#gay bruce banner
cowboy-caboodles · 8 months
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The fact that Bruce has canonically turned into the hulk from nightmares makes me so sad so I tried doodling something cute for it instead !!😭
guys i can’t stop thinking about THEMMMM something about rare pairs make me want to chew up my couch like a rabid dog grrr BARK BARK
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n3x0tic · 2 years
Head Cannon: Being Bruce Wayne First Biological Child {Part.2}
Requested! Thinking of a third part.
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After the incident with your adoptive brother, there were many encounters in which he made an effort to talk to you, but you replied with a dry tone on a good day, other days you made a conscious effort to avoid him, and it showed.
You didn’t want to be confused or struggling inside because of him, you had resentment and you did your best so it could not waver.
However the anniversary of your mother’s passing came by. All sorts of gloom and doom clouded your judgement.
You spent an entire morning being caressed by the gracious of the garden, where your mother’s ashes were spread, it was her favorite place in the manor and in time of so much needed clarity you felt her essence help to quell the calamities of your mind.
It was in that specific spot where you always remembered yourself that as much as you tried to show close to no emotion, you were inevitable like your mother.
That day Dick came to the garden with some triangles sandwiches made by Alfred, there were your favorites, and you’d be dammed if you would deny them.
He sat next to you, no words needed. As the both admired the clouds in the sky.
You wanted to say so much to him, pour all the feelings you had against, but the ambience in a sacrilegious place that was your mother last resting place, you wouldn’t dare taint it with your flawed emotions. It was as if you mother was telling you to open your heart, but you were too stubborn to do that, a trait that very well came from your father.
So out of colliding emotions, you cried silently next to him. A few seconds afterwards, your low whimpers called his attention.
He hugged you, burying your face un his chest, where your tears stained his hoodie.
He understood your pain, at less the on that came by loosing a parent.
Dick was surprised to hear the faintest apology that came muffled by the piece of clothing that were against your lips.
He said nothing, and caressed you head, calming your emotions until you fell asleep in his embrace once again.
When you woke up, it was already mid evening.
You noticed Dick’s embrace was now soft, you looked up at him, and noticed he was now the one who was sleeping.
As a way of returning the favor for being there for you, you got out of his embrace without waking him up, to go to his room to get a blanket and his pillow for him to rest well and not get a cold.
Then you went to the kitchen were Alfred was preparing the meal for dinner time. Giving you a modest smile.
He confesses that he saw you and Dick getting quite closer, which was a refreshing sight to see, and one that was very needed.
Then you let him know how your mind was feeling, and how your heart always interfered on your plans, always encountering an impasse that inevitably resulting in you avoiding Dick and your father.
Alfred tells you that maybe you should express your emotions to them, speaking on it was a better way to deal with the situation than to avoid it. But you were scared, the worst part was fearing an outcome you didn’t know.
The next day passed, and in the early morning your father attempted to fix your relationship by going to Wayne Corp for a board meeting, you denied, but he didn’t budge and took you by force.
Throughout the ride to the Corp building, he questioned wether there was something you were upset about. You stood silent fir a few seconds, and remembered Alfred’s words, thinking he was probably the one who pushed your father to talk to you.
You express how your relationship had changed since Dick’s arrival, and how it wasn’t his fault, but there was something inside of you that resented for changing things between you. Because ultimately, with him he got the chance to experience other things that he could never do with you, like having a secret so important that essentially made your bond much stronger.
He suspected the meaning behind your words, and sighed. Saying that there were things that were better kept secret for your safety.
You were never one break your composure, however you punched your passengers door, angriness taking over. "What’s the point of keeping a secret like being Batman when I already know?! Being ignorant to this truths is what’s more dangerous than knowing. Don’t mistake this for anything, I don’t care about joining your little crusade, I care about nothing standing between the two of us!"
Bruce confirmed what you were after, and he was defeated. Never once in his lifespan alongside you, were you able to blow up like that, and as much as he hated it, your words held truth and reason.
And so he conceded the truth to you.
