#god. this inning is hell but i would almost be able to deal with it if it wasnt on the hell of that shit they pulled on julio
burningcrab · 1 year
no matter what happens this game and season, never forget:
fuck the astros
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kaijurakunsobs · 3 years
If requests are open could you do a Heisenberg fic with a teen or young adult reader(no older than 20 please) who stumbles into the village trying to get away from their parents and after they get attacked by Lycans Heisenberg patches them up and takes them in trying to hide them from his sister and mother miranda. Could you please do it with an AFAB reader who doesn’t identify as female? I am currently dealing with borderline verbal abuse from my conservative father who doesnt like that though I am AFAB I don’t identify as female.
first, baby, I'm so sorry that this is happening to you. I know how bad and mentally taxing that kind of living situation can get, I was in a similar situation and somehow managed to pull through.
you are not alone, you are loved and I hope everything gets better, never forget that it's you who defines yourself, your self worth should NEVER be defined by others
All you can think is...how cold everything is around you, how the freezing air burns your skin and lungs, but, you have endured something worst, physical pain can be healed with time, emotional and psychological pain is what hurts the most, what feels eternal and haunting, it coils around you, it grows and never let's go, like being branded, it leaves marks that never go away.
Running aimlessly through the snow feels like nothing.
What made you get out of the car?
Was it anger?
Does that even matter anymore?
You can't hear their voices anymore, so that's a win.
Farther away you see smoke and fain lights, distant sounds beckoning you closer to that place, and you let yourself smile widely when the silhouette of someone standing so close to you, you could get help, start somewhere new, be happy!
But it's so short-lived, that you question if there's divine retribution, karma, or just the universe laughing in your face.
Your "savior" is covered in blood, a man with a perpetual expression of agony lays in the snow, dead. The monster turns to you and finally the cold freezes you where you stand, it's not alone, and all the other creatures are looking at you, dark soulless eyes fixated on their new prey.
You have felt like that before under his gaze like if you were vermin, it made you furious how you were treated and consider as something lesser than a person. These things look at you the same like you are just a speck of dust in their path, and maybe you are, if the mangled body is any indication that taking a life will be nothing for them.
You see it from the corner of your eye, one of them lunges for you, and then? everything is a blur.
You remember kicking and punching wildly, adrenaline making you forget about the pain of the bites and scratches, there are memories of you running and using something to smash the head of one of the monsters, a rock, perhaps? But in the end, cold, blood loss, and exhaustion are enough to bring you to your knees. One of them grabs a fistful of hair and roars in your face and you know, that, this is it, you fought and did your best, but this is the end of your travesty...so much for your new life of freedom.
"Get the fuck away...I SAID FUCK OFF!" his voice is so loud that it makes you whimper and recoil "LET GO, CAN'T YOU HEAR ME? LET GO, DAMN IT!" the smell of blood and a warm liquid hits you hard, but at least you are free, letting your body hit the snow
"What do we have here?...this one is alive, but ya ain't from around here, do you?" he's smoking and something small and silly wants you to tell him that smoking is bad, which makes you smile so softly "...Interesting"
Heisenberg rarely gets intrigued by anything, he hasn't found anything to spark his curiosity in so long, so of course, he had to come and see what was causing such a commotion. What he thought to be a villager, fist fighting the lycans so valiantly, turned out to be a teenager, he saw you from afar,  furiously kicking lycan after lycan, you didn't even notice the growing red spots in your clothes and the black eye, it was survival and feral like behavior. Truly interesting.
Now, what made him pick you up with care? years from today he will say it was just "Scientific interest kiddo! nothing more", but, it's the pain in your face that makes him act so soft, it's not the agony brought by your wounds, this goes deeper, it's different and he knows it very well.
Under normal circumstances, he would have taken you to Moreau, but he knows the loud mouth will give you to that bitch Miranda and that will be it for you. Dimitrescu is OUT of the equation, so does Beneviento, hell knows what her psychotic ass would do to you. So he brings you back to his home and takes time to clean your wounds, true, his stitching abilities are amazing...on corpses, and a lack of anesthesia and your occasional movements makes it hard for him to stitch you properly, but by the end of everything, you are bandaged and clean, isn't that the important part?
He’s done his part, the rest is on you. If you had the strength to fight and even kill a lycan, you might live to see another day
How long were you out?
You are warm and so fucking sore, cracking your eyes open is a big task and even harder to sit up in the bed you are laying on. The room is black and smells like tobacco, oil, and something you can’t place but it’s nice.
Barefoot and curious you start to get up, wincing deep and loud when pain floods your body, but you get up non-less, you feel the cold air hit your legs, and immediately pull down the shirt to cover yourself. Then it fully clicks, the jagged memories of what happened slaps you in the face and make you lose your footing, falling back on the bed you pry the shirt off from your body, you see bandages and patches placed on smaller wounds, your head is killing you and your right eye hurts like crazy.
With small breathes you pull the shirt back on and force your body to get up and investigate the room. There are piles of clothes and pieces of paper everywhere, picking one of the pants you sigh, these are yours, but they have been destroyed either by the beasts or by however brought you here. Looking around there’s nothing more, time to go out.
The only door leads you to an open room, the kitchen and living room placed together, in one of the sofas you can see someone laying down, their chest rising and falling softly, their face obscured by an old hat.
You try to be as quiet and sneaky as possible when getting back into the room “Where do you think you are going, kid?” his voice is thick with sleep but the sound is enough to make you yelp, slamming your shoulder against the door frame, the man jumps up and in a couple of strides he’s beside you “Can you more fucking careful? the stitches gonna get open and if you get an infection I ain’t risking my neck to get you meds”
He’s a bit taller than you with squared and wide shoulders, his face is stern and it seems like he’s annoyed about something, is it you? Did you anger him? You try to remember what could you have done to make him so mad but nothing comes to you, is not like you remember much, and what you do, is better to be left forgotten.
Heisenberg has seen many people look at him with fear, reverence even, but he has never been in the receiving end of a look like yours, he has to close his eyes for a second, carefully grabbing your wrist and dragging you to the kitchen, almost forcing you to take a seat in on of the wobbly chairs he owns.
“Well now that you are back with us, I can finally cook something to eat. You must be starving! I would too after the way you fought back there” he lets out a howl while he busies himself with pulling ingredients for whatever he’s cooking “I saw ya, you know? That was one hell of a show and I know about putting up good entertainment, you gave those lycans a good beating”
Lycans? So those things have names...uuuh, who would have thought.
"What's your name kid?" you get pulled out of your mind by his voice and the smell of cooking eggs, for a moment you wonder and think, that this is the time to be addressed by YOUR name "...I'm Y/N, sir"
"Cut the sir bullshit, you ain't trying to impress nobody here, you can call me Heisenberg, Karl if you wanna get my attention quickly, got it?"
He's rather harsh from what little you have seen of him, but he's careful when serving you breakfast, a steady hand serves you tea and makes quick work of a loaf of bread, whit that you two eat in relative silence, he eats like a wolf and that's enough to make you hide a smile.
"Once you are...better..." he's speaking between bites, eew "I'm taking you to get some new clothes, staying here ain't gonna be free, ok?" with his fork pointing at you he waits and continues without you answering "I'll have to teach you...that's gonna take time..."
"I'm a faster learner!"
Heisenberg laughs at the offended tone in your voice, taking a big gulp from his mug once he stops "I like ya kid, there's a fire in you and I respect that, we gonna get along"
It takes you almost 2 weeks to fully recover and be able to move without crying out in pain. On the day he announces that he must take off your stitches, he's kind when pulling on the thread, talking about how that same day he's taking you to the seamstress cuz he's "done" having you wear his stuff.
The seamstress in the Village seems flabbergasted when "Lord Heisenberg" comes into her house, demanding she makes you good sturdy pants and easy to move in shirts. From that sole visit is enough for people to call you "Heisenberg's assistant" whenever you are sent to the village or just went spotted by anyone. The Duke, the merchant that sometimes you have found yourself talking to, does nothing but fuel the rumor, people already fear Heisenberg on a god day, now they fear you might be spying for him.
You would be lying by saying that, Heisenberg is a normal man, he's flamboyant and loud, filled with pride, and what you can describe as...showmanship, he speaks with passion when explaining to you the ins and outs of the factory. He's always close, never breathing down your neck, just close enough to hear if you need help.
The first time you see him use his gift is the most embarrassing and awkward moment of your life.
You are working on some molds for pieces he needs to make from scratch, he taught you where you should work on that, away from whatever lurks in the lower areas of the factory. You were so engrossed in getting the mold out perfectly, tongue sticking out and heavy gloves helping you to pry open the damn thing open, you don't even jump when a hand lands on your shoulder, but you do when the ghoulish face of a corpse appears beside you.
He's running the second he hears you, a high pitched sound tearing through the noise of the machinery, he sees you bolting it towards him and a Zwei Soldat quickly catching up with you, the drill in its arm too close to your back, the moment you are close enough he pulls you towards and behind him, a metal sheet flying to the thing and beheading it in an instant.
"Kid...Kid, look at me, hey, eyes on me" you are not crying, there's no blood anywhere and nothing seems to be missing, you seem more startled than anything else, but you listen to him, concentrated on him and his voice "Y/N, it's ok kid, I'm here"
Then it happens, you let it slip. "Thanks...thanks dad"
You feel him go tense, the hands-on your shoulders shake for a second and embarrassment comes crashing down on you, you are ready for him to yell or push you away and order you to see if the mold is still useful, but he pulls you close, patting your back like you never said anything.
There are days when you can hear him talking on the phone, his voice growing irritated, and his explosive temper getting worst.
You are curled up in the crawlspace that he turned into your room, listening to him talking with someone, he sounds exasperated and nervous. This time he takes longer to come out from his room, a new cigar in his mouth and hammer over his shoulder, usually, he would tell you that he's leaving for a couple of hours, this time he's just there, tapping his foot and sparing quick glances at you.
"Get your coat, we need to leave"
That's new...he never takes you with him to wherever he goes, but you don't feel like arguing and do as he says, slipping your boots on and grabbing your coat.
Heisenberg is unusually quiet this time, only the snow crunching under your feet make enough sound to fill in the void, he takes you farther from the village and into a rundown church, you can hear new voices and the unforgettable sounds of the lycans snarling.
Inside the candlelight is soft and cast strange shadows of the people already waiting inside. There's a woman in a white dress that probably towers over you, another lady dressed in black and her covered, she sits in a corner with a creepy doll on her lap, and finally, a shy man who battles to cover himself with the torn cloth of his jacket.
"Is this why mother Miranda called us? Did you brought a new toy and never informed her? what a bad dog you are Heisenberg"
"Non of your business, Dimitrescu" Karl does everything to keep you behind him, away from the doll or the twisted man, but especially from the woman, Dimitrescu as he called her.
From where you stood, you could see how beautiful and regal she is, sitting with grace and a sarcastic smile plastered on her face. Noticing you, she moved slightly to get a better look, narrowing her eyes, making you feel small and like food. Before she can't even speak the sound of feathers caught your attention, giving Karl enough time to guide you to one of the pews, making you take a seat beside him.
The four adults greeted the new woman, the infamous mother Miranda, you have heard about her in the village and through small stories shared by the Duke, but mostly, you have heard Heisenberg curse the woman and call her every single name under the sun.
"Usually I wouldn't care for what my children do in their dominions, but, Karl, I must say I'm disappointed in you...to hide this child and avoid telling us?"
"I apologize, Miranda, the right opportunity never came" ooooh he's pissed
"I say you take his toy, Mother Miranda, and if possible, give me that lovely lady to me?" at that your gut twist uncomfortably, it's been some time since you were...addressed like that
"Excuse me?" Heisenberg cocks his head to the side, looking at Dimitrescu over his shades "Are you talking about my SON?"
"YOUR SON?! Don't make laugh, child, I can smell the sweet maiden blood running through her veins, that's a lady not one of your dirty lycans"
"And you are bitch no matter how well you dress!"
"ENOUGH!" Miranda's voice breaks them apart, everyone looking at her "Care to elaborate, Heisenberg?"
Karl takes a second to take a drag from his cigar and blow a cloud of some into the air "I found Y/N here, they fought hard to survive and I took them in, just like Alcina, and her lovely daughters...I decided it was my time to have a child of my own"
"That doesn't change the fact that you brought an outsider and didn't inform mother, and now you are trying to do what exactly? have...them...play house with you?"
"Lady Dimitrescu, that's enough" she's looking at you, mother Miranda in staring, and Heisenberg as a hand on your back, suddenly you are hyper-aware of everything, the sounds and smells, the movements each person in the room does, the way the candles flicker "I allow it, may this never happen again, Heisenberg. Next time there will be consequences"
You feel like passing out after that, the screams of Dimitrescu and the doll get drown by the ringing in your ears, everything keeping you together is Heisenberg's hand on yours cursing up a storm as he pulls you along with him.
The cold air feeling nice against your burning skin.
"Kid? I think you are ready" you are halfway through the trek back to the factory when he speaks again
"Ready for what?"
"To be introduced to the Heisenberg family true work, of course! What kind of father I would be if I don't involve you in our family's business"
You trip with your feet hearing him say that, so...he meant it? what he said in the church...that you are his son?
"Come on Y/N, I won't go easy on you because you are my kid now, quick quick"
Catching up to him is easy and you feel at peace when one of his arms wraps around you, he begins to talk about how many things he's gonna teach you and how exciting is to have a young mind to shape.
For the first time, you are eager to get back home.
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rk1kheadcanons · 3 years
Angst? Human AU? Connor temporarily flat lines
It wasn’t supposed to be this way. 
The words would not stop circling in Markus’ head - ringing melancholic, incredulous, resigned with each repetition - as his eyes, burning with lack of sleep, stayed fixed on the man laying in the hospital bed. On the unsteady rise and fall of his chest, on the too still face as pale as the bed sheets covering him.
Markus was the one with the dangerous job - the loud and “cocky” (as the media so lovingly put it) politician, who openly sneered at Mega Corporation’s desperate attempts at bribery, who denounced his fiercest political opponents and the kowtowers to the status quo of his own party alike. He received death threats for breakfast every morning. His team had thwarted two assasination attempts these last few months alone, and he had every expectation that more would come in the near future.
So why then, Markus thought heavily, taking the man’s limp hand gently into his own. Why was his husband laying there in the hospital bed? Why was Connor the one suffering, struggling to stay alive?
Connor’s closed eyelids started to twitch. Markus braced himself. He’d awakened several times in the last couple of hours, disoriented and highly distressed until Markus broke past whatever demons he was reliving and was able to sooth him. This all usually only lasted for a few moments at most, and then he’d drop back off to sleep.
When Connor opened his eyes fully this time, there was that confusion, yes, but a clarity shining in the deep brown depths that made Markus sit up straighter and clasp his hand a little tighter. He stayed quiet though - as much as he wanted to ask a thousand questions about how he was feeling and if he needed anything in a single breath - and let Connor slowly look around as he oriented himself. The doctor had been stern about not startling him. She had gone at length about the “why’s” using a great deal of medical jargon that Markus would have a hard time understanding even if he wasn’t high strung and sleep deprived, but he understood the gist of it. Some old heart problems had been exacerbated by the injury, and it was imperative that Connor remained in a calm environment until he was more stable.
Several moments passed, with only the whirring of medical machines and the steady beep of the heart monitor as background noise, until Connor’s gaze finally found him. Something taught and painful, that Markus hadn’t even realized was inside him, let loose when recognition lit up in his eyes.
He parted his lips, but when only a pathetic croak came out (and a disgruntled brow furrow that Markus had to hold back a laugh at) Markus was quick to bring a small paper cup filled with ice chips to his mouth and gently guiding him into swallowing a few.
“Hi,” Connor murmured, after some amusing moments of him trying to hurry the ice chips into melting before giving up.
But as annoyed as he looked at all of these hindrances, all Markus could feel was a wave of relief so strong it was almost euphoric. Connor was awake, he was talking, he was coherent. Those were good signs, he was sure. It meant Connor had gotten past the worst of the injury. That recovery was over the hill and not across the ocean. 
“Hey yourself,” Markus said, the words caught in his sigh as if all of his worries had been let out in that breath.
“Wha’ happened?”
Markus felt panic surge through him like lightning, fearing a sudden case of amnesia or some other issues with the brain (and goddamn all of his knowledge about surgeries stemming from media and hearsay!), but Connor weakly gesturing at himself immediately settled his nerves.
“You were...shot,” Markus said carefully. Connor showed no signs of being disturbed by the news, as Markus expected - what with him being ex-Military and all - but he would err on the side of caution until Connor was completely healed and not a second later. He made a noise for him to go on - he wanted the “how” he got shot. Markus grimaced. The entire incident had been insane, borderline ridiculous in it’s circumstantial, impossible nature. He was still trying to wrap his head around the situation, how something that started out so benign could end so catastrophically.
Connor had been making a follow up housecall for one of his clients at his veterinarian practice, Markus explained. It was just a simple check up on young Emma Phillips’ rabbit, Snowball, who had recently gotten some stitches on his hindleg. Everything was proceeding smoothly. Connor reassured Emma that Snowball would be a-ok, gave Mrs. Phillips’ the instructions on the ins and outs of post- surgery aftercare, and fed Snowball some treats for being a good bunny in general.
He was shaking Mrs. Phillips’ hand and giving Snowball a goodbye pet when all hell literally and figuratively exploded.
There was screaming, the sound of a gunshot, and then Mr. Phillips was stumbling out of the master bedroom - clutching his chest with blood pouring all over his front - where he collapsed face first onto the livingroom floor.
Emma was screaming and running towards Mr. Phillips before either Connor or Mrs. Phillips could move to stop her. Not long after Emma fell to her knees next to her dad’s body, another man came rushing out of the bedroom - Daniel, the Phillips’ long time babysitter - wild eyed and holding a gun.
From there the police report, news stations, and Mrs. Phillips’ own words all varied in detail, but from what Markus could gather out of all of that information (and he had hunted as much information as possible in those few hours when he’d seen his news and social media feed flooded with his husband’s face and received that awful call from the hospital. It was all he could do in those moments where he didn’t know if Connor was dead or not), Daniel had snatched up the little girl and, with the gun pressed to her head, headed out to the edge of their fenceless patio and threatened to hurl the both of them off of the roof.
Connor, miraculously, had managed to keep Daniel from making good on that threat by talking to him, while Mrs. Philips called the police. At some point during their back and forth Connor convinced him to let Emma go, but had gotten shot in the process.
Connor remained quiet at the end of his explanation, but he had his brow furrowed and was biting his lip in that way Markus knew he was over analyzing all of his previous actions, and finding himself wanting.
“God what a mess,” Connor finally said, voice soft from worry and exhaustion alike. “Do you...think I did the right thing?”
The police had arrived 30 minutes after the 911 call and, from what Mrs. Phillips had told him (voice thick, clutching her daughter close and unable to look him in the eye), Daniel had no intention of waiting for them.
“Yes,” Markus said easily, brushing back some stray curls that had fallen into Connor’s face. “I hate that it had to be you, but I know you did everything that you could.”
“But Mr. Phillips...I didn’t - ”
“There was nothing you could have done for him, Connor. You were there to see a client and nothing else - are you going to tell me that you had even an inkling that all of that...insanity was going to happen?”
“No b-but,” Connor’s voice broke, and there were shadows and an old pain in his eyes that Markus hadn’t seen in years. “I’m trained for this Markus…”
‘No! That isn’t your job anymore! You’re not just a human meat shield for everybody else!’ Markus wanted to snap, but the heart monitor beeping out of sync, as if in warning, the slight hitching of Connor’s breath, and the tears leaking unchecked from his eyes stayed his tongue. He swallowed back his rising anger, the target of which wasn’t even truly aimed at his ailing husband, but those horrible Child Soldier programs that Connor had been subjected to, and that the government liked to pretend didn’t exist.
(Every nightmare, every flashback, every incident where Connor questioned his worth as a human being that he suffered fueled Markus’ resolve to shut every one of them down.
And the more often it happened, the more Markus wondered if he should bother to do it legally.)
“You were operating on what information you had at the time,” Markus said, voice measured. Cold and factual. He didn’t particularly like speaking this way, like one of Connor’s old handlers, but this was the best method to reach him when he was in one of his guilt spirals.
Connor’s eyes were bright and attentive, almost fervent in his need to know how he could be better, which...God Markus hated that (he didn’t need to be better. He was so kind and just wanted to help and those monsters at the academy had done everything in their power to crush his spirit), but at least he was paying attention. He cupped his hand on his cheek and wiped another stray tear away with his thumb.
“You were not sent there to investigate the Phillips’. The only contractual obligation you had to them was taking care of their pet, which you did. There was nothing within those parameters that would allow you to foresee what happened. You did everything that you could,” Markus repeated. “And I’m so proud of you.”
Connor gave him a tremulous smile. His breathing finally evened out, and he looked a great deal calmer, if not like the last of his strength had been drained out of him. It seemed Markus had gotten through to him, for now at least.
Banging and clattering sounded outside the room. Both of them startled badly. Markus shot to his feet, instantly alert and moving between Connor’s bed and the door before he realized what he was doing. Connor sucked in air painfully between his teeth as he - Markus saw from his peripherals - tried to scramble into a sitting position. He was about to yell at Connor to lie back down, but the door slammed open.
In the doorway stood a man, a patient, judging by the hospital gown that exposed bandages - newly stained with blood - wrapped around his torso. The man’s chest was heaving and his teeth were bared. His hand was clutching the doorframe in a white knuckled grip, to keep him from falling over or lunging into the room was hard to say.
Markus recognized this man. It was impossible not to, with video clips from his standoff with Connor had dominated every newsfeed for the past 24 hours.
Daniel Park; in home nanny to the Phillips for six years, John Phillips’ murderer, the cause of some likely long term trauma to young Emma Phillips, and the one who had almost killed Markus’ husband.
