#god this really is the most depressing stones timeline
waugh-bao · 1 month
So I’ve been thinking more about the asks I was sent about Keith on this tour and what the change up in concert structure (one solo song by Keith instead of two) portends for the band and the long term reception of this tour.
I’ve said it before, but I have to repeat, with even more emphasis, that I’m almost blown away by how much criticism there is of the musical quality of this tour 2 shows in. Especially after Keith has started sitting to play some of the songs.
There’s still people, generally Boomers, hitting back, but it’s never a real defense of their musical integrity or ability, just an appeal to age:
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(Also the ‘they don’t need the money’ take is kind of stupid because UK death tax is a bitch and any of their British assets that aren’t tied up in the band’s Swiss based corporation are going to vanish by almost half when they’re split. Not to mention two of them have a ton of kids that it will probably need to be divided amongst. And Mick has always been money hungry).
And the rest of the comments look a lot more like this:
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I was especially struck by the person who termed it ‘grading on a nostalgia curve’, because I think that’s a spot on description for the typical defense, whether it’s coming from Boomers who spent $800 on a ticket or not:
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You may see it panned by individual critics or newspapers, I sincerely doubt any big music writers or magazines will be that harsh towards the tour because the Stones sell and they want access to the band more than integrity. It’s the same reason Hackney Diamonds got such glowing reviews. All the Stones’ albums since Steel Wheels get amazing mainstream reviews and then 5-10 years later everyone goes back and admits they weren’t that good/outright suck. By the same vein, I think once the band is genuinely over and a few years have passed, the consensus will shift to ‘they would have had a lot more integrity and dignity if they called it quits after No Filter, because everything that followed was the band rapidly becoming a parody of itself.’
And I do think the end is coming sooner rather than later. Tour insurance only becomes harder to secure with time (Mick would never take the risk of financially wiping himself out that personally guaranteeing a tour would run and most venues wouldn’t want to deal with liability that anyway) and they know it’s only getting worse musically whether or not they’ll ever own up to it. Embarrassment will win over eventually if physicals don’t. I tentatively doubt they’ll ever officially announce a last tour, because they have a longstanding aversion to the kind of pity involved in that, but I don’t seriously believe we’ll see more than one more European tour and maybe a final US/North America one.
I’ll close on the less depressing note of the unintentionally funniest (dark) comment/reply I’ve seen in a while:
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xellandria · 10 months
Oc Ask Meme!!
7,26 and B for Alexander
(https://www.tumblr.com/xellandria/725141210645315584/uncommon-questions-for-ocs-and-their-creators for ease of access)
oh no this post is going to contain art from twenty years ago, run for the hills! Also this got long lmao whoops
7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling? For a long time, Alex had a heart-shaped pendant necklace that belonged to his first love. They were in that "this person can do no wrong" puppy-love stage of infatuation that a lot of early relationships (especially between young people) get when she was murdered and he was forced to flee because he was accused of killing both Mephala (framed) and the town's sheriff/top law enforcement guy (valid, sort of). It was the only possession of hers he had to remind him of her, and the memories associated with it were intensely mixed (a: her, but also b: murder), and after Mephala's fridging he carried it with him for a long time (somewhere between 20-200 years, depending on how my timeline for other events that aren't set in stone yet end up shaking out).
Do you know that thing that you do sometimes when you're really depressed and feeling self-flagellating where you already feel bad, so you intentionally start thinking about a Bad Thing that happened so your life can suck extra hard? And how obviously thinking about it makes you feel worse, but there's a weird undercurrent of pleasure and satisfaction at the ability to hurt yourself like that? It's weird to think of him like this because in the "present day" he's a very happy-go-lucky kinda guy like 97% of the time, but there was definitely a period in his past where he was that kind of angsty, moody teen.
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And then, fourteen pages into the comic, the doofus accidentally left it behind on a bar countertop while escaping from some bounty hunters :V
28. What is their preferred mode of transportation? Alex is a big fan of the persistence predator's famous "walk 'em to death" strategy! So are a lot of my characters, I'm realizing (because other methods of transport like wagons and cars and bicycles and scooters and such suck to draw I guess, lmao). I think Alex would be an indifferent equestrian; competent enough to stay on the horse (once he learned, which I'm not sure when he would have done), but very much a sack in the saddle. While he can fly, he prefers not to because he haaaaaaaaaates his wings; there ARE humanoid creatures with wings on Meir, but a lot of them don't interface well with most of society and have a bit of a Reputation, so there's a bit of a stigma there, and people tend to stare. Alex doesn't mind being the center of attention, but he definitely prefers it to be for the things he's doing, not the thing he is.
At some point recently I said (probably on twitter) that I'd only drawn him with his wings three times: once for a "sexy" wallpaper, once for a NaNoMangO pregame meme, and once just recently for the ref sheet I posted a couple weeks ago. While I was going through First Target again for this ask just now I realized it's actually been four: his wings came out when he was fighting Viktor (which, now that I've remembered, made me go "oh yeah, that was important cos people witnessed that he wasn't human which made them go after him extra hard," it's funny the kind of details you forget after twenty years, rofl)
Edit: FIVE times, actually: I forgot I did one of those "what's your god tier" memes in the height of my Homestuckdom and he got Thief of Life.
B) What inspired you to create them? In seventh and eighth grade, in the late 90s, my friends and I were all role playing on various portions of Yahoo!'s social outlets, both in their chatrooms (Aenye, aka Ayenee aka A&E aka the Arts & Entertainment section) and on their groups (okay in fairness that was mostly just me, I don't think my RL friends indulged in that bit). I "GMed" a lot of stuff for my friends in the chats, and we had a fairly expansive storyline going, but a lot of it was pulled from things we were invested in at the time and a lot of characters were straight up just whichever media characters we were crushing on at the time, sometimes with the barcodes sanded off and sometimes not. One of the characters I "mained" at the time, both in RP with my RL friends and in various RP groups (which were mostly mixed-anime isekai-style things or directly based in the world of the anime/manga Slayers), was Xellandria Butadientium.
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Xellandria Butadientium, Xella for short, was heavily, heavily, heavily based on Xelloss Metallium from Slayers, a smiling "trickster priest" with a deliciously malicious side and very obscure motivations. She was in competition with every other Mary Sue OC in those groups for Xelloss' attentions, though even at the time I (and she) was less interested in romance and sex than in just Being There and I dipped out of several groups once whoever was playing Xelloss there indicated their interest in eRPing (I was like, fourteenish and assumed I would care less/more when I got older. That, uh, never happened :Y)
When we moved on from Yahoo onto our own private forums I started redesigning some characters to be less obviously derivative and wholesale replacing others, and Xella was one of the ones hit with a redesign. She kept some of the things that had become "iconic" to her by then, but I tried to move away from the rest.
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The problem here was that there were five main characters in The Bloodraven Chronicles, and only three of us bay area girls RPing; I was responsible for three of the five. One was Xella, one was James (another character who started his life being based off Xelloss, at least visually), and the other was straight up just Xelloss. That wouldn't do if we were making this an original story, which we all* had it in our heads at the time to do (because that was Just What You Did, we were formulating Aslua Studios who were going to Make It Big doing Things related to this story!). So, as Xella was originally a genderbent version of Xelloss who eventually evolved into her own thing, I figured I would just do it again, but in reverse!
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Thus, alleX, who evolved over the next couple months into Alex, and whose design was finalized in September of 2001, just in time for me to be noodling around with the idea of starting a webcomic, which I would start posting to KeenSpace in November of that year.
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Alex's personality takes a lot of inspiration from those old Xelloss roleplayers, though it leans into the more "human" versions, where he was less inscrutable and more just kind of silly. Nowadays he's pretty happy-go-lucky, which you would not know from anything in this long-ass post, l m a o
Anyway to cap it off, have a bonus visual chart of all this, from one of those "1 like = 1 answer" things on twitter about his D&D AU version:
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(* I am reasonably sure, in retrospect, that my friends were just going along with my own desire to Make It Big (With Art) and that they had no real stake in it. In fairness, this was the correct decision/response on their part, but you know.)
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queenassumption · 1 year
I want to let go of what is boggling me these days since the birth of 2023 through this writing. It was the most pungent taste and sourest experience – starting from betrayal to forgiveness to patching up to reminiscing to questioning one’s self. Fate was a bully and I am its prey. I stopped being the social butterfly because no matter how pure my intentions were, people will always find ways to cut your wings and suffer. However, there is always something we could do about it and one of them is to achieve the “art of not giving a fuck”. But the news is, I was naturally born with my heart being one step forward than my mind. I want to have the other way around this year. God knows how much I prayed to make my feelings sturdier like a stone since I am tired of being emotional or being “too much” or “over” to everything – ecstatic, depressed, infatuated, infuriated, or aloof. I need to step up my game – to choose myself over anyone else. Second, on my list is that I have observed that I really do overshare. There are times that I want my mouth to be kept inside my pocket at all times. When I am already comfortable, I will non-stop talk about random things. As an ambivert, this socially active version of me is sometimes haunting to my introverted side. I want to be alone too but boredom will choke me to death. I am confused already about where should I stand. Strange! I want to be the best version of myself each and every day. The only way is up or straightforward. Collect all the pain and turn them into life lessons. No matter how thick the blood is nor how strong the bond is, in a blink of an eye, you are always on your own. Forgiveness and reconciliation are one of the prettiest gifts but these things can sometimes be temporary. Experience is what I believe is the most genuine thing you can be proud of. And speaking of experience, it feels right to be always in pairs. Like black and white, left and right, sun and moon, up and down, etc. And in numbers, odd for me is odd. Like in friendship, when two friends are having fun and in deep connection, the third one can just simply smile and laugh at the side nor watch and support them from afar. In my 25 years of existence, in different eras and timelines, I always experience being the “third” one. So, one of my resolution this year is to drop the term “best friend” officially but they will all be called “close friends” or “treasured friends” which I like the sound of it better. The memories are like playing your favorite cartoon show on a compact disc but once scratched, it will never display a clear video again. In a different scenario, there are also what we called “leeches” in our life. They know that you are something to them in the present so they will be around you in the most and best version of themselves with their fingers crossed at their back. They are hungry parasites that have hidden agendas. So, if the shoe fits, it doesn’t look good on you so better jump out of the pot before the water gets hot. These are all the weights that I have faced today but through writing this, honestly, I feel a lot better and I just wanted to share this with everyone who managed to read this at this part. I am sure that God has better plans for me. He will give me a sharper vision, a mind that can decode more easter eggs, and a stronger heart.
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lucky-katebishop · 3 years
I spent a month reading harry potter fanfics and here’s what I learned
So for the past three and a half weeks, I’ve been doing basically nothing but reading Harry Potter fanfics and now I kind of just want to talk about them. No one cares but future me will! I tend to get caught in obsessions fairly easily (for instance, two months ago was comic books and last month was video editing and then k dramas). I’m feeling like my Harry Potter obsession is fading which makes me really sad cause it was a fun ride. I went from Drarry to Hinny, time travel to alternate realities, obscuris Harry to Dark!Harry, MCU AUs to Doctor Who AUs. I must’ve read more than 50 fics.
I’ve learned that I hate Dumbledore
Snape makes for a great mentor but I will only like him with proper character development
also where did Snape being Draco’s godfather come from? I don’t think this was in the books? I’m not angry, just confused
I read a fic that was so sad that I was physically unable to finish reading it -- actually I read two of those, one of them was a DID fic and the other Voldemort adopted Harry
the Voldemort one is quite possibly the most tragic thing I have ever read and even though it’s been two weeks I still haven’t been able to recover -- I was only halfway finished too GOOD LORD
another fic I read that was so fucking depressing was a time loop situation where Harry literally couldn’t get out of and it ended tragically
obscuris Harry is interesting but I really only like the ones where Newt is actually involved but I couldn’t find any finished ones
I don’t like it when Harry’s appearance changes, it throws me for a loop
there was this one where Harry got sent back in time and his figure got disfigured and so he didn’t even appear like himself anymore
I just find it odd for Harry Potter not to look like Harry Potter, idk
I also have a headcanon that his hair is very curly rather than shaggy
I haven’t been able to find a fic where Harry goes back in time to the Marauders era and has the right amount of angst but the right amount of fluff
I’ve read some good ones where the Marauders travel to Harry’s time but like,,, it isn’t quite what I’m looking for? I’m gonna have to write it, aren’t I? 
this doesn’t happen with irondad fics, literally everything you’ve ever wanted you can find it there
I read one where Harry did go back in time but she (fem!Harry) didn’t really interact with her parents or the Marauders that much, she became friends with Regulus instead
Regulus should’ve been in Gryffindor
I’ve not only read fics where Draco has been a Ravenclaw, Slytherin, but also a Gryffindor. I haven’t found one where he’s in Hufflepuff
I’ve read fics where Harry’s in every single house - the Ravenclaw one might be my favorite so far, it had to do with him going to a different timeline where there’s another Harry and he’s a major dick
Hufflepuff Harry one was funny, but it got distressing cause Dumbledore didn’t trust him and tried to get him expelled
actually the Hufflepuff one made my heart hurt cause Harry was put in the body of a Harry who isn’t the boy who lived and barely spoke and was basically like an even more traumatized Neville
Slytherin Harry is everything to me and he should’ve been in Slytherin
Ravenclaw Draco is something that can be so personal
I’m tired of reading Year One fics, I get it, there’s a stone, let’s move on
Year Four fics are my favorite however, there was one (which is my favorite) where Harry’s a necromancer and in the graveyard scene he calls corpses from the graves alive to help him get out of there it was so cool
I am partial to Harry/Draco but Harry/Luna is cute
there was a Pokemon Harry/Luna one that’s adorable and I’ve read it twice already
I like when there’s a ton of lore involved
especially Hogwarts lessons - like ancient runes can fucking get it, I love runes fics
there was an MCU AU one where I read Harry didn’t have his magic anymore, not as potent as it was, but he did have ancient runes
LISTEN I tried to get into Dark!Harry but after that Voldemort adoption one I can’t do it anymore, I will start crying literally right now -- he just wants to be fucking useful! He just wants to be loved! Is that too much to fucking ask for? 
however Harry doing dark!magic but isn’t actually on the dark side is cool
Death Eater Spy Draco! It makes me distressed but also I am so here for it!
Jenkins if you’re out there I love you (if you get this reference I love you)
I read a ton of Avengers adopt Harry when he’s younger but I don’t care for younger Harry fics, I prefer when he’s a teenager and I don’t have to read the first few years at Hogwarts, it can get repetitive
Give me all the angst with Harry being a horcrux please, I’m living for the drama
Lily is not a fan favorite weirdly enough, when the Marauders are in fics she’s usually not there which is unfortunate because I just really want a good Harry/Lily bonding moment
one of the saddest fics I read was where harry, luna, hermione and neville find themselves in an alternate dimension where Lily and Remus are married and alive, James is a dick but has other kids, and every single person that had died in their world is alive
I don’t like it when there’s Ron bashing, he’s one of my favorites, but if I have to, I’ll read some of them
there was this Sherlock fic (listen, I went in fucking deep, it’s been a weird month) where fem!Harry is on the run from the Ministry because I don’t actually understand and Ron and everyone is out for blood for her
Eleventh Doctor/Harry is a pairing I was not aware of but I actually kind of love?
Master of Death Harry is fucking OP and I love him for that
mcu aus is something I never knew I needed
Holly Potter and the Midlife Crisis is fucking everything
So is On Punching Gods and Absentee Dads, I realized it was the same author when I read in the author notes that the author was going to some volcano convention thing and I was like this is way too niche for it to be a coincidence
I’ve read Tony is Harry’s dad, Loki is Harry’s dad, Harry is just weird friends with Thor, ones where Natasha is Harry’s aunt
listen everyone is related to this boy
I will not read a fic if it doesn’t involve Harry, he’s my boy, he’s my love, I care only about him and him only I’m so sorry
you know that meme where people say nobody’s favorite character is harry potter, the titular character? Well meet me! He’s my favorite!
in battle of hogwarts fics, Remus almost always dies. Why is that? Why do you guys hate him so much? It’s always half and half for Fred, I never know if he’s going to live or not
In all of the good fics I’ve read I saw in the collections area of ao3 the same collection and I was like! You get me! 
if it says Gammily’s Bookshelf on the fic, it’s gonna be a really fucking great fic let me just tell you that right now
Parseltongue gets me so riled up, I fucking love Parseltongue, it’s so cool
there’s a reason I usually filter out non/c*n but I decided to let it flow and I ran into a few that fucking d e s t r o y e d me why do you guys read shit like this, it broke my heart
that being said I read one that was really nuanced and actually really good but it’ll never be finished and I’m very mad about that
Either we have a better understanding of how goblins could be utilized  than JKR or we’re just ignorant of how powerful they can be
weird coincidence that I’ve read two completely different fics where Harry thought having a threesome meant kissing three different people
Dumbledore’s a bitch and I hate him, every fic I’ve read so far agrees with me
there is a person out there that is CARRYING the bucky barnes/harry potter pairing on their back and I hope whoever that is knows how much I appreciate them
remind me never to click on a fic that hasn’t been updated since 2015 ever again, C’est La Vie I will miss you so
this is just a fucking quarter of the harry potter fics I’ve read but thanks for reading if you did, let me know if you want to know some of the titles
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phenomenal1500 · 3 years
~Let Me Help You~
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A/N: Requested by Poohbearbabygirl on AO3. I really hope you enjoyed this and I'm sorry for the delay.
Summary: Thor still seems to struggle with depression right after the Endgame ends and the reader decides to pay him a visit.
Timeline: Between Avengers Infinity War and Endgame.
Pairing: Thor Odinson x Reader Warnings: Depression, Alcohol Addiction & Smut
It didn't take long before your brain wandered off to Thor after the Avengers meeting was over.
The God of Thunder should've been there.
He was always the one with the most enthusiasm and motivation in the group, but he never showed up and it concerned you.
Perhaps it was the best decision to pay him a visit....
You had climbed into your car to travel to New Asgard that was located near the sea and it took a while before you arrived there and saw the sign for the place appear in your eye sight. "Where are you hiding, Thor?" You whispered to yourself as you drove through the first part of the small village, parking your car somewhere close to the beginning because it was too crowded to drive through the streets. You automatically locked your car after you got out, even though you knew it wasn't necessary, and you accidentally bumped into Valkyrie.
"I'm so sorry." You immediately apologised.
"Don't make a big deal out of it, Y/N." She winked. "Thor's up there, but he doesn't like visitors." She pointed at a small house on top of the highest mountain. "Even Korg and Miek aren't allowed in there anymore."
"It's that bad?"
"Yeah." She clearly had a serious look on her face and rolled up a fishing net. "Yeah it actually is so go there at your own risk." She then gave you a warm smile. "You've been warned."
"Thank you." You gave her a nod and walked up the big stone roads until you reached its narrow stairs. You then climbed them slowly and finally arrived at the cottage.
From up close, it wasn't actually that small at all.
Your hand leaned against the door and you hesitated before knocking on the door in your made up way. You always did that so he knew it was you, but that was before he disappeared without saying anything.
"Nooo!" You could hear him whine loudly. "I'm not home!"
"Thor? I'm coming in okay?" You would no matter what go inside to check on him and definitely now since he lost everything and started to isolate himself.
You carefully opened the door, the dust floating around from the force that was behind the push.
It seemed nobody had come to visit in a long time....
"Thor?" You slowly walked around, trying to find the sad god. "I'm inside."
"I told you to go away." He stumbled into the hallway, knocking over expensive Norse vases as he pointed at you with a bottle of beer in his right hand. "I don't want you here, Y/N!"
"Thor, you're drunk." You got up to him, dodging a swing of his arm. "Let me help you-...." You held out your hand.
"I'm not drunk, I'm trying to get drunk." He corrected you, moving your hand away while he glided down the wall so he was sitting on the floor with his back against the torn up walls. "And I don't need your help so please leave."
Behind his cold words was suppressed sadness and grief.
You could hear it.
Could see it as well.
"Thor, what's really going on? Come on, you're safe, just tell me." You slowly squatted next to him and then sat down, holding his hand in a lovely manner.
"I can't keep things for long, I just lose them." A tear escaped the corner of his eye and rolled down his cheek. "First it's family, then friends.... then my ability to even love. Y/N, I'm done with this." He sniffed, drying his tears that kept falling down his cheeks and onto his chubby bare chest. "Look at me, I'm ugly and fat and can't seem to function at all."
You could feel his sadness and your hand went to his chest, the place where his heart would be.
"My love, listen to me." You began, your own voice cracking a bit because of seeing him like this for the first time in your life. He was always the one to let you cry on his shoulder, never the other way around. "You didn't lose everyone you have.... there are still people around that still care for you and who'll gladly help you through all these dark times. Why do you think I'm here? I love you, Thor, with whole my heart and I can't stand seeing you like this. If I knew this.... I would've come way sooner to help." You moved a bit closer to him as you pointed at his chest. "And don't you dare say that you're ugly and fat ever again, you're still as hot and good-looking as ever."
His bloodshot eyes lit up, his back straightened a little and his lips met yours. Your hands went up to his long hair as you straddled his lap, your lips dancing with his as you felt his confidence growing back a little bit.
