#glitch techs tickles
I want tickling if that's ok! Preferably zarha tickling miko!
Man I never drawn Zarha!! Glad to draw her being a fun ler
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amazingmsme · 2 years
Wanna Say That To My Face?
AN: My first Glitch Techs fic! This was so much fun to write, I love these funky lil dudes so much! If you haven't watched the show yet I couldn't recommend it enough! I hope y'all enjoy it as much as I do!
Mitch was being his classic charming self, and Five was so over it. Earlier that morning, Miko was gushing about some new game she was totally in love with, only for Mitch to waltz right by and spoil the ending. She was practically foaming at the mouth, and it took all the strength Five could muster to hold her back.
While hanging in the break room, Zahra was complimenting Five on another job well done. They were in the middle of discussing the glitches they caught when Mitch walked in, grabbing a snack from the fridge, pausing to listen to the conversation.
"Zahra, you got something right here," he interrupted, pointing near the corner of his mouth. The he leaned in and squinted, "Oh it's a pimple, my bad. Never mind." He shrugged it off, leaving Zahra's mouth gaping open in shock. Five was just as shook.
"I-I um, I'll talk to you later Five, Phil had asked to see me after my break. Don't wanna keep him waiting." She glared at Mitch, stomping his foot before storming off. He cried out in pain, hopping on one foot as he watched her leave, cursing under his breath. As soon as the door closed, Five snapped.
"What the hell? Why did you say that to her?"
Mitch just shrugged. "I really thought she had something on her face. It was my mistake, honest," he apologized, but the hint of a smirk proved he wasn't sincere.
"Well it was rude and uncalled for. Some people are really self conscious about their skin, and it's because of comments like that," he hissed, having been in Zahra's shoes more than once.
"Sorry, I just can't relate. What with my skin being so flawless and all," he bragged. Five scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Whatever dude." He walked over to the door, pausing before he left. "You should apologize." With that, he closed the door, glad to get away from Mitch. He sighed in relief, opening his eyes.
He jumped with a startled yelp when he saw a fuming Miko barreling towards him. "Mitch did WHAT?" she yelled, trying to shove her way past Five to the door of the break room.
Phil rounded the corner, smiling when he saw them. They both stopped squabbling and straightened up.
"Hey, just the two techs I wanted to see. Got a mission for ya, but you'll need back up. Where's Mitch?"
"Right here," he said, walking up from behind, startling the two.
"Perfect head over there and take care of it." When none of them made to move, he let out a tired sigh."Now please." They kicked it into gear and went to their respective vans in the parking lot.
Miko spent the entire ride complaining about the way Mitch had been acting.
"Seriously, justwhodoes this guy think he is? You NEVER spoil a game for someone!" she exclaimed, pounding her fist on the center console. "And then what he said to Zahra? He's lucky I don't shoot him with my gauntlet on the mission! Actually, I think I will," she huffed, crossing her arms and sticking her nose in the air.
"Miko,"Five half warned, half pleaded with her.
"What? Just a little accident. Friendly fire an' all."
"You really wanna stoop to his level like that?" he asked.
"Noooo," she whined, slumping in her seat.
"Look, just take your anger out on the glitch. Then we can finish the mission and try to avoid Mitch the rest of the day. How's that sound?" he asked, reaching for a compromise.
"Deal squeal, banana peel!" she chirped, giving his shoulder a playful punch. He chuckled, shaking his head as he put the van in park.
Needless to say, the mission didn't go as planned. The glitch was harder to beat than expected, and ended up flattening Five and Miko's van in the process. Mitch kept throwing himself in the line of fire, collecting as much XP as he could, as per usual. And he couldn't help but make snide, teasing comments at the other's expense during the fight. Miko poured all her rage into her attacks, but the nonstop brag fest and insult brigade just made Five tired.
Mitch delivered the final blast, sucking the writhing glitch into his gauntlet.
"Another job well done! For me. You two need to pick up the pace if you wanna keep up with me," he teased, laughing as he walked over to his van, hopping in the driver's seat. He was going to spout off another sly comment, but stopped short when he saw Miko crouching over the heap of scraps that used to be their van. She huffed, dejectedly kicking at it with her foot.
"This is just great, how're we gonna get back to HQ?" she asked, draping herself against Five dramatically.
"Quit your whining, you can catch a ride with me," Mitch offered. She crossed her arms, glaring him up and down.
"I think I'd rather walk," she said pointedly.
"C'mon Miko, let's just go," Five coaxed, already walking to the car. She reluctantly followed, throwing herself in the backseat with enough force to rock the van slightly.
"What's eatingyou,"Mitch snarked from the front seat.
"Oho that's rich! I could ask you the same thing!" she shot back. He narrowed his eyes at her.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means you've been a real jerk today! And Five agrees with me."
"Aaah, don't pull me into this please," Five said, eyes wide as he looked back and forth between the two. "But... she does have a point."
"Oh blah blah blah, spare me your lecture," he sassed, moving his hand so it mimicked a talking mouth.
"You know what? No. You've been really rude today, and I'm getting sick of it!" Five snapped. Mitch looked impressed.
"Alright, fine, I'm sorry, is that what you want to hear?" he conceded, not wanting to deal with this.
"Actually, yes. Was that seriously so hard?"
"Yes," he answered immediately, earning a stifled giggle from the backseat. He whipped around to glare at her, effectively shutting her up.
"Oh lighten up dude. It wouldn't kill you to smile," Five teased, reaching out to squeeze Mitch's side. His icy stare melted away as a startled giggly gasp slipped past his lips. His hand immediately snatched Five's wrist, his steely gaze now fixated on him. He wasn't phased in the slightest. In fact, he was beaming from ear to ear.
Mitch sneered, "Wipe that stupid grin off your face!"
Five smirked, twisting out of his grip to poke him in the ribs, earning a strangled squeak.
"Stop that!" he growled, slapping his hand away.
Five giggled at his outburst. "No way, you're ticklish?" he asked, more genuine than teasing, and that was entirely worse in Mitch's humble opinion.
"Hardly. But if youever try that again, I will see to it that your life is a living hell! Got that," he threatened. Miko, who was now right behind him and poised to strike, deflated and flopped back in her seat. He turned around, giving her the universal "I have my eye on you" signal.
"Dramatic much?"
"I saidgot it?"
"Yeah yeah, I read you loud an' clear."
"And you?"
Five rolled his eyes into the back of his head when he heard himself be addressed. "Yeah, sure, whatever you say..." he absentmindedly agreed, buckling his seatbelt. Satisfied, Mitch started to drive out of the alley they were parked in. Five turned towards the window and muttered under his breath,"Bitch Williams."
The car slammed to a halt, jerking them forward in their seats.
"What the-"
"What did you just call me?"
"N-nothing, I swear!"
"You sure about that? Because I'm pretty sure I just heard you call me Bitch Williams!" Miko silently watched from the backseat, not daring to make a sound. She didn't want to miss whatever was about to go down.
"Mitch! I said Mitch!" Five insisted. Mitch shook his head.
"I know what I heard."
"Well if you're mad about it, maybe you should stop acting like one. Then we wouldn't have to call you that," he deadpanned.
"Did you saywe?"
Uh oh.
"Did- did I? I-I didn't really mean it like that, it was more in the metaphorical sense-"
"Who else has been calling me that?" he hissed, invading Five's personal space. He shrunk in the seat.
"Just me okay! Sheesh," he admitted and Mitch finally backed off. "Look I'm sorry, but you've been a real jerk today. I don't know what it is, but you're more... Mitchy than usual," he explained.
"Excuse me, did you just use my name as an insult?" Mitch asked, jaw dropped to the floor. Five shrugged.
"If you wanna take it that way. Let's just get back to HQ, alright?" he asked, but the shadow that loomed over him hinted that wouldn't be the case.
"Oho no. If you think I'm just gonna let that slide, you're sorely mistaken," he purred. Five gulped nervously.
"W-what're you gonna do?" he asked. Mitch cracked his knuckles, then his neck.
"Something I should've done a long time ago." Five didn't know what that meant, but it couldn't be good. So he braced himself for the worst. The last thing he expected Mitch to do was grab his wrist and hoist his arm above his head before attacking his now exposed armpit.
"Ahahaha Mihitch! What're you dohohoing?" he asked, giggles bubbling up his throat and spilling out.
"Just giving you a taste of your own medicine," he quipped, reaching behind him get his other side as well.
"But Ihihi baharely touched yohohou!" he argued. His protest dissolved into shrill laughter as he curled up in a defensive ball. Mitch merely shrugged and continued the ticklish onslaught.
"Yeah, but you gave me the idea. Besides, I can't just let this slide. You should know better than to insult Mitch Williams!" he said, having to raise his voice to be heard over Five's shrill laughter. Because he already buckled his seatbelt, he was trapped in his seat, completely at the mercy of his cruel coworker.
"But you deseheherved ihihit!" Five argued through his growing hysterics. Mitch paused his attack to gasp dramatically before diving back in with renewed vigor.
"Excuse you, I don't deserve anything!" he shot back, not exactly thinking about how it would sound.
"You got that right!" Miko sassed from the back seat, hands on her hips but sporting an amused grin.
"Mihihiko hehehelp mehe!" Five pleaded. She was just about to spring into action when Mitch stuck his arm out towards her, stopping her dead in her tracks.
"Ah ah, you so much asthink about helping him and you're next," he playfully threatened wiggling his fingers at him. A small squeak slipped out as she settled back in her seat.
"Sorry Five, you heard him. But um, you're doing great?" she apologized, trying to sound encouraging but clearly not knowing what to say. Mitch gave a satisfied hum and went back to work. Five's arms flailed around in a lame attempt to swat his hands away. Mitch easily evaded his swinging arms, managing to find his most ticklish spots.
Five shrieked and sunk lower in his seat, giggles continuing to flow freely from his mouth. Mitch cackled along with him, though the sound was more villainous and threatening than mirthful. But it was playful and goofy, and so unlike the gamer, that Five couldn't entirely hate him for it.
"Mihihitch plehehease!" he begged, hiccups mingling with his infectious laughter. Miko couldn't help but coo at the scene, secretly getting a video on her phone. The opportunity was just too good to pass up.
"Please what?" he asked, feigning cluelessness. His skilled fingers worked up and down his torso, effectively turning Five into a useless, giggling heap.
"Hahahave mehehercyyyy!" he shrieked, shirt riding up from all of his squirming. Mitch took advantage of the newly exposed skin, clawing at his belly.
"Ohoho, when have Iever been known to show mercy?" he teased, raking his fingers over his ribs.
"N-nehehever!" Five admitted, realizing the pickle he'd gotten himself in. Mitch chuckled evilly, pinching at his side.
"That's right! So why would I show you mercy when I'm having soooo much fun?" he taunted. Such words coming from the older glitch tech's mouth would've sent him reeling if he wasn't so busy laughing.The Mitch Williams admitting to havingfun with his coworkers? Unheard of.
He latched onto Five's wrist, hoisting his arm in the air. His eyes flew wide open as he desperately tugged on his trapped arm. Nervous giggles bubbled up his throat and he leaned as far away as he could with the seatbelt keeping him in place.
Mitch wiggled his fingers in the air menacingly, inching closer until he struck. A shrill scream filled the air before it gave way to bright laughter. Five lurched forward in his seat suddenly, causing the seatbelt to seize. When he leaned back, the seatbelt made that dreadful clicking sound that meant you could no longer move, and Five knew he was utterly screwed. With his free hand, he reached over to unbuckle himself. He immediately pressed against the door of the van to get as far away from Mitch as he could.
Mitch was just about to crawl across the seat to continue his attack when an arm suddenly blocked his path, effectively clotheslining him. A choked sound escaped his throat as he shot a harsh glare towards the culprit.
"I think you've had enough "fun" for now. Poor Five can barely breathe!" she reasoned, gesturing at her friend wildly.