“You bastard,” Daniel snarled. His eyes burned with fury, cutting past Markus to Connor like a homing device. “You said everything would be okay! You promised! You said - John isn’t - ” He choked back a sob. His face twisted - a mess of grief and desperation and rage, the feelings warring for dominance. It steadied on rage, as Daniel scowled fiercely and took a step forward.
Markus took his own step forward, getting in front of him so that the slightly shorter man would have to make an effort to see past him. He didn’t know what he was doing, squaring up against a known murderer like this. But it seemed that all of the pent up fear and horror and frustration had finally found an outlet, and it wasn’t about to start listening to reason.
“You need to leave, now.”
Daniel visibly flinched. Markus didn’t know that his voice could get that low and emit such a barely restrained promise of violence, but it did, and it put Daniel’s full attention on him now, which was what he wanted.
Daniel opened his mouth - Markus had no care of what he was about to say, because he was mentally giving him about ten seconds to comply with his demand before he lunged at the fucker - when two security guards and several orderlies finally arrived and grabbed him.
“LET ME GO!” Daniel screeched as they, and it did take every one of them to keep hold of the flailing man, dragged him away. “He has to pay! IT’S ALL HIS FAULT!! You lied to me Connor! YOU LIED TO ME YOU MONSTER...”
Markus intended to keep his eyes on the now empty doorway in case Daniel got free again (and he would be speaking to the Hospital or the DPD or whoever the fuck was responsible for letting an actual killer get within several miles of his husband so easily), but the pained gasping had him rushing back to Connor’s bed side.
Connor’s eyes were wide and glued to the spot where Daniel once was. Markus guided him back down into a laying position but no amount of soothing gestures could get him to calm down and ease his breathing. The heart monitor was beeping louder and faster as the seconds and minutes went on. Markus frantically pressed the emergency button over and over as his panic rose and the other machines started blaring with alarms and flashing red lights. He yelled for a nurse or a doctor, shifting in his seat as he felt torn between staying with Connor and searching for help.
He felt a hand grasp onto his weakly and looked back down at his husband, irrationally hoping that he would have some answers on what Markus should do. Instead, Connor’s breathing was slowing down, but in a horrible way, as if each gasp were a struggle, and all the machinery was still blaring as if nothing had changed, and was staring up at Markus with deep brown eyes that were slightly glazed.
And with a knowing resignation that terrified Markus to his core.
“I love you...so much,” he said, quietly, past hitching breaths.
“I love you too,” Markus said back quickly, as if he could run past his fear, the mounting dread of what was happening, if he spoke fast enough. “I love you. You’re fine. Someone’s coming right now, okay? Don’t worry.”
Connor just stared back him (like he was trying to memorize what he looked like no no no this wasn’t happening), no matter how many times he repeated that the doctor was coming and that he would be fine, it was going to be fine, it was going to be fine  -
And then a little breath escaped Connor’s lips, and everything just stopped.
He stopped breathing. The machines stopped ringing. Markus stopped his mantra. The only sound left was the tone of the heart monitor. No longer beeping, just a long, monotonous drone, like someone was holding down one key on a piano. Going on and on and on…
There were people in the room now, doctors and nurses talking. They might have been shouting, but it sounded muffled over the loud one note drone of the heart monitor to Markus’ ears. He was shuffled out of his seat, or maybe he moved himself. He didn’t know. He felt heavy and coiled tight with tension at the same time. He caught a glimpse of a doctor using a defibrillator, and the green line on the monitor spiking a few times before straightening out again, and then he was suddenly sitting somewhere else. The waiting room, judging by the seats speckled with people, visiting loved ones, making appointments themselves. 
Markus didn’t know how he got there. Or how much time had passed. He could have been in that seat, head in his hands and staring at the cracked linoleum floor - as it blurred and focused and blurred - for hours, days. The only thing he could hear, the only thing he could think about was that long drone, that one piano key. Nothing else. He couldn’t think of anything else. He couldn’t.
“...’cuse me? Excuse me, are you Markus Manfred?”
Somehow, the words penetrated through the drone. Somehow, Markus lifted his head up through the heavy gravity holding him down. A nurse stood before him, clipboard in hand and a neutral expression on her face. He cleared his throat, wincing at how raw it felt (had he been screaming?), but suddenly found that he had no energy to speak, so he nodded at her instead.
“It’s about your husband, Connor.”
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evanescentdawn · 3 years
WOW this got much longer than expected, and basically a full-blown fic idea that I desperately want now
(might add more to this since it doesn’t hold all of my thoughts yet and I’m nowhere finished it)
the idea is: ritsu accidentally confesses to teru when he didn’t even want to confess. he doesn’t like teru at all. but of course, teru hears nothing of that. he completely misunderstands, and thinks that ritsu is in love with him.
things escalate.
they do end up falling in love, in the end, though. <3
ft. one-sided terumob and Other Ideas
this manhwa summary/plot hit me out of nowhere, like I just recalled and went, oh my god, this would be the perfect idea for riteru
imagining Ritsu that accidentally confesses to teru. it’s completely by accident, and because a series of events that too complicated to explain. the problem is that now teru is convinced that Ritsu likes him, and nothing that Ritsu says will see as anything but that
“oh, brother-kun. I never knew.” teru says, with a bright smile. “is that how you act with your crushes? where you just shy all the time.... I almost got the wrong time”
this is all going to fast for ritsu to swallow. too fast for to ritsu to deal with. he’s still stuck in the moment where his own mouth betrayed him. “no...” he manages to get out, but it’s all already to late.
every time that ritsu tries to object, teru is going to think that he’s been shy and embarassed which is horribly not true. he hates that teru thinks is, doesn’t want teru to ever think that. the idea of him in — in —
just thinking of it, repulses him.
he tries his everything to correct this misunderstanding. (he fails)
omg, I just remembered! I was thinking about my other wip, where teru does misunderstand about Ritsu asking him out on a date or smth and then, while I was thinking about I was like... what if it was a confession? and then I recalled that manhwa
anyways! oh my god this would definitely get to mob at one point. but first all, thinking about Teru’s thoughts regarding all of this
he’s like of course, little brother-kun likes me. I’m me. but unfortunately for him, teru is already in love with someone else. mob. well. I was thinking that teru doesn’t like ritsu back, but teru being in love with his mob instead also sounds fun
teru looking at him with a pitying look, teru agreeing to week-date and giving Ritsu some of his time to deal with all this. Ritsu being baffled at all. like who the hell...
and just dislikes teru more, because the ego and the audacity he has... just what. the fuck.
Ritsu has never said anything, teru is just running with this and Ritsu is aware of how he likes his brother, so he tries to use that to get out of this whole mess. “but what about—”
teru hasn’t realised that his love for mob was that obvious and goes, oh, and acts all more pitying towards ritsu and is like Ritsu is all heartbroken about his. and going this is all makes sense now. ritsu likes him, and that’s why he tried to intervene with his precious time with mob. it’s all very understandable now.
it’s not understandable.
ritsu does not like him
ritsu is not heartbroken
teru is missing all the points. he just hated teru presence there, and wanted to be the one to spend with his brother then. and he hated how disgustingly shameless teru was around shigeo.
but of course, ritsu doesn’t get time to explain. he doesn’t get time to do anything. he has to go home, wondering, how did fuck this happen, why teru. blames on the elder woman who was there and had to speak then, and interrupt him him at that time, and blames reigen because actually this was all his fault. he wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t for him. teru wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t for him. the elder woman wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t him. clearly, the fault of mis-timing and him tripping of his words all falls on reigen.
he goes home, dark-faced and clutching the handle of his school bag, with a more deep distaste of reigen
oblivious to all that was occurring, and because of his simple act of telling mob something, reigen feels a ice-cold shudder at the back of his neck.
(perhaps, he just got cursed)
ritsu goes home, exhausted by everything, and sees mob there. sitting and looking happy, and expectant when he sees mob.
after a moment, ritsu asks his usual question of, how did your day go?
mob excitedly tells him how he managed to do this thing in the body improvement club which would seem like a trival thing to any person. but ritsu knows about his brother and his struggles and how this is a improvement. also yeah, I did say that mob says it excitedly but felt like I need to express how it sounds monotone and like it’s anything but exciteding and you weren’t someone that knew him you wouldn’t see how obviously exciting he is
at least one of them had a good day. “that’s good. that’s an amazing achievement, brother.”
mob beams.
ritsu feels worse at the fact that he can’t put more enthusiasm at that and hates teru even more, and reigen, and this whole situation
he goes to sleep.
he has a undisturbed sleep to the degree that when he wakes the next time, he can ALMOST delude himself that nothing. absolutely nothing happened.
teru appearing that morning disturbs it. he had forgotten about teru uninvited morning drop-ins despite how he doesn’t live in the same school as them and his house isn’t close to them
(oh my god, this just reminded me of haru. and now I’m thinking about a mp100 khr au which AAAAA would be so good.)
teru is the same as every morning. he’s dressed and dazzling with his bright yellow aura, way to early in the morning, and up in shigeo’s presence as his brother tries to go about his morning routine of getting ready for school.
just got struck by the image of: mob, sleepy, and brushing his teeth in the bathroom while teru stands in there with him and talks about stuff and admires himself in the mirror. it would be so perfect
ritsu is annoyed by his whole existence. he busies himself with getting though, and spends him lowkey (highkey this is ritsu after all) in awful anticipation of whatever teru is going to say about the confession
no, no, no, Hold on wait. ritsu WOULDNT busing himself with getting ready. he would be doing anything but that. he wouldn’t be able to relax and get ready in the house, when teru is here and everything unknown. and especially when teru is here and he talks a lot.... and might say something to his brother...
yeah, no, ritsu is taking no chances. he’s up in teru’s presence and trying to take him from his brother, and just making sure that he doesn’t say something.
.........which of course oh my god horribly makes this misunderstanding even worse
(will teru even learn that it’s misunderstanding? is it more better for him to never know. so what if it was based on a lie? ritsu will fall for him anyways.)
before this, I was thinking that teru doesn’t say anything and ritsu is almost able to relax when he gets a call, and then, a date dropped on him. because of course, having the tense/anticipation built up while teru is the same as always and acting like he doesn’t know anything, until the moment that they are saying goodbye and mob is out of the frame —
doesn’t even GIVE time for ritsu to be aware of anything, or be prepared, when he turns to him after saying goodbye to mob, and with a smile, “
did I say a call before? well. not a call anymore. it’s said in person, with a wink, and a smile. “gonna collect you after school”
ritsu is left........ idk actually. how would he act after that?? how does ONE act after that??? after the
wait, oh my god. yes, teru would definitely also drop in the fact that ritsu focusing on him all that time, and how did he never knew.... telling ritsu how his actions helped to grow this misunderstandings
it would be PERFECT
jeez. this is getting really long and totally a full blown fic idea. do I stop here and do little time stamps? or do I continue.
im continuing.
ritsu wishing that teru doesn’t appear. ritsu technically having no school, shit I forgot. what club is in again? whatever that school thing is. yeah, that. having no meeting or anything to do there there, but ritsu trying to find something to do. only to delay the time.
but, undisturbed by ever, standing in all his dazzlingly glory, teru is waiting for him there while he’s in conversation with others
in contract, ritsu looks weary and time and wishing to be nowhere but here. and wishing that he didn’t take those extra duties, because it was tedious and trying and the fact that teru is here and is still waiting after that....
teru directs a bright smile to ritsu when he notices him, that ritsu has to slightly squint at,
oh my god. that just remembered me of that tumblr post that goes on about “zy was like the sun” descriptions and how they would be squinting or smth. and that’s definitely teru and Ritsu. oh my god, I need to write that scrne
anyways, back to the story. I don’t think that they would go on a date this time around. maybe, something had happen. I was thinking along the lines that teru wasn’t here because of ritsu, but because of mob and plans they had but that went to poof that morning because of reigen or smth. after all, ritsu is the one who likes teru and teru isnt.
actually. maybe that doesn’t happen this scene but I WOULD LOVE a moment where ritsu misunderstands and teru immediately corrects about that, like how he wasn’t here for him or that he wasn’t waiting for him or smth. and that his life/thoughts doesn’t resolve him (implying that Ritsu’s does resolve teru) and honestly, he should know, that this whole setup is because ritsu is the one with the feelings and teru is here and being a good person and indulging him out of pityness
ritsu seethes. none of that is right. and he hates teru’s condescending attitude. like the AUDACITY of this man. (he’s also very, very embarrassed about his mistake which I imagine would him make go the mile in never mistaking teru’s actions; which wouldn’t in favour for teru when he does fall for ritsu and his actions become more genuine in the nature that it’s for love but ritsu has that iron wall up)
so like, going back, where was I? yes, them walking home because there’s enough time for date. that works better for this situation. mmh, but I was thinking about whether teru would be waiting that long for him. or maybe, because he said so and so he did wait. or maybe, that teru has some other plan now and doesn’t have time for that date or smth
either way, ritsu is glad. ritsu is happy. ritsu is very relieved that
(oh no, another fic idea. from that meme(TM) where teru falls the downstairs, and reigen asks why ritsu is happy, because he never is in reigen’s presence and shou goes; teru fell the downstairs. and now I’m thinking about how the fuck did teru fall the downstairs. properly because of mob. definitely because of mob. and ritsu love for his brother and resolve that his brother is the best person grow because of this)
anyways back to what I was saying. ritsu is relived that he did that club activity thing.
what he isn’t happy about that teru is here, and still walking him home. doesn’t he have better stuff to...? and then, at time, teru asks him when he fell for him and
things click in place.
teru is here because he wants to get off more on the non-love that Ritsu has for love because he has that much of an ego
“I don’t.” ritsu says. which, of course, teru replies with amusement and saying that he doesn’t have to hide now. he knows. which makes ritsu go, urghhh in frustration and digust.
just looked at the time and I swear I started writing this somewhere in 9pm and now it’s 10pm. whoops.
anyways, teru asking ritsu questions about his love for him and ritsu saying, “no, I don’t love you” and
“no I don’t — what the hell? what [specific-thing-about-teru-that-teru-expects-ritsu-to-notice] no I haven’t. why would I??????”
and teru going, hmm, “guess your love isn’t that strong” and Ritsu bafflement,
and teru definitely asking him about what about he loves about him, and Ritsu going “nothing” and teru laughing, “you got humour” but ritsu is not joking
(now whether the teru knows ritsu actually doesn’t love him or he doesn’t is never addressed. I love it being ambiguous more)
they eventually reach ritsu’s home, and teru has a good satisfied ego-stroke from that conversation while ritsu just looks Tired
skipping over to fun date shenanigans! what types dates would they go on?
of course we gotta have cinema date!!! I have been thinking of ritsu having “likes human drama” in his character profile a lot and while I don’t remember what it said for teru, he does...like gossip right?? I’m actually unsure about that as we’ll BUT ANYWAYS teru loves to give his ideas on stuff
and anyways thinking about how ritsu expected to having the worst time, and it starts off as awful. like about how he doesn’t want to be here, and the movie that teru chooses doesn’t look good, and teru picked up the love seats for them
and anyways thinking about, how ritsu is not optimistic about anything and is not here to enjoy himself but as the movie starts....as the movie continues in.....
he gets INVOLVED. he finds that this is straight up his genre
and teru asking him how the movie was afterwards and talking about it, and immediately refuting whatever he says and offering an alternative that teru refutes and that one part in the convo where they
oh my god STRAWS. DRINKS STRAWS. Ritsu getting a specific drink that he likes and that teru side eying it, and going, huh, I haven’t that before, it good? and Ritsu nodding and teru just going for it and drinking it as well from the other side
...because it’s a couple drink or smth and Ritsu PAUSE
and teru acting like it’s totally a normal thing.
(oh my god, new idea: fake dating!!! them having to act like a couple to get into something because of something and getting all-couple things!!!!)
(this reminds me of my other fake dating idea that I want to write, which oh my god would fit with this one I just got)
(riteru fake dating is just So Good. So Perfect heart starry eyes)
gonna stop here, because stuff. so much ideas though!!! still buzzing!!! god, I love them so much and this is gonna be FANTASTIC
but ending off on, teru doing the arm around shoulder thing for ritsu like all the girls he had dated. oh my god, yes.
also...thinking about....mob and him learning through teru but ritsu doesn’t know yet and mob just Dropping on ritsu on time and Ritsu having a flashback through all the times that he had gotten back from date with teru and filling the blanks of
wait. would teru tell mob? would teru want mob to know this.
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quazartranslates · 3 years
Welcome to the Nightmare Game II - CH31
**This is an edited machine translation. For more information, please [click here]**
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Chapter 31: Star Death Reality Show (XIV)
He did it!
He actually did it!
After running out of this corridor and reaching a safe corner, Qi Leren's flying heart finally fell back to his chest. He collapsed on the ground from how much he had been drained of all his strength, left only with the strength to pant.
Qi Leren had loaded the save file three times in a row just now, that is, he had done it for the first time since the Witchcraft Sacrifice task. He clearly remembered that the last time he had loaded it like this, he couldn’t stand at all afterwards. Today, however, he had loaded the file three times in a row in this extremely challenging high intensity, but he had still been able to burst out of that corridor of death with explosive force… This was not only a breakthrough in physical fitness.
Qi Leren looked at his hand with a hint of thoughtfulness.
Was it because Maria had given him the blessing of the holy light? Since then, although Chen Baiqi let him know every day that his limit was far higher than he imagined, his training days were limited and he couldn't have advanced by leaps and bounds to this extent, even entering the state of "breaking the shell" as described by Chen Baiqi.
In the last few seconds after the file had been loaded when he had run out of the corridor, he definitely broke through the limits of the human body. This was true for speed, agility, willpower, and judgment. Even now that he was out of danger, this breakthrough after exceeding the limit still benefited him greatly.
Qi Leren looked deep into the corridor, and under the faint light he could clearly see the details that he should not have been able to see—peeling walls, broken corners, scattered folders... He hadn't had such good night vision before.
The weakness of his body brought a strong sense of insecurity. Without the peeping eye of the camera, Qi Leren took out a strength potion and drank it steadily, waiting quietly for his body to adjust. His physique was much better now than before. Even if he was trained hellishly one day, he could always continue to exercise without the soreness of exhausted muscles the next day, which made Chen Baiqi very pleased. She had praised him for being much better than she had been, having the ghost-like appearance of a dead dog every day—Qi Leren felt that she was also pretty harsh towards herself.
After his physical strength was restored, Qi Leren stood up and continued to move forward, taking every step carefully.
The scope of this underground facility was huge, so it wasn’t clear whether it was an air defense facility or an underground research institute. However, from what he could see, it was not a particularly high-tech type of place, but rather it had the Soviet architectural style of the Cold War period. The most incredible thing was that this underground facility had electricity! When Qi Leren walked in front of a closed door and pressed the switch, the iron door would still open. It seems that after entering it, there is no detection system like the laser corridor.
What the hell was this place? Qi Leren, filled with doubts, carefully continued to move forward. This underground space was so large that there were even elevators leading levels deeper underground. Because he couldn't read the alien words, Qi Leren could only guess a little from the symbols. There were danger warning signs everywhere. He feared that this wasn’t an air defense facility, but more likely an underground military base built to prevent nuclear war.
However, when this door was opened, the pictures that appeared in front of him made Qi Leren forget his many speculations and affirmed his original expectation.
This was an underground research institute!
This room was as big as two basketball courts and thick pipes ran along all of the walls, ceilings, and floors, so it was impossible to tell where the light source came from. And in the middle of the room, countless column-shaped growth chambers were like rows of pillars, spreading before his eyes to the end of the room. Each growth chamber was connected with a pipe. In the time when they were used, this pipe provided them with oxygen and nutrient solutions. However, after the underground fortress was abandoned, the nutrient solutions became turbid liquid, and the things in the growth chambers had already died.
It was a scene that could only be seen in science fiction movies. Qi Leren was thinking about this as he approached a growth chamber. There was a mass of something in the dirty liquid. Considering that it had been abandoned for many years, there was no doubt that the creature inside was dead, but it had not rotted away.
What was in the growth chamber? Qi Leren took out his flashlight and wanted to take a look at the contents, but just at the moment when he took out the flashlight from his item bar, he heard a click.
Maybe he wouldn't have realized what it was before, but now, even if he heard it in his dreams, he would jump out of bed and fight back—it was the sound of a handgun’s safety being taken off!
Qi Leren flashed behind the growth chamber without thinking and squatted down. He took out the gun that Chen Baiqi gave him and held it in his hand. However, after a short thought, he decided not to launch an attack rashly, but asked aloud: "He Yi?"
"...Qi Leren?" He Yi's voice, which was horribly hoarse, came from behind another growth chamber.
Sure enough, it was He Yi!
Qi Leren put his hand holding the gun behind his back and slowly came out from behind the growth chamber, but did not dare to stray too far from his bunker: "What happened to you and Mark? Afterwards, I sneaked into Annie's house and found the attic in her house. I also found the pipe embedded in the wall leading to the basement. Is that how you came down here?"
He Yi, who was hiding behind the growth chamber, was silent for a while before he came out slowly.
He doesn't seem to be in a good state; his lips are chapped, and there were red burst vessels in his eyes. Instead of relaxing his vigilance, he continued to point his gun at Qi Leren and snapped: "Take your right hand out."
Qi Leren slowly stretched out his right hand from behind his back, but what was in his hand—the gun—had been quietly replaced by his knife. He wasn’t sure whether the invisible camera beside He Yi had been shut off, so he couldn't take out the gun that would be difficult to explain the source of, and he didn't need to use it—dealing with a weak opponent who didn’t know how to hold a gun properly, he didn't need his own gun at all.
With a ting, Qi Leren threw the knife to the ground. He raised his hand and showed a sincere expression: "What happened? You don’t look very good..."
"Don't talk, come over to me and follow my instructions." He Yi gave him a cold look, and his eyes were full of doubt.
"Okay, I'll do it. Don't be nervous. I mean no harm." Qi Leren walked slowly to stand before He Yi and took the initiative to show him the back of his head.
He felt the tension at this time; what had made him so shocked and frightened? After seeing this underground research institute, Qi Leren could vaguely guess: He Yi already knew about the octopus, and he knew that the octopus had parasitized this group of contestants. But at this moment, he couldn't be sure whether Qi Leren, who had suddenly appeared before his eyes, had been parasitized.
