#golden falcon
antiqueanimals · 6 months
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Virginia Wildlife; vol. 18, no. 8. August, 1957.
Internet Archive
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incorrectquotesmcu · 5 days
[Scott is in prison and Sam has to bail him out]
Scott: Sam! Thank god you’re here!
Sam: Arrested for prostitution! I can’t believe it!
Scott: Sam, I'm innocent!
Sam: I know that. I just can’t believe those dumb cops think anyone would pay money to sleep with you.
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allynabean · 11 months
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Re-designed the Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment book cover for a class assignment!
I loved these books so much as a kid- the flock deserved better <3
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2stepadmiral · 6 months
Something I love about Luke, Leia, and Han is that before the Skywalker twins reached their mid twenties, the trio shared about three braincells.
I mean, before the Death Star, Leia and Han probably had a respectable amount each (Leia needed to be smart as an up and coming Rebellion leader and Han definitely was clever as a smuggler and conman), but after that first argument in the detention hall in the middle of a desperate firefight that culminated in a dive into the trash compactor, some cosmic alignment of their inner natures mixed with the will of the Force resulted in both of them being brought down to Luke’s level.
Now, over the years, they all became much smarter and better at working together, but right from the death star onwards for the first few years, they shared about three brain cells. Individually, each of the three were in possession of maybe one at all times, and were decently competent on their own. Luke was a great pilot and field commander, Leia was a fine strategist and mission planner and inspirational leader, and Han, of course, was a very competent smooth talker and mechanic, as well as a brilliant pilot. But put them together in a room, or on a mission together, and usually one of them is going to end up with all three brain cells while the others are up on their shit.
Luke usually ends up with the brain cells when Han and Leia are bickering. The slightest thing sets them off, and suddenly Luke is the voice of reason, which she is very much not used to being.
“I thought you said this was a shortcut, not the front doorstep to an Imperial station for the sector.”
“Hey, I’ve slipped through this way a dozen times before, and never had any trouble. You were supposed to be monitoring the base.”
“Oh, sure, captain, blame me for you forgetting there is an imperial outpost over here.”
“ < exasperated sigh> Alright, Chewie, let’s power up the guns, and hope that these two don’t crash into a Star Destroyer.”
When Leia has all three, it’s usually because Han is on some reckless Corellian daredevil kick, and Luke is in adventure crazed teenager living his dream mode and is too focused on his x-wing or his squadron to see the big picture. Both mindsets are often at least indirectly because of the influence of Wedge Antilles and Tycho Celchu.
“Luke, stop fiddling with your X-wing, we have a scouting mission.
“One second, I’ve almost got the inertial dampeners just where I need them. Wedge and I were talking, and I think if we have these in sync during our next mission, we should be able to reduce drag by 1.56%.”
“You can finish when we get back.”
“ Wait, we’re not taking Rogue Squadron?”
“<sigh> what part of scouting mission did you miss? and where is Han?”
“I think he’s with Wedge and Tycho.“
“Oh no. What laser brain stunt did they dare him to try this time?“
“…Well, they might’ve said something about flying the falcon through the gap of a communication tower on an Imperial II Star Destroyer?”
“Kriffing Corellians. And you didn’t think to order Wedge and Tycho to stay away from Han?”
“…Han is good for squadron morale.”
And on the disturbingly frequent occasions when Han is in possession of the brain cells, it is, without fail, because Leia is in full devotion to the cause of the rebellion mode, and Luke is in strange-mystic-Jedi-shit-is-calling-me-and-I-must-answer-the-call mode.
“Hey, princess, are you still on that Agamar campaign?”
“The people of Agamar need our help, Han. I need to figure out a way to neutralize these Golan batteries.”
“Um, sure, OK, but we’re currently on a completely different mission, and I kind of need you to be ready to man the guns when we get there.”
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll be just fine when we get to Ord Mantell.”
“Ord Mantell? Uh, this is a mission to Taris.”
“What? oh, you’re right, sorry. I’ve just planned so many of our next few missions, I kind of forgot which one we’re on.”
