#ghost songs analysis
fallenangelvexed · 5 months
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queermentaldisaster · 9 months
@withoutascout yes.
"I get a toothache every time, I lie to someone I love" - Ghost, lying to Soap, saying that he's fine.
"You don't call me, baby, unless I beg you to, and I'll break all of my bones if it would only get it through to you" - Soap, trying to convince Ghost that he genuinely loves him, despite all the flaws, despite all the trauma.
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foxes-that-run · 5 months
The fortnight MV is clearly about TS and HS writing songs about each other. The pink and blue fumes from the typewriters, the style MV cave formation by the letters....TS thinking she is going mad playing this game. Think post is a stand in for Harry with his tattoos. It's crazy that she was so blatant about it with the style reference! But it's awesome too
I agree the upside down asylum looks like Harry’s house:
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the blue/pink from the music they write is reminiscent of the two ghosts visuals where the blue poured out of Harry and mixed with pink:
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The paper cyclone references the lyric in loml but also the paper plane confetti in Out of the Woods on the 1989 tour and false god performance in green on snl:
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And the style silhouette:
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There’s a blank space in the typing
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The phone booth is like the hour glass in karma
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In the paper swirling scene Taylor holds her hand and post slowly does, not getting there before the camera cuts. At the end he gets out of the box and reaches up and then are finally together. It’s his move.
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The phone booth is a recreation of a second of Harry’s album covers, the first with a song about Taylor on it
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twopoppies · 10 months
I just noticed a line in sunflower vol 6. ‘Kiss in the kitchen like it’s a dance floor’ and then that song that Lou allegedly wrote for little mix which has ‘why can’t I kiss you on the dance floor’ and it’s very interesting to me because it’s like harry is taking the line and showing that at home he and Lou have a very different relationship in public (which they obv do) but do you think this was intentional? Idk if this makes any sense it’s so late here lmao
Hi, love. I don’t think Louis had anything to do with writing that song. But both of them write about the kitchen as an element in their relationship, which is interesting to me.
As usual, Louis is much more direct:
“Face to face at the kitchen table/This is everything I’ve waited for/Now we can finally have a conversation/That I wish were could’ve had before”
Harry speaks more metaphorically:
“The fridge light washes this room white/Moon dances over your good side/And this was all we used to need”
“I couldn't want you any more/Kiss in the kitchen like it's a dance floor/I couldn't want you any more tonight”
But I do think the kitchen represents a private place for them and it seems like a place where they share intimate, emotional moments.
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Tricia Lootens, "Whose Hand Was I Holding?": Family and Sexual Politics in Shirley Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House
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spineless-lobster · 1 year
An interesting think I’ve noticed about the Captain is that he kind of encapsulates the melancholic feeling of a lot of the music from his era (I’m thinking crooners more than big band music here)
Songs like “They Can’t Take That Away From Me” (Fred Astaire) “Always in My Heart” (Glenn Miller) “Only Forever” (Bing Crosby) “I’ll Never Smile Again” (Tommy Dorsey) and of course “We’ll Meet Again” (Vera Lynn) are all about losing a significant other and keeping their memory. The genre also has a slow, melodic sound that just screams yearning
This probably has something to do with the songs being written during/around wartime and thus express the feeling of having loved ones go off to war
Maybe I’ve just grown to associate any song from that era with the Captain, but there’s something about that gentle yearning for a love that you once had and may never have again that is just perfectly reflected in him
Have a listen (or just read the lyrics) to Al Bowlly’s “Guilty” “How Could We Be Wrong” and “Heartaches” and tell me that isn’t about the Captain
Honestly this could apply to the other ghosts as well but I won’t get into that unless people want me to lol
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thelivingdeceased · 9 months
why would lucy dacus say “am i a masochist, resisting urges to punch you in the teeth?” when she knows masochists enjoy feeling pain themselves so basically punching her ex lover would be hurting herself but it would still feel good :( why would she hurt me like that
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rachthepoet · 2 months
Two Ghosts Analysis
Too often am I forced to bear witness to people publicly admitting they walk right over this song and ignore the beauty under their noses. While I can't deem it a criminal offense, I dream I could. But, fair enough, let's get serious now.