But he obviously didn't intend to kill him, otherwise he could have already done so. Did he have some means to detect whether he was infected or not?
He Yi's gun pointed at Qi Leren's head and he continued hoarsely: "Walk forward, go through this door, take the left corridor..."
The two people walked in tandem through the corridors in this maze-like underground research institute. He Yi, who had come here a few days earlier, was more familiar with the route than Qi Leren. He guided Qi Leren all the way to the third floor underground, and then stopped in front of a thick iron door.
"Press the switch to open the door."
Qi Leren did it, the door opened, and the room inside came into view. This was a room like a medical bay with some items that looked like medical instruments.
Qi Leren, who suddenly realized what sort of equipment it was, glanced at He Yi. He stood in front of a monitor and commanded Qi Leren to stand at the wall opposite him.
He Yi, this guy, wanted to confirm whether he had been parasitized, as Qi Leren has suspected.
A blue curtain of light swept over Qi Leren, and He Yi kept staring at the monitor, finally relieved.
But even after seeing this, the calm and even slightly superior temperament of old still did not return to him. He still looked very anxious, even though he tried to restrain himself: "Thank God, you’re not parasitized. Sorry, I shouldn't have pointed a gun at you before. I can explain the ins and outs to you. We’re in danger right now!
"It hatched, it actually... hatched! That monster that almost destroyed all intelligent life in the whole universe is now hidden among us. It’s already bred and is still breeding! According to their habits, it should be that the 'Genocide Day' where they break out and eliminate us all will be the fifth day!"
Today, it was already the fourth day.
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lunarmessenger · 4 years
RFA Dating Asexual MC - RFA, V, + Saeran
request sent in by @engel-katze . this is for you, angel! 
DISCLAIMER: I myself am NOT asexual and I can’t convey the broad spectrum that is asexuality. If any of my followers are asexual and feel like this does not represent them at all please let me know and I will adjust it to the best of my ability. I would hate to misrepresent anybody, and I want to make sure you all are seen and heard as accurately as possible. I love you. - luna xx
warnings: some sexual themes, but nothing too crazy.
• He’s taken by surprise for sure
• He doesn’t understand it at first; he thought that maybe you just weren’t ready to go all the way with him yet, and he respected that
• But one night the both of you were exchanging kisses here and there and his hands started to wander and you could see his expression getting darker with need
• So you shoved him off of you and onto the floor
• “MC I’m so sorry I should have known that you weren’t ready yet I—”
• He isn’t hurt at all by your pushing away he just wants to understand
• And so you explain to him that it’s not...personal per say
• You thought that he was very handsome and if you could, you would absolutely jump his bones every second
• Though he’d never tell his ego was nice and fluffed by that reassurance
• But the thought of the act of having sex (with anybody, not just him) made you physically sick and he never made you feel bad about it once; if anything he was happy that you were communicating
• The two of you discuss maybe alternatives or different ways to both have that sexual release with each other, without any sort of act of intercourse involved so that it wouldn’t negatively effect you.
 • His self esteem took a rather hard hit for sure
• He thought that you didn’t even romantically like him and didn’t know how to tell him otherwise
• One night his hand was on your thigh and he started softly running his hand up and down
• You looked away from the television to look at him, noticing how his brows were furrowed from nerves as he looked at you.
• “Yoosung...?” Your voice was anxious and he could tell, but he thought that maybe if he just tried a little harder; made the first push.
• He kissed you once, and then gently placed you in his lap, and as you sat there you could feel his lower region beginning to harden
• “Oh, oh God no wait—” You hurriedly pushed yourself off, standing away from him across the coffee table as his face fell
• “Is...is it me? Am I not attractive enough? I know that I’m not rich like Jumin, or as toned and attractive as Zen, but...” His eyes started to fill with tears and you instantly felt your heart sank
• “No! Oh, God Yoosung no please...” You hurriedly ran to his lap and knelt in front of him, taking his hands in yours
• You tried your best to explain what it was and why you didn’t really want to have sex with him
• He was so relived that he cried
• He’s lowkey okay with it because while, he’s never experienced sex and he knows that he wants to have sex and experiences sexual attraction
• He’s too anxious about his performance in the bedroom to do anything anyway; he just tried initiating things because he thought that’s what you wanted
• Not even phased lmao
• You’d decided to tell her one night after work when the two of you were exhausted and you just blurted it out
• “I...I’m asexual, Jaehee. I don’t...I don’t feel sexual attraction.”
• “....okay.”
• That was literally it
• You were actually a little pissy that she reacted so calmly; since that’s not the reaction you usually get
• She honestly didn’t care if you wanted to have sex or not; if anything after you’d explained to her what it was she herself thought that that might be her sexuality too
• She has always been romantically attracted to women, but when it came to sex for either gender she just felt...like it was pointless. No need.
• “I think I was able to take it so easily MC is because, well, I think I am too.”
• You were okay with that. More than okay with that.
• It was hard enough for Jumin to get a better understanding of his own emotions
• You didn’t want to overwhelm him with your sexuality, especially because of how rare it was
• One night the two of you were in bed, his hands wandering over your body as you two kissed
• You weren’t fully comfortable but you figured maybe, just maybe you could do it. For him.
• That didn’t work well at all
• “Are you sure, MC?”
• “Yes, Jumin. Go ahead.”
• “...Then why are you crying?” You hadn’t even realized until he said it, shaking your head softly as you sniffed
• “Don’t worry about it okay? Just..are you almost done?”
• “MC.” He was concerned and a little hurt, immediately pulling away as he turned on the bedroom lights
• You covered your naked body and immediately began to sob, Jumin holding you close as your body shook from how hard you were crying
• “I’m so sorry, please don’t be angry with me. I...I’m asexual, Jumin. I can’t do it I can’t—”
• “Shh, MC it’s alright. It’s okay. I just wish you’d told me sooner, darling...”
• After that night Jumin tried his best to make sure he didn’t cross any boundaries
• If he wasn’t working on paperwork from his job he was reading a book on asexuality and researching it, just to make sure he knew the ins and outs of a rather important part of you
• He thinks you’re joking at first when you tell him the poor idiot
• He knows that asexuality is rare and so he figured it was just another sort of prank or joke that you were trying to pull
• To be fair you were rather nonchalant about it because you figured it was important he know and that he wouldn’t make a big deal out of it like others have in the past
• So he freaks out when out of nowhere he shoves his hands down your pants with a cheeky giggle while you guys are play fighting and you immediately scream and bite his shoulder
• And I mean bite it like you drew blood from how hard you bit this man
• “Ah! MC, what the hell?!”
• “I should be asking you that! What is your problem? Don’t stick your hand down my pants you asshole!”
• You immediately ran out of the living room and slammed the bedroom door behind you, feeling embarrassed and a little violated by your own boyfriend
• While he hurriedly tends to his shoulder to stop the bleeding his mind immediately drifts back to the conversation you’d had with him towards the beginning of the relationship
• He literally wants to kms he’s so mad at himself
• He figured you two hadn’t had sex yet because you were just trying to take it slow; after all it’d only been a few months
• Now he understands
• He gave you time to calm down and after about an hour he reaches out to you
• He fiercely apologizes and promises that he will educate himself better and take you more seriously
• Like Jumin he’s not really familiar with the term itself
• So when you bring it up to him he’s a little embarrassed to ask so many questions to clarify what that meant for the two of you
• “Essentially, you don’t feel sexual attraction? Like when you look at me, or anybody else who you want to have sex you just don’t feel the need to?”
• “In a way, yeah. Every person who is asexual is different, but that’s how I feel about it. I personally can have sex with you I just... I won’t really want it and I don’t need it.”
• Still a bit confused but he respects your boundaries, always
• “Okay, MC. Thank you for letting me know.”
• He’s never been in a relationship like this before, and his last one was a complete train wreck
• But he’s trying
• You both establish boundaries with one another when it comes to intimacy; what he’s comfortable with and what you’re comfortable with
• It was a bit rough and took a lot of adjusting but with patience and progress the two of you ended up with a healthy and happy relationship
• “You’re what?”
• He really isn’t trying to be an asshole, he just genuinely is surprised and confused
• He’s still dealing with his emotional and physical trauma that he went through from his childhood and Mint Eye
• The idea of having sex and being intimate with you was the last thing on his mind and you were okay with that
• At first he thought that your sexuality had something to do with your upbringing and trauma and he thought you two would be able to relate
• While you didn’t have the easiest childhood, that wasn’t why you were asexual. That’s just...the way you were. You always have been asexual you were just born that way.
• “So it’s like when you’re gay? Or bisexual?”
• “Yes precisely.”
• He understands a lot more now and he tries his best to educate himself and keep himself in line
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scrapyardboyfriends · 4 years
2021 Emmerdale Wishlist
(I was inspired by @softlass27 and wanted to do one of my own)
Some Overall Things
- More community involvement. I know, I know Covid, but hopefully they’ll be able to ease the restrictions before the year is out so it still applies. And aside from that, they need to work within the restrictions to do better. I still thought that clothing exchange in the cafe was a really good attempt to allow different characters to mix.
- In general, they need to really figure out how to work within the covid restrictions better because it has been very noticeable at times and the whole show has felt like it’s been a slower pace, including individual scenes and it’s a problem. 
- More appropriate story lengths. I’m tired of these never ending stories that just meander along. 
- Better story structure. Stories seem to either magic into being or they’re so slow to start you wonder if there is a story. I just want stories to have proper lead ins and build up and actual climaxes that feel worthwhile. And I want to understand the point of a story both as it’s going and for sure once it has finished. I don’t want to have to keep asking the question, “Is it going somewhere or is this just bad writing”.
- Work on relationship stories. Stop putting terribly suited people together. At least try and build relationships up naturally and allow them to have some time before just shoving them together. Stop having other characters talk about how people should be together. I want to see the actual couple together and understand why. If a couple isn’t working, actually break them up. Cheating stories can work but make them happen for an actual reason and not just cause you feel like drama. 
- In general, work on motivations for characters because so many people this year have just done things for little to no real reason. 
Character Focused things
- I too am willing to wait till the 50th Anniversary for Robert’s triumphant return. Enjoy that dad and son time Ryan, your time will come. Hopefully post pandemic restrictions and when there’s a new decent producer who has some robron nostalgia. 
- In the meantime, I would like the show to allow Aaron to become a real character again. While, I’ve very much been fine with his massive break this year because it’s given me time to process him not having a tall blond glued to his side, I would like it if he got a bit more screen time next year. And I would like for that screen time to include interactions with characters that are not Liv and Chaddy. I’d love to see him get a friend, whether that’s Mack or someone else, I just want him to have someone else to talk to. I would also like to see him have an actual story even if he is a supporting character, but make him a consistent one, not support to the support and not just a cameo for an episode or two. I’d love to see him have more to do than a relationship story but if he must, for the the love of god at least put some amount of effort into it. Or just let him go on random bad dates that he gets to talk to his new friend about how no one is right. 
- I want Chaddy to break up. Whether it’s actually a cheating story or they just realize how unsuited they are for each other after all, I don’t care. Let the Christmas wedding curse persist. (In lieu of that, I want them on screen as little as possible together and if they are they better not be having any problems or be overly sappy and if I hear more than one or two “Graaacieees” I’m out)
- As for Liv, either Isobel can get a big break with her music and Liv can take a never ending trip to Dublin or they need to do better. If she stays, I want to see her become an adult. I want to see her make some choices about her future, get a job etc. I’d still like them to explore what a relationship means to her without having it be a plot point in the next abuser’s story. That still means something to me and I’d like to see it on screen for real and not just in the background. 
- For the love of god give Matty a story. Let him date, let him and Amy finally get together but like...do it better this time. Let him move out of Moira’s and stop being a footnote in her stories. Let him get promoted at the HOP or get a new job. Go back to his transition story. Let him interact with his friends more. Just almost anything really. 
- With Charity, we all know Vanessa will be back eventually and they’ll put them back together, so in the meantime, I’d like to them to start figuring out a balance for her. I agree somewhat that the regressive behavior she’s engaging in now feels a little ridiculous but that’s mostly because it’s baseless. They need to find real reasons and motivations for her to have her scheming fun the way they did with Robert and Cain. So first things first, I would get her the hell out of the pub because that was always a bad idea. I want her back in a business that allows her to wheel and deal and scheme without it always having to be random criminal activity. I also NEED them to allow her to say she’s bisexual on screen and to own that and to stop having writers put in those stupid unnecessary biphobic jokes. And they need to allow her to realize that she’s okay on her own and that any growth she had wasn’t only down to Vanessa. 
- For Cain and Moira, I want them to actually stay together this time and not immediately get broken up by something absurd. They can be tested, but only so they can prove that they are really working on their issues. 
- I’d like Laurel and Jai to get through their grief and stay together. 
- I want Jamie to get a fucking back bone and break free of Andrea altogether and break free of Kim too. I’d be cool with him and Mack actually being friends. I’d like him to get a real love interest too. 
- For Mack, I want him to keep being the snarky, fun breath of fresh air he has been but I’d like to ground him a little bit too. I want him to find something real in the village, whether that’s a friend or a love interest. Jamie and Aaron are good friend options for him. Just someone to give him a real solid tie to the village and give him some to talk to/confide in. If they wanted to make him bi, I would not be opposed. I’d also like him to make some progress with Moira in the next year so that doesn’t remain stagnant. 
- For Kim, I want this stupid story with Cain to already be over because it’s based on nothing. I know she’s supposed to get a love interest and I’m already dreading it. I do want her to get a love interest but I want it to feel real with real feelings and not come out of nowhere like I expect it to. I think Kim needs real connections in general. That brief period where she was friends with Rhona was good. They should give her another friend. Just. something to make her feel less like a cartoon villain even if she still is an antagonist. 
- I want someone to run over Luke and Wendy. I want them the hell out of Vic’s life and the hell out of the village. I still can’t fathom why they ever introduced them or had them stick around. 
- I need Harriet and Will to go away. They’re useless and they’ve overstayed their welcome at this point. I want to free Dawn because I feel like she could be a decent character if she wasn’t shackled to them. If the Malone story FINALLY ends with Harriet and Will both leaving, that would be a miracle. 
- I want Dan and Amelia to move to Croydon so someone else can have their house. They’re just not relevant characters anymore. 
- I want the new vicar and his son to be good characters and for more of their family to come in, hopefully female family members so there can be more women of color on the show too. But also I just want them to all be good characters with good connections and good stories. 
- If Marlon and Rhona are going to get together again, I want them to actually work out as a couple because I’ve quite enjoyed their friendship over the years and I think they could work as a couple again if they just maintain what they’ve had and don’t ruin it. 
- I’d like this whole stupid Al story to blow up in his face quick so we can move the hell on. If Al’s going to stick around, I need him to do something interesting. Either ground him more and give him better relationships or have him go full villain. 
- For Gabby, I want to see her continue to grow and get more adult stories, once that don’t include her meddling in people’s relationships. I’d like to see them explore a relationship story with her too. If she wants to realize she’s bi or something too and that she and Liv are meant to be, I’d be fine with that too. 
- More Jimmy and Nicola but don’t use that screen time to destroy them. 
- For Meena, I’d like them to tone her down just a bit and resolve the weird petty stuff between her and Manpreet. I’m cool with them exploring her and David but I don’t want it to feel as rushed or haphazard. 
- For Amy, I kind of want Tracy to just blow the whole Frank thing just so she can deal with the consequences and move on. Or just have her tell Matty as they’re getting closer and have him be like “eh my mum killed Emma so this is fine” and then it brings them closer. I just want it out there so it’s not hanging over her head anymore. I also just want her on screen more and with Matty and being friends with Vic. 
- For Vic, other than being free of the Posners, I’d just like her to reclaim her life a bit more, maybe see her at the HIDE more, maybe catering more, maybe a better love interest.
- I’d like to see Billy get something decent too that’s not just another lame attempt at brothers at war with Ellis. Let him find a career he likes, make a new friend, finally make peace with Aaron, something. 
- Ellis can move to Dubai. 
- Sam and Lydia just need to keep being their perfect selves. Give them some fun little stories. 
- The Mandy/Paul/Vinny saga needs to END now. There’s just no reason Vinny should be keeping all of this quiet. It’s dumb. Paul needs to go. Mandy needs to steal Paddy away from Chas or something. Vinny needs to hang out with Sam and Lydia and Samson again and maybe find a better career than whatever scrap jobs Aaron can throw his way. 
- Belle needs to go back to maybe being a vet and maybe date someone that’s not an affair?! 
- Leyla and Liam need to just stay together or break up for good. 
- Rishi needs to stop being treated like a child.
- Tracy needs to just have this baby so we don’t have to hear about how she’s pregnant anymore (though I have enjoyed the reprieve lately) Are we sure Nate can’t go to prison after all? 
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twdbegins · 4 years
A Place to Stay
Simon x Nonbinary Reader
Warnings: Language.
Requested by: @the-schizotypal-cryptid
Prompt: Could you consider doing a small story where Simon has to show the “newcomer” around the saviors camp? Only thing is, the newcomer isn’t staying.they own and manage their own self-sufficent camp and are only looking to provide for the Saviors so Simon has to be on best behavior. The .....reader? Is very, very quiet and Dark Academia like, yet for some reason likes Simon’s personality (and offers him a home on their camp- to keep him from getting in Trouble with negan.) basically Simon turns big- fanboy for this intimidating intelligent character. Could you use gender neutral terms? Like (they/them.) thank you for considering!! Have a great day! :) 
Word Count: 2,176
“Okay. So, what do you do around here that gave you the honor of giving this tour?”
They had immediately caught his attention. The moment he was tasked with showing them around the Sanctuary and getting them acquainted with the place, he knew something was special about them. He couldn’t quite place it yet, but he knew the question would be nagging at him until he figured it out. They were much more quiet than the people he was accustomed to. They weren’t like the loud, rowdy saviors that always had something to say at every moment of every day.
They were reserved and typically only spoke when spoken to. He knew right off the bat that they were also much more intelligent than the people he identified himself with. They weren’t much of a fighter, but they could persuade and talk themselves out of almost anything. They were mentally sharp and extremely quick when it came to verbal interaction.
They stumbled upon the Sanctuary by accident. They were curious to see what exactly was going on, because it had been awhile since they had seen such a large establishment. Who in the world had the nerve to attempt to run a place like this? Their question was quickly answered when they were caught by none other than the leader himself. Negan was an intimidating guy. They wouldn’t deny it in any way. Negan was intrigued by this mysterious person that had wandered to his precious camp. Their quietness and reservation from speaking was refreshing to him, because it seemed like everyone was always wanting to talk back to him. 
Before they could protest, he had ordered Simon to show them around the Sanctuary to get them situated. It was Negan’s official “grand tour” of the Sanctuary where they would be able to see most of the ins and outs of how things operated. Truth was, they wouldn’t be staying long. They had their own camp not too far away. As a matter of fact, their camp was a bit more satisfactory and successful than the Sanctuary. Although, they had no intention of telling Negan this. 
They were instantly attracted to Simon. Which was strange considering that they typically weren’t into the loud, strong men who were bursting with boisterous personality. They couldn’t explain it, but they were so drawn to his charisma and the way he interacted with them. They immediately had the intentions of providing these so called “Saviors” when needed. Negan surely needed more allies, so they couldn’t imagine him saying no. Their heart began to flutter at the thought of being able to see Simon on a regular basis. 
“So, here’s the main kitchen. There’s another one on the other side, but between you and me; this one is always cleaner and much more preferred.” He explained, leaning against the doorway as he watched them take a gander around the room.
They hadn’t seen a full and functional kitchen in God knows how long. They definitely needed to get Negan on their side. Simon watched as they shuffled around the room, running their hand on the countertops and gazing at all the appliances. 
“This might be a redundant question, but where are you from? You never said.” He questioned. 
They turned their attention back to him. This was the first time they had fully looked at him. He really was handsome now that they were actually looking at him. He himself took a moment to take in their features. They had such a beautifully soft look to them. They looked so comfortably kind and straight out of an ancient library or something. Not many people like that were walking around anymore. He found it reanimating to see someone so...natural.
“Well, I suppose now is a good time to tell you that I don’t plan on staying.” They said honestly.
Simon shrugged, his eyebrows darting upwards;
“I figured as much. You don’t quite seem like the type to stick around with a group like this.” He stated astutely.
They took that as a compliment, considering that they didn’t want to be considered a Savior. They followed Simon’s lead out of the kitchen as they continued their meander around the Sanctuary. 
“It was a bit of an accident. I sort of just ended up here.” They claimed.
“That doesn’t happen very often. The Sanctuary tends to only be found if someone is looking for it,” He replied; “And you still haven’t answered my question.” He grinned at them.
Their cheeks went hot at the way he smiled down at them. Damn, he wasn’t just the strong, loud type. He had a hell of a lot of charm in him too. 
“Right. Well, honestly, I’m from a little camp not too far from here. As a matter of fact, I was beginning to toy with the idea of some sort of...agreement.” They admitted.
Now this caught his ears. As vague as they were being, he knew exactly what they were saying. It had been awhile since the Sanctuary had a decent supplier to make deals and trades with. Oddly enough, Negan was rather picky when it came to things like that. He didn’t want to side with just anybody. He had to take a liking to the group as a whole and that didn’t always happen. If they were seriously offering some kind of agreement, then Simon needed to be on his best behavior. Not that he wouldn’t have been otherwise, but now the stakes were high. Simon always kept himself on the lookout for opportunities like this. He never knew when it could change the future for the Saviors. 
“You mean like a trade/supply deal?” Simon asked to clarify. 
They were surprised by his attentiveness. This man was full of all kinds of surprises. 
“Observant, aren’t you? And yes, that’s what I was referring to.” They answered simply. 
The wheels in his head were turning. He knew better than to jump at the shot before consulting with Negan. Although, Simon feared that he wouldn’t get this offer again. There had been one too many times where a good chance passed him by because he had to wait and consult with Negan. He didn’t want to miss out on this opportunity...but not exactly for the reasons he normally would.