“… When’s the last time you ate?”
“I’ll eat once I figured out how to bring down these Golan shields.”
“…Hey, Luke? Any chance you could talk her worshipfulness into having some rations? …Kid?”
“ what? oh, sorry, Han, I was reading this account on spirituality by Plo Koon, and I thought I might’ve heard Ben’s voice coming from the engine room.”
“…Ben Kenobi is dead, Luke.”
“I know, Han, but sometimes, I can hear his voice through the Force, guiding me, helping me. I’ve been trying to research why and have been reading these journals Ben had in his home on Tatooine, and…”
“Kid, when’s the last time you ate anything?”
“… now that you mention it, I’m not sure.”
Moments like these are frequent until maybe Hoth, and after Endor, these moments become very occasional and much more casual as the trio becomes closer and more accustomed to each other’s quirks.
“I thought you fixed the deflector oscillator before we left!”
“I did! Don’t blame me if the Alliance stuck me with substandard parts.”
“Save it for later, you two, or you’d better let me and Chewie take over while you sort it out. I have a Star Destroyers coming up on our bow, and Zsinj would love to hear that the Falcon was shot down.”
“Fair point, kid. We’ll discuss this later, princess.”
“Fine by me. I’ll try and get those shields dialed in.”
“Luke, I need you to come with us. I’m meeting with the Queen of Naboo, and I need you as an escort.”
“Sure, Leia. Let me just finish these adjustments and I’ll be ready to fly. Oh, no X-wing?”
“Not this time. Have you seen Han?”
“I think that he went to help Wedge and Tycho perform reflex tests on the new rogue squadron recruits. They should be down at the gorge.”
“With speed bikes, I presume?”
“I think so, but Han told me to tell you he would be careful. And wear a helmet.”
“Well, I guess that’s something.”
“Han, give me my data pad, I need to prepare for the meeting with the delegation from Ryloth.”
“The Twi’lek research can wait until you finish your supper, Leia. It’s in the gallery, I made plenty, and don’t come back until you’ve had at least two portions. You need to keep your strength up while you’re helping to build the New Republic. Mon Mothma can’t expect you to do everything without even having a proper meal every now and again.”
“… Can I continue while I eat?”
“Not until you’ve had at least one full plate. <sound of grabbing a holocron> You too, kid. You need to stop making me be the responsible one around here.”
“Han, you know that I can just grab that back from you with the Force?”
“Yeah, and what kind of message would that send to the galaxy about the new Jedi? They go around stealing holocrons instead of just eating their dinner like a normal person? Go on, have some food. I made some Karkan ribenes with tomo-spice.”
And right around the time they start figuring this dynamic out, they start to notice that Chewie is less irritated with the three of them. Little do they know, because, again, three brain cells shared between the three of them, that Chewbacca has been actively trying to loan them any of the hundreds of brain cells he’s accumulated over the course of his 200 year long Wookie life and has been furious with how unresponsive to his wisdom they have been.
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inutiliacapra · 6 months
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posting this silly golden eagle to drew a while ago i did during a class :333 just for the meantime while i continue drawing some art of my khajiit oc
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ambrosethedarling · 2 years
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Made a little batfam shifter au over on twt and man it’s been a hot minute since I’ve drawn animals 😓😓
animals in the tags
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boardsdonthitback · 6 months
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Cynthia Rothrock, Jeff Falcon - The Inspector Wears Skirts (1988)
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chernobog13 · 1 year
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Right then and there Flip Falcon swore off blind dates for the rest of his life.
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goldenfox3 · 2 months
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Enamel pins I had made and polymer clay models I attempted of my two favourite vehicles 🥳🦊🦅
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Gotham Recap - Gotham vs Condor, The return of Falcone, and much more
Hello and Welcome to Gotham Reports newest column; Gotham Recap. In this series we are taking a look at the daily developments of Gotham City, that which aren’t enough to fill an article and that which have their own articles along the way.
Tonight we’ll be taking a look at our top stories as well as some hot up-and-comings to keep an eye on.
To start off with, let’s take a look at a major conflict between Golden Condor ( @the-goldencondor ) and Netizens across America.
