]
Meeting for the first time
Meeting Again
First Kiss
Boyfriend Makeover
First time with eachother (Mild +18)
Who Fell Harder
Meeting Miguel's Family
Miguel Meeting Wife!Reader's Family (Drama & Angst)
Break Up (Angst)
Makeup (Angst and Fluff)
The Making Of Gabriella (+18)
Pregnancy Cares with Miguel
The Wedding
Miguel's Birthday
The Making Of Benjamin (+18)
Unlocking Memories
Young Spiders Meeting Miguel's Family
Spider Gang Babysitting Gabi and Benji
Uncle Gabriel Paying A Visit
Girl's Day with Gabriella
Baby Benjamin's First Words
Jealous Wife
Marital Fight
Miguel Helping Gabi With School Project
Gabi's Toddler Days
Big Sister, Again
Angry Spanish Cursing with Miguel
Rosie's Birth
Miguel Comforting Mama
Baby Cares with Miguel and Rosie
Gabi's First Period
Benjamin's Pregnancy
Grandma's Visit
Meeting Mama's ex at Costco
Mama Pick up Lines
Welcome Back, Papa!
Introducing Gabriella to Soccer
Miguel's Pick up Lines
Gabriel and Miguel Fight
A series Of First With Gabriella
Conversations between Miguel and Mama
Papa, You're Getting Old
Miguel Comforting Wife After A Bad Dream
Possessive Husband Miguel
Miguel Waking Up To A BJ
Needy Mama with a Gentle Dom! Miguel
Mama Pegging Miguel
The Making of Rosie
Miguel and Mama's favorite positions
Miguel Eating out Mama (with a lil twist)
For Science Purposes
Big Boobs
A Sibling
Big Boobs (Miguel Version)
Milk Jugs
Is Mama ok?
Spicy food with Gabi
Gabi's Tamtrum
Mama Is Harassed By Another Man
Gabi comforting a Fussy Benjamin
Miguel Rizzing up Mama
Benji And His Baby Walker
Mama Teasing Miguel
A Little Time Lapse
Cleaning Sunday
Benji Getting A Tummy Ache
Bitter Coffee
Benjamin's "Messy Hair" (Angry Mama)
Sad Movie Night
Questions Related 2 3 4 5 6 7
Go Shave, Papa!
Nothing But Short Short Shirts
Benjamin Cutting His Own Hair
Soccer Family Into Tik Tok
Nude Portrait
Benji Being a Lil Ladies Man
Kiss Cam
Sleepy Boys
Benjamin as a 12 year old boy
Baby Benjamin gets injured
Drunk Mama
You're adopted, Benji.
Getting Gabi to Sleep
El Ratón Perez
(Header made by me)
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monkeyseemonkeyship · 4 months
Touch Starved
Pairing: Noa x Mae
Rating: PG13
Warnings: None
A/N: First chapter of a series of 3 or 4 one shots I have planned. They take place after an alternative ending to the movie, in which Noa and Mae decide to travel together back to the human base in an attempt to foster human/ape relations. There's really no plot, just a few scenes of some intimate moments. I hope you enjoy!
Smoke from their campfire curled into the air, joining the hoard of clouds that kept the stars from view. It had been a while since Noa and Mae had been allowed the luxury of a fire. A few days prior they had encountered a fractured remnant of Proximus’ clan. For four nights they had remained in darkness, taking shifts so one could rest while the other kept watch. There had been a few close calls, but by some miracle the pair had escaped the gang. After so many tense hours and sleepless nights, the campfire was a welcomed reward.
The warmth of the flames was calming, the silence comfortable. Mae and Noa had grown used to one another’s companionship. There was still trepidation due to their recent past, an unsteadiness about their relationship. But trust was beginning to form again, fueled by their agreement to try and foster human and ape relations. They had a long journey ahead, and Mae wasn’t sure it would even bear fruit. After all, humans were weary of apes, to put it mildly. Many even flat out hated them. But still, something in her had to try.
As the evening wore on, the fire began to dim. Mae was growing tired, but before she would rest, she needed to try and fix her hair. The once neat braid has become knotted from days of neglect. She had hoped keeping it in a plait  would help lessen the mess, but her efforts had been in vain. She removed the tie and began to unwork the strands, but found she was met with tangle after tangle. From the corner of her eye, she could see Noa watching her, and his gaze only made her more flustered.  