“If you’re asking me for an answer now, then I definitely accept,” He confirmed; “Negan might be another story. He has the final word.” 
They nodded in understanding. They weren’t shocked at this. Negan surely came off as the type to always have the final say. They would deal with Negan on their own terms. 
“For now, consider the two of us allies, I’ll worry about him,” They declared; “Speaking of...”
Oh, boy. Here it comes. He knew it was only a matter of time before the 20 questions game all about Negan came rolling in. Negan always seemed to spark curiosity in everybody. They turned a corner to continue walking into another hallway;
“This Negan guy...what’s up with him?” They asked.
Simon hummed in uncertainty;
“What do you mean?” He asked; “What do you want to know about him?”
They pondered on how to phrase the next question. They could tell that Simon had a respect for Negan, but there was something about their relationship that struck them as odd.
“What’s his story? He seems rather forward.” They noted.
Simon had to be careful here. Despite how fascinated he was with them, he still wasn’t quite trusting of them. He never liked talking about his thoughts on Negan with someone he didn’t know well enough yet. However, they had been kind and patient, so they deserved an answer.
“Everything you see; the way the Sanctuary is now is all because of him. He...replaced the last guy who was head of this place.” He said beating around the truth.
Now he was the one who was being vague. Although, he expected nothing less than them to see right through his bullshit.
“You mean you? You were the one running this place.” They said.
He chuckled at himself for trying to pull a fast one on them. He stopped their trek and leaned his back against the wall;
“In a manner of speaking. It’s better off that way. I’d rather not get into it.” He abruptly ended the conversation. 
They weren’t pushy. They knew when someone was uncomfortable. So, they posed another question;
“Okay. So, what do you do around here that gave you the honor of giving this tour?” They asked cheekily.
They were feeling a sense of boldness that was unfamiliar. It was strange, but exciting.
“I’ve been called many things. Negan’s assistant, second in command, the vice president,” He rattled off; “But most refer to me as Negan’s right hand.” 
They were intrigued. A right-hand man typically did more than the person who they were the right hand to. 
“Impressive. If you can’t be the guy on top, then be his best man.” They said, continuing their walk.
Simon paused. He was a bit floored. No one ever looked at him that way. He had never thought of it that way. He was really starting to like them. 
“That’s one way to put it, yeah.” He recanted with a smile.
They were getting the notion that Simon didn’t really care for Negan. They could tell he wanted something different, or at least wanted to be under someone else’s rule. On top of this, the boldness that they were feeling was bubbling up fast and suddenly they were saying things before even processing it. 
“You know, we could always use an extra hand.” They said suggesting that Simon leave the Sanctuary.
They felt their heart skip a beat. Well, that sounded desperate. Simon looked to them with an amused look;
“It’s only been an hour and you’re already offering me a place to live? Sweetheart, you just might be the forward one here.” He laughed.
They were a little embarrassed at the outburst. What a weird thing to suggest so early on. Still, they committed and went on;
“It’s up to you. My offer stands.” 
This was when Simon realized just how influential they were starting to be on him. Normally, he’d deny it without a second thought. But just for a split second, he had considered it. He really did like the Sanctuary. He was overall content with his life, but even he had to wonder if there was something better waiting for him. It was something for him to think about. He would never abandon ship that quickly, no matter how attracted to them he was. 
“I appreciate it, but I don’t think Negan would take kindly to me leaving. I’m good where I am for now.” He kindly declined. 
He concluded the tour shortly after. Allowing them to give their final thoughts and impressions. They were interested in this place. Again, it had been a while since they had seen anything like it. A supply/trade deal would prove beneficial. They were able to have a private conversation with Negan after it was all done to discuss a possible meeting to go over the fine details. They spoke very highly of Simon and his work ethic, just in an attempt to score him some brownie points. 
Negan was pretty stoked to have this kind of offer on his table. It had been a long time since this had happened. Simon stood outside the door, arms crossed and feet crossed as he tried to listen in. The walls were just so damn thick. He was curious to see how this was going to play out. He definitely wanted to see them again. 
“Are you crushing on Simon?” Negan asked suddenly, noticing the way that they looked away when mentioning him.
“What? No.” They lied quickly.
Negan smirked;
“Oh, you so are. I’ll be fucking damned. I get a supplier and he gets someone who has an eye for him.” 
They blushed for what felt like the millionth time that day. It wasn’t really Negan’s business, but they couldn’t deny it if they made it so obvious. Negan eventually let it go, but he (for once) wasn’t thinking of just himself when accepting your offer. Despite all of Simon’s past mistakes, Negan was fond of his right-hand man. If he could score him a lover, then it was worth it. 
They exited the room in a scurry, not expecting to see Simon standing there. 
“What’s the verdict?” Simon asked with no knowledge of the other conversation that had just been had.
They felt themselves relax at the sight of him. Shit, did they really have it that bad?
“You can now consider me a part-time Savior.” They smiled proudly.
Simon’s heart did a little victory leap;
“Sweet. I look forward to seeing you around.” He charmed.
They nodded;
“Yeah, you too.” 
It had been an interesting day to say the least. Negan earned an ally, Simon found someone he wanted to be romantically involved with, and they just might have fallen in love.
This was only the beginning for the right-hand man’s newly found lover.
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unforth · 4 years
Today in “random shit that got totally away from me,” I just wrote almost 6k of this nonsense instead of anything for Kinktober or my tweet fic. Oops.
So I started thinking about MDZS Harry Potter AUs. Yes, JK is a trash human being but eh HP does still hold a place in my heart so I don't mind putzing with it as long as I never again put another penny her pocket. Anyway, all the HP AUs I've seen seem to be focused on Hogwarts and who'd be in which house, that kind of thing, and it felt all wrong to me because the sects are different schools of thought...that's literally the point...so shouldn't they be different schools? And this is where I took that...this is really more like a fusion than an AU and I've butchered canon and how magic works for both HP and MDZS but oh well, here goes... 
(ships: WangXian, SangCheng, Luo Qingyang/Wen Qing, Xuanli until it’s not, Wen Ning/Jiang Yanli, and others)
Wei Wuxian is born a muggle, the child of a witch and a muggle who decide to leave the wizarding world and raise their child without the prejudices and problems that surrounded them and their relationship. However, the world catches up with them, and both die when Wei Wuxian is only 4 years old. He gets kicked into the foster system, and it takes over five years before he's finally brought to a family that seems to be long term - old friends of his mother's and, as he'll learn, old wizarding blood, the Jiang family. Wei Wuxian has shown no sign of being magical to that point but, then, he also had no idea that magic was a thing, and existed outside that paradigm completely. He learns right quick though. His new parents, Yu Ziyuan and Jiang Fengmian, are both powerful wizards, and their eldest daughter is already at Jinlin Tower, studying to follow on their footsteps. His foster brother, Jiang Cheng, talks excitedly and sometimes sneeringly about his own expectations of going, and that Wei Wuxian won't be. To say he's jealous would be an understatement, but more than that, he's sorely disappointed, because aside from his occasional arrogance, Jiang Cheng is the closest thing to a friend, the closest thing to family, he's ever had. His new parents are okay, he supposes...certainly better than some he's had...but Yu Ziyuan barely tolerates him and Jiang Fengmian's condescending form of affection isn't much better. Further, Wei Wuxian is old enough that he hears the rumors. People at Lotus Pier whisper that he's actually Jiang Fengmian's child, that JFM loved the witch Cangse Sanren and that he acted on that affection, possibly without her consent. How dark the rumors tended depended on who said them, and everyone made Wei Wuxian wish that he'd never been brought to Lotus Pier, even if he at least was no longer starving. 
Anyway. Events unfold, as they tend to do. Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng grow close. Jiang Yanli returns from school for holidays and Wei Wuxian quickly grows to adore her. When he's with his siblings he can forget how garbage the rest of his life is, and his hope for the future improves when he accidentally dyes Jiang Cheng purple from head to toe (after JC punched him because he called JC a grape). At first this seems like a dream come true - he can do magic, so he can go to the school! - but as seems to always happen in his life, the good news gets balanced by a heavy dose of bad, as the worst rumor mongers take this revelation as a sign that he couldn't have possibly had a muggle for a father, and their vituperation grows louder, and Yu Ziyuan's behavior grows more abusive. 
At least he'll get to leave. 
Except going also proves a mixed blessing, as the school is just as much a rumor factory as Lotus Pier is...heck, maybe more of one. The Jin family, also old blood, run the place, and teach according to their own principals. Virtually everyone there is from a long ancient line of wizards, and they all look down their noses at Wei Wuxian for being half blood, and he's bullied a lot, and Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli are bullied by extension, which is even worse. He does his best to keep his head down, but usually fails, since he can accept any amount of hatred heaped on his own head but refuses to stand down if his brother and sister are insulted. His repeated run ins with Jin Zixuan, heir to Jinlin Tower, affianced of Jiang Yanli, and tool douche bag incarnate especially lead to trouble, not because Jin Zixuan himself is so bad...he's a tool douche bag but he's essentially harmless...but his family is less so. His cousin Jin Zixun is especially vile, and the number of encounters with him that Wei Wuxian keeps secret lest Jiang Cheng learn and intervene and experience the same or worse is sizeable. 
Still, for all the bad, he's mostly happy at school and it's still better than being at Lotus Pier. Their classmates are from the Jin and the clans that follow them - it turns out the only reason the Jiang are there instead of at their own school is that it's part of the arranged marriage between Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli - and while the main clan is full of assholes, their followers include some damn good folk. Wei Wuxian develops an especially close friendship with Luo Qingyang. He also excels at magic, which eventually begins to pay dividends. The first couple years he's there, his classmates have all been doing magic since they were in their cradles and he's racing to catch up, but by the time he's 14, 15, 16, the playing field is more even and those who were cruel to him have mostly been visited by highly unpleasant pay back - if not from Wei Wuxian himself, then from Jiang Cheng or Luo Qingyang. 
His 6th year, when he's 17, is a big deal for several reasons. First, Jiang Yanli graduates...and immediately starts an internship at the school's infirmary, ostensibly because she's interested in medicine, actually because no one wants too much distance between her and Jin Zixuan. Speaking of whom, secondly...he's a jackass and a peacock but he has improved with age, and Wei Wuxian can almost tolerate him for short periods of time, especially because his doing so makes Jiang Yanli happy. Jin Zixun is still irredeemable but Wei Wuxian is unsurprised there. But the biggest event is that it's time for the biannual competition between the greatest sects in the world, and this time Jinlin Tower is hosting. Everyone who wants to participate may, and it's basically an Olympics for people in their 6th and 7th years - no one else is eligible. There are competitions in martial arts, wizarding duels, arranged battles against monsters, Night Hunts, races. Each competitor is scored based on their performance, and after each event, fewer people are able to advance to the next round, until the final event is a two-on-two-on-two-on-two battle between the top pairs from each school - Jinlin Tower, Cloud Recesses, Unclean Realm and Nightless City. If two from one school are still standing at the end (highly unusual, generally one is eliminated before the other) then they will fight to determine a final winner, who gets accolades, attention, a mess of flowers, a few medals, at least two marriage proposals...and respect, which is the only one of those things Wei Wuxian gives a shit about. 
Wei Wuxian is *determined* to be one of the two - and that Jiang Cheng will be the other. He can think of no better way to show up the haters, and anyway, it sounds fun as hell. 
The school year up until the start of the competition, held every spring, is dull dull dull, but finally the long awaited day arrives, and with it come the 6th and 7th years from the other schools and the teachers sent to chaperone them. Cloud Recesses arrives first, punctual to the second, and god are they a snooze fest. Their leader, Lan Qiren, drones on and on during his welcome speech, and his students all stand in lock step and hang on every boring word. When Wei Wuxian has the audacity to yawn, one in particular glares murder at him, and Luo Qingyang explains to him in a hurried whisper that that's the famous Lan Wangji, second son of the family, heir to Cloud Recesses, and widely considered the hands-down favorite to win the entire event. 
After them, the Unclean Realm contingent arrives, led by Nie Mingjue, youngest of the current school leaders. They seem very battle oriented, all heavily armed with more than just wands, except for a disinterested young man at Nie Mingjue's side - his brother, Nie Huaisang, Luo Qingyang helpfully explains. 
("How do you know all this??" Wei Wuxian hisses.) 
("Latest issue of Teen Witch did a profile on everyone favored to win from each school!") 
("...oh yeah? What'd they say about me?") 
("You weren't in there, dumbass, they profiled Jin Zixuan and Jin Zixun.") 
("And you trust them to be right about literally *anything* if they think those two are the favorites from here?") 
("Shut up, at least it means I know something about the competition we'll face.") 
("Will you *both* shut up?" interjected an exasperated Jiang Cheng, "because if not, I WILL curse you for the duration of the welcome...") 
Nie Huaisang is fun to watch, because he seems as bored as Wei Wuxian feels, and because he is high enough in the pecking order that no one gives him shit for it. Watching him is even slightly cathartic. But too soon, their school goes to their table - another vote in favor of the Unclean Realm, their welcome speech was short and to the point - and then the Nightless City students step up. Their leader is a sneering youth ("winner of the competition six years ago," Luo Qingyang supplies) named Wen Xu, son of the school's head, because they are so arrogant they didn't bother sending their headmaster. They’re also the only school to send two chaperones, and Wei Wuxian feels an instant connection with the other, an attractive young woman, because the murderous glare she directs at the back of Wen Xu's head is truly a thing of beauty, and grows more intense the longer he babbles bombast, arrogance and stupidity. 
Finally, the welcome ends, and the houses share a banquet. There are various "getting to know you" events scheduled, and a prom-like ball halfway through the competition. It’s interesting to see the relative sociability of the different groups as the events commenced. The Lans from Cloud Recesses, for example, keep almost entirely to themselves. They make minimal efforts to mingle but only because they’re expected to. The Nie, on the other hand, are incredibly happy to meet new people, and Wei Wuxian ends up friends with Nie Huaisang almost by accident - there was a bird, a curse backfire, a talking staircase and a gigantic bubblegum bubble involved but the less said in general the better - and it gives him hope for the future. His prospects of staying at Lotus Pier are dim - even if they wanted him there he didn't want to stay, especially after Jiang Yanli leaves for her wedding and Jiang Cheng launches into his duties as heir. Nie Huaisang likes him, and has influence at Unclean Realm, and hints more than once that they don’t share the prejudices of some of the other families since it’s well known they'd been founded by a late-blooming spellcasting muggle. Wei Wuxian is self-interested enough to forward the friendship even if he didn't enjoy Nie Huaisang's company...but he does, and that just makes it so much the better. 
The Wens from Nightless City, on the other hand, are a problem. They love to interact...if arrogance, condescension, aloofness and bullying can be called interacting. They don’t even spare members of their own family, and Wei Wuxian saw a lot of parallels to his own treatment at Jinlin Tower in how Wen Ning, Wen Chao's cousin and younger brother of the second chaperone, is treated. Wei Wuxian intervenes more than once to protect Wen Ning - from the other Wens, from Jin Zixun, even from a random Lan once. 
Thus do things stand when events finally start. They make for a weird clique - Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng, Luo Qingyang, Nie Huaisang, and Wen Ning vaguely shadowing them while clearly trying not to get too close. In events where they can aid each other, they do. In events where they can’t, they at least try not to directly act against each other. Lesser names are quickly eliminated from the competition, and the leader board is mostly those who'd been expected, in part because a lot of clan members go out of their way to support their clans' favorite. Lan Wangji, that second Lan son from Cloud Recesses, leads in points, and that’s extra impressive since the Lan are the only clan that AREN’T cheating to help him get ahead. Lesser members of the Nie routinely act to help Nie Huaisang instead of themselves, which is especially absurd since Nie Huaisang himself seems indifferent. The Wen actively cheat, and are sanctioned for it three times, to forward Wen Chao, Wen Xu's younger brother and their clan's favorite. And the Jinlin Tower contingent strives to put Jin Zixuan on top...and Jin Zixun strives to unseat him. 
So, basically, it it’s all a huge mess, especially early on when the entirety of all four schools are involved. 
The first of Wei Wuxian's friend circle eliminated is Luo Qingyang. She takes it in stride even though it had been a bullshit technicality and Wen Chao's fault to boot, and immediately begins conspiring from outside the competition to help the others. Things proceed apace, event after event, and despite some obvious attempts by lesser Jinlin Tower folk to sabotage Wei Wuxian, he of course still does well, especially at the magical competitions. He hung on through a dismal showing against a giant dog (his phobia’s triggered and it’s one on one so no one can help him) thanks mostly to an exceptional performance during an transfiguration and enchantment event, that he won easily and to everyone's amazement, even beating the unparalleled Lan Wangji. Jiang Cheng is doing well too, not exceptional at anything, but never near the bottom, either, which keeps him afloat, and it helps that he never does anything that sinks himself to float Jin Zixuan or Jin Zixun. The ball comes closer by the day, and the events are spaced farther apart later in the competition to give competitors time to heal and prepare, and as more people are eliminated, the ball becomes the premier talk of the group - what to wear, who to ask, who else has asked who and who has said yes and who has said no, all gossip all the time. Nie Huaisang seems especially invested, even though he hasn't been eliminated...he seems to find it fun, while giving zero information about his own intentions as regard a companion. 
Jiang Cheng asks a pretty Lan girl, and is turned down, and Luo Qingyang, and is turned down, and at least three other people, with no success. (Nie Huaisang whispers that this is because Wen Chao has threatened to hurt anyone who says yes to him...Luo Qingyang says it’s because Jiang Cheng is an idiot and a dick.) 
Luo Qingyang refuses to say who she’s asking, leaves to do it...and returns aglow, saying that the person she'd asked has said yes...but still won’t say who that is.
Wen Ning mumbles that a Jin girl he didn’t know had asked him, and he said yes, and he supposes it’ll be fine. It troubles all his friends, since he’s actually incredibly sweet, but that anyone at all asked him seems to be a shock, and that anyone else might do so - or that he might ask someone he liked, and they might say yes - both are apparently so implausible to Wen Ning that he won’t even consider it.
Wei Wuxian asks no one. It’s not that he doesn’t want a partner at the ball...he does, he supposes...but he can’t find the motivation. He’s worried he got eliminated during the last event, and he won’t find out until the banquet before the ball, when the final 16 competitors will be announced, and the uncertainty is making him jumpy and anxious. So, he dithers, and he supports his friends, and he messes with their enemies, and he takes a dilatory approach to preparing for the next event (a dragon hunt) that he may or may not have qualified for…
...and then Jiang Cheng takes him aside, like, “dude you’ve got to find *someone*!”
“ ‘Cause all of the top 16 need a date!”
“Then you’re boned, aren’t you…”
“So’re you! Anyway, you’re wrong, I’ve got someone.”
“I didn’t make it, a-di...I’m sure I didn’t…and wait, you do? Who is it?”
“Like I’d tell you.”
“You’re a damn liar, you ain’t go no one.”
“No, I’m set, but you’ll sure look like a dumbass if I’m right and you need a date…”
And, well, Jiang Cheng has a point...so Wei Wuxian keeps an ear to the ground, trying to figure out who is still available. The pickings are slim...there are a lot of hopeful younger students, but...no. Just no. At least a dozen people have asked Wei Wuxian, but he’s turned them all done, and now everyone seems to be paired...and then a few hours before the banquet, Luo Qingyang grabs him. 
“Pssst, I heard you need a date.”
“Why’re you whispering? Is it a secret?”
“Ask Lan Wangji.”
Wei Wuxian can only blink at her, because *what the actual fuck.* Lan Wangji is leading the competition, and he’s gorgeous, and yeah, he has a shit personality, but even so he must have had every single person in the school and every other school tripping over themselves to ask. Further, if there’s one person he will definitely say no to, it’s Wei Wuxian, because ever since that first time Wei Wuxian yawned during Lan Qiren’s shitty speech, Lan Wangji has hated him. During every meet and greet, during every event, whenever Wei Wuxian glances Lan Wangji’s way, Lan Wangji is glaring at him, scowling, like Wei Wuxian is a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of his shoe...and yeah that DID happen, it was part of the whole meeting Nie Huaisang debacle, but still, Wei Wuxian has been doing decently, and has tried to be nice to the guy, and nothing. Still, Luo Qingyang is incredibly persuasive when she wants to be, and finally, Wei Wuxian caves, if only to get her to leave him alone. Lan Wangji is easy to find, lingering in the common room assigned to his school, sitting and reading, still in the white robes he always wears (the girls all swoon at his miraculous ability to keep them pristine through every competition, and there are running bets on what it’ll finally take to stain them) and apparently indifferent to the frenetic preparations that those around him are hurrying through.
“Hey, Lan Wangji!”
Lan Wangji shoots that disdainful stare at him again.
“Heard you don’t have a date for tonight, is that true?”
Lan Wangji shrugs, eyes back on his book.
“You know all the top competitors need one, right?”
Lan Wangji shrugs again.
“So, you wanna go with me or what?”
The book crashes to the floor and Wei Wuxian is amazed to see Lan Wangji...react? To literally anything? Ever? By looking stricken, and surprised, and taken aback, and maybe a little horrified?
“Ugh, fine, well if my proximity offends you that bad...at least I can tell Luo Qingyang I tried.” And Wei Wuxian manages his own shrug, turns to walk away...and a hand on his shoulder stops him. Turning...there’s Lan Wangji, eyes wide, lips slightly parted, long hair swooping about his shoulders, crap is he pretty, no wonder he’s got half the school in love with him, no wonder he only finds flaws with Wei Wuxian, just like everyone else, no wonder--
Wei Wuxian nods slowly and Lan Wangji’s expression softens.
“Thought you and she were a couple.”
Shocking thing the first: Lan Wangji spoke. Shocking thing the second: Lan Wangji touched him. Shocking thing the third: Lan Wangji has paid enough attention to Wei Wuxian to have drawn conclusions about his love life. Shocking thing the fourth: Lan Wangji apparently has a personality of some kind? Shocking thing the fifth: Lan Wangji certainly doesn’t appear to hate him??