Golden Condor (see related articles) is a C-tier vigilante in Gotham City known, prior to this incident, mostly for being incredibly rude and very mysterious, as well as having a rather murky past with our one and only Cowled Crusader; Batman (see related articles).
While troll pages (see related articles) aren’t uncommon and rude washed up celebrities (see related articles) are a dime-a-dozen nowadays, the thing that makes Golden Condor stand out is his willingness to threaten, intimidate, and maim anything that he does not consider to be worth his time.
His page regularly consists of responses to asks, these responses consisting of him insulting, belittling, and generally aggravating the person who asked. When not sticking his nose up at his supporters, his activities involve threatening and maiming reporters (see related posts), and thirst posting about the Big Bat himself (see related posts).
This is where the drama comes in, as approximately seven hours ago he responded to an ask on Batman, where the anonymous requester asked what his thoughts on the Dark Knight were. To this he responded as follows -
“..He’s fine. I wish he shared my views on things, and stop hanging out with that damn “Man of Steel”.
A good fuck, though.”
This, while not being the most child-friendly response, does not warrant a negative response. It was only when a young girl, Lian Todd-Harper ( @lian-todd-harper ), replied with asking what Mr. Condor meant by the post that this story started developing. Mr. Condor responded first with saying
“It means I want to—“
Cutting himself off before he could finish. Ms. Todd-Harper prompted him to follow his thought, to which he responded by asking if the girls parents had spoken to her yet about ‘the birds and the bees’, a famous euphemism for intercourse and sex-ed.
Before continuing, we would like to point out Ms. Todd-Harpers age; she is six. Not even in 2nd grade, this is not a question or a topic we deem appropriate for someone so young, especially if it is being brought up by masked strangers.
It was only then that the post began to be noticed, with well known hero-variant of Spider-Man ( @totally-not-peter-parker ) (see related articles), responding by counselling Mr. Condor to speak no more on the subject, advice that was promptly ignored as the reject Vigilante proceeded to begin his explanation of the ‘birds and the bees’ and he calls it to the child.
The post went viral, causing uproar among the family and friends of Lian but also the general populace of Gotham City, with Mr. Condor coming under fire for what we are dubbing ‘misconduct and harassment’. This had led to a torrent of criticism, accusations, and death threats against Mr. Condor (see related posts).
He has responded to each in his regular fashion, brazenly and unapologetic, rude if we may be so bold, though this reporter finds it hard ti muster any sympathy for the man as he was warned multiple times of the consequences for such an action.
As far as we are aware, the criticism has not let up and there appears to be many campaigns and bounties for his head.
In other News, resident mob boss Carmine ‘The Roman’ Falcone (see related articles) has been spotted frequenting a deli on the outskirts of crime alley.
This comes after Mr. Falcones 3-year radio silence both in the criminal world and the world of politics (see related articles), but with new blood overtaking him in both settings he may have returned to attempt to resolidify his standing in the underworld as his career in politics, though not uneventful, is lacklustre at best.
Nevertheless this journalist recommends investing in face shields and covering any accessible skin while in his part of the city.
Finally, a new cryptid (see related articles) has popped up in Gotham City. The journal has received multiple reports of citizens seeing a large, translucent, silver figure hovering around construction sites and murder scenes.
Those who have spoken to it claim it is searching for a child, feasts only on iron and salt (a concerning pairing given the recent outbreak of Vampirism within Gotham), and speaks of a host of mysterious characters. It has also been heard speaking of ‘sparing’ some citizens from the ‘wrath of the child’.
Though we do not know the origin of this cryptid or what it could mean by its ominous warnings, we advise all civilians to avoid provoking it and to refrain from carrying any metal or salt on their person.
Let us know your thoughts on the topic (here)
Gotham Reports is certified in fair, unbiased, and reliable reporting.
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fountainpenguin · 17 days
So, I’ve been reading Frayed Knots and I’m curious: I noticed a lot of the anti-fairies seem to talk in very particular ways - is there a cultural/developmental reason for this or is it just an artistic choice?