Yet somehow you were still angry that he hesitated, and you were still angry that he choose to confide his secret quickly on a kid who lost his parents, to then later on letting him join him on his suicidal mission.
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i-am-true-believer · 5 months
A small reminder as you traverse this silly little website that we use to post and converse and visit our comfort characters: please be kind to each other. You don’t know what anyone else here is going through, what they're here to escape from. Remember, fandom, fanfictions, silly blogs, and comfort characters are usually someone's escape. We have that in common at least ❤️
I hope tomorrow is better than today, you are loved, you are important and you matter.
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hainethehero · 7 months
This is your daily reminder that the whole Tower KNOWS when Steve's getting his cheeks clapped.
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myriaeden · 7 months
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Bruce Banner x Thor Lockscreens
Like and reblog if you use
Don't repost without permission
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bigthortita · 6 months
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My dear Bruce Banner... growing into a gay beast, known as Hulk.
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remuslupinkinnie1979 · 6 months
Hi, I kinda have a problem. Yesterday I got an amazing idea [drums 🥁🥁🥁] marauders MCU au. I've been assigning marvel characters to marauders and that's how it is now:
Tony Stark -
Chris Rogers - James Potter
Natasha Romanoff -Lily Evans
Bruce Banner -Remus Lupin
Clint Barton - Peter Pettigrew
Thor - Sirius Black
Loki - Regulus
Maria Hill - Mary
Nick Fury - McGonagall ???
Wanda Maximoff -  Pandora
Pepper Potts -
Odin - Dumbledore
Peter Parker
Carol Dancers (captain Marvel) - Marlene McKinnon
Valkyrie -Dorcas meadowes
As you can see I have no idea who should go as Tony. My first thought was James, then it changed to Sirius, but if Loki will be Regulus (which I'm 100% sure ab) then Sirius has to be Thor bc brothers dynamic. So do you have any suggestions?
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swarm-of-bees67 · 8 months
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He looks so tired, i wanna kiss him
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supersonicdp · 1 month
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lettingtimepass · 10 months
I was just reminded that canonically Tony gave Bruce an island and together they built a tiki bar and carved their initials into the bar top 🥹🥹🥹💔💔💔🙃🙃🙃
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powerbottom-thor · 1 month
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carcino-cc · 6 months
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bruce banner angst
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bruce: oh my god.
thor: i go by thor these days actually
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inkfw · 5 months
Bruce with boyfriend - HC NSFW and OTP
------------------------------------------------------------------------------I did this out of order!
Headcanons of my favorite man.
___ making Bruce his favorite meal when they are having a hard day.
___ having to help Bruce undress after an injury, but in most cases to wear after Hulk leaves his body.
___ explore Bruce's body with nothing but the tongue. That always stimulates Bruce's body even more and if _ hits the right spot he can make him cum.
When ___ is usually too tired or stressed Bruce fucking ___ so hard and so good that ___ can’t even get a full word out, only moans and half-uttered curses.
"Oh, can’t find your clothes? Wear mine, they look better on you anyway." ___ blushes and Tony takes audio of everything.
The leather crop trailed over sensitive skin, making ___ shiver. His breath caught, eyes fluttering shut. "No" reply Bruce. A gentle sting, making sensitive skin only more sensitive. "Eyes open. Keep them on the mirror, sweet thing. I want you to watch me take you apart." From that moment on, ___ moderates that Bruce does not drink too much.
Bruce and ___ going on social media and finding all of your posts about them. It was Tony's fault and idea.
___ pulling in Bruce by his necktie and giving him a long, passionate kiss.
Bruce is waking up in the middle of the night, shaking, breathing heavily, maybe even crying. ___ wakes up as well, immediately knows what is happening and starts cuddling Bruce.
___ and Bruce disheveled and blissed out after a lovemaking session together.
Please do not republish, translate, or copy my work without my permission!
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Bruhhh Bruce and Tony are so gay in Avengers. Like, Science Bros/Science Boyfriends is best ship in Marvel <333
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bigthortita · 5 months
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Hulk... SMASH.
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