Too confused to speak, Wei Wuxian shakes his head.
“I would be pleased to go to the ball with you.”
Shocking thing the sixth: Lan Wangji ACTUALLY WANTS TO GO WITH HIM.
The entire common room goes still, apparently everyone else is as shocked as Wei Wuxian, and then they break into congratulatory hurrahs.
“Whelp, good, okay then,” Wei Wuxian manages, still too asea to have any idea what the hell just happened. “Guess I’d better go get ready. You too. I’ll see you soon, yeah?”
The banquet opens with Jin Guangshan rising and pompously announcing who the top 16 are - among them, Wen Chao and Wen Ning both have made it, and Lan Wangji of course, and Nie Huaisang, and the four from the Jin are Jin Zixuan, Jin Zixun, Jiang Cheng, and Wei Wuxian. He’s so amazed he can only stand, and he glances to Lan Wangji...and gets a smile in return??? And what has his day become he has no idea what’s going on!!
After the meal, the first dance is called, and the way people pair off prompts scads of whispers. Jin Zixuan is the obvious one, of course he’s with Jiang Yanli, and neither looks particularly happy about it. Jin Zixuan keeps glancing toward a Nie girl that Wei Wuxian doesn’t know, and if Wei Wuxian didn’t know better (and after the day he’s had, he’s genuinely not sure if he DOES know better) he’d think that Jiang Yanli kept glancing to Wen Ning. Jiang Cheng gives Wei Wuxian a smirk as he and Nie Huaisang go out hand in hand, only to have it fade into stunned wide eyed WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCKness when Wei Wuxian goes out with Lan Wangji. It’s clear almost immediately that neither actually knows how to dance, but they both know how to fight, and it sort of translates, and things actually go pretty well.
Dancing with Lan Wangji is nice.
Being near Lan Wangji is nice.
The soft timber of Lan Wangji’s voice on the rare occasions he speaks is nice.
The whole evening is...really surprisingly nice. Memories of all the times Lan Wangji looked at him come back...why WAS Lan Wangji always looking at him? Clearly, Wei Wuxian has mixed everything up monumentally, and he’s starting to wonder if Luo Qingyang suspected as much when she sent him on what he’d thought a wild goose chase, but there’s no asking her, because as soon as the floor opens to the general group so everyone can dance, she’s on the floor with Wen Qing, of all people - it hadn’t even occurred to Wei Wuxian that he could ask a chaperone - and the two are staring adoringly into each other’s eyes and Wei Wuxian would think it insane and weird except that once or twice he realizes he’s kinda sorta maybe vaguely giving Lan Wangji a similar look and what even is his life?
They end up kissing outside the Lan’s common room.
Wei Wuxian has no idea what’s going on but he’s not at all unhappy with the turn of events.
The last couple events are incredibly difficult, the moreso because Wen Chao and Jin Zixun have each either collaboratively or independently decided that this is their last chance to try to get their fiercest competition eliminated. Jin Zixuan loses the next one badly, and Nie Huaisang also seems only too pleased to bow out. The other Wens team up against Wen Ning and he’s eliminated, and almost badly injured, and then they move on Wei Wuxian, and he only holds on by the skin of his teeth...and, he comes to suspect, because Jiang Cheng did something, because that’s the only explanation he’s got for why Jiang Cheng is eliminated even though Jin Zixun bombed one of the events. Eventually, the final 8 are chosen…
Wen Chao and some other Wen.
Lan Wangji and some other Lan.
Two random Nies.
And Jin Zixun and Wei Wuxian.
Intent on preparing even though he knows Jin Zixun hates him, Wei Wuxian approaches him. They’re supposed to work together against the other six, after all...but Jin Zixun won’t even talk to him, so Wei Wuxian assumes he’s actually on his own and does his own preparation. That morning, he’s absolutely sick to his stomach. Rumor is that some students have died in the duels before. It’s no holds barred, no spells off limits, even an Unforgivable Curse would be allowed if someone actually knew one. Weapons, sword-flying, everything is allowed. Wei Wuxian has his sword Suibian, his flute and his wand when he joins the others. They all look fidgety, and the only one who spares Wei Wuxian a glance is Lan Wangji, and he looks concerned. They’ve spent time together as they’ve been able, but it’s been little enough, the event occupying most of their time, and Wei Wuxian was in the hospital for a week after the last event with no visitors allowed. 
“Be careful out there,” Lan Wangji murmurs to him, giving his hand a squeeze, and Wei Wuxian can only return the sentiment, but he’s not worried. Lan Wangji has led the competition since day one, and leads it still, and everyone is assuming he’ll win, presumably with his white robes still pristine.
Finally, the final duel starts, and Wei Wuxian realizes immediately that it’s so much worse than he feared, when the Wen opposing Wen Chao eliminates himself, and Jin Zixun ignores all foes to immediately turn on Wei Wuxian, and he loses track of what the others are doing because fighting Jin Zixun takes all his focus. Jin Zixun has been training for this his whole life, and he’s a year older, and whereas Wei Wuxian doesn’t actually particularly want to harm him, Jin Zixun’s every action makes it clear he couldn’t care less if he kills Wei Wuxian. It’s as hard a battle as anything he’s ever done, and it’s only when Wei Wuxian stops pulling his punches (he can hear his friends screaming at him that he’s an idiot from the sidelines) that he finally FINALLY wins.
But the cost has been high.
His qi is depleted. His body aches. He’s bleeding from multiple wounds and from the mouth. Suibian has been tossed from the competition area, and his wand is broken, leaving him with only Chenqing. And he’s got no idea who else is left, who might yet be in his way…
...and oh god, is he going to have to fight Lan Wangji? He won’t do it, no matter what…
...and he takes a step back, and Wen Chao’s voice shouts - he must have been lurking, waiting for the end of Wei Wuxian’s battle, knowing whoever won would be weakest and least on guard immediately after - and the word cruciatus echoes across the suddenly silent arena, and Wei Wuxian squeezes his eyes shut in preparation for agony...and it never comes. 
He opens his eyes.
Lan Wangji stands before him, panting with effort, his guqin before himself, his fingers on the strings as he uses his own qi to catch the Unforgivable curse and contain it. The effort of it is clearly great; a cough spurts blood from Lan Wangji’s mouth, staining red down the front of his pristine white robes, but he doesn’t give up, and Wen Chao’s expression contorts as he tries and tries to force the spell through Lan Wangji’s resistance...and then it explodes in Wen Chao’s face, and he screams as the backfire casts the spell on himself.
“Wen Chao - eliminated!”
Lan Wangji collapses to his knees, spells evaporating in a swirl of blue motes. His wand falls to the ground near Wei Wuxian’s feet, and he uncertainly picks it up. It feels odd in his hands, but he’s sure he could cast with it.
“Why?” whispers Wei Wuxian.
“I couldn’t let him hurt you.”
“Who’s left?”
“You and me.”
And this is it - his moment. Lan Wangji is hurt, down, bloody and muddy. Wei Wuxian is exhausted and hurt, but he’s up, and he’s got Chenqing, and he could do plenty with it even if he doesn’t want to use Lan Wangji’s wand...and why wouldn’t he want to use the wand?...Wei Wuxian could get everything he wants, the prize, the respect, the marriage proposals, everything...but Lan Wangji couldn’t let Wen Chao hurt him, and Wei Wuxian can’t possibly, can’t FATHOM, hurting Lan Wangji.
“I’m out,” he shouts to the judges.
“Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian will engage in a wizard’s duel to determine a final winner.”
“I won’t,” Wei Wuxian bellows back.
“Eliminate me,” Lan Wangji whispers, for his ears alone. “I always knew you were going to beat me.”
As if that’s not the craziest shit Wei Wuxian has ever heard.
“You’re the brightest young master of our generation, Lan Wangji...it was always going to be you.” And Wei Wuxian realizes he means that in so many more ways than merely as regards the competition.
Because Wei Wuxian feels so much more toward Lan Wangji than he’d ever imagined he could toward anyone, much less toward the supposedly cold and indifferent and aloof Second Young Master Lan.
“Very well,” Wei Wuxian murmurs. Lan Wangji closes his eyes. “Petrificus totalus!” Wei Wuxian shouts...and aims the wand at his own feet.
And the next thing he’s aware of, he’s in the infirmary, and Jiang Yanli and...Wen Qing and Wen Ning???...are there, and Wen Qing is leaning over him while the other two have a hushed conversation across the room. Six of the seven other finalists are there as well - the self-eliminated Wen didn’t hurt himself badly enough to need the hospital - and Wen Qing is roughly jabbing at a pierced wound in his side, ignoring his grimace and soft protest.
“You’re all idiots, and this is all stupid, and I have no idea why any of the schools sanction this insanity, and you shut your face, Wei Wuxian, and let me do my job…” 
He can’t really argue with her. Everything hurts too much anyway.
So Lan Wangji is awarded winner, but given that he spends that night in Wei Wuxian’s arms, Wei Wuxian is pretty sure that he’s the actual winner. He got his respect, too - beating Jin Zixun one on one impressed a LOT of people, and before the houses all leave to go back to their own clans, Nie Mingjue offers him a job post-graduation, and Jiang Cheng gets all offended since obviously Wei Wuxian will be working for him, and Lan Wangji promises to send him owls every day, and Wei Wuxian lies through his teeth when he assures Lan Wangji that he’ll do the same (it’s not a lie because he doesn’t want to, but because he knows he’s not a fraction well enough organized to actually pull something like that off), and Wen Qing and Luo Qingyang exchange tearful farewells...and Wen Ning stays, which is surprising and excellent, and in amazingly short order, things go back to normal…
...except they never quite go back to normal.
Because Jin Zixuan breaks off his engagement to Jiang Yanli, announcing that he’s too in love with that Nie girl who’s name Wei Wuxian still doesn’t know to consider marrying simply to satisfy his family.
And because as soon as she’s at liberty to do so, in front of the entire assembly, Jiang Yanli stalks across the room, grabs the front of Wen Ning’s robes, and hauls him into a kiss.
And because Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng solve the “which clan gets to keep Wei Wuxian” problem by announcing their own engagement.
And because Jin Zixun graduates at the end of the year, and as soon as he’s gone all the Jin who used to torment Wei Wuxian sheepishly apologize and say Jin Zixun made them - themselves or Wei Wuxian - and while he doesn’t forgive them their abuses, he can at least tolerate being their classmates.
And because Luo Qingyang announces that she’s renouncing the Jin clan, and that she and Wen Qing are planning to ride off into the sunset and start their own clan with two well known independent wizards of their acquaintance, Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan. They pointedly suggest that Wei Wuxian go with them.
And because Lan Wangji keeps his promise and sends Wei Wuxian a letter every day, and Wei Wuxian - wonder of wonders - succeeds in replying daily, by giving up on the idea of sending letters and instead sending drawings. Lan Wangji loves the idea of joining the new sect.
And because, after graduation, when Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng try to claim him, they find themselves beaten to the punch, because Lan Wangji has already got him heart, soul, body and mind. The two begrudgingly conceded that Lan Wangji can marry him, as long as he’ll continue to be part of all three clans, and help with enchantments and Night Hunts and whatever else.
Wei Wuxian is shocked to find himself so wanted, and does everything he can to satisfy all the claims on him.
It’s a way better life than Wei Wuxian had ever dared to hope for.
And he’s got every reason to think it’s only going to get better and better.
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kxhlzn · 5 years
[iii.] the birdwatcher & his lover.
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➳ synopsis: it's the summer of '89, and you discover new things about yourself— some good, and some you wish you could swallow and never see again. dealing with the newfound confusion of sexuality, you must learn the ins and outs of friendship and what it means to grow up.
➳ genre: coming-of-age drama, ANGST, fluff, slight crack.
➳ characters/pairing(s): eventual stanley uris/reader, unrequited!bev/reader, eventual benverly, eventual reddie (possibly unrequited.)
➳ wordcount: 5.9k
➳ warning(s): profanity, sexual comments, ANGST, jokes about 80s AIDS, hurt feelings, fireworks (don't try this at home, kids!)
➳ song rec: flowers in your hair by the lumineers.
➳ author's note(s): sorry i made richie cry, i hate myself too lmfao. also i love stan. that's all. that's the post. give me some recs on what you'd like to see happen to them in the future! :)
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July, 1989.
the rain is constant; pattering, almost as if it expects you to open your window and let it sneak into your bedsheets, like a sneaky, horny, little teenager. except, the only teenager creeping through your window tonight is mischevious richie tozier, head full of grand ideas and schemes.
his hair is sopping when he slams on the glass, and you nearly lose ten years of your life at the scare. most of the terror racing through you isn't because you're shocked by his presence, but rather you didn't really want him to see your arms full of letters and graham crackers. he stares at you a moment, his glasses dripping with water, as a single crumb trickles onto the floor from the corner of your mouth. you consider, for a moment, that he didn't see it, but from the small smirk that appears on his lips, you know you were caught. he's crouched on the roof beside your window, tapping his knee patiently.
you don't rush to make a move, either, as you both have a staredown; richie is uncharacteristically patient, you notice, and it makes you loosen your grip on the items momentarily. but then, richie slips, and you throw them all on the bed and make a break for the window. once you've tossed it open, richie is already steady, his hands splayed out at hip height. he's preparing himself in case he slips again.
"what do you want, trashmouth?" you quip, propping the window open. you glance at the surrounding area behind him, and the sky is a deep grey. the trees are heavy with water, puddles scattered across the ground. what on earth could he need at this time?
"so, i got this cool idea," he says, gripping the sill as he slides through the crack of your window. now, he's got water dripping all over the floor, and you scowl at him as he shakes his head like a dog, flinging droplets across your bedroom. "what if we buy fireworks?"
you don't miss a beat. "what?"
"like, you know, fireworks. for fourth of july? i might know a guy."
"seriously? that'd be so cool!" you say, picturing lighting off rockets into the sky, at the quarry. richie nods in excitement, collapsing on the floor beside your bed, leaning his head against your sheets. one knee is propped up, and his arm slings comfortably on it. the water drips onto his (for once) solid color grey t-shirt and plaided black pajama pants.
"right?" richie agrees, "you can thank me later. i already told 'im to buy them. 'said he'll get back to me soon. what are those?"
you blink at him a moment, and draw your attention to where he is focused. he's eyeing the pile of letters on your bed behind him, and he starts to get grabby as he digs through them.
you jolt forward, swatting at his hands. "they're, uh... letters? to? someone?"
"your pops?"
"what? no. well, actually, most of 'em, yeah."
"he ever respond to the ones you sent last year?" richie asks softly, peering at you when you take a hesitant seat on your bed, near richie's mop of hair.
"nope," you shrug, "but it's worth a try to send some more, ya know?"
"nah. you're trying too hard, babyface. you ever think that maybe it's time to toss the towel in?" richie's hand lands on your knee, but you jerk away from him.
"toss the towel in? what the fuck, richie?" you stand, quickly, and take a few cautious steps away from him.
"no, urgh, listen. i just hate seeing you hurt yourself like this—" he stands, too, stretching his long legs in a couple strides toward you.
"what's so fucking wrong with me writing a letter to my dad?"
"it's stupid! i just think—"
"you're just pissed 'cause yours sits a room away from you, and he talks to you less than mine!" you bite, and you immediately regret it, a sour flavor sitting on your tongue.
"fuck you!" richie barks, pointing an accusatory finger at you. his voice cracks in the process. "at least my dad bothered to stay! i wasn't so fucking bitchy that he disappeared into the night, not able to deal with having me for a kid!"
you want to snap back, but you're afraid your voice will betray you, so you merely open and close your mouth like a fish. richie's shoulders are heaving, eyes blown wide enough to rival the size of his actual face, with the glasses magnifying them so much. his fists are clenching and unclenching, consistently while you stand in tense silence.
"you're right," you whisper, mostly to yourself, and you cradle your arms against your chest. you lean up against your wall and slide down until your arms hug your knees. richie gapes, mutters out a few incoherent words, and then collapses in front of you, his hands on your arms.
"no, fuck, no, i shouldn't have said that. i didn't mean it. we're both tired, and hungry, and frustrated. that was such an asshole thing for me to say," he sputters out, and he pulls your head into the crook of his neck while he coos softly.
"it's okay, i didn't mean what i said, either. i think, i just, i know you were right about the tossing in the towel thing, but i.. i just don't think i'm ready to, you know?" you mumble into his shoulder, and he nods.
"that's okay, it was just a suggestion, babyface. you want to send him a letter? fuck it, let's do it."
you spend the next ten minutes sealing the letters up, stamping them, and tossing them into your desk drawer for later. you sit comfortably in your chair, finishing up writing the address on the last one, when richie hums to himself.
"what?" you ask, spinning around to face him. he holds a letter up from his seat on your bed, sitting crisscrossed. his magnified eyes are glued to the words.
"nothing, you just missed one. except, it's not for your pops..."
"what do you mean? i didn't write one for anyone e—..." and it dawns on you. "richie, can i have that letter, please?"
"uh, yeah, nope... 'dear beverly marsh—'"
"richie, god, please!" you fling yourself at him, and he screams, throwing his hand up so you can't reach it while you climb over him. there are a few grunts as you dig various body parts into his flesh, grabbing for the paper, but he's not having it.
"why the hell are you— ouch! —writing a letter to bev?" richie questions, shoving at you a bit to get a good look at the piece of lined paper. "is it a looove letter?"
your silence forces you both to stop your movements, and the pink on your cheeks makes richie blink a few times.
"wait..." he begins, "does that.. do you.. do you like beverly?"
"what does that even mean? 'like'? of course i like her, she's one of my best friends! why wouldn't i? she's kind, and pretty, and one of the best people i know."
"yeah, okay, but do you want to stick your hand down her pants?"
"richard tozier!"
"well, you know what i mean."
"unfortunately, yeah, i do. but... that's not.. i can't, you know, like her like that. she's a girl," you squirm, scooting over to the headboard of the bed. richie leans up next to you, his shoulder bumping yours.
"so she's a girl. if she were a dude, would you do it?" richie presses.
"do what?"
"stick your hand—"
"beep, beep, richie!"
"what i'm saying is, if she were a guy, would you like her?"
"uh, i don't know, i guess," you admit, your hands in your lap. you bite your lip.
"then what's it fucking matter?" he asks, brows curved inward, "just admit it."
you blink at him, kind of understanding where he's coming from. you suppose you never could accept how you felt because it's the 80s, and you're in derry, so same-sex relations remain strictly platonic. you wonder if others have felt, or feel, the same way you do. maybe it's not so bad. maybe you can say it out loud, to someone.
"i have a crush on beverly marsh."
it feels empowering. like you could stand on top of your roof and scream it to the entire world, make everyone know that you, a small-town girl in maine, likes another girl. it feels empowering, but also incriminating— like you have something to hide, like you should be guilty for feeling this way.
guilty of what? loving another human being?
"well, shockingly, that's not the most lesbian thing you've ever said to me," richie quips.
"beep, beep, richie."
"anyway," he clicks his tongue, desperate to change the subject, "so the fireworks. what's your game plan?"
"right. well, we'll probably have to ask bill to tell eddie's mom that they're studying. you know how she gets when me or bev call— rant about how he can't hang with us 'cause we'll force him into an orgy 'n shit," you laugh dryly.
"wouldn't mind an orgy with her," richie whistles lowly.
"her, and who else? stan's mom? she's too high-strung for that."
"with my charms? pft, please," he replies, signaling down his body.
you roll your eyes. "oh, for sure, she'll be on her knees in no time."
"nah, she'd break a hip."
you laugh. "okay, focus— so you got the fireworks, bill's got eddie's mom—" ("he'd better share!") and everyone else should be able to make it. bev and ben can sneak out, and mike is pretty much free to go wherever. i can convince stan's mom that we're spending the night at bill's, with supervision. she likes me, but i can't be sure she won't think i'm trying to fuck the jew out of him."
"he wouldn't mind."
"seriously, richie, learn when to shut the fuck up," you scold, and he laughs, "anyways— do ya think mike could scrounge up a picnic again, or should i go over to bill's to make one? i think mike would want to do it..."
"yeah," richie yawns, and he leans on your shoulder. you sigh softly, sweep his hair away from his face, and slip his glasses off, onto the bedstand. "should prolly head home."
"no, it's pouring out. you've stayed here before," you tell him, pushing him off of you so you can turn the light out. by the time you've turned yourself around, he's hogging all of the blankets and you frown. rolling your eyes, you mutter something along the lines of "didn't get to eat my graham crackers", and you stash them under your desk.
crawling beside richie, you kick him with your leg as a sign to scoot his ass over, or else. he doesn't listen at first, but another heel in his side, and he's doing as he's told. (richie won't admit it, but he likes being the little spoon); you wrap your arms around his torso and poke his back with your nose as you prepare yourself for sleep.
after a few minutes, richie turns over slightly, glancing at your face. when he is convinced you've fallen asleep, he sighs softly and bites his lip— there are so many things he wishes he could tell you. so many secrets. after hearing you admit you like bev, he feels safer; like someone can relate to him, like he's not alone. it would be the first time he ever admitted it, even to himself.
richie doesn't know you're even listening, but having you next to him makes it easier to say out loud. "okay, so uh, listen... i think.. i think i'm like you, okay? i think i like..."
he's quiet for a moment, but now you're focused; you hadn't been asleep yet, but this is odd of him. you sigh, and snuggle up against him. "eddie. it's okay."
his breath hitches, and he chokes out a "yeah". you think he's fallen asleep after, but you hear small sniffling, and you can't help but tear up too. your grip on his chest tightens, a sign that you hear him and understand. he flips his body around, and suddenly, rather aggressively, pulls you against him, his face in the crook of your neck. his small tears melt into sobs, and yours soon follow suit.
"it's okay, it's okay," you coo, combing your fingers through his hair. he sounds so hurt, so painfully heartbroken. but, so do you.
"is there something wrong with me?" richie cries, the droplets creating a pool in the skin of your neck, "with us?"