They're born like that! Because Fairies are "hosting counterparts" (i.e. they're the first born of the trio), their two counterparts (Anti-Fairies and Refracts) are born with "personality profiles" ingrained on them from birth. Usually, something that reflects the host.
This is why Foop can talk, play pipe organ, and has a highly specific personality from birth (e.g. In his debut, he claims he wants to be feared by all because Poof is beloved by all)
Smoke-Born Trait Thieves
The Cloudlands AU lore is that Anti-Fairies are born as smoke (and Refracts as mist). They zip across the universe, absorb information from their counterpart, and then zip back to their mother (where their newborn body is waiting).
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Foop's lifesmoke narrowing in on Poof & filling his parents' castle in "Anti-Poof"
Frayed Knots Chapter 1 depicts anti-cherubs catching Anti-Cosmo's lifesmoke in a jar before he made it to his body.
Unrelated to your question, but the speed at which lifesmoke reaches the body determines fur color, with light-colored individuals getting there faster and dark ones being delayed. I talked about this in the tags of this post about Siamese cat coloration.
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Foop trapped his younger brother (Smoky) in a jar when he was lifesmoke just to see if this was true. His parents were frustrated, but also... sometimes it's nice to take a breather and recover from giving birth before you actually raise the kid, y'know?
Fun Fact: You can kill an Anti-Fairy at any age and they'll turn to smoke you can trap in a jar. You can also take their limbs by trapping only some of their lifesmoke :)
Here are the profiles for the Nebula trio (and old art just for fun):
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Poof - Sport-loving hippie celebrity Foop - Scientist, loner, and patient planner Poppy - Anime-obsessed pop diva wannabe
The jock, the weeaboo, and the nerd! Technically, Poppy had first dibs on stealing baby Poof's traits because she was a smidgen faster, and Foop is still bitter about it.
Shout-out to Poof slowly fading from left-handed to right-handed after Foop stole his left-handedness, lmao
You wouldn't guess it at first glance, but on paper, the Nebula trio's theme isn't "brain and brawn"- It's "storytelling!" Poof likes action movies and writes fanfics (which he chronically leaves unfinished), Foop writes scientific notes and plays (which he cares deeply about), and Poppy's into anime and oral retellings of her favorite stories.
There's also the Marigold Trio. Their theme is touch:
Goldie - Touchy-feely ambassador; "bad girl" Kelsia - Fragile "good girl" desperate for approval Drake Marigold - Track star afraid of intimacy
The Jorgen trio's theme is physical strength, the Cupid trio's is magical strength, the Sanderson trio's theme is loyalty, and H.P. and his counterparts are themed around attention.
I just think "one soul split three ways between counterparts" is neat :)
Anti-Fairy Dialogue
Anti-Fairies tend to follow stereotypes with their voice patterns. They're born of perceptions more than realism. One of the authority figures from Anti-Cosmo's youth is a personal favorite (Fast-talking 1920's salesman):
"Boy, have I ever got big news for ya, kiddo- big news. The flashy stuff, the classy stuff." With that, he shoved a scroll into my hands. I fumbled to unravel it (quietly) while he bounced up and down where he roosted. "It costs you absolutely nothing, and you have yourself an infinite amount of valuable knowledge to gain. Think of the exposure! Think of the pizazz! Keep up the pace on this here block and you'll hit the charts and turn catch of the day before you can holler a good ol' 'Hallelujah!'"
Frayed Knots Chapter 5, "Indigo Feathers"
And Anti-Cosmo's childhood best friend speaks like a pirate, so he says "Argh" and calls people "Matey" :) Both these individuals live in a castle, but they don't fit the medieval vibes... and to be fair, neither do Anti-Cosmo, Foop, or Anti-Wanda.
Anti-Cosmo's personality profile is "posh British genius with occasional idiot flashes."
- Cosmo's profile is "Shy, goofy idiot with occasional genius flashes" and Dame Cosmo's profile is "Flighty kleptomaniac." - Dame Cosmo was designed with street smarts... There's an underlying vibe of smarts being important for the Cosmos trio, and hers is something neither of her counterparts excels in.