"Thor, leave the drink." You panted against his lips and gently took over the bottle. "I have something better to cheer you up."
He gave in, nodding, and his hands went to your hips while you put down the bottle.
You then stood up, helping him raise to his feet as well.
"My bedroom is a mess." He honestly blurred out and glared at you awkwardly. "I think the couch is better for us."
"Whatever you desire most." You smiled warmly and sat him down onto his couch once you arrived there with him, your hand brushing against his semi-hard dick while you took a seat next to him. "I'll help you clean everything afterwards, okay?"
"Mhuh." He bit his lip, insecure about whether you still wanted to do this with him, and you kissed him passionately, sucking his bottom lip into your mouth before you slid your tongue in his. You could feel his tongue doing the exact same thing, meeting yours and exploring your mouth softly.
He tasted so good.... except for the big amount of beer tasting saliva you sometimes tasted.
In the meantime your hand gently massaged his deliciously massive familiar dick through his baby blue sweats and you could feel his light groans vibrate in your mouth.
You urged for him, to swallow him whole, to do anything that involved you and that massive cock inside your mouth.
You pulled back, throwing one of his old pillows onto the floor in between his legs and dropping to your knees in the process. You tugged onto his pants to show him what you wanted to do for him and he smiled, helping you to pull down his pants. His hard dick jumped up in front of your face as it was freed and you watched him through your lashes, collecting your spit so you could let your hot saliva drip over the tip. You could hear him taking in deep breaths as your slender thumb ran over his sensitive tip and then your hand trailed down the length of his shaft to stroke your spit into him. "My god likes it?"
"I love it, keep going Y/N."
It motivated you and you lowered your head to kiss the wet tip, popping your full lips around just an inch of him at first to tease him a little and take it easy on him.
"I just love feeling your body enjoying everything I do." You moaned in a seductive way and maintained eye contact with the blue eyed god as you sucked and licked the first two inches of him. "Mmm~."
You honestly had no end goal in sight and you went slow on him, taking your time so he could truly relax and forget all his misery, even if it was only for a brief second.
Your lips pulled back, leaving a trail of light sucks and kisses down his now throbbing shaft and you brought your hands up to his torso to message his tensed up body.
When you had formed enough spit again to actually have him in your mouth fully, you gently flicked your tongue over the head; back and forth and up and down. It gave him a sort of ecstasy he seemed to not have felt in a long time and you creeped your lips up over the head of his cock, taking his perfect curved and shining dick in your mouth fully and you could feel his precum already leaking into your throat as you moved your head downward, immediately taking him deep. "Gods, Y/N!"
You could feel the gorgeous texture of his cock on your tongue and every movement it made as you sucked him real slow and good.
You moved your lips over your teeth and hollowed your cheeks every time you went upwards so it wouldn't be uncomfortable for him and one of your hands left his cute chubby body as you gently massaged his balls.
You kept on bobbing your head at a comfortable and passionate pace for a long time, feeling his messy dick swell even more and hearing him growl your name. "Y/N."
He was close and you knew it.
You slapped his cock against your tongue when you felt it twitch, stroking him in the meantime, and his white creamy cum filled your mouth.
You swallowed every single last drop and licked him clean before you looked up, seeing him smirk widely. "Perhaps you're right, I think I am capable of loving.... loving you, Y/N."
Thor lifted you up and held you close as he kissed you deeply.
"I love you too, Thor." You mumbled in between the kisses. "You'll survive this, everything will be okay, I promise."
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mxgilray · 3 years
Loki Season 1 Thoughts
Overall, I really liked this series. It has some issues without question, but I sincerely don't think it's the dumpster fire so many viewers on this site treat it as. Did it go how I expected? Not at all? Did I enjoy the heck out of it and look forward to it every Wednesday? Hell yeah!
Loki's Good Guy Personality
A big complaint many have had with it is how much Loki's demeanor has changed and how his emotional growth feels rushed or his personality is ooc. Truth is, he saw his entire future, saw what his angry, power hungry, I-work-alone persona would get him in the end, and it snapped him back to reality. He has always been shown to be quite emotional and craving attention and lacking in self assurance, it's just in the past movies he's masked it with violence and fake narcissism, and he's always been a secondary character so his perspective is rarely shown. But if you really pay attention it's obvious he isn't truly villainous; we all know that, it's largely why he has such a huge fan base.
Right after meeting Mobius, Loki got an infodump of his future, saw his parents both die, found out that free will means jack shit, and learned he's absolutely powerless in this realm. On top of that, this is 2012 Loki, fresh off of being under Thanos' control, suddenly being shown that the guy who controlled him is going to end up killing him. Frankly,, I think it all broke Loki. He was too shook up by it all and by the sheer helplessness he found himself in at the TVA that he let all his barriers down momentarily. Just long enough for him to open up to Mobius about his motivation and his lack of self confidence. And you know what I bet? Loki felt relieved after talking to Mobius. A weight was lifted, because he bore his heart to someone and wasn't rejected or laughed at or treated like a psycho. And after letting his walls down fully, Loki didn't feel the need to put all of them back up. He stayed guarded around other people, but he didn't need to pretend around Mobius. Mobius has seen under the mask, so Loki doesn't feel pressure to perform as an all knowing, all powerful God around Mobius. That freedom is life changing.
People who gravitate towards broken, pseudo-villain characters do so because we relate to their internal conflict, their mental illness, their need to fake it around everyone close to them. Their turmoil and depression and self destructive behavior are familiar and we see ourselves reflected in their actions. Now, when a person really truly let's their guard down, drops all their layers of facade, and embraces themself, they tend to change demeanor and even personality pretty drastically. It's jarring in real life, so of course when it happens to a fictional character who you usually relate to it is going to be jarring, maybe even more so because it feels like a change you yourself would never go through. I know this sounds bad and people might get at me for it, but...
I believe the issue here is that a large part of Loki's fan base doesn't want him to get better. They don't want him to move past his mental illness, to learn how to cope with anger and disappointment in healthier ways, to be happy. They like his damaged persona, they like the internal conflict. Maybe it's because they're still at that low place themself and feel like a relatable character is getting taken away from them, maybe it's because they don't understand how much being at peace with yourself can alter a person and to them it feels like he's been changed too much. To those of us mostly on the up and up from battling depression and mental illness, it's comforting to see Loki getting a chance to be genuinely happy and accepting of himself.
Sylki and Lokius
First things first, I'm not anti anything. Ship what you want, idc. Personally, I do not see the Sylki dynamic as romantic, but I get why people read it that way. I thought the series did a good job of showing unrequited love, namely Loki falling for Sylvie and Sylvie feeling zero romance towards him. This was aware of his attraction and in the end used it as a distraction so she could get the upper hand. The show played up the potential romance because we are viewing things from Loki's perspective and he's become smitten as a kitten. I do think in the long run they'll have a more sibling-like dynamic, one Loki realizes that you can feel extreme love and care for a person without it being romantic. I enjoyed how the show explored their relationship, though I do wish they hadn't had every character under the sun mention their moment on Lamentis-1 like it was some big deal to bond with someone you're about to die with.
I'm bitter towards the development of Lokius. It had a strong start in the beginning, and in ep 5 had some potential reignited, but then they had Mobius not know who Loki is at the end. I'm still hoping they're playing the long game with this ship and that it'll come to fruition partway through season 2. The chemistry is there, and Mobius knows Loki very intimately and isn't put off by his past. Loki also feels much more at ease around Mobius than he does around Sylvie. It's the comfort of a deep loving bond with Mobius verses the nervousness of a new crush that he feels for Sylvie.
I don't think Loki is quite aware of his feelings for Mobius, simply because it's based in friendship and mutual respect and isn't a hot and heavy lust. Plus, as soon as he was away from Mobius he was thrown into a near death experience with Sylvie and developed a surface crush during their heart to heart. Since Loki's still figuring out what genuine feelings are beyond anger and sadness, he sees the simplistic crush he has on Sylvie as love and the intimate bond he's been forming with Mobius as friendship. He doesn't understand his own feelings yet, but I think he'll figure it out next season. I mean, he was probably already rethinking his feelings for her after she kissed and betrayed him, mentally kicking himself for expecting her to not pull a Loki betrayal like he would've in the past.
The Time Variance Authority
I really like the concept of the TVA, the structure of it, the methods they use, the deeply fucked way they recruit employees, the cult like motto, shady Miss Minutes who is definitely playing her own long game, and the blind acceptance TVA agents have of the Time Keepers' will. It's all very well done... until your dig into the core, aka He Who Remains. They built up the idea that the Time Keepers created the TVA to prevent a multiverse war and that they created agents to enforce their will. Then the creating agents turned out to be fake, the Time Keepers were fake, I expected the reason for the TVA's existence to be fake to. It felt too simple to have it genuinely exist just to keep the multiverse in check. Why the anonymity, unless it's to keep from having agents target and prune versions of himself which.. songs like a decent solution. HWR made it sound as though the multiverse war was just a bunch of versions of himself screwing shit up, so why isn't the TVA's focus on eradicating every other variant of this guy? Sounds a lot easier and nicer than fucking with the free will of every other living being. So either Marvel made a bad call when choosing what HWR's motive was for creating the TVA, or he was lying about it all to cover up something sinister.
Overall Storyline
I'm fairly happy with the plot as a whole. There were some pacing issues and I think a few missed chances for deeper conversations between various characters. While I enjoyed the Loki variants, I honestly would've been happier seeing Tom playing most the variants (except Kid Loki and Classic Loki since they are clearly different age ranges). If there is supposed to be one sacred timeline, it seems off to me that Lokis would be allowed to vary so extremely without it causing a nexus event(an alligator, whose nexus wasn't that he's an animal who obviously can't do any magic much less command Thanos' army, but that he ate someone's cat) and not just in appearance but in life path (ie boastful Loki collected all the infinity stones but it wasn't till he had 6 that he caused a nexus event even though him gaining control of the Soul, Power, and Time stones should've each caused nexus events since on the sacred timeline he never interacts with those 3 and taking any one of them would've fucked up a lot of other timeline parts)
I love the display of Lokis raw power, and 2012 Loki coming to the realization that he's way more powerful than he ever thought. And it wasn't just Classic Loki who spent thousands of years alone honing his skills, 2012 Loki reversed time on a goddamn falling building! I also liked the small magic, the fireworks, the tablecloth blanket, Loki yanking Sylvie away from HWR with just magic.
As someone who is both bisexual and genderfluid, I would've really loved more concrete representation. The comment about there never being another female Loki hit me in the gut; it undermined the Easter egg "Sex: Fluid" on Loki's TVA file. With how big a deal Sylvie being female was made out to be throughout the season, I expected her gender to play a key role in taking down the head of the TVA, like it was foretold that only a female Loki could end it all or some shit.
I don't mind the idea of Loki finding love in a straight passing relationship. I don't even mind the selfcest all that much. It just feels so obvious to me that Sylvie is written as not having any romantic inclination towards Loki, while Mobius is clearly written as falling in love with someone he shouldn't and trying to maintain an heir of professionalism to keep from wrecking his bond with Loki. I really really hope they come through on season 2 and give Lokius the canon relationship and proper representation they deserve.
Mmkay I thinks that's all the thoughts I've got right now. If you've been feeling cheated or clowned by how things went this season, maybe my perspective of things can help ease your pain.
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Do you know any good movie aus? Not as in they're actors, but fics written based on movie plots?
Hey Nonny!!
OHHHH! This is fantastic! Because I actually have ANOTHER ask looking for crossovers too, and the list is HUGE. So I’ve used this opportunity to split the list up into two. This one here is for my MFL list, and if anyone has any of their own to suggest, please add them to this list! 
So, check out Below!
See Also:
Fairy Tales and Fantasy
TV, Movies, and Books AU (Fantasy Pt. 2)
Wonderful Life AU
Sherlock / Hannibal Crossovers?
Science Fiction / Fantasy
Faes / Faeries
Disney-esque Fics
Moulin Rouge AU
Crossovers and Fusions Pt 1
Two More Miracles by PatPrecieux (T, 221 w., 1 Ch. || Good Omens Crossover || Angst With Happy Ending, 221B Ficlet, Temporary Character Death) – Tragedy and miracles go hand in hand.
Here, Though the World Explode, These Two Survive by TheTyger (G, 1,194 w., 2 Ch. || Good Omens Crossover || Post-TRF, Ineffable Husbands, Fluff, Reunion, Rings, Hurt/Comfort) – Tomorrow, it would be three years from that day. Three years with no rude text messages, no experiments being conducted while London slept, no body parts in the fridge. And John still sometimes caught himself buying extra milk and looking for cases and making two coffees.
Just the Book by Carenejeans (G, 1,495 w., 1 Ch. || Good Omens Crossover || Humour, Aziraphale’s Bookshop) – John's looking for a book. It's Aziraphale's bookshop, but Crowley provides customer service.
The Case of the Missing.... by Beth H (G, 2,601 w., 1 Ch. || Sherlock Crossover || Case Fic) – Crowley has gone missing, and Aziraphale hasn't a clue how to go about finding him. Luckily, help comes from above...or rather, from the side.
The Curious Case of the Missing Antichrist by Aedemiel (G, 2,865 w., 1 Ch. || Sherlock Crossover || Vignette, Case Fic, Desperation, Bad Ideas) – What if Aziraphale and Crowley had consulted the great consulting detective, Sherlock Holmes, about finding Adam Young?
Eye of the Storm by Calais_Reno (G, 2,996 w., 1 Ch. || The Day After Tomorrow AU || Survival, Cold Weather, Boy Scout John, No Major Character Death) – Weather has become the fifth horseman of the apocalypse.
Nice and Accurate Deductions by htebazytook (T, 3,179 w., 1 Ch. || Good Omens Crossover || Romance, Humour, Fluff) – Sherlock drags John to a certain bookshop in Soho.
Snake In The Flat by PatPrecieux (T, 3,293 w., 1 Ch. || Good Omens Crossover || Magical Realism, Fluff, Humour, Ineffable Husbands) – There can be a snake in the grass, snakes on a plane and now there's a snake in the flat.
The Picture of Sherlock Holmes by CarmillaCarmine (M, 3,306 w., 1 Ch. || Victorian Dorian Gray AU || Angst, Paris, London, Travel, Painting, Major Character Death, Opera, Captain John, First Meetings) – Sherlock Holmes, a rich and frivolous man, after a lifetime of debauchery finally falls in love. His heart chooses Captain Watson.
The Old Town by a_different_equation (T, 3,573 w., 1 Ch. || Hans Christian Anderson Fusion || Magical Realism, Christmas, Fairy Tale Elements, Love Stories, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Museums, Sweet Sherlock) – Once upon a time there were two boys. This is the story how once upon December, they found the missing Christmas Spirit, true love and new beginnings. A Queer fairytale for all seasons.
Holmes vs. Harkness by coinin (T, 3,960 w., 1 Ch. || Torchwood / HHGTTG Fusion || Crack, Mystrade) – In which Captain Jack gets in a little over his head and is introduced to the myriad joys of bureaucracy, Mycroft is smug, the Guide offers up some helpful advice, John Watson doesn't share, and, in a strange turn of events, Jack doesn't get laid even once.
Perfect by TrufflesTheMushroom (T, 3,984 w., 1 Ch. || Good Omens Crossover || The Apocalypse) – Crowley and Aziraphale have made a huge mistake. It's the end of the world and it all boils down to one fight. Crowley has picked John Watson. Aziraphale has picked Sherlock Holmes.
Limbo by Calais_Reno (T, 4,070 w., 1 Ch. || Good Omens Crossover || Waiting Rooms, Ineffable Bureaucracy, Paperwork, Explosions, Apocalypse, Second Chances, Declarations of Love, Nobody Dies) – Ordinarily Sherlock would be quite impatient by now with all this pointless waiting (for what?), but at the moment he feels as if he has all the time in the world.
The Baker Street Flat by Anonymous (PG-13, 5,000-20,000 w., 7 Parts || Lake House Crossover || Angst, Romance, LIVEJOURNAL Comments Fic) – John’s pretty sure it’s a sign of mental imbalance — of which he has been all too frequently accused of late — that he is actually entertaining the possibility that he is communicating with a total stranger two years in the future via the magic mail slot on the door of his new flat. He certainly won’t be mentioning this at next week’s session. On his way out the door to interview for a part-time position at a local surgery, another meeting where he has no intention of mentioning his most recent hobby, he drops a fairly sarcastic note: If you’re really from 2012, is the world about to end?
In the Shadows by Laur (M, 5,029 w., 1 Ch. || Loose Shutter Island Fusion || Disturbing Imagery, Psychological, Angst, Major Character Death, Grief/Trauma) – Do you believe in ghosts? When Sherlock’s eyes snap to him they are anguished.
come be my april fool by a_different_equation (M, 6,473 w., 1 Ch. || Great British Bake Off AU || Writer!Sherlock, Est. Rel., Fluff / Humour, Baking, Marriage Proposal, Military Kink, Domestics, POV John, Romance, Sherlock Wears Glasses, Sweet Sherlock, Bookstores, Queer Themes) – After leaving ‘The Great British Bake Off’, Sue Perkins has written a book about Victorian baking. Tonight, on April 1st, she is reading at ‘The Bard’, Mike Stamford’s bookstore in central London. It is the exact same spot where John Watson, battered and bruised, had learned all about his magnificent bastard – one Mr. Sherlock Holmes, famous gay crime fiction writer – for the first time. A story about found family, DRAMAtical lesbians, how to react when your boyfriend has a military kink but he doesn't want to act on it, oh, and popping the question. Sequel to 'i read your book, you magnificent bastard'. Part 2 of Magnificent Bastard!AU
The Babadook by CatieBrie (T, 6,886 w., 1 Ch. || Babadook Fusion || Post-TRF, Horror, Demonic Possession, Violence, Halloween, Grief, Angst with Happy Ending) – “A children’s book,” John mutters as he flips it open. The pages are scrawled with beautiful charcoal lines and thick black ink. The cover, bright red, edges the open pages and something tugs at the back of John’s brain. It’s a familiar feeling, black and tarrish and thick in his thoughts. He shakes it off and picks the book up off his bed, turning so that he can sit on the edge and spread the book out across his knees. If it’s in a word or it’s in a look, you can’t get rid of the Babadook. He turns the page, ignoring the pressure building beneath his chest. There’s a closet on one page; paper doors meant to be opened by the reader flutter as John reads the text on the other page.
What To Do With An Atypical Animal Within by HarveyDangerfield  & swimsalot (E, 7,804 w. || Harry Potter AU || Animagus, Porn With A Little Plot, Tail Porn) – Sherlock is determined to be an animagus. But what happens when it isn't a fox or a horse or a dog he's turning into?
The Lonely by elwinglyre (E, 7,888 w., 1 Ch. || Twilight Zone AU || Major Character Death, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Firsts, Sad Ending) – Witness if you will a distant planet with a dungeon made of desert sand and mountain stone. This planet holds one inmate, a man wrongly accused, serving a life sentence. His only solace, his notebook and the thought of the day when the supply ship brings him a pardon. Instead, salvation comes to John Watson in a large box and a visitor from The Twilight Zone.
Friend by esama (G, 7,909 w., 1 Ch. || Harry Potter Crossover || Character Death, Kid Fic) – Sherlock finds the skull when he's five.
Spell It Out by prettysailorsoldier (M, 8,344 w., 1 Ch. || Harry Potter Fusion || Teenlock, Christmas, Love Potion/Spell, Pining Sherlock) – Remaining at Hogwarts over break has become something of a tradition for Sherlock and John, staying behind together ever since their very first year, but, when Irene throws a gift of doctored coconut ice into the mix, plans quickly change, even if John doesn't. Part 6 of 25 Days of Johnlock
The Long Goodbye by elbereth (M, 8,367 w., 1 Ch. || Time Traveller’s Wife AU || Doomed Timelines, Time Travel) – Sherlock travels in time. The ending is known even before they meet, yet they choose to live this love. One of them knows the past, one of them knows the future, yet their deepest secret is safe from each other. Limited time, but unlimited love.
Sugar & Spice by Ttime42 (T, 8,476 w., 1 Ch. || Great British Bake Off AU || First Kiss, Baking) – Sherlock Holmes and John Watson compete on The Great British Bake Off.
Pygmalion by ancientreader (T, 9,136 w., 2, Ch. || Pygmalion AU || Magical Realism) – The spell to turn a statue into an animate being has been illegal in the UK for a hundred and seventy years when the -- body? -- is found on Hampstead Heath. It changes everything.
Am I the Current (Tiger) King of England? by Dee_Laundry (T, 9,360 w., 1 Ch. || Tiger King Fusion || Post-S4, Dreams, Friendship, John’s Sexuality, Sherlock’s Sexuality, Quarantine/CoVID-19, Past Character Death, Mentions of Violence, Mentions of Dom/Sub, First Kiss) – “I had the weirdest dream last night,” John said. Seven times.