"i don't know," you reply, your shoulders shaking, "oh, god, i don't know."
how badly you wish you did; if not to ease your own pain, but most especially his. richie tozier did not deserve to be crying in your arms in the dark, because he fell in love with his best friend. he deserved a much better love story than that.
over cereal the next morning, you and richie don't talk much. you're both reeling from the many emotions that were expressed last night, and you're afraid if one of you speaks, it will spoil everything.
your stepfather and your mother are speaking in the other room, and you hear the pattering of footsteps — loud ones, at that, a sure one it's your stepfather — as he walks into the kitchen to pour himself a mug of coffee. he looks as dead as the two of you.
"hey, kiddo, i need you to take the trash out when you're done," he says, glancing at you. it takes him a moment to register that richie is sitting across from you. he gets an eyeful of him, and shrugs nonchalantly, "hey, rich."
"yo," richie replies, stuffing another spoonful of cereal into his mouth. the two stare at each other briefly, before your stepfather becomes bored and pads off into the other room to inform your mother of richie's presence, as she wasn't aware. you hear her nearly shriek, worried that the house isn't clean enough for guests.
"it's fine, mom, it's just richie," you raise your voice so she can hear you, "he literally doesn't care. like, at all."
she says something back, but you don't catch it, as you stand from the table and put your bowl in the sink. richie follows suit.
"so, um... i'll call bill, you handle the, you know, and then i can head over to stan's to let him know the plan. you got everyone else?" you quip, and richie smirks at you.
"you need to take the trash out, kiddo. but, yeah, i got everyone else."
"okaay," you reply, groaning.
richie leaves a few minutes after, through your window, for dramatic effect. you tell your parents he left through the second living room, a sliding door to the backyard in it. they accept it.
calling bill is easy; he always answers, (as he is always home and his parents don't care much for the phone), and rather quickly, too. it's easy to convince him, as well, as he's kind of excitable. he agrees to free eddie.
you call stanley, next. his mother picks up, and you curse to yourself. she's a hard nut to crack.
"hi, mrs. uris!" you tell her it's you, and you swear her tone becomes a bit sharper, but she stays polite. as is the way of jews.
"hello there, sweetheart."
"is stanley home?"
"yes, he is," she replies, you smile. he's always home, too, if he's not birdwatching.
"... could i speak to him?"
"oh! yes," she says, and she barks his name quietly, a sign that he was probably walking past her when you asked.
you tap your foot as there is brief movement on the other end, and stanley breathes into the phone just a millisecond before he speaks.
"hello," he says softly.
"hi, stanny! you free today? great!" you chirp cheerily, smiling against the telephone.
"o-oh, uh, yeah—"
"i thought we already established that."
"oh. um, yeah, i guess.. we have," he sounds dejected.
"kay. i'm coming over."
"what? wait, okay—"
you hang up, and hop slightly as you turn yourself around to grab your things. once you've gotten them, you head out to the place stanley calls home, a small house right outside of the synagogue.
you knock on the screen door at the back of the house and bounce on your heels as you await stanley. the locks on the door rattle briefly, and he's there, pushing open the door to let you in. you thank him and slip off your shoes in the entrance.
"so, you wanna hear about what we're doing tonight?" you say happily, poking his shoulder with a giant grin on your lips.
he swallows. "okay..."
you capture a handful of his collar, and pull him closer to you; he turns beet red. "we're gonna light off fireworks! but i gotta tell your mom we're staying at bill's."
"what? are you guys insane? that's dangerous!" stanley whisper shouts. he looks at you in complete and utter bewilderment.
"i know!" you cheer, "it'll be a blast!"
"no, i'm not doing that!"
"pleaaaase?" you beg, giving him puppy eyes, "it won't be fun without you."
he rolls his own. "no! that's ridiculous!" stanley crosses his arms, glances at your sweet face, and huffs dramatically. "ugh! fine! only because i don't want any of you doing something stupid. mostly you, because you're accident-prone."
"you know me too well, uris," you whisper sappily, and give him a strong hug. he refrains from doing it back for a second but sighs and wraps his arms around your shoulders.
"stanley!" mrs. uris calls out sharply, and she shakes her head stiffly at him. you immediately take a few cautious steps away from him. "what on earth are you doing?"
"i, uh, was just hugging her because..." he trails off slowly.
"my grandma died," you spit out.
"oh! goodness, when?" mrs. uris asks, putting down her basket of laundry.
"um—" you think of a random time, and say, "last night."
unfortunately, stanley says "this morning" simultaneously.
you glance at each other.
"last night," stanley says, "i forgot, and thought it was this morning."
"oh," mrs. uris mutters, "goodness, child, you almost had me thinking you just hug that girl for the sake of it."
"yeah, nope, i would never," he agrees, "she has like, um, ...cooties."
when the high-strung woman finally skitters away, you and stan release a breath.
you're the first to speak. "cooties, stanley? really? that was your genius idea?"
he throws his hands up in defense. "i'm sorry! it was the only thing i could think of. i couldn't say AIDS!"
"i think AIDS would have been more redeemable."
"hardly!" he exasperates, "'cause then she'd think you're a homosexual man with a sex addiction under that skirt and scrunchie!"
you break out into a fit of laughs and shove stanley's shoulder. he shoves you back, and then you're both laughing.
"what? so how am i supposed to convince her to let you come with me to bill's when she thinks my grandma just died and i have cooties?" you inquire as you both step into the main section of the house and prepare to enter the living room.
"with slow coaxing and distance."
somehow, all of the losers are able to come— with slow coaxing and distance.
a symphony of crickets echoes down the dirt path, matched with the small pattering of eight pairs of feet. the bugs' song drowns out eddie and richie's bickering at the front of the group, but soon, stanley's soft voice joins in. the sun has already dipped low past the horizon, coating the sky in a hazy blue-grey, but the large trees block out the color significantly. the greenery tickles at your ankles, sly weeds brushing up against you.
a few feet in front of you, stan's pearly whites sneakers kick up rocks, a thin powdery layer of dust residue sliding around the heels, and coating the sides. his laces are neatly tied, and he has taken extra care to tuck the ends away to avoid them from collecting dirt; a signature, and neurotic, move on his part. his socks are a snowy white, and nearly match the pale tone of his calf. almost as if he might turn suddenly and catch your prying eyes, you scrape them to the heavens, admiring the stars that begin to trickle into the blanket above you. you are startled as eddie shrieks, and you manage to catch a glimpse of richie waving a handful of mud from the mucky dissolve at the end of the path, which must have been created during the rainfall yesterday.
"that's literally so disgusting! no! richie, if you fling that at me, i swear to fuck—!" his voice heightens to a womanly pitch, as he withers back from richie's sopping palm. in turn, he snickers devilishly as he circles around eddie like a vulture, with stanley's disapproving expression prominent on his boyish face.
"do you realize how sick i can get from that, huh? flesh-eating bacteria can get into my fucking cornea if a rock cuts my eye!" eddie nearly wails, throwing his hands up to protect his face. richie makes inhumane sounds following eddie's spring for the opening up ahead.
bill shakes his head contently, mirrored nearly identically by beverly and mike. you glance around at the meadow, and your heart skips a beat when you catch sight of a small glow up ahead, hovering just above a patch of flowers.
you squeal and push past the others to get a closet look at the fireflies now littering the meadow. you like to catch them, but not with malice— you capture them, and let them crawl on your hands until they decide to fly again. you giggle, spinning around, arms wide open, admiring the plethora of them.
they're everywhere, and you're in your own personal utopia. richie appears next to you, and he allows a firefly to land on his finger. "hey, watch this."
you eagerly grin as he moves his other hand over the bug, and then— he crushes it, wiping the glow across his skin. you gape at him, and then scowl. "richie, you're such a dick! it was innocent!"
"yeah, but my skin glows!" he replies, showing his hand to the others. none of them are amused, as they peer at your now heartbroken expression.
"that was harsh, rich," bill says, shaking his head in disappointment.
"i thought it was cool," richie mumbles, adjusting his glasses.
you roll your eyes at his response and continue to gaze off into the dark at the glowing bugs. you manage to capture one and cup your hands as you march over to stanley.
"hey, hey, check this out," you tell him, and he cranes his neck to watch as you open your hands, and show him the lightning bug. he slowly reaches out, and it crawls onto his forefinger. "isn't he so cute?!"
"yeah, definitely," stan agrees. the glow from the bug as he raises it up to face reflects off his nose, illuminating some stray freckles on the bridge. his eyes are lit up to match, and they never leave the insect, even when it ultimately makes its flight elsewhere.
"hey, lovebirds! come help me collect some sticks! or should i wait 'til y'all are done gushing over a bug?" richie barks, raising his arms, which are full of twigs, for what you assume is a fire.
"we're not—" stanley begins, but richie is already turned away and focused on something else.
you toss stan a bashful grin. "c'mon, birdboy. 'm sure mike brought marshmallows 'n stuff for s'mores."
"wait—" stanley says suddenly, voice risen uncharacteristically as he grips your arm. when he's positive he has your full attention, he drops contact with you, and stares at the grass below. "u-um, i got you something. i-it's not like anything big, you know, just like.. i saw it, and thought of you, or, er, us."
you blink at him. "you didn't have to—"
"—no! uh, i mean, no. i wanted to," stanley replies, fishing into the pocket of his khaki capris. there, he turns over two bracelets— they're woven, some sections tan and others colorful. there are two short brown strings at the latch on both of them.
"oh, my god, stan!" you say quietly, sticking your wrist out happily. you're grinning, and you can't explain the butterflies in the pit of your stomach or the heat rising to your cheeks. "they're so cute!"
"heh, thanks," he says, stepping forward to slip the bracelet over your wrist. it feels oddly intimate. "i, uh, it's not much, but.."
"no, no, i love it," you chirp, keeping a hold of his hand while you admire the charm. your grin reaches your eyes as they rise to meet his. the feelings expressed by simply the contact of your gazes sends rushes of excitement into your bloodstream. "i'll never take it off. not once."
then stanley suddenly stares into the sky, his lower lip tucked under his teeth. his brows are now curved in concentration. "d-don't look at me like that."
"like what?"
"like this is the best present you've ever gotten. l-like this is the happiest you've ever been."
"it is," you say softly, "this bracelet means the world to me. i've never felt so cared about, not ever."
you take the second bracelet from his hand that remains stretched out, like he's offering the jewelry. you slip it onto his wrist, and use it to pull him into a warm embrace, your arms wrapped around his neck. your right hand rests on the flesh of it, a few curls brushing against your skin.
"thank you, stanley."
your entire being buzzes incessantly as he accepts your gratitude, and you pull away. the air hitting your chest leaves you chilly, the empty kind; disconnecting with him now feels like abandoning the other half of your body, and leaving it frozen in place. you feel as though without him you will always be cold. the empty kind.
richie makes short work of the fire, relaying a grand story about his survival in the woods at six years old, and his incomparable courage that winter. the flames are low and small, but no one dares tell him to stoke them or toss in some leaves for an extra shove, as he seems so content with the low burn as it is. you all subtly cuddle up next to each other, but bill is the most obvious, physically— he scowls and wraps his arms around himself while eddie is vocally unhappy.
beverly leans into ben, subconsciously, and the sweet boy glows brighter than the fire, his skin illuminating a deep red, like an apple. beverly's scarlet hair, in turn, rivals the fire as it roars. her hair, and the way it is ruffled and sharp with each sliced strand, resembles the flames as they lick up towards the sky. the reflection of the campfire makes it burn ever the more vibrant, and it melts onto the skin of her freckled shoulders and nose.
you're cut from your stupor when richie nudges you, and he whispers, "you're staring", as though you weren't already aware. the others don't catch on, fortunately, as they all listen intently to the process of shelving meat, as expressed by mike. you find it riveting, really — as riveting as the tale of processed and packaged animal flesh can be. a silence ensues once richie makes a horrible joke about vegans, and then he clears his throat awkwardly.
"so, fireworks? who dares me to blow one up eddie's ass? maybe it'll get the stick outa there," he chirps, and eddie shrieks and chucks a stick at him.
richie smirks at him and tells him to follow him so they can fetch the fireworks and eddie reluctantly agrees. they scatter off, and you watch contently as they bump shoulders. your brows draw in, a bit depressed by the two of them— how badly you wished they knew. how badly you needed them to know they were everything you dreamed to be.
while you all wait for eddie and richie, ben and beverly disappear behind the trees to go explore this stream ben had found. he told her he felt very poetic being near it, which he had hoped would signal something to her, but she hadn't noticed. in the meantime, you and stanley stay by the fire and discuss his journal, as he gushes about a ruby-throated hummingbird, and shows you a light sketch of one — he shaded the throat, and it makes you smile. he's certainly improved on his work, and you feel a rush of pride break through the dam of your chest.
"stanley, you've really been practicing," you tell him, running your index finger over the graphite lining the yellow paper, "i can tell it's a bird this time! and it's not having a heart attack!"
he nods in approval, and he takes a second to realize you were referring to the first time you met when you told him his art looked like it was having a health scare. his dull eyes blink at you momentarily, like he's trying to figure you out or understand you— and it dawns on you that he's not thinking about the drawing anymore— but rather, he's trying to understand you as a whole— as though you are some sort of puzzle he can't quite put his finger on.
stan's attention retreats back to the journal, flipping occasionally to the next page and reading the notes he's taken on each bird. when your eyes drag down his face, you feel a twinge in your stomach— there's simply something about stanley uris that you can't quite put your finger on, either, and you rather like that about him; it gives you space to unravel and discover each day. you always feel like you're learning something new and jarring about him, and you like to think that gives him depth.
however, his face holds something harsh and cold— something that remains constant, despite the circumstances of his mystery— and it's the sadness. it's the sadness and the fatigue, written like scars across every inch of flesh, a consistent tattoo of sorrow. he's imprinted with it, as though it's simply the base coat on the canvas of his life— and it hurts you, seeing him sad. and it's worse knowing that you don't think you've seen stanley uris any other way.
and you consider, briefly, just for a striking moment— that maybe he's only sad when he's looking at you.
stan recounts a conversation he had with a girl in your shared english class, persephone— known universally as percy — an introverted blonde girl, who has a curious knack for all things odd and quirky. she likes to wear lacy, flowy dresses, and unusual jewelry. she has a rather soft voice, like listening to a cloud speak— and she too enjoys birds. he says it's been a while since he's had a decent talk with someone about the animals, and that he's happy she appears genuinely interested and engaged in the topic. you aren't surprised, by this, though; you half expect percy to be some sort of angelic tree nymph.
you open your mouth to reply to his story, a bitter tang of jealousy on your tongue you don't recognize, but richie tozier beats you to it. almost to your relief.
"what's up, whores?! you ready to blow this place up?" he calls out, raising some fireworks, with exhausted eddie dragging behind him. he looks like he wants to swallow gunpowder and then a match.
you find yourself beside him, hands on his shoulders. he's too tired to even remove them. "eds, what the hell happened to you?"
his eyes are hazy. "richie thought it would be smart to go through the shit path, and now i've probably got seven diseases, at least."
richie smirks. "didn't want to go the usual way. woulda got caught by the po-po."
"you're a handful, tozier," you say.
"you love it," he replies, blowing you a kiss.
"you got me."
the rest of the night is soft chaos; richie lights off the fireworks, and they burst in bright and vibrant colors, lighting up the night. the air is crisp and free, and the grass between your toes is heavenly. you become drunk on your youth, an alcoholic in your own right. you wonder, briefly, if this is the peak— if this is the highest point of your life, if this is what you're meant for. if you're the peter pan of your successful friends, if they will all grow to be everlasting lovers and soulmates.
if this is where your journey with them ends.
and, by god, watching the way beverly looks when she's in her element, dancing barefoot with the rest of you— the way they all gaze at her like she's some sort of angel, some sort of saving grace. the way you gaze at her. how your chest aches. how it burns, to be amongst her beauty, to be jealous and insecure and in love all at once. your feet buzz with the shake of the earth, the fire in the sky. your skin sears, like ashes racing to compete. at this moment, you swear you feel your entire being burning alive.
and it is exhilarating.
and as you watch them, hooting and screaming and letting their voices be heard, you feel infinite. like the world is putty in your hands, like they are the most exhilarating people you'll ever know and you'll spend the rest of your life just settling. and your heart calms, because suddenly everything is simple; you want to hang out with these people until the end of time.
and stanley, the way his curls glow under the fireworks— the way his skin shimmers in possibility. the sadness so present in his face has faded, like he's suddenly hazy and thoughtless. his movements, they're slow and unsure, like he's seconds away from making a fool of himself. but he's beautiful— like some sort of saint— stanley is the human form of apollo, he's the sun himself. apollo— you crave that for him. and his soil eyes stray from the others and meet your excitable ones; his expression is not blank, but rather glowing. you can't define a single emotion on it, but rather a feeling. one that doesn't have a word. one that just is.
and he's looking at you like you're a goddess— you, with a crown of flowers sewn into your chaotic head of hair, you, with your flowy skirt and bare feet— and you know no one has ever looked at you like that. it sparks something in you, something luminescent and empowering. and god, he glows. that boy glows.
and it hits you both at the exact same time, like a comet striking the earth— an epiphany in the form of a human.
i want to hang out with this person until the end of time.
and maybe, you consider, just for a moment, almost a guilty thought—
he wants to hang out with you, too.
is that so bad to wish for?
a person to spend the rest of your youth with?
a person to spend the rest of your life with?
a person to call your own?
and by god, you want it to be him.
let your cries shake the earth, if it isn't.
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[🌿] taglist:
@hannarudick @cedricisnotonfire @russian-romanova
142 notes · View notes
aatsms · 4 years
My Turn To Fix You (Connor x Reader)
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This is my first fanfic that I have ever written so pls be nice! I know it’s long but tbh I wrote this mostly for myself lol. It basically follows the story of a CyberLife engineer (the reader) and our boy Connor! I plan to write multiple chapters for this if anyone actually becomes interested lol!  
Chapter 1
Work at the station had been more intense than usual these past three weeks. Protesters  had been extra violent  in Detroit, protesting against the manufacturing of androids. They usually took their anger out on the police androids in the streets. You guess it made them feel more powerful to rough up an android that was supposed to act as a type of authority. You thought it was kind of pathetic and pointless to cause so much damage to android simply doing its job. It also gave you a shit ton more work than usual since you were the CyberLife engineer working at the Detroit PD to repair any police android that might need it. Police androids are only used for basic police work, such as giving tickets, stoping pick pocketers on the street, and staying alert of anything that might be suspicious or threatening. They don't even carry a gun or weapons, serving more as an extra eye for cops on duty. Connor, the RK800 that works with Hank, is the only android that acts as a fully working detective, able to have a weapon and upgraded with CyberLife's most advance technology.
 You had to admit, he was incredibly impressive. When you had received the blueprints and manuals on his wiring before he first arrived at the station, you found yourself actually a bit overwhelmed. He barely used any parts that were similar to the ones that most androids used, and his wiring was so intricate. He was the most advanced model of android you had ever seen. It took you a few days to get comfortably familiar with his systems so you would be prepared to fix him up if ever he needed it once he arrived. You figured you would be seeing him a lot since he was the only android in the front line of  dangerous work. 
Tonight is the first Friday in a long time you can remember being able to actually leave work on time. It was honestly a miracle. It seemed there was always paper work that needed filling out or an android that needed tending to. It was nice to be home on your couch, under a warm blanket, with food that wasn't takeout for a change, and all by 11:30. You were swiping through an article on the debate of weather android police dogs should also be used in police departments. It seems unlikely. At least until it is confirmed by CyberLife that they are reliable; that they can't disobey their orders or even go deviant. (If that's even possible for android animals.) You were thankful either way because android animals would require you to become familiar with a whole new type of engineering. Learning the ins and outs of Connor was enough. 
It was pouring rain as you were reading. The occasional crash of thunder and lightning was almost comforting to you. You began to dose off to the sounds of the familiar Detroit weather outside. You were suddenly jerked awake by a loud crash of thunder. Or at least that's what you thought woke you up. Standing in the frame of your front door was the RK800 android from the station. He had forced open the door, breaking the lock, and was completely soaked from the rain. He was hunched over, clutching his torso. His LED was flashing bright red. 
"Connor?! What the hell are you doing here?!"
"Sorry for the unannounced visit y/n. I hope it's not an inconvenience."
  You were suddenly aware of the massive flow of blue blood seeping from his midsection. He could barely stand. You rushed over to help him stay upright. 
"Oh my god Connor what happened?!
"Do you think maybe we could talk about the details once i'm not losing an unsafe amount of thirium?" 
"Right, right, right." You were trying to take deep breaths and not panic. He really looked like shit. "I have a  room in the back with a workbench and a whole bunch of extra android parts and emergency thirium. Let's get you back there fast."
You put his right arm around your neck to help him stand and used your other hand to apply pressure to the general area where he was bleeding. Based on the amount of blue his shirt was drenched in, you could tell he was wounded in multiple places. You quickly helped him as he limped to the back room.
 You shoved aside half finished diagnostic reports and old projects off the work bench and helped Connor onto it. His entire shirt was now covered in blue blood. 
"Connor, you're going to need to take off your shirt for this one. I can't even tell where the hell you're bleeding from!" He began to undress as you frantically searched for your crate with supplies to perform a blue blood transfusion. You were not used to having to repair androids at your own house. This was the first time anything like this had happened. You were wondering how the hell Connor even knew where you lived. 
Finally, you found the crate with the supplies you were looking for. Quickly, you turned around, looking directly at a shirtless Connor on your work bench. You weren't sure why, but you felt yourself freeze for a moment, taken aback by the android sitting in front of you. You couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was about him that was so intriguing in that moment. Maybe it was the fact that he was in such incredible shape. You weren't sure why you weren't expecting him to be so ripped. "I mean of course he is." you thought.  "Why wouldn't CyberLife give their newest super weapon abs y/n??" You chuckled to yourself a little under your breath at your own thoughts.
"Is everything alright y/n?" He seemed more concerned about you than the flow of thirium leaving his body.