In Origin of the Pixies, we see the Anti-Fairies - especially Anti-Sanderson - with very exaggerated accents. This mirrors the culture H.P. grew up with (The way he perceives Anti-Fairies as "foreign"). Anti-Cosmo even calls a famous writer out about this:
"Now, look here. While your writing is superb in many fine ways, I do ever so despise the exaggerated way you write Anti-Fairy accents." Kalysta blinked, like she hadn't even expected this to be an issue. I stared up at her in disbelief, now crossing my arms. Her response? "I just write them the way they sound." "Yes, well, take it from an actual anti-fairy, darling: Your overzealous use of apostrophes and misspellings to point out 'deviations' in our speech from your precious 'Fairy norm' is incredibly offensive, and I speak for many of my people when I say I wish you'd stop." [Redacted spoiler detail] "I didn't mean to offend anyone-" "Which is why I point it out, so you can write more respectfully in the future. Oh- I'm terribly sorry, luv. I didn't mean to cut you off there. Yes, go on." Kalysta reached behind her to grab a water flask hanging from the wall by its strap. She was scowling now. "No… Unfortunately, the accents are part of my established canon, and I can't just change them in future projects. My publisher expects a certain tone from me, and I try to make my stories real. It's just my writing style, y'all understand. No offense intended." I stared at her some more, the fond respect I'd once held for her going up in smoke. What? I say, would she very much like it if I began spelling Fairy accents (and only Fairy accents) out in my head in such a ridiculous way? I mean, she was a will o' the wisp, and most of the Earthside wisps spoke with the same drawl that Mickey did. Exaggerating hers for once would be simple. Bloody smoke, I don't know. Why does it seem as though Fairies insist on being… like that? Is respect for an entire population really that difficult of a thing to offer up? Come now, I don't claim to be the best at it, but surely I'm better than they? Am I exaggerating my intelligence out of proportion? Hmph.
Frayed Knots Chapter 21, "Bottled Emotions"
It's also worth pointing out that Foop is a combination of his parents' speech patterns- He's "clever and goofy with a British accent." The core traits of an Anti-Fairy come from reflecting their fairy counterpart, but a lot of what an Anti-Fairy is comes from their parents.
Ex: Foop doesn't get his accent from Poof- He gets it from being Anti-Cosmo's kid. However, he WAS born with it as opposed to picking it up after years of growing up. Fun Fact: Foop has conversion disorder. He inherited the part of Anti-Cosmo's brain that tells him his wing is injured, so he limps on his right side even though he personally has no injury. If you point it out, sometimes he'll correct, but it's his default instinct, so he falls into it a lot. This plays into why he likes riding in vehicles instead of flying on his own for long-distance travel. Anti-Fairies are funny like that... They're "traits grabbed from the hosting counterpart, the missing pieces filled with data taken from their parents." Lots of layers going on there.
I'm glad to hear you're reading - and hopefully enjoying - Frayed Knots! I'm hoping to post its next chapter on Friday the 13th (This next week)... Fingers crossed.
- "What exactly are the rules on how Refact personalities relate to the fairy and anti-fairy counterparts?" - I discuss how I design Fae counterparts in trios
"How many refract versions of canon characters from FOP have you thought up?" - I discuss how I design refracts, similar to how I design Anti-Fairies
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antiqueanimals · 2 years
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The Quizzer Book of Knowledge: Nature. Written and edited by George Beal. 1978.
Internet Archive
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incorrectquotesmcu · 8 months
Tony: Ok, you can all come. But you have to promise me you won’t do anything to embarrass me.
Sam: I promise.
Scott: Oh, I promise.
Y/N: I’ll try, but if they have tequila, it’s in God’s hands.
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ramen-flavored · 2 years
I love that all Sebastian Stan has to do is breathe and he’ll end up trending on Twitter and Tumblr
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proton-wobbler · 1 year
Battle Royale
These birds of prey don't really play nice with others, so we had to separate them out into their own battle.
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elsaqqa-4ever · 5 months
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