This song is a melancholic and nostalgic reflection of a relationship lost to the past, where the theme of grieving returns after a breather is found in the preceding song. Lots of personification and metaphor at play here, giving way to stunning prose to catalog a relationship that's reached its expiration date. This can be an eerie feeling, in which everything looks the same, one's still with the same person — yet something's happened and shifted the dynamic. Or, something that's changed both people in a way that, when together, romanticism ceases to exist. The soul of the relationship is no longer there, it's dead.
Here's a deep dive into Harry Styles' Two Ghosts, from a poet.
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Lyric Pull Apart
[VERSE 1] Same lips red, same eyes blue Same white shirt, couple more tattoos But it's not you, and it's not me
Same lips red, same eyes blue / Same white shirt, couple more tattoos: Attention to detail is forever a soft spot for me, and I will love it forever. For, these are the details one will always remember about a person that one once let themselves become so interwoven with. It serves another purpose too, curating context clues about the partner in question for the listener. Two ex-lovers see each other after the relationship ends, or maybe right before. The line, couple more tattoos, indicates a passage of time, and more indication of change. Yet, with that, there's a repetition of the word same three times in two lines, which brings in the conceptualization of sameness.
With sameness being emphasized, it drives the point home of how things are the same but they're simultaneously not. Establishing this will only uplift the contrasts to come, and it reminds me of the saying that you can't recreate the same memory twice. Even as one tries to find their way back, dancing the same steps, will it ever truly be the same if things have been so different in this passage of time apart?
Same lips red, as many conclude, could be referencing a lip rouge, or lips that naturally pull redder. Though, also, lips can be reddened through being kissed or being bitten, even getting chapped. I love how many different directions one could go in painting the scene in their head. Same eyes blue feels more straightforward in its meaning as a simple description, but there could also be another layer to unpeel — blue often is used to represent sadness, which can add more emotional nuance to this scene being set. I believe these two lines are referencing the speaker's ex-lover.
Same white shirt can be very literal, as in wearing a simple plain white t-shirt in how I visualize it, but also a more abstract reference to just plain, casual dress. It also, deeper, could be a shirt hat was shared between the two, indicating intimacy as we build the history between the two in this setting scene of the first half of the first verse. But that might be a reach, I know. Then, couple more tattoos as mentioned before can indicate a passage of time, and in a concept of sameness, this would be the detail to break the illusion that things haven't changed. The tattoos can be, you know, tattoos, but also anything that permanently marks the body if one wants to lean into the more abstract. I believe these two lines are referencing the speaker himself.
But it's not you, and it's not me: Clever allusion to such a classic breakup line — it's not you, it's me — but there's a subtle shift in its language, shifting the blame away from both. This implies that circumstances and forces bigger than them may have been the reason for their relationship dying off. It's no one's fault that this isn't working.
Despite the sameness illusion highlighted previously, the two aren't the people they were the last time they stood here, face to face. Looks can be deceiving, as the internal state of both parties is so different now. We're both here, but we're not us.
[VERSE 1] Tastes so sweet, looks so real Sounds like something I used to feel But I can't touch what I see
Tastes so sweet, looks so real / Sounds like something I used to feel: A somber symphony of the senses rounds out this study of the speaker himself and this person that's removed from his life, but it's a constant reminder that they're not forgotten. Rather, he's haunted by memories of what the relationship used to be. Still taking over all his senses. In their presence, it's all still so sweet to him that he can taste the experience, or maybe still taste their lips on his. And, lyrically, all of what has preceded this point has been what sounds like something I used to feel — past tense, a memory lost to time. A loss of life and spark.
But I can't touch what I see: Intangible things made tangible, in a sense. The soul of the relationship is no longer there, what's left is merely a metaphorical hollow skeleton of the relationship. He can't touch the love, can't graze his fingers against the spark, the chemistry, the life of the relationship — it's no longer in existence, and there's nothing that remains to grasp onto. Even if he feels like he can see it, in the tricks of his mind or tricks of the light, it's no longer viable or revivable.