I Could Try by Arcwin (T, 9,583 w., 5 Ch. || Greek Mythology Crossover || Post-TRF, Orpheus and Eurydice Myth, POV John, Pining John, BAMF John, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Horror, Angst with Happy Ending) – John is grieving Sherlock's death post Reichenbach until one day, he sees the violin case, and something inside him tells him to pick it up. Crossover between BBC Sherlock and the Greek tragedy Orpehus and Eurydice, wherein Eurydice is killed for her beauty and taken to the Underworld. Orpheus, being the son of Apollo (the God of Music and Medicine) travels to the Underworld to convince (via playing his lyre) Hades and Persephone to let Eurydice go. Orpheus then must travel with Eurydice behind him, not looking back, until they exit to the land of the living.
Puzzlebox by  standbygo (E, 9,867 w., 5 Ch. || Hellraiser Fusion || True Love, Supernatural Elements, Psychological Horror, First Kiss, Post S2, Angst with Happy Ending) – A love story with horror. A horror story with a happy ending.
you are a paradigm by 1electricpirate (M, 10,013 w. || Harry Potter AU || Wizard!John / Muggle!Sherlock, Magic) – Sometimes, only sometimes, when Sherlock is very far away and absolutely guaranteed not to return for at least three hours, John sits on the sofa and lets the tea make itself. In which John is (reluctantly) a wizard, Mycroft is (apparently) omniscient, and Sherlock is (surprisingly) oblivious. Part 1 of More Things Than Are Dreamt Of
Already Gone by johnwatso (M, 10,078 w., 8 Ch. || Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Fusion || Non-Linear Narrative, Memory Loss, Ambiguous / Open Ending) – Dear Mr Greg Lestrade,  Sherlock Holmes has had John Watson erased from his memory. Please never mention their relationship to him again. Thank you, Lacuna Inc.
A Real Deal by toyhto (M, 10,339 w., 1 Ch. || Black Mirror-Inspired ||  Science Fiction, Post-TRF, Canon Divergence) –  Please be real, he thought and pulled Sherlock closer.
You Don't Need Wings to Fly by Laiquilasse (T, 11,326 w., 11 Ch. || Wonderful Life AU || Bullying, Angels, Suicidal Ideation, Christmas) – John, an angel, is sent from Heaven to help a desperate Sherlock Holmes by showing him what life would have been like if he had never existed.
Backup Copies by etothepii (M, 13,332 w., 3 Ch. || Dollhouse Crossover || Major Character Death) – When John dies, Sherlock doesn't know what to do. But Mycroft does.
Silent Night by khorazir (M, 15,060 w., 1 Ch. || Codebreaker / WWII / Imitation Game-Inspired AU || Care Fic, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Dev. Rel., Reunion, PTSD John, Christmas) – It’s Christmas Eve 1944, and Sherlock Holmes has received his most precious gift already: after a long, dangerous deployment, Surgeon Captain John Watson of the Royal Navy has unexpectedly returned from the front. As if this weren’t enough, there’s a case. Both events make for a night full of promise, excitement, and the difficult task of getting reacquainted with the man Sherlock hasn’t seen in three years and feared he’d lost forever. Part 2 of Enigma
In Arduis Fidelis by Raliena (T, 18,628 w., 10 Ch. || GI Joe Crossover || Captivity, Surgery, BAMF John, John “Three Continents” Watson, POV John Watson, Prisoner of War, Cobra - Freeform, soldier John, John-centric, Doctor John Watson, John is a Very Good Doctor, Violence) – Once upon a time John was a Soldier and a Doctor. And he was known John or Doc or Doctor. But things change. And he *earned* his right to the name “Three Continents Watson”. Part 1 of the Three Continents Watson series
Serendipity by Calais_Reno (T, 18,222 w., 3 Ch. || Serendipity Fusion || Christmas, Romance, Coincidences, First Meetings, Misunderstandings, New York City, Fate and Destiny) – A bit of New York Christmas fluff, based on the 2001 movie.
Magnificent by esama (T, 19,477 w., 1 Ch. || Harry Potter Crossover || Crossover Pairing) – The birth of the Ministry of Magic and his relationship with the British Government.
Much Ado About Nothing or Get Over Here and Kiss Me Already! by MorganeUK (NR, 19,847 w., 13 Ch. || Much Ado About Nothing AU || Mutual Pining, Angst, Lestrolly) – AU in modern time where the Holmes' are a powerful noble family, Mycroft is the chief of defences and Sherlock is working for secret service. Lestrade is a high rank officer in the army. Ms Hudson is an old Lady that took care of her niece and nephew Molly and John since their youth. Part 1 of the Sherlock / Shakespeare series
Dead Letter Office by a_different_equation (M, 20,364 w., 15 Ch. || ‘Bartleby’ Fusion / Office Setting AU || Different First Meeting, Epistolary, John's Blog, Angst with a Happy Ending, Pre-Canon, John Watson is Sherlock's Boss, PTSD John, Military Backstory, Writer John, Drug Use, Texting) – John Watson comes home from the war, gets a new job and meets Sherlock Holmes through Mike Stamford. Same tale since 1891, except this time it’s 2008, John is Sherlock’s boss, and they work together at the Dead Letter Office in London. It's not a love story, until it finally is.
When John Met Sherlock by MorganeUK (T, 21,293 w., 10 Ch. || When Harry Met Sally AU || Friendship, Friends to Lovers, Developing Relationship, Faking It, Mutual Pining, Background Lestrolly, Fluff and Smut, Rom-Com) – At first they thought that friendship was impossible. Then meet again and become friends. After dinners, texts, cases and discussions they become more, best friends. Faking orgasm before falling on the floor together to get real one... Then going back to pushing each other away again... Before falling in love!But not necessarily in this order.
You're The One by Mazarin221b (E, 21,768 + w. || WiP || Underage Dirty Dancing Fusion ||  Period Typical Homophobia, Sexism, Angst, Fluff) – John Watson is seventeen years old and has his life planned out: medical school, a commission, and an opportunity to change the world. He just has to get through three weeks at The Copper Beeches - a resort owned by one of his father's patients - with his annoying sister and his perfect parents before he's off to Cambridge. But John has a secret he's trying desperately to keep, and, it seems, so is just about everyone around him, including the incredibly gorgeous and amazing dance teacher, Sherlock Holmes, and his partner Irene Adler. Too bad Jim Moriarty seems to know precisely what everyone is hiding.
Into the Multiverse by AnAnYaH (M, 21,958 w., 18 Ch. || Avengers / Sherlock / Dr. Strange Crossover || Multiverses, Everstrange, Parentlock / Teenage Rosie, Sad Sherlock, Angry Sherlock, Sherlock/John Fight, Magic, Strange John, First Kiss, Whipping, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Threats of Rape / Non-Con, Mental Anguish, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst with Happy Ending) – Nothing lasts forever. I am beginning to think it's the same for you and me. In a world where we don't co-exist how long will it take to finally break us ? Or are we already broken in need of a fix ?A multi-chapter fic where Sherlock and John had to leave their lives to save the world from universal threats and pursue as Doctor Strange and Everett Ross.Will they ever reunite? Part 1 of the Everstrange series
Addicted to a Certain Lifestyle by KatsatheGraceling (M, 22,751 w., 1 Ch. || James Bond Crossover || Bondlock, BAMF John, Assassin John, Q is a Holmes, Clueless Sherlock, Omniscient Mycroft) – The one where John is a BAMF assassin. With an affinity for cuddly warm jumpers.
Impossible Improbable Truth by KaraRenee (M, 24,308 w., 9 Ch. || Labyrinth AU) – John and Sherlock take a case investigating the disappearance of a teenage girl and her toddler half brother. What they find is an impossible adventure that leads them on a journey of discovery of their sexuality.
The Art Of Seduction: A Study In Pulling by flawedamythyst (M, 25,279 w., 1 Ch. || Queer As Folk Inspired AU || John/OMC, Additional Tags to Be Added Upon Reading) – Sherlock ran a website called The Science Of Seduction, on which he gave advice on the best ways to get laid, wrote blog entries detailing the results of his various sexual 'experiments' and generally contributed to the stereotype of 'every gay man is a sex-mad playboy'. John avoided the thing like the plague. AU in which Sherlock treats sex like he does crime in canon. Inspired by Queer As Folk UK, but it very quickly went its own way. Part 1 of The Art Of Seduction
False Advertising by ravenscar (E, 27,722 w. || Office AU / Devil Wears Prada Inspired || Victor Trevor, Flashbacks, Hurt / Comfort, Angst with Happy Ending, Younger John/Older Sherlock, Marriage Proposal) – Sherlock is John’s boss and mentor at an advertising agency. Can they find love in the cut-throat workplace?
A Wizarding Barista's Field Guide to Seducing a Muggle by paradigmfinch (T, 29,344 w., 9 Ch || Harry Potter Coffee Shop AU || Wizard John, Muggle Sherlock, Bisexual John, Flirting, First Dates, Secret Identity) – To help pay for Healing tuition, John Watson gets a job at a coffee shop in Muggle London, where he soon sets his sights on a particularly gorgeous customer. John's seen plenty of Muggle films. How different can it really be to woo a Muggle?
Time Of My Life by fiveainley_ohmy (E, 29,719 w., 8 Ch. || Dirty Dancing Fusion || Bisexual John, Dancing, Gay/Demi Sherlock) – John Watson takes his alcoholic sister to a summer camp in attempt to rehabilitate her. He didn't expect to fall in love with the dance instructor.
Through Dangers Untold by hogwartswitch (E, 32,003 w., 13 Ch. || Labyrinth AU) – The Goblin King has fallen in love with John Watson and visits him in dreams. But the evil wizard who cursed the Goblin King cannot allow that to continue. Will John survive the labyrinth? Or will he become a lost goblin like all the rest?
Unsettled by AxeMeAboutAxinomancy (E, 33,879 w., 10 Ch. || HIs Dark Materials AU || Daemons, Dark Themes, Non-Con) – Sherlock's dæmon hadn't settled. Once John realised that, so much made sense. Though so much else didn't, because it practically wasn't possible. Part 1 of the The Utmost Edge of Hazard series
The Last Companion by standbygo (E, 34,101 w., 14 Ch. || Firefly Fusion || Prostitution, Case Fic, Falling in Love, Angst with Happy Ending, Slow Burn, BAMF John, Discussions of Non Con But Doesn’t Happen) – Thirty years after the Miranda Wars, there is peace, both on the Rim and the Core planets. There are a number of old social mores still in place, such as the Order of Companions, but there is a sense that even such respected practices are coming to an end… Sherlock is a Companion - the best Companion on Persephone. With a bit of detective work on the side, of course. Then he meets a man named John Watson, encounters a series of bizarre cases, and finds his world is getting turned upside down.
The Great Bakerstreet Bake Off by Elphen (M, 38,058 w., 8 Ch. || Great British Bake Off AU || Caring Sherlock, Sweet John, Fluff, Baking, Accidental Touching, Pining, BJ’s, Banter and Bickering, Oblivious Characters) – John has decided to watch The Great British Bake Off this year and he is determined to do so. As Sherlock joins him, he is certain that that plan is ruined. He's in for a surprise when he's allowed to watch it but the real shock comes when Sherlock decides they ought to bake themselves. What's more, they should bake what they make in the Bake Off. John's not so sure it's a good idea but when his insides flutter at the thought, he finds it hard to complain.
Toe to Toe by standbygo (E, 44,971 w., 26 Ch. || White Nights Crossover || Ballet/Dance, Slow Burn, Spies/Secret Agents, Angst with Happy Ending, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, First Kiss/Time, Shower Sex) – Sherlock Holmes is an international ballet star. After a favour for his brother goes south, he finds himself trapped in a foreign country, with a man named John Watson who could be an enemy... or an ally.
Silence by halloa_what_is_this (T, 44,993 w., 13 Ch. || The Piano Fusion || Victorian Sherlock, Dub Con, Voyeurism, Permanent Mutilation, Johniarty, Mute John) – In 1850, John is a mute young man forced to marry to save his father from indebtedness. His sister as his interpreter and his piano to keep him company, he travels to London to live with his husband James Moriarty. Without John's consent, James sells the piano to his friend Sherlock Holmes, who only asks for lessons from John in return. The lessons turn into a power play between the two when Sherlock proposes a deal: John may earn his piano back one key at a time, certain conditions attached. Part 1 of the Aborted Wings series
Crime is of the Essence by K8BNimble (M, 45,569 w., 18 Ch. || Harry Potter Crossover || Mystery, Slash) – When a man he hasn’t seen in almost ten years appears in his home with a man he thought was dead for twenty years, Harry Potter knew his evening had just gotten complicated. Written for Snarry Swap 2011. Named Hot Rec by "The Daily Snitch"1/18/2011. Snarry, past Harry/Sherlock. Long plotty mystery with light graphic slash sex.
Always 1895 by standbygo (E, 45,901 w., 19 Ch. || Oxford Time Travel AU || Time Travel, Friends to Lovers, Case Fic, Victorian, Period-Typical Homophobia, Pining, First Kiss/Time, First Meetings, Slow Burn, Angst With Happy Ending) – Time travelling historian John Watson goes to Victorian era England to study, and meets detective Sherlock Holmes. He finds himself torn between the work he was sent to do, the exciting life of solving crimes, and the extraordinary Holmes himself.
Curled (A Tangled AU) by crimsonwinter (G, 46,330 w., 13 Ch. || Tangled AU || Alternating POV) – Sherlock lives a limited life, high in a tower, and all he's wanted in eighteen years of isolation is to someday break free and see the floating lights. Somehow, a string of events leads him to John Watson, a surprisingly kind thief who steals his heart. Will they escape the selfish advances of Moriarty, Sherlock's paternal guardian, and will Sherlock find the meaning behind the silver lanterns?
The Boy Who Balanced on the Train Tracks by SinceWhenDoYouCallMe_John (E, 54,894 w., 5 Ch. || Harry Potter Crossover || John/Snape, Period Typical Homophobia, Character Death, Underage Sexual Attraction, Sexual Awakening, Time Turner, First Time, Poverty, Domestic Abuse, Death Eaters, Canon-Typical Violence, Angst with Happy / Bittersweet Ending) – Every year, on the 2nd of May, John Watson dreams of long black hair.
Say You’ll Stay With Me by justacookieofacumberbatch (E, 63,349 w., 21 Ch. || Pretty Woman Fusion || Prostitution) – It was just supposed to be an ordinary business trip, but when John’s car stalls out on Hollywood Boulevard, he meets someone who just might change his life.
Whispers in Corners by esama (T, 64,402 w., 10 Ch. || Harry Potter Crossover || Deathly Hallows, Crossover Pairing) – Everything started with a stumble - his new life in a new world as well as his surprisingly successful career as a medium.
Masters of Ink by Indybaggins (E, 67,382 w., 7 Ch. || Ink Master Tattoo TV Show AU || Angst, Banter, Body Modification, Cheating, Desire, Developing Relationship, Disability, Falling in Love, Feels, Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Kissing, Married John, Past Drug Addiction, Pining, Requited Love, Sex, Slow Burn, Smoking, Tattoo Artist John, Tattoo Artist Sherlock) – First-meeting-on-a-reality-show AU, Ink Master edition! There is expert tattooing, slightly less expert flirting, and two men falling hard. But John is married, and they can’t all win.
The Craving in Between by love_in_mind_palace (E, 69,349 w., 16 Ch. || Wedding Planner AU || Infidelity, Romance, Angst with Happy Ending, Misunderstandings, Sexting & Texting, Alternating POV, Mary is Not Nice) – Sherlock Holmes, The wedding Consultant. Picky about his projects and a nightmare to work with. Rejects ninety percent of the couples after just having a look at them and can predict how long a marriage will last. But when unassuming, plain, John Watson reluctantly limps his way in his office, with his more than enthusiastic fiancée, Mary Morstan, instead of dismissing the ill-assorted couple on the spot, he promptly decides that the project, and the groom.. are definitely worth working on.
The Loss of Flesh and Soul by deuxexmycroft (M, 69,712 w., 6/8 Ch. || WiP || Silence of the Lambs Crossover || Serial Killers, One-Sided Relationship) – Five years after John Watson puts the murderous Sherlock Holmes behind bars, a vicious copycat killer emerges. A reluctant John is pulled out of retirement to seek the expertise of the only man who can help, a man who has developed an unsettling obsession with John himself. Part 1 of The Loss of Flesh and Soul
The Vampires of London by consultingdetective (E, 72,660 w., 21 Ch. || Dracula AU || Pining Sherlock, Army Doctor John, Sharing a Bed, Porn With Feelings, Plot Twists) –  Over one hundred years after the first battle, a series of murders have caught the attention of London's police force and Sherlock Holmes. While most of the city has forgotten the vampire that once walked its streets, the descendants of the Van Helsing, Harker, and Seward families have not.
Save Me or Let Me Drown by GubraithianFire (E, 72,986 w., 16 Ch. || Shameless AU || Dysfunctional Family, Alcoholism, Recreational Drug Use, Angst, Humour, Clubbing, Bipolar Disorder, Custody Battle, Mutual Pining, Family Fluff, Smut, Handcuffs, Anal Sex, Shower Sex, Rimming, Come Shot, Angst With Happy Ending) – How Sherlock escaped from his family, John sacrificed everything to his, and how, together, they built their own. Part 1 of the The Watsons series
This Is Your Song by agirlsname (E, 79,990 w., 19 Ch. || Moulin Rouge Fusion || Prostitute Sherlock, Poet John, Acting, Singing, Dancing, Writing, Poetry, Musical, Song Fic, Heavy Angst, Unreliable Narrator, Sherlock is French, Love at First Sight, UST, First Kiss/Time, Frottage, Coming in Pants, Anal Sex, Switchlock, Clothed Sex, Crossdressing, Secret Relationship, Forbidden Love, Jealousy, Terminal Illnesses, Grief/Mourning, Breakup/Makeup Sex, Past Drug Use, Attempted Rape, Canon-Typical Violence)– When John Watson is invalided home from the army in 1895, he moves to Paris to rediscover his writing and find a new meaning in life. His old friend Stamford invites him into a group of artist friends, and suddenly John finds himself auditioning to write a show for the famous brothel across the street. There, he meets the most beautiful man he’s ever seen - Sherlock, the star of the Moulin Rouge. But Sherlock is already promised to the investor of the show, the rich Duke Moriarty.
Sherlock, P.I. by Callie4180 (E, 83,264 w., 11 Ch. || Magnum P.I. Fusion || Past Relationships, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Canon-Typical Violence, Stalking, Creepy Moriarty) – For the Fall TV Sherlock fusion project. Sherlock, P.I. is an American television show that follows the exciting adventures of genius private investigator Sherlock Homes and his friends as they live their lives on the beautiful island of Oahu in Hawaii. Sherlock solves crimes as he wrestles with the ghosts and demons of his past.
Saudade by tunteeton (E, 96,952 w., 30 Ch. || After That Very Much AU || Case Fic, Non-Con Drug Use, Dubious Science, Canon Compliant up to THoB, John’s in Denial, Sub!Sherlock, Fake Non-Con Drug Use, Dom/Sub Relationship, Mutual Masturbation, Oral Sex, Kidnapping, Threatened Torture, Mary is Not Nice, Anal, Fluff, Non-Con Domming, Verbal Abuse, Slapping) – saudade (port.): a deep and melancholy longing for something or someone that is gone and not coming back. Homesickness, an emptiness in one’s soul, a love that remains after the loved one dies. John loses Sherlock, gains Sherlock and learns to never, ever, ever pray. Part 1 of the The Untranslatables series
Rosethorne by suitesamba (M, 98,888 w., 28 Ch. || Secret Garden AU || Injured Sherlock / John, Recovery, First Times, Minor Character Death, Disability, Past Domestic Abuse [Mary/OMC]) – John Watson, WWII army doctor, is injured in the line of duty and can no longer wield a scalpel. Sherlock Holmes, Britain’s best code-breaker, is side-lined by his own devastating injury. In a work inspired by Frances Hodgson Burnett’s “The Secret Garden,” the two men must find meaning and purpose in a world which seems to have taken away all they hold most dear. But of course, it really hasn’t.
Cake and Other Sins by  Indybaggins (E, 100,670 w. || Great British Bakeoff AU || Alternate First Meeting, Angst, Baking, Desire, Disability, Incest (Holmescest/Holmescest with John), Masturbation, Falling in Love, Oral, Outdoor Sex, Past Drug Use, Poisoning, Voyeurism) – Sherlock and John meet as competing bakers on The Great British Bake Off. There’s intense baking, lush recipes and enticing food. Mycroft, guilt, past sins in chocolate and gingerbread. And love. That too.
Fallen Through Time by susandwrites (E, 102,040+ w., 39/? Ch. || Outlander Fusion / Victorian AU || WIP || Time Travel, First Meetings, Meet-Cute, Frottage, Blow Jobs, Anal Sex/Fingering, Riding Crops, Rough Sex, Floor Sex, Breath Play, Light BDSM, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Switching, Romance, Sex to Love) – Inspired by my love of Outlander, but not exactly an Outlander AU. Sherlock Holmes, the world's only consulting detective, finds himself in Victorian London while investigating a murder. The first person he meets is Doctor John Watson, formerly of the Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers and his world is irrevocably altered.