"Ya sorry, I just... I don't know. Let's get you fixed." You shook away your thoughts and began to focus on the task at hand.
You immediately began work on him, having to use his shirt to wipe the blood from his abdomen so you could get a sense of where all the blue blood was coming from. You discovered 4 bullet holes. "Holy shit Connor what were you doing?"
"Well, my mission didn't go exactly how I expected" he managed to huff out. You could tell the loss of thirium was starting to catch up to him. God only knows how long it took him to find your house after he was shoot. 
Once you cleaned up enough of the thirium to see what you were doing, you began to work on assessing the damage and removing the bullets. You also decided to try to get some answers.
"You must have really pissed someone off for them to have shot you 4 times."
 "Well I imagine getting caught while dealing 20 pounds of red ice would be rather aggravating."
"20 pounds?! How do you even come across 20 pounds if red ice?"
"That's why I was put on this case. They want me to find out where exactly these dealers are finding so much red ice."
"Alright Connor, i'm removing the first bullet now. Be ready to apply pressure."
His LED flashed a quick red as you removed the first bullet. He barely flinched, letting out nothing but a silent grunt. You proceeded to the next bullet.
 "You're lucky you got here so quickly. Any longer and there would have been nothing I could do. How did you even find my apartment?"
"I knew I wouldn't be able to find you in the precinct because I overheard you talking to detective Reed that you were planing on getting home early tonight. I knew my mission tonight was dangerous so I saved your address in my database in case of emergency."
You let out a small laugh and smiled up at him. "You're lucky you were listening in." 
"My programming requires me to be listening to any conversations happening around me within a 20 foot radius."
You thought about what he just said as you finally reached the second bullet. You and Reed were on the other side of the precinct, opposite of where Connor's desk is, when you told him your plans of leaving early. Connor was at his desk, definitely farther than 20 feet away, when you were talking to Gavin. Was Connor....trying to listen to your conversation? Why? You shook the thought from your mind.
"Okay, next bullet out in 3..2...." You removed the second bullet right under his rib. This time he had to brace himself slightly by grabbing the edge of the bench. You put your hand on his shoulder.
 "You good?"
"Yeah" he huffed as he placed his hand over yours on his shoulder. "Move onto the next bullet, i'll be fine." 
You were amazed by how calm he was, considering you were on the edge of having a full fledged panic attack. Quickly, you moved to the spot of the third and fourth bullet. They were relatively close to each other.
"Thank god they didn't hit your thirium pump. It's hard to find those parts for a standard android, let alone an RK800. I don't think I even have one that would fit your model here in my office." 
"You're smart y/n. You would have figured something out."
You tried to convince yourself you believed that statement. Connor seemed to have a lot of confidence in you. Probably too much you thought.
"Last two Connor. I'm gonna take both out at the same time since they're right next to each other. Get ready." You pulled the bullets from his waist with one last tug. He let out a sharp whine, clenching his eyes shut and grabbing your wrist as you removed the last bullets. His grip on your wrist was surprisingly gentle and warm. You forgot that the flow of thirium through his body allowed for him to give off at least some body heat. CyberLife really knew how to make these androids seem so human. 
He slowly let go of your wrist, as his LED circled from a wild red back to yellow and then to blue. You let out a sigh of relief. Finally the hard part was over. All that was left to do now was transfuse some blue blood back into his body, and check to make sure none of his parts or wiring was damaged from the shots. He's able to heal over the wound himself with prosthetic skin.
"My diagnostics program is telling me that there doesn't seem to be any major problems. Only minor motor function issues that can be fixed with a system reset."
"You're lucky Connor. You could have been done for shit." You finished setting up your equipment for the transfusion. Thank god you were done. It was now that you realized that you were sweating. You were used to being under  intense pressure, that was part of your job most of the time. But never had it made you this stressed. Connor could have been gone....and it would have been your fault.
You sat yourself down on the center on the floor, laying your legs straight out in front of you and placing your hands behind you for support. For what felt like the first time in the past 20 minutes, you were finally able to catch your breath. You shut your eyes and began to take deep breaths. It was finally over.
"y/n, I noticed that the situation has caused your heart rate to increase rapidly. I'm sorry for any distress I might have caused you. It wasn't my intention." Connor was not knelt down beside you on the floor. His LED was circling yellow from scanning you.
“Of course you didn't, it's not your fault Connor. If anything i'm thankful you got here before it was too late."
He now sat down across from you, sitting perfectly in a criss-cross position. You both sat in silence for the next few seconds, taking the opportunity to rest after everything that just happened.
"Thank you y/n."
You lifted your head to look across at him. It felt like he was staring right into you. You knew he was an android, but the sincerity in his eyes seemed so real. You couldn't help but feel like he meant it. You gave him a warm smile. "No problem Connor." You started to get up from the floor. "And besides" you smirked, "it's kinda my job to save your ass."Connor looked up at you from the floor, the little light on the side of his head circling with blue. "So" you sighed. "What now?"
Connor swiftly stood up from the floor.
"I learned some critical information for Hank and I's investigation tonight, however I doubt he would appreciate a visit from me so late."
You started to clean up the supplies, parts, and thirium from your workbench as you talked to him. "The precinct is always open, you could go there and file everything in the database until tomorrow morning.
"I need to conduct my system reset before I do anything. If too many of my basic functions are down, my programming won't allow me to do much."
"How long does this reset take?"
"Four hours." Connor seemed annoyed with his answer
"You could just do your reset here. If for some reason anything goes wrong or I somehow missed something when fixing you up, you're right here."
He seemed to be considering what you were offering, his LED flashing yellow. "That would seem to be my best option. I hope you don't mind" The sincerity was back in his eyes.
"It's not a problem at all. Plus I'd rather be able to keep an eye on you for the night."
Connor made his way toward you at the workbench, reaching for his jacket. It was then that you realized Connor was still shirtless. You weren't sure why, but you felt slightly embarrassed as he come closer to you. He seemed to notice something was off. He turned to look at you, his face only inches away from yours.
"Is everything ok y/n?" he asked with genuine curiosity in his voice.
You turned your head back to look straight in front of you instead of looking at Connor.
"Ya sorry I...I was just thinking that maybe we should get you some clothes until I get yours washed." You glanced at him with a nervous smile, trying not to look at his bare chest. Even though he was an android, you still felt you needed to be respectful for some reason. Connor turned to look at his once crisp white shirt now covered in a milky blue.
"I would definitely appreciate clothes that aren't covered in my own thirium."
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dc-fics-and-pics · 5 years
Jason Todd x Harper reader pt 2
Warning: Cursing
Word count: 2768
The flight to Gotham was long and loud. You sat in front of a kid probably only six years old. He was determined to drive you crazy the entire flight while Jason sat next to you reading a book peacefully while the annoying mother behind him did nothing to stop her kid from kicking the back of your seat. To be fair you were used to first-class, anytime you did go on a public plain it was with Oliver's money and Oli paid for the best. No squirly brats in first class. When flight 401 finally landed you hauled ass out of there, grabbing your suitcase, you dragged Jason out and away from that little devil.
You had never actually been to Gotham City, and it surely lived up to its reputation. It was the middle of summer and dark clouds covered the sky making your bare arms collect goosebumps. Jason signaled a cab and you both got in. You gave the taxi man the address to one of Oliver's apartments before Jason could say his. Maybe you agreed to see Roy but you didn't agree to stay with him. Jason just huffed and looked out the window till you arrived.
When you finally did the hotel staff were weary to let you stay in Oliver Queens penthouse apartment but after you practically shoved evidence of him being your legal parent down their throat you where let in. It definitely had nothing to do with Jason name dropping his father none whatsoever.
After the debacle downstairs you unlocked the door with a crisp swipe and pushed the door open revealing a beautiful view of what you thought was an ugly city.
"Its a lot better looking from up here." You had almost forgotten Jason was with you till he spoke.
You nodded still entranced by the large buildings going on for miles, "Yeah definitely."
You both shuffled fully into the apartment, heading straight for the bedroom and flopping on the bed. Jason didn't follow you in, however. That gave you alone time to unpack your suitcase. When you went to the living room to join him he was still looking out the window that made up the living room wall. You stood by his side looking out with him.
He pointed off to a corner, "That is where the knights are going to kick your Spartans ass tomorrow."
"Ugh, you wish!"
"The Spartans haven't beat the Knights all season."
"Just wait, Jason, I have confidence in my boys."
"How much?" he asks with a sly smirk.
"What do you mean?"
"Are you willing to bet on it."
You laugh, "I'm not betting you, Jason."
"I thought you had confidence," he mimics.
"Fine!" you agree.
"Looser has to wear the other team's jersey for a day."
"What! Hell no I will never put your ugly black and grey colors on."
"If you are so sure they will win then you won't have to." he counters.
Shaking hands you seal it. The Spartans better win you can't even fathom the thought of anyone from Star hearing about you wearing a Knights jersey. You shiver just thinking about it.
Jason leaves you to get settled in saying He and Roy will pick you up for the game at noon tomorrow. It will be weird hanging out with Roy all day after you blew up on him but at least you will have another Spartans fan with you. You decide to order pizza for dinner and just chill on the couch. You sent some quick texts to Oliver and Connor letting them know you arrived safe and sound in Gotham. You even gave Connor a full rundown of the child from hell on your flight.
When you told him you're about your wager with Jason he made you promise to not "Waist your hard-earned money" on "cursed" merchandise from "that hell hole they call a city." you laughed at him but his dead silence over the phone made you think he was being serious.
You ended the call when the pizza arrived. You took the whole box to the couch and turned on the TV to watch the office. It was 11 o'clock when you saw Gotham's famed heroes on the rooftop ahead of you. All the lights were on in the room since you changed it from your lighthearted comedy to the Conjuring. You weren't an idiot about to watch scary movies in the dark in a place you never been before. No, you were smart. You turned the lights on. Because that was so much better.
You figured they could see into your apartment and since you saw Red hood their you decided to waive. He waved back along with a shorter man in black and blue next to him. They departed soon after and you decided to hit the hay so you could get a good nights sleep before tomorrow.
When you woke up you were somewhat startled when you noticed you weren't in your room back at home. You crawled out of bed taking a quick shower before trudging into the kitchen to order some breakfast. Scanning over the room service menu you spotted y/f/f and called it in as quick as possible. You decided that you were going to wear all your Spartans gear for the game today just to piss of Jason. Thankfully your team is red and black unlike Gothams ugly black and grey wich you now see fits them.
Throwing off your towel you pull on some black leggings, for Gotham's cold weather you throw a black hoodie on and button your red jersey over it. You decide to even wear your red baseball socks and pull them over the bottom of your leggings and throw on some black PF flyers. You laugh at your over the top outfit in the mirror and send a quick pick of it to Conner who salutes you in return.
Roomservice arrives just in time and you open the door to collect your food. The busser scrunched his nose at the sight of your outfit and pushes it into your room. "I don't think you want to wear that around here you might get shot."
You laugh for a second and he looks at you seriously, "You are joking right."
"Well," He thinks to himself, "I think that's more likely to happen to a meteors fan," he shrugs.
You nod your head before sending him out. You quickly scarf up your food before Jason and Roy arrive.
It is exactly 11:59 when Jason texts you that he is outside. The thing is you can't recall ever getting his phone number. You shrug it off and make your way downstairs. You try to ignore the looks Gothamites give you as you prance down the hall. Its all a ton of glares until on short kid with a camera draped around his next shouts "Is that y/n Queen!"
You roll your eyes glaring at him "Harper! h-a-r-p-e-r I'm not a queen."
He just shrugs and puts a camera up to his eye and follows you out of the lobby onto the sidewalk. You see Roys fiery red hair in the car across the street. He looks at you giving an awkward smile.
You strut over to who what you assume is Jason's car considering he's behind the wheel. The kid you now know is paparazzi flashes pictures the whole way. You decide to have fun and pose for some making him smile and say thanks before walking off. At least he wasn't rude.
You sit in the backseat of the car and buckle up. You were thankful that you did considering the way Jason peels out of the parking spot making you hold on for dear life.
"Sorry y/n, Jason's a crazy driver," Roy sighs.
Jason huffs, "I am not a crazy driver Harper. I'm a carefree driver."
That statement makes you hold on the rest of the ride.
It's not long until Jason veers into a reserved parking spot. Climbing out of the death machine you thank the gods you made it out of their alive. When you do you are able to get a look at your brother and his friend's outfits. Roy is dressed identically to you. Wich doesn't surprise you. THankfully he is wearing black jeans instead of leggings but all he needs is the socks and it would be a perfect match. Jason, however, is wearing his grey Gotham knights jersey with black jeans. You take note of his last name written on the back along with his number of choice '05'.
The three of you walk to the gate getting your tickets scanned and your bags checked. When you finally got inside you could smell all the classic game food. You didn't talk much to Roy deciding to talk to Jason most of the time instead. It was already a big step for you to even be there with Roy so you decided to take it slow and it seems he did too. You find your seats and sit wich is right behind home plate. When the game starts you admire all the hunky baseball players that come up to bat getting the perfect view. You sit in the middle of Roy and Jason so you can talk to them both. You tried to just sit by Jason but he trapped you in the middle. You text Conner letting him no you made it not so safely but are okay now. He responds about how jealous he is that you are there and you promise to take him to the next home game. There was one player on the Spartans that you found so hot. He was tall and muscular he was a great player and you ogled him the whole game. Jason and Roy found it excruciating. Every time he would come up to bat you would grab their arms shaking them as you squealed in delight. Every. Single. Time. He was also the catcher so you got to see him even more. It would have been better without the ump in the way though.
Throughout the game, you would send updates to Connor who was stuck at work and couldn't watch the game. You would also tell him every time you favorite was up describing his glory in full detail. You are almost positive he ignored those texts.
Jasons favorite player was the pitcher and every time your boy came up to bat Jason would go on and on about how he would get struck out but thankfully he never did and you got to rub it in each time. Although it was the bottom of 9th inning now and the Spartans were down by one run. You sent Connor updates practically every second making Jason confiscate your phone to stop the clicking noise. Of course, there were two outs with one runner on second an third and your favorite was up to bat. If he just hit a double the Spartans would win and you could laugh in Jasons face as he put on a Spartans jersey.
You started to clam up when there where two stikes. The three of you were on the edge of your seats. When the pitcher threw his pitch the batter swang and missed.
Your heart was crushed. Jason jumped up out of his chair and turned back at you laughing directly in your face as you covered it with your hands. You were so close goddamnit.
You and Roy sulked the whole way back to the car while Jason practically pranced with a newfound pep in his step. When you got in the car you slumped down in the backseat as Jason laughed going on and on about how he told us the Knights would win.
He finally stopped when he pulled into a Batburger saying something about how the winner gets to pick the restaurant.
The three of you walk in and up to the counter where you order your food. looking at the menu you see how it is themed, half of it was labeled heroes and the other labeled Rogues. You snickered when you saw all the burgers were named after Gotham vigilantes and villains. You could hardly contain your laugh when you saw that Jason didn't have a burger like the rest of his family. Batman was a normal burger Robin was a cheeseburger. Red Robin was a burger with peanut butter on it wich you found strange. Nightwing even had one even though he was based in Bludhaven, his was a double cheeseburger. After scanning batgirl, spoiler, black bat, signal, and even one labeled ' that onetime Nightwing was batman' you looked over at the Rogue side.  You finally couldn't contain your laughter. Underneath The Joker, Penguin, Scarecrow, Ridler, Catwoman, Clayface, and Mr. freeze you saw one named 'The Red Hood' and you burst out laughing. Jason saw this and scowled huffing and puffing about how he isn't a villain and he should have a special spot in the middle.
When you got up to order you chose a Nightwing along with Roy and Jason ordered himself saying, "I want the Red Hood burger but by the way! He is not a villain he has saved countless lives so you should really change that before he decides to come in here and take care of it himself."
The man behind the cash register just blinks and asks, 'Will that be all?"
Jason just growls and hands him the money.
When you all sit down you send Connor a quick text about the result of the game and attempt to start a conversation. "Even though the Spartans lost I still had fun." I smile at the two boys sitting across from you.
"Would have been more fun if you weren't texting Connor the whole time," Roy says rolling his eyes.
You scowl at him before saying, "I wasn't texting him the whole time I was just giving him updates Roy."
As soon as his name leaves my mouth my phone lights up beside me dinging. "Who is that?" Roy asks gesturing to my phone.
I look at the message 'Conner' lights up the screen along with a picture of him right after he woke up from a nap looking like a hot mess. "Oliver," I respond snatching my phone up.
"You liar." Roy scowls.
"So what if it is I don't see the issue."
"Becuase you were supposed to come here to hang out with me not text your stupid boyfriend the whole time."
Jason just sits there looking back and forth between the both of us, "For the last time Roy he's not my boyfriend!"
Faster than the flash he snatches my phone out of my hand and scoffs, "Then why does he have hearts around his name?"
Your fists curl up in your lap, "All of my contacts have hearts around them, Roy, its how I know which number it is."
"Does mine?"
"No. I deleted your contact months ago."
We sit there scowling at each other till Jason chimes in, "Look guys I think we should just calm down."
You look at him with the same glare you had been giving Roy, "Don't tell me to calm down Todd! He has been gone for a year and when he comes back all he does it lecture me about Conner I'm sick of it he has no right to tell me who I can and can't date."
"Yes I can," Roy speaks up, " Whether you like it or not I am your big brother. As your big brother, I am telling you that you can absolutely not date any hero ever!"
You stare at him completely flabbergasted, "Why?"
"Because they are all my friends and that's like against the law!"
He interrupts you, "Please y/n," he is quieter now more sincere, "Please promise me you won't date any superheroes."
You look at him still scowling, "Fine." Your food finally arrives and you refuse to look at Jason or Roy. Jason decides its best to just take it to go and everyone can eat on their own. You agree.
You go to sit in the car and wait for the boys while Jason and Roy talk. Jason says he is going to drop Roy off at their shared apartment then take you to yours and you just shrug and look out the window.
You sit staring out the car at all the others racing by in the dark grim streets of Gotham.
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Safe beneath his wings
When Crowley said his sort didn't go in for rude notes, he really meant it. Aziraphale figured that out the hard way. He figured it out when he met Crowley at his apartment, when he was bleeding. The feathers from his wings were smeared with blood and stained the white interior of the usually perfectly neat rooms. He figured it out when the broken being lay bent in front of him, begging for relief of the torment, begging for death and discorporation.
Aziraphale hadn’t seen Crowley in nearly four months and before the Apocalypse-that-never-was, that wouldn’t have been out of place. But after that faithful day, (plus that faithful week, plus those 11 years they had worked together) things had changed and he had rather hoped they would continue their routine of daily check ins, dinners, drinks and walks in the park. Crowley was constantly on his mind, while at the same time being swatted from his mind. He simply didn’t believe the demon would just up and leave without saying goodbye or at least asking to run away with him.
And then he felt a cry of pain shoot out across London - it didn't matter that the cry came from a demon, it was his duty to offer comfort. He found the root of the cry at Crowley’s apartment. He was terrified and had to keep lying to himself to set one foot in front of the other. Surely the demon was inflicting pain, not on the receiving end of it. When he entered the apartment however it was as if someone had scraped along the furniture and thrown the already minimalist interior into disarray.
'Holy water.' Crowley managed, but little else came from those dry and cracked lips. He ran to him.
'I can't, Crowley. I can't.' Aziraphale pleaded, 'Anything else, my dear boy. Anything, tell me.' But Crowley could not say anything else, he could think of nothing else but an escape from the terror that had come from below and would haunt him until he drew his last breath - or the equivalent of whatever demons seemed to do instead of breathing.
Aziraphale held him, trying to think of what could help or sooth Crowley's blistering wounds. Every slice of flesh that hung loose, Aziraphale reattached and healed. Every broken bone, he mended. He did all the healing he could, but the mental part - the psychological horror that hell was so well known for - he could not heal.
The Angel thought and prayed, no creature was meant to be in that much pain. Wasn't the Serpent one of God's creatures? Couldn't she show mercy in his hour of need?
But no mercy came and Crowley's stuttering words of agony grew steadily weaker. But Aziraphale couldn't do what he asked. He couldn't let the man he had known and loved for so long perish. For a moment, he could think only of his own selfish needs. He couldn't let Crowley die because then he would be alone. He couldn't be alone, he couldn't be without Crowley - his smile, his hair, his scent… He needed him.
He did the only thing he could think of then. The Angel had only ever done it once before - to a man called Job who was in so much agony that he too prayed for it to end and yet his suffering did not. Aziraphale wrapped his wings around Crowley - not to shield him from what was coming, but rather to contain what power he was about to unleash. He laid his hands on the demon, feeling scars on his flesh where he had just healed wounds that were so severe it would forever leave a mark even on his immortal body.
Aziraphale hushed his fallen friend, 'Don't be afraid, Crowley. It will be over soon.' The demon closed his eyes and began to shiver.
From within him, the Angel released what can only be described as a divine light. It was brighter than any fire and a great deal more impressive. His wings and body trembled and breathed out life itself. It was not meant to heal. It was only meant to take away pain.
The light soothed Crowley's agony - not removing it completely but lightening the heavy and painful load. It was transferred unto Aziraphale, who saw flashes of the torture the Demon had endured while he was down there. It was horrendous, but he could not look away. He had to take it in to take it away from his friend. While he was experiencing a worse fate than death, his human ears heard Crowley take a deep breath of relief.
It was working.
Crowley was able to open his eyes and saw what his Angelic friend was doing for him. He had wished that Aziraphale had killed him, rather than have to go through what he was going through. But the Angel took it in his stride and fought back. His grace and divinity were stronger than anything Hell could throw at him. He tried focus on the reason why he was doing it all - Crowley, his wily adversary, his foul fiend, his lifelong friend, the greatest love he had ever known. And he arose victorious.
His wings stopped buzzing and the blinding light subsided. Leaving the lovers in a comforting embrace.
'Why did you do that, Aziraphale? It could have killed you.' Crowley hoarsely whispered.
'Well, dear. Sometimes one has to make sacrifices for the ones one loves.' he said looking away, although it was hardly the time to be coy.