[CHORUS] We're not who we used to be We're not who we used to be We're just Two Ghosts standin' in the place of you and me Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat
We're not who used to be: The repeated truism throughout the song rings so significant because this is what the speaker's thinking in the back of his mind. They keep trying to make it work, but within his soul and subconscious, he knows that they're both not who they used to be. The dynamic has shifted in a way that hinders the flourishment of romance in contrast to when they were in a good place. Both have changed as people. The repetition is used again, I feel, to emphasize that time has passed and change has happened. Whatever has happened or transpired between them, either a lot of time elapsed or enough events in their respective lives to come out completely changed. There's no common ground for them to stand on — the relationship has run its course. Its lifeline has gone slack.
We're just Two Ghosts standin' in the place of you and me: The symbolism and metaphor within the namesake's Two Ghosts, and just the use of a ghost as a representation brings such eloquence to the song. And it pains me to see it overlooked, or just not appreciated. Ghosts are less substantial, dead inside, and are creatures of the literal past. In the vision of them turning into the quote-en-quote "Two Ghosts", they're each merely a shell of a person that the other once knew. A pale imitation of what they were. This haunts them, living in the other's mind. And, running with the vision of the personification of the relationship itself, I see them going through the motions. But, the spark, the life source of the relationship was no longer present. They're both at the wake, haunted by the ghosts of what they used to be. Maybe also with a tendency to live in the past.
Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat: Oh, this line. This beautiful line just makes me ache. Since we were just talking about the personification, we'll continue on that front — the heartbeat of the relationship, trying to remember what it felt like before the relationship flatlined. And, pulling away and looking at the two, indicating them having a heartbeat — in which they felt alive when they felt the spark. A complimenting line to the ghost metaphor truly drives home that the relationship is dead.
Together, they had a steady heartbeat, a constant, something to rely on as if felt natural to them... back then. Now, reiterating, there's been time elapsed with distance and separation, as the constant gets lost to the past. There's the cliche romantic trope about the heart fluttering when infatuated. Usually, one doesn't feel their own heartbeat in normal circumstances, but when you see the person whose capture your love, the heart starts beating like it will beat its way right out of the chest. As the speaker realizes the death of this relationship, he misses the feeling — the adrenaline rush to cause this beautiful but haunting sensation. He struggles to recall how it felt because his heart isn't fluttering anymore, and that can be heartbreaking. But now, he's trying to move on and live again, but still struggles from what I can conclude.
[VERSE 2] The fridge light washes this room white Moon dances over your good side And this was all we used to need
The fridge light washes this room white / Moon dances over your good side: I find these lines so vivid, painting beautiful imagery. It's a scene so romantic and intimate, especially with the diction of the second line, how the moonlight dances over them — it feels a little flirtatious. And it's a memory that remains stuck in his head, back when there was still soul and life radiating. All this domestic imagery and bliss and infatuation — but that was then. Again, a memory.
Moonlight is something fun to interpret, and I'm aware I might be putting on my poet-went-in-too-deep shoes, but I'm throwing it in just in case someone finds their fancy with my ramblings. This is such a beautiful and almost ethereal image of someone, especially one that's revered in the mind, cascaded in the moonlight. But, moonlight doesn't come from the moon, but, rather, light is emitted from the sun and reflected onto the moon which then reflects into the moonlight people are fascinated by. This can lend itself to symbolism of melancholia and somberness sometimes, as the moon can't create its own light, but must rely on the sun. Maybe the speaker felt as if this person was the sun, him the moon, and the moonlight reflected back on the person in this imagery. A light he's giving that he can only credit to the lover, leading to this struggle to find ground to stand on when the sun has left. Just an abstract theorization and a bundle of thoughts, really.
And this was all we used to need: Naturally, this is a companion line to the previous two. Back when the soul was alive and well in the relationship, everything was simplistic and low effort. And that's how you want chemistry to be — a naturally occurring spark, and there's no need to force it in the relationship. Simple things, like intimate domestic moments spent in the moonlight, used to be all they needed to get the heartbeat going. Maybe even racing. But something has shifted, a common thing that's returned to. There has to be more effort now, and the two can no longer expect everything to work itself out. Trapped in the past — haunted by what once was.