Reichenbach Falls - Déjà vu by VeeTheRee (M, 180,436+ w., 29/303 Ch. || WiP ||Gravity Falls / Multifandom AU || Alternate First Meeting, Gay Sherlock, Mutual Pining, Unilock, Summer Romance/Love, Fluff, Insecure Sherlock, Villain Mary, First Kiss, Slow Burn, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Canadian John, French Canadian Lestrade, Insecure Sherlock, Mystery, Domestic Fluff, Developing Relationship Summer Love, Light Angst, BAMF! John, Case Fic) – Two Canadians, two Brits studying in Canada, and an upkeeper walk into a Mystery Shack…. and live there. Summer holidays are here, and the step-siblings, Irene Adler and Sherlock Holmes, find themselves in a boring town called Reichenbach Falls, Oregon, USA. It isn’t as boring as it seems, however, once Sherlock stumbles upon a mystery journal, and the author is unknown. The journal contains ciphers, a strange colour wheel, and information about magical creatures that are said to be looming in the Northwestern forests. With mysteries to solve in hand, he and Irene set out to get to the roots of the town, and the abrupt disappearance of the author of the journal. But they’re not alone - John Watson, quite the handsome nephew of the Mystery Shack owner Greg Lestrade, is on their side to help out, plus mess with Sherlock’s feelings, in a good way. Shenanigans, romance, fun, danger, and deductions ensue. Oh, and there’s also occasional SuperWhoLock and two dorky Winchester brothers to spark up the action later on. Part 1 of the Reichenbach Falls series
To the Sticking Place by blueink3 (E, 121,973 w., 20 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Musical Theatre AU || Showmance, Friends to Lovers, Bickering, UST / RST, Fluff, Virgin Sherlock, BAMF John, New York City / Broadway) – Renowned Shakespearean actor Sherlock Holmes has finally burned all of his bridges in the theatre industry save for his constant director, Greg Lestrade. John Watson has made a name for himself in the musical theatre circuit, but age and injury are working against him. Can they reinvent themselves for an all-male Macbeth without killing one another? Part 1 of the Screw Your Courage series
Bel Canto by bendingsignpost (T, 127,481 w., 16 Ch. || Phantom of the Opera AU || Secret Identity, Sherlock’s Violin, Operas, Aristocracy, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Disguise, Inheritance, Genderqueer Character, Classical Music, Singing) – After years of waiting for wealthy patrons to faint, Dr John Watson discovers a far more interesting patient in the opera house basement.
Welcome to Silent Hill by Cleo2010 (M, 130,227 w., 37 Ch. || Silent Hill Fusion || POV First Person Sherlock, Unrequited Love, Psychological Horror, Violence / Gore, Monsters, Nudity, Drug Use, Harm to Children, Cults, Distressing Imagery, Torture, Death) – John is missing. When Sherlock receives a text summoning him to Silent Hill he's intent on reclaiming his friend but the town has other ideas. Our detective must battle through a world shaped by his own troubled psyche as he uncovers the town's secrets, attempts to find John and hunt down Jim Moriarty. Part 1 of the Welcome to Silent Hill series
Drift Compatible by J_Baillier (E, 130,380 w., 26 Ch. || Pacific Rim Fusion || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Alternate First Meeting, Angst, Family Drama, Accidental Telepathic Voyeurism, Martial Arts, Sci-Fi, Internalised Homophobia, Rubbish Siblings, Army Doctor John, Medical H/C, Bullying, Neurodiversity, PTSD, Drug Use, Depression, Mourning, Adventure, Hurt/Comfort, UST/URT) – A washed out war hero struggling with his past. A prodigy who wants nothing to do with his family legacy. Both are looking for something—and someone—worth fighting for in a world where human civilisation is constantly under threat.
Out There by DiscordantWords (T, 131,695 w., 10 Ch. || X-Files Fusion || Slow Burn, UST, Case Fic, Government Conspiracy, Aliens, UFOs, Mutants, Mutual Pining, First Kiss, Coma) – FBI Special Agent John Watson, medical doctor and army veteran, is assigned to assist eccentric genius Sherlock Holmes with paranormal investigations on the X-Files project.
Omens On Baker Street Series by WorseOmens (NR, 155,294+ w. across 3 works || Series WiP || Sherlock / Good Omens Crossover || Post S4 Sherlock, BAMF Aziraphale, Soft Crowley, Jealous Crowley, Fluff, Angst, General Idiocy, Misunderstandings, Crimes, Humour, Pining, Crimes, Magical Shenanigans, Unlikely Friendships, ?Slow Burn, True Forms, Ineffable Dads, South Downs) – Sherlock and John are no longer the only crime-solving disaster duo in London. After Sherlock unknowingly wrongs a demon, he finds himself with two mysterious rivals in the detective scene. For Crowley and Aziraphale, it's just a bit of fun, but they end up learning more about human nature than they bargained for.
Skeletons by flawedamythyst (T, 174,262 w. across 3 works || Nightmare Before Christmas Fusion ||  Implied Character Death) – Sherlock's refusal to talk about his past hides far more skeletons than John could ever have guessed at. Halloween-esque AU.
In the Deep, Where Dark Things Sleep by HardlyFair (M, 184,979 w., 26 Ch. || Scorpio Races AU || Graphic Violence, 1960′s, Slow Burn, Past Drug Use, Bed Sharing, Water Horses, Folklore, First Kiss/Time, Horror Elements, Vet!John, Protective John, Magical Realism, Horse Racing, Mutual Pining, Angst with Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort) – The closer time crawls to November, the more water horses the Scorpio Sea spits out. The colder Thisby becomes. Sherlock Holmes is an islander - completely surrounded by the water. John Watson, he knows, comes from the mainland and lives for the Races. On the first of November, Sherlock will race. The man holding steady by his side is someone he never expects. A Scorpio Races AU (Maggie Stiefvater), but no knowledge of the book needed.
Rom-com adaptations... Series by MorganeUK (T, 211,229+ w across 8 works || Series WiP || Assorted Crossovers || Rom-Coms, Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Friendship, Additional Tags Per Story) –  Mostly Johnlock with Mystrade or Lestrolly. If you want a movie to be johnlocked, let me know :-) Each story is completely different from the other!
Enigma by khorazir (M, 289,667 w., 23 Ch. || Codebreaker / WWII / Imitation Game-Inspired AU || Case Fic, Espionage, Period-Typical Homophobia / Sexism, Pining Sherlock, Inexperienced / VirginSherlock, Implied / Referenced Drug Use, Non-Graphic Violence) – It’s the autumn of 1941, war is raging in Europe, German U-boats are raiding Allied convoys in the Atlantic, the Luftwaffe is bombing English cities, and the cryptographers at Bletchley Park are working feverishly to decode their enemies' encrypted communications. One should consider this challenge and distraction enough for capricious codebreaker Sherlock Holmes. But the true enigmas are yet waiting to be deciphered: an unbreakable code, a strange murder, and the arrival of Surgeon Captain John H. Watson of the Royal Navy.
Over/Under Series by khorazir (M, 319,561 w. across 5 works || Cabin Pressure Crossover || Post-S2 / Reichenbach, ReunionFriendship, Angst, Humour, Pining, Cycling, Mountains, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Dev. Rel., Case Fic, First Kiss, Pining, Family Issues, Inexperienced Sherlock) – After his Fall, Sherlock travels the world to destroy what remains of James Moriarty's criminal empire. When things don't go according to plan and he finds himself in desperate need of a discreet means of travel, cue MJN Air ...
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floralseokjin · 4 years
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The Zoom Halloween Party
⇢ and beyond timeline (after crystallised)
[saga index] [drabble index]
 kim seokjin x reader // slice of life, humour // 2,556 words  
a/n; thank you to all the anons who gave me ideas for this halloween drabble, it wouldn’t exist without you! 
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“I have to say your costumes are pretty lame this year, you guys.”
“We’re having a Halloween party over fucking zoom, forgive us for not going all out.” 
Seokjin bit straight away, unable to help it. He and Namjoon were like cat and mouse at all times, but even you had to admit to being offended by your friend’s dismissal. 
Halloween was finally here, and while you couldn’t celebrate in person together, the marvels of technology were letting you celebrate virtually – although this was more like a Halloween hang out than a Halloween party. 
“I’m just saying,” Namjoon shrugged. “Hoseok went all out for his.” 
You looked over at Hoseok’s screen, watching him smile smugly. You had to admit he made a great Joker, but it was also the year 2020... He and his girlfriend, Nora were like two years behind with the whole Joker and Harley Quinn gimmick, it was old now. 
Seokjin rolled his eyes, willing to argue black and blue. “It’s only good because his mom helped him with the makeup.” 
“Oh shut up, you’re just jealous because me and Hoseok will win best dressed tonight!” Nora scoffed under Hoseok in her own little screen. 
Pouting like a baby, your boyfriend crossed his arms. “I’m not voting for you.” 
“If anything, I should win. I make a mighty fine Batman.” 
Attention back on Namjoon now, you all had to agree. But maybe that was because everyone was feeling sorry for him tonight. He was after all, the only single one amongst you. There was Jin and you, Lina and Jimin, Hoseok and Nora, and even though Sandeul was on his own tonight, he had Jess, who was working the night shift tonight. Two months ago there had also been Namjoon and Hana, but not anymore... Let’s just say Namjoon wasn’t having the best of time lately... Getting dumped during a pandemic wasn’t ideal. So he’d paired with Hobi and Nora tonight in some sort of DC-esque collab. He was definitely winning best dressed tonight, but maybe he’d see it as a pity vote… 
“You’re body looks amazing in that suit, Joon,” you complimented, hearing Lina hum in supportive agreement. 
“Hey!” Seokjin exclaimed, sounding mighty offended as he looked your way. You were smushed together on the couch, the takeout you’d ordered on your laps, but you were pretty full now, a belly full of wine already. 
“The devil and an angel though.” Jimin’s voice sounded awfully judgemental. “Come on guys, so basic.” 
“Well, who the hell did you to come as?” Seokjin was loud. 
“Zombie Jim Halpert and Pam Beesly,” Lina replied as if your boyfriend was dumb. 
“Lame,” Seokjin scoffed. “Half of these guys haven’t even watched The Office.” 
“It’s a way more original idea than yours.”
You scoffed. “Um, this is the epitome of everyone’s sexual fantasy, I’ll have you know.” 
“Whose?!” Lina roared, wrinkling her nose. She and Jimin were also squished together, but on his bed, the camera angle giving you an amazing shot of their chins... Not that you would tell your best friend that, of course. 
“We all know what they’re doing after this then,” Sanduel stated. He was dressed as some character from a game he and Seokjin played (a lot.) Nerds.  
“Stop,” Hoseok whined. “Does that mean you guys fucked as The Addams family couple last year?”
“Of course it does,” Namjoon replied matter-of-factly. 
Ah yes, you two really had out done yourselves last year for Namjoon and Hoseok’s joint Halloween party. Thinking about it maybe your devil and angel costumes were quite lame this year…
“As if you didn’t guess,” Lina laughed. “They were reciting all those weird lines practically dry humping in the kitchen at one point.” 
That was your cue, slamming into action, although as luck would have it you had re-watched The Addams Family two nights ago. You gripped Seokjin’s face, yanking him to look at you. “Seokjin, last night you were unhinged.” You began dramatically. “You were like some desperate, howling demon. You frightened me.” A pause for effect. “Do it again!” 
Seokjin took your hand, in character immediately. He leaned down to kiss your knuckles. “Cara mia.” 
You opened your mouth, ready to purr out mon cher in your best French accent but you were interrupted by Namjoon’s gagging noises. “That’s it, I’m leaving.” 
Seokjin snapped his head around, unamused. “Bye.” 
Everyone laughed… just before Hoseok sighed. “Aw, this makes me so depressed. I miss last year, when things were simpler.” 
“This was the worst year to officially become an adult.” Nora joined in with a whine. 
They were 100% correct. There couldn’t have been a worse year to graduate… The past few months had been so stressful but thankfully you were now in a much more stable place. Granted, you hadn’t been able to start the post-graduate internship you’d bagged right before the pandemic hit yet but eventually it would happen, and in the meantime you still had your retail job – and your savings. 
Seokjin had truly lucked out, although his job at his father’s company had been set in stone since high school. He was working remotely until the end of the year (hopefully), rocking that business on top, casual down bottom fashion that he was so gleefully fond of – think a dress shirt and sweatpants ensemble – but you were so incredibly proud of him for adjusting so well after this shitfest of a year. He was your sexy, serious businessman. 
Your friends hadn’t been as lucky though – well, mainly Hoseok and Namjoon who had recently moved back home with their parents while they job hunted. (That’s why the former and Nora were on separate screens – she still lived close by for work.) Lina hated her new job and Jimin still had a year left at college, so maybe he was better off at the moment... Sanduel and Jess were okay too, and had recently moved in with one another, leaving you and Seokjin to… follow suit… 
It came as a surprise to you both, but it made more sense than the two of you living alone. You’d already grown used to it during those couple of months of lockdown at the start of the year and it felt weird after he’d left... It was a big step, but an easy one once you’d found the most perfect apartment to rent together. (You couldn’t officially live with one another in that shoebox of an old apartment, but it had been sad to leave it – you’d shared so many good times there.) It had only been about six weeks since you’d become official roomies, but you were loving every second of domestic bliss. Despite this crazy year, things were on the up, and you were very happy. 
“Now we’re freshly graduated bums.” Namjoon moaned, knocking back the last of his beer.
Seokjin laughed. “Speak for yourself.” 
“We can’t all have a CEO for a dad,” Namjoon shot. 
“That sounds like a you problem.” 
You pushed at your boyfriend’s shoulder, silently telling him to behave. Where was the sympathy for his heartbroken friend?
“At least you’re not stuck doing online classes.” Jimin piped up. 
“I’d actually kill to be back there,” Namjoon chuckled. “I’m sick of receiving rejection emails.” 
“Don’t give up hope, bro.” Hoseok told him. “I have an interview next week so fingers crossed.” 
Nora squealed. “I hope you get it, babe. You need to get your ass back here. I miss you.” 
You all missed him. And Namjoon. Even if you couldn’t all hang out like you were once able to, it was strange to think they were both living in different cities now. Last year seemed like an eternity ago, all you had were memories and even then they were murky. 
“Guys, please,” Namjoon wailed, forehead hitting the screen as he threw forward dramatically. “One of us is single here.” 
In fact, you all felt the need to apologise, a string of them following for no real reason other than you felt really bad for the guy. You knew he’d find a job soon, that wasn’t the problem really – whatever the company they’d be a fool to turn him down – you were just concerned about his mood. Getting dumped had come out of the blue so he was still adjusting, all while his life turned upside down in other ways too. 
He hadn’t lost all sense of humour though, his trademark smirk growing across his face a few moments later. “So who will end up fucking on camera first?” 
Amongst the groans, Sanduel scoffed. “Probably Mr and Mrs. Devil.” 
“I’m an angel,” you corrected, a glass of wine back in your hand now. “Also, why would we fuck on camera? You guys don’t deserve the show.” 
“God, you’re so drunk,” Lina screeched. She wasn’t exactly sober herself. Beside her Jimin winced at the volume. 
“Of course I’m drunk, Lina, this is the first proper chance I’ve had in months.” Getting drunk alone was pretty miserable, now you had an excuse. 
“So it’s definitely them who’ll start fucking first…” Hoseok muttered. 
Seokjin heard him loud and clear though. He hooked his arm around your shoulders, pulling you against him. “Yeah if we leave randomly you know this angel got horny for some devil dick.” 
“Seokjin!” You exclaimed, pushing at his chest. He just laughed, reaching down to kiss you. 
He did look mighty fine dressed as a devil though. Yeah, the red cape was basic but so were your angel wings and halo, but with his dark hair pushed back above his forehead, two red devil horns visible and his eyeshadow off the scale (your doing), he made a very, very sexy Satan! 
Jimin pulled a face. “You’re actually going to fuck in those costumes, aren’t you?” 
“Of course we are.” Seokjin rolled his eyes. “That’s what Halloween’s all about.” 
“No, it’s not,” Nora laughed. 
“I don’t know why you’re all so surprised,” Sandeul sighed before shovelling down some candy corn. 
“You know them better than anyone,” Namjoon chuckled. 
“I was the first to know! Sworn to secrecy for weeks!”
“Yeah, and she didn’t tell me for so long,” Lina whined. Even though it was ages ago now you were still pretty sure she was salty about it. 
Hoseok snickered. “It was because she was embarrassed to be fucking him.” 
You scoffed, about to refute his claims but Sanduel had more to say apparently. “And then I had to deal with Jin moping around when she dumped him for that basketball player.” 
“She didn’t dump me,” Seokjin protested. “We won’t together then.” 
“Bro, you were still moping though.” 
“Awh, you guys,” you whined, running your fingers through the hair on the back of Seokjin’s head. “Stop teasing him.” You leaned in to kiss his cheek but he moved, stealing one from your lips instead. 
“Great Deul, you’ve started them off again.” Hoseok moaned. 
“I don’t care anyway. The amount of times I’ve heard them going at it has made me immune.” 
“Sanduel, we’re not that bad!” You complained, leaning forward to place your glass down on the coffee table. 
Seokjin had your back. “As if we haven’t heard you and Jess fuck before.” 
That however was not at all interesting to your friends though. They blatantly ignored it for a more interesting direction of topic.  
“Did you ever catch them?” Jimin asked, sounding weirdly excited. 
“No actually, which is baffling.” 
“You nearly did – multiple times,” Seokjin informed him, which instantly turned Sanduel grey. Not bothered, my ass. 
“Why are you guys so obsessed with our sex life?” You whined loudly. Was theirs that boring? 
“Ooo, let’s play a game!!” Lina exploded suddenly, sitting up, her head now cut off from the screen. “Who’s the freakiest!!!” 
Seokjin turned to you gleefully. “We got this in the bag, babe.” 
In your eyes, the questions were quite tame, so yes, you and Seokjin really were scoring first place left and right. Although you had a hunch Lina was holding back information. As her best friend you knew what she was like and she was being awfully quiet for someone who’d suggested the game… 
“Where’s the weirdest place you’ve ever boned?” Nora asked, six questions in. 
Seokjin didn’t even need a second. “Namjoon’s bedroom.” Your eyes bulged immediately, surprised he’d gone there. 
“What?” Namjoon choked. 
“Sorry, man. It just kinda happened.” Seokjin glanced at you, deeply amused. Poor Namjoon didn’t need more bad news. 
“You guys have fucked in my bedroom?” 
“Well, technically it’s not your bedroom anymore, but yeah,” you shrugged.  
The third degree was real. “A while back.”  
“What the fuck you guys,” he groaned, his face a picture. “And you didn’t think to tell me?” 
“You don’t even know the half of it.” Lina couldn’t help but add. 
“You, be quiet!” You warned, although you knew she wouldn’t spill. Your secret was safe with her. 
Namjoon was looking more and more scared by the second. “What the fuck did you guys do in there?” Seokjin just laughed loudly. “Did you at least clean up?” He got no reply. He was deadly serious with his next question. “Did you make Ryan watch?” 
“Namjoon!” Seokjin cried, practically wiping tears from your eyes. Maybe he was more drunk than you… You hadn’t realised. “He’s a stuffed animal.” 
“That plush is all I have now.” 
“Pity, the guy’s recently been dumped. This is bullying,” Hoseok interrupted, sticking up for his friend. 
“It’s not,” your boyfriend insisted. 
“Aw, Namjoon, I’m sorry,” you apologised, feeling guilty now. How could you make it up to him? “When all this is over you can come over and fuck someone in our bedroom.” 
“What,” Seokjin protested. You ignored him. 
“Who though?” Namjoon asked, sounding sad. 
“You’ll meet someone new soon enough.” Lina reassured him. “You’re any girls dream guy.”  
He perked up at that. “You think so?”
“Legit, man,” Jimin joined in. 
“Wait,” Sandeul interrupted, seemingly realising something. “Is the costume roleplay exclusive to Halloween?” 
… Of course the conversation was back on you and Jin…
“Why?” You asked. 
“Because Namjoon had a fancy dress party for his birthday last year…” 
Seokjin shrugged. “Any celebration.” 
Sanduel instantly looked disgusted. “So you guys fucked as The Incredibles couple?” 
You and Seokjin didn’t reply, but your faces said it all. 
Namjoon groaned loudly. “I want to scoop my brain out.” Then he thought of something. “Was it in my bedroom?” 
You both replied at the same time and you pushed Seokjin. Now he was just purposely teasing his friend. 
“Who’s lying?” Namjoon demanded, but Sanduel was too busy going through it, distracting you all. 
“The Incredibles is my favourite childhood movie, man, now I feel gross. I can’t watch it ever again because I’ll imagine you two trying to superhero fuck.” 
Your friends were way too dramatic. It wasn’t even a big deal, they were making it out to be way kinkier than it was, and Seokjin wasn’t helping matters. You were literally just having normal sex dressed up. That’s all. 
“This game has taught me I’m best friends with a bunch of vanilla ice creams,” Seokjin tutted. “It’s called having fun. Something you guys can’t seem to do.” 