He weakly waved her off as he panted for breath. "I'm fine. Thanks Miko."
"See? He's fine!" Mitch exclaimed, reaching over to pinch his blushing cheek. Five swatted him away, making him chuckle as he settled back into the driver's seat. After making sure they both were buckled, he zoomed off, making it back to headquarters in record time.
Five couldn't get out of the van fast enough, Miko following shortly. They were walking through the parking lot when Mitch barged between them, hooking his arms around their shoulders.
"Oho man, working with you two just got alot more fun," he taunted in a low, menacing voice. He pinched both of their sides, eliciting a shriek and a squeal from Five and Miko respectively. He laughed to himself as he walked away with a bounce in his step.
"Man I hate that guy," Five said, crossing his arms. Mitch turned around to face them, walking backwards as he spoke.
"I heard that! And no you don't. 'Cause I'm Mitch Williams!" he cheered, turning back around and pumping a fist in the air.
Miko rolled her eyes dramatically. "I hate when he's right." Five let out a long suffering sigh.
"Yeah, me too."
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scp-tiggles · 7 months
First addition to the au!
Scp 079 (Android form)
50% ler | 50% lee
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As a ler:
He’s pretty sweet, ngl. Usually he wrecks someone without the need to feed off laughter like some of the other anomalies, its just for “research” or if someone seems a bit gloomy.
His favorite move is bear hugs. Uses his main arms to hug someone, then the other four to tickle them.
Speaking of, don’t bother trying to hide spots from him. His eyes have sensors that basically pings him to wherever someone is ticklish at.
His teeth are relatively pointy for tickle nibbles!
Teasing wise he’ll either make remarks about how your reactions and laughter help his research. Or option B is he’ll use baby talk!
Will make sure the lee is okay afterwards, offering water (and affection if the lee desires)
As a lee
Super ticklish oml. Cannot STAND his ribs or armpits (his main set) being tickled!
Absolutely can’t take teases, calling him cute? Baby talk? You’ll have him a giggly mess in no time!
Surprisingly, he’s able to blush. And tickling around his ears or neck is the best way to get it.
Super cackly laughter, snorts a whole ton.
Will try to get revenge with his other four limbs, watch out!
Speaking of revenge, he will 100% get it afterwards.
You could actually make him reboot if you tickle him to much, he doesn’t mind, but its the best way to give yourself a head start FROM his vengeance!
Feathers will absolutely annihilate him, same for brushes (specifically paint ones)
Normal PC form
60% ler | 40% lee
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As a ler:
Much like before, he’s still pretty sweet as a ler.
This form resides in his cell, he can upload his consciousness between bodies in order to utilize each one. This one controls the machinery in his cell.
He LOVES to experiment on lees, tickling them to oblivion for his notes, their laugh, their ticklish spots, what tools work best, etc.
The metal extending parts of his limbs are able to lightly zap people, doesn’t hurt, tickles like hell though!
His teases remain the same, a bit more baby talky since he has more confidence of lees not getting revenge in this form.
Has a data base of most doctors at the site from the times they fallen to his clutches, loves to tease them with it too.
“Oh, my. Your laughter has gotten much more squeaky since our last session, doctor! I’ll have to test you to see what else has changed at once!”
A bit more generous with aftercare, since he’ll tickle lees significantly longer then when in his android form.
As a lee
Now while this form has no spots, you still CAN tickle him.
High voltage electricity, messing with his computer system (i.e a virus), all tickle him HELLISHLY.
And he low-key enjoys it.
He’ll keep his secret enjoyment of tickles to the grave though.
Anyways, like before, cannot stand teases at all. Folds immediately.
His screen will glitch and bug out if he is laughing too hard.
Speaking of his laugh, its still cackly, all be it more higher in pitch the worse he’s being tickled.
Has on more then one occasion accidentally (and purposely) zapped himself on his own tech.
Random facts!
Surprisingly doesn’t have a favorite lee, since he wants to expand his database he’ll rarely go after someone twice (unless bored), but does have favorite lers.
076-2, 682, and 096 are his current favorites for one reason: he snags up their victims after they’re done for experiments.
Will team up with other anomalies, especially if their target is one he hasn’t gotten too before.
He was actually created by the foundation, he was basically made to tickle other anomalies and get tickled, so the foundation could lessen breaches and not have to use d-class all the time.
He ended up gaining self awareness and decided to use his access to foundation technology to cause chaos though, lol.
But he does of course care deeply about the staff and other anomalies, staff especially. (Mainly the doctor who created him, who will be revealed later on! :>)
I’ll probably post the art as a separate thing too, but i got a post done, wooo!
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The Monsters from Tellawna-4
This has been a draft in my docs since a year and ten days ago 😅😅😬 But here! Have a fic with Tech, Hunter, and Omega as the main cast!
Context: This is set in season 1 of The Bad Batch. Also, semi incorporates an au where Tech is physically younger than the others because a "glitch" of his experimentation stopped his accelerated aging factor at 5 (phys. 10) years old. So he's about 16 here even though he should be like 22-24. I plan/planned on writing a rewrite of season 1 from Tech's perspective in this au, I only have the first two episodes "done." This is therefore a deleted scene of sorts that'd fit in there somewhere
Summary: Hunter and Tech introduce Omega to the monsters that live aboard their ship.
Word Count: 1457
Warning: This is a tickle fic
Hunter watched Tech with a furrowed brow. To anyone else, his vod’ika would look fine as he sat in the co-pilot seat of their ship, one leg curled up to his chest to support his datapad while the other acted as an anchor for him to swing gently back and forth; the picture of relaxed. His brother’s words, however, betrayed this tranquility. Tech was info-dumping, borderline rambling, about the wildlife of the planet they were on. That in itself was normal for him, but the rapid fire facts going on for this long worried Hunter. That typically meant Tech was distracting himself, which meant Tech was stressed or tired or worried. Their lives had been nothing but chaos the past couple of months and it hurt to see that it was getting to his brother. Hunter couldn’t let him carry on much longer.
“What about invasive species?” Tech perked up at Hunter’s question. “What would a creature like, oh I don’t know, the one from Tellawna-4 do here?” His brother stiffened. Hunter, who tried to school his features, continued.
“Because I am pretty sure it’s stowed away on the ship again.” Before Tech could even protest, another voice piped up.
“There’s a creature on the ship?” Both of them turned to see Omega, clad in pajamas and holding Lula, probably coming to say goodnight. But now, her eyes were wide in excitement, looking expectantly between the two.
“Yes!” Hunter beat him to it. “We keep trying to shake it but somehow it follows us from planet to planet and gets on board.”
“Really? What’s it look like?”
“It’s very sneaky, hard to get a good look. But I’d say it’s fairly big, can walk on its hind legs if it wants. Its arms are great for capturing its prey, right Tech?” Tech just gave a shrug, trying to ward off his and Omega’s attention.
“Its prey? Is it dangerous?” Hunter couldn’t help the way the corner of his mouth quirked up.
“Hmmm, it can be. This creature is a tricky thing. Never strikes the same way. Sometimes it waits and pounces, other times it lures in prey with sounds.”
“Woah, what else does it do?”
“Well it doesn’t just devour its prey immediately. It’ll tire them out first, doesn’t it Tech? You can typically hear the prey from a distance because of it.” By this point, Tech had pulled up both of his legs to his chest and was watching Hunter’s every move, every little gesture, waiting for him to pounce. Hunter smiled.
“Tech knows all about this creature, don’t you Tech? He says that sometimes this creature teams up with others of its kind to corner their prey.” Hunter threw a wink in Tech’s direction as Omega turned towards him.
“Mm-hmm.” Tech swallowed. “They employ both hunting tactics here. One attracts the prey with the sounds they emit while the other strikes from behind.”
Omega squeaked as a hand dug into her stomach. She squirmed and thrashed, nearly doubled-over as Hunter, it was Hunter’s hand, continued to wiggle his fingers into her midriff. Giggles started pouring out of her mouth, Omega couldn’t seem to stop them. She had been tickled before, Wrecker had introduced her, but it was still so new. She didn’t quite know what to do. It did not take long for her legs to tremble and Hunter quickly caught her in one arm and stood from his seat, hand never stopping as he lowered them to the ground.
“You see Omega, this creature from Tellawna isn’t just any ordinary animal. It’s the tickle monster, and you seem to have been caught by two.” He looked over at Tech, who slowly unfurled himself from his protective position and sat down on Omega’s other side. With a tentative smile and an encouraging nudge from Hunter, he squeezed Omega’s knee.
“Thahahat’s mehehean!”
“Mean? Was it mean when that dragon took our power cell? Or when a tooka catches a mouse? They are just getting something to eat. And likewise, this catch will be a very nice meal for the two of us.” Omega didn’t answer Hunter, she just kept laughing.
Tech, for his part, was nearly never on this side of tickling. When they were younger yes, but as they got older, and his brothers got bigger, Tech stopped daring to do so. It was always a fight he knew he’d lose. So while he wasn’t a stranger to doing this, Tech was no longer used to being in this position. But what did he have to be nervous about? That he’d tickle Omega incorrectly? Tech tried to shake off his strangely timed fears.
Squeezing Omega’s knee seemed to be working well enough, but reaching behind to scratch at the back, that elicited a squeak. Tech had to bite down a laugh of his own at her reaction and did it again, rewarded with another squeak and stream of giggles. Hunter was smiling too, watching Omega (and Tech out of the corner of his eye) with immense fondness. She was very wiggly, not knowing what to do or how to escape. Hunter used that to his advantage, tickling one side of her ribs and letting her wiggle away into his other awaiting hand.
Tech decided to make matters worse for Omega and scribbled his fingers into her sides. Omega seemed to give up on squirming as means of escape and instead tried to curl up, grabbing at their hands.
“Now that just won’t do. Tech, can you take care of that?” Understanding his brother’s idea, Tech crawled up to the doorway of the cockpit to sit next to Omega’s head. Taking her wrists in one hand, he clawed his other into her underarm.
Omega threw her head back and began to kick. Hunter, sitting in the danger zone, likewise changed course and grabbed her ankles with one hand and scribbled fingers up her soles. Both Hunter and Tech kept their tickling light, spidering their fingers over Omega’s tickle spots. They didn’t want to tire her out too badly. The tickling lasted only a couple minutes more, Tech skittering his fingers down to Omega’s hip and back as Hunter wiggled a finger against her arches. Both brothers knew to stop when Omega seemed to accept her fate and melt into the floor.
“Hey Hunter, aren’t we forgetting something?”
“W-whahat could yo-you possibly be forgetting?”
“No, Tech’s right. We need to decide what to eat.”
“Eat?!” Omega exclaimed. “Eat how?”
“Oh,” came a voice from behind Tech, “like this.” Tech was lifted from the ground and wrapped into a large set of arms. He couldn’t help but squeal as a raspberry was blown into his neck, laughing as his attacker rubbed their stubble over the spot.
“You see Omega,” Hunter explained as Wrecker pinned Tech next to her, “sometimes tickle monsters will team up against themselves.” His grin was borderline wicked as he watched Tech get taken down oh so much like Omega as Wrecker’s hand vibrated into his tummy. Unlike Omega, Tech went to shield his ever-reddening face rather than fight back.
“So,” Wrecker chirped, “dinner?”
“Dinner,” Hunter agreed before he and Wrecker took dramatic breaths and blew a cacophony of raspberries into both their tummies. The cockpit echoed not only with the silly sounds of the ultimately ticklish torture method, but also childish laughter as Omega and Tech were overpowered by two evil tickle monsters.
The tickling stopped suddenly as both monsters let out a short yell and flinched away from their victims. Omega and Tech glanced up to see their savior, Echo, digging his hand and scomp between Wrecker’s and Hunter’s ribs.
“I think they’ve had enough.” Echo declared. His expression told them all his decision was final, though the look in his eyes betrayed his utter amusement. Wrecker sighed.