[VERSE 2] Tongue-tied like we've never known Tellin' those stories we already told 'Cause we don't say what we really mean
Tongue-tied like we've never known / Tellin' those stories we already told: It wouldn't be a Harry Styles song without a difficulty of communication motif. This breakdown of communication within the relationship plagues the speaker significantly. They stumble over their words now as they try to speak — they don't know how to communicate with one another anymore, something that we can infer came easy to them once. It goes along with the refrain, speaking to we're not who we used to be and the ghost metaphor. There's something about being able to naturally understand the other person, and when that ability is lost, it's a clue that you're no longer in sync with one another. Something is dulling the life.
This all provides such a stark contrast with the beautiful imagery at the top of this second verse — but that was then, and this is where they stand now. A shift, the magic is gone, and the soul of the relationship is no longer viable. they have nothing to talk about anymore, nothing new, and they both revert back to what they've already told each other thousands of times — maybe a reach to try to feel reinvigorated, but it falls flat. The soul is gone, and the relationship has been lost, only a relic of lost time in their minds.
'Cause we don't say what we really mean: Both parties have an awareness, I believe, that the relationship has run its course, but neither of them wants to say it out loud. Maybe, deep down, they both still have love for each other. But there's nothing that can be done when the spark is gone and the body is not revivable. They let themselves succumb to this cycle of repetitious stories that have an association back to their times of flourishment, avoiding talking of the reality — avoiding grieving what they once were, and pushing their emotions down. No true feelings are being said, and nothing real with genuine intentions is being given either.
[CHORUS ADD ON VARIATION 1] We're not who we used to be We're not who we used to be We're just Two Ghosts standin' in the place of you and me We're not who we used to be We're not who we used to be We're just Two Ghosts swimmin' in a glass half empty Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat
A repetition of the chorus, but with each additional iteration offers a little variation. One lyric change per repetition could be missed if one isn't listening deeply enough, which could bring in the miscommunication the speaker feels into the lyrical structure, too. I personally believe and will argue that those two lines snuck into the reiterated choruses hold as much significance as the full verses.
We're just Two Ghosts swimmin' in a glass half empty: Pretty metaphorical here, yeah? And a call to Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here. Again, we come to the core visualization of the two ghosts, how the two are shells of who they used to be within the context of a relationship lost to time, and has become a relic infused with nothing but memories. A nostalgic mind's trick, even. A glass half empty is an image negative and is one of the classic ways to determine if someone is more idealistic or more fatalistic. If someone views the glass half full, they're optimistic — if someone views the glass half empty, they're pessimistic. The utilization of this creates a foreshadowing of the inevitable fate of the relationship. Even if we want to go in a bit deeper, it shows how they've shifted from the optimistic to the pessimistic — where bright memories once illustrated through an idealistic screen are snapping back to the now, one by one, and reality has a fatalistic film roll.
A glass, even a metaphorical one, doesn't have much room. And it's cylindrical, so swimming in it would result in going in circles again and again. When one swims a lot, it tires the body — but, here, it's such an inefficient activity, getting nowhere. And, with the pessimistic cloud being cost over this imagery, it's swimming to no destination. Of course, there's also the water imagery brought in, something significant here but also to the debut album as a whole art piece. Water, through HS1, has been tied to renewal and rebirth — but, within this song's context, a more somber undertext is adopted. If they make their way out of this glass, could they ever be truly cleansed of constantly trying to revive a dead relationship? Will this always haunt them?
[CHORUS ADD ON VARIATION 2] We're not who we used to be We're not who we used to be We're just Two Ghosts standin' in the place of you and me We're not who we used to be We don't see what we used to see We're just Two Ghosts swimmin' in a glass half empty Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat
Another repetition of the chorus, but as discussed before, each iteration offers a new variation, and this is no different.