“You all suck!” You agreed. 
Hm, maybe you were just as guilty as your boyfriend… It was just too damn amusing goading your friends… 
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ironxkid · 3 years
why don't you like endgame or civil war
((hoo buddy, idk what brought this up but salt under the cut!! Like... a lot of salt - specifically regarding Endgame lmao
I’m gonna start off with CACW because it’s a short response lol
I don’t like it simply because I was done with the infighting between the Avengers. The found family crumbs we were given in Endgame was something I really wanted to see, and them just... ripping them apart frustrated me lol
honestly, the movie was... fine? Idk, I found it to be a lil slow for my taste (it felt like it just dragged on when I watched it in theaters), and I just don’t care for it in general  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Also, ngl, I’m really bummed that Captain America: Serpent Society was a joke announcement because that sounds dope as hell and I really wanted to see that before I realized it’d been a joke dfgjhdsfhj
but, yeah, literally just because CACW is specifically an infighting movie annoys me to no end so I just won’t watch it again dgsfjhsfdhj
now, Endgame?
fuck Endgame
I. have a lot of issues with it, all of which are major grievances throughout the fandom. I’m pissed they killed Natasha and didn’t even bother giving her a fucking funeral because, I quote from Joe Russo, “Well, Tony does not have another movie. Tony is done. And Natasha has another film. And Marvel Universe obviously does not have to move forward linearly anymore. But that character still has more screen time coming.” (see here) and that annoys the hell out of me. She’s getting another movie - great! So you killed one of the few characters doing her fucking best to keep everything together at the compound, the one who was taking charge, give her a big role, and then murk her and... give her nothing but a brief mention at the end. Like... what the fuck? Natasha deserved so much better than what she was given. Tony’s funeral could’ve (and, frankly, should’ve) been a funeral for him, Natasha, and Vision because god forbid we see anyone mourn Vision other than Wanda
(actually this post covers how Endgame fucked over the MCU women perfectly, though Wanda’s not mentioned :c )
plus... Tony’s not done lol - he’s still a massive figure in the films/shows despite RDJ not acting in them, so his character has left shockwaves that aren’t dying any time soon. Natasha... basically disappeared, and I believe she would’ve been dropped completely if it wasn’t for the fact she does have a film coming out soon. Which, frankly, seems awesome and all, but it’s a film that goes back to post-CACW pre-IW and... frankly doesn’t give me any reason to understand why that means she didn’t get a funeral. She’s not coming back in future movies/shows that are in present MCU timeline - her movie is set in the past. She could’ve gotten a decent sendoff 
now, Clint’s arc as Ronin rubs me the wrong way. I know it’s a huge thing in the comics, and it’s not him taking a different mantle that I have an issue with. It’s the fact he, a white man, went around murdering people and got off scot-free. Yes, he was targeting genuinely bad people, but... to show that, they specifically singled out Mexican cartels and the yakuza (Japanese mafia, essentially) - so, in other words, the bad guys were people of color! I feel like I don’t need to explain how fucked up that is. And, to clarify, I love Clint! Clint is honestly one of my favorite characters, and the whole thing was just handled... poorly in the film
Tony’s arc genuinely hurts. This is a man who has suffered for years and has tried to make things right, and finally got a chance to settle down. He finally retired from the Avengers, finally settled down, and had a fucking life he could enjoy despite his ghosts, and yet... His arc ends with a message of “tortured soul finally gets rest by dying”. Because, y’know, it’s great seeing yet another long-suffering character only reaching peace through death, because god forbid they let characters heal! He could’ve still caused the second Snap, and he could’ve survived. He could’ve finally been able to step away for good and focus on his family, focus on recovering, and be truly happy. What’s so wrong with letting him stay alive so he can rest and be with his family? What’s so wrong with letting a long-suffering character finally find peace after one last bang? 
plus it pisses me off that they’re now using him as a reasoning as to why bad things are still happening. Why is this person the bad guy? Because Tony Stark somehow may or may not have done something that hurt them! Even though most of that really stems from Howard or Obadiah. Tony just ends up getting the blame in their place. He’s just an easy target to use, much like the tesseract seems to be the go-to answer for why things go wrong. But this is a different train of thought
Steve’s ending pisses me off just as much as the next person lmao. You take a character who has acknowledged he no longer belongs in the past (which, funnily enough, was written by the Russos), aaaaaaand have him go back to the past while ignoring two important people in his life that were still right there. He got Bucky and Sam back, and he leaves them. His arc is ruined within a matter of minutes, and it paints a hella bad picture of him in the process. He goes back in time to stay with Peggy (which ultimately destroys her own arc, and the fact she’s a person outside of her relationship (or lack thereof) with him because, y’know, why have her be able to move on and be her own person?), and we’re supposed to believe he’s fine with everything he knows from the future? Fine with knowing Bucky’s trapped with HYDRA and is suffering as the Winter Soldier? Fine with knowing HYDRA has infested SHIELD from day one? Fine with knowing Howard and Maria are going to die? Fine with royally fucking up the timelines? We’re supposed to believe he sat back and did nothing with all of that? They could’ve had him still hand the shield over to Sam - they could’ve let Steve stay an Avenger without the mantle
also the fact the Russos said he didn’t recognize Red Skull when he returned to Vormir to return the soul stone? Like... what the fuck?? Not to mention he literally returns the stone to Vormir, which “soul for a soul”, and they didn’t bring Nat back that way??
and now onto Thor. Thor... holy fuck is this hitting something personal for me. Thor was ridden with guilt - he was furious with himself, hated himself, and blamed himself for failing to stop the Snap. He fell into a massive depression, and... was promptly danced around as laughing stock. Like, “oh! look at Thor! he’s fat and drunk because he’s depressed haha!” - like fuck off. It’s not funny in any form. His suffering was made into a joke and it pisses me off because I suffer from depression. A lot of people suffer from depression. It’s not funny. It’s fucking terrifying at times. I wasted a shit ton of money on a stupid online sim game because it was a distraction - it gave me... god, I wouldn’t even say temporary happiness, but it gave me something to temporarily help, and I still hate myself for doing it. It was a poor decision on my part, and I wish I could change it. And, during that time, I was scared because I couldn’t see myself pulling out of it. I thought I was gonna feel that way forever. I called out of work multiple times because there were days I couldn’t stop crying (something I still feel horrible for doing), I couldn’t get myself to contact any of my friends for months, and it was all because the medication I was on at the time... stopped working. Thankfully, my depression doesn’t work in a way that makes me a danger to myself, so that wasn’t an issue, but it still fucking sucked. And to see a character that I could relate to on such a personal level treated as laughing stock fucking hurt. I’m not sharing this for sympathy - I’m sharing this because it Thor’s arc hit home and it’s literally the main reason why I will not watch Endgame again
this is more of a nitpick than anything else, but... I didn’t really care for Carol in it tbh? Which is unfortunately because Captain Marvel is one of my absolute favorite movies! And I’m well aware she was introduced in Endgame while CM was being drafted, but that in itself is annoying?? Because Carol was originally going to be introduced in AoU, but was cut because it wasn’t going to introduce her character properly. And yet they decide to introduce her character in a clusterfuck of a movie before her movie is in the final stages, and proceed to release her movie first and then give a complete different characterization in her following appearance
honestly I just wanna cover this now to clarify some things regarding Carter and her backstory: the only reason I keep Endgame as is is because it felt easier for me to do so for the purpose of bending canon for specific threads. I wanted to stay as true to the given plots as possible to help with fudging of both the movies and her background, and also because I didn’t want anyone to feel like I was trying to force my own headcanons onto them, y’know? 
I’m just gonna plug this here because fuck it lol, but I did start a fix-it fic regarding Endgame that you can read here! I... probably won’t finish it tbh, and I haven’t gone over it in a hot minute so it might be riddled with errors ahah - plus I’m not sure about how I wrote the characters! I get nervous when writing canon characters because I feel like I’ll miss their characterization completely, which is actually why I,,, rarely rp canon characters dgfjhgsfdhj
also the image in the doc was created by @/archervale!! 
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heyhihellowhatsup0 · 5 years
Dark Webs (Dark! Peter x Reader) - Prologue
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Peter Parker x Reader (About 22/23 years old. Sorta ignoring the MCU timeline because of more mature content)
MJ / Ned (27/28 years old)
Peter Parker dealing with the aftermath of his father-figure no longer around. With the world as he once knew changing around him, Peter finds himself lost and hopeless as he tries to navigate this new world. However, darkness and isolation begins to consumer Peter.
Warnings: Topics of death and depression, PTSD, angst, violence, potentially smut and fluff, somewhat ignoring the MCU timeline due to mature content
Word Count: 3576
A/N: This is my very first Peter fic, as well as first series. So feedback would be awesome, thank you all! Also, if you would like to be included in a tag list for future chapters, please comment and/or send me an ask so I can add you! 
Peter stepped into the familiar yet distant apartment as if he hadn’t really been gone all this time. It felt like no time had passed, but at the same time it had felt like everything surrounding him was brand new to him.
It didn’t feel like his apartment as he walked in. It didn’t feel like he was home at all. This felt weird to him, extremely weird. It almost felt like he didn’t belong here anymore.
Everything looked how it was before, except now it just felt a little more unfamiliar. He got a weird feeling in his stomach when he saw the container of half eaten take out left on the counter, and the sink half-filled with dirty dishes.
“May?” He called out in a dry voice. He closed the door behind him, his entire arm throbbed in pain. God only knew what kind of damage was underneath this suit, he hadn’t taken it off yet, and he was way too afraid to ask Karen what his current health was. He knew he had some damage, but he was too afraid to find out.
He was terrified he’d look like…
Never mind, he thought to himself, trying to brush it off. He wasn’t ready to think about it. He had to find May, she clearly was still around, judging by the kitchen. Was she even here? Maybe she was gone too, and this was somebody else’s mess...
“May?!” He tried again, lowering his Iron Mask so he could look around the apartment with his own eyes.
Peter darted through the kitchen, but nothing. Walking through the living room, he saw papers were thrown everywhere. It had looked like a war zone, which wasn’t like his aunt at all. May always kept the place spotless, and would in fact reprimand Peter if he even left a cup on his desk out for too long.
He walked over to the papers and flipped them over. They weren’t just papers. They were Peter’s papers. Old report cards from school, a few old letters he had written to May during the summer he went to sleepaway camp, some old photographs he had taken of the two of them with Uncle Ben when he had first picked up photography.
May was still here, and she clearly hadn’t given up looking for Peter, or even thinking about him. He put the papers down as a knot formed in his chest, swallowing all of the pain he was in, both mentally and physically as he continued to search the house.
“Karen, call Aunt May,” Peter asked his suit, clearing his throat as he went to his bedroom to assess some of the damage he probably had and was too afraid to ask Karen about.
“Her mobile device appears to be inactive,” Karen answered back, making Peter begin to freak out even more. Looking around his untouched bedroom, he grabbed a sweatshirt from his closet to change into.
Turning his suit off, he finally stepped out of the iron suit, the first time in apparently five years. He looked down at his skin, his legs covered in bruises, bumps, and cuts. His legs were all beaten up from the battle, he was surprised he was walking but his body was healing fast.
He looked in his mirror, his eyes were masked by two black and blues and a giant cut across his cheek. He wasn’t in good shape at all, and that was just the outside of him.
Peter threw on the sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants as he searched for his phone. But he realized he probably lost it years ago. Great. He was afraid to leave the apartment now. Not only did he not want to leave because he was worried May would come home when he was out looking for her; but, he also was just afraid to leave in general.
Everything he just went through was still so fresh and raw. He didn’t recognize this world at all. He was afraid of the things out there. This used to be a safe space for him. He was planning on it still being that haven.
His thoughts were cut off by the sound of the front door unlocking. The gentle sound of the key being turned could only mean one thing. At least, he had hoped.
“May?” Peter called out, running out of the bedroom and towards the front door to see. He had felt like a little kid again when his parents died, so afraid of the world around him. So badly needing his aunt to find him under his bed to comfort him.
“Peter?” May said with a stunned voice. The front door finally opened as they saw each other for the first time in what had felt like yesterday, and at the same time, forever.
“Oh my god, Peter!” May shouted as she ran over to him. Her eyes already flooded with tears as she embraced him. The first hug he had received this entire time, and he didn’t realize how badly he needed it.
May smelt exactly the same as he wrapped his arms around her, his chin resting on her shoulder as he finally let go. His breaths turning into sobs, unable to see anything at all as his vision blurred with tears.
“I’m sorry,” Peter apologized through his cries, muffled against May’s shoulder as he repeated himself over again, “You’re okay right? Please tell me you’re okay,” Peter asked her, finally pulling away to take a look at his aunt.
She had looked exactly the same. Her hair had grown a bit since the last time he saw her. Her glasses still hung from her nose in the same spot. It looked like she had lost weight, and he had hoped it wasn’t because of how she was worrying over him.
“I’m infinitely better now, trust me,” May breathed out as she wiped her face, looking Peter up and down. Her lips pressed together when she saw all of his wounds, “Peter, it’s been five years,” She told him, squeezing his hand with worry.
Peter pulled his hand away gently, still unable to comprehend that fact. Strange also had mentioned it had been five years, and the differences in the neighborhood had clearly shown a change, but he had never felt more lost.
“It doesn’t matter,” May shook it off, pulling him back in for a hug. She tightened her grip as he could feel her smile  against his cheek, “You’re here. I’m here. That’s what matters. People are turning up, Pete. It’s all over the news,” She told him ,feeling a little more confident in this recent revelation.
But, Peter remembered what being here had cost. What the price was for being here. What he fought for. What they all fought for.
And what someone had died for.
“May,” Peter called out, taking a step backward. He couldn’t hold it in any more. He needed to tell her. He needed to tell somebody. His legs were buckling to the ground just from thinking about it as Peter stumbled onto the couch in disbelief.
May caught him and sat him down carefully, “What? What happened?” She asked, taking a seat next to him. She looked at him through his black eyes and cradled his face, “Peter, what happened out there? What happened to you?” She asked him, seeing all of the cuts on his face.
“He..he’s gone,” Peter stammered out, barely able to even say it as he spoke the words. It didn’t feel real. It wasn’t real. There was no way that what he witnessed actually happened.
But, it did happen. As his flashbacks reminded him of his face. His terrified, vacant, dying face as Peter knelt down to tell him that they had won. Only to realize that winning meant losing one of the people he loved most.
“Tony’s dead,” Peter finished as his voice cracked again as he said it. He lost it at that point as he rested his head on May’s shoulder, feeling himself breaking down bit by bit. He couldn’t hold it together anymore. Not in front of May, she would have gotten it out of him one way or another.
She pulled him close, not saying a single word. In typical May fashion, she let Peter release everything as she just sat there with him. Stroking her fingers soothingly through his hair. She hadn’t seen him this distraught since...well, since her husband had passed.
The funeral followed later during the week, and Peter dreaded attending. But, he knew he had to. He owed it to Tony considering he sacrificed his very life for Peter, for everyone.
Out on the lake, presumably where Tony lived out the five years while Peter was stuck in the soul stone, Peter stood alone as he collected his thoughts before the service. He felt out of place and even with May with him, he had no idea how to handle this.
He hated funerals. But then again, who didn’t? He hadn’t been to one since his Uncle Ben’s, and he was pretty young for that one to really remember it entirely.
But, he was there for Tony. He saw him. He saw him die. He saw him speak his last words to Peter. He saw as Tony took his last breath. He saw as the man who he looked up to had the light taken from his eyes as he faded into the darkness.
And Peter was responsible for it. And he shouldn’t have come.
“Hey, Pete,” Happy called out to him from behind. He tapped his shoulder as he nodded back towards the house, “Pepper wanted me to invite you in the house. Tony left a message behind and she thought you may want to view it with her and Morgan,” he offered.
Morgan. The little girl whose father was taken away and Peter just stood there and did nothing about it. He knew he should meet her, Tony would have wanted him to. But he couldn’t bring himself to do it just yet. At least not today.
“I think it may be best if you guys watch it without me,” Peter told Happy as he frowned. He wasn’t ready to see a goodbye message.
“Well, if you change your mind…” Happy trailed off as he turned around to head back into the house where Pepper, Morgan, and Rhodey were also getting ready for the ceremony to begin.
Peter lined up, waiting for the ceremony to start behind Steve. At any other time, he would be completely astounded to be surrounded by all of these amazing people, heroes in which he had looked up to. But not today. This was a day he didn’t care about any of that stuff. And frankly, he couldn’t wait to get the hell out of there.
May grabbed him by the shoulder, and honestly the only thing keeping him from losing it entirely was May. Gritting his teeth together, he watched as the memorial Pepper and Morgan had created for Tony sailed across the lake. It was taking everything in Peter’s will not to break down in front of all of these people.
He watched as the memorial sailed away onto the lake, complete and total silence was the only thing Peter could hear along with the sounds of sniffling from around him. He couldn’t bear to watch the monument fading away into the distance.
There went his hero, he thought to himself.
“Thank you all so much for coming,” Pepper finally said, brushing a tear away from her eye.
She always tried her best to remain poised and eloquent, even in such a dark time as this, “You all are invited to spend the rest of the day with us inside for lunch,” Pepper said as she grabbed Morgan’s hand.
Peter gulped as he looked at her tiny hands, holding onto her mother’s as she swayed anxiously back and forth. She was five, she was practically a baby, and now she would have to go the rest of her life without her father being there.
And he was to blame for that, and he knew it.
Watching as Pepper guided the two of them back inside, Morgan passed right by Peter, looking him right in the eyes. She formed a small little smile when she saw him, maybe she thought she recognized him, he thought.
But, he couldn’t look at her. He turned away the minute her big brown eyes reached his, turning his direction completely to face his aunt. How on earth would he be able to face a five year old girl, whose father was practically a father to him? Whose father he couldn’t save?
May squeezed his shoulder, nodding towards the back of the lawn, “You have some visitors if you’re up to it,” she whispered to him, pointing towards the lawn.
Peter stood there wide-eyed as he saw you all standing in the back for the first time. He hadn’t seen you all in most likely five years, and there the three of you were, dressed in black and waiting for him.
He pictured this reunion a lot the last week or so. Wondering if Ned still remembered their secret handshake like he did, or if MJ still had a crush on him like he was pretty sure he did, and if you were still going to tease him and shit on his grades, like he did.
But, this felt odd. And something was off as he worked his way over the the three of you. Ned was fixing his tie over and over again, as Peter noticed MJ’s now shorter hair, almost to her shoulders. You, however looked almost the same, but you looked detached from MJ and Ned. Which was weird for Peter because you and MJ were attached at the hip practically. But, you looked at her as if she were a stranger.
“Hey,” Ned started to say, leaning in to give Peter a hug, “I can’t believe you’re here,” he laughed out, trying his best to cover up his emotions.
“You have no idea,” Peter said with a laugh as he pulled away. He looked over at MJ with a careful smile, so incredibly happy to see her, “I meant to call you guys. I just…”
“It’s okay, we wanted to give you some space to adjust,” MJ interrupted him, reaching over to give him a hug. It was clear she was happy to see him too.
Peter raised his eyebrow at her comment as he looked at her and her hair, putting two and two together, “Have you been… alive? This whole time?” He asked her, finally putting it together.
“Ned and I were okay,” MJ told Peter as she frowned at you. It was a look of sympathy that both you and Peter now shared from your friends.
Almost forgetting you were there, Peter pulled you into a hug, his soft sighs of relief knowing you were safe as he embraced you. It felt good, even though this entire ordeal had left you entirely confused as well.
“You’re okay,” you whispered against his chest as you took in his scent.
“I’m just glad we’re all okay,” Peter nodded, knowing he had so much more he wanted to say. He wanted to tell MJ how he felt and had so much to tell all of you, but he flinched when he noticed Ned rest his hand on the small of MJ’s back.
Narrowing his eyes on him. Maybe he was reading this all wrong. No way would Ned do that to Peter, his best friend since they were practically babies.
“Peter, lets go inside,” MJ suggested, moving away from Ned to avoid any more incidents. This was not going according to plan at all.
“I’m good here. Mind telling me what I missed these last five years?” Peter asked, nodding towards Ned.
Clearly things were different now, and he was learning just how much. Peter still felt the same, an almost nineteen year old as he was when he left New York five years ago. He thought he looked the same too, maybe a bit stronger after the battle, but he was still the same Peter.
But, Ned grew. And MJ looked older, maturing into what he thought was a beautiful woman. They were older, and he and you were still the same as you were as you left.
“We didn’t think you guys were coming back,” Ned clarified, grabbing MJ’s hand for support, “Peter, we thought you were dead.”
“So that meant go against our promise to never do something like this? You’re with MJ? We promised, Ned!” Peter yelled at him, his hand clenching into a fist as he yelled through his teeth.
MJ put her palms on Peter’s chest to calm him down, but it was no use. He pushed her away as carefully as he could without hurting her.
“No! I don’t want to hear it! You’re both fucking liars,” he spat at the two of them, flailing his arms about, almost hitting you in the face.