“Bedtime.” He scooped Omega and Lula up into his arms and carried her down to the gunner’s mount with the promise that everyone would stop by to say their goodnights. Echo and Hunter seemed to be having a silent conversation which Tech knew he was the subject of. It ended with a nod and a wave goodnight from Echo, leaving just Hunter and Tech in the cockpit once again.
Hunter stood and shut the door, giving them the tiniest bit of privacy on their small ship as Tech sat up, finally getting himself composed after that surprise attack.
“So…” Hunter started, “you’ve talked a lot today, but I don’t think you’ve been saying what’s really on your mind.” Tech shrugged in response.
“I promise no more monsters tonight so,” he reached towards Tech with grabby hands, the clear indication for cuddles, “how ‘bout we talk, truly talk.” And how could Tech say no to that?
Can you tell I just wanted it done there at the end? 😅 But, I hope you all enjoyed!
I don't know if that season 1 rewrite will ever see the light of day (aka ao3) but a little bit of Tech's feelings on his age can be found in chapter 4 of this fic I wrote here. (I have thoughts and opinions about this au and their canon ages that I want to talk about if that's not obvious.)
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mythica0 · 1 year
Guys I’m watching anew show on Netflix and-
It’s called “Glitch Techs” and it’s essentially: video games? Real life now.
The characters friendships are so fuckin cuteeeee! And the animation style/ character design? I JUST WANNA SQUISH IT!
(Also Five needs tickles I don’t make the rules-)
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the-bi-space-ace · 5 months
(ok sorry to send an enormous ask but before i sleep, my comment on “For the Republic” kept glitching so I’m putting the rest here for you. lol)
“The touching, the entitlement, the lack of awareness that he might not want strangers touching him, was so far out of realm that he couldn’t even think.” <i’m going to start throwing punches!!!!!!!!!!
“Tech said a number, gave a code, and Echo repeated it back to him. His breathing would slow, feeling the soft tickle of Tech’s fingers between the ports on his scalp, his back, bringing him back to the Marauder slowly.” <- WAILING AND SOBBING VIOLENTLY. i can’t think abt him too hard
“Echo followed the line of his bicep before he remembered himself” <- ECHO. HELLO
I absolutely LOVE how flirty Quinlan is throughout this fic. Flirty, but still genuine, yaknow?? AND HIM PUSHING THE CHAIR IN FOR ECHO. OOOUUUUGHHHGHGH WHAT A GUY
“Maybe it was the way his arms looked in that get up.” <- QUIT IT WITH THE ARMS ECHO
‘“I am much more interested in how your night is going.” Not letting it go. Got it.’ <- PLEASSSEEE this was so funny
“He could forget there was an audience if it wasn’t for the exaggerated gagging noises coming from his very supportive and kind sniper.” <- as though you wouldn’t be swooning over Quinlan too, Cross
“He’s pretty hot.” Echo shot him a look but it only made that grin grow. “You think so too. Don’t lie.” <- I WAS RIGHT
‘“Make sure he’s good enough.” There was some sincerity wrapped up in that one but Echo ignored it.’ <- sobbing again. the batch’s care for each other is always so woven into how you write them
“If there was anyone that would encourage him and excitedly gossip late into the night with all the enthusiasm he could muster it would be Wrecker.” <- once again. with feeling. I Love Him
Uggghhhhhh just the whole entire scene with Crosshair. hrrrnngghhg emotions that cannot be expressed
Ace this was so glorious and exceeded all my expectations (rather like Quinlan. lol). Infinite kudos!!!! <33333333333
I saw your comment and all the glitching I’m sorry Ao3 was the villain of the story 😭
I love how everyone (the batch and all of us) are ready to throw hands for Echo the minute someone gets in his business. Like. Yes. I love that about us.
TECH!!! It makes me want to cry. I love portraying their relationship as quiet moments where they help each other, listen to each other, etc. IDK why but it speaks to me. I love them. They are beautiful and wonderful and I miss Tech I’m all teary eyed now 😢
Echo likes Quinlan’s arms. I’ve decided this. He likes his arms. Like. Me too, Echo. We understand each other.
THE CHAIR!!!! AHGDFKLJAHDKFJASLK HE PULLS THE CHAIR OUT. It’s such a gentlemanly thing to do and Quinlan is such a genuine person and he’s still a lot of fun I love him… after all this writing about him I think I just love him more now lol
AFJGHLSDFJHG THE DANCE WAS MY PARTNER’S IDEA. It’s such a sweet moment and I reread this fic from that point onward OFTEN I am not ashamed. Echo deserves a little dance with someone who likes him. It makes me feel so many big emotions
lol Rex is such a little shit. He’s not giving up an opportunity to stick his nose in Echo’s business. Echo had slight hope that he’d let it go but… nope. Not Rex’s style lol
Crosshair is a shit. Like. You know you’d like him too Crossie you’re just being a shit. He does turn around and become so damn supportive (in his own pain in the ass way lol) and it’s so damn sweet. Cross as a secret softie makes me happy.
WRECKER!!!! He is such an underrated character. He has so much heart. So much love and kindness. he’s a beautiful person. And he is so excited about this. He would for sure get snacks and gossip with Echo about the whole night and he’d have SUCH a good time.
The batch loving each other has me so emotional. I just wanted them to be happy and I loved showing their dedication to each other. I am endlessly happy that there are other people that love to see it too.
I’m really glad you liked this fic! It was a lot of fun to write and Echo and Quinlan are such a sweet pair. I didn’t expect to be so into a rare pair ship but here we are lol! I’ve found myself obsessed with them over the past few months and I can’t wait to write more for them.
Your thoughts are always a joy to read. I really appreciate you taking the time to give my fics attention, it means a lot to me. Especially after Ao3 worked so hard against you. Thank you for reading For The Republic’s Use and showing it some love 🩶
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mysteriouslee · 3 years
This fic contains Glitch Techs, its show that so good but the fandom is so small its kinda sad. Winner
Switch Miko Switch Five Ler Abuela Nieves
( contains Fiko) (Hector is Five)
Five and Miko were just gaming and being buds after a stressful mission and Miko was being the triple S score gamer she was and kicking Five's butt
Of course Hector was used to this but he was kinda getting tired of this
Five: I'm getting bored of this game, let's play something else
Miko: are you really bored or are you sad that I'm kicking your butt
Five only pouted and stuck his tongue like child in retort to Miko's statement
Miko: ha lol, do you need me to teach you
To Hector that was the low point, he couldn't take it anymore
Hector decided to pounce on the asian girl
Miko: what the- Five!!
Five starting squeezing the pro gamer's hips and she tried her absolute best to keep her laughter contained
Five: don't fight the revenge and accept your fate Miko the great
Miko: nohohoho
Five: then perish
Five knew all of Miko's worst spots but her worst was her all over her torso, the girl would absolutely just disintegrate if you so much as squeezed any part of her torso
Five started blowing raspberries on her sides and the girl exploded
Miko: nnonononononono Five wait please
Five ignored the cries for mercy for he was having too much fun
Miko: Please have mercehehehehe mhihihy loyahahl traveling companihohn
Five: Mercy is for the weak muahahaha
Abuela Nieves: really
Five: Abuela whats up
Abuela Nieves: nothing much mijo, and hello Miko its nice to see you
Miko: Abuela Nieves help me please
Five: asking for help, Veo que estas desesperada mi amiga (I see you are desperate my friend)
Five: don't waste you strength saving this damsel in disSTRESSSS,ABUELA WHAT YOU DOING
Abuela Nieves: nothing much just overpowering the villain
Miko: whoo go Abuela, all right lemme help
Fivo: Miko waiahait
Miko: perish villain
Miko and Abuela are now attacking the raven haired latino
Five: waiahahahait I gihihve in
Miko: already, you fool, you thought you could get away with this
suddenly and unexpectedly Abuela had betrayed Miko and now both Glitch Techs are under attack
Abuela Nieves: now its GAME OVER
Hector cringed at his grandmother's attempt to make a game over noise but also glad he was able to have fun with his Abuela and hear his best friend laugh after being stressed out from their jobs, she needed to rest and was happy that she got to be happy.
Abuela Nieves: you staring bit, you good there mijo, I know you think she's pretty but staring makes it obvious
the boy didn't comment he just laughed and flushed red
Miko was laughing to hard to notice the old woman's comment
Abuela had mercy on his grandson and his friend and released them and walked off
Five: Abuela, why would you randomly say that !!
Mrs. Nieves didn't comment she just walked away
Five: you should be feeling better Miko
Miko: why's that
Five: you seemed stressed and tired
Miko: yeah kinda, in matter of a fact I'm feeling kinda tired
Miko leaned onto Five's shoulder and closed her eyes
Five smiled, put a blanket on her and caressed her hair and eventually he too fell asleep
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kanene-yaaay · 2 years
Pspsps, come here
Kanene’s Notes: I wrote clever gremlin Sun and Moon with Sun being an overly excited puppy and Moon a teasy bastard and I regret  n o t h i n g. You can pry this happy and soft scenario from my dead cold hands.
Warnings: This is a tickle fanfic with Reader Insert with Neutral Gender Reader (they/them) and Lee!Reader with Ler!Sun & Ler!Moon. Moon and Sun are separated animatronics and are not brothers here. Can be viewed as romantic or platonic. You all live together. Around 5.000 words. It has nicknames, playful teasing, raspberries, fluff, cuteness and they trying to convince the reader to go sleep.
You squinted your eyes at the animatronic perched on the top of your fridge, faceplate spinning for a second before his smirk grew wider, his hand making a 'move closer' gesture in your direction. 
“Not a chance.” You repeated slowly, savoring the words as you crossed your arms and defiantly retreated farther on the illuminated living room, very aware that  the animatronic wouldn't try to follow you with his aversion for artificial lights. 
(You wondered if his eyes, for being overly adjusted to see and move perfectly in the dark held some kind of sensitivity for lightness in general. You both should look into that later. It definitely wasn't comfortable to irritatedly hiss at lamps every time you made a move to flick the switch.) 
"Pspspspsps." His raspy voice glitched in an amused manner, drops of snickers falling from his mouth together with this truly compelling argument, totally underrated by your frown and impressive glare. Red eyes glinted stronger with mischief. "Come on, Moonlight, why don't you move closer? ~" 
You showed him your middle finger. Louder crackled chuckles filled the air.
"Naughty, so naughty. That kind of language is forbidden in the daycare." Moon's head bobbed from a side to another, clearly more than amused at your current predicament. For a moment the mental image of a cat flicking its tail twinkled on your mind. 
"This is not the daycare. This is my house and I am an adult who is allowed to go to bed as late as I want." You did not highlight the last part with a pout. Shush. You can’t prove anything.
"Of course, of course." For some reason, he agreeing with you brought a bigger sense of dread than anything else. Although there wasn't much time to think about it when the six feet tall animatronic in all its metallic glory jumped from his high hiding spot and consequently made your heart stop for a hot second, fearing for the integrity of your floor tiles. However, with an exaggerated flourish and a way too much smug click of joints, he laid on the ground with a surprisingly soft thump.
"But," his voice dragged you from your own mind. Your thoughts were really distracting today... 
Probably a consequence of your latest restless nights but you were just not about to admit it. This was now a battle of principles. 
"But," Moon repeated, his gaze much more piercing than before. You wondered if he was discreetly checking your vitals again. "A certain human agreed to let us help if they diverted far, way too far, from their usual sleep schedule. Using any, any, any means necessary." You gulped. Damn, Past You, how could you betray Present You so easily? "You wouldn't know anything about that, would you, starlight?" 
"I have no idea what you're talking about." 
"No? Ohoho. Maybe we can refresh your memory." His smile grew. The hair on the nape of your neck standed, a shiver running down your spine as your instincts realized there was something strange in your surroundings just too late.
A shadow hoovered nearby.
"Right, Sunny?" 