Eventually the semblance of a braid turned into a rat’s nest, and Mae couldn’t stand it any longer. She reached down into her boot, retrieving a knife, and brought it up to the matted knot. She only got a few strands in, before his voice stopped her.
“What are you doing?”
Noa’s voice was confused, maybe even a little concerned. Mae lowered the knife, the few severed hairs falling to the ground. “I can’t untangle it.” She spoke as if it was an obvious solution, and in some ways it was. Long hair was a nuisance at best in this world, and a danger at worst. An enemy could easily grab her braid, and she would be finished. In truth she had thought about cutting it for a while, but had been unable to go through with it. Her mother had worn her hair long, and doing the same reminded Mae of her.
“Let me…try.”
The offer took Mae by surprise, and to be honest, Noa was surprised by his own words. But the thought of the woman cutting her hair saddened him. When she chose to wear it down, he enjoyed the way it danced in the wind. When they had the luxury of rest, he enjoyed watching her run her fingers through the strands before deftly braiding them back. Something about it was beautiful to him.
Silence hung in the air for a moment, and Noa worried he had crossed a boundary. After all, the act of grooming was intimate for both human and ape alike. So he was relieved when Mae finally nodded her head, sheathing her knife as he made his way over to her. The ape positioned himself behind the human, gently moving the braid off of her shoulder. He let the knotted mess slide over his palm, surprised by the softness despite the matt.
Standing so close, Noa was keenly aware of his mass compared to Mae. He was so much stronger than her, than all of her kind. One wrong move and he could seriously injure her. Even though he was only touching her hair, the thought made him nervous. With a new resolve he began, his large fingers easily managing the delicacy required for such a task. He was mindful of Mae’s breaths, how they seemed to quicken as he worked. Was she scared? Was he hurting her? He attempted to be even softer, his fingers working on small sections at a time, making sure not to tug or pull at her hair. He tried to ignore her small movements, how delicate the curve of her neck was, how he could hear and almost feel every breath. He told himself just to focus on the task at hand, but still, every small thing distracted him.  
Mae felt warm, her skin flushed. She told herself it was embarrassment about being unable to handle such a simple task on her own. But there was something more to it than that, thoughts she dare not explore. Not yet.
 She was amazed by how soft his touch was, how he barely tugged at the tangled strands. The feeling would have been calming, had she not been so tense. As he made his way from the tips towards the roots, his fingers began to occasionally graze against the skin of her neck. She could feel the callouses, the strength of the digits. The first time it happened she shivered, and Noa paused for a moment, making sure she was okay before he continued. The second time she nearly did the same, but forced herself to remain still. The added tension only caused her heart to quicken. Why was she reacting so strongly? She was no longer scared of Noa, he had proven time and time again that he would not hurt her. No, the feelings were pleasant, enjoyable. Which was terrifying. The only explanation for her reaction consisted of two words: touch starved.
Mae couldn’t remember if she had read about it in a book, or if she had heard the phrase from a fellow human. It didn’t matter. Those two words had to be the reason for her strong reaction. She had been without contact for so long that her body was craving it. This was just a physical response to loneliness. It meant nothing.
That didn’t feel entirely honest, but Mae refused to think of any other explanation.  
All too soon Noa had come to the end of the knot, freeing the last few hairs. He had completed his task, but still he kept going, unwilling to admit he was enjoying the task of grooming her. He told himself he was being kind by continuing on. He would braid her hair as well, but not because he enjoyed the softness of it. Or the way the brown color seemed to warm in the firelight. He would do this as a way to help a tired friend care for herself. Just like he would help groom any close friend. He ran his fingers through the base of her hair, ghosting along her skull, trying to ignore the way the woman shivered again. He wondered if she was somehow cold? No, Mae’s ears were slightly pink, and her skin was warm beneath his hands. She felt hot, yet still she trembled.
Gingerly, Noa worked his fingers from root to tip, turning his thoughts to how similar yet different it was tending to hair rather than fur. The technique was almost the same, but the length of hair was almost overwhelming. When he was satisfied her hair was tangle free, he separated it into three even sections, beginning a new braid. At first he felt clumsy, he was used to braiding vines for rope, not silky thin strands. But soon enough he was able to adjust. As he worked he could almost feel Mae wanting to speak, her body practically vibrating beneath him. Yet she remained silent, as she often did when unsure of the perfect words.
