#generative ai technology
mitsde123 · 2 months
Generative AI: The P&G Model for Business Transformation
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Generative AI is no longer a futuristic concept but a tangible reality reshaping industries. At the forefront of this revolution is P&G India.
The company has made significant strides recently in integrating generative AI technology into its core business strategy. Its journey serves as a blueprint for other organizations seeking to harness the power of this transformative technology.
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ai-tutor · 5 months
The Future of Education: Exploring the GPT-Powered AI Tutor
The traditional classroom setting is undergoing a metamorphosis. The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is ushering in a new era of personalized learning, and at the forefront of this revolution stands the GPT-powered AI tutor. This innovative technology leverages the power of generative AI technology, specifically models like GPT-3, to create a dynamic and individualized learning experience for students.
Revolutionizing Education with AI Tutors
Imagine a tutor who can adapt to your unique learning style, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and curate a personalized learning path. This is the promise of the AI tutor in education. GPT-powered AI tutors utilize AI language models to understand student queries, analyze their responses, and provide tailored feedback.
Benefits of GPT-powered AI Tutors
Personalized Learning: An AI tutoring system can assess a student's knowledge level and design a learning plan that addresses their specific needs. This ensures a deeper understanding of concepts rather than rote memorization.
24/7 Availability: Unlike human tutors, AI tutors are available around the clock. Students can access virtual learning assistants for clarification, practice problems, or review materials anytime, anywhere.
Engaging and Interactive Learning: GPT-powered AI tutors can employ various engaging methods like simulations, gamification, and interactive exercises to make learning fun and effective.
Immediate Feedback: AI tutors provide instant feedback on a student's work, allowing them to rectify mistakes and solidify their understanding of concepts.
The Road Ahead for AI Tutors
While GPT-powered AI tutors hold immense potential, their development is still in its nascent stages. Further advancements are needed to address potential biases in training data and ensure the technology complements, rather than replaces, human educators.
The Future is Now with Celebal Technologies
Celebal Technologies is at the forefront of developing next-generation AI-powered learning solutions. We are committed to harnessing the power of GPT and other cutting-edge AI technologies to create personalized and engaging learning experiences for all.
Are you ready to explore the future of education? Contact Celebal Technologies today and see how our AI tutors can empower your students to achieve their full potential.
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purpleartrowboat · 1 year
ai makes everything so boring. deepfakes will never be as funny as clipping together presidential speeches. ai covers will never be as funny as imitating the character. ai art will never be as good as art drawn by humans. ai chats will never be as good as roleplaying with other people. ai writing will never be as good as real authors
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webcluesinfotech · 1 year
The Technology Behind Generative AI: How Generative AI Works?
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Generative AI is a branch of artificial intelligence that can create new data from existing data. At its core are neural networks like GANs and VAEs, tirelessly analyzing data, learning intricate patterns, and autonomously crafting new content. The impact of this revolutionary technology spans various domains, from art and music to language translation and drug discovery. However, as with any powerful tool, ethical concerns arise over potential misuse, particularly concerning misinformation and deepfakes. Nonetheless, with ongoing advancements and responsible usage, Generative AI promises a future brimming with infinite possibilities and transformative innovations. Brace yourself for the awe-inspiring realm of creativity and imagination, driven by the incredible workings of Generative AI!
For more info: https://www.webcluesinfotech.com/the-technology-behind-generative-ai-how-generative-ai-works
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shutter-pan · 1 month
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prokopetz · 10 months
Techbro marketing's conflation of generative language models with the term "artifical intelligence" to the point that many laypersons now think that's what AI is definitely sucks for, like, literally everybody who's working in genuine AI research, but I have to grant the way it's gotten tangled up with other historically inappropriate uses of the term "artificial intelligence" is a little bit funny. I've seen multiple unconnected discussions involving people seizing on the "AI is inherently unethical" talking point and getting heated about bad guys in single-player video games having "AI", and, like, I'd be fascinated to know what the alternative is. I'm trying to imagine a world where it's feasible for every individual goomba in Super Mario Bros. to be directed by a human operator, and I'm not sure I can, but it's definitely a place I'd like to visit.
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mad-girlslove-song · 6 months
the shittiest human art will always be leagues better than the best ai "art". a child's finger paintings and macaroni crafts will always be better than a computer's subpar attempt at recreating the starry night. your stick figures and smiley faces will always surpass an algorithm's bastardized boticelli painting. the most mediocre hallmark movie will always be better than whatever bullshit sora churns out. the most cringeworthy "i'm 14 and this is deep" notes app poetry will always be better than whatever chatgpt can come up with. always
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plasmalink · 1 year
I just... Really hate all the techbros who are saying shit like "hey artists you better watch your days, we'll automate creativity and then its over for you guys!", not just for the obvious reason of how fucked up that world view is, but because it's heavily souring my genuine childlike wonder at how cool this technology is.
Like, take a step back, forget all the discourse we've been forced to have, and just think. We can tell a robot "gender reveal 9/11" and it can make an image of blue and pink exploding towers. That on its own is fucking insane?
And the actual like, algorithms and math that went into it too! We make robots that teach robots to teach themselves how to do stuff. Then just stick that shit in the microwave for a while and boom. Or just tell it "Here's the sum of all knowledge on earth, figure it out".
And I especially love those early AI generated images where any time you try and focus on something it falls apart, but it almost makes sense when you see if from the corner of your eye. That type of image, I don't know how to describe it fully, but it makes me think of when I'm trying to remember a dream as it's fading away in my head.
And these FUCKING chucklefucks decide "hey, let's use this cool as fuck technology in the worst possible way. let's get rid of those pesky people making a living doing what they love and get those shmucks back in an office building so they can get a real job. i'm going to be an asshole about it online and also pay $8 a month so maybe elon musk will notice me"
I'm so fucking tired, man. I want to be excited about new technology and shit but I just can't at this stage.
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warakami-vaporwave · 3 days
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BSOD v2 Sunset Clouds
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naturewondr · 5 months
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incognitopolls · 6 months
For the purposes of this poll, research is defined as reading multiple non-opinion articles from different credible sources, a class on the matter, etc.– do not include reading social media or pure opinion pieces.
Fun topics to research:
Can AI images be copyrighted in your country? If yes, what criteria does it need to meet?
Which companies are using AI in your country? In what kinds of projects? How big are the companies?
What is considered fair use of copyrighted images in your country? What is considered a transformative work? (Important for fandom blogs!)
What legislation is being proposed to ‘combat AI’ in your country? Who does it benefit? How does it affect non-AI art, if at all?
How much data do generators store? Divide by the number of images in the data set. How much information is each image, proportionally? How many pixels is that?
What ways are there to remove yourself from AI datasets if you want to opt out? Which of these are effective (ie, are there workarounds in AI communities to circumvent dataset poisoning, are the test sample sizes realistic, which generators allow opting out or respect the no-ai tag, etc)
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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herigo · 11 months
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kareguya · 2 months
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cyberpunkidol · 1 year
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FREE uncensored photo: https://bit.ly/3LhXZNh
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rabiaticism · 7 months
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It's interesting to see that artificial intelligence has only become a scary concept to people (especially men) upon realizing that they could be targetted, while there is a digital war on women going on that enables anyone in their vicinity to create degrading media of them despite their personal and legal efforts to prevent it from happening. The first idea that came to men's minds was to abuse this technology and invade women's privacy in order to mute their voices and bully them out of public discourse but it wasn't considered a dystopian tool of evil until it became a real fear to men.
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shutter-pan · 4 months
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