We don't see what we used to see: It feels almost synonymous with the repeated truism that we're not who we used to be, as it lies along the same theme. Each person's mindset has shifted and changed, in a way that they fail to see eye-to-eye in the way they used to do. They've lost this foundation of understanding with one another, which is a component of the soul of the relationship. A soul is no longer full of life. They could also not see the spark in one another anymore, in which attraction has faded more into neutrality.
[OUTRO] Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat I'm just trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat
More repetition here, but the phrasing of the last line has changed in the slightest bit, and that tiny detail offers up so much.
I'm just trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat: Now, we switch to first person, which always makes the tone more intimate, bringing everything back to the speaker to conclude. Being the final line we hear him sing, it enhances the emotion at the end. But there's also this almost sense of exhaustion. The speaker is really trying to still care for this person, respect this person, and excavate the spark again — but, sometimes, relationships just run their course. With the switch to the first-person point of view, the listener can sense that the separation is already beginning. We to I. The speaker's looking into himself, trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat. A heartbeat alone.
In HS1, grief is a concept explored in all its different forms. Two Ghosts casts the end of the relationship between the two as some kind of death, as the life has been snuffed out in the relationship itself, but also death to the individuals. The two people changed so much within the grieving of loss to what meant so much to both, metaphorically becoming ghosts of their former selves, and there's no recognizing the other in the present as the speaker lives in the past. It's a bittersweet pang to grieve what has been, and what's irrevocably changed. And I find it continuously beautiful how these different aspects are explored.
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Thank you for reading, you’re absolutely incredible! If there are any songs you’d like me to make an analysis of, please send your request to my inbox! along with any questions or insights you might have yourself!
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clembian · 2 months
hiiiihihii..so i’ve watched exactly 2 eps of supernatural [the pilot and the one where the angel got sent to superhell awhile ago lol] But I Still Want 2 Know what songs u relate to those guys [any of em] pretty please :]
hiiii:]]] okokok. i love the pilot sm. the first few seasons of spn have a truly unmatchable vibe 2 them,, but SONGS!!!!! starting out w dean -> why would you be loved by hozier🫶🫶 starting w a bit of a brick to the face here. but its so him. hes like,, the most depressed man ever. speaking of! boreas by the oh hellos<3 very deancoded<3 also safari song by greta van fleet but thats just cos i think hed like it
for sammyyyyy..hmm.. i wont lie i love him dearly but ive only just started on the playlist :P BUT I DO HAVE ONE!!!! bad blood by sleeping at last<33 u know me ghost,, i always come back to SAL<3 but in place of other songs for him i do haveee. a few spn edits i really like. if ur interested :3 this one anddd this one <- i wont even lie i almost cried watching this one. many many spoilers if u care abt that tho
also honorable mention of pink skies by zach bryan. i think it suits both the pilot and the finale. not like. too much lyrical analysis going into that one.i just like it :-)
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fallenangelvexed · 5 months
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Someone said underrated Ghost song?
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queermentaldisaster · 9 months
Omg this shit is so pretty
no matter how many times i listen to this song it will never get old or less Ghoap coded
'love like a tidal wave' refers to how their love can and will destroy everything if disturbed in anyway (just like a tidal wave/the ocean)
'we will bring the tidal wave and nothing will remain' is referring to them destroying everything just for the other.
'she's mine, you stay away from her' maybe this is the fanfic brainrot talking but all I can imagine is Ghost shielding Soap from an enemy and screaming at them
'if we die at the same time, does it still scare you?' Ghost asking Soap if he'd die for him just as he would for Soap.
'dreamless in early graves' Ghost and Soap dying together, being buried together, and staying together, even in the afterlife.
'I kissed the scars on her skin, I still think you're beautiful' Soap, loving Ghost no matter his scars, still knowing he's beautiful no matter what.
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foxes-that-run · 11 months
Two Ghosts
In 5 - 7 minutes of Behind the Album there is footage of Harry working on the melody, lyrics and recording two ghosts in Jamaica in late 2016. He goes on to moving from 1D where his personal life was overexposed and wanting to write music that was successful without people knowing about his personal life. He has made a similar comment to Rolling Stone “I don’t know much about Van Morrison’s life, but I know how he felt about this girl, because he put it in a song. So I like working the same way.”