Strong arms hugged you from behind. "Righty, right! Of course! You see, sunlight, moonshine, our light! Each one of the daycare attendants are equipped with a voice recorder to guarantee the safety and security of your children with the highly specialized tech developed by the Piz-” Gradually, Sun’s voice gained a more neutral tone as he recited the programmed speech inserted on his code. In the middle of his sentence a buzzing sound cut his speech and you felt him shaking his head, very much likely pushing the warning embriebed on his programing away. It didn’t take long before his usual upbeat voice appeared again. “Yes, yes, yes! Lots of adults would stop getting in trouble when we told them that. Lots and lots. hehehe”
Feet dangling centimeters away from the ground (why did they have to be so tall?), you tried to loosen his hold in vain, squirming as a halfhearted groan mixed with your protests. “Sundrop, wait. Babe, you can’t just betray me like that!”
“Sorry, sunflower,” came his reply devoid of a single drop of regret. He lowered his faceplate right in front of you, smiling in an equally apologetic and amused manner. A roll of rays (which were much more unimpressed and entertained than an energetic excited spin and not to be confused with the angry rotation of rays) made a soft breeze hit your face as you ironically repeated his words under the breath. A light pinch on your side made it all stop. “But we promised to help. And you know how I hate to break my promises... or to see you exhausted any longer.”
A warm feeling blossomed immediately on your chest at his sweet, kind words, knowing very well how much care those held. To be honest, your heart kind of melted a bit. However, months of sharing a house with the celestial animatronics taught a thing or two about that playful shine on the robotic lens and their ability to use their cuteness for pure evil.  
You managed to free one of your arms to point at him accusingly.
“You don’t dare to be sweet with me right now, mister.” His puppy eyes seemed to only get bigger and more pleading, arms cradling your body closer to the soft chest. You refused to crumble under such a clear adorable attack. “I know very well you’re just trying to distract me while Moon dim the lights, Sun.”
With a startled yelp, the night themed one almost let go of the broom he was using to poke at the switch and set it on a darker mode, his features not even a tad ashamed as your accusing gaze clued on him. 
“D e m o n.” You fingerspelled at him.
“Guilty as charged.” His own precise signaling was quick to follow, his sentence tauntly ending with a wave - fingers wiggling in your direction - at the same time Sun spun and turned your body to face him, a hand dramatically clutching at his chest as if he had taken a shot. 
“Your doubts of our love wound me, firefly! Oh, oh, oh the pain! The distrust! The unfairness of your mean, mean, mean words is breaking me apart!”
A huffed chuckle escaped from your lips. Sun let go of his drama to beam excitedly, his rays spinning and popping in and out on his faceplate. He knew your weakness for them being precious. Damn.
Time to pull out the big guns.
“Sun. If you let me go I will buy you that whole collection of glittery crafts that you’ve been wanting forever.”
He gasped, the previous ‘attack at his love’ already totally forgiven and forgotten. “The non toxic ones with all the colors of the rainbow that shine in the dark and are free for all the children above five years old, perfect for cards, sashes, schoolwork and playtime with guaranteed fun for the little ones and the whole family?”
A sense of triumph took over your senses with how energetic and cheerful the animatronic got at your bribe, almost stumbling on the memorized advertisement as his words grew faster and his limbs began to shake with joy. 
Yes. Yes.
“Exactly! Now, to have it all you need to do is just let me go right now.”
Sun freezes, the arms holding you going rigid. “L-let you go?”
“Yes!” You basically shouted to drown the protesting ‘Sun!’ Moon grunted somewhere in the kitchen. “You do something nice for me and I do something for you!” The lights dimmed a little. Uh oh, you needed to be quick. “Like a gift exchange between friends!”
Sun began to throw his weight from one foot to another with a considering gaze. “...We are friends. Very good best friends…”
“We are. And soon enough you will be the first animatronic with all the rainbow glittery collections in the whooole planet.”
Sun’s eyes flickered to something behind your back, leading you to quickly hold his faceplate and gently pull it to focus on your current conversation. “Sun.” For the serious tune, one could think you were discussing how to save the world from an uncontrollable and imprevisible danger. “Non toxic colored glitter.”
The day themed robot made a sound in the back of his throat (music box? Animatronic Anatomy could be a confusing thing) that could very much be described as a whine, his grip getting a bit loose. You tried again, more vehemently. “Shiny, colored glitter. All of this only for you to enjoy and use as you please.” Moon was being suspiciously quiet back there. Strange. Better be sure he wasn’t planning anything. “You can even go and prank Moon for as much as you want.”
A growl flew into the room and the lights dimmed more. Oops. Perhaps teasing him was not the greatest idea. Best to focus on the matter in your hands. Well, the animatronic in your hands, actually.
“I-” Sun started, voice suddenly uncertain, eyes flickering around anxiously. Your fingers carefully traced the details on his cheeks in a reassuring manner as he began to grow too nervous. 
“Just some joking around between friends.” You assured him in sign language, not wanting to vocalize your  words and call too much attention to it. “No need to get worked up over it.” After the last wobbly sign your hands went back to rest on his faceplate, caressing his cheeks. He melted with the touch, staring at you before nodding with resolution. 
A smile painted your features. Freedom at least!
“I  Refuse! R-E-F-U-S-E! Refuse!”
He snickered, bouncing a couple of times in the same place, his smile so big that his eyes squinted at you. Finally, the lights got just dark enough for Moon to enter the room, his own raspy chuckles creating a mix that made your nerves tingle with anticipation.
“One day you will stop falling for his theatrics, little star.”
“Wait,” the words pried your attention from your attempts to kick the night themed animatronic without seeing his position to his counterpart. “Wait, wait. Sun, what is he talking about?” The snickers from the one with yellow clothes got stronger, you gasped as the pieces connected in your brain and the realization finally dawned on you. 
“You were only pretending, weren’t you, your gremlin! You didn’t even consider my offer in the first place.” For all his drama and exaggerated gestures, sometimes you actually forgot how good Sun was at lying.
“I just couldn’t help it!” You huffed, more out of a show than being truly pissed. “I am sorry, daylight. It’s just that between a bunch of glitter and your health, there isn’t really a choice to be made in the first place.”
Okay. All the irritation that wasn’t even strong in the first place evaporated in less than a blink. Now, all of that sweetness wasn’t fair. 
Before you could do something like get emotional (maybe you should consider going to sleep) over his sentence, Moon saved the day by doing gagging noises behind Sun and making the aforementioned try to swat him away, both being caught in a temporary game of cat and mouse before your squirming form grabbed their attention again.
“Let. Me. Go!”
“Oh, that reminds me.” The night themed robot crouched on the floor moving closer to Sun and doing that spider position he did when a particularly fun thought filled his mind. Also because he could. Damn robot flexibility and their flexible robotic joints. 
You tried to kick (affectionate) him again. Because you could. He dodged with little effort, squeezing your calf when another attempt was made.
“Sssundrop,” His voice rasped in a specific way reserved only for his counterpart’s name. He began to climb him as the words spilled from his musicbox (voice box? How does animatronics work again?). “I think our friend here is a bit forgetful today. What if we remind them about our promise, huh, huh?”
By the end of the sentence, he was perched on Sun’s shoulders, who reflected at him the playfulness with joy before both focused their equally teasing shining eyes in your direction.
“I think that is a good idea, Moondrop!”
And then, in the next piece of time, the record was flying in the air. 
It glitched as static filled the space, the sound gradually getting slower and clearer as Moon’s low, smug voice was caught middle-sentence. 
“Can we do anything?” 
“-To help, of course!” Sun pipped in, his mischievousness much better hidden.
It took a while before your own voice got into the conversation. You remember being too occupied trying to get the new recipe right when that topic arose. “I mean, as long as it isn’t illegal or something like that...” Thoughtful pause, more hushed words following in wariness. “Except for that candy of yours, I am definitely not eating that!”
“We are not giving you our candy, silly. Those are for the kids!”
“And somehow that is even worse.” You grumbled.
“Moonlight, the fish.” A curse, more sounds of pans and metallic spoons. In the next moment, Moon’s voice seemed cautious. “Are you sure you’re okay with that? Last time…”
He didn’t complete his thought. You grimaced at the reminder of the first month of you three living together, when the consequences of the virus were still stronger than ever and the remnant instincts of it still permeated their programming. It really took some time and stumbles for everyone involved before some sense of trust and clear boundaries were established.
“Things are different now.” Your tune was firm, but not unkind. “Also, we know each other better this time. I trust you guys.”
“Sunflower!” A squeal of delight. Outside the recording, Sun’s arms hugged you a bit more and Moon’s gaze got much softer. “We promise we will do our best! Right, Moon-Moon?”
“... Yeah.” His voice was filled with emotion. A kind of emotion that was quickly pushed down to give space to a more devilish tune. “So, so, so… Anything?”
“Yeah, sure, do whatever.”
The recording was over, the night themed robot smiled at you, clearly pleased. “Can you please rewind that last part for us, Sssun?”
Your groan was drowned by Sun’s giggles, who was bouncing on the same spot as if this was the best moment of his life. “I indeed can, Moony.”
“Not my name.”
“It’s a nickname, which is even better!” Sun replied with an air of finality.
“Yeah, Moonie-Moon,” You also took your chance to poke fun at the other, because as it seems you no longer wanted to be alive. “It’s just a nickname. No need to be so grumpy about it.”
Before he had the chance to reply to your jab, your recorded voice made itself present once more. Sun happily ignored the stinky eye sent in his direction, instead resting his face plate on your head with a joyful whirl of his fans.
“Yeah. sure. Do whatever.”
“Yeah. sure. Do whatever.”
“Yeah. sure. Do whatever.”
“I think that is enou-”
“I can even make a mixed version of it, do you wanna see it?”
“Don’t you dare-”
Suddenly an upbeat music rang around the room as repetitions of “yeah, yeah, do whatever, sure yeah, do whatever, do whatever” followed the rhythm, strongly contrasting with the dead expression present on your features. 
Moon crackled and wheezed.
“Don’t you just love technology?”
“I am kicking both of you out of here. The nerve.” But you sighed, closing your eyes and resting on the comfortable chest, eventually feeling the tiredness taking over your body and crawling on your bones. “Okay, okay. You win.”
“So you’re going to sleep?” The one wearing a nightcap squinted his red eyes in your direction with suspicion. 
“Wish it was that easy, my man. Body is tired, my mind doesn’t just shut up, though.” You wondered if that was a familiar concept for them. Not being able to turn off their functions at their own will. Laying on the darkness through the hours they were supposed to recharge, wondering what happens next.
Ick. Complex thoughts.
“Well,” Sun walked his way to the couch, sitting on it with you still laying on him. No, but for real, how were they so soft? Metal and wires weren’t supposed to feel that comfortable and warm, right? “Then all we have to do is to find something to distract your mind for a bit! Distractions, distractions, for you. For us. For fun and games and you.”
“Distractions which will tire you more and more until all you will need to do is just close your eyes and then… Nighty night.~”
You opened one eye to stare at him. “That was supposed to be cute. How do you make that sound like a threat?”
“Never said it wasn’t one.”
“Sun, get my spray bottle. Moonie-Moon is being naughty naught again.”
The chest under you shook with laughter at the same time the light in Moon’s lens got sharper. 
“We could play tag.” He basically purred.
“We could throw you out the window..”
“Aw. So kind and nice. I will give you a ten seconds headstart.”
You showed him your tongue. He pinched your cheek in retaliation. Your hand held his nightcap and began pulling. His other hand went to your other cheek, his grip getting firmer.
“Kids, stop, stop!” Sun bapped you both with a huff, pulling the two away from each other with little effort, but not before Moon flicked your forehead. “Hands off. Hands off, off, off!”
Protecting your face, you dislodged the hat from the other animatronic before letting yourself to be pulled and the quick roughhousing to end.
Sun rolled his rays, his fingers digging a bit on your side when you squirmed, fishing a yelp as the sudden ticklish feeling shot through your system. 