Once he reached the end of the braid, he moved to hold it together with one hand. With his free hand, he reached over her shoulder, palm up, silently asking for the tie. Mae startled slightly from the movement, and he gestured to the string in her hand as an explanation. She understood, placing it in the palm of his hand, her fingers lightly grazing his skin. It took Noa a little time, but after a few attempts, he had tied a secure but simple knot. One he was sure the human could easily undo on her own. He let the fresh braid slip from his hand, watching as it fell back onto her neck.
After he finished his task Noa gave Mae her space, though his eyes lingered on her form. He watched as she moved the braid over her shoulder, fingers running along its length. She was surprised by the smoothness of it, by how tightly woven he had made it. “Thank you.” She offered, and Noa grunted in response.
They did not speak the rest of the night.
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shaisuki · 8 months
hello! Your writing amuses me a lot. Could you write a story where gojo, nanami, toji or Geto find out that their partner was kidnapped and they find her with some blow and they get furious?
Thanks and greetings from Argentina 😘
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ft. gojo satoru, nanami kento, fushiguro toji, geto suguru
content warnings ─── injuries, murder, gore, assault
ᝰ synopsis .ᐟ there's lines that cannot be crossed with them and involving you is a dumb way to die.
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enemies are easier to make than friends and since his birth, danger followed him everywhere. from bounty hunters to curse users and being related or being significantly special to the six eyes and limitless user, danger was just around the corner.
satoru is strong. unbelievably strong. he has the power to tip the balance of the world and thus, he have the power to protect especially to you.
but sometimes, fate would place a cruel situation to him. you disappeared out of the blue. it's not like for you to tease him with something serious knowing he can be dramatic at times and his instincts isn't he ignores and alas, he was right. you were a captive. some group bounty hunters had ganged up for the price of his head. if he kills himself you live. that's why they have said. a negotiation but there's no such things as a negotiation for him.
only an idiot would mess to gojo satoru and they are. they think using you as a hostage for someone like him would be an easy way to get what they want but gojo proves them wrong.
he sees you bound in a chair. sound asleep. soft breaths adding to your state while your chest heaves. you're alive and it's relief not until he sees the damage they had done to you. blue eyes shimmering. casting it's glow to the precipitants and it's too late to back now for underestimating him.
adding to his hidden rage was the visible bruises and the welts to your skin. they have chosen death. no room to think as his hands cups the head on one of them before twisting it off. the hard skull was no match for gojo's strength. the head pops like a can being crushed in his bare hands and at the blink of an eye. there was nobody breathing except for him and to his lover.
he gently scoops you in his arms. your soft, plump frame against his hard ones and gojo loved the position if only it was under normal circumstances.
footsteps echoes in the silent building where once rowdy bounty hunters had gathered. it's only a shell of the former building while their corpses filled the entire space.
fluttering your lashes open, you were instantly greeted by the soreness of your body. added by the bruises stinging in your skin and a tuft of white hair is the first thing you've noticed about him.
“satoru?” blinking your eyes to adjust in your surroundings and to confirm if it was him and you weren't wrong. it was him. “glad you're awake now.” he says cheerfully. “what happened to you? me, your amazing boyfriend had to save you from the bad guys.” puffing his chest and you weren't sure how you would take his boasting.
tired and defeated. you admitted your weakness. “i'm sorry. i let my guard down.” your face casting a solemn look and gojo ignores it. partly it was his fault and you got dragged into it. since the start of your relationship with him, you're already marked as a target. knowing you are gojo's achilles hell.
“don't worry about it. let's get you to shoko.” you shaked your head. “can it wait until later?” you ask him. “why?” he replied. “i'm hungry.” gojo chuckles at your predicament. bruised and tired and you wanted to eat and of course, gojo accepts it.