When was it written
On it's release in May 2017 Harry said it was written “almost 4 years ago now”. in Summer 2013, Midnight Memories had his first writing credits, Happily and Something Great, Style was not written then. While possible, Two Ghosts is more mature. I think he thought he “wrote too many songs about” her and changed the time.
By 2019 he'd moved on and he told Rolling Stone it was written for Made in the AM. (Summer, 2015.) That places it with Walking on the wind, if I could fly, Olivia and Perfect, which also refer to 1989. FTDT and Woman are the same period, but don’t have lyrics that ID them like two ghosts.
To me, Two Ghosts is about reflecting on a lost love. The premise os the song reflects the Style MV which has Harry and Taylor shot in a ghostly way. The Style MV was released Valentines Day 2015, the anniversary of them getting together in 2014.
It has only been played live once since 2018, on Valentines Day 2020, further indicated it may have been written on Valentines Day 2015. Harry choose it over Golden when promoting Fine Line on Radio 2's Valentines Show in 2020, (16 mins), the only time it's been played in 4 years now. Harry also played Joni Mitchell’s yellow taxi which Joni tweeted about the anniversary of.
1D was in Australia, HS was flat. Style was #6, named after him and with footage is intentionally reminiscent. Even more interesting that we never saw the Two Ghosts MV, though Taylor referenced it in Me!'s.
On holding it back to be Solo
From Rolling Stone: "Sometimes if you’re, like, telling a really personal story, then the voice changes every few lines; it doesn’t quite do the same thing. As the songs got more personal, I think I just became more aware that at some point there might be a moment where I would want to sing it myself.”
"A turning point was “Two Ghosts,” a ballad from his solo debut. “’Two Ghosts’ I wrote for the band, for Made in the A.M. But the story was just a bit too personal. As I started opening up to write my more personal stuff, I just became aware of a piece of me going, ‘I want to sing the whole thing.’ Now I look at a track list and these are all my little babies. So every time I’m playing a song, I can remember writing it, and exactly where we were and exactly what happened in my life when I wrote it."
Questions on who it’s about
Nick Grimshaw asked Harry (at 4:38) if it was about Taylor. Media trained, 5 year seasoned TS question dodger, Harry had an adorable reaction. He and Nick are friends, he’s being coy and laughing, answering “I think it’s pretty self explanatory” adding “I think it’s about, sometimes things change, and you can do all the same things, and sometimes it’s just different, you know? 2017, Philosopher, London, England.” Then he laughs and dances around.
Same lips red, same eyes blue Same white shirt, couple more tattoos But it's not you and it's not me Tastes so sweet, looks so real Sounds like something that I used to feel But I can't touch what I see
The song clearly references Style, the music video for which was filmed in November 2014 while they were together and released in February 2015 after they broke up while he was in Australia.
The video is meant to be something he used to feel, that looks real but he can’t touch. It shows Taylor and Harry-stand-in with projections, playing with light and it’s interspersed with home video footage. The footage is thought to be shot in part by Harry, or at least wearing outfits she was pictured with him in.
We're not who we used to be We're not who we used to be We're just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat
In the chorus moves from the reminder of the Video to the memory. Reflecting on looking at an idealised version of his relationship that’s now broken up and he’s grieving.
Taylor had referred to Harry as a ghost in How You Get The Girl “Stand there like a ghost shaking from the rain”
The fridge light washes this room white Moon dances over your good side And this was all we used to need Tongue-tied like we've never known Telling those stories we already told 'Cause we don't say what we really mean
In the second verse Harry reflects on their downfall, a lack of communication.
Taylor refers to herself as tongue-tied in Message in a bottle on Red “and I became hypnotised/ by freckles and bright eyes, tongue tied”
Harry later refers to being still tongue-tied in Sunflower Vol 6. Taylor also sang about not saying what the mean in Wish you Would: “You think I'm gonna hate you now / ‘Cause you still don't know what I never said”
We're just two ghosts swimming in a glass half empty Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat
This may refer to being emotionally depleted, as in Ever Since New York: "Brooklyn saw me, empty at the news / There's no water inside this swimming pool"
Or it could refer to being in an ever shrinking microscope, Taylor later used a Snowglobe and Fishbowl in the Lover Video to represent being on display together.