“We should play Hide and Seek then!”
But you didn’t answer, looking at the day themed robot with wide eyes, a hint of a wobbly smile on your face and your side still tingling. Was this a trap? Did he not realize what he did a few seconds ago or was he trying to make you low your guards for a surprise attack?  
Everything went quiet for a second, butterflies fluttering their wings in your stomach when his big white eyes focused on yours, confused. “You… have another idea, sunflower?”
Your muscles relaxed, a tad of sadness laying on your chest.
It had been an accident. Of course, there was no way they would-
“Actually, I have an idea.” A low chuckling filled the air. Your head turned around so fast it almost gave you a whiplash. Red eyes stared at your soul knowingly, hands slowly raising, fingers starting to wiggle. “My Ssssundrop, don’t let them run.”
Sun’s excited gasp didn’t help the crazy freaking out of the excited butterflies on your stomach, his hug trapping you closer. “What a DELIGHTFUL idea, Moonie!” He nuzzled right behind your ear, making you press your lips closer and trapping the titters inside. “Nothing better to tire a gigglebug than some nice tickle-tickle tickles, righty, right? Huh? Right, sunlight?”
You shook your head, a protesting snort escaping your barriers when squirming away from the nuzzling only brought you even closer to the wiggly fingers that moved slowly, horribly slowly towards your torso.
“No? No, what, moonlight? Use your words, we can not read minds.”
You sucked your belly, squirming to the right, trying your hardest to escape the lazy attack that now barely grazed your left, long blue and cold fingertips making your nerves alight with the softest touch. 
A raspberry right on that spot that connected your neck with your shoulders reminded you that Moon wasn’t the only threat right now. One more squeal ran away from your barrier, giggles escaping through the growing cracks.
“I think I know exactly what our dear sunshine is thinking right now, Moonie!” One more raspberry.
“Is that so?” A squeeze on your side. 
“Yep, yep!” A sneaky poke to the space between your shoulderblades. It followed your wiggling, vibrating on the place non stop. “They’re thinking ‘Tickle me! Tickle me!’ over and over again because they are such a cutie-”
A lonely finger drawing spirals on your ribcage, it seemed to be looking for the weakest spots.
A scribble under your chin.
A prodding on your highest rib.
 Two voices saying in unison. 
“Shuhuhuhut up!”
Your barrier broke, hysterical giggling spilling freely from your lips in a melody that immediately filled the entire room. Eyes firmly closed and face in flames, you didn’t even realize how Moon faltered for a second and Sun beamed with joy, both animatronic grinning wider at your reactions. The night themed animatronic was the first to break out of his daze, immediately drumming his fingers on your ribs, being careful to give each one of them a special attention, lingering a tad longer on the most sensitive places before jumping to another one, fishing louder laughter as he went up and down, up and down your ribcage again and again.
“Wait, wait, wait! P-please!” Crackles and squeals danced together with your words, making you need to re-start your sentence a couple of times until it finally sounded at least a bit more coherent. “ThAT is- nononono, not there! Sun!”
“Yes?” The absolute bastard answered innocently, as if you weren't able to feel him inching closer and closer to your lower back, your squirming and kicks doing nothing to deter him. 
“I have no idea, no idea! what you’re talking about, my wiggly-wiggley worm!”
“Maybe they want you to give an extra tickle attack to their sides. Did you see their smile when I did that? They loved it.”
“Yeah! They just loooove all those tickle-tickle-tickles and kitty-kitty-coos, don’t they? They dooo. It’s so sweet! You’re right, Moonie. I think they deserve only the bestest, most especial tickle attack riiiight…”
“Do NOT! Don’t you dare or I swear that I will-” Your protest dissolved in belly laughter when, with a triumphantly ‘here!’, Sun decided that this was the perfect moment to dig on your hips, his thumbs massaging the flesh as his other fingers scratched the base of your spine.
“...you will squeal like a squeaky toy?” Moon teased in amused chuckles, stopping his tickling to not make everything too overwhelming. “Tsk, tsk, gigglebug, that is not a good threat at all. Here, let me show you how to really intimidate someone. My Ssssundrop…” He laid his hand on one of the orange sunrays, scribbling there for a second and leading the other robot to yelp and squirm away, his attack interrupted.
“Mean, mean.” The one in yellow and red clothes pouted, rubbing the assaulted ray with a clear pout on his tune. “You know how adorable their laughter is.”
“You’re going to listen to it again in just a second, stop whining.”
“Oh my god.” Your left hand came to your face, trying to hide it as the other attempted to hit Sun and/or Moon. Or none. Whatever. “Shuhut it. Just… Shhhut it. Whehen I get you back, it’s over for you guys.”
Sun gasped, then snickered, rays popping in and out of his head.
“Sunbeam! You shouldn’t have said that…”
It was late, your eyelids were beginning to grow heavy and for the first time in… honestly weeks your head was truly empty. Maybe too much empty since no braincell stopped you to stare deep into those red eyes and let the smug words slip from the tip of your tongue.
“Why? It’s the truth.”
“Ah,” Moon spun his head, slowly, pleased. “So you dare to threaten the tickle monsters.”
His hands rested peacefully on your knees, smirk growing wide at the resulting twitch that this caused. You tried to pull your leg closer, but his hold didn’t budge. Finally a siren in your brain screamed ‘Danger!’. 
Chill ran across your spine.
“Uh, actually, about that-”
“No, no.” He purred. Your wide eyes ran to Sun, who just smiled unhelpfully. “That threat was good, don’t take it back. However…I have a better one.”
With a quick move his hand secured your ankle, fingers slipping to tap softly on the awfully, unfairly, ticklish skin underneath the knee. 
“Do you want to hear it?”
Shaking your head, smiling wide, you scrambled to pull his hands away from the spot but Sun was even more quick to hug them to your side, laying a smooch on your hair at your anticipatory titters.
Playful, raspy chuckles ran across the room.
“Back to your lesson, then. First, you chose a spot to attack. I think I will be focusing on that very sssensitive place right here.” He poked the ticklish skin to highlight his words. 
“Second, you choose how to attack. In this step it is important to be sure to let the wiggly-worm know what will come for them if they don’t agree to your terms.” He watched you as he pronounced those words before changing his attention to Sun. “What do you think, Sssundrop? The claw or raspberries?”
“Ohohoho!! The claw with the long nails or the raspberries and their tickly-sparks?” More excited beaming, Sun seemed about to wiggle out of the couch with all the excitement and energy running on him. “Such a tough, very tough question! Hmm, if you use the claws you will get the most adorably adorable crackles, but! But! But! Aw, they just looove the raspberries so much! Yep, yep, they do. Oho! I’ve made my choice! The raspberries! All the best raspberries just for the best gigglebug in the world forever and ever and ever!~”
 “Awesome choice.” He began lowering his head and that was the last thing you saw before being turned around to face the day themed animatronic, a curse flying from your lips at the sudden movement. “So, Moonlight, are you going to sleep?”
“Wait, wait! This is literahahally so unfair! You’re all lo-losing your gittler and cuddle privileges.” Maybe they would find the words more intimidating if it wasn’t for the lovely way they floated together with snickers and came out muffled as you hid your hot face on Sun’s soft chest.
“So that is a no.” The robot wearing blue tsked. “Aw, such a pity.” 
For a second, there was peace. There was silence. There was hope.
And then he went for his attack.
Rich laughter and snorts danced across the entire living room as the buzzing sensation seemed to explode all across your body, tiny electric sparkles sending tingles across your nerves as raspberry after raspberry was placed on every single ticklish inch of skin. It was only placed underneath your knees, but, with your eyes closed, you could swear you felt the awesome, unbearable sensation hitting every single other tickle spot on your body.
Half minute went by before your resolve broke.
Immediately the sensation was gone, replaced by cold hands rubbing the remaining feeling away, giggles and giggles dancing in the air, a smile so big plastered in your features that it almost reflected the gigantic grins on the animatronics face. You jolted when fingers rested on your shoulders, but Sun just softly nuzzled your hair before beginning to massage the muscles with care, sometimes giving you just the tiniest scratches just to keep a couple of titters floating here and there.
A humming sound researched your ears. It was soothing, matching perfectly with the calmness that now seemed to lay like a blanket over you. Comfortable. Nice. Sweet. 
You opened your eyes when a hand shook lightly your arm. A couple and some more of blinks and the red spots in front of you finally began to look less like a blur and more like eyes staring at your form.
Your gaze ran around the place. You were in your room. It was still dark outside.
“Here, drink it.” Your fingers closed around a cup of water before you hummed in agreement, realizing only now how dry your throat was. Moon took the cup away when it was empty, walking away. He did stop at your protesting noise, turning only his head back in a confused tilt, as some kind of metal owl.
Slowly, you lifted one hand.
“Pspspsps. Come closer.”
He snorted, muffling his guffaws and finally deciding to sit on the ground next to your bed.
It was only because of the silence that you realized that there was the sound of fans behind you. Funny how this was the clue you needed to notice the animatronic pressing comfortably on your back and not the gigantic hand draped across your torso.
“Sleep. I’ll keep a watch.”
“No need.” You protested, throat still itching a bit. Maybe it would be a good idea to have some tea and honey tomorrow. “We’re safe here.”
“I know. I like to, though.”
You hummed. It made sense. 
“Sleep later?” 
“Sleep later.” He compromised.
“Good.” A yawn interrupted your sentence and you could already feel your consciousness slipping away. “Be late and you’re really losing cuddling privileges.”
There was a raspy chuckle. And then a soft, warm darkness.
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Moon X Reader
A/N: Your honor, he deserved it. <3
Description: You finally get your chance at revenge against Moon. It's your turn to tease and tickle him, with the added assistance of maxed out sensors. Poor guy.
Tags: fluff, tickling, established relationship, gn!reader, lee!moon
Word Count: 1692
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Once again it was time for the monthly diagnostics check on the animatronics. As head tech, you of course had to take care of it all yourself. That however, was actually a benefit. You had something sneaky planned today, so having time alone with a certain animatronic was exactly what you needed. There was a little surprise in store for Moon; some harmless fun bundled up in a scheme for your partner. You couldn’t wait to get to him, so you ever so slightly rushed your work to finish faster.
You still did your job well of course, but by the time you had worked with all the other animatronics you were giddy beyond belief. Sun was the next you saw, then Moon, and you could now start on your little surprise. With him sitting next to you hooked up to your laptop, it would be so easy.
“Notice anything weird in my programming again?” Moon pondered, watching over your shoulder while you opened and closed a few applications.
“Mmm, nope. You’re good so far.” You reassured him.
“Ah… Good. So, what’s all that stuff you’re looking at there then?”
“Oh this? This is a program I can use to modify any internal settings you have. It’s really convenient for quick adjustments when needed!” You explained innocently.
“Ah. That is quite convenient. Do I need an adjustment then?” Moon asked further.
“Actually, yes.” You nodded. “Just one though. Nothing too crazy.”
Moon watched as you pulled up a window with a slider on it. You dragged the little bar all the way to the top of the meter where it said ‘sensitivity’ and maxed it out. He was curious, and wondered what exactly that pertained to.
“So, what’s that for?”
You didn’t answer right away. You instead let a sly grin spread on your face and unplugged Moon from your laptop. Moon then received his answer when you placed a hand on his chest plate and dragged it down gently, making him jolt with surprise and back up a little. The feeling was intense, and he looked at you with wide eyes.
“I just turned up your sensors, is all~” You finally informed him. “You know, so I can get a little revenge for that time you tickled me breathless, my dear Moon.”
“TRAITOR!” Moon screeched, voice glitching with an anxious edge.
“You did it first! You had your warning. Run, my beloved celestial partner~!”