“okay, okay. let's get you something to eat and we're going to shoko.”
all the things he can do for you and there's no such thing as denying the things you want.
veins desperately clawed to the surface of his skin. they look like kernels of corn ready to burst at any moment and it isn't the only thing that is ready to burst.
he's calm and composed. he always is. this is how he handles his profession as a sorcerer. merely a bit of being teetered to the edge isn't enough to break him. of course there are times where he loses composure but it is nothing when it comes to you.
there's drips of bloods staining your face and you're unconscious body is sprawled to the floor and nanami isn't a saint to forgive for such animosity and he breaks.
his muscles bulge while wrapping that necktie in his palms. the perpetrator stumbles out of panic and in fear. nanami's raging from inside and outside.
his fist collided in the cheek. there's a crack can be heard as the one who assaulted you was planted on the wall. coughing up blood and skull was dented like a can being crushed in a hand. it wasn't enough and nanami punches again until only a bloody pulp of a body is only way someone can recognize it as a former body. if it is what is it
“mmm... kento. 'm sorry.” you weakly mustered to speak to him. “no. don't apologize for it darling.” his once face that was clouded with rage clears up. his features softening while he tended to the wounds he can heal.
inside nanami was scared. he didn't show it. how close you are for being parted to him and he can't accept if something happens to you again. it looks like nanami have to make sure this won't happen again even if it's the last thing he will do.
“oi, oi.” toji began to get irritated. inspecting your face in his hands. moving it left and right to assess the injuries that you had taken from your captors. “a pretty face is all she had and you come destroying it.” even with that heightened senses of his, could he not tell you can hear him.
the sorcerer assassin's eye came twitching in irritation as he looks at your state. toji wouldn't care if someone would get beat up for his fault but it is different when it comes to you. “now which one of you assholes would go first?” the cursed spirit worm vomits one of the weapons in his arsenal and toji stretches his limbs. waving his weapon like a fan and hell broke loose.
“i just wished you didn't come and get me if you're just going to insult me.” rolling your eyes at him and you winged as he pulled your arm. “i did you a favor and you need to repay me.” he casually tells you. ignoring the remarks from you.
fuck. he's toji fucking fushiguro and you know how stubborn this man is when it comes to his selfish needs. you already forgot that it was his fault that you got dragged into his dirty business. “and i'm right princess. you're face is only the redeeming quality of yours.” good heavens. you just wished you were already dead. you can't fucking stand him and yet, you're here.
“come on now.” toji grabs you. not minding your injuries and how you squirmed against him. licking the shell of your ear. “you know what i want.” he whispers. taking the reward in his own hands.
his expression unreadable. staring at your figure that is bound and bruised. how did it resulted to this when he got you locked and guarded all the time and some bloody monkeys took their revenge on him by using you.
geto's fuming inside and he smiles. although it doesn't reach his eyes and a wall appeared out in the thin air. humongous and hideous creatures began to pry the walls to open. with a flick of his finger, they began to attack whoever their owner desired to kill.
the screams. they were loud. screeching as they begged for their lives. it was like fork being rubbed in a surface and only to produce the most irritating sound but for him. that is what he calls a music to his ears. if they have chosen to leave you alone, this wouldn't happen. anyways it was bound to. considering how he was a threat for them in a long time and it would come soon for them to target you and he hated himself for that. getting dragged by the filthy hands of the scums.
all is fine, now. he have you in his arms now and those who dared to harm you again will face him and the hell he is about to unleash him. no one would be safe from him.
he kisses your forehead. you were sound asleep from all of that. gently patting your head to soothe you was comforting enough for him.
geto walks away with you in his arms and the pile of corpses behind him.