“Calm down, Peter! What would you have wanted me to do? I thought you were dead! I had to move on!” MJ shouted back. She was always the one to call Peter out for his bullshit, leveling him out before he got in over his head. But now, all he saw was a girl who gave up on him.
“I wanted you to not forget about me so quickly, MJ! We didn’t even get a fucking chance,” Peter shook his head as he tried to walk away, but you grabbed his hand to stop him. He turned around to face you, tears in his eyes.
“Not you too, y/n,” Peter begged you, hoping you weren’t carrying a secret of your own.
You weren’t. You were just as confused and scared as Peter, “They’re our best friends, Peter. Come on,” you tried your plea to get him to hear MJ out. After all, she was your best friend, and you still had a loyalty to her as well.
Looking over at MJ, you saw how hurt she was by Peter’s words. You knew how MJ felt about Peter back when you were in school, you knew it probably wasn’t easy at all for her to let him go.
“No, they were our best friends. But they forgot about us, y/n. While we were trapped in that...thing,” Peter hissed, pointing towards the sky, then looking over at MJ and Ned, “They moved on. Lived their lives. Acted as if we never even existed,” he started shouting at them in anger.
He clenched his teeth, he was so angry he felt as if he was about to hit something, or someone, “And I’m going to do the same with you,” he told them retaliation finally.
Peter could not believe this was happening. He was so unbelievably angry. And maybe he was acting a bit selfish. But was he so easily replaceable?
Ned took a step forward, “Peter, you don’t mean that, and you know it. We didn’t want you finding out today, that’s not why we came,” he tried to tell him.
“We came here to support you,” MJ insisted, trying to get him to calm down so maybe they could all talk about this. She valued their friendship, and didn’t want Peter resenting Ned, or herself.
“I don’t care, and I do mean that. You’re all dead to me, just like Tony,”  Peter said, pulling away from your grip finally as he used some of his strength, “Go home. All three of you,” he demanded.
MJ backed away, running a hand through her waves as she tried her best to remain strong, holding back her tears. You looked at Ned, who also was at a loss for words and knowing him, probably thought it was best to leave him alone.
“Peter, wait!” You called out to him, trying to get his attention. You chased after him as he rushed down to the lake, clearly avoiding going inside, you noted, “It’s been five years since the four of us have been together. I know it’s a difficult day for you, but don’t go like this,” You begged him.
Peter felt his body vibrating with emotions. Tony was dead. His best friends went behind his back and forgot about him while he was dust for five years. He had no idea how old he was supposed to be, or what he should be doing. Everything he knew was strange now.
He glanced over at MJ, talking to Ned from behind a tree as she cried into his chest. A pang of guilt coursed through him. He didn’t want to make her cry. And he definitely didn’t want to hurt you either.
There was no doubt he was jealous of Ned for living the life he wanted with MJ. And he was even partially jealous of you. You didn’t have to be resurrected from the dead to fight in that war to see your hero die in your arms, he did.
Peter watched as Ned continued to console MJ, guiding her over to the car with him. If they were so content in moving on, maybe he should too. From everything.
“Sorry, Y/N,” Peter said, shrugging you off as he pushed away. Leaving the three of you in silence, not quite sure what was going to happen next.
Chapter One
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ssironstrange · 5 years
endgame rant
yeah i know i said i wouldn’t post spoiler shit but listen i gotta get this off my chest ok
i have some REAL BIG FUCKING ISSUES with the way the russos handled a lot of plotlines. don’t get me wrong, this movie was amazing and epic and fucking award worthy, but as a fan i’ve taken offense to a Lot of things.
nothing about his ronin story makes a lick of fucking sense in the mcu. his family is dusted so he…… goes on a mass murdering spree??? decides that he should get a haircut and spend the next five years getting an edgy tattoo sleeve??? um. okay then. destroy the past like 10 years of his character having one of the best moral compasses of the entire team. why did he take up using a fucking SWORD in present day? do you know how long it takes to master swordsmanship at the level he was? with at least half of the world’s teachers gone? more than five fucking years thats for damn sure. and between him and natasha dying for the soul stone? it should have been him. i know he had a family and all but listen. nat went through physical and psychological torture. her body was modified against her will. she was brainwashed and used. and finally, FINALLY she gets free of it all, finds a family in the avengers, and continues to try and better herself to make up for things that weren’t even her fault to begin with. and clint? what did he suffer? oh thats right. nothing. he’s just damn good at his job and loves his family. the fact he has a family sucks for sacrifice, but they are well taken care of and every single one of his kids are old enough to understand AND nat would have stepped in immediately as a parental figure to help laura. they fucking fridged nat for clint and i will never forgive that.
here we go. thor’s character legit made me uncomfortable. they went way overboard with the new thor personality. but… fatshaming and making fun of his very real depression and ptsd?? wtf russos. like, haha he let himself go so funny but its NOT. he wasn’t even like…. fat, for one. just a normal dadbod and beer belly. which by the way seems a lot more realistic according to most norse myths of the gods. they were warriors, yeah, but they drank a fucking lot and feasted a fucking lot so. anyway. thor has lost his entire family. not only that but he watched them all die. he saw his mother bleed out. he watched his father disperse into nothingness. he watched the brother he has loved and cherished no matter the amount of times of betrayal and misdeeds get his neck snapped and his lifeless body thrown to the ground. and then the sister he never knew he had killing almost all of your people and then being forced to find a way to kill her. can you imagine trying to cope with that??? and when you put his age into our perspective, he’s only in his 20s. so imagine seeing your whole family die before you’re even 25, then taking on the responsibility of ruling your people. said surviving people are then massacred in front of you with only a few dozen escaping. THEN living with the guilt of blowing your chance to kill the man responsible for that and unable to stop him from decimating half the universe. (and even when he does get revenge on him, it’s too late) tell me you wouldn’t have an atomic level meltdown. thor is suffering so much and all they can do is make fun of him for it and shame him for it. he deserved better.
yall know i don’t like steve. i don’t hate him and i’m not anti-steve, i’ve just never enjoyed his rather inconsistent character and self-righteousness. it felt like we were FINALLY getting a steve i could get behind in this. a steve that swears like he should. a steve who still puts on a brave face for the public but behind closed doors with friends he’s miserable and broken like the rest of them and SHOWS it to them. a steve who realizes he is stuck in the past and just can’t seem to move forward. a steve who i can finally see the culmination of EVERYTHING he’s been through resting on his shoulders and eating him alive inside. finally we were getting a properly layered steve rogers. and then tony came back and that all fell apart. we didn’t get the apology steve owed him (and tbh tony owed him one too but we’ll get to that), we didn’t get a remorseful steve. he didn’t even address the goddamn issue. he went straight back to his bullshit. admittedly he was a better listener this time around and a far better team player overall. it wasn’t a total loss. but. BUT. his ending? no. hell fucking no. i’m happy he and peggy got their life, but it still shouldn’t have happened. how fucking selfish. how fucking backwards of his character. i get he didn’t have a choice in being brought back into the present and that is unfair and sucks for him, but what fucking right did he have to mess with a timeline like that? what right did he have to just decide without telling anyone he was done and giving up? why did he get the fucking happy ending???? steve rogers who looked tony in the eyes and said he wasn’t the kind of man to lay on the wire for someone copped out. steve rogers who knows of all the social progress we’ve made decides to go back to a time where he would be forced to accept segregation and extreme gender inequality and rampant, blatant, gross racism of all sorts oh and more war and alkjdalksdhkas NO plus they broke their own time travel rules so like whatever i guess right?? it’s okay if steeb gets his stupid happy ending right? god is it SO MUCH TO ASK FOR JUST ONCE TO HAVE A GOOD CHARACTERIZATION OFCAP???? it’s not your fault cevans honey you’re doing amazing your directors just have no fucking idea 
frankly this has been amongst rdj’s best performances of tony. i’m still partial to a lot of his acting in the iron man movies BUT this was FANTASTIC. him finally being allowed to absolutely go off on steve was fucking delicious and everything i was waiting for. let it all out tony baby. buuuuut we should have also had something more. i know my fellow tony stans typically don’t believe it but tony was wrong in civil war too. surprise they both fucking were. ANYWAY. i was waiting for an honest apology between them both. after everything they just went through, NONE of the petty bullshit they went through before matters at all. and yet the closest thing we get is tony just being like “turns out i don’t like to hold grudges” or what the fuck ever. why is it so hard just to make one of them say i’m sorry, the other say i’m sorry, admit it was a bunch of BULLSHIT hug it out and then go forward???? ugh. their choice to make tony suddenly care about his dad and be happy to see him???? disgusting. they made it canon that howard was an abuser, neglectful, cold, and hateful. it’s been a BIG DEAL how tony has struggled with the relationship to his dad because of how shitty the man was to him. and then they do tHAT? fuuuuCK that!!!! i’m not saying tony isn’t allowed to forgive howard. thats fine and expected tbh. but they pushed it way too far. the tony stark we’ve known for the last decade would never get all giddy and happy to see him and hug him and fucking thank him??? what the fuckk?? god that was gross. you know what we should have gotten? what tony deserved more than howard fucking stark? MARIA STARK!! and then, of course, my main issue. they fucking killed him. which only tells us, the audience and fans that no matter what you suffer and sacrifice that your only way to redemption is death. jesus fucking christ i am SO angry over this. they killed the two who suffered the fucking most. the two who every single goddamn day worked on being a better person. nat and tony both deserved so much better than waht they got. how the fuck did it make sense to kill tony who now has a fucking CHILD, who still has a future, who FINALLY FOR ONCE IN HIS FUCKING LIFE FOUND A SHRED OF PEACE????? and then let steve just go selfishly galavant through time as he pleases to have the cute happy ending? FUCK that ending. fuck it right up the ass with a huge unlubed cock. steve should have been the one to use the gauntlet. period. he should have been the one to die like that. i would have still fucking cried but you know what?? that would be the most cap thing ever. i wanted a mirror of pre-serum steve jumping on that grenade, but this time grabbing the gauntlet and not hesitating for a split second to snap. but no. they killed tony who left behind a wife who DESERVED MORE THAN HAVING THE MAN SHES LOVED AND SUPPORTED AND MARRIED AND HAS A CHILD WITH RIPPED AWAY FROM HER!!! tony who left behind a daughter too young to really comprehend yet why her daddy isn’t going to be coming back. fuck you russos. the injustice of it is astounding. i’m never going to get over it. you know how they could have killed tony? if they really felt like they needed to? have him grow old and die naturally of old age with pepper in their cute little lakeside house after watching morgan grow into such a strong and brilliant person. but oh. they gave that to steve. right.
i’ll never complain about having more stephen content but uhhhh i’m gonna complain that we didn’t get more than what we got cause after sitting in the soulworld for five fucking years you canNOT tell me he didn’t get even stronger with time to practice and meditate and work through every iota of information of mystical shit in his head. and yet they sidelined him??? after we’ve SEEN what he’s capable of in IW? just gonna put him on flood control???? something that any of those goddamn sorcerers could have done while he helps wipe the floor with thanos or any of the thousands of enemies? fuuuuuuuuuck that. can you fucking imagine how quickly thanos would have been taken out if it were wanda, carol, and stephen all three against him? jesus. he’s literally amongst the most powerful people but nah, just have him stand over there.
the gay russo
FUCK you for that. i am LIVID about it. yall can’t fucking make valkyrie bi???? or carol????? yall can’t GET AN ACTUAL GAY ACTOR? “ We felt it was important that one of us play him, to ensure the integrity and show it is so important to the filmmakers that one of us is representing that. “ WHAT????????? are you fucking telling me a WOC WHO IS OUT AS BISEXUAL AND WANTS HER CHARACTER TO BE BISEXUAL COULDNT ENSURE THE INTEGRITY OF AN LGBT CHARACTER???????????????? “ It is a perfect time, because one of the things that is compelling about the Marvel Universe moving forward is its focus on diversity.”  SEE PREVIOUS COMMENT????? oh my god fuck them forever.
lets make rules for our time travel then break them immediately
idek whats going on in the timeline anymore. they utterly fucked up and BROKE the timeline of 2012 avengers after letting loki get away with the tesseract. which should have cascaded into their future but, well, it didn’t. so i GUESS now we’re just pretending that made a new timeline which makes no goddamn sense but whatever i guess. steve going back to completely fuck with his timeline, or a timeline at least, and having no consequences in the future besides being old. okay. sure??? we can do all that but we can’t fucking get natasha back. right. cool. okay.
anyway i’m sure theres more bugging me but these are the things bothering me most.
and frankly i don’t care if anyone disagrees i’m not arguing or debating any of this. 
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On Endgame: Tony, Thor, and Loki
So, Endgame spoilers below. Ye have been warned.
It was a good movie. It wasn't Infinity War, but.
You know, I want to be eloquent. I want to say something meaningful. I want to do something. But I can't. God, I can't and it hurts.
Loki...is my favorite character overall, and Thor and Tony my favorite Avengers. I'll unpack this from the bottom up.
I knew Tony was going to die. Did I want him to? No. Did I pray I was wrong? Desperately. But I have the uncanny misfortune of being right and Tony died. It was bitter. Pepper is what made it easier for me. When she bowed over him and told him he could rest, her strength and love radiated like aloe. I respect Pepper so much. But I'm still freaking ticked that Tony died. He had a kid! She needs her dad! That was like the point of the last ten years! And Peter...oh goodness, Peter! I just, Tony hurts.
And Thor...! Oh gosh, I don't even know where to begin! The whole point at the end of Ragnarok was Thor accepting his place as king, right? But what's this? He lets himself go after killing Thanos to gain empty vengeance for a brother he makes no reference to in the film. I mean, I liked the wild hair. It was very Odin, very Viking, I think. But Thor becomes an alcoholic who yells at kids playing Fortnite and it doesn't seem right. I understand the trauma he's gone through. Believe me, his I've followed and cared for more than that of any other Avenger's. But he's... he's not himself. He's not Thor. Not really. And it hurts. But I appreciate him making Valkyrie...Queen of Asgard?...and going off with the Guardians. Thor in GotGv3? Yes, please. And make it have closure!
Closure! Which brings me...to Loki.
Oh gods.
I knew as soon as I read Tom Hiddleston hadn't attended the LA premier that something wasn't right. I've spent the last year hoping against the winds and wishing on moonbeams that Loki would live. That Loki would come home. Would...do something. And he didn't.
I have a...very real problem, I think, in that while I love tons of characters, I tend to fixate on one specifically until it's a borderline obsession. I don't think I have an obsession with Loki (others may beg to differ), but my love for him outstrips that for most other fictional characters save Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars. I say that to say, I was...not outright depressed. It wasn't worth a full depression, because real depression is serious, but the happenings of Infinity War weighed on me like a dark cloud that took months to shake. Thousands of words written with pain and lost love in mind and endless nights of insomnia where all I could do is ask why. I even went through the stages of grief.
Okay, maybe I'm a bit obsessed. But it's Marvel. It's Loki. It's okay.
No, it's not. It's just fiction.
But fiction shapes us into who we are...
Loki has been such a big part of my life since I was...gosh, thirteen? His smile and the promise of magic drew me into the world of Norse mythology. It led me down paths of mystery and myth that I would never have gone down without his influence. Loki has literally shaped parts of my life and has been a major influence even beyond the MCU and comics, as a character of lore, for years. His is the single character who hovers beyond my vision as I write and create. Kinda like an imaginary friend.
Oh gosh, I am obsessed.
Okay, I'm rambling. So basically, Loki means so, so much to me and I've been hoping on the wings of a prayer that Endgame would fix what shouldn't have been broken. And it didn't. So screw Endgame. This and everything else, just screw it!
I'm so confused. Is our Loki the 2012 version, off with the Tesseract? Is that a seperate timeline from the one 2014 Thanos left? If it is, that'd mean there could be a timeline where Loki is King of Asgard (as Odin) without fear of Thanos, in a reality where Thor doesn't search for the Infinity Stones and Ragnarok is different. I mean, I like that idea, but. Also! Didn't Bruce tell Thor they could get the other Asgardians back? And Bruce snapped, so did he restore them, too? Is Loki alive on a ship (half a ship?) out there with Heimdall and the other Asgardians? Is Thor going to find him and them?
What even is going on?
I went into this movie clinging to a fragile hope and penny wishes, but now I feel a twisting coil of heat inside that makes me feel a touch ill. The rest of me is cold, and in shock, and full of rage.
Endgame was spectacular. A cinematic masterpiece, in my opinion. But it held no real consolation. It didn't balm my soul. It tore back its cover and exposed it to a frigid wind. I couldn't watch it again anytime soon. I just want... consolation.
And it's so, so, so stupid how I'm this dependant on a fictional character. That his wellbeing and happiness have, quite literally, shaped my own on numerous occasions in the past. But this is how it is. I now have to deal with the further consequences of it, and the drawn out anticipation for answers I'm beginning to believe I may not like or even want.
I think Marvel and the Russos are cowards who're scared of how popular Loki is with fans. Way back in 2014 people talked like Loki was going to lose fans to all the new characters that were coming into the MCU. And maybe he has lost a few. But not like they talked about, no. People still care so much about this character (yay! I'm not the only obsessive nerd!) and we want him treated well. We want him to get the same respect every other character is afforded. Even Thanos got respect and he's literally the worst (worse than Hela, even), so what makes our Trickster Prince less worthy?
I'm serious. Is it the cow helmet?
Anyway, that's my raw emotional rant coming off of Endgame. Here's to the long, long...long waits for Guardians 3 and the Loki TV series, which will have answers...just very distant ones.
I guess I'll start my Norse adaption of Phantom now, then. I've got nothing else to do now.
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sweetteaanddragons · 5 years
Oh god don't take risk assessments from Fingon, Gil-galad. I'm so glad the family claims him, and I'm curious to hear the author's theory on where this one is from. My dumb theory: since the Elves' Maia heritage is down to Elrond, his sons, and maybe Elured and Elurin, it would be nice if he turned out to be related to the missing twins. My actual theory: no one in particular, the world is built by the ones who show up to work.
It’s not a dumb theory! It’s not, however, what I went with. For that, see below.
Quick note: Maglor’s wife in this is the same as his wife in my alternate character interpretation snippet for her. This will probably make more sense if you read that first.
Maedhros is barely a shadow when he first gets there, but Fingon stubbornly sticks around.
When Maedhros is well enough to listen and, in his opinion, in need of some distraction, he finally asks.
“I’m trying to figure out Gil-Galad’s parentage. I don’t suppose you know?”
Maehros looks startled, which is at least better than horrifically depressed. “He’s not yours?”
Fingon’s heard that from others. A lot of others. He doesn’t know why everyone keeps assuming that.
“Not mine.”
He’ll have to try Maedhros’s brothers later. For now, he’s right where he needs to be. 
“Fingon,” Curufin says from his place on the floor. He hasn’t bothered to open his eyes. Fingon never did learn the trick to that. “What do you want?”
Nice to see his time in Mandos hasn’t changed him. “To talk.”
Fingon gives up and gets straight to the point. “Offspring.”
Curufin cracks one eye open and rolls over to face him. His face is shadowed through the bars. “I didn’t think you had any.”
“Yours,” he clarifies. 
That catches Curufin’s attention completely. He rolls to his feet, face tense. “Has something happened to Celebrimbor? The tapestries here are useless.”
Whoever’s in charge of these things apparently decided Curufin would benefit from graphic scenes of Finrod’s imprisonment. Fingon’s been trying not to look at them.
“He’s fine,” he assures him. “Or at least he was fine the last time someone died, there hasn’t been nearly as much of that going around since the war ended. I wanted to ask about the potential for . . . other offspring.”
Curufin looks around the lonely confines his cell with grim amusement. The bars are set deep into the stone. If there’s hinges or a lock, they aren’t visible. “At the moment, I would say the potential was low.”
“Already produced offspring,” Fingon further clarifies.
Curufin frowns. “Why . . . ?” His face goes pale. “Has Nirivel . . . Is there a child she’s saying is mine?”
Judging by his face, if that was the case there’s no chance the child actually would be.
“No, no,” Fingon assures him. “Nothing like that. I’m just trying to figure out who Gil-Galad belongs to.”
Curufin rolls his eyes. It almost distracts from his slowly returning color. “And you couldn’t just say that? In case you’ve forgotten, Fingon, my wife stayed on these shores. Gil-Galad was born in Beleriand.”
That’s not actually technically a denial, so Fingon pushes on cautiously. “Under the circumstance, remarriage - “
Curufin stalks forward until he’s gripping the bars in a white knuckled rage. “I am no oathbreaker,” he hisses.
“The Valar know we all wish you were,” Fingon mutters without thinking.
Curufin steps away from the bars. The rage has disappeared into a blank pleasantness that makes Fingon far more uneasy. “Forgive me. I should not have been so surprised by the question. I shouldn’t have forgotten that you were of the line of Indis and have strange ideas of family fidelity.”
“Of the two of us, which of us actually - “ Fingon cuts himself off. “No. We’re not having this fight again. Or the other fight. Or any fights! I know what I need to know.” He hesitates before he heads back into the maze of winding tunnels. “Maedhros sends his love.” 
Curufin actually looks relieved for a moment before the mask descends again. Fingon’s surprised he saw anything; solitary must have decayed Curufin’s skills at hiding considerably. 