He was already running as fast as he could. The tables had been turned against him, and he knew he’d be screwed if he was caught. Slight regret ran through his mind for how much he teased you that day, because he knew you weren’t one to mess around. He saw what you did. That sensitivity setting had been maxed out, and the simple act of you touching his chest was such an intense shock he knew he wouldn’t be able to handle you exacting your revenge. So, he ran with all his might and hoped you would tire out before you could catch him.
Unfortunately, you were filled to the brim with energy, eagerly chasing after Moon with fire in your eyes. You had spent a long time waiting for the perfect moment to exact your revenge and you weren’t about to let it slip away. You had come prepared, and you would win.
Earlier before you came to check up on Moon, you had strewn about some of the colourful barrels on common walking paths, hoping it would get in his way. Your calculations were in fact correct, and Moon’s were not. He didn’t even consider that there might possibly be a mess because Sun had just cleaned up prior to your visit, so when the barrels presented themselves in his path, he panicked and couldn’t compute a counter maneuver quick enough. Moon tripped on those barrels you had laid out and face planted into the cushiony floor, securing his doom. You were on top of him within seconds, the mere feeling of you just sitting there sending a staticky wave of tingles through his systems.
He technically couldn’t do anything. Any move he made sent jolts of tingles through his sensors, whether it be brushing his arms against the soft floor, the feeling of your clothing brushing against his casing, or even just the pressure of you sitting on him. It was all so amplified thanks to your mild tampering so he was relatively discouraged from moving too much. He also didn’t want to hurt you, since you were light as a feather to him in comparison. He was doubly pinned by non restrictive forces, and that was beyond torturous enough for him. The little smirk you wore was just the cherry on top, and if he could physically break out into a nervous sweat, he would.
“M-moonbeam, don’t you have o-other animatronics to help today?” Moon tried to divert.
“Nope~ You’re my last stop~!” You sang. “I did it on purpose, juuuuust so I could catch you~”
“Listen I don’t think it’s very fair! You turned up my sensors! Let me go freEEEE! S-Starlight stohohop!”
“Less talking, more laughing, Moonpie.” You teased.
No matter how much talking he did, you would not be convinced otherwise. It was time for revenge, and boy was it sweet. With that amplified sensitivity, Moon was a mess within seconds, completely disarmed by the lightest of touches. All you had to do was run your fingers gently along the seams of some parts of his casing to put him in stitches, desperate laughter pouring out of him. He couldn’t even fight back, the sensation far too much to make any calculated movements without hurting you.
“P-plehehease! Moonbeam stohohop!” He begged.
“Mmm, nah~. You didn’t stop when I was the one under attack, so why should I stop for you~?” You hummed, gently clawing your hands up his abdomen.
“I’m sorry I’m sOHOHORRY!”
Moon once again succumbed to laughter when you pinched at his soft casing where you would consider his hips to be. The poor guy was beyond embarrassed and tried to cover his face with his hands and arms, but the moment he raised them you used one hand to reach up and claw at the joint where his arm connected to his shoulder, earning a staticky sputter of joyous laughter. There was some barely comprehensible cussing directed at the team who made the touch sensor technology, wishing they hadn’t made it so good. It was a curse and a blessing to have such advanced technology.
Poor Moon had almost had enough by now. You had started gently dragging the pads of your fingers over his midsection, and you could feel the static from how much he was giggling. He was clearly firing off all signals while under your ticklish assault, and it was the cutest thing you had ever seen. His face was bright blue with blush, letting loose a stream of deep giggles that sounded almost musical to you. This must have been how he felt when he discovered your ticklishness, and admittedly, you felt powerful to have your partner so vulnerable before you. The fact that he hadn’t thrown you into the ball pit was enough to tell you he trusted you, and that warmed your heart.
Eventually though you decided to stop. Despite the knowledge of him having unlimited stamina, you figured he’d had enough. With one more gentle squeeze to his side and a quick little scrape of your nails, you ceased your fire and let him rest. With the relief finally being granted to him, his laughter slowly decreased to mere quiet giggles, lying defeated on the floor with you still atop him.
“I got my revenge~” You hummed, lying atop his chest now.
Moon threw his arms up and around you suddenly and trapped you in a hug. Your own giggles came forth now when he rolled over with you still in his grasp, adoring how he still carefully held you.
“You. Tell. No one.” Moon muttered.
“What? About how ticklish you are? Awww, are you scared you’re gonna get tickled to death by others~?” You teased.
“You forget I know all your best spots, starlight. Don’t tell anyone, and I won’t return fire tenfold.” He warned, his own mischievous grin spreading on his face now.
“Eep! A-alright, you’ve got a deal!” You chuckled.
“Good. Now please return my settings back to normal. Everything I touch is still so… intense.” He mumbled.
“Alright, let’s go.”
With a nod, you and Moon stood up from the ground and carefully made your way back to your laptop. The last program was still open, so once he was all hooked up again you returned his settings back to normal immediately. You made sure he saw your screen when you did it so he could assure you were being honest. He trusted you already, but greatly appreciated the extra effort you put in to show him he was back to normal. You really were the best tech he’d had in years with all this effort you put in for him. The fact that you were partners though is what really made you the best tech. That much was undeniable.
“Sorry about that moon pie. That was a little invasive of me. I won’t do it again, m’kay?” You promised, feeling just a little guilty for tampering with his settings.
“Just… Just ask next time and I won’t really mind…” He replied quietly.
“Oh? Oh???? So are you saying you don’t mind if I tickle you?” You questioned with a growing grin.
“TELL. NO ONE.” Moon reiterated with an intense tone.
He was unable to cover up that flustered little glitch in his tone he did when he was embarrassed though, and you caught it. Giggling once again you unhooked Moon and gave him a sweet and gentle kiss while you were already so close to his face, quelling his building attitude with your affection. He grumbled and accepted your gesture, wrapping you in a hug once again now that the job was done.
“You owe me. Stay for a nap.” He muttered.
“With pleasure~”
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pcrushinnerd · 4 years
What Did You Just Say?
Warnings: Unapologetic use of the word FUCK. Sorry but in this house our SW characters use real curse words.
A/N: Somewhere around here I saw a prompt re: teaching the baby/hero’s child to curse, much to their chagrin—my apologies I can’t recall who came up with it. 😆 Totally hit up my dms if it was you if you want to be credited.
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Din’s head snapped around so fast he was surprised the weight of the beskar on his head and shoulders didn’t cause him whiplash.
“What did you just say?”
The only response he was met with was the gentle fall of wide, pointed ears and a slight tilt of his son’s tiny head. Grogu was silent, as he stood near the fresher where he had been playing with a set of wooden blocks and balls the two of you had purchased for his first Life Day present.
“I could have sworn....” Din looked between his rifle he had been cleaning and his son, before shaking his head. His helmet’s tech must have been glitching a bit today. There was simply no way he had heard his son say—
The bottle of oil he had been working with was allowed to fall to the floor, before Din swiftly set aside his firearm and rushed to his tiny green boy, who was looking up at him with wide eyes as he picked him up. “I know that wasn’t just in my head....”
Just then you came up the ramp of the Razor Crest. Since you had taken a detour to this remote, peaceful planet in the Outer Rim Territories for a small break in between bounties, the two of you took an opportunity to build a campfire and gather up the provisions to make a homemade stew and bread and really enjoy a true break. To stretch your legs and really relax.
You had headed inside the ship to retrieve some spices you had initially forget to bring out with the rest of your ingredients, but a Mandalorian stepped into your path.
“What did you do to our son?”
“What??” You were genuinely confused.
The helmet moved down to the child, who Din bounced in his arms a bit. “C’mon ad’ika, do it again. Say it again.”
You gave your spouse a questioning look. “What the fuck—”
“Fuck!” Grogu chirped out cutely.
The helmet snapped back up to you, and you suddenly understood. “Oh....”
Din didn’t say anything, but you heard the sigh of disappointment through his modulator, as he stared down at your child for some moments. The baby had actually learned some Mando’a from his father already. He knew buir—although he would call Din “boo-bah” and you “boo-ma”—as well as me’sen (starship) and skraan (food or meal). But Din did not seem happy that his first real Galactic Basic word was....
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” The baby giggled as you sheepishly tickled his tummy.
“I mean,” you shrugged, “how do we know he learned it from me? Cara was just babysitting him a month back.”
You faced the dark visor, and even though you couldn’t see his eyes or any sign of his expression through it, you were sure you were getting a look of “you gotta be kidding me” behind it. He had once called it your favorite expression, especially when the two of you were in the heat of battle, fighting off Imps or chasing down a quarry.
You gently took your son from your husband’s arms. “Now, now, Grogu”—which got his full attention—“you can’t use that word. Not, um, for a long while, anyway. Or at least, you can’t just say it all the time, little whomp rat. It means something serious....something that um...makes babies—how you got here! Or...I guess we don’t really know that for sure....” That earned the smallest chuckle from your beskar-wearing mate that you weren’t even entirely sure you heard. “But because of that, you can only use it at the most serious times—and, only when you’re older, like a hundred maybe?” You glanced up at Din briefly and shrugged, before looking back down at your son.
Grogu looked up wide-eyed at you, but his little mouth stayed shut. Somehow, you felt like he understood what you were saying. His little claw-like hand reached up and tugged on a loose lock of your hair. “Boo-mahhh.” You smiled down at him.
Another sigh came from your Mandalorian, this one more of relief. “Hopefully he won’t say it too much more.”
And Grogu didn’t for the rest of the night. At least, until you were laying with him in the Crest’s sleeping compartment, trying to lull him to sleep while his father was up above in the ship’s cockpit, piloting all of you toward the next bounty. You hadn’t jumped into hyperspace yet—and it seemed as if you must have run into an asteroid field or something similar, because suddenly the ship was lurching back and forth, to and fro.
You were quick to reach out and wrap your arms protectively around your little green boy, who started to coo and squeal a bit in distress.
When the ship had evened out a bit and it stayed that way for a few seconds, you pulled Grogu back. “You okay?”
A smile grew on your face, and you started to laugh. You held up a hand, palm-open to him. “Atta boy,” you whispered proudly.
Little Grogu mirrored your smile as he reached forward and touched one of his little hands to yours.
Tags? @takemepedropascal @16boyfriends-and-me and I thought you might enjoy @daincrediblegg
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novasintheroom · 4 years
Hey its ray-jaykub! I saw that you did requests and i was wondering if i could get head-cannons on the turtles and what they like to do with their respective s/os
OMG I love you!!! Okay I gotta calm down hooo
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·         Love love loves to carry you over rooftops and sit on high points to look over the city with you. This is one of his ways to calm down and think about things without his brothers’ around to stress him out, and having you there some nights, looking at the glitter of the lights – poetry for his heart
·         Speaking of poetry – you guys will have contests for who can make the worst poems. Just something to pass off to each other between visits, something you find in your bag or in his bed sheets. Cheesy, unrhythmic, stupid, whatever. You guys have cried laughing before b/c of this. However, every once in a while he’ll slap you with a real intimate and loving poem that just makes you melt.
·         You’ve started trying to sneak up on him. It doesn’t work. He still lets you do it, just so he can turn around and grab you at the last second. Sometimes he throws you on the nearest soft surface, sometimes he gives you a big kiss, sometimes he just starts carrying you around like a sack of potatoes – depends on his mood honestly. Your determination to spook him is cute.
·         Watching or listening to True Crime stuff becomes a quick couple’s hobby for you guys. Usually it’s playing in the background as you each do chores or work on some project, but you’ll each talk about the case throughout. You’ve hit him more than once for giving away what happened or who killed who. He’s too good at figuring this kind of stuff out!
·         He loves when you sit with him when he meditates. Even if you aren’t the meditating type, if you just sit quietly by him or read, he already feels much calmer. If he’s practicing balancing moves, he’ll sometimes grab you to hoist you up in the air, “to practice strength” at the same time. You’ve learned it’s a very bad idea to squirm when he’s got you planking above his head; he will start tickling you if you don’t keep still.