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narcjsistx · 3 months
hii! I'm new to this platform and I haven't fully understood how it works yet... also, english is not my first language. but here are some headcanons <3
— Ran Haitani in a relationship HCS ᡣ𐭩
He seems like the type who, at least at school, has always been successful with girls. He loves to please himself but has never been interested in a relationship. Then he met you and changed his point of view slightly
Many headcanons see him as someone who cheats, but to me (at least before Bonten) he's someone who wouldn't even remotely imagine cheating. If he really doesn't feel anything anymore, he prefers to leave. So no, no cheating with him
His way of showing you that he cares is by teasing you. Any time is a good time to whisper something in your ear or put yourself in "strange" positions. He loves seeing you panicked and red-cheeked
He loves walking around Roppongi hand in hand with you. The surprised look of his subordinates when they see him with such a beautiful girl is priceless for him. He will often put his arm around your shoulder or give you a kiss just to see how jealous they are
He will hardly find a partner shorter than himself. So get ready for height jokes because when you want to kiss him, even if you stand on tiptoe, you won't get to his face. He uses this excuse to pick you up, he love to pick you up by your thighs and lift you up while you hold yourself up by placing your hands on his shoulders or around his neck
His brother is important to him and always will be, so he will force you to like each other. It often happens that you go out and Rindou joins you
At school you are a bit feared by students who are part of other gangs. Ever since they saw you at the exit of school running towards Ran and kissing him, they understood that if they don't want to find themselves massacred they have to stay away from you
It's not something you do often, but you like to trace the lines of his tattoo on his chest with your fingers: it happens when you're at the beach or Ran is simply has hot and wants to be shirtless. If you like it, imagine how crazy this thing drives your boyfriend
Speaking of tattoos, he'd love to have something matchate with you. Since he has one (and in the future two) matched with his brother, sooner or later he would ask you to have one with you. Maybe something related to your back or neck
He's let you do makeup on his face a few times, and he's found that eyeliner doesn't look bad on him. He would learn to do it but he makes a mistake on purpose when you're together so you can do it again. It's a chance to hold you closer to him and squeeze your hips while you tell him to stop
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signanothername · 25 days
hey, how fucked up are nightmare’s legs? like, does he half to use tentacles to support himself sometimes, or are they fine unless he’s weakened? also, does Dream or any of his gang know thats his weak spot? does he even know himself but gaslights himself into believing he’s fine and not weak?
I just really like this headcanon and would love for you to share more about it <33
Extremely fucked up
As in, he will not be able to feel, or move them at all had it not been for his negativity goop fucked up
They’re mostly fine unless he gets weakened, even if weakened a little, it could cause him problems with using them
I say that they’re mostly fine cause i like to believe Nightmare can’t use them for long periods even when he isn’t weakened at all
That’s why generally you’d see Nightmare sitting if he doesn’t need to stand/walk or use his legs, he tries to keep them as comfortable as possible cause otherwise they’re gonna give him trouble
And while he can use his tentacles to support himself and even walk with them instead of using his legs, Nightmare prefers not to, as they are directly connected to his spine, which means any wrong move/jolt could cause him immense pain/discomfort, and that pain /discomfort can last for days before finally letting up a bit (so you can imagine the pain Nightmare is in after missions as Nightmare primarily uses his tentacles to fight)
In fact, I’d say Nightmare suffers from chronic pain when it comes to his back and legs
The thing about Nightmare tho is that he’s super used to pain, as there’s no pain worse than what he felt when he first got corrupted, and he lived with that chronic pain and the problem with his legs for over 500 years, so despite any pain Nightmare might feel, you genuinely wouldn’t know it cause it will not be apparent on him at all, like looking from the outside you’d think he’s pain free with how collected he looks
But of course, he’s just collected in front of people cause he absolutely would not want to look weak in front of anyone, when he’s alone he’s more open with the pain/discomfort he feels, and believe me it makes him mad
Nightmare is completely aware of his legs’ problem, he just tends to be in denial about it when they give him trouble, that’s why this panel exists in the “on the topic of kindness comic”
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Nightmare unfortunately tends to associate his disability with being weak, it’s half internalized ableism, and half trauma related response
So yes, he’s fully aware of it, he just tends to lie to himself about it, and that’s not really productive when it comes to making his life easier by admitting that he has a problem
Instead of taking measures to make sure his health is taken care of, he ignores the fact he’s disabled and mostly just does the bare minimum just to make sure he doesn’t get to a point in which he loses his ability to move them at all
Otherwise he just lives with his chronic pain and dysfunctional legs without giving them much thought, cause i mean, isn’t it normal to live with such pain and disability without any aids? (It’s not normal but Nightmare never got to know otherwise)
When it comes to others knowing about his disability, the only ones who know are Killer, Color, and Dream
Killer knows cause he tends to observe Nightmare like a lil lab rat, Killer knows so many things he shouldn’t about Nightmare (Nightmares is unaware of Killer’s knowledge of his disability), Killer keeps it to himself like he does with so many other things he knows about Nightmare
Color knows cause he saw Nightmare’s struggle with his ability to use his legs himself (on the topic of kindness comic), it was easy for him to put 2 and 2 together, Color never tells anyone about Nightmare’s disability, cause he doesn’t believe it’s his place to do so
Dream knows cause he’s seen Nightmare’s state after he’s injured by his positivity arrows, Dream knows Nightmare isn’t comfortable with his disability becoming common knowledge, and so he pretends he doesn’t know and keeps it a secret, it’s the least he could do as simple basic respect, he also doesn’t believe it’s his place to tell anyone about it
Otherwise, no one knows, Nightmare’s great at playing pretend after all
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necrotic-nephilim · 3 months
I think what I love the most about Reverse Robin AU TimJay is the absolute potential for hero worship with Jason toward Tim. In canon we often forget that Tim didn't really care for Jason as Robin, meanwhile as I never shut up about, Jason has been weirdly respecting and obsessed with Tim since finding out about Tim's existence. So if you flip their order, make Tim Red Hood and make Jason Red Robin, there's so much room for hero worship from Jason.