The relief brings to mind what had escaped him before. “You do know about - ?”
“How he died?” Curufin interrupts. He smiles bitterly. “You’re not my very first visitor. Nienna brings news sometimes.” His look turns puzzled. “How are you here? Namo sentenced me to solitary confinement.”
“I petitioned to visit Maedhros,” Fingon explains. “Repeatedly.”
Curufin makes a show of looking around. “Unless I’m very much mistaken, he’s not here.”
“Yes, well, by the time he gave in, he was far too frustrated to be careful with his word choice, and what he actually said was ‘Visit the kinslayer if you want to!’ Which as I view it, really gives me leave to visit just about everyone here.”
For the first time in centuries, he hears Curufin laugh.
He stumbles across Uncle Feanor next.
He’s . . . not entirely sure what he’s seeing at first when he does.
“Are you unravelling Vaire’s tapestry?” he chokes out.
Uncle Feanor leaps to his feet. “Findekano! What an unexpected pleasure. I’d been hoping for a chance to thank you for what you did for Maitimo.”
Fingon can’t tear his eyes away from the loose threads that once made up an entire wall of tapestry. Some of them have been laid out in complex patterns. “It’s Fingon now,” he manages. “And you’re definitely unravelling the tapestry. Why are you unravelling the tapestry? There’s a stone wall behind it, it’s not like it’ll get you out! Is it the scene?”
The scene is . . . Maedhros yielding the crown to Fingon’s father which strikes him as a little petty, but at least it explains why Uncle Feanor’s unravelling it.
Or not, because what Uncle Feanor actually says is, “Oh, no. I needed materials, and this was the best option.”
“Materials? What can you possible do with all that?”
Feanor eyes the mass of thread thoughtfully. “Well, it’s woven through with the essence of time and space, so I’m hoping for a form of transport through either.”
This terrifying image needs only a moment to sear through his brain. “Please don’t invent time travel, Uncle Feanor.” It comes out a little strangled.
“Why not? There’s a good deal that could be improved from what Nienna tells me. Anyway, that can’t be why you’ve come. Do you have news? Have you seen my sons?”
Fingon tears his eyes away from the threads. “Two of them. Curufin and Maedhros. Curufin’s well enough. Maedhros is . . . better.” That’s really the best he can say of that, so he hurries on. “I’ve been trying to discover Gil-Galad’s parentage. Unless he’s Galadriel’s, we’re pretty sure he had to come from your branch.”
“Another grandson!” Feanor sounds both surprised and delighted, which at least answers the question that Fingon had been trying not to think about having to ask - Namely, if Feanor had been responsible. The timeline had made it unlikely at best, but he’s trying to be thorough. 
“I’d probably best delay testing this until you know more,” Feanor muses. “I’d hate to accidentally wipe a grandson out of existence.”
“Yes. Absolutely. Just - Hold off.” Please, please hold off on potentially destroying the very fabric of Arda. “I’ll let you know what I find out.”
Just maybe not until he’s figured out how to make sure Feanor’s focused on the geographical aspect of travel.
He has no idea how long it takes him to find Celegorm, but if anyone asks later, he’s going to tell them weeks. That’s certainly what it feels like. The tunnels here are far less open that most of Mandos’s Halls, and he’s starting to feel claustrophobic. 
He can only imagine what it must be like in the cells.
Celegorm manages to get the first word in because Fingon is too busy gaping at the image on his walls. It’s Huan as he dies, in vivid enough detail that it makes Fingon want to cry out, and he barely knew the hound.
“I don’t know where Maedhros is,” Celegorm says. He’s sitting by Huan’s head. It’s possible that he was petting the cloth just before Fingon showed up; Fingon certainly isn’t going to judge him if he was.
“That’s alright,” Fingon tells him. “I do. He sends his love. I also saw your father, who was very eager for news of all of you.” Fingon leaves out the rest of what Feanor is currently very interested in. He’s not sure he can get through it without his terror showing through, and that could very well start a fight. “If I see any more of your brothers, is there a message I should carry along?”
“Tell them that with practice and application, it is actually possible to climb these walls.”
Fingon blinks. “And this will be . . . useful in an escape attempt?”
“It’ll be useful in not going out of our collective minds,” Celegorm snarls. “There’s no room to move in here.”
Fingon eyes the tiny space and remembers his own growing claustrophobia. “I see your point.” There’s really no way to gracefully segue into this next bit, so he just dives right in. “Remember Gil-Galad?”
Celegorm frowns. “Of course I do. Why? Is he dead?”
“No, thankfully.” Fingon watches him carefully for a reaction to this news, but Celegorm just shrugs.
“Good for him. What about him then?”
“Is he yours?”
Celegorm stares at him for a very long time. “You do remember the whole Luthien incident, don’t you?”
“I think everyone does.”
“Thank you,” he says through gritted teeth. “You might remember that part of that incident involved me trying to get married. So unless you’re suggesting that I succeeded, had him with Luthien, and then somehow invented time travel and sent him back - “
Fingon flinches at the words ‘time travel.’ Thankfully, Celegorm’s in full on ranting mode and doesn’t seem to notice.
His ears are still ringing when he finds his next cousin. “Amras!”
The twin looks up in desperate hope, but the light in his eyes fades quickly. “Amrod,” he corrects.
“Right. Sorry.” He should have just gone with Ambarussa.  
At first glance, the walls in Amrod’s cell look fine. It’s just him and Amras eating a meal together, right after a hunting trip judging by the gear on their horses.
Then he realizes that Amrod’s backed himself up against the image of himself so that it looks like he’s sitting beside Amras, and he has to fight back a wince.
“If I find him, I’ll come back and let you know,” he promises. The corridors he hasn’t taken are still mysteries, but he’s keeping good track of the ones he has. The last thing he wants is to get lost here. He’ll be able to find his way back easily enough.
A bit of the life returns to Amrod’s face. “Would you? I just - It’s not that we were never apart. It’s just never been for this long before.” He looks down for a moment. “Have you seen any of the others? Are they alright?”
“About as well as can be expected,” Fingon says which Amrod, fairly, doesn’t seem to find all that reassuring. “Listen, I don’t suppose you ever - “
The answer, it turns out, is no.
“Amras!” he says with considerable confidence.
“Amrod,” the Feanorian corrects.
Fingon’s jaw dropped in horror. “I’ve circled back around? No, I can’t have, I - Wait a minute. Your wall hangings are a bit different. One of you’s lying,” he concludes triumphantly.
Amras - Amrod - whichever one he is has risen in the interim and crossed to the bars. “You’ve seen him? You’ve seen Amrod?”
“I knew you were Amras,” he mutters petulantly. “Yes, I’ve seen him. He misses you desperately and gave me about a hundred messages to give you. I’ll try to remember them in a minute, but first I’ve got a message of my own.”
“Of course,” Amras says and sets his jaw. “Doriath or the Havens?”
Fingon’s actually doing his best not to think about either of those messes. He’s not king anymore, it’s not his responsibility. “Neither. Gil-Galad.”
“What’d we ever do to him?” Amras protests.
“Created him, possibly. That’s what I’m trying to find out.”
“Creat- Like with gears? Because that’s really more along Curufin’s line.”
“Like with a woman,” he says in exasperation.
“Oh. No. I thought that would be a bad idea, what with the Doom and all.”
Fingon can’t exactly argue with that. “Maybe Celebrimbor managed to slip away from his father long enough to meet a girl.”
“Anything’s possible. Have you asked Caranthir yet?”
“Are you sure?” Fingon wheedles. They’re not quite to the end of the line yet - there’s still Maglor and maybe Celebrimbor - but they’re getting close. He’d had a good feeling about Caranthir.
“We tried,” Caranthir says. His voice has an edge of anger, but what’s far stronger is the longing, mixed with grief. “Right up until she died.”
. . . That doesn’t actually rule it out. And if he’s any judge of his cousin, Caranthir would very much like to be a father.
Firien goes on his list of people to track down.
“Maybe he’s Maglor’s,” Caranthir suggests.
“Maglor’s not dead, though, so I can’t ask him.”
Caranthir looks at him like he’s being exceptionally stupid. “Have you tried asking his wife?”
Fingon feels exceptionally stupid. 
“Did Aranel actually fight at Alqualonde, or was she just there?”
“She fought.”
“Right. Then she’s got to be around here somewhere.”
By the time he actually manages to track either of the wives down, Celebrimbor’s died. Despite what Curufin seems to think, Fingon retains enough tact to wait until he’s somewhat recovered to ask him if he’s responsible for Gil-Galad.
He’s not, but he is able to relay a series of increasingly improbable and hilarious theories that are apparently floating around the court.
Then in quick succession, he finds Aranel and Firien and Aredhel finds him.
Aranel’s locked in with the kinslayers and is the first person who’s been less than pleased to see Fingon. 
“Come to lecture me on corrupting my husband?”
Fingon has to take nearly a minute to process this. Finally, the best he can come up with is “What?”
She looks up at him. Her face is set in hard lines of preemptive anger. “That’s what Atar said when Namo let him see me. He said my marring must have corrupted the prince. Maybe even his whole family.”
Maglor used to verbally eviscerate people for saying much, much less. Fingon wants no part of that minefield. He raises his hands in surrender. “I’m not here to blame you for your husband.”
Judging by the way her eyes shutter, that probably still wasn’t the right path to take. Some marriages shattered in the long war; apparently their’s did not.
“I just came to ask about any . . . children.”
“Children?” she repeats blankly. “You mean the Peredhel?”
He’s surprised she knows about that until he takes a closer look at the tapestry. He’d thought it was just Sirion burning, but no. It shows Maglor claiming the twins as well. Apparently someone’s given her context.
“I don’t know why everyone keeps thinking that’s the part I should be most upset about,” she says heatedly. “He defied his Oath when he let them go when it was safe. I’m proud of him, not concerned because he was raising children while I was gone!”
“Not those children,” he corrects, because he’s not about to get in the middle of that whole mess. “I meant any children you might have had with him. Together.”
“Why?” she asks with a slow edge of suspicion.
Fingon explains Gil-Galad.
“What happens if you don’t like the answer you get?”
Fingon honestly hasn’t considered this up to now. “What do you mean?”
“What if he is mine? Is he marred in your eyes? What if he’s not, and he’s not Firien’s either? Is he not worthy of the crown? Why does this matter so much to you?”
“Honestly?” Fingon takes a deep breath. “I’m curious. I don’t have any better reasons. I’m just dead and bored and curious.”
She doesn’t believe him. Fingon can’t quite blame her. She’s been judged her whole life for the circumstances thrust upon her at her birth, and that only worsened after true marring was revealed in Melkor; it’s little wonder she fears the same for Gil-Galad if it turns out he’s not quite as perfect as everyone thought. 
“In that case, you can consider it settled. He’s mine. Mine and Maglor’s.”
Fingon . . . isn’t sure if he believes her. “Why send him to Nargothrond? Why keep him a secret?”
“He was stolen,” she says promptly. “We thought he was dead and had no words to share our grief. I have no idea what happened in his early life. I had no idea where he even was until you explained Gil-Galad’s circumstances. That’s not what I named him.” She reels this off matter of factly with no obvious sign of grief.
Fingon is particularly suspicious of the stolen child part of this story given what she’s been staring at for these past few centuries. “What did you name him?” he challenges her.
“Fingon,” she says instantly. “Because Maglor was so grateful for what you’d done for his brother.”
Fingon is . . . almost certain she’s lying. Almost.
On the other hand, it’s the best explanation anyone’s been able to hand him yet.
He’s still mulling it over in his mind when he emerges back into the Halls proper. Firien immediately comes flying into him. Only her tiny height keeps him from toppling. “You found him!”
“Found who - Oh, Caranthir, yes.”
“You found him too? Can you show me where? And what do you know about my baby?”
He’d forgotten how very little like Caranthir Firien is. Also - 
“Your baby?”
According to Firien, she hadn’t realized their efforts had finally succeeded when she volunteered to go with the trading caravan. By the time she realized, it seemed safest just to continue on. All had been well until the return, when they’d been attacked only minutes after she had given birth. She had died shortly after hiding the baby as best she could.
Her telling is somewhat more convincing than Aranel’s. Then again, she also used to be a performer, so . . . 
Fingon hates his life. Death. Whatever.
Naturally, that’s when Aredhel shows up and announces that Gil-Galad is actually hers.
Her grandson, that is.
According to her, Turgon had pressured Maeglin to marry someone to turn his mind away from Idril. He’d given in and married a girl who’d gotten tired of always coming in second place and run off, apparently while pregnant.
Fingon has no idea if any of that’s true and has no way to check it because Aredhel’s the only one who actually knows where to find Maeglin, he doesn’t have a name for the girl, and Turgon’s already gotten early release for good behavior.
Namo’s been hinting strongly about good behavior lately. Fingon, increasingly convinced that he’s the only reason that his Feanorian cousins are still sane and that his uncle hasn’t gone ahead with his plans to possibly erase them all from existence, cheerfully ignores him.
That’s the short list that at long last he’s able to present Gil-Galad with. If Gil-Galad is in fact part of Finwe’s family tree - and judging by his power and a certain resemblance, Fingon is inclined to think he is - than those are his most likely options.
“Firien’s story is remarkably similar to a theory Elrond came up with,” Gil-Galad says wistfully. “He has an uncanny knack for being right about things, you know.” He sighs.
“Cheer up,” Fingon tells him. “Like I said, we can always pester Namo into telling us eventually. Or you might feel something when you meet them! And really it’s only two options since we know Aranel has to be lying since she claimed to actually name you . . . Although Maglor probably wouldn’t mind claiming you, given his track record, so we could always just pretend you were and go with it.”
“No,” Gil-Galad says firmly. “I want to know the truth.”
“Let’s start with the ones we won’t have to sneak you in for then, and then I can introduce you to the rest of the family.” 
Fingon’s money’s on Caranthir.
. . . Which means Feanor will now feel free to resume his experiments.
Oh, well. He hasn’t gotten this far by being cautious. How badly could it possibly go wrong?
Fingon shuts that thought down quickly and drags Gil-Galad through the Halls to Firien, who takes one look at Gil-Galad and throws herself at him, wrapping him in the tightest hug she can manage, even though her head barely comes up to his chin.
She’s crying. Gil-Galad, who’s holding her like she something fragile, looks like he might start.
Fingon feels a bit like crying too.
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agent-yolk · 4 years
2, 4, 7, 15, 21, 27, 29, 35, 40, 45 (tell me what you love about fate/grand order)
Someone: Fa-
Me: Say no more
2. favorite albums?
I’d have to say the Band-Maiko’s first and only album (as it’s an April Fools Day ‘prank’). I love traditional music mixed with rock.
4. favorite books?
I’ve been reading a lot of Japanese Light Novels, too much to name them all. Not to mention I’ve been busy reading fanfiction over real books. Although, as I have a habit of buying too many books I’d have to read them sooner or later. I’m currently reading 17 Ways to Defend a Walled City by K. J. Parker and so far I’m enjoying it.
7. favorite fanarts?
aaaah too many to name. I’d have to say my favorite is my best friend Nate who’s done SPECTACULAR art for zines and memes that I really wish I wanna show you but, again, the zine sales are still active I think.
15. favorite fictional characters?
aaaaa too many to name (and mostly from fate). Here’s a random selection: Moriarty from FGO, Senku from Dr. Stone, Gen from Dr. Stone, El-Melloi II from...El-Melloi II Case Files, Dimitri from FE3H, Hibiki from Symphogear, Okita Souji from FGO, Gintoki from Gintama, Naofumi from Shield Hero, Emma from Promised Neverland, aaand Inosuke+Nezuko from Demon Slayer. Again, a random selection.
21. a personal accomplishment that you’re proud of?
I finally got a piece submitted in a zine! While I noticed there were some errors afterwards, I’m just glad I finally got my toe in it. If only I stop getting rejections from other zines afterwards :)
27. favorite place you visited/trip you had?
I got to go to AnimeNYC this year! It was great! I also went to Boston last year on a day trip sanctioned by my college, so that was a great experience to go on. I got to see the aquarium and the tea party museum and, safe to say, they had really really good saltwater taffy. Next time I’m getting a bigger bag to take home, as it might be my last time going there.
29. a time when the worst case scenario happened but you pulled through?
uuhh can’t remember. My anxiety loves making these what if scenarios of the worst-case scenarios so it’s hard to determine what’s fact and what’s fiction
35. a random memory you remember with strange clarity?
I still remember the dream I had the day before my psychology class in high school had to look up dream interpretations in perfect memory. I never have dreams if not remember what they are even the vaguest of detail. So when I went to bed that night I was like “I sure I remember this dream.” and I still do.
40. an important personal revelation?
if i’m starting to have ‘depressive episodes’ where i think my friends, and the world as a whole, hate my very being...then i need sleep. and then the cycle begins anew
45. tell me what you love about fate/grand order
Well first there’s a story. It might be the fact that I love time traveling/fixing timelines and the fact that we join historical heroes (even if they been bimbo-ified) kinda sweetens the deal. The writing most of the time has been spot-on even if the combat is a pain in the ass sometimes (don’t even get me started on the gacha). The community too is so fun to be in! The fanart, the discussions, the memes, the salt...it’s riveting! I’m even in a discord group of some talented thirsty writers and my god are they good. It’s even come to the point where I even have Servant OCs (Master OC to be created one day). Above all else, you don’t have to read the original Fate VN to get into the mobile game as this is in an alternate universe. I could...go one about this if I could.
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calzonekestis · 5 years
My Endgame thoughts in 3,160 words and 17,025 characters. Under a cut. Spoilers, obviously.
Really. Truly. The whole thing.
Well. I texted a friend as soon as I got out, and I told him “that was a very good movie peppered with lots of shit that I didn’t care for at all.”
I don’t know what I think about it. If it was good or bad. If I like it or not.
If you read spoilers but didn’t see it, and we’re mad, I get that. I was mad too. I wrote most of this last night, and I’ve had to go back and amend it.
Also, please check your Tony vs Steve bs at the door. I like them both to varying degrees. That said I take issue with Steve’s choices and characterization at the end. We’ll get to that.
The Tony fans at least can say their boy saved the universe. They’re going to be mad still, but at least he went out in the best way possible if he had to die. Which he didn’t, but... we’ll get to that too.
The people who will be mad the most? Cap fans. Sharon Carter fans. Black Widow fans. Thor fans. Iron Man fans, probably, won’t be mad so much as sad. Actually, no, mad, because they probably wanted a happy ending for him.
So yeah. Is it “bad” if it makes so many people mad? Or are they just choices they didn’t like? For me, there was a lot of that. There was also a bit of characterization I didn’t like.
I’ll say this though, because the Steve thing that has everyone mad? I’m mad too, but per their time travel rules?
Steve didn’t erase Peggy’s family. They still exist in our timeline. Steve created a new timeline for himself to go live in. We don’t know if he stopped HYDRA and saved Bucky in that one, but I mean, we can assume.
So everyone complaining that he let all that shit happen? No he didn’t. This is an alternate reality he’s living in now.
If we go by what they established about changing the past not affecting the present.
But then we have Joe Biden Steve at the end, so... unless that’s a Joe Biden Steve who went from his timeline back to ours once he grew old. Not a Steve that existed and lived in the past of our current timeline. Then it actually works without contradicting their own time travel rules.
IMO... they ignored/ruined his character arc... but due to their aforementioned time travel rules, Steve going to the past wouldn’t affect that the present that he’s leaving.
So he COULD stop HYDRA, find Bucky, prevent Howard’s death, warn Hank and Janet about the missile.
That would all be an alternate timeline though, and our Bucky would still be the Winter Soldier.
So yeah, they contradict themselves... and completely fuck over Sharon Carter in the process. You know Steve didn’t tell Sam who his wife was, because he didn’t want him to tell Sharon that after kissing her he went back to marry her Aunt thus creating an alternate timeline to live in.
That’s the present being affected by him going back in time. Your time travel rules suck, Marvel.
So the children and family Peggy had? They still exist in our timeline, but not the timeline Steve created. The reality Steve created.
Okay so they don’t explain it, so this is just me trying to make sense of it myself. They say changing the past doesn’t change the present you left from, so unless Bruce was wrong and they’re contradicting their own rules Old Steve can’t have been actually out there all this time.
So I guess even though he didn’t show up in the gear and with the time machine when we see him, he did earlier, and just went to wait by the lake with the shield to be all dramatic? He probably waited to return until his Peggy died, and then he returned at some random point maybe like a day before they planned to send him back. He knew they would be there, so he just waited in his old man clothes.
That’s all I can think of.
So retroactively?
They had Steve kiss his wife’s alternate reality niece. I like Sharon Carter in the comics, I like what little they did with her on film.
They did her so dirty in the MCU, in the comics Peggy is almost a footnote and just part of his backstory. Sharon is Steve’s true love. Whether you ship them or not, they made Peggy out to be a bigger deal than she is in the source material.
I’m not here for pitting women against each other, but... God, the only woman the MCU has done dirtier is Betty Ross. Who should have been there with her dad at the funeral. Acknowledge her existence, Marvel. Yes they’re estranged, but maybe say having her die made Ross stop being such a dickhead and realize what really mattered.