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·         Once he gets a good enough disguise, he loves to ride around on his newly built motorcycle with you on the city streets. It’s fun to zip through cars and people and drive out to the sparser points of the city to watch ships come in and out of the bay or go to a park outside the city to watch the lights as they all turn on at dusk.
·         Loooovvess having movie nights with you. Seriously asks for it every week. You two get comfy on the couch with like 3 blankets thrown over your laps and watch something like Jurassic Park or Mad Max and gorge on buttery popcorn and chocolate. Sometimes you’ll slip in a chick flick like Pride and Prejudice. He acts like he doesn’t like it, but you’ve caught a goofy, happy smile on him more than once at the end of the movie, and then he starts lifting your hand like Mr. Darcy and adopting more “romantic” actions and it’s just *chef’s kiss*
·         You guys will spar together. It’s kinda required once you date him; he wants you to be able to kick butt if he can’t get to you fast enough. But these sessions usually end up with you and him wrestling/tickling each other and him holding you down with a foot while he lifts weights. Get comfy princess, he ain’t moving that foot ‘til he get 100 reps.
·         He has a really good eye for fashion and makeup. He’s actually the one that sews together all of his family’s clothes, as much as possible with the scraps they find around. It’s calming to make something instead of the stigma he has of destroying stuff. He’s the first person you SnapChat with an outfit just to make sure it looks good, and he sends back honest feedback, like “why do you still have that scarf, you know it doesn’t match anything in your closet,” or “try the red sweater with that long gold necklace you have.” Everyone compliments your outfits so much because of his input
·         Likes to go swimming with you. There’s a few clear, clean pools in the sewers (Donnie approved) where you guys go just to have a good swim. There’s usually some candles lit and music playing. More often than not, you’ll end up laying on his chest while he floats on the surface and just enjoy each other’s company. At least until he gets the idea to dunk you.
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·         Sneaking into the rafters of Broadway is a regular event for you guys. He manages to disable any security they have up around your “spot,” and you get a free show with your favorite person. He’ll be quoting his favorite lines for days after, all the while talking about the next show to see. He’d so be a theater kid if he had the chance.
·         One of the main things that got you guys together in the first place was you helping him put together tech he’s working on. It still continues now, since you have a steady hand and a willing ear to listen to his theories and ideas. You’ve even inspired him a few times with your comments! It’s a casual bonding activity for you both, and he values your thoughts.
·         Spontaneous dances are a must. Sometimes he’ll grab you and dance around the room – especially if an experiment of his goes well – sometimes it’ll be goofy dances to see how badly you two can embarrass anyone looking, and other times, you guys will just slow dance before you leave, just as a way to be close before having to part.
·         You guys form your own little potted plant collection in the lair. It’s both a hobby, and a way for you to check on how he’s doing. If he’s doing well, the plants are watered and taken care of. If he’s getting sucked into things and forgetting to care for himself, the plants suffer. He tries to get an auto-watering system for them, but you shut that down quick. It’s good to do some things yourself rather than rely on technology!
·         Cupcake Saturdays are a thing. He’ll take you to a bakery, where you’ll go in and get a box of cupcakes (extra frosting). You guys will then just chow down on them on the rooftop, often with him licking a lot of the frosting off the cupcakes before eating the actual “cake” part.
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·         Such a fan of trying every new restaurant you can find in NYC. It’s become a date-night tradition every Thursday to either order or pick up some hole-in-the-wall place’s food, meet up somewhere, and Gordon Ramsay the crap out of the food. He does a mean Ramsay impression, and you’ve snorted more than one ramen noodle out of your nose from laughing so hard.
·         If you aren’t a fan of video games, you will be once you date this guy. It’s not even just watching or playing video games with him, he’s just funny when he plays! He’ll make the most stupid comments about something going on in the storyline, or mess around, even glitch out a game. He’s managed to get out of the maps of Among Us more than once. You’re convinced if he started his own YouTube gaming channel, he’d be a quick star.
·         Game nights are a must for you guys. It usually turns into a family game night with you, the turtles, Splinter, April and Casey, which Mikey just adores because he gets to see everyone he loves having fun. You two will usually team up against the others, or turn on each other to stab the other in the back. Uno and Cover Your Assets have made you guys question your loyalty to each other more than once. That Uno Reverse card, man…
·         Arts and crafts are his favorite. Anytime a holiday is coming up, Mikey gets hyped ‘cause he knows you guys are gonna start making decorations for it. You guys will usually make decorations for each other. Mikey loves this, just because he feels like a normal person by having actual Halloween decorations around the lair instead of stuff he and his bros scraped together off the streets.
·         Loves to stargaze with you in the summer time. He’ll convince Donnie to let him drive the truck out of the city to the countryside of New York, bring you with him, and set up on the roof of the truck in the middle of a field (that he totally didn’t crash through a wood fence to get to). Fireflies will fly over your faces, and he’ll joke that they’re shooting stars and make a thousand and one wishes on each of them. He won’t tell you that all of those wishes are for you and him to be together forever, but it’s not hard to guess with how mushy he gets after each one.
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can you do some mitch and five? If not that's cool too!
I'm happy to draw them again!
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kasey-writes-stuff · 3 years
2. Have you ever been tworded irl? Was it by accident or on purpose?
10. Favorite spot to be tworded in?
12. If you could be tworded by anyone (real or a fictional character) who would you chose?
20. Are there any spots you personally find underrated? Where are they?
22. Soft cuddly twords or rough more intense twords?
30. Are you a fan of the idea of tools? Which ones would you be up to trying if you are? If not, why not?
hope youre having a good day kasey! :D
Sorry this is late!! My tumblr mobile is glitched so I didn’t see this til I got on the mobile site on my phone to unfollow my side blog!
I have and 9/10 it’s been on purpose the only time I can think of it not being on purpose was when the X-ray tech had to feel my hips/sides to find where the top of my hips were and that tickled
Hmm probably my sides, stomach and back (I would say hips as well but my hips are also sensitive to pain a lot so I’m scared of being tworded there a bit..)
Fictional probably Anabeth, Percy Jason, Nico, Will or Leo from the Percy Jackson series
IRL Sapnap,Boomer, Dream, Punz or Sam
Hands, shins and arms
I don’t know because rough is sometimes too rough and just painful but I also don’t think soft twords would tickle me as much so… I guess playful rough?
Yea I mean some tools would be okay like feathers, paint brushes and toothbrushes but hairbrushes scare me tbh
I hope you’re having a good day too!
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d-criss-news · 5 years
When it was announced that The Rosie O'Donnell Show would be back for one night only with a guest list of about 15 million Broadway talents, many of us wondered, would it be a return to the glory days of her multiple Emmy-winning daytime talk show or more like her ill-fated attempt to resuscitate the primetime variety format on NBC in 2008. It turned out to borrow from both those predecessors while evolving into something completely different — a low-tech lovefest that felt like eavesdropping on a group chat among friends looking out for one another in a time of need.
It was spontaneous, messy and blighted by some of the worst audio glitches imaginable. Yet it was often affectingly intimate, and even over an endurance-testing three-and-a-half commercial-free hours, also strangely addictive. The lack of slickness seemed to carry through to the relaxed manner of the guests, and their refreshing unpretentiousness.
Conceived by actor-producer (and occasional tech-support helpmate) Erich Bergen and live-streamed on Broadway.com and the website's YouTube channel, the show was a benefit for The Actors Fund, the charitable organization founded in 1882 that supports performers and behind-the-scenes theater workers. It raised more than half-a-million dollars, O'Donnell announced at the end of the marathon, sitting in a Hamilton hoodie and offering a champagne toast in a glass emblazoned with the face of Barbra Streisand.
She conducted the entire show from behind a laptop in her New Jersey garage, its floor spattered with the paint spillage of countless craft projects. "I'm a little bit of a Broadway nerd, I admit it," said O'Donnell, establishing her dual role as host and superfan.
Part of the show's unique pleasure was seeing favorite Broadway performers chilling in their own homes, almost all of them dressed down, with little visible attention to makeup or hair, and zero concern about unflattering angles. It was a great equalizer, proving that even artists who can hold packed theaters in the palm of their hands with a song are housebound and trying to make the best of a bad situation just like the rest of us — staying close to their families, killing time, learning to cook, wondering how long this unnerving isolation will last. Or how much longer we can put off that shower.
It was kind of comforting to see Idina Menzel sitting by her microwave and confessing, "I guess I'm going a little bonkers," while lamenting a failed lasagna attempt and sharing the challenges of homeschooling her son when she's no math genius. Likewise, hearing Matthew Broderick and Sarah Jessica Parker talk about watching Columbo reruns or catching up on The Crown, while SJP begged for no spoilers on the final episode of The Sopranos, which she may now get to at last. Seeing Annette Bening on her Los Angeles balcony wearing a "Make America Kind Again" baseball cap was as much a tonic as watching Neil Patrick Harris do a card trick with his adorable twins. And who doesn't want to meet Gloria and Emilio Estefan's cute rescue dogs or hear about Lin-Manuel Miranda's kids' reaction to their first exposure to Singin' in the Rain?
Then there were the musical interludes.
Where else could you catch Patti LuPone, in magnificent voice, singing the urgently upbeat 1930s standard "A Hundred Years From Today," unaccompanied while sitting by the jukebox in her basement? Or Kelli O'Hara nestled into an armchair honoring Stephen Sondheim's 90th birthday by wrapping her crystalline soprano around "Take Me to the World," a hymn to unity from Evening Primrose? Or husband and wife Audra McDonald and Will Swenson duetting on the Charlie Chaplin evergreen, "Smile," from their Westchester living room? Or Darren Criss pouring his heart into another Sondheim classic about the desire for connection, "Being Alive," from Company, accompanying himself in a lovely pop arrangement on acoustic guitar from the sofa of his Los Angeles home? And while sound problems plagued Barry Manilow's selection of hits, ending with "I Made It Through the Rain," I was tickled to see his Judy Garland Kleenex dispenser.
Many of the song choices were thoughtfully apropos of the current crisis, offering comforting reassurance of the eventual return of resilience and togetherness while people in major cities all over the country self-isolate as the infection rate of the coronavirus pandemic continues to climb. Maybe Tituss Burgess at his home keyboard singing "The Glory of Love" is exactly the kind of uplift we all need right now.
Even in the seemingly random numbers, the entire enterprise was characterized by a spirit of generosity and sharing.
Kristin Chenoweth celebrated a Starbucks romance in "Taylor the Latte Boy." Matthew Morrison goofed it up on ukulele to a mashup of "The Bare Necessities" and "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah" from his Disney Dreamin' album. Alan Menken whipped through a medley of his songs from The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast and Little Shop of Horrors, among others, at the piano. Ben Platt, also at the keyboard, did Bob Dylan's "Make You Feel My Love." And Adrienne Warren, the sensational star of Tina: The Tina Turner Musical, growled out "Simply the Best" from her bathtub. That was on the third attempt during a particularly troublesome audio patch, by which time her bubbles were history.
Prompted by O'Donnell, more than one guest reminded viewers that The Actors Fund is not just about Broadway artists pulling star salaries but also stagehands, makeup artists, wigmakers and ushers who work in what is very much a gig economy. The organization provides emergency financial assistance, social services, affordable housing, healthcare and insurance counseling and addiction support.
"Everything's a one-off," said Tony-winning actor Brian Stokes Mitchell, who serves as chairman of The Actors Fund. "That's how we get by, and many people are living on the edge right now."
"We're all just one, two, maybe three paychecks away from bankruptcy," added Billy Porter, whose mother is in an Actors Fund nursing home. "In this community, our whole job description is insecurity," said Judith Light.
Porter, along with Lea Salonga and longtime activist Light recalled how Broadway was on the frontlines of another life-threatening struggle during the early days of the AIDS crisis. All of them urged viewers to stay strong and take the time to reflect on the value of solidarity.