As Robin, Jason has always teetered that edge of being pro-murder or not. Whether you believe he killed Felipe or not, even in his Post-Crisis introduction as Robin, he almost kills Two Face. Those concepts of lethal justice have always been brewing inside him, just reigned in by Bruce. So if you have Robin!Jason witnessing Red Hood!Tim start killing people and quickly making noticeable change in the landscape of gangs in Gotham, Jason would take quick notice. I think Tim as Red Hood would still be lethal, but there'd be a different application than Jason's Red Hood. Heads in duffle bags isn't Tim's style, even if he kills. I think you'd see something much more akin to that time Tim almost killed Boomerang, where it's such an elaborately thought out set up, it realistically doesn't even look like Tim killed anyone. It'd take months for Bruce to connect this string of deaths as anything other than coincidental, let alone link them to Red Hood. And Jason is wickedly smart, even as Robin. Jason, putting those pieces together before Bruce does and witnessing the undeniable positive change for Gotham it's enacting? Robin!Jason would be incredibly drawn in by that, and then even more-so, a Red Robin!Jason who has to grapple with being replaced to make room for the next Robin would I think, in anger, turn to Red Hood. And Tim would push him away at first, his plans don't have room for a scorned teenager who's trying to get back at Bruce and Nightwing!Damian like this- but I think Jason would wear him down. Prove to Tim that Jason can think on his wavelength.
Slightly related, what interests me about Red Hood!Tim is how it'd implicate his closeness to Ra's. Jason is taken into the League by Talia in Lost Days and Ra's doesn't necessarily approve of Jason's presence, especially not of Talia dunking him in the Pit, but Ra's has always canonically been A Little Weird about Tim. I think in a world Tim dies as the second Robin, it would be Ra's who dunks Tim to preserve his mind that Ra's thinks shouldn't be wasted, and you have the potential for 'apprentice of Ra's' Tim wrapped up in it all, even without him experience the Red Robin arc. So when it's Jason as Red Robin, instead of him going to Ra's when he's scorned by the Batfamily, he goes to Tim. The person he once idolized, because I think Tim would've been Jason's Robin. Smart, competent, a strong legacy to live up to. And now he's back, and he's pro-killing, an edge that Jason has always teetered on and would feel even closer to when he's replaced by a young Dick. I think Tim wouldn't ever be able to get rid of Jason.
Then on Tim's side, I think his reaction to being replaced after his death would be a complicated one. Objectively, being the Robin who believes Batman needs a Robin, he'd respect the logic and know Bruce was always going to replace him eventually. But still, there's always going to be that instinctual emotional reaction of betrayal and replacement. I think he'd view Jason at first with anger and distance, but then, seeing Jason as this street kid with begrudging potential, I could see Red Hood!Tim testing Jason. Constantly throwing things at Jason, seeing how he reacts, if he lives up to being Robin. Tim has a need for analyzing people, understanding their strengths and weaknesses. And he seems the Robin mantle very uniquely, he'd need to have it proven to him that Jason can handle it.
So you would have this dynamic of Jason hero worshipping Tim, slowly believing in Tim's methodology. While Tim is at first dismissive of him, but then starts to test him, see what makes this kid tick. And I think the TimJay potential of Jason trying to prove himself to Tim could be Neat.