Calling Peggy the love of his life is bullshit. Yeah, he had a date. Had. He never made it, due to being frozen. I don’t agree that they loved each other, tbh. I saw someone say they each had an idealistic, at times unhealthy attachment... but not love. Frankly? That’s not wrong. They liked each other. It never developed into love. Not in the timeline/reality we followed for the past ten years.
If this was their plan all along, then why did they introduce Sharon as a potential love interest?
Peggy is his past, Sharon is his future. The Lana Lang and the Lois Lane, respectively.
They didn’t plan this. It’s clear by how sloppy it is. It’s just so haphazard and insulting to all the characters involved, and yet Evans seems to be on board with it which disappoints but doesn’t surprise me.
Sharon didn’t have much screentime in the MCU, but every moment she had was important to the plot. She was one of the only agents that questioned Pierce’s orders. She held Rumlow at gunpoint even though the odds were against her. She let Steve know where Bucky was. She gave he and Sam back their gear. A lot of her scenes in Civil War got cut, and she got screwed by making it an Avengers movie instead of a proper Cap film.
She also got screwed by fandom. People acted like known like fucking toddlers, all because she was getting in the way of popular ships. Emily Van Camp was terribly harassed online, people calling her Steve’s beard or that it was icky and gross. Evans even said it was icky, which wasn’t that supportive of him... and then...
I liked Peggy in The First Avenger, but Hayley Atwell’s lowkey/high key narcissism is known within fandom circles, how she turned on Emily Van Camp and Sharon as a whole and threw shade at cons and on twitter and such. That left a bad taste in my mouth where I no longer care for the character at this point.
And they complete ignore/regress Cap’s arc of moving on. The fact he’s not the same man who went into the ice which is something even Whedon realized and addressed when he had him snap himself out of his Scarlet Witch!Vision.
The line from TWS they sampled for the trailer about the world changing and none of them can go back?
That was a lie. What’s ridiculous is that is the same exact directors, same exact screenwriters?
“Some people move on, but not us?” Well in that regard he had, so fuck that.
Speaking of regression, Thor’s?
I’m of two minds. He had depression and PTSD, but in my opinion, that’s end result wasn’t what Thor’s end result would be. He probably felt like he failed his people, but Jesus Christ, turning him into the Big Lebowski... fat jokes...
He becomes king, half his people are slaughtered and then and then he just... abandons the rest? To drink and watch his friends play video games? That’s sad. I think Thor would have felt like he failed and be hurting, but still try to do his best for the people who were left and still needed him? Instead of letting Valkyrie do it and the at the end to officially giving her the burden of ruling and fucking off into space?
And then at the end, he *officially* throws the burden of ruling in Valkyrie’s hands. Not that she isn’t capable, but it isn’t and shouldn’t be her responsibility.
“He’s being who he is, not who he’s supposed to be.”
That would be nice if it didn’t invalidate his arc. He didn’t want to be king at the end of Thor: The Dark World either, but at the end of Ragnarok he accepted it and was at peace with it.
Also, he didn’t need the hammer. Ragnarok made that clear. I’m glad Steve took it back with the stones, and I know it was more Thor needing to know if he was still worthy after becoming Big Lebowski... but it wasn’t needed. They just wanted Cap to wield it, and for them to have something else blunt to hit Thanos with.
This is the easiest money Natalie Portman made in her life. I feel bad for my friend who is a big Jane fan, as it’s literally maybe 15 seconds.
Nice to see Pierce, Sitwell, and Rumlow/Crossbones back, even if it’s only for a flashback and they’re all still dead in our reality. Or it would be, if it didn’t make the latter two out to be dumb. I mean, Rumlow isn’t a genius but he’s not just a dumb meathead. He wouldn’t just hand over the tesseract, he’d bring Cap to his superiors to ask “yeah hey what the fuck?”
Also, having Cap say Hail HYDRA is just... gross.
...Alternate timeline/reality Loki has the tesseract. I guess he’s the one the Disney+ series is going to follow. He’s wiped of all his development, though.
Vision is still dead. I guess maybe Shuri will rebuild him? Or it will take place between Civil War and Infinity War
So Guardians 3 is going to be about finding the alternate timeline Gamora who is now stuck in this one, huh? And I guess Thor is now a Guardian, or he’ll leave them between movies?
The alternate Nebula, I’m torn on. I think they could have gotten through to her, and she would be willing to team up with him. and would be willing to team up with them to kill Thanos. She never told him where the Soul Stone was. I mean, that’s why she aligned herself with Ronan. To kill Thanos. She hates Thanos.
Her wanting to make him proud and earn his favor despite what he did to her is heartbreaking on one hand, but the loyalty, when it’s been shown she’ll be disloyal and desert him if someone promises to kill him... idk. Btw.
Nebula should have gotten to kill Thanos. I don’t care that Iron Man started and is their poster boy. I’m sorry Tony fans. She deserved it more than he did.
Something else I’m curious about... was Peter Parker’s entire class killed? Not just Ned, the whole class. MJ, Flash, etc.? Because his entire supporting cast doesn’t seem to have aged at all in the Far From Home previews.
Also you’re telling me that in those five years, May never confronted Tony? Or if she did, we never saw it? Boo.
Oh, another dumb thing. Banner. Hulk. Professor Hulk. We don’t see how Banner made peace with the Hulk and became Professor Hulk, that all happens offscreen which is so cheap. He’s also just annoying throughout the whole film, and treated as comic relief? Also, the uncanny valley was deep this time around.
I’d honestly rather Cap had died as well, rather than the ending he got. Rather, if old man Steve didn’t show up, and there was just a cliffhanger of him being lost in time? Which has precedent in the comics? That would have been great. Instead of the bad characterization.
I’m indifferent to Tony’s death, honestly. He could have retired and raised his daughter. He could have died. I guess it’s cheaper to just kill him off and not worry about paying Downey for cameos they wouldn’t be able to resist.
Okay, the other death. Nat’s. I don’t care for it, but it worked. When I say it worked, I mean her motivations and the fact she at least had some autonomy. It was still fridging. It’s gross. It sucks.. but at least it wasn’t exactly like Gamora’s where she was a victim. I mean, she is a victim. A victim of gross writing, but... I like the character, you’re killing the only female OG Avenger for angst and drama... I would have preferred it was Renner, but her reasons worked even if I didn’t like it. I do think it would have been even just as heartbreaking/tragic though, it Clint had to give up his life for the hope of getting his family back. A devil’s bargain, they’ll be alive, but you won’t be and won’t see them again.
I question the hell is the point of a Black Widow movie now. Why should we care? Don’t get me wrong I like Nat. I have nothing against self contained, one-off adventures... but... it will be a prequel that doesn’t develop the character at all or see her grow and it’ll be inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. It may be enjoyable, but do we need to see it? It’s the Solo situation.
Do we need to see how the character became the character? What purpose does telling her backstory now serve, aside from just making people sad? Do we see how she started so we can appreciate how far she came, though? I can already appreciate that. You don’t need to twist the knife by making her origin her swan song. They can’t bring back our Nat, but who knows. Maybe the next villain will be Kang, and we aren’t done with time travel. Maybe we can have an alternate timeline Nat come into our universe like we did with Gamora.
A timeline where Clint was the one to die. I can deal with that, if they give ScarJo the money. I guess.
SCOTT LANG SAVED THE UNIVERSE. Well, actually. Also, a rat. A rat is responsible for saving the universe. I mean I laughed, but we couldn’t see Scott get himself out? He’s still my boy.
He’s probably my favorite character in the film. Seeing him and Hope reunite in the end battle was nice and made me happy, the way they didn’t miss a beat and got to working together. Him trying to keep it together when he talked about losing her. The end scene with them and Cassie. The fact she called Cap “Cap” and they shared a glance. Sucks for Scott to have missed five years of his daughter’s life, through.
Also, it kinda sucks that along with the people brought back, they couldn’t bring them the likes of Frigga and Quicksilver. Yes, they died, but you can still revive them in the present. You don’t have to make it so they never died. Maybe Quicksilver will Maybe in the WandaVision show, especially now that they won’t have to worry about a competing Fox version. Introduce her ability to warp reality. He was rumored to have been on set, and so I was expecting to see him in a flashback at least. Alas.
SPEAKING OF REVIVING DEAD CHARACTERS THOUGH. Why couldn’t like, Carol, use the gauntlet to revive Tony before they sent the stones back? She could take it. He didn’t need to stay dead, except for the fact... you know... Downey is expensive.
Something I find hilarious?
The kid from Iron Man 3 is at the funeral.
That kid knew nothing about the film whatsoever, except for the biggest spoiler? Cause if they invite HIM back to be at a funeral scene... whose funeral would it be, that he would attend, aside from Tony’s?
Oh, and SamCap. People, calm down.
I like Sam, Sam is worthy of the shield, Bucky’s not quite in a place where he’s ready for it anyway. In the comics Bucky becomes Cap, and then Sam becomes Cap after him. They can reverse the order. Bucky can still become Cap after him. Sebastian still has four movies left in his nine movie deal.
I’m curious about the Disney+ show now though. If it will be retitled, if they announced a fake title ala Serpent Society for Civil War. Although. I have a fear.
I don’t trust Marvel and I can see them killing Sam by the end of the Falcon & Winter Soldier series.
And then Bucky will take up the shield. Mackie’s 40. Idk how much longer he’ll want to be doing this, and he’s said in interviews he had no interest in bringing Cap and would like to see Sebastian take a crack at it, that he likes Falcon being Falcon.
Maybe age isn’t a factor. Bettany’s in his 40’s. Cheadle’s in his fifties. Paul Rudd is an ageless immortal who claims to be fifty. None of those are physically demanding roles though, not to the scale of Cap. The closest would be Chadwick Boseman, who is a year older at 41.
Age aside, I can see them doing it. That’s kinda the shit Marvel would do.
“Yay! We’re so progressive! We’re making Sam Captain America to placate his fans before we kill him! We won’t do that *just* yet in Endgame, we’ll wait to kill the black guy until he’s done helping out this other white guy figure out his place in the world!”
Now I’m gonna be anxious about that for the next year or two.
But so I think the shows are for characters on the shelf movie wise. Idk if when the show is over, we’ll see Mackie as Captain America in Avengers 5. It would be cool, but idk.
I don’t know if they’re even thinking of Avengers 5 at this point, or plotting out things like Guardians and Black Panther and Captain Marvel. And Eternals. And all their new Fox characters.
I guess the new Avengers line up will be Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Ant-Man, Wasp, SamCap, and Spider-Man? Maybe Doctor Strange?
Wanda retires to TV. As does Clint maybe, to train Kate Bishop and/or his daughter. Rhodey and Banner are just around.
Also. Banner and Thunderbolt Ross, at the end. Ross and the Hulk. Both in the same scene. Neither acknowledging each other or having any interaction whatsoever. Odd.
I keep hearing rumors about a Thunderbolts movie tho, from someone who was accurate with all of their Endgame leaks. I wonder if they want Ross to be the Fury of that which is why they’ve kept him around.
Bucky recently led the Thunderbolts but also Zemo is so ingrained in their history and I don’t see them working together at all.
I guess you could bring in Bernthal’s Punisher by that point if you want. Elektra. They won’t do it but they could.
Ghost would be a good fit, tho I don’t wanna see her be forced to kill people again. I can see them forcing her to work of a sentence. If she’s still alive, cause God if she was snapped and went 5 years without the Quantum energy... but yeah.
Bring back The Leader as a villain finally. Crap, I’m plotting a fanfiction.
Idk. I just. Am disappointed but not surprised tbh.
Everyone knows I don’t like MCU Clint, but the callback interaction between he and T’Challa with the latter remembering his name was nice I guess. The final battle as a whole was nice I guess.
OH. And the exchange between Dr. Strange and Wong about if he brought everyone, and if he anted more? Probably not the intent, but to me it just seemed like a big “shut up” to everyone wanting the Netflix and Agents of SHIELD characters to cross over.
Also, a final critique?
The whole fake scripts, not giving actors a script thing. I hate it. I know like Mark Ruffalo and Tom Holland are notorious for letting spoilers slip, but I legit believe that a reason why A LOT of the actors got fake scripts was not to prevent spoilers but to prevent any of them going full Ed Norton and throwing a fit about the quality of said script.
Not letting the actors know the context of the scene they are performing is not only disrespectful but it’s broken and what can you expect but performances where they’re legitimately incapable of giving it their all?
That’s all I got for now. I guess.
I know it’s a joke, “I loved everything except for the stuff I didn’t” but seriously? I enjoyed everything except for the stuff I hated. Does that stuff ruin the movie? Do I not like it because I’m petty, or because it’s bad? You can not like something, it doesn’t mean it’s bad... but I think certain choices... were bad. Were very bad.
Was it shit sandwiched with awesome, or awesome sandwiched with shit? Do they balance each other out? Your mileage may vary. I haven’t decided yet.
EDITED: I replied to this in another post, a point by @chujo-hime, but I’ll copy/paste it on here since more people are likely to see this than our conversation.
“There’s no point in doing BuckyCap now that they’ve fridged Natasha”
I can’t fault you for feeling that way, and I don’t entirely disagree. have a theory on how Natasha could return despite them saying it couldn’t be undone.
Do what they did with Gamora. Take a version from an alternate universe/timeline. Maybe one where everything is the same, except that Clint died instead of her.
Whether or not they do this? Doubtful. Unless with the money they’re saving by letting another actor go (ahem) they give it to ScarJo to lure her back.
I mean, they have Kang back now. Next to Ultron, he’s one of The Avengers’ biggest villains. He’s also a time traveler, so there are ways… idk.
I’ve still not fully processed it. Whether Marvel is smart enough or cares to take advantage of their out, they have it. If nothing else, fans can exploit it in Fix-It fics.
Oh, what was the point of Ronin? I don’t mean sad Clint, I mean Ronin, aside from selling more action figures? He wasn’t even Ronin, they made him into The Punisher Lite. Ronin wasn’t Ronin, but I mean Clint hasn’t been Clint imo so...
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douxreviews · 5 years
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - ‘Fear and Loathing on the Planet of Kitson’ Review
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"The mission is ladies' night."
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. leaves its usual heavy storytelling aside and delivers one of its most unique episodes. Very Whedonesque and definitely the funniest one they have ever done. What's not to love?
"Fear and Loathing on the Planet of Kitson" is a well crafted episode: written with confidence, produced with style and very well acted. There is one detail I'd like to address first, because it's the only flaw in an otherwise terrific episode: Simmons' behavior and how it doesn't fracture her friendship with Daisy.
See, last season Simmons tried to stop Fitz from ripping the inhibitor from Daisy's brain, but afterwards she sided with Fitz, didn't show one ounce of sympathy towards her friend and acted against her direct orders. We never saw their friendship recover from that. This season Simmons again acted against what everybody had decided, and in this very episode she challenged (!) Daisy of all people. Yes, she is not emotionally well and her unstoppable drive to find Fitz is clouding her judgement, but her inability to understand Davis' and Piper's perspectives, for instance, is jarring, especially when it leads her to call them cowards. How dare she? She is not confronted nearly enough, though, and the episode proceeds to give her validation, for Fitz is right around the corner. It's not that her jump of faith could not have brought her what she was looking for, but more that her selfishness was not addressed as it should have been. So when Daisy and Simmons are high and professing their love for one another, I can only conclude that Daisy is the best, most patient friend ever, and one that Simmons, at this point, does not deserve.
But enough with that issue, because this was such a great episode that it deserves more happy words than I'm giving it so far, and stoned Simmons was a big part of that greatness.
It's boys' night for Fitz and Enoch when they arrive on the planet of Kitson and must gamble for their tickets back to the orbit of Jupiter. Fitz and Enoch are a great duo, and it makes so much sense that a sentient android (or whatever Enoch is) would end up being Fitz's mate. But is he really? When Enoch professes that Fitz has become his best friend, Fitz doesn't return the sentiment immediately. Only later, when Enoch is depressed and in need of a pep talk, does Fitz say Enoch is his best friend also. Was he being honest or just trying to cheer Enoch up? I'm going with the second option, for Fitz wasn't paying attention to their growing bond at all. He is so focused on the mission (it's all about Simmons) that Enoch's attachment to him flew over his head. Or maybe Fitz didn't expect that someone with such a robotic demeanor would have real feelings.
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In any case, it's nice that Enoch is being fleshed out as a character. He is genuine and faithful (let's not forget that his previous version sacrificed himself for the team), which makes him someone easy to root for. I mean, how unbelievably cute was he in this episode? Even his brief existential crisis was cute, and it opens new possibilities for the character. Now that his mission as a chronicon is cancelled, he can just become part of the gang. :)
While Enoch and Fitz were the emotional center of the episode, Daisy and Simmons were the comedic one. And OH MY GOD I LOVED IT SO MUCH. Why, oh why, didn't this show try stuff like this before? I know the one-off stories of season one were more miss than hit, and the show became extremely serialized from season two onward, but episodes like this are gold. Gold, I tell you. Okay, I have a weak spot for episodes where characters are high or under a spell and act all goofy. Still, it's nice to see these characters you've grown fond of just having some fun together. And after the doom and gloom of last season, this was a welcomed change of tone.
It's ladies' night for Daisy and Simmons when they arrive on the planet of Kitson and completely lose focus of their mission after they inadvertently get stoned. Chloe Bennet and Elizabeth Henstridge play off each other really well and dive head first into the silliness of the script. You can tell they had lots of fun shooting this episode. I loved several moments, but my absolute favorite one was Simmons directing Daisy's blast and yelling "Fire." That was totally Whedon-y, wasn't it? Daisy narrating the night to herself was another hoot. Daisy, in general, was awesome, and her fight against the hunters was one of the coolest the show has ever done. I mean, she was high and still got the moves. And what about that music score? All hit, no miss.
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Skimmons or Death!
Even though this was not the typical arc heavy episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., it was no filler either, as we got some significant arc progression. See, it's completely possible to design an episode as a standalone that anyone can randomly watch whenever they want too just for the fun of it and still make it relevant to the arc story (not that I have anything against purely one-off stories, they have their value too!). We learned that there are several types of chronicons, one of these types are hunters, who are after Fitz for... reasons. The hunter we met said that Daisy and the others are "out of time," as in out of their original timeline. But Fitz isn't, right? The Fitz who was out of time died, and this Fitz actually belongs to this timeline. So why did the hunter take him?
I know many fans were frustrated that Simmons and Fitz were separated yet again, but I loved that they only saw each other for like five seconds and Fitz was taken. At first, the search for Fitz looked like an unnecessary side plot this season, but now it matters and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next. And it's not only Jemma who wants to find Fitz. His best friend Enoch will want to get him back too.
Intel and Assets
- After saying "Expecto Patronum," Simmons hallucinated a tiny monkey Fitz. Of course the image of Fitz would appear as her patron.
- I loved that Simmons, even stoned, was able to tell that the sound they were listening to wasn't part of the hallucination. Girl is smart.
- So, is Daisy cool with the use of torture now? I wonder if this will be explored in depth later or if we are just supposed to accept that a year in space has led her to this point.
- The planet of Kitson has only one city, apparently, also called Kitson, and it's ruled by a man named... Kitson. Boy, is he self-centered or what?
- The title of this episode is a reference to "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas."
- Did the hunters really need to kill the hostess? She seemed so nice.
Enoch: "I'm well-versed in over 10,000 intergalactic games of chance, several of which are being played in this casino." Fitz: "And you're only just telling me that now? Which games are you good at?" Enoch: "Approximately none."
Inspector: "The planet Kitson is a nasty place, absent any basic scrap of decency." Piper: "Somebody just described Florida."
Inspector: "'What happens on the planet of Kitson...'" Daisy: "Stays on Kitson?" Inspector: "No. 'Is contagious and burns.'"
Enoch: "There are other ways to earn money." Fitz: "How?" Enoch: "The brothels of Kitson. We are both healthy and not unattractive specimens, and I am well-versed in over one hundred and thirt-" Fitz: "Stop."
Daisy: "Are you feeling okay?" Simmons: "Are you?" Daisy: "I asked you first." Simmons: "I asked you second." Daisy: "On three. One, two, three..." Simmons: "I'm not okay at all." Daisy: "I'm tripping balls."
Daisy: "I don't think it's the atmosphere." Simmons: "No, that was silly. It's clearly psychopharmacological expiali-" Skimmons: "-docious."
Simmons: "You had big hair." Daisy: "You had big... nerd face. What house are you in? Gryffindor?" Simmons: "Ravenclaw, girl, please."
Simmons: "I think my parents are mice." Daisy: "That makes sense."
Enoch: "What are you doing?" Fitz: "I'm rebooting you." Enoch: "I'm not comfortable with this level of intimacy."
Daisy: "If I can't quake it, I'll break it."
Simmons: "I have reason to believe that my future husband is behind that door." Guard: "And what reason is that?" Simmons: "The dolphin told me in a secret signal only I can hear that was meant just for me."
I loved it and I'm grading it according to the amount of fun I had. Four out of four bad little puffies.
Note: I'm so, so very sorry for the lateness of this review.
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