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twopoppies · 2 months
Hi again! I’m the anon about two ghosts … in 2014 he also wrote the other unreleased song hunger which has a similar message (assuming u have already listened to it) … i’m surprised that he felt that way about them in 2014 when it seemed (from what fans could see) that they were in a good place?
I tend to think it was a way of expressing what they went through with their closeting—particularly in 2012 and 2013, as opposed to writing about something currently happening. And when he put it on HS1, it was followed by Sweet Creature which was a very intentional move. I’ve always been more curious about why he scrapped the music video to TG.
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peacockrulz · 5 months
youre so right about narration!! i could go on all day really, its the biggest thing for me that takes a fic from good to great, especially with characters like j- characters with a persona of sorts, characters that lie to themselves or are in denial, or characters with a lot they need to sort through, and j is sort of all three in some capacity. i cannot wait for hostile takeover to update! if you ever decide to try writing a fic id love to give it a read! ive noticed you have a lot of interesting ideas about characters and their dynamics through your fanart, something i think could translate to writing well. you also clearly have an understanding of what makes a fic good- though i know from experience its often easier said than done. still, id love to see you try! this is actually my first time rp-ing canon characters, ever. right now im playing j (thanks hostile takeover) in a discord server, though i might try n soon because i reaaallly struggle with characterizing him. ive been roleplaying my whole life really! i started with roblox warrior cats though... im shuddering with you id kill for more dollxn art from you though. no pressure but you get them it seems. its been a while since i listened to final girl but its definitely their song suggestive lyrics or not i hope they die and go to robo-hell together <3 - juzi anon
*sigh* putting this under a readmore because HOO BOY did I maybe went full analyzer on this one. thanks for your time Juzi Anon <3
I've read alotta fics in my time on the internet and honestly? I don't think I've ever read a fic that hooked me on a character narration quite like Hostile Takeover's J. J's awareness of every part of what shes doing and how shes doing it makes it even more subtle when you realize that despite all of that, she has so little awareness over what she thinks. Like she doesn't question it. Uzi's narration makes a point to show how she censors her own thoughts, she doesn't allow her mind to wander to certain parts of the past, shes completely aware of how some thoughts sound and decides against saying it all together. Meanwhile, J will go on and on about how much better the job would be without V's constant talking back and N's inability to do anything right, and in the same paragraph be constantly thinking about the argument with V, and what got V so messed up to begin with. J is like a rock, a precipice of confidence. But the moments where she doesn't know what to do, (like when she thought she was going to die in that church tower from the rising sun) its almost like she has to put on appearances even in a moment where shes completely panic-ed, that she still somehow has to pretend she knows what shes doing, even with no one around. Its why the fic made me rethink J in general, I've loved J for while but Hostile Takeover was the first time I actually was able to SEE what J could be as a character story. It really puts into perspective how important narration can be in telling a damn good story. (Sorry this became a J paragraph. I could analyze fics for the rest of my life and be happy lol)
Haha maybe one day I'll finally sit down and write. I'm not really the greatest at translating my thoughts to text, for some reason its easier for me to illustrate my feelings about a character then to write it out. The only reason I can draw fanart like that is because I analyze these characters to death lol. Looking at all the angles of two characters and then asking the question of 'what would it take for them to be on friendly terms' is a pass time I indulge it frequently!!!! Thats why I like rarepairs, sometimes they're dynamics are alot more unique than most, even if they're 2 characters that have never once canonically interacted (which is my favorite. Alot more creative thinking with that one yknow?) Still, maybe I'll get to it :O (prolly would practice writing analysis post first. because I always have to stop myself from doing it on other posts XP)
I've also grew up on roleplaying (my brother is into roleplaying and that got me started on it lol) used to roleplay on roblox even before I could read (which. isn't a joke actually. who gives a 5 year old unrestricted internet access???) funnily enough I can't even say I ever completely grew out of it, I still visit alot of roleplay maps on roblox (including WCUE!! never actually roleplayed there but I think its fun to spec) but mainly I used to roleplay on animal-based mmos like FeralHeart in my younger days.