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simping-overload · 2 months
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ᴀ/ɴ: getting back into mha! If anyone wants to commison a fic dm me <3
ᴛᴀɢꜱ: fluff, cuddling, headcanons, all comfort no angst. not proof read
ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ: gang orca(kugo sakamata), hawks(keigo takami), hound dog(ryo inui), miriko(rumi usagiyama), eraserhead (shota aziawa), gunhead
ᴅɪꜱᴄʟᴀɪᴍᴇʀ: ヾthis is a multi-fandom blog that is designed for mlm/nbmlm identifying readers! so if you're female or fem, she/her, she/they please do not follow or interact with my mlm related post!! Please respect this! ゛
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kugo is rather reserved when it comes to affection, unsure of how to ask for it, and hopes you can simply pick up on hints. cuddling with you brings great comfort to him, especially when you're the one holding him. he's a little spoon all the way, regardless if you're smaller than him. he can find himself sleeping like a baby whenever it's you holding him. However, he likes holding you, too. lay your head on his chest as he rubs soothing circles on your back to lul you to sleep. he likes intertwing his hands with yours as he sleeps, for him its a very grounding and comforting feeling.
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keigo clings. as soon as you lay next to him, he's latching onto you. curling his arms and wings around you and keeping you there. he's not picky when it comes to positions, but he really likes laying on top of you. due to his wings, he's a natural stomach sleeper, and resting on your chest is both comfortable and convenient for his wings. the mix of your heartbeat and you running your hand through his hair makes him sleep like a baby. he whines a lot when you try and pry him off, in the mornings he always tries to keep you in bed with him.
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ryo loves cuddling, anytime, anywhere. he's, unironically, a lap dog. he's quick to make himself comfortable in your lap, whether he'd be sitting fully in it or laying down. your electricity bill is unbelievably high due to the fact he's an absolute heat box. having ac on is a requirement, especially during the summer. during the winter months, he's your savings grace in the cold. he's a big fan of spooning. curling his large body around you and nuzzling his snout in your hair. his arms as strong as they are very comfortable pillows to hold onto as you sleep. oh, and watch out for the drool.
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rumi is a cuddle bunny and likes being held. she likes resting her head in between the hallow of your neck and shoulder, her strong arms curled around your torso. Hsr grip on you is like iron, and unless she's awake, she won't let go. you'd often find yourself carrying her around in the mornings since you literally can't pry her off. she'll wake up once you start cooking, though. she is a vivid dreamer, and her body is reactive when she's in a deep sleep. more often than not she'll accidentally kick or hit you while she sleeps. she apologizes for it in the morning. she likes to cuddle under loads of blankets with you, as hot as it gets its very comfortable.
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shota loves to sleep, so it'd make sense he loves to cuddle, too. despite his complaining, he likes waking up in the morning, your arms and legs entangled around each other. he runs cold when he sleeps and loves spooking you awake with his cold hands or feet. shota likes to sleep facing you, waking up to your face is his favoriate thing ever. he likes holding you, embracing you in his arms holding you tight to his chest. his grip is surprisingly strong but its easy to break out of with a few tugs. when its his nap time snf your around he'll simply drape himself over you, whether hes in his sleeping bag or not.
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gunhead is a cuddle monster, he loves pyshsical affection with you in general. he likse holding you when he reads, letting you rest on him with his hand on your hip, rubbing soothing circles into your skin. not picky about sleeping positions at all, its not like you'd wake up in the same spot anyway. sleeping with him is comfortable but chaotic as he moves often. its often that he wakes up drapped over your stomach or torso. hes another heatbox man but- its mostly bearable in contrast to the others. he's like warm spring heat, somewhere right in the middle of being hot and cold. his arms are the most comfortable things ever.
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wallflowerimagines · 1 year
Howdy dowdy, Partner. It's me, ya boi, Skinny Penis.
How would the Lords react to a selectively mute S/O? Especially their reaction to them talking to them for the first time.
I have this mental image of Heisenberg's S/O saying something really casually (while they're relaxing or something), and he just whips around to look at them and he just shouts "hoLY FUCK!"
Saw the first line of this ask and then it was followed by a cute prompt????---
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Warnings: swearing, my typical brand of silly
Alcina Dimitrescu
She's so used to your quiet demeanor it's to the point where she COMPLETELY forgot that your silence is a choice.