Crowley smiled, hurt still but also immensely relieved that after everything he could still count on the Angel. Because if he was being honest with himself, that was the only reason he had zapped himself back to Earth in those dying moments. If he had to be discorporated, he had rather do it in the arms of the one he loved and not in some administrators office with the Sound of Music playing in the background.
'You know, I'm glad to be back.' Crowley said, Aziraphale smiled (about as bright as his heavenly light had shone before).
'Good to have you back, dear friend.' They hugged and when they let go something in the air seemed different. Aziraphale's suit was a darker shade of white, almost grey and Crowley's suit seemed to have become less black and more a dark blue. They were both unsure how that could possibly have happened, but they thought it suited them and didn't bother to change it back.
They stood up, breathed deeply and held each other’s hand tightly. Crowley was glad to have such a dastardly bastard on his side and Aziraphale was glad to have such a good man on his.
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The Shaolin Samurai: The Wu-Tang Clan plays baseball
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This week I wanted to something different for my birthday baseball entry. Everyone who knows me personally knows that my favorite band or group is the Wu-Tang Clan. If I were to die tomorrow, what will be etched on my gravestone would be, “Cubs Baseball and Wu-Tang Clan, Forever” It is unfortunate that I did not record this on a Wu-Wednesday, but it is even more redeeming that I am posting it on my birthday. We are going to give you the starting lineup for the Shaolin Samurai, the hottest hip-hop baseball team with Witty Unpredictable Talent and Natural Game!
LF- Inspectah Deck: Batting leadoff for the Samurai is Inspectah Deck, the quick lyricist who knows how to get on base at an effective pace. He smoke with a bat like smoking Joe Fraizer, the “hell raiser” raising hell with the flavor threatening pitchers to Protect Ya Neck as he inspects every pitch putting up a good fight in the batter’s box. With fantastic left field acrobatics, he can channel his superhero form CZARFACE and is capable of throwing out runners heading for home with his laser for an arm. CZARFAZE is capable of those late game heroics, starting that rally in order for the Samurai to be able to win in walk-off fashion.
SS- Raekwon: The “Chef” Raekwon is cooking up some fast tracked lyrics and is batting second for some power hitting and extra base hits. With his style Only Built 4 Cuban Linx…the Chef had a great deal of flair in his playing form with his exposure playing in the Cuban league during the off season. Raekwon’s flow of his style has brought enough fame in a game when hit for the cycle and even made a spectacular catch that everyone refers to as The Lex Diamond Story and the fan favorite nickname as Shallah Diamond. Using his Shaolin Style and his Cuban form, the Chef will be lethal on base with extra base hits and forcing runs home.
1B- Method Man: The popular face of the Wu-Tang Clan is batting in the third slot. Method Man plays as the first baseman also known as Johnny Blaze is a Blackout performer, always performing on both sides of the plate and delivering fulfilling entertainment for the fans in the stands. Meth is most famous for his game on 4:21...The Day After Game where he crushed three home runs that rallied the team to victory for the Samurai. A key asset to this team, the rest of the Clan refers to him as the Tical Teammate for his amazing playing style and how he always keep the team in better spirits.
2B- Ghosface Killah: The all-star of the Wu-Tang Clan brings all the right tools to the game as the fast- playing, hard hitting, and emotional player on this entire roster. Ghostface is the most essential part of this offense and defense of the Samurai with his major contribution of what he delivers for each game. Batting cleanup spot in the order, the “Murderer’s Row” of this hitter is known as the Wu-Massacre if Meth and Rae are hot and on base. For his passion and dedication to the game, he is better known as the Ironman, due to his stellar performance with what he contributes towards the game. Without Ghostface, this unit would not be as sufficient or talented.
C- Ol’ Dirty Bastard: First thing first, you are messing with the worst. The Brooklyn folk hero who is foundation that holds the entire Wu-Tang Clan together. Ol’ Dirty Bastard is the slugging backstop that makes the most wild plays that throws the opposition into complete confusion before he strikes in his eccentric playing performance. His unpredictable playing style has brought the demise to his opponents, dubbing him the nickname Osiris. Batting fifth in the order, Ol’ Dirty will always bring the entertainment halfway through the order. ODB also has a soft spot for younger fans in the crowd, and he has high enthusiasm for the Samurai and what they do in the community. After all, he always said that Wu-Tang Clan is for the children.
3B- RZA: The captain of the Wu-Tang Clan, RZA holds down the hot corner and bats sixth in the order for the Shaolin Samurai. His razor sharp antics has some of the best defense on the ball diamond, and they are almost Gold Glove worthy. RZA’s fast movement at the plate takes skill that is out of this world, and a typical line drive from him is like a Digital Bullet. His creativity on and off the baseball field and his swift ninja movement had his teammates dub him with the nickname Bobby Digital. RZA is a dedicated, natural leader, and always provides ways for his team to succeed. His contribution to the team is alone is what make the team a full dynamically diverse group of players and pushes them forward into being the best team around.
CF- Masta Killa: Another featured team member that is Made in Brooklyn, Masta Killa is a good contributor to the Samurai. Along with fellow outfielder U-God, he is a master in the art of Chessboxing in what he contributes on both sides of ball. With his influence not as strong as the rest of his teammates off of the field, he often reminds the supporters that Loyalty is Royalty and all their success is celebrated together as a unit. Masta Killa has one of the best Shaolin styles of the Wu-Tang Clan, as he keeps it sharp and dangerous as key defensive asset in the outfield.
RF- U-God: The mastermind of contact hitting with the mysterious style of U-God gives a unique dynamic to the Samurai. U-God sharpened his defensive skills in right field with his skills in Chessboxing which still remains a mystery on what he developed his mechanics from. A run never advances when given the opportunity to stop the runner from the outfield. When the Samurai are down in the game, they can always rely on U-God’s on base capability in order to have a lead off runner in the start of late innings. It is true Dopium what he is capable to deliver with his bat and lethal lyrics.
SP- GZA: The Genius pitcher that has a full arsenal of pitches gives GZA the opportunity to dominate in most scenarios. Being a strong student of the game, his genius intellect always knows what pitches to throw against each specific opponent. The mound is not the only place on the baseball field where GZA dominates, for he is just as witty with a bat as well. Naming his most reliable bat Liquid Swords, GZA dominates as a home run hitting pitcher because he knows pitching better than his opponent does. He has all the Pro Tools as an MVP and/or Cy Young winning caliber player for the Samurai. As a spiritual leader, GZA holds second rank behind RZA as co-captain of the Wu-Tang Clan.
It would be amazing to see this fantasy baseball team take the diamond in the 36 Chambers of Shaolin. At the peaks of the hip-hop group’s breakout appearance in the early 1990s, it would have been great to see another major New York baseball team from another borough. I can never forget what Wu-Tang Clan has contributed in the history of hip-hop, and it would be a dream to see if they ever inspire any styles in baseball. Who knows, maybe a future player will adapt a Shaolin style to his batting stance and laces line drives with ultimate flair.
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a7xlizardqueen · 5 years
Title: Your Knight in a Sweater Vest
Overall Rating: NC-17
Overall Warnings: Parental bullying, mentions of bulimia, nudity(?), drinking, partying, cursing, very slight mention of war and trauma, smut
Pairing: Reader x Steve Rogers
Summary: When you need help dealing with your rude and overbearing family, your best friend Steve Rogers comes to the rescue. Modern!AU - For @barnesrogersvstheworld Writing Challenge Shot Through the Heart #shotthroughtheheart3k
Chapter: 7/10
Word Count: 1,567 words
Chapter Warnings: More parental bullying, swearing
A piercing ringing noise invades your consciousness. You try to open your eyes but your mascara must have melted just enough overnight to glue your eyes together. Your throat feels like sandpaper and your tongue is in desperate need of water. Your head isn't even pounding, there's just a constant pain wrapping around and squeezing your brain. You can feel your pulse behind your eyes. You groan, slowly bringing your hand up and wiping at your eyes. You manage to get them open enough to tell that the sun is up, way too bright for your current condition.
"Fuck," you mutter, wondering whether you'd be able to raise yourself up without dying.
A low groan is muffled behind you. Your heart jumps in your chest and in a sudden moment of clarity, your eyes open wide and you flip over.
You lift your hands to your mouth, in disbelief that your best friend ended up in your bed after a night of dancing and drinking, upper body naked. You gasp and run your hands through your hair when you remember hot, wet lips on yours and stumbling through the dark of your apartment.
"Shit," you whisper.
"We drank way too much last night," Steve grumbles, his face emerging from underneath the blankets.
You quickly peek underneath the covers and sigh in relief at the sight of clothes. You furrow your brows in confusion though when you see you’re wearing Steve's shirt. You hear a sudden cry of alarm from Steve. He sits up suddenly, eyes wide.
"Oh, my God, Y/N. I am so sorry. Please forgive me. I totally took advantage of you last night."
"Did we -?"
Steve searches through his memory. Your own can barely get past the elevator. Steve's mouth gapes open like a fish, he's shaking his head and shrugging.
"I don't know," he whispers. "I remember following you up, the elevator, through the door."
"My throat hurts," you groan, rubbing your neck.
Steve's face turns red. In desperate need of water you slowly get up and go into the bathroom. A sweet, putrid scent immediately catches your attention. There's a streak on the outside of the toilet. You grab your usual water glass, fill it, and go back to bed, relieved.
"We definitely did not have sex last night."
"Oh, thank God!" He sighs, throwing himself back down.
You feel a slight sting of rejection. Of course Steve wouldn't want to sleep with you. Who are you compared to him? You down the glass of water and clear your throat.
"Well, should we go get a good, greasy breakfast before we make an appearance at this fucking engagement party?"
Steve groans, "Ugh, I forgot about that. Guess we'll have to stop in at my place so I can change. What's the dress code?"
"You know my mother, she wants everyone to be dressed nicely. Definitely no jeans."
"What the fuck are you gonna wear then?"
"My mother sent me a dress."
"You gonna wear it?" Steve smirks and you reply with an evil smirk of your own.
To say your mother was unhappy with you two was an understatement. You showered, but that was all you'd done. In a show of defiance you showed up at the engagement party dressed in the same clothes that you'd gone to the club in, with new underwear of course. Actually, in Steve's case sans underwear since you do not keep a spare pair of boxers in your wardrobe for the odd chance that they'd be needed by your fake boyfriend.
You'd gone out for a massive, greasy breakfast, multiple Bloody Marys included of course and were on your way to a good buzz by the time you arrived thirty minutes late to the festivities.
You and Steve stumble in to the party, giggling over something ridiculous, to find Sam there with Ines, whom you hadn't even been aware was invited.
"I told you last night, but I'm not surprised you don't remember."
"How was your night, Y/N?" Sam asks suggestively, throwing his arm around you and bumping his hip against yours.
You roll your eyes and smirk, "We didn't have sex, if that's what you're implying."
"You sure, you two looked pretty damn cozy."
"I'm 100% sure, Samuel. Now, what the hell are you doing here?"
"Ines invited me. And you know I never say no to a beautiful woman."
The day turned out really well. Your mother was furious, but there were too many people around for her to make a scene. Justin and Jae's friends all welcomed the relaxed mood you brought. You drank, you ate, you danced, and you had a lot of fun, which is not something you ever thought you would say about one of your mother's parties. You think it's safe to say you stole the show. Percy and your sister stood on either side of your mother on the edges of the festivities, matching scowls on their faces.
Most of all, Steve was great. He was such a charmer he even got some of the typical bores on the dance floor. Steve, Sam, and you and Ines stayed until the end of the night, saying your farewells as everyone left. You had even begun to help with clean up when your mother's bubble burst. Her face looked like a burst tomato.
"I bet you're really happy with yourself, now, aren't you?" She spits out, jealousy and hatred dripping with each syllable. "You walk in here, looking like a tramp, making me look like a fool!"
Your throat closes up. You've always had a hard time standing up to her.
"You've always thought you were better than us."
"That's enough," Steve steps forward. He's using his army voice, the one that commands and demands respect. He stands tall and in comparison your mother appears frail and weak and you almost feel sorry for her. "You've been allowed to degrade and put down Y/N for far too long. Your party was a success, even though neither the bride nor the groom wanted it. We didn't have to come here today, in fact neither of us particularly wanted to. We came out of love and respect for your son and future daughter-in-law. We will have to see you again at the wedding, and if you so much as look at Y/N I will have something to say about it. You've made it perfectly clear that you don't love, accept, or support her. And you damn well don't respect us. So after this wedding is over, you can be certain you'll never see her again."
Steve turns and extends his hand to you. You blink back the tears that had formed and smile lightly, taking his hand. He nods his head at Sam, the command to follow. He and Ines follow you to the door but before you leave Steve turns back slightly.
"Have a good night, ma'am."
You shared a cab with Sam and Ines, sitting in awkward silence for the duration of it. Sam and Ines were dropped off first, then Steve made the cab drop you off before him, even though he lives closer to Sam. He insisted on walking you to the front door of the building, as well. You could feel his eyes on the back of your neck the entire time. You played with your keys when you got to the door, hesitating to unlock the door. Steve puts his hand on yours to stop the keys from jingling.
"I hope I didn't overstep."
You scoff and smile, "No, Steve that was perfect. You were perfect, like a knight in shining armor."
"Now all I need is a white horse," he smirks.
You stand there smiling and staring at each other for what feels like a second but was probably more like a few minutes. You heart pounds in your chest and you realize that you really want Steve to kiss you. You want him to come upstairs with you so that you can do what you’d intended on last night, before you'd gotten sick. But even more than that, you want him to be there when you wake up. You want to cuddle on the couch and watch TV. You think you actually want Steve Rogers to be you boyfriend.
Steve finally jostles himself and takes a deep breath, "Can I -"
"Hi Miss Brown!"
Peter and Ned are walking up the path, smiling and waving, completely oblivious to the turmoil going on inside your head. You and Steve jump, gasping in surprise. You clear your throat and try to force a smile.
"Hi Peter. Hi Ned. How are you?"
"Oh, really good, Miss Brown! I'm having a great time interning for Mr. Stark."
Steve rolls his eyes and you can't help but smile. He's never been a big fan of the man.
"That's great, Peter. I bet you're working on some really cool stuff."
"Oh, yeah!" His voice gets low, "I'm not really supposed to say anything, but we're working on some new prosthetic body parts, stuff that's like synced up with the brain so that it moves almost like a regular arm. It's amazing. It's just hard to find people who are willing to try it out, we haven't got any volunteers yet."
You and Steve both share a look before he smiles, "I think we just might know someone."
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gx5ds · 6 years
Ever since hearing from Yusei about his duel in the past, Crow couldn't stop wondering what the other two duelists were like in person. Especially the one the world seemed to have forgotten about. Judai was out of everyone's reach and would never be able to answer any of Crow's questions.
Or at least that's what he thought until a routine call about a break in turns out to be everything but routine.
Crow had imagined a lot about what the people of the past Yusei duelled with were like. Sure, he had poked Yusei until the other told him everything he knew about them, but it wasn't the same as meeting them, as dueling with them. Sure, he could hunt down old recordings and articles of Yugi's duels to help his imagination along. To help create an image of the strong and kind king that inspired so many others after him.
But there was next to nothing out there on Judai and what he did find was so vague it could've easily been someone with the same name. It was as if someone made sure to delete any mention of him. Even what he heard from Yusei was kept rather vague. Yusei explained that Paradox had specifically targeted him, had cornered him with 3 stolen dragons in a city he burned to ash.
Yet somehow Judai had survived getting blasted by a signer dragon powered by a psychic duelist. Not only that, but the few scratches he got healed right in front of Yusei's eyes. That coupled with the fact that even Yusei could see and hear spirits around him made Yusei come to the sound conclusion of 'not human'. But that left it so open about just who and what he was. To Crow he sounded like Lua's personality coupled with a mixture of Luca's and Aki's powers on steroids. Many many steroids. God, he could probably rip them all apart if he wanted to.
So he really didn't have that much of a solid image of Judai in his head. It was more of a collection of images that switched whenever Crow remembered a different aspect of him. And Crow had no way of solidifying those images with the guy both rather old and forgotten by now. Or at least that's what he thought.
Crow was used to going on cases about break ins or removing unwanted people from places they really shouldn't be in. Something about being a fellow marked person and a part of Team 5D's made most people more agreeable with him and his job significantly easier, even if the people who called weren't the most appreciating of his work. Some of his colleagues joked that the m on his forehead stood for magic. Crow laughed and waved it of. Yusei was the one with the magic powers when it came to all sorts of people. Crow liked to focus his efforts on kids and card games.
Now normally when on a case about a break in that resulted in a clash between owner and burglar, Crow would need to actually put in work to both remove said burglar from the property while also dealing with the stressed out owners while everyone's adrenaline is sky high. Thankfully he never had to deal with such situations on his own, at least one car joining him on the scene since he couldn't really take the burglars to jail on his d-wheel.
So imagine his surprise when Crow along with 4 colleagues showed up to a call about a man finding 3 others standing in his apartment when he came out of the shower only to find all 3 burglars neatly tied up in front of an open apartment door. A rather small guy, smaller than Crow even though he would put them around the same age, was standing over them. He was dressed in a loose pair of pants and a shirt several sizes too big for him. He kept on running his fingers through his puffed up two toned hair that obviously didn't dry right if his grimace was anything to go on.
The 3 thieves tried to wobble away from him every so often and flinched whenever he so much as looked at them. When they noticed the security team they stared crying tears of joy. They mumbled something about how they were being saved and how they never would do something evil ever again. It was rather comedic.
Crow cleared his throat to push down the urge to laugh. "You reported the break in?"
The man turned his head to face them. "Yep, that's me."
"You seem to have the situation under control."
"Well, yeah, but I'm only renting this place for the closest I'll ever get to a vacation and I'm not paying for any damage these guys," he paused to turn back to the burglars who flinched and tried to become one with the wall behind them. "Might have left on the lock in the long run."
Crow nodded. "Understandable. I'll just be taking your statement and information while my colleagues take care of these 3."
"Sure, whatever you need to get this over with."
Crow didn't even mind his bad mood. It was way better than the screaming and sudden attacks on the restrained burglars he normally dealt with. He pulled out his datapad and got ready to type as his colleagues picked up the 3 burglars and started leading them down the staircase.
"Yuki Judai."
Crow paused. He knew that name. He knew it very well, having typed it so many times while trying to find the man it was attached to. The one standing in front of him couldn't be the same person. That guy was at least in his 40s by now. Crow stopped his train of thoughts and typed in the name with practiced movements.
"Can you describe to me what happened?"
"I got here very late yesterday so I planned to make this my relaxation day before any work might pop up and ruin it down the week. I got out of the shower around 20 minutes ago. To find these guys walking through the door, scanning the room for anything worthwhile. Until they saw me. From the looks on their faces it was as if I barged in on them while they were only wearing a towel," Judai grinned evilly. Crow didn't bother to hide his own grin.
"And how did they end up all tied up? I'm assuming they didn't fall over in shock."
Judai laughed at that. Crow liked the sound of it. "No, no- nothing like that, though I would've loved to see that. I'm a psychic duelist. They took one look at my monster and they were begging for mercy. I tied them up, got dressed and now we're here."
More and more things kept on adding up. First the name, then his behavior and the psychic duelist thing. But should Crow risk asking such a question? Very few people remembered time even being in danger in the first place, much less that Yusei traveled through it to restore it.
Judai looked at the open door. "At least they didn't destroy the lock. Or not enough for it to be noticeable right now. I'll have to have the landlady come over and check it out."
Well, it wasn't like he would ever get another chance like this. If it wasn't the same Judai then he could laugh it off, but if it was and he didn't ask… He knew that he would regret not asking, always stuck in his imagination, wondering about what-if's.
"Just one last question," Crow trailed off as he steeled himself for whatever answer he would get. "Are you the same Judai Yuki that helped fight Paradox?"
Judai's aura filled the air around them. Crow found himself unable to move, even breathing was hard. 'Not human' Yusei's words rung through his mind. There was no doubt that Yusei was right in his assertion. Judai's eyes slid down to Crow's right forearm as if he could see the mark hidden beneath his clothes. Hell, he probably could see it given the fact that Judai calmed down as soon as his eyes found it.
"Why? Did Yusei say bad things about me?" Judai asked teasingly. Acting like he wasn't just in outright murder mode a few seconds ago.
"No, nothing like that! Quite the opposite in fact! It's just...unlike Yugi there isn't really much if anything about you out there and I want to know more about the person that Paradox targeted like that."
Judai was quiet for a long moment his eyes flickering back and forth between Crow's as if searching for something. It made him nervous. Did he say something wrong? Finally, Judai opened his mouth again.
"...Is this your way of asking me out for a date?" he asked hesitantly.
Crow spluttered. "Eh...I...well...maybe...yes?" He hadn't really thought about it, had never considered it to be a possibility. But he could admit that the thought of them on a date made his heart beat faster.
Judai smiled at him. "How about you give me a little tour? I haven't been in this city for almost 20 years trying not to mess up the timeline by meeting Yusei before I was supposed to. And while we do that I can answer your questions."
"Sounds great! When are you free? I'm free pretty much every evening but you said something about work popping up at any time."
"Yeah, that will always be a possibility, but tonight should be fine. Can you do 8? Later would be fine too, I'm a creature of the night," Judai said, grinning to himself as if he made an inside joke.
"I should be able to make it here around 8."
"8 it is."
For a moment they just stood there smiling at each other until Judai slid a hand through his hair and grimaced. He took a few steps towards his temporary apartment. With one hand on the handle he turned back to Crow.
"Well officer, since it looks like I got a date tonight, I have to go wash my hair again so I at least don't look like someone tried to rob me just as I got out of the shower."
Crow grinned. "I'll leave you to it then. We might contact you again concerning the case. I hope you have a lovely evening!"
"Thanks, you too," Judai said, sending a last smile his way before closing the door.
Crow smiled to himself all the way downstairs. This certainly wasn't how he imagined meeting Judai, but he wouldn't have it any other way.
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