Iffff,,, I could say anything about N's character,,, to hopefully help inspire some ability to write him (and sorry this gets its own paragraph) I would probably say that he is a very self-destructively selfless person, whos never gotten over anything or anyone in his life (I.e when V was in stasis during their time in the manor, N constantly visited her and would draw pictures of the two of them together ((as lizards)) and is kinda implied to have been reading books to her during this time. Even after getting 'digitally lobotomized', while N couldn't exactly remember V as he knew her back then, he still carried that affection he had for her all that time ago. He never stopped caring about V, even when he forgot) while I wouldn't describe N as in anyway 'innocent' or 'naive', N still has a habit of unconditionally caring about pretty much anybody lol. He had like, what, a 27 minute conversation with Uzi? And while it wasn't enough to completely convince him, it still was something that made him hesitate ("I really enjoyed our time together,"). And while I'm here (having mentioned Uzi) I would also say N is a very lonely character, seeing as he was often belittled by his peers (J) or in some cases completely ignored (V, but she had her reasons and thats a different discussion) a funny part of N's character is just how much he IS like Uzi. A person completely isolated by his kind because of how he is, who was never given an explanation as to why, why everyone is so oddly cruel to him. The biggest difference though being that N never fought it, he completely accepted getting knocked around if it meant he could stick around. It took someone else to point out how fucked his situation was to make him think twice about it. Uzi is the type of character to go down kicking screaming and punching(asterisk but thats also a different discussion), and N, despite being in such a similar place to her, isn't that kind of guy. While I wouldn't say N is the type to take everything lying down, there is something to say about just how much he is willing to take before getting angry, yknow? Overall, I think N is a very loving, loyal-to-a-fault, kinda guy, but his compassion for those around him is often times the reason he gets so tunnel-visioned in the first place (i.e causing explosions and throwing rocks and debris everywhere in a mass, angry panic, trying to go save V.) and its why he is so willing to get himself hurt in the first place. ("I really enjoyed our time together, but I can't have you shooting V with that thing.") (Or yknow, cutting his arm off, but thats alot less selfless-ness and alot more self destruction) His patience and understanding is one of his biggest strengths and somehow always the reason he gets hurt. Basically I think he need to go a lil insane as a treat.
((Oh its also good to note that his unconditional love for everyone around him is also the only reason why he has lived this far to begin with (the characters this includes: V, Uzi, AND Cyn.)))
I also think the above, is the reason why I enjoy NxDoll so much. it takes SO MUCH for him to hate someone and yet Doll did the one thing that would make him do it (hurting someone he cares about the most). I just knoooowwww if they saw eachother in that church it would've been ON. That fight would've taken out the whole god damn BUILDING. it would be two people fighting for the exact same fkcing reason!!! REVENGE!!! the horrible chain of trauma contuines with them!!! killing one will only leave the other with what remains!!!! And yet I also see them as two people who would really benefit from being on friendlier terms. Both becasue N's softness is just not something we ever see Doll treated with, and because Doll's avocation for justice might just be the thing N needs to get a god damn backbone for once and earn himself some self-appreciation.
But I also think its more fun when its enemies AND lovers.
They should make eachother worse <3
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engvocameanings · 11 months
Send song suggestions!
I just made this blog and I'm looking for suggestions!!
I'd appreciate recommendations of smaller artists in particular because their songs are less likely to already have meanings explained on the internet! Songs in japanese/with japanese lyrics are alright as long as they are by english-speaking producers. Most examples of these I can think of either have official english versions or generally official translations so they're good in my book.
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kit10phish · 9 months
Swiftionary: Every Song with a Ghost [Part 1]
Ghosts: -Ours  Ghosts from your past gonna jump out at me. -Electric touch -Bad blood -How you get the girl Stand there like a ghost shaking in the rain She’ll open up the door and say, “are you insane” Say it’s been a long six months But you were too afraid to tell her what you want -This love -You are in love -…Ready for it -End game Future’s verse, so I don’t know if it…
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