Alcina quite honestly never expected you to speak to her, and she was mentally planning for the rest of your relationship to be this way -- all of the servants are learning to sign, just in case, and she has pens and paper in every room if you prefer to write as your form of communication.
When you do finally speak up, she's frozen. What.
Oh. You can. You...can speak?
It's one of the times you've ever seen Alcina baffled, because honestly? She has no idea what to do.
However, you can bet she IMMEDIATELY analyses the situation in order to make sure she can get you to keep talking to her. Whatever made this happen needs to be repeated as much as possible -- Now that she knows you can be made comfortable enough to speak, she needs to hear you speak again.
(It might not have been your intention, but you hit her right in the superiority complex. Her partner spoke to HER. JUST her. Exclusively. Alcina is going to be riding this high for decades)
The Lady Dimitrescu is a big believer in positive reinforcement with her loved ones, so you better believe that every time you speak she is extra affectionate, because she does like to hear your voice!💞
Essentially, you have prompted constant affection DO NOT RESIST---
Donna Beneviento
I mentioned this in my other Donna x Mute reader post, but Donna is able to relate to a mute s/o a lot.
She's pretty nonverbal herself, so often you two have moments of quiet peace, where the two of you are doing your own thing together in the same room, taking breaks only to hold hands, cuddle, and kiss each other sweetly.
Truly dreamy💕💕💕
The first time you speak to her though, she's sewing a new outfit for one of her dolls, while you're reading in the setee beside her.
You peak over her shoulder, clear your throat and say: "You're really talented, Donna".
She drops a stitch.
Her face is burning underneath her veil. The first thing you say to her is a complement??? About a skill she is actually proud of??? That's already enough to get her heart stuttering, but you said her name.
It feels like such a small thing, but it sends Donna into a tizzy. Your lips formed the syllables of her name, and she can't get over it. You said a compliment and her name in the same sentence.
She's swooning. Smitten. Overcome.
Expect some flustered giggling and a compliment in return.
Salvatore Moreau
Salvatore has no chill whatsoever.
He literally drops everything and scuttles across the room to stand in front of you, flitting his hands around you in excitement, not quite touching you but close.
He's! So! Excited!
He didn't process what you even said-- you SPOKE TO HIM!!!! Fireworks are going off in his brain, Kool and the Gang are celebrating the good times, life is beautiful and love is in the air....
Moreau is delighted by this development. You feel safe enough around him a monster to vocalize your thoughts. You trust him. He already knew you did, but this is confirmation he didn't even know he wanted. Moreau almost starts crying he's so relieved.
Meanwhile you're repeatedly trying to warn him about the disaster occurring on the stove.
"... Salvatore, honey, the pancakes are burning."
Honey???? HONEY??? Are you TRYING to kill him????
Salvatore staggers on his feet, unintentionally the most dramatic you've ever seen him.
Sighing, you hide a smile behind your palm and give him a little smooch on the cheek before you go rescue your breakfast.
Moreau flatlines. Better give him some mouth to mouth 💗.
Karl Heisenberg
Absolutely shocked the first time you speak.
He's working on a soldat, fully used to the silence as he solders body parts together to make a deadly monster worthy of murdering Mother Miranda.
"You missed a spot--"
Very softly, you speak up again. "At the shoulder. It's not... It's not fully connected."
Heisenberg whips around to just...stare??? At you for a bit?? His face is totally expressionless, but make no mistake his brain is reeling.
What is he supposed to do here? You feel comfortable enough to talk with him--this is a big deal, right? Is he supposed to comfort you? Praise you?
Still, it's not in Heisenberg's nature to make a big deal of things, and he doesn't want to spook you.
Eventually he nods, grunts in acknowledgement, and gets back to work.
Still, your words ring in his ears. Your voice fits you so well? He never really thought about what you sounded like before, but honestly now it's all he can think about.
Much later, when you almost forget about the whole thing, he'll offhandedly say he's proud of you for finally speaking up for yourself.
It's kinda condescending? But you know Heisenberg pretty well, and the fact he refuses to meet your eyes let's you know he's just being his normal, socially stunted self.
Thank him for the "compliment" and you'll get a pleased grin back, as well as a teasing hair ruffle. He's...happy you're comfortable with him.
It just makes your relationship feel even more right. ❤️
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