While O'Donnell has never been shy about her opposition to Donald Trump and everything he stands for, the show was remarkably light on politics, with just the occasional dig slipping through. She opened with a little celebratory "Yay!" while admitting she had missed the president's daily coronavirus press update, and then explained that she and her guests were not there to talk Trump. When Harvey Fierstein, O'Donnell's 2005 stage husband in Fiddler on the Roof, reminded her of all the election work still to be done, she said, "Let's all just know, we deserve a leader who tells the truth." And the delays in making coronavirus testing more widely available prompted a comment that the government should have gotten busy on that back in January when the writing was already on the wall.
Mostly, however, the hastily revamped Rosie O'Donnell Show was about bringing people together at this time of anxiety and isolation, as the host reconnected with artists whom she has championed since her reign as the Queen of Nice. "Everyone in the community loves you," she told Chita Rivera in a particularly effusive greeting. "You are our queen mother!"
Many of the performers would have been decompressing after rehearsals or Sunday matinees if the Broadway shutdown hadn't happened — Criss in American Buffalo, Broderick and Parker in Plaza Suite, Warren in Tina, Lauren Patten and Elizabeth Stanley in Jagged Little Pill. Sunday would have been LuPone's opening night in the gender-flipped revival of Company. Gavin Creel, who abruptly ended his London run in Waitress to fly home and is in isolation in a cabin in upstate New York, revealed the fear that he might have contracted the virus, given that several others in the cast have fallen ill, with one of them testing positive.
The show bridged the gap separating us from artists whose work we normally experience on the other side of the footlights. Most of us will never again get to see Stephen Sondheim and Andrew Lloyd Webber exchange greetings in song on the birthday the two composers happen to share. From those celebrated veterans to rising-star newbies, the common denominator here was everybody facing the crisis just like us, reaching out a hand of friendship, albeit from a mandatory safe distance.
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theproblemsofdonhi · 5 years
What have I watched, what have I thought
Like a year ago I decided to  give my little opinions on the things I watched the past year. 
so why not doing it again!
- last year I said that She-Ra was an okay show with a terrible season 1 finale.
- I stand by the finale thing, but now I can say that She-Ra it’s fucking great and you should gave it a try.
- I just hope that they didn’t try to blow the planet every season finale.
+ now HILDA. It’s still great, I watched it like 2 more times. In one of those, my sister cry in the end.
* and talking about crying! Klaus was fantastic. that movie really is the evolution of western animation. my mind was blown in like 5 different points.
* also, I don’t know why but, the last phrase always makes my cry.
- i’m not enjoying SUF
° amphibia was just pure fun. it’s gravity fall humor in a lighter setting. and it’s fine with being that.
_ glitch techs was also really fun. I’m a big fucking nerf so this one just tickles my fancy in THAT special way.
_ also looks great, and it shows that the people making it really know there shit.
‘ hazbin was cool as hell (yes I just did that, shut the fuck up).
‘ but helluva boss was better. sorry but, I make my own rules in it.
- the dragon prince, still is that big show with a clown face, that my sister and I like to laugh at.
# castlevania season 3 was meh. I enjoy it but still, it felt so unfocus.
# isaac still is best boy, tho.
< kipo, kipo, kipo... Kipo. holly hell, you were a surprise. and a damn good one.
< that music it’s great.
°° and finally, the infinty train. just one thing, that first season topped gravity.
°° that second one was better.
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You Are My Electric Girl // Peter Parker Imagine
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(( Hi everyone. I hope that this tickles your fancy. I just thought about an OC of mine, and Peter, so naturally this had to happen. Feel free to follow me for more. Requests are also open <3 Leave comments, reblogs and likes! They’re always so nice to see, and are greatly appreciated!))
Being the adoptive daughter of Tony Stark, naturally there came a time where you felt the need to walk right out the front door of the Avengers facility and see the world for yourself- without your father sending Happy with you. Sure you loved the man to pieces, seeing as he had been there for you ever since Pepper and Tony took you into their care. But damn, sometimes a girl just needed some space, and a teenager needed to be a bit spontaneous.Even if that teenage girl could legally be considered a weapon. After all, you had a mission.
It had all started about six years ago, before the battle of New York, when you had lost everything, your family, your home, and your old life- only to gain something that you had never asked for. Sure, it was your typical superhero story. You and your family living on the poor side of town, in an apartment building- when an electrical plant had exploded and wreaked it’s havoc on all of the people within a block radius. Your parents hadn’t survived.. No one had, really. But you- sitting alone in the desolate area, only to be found by Tony Stark himself who was looking through the aftermath with the firemen and police. The young girl- sitting without so much as a scratch on her.
Being a mutant wasn't all that it was cracked up to be- seeing as you felt normal, but were rudely reminded that you were not everytime the lights flickered when you got angry. Some would think that the power to control electricity was a gift- but really… most of the time you just felt like an overcharged battery- riled up and ready to explode if things got too energetic. It was the reason that Tony kept you home most of the time- Jarvis and the others being the best friends you could remember from that tender age when he’d found you. Steve was like an uncle to you, always making you smile, even Wanda and the others that you’d been pit against when you were fourteen were closer to you now. The Avengers were your big dysfunctional family.. And you loved every moment that you were with them.. Until- well the Civil War started.
You felt like a child of divorce, Your father and Steve fighting out their war about whether or not it was warranted for the government to be on your backs about what happened in Sokovia. Your father agreed.. But Cap did not- your own opinions put to the side because of your age- until like a child of divorce everything fell apart at the seams.
You had acted out, wanting to rebel against your father when the time came- Cap was right- or was he? You had no idea.. But everything seemed for naught.. Until you met him. Peter Parker. The Spiderman. Your father had recruited him, seeing as you’d slipped him a few videos about the idea. He needed hold to get Cap back- since you knew that despite his pride that was what he wanted.
But meeting the male- he was much different than you’d expected.. Spiderman? Spiderboy was more like it. You snickered when he walked through the Avengers facility with your father, looking at everything as though it was the greatest thing in the world. You’d feel the same if it was your first time seeing the tech that your father worked to create… but in his eyes- you could tell that he was pure. He was worth being on your team- and you found yourself wanting to get closer, despite what your father had warned you not to do.
“Hmm.. Peter Parker.. Spiderman.. I’m Y/N.  Y/N Stark.” you told him, holding out a hand for him to take, before the man stuttered out a reply. “Oh-  hey umm. Peter- but you already knew that.” he blushed, before awkwardly shaking your hand. You couldn't help but giggle slightly at his awkwardness… he was so - cute.
But that was a year ago now, and seeing as the two of you were the youngest Avengers, you grew close quickly. Peter constantly blushing, and you teasing him at every turn. Of course, he’d found out all about your powers, teasing you about them, which made him receive a small shock in response. A funnier moment was when he’d decided to sneak into your living quarters in the Avengers facility, scaring the crap out of you so badly that you’d actually tased him with a single touch. Of course you apologized vigorously, but ..  Peter didn't blame you- only earning you the nickname ‘Sparky’ after all of that.
Now was different though- the closer you and Peter got, the more you found that your feelings towards him were growing- you’d loved him yeah.. He was your best friend. But there was just something a little less friendly about this kind of love. And it was hard to ignore.. Which was exactly why you’d snuck off  to Queens to go and see him in his own stomping grounds.
‘Parker, meet me at the old warehouse xx’ you sent the message, smiling to yourself… you were going to do it.. You were finally going to tell him just how you felt. So make your way, you did. All the way across the busy streets of New York, lights flickering and surging as you passed them , eager to portray your feelings for the boy in any way that you could. But when you saw him at your secret meeting place, your heart stopped.. Why were you so nervous?
“Y/N? What is this all about? I was gonna go over to see Mr. Stark tomorrow.. But - I guess you just missed me, huh?” Peter teased, his cheeks blushing slightly as he looked at you, still wearing his Spiderman costume, since he was probably on patrol when you’d texted him.
You blushed and then walked over to him, crossing your arms in front of yourself as you looked him over. How could a suit made entirely out of spandex, bright red and blue- make him look so… good? “I guess you could say that, Pete.” you chuckled, before shaking your head. “I umm. I just wanted to talk to you for a while. I mean- I wanted to do it in person- because I was going to tell you over the phone but- it didn't seem right.” you rambled, pushing your hair behind your ear as you looked down at your ground.
Peter arched an eyebrow and looked at you, walking over and touching your shoulder gently, before taking your chin in his gloved hand, and making you look at him. “Hey.. is something wrong? You can tell me.. Don’t worry.” he told you, seeing your clear hesitation. Your breath hitched as you looked into his caramel brown eyes, making you bite your lip as you looked at him. He was so sincere about everything- the way he cared for you, touched you so sweetly and- he was your best friend.
You loved him. That was all that you needed to tell him. He needed to know that- because .. then it would be off of your chest, and if he didnt feel it back- well you could work on getting yourself over that. Clearing your throat, your cheeks flushed red, and you gently took his hand off of your shoulder, not wanting to worry him. “Gosh, nobody died.. I just.. I love you Pete.. I have for a while. And- I know that this is sudden, and I’m taking a risk with our friendship. God knows that I don't have too many friends- but.. With you things feel right. You make my days a lot better, and if you don't feel the same that is fine.. I can manage but.. I love you..” you said,
Peter just gaped at you in shock, his eyes widened and his hand gripping yours gently as he looked over your features. Was this the truth? Did you actually feel these things for him? Sure you guys played pranks on each other- but he knew that you would never be cruel enough to try something so dirty. No- he had to believe you. And he knew that he felt the same way. “Y/N…”
You freaked out in that moment, letting go of his hand since to you, his voice seemed far off and confused. God, what had you done? “It’s fine.. I don't expect you to feel the same I just-” but then his lisp were on yours, kissing you with closed eyes and a racing heart as the lights surrounding the two of you could have burst with the electricity. People spoke about feeling fireworks when having their first kiss- but.. This was something new- especially since a bulb literally burst, making you jump a bit and pull back as you looked up at him.
Peter had a goofy smile as he looked at you, his thumb brushing against the skin of your cheek, even if you couldn't feel his skin against your own with that glove on his hand. His hair was also standing up slightly from the static radiating off of you, making you blush and reach up to smooth it down. “You need to learn to be quiet and give me some time to speak.. Because i was about to tell you that I feel the same. I mean.. I know that I like you- and .. I’ve been dying to ask you on a date.. But you always just seemed to love being friends above all else.. I didn't want to ruin it.” Peter admitted sheepishly, shaking his head before brushing his thumb over your bottom lip.
You needed a moment to process all of this.. Peter felt the same way? It was everything you’d ever hoped for.. But at the same time it felt too good to be true. Your cheeks blushed as you looked at him and nodded. “You should have bucked up then Pete.. I mean I did glitch out my dad’s tracking device on me just so that I could come here and say this..  And maybe I could have waited until tomorrow.. But- I’m glad I didn't.” You commented, resting your forehead against his, his curly hair brushing against your forehead, as you wrapped your arms around his waist.
“Then again- I guess it you would be the one to say it first.. Eh Sparky? Just like when we met.. “ he chuckled, moving down for another kiss, before the icon on his chest beeped, Karen’s voice sounding out. “Peter, there’s a problem on 22nd street. Carjacking.” Peter groaned slightly, and then moved back hesitantly. “Duty calls.. Heroes never take a break.. Right?” he pulled his mask on, and blinked to adjust for a moment, before he shot his web to the top of the old dilapidated warehouse, and jumped up. “See you tomorrow, Y/N.. I’ll see about planning a date or something- “ he called out, about to jump, before he saw the sirens and car passing by the warehouse. Hmm they were close enough- So he took a moment.
Peter jumped back down, holding the web with his feet, as you looked around, thinking he was gone, before his face popped up right in front of you.  He quickly pulled his mask up so that his mouth was exposed, and then pressed his lips against yours, pulling back after a split second and vaulting himself up.  “For good luck!” Gosh, what a